#shit i guess khan is rodrigo but awful by that logic lol
stoportotouch · 2 years
The parallel of Khan and Vlad jr both spending the duration of the game living away from their fathers in little hide-outs is so funny. Khan is a child unfairly expected to take on the burden of his adult family’s needs (ALSO in p1 he is shown to have been living in maria’s wing/Nina’s former which is SUPER interesting because Nina died YEARS ago and I think that demonstrates a really interesting separation and level of emotional neglect between Khan and his father and remaining uncle)
Meanwhile Vlad jr is enabled by his status + Vlad sr’s hands-off approach to family management (extremely funny that he both knows about and doesn’t care about Capella’s child mafia. She started this herself and he’s completely happy to let her do as she wants especially as it doesn’t directly involve or impede him or his business) to perpetually act like a child, his relationship with his sister is awful because he can’t take responsibility for his own emotional needs and won’t stop himself from upsetting or boring her by ranting about his trauma with the dead mother she barely knew or talking about something she doesn’t know or care anything about. He arrogantly prods too far into his kin studies without regard for the consequences and then hides from them in a “secret” clubhouse that seemingly everyone knows about.
YEAH it's such a hilarious parallel honestly and i am... kind of disappointed now that i've played both pathologic classic hd and pathologic 2 that they changed the kain and olgimsky family dynamics around so much? i don't actually have anything particularly intelligent to say here just that you're right (and also capella's child mafia is such a funny way to phrase it).
also PLEASE continue to put things about young vlad in my inbox i may not be capable of a Long And Informed Reply but i am boiling your opinions up into the stock for a delicious soup
(also: paging @nerdkiller bc i know khan is your Boy.)
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