#ship: neuvillep
rosenongrata · 1 year
⋯ 𓆩♡𓆪 A/N. I ALMOST CRIED OVER THIS LOLOL :(... pls appreciate Thems™... i love them very much...wahhhhh
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This morning is particularly foggy today, the Iudex notes while staring out the window. It isn't quite cold enough to frost the glass, but the fog is certainly thick enough that it obscures much of the cityscape. His lilac, slitted eyes stare back down at his crisp cup of water—this one right from Mondstadt. He can barely detect a sweet fragrance from it, giving him a little more energy than he thinks he needs. Is there sugar in here? How strange…
While pondering the genuine nature of this water, Lepus slinks into the kitchen. With silent steps, they walk up behind him where he sits at the small polished table. One hand props his head up as the other holds the pristine glass cup. With golden eyes running up and down his form, they notice the rather taut muscles in his bare back.
He must be so stressed, the bunny thinks before trotting up to him and looping their arms around his neck. While they nuzzle the fluff of his unbrushed hair, he visibly jolts when touched. He's quick to relax, at least, allowing his small lover to continue stuffing their face in his white locks.
Turning to the side, his legs shifting to rest over the side of the polished wooden chair, he notices something…peculiar.
…Are they wearing his shirt?
He blushes at the very thought. When it dawns on him that it is, in fact, his shirt from last night, his whole face turns pink.
Lepus notices this, of course, they can almost feel the heat coming from him. While they don't tease him about it, they plant a sweet, chaste kiss on his burning cheek. With laden eyes, they watch him carefully. His expression proceeds to turn from embarrassed to flustered and surprised. He clears his throat several times, giving the small bunny ample time to speak first,
"Your shoulders are so tight… Will you let me give you a massage?" Their hands drag from looping around his neck to rest on his very tight shoulders, their thumbs idly rubbing his warm skin. "It'll help, I promise." They whisper, their voice only half-unintentionally soft from sleepiness.
"I—" He sputters, losing his normal cool, collected composure. It seems to happen too often around them. "…Go ahead." He gives in, his voice small as he turns back around to allow them better access to his back.
As his eyes flutter shut, he immediately hisses at the pain that shoots through his body from the massage. He never realized he was ever quite this tense and knotted. If he had to be honest, he thought he was totally fine.
…It turns out he deluded himself into believing that.
"I'm sorry it hurts, but your shoulders are very knotted and taut. You should try meditation on your breaks." They recommend, voice sweet as the water he was drinking earlier. "Or… At least let me give you massages regularly."
"Alright, I will…think about it—ACK!" He yelps in pain and surprise, his deep voice cracking as his shoulders tighten. "I did not think a simple massage could be quite this painful…" He sighs, a cool feeling running down his body like a waterfall—relaxation following shortly after.
"It happens when you don't take care of yourself, Neuvi." They inform, their smile thin with worry. "I know you have a busy and tough life, but your poor body needs good treatment like everyone else."
"You…you are right." He shakes his head before pivoting his neck to the side to glance at them. Seeing them smile makes him smile.
"By the way… Braid your hair before you sleep." They advise, eyes pinching closer together with their smile when their gazes meet.
"…Why?" He blinks, losing his sweet smile quicker than Lepus' appreciates.
"It lessens the likelihood of nasty knots and matting in your pretty, fluffy hair!" They grin.
He chuckles, his smile returning to his pale features.
"You quite like my hair, hm?"
"Yes. It'd be a shame to cut it all off because someone didn't take care of it."
"Ah…" He murmurs, "You are right, as in all matters of the body…hair included."
"Hehe," They snicker before pressing sugary sweet kisses to his shoulders, and soon, his neck. "You're so much happier than you let on…"
"Hmm…" He hums, "Only because of you, Mon Chéri."
"Huh?! Me?! N-No… That's…that's not quite right."
"Why wouldn't it be?" He retorts.
"Uhm… Because I'm me…?"
"Do not put yourself down, Lepus." He rises to his full height, towering over his tiny lover. His hands move to their face, thumbs brushing along the fullness of their cheeks. "You are a shimmering ray of sunshine on a cloudy day."
Their eyes immediately begin to water, causing him a big fright. He hushes them with a slender finger to their lips, and his own expression dampens. He didn't mean to make them cry, they're the last person he'd ever desire to hurt.
"I… It's been a long time since I've heard anyone tell me something like that…" They sniffle as he brushes away their tears.
"Truly?" He sighs, "What a shame… You are a wonderful person, Lepus, your heart is made of gold. Perhaps something even more beautiful and rarer." He smiles down at them, hands dancing their way to their bunny ears to pet them. It helps them relax in times like these, or so they've told him.
Their face turns bright pink while their golden gaze glues to the floor.
"Hah, how cute…" He murmurs.
With swift arms, he hoists them up into the air—snug against his chest as he carries them. He sighs happily, smiling at them with nothing short of pure joy.
"You make me truly happy, Lepus." He whispers, craning his head down to brush his lips against their plush cheek. "Never forget that."
"And never forget, that no matter the time of day after you leave this world, I will watch the skies for your return."
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