S, the ADA, and the arts
Mom: S believes that a theater (built pre-ADA and barely adaptive even now) shouldn’t necessarily spend money on better accessibility if that means compromising Art (resulting in one less ballerina).
Rather simplified, but there you are.
BFF: The thing I’m most shocked about at this point is that S gives one single fuck about art. I know she gives zero fucks about people with disabilities so that part doesn’t surprise me at all.
Mom: She loves The Arts. Especially ballet. And - SHE USES A WALKER.
No, really. This person is dependent on the ADA to get around, but is against it. Yes, Coworker S is anti-governmental regulation. And feminism. And common sense.
EDIT: A recap on the ADA, 2019 edition. Mom: S has an MS-similar condition and uses a walker for stability. She remarked that a building’s ramp had a very steep grade. I said she should complain. No! Because she is anti-Govt regulations on businesses. Me: but it would help people!!!!!!!!!!
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“The Catholic Church is being brought down by the MeToo movement.”
-Coworker S
Mom: Uh, the Pennsylvania investigation started long before MeToo.
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