#shit i forgot my carl emoji
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i want him so bad it makes me look stupid
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Forgot to post my bullet point list of liveblogs/thoughts while I was in post limit jail yesterday, so under the keep reading it is if anyone wonders
• Girl help, it's 2pm and I have till 11pm till post limit resets
• I'm not liking any art because I don't like without reblogging
• When did Phil switch to dsmp? I swear he was doing he?
• Also is he spawn proofing ranboks house? Pog!
• But back to tubbo for now
• Is this the earliest I've hit post limit? Makes sense cuz I didn't sleep.
• Wtf happened on Phil's stream? Oh wait did he find the vault? And then the prime room?
• Apparently he found Carl.
• Just saw someone in Phil's chat say "wdym not ur son"... what do you think???
• Ranboos gonna come online to see his house been snowed.
• Might be using Twitter more than notes because it's such a long time
• Tubbo and rnaboo are still shooting stuff? Brub
• Uh oh "let's talk about the dream smp" sounds so onimous...
• It's not serious thank god
• Sdlgkekfnnsa he added that :) knowing what he doing
• The indirects? Uhoh
• I wonder if he's going to address the clashes of certain lore bits
• Hmm gonna lie down because sleepy
• Kinds sleeby but heart go Nyoom
• Hope someone posts fundys lore stuff because I watching jack
• Tired in beddddd
• "We haven't had a sympathetic villain yet" almost true! I'd say wilbur was semi-sympathetic
• Ajfjrkgjsndnv did bad show up just to tell him to join the egg
• I'm getting deja vu
• Also heheh melamine doofensmirtz
• Based on the liveblogs I'm seeing, fundy is trying to move into the arctic. Okay
• Fundys actually on the smp, sorry Jack but I follow one manifoldtwt person so I see all of jack stuff
• I open Phil's stream to see tubbo stream sniping. How cannon is tub o being here? Also when did rnabok and tubbo join phil
• "How is Michael doing"
• Ranboo and tubbo also being in the call while Phil is dunking on fundy for butcher army
• And tubbo killed him
• Tubbo just hit and run fundy
• I am out of bed I got interested in other stuff to quickly
• Go see Michael Phil please
• Ranboo is such an enabler
• Tubbo villain arc that's just his normal self let's go
• This is so cruel, Tubbo why
• 'Aa batteries?'
• Poor fundy flkvkthmdna
• Among us role play time again but now it's town of Salem
• Tubbo just said 'platonic marriage'
• "Your what?"
• Hes definitely adopted rigkrjgnenca
• "Cake time you little shit"
• "Theres not a thought behind those eyes"
• 'Unbiological'
• Please don't free the child fundy
• Phil boutta snoop?
• Fundy just got murdered in michaels room
• Fundy don't threaten the helicopter parents
• Aite tubbo that was a joke too far
• Phil has shclatt
• awww fundy being excited Phil said "runs in the family"
• wh. How bad was my delay on Phil's stream? Totally different point when I switch to fundy
• I just can't bring myself to do school work rn I can't explain it, probably because a lot of it is tests
• Chat o7-ing with no context for c!fundy
• Fundy always accidentally screening himself over damn
• I know foxes are considered sneaky but man calm down
• Just woke up. Tanbkk live.
• Tubbo I think that is called fanfic. No tubbo it is. Tubbo you can't deny it that's still fanfic.
• Bless ranboo for trying to help stop the belief that fanfics are all nsfw
• "Is tubbo drunk" have yall never seen a tired/chaotic person
• Tubbo thought Thomas sanders created vine???
• Going thru that big dream merch post and just blocking so many of them, cuz I don't want those people ever looking at my stuff
• Also so many of them are just... saying straight up misinfo
• "*sigh* are we being overprotective?" "...protection 4"
• "Prot 4 parents"
• Techno just vibing on the server eyes emoji
• Golddigger tubbo returns
• Techno just staring out the window
• He left rkgkrkgjsja
• Yet? ... ramboo???
• Chat stop being weirdchamp :)
• I think I should just not read chat rn
• I saw a dono mention ramboo maybe having EDS, ehlers-danlos syndrome and like... I lowkey been wondering similar stuff?
• I had EDS btw
• My doctor said there's something similar to EDS but involves growing... a lot. *looks at ranboos 6'6 self*
• Why do I suddenly feel really sad about something? Uh oh
• "LORE?" Chat asks while puffy describes how her toilet broke
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Remember that story I wrote with eli i never posted?
Here it is. By the way, it’ll be a long one. you may notice im a master of double texting. everything in parentheses is our commentary.
Me: *will add emojis later*
Me: here he is
Me: this is Gerald
Eli: Gerald is beautiful
Me: he likes to break gender roles
Eli: I see
Me: Gerald says thank you
Me: for calling him beautiful
Me: Gerald is opening a Q&A
Eli: what’s his fav color
Me: gerald likes green
Me: mint green
Eli: Ooo nice
Eli: What’s his sexuality
Me: Gerald is poly
Eli: cool
Eli: is he single
Me: yes
Eli: so I take it he’s looking for someone
Me: yes
Eli: *will add emojis later*
Eli: This is Rebecca
Eli: She thinks that Gerald is cute
Me: Gerald thinks that Rebecca is sweet
Eli: She usually doesn’t do this but she is wondering if Gerald would like to grab coffee
Me: Gerald doesn’t drink coffee, but Gerald will get a hot cocoa with Rebecca
Me: whats Rebeccas favorite band?
Eli: Neither does Rebecca but she thought that’s what people say. She is flattered
Eli: She is v much still in love with mcr
Me: Gerald thinks that even if this doesnt work out, this will be a wonderful frenship
Eli: Rebecca is looking forward to this
Me: Gerald is outside Rebeccas house.
Me: Gerald is ready to go to Starbucks with Rebecca
Eli: Rebecca is heading downstairs right now
Eli: She is v excited
Me: Gerald thinks Rebecca looks wonderful
Me: they go to Starbucks
Eli: Rebecca forgot to tell Gerald how good he looks
Eli: She offers to pay for the hot cocoa
Me: Gerald politely turns her down
Me: there is a woman glaring at Gerald
Eli: Rebecca starts to feel self conscious so she tries to start a conversation
Eli: She accidentally spills her drink
Me: the woman walks over and starts harassing Gerald over his fashion choices
Eli: Despite feeling embarrassed about the spill she stands up for Gerald
Me: the womans husband comes over and apologizes for his wifes behavior, paying for Gerald and Rebeccas drinks
Eli: Rebecca asks Gerald is he’s okay
Eli: She reassures him that he looks great
Me: *will add emojis later*
Me: Gerald is shaken, but he says he will be okay
Eli: *will add emojis later*
Eli: Rebecca feels bad but tells him that he looks way better in a dress than that bitch
Me: Gerald hugs Rebecca and thanks her for standing up for him
Eli: Rebecca hugs him back and tells him that she would do it anytime
Eli: Rebecca will fight a bish
Me: Gerald gets his second hot cocoa and notices the barista has written his number on the cup
Eli: Rebecca tells Gerald that she would be okay with him calling the barista although she would be disappointed
Eli: She says she would be his wingman but she points to the huge stain on her shirt
Me: (Why is rebecca actually the best?)
Eli: (only the best for Gerald)
Me: Gerald texts the barista, but tells Rebecca maybe they could make it a polyam relationship if she and the barista are okay with it
Me: (OT3 OT3 OT3)
Eli: Rebecca has never done anything like that so she has to give it some thought
Me: Gerald respects that and takes the time to ask the barista
Eli: Rebecca thinks Gerald should know that she once dated the barista
Me: Gerald is a little surprised, and wants to know more
Eli: The barista is a great guy and they actually broke up because he needed to figure himself out
Eli: They have no bad blood
Me: Gerald is happy to hear that
Eli: Rebecca has decided that she is willing to give the polyam relationship a try
Me: the barista said the same thing
Eli: Rebecca is happy to hear that
Me: Gerald asks if Rebecca knows Carl and Nico
[AUTHORS NOTE: that was the first story like this we wrote, I’ll post it if you’re interested, but you don’t have to know it for this to make sense]
Eli: (oh no)
Eli: Rebecca says that she is cousins with Nico although they aren’t exactly on good terms
Eli: That’s why she wasn’t at the wedding
Me: Carl and Gerald are twin brothers
Eli: Rebecca is surprised. She had a twin brother but he died sadly
Me: Gerald asks his name
Eli: Ace
Me: How old was Ace when he passed, and where did you guys live?
Eli: Rebecca says they were 17 and they lived in North Carolina
Eli: Rebecca is taken aback. She and Ace were v close and she had never heard about Gerald
Me: Gerald didn’t want anyone to know about him
Me: except Ace. Ace was special to Gerald
Eli: Now that she thinks about it Ace did mention someone he cared deeply about but never gave a name
Me: Ace and Gerald had been dating for a few years before Ace died
Eli: Rebecca begins to cry. She remembers that Ace had been planning to come out on his 18th birthday.
Me: Gerald feels awful that he made Rebecca cry
Me: (shit this got really depressing)
Eli: Rebecca tells Gerald that it’s not his fault
Eli: (shit it did)
Me: the barista comes over to comfort them (wtf is his name?)
Eli: (Chad???)
Me: (ew no he needs a cool name)
Eli: (Rodney???)
Eli: (???)
Me: (hmm Michael)
Eli: (okay)
Eli: Rebecca appreciates Michael coming over but she decides she can’t be in a relationship with Gerald
Eli: Gerald meant too much to Ace for her to do that
Me: Gerald is heart broken, but understands
Me: (fUCC im like, about to cry)
Eli: (im sorry sammy)
Eli: Rebecca wishes Gerald luck in life and still wants him to date Michael
Me: Michael is crying and hugs Rebecca, wishing her the best
Me: Gerald kisses Rebeccas cheek and says he hopes she finds someone good enough for her
Eli: Rebecca tries not to cry as she says goodbye
Eli: she decides maybe its her turn to find herself and she decides to move away
Eli: (god this is so sad)
Eli: (what have we done)
Me: Michael asks Gerald out on a date. Gerald says yes, but he wants to help Rebecca move first
Me: Gerald wants to stay friends with Rebecca
Eli: Rebecca appreciates Gerald’s help. She invites him to have hot cocoa one more time before she leaves
Me: Gerald accepts
Me: (i am legit tearing up rn wtf)
Eli: (this is happier although part of me wants to make it sad)
Eli: (OK maybe not)
Me: (screw it, let’s make it sad)
Eli: Rebecca is glad to spend this time with Gerald. She decides to break the news to him that she’s dying
Eli: (ahhh what did i do)
Eli: (IDK)
Me: Gerald is devastated and asks if he can help
Eli: Rebecca says that she appreciates the offer but she doesn’t want him to be around when it happens. That’s the real reason why she’s moving.
Me: Gerald asks what shes dying of
Eli: She has cancer
Me: (this is some john green book type shit right here)
Eli: (oof)
Me: (maybe hot cocoa can be our always)
Eli: (my heart)
Eli: (XD) [A/N yeah... both Eli and I are stuck in 2005.]
Me: (same)
Eli: Rebecca wishes she could stay have hot cocoa with Gerald all day but it’s time for her to leave
Me: Michael holds Gerald as he cries (bitch me too) Gerald says he will miss Rebecca and he hopes that if she dies from the cancer she will meet Ace again
Eli: Rebecca hugs the two of them and says she will tell Ace that Gerald is doing well (im not tho)
Me: (we should end this story before i start full on sobbing)
Eli: (im not crying you’re crying)
Me: (were both crying, lets be honest here)
Eli: (Rebecca leaves and everyoneliveshappilyeveraftertheehd???)
Me: (that works)
Me: *three years later*
Eli: (why would you do that)
Eli: (my heart can’t take anymore)
Me: Rebecca beat the cancer, Gerald and Michael are engaged and Rebecca is Geralds best woman
Me: (dude dont worry happy ending)
Eli: oh yay
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Tagged by @lady-elanor-vane to choose any three fandoms (in a random order) and answer the questions, then tag some friends. <333
I’m choosing:
Black Sails
The Walking Dead ( I know, I know, but look, I’m still watching the damn thing ok)
The first character you loved :
James freaking Flint umph. I think it was totally his and by extension, Toby’s charisma, because I certainly couldn’t sympathize with him at first. But man, was he a PIRATE in that first episode.
Philippe. He was just so down to earth among all the other richie riches in that place and didn’t give a shit what people thought of him.
Rick Grimes. I mean, how could you not feel for anyone waking from a coma to find out the world had ended?
The character you never expected to love so much :
Anne Bonny. She was so in the background in season 1 and hiding under her hat I didn’t ever think I’d fall in love with her? But by the time we got to 2x06 I was rooting for her. In s4 when she was fighting off that brute to save Jack and the crew, I was dying over her.
Chevalier. I mean sure, watching him was addictive in s1, but his development in s2 was so much better, and we got to see his vulnerability and how much he loved his prince. <3
Michonne. Geez I could pick several characters from TWD for this one. But honestly, as someone who didn’t read the comics, Michonne was so mysterious and off-putting at first, but when she finally opened up and allowed herself to feel again she proved herself to be an amazingly strong woman full of heart. Her attachment to Carl was one of the most endearing relationships.
The character you relate to the most :
To be honest I never really think about this. But if I had to choose:
Anne Bonny. She’s quiet and doesn’t like the spotlight and doesn’t give a damn about dressing pretty. But she’s smart and very loyal to those she cares about.
Claudine. She’s a loner but doesn’t seem that bothered by it. And again like Anne, isn’t into fancy clothes or caring that much about wearing men’s clothes. Also I guess we kinda look a little alike?
Maggie Greene/Rhee.I don’t even know why? lol. Probably because she seems like she would be someone I knew in my hometown and her rural living/culture is like my own.
The character you’d slap :
Woodshit Rogemerde. Sorry, I mean Woodes Rogers.<--omg I’m leaving this one?!
Chevalier. Definitely Chevalier. I love the shit outta him, but sometimes he’s too much.
Three favourite characters (in order of preference) :
James Flint.
Wow this is hard for TWD. Rick, Michonne, Daryl, Maggie, I cheated.
A character you liked at first but don’t anymore :
Eleanor Guthrie. But let me just say it’s because she allowed her blind allegiance to what she thought was allowing her survival to change her into a slave of sorts and forgot who she really was in seasons 3 and 4. Obviously it isn’t one of those ‘well she’s a bitch’ deals, I still love her. Listen you can’t just answer this question with Black Sails it’s like impossible without explanation.
King Louis. In the first season it was really interesting to get to know him and what his motivations were and what drives a king, but but by season 2 I was over him. *shrug emoji*
Carl. Sorry, but he was young and innocent and grew up to be a bit of an asshole. Of course they made us sympathize with him this last season and that was good, but there’s a big chunk of the show in s4 and after where I’m just like ‘meh.’
A character you did not like at first but now do :
Charles Vane. Though his development came a little too late, it was so rewarding to watch him begin to see and care about the bigger picture in the s2 finale, and carry that over into s3.
Fabien Machal. He loved her. *cries forever*
Jesus. Only because I, like Daryl, saw him as an enemy at first. But then it turns out he’s Soft and Gay. <3
Three otps :
Flinthamilton has my eternal soul ya’ll know.
Monchevy. I mean, are there other ships people pay attention to in that show? I don’t know them, after what happened to Claudine.
Richonne. I freaking love Richonne. And I love them all the more when I hear people complain about them. Fools.
tagging @char7 @monsieurmcgraw @jeremygoode @jaune-clair@jamesflintmcgrawhamilton @bisexualpirateheart <3
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