#shippy things ♥
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breezypunk · 2 years ago
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hardcore nomads, amirite?
realized it's not a shippy day without bebs. I miss them. ♥
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familiaanteomnia · 2 years ago
cosmic hiccups my beloathed  *shining light of activity is happening but also- i seem to have awakened bot activity the most*
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gloryride · 9 months ago
Tagged by @chevvy-yates, @aggravateddurian, @rosapexa @therealnightcity, thanks everyone, i was just slow <33
Even i don't have a lot in stock, just do and release when it's done. For VP, i have some things in stock but you can see them as models, or i just shared with people involved, so no big surprise. But some sneak peak of pics i will release really soon <33
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(lot of shippy pics as usual, and you can guess a naughty one oO)
For mods, i'm still struggling with my netrunner suits i redo, i want to do pride stuff and i almost done Alex's outfits, but another mod just drop as i started a collab with @breezypunk about releasing our cowboy shirts in one big mod <33 It's almost done, just have to do icons, refit for big boys and ask for model. I want to see cowboys everywhere ♥♥
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(full sleeves, rolled and sleeveless <33)
And as usual, many ideas in my head, so few time, lot of daydreaming writings and lore i will never share bc i find it stupid but who knows ?
That's all for me folks ! So tagging, without pressure as usual : @wanderingaldecaldo @dustymagpie @togepies @th3irin @astarionhistears and who wants to do a wip post <33
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zeroducks-2 · 1 year ago
{Commission Closed}
Blog Navigation: My Art - My Fanfictions (includes things I don't post on AO3). You can find my other socials here.
I post/reblog NSFW, and my blog tries to be as raunchy as possible within the limits of this puritan ass website, which shadowbanned me twice already ♥
Been hyperfixating on DC stuff for a while. More than anything else you'll find Bats and Birds (mostly Sladick), and cute little speedsters (mostly Eobarry). The Eobarry pit is at this point deep enough I don't see the sun nor I can feel its warmth on my skin anymore. Also, I love being gross to Dick especially but no one is safe from me.
Evil characters and grey characters are my special little meow meows. I support their (gay) rights and wrongs. No, I don't think they should be held accountable for their actions, they're not real.
I mostly write smut, whump and/or shippy content. I really like dark stuff & I'm a kinky bastard. Writing gen fics and pure fluff isn't my thing.
I am comfortable with any type of ask. Go ahead and send me that WIP you're writing for some advice or just to share, or prompt me because you want to see your blorbo being tossed around in that specific way. I also have an ongoing Dark Prompts Ask Game right here. You can also send me hate if that's your thing, I won't kinkshame you I promise.
If I unfollowed you it's 99.9% because you posted WFA or Harry Potter content untagged. Nothing personal, I just really don't want to see those things. Also, sometimes tumblr unfollows people without telling me, and in the same fashion, doesn't notify me of reblogs, comments or what have you. If you want me to see something but I seem unresponsive, feel free to send an Ask or a DM.
I don't have DNIs, I curate my own online experience. However, please note that this won't ever be a safe space for exclusionists of any kind. And if you can't grasp the simple fact that fiction ≠ reality, that no one is getting hurt & we're just having fun, be nice to yourself and to me and do not follow.
Anyone else is more than welcome ♥ Remember to stay very handsome!
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everyneji · 2 years ago
Do you ship Neji with anyone?
Hehe. I answered this once but I'll definitely talk more on it. I love Shikamaru/Neji, and considering I published fic for them as recently as of 2021 those feelings are still going strong. Generally I prefer my ships to have a little more, er, content, but they captured my imagination so what can I say ...
If my followers will forgive me for getting indulgent for a spell, there's something very charming about how, in the Sasuke Retrieval Arc, Neji is keeping up with Shikamaru.
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When they're trapped by Jirobo, Neji seems a little surprised by Shikamaru's false surrender, but keeps quiet. Now he's not a loudmouth like Kiba and Naruto, but he's also not shy about speaking his mind. However, between his own observational skills, a likely respect for the command structure, and Choji's words, he doesn't interfere. He's then right in step with Shikamaru and Choji when the plan starts.
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Neji then explains that he observed everything Shikamaru did (that the prison recovered from Kiba's attacks at different rates) and why Shikamaru spoke to the enemy and so on. We expect Choji to work well with Shikamaru 'cause they're besties, but Neji was essentially a stranger to them and he's right there with them because he can get why Shikamaru does what Shikamaru does.
When they break free, Neji briefly assumes command to stop Kiba and Naruto from attacking while Shikamaru is busy thinking of another solution. Shikamaru names Neji his second-in-command -- and I know it didn't come up earlier because it wasn't relevant to the story, but in a more Watsonian perspective, it seems like Shikamaru should have done this at mission start. Neji is the shinobi with the most experience there. So did Shikamaru just assume they wouldn't have to split up or he wouldn't die (optimistic) or would he prefer to evaluate someone's leadership potential before trusting the lives of his buddies to them? I'm more inclined to believe the latter.
From all this we gather that they're both intelligent, observant people who quickly gain a mutual respect of each other when asked to work together. I happen to be a big fan of relationships between people who are both strong-willed and opinionated leader types. Yes, they can clash, but so long as they're respectful of each other there's so much potential for an interesting dynamic to explore.
They're also both lowkey people with compatible lowkey hobbies (cloud gazing & bird watching, napping & meditating) who I think could just relax together, though Neji's got a more active personality to keep some of that spark and spice. Neji needs some relaxation in his life ... Shikamaru can be very tender and emotionally intelligent if he feels like it, and Neji could use that too. What does Shikamaru need? Someone who is unafraid to challenge him, haha.
In fact, figuring out what Shikamaru wants (answer: a hardass with a nice smile) is easy because we see it in canon, but what about Neji? That, my friends, is a separate post I will make because I get very sidetracked from just gushing about my little rarepair.
Thank you for the question! ♥ In the end, I stand by my opinion that so long as Neji is getting some love all's fair! I've read or at least seen art of every Neji ship that exists I'm pretty sure … I just want good things for him. ✌️ Also, if you want to talk more specific shippy stuff, feel free to hit me up on my Naruto sideblog @hallwaydodge!
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agonizedembrace · 1 year ago
get to know the mun! ♥ tagged by @witchcraftandburialdirt ily
what made you pick up the current muse(s) you have? ━━ honestly it was just when i was having a lot of fun playing league/evelynn in general. then i started looking into her lore / fanart more and it all went downhill from there ( that, and wanting to get a portrayal of her out there that was unique yet true to her character! )
is there anything you don’t like to write? ━━ hmm.. non-con for sure. i don't do well with heavy action scenes either, or explicitly graphic violent/gore scenes. im a bit too squeamish for that :(
is there anything you really enjoy writing? ━━ slice of life! and general romance 🥺 besides for that im also very much a sucker for angst and it frequents this blog much more than i can help it
how do you come up with headcanons? ━━ they often just come to me without really putting much effort into it. sometimes i'll dwell more upon it if someone starts asking questions in regards to things, though!
do you write in silence or do you play music?  ━━ 98% of the time i am listening to music ( or have a yt video going ) in the bg as i write. i can't trying to write in silence, music inspires me too much.
do you plan your replies or wing them? ━━usually i wing it! on rare occasions i'll plot things out, but 9/10 times i am just making it work as i go. there are times that i'll dwell upon what should happen in a reply while im at work though? so perhaps that counts as plotting.
do you enjoy shipping?  ━━ yes, but i am rather selective with it and truthfully this blog kinda runs like a singleship sdakfhgjsdkjhfds. here and there i'll do some shippy things, but for the most part eve is very much with akali and doesn't even consider anyone else as an option :')
what’s your alias/name?  ━━ han!
age? ━━ 27
birthday? ━━ July 1st
favorite color? ━━ hmm.. seafoam green?
favorite song? ━━ i cannot tie it down to one so my top 5 in no order is: landslide - fleetwooc mac, villain - k/da, all i wanted - paramore, touch it - ariana grande & last hope - paramore
last movie you watched? ━━ i genuinely think it was HSM when i watched it with nobuu???
last show you watched? ━━ the masked singer ( I WATCH IT WITH MY MOM OK )
last song you listened to? ━━ nostaglia - tae
favorite food? ━━ hmmm.... i think it's gonna have to be like ... any sort of pasta? im such a sucker for it, i gobble it up -- BUT THEN THERE'S RAMEN AND CURRY. man i can't pick don't do this to me.
favorite season? ━━ Fall ... when the leaves begin changing colors and the weather begins to cool. those chilly autumn nights, huddled up with some hot beverage ... yeah that's the good shit.
do you have a Tumblr best friend? ━━ kya .... @witchcraftandburialdirt & @lightdash
and im tagging...! : @kalijhomentethi @lightdash @weavertali @sheavoid @poisonflowrs @voidhunting @ahri-thefoxylady & you!
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delborovic · 2 years ago
Del Replies To Asks
Gonna answer a bunch of all of yours asks beneath the cut!! So if you sent me a message recently, please check below~ It's gonna be LONG!!!!
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@mrdurepei Hello~!! During Law of Talos Del (me) was 22, currently I am 37 ;) Time flies~
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We don't! I haven't spoken to him since about a year after Law of Talos ended. He was always so lovely to talk to and very busy. I hope he's doing well whatever he's doing now, he always was so kind all the way around!
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Yes, Rellik is "Killer" backwards ;) I made him originally when I was about 13, shhhhh~
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Hi @mari-anokhiafton ♥ ! Thank you so much for your kind message! I really appreciate it and I'm so glad that you enjoy my art & style!
And hmmm, let me see~ how to describe Rellik... I agree he is a little grumpy like an old man ;) and he can be cold-blooded in a way a lot of vampires are. Rellik puts up a lot of walls and keeps himself distant from people, though underneath he has a kind heart that he doesn't want anyone to know about. He talks very flat with little inflection and is introverted. It's very easy to lose people as a vampire who lives for a long time, so he tends to like objects and can be fussy about keeping his things nice, because things will last longer if you treat them well. Whereas.... people.... you can't count on. Rellik also doesn't like to start fights, but has no issues ending them if he's pushed to violence.
I hope that helps! I also think whatever sense you get from him is legitimate too! Thank you so much for your kind message!
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HEYYYY @captainmera ♥
Oh my goodness flash from the past!! I didn't keep up with EfN but your art (and Brother) definitely look familiar to me! (bro knucks in the people who lost to Zeurel group ♥) Thank you so much for the message!!! So glad to see that you're around too! The OCT people are art lifers, I think so ;) I hope all is well with you and you keep it up with all your art as well! Thanks for saying hi!!!
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@yeeyeeravioli Hello~! As long as you aren't claiming the character as your own, that's totally fine! I'd love to see if you end up doing it :) thank you very much for asking, I appreciate it!
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Hello (new!) Anon! Thank you so much for being so kind and asking! For one, if it's a private story.. honestly feel free to do whatever you want. That doesn't bother me at all, and if it's for your person use + space, no issue whatsoever! If you end up posting it or posting about it, I don't mind that- I just appreciate keeping straight what things I'm involved with or not. I've obviously drawn some shippy stuff of Rellik with friends' ocs that I know personally! So as long as you just specify that it's your own ideas/ocs and that Rellik belongs to me, that's totally fine! ♥ You feel free to make fanworks to your hearts' content! I hope he treats your OC well!!
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Hello Anon~! SO! My OC Del would KNOW of Climber. Because she (like me) is a dA artist and would know about Endzone and those things from online, thus prompting her to make Rellik join an OCT also. BUT she would not PERSONALLY know Climber, as she never met him "in person" in the art universe. (I know i've made this complicated by its own meta nature, but I hope this makes sense.) Crowley and Chimbley were both in Law of Talos and thus would have been around to meet Del-character in the flesh so to speak :) Hope that helps!
PHEW. OKAY. There, I'm sorry you've all been waiting so long! I will do my best to reply- but seriously, if you have a quick question or comment, please feel free to DM me in messenger on Tumblr instead of using the ask function :) I can reply much more quickly that way! (especially since so many of these are just saying THANK YOU to everyone's so sweet messages!)
Anywho, please have a lovely weekend everyone! I'll see ya next time~
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aenslem · 1 year ago
hi, one of your Stargate anons here (it feels like you have a few of us xD). i knew about your @jackandhisspacemonkey blog! i follow that too, it's a very good blog ♥ i adore Jack and Daniel's relationship, they're great together (even if i'm more of a low-key shipper when it comes to them)
also, i have started on Universe! i've only just finished episode 6 (Light, it's very confusing with Air being one or three episodes), but i'm enjoying it a lot so far. i'm also very much enjoying Robert Carlyle, he really is amazing. (i had also forgotten just how pretty he is, oof.)
aaaand i had my first really shippy sgu moment in Light too, when Young said "well done!" and ruffled his hair and Rush looked all, well, like he did. i like their relationship in general, and i have a feeling i may ship them once i'm done xD
Young wasn't an automatic fave for me like Rush was (but that's entirely Carlyle's fault, Rush was shifty as hell and i just adored him anyway because Carlyle xD), but he's quickly getting there with his voice and his softness and his special cane. tbh, i'm actually curious to how my feelings about him will change once/if he gets rid of the cane, it feels like it affects a lot, that cane.
this quickly got very wordy, but yeah, just wanted to give you a little update and tell you that i'm still very glad you and your great gifs got me to watch Stargate, even if it means i'm reading McShep fics all night and having Emotions about Rodney x'D ♥
Ohh more than one gater nonnie👀
I am so happy my gifs made you to watch stargate, and maybe one day I will rewatch atlantis and even all of stargate and gif more of sg in general, maybe I will even look at atlantis from different side this time, like sgu.
ah, light, it's such a good episode, love every interaction of young and rush there, right until the very end of the episode
that moment, still can't believe it was real, like I still think I read it in a fanfiction not watched in an actual tv show lmao I need to gif it, and I will.
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as Robert Carlyle said himself they needed a man who makes dislikable things likable, so he is the man :D he is reaaally good
I think it is harder to like Young in the beginning, the hairstyle does not help either lmao, but you just get to know him and by the end of the show he is really good, I love that very tired man with curly hair, who is like a dad who needs a sleep but can't get it cos the kids are knocking on his door all the time
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just give this man a day off and some socks pls
anyway, hope you enjoy the rest of it as well, cos I really do enjoy it on my rewatch, I thought I will be hating it, cos I did not remember much, but the feelings I had while watching it back in 2013, but I like even the characters I disliked back then, like the kids, I mean everyone who are not Rush\Young\Wray\TJ :D
and I remember it was bad, but honestly, I love it now.
When you have a ship you're obsessed with, and suddenly everything becomes better lmao
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roadside-enshrined · 2 years ago
tried to find a fandom we have in common and while i dont watch the witcher i KNOW the main three! geralt/jaskier/yennefer for the ask bingo :D (or yknow, any convo of them ♥)
lol let's get into it!
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there are. more or less three canons these characters exist within and i am obsessed with all roughly six of them in similar differing intricate. totally normal ways. tbh [:
ESPECIALLY the book dandelion yennefer leg of things, and not just in a shippy way either, cuz there's always this like. almost tension between them underneath whatever interaction they have, even ones that can be read as sweet. it's intriguing and i loved seeing that dynamic's progression thru the series. they don't really interact much in the games that i remember, though, which is kinda sad since MAJOR END OF BOOK SERIES SPOILERS
he grieved her along with his grief for geralt, in the end ):
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sacrivoiced-archive · 2 years ago
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presenting... terri's permanent shipping call! by liking this, you are expressing an interest in shipping with us. in return, you will receive the following:
♥ my love, affection + friendship. ♥ lil shippy edits, headcanons, etc of our muses. ♥ random starters + memes when we're feeling it. ♥ me reblogging things and being like them! ♥ i will pop into your ims with random cute ideas of our muses.
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thesecretoflivereactions · 1 month ago
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We are back with Episode 7 and it seems like in her previous live Jill actually took one of Hadis siblings as a prisoner of war.
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I guess she is getting bored ^^'
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Is... this thing headless? O.O
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Nope. He was just hiding it XD
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Pretty! Although thinking about it now... it is kind of weird that we spend half the season with not being in the capital ^^'
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Have we've been hurt?
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This was a huge ass slash! How can it not be severe? Also? How could you allow her to land on the ground first? If you want to catch someone's fall, you should be the one to crash first so you take the brunt of the fall. Geez.
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Well... its a displeasure to meet you, Mr.George.
(This is appearantly his uncle...)
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And here I was, imagining them living happily in the castle. I guess that was naive of me.
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I think we are currently powerless in terms of magic. Which is bad. Really bad.
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It was about time we've got some shippiness.
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They have to hide for like half a year and no one is complaining?
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Ah... I knew she wouldn't last that long XD
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I... have one? ^^' You look like a child. Strength or not, who in his right mind would take a little girl into their army?
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Weren't you supposed to hide at home? ^^'
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She certainly doesn't seem like someone who feels sorry for the way her brother has been treated ^^'
Oh, she is the captain of the knights who Jill wants to join.
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It seems like she did care in her previous life tho...
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Awwww. He previously gave her this bear so it can sleep with her when he as the emperor is to busy to sleep by her side. How cute ♥
The Episode ends here. Lets move on to the next.
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breezypunk · 1 year ago
WIP Wednesday, thank you @gloryride for the tag. ♥︎
I have been enjoying showing off wips lately, even small. :3 I like to keep busy and I'm always working on something whether private or something I plan on releasing.
Mod wips
been working on mods, release date unknown, there's so many mods we wanna work on and sometimes we change things up, but one that's coming soon(ish) is johnny's alt jacket.
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here's a potential pattern, I really love making patterns and fun colors for my mods, so expect that!
VP stuffs
I've also made a new au called low frequency. It's a au set in the prehistoric Mesozoic era! dinosaaaaaaaaaurs baby.
I have been making photos and have upcoming photostories planned for this au and I'm super excited about it!
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Mainly for me, I've been doing shippy poses, focused on hamds (uwu), and I made a lil photoset showcasing those poses, they are still a little messy. I've been deep into pose making lately, and I've been doing tons of fem and masc poses as well, and I have millions of pose packs I wanna release and haven't even started working on one pack yet xD just need to fix them up to start properly making them, but that's a slow process, we'll get there.
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screaming right now.
OC Wips
I've been working on re-vamping Maggie. I am in the process of making her look more like I imagined a long time ago when I created her. She's my pride and joy just like Vaughn and I love her dearly and want to give her everything in the world hehe. I gave her some tattoos, and they aren't quite definitive yet, I'm still searching but I know I want her with a lot. haha, and I also started putting more cyberware stuffs on her, she's coming out so nicely.
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That is all I have for now! Anyways, If you see this and wanna showcase your wips consider yourself tagged by me, and feel free to tag me if you wanna! <3
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limetameta · 3 months ago
For the ao3 wrapped [writers edition]: 12, 20, 26, 29 ♥
Helloooo <3
N.12 How many WIPs do I have for next year
Black Honour, Metallic Crimson, Retired Prometheus rewrite, Different Directon, Mr Eye of Zaun, Seasons, The Witch story. And my OG works :))) My goal is finish writing all of these fanfics and then fully retire from ao3. But that's been my goal since 2023 and YET!!! AND YET!!!!!
N.20 Which work of mine I've reread the most
I have to say I've most likely reread that Hunger Games story. *head in unlovable hand* god help me I had to reread that thing more than 20 times to check if it was written correctly.
N.26 My most common category
Gen with 99 works! I'm not a very shippy person actually. Like I always write the ships as something in the background, but I would rather write about worldbuilding.
N.29 Favourite line or passage I wrote this year
I'm going to give you another one - this one's from Resembool tailor, it always cracks me up :)
‘’Lisa’s an all right girl,’’ Pinako says, and she means it genuinely, a rarity in a sea of her sarcastic commentary, ‘’but she’s been designing her wedding dress for the past fifteen years.’’
‘’Fifteen years?’’ Solf whispers, in horror. ‘’I pray for the tailor in Central she’ll accost.’’
‘’Oh, in Central? Nah, nah,’’ Pinako’s smoking her pipe with glee, giving him a yellowed grin with her teeth, ‘’You, tinker tailor, it’s going to be you. She can’t afford a Central tailor.’’
‘’An East City tailor?’’ Solf hopefully asks.
‘’They don’t agree with her vision!’’ Pinako laughs at his expression of horror. Solf’s considering running to that train station, but surely – surely – it can’t be that bad?
‘’You want me to…make a wedding dress…identical…to the one the Fuhrer President’s wife, Madame Bradley, wore on her own wedding twenty years ago?’
Fucking always kills me.
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pine-dexter · 6 months ago
❊✸✤(with my fiddlefordisms blog, oh course), ✥❦(fiddauthor - it isn't a secret, though), ✷✢✣✦❇☓♥(I enjoy talking with you)
Salt! <3 I also enjoy rping with you, your voice for Fiddleford is actually amazing. I can always hear his voice when I read your replies. I also love our old men, they're adorable and I would love to do shippy things with them in the future~ You're super sweet and I always love seeing your blogs on my dash. It's nice to see someone else from the Olden Days still kicking and I can't wait to see what we get up to next!
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zeroducks-2 · 2 years ago
Pretty out of nowhere but,, What do you think about dickdami as a ship?
No worries anon, you can keep asking me about ships for that ask game, I love to blather ♥ (it's here for who's interested, if you reblog it I'll surely ask you about some ships!)
but anyway, absolutely yes
I ship it!
What made you ship it? I wouldn't be able to say exactly what it was. I think I've been lowkey shipping them since forever, then at some point I started warming up to Omegaverse AUs (in the sense that I've always loved ABO but my head had to sort of "make it work" in a DC superheroes situation), and at that point I was like YES, OMG Y E S. Especially because of Damian's clear-as-day crush on Dick.
What are your favorite things about the ship? Dami is a possessive little shit, and Grayson is his. Dick in skintight suits was surely his sexual awakening and his first crush, and I can easily see how the little demon would fixate on the idea that as soon as he's old enough, he and Dick are supposed to be together. In an ABO situation it works even better, especially when Dick is an Omega and Damian and Alpha because it validates the aforementioned mental process - "after I present me and Grayson will be together as mates". Dick meanwhile is there smiling like "he's a kid, he'll grow out of it sooner or later". No he won't :) (and also, I don't think Dick would ever be able to tell Damian no in whatever circumstance which makes it even juicier, intermingling with Dick's sense of shame and inability to resist when someone pressures him into something, which is something that Bruce took advantage of for Dick's entire life) If we're talking about a Reverse!Robins situation it also works amazingly. (I know, I know. I a lot of people hate the whole reverse!robin thing. "Damian shouldn't even be called Robin because that's a Dick Grayson thing!", "Stephanie makes no sense as Red Hood because she wouldn't care about Batman not avenging her!" LISTEN!!! I know. You are correct. However it is FUN to imagine the batkids with their ages reversed and their roles blurred, especially for shippy reasons, therefore I do not give a fuck ♥ Love you) Like imagine adult, bitter, troubled Damian finding the light of his life in this kid who lost his parents in such a gruesome way, having to teach him and guide him, be his mentor and his moral compass, in turn learning how to work his own skewed sense of justice. Imagine adult, touch-starved Damian having his heart beating so fast when this kid hugs him and falls asleep in his arms, needing comfort and giving so much warmth at the same time. Imagine stone-hearted, disillusioned Damian experiencing so much wonder at seeing this kid grow up and treat him like the most wonderful, precious human being that ever existed, even if Damian perceives himself as cold, unforgiving and unlovable. And when this special, one-in-a-million kid starts blushing every time they take their suits off, and getting clingy and jealous or anyone who buzzes around Dami, and obviously feeling for Damian something which is not just brotherly love, well. At that point what is even Damian supposed to do - Dick is his everything, and he wants to keep being Dick's everything in return.
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship? Probably what I just wrote, meaning that I normally prefer the ship when it's a Reverse!Robins situation (but I like it in any form anyway)
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celestialblaze · 11 months ago
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Like this post and comment with the muse you'd like a starter from (and to which muse of yours if you're a multimuse) and I'll get a starter out to you tomorrow/later today. ♥
Shippy things are ALWAYS welcomed!
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