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“Don’t touch me!” Episode 9: Lady Raven
Shiratama is a princess who has received extraordinary expectations from the Northern family and is a princess with a strong determination that she has to enter the court at all costs. Because of that strong determination, I was conscious of the coldness of hiding my true feelings and emotions ... in terms of spring, summer, autumn and winter, I played it with a feeling like “winter.”
- Rie Kugimiya, the VA for Shiratama*
* The staff (especially the sound director) was blown away by her acting that Hamayu’s VA Nanami explained that before starting the recording they discussed what was going to happen and how would they approach it, especially on episode 9.
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What a fool
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Using the @flashfictionfridayofficial’s prompt #FFF257 Count the days, I have written Wakamiya/Nazukihiko’s POV of the terrace scene. Thank you Flash Fiction Friday for this opportunity.
Fandom: Yatagarasu: The Raven Does Not Choose Its Master
Characters: Wakamiya/Nazukihiko, Yukiya, mention of Lady Azusa and Shiratama
Word count: 919
Warning: if you haven’t seen the 10th episode let me tell you that there are a couple of spoilers ahead.
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LIKE everything else, Wakamiya could sense it when someone was in the Main Shrine. The palace had become a part of him akin to a heartbeat that he knew it at once if there was an intruding presence.
Carefully treading the wooden steps to the rooftop terrace, he caught a glimpse of a figure wearing a sky-blue kimono lounging on the railing. The way it leaned on the bamboo terrace was familiar. It still surprised him that Yukiya willingly went up there without any qualms. Something bothered the boy.
“Yukiya,” the prince softly called his attendant’s name lest the pubescent would think of jumping to the ground and injuring himself in the process.
“Your Highness?!” Yukiya’s big midnight blue eyes shone in the pale moonlight. They fascinated him.
“Did I startle you?”
“You did and I was ready to run away!”
Wakamiya did not know why but he found the statement so funny that he let out a half-suppressed laugh. He knew the many times Yukiya would love to hit him in the face. Too bad for the boy because he knew how to defend himself.
There was brief silence between them when he remembered Lady Azusa’s letter of request if he could give Yukiya a few days off to celebrate his 14th birthday coinciding with the Lunar Festival.
One of the princesses, Shitarama, Yukiya’s cousin, turned 14 when she arrived at the Sakura Blossom Palace to join the rite. However, it was strange to refer to Yukiya as a mere child when his cousin was already regarded as a woman when their birthdays were only a few months apart. Unbeknownst to everyone, the girl already had a lover back home.
“Cannot sleep? Is everything all right?” This was unusual. Staying up late was not on Yukiya’s routine since he started working for him.
“My mother asked me to visit them for the moon-viewing in a fortnight.”
Ah. Of course, the only thing he must do is ask me. Or better yet, tell me in my face that he is going to visit them without expecting if I would give my assent or not. Why is he so reluctant?
“It is also your 14th birthday. It is only proper to grant the Lady Azusa’s request even if it means you are going to leave me for a few days.”
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He could not help giving off that sadness on his voice which made Yukiya turn to him.
“Your Highness?”
The prince shook his head. At the age of 14 he was somewhere else away from Yamauchi because every day he had to be mindful of his life not to be in danger. Once when the Empress called his audience, a few minutes seated before her, he sensed the numbness on his fingers and toes, was sweating and could not stand up. Breathing became laborious. He asked to be dismissed at once. When Natsuka found him in his bedchamber, he noticed that his little brother did not look well.
The cause of it all was the karon incense that the Empress was so fond of. Calming at first, but deadly with the large doses if the human body was not used to it. For years, he developed ways to withstand the sedative effect of the incense that could only be imported from the Southern Territory.
Yukiya then looked at him with the pain in his eyes that the Crown Prince could not discern if it was pity or affection.
“You need me,” the boy said. For now, there was a change on Yukiya’s vocal cords. A slight one, nonetheless. His physique gained a bit of muscle mass as his sparring with Sumio became more intense wanting to know if there was anything else to improve. He observed the boy practise every day, who never shied away from what he was capable of. He knew that if another attempt again would ever happen, he could rely on Yukiya to defend him or fight with him on his side.
“I do,” he said softly. Suddenly, the urge to reach for him, to touch the boy’s face, was so strong but the way he looked at him with so much intensity stopped him from doing so. Alas, their kimonos touched. Wakamiya counted the days until he could ascend to the throne. It was a requirement that Yukiya as his kin’ju to move in to one of the rooms in the upper floors of the Main Shrine, close to the emperor’s suite, like it had always been thousands of years ago.
A thought came up to him: What a fool to put all his trust to one person.
He wanted to tell him how in diverse ways he was important to him. The teenager, on the other hand, turned red on the face and leaned his arms on the handrail.
And now you are hiding away from me.
Wakamiya’s left hand was an inch closer to Yukiya’s hair. He heard the boy whine softly as if in pain.
“Your bed is calling for you,” Wakamiya could only say.
“I will come back per our agreement,” Yukiya assured him.
“Of course. I expect you to.”
The boy wished him good night and headed toward his bedchamber.
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As the sound of footsteps slowly ebbed away, Wakamiya started to shiver as the biting cold filled his lungs. He then inserted his hands inside his kimono sleeves to warm them up and let out a sigh that he was keeping for so long.
He waited for the sunrise to come.
So enamoured of the Yatagarasu universe I don’t blame everyone who’s enchanted by it. This is Yukiya’s POV. Full AO3 link here.
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It is a great leap from watching Victorian England to Heian Period Japan in a matter of an hour. I can tell you that it is confusing sometimes.
Black Butler and Yatagarasu are two different shows but at the same time similar with the two main characters moving in the story. And the supporting characters are many. There’s betrayal, deceit, manipulation, double crossing. But there’s also solidarity in between.
But that’s what it is with the aristocracy and the upper classes.
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I’ve never changed my mind until finding out about Shiratama’s secret. She’s a young woman (only 14 years old) in love with a much older man whose rank is much lower than hers. Methinks the anime interpretation, apart from moving faster, is changing some things. I never like Shitarama in the manga. (Yes, I gave in. Found the link and devoured it.) Now, I like her so much. And I understand her so well. Poor girl who only exists to marry the Crown Prince.
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The interaction between Lord Toru of the Southern House and his sister is very interesting. The Empress, who’s seated on her throne, has become out of touch that she thinks herself high and mighty and way more different than the other candidates when she used to vye for the present emperor’s affection. So much dirt, so many intrigues, and double face with blood in their hands happened because of hunger for power.
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Hands down, that tiny glimpse of Lord Natsuka made me smile.
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That Raven that flies away is a mystery. No, it is. I’ve never thought I wouldn’t get to see Sumio but here he is and I think he’s found out the secret of that rogue raven that has escaped.
The first few episodes have been a slow burn, and now it seems that it’s running in almost a lightning speed.
With the release of the next episode’s preview the story is now moving forward. The next episodes will be a test how strong that relationship is between Wakamiya and Yukiya.
Let this be a clue. Take heed of the background music. It means danger. A warning. A deception. Atsufusa and Wakamiya. No wonder, Sumio is not at all convinced.
Episode 7: Falling
PS: One can read Chapters 1 and 2, 43 and 44, which is very spoiler-ish if you want to find out now the real situation between Wakamiya and Lord Natsuka, for free ahead of the 10th episode. Today mangaka Natsumi Matsuzaki also offers Chapters 17 to 26 for a limited time, until June 8th, free to read.
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