#ship: momosuya
insomniac-jay 4 months
I should not have access to Picrew
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In order: Flowergrace, Roysophia, Icestarshipping/SeraBrave, Crimsonhood, Momosuya, HeavyHeat
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insomniac-jay 1 year
Bajifuyu 1. And Momosuya 7. For ficlet/drabble
Closet Raid
Bajifuyu + 1. "Are you wearing my shirt?"
"Are you wearing my shirt?"
Chifuyu paused from petting Peke J and looked directly at Baji. When Yuka said he'd be gone for a while, Chifuyu thought she meant an hour; which gave him enough time to raid Baji's closet and pick one of his shirts to wear.
"Um..." Chifuyu was sweating bullets. Maybe he could alleviate the situation by lying. That worked whenever he was dealing with Takemichi. "No. I bought this shirt yesterday."
"Oh did you now?" Baji cracked his knuckles. "You wanna test that lie out?"
Chifuyu gulped hard. He was not going to leave this house alive.
I Don't Mess Up
Momosuya + 7. "Wanna bet?"
"You're seriously gonna do it?"
"Yeah. I'm not gonna let him get away with that." Mitsuya walked down the hall.
When Momoka heard about the incident with Taiju Shiba, she was instantly worried. From what she heard from Satsumi, Pearly, and Hanae, he wasn't someone to be messed with. And now Mitsuya was planning to have a meeting with him? Not on her watch.
"Maybe you should call this off," Momoka said. "I don't you to get hurt."
"I won't. Contrary to what Fujiyama told you, Taiju's not a reckless guy." Mitsuya turned to her. "He's actually quite careful."
"Was he careful when he body slammed Hanagaki? Almost gave the boy a concussion! Or how about when him and his goons showed up at Satsumi's house?!" Momoka pouted with her arms folded.
Mitsuya chuckled at how cute she looked even though she was scolding him. "That's all part of his plans. But I can see where you're coming from."
"It's not too late to call it off," Momoka said. "I don't want you or anyone else getting hurt because of that brute."
"Everything will go fine," Mitsuya reassured her.
Momoka's mouth formed a harsh line. Mitsuya was treating this as a game when it wasn't. If Taiju showing up to Satsumi's house in the middle of the night was an indicator of anything, then he needed to call off any negotiations with him immediately.
"Wanna bet?"
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insomniac-jay 2 years
Trying His Best (& Patience)
Takashi Mitsuya is known for his patience, especially with his fellow Toman members. However, he doesn't know how much he has left when it comes time to meet his daughter's boyfriend.
Relationships: Takashi Mitsuya/Momoka Oshiro (OC), Keisuke Baji/Chifuyu Matsuno, Takuya Mitsuya/Kazue Baji
Additional Tags: Based on an ask from @peachyblkdemonslayer, Baji is a MENACE, Momoka is trying to hold her husband together
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Mitsuya felt a soft grip on his hand as he made his way towards Baji and Chifuyu's house with his wife Momoka and their daughter Takuya. Tonight was a special night, especially for their teenaged daughter.
"How are you feeling, Takashi?" Momoka whispered.
"Just fine, Mo," Mitsuya replied. Baji and Chifuyu were friends after all, so he was sure the night wouldn't be too bad. As long he had his wife and daughter there, of course.
Takuya excitedly knocked on the door then waited for only a few seconds. The door then opened to reveal a boy around her hair with curly black hair and brown eyes.
"Kazue!" Takuya wrapped him in a tight hug to which Kazue gladly accepted. "I'm so happy to see you again."
"Me too, Takuya." Kazue smiled back at her. He then took her hand and placed a soft kiss to it, like he was a fairytale prince. "Please come inside."
Takuya and her parents were greeted by the smell of food cooking as they walked into the Baji residence-- not that they minded. Kazue then took this opportunity to introduce himself to her parents.
"My name is Kazue, but I'm sure you already knew that," he said. "I'm Takuya's...boyfriend."
Momoka giggled when he blushed at that last part. It reminded her of when she took Mitsuya to meet her own parents. "Hello, Kazue. I'm Momoka, Takuya's mother. And this is her father, Takashi."
Mitsuya simply threw a hand up before sitting down on the couch. Just as he did, Chifuyu came rushing out of the kitchen.
"I'm so sorry!" he exclaimed. "I had to get one last thing done!"
"It's fine," Momoka said. "Kazue's already introduced himself."
Takuya stood up and bowed as she introduced herself to Chifuyu. "My name is Takuya. I'm Kazue's girlfriend."
"It's nice to meet you, Takuya," Chifuyu replied. "My husband Keisuke should be joining us-"
Just then, an angry voice ripped through the air. "No, I said I wanted custom glass for the windows! Do I have to say it in Spanish for you?! Vidrio personalizado! God!"
Mitsuya and Chifuyu both let out a deep sigh as everyone knew exactly who it was.
Baji walked out from the back hall and into the living room with the phone close to his ear. "It's a fucking pet shop, damn it!" When he noticed that he and his husband had guests, he quickly cleared his throat and lowered his voice.
"We'll talk about this tomorrow." Baji hung up then turned his attention. "Well, well, well, look who we have here."
"Hello, Baji." Mitsuya tried to sound enthusiastic. "I guess you know the news, huh?"
"Of course! My son is dating your daughter!" Baji sat down on the other couch then crossed his legs. "But I think we should the "crucial conversation" with her."
Takuya looked towards her parents in confusion while Momoka held Mitsuya's hand.
"Crucial conversation?" She tilted her head.
"Yes, Baji, we've had that talk with her," Mitsuya sighed again. Just when he thought that his old friend grew out of terrorizing him and Momoka, he reverts back to his old ways.
"Oh no not that one, I meant the other one." Baji smirked as he saw the expression on Chifuyu's face change from neutral to embarrassed in under a second.
Mitsuya's grip on Momoka's hand tightened. He was so glad to have his wife here to calm him because if he didn't, he would've either left with a major headache or gone to jail for manslaughter.
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insomniac-jay 1 year
Momosuya for 7 of spring prompts
Got it!
Momosuya + 7. Thrift shopping
"I like this one!"
Mitsuya hummed as he watched Momoka fawn over a vintage dress. It was a pink picnic blanket print dress with a red waist belt. He definitely knew that she'd look good in it.
On such a nice spring day, the idea to go thrift shopping was a good one. About time Mitsuya got out of the studio and got some fresh air.
"Lets buy it then," Mitsuya agreed.
Momoka squealed happily. "Lets find stuff for you!" She took his hand and ran towards the men's aisles.
While rummaging through the clothes, they managed to find some stuff that fit his style. One was a cream colored cashmere sweater that looked like it'd go great with a pearl choker.
"You want me to try this on?" Mitsuya held it up against his upper body.
Momoka nodded and eagerly followed him to the changing room. After a few minutes, Mitsuya came out with the sweater on.
Momoka's face got hot seeing just how fitted the sweater was. How it perfectly matched Mitsuya's form and brought it out so well.
"Do you-"
"I love it."
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insomniac-jay 1 year
Momosuya theme
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Why must you hurt me like this?
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insomniac-jay 1 year
Hyperspecific ship tags for my fave OC x canon ships
Momosuya (Tokyo Revengers) - OTP: You saved my life again
DukeZara (Batman) - OTP: Loving you is a losing game
Roysophia (Green Arrow/Titans) - OTP: Listen to your heart
Crimsonhood (Batman/Red Hood and the Outlaws) - OTP: They don't really care about us
AquaOrca (BNHA) - OTP: Beauty and the Beast
Icestarshipping (YGO 5Ds) - OTP: It's too cold for you
RockBelle (Tiger & Bunny) - OTP: Country loving
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insomniac-jay 2 years
Like Silk [Momosuya]
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Description: Ever since he's grown his hair into a mullet, Mitsuya has always wanted Momoka to run her fingers through it. Even if he has to travel halfway across the city for her to do so.
Relationship(s): Momosuya (Takashi Mitsuya x Momoka Takagi)
Warning(s): Swearing, Baji being a menace
Additional tags: Normal AU, Momoka and her family moved to a different part of Tokyo btw, Mimu is an icon and I love him, Mitsuya is a simp
Taglist: @peachyblkdemonslayer
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Mitsuya was a man on a mission. He sat on the train as he traveled almost halfway across Tokyo for one thing: Momoka. Since the end of his middle school years, he's grown out his hair. He'd get compliments from others including the gang and sewing club, but the ones he liked the most were from Momoka.
At this point it was a mullet and Momoka had long left her old home, but that didn't stop him.
Sometimes he'd daydream about her braiding and running her fingers through his hair. The feeling of her warm skin and the smell of shea butter filling his senses put him on cloud nine.
"Whatcha thinking about, Mitsuya?"
He's snapped out of his thoughts to see Baji standing in front of him. His trademark sinister grin was on his face, meaning there was bound to be trouble. "Why you on a train right now?"
"None of your business, Baji." Mitsuya replied. But deep down he probably knew that Baji knew. Momoka was the love of his life and he could never resist her. Baji and some of the others would tease him by playing that one Britney Spears song whenever he was around Momoka.
"Oh really? You sure you're not travelling almost halfway across the city to get some kitty?" Baji's smirk got wide as he watched Mitsuya's expression become a horrified and disgusted one.
"Keisuke Baji, how dare you!" Mitsuya wanted to fight him. What went on between him and Momoka during those times was private and not for Baji or anyone else's knowledge. "Why the fuck would you say that?! In public nonetheless!"
"I mean, you're the type to do it. Not to mention how she's got you wrapped around her finger." Baji snickered. "But if not to get some, why are you going to visit her?"
"Again, none of your business."
Momoka hummed as she walked alongside Mimu. As much as she liked her new home, she still felt homesick. She missed the days where she would meet up with the girls and do some shopping or go rollerskating with her friends. She missed the spot where her and Mitsuya had their first kiss on that summer night.
"Oh Mimu," she sighed. "I dunno what I'm gonna do."
Mimu sniffed around and then began barking excitedly. He hopped up and down as he continued barking. Momoka was confused, all until she saw a familiar face walk around the bend.
Mitsuya bend down and petted Mimu. "Hey, little guy. I see you're still keeping my girl company."
"Takashi!" Momoka ran up to Mitsuya and embraced him. She could feel the warmth of his body mix with hers when he hugged back. It felt like forever since they got to really hug each other. "Oh, I missed you!"
"I missed you, too, baby." Mitsuya held Momoka's cupped hand to his face. She had changed since he last saw her. She was still the same chubby girl he loved, but this time her hair was styled in a large puff than its usual loose.
Momoka ran her fingers through her boyfriend's hair. She had never seen such beautiful locks before. Every touch felt silky and smooth, just like how he was. "You...you've changed so much."
"You too."
The two lovers held hands and walked together, Mimu finding a space in between them. "Did you come here just so I could touch your hair?"
"Yeah, but that's our secret."
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insomniac-jay 2 years
Momosuya Headcanon #1
Shortly before his death in the Tomin admin timeline, Mitsuya spent countless hours making the perfect final gift to Momoka: a blanket big enough for her and their newborn baby. When he got to his house, he found Momoka and their child asleep.
Knowing he was Mikey's next victim, he placed the blanket atop the two of them and kissed his wife on her forehead. The kiss woke her up and Mitsuya gave his last goodbye to her before going to meet up with Mikey and getting k worded.
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insomniac-jay 2 years
A baby Takeyu!!! Don't remember if you said their baby was a boy or girl but went with girl here
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insomniac-jay 2 years
Ships As Songs
Momosuya: Takashi Mitsuya x Momoka Oshiro
Pearlumi: Satsumi Fujiyama x Toko Akadori
Smileiji: Nahoya Kawata x Momiji Sameyama
Icestarshipping: Brave/Broder x Seraphina-Taniya "Sera" Phan
Gambleshipping: Ryuji Otogi/Duke Devlin x Kyla Kane
IreJoou: Irefumi Hitsugaya | InkStain x Joou Hitsugaya | Splendor
SpectraPower: Iris Mochizuki | Spectra Iris x Chikara Katsuryoku | Power Lady
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