shirosaveskeith · 1 year
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One week to go!!!!!
Don’t forget to tag @shirosaveskeith​ on anything you share so we can find it and reblog it!!!
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avidbeader · 2 years
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I have finally finished my fic for @shirosaveskeith Week! I may come back to this story and add a new work, but that would require upping the rating. In the meantime, thanks to everyone who participated with art or fic and everyone who gave it an audience.
Fic link
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johaerys-writes · 2 years
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Fandom: Voltron Legendary Defender
Pairing: Keith/Shiro
It’s been a long while since Keith got in a fight. Long enough to make it an unlikely occurrence.
The last time he did, Shiro had really thought it would be the last. 
My entry for Day 6: Nursing & Ministering of @shirosaveskeith week is up! Where Keith gets in a fight, and Shiro is there to help and comfort him :)
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The day is already old by the time Shiro walks out of the Garrison. The gates buzz open when he shows his key card, and the guard smiles at him. 
“Done for the day, Shirogane?” 
“I should hope so,” Shiro says, returning the smile. “You’re off soon too, right?”
“Yeah, just a couple hours left until Stan comes along to replace me.” 
“Give him my regards. And enjoy your day off, Ray, you’ve earned it.” 
“Will do. See you around. And don’t work yourself to the ground just yet, eh.”
Shiro laughs politely and waves over his shoulder as he walks away. He’s been having more or less the same conversation with the man for the last three years, ever since he started working this post. The Garrison is Shiro’s home; no, it’s more than that. It’s a small world, all by itself, and Shiro has been part of it for nearly as long as he can remember himself. 
He makes his way through the front lawn, then walks across the parking lot to his car. It’s Sunday and almost everyone has the day off, so it’s empty save for his own car and a couple others. Most of the cadets have been given they day off, too; those who stay in the Garrison are only ever allowed outside once a month or so, and they’re never meant to stray too far. Shiro sometimes sees them at the arcade or the pool bar in the city, laughing and roughhousing. Keith is rarely amongst them, but then again, he’s always been a bit of a loner. 
Shiro hasn’t seen Keith since Friday. He wonders how he’s doing, whether he’s out, too. Shiro should probably send him a text as soon as he gets home. 
The car engine hums when Shiro slips the key in the ignition, then he’s driving down the long, straight road across the desert to the city. He turns on the radio and rolls down the windows, letting the warm and humid late summer air blow through.
An old song comes on, and before long Shiro is singing along under his breath.
The boy with the thorn in his side
Behind the hatred there lies
A murderous desire for love
The sky is painted in shades of gold, amber and red as the sun dips beneath the western mountain range in the distance. It occurs to him that he hasn’t gone hoverbiking with Keith in a while. He’s been so busy with work, and all the preparations for the Kerberos mission, that he hasn’t had much time for him. 
A thread of guilt laces the thought. He really should make more time for Keith. The mission is still months away, but he won’t be seeing him again for a while after he leaves. He wants to spend as much time with him as he can now, to make up for some of what he’ll lose. 
How can they look into my eyes
And still they don’t believe me?
How can they hear me say those words
Still they don’t believe me?
The traffic lights ahead turn orange, then red. Shiro pulls the car to a stop and drums his fingers against the side of the car, in time with the music. He should make a playlist for Keith, when he has the time. All of his favourite songs in one place. It’s as cheesy a gesture as it gets, but Shiro’s always liked making them, and he’s going to make one for himself anyway for the long months he’ll spend on the way to Kerberos, so why not share it with Keith? Their tastes in music don’t exactly match, but it can’t hurt to show him some new songs. Besides, he’ll have something to listen to while Shiro is away. 
The thought warms him. Shiro smiles, waiting for the light to turn green. 
How can they see the love in our eyes
And still they don’t believe us?
And if they don’t believe us now
Will they ever believe us?
The light ahead changes, and the cars before him start rolling forward. Shiro prepares to follow, when a strange sound from outside catches his attention. 
It sounds like the pattering of feet, coming down the lane. It is a hot and lazy evening, and the streets are quiet, so Shiro hears it clearly. A few shouts and grunts, and then a sharp, pained sound. A punch, Shiro thinks, or a kick; a hard one, too. More shouts and swears follow it, and as soon as Shiro turns the corner in his car, he sees it. 
Read the rest on AO3!
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shirosaveskeith · 2 years
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We are very happy to announce that one of the goals for this week has already been accomplished! The AO3 tag “Shiro Saves Keith (Voltron)” is now officially a canon or common tag and searchable/easily added to works!
There are currently 41 works in the tag, which can be used for any work, gen or shippy.
Our other goal takes place in a little over three weeks, which is the creation event! We encourage posting between May 15-21, but will watch the tags and share works through June 15. Please tag the shirosaveskeith account on Twitter or Tumblr to get a reblog/retweet!
Day 1 - Mission Gone Wrong Day 2 - Illness Day 3 - Attacked Day 4 - Free Day Day 5 - Rescue/Extricate Day 6 - Nursing/Ministering Day 7 - Shelter/Support
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avidbeader · 3 years
100 followers on Twitter!
30 followers here on Tumblr!
37 fics in the tag where there were 9 two weeks ago!
Hope everyone is thinking about what to write/draw!
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avidbeader · 2 years
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I swear, I really am trying to finish this fic...it was supposed to be four chapters and now I'm really hoping it's six... https://archiveofourown.org/works/39013554/chapters/98430060
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johaerys-writes · 2 years
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Fandom: Voltron Legendary Defender
Pairing: Keith/Shiro
After a Blade of Marmora mission almost costs him his life, Keith finds himself struggling with the aftermath. The danger has passed, but the nightmare is always close, grating against his skin; closer still, the more he tries to run away from it.
This time, though, Shiro is there.
My contribution for Day 15: Obedient of the Sheith Month event on Twitter is up! Also tagging @shirosaveskeith :)
Read on AO3!
The blade hisses as it slashes the air, dangerously close to Keith’s ear. He ducks, avoiding it by an inch. 
“Too slow.”
Keith grits his teeth and straightens under Kolivan’s watchful eye. “Don’t you think you should be a bit more careful with that? You could have cut my ear off.”
The edge of the Galra’s lip twitches in a sort of smile. He gets back into position too, adjusting his grip on his blade. “And how else will you learn, if not through fear of death?”
“Well, let’s see to it that it doesn’t turn into actual death, ‘kay?” Keith rolls his head and cracks his neck, shakes out his arms. They’ve been at it for a couple hours now, and he’s already starting to feel the strain of the exertion. Normally, at this time he would have just broken his first sweat, but the fabric of his undersuit is clinging to the sweat on his back, and there are droplets beading on his upper lip. He wipes it off on his sleeve and lets his body melt back into the starting position. “Come at me then, what are you waiting for?”
Kolivan doesn’t need much encouragement, and nor does Zelok, one of the Blade lieutenants, who joins them a moment later. The blades collide, over and over, their well sharpened edges flashing with every rapid movement. They’re both too fast for Keith, or perhaps Keith is indeed too slow, as Kolivan keeps barking at him at regular intervals.
“Might want to say that again, didn’t catch it the first time,” Keith growls, panting as he falls back. He’s drenched now, his hair plastered to the nape of his neck.
Zelok laughs, a dry and muffled sound from within his hood. “Feisty, the small one,” he tells Kolivan, and Keith rolls his eyes.
“I’m not small,” he grumbles, but it only makes Zelok laugh more. Keith doesn’t even know why he bothers with them some days. The Galra have such a weird sense of humour.  
He walks away to grab his water bottle, trying his best to ignore them. It’s true he hasn’t been in top shape ever since returning from his last mission, or the injuries he’d sustained then. The time he spent in that cruiser, captured and interrogated by the Galra, had not been kind to him, and even though Keith had stayed in the healing pod for days after Shiro had rescued him and taken him back to the castleship, his strength still hasn’t returned in full. He gets tired more easily, and his muscles feel like jelly even after light exercise, despite it being phoebs since everything happened. 
Those injuries are nothing to sneeze at, Coran had told him sternly after he had come to, berating him for wanting to get out of bed and get on with his tasks straight away. Don’t think you can go back to pushing yourself like you did for a while yet. 
Keith scowls as he sips on his water. Just thinking about it all gives him chills sometimes. He’s resolved to simply not think about it, and it’s been working fine so far. If only his body didn’t insist on reminding him how close he'd been brought to the edge, to the point of no return. 
He swallows thickly and pushes his sweaty hair away from his brow. His water bottle is empty now, and his thirst has been somewhat sated, but he’s nowhere close to recovered. Still, he grabs his blade once more and returns to the training ring. 
“I’m ready,” he says. 
Kolivan measures him up, his features grim. “No.”
“What? Why? I was only taking a break!”
“That’s enough training for today.”
“It hasn’t been even half the time we usually do.”
“Indeed. But you’re weak. You should focus on replenishing your strength before we continue our training.”
Keith lets out an exasperated huff. “Why does everyone keep treating me like a patient? I don’t need to replenish anything, I’m fine. I’ll push through it.”
“No. Go back to your quarters and get some rest.”
“That’s an order, Blade,” Kolivan says in that tone that brooks no argument. He stares Keith down, until he’s finally obligated to relent. 
“Fine. Whatever.” Keith rolls his eyes and slips his blade back in its sheath, then marches out of the training room while Kolivan and Zelok resume their sparring. He takes a peek at them over his shoulder, and his stomach sinks with disappointment and sullen frustration—Zelok’s doing that double spin and kick that Keith’s been begging him to teach him for weeks now, and that he’s always told he’s not ready for. 
Read the rest on AO3!
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johaerys-writes · 2 years
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Fandom: Voltron Legendary Defender
Pairing: Shiro/Keith
After one of Keith's Blades of Marmora missions goes wrong, Kolivan contacts Voltron for help. Shiro rushes to the rescue, determined to get Keith back to safety at all costs — and in the process, they come closer, and further apart, than they ever have.
My contribution to @shirosaveskeith Week, the first of four parts! Chapter 1 is for Day 1: Mission Gone Wrong.
Read on AO3!
Chapter 1: Never Far Behind
“The Blades have been running you ragged, I see.” 
Keith’s image on the screen scoffs, rolls its eyes. He’s just come back from his training, and his hair is still a little damp from his shower. “That only means I’ll kick your ass that much faster next time I see you, Lance.”
“Right, keep dreaming. I’ll have you know we’ve been training a bunch here too. I almost beat Shiro in hand to hand combat the other day. Right?” Lance says as he elbows Shiro with a wink. 
“I… wouldn’t go so far as to say that. But you’ve been making solid progress. You should practise your left uppercut.”
“Hear that, Lance?” Keith drawls. “You should practise your left uppercut. Probably because it sucks as much as your right one.”
“Oh yeah? Just wait till you come over here and I’ll give you a taste of both my uppercuts, you—”
Keith leans back in the chair and crosses his arms, the fabric of his tight black shirt stretching across his shoulders. There’s a pleased smirk on his lips, one he’s trying to hide behind an unimpressed frown. Shiro himself might have been fooled, perhaps, had he not seen that same moue of amusement curling the corners of Keith’s mouth countless times before. It isn't long before Shiro finds himself smiling, too.
It's been weeks since Keith has found the time to call them. Enough for Shiro to miss even his incessant bickering with Lance. The Blades have been sending him on mission after mission, from one corner of the Galra empire to the next. The edges of weariness are easy to detect in the faint circles that line his eyes, the tightness in the line of his jaw. 
“All this talk of training has made me hungry,” Hunk says. “How’s the food in the Blades’ headquarters? Better than here? You could sneak something in next time you come, right?”
“I guess… if you like swamp lizard jerky. Oh, and we had some Markhor mushrooms the other day, those with the weird webbing on top? Made my tongue feel fuzzy for a few hours after. And Olkari ant porridge—”
“Stop, stop, I’ll throw up,” Hunk gags and claps his hand over his mouth. “That's worse than I thought.”
“Yeah, it is, buddy,” Lance says and pats Hunky sympathetically on the shoulder. “Remember what happened last time you tried those mushrooms? Not one of your best ideas.”
“I wouldn’t have had to try the mushrooms if you’d just remembered to take the sandwiches I’d made before the mission!”
“Sandwiches with food-goo filling? Everyone was grateful I forgot those, believe me.”
“If by ‘everyone’ you mean Coran and the mice, then, yeah, I suppose they were grateful. They didn’t even leave a crumb! Man, those were good. I should go make those for lunch today.”
“I think I’ll stick to regular food goo, if that’s okay,” Shiro says, and Keith snorts. They catch each other’s eye and share a conspiratorial smile, and, for a brief moment, it’s just like old times, when Keith was still with them, part of the team. Shiro’s heart gives a distinctive, painful little thump at the thought, one he’s come to know well. 
“Yeah, yeah, you all keep turning your nose up, but then you still gobble down everything I make. What’s new?” Hunk shakes his head and stands up. "I'll go help Pidge with that new Galra fighter simulator she’s been making. It was nice seeing you, Keith.”
“You, too, Hunk. You, Lance, not so much.”
“Don’t think so, mullet. Everyone loves me— even you.” He winks and picks up his jacket that’s hanging over the back of his chair. “I’m off too. Coran’s been wanting to do some readings on Red, so I’ll probably be flying her around the castle for the next two hours. Leave you two some time to catch up as well,” he nods at Shiro. “See you around, Keith. And don’t get killed.”
“I’ll do my best.” 
A brief silence falls after Hunk and Lance leave. Keith is watching him, and the way the harsh artificial light of the screen illuminates his face has him looking paler than usual, more drawn. Shiro crosses his arms before his chest and meets his gaze levelly, trying to ignore the sudden shift in the atmosphere as soon as they were left alone.
“So… your missions have been going well?” Shiro asks, to fill the quiet.
Read the rest on AO3!
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shirosaveskeith · 2 years
One week until posting begins, everyone!!!
Posting starts on May 15! The event runs through May 21, but if you tag us we will continue to RB/RT your works through June 15. Don’t forget to include the “Shiro Saves Keith (Voltron)” tag in your AO3 works!
Tumblr: https://shirosaveskeith.tumblr.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/shirosaveskeith.
AO3 Collection: https://archiveofourown.org/collections/Shiro_Saves_Keith_Week_2022
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avidbeader · 2 years
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Here’s my contribution to @shirosaveskeith​ Week! The first of hopefully four parts, to be updated the rest of the week!
Thanks again to @the_shadowking for allowing me to use his stunning artwork in the banner!
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shirosaveskeith · 2 years
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Don’t forget to tag us with our @ or the hashtag so we can reblog your creations! Fic, art, vids, GIFs, everything is welcome! If you post to AO3, add it to be included in the collection!
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shirosaveskeith · 2 years
Thank you!
Today, Black Paladins Day, marks the official end of our event. Thank you so much to everyone who participated, with art and fic and adding previously created works to the now official tag! Feel free to tag us in the future if you do something that fits our theme and has our illustrious leader Shiro save his beloved partner Keith. If there’s interest and we can find ways to tweak the prompts, we may do this again next year!
AO3 Collection
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johaerys-writes · 2 years
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Fandom: Voltron Legendary Defender
Pairing: Shiro/Keith
After one of Keith's Blades of Marmora missions goes wrong, Kolivan contacts Voltron for help. Shiro rushes to the rescue, determined to get Keith back to safety at all costs — and in the process, they come closer, and further apart, than they ever have.
Part 4 of my @shirosaveskeith fic is up! The soft epilogue these two deserve ❤ (also, smut. Lots of it :3)
Read on AO3 | Read from the beginning
Chapter 4: And Time Fell Away
A peal of thunder stirs Shiro from his sleep. 
He opens his eyes to semi-darkness. It hasn’t stopped raining all night, tiny diamond tears pattering against Black’s sturdy exterior. Her engines hum below them, a soft rumble that’s barely audible yet always felt, the quiet purr of a large feline. 
Keith is sleeping beside him, back pressed to Shiro’s chest, his shoulders rising and falling with every gentle breath. 
Shiro’s human arm, tucked under Keith’s neck, has gone a little numb. He flexes his fingers, forcing some circulation back into them, but he doesn’t draw his arm away. He doesn’t want to wake him. He simply… lies there for a while, listening to Keith’s even breaths while the rain keeps falling outside, and the wind howls distantly. 
It is quiet, and calm. Shiro can’t remember the last time he's lain like this, muscles loose and relaxed, lounging in bed rather than hopping into his clothes as soon as his eyes are open. The threads of anxiety that are usually coiled in his stomach are softer now, too, a faint echo. It’s such a calm moment, that Shiro thinks he might melt and dissolve in it, like sugar in warm water. 
He lets out a soft sigh. It ruffles the hair at the nape of Keith’s neck, and he jolts slightly. His eyes flutter open, heavy with sleep yet still somehow sharp.  
“Did I wake you?”
Keith relaxes back into the pillow. “No,” he murmurs sleepily. “I mean, yes. But it’s fine.” He snuggles deeper into Shiro's embrace as he closes his eyes again. “What time is it?”
“Still early.” Shiro presses a trail of kisses along Keith’s neck. Keith hums and relaxes into him. His skin is so soft under Shiro's lips, like flower petals, and so warm. Keith has always run hot; it must be his Galra heritage, or perhaps it’s just the way he is. 
Shiro breathes him deep, his palm smoothing down his chest. He wants to savour every moment of this, every second that he has with Keith. He follows the length of his sides, and lets that lead him down the curve of his thighs. Keith lets out a pleased hum, almost like a purr, pressing himself back into Shiro. They’re still naked underneath the covers, neither of them bothering to put on clothes the previous night. Shiro groans softly when Keith’s ass brushes against his morning wood. 
“Well, hello there,” Keith hums teasingly. “Someone's well awake.”
“Someone has barely had any sleep at all,” Shiro chuckles. His hand curls over Keith’s sides, thumb brushing along the curve of his waist, keeping him in place as he gently thrusts forward. His erection slides between Keith’s cheeks, still warm and slick from a few hours before. “You’ve wrung me out.”
Keith snorts. “Your dick says otherwise.” He turns his head to flick his tongue over Shiro’s lips. “Who’s the horny mess now, huh?” he purrs. 
Shiro laughs, but it soon melts into a moan as nimble fingers take hold of him, guiding him down. He slides into delicious, velvet heat; every other thought melts away, the distant sounds of thunder and rain from outside only white noise in the background. 
“Fuck, you’re so hard,” Keith mumbles breathlessly as Shiro stretches him anew with tiny thrusts. The way he’s enveloped by heat and wet is enough to make his head swim; Shiro groans as he slowly slides in deep. Keith shivers when he bottoms out, his muscles squeezing Shiro from the inside.
It is too much, and not enough. Shiro runs his tongue over Keith’s throat, tasting the salt of his sweat to ground himself as the pleasure builds. Inside Keith it’s tight and hot and heavenly, and Shiro sighs, luxuriating in every thrust. The quiet gasps and whimpering noises that Keith muffles against his lips are stopping him from being able to draw breath. Shiro pulls out, until it’s only the head of his cock holding Keith’s hole open, then slides back in with one smooth stroke. 
“Shiro—” Keith gasps, fingers tangling into Shiro’s hair, back taut and arched like a drawn bow. Shiro sinks his teeth into his neck, then brushes his tongue over the bitemarks. 
“So fucking tight,” Shiro groans, pressing his leg between Keith’s and lifting one of them with his knee to grind deeper. Keith’s breath cuts off for a moment, and his entire body shudders. “Feel what you do to me? Getting me all hot and bothered first thing in the morning? What am I to do with you, hm?” His metal fingers curl over Keith’s hipbone, holding him steady as he sets a punishing pace. “So hot, so tight, just for me.”
Keith whimpers, goosebumps rising all over his skin where Shiro touches him. Keith’s cheeks are flushed, as are his lips, glistening from their kisses. He twists his head to kiss him, meeting him thrust for thrust, pressing against him until there’s no space left between their bodies. His eyes roll back when Shiro reaches around and takes him in hand, stroking him in time with his thrusts, and Shiro can tell how close he is by the way he shudders, clenching around his cock.
“Are you going to come for me, baby? Let me hear it.”
As his orgasm curls over him and drags him to the warm, blissfuly silent depths, Shiro tries to memorise the way Keith sobs out his name as he comes, for later.  
Read the rest on AO3!
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johaerys-writes · 2 years
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Fandom: Voltron Legendary Defender
Pairing: Shiro/Keith
After one of Keith's Blades of Marmora missions goes wrong, Kolivan contacts Voltron for help. Shiro rushes to the rescue, determined to get Keith back to safety at all costs — and in the process, they come closer, and further apart, than they ever have.
Part 2 of my @shirosaveskeith fic is up! Keith stays at the castle while recovering from his injuries, but things between him and Shiro aren't like they used to.
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Chapter 2: Darkened Seas, Cold Starlight
There are days when Shiro feels adrift, untethered.
His present is daunting, and his past is a patchwork of moments hastily sewn together. Sometimes a piece tears loose, and the memories come rushing back; other times, he’s floating in the spaces in between, trying to recall something he can’t put a name to, but he knows is there. Like ghosts, haunting him.  
Truth is, he’s been missing time. Hours might go by, with him lost in his own thoughts, and he won't even realise. He keeps getting distracted— he thinks about his time in the Galra prison, or the battle with Zarkon, or the moments leading up to the end. He remembers the high-pitched ringing in his ears, the blinding pain, the grappling for control. 
And then there was nothing. No light, no sound, only this dense darkness. Cold, silent waters, enveloping him.
Shiro sank like a stone. He's still sinking, sometimes. 
He wonders if the others have started to notice. 
It’s not all doom and gloom, of course. There are plenty of happier memories still in the back of his mind. Memories of his childhood, for instance: his grandfather bent over the tomato plants in the garden, rubbing their leaves to a shine with his thumb. Hot Sunday afternoons spent in the backyard, helping him set up the barbeque while the radio’s blasting his favourite old songs in the background; his big hand wrapped around Shiro’s much smaller one as he walked him to the Garrison for his very first assessment. The Garrison, too, is often in Shiro’s thoughts: his work there, his office, his friends. Happier, simpler times, when everything felt possible. 
Shiro often thinks of Keith as well. In fact, he’s never far from his mind; Shiro's memories of him are always crisp, crystal clear. Keith at sixteen and still growing into his cadet uniform, with that stubborn frown gathering above his eyes, his spitfire temper. Those first times they met, he would only glance at Shiro sideways, watching him suspiciously from the corner of his eye when he thought Shiro wasn’t looking. Shiro will never forget the first time Keith sought him out on his own, when he started opening up to him; his pride the very first time Shiro won a laugh from him. And it did feel like a win. When Keith’s features softened in a smile, it was like the sun peeking through dense rain clouds, rare and precious. Shiro loved it, always, when Keith smiled.
He still loves it, when Keith laughs. Even more so when Shiro is the one to make him laugh. When his dark eyes light up and his cheeks get bright and flushed; when he tilts his head back ever so slightly to expose the smooth column of his throat, it might just be his favourite thing in the world, Shiro thinks. 
Some nights, when sleep is slow to come, Shiro will think of the morning before he left for the Kerberos mission. He had taken Keith for ice cream at the mall, and then they’d gone back to his place. The flat was empty and they’d had to sit on cushions on the floor; after his break up with Adam, Shiro had decided it was no use holding on to the place, since he’d be away for months on the mission anyway. They’d ordered pizza and played video games and talked until the sun had set. 
At the doorway, when Keith had been about to leave, Shiro had pulled him in for a tight hug, the firmest he’d ever given him all the while they knew each other. Keith had stood there, startled for a moment, before his arms had come around Shiro and held him just as tightly. They’d stayed like that for while, like they were trying to soak each other in, to make it count. 
“I’m going to miss you, kid,” Shiro had said, smiling, yet his words had still caught a little in the lump in his throat. 
Keith had laughed, but his own voice was  a touch hoarse too when he said, “Just make sure to come back quick, then.” When he had pulled back, his eyes were gleaming in the half-light, like glass. 
“I will." Shiro squeezed Keith’s shoulder, held his gaze for a moment too long. "I promise.”
They’d both said their goodbyes, and in the morning, when the spaceship had launched, he knew Keith would be among the crowd, watching. 
Shiro wasn’t coming back. Not in the way they had both thought. Keith was left behind, and Shiro was thrust into a nightmare, and even now the scattered memories of his time with the Galra are difficult to process. 
He knows it wasn’t his fault. He knows there was nothing he could do to avoid any of what was happening, or to change it once it had happened. But he still can’t help but feel like he let Keith down, like he abandoned him, that and other times thereafter.
Shiro doesn't get much sleep these days.
Read the rest on AO3!
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shirosaveskeith · 2 years
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Don’t forget to tag us with our @ or the hashtag so we can reblog your creations! Fic, art, vids, GIFs, everything is welcome! If you post to AO3, add it to be included in the collection!
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shirosaveskeith · 2 years
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At last we have our final prompt, focused on the love these two will always share.  THANK YOU to all who've celebrated #sheith with us. We'll RT works with #shirosaveskeithweek or @shirosaveskeith through June 15th, so have fun until the very end!
So many more people participated in this event than we ever thought possible. Through the sheith fandom, the AO3 tag "Shiro Saves Keith (Voltron)" has been canonized and brought from just 9 works to over 70!
Request to include your work on AO3 here: AO3 Sheith Collection Thank you so much for participating by creating and supporting the Sheith fandom - don’t forget to leave kudos and comment on the works you enjoy!
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