#ship: like a cold shower on a hot night
detectivelokis · 1 year
Playing Doctor
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Words: 2.2 k
Warnings: Vague mentions of violence, injuries, and body horror.
A/N: My starter piece for the Horror Bang Exchange. Thank you to @sstewyhosseini for looking this over 🖤 @aceghosts including you since you asked to be tagged when this was posted.
Raccoon City was in ruins. 
After a week of, what felt like, hell on Earth, the city had been decimated. One single bomb extinguished the last flicker of light. Not that there was much left after the virus had taken hold of its occupants. Adults, children, hell, even animals gone in the blink of an eye, turned into nothing but snarling and lumbering husks of themselves.
Save for a few lucky survivors, one of them being Charlie. 
It had been a surprise to almost everyone, including herself, that she had managed to make it out in one piece. Her? The runt of her platoon?  It was more than luck that got her out of there, it was a goddamn miracle.
“How did you manage this?,” she asks herself, green eyes transfixed on the cascade of bubbles trailing down her bruised and reddened body. 
It’s not that Charlie isn’t a capable person, far from it in fact. But, throughout her life she has always been second best. Second best sharpshooter in Montana; the one always getting a participation trophy. There are no billboards proudly displaying her face for all to see, no parades to welcome her home.
She is no prodigal daughter.
It doesn’t matter to the rest of the world that she survived a catastrophic event well beyond what most people are capable of imagining. No, all that matters to anyone that’s in the know, and for all she knows that really could be anyone, is that she was an employee of Umbrella. An enemy of the state now.
But, at least she isn’t alone. She never really had many encounters with Carlos while they were both still mercenaries, both on different platoons and stationed in different locations, but she knew enough about him to know that going on the run with him wasn’t the worst thing she could do. Not anymore at least. 
Being on the run was lonely, though. For the first day Charlie had laid in her motel room, too stressed to sleep and too anxious to go visit her newfound ally. It didn’t stop her gaze from lingering on the connecting door that led to his room, constantly hoping that he would make the first move and come to her.
After just a few hours of solitude and trying to send signals with her mind to the room next door, Charlie had given up. How could she just sit around moping about when the one person who could understand what she’s going through is right there?
Which is how she now finds herself in his shower, her delicate fingers poking and prodding at the bruises littering her skin; blood and dirt pooling at her feet. Yes, she had lied and said her own was broken and only producing cold water, but she could tell from the look in his eyes that Carlos had wanted company too.
“Are you alright in there?,” the aforementioned man calls from behind the door, distracting her from injuring herself any further. “The water doesn’t stay hot for too long here either. Now the water pressure on the other hand, that’s -”
“I’m fine,” Charlie calls out, interrupting him. She chews on her lip as she thinks of what to say next. She doesn’t want to leave the comfort of the shower if she’s being honest with herself. Once she emerges from her cocoon of steam that means she has to go back to her own room and she doesn’t want that, as childish and dumb as it may seem.
She doesn’t want to be alone.
But she has to face her fears. She survived an onslaught of zombies that lasted a week, she should be able to leave the bathroom, not even her own bathroom, and see if Carlos actually does want her company or not.
After a few more moments of letting the water scorch her battered body, she finally emerges. As she dries herself off she eyes the oversized robe that she had found hidden in her room. She doesn’t know where it came from or who wore it before her, but she doesn’t have many options with her only clothes still covered in sewage and blood. 
“Wow,” Carlos says as she walks out of the steam-filled bathroom, dark eyes scanning her figure with a playful gleam. “You look refreshed.”
Charlie wants to roll her eyes, give her usual snarky reply to the comment, but she doesn’t. Instead she blushes; freckled cheeks turning a shade of crimson she didn’t even know was possible. 
“You were right about the water pressure. Felt like a nice trip to the spa.”
Sitting on the bed with a wince, Charlie notices the bags and containers of fast food laying about on the table her companion is currently sitting at, her stomach growling despite the pain.
“You okay there?”
Carlos stands as he sees her face contort in pain. Fuck. And here she was thinking she was being subtle.
“I’m fine,” she holds up a hand, trying to wave him away. “Is that,” she pauses, shooting him a soft smile in an attempt to distract him. “Is that the strawberry shake I asked for? You actually ordered it?”
Carlos sighs, eyes glancing back at the table before he picks up the drink. He looks like he’s about to hand it over to her, his arm outstretched and if she wasn’t in so much pain she could reach out and grab it. But he doesn’t. 
“How about we make a deal? You let me take a look at your injuries and I’ll give you your milkshake. Does that sound good?”
Charlie’s eyes linger on the drink, drool forming at just the thought of the creamy concoction hitting her taste buds. Jesus, she’s hungry. 
“Fine.” She lets out a huff as she undoes the belt of her robe, letting it fall open to expose her mess of a body. 
It doesn’t faze her when his eyes immediately spot the massive bruise that has made its home on the side of her torso. After working for Umbrella she’s gotten used to changing in front of her teammates, but she does almost jump out of her skin when his fingers tentatively touch the sore spot; both from pain and shock.
Carlos lets out a low exhale as his calloused hand runs down her side, brow furrowed in concentration as he takes it all in. “Why didn’t you come to me sooner? Did this happen when you were thrown?”
“I dunno. I guess so?”
Charlie shrugs, trying to play it cool despite the agonizing pain she’s currently in. But the memories of the police station flood back to her in a wave. 
That creature outside the locker rooms, its skin inhumanly pale; almost translucent, and its brain matter partly exposed, had cornered them. It looked like one giant, disgusting hairless cat guarding its territory. When it noticed them it had lashed out, whipping her into the vending machines. 
She had hit it with such force that her body had left a dent, despite how tiny her frame is, and cans of soda came careening down upon her, one particular can of Sprite bursting and fizzing its contents all over her head. She’s pretty sure the scent of lime and shit will now be embedded into her skin for the rest of her life.
Except for now you smell like him.
The thought alone sends a shiver down her spine as she watches Carlos inspect the cuts and bruises on her arms and torso. She had come into his room and used his room and used his shampoo, his lotion. It feels way more intimate than she was expecting.
“Here.” Carlos holds up her shake for her to take before pushing himself to his feet. “Just wait here while I grab my first aid kit and I’ll patch you up.”
“Can’t I eat my chicken tenders first?”
Carlos laughs softly as she pouts up at him. “Don’t worry, princess. I’ll have you fixed up in no time.”
Charlie bites down on the inside of her cheek at the pet name. Princess? Really? She knew some of the people she had worked with had thought of her as prissy and high-maintenance, but Carlos had only just met her this week. Unless…
The realization that he’s flirting with her dawns on her suddenly and she perks up, as much as she can, at least. With everything that happened in Raccoon City she hadn’t even had time to process any type of emotions, let alone that she might be attracted to him. But, as Carlos comes back, first aid kit and supplies at the ready, Charlie realizes almost immediately that she is. 
She is very much attracted to him.
“Wow. You weren’t lying about playing doctor, were you.”
Charlie looks up at him through her lashes, milkshake cradled in her hands. She can see the corner of his lips quirk up at her words and she sucks on her straw to stifle her own smile. 
“Playing doctor, huh?” He lays everything next to her before he sits down, the bed creaking underneath his weight. “You make a terrible patient, you know that, right?,” he teases.
Moving the left half of her robe aside, Carlos begins to gently cleanse and disinfect the scattering of small cuts alongside her arms and torso. It burns more than she would care to admit and Charlie can’t help but hiss as he drags the gauze over her skin.
He looks up at her sheepishly, dark eyes filled with a gentle kindness. It makes something inside of her stomach flutter. 
“I wish you had come to me sooner, so far it doesn’t seem like they’ll get infected. But this one,” he pauses, his fingers graze the bruise on her side as a frown starts to form on his face. “This one might need some extra attention.”
Charlie scoffs. No fucking way is she going to the hospital right now. Yes, she is in excruciating pain and yes, it hurts to both sit and stand. But going and getting it checked out after what happened in Raccoon City? Not a chance in hell.
“Go to the hospital and have the government catch up to us and question us about our affiliation with Umbrella or stay here and have you do your best to help me take care of it.” She holds up her hands as if weighing the options. “I think I choose the latter.”
Carlos sighs in response. Charlie knows he means well, and she does genuinely appreciate the concern, but their employers not expecting them to make it out of the city alive put them in quite the dangerous predicament. 
“It shouldn’t be us who’s on the run. Those motherfuckers need to pay for what they’ve done, what they’ve put us through.”
“I know.” 
Her voice is quiet and she bites her lip, inwardly wincing as her teeth connect with cut flesh. She doesn’t know what the future holds and she’s uncertain about how to feel about her past, but despite everything the present isn’t quite as bad as she imagined it would be.
“Listen, I want to be able to fix this,” he says, gesturing at her injuries. “But that doesn’t look good. You could -”.
Not wanting to hear anymore about the potential risks of not seeking medical attention, Charlie leans forward, cutting him off with a simple, chaste kiss. She wasn’t intending on doing that and pulls away almost immediately, mouth agape and cheeks flush from embarrassment.
“Oh, fuck. I don’t know what came over me.”
Carlos doesn’t let her get another word in, taking his chance to interrupt her, his hand cupping her cheek before leaning in to kiss her. Unlike hers it’s neither gentle nor soft. Instead, his lips greedily capture hers in a way that brings out a different hunger in her.
She whimpers as his teeth tug on her lower lip, a trickle of blood from her cut trailing out. It’s devouring and all consuming; exactly what she needed after everything that’s happened to her recently. After a few moments she pulls away. She wants more, she needs more, but she knows now isn’t the right time. 
Charlie peeks up through her lashes at him, an innocent, almost girlish expression on her face. What has gotten into her?
“Yeah. Wow.”
Carlos rests his forehead against hers and for a couple of minutes the two just sit there, their breath heavy as his thumb strokes her cheek. Unable to handle the silence any longer, Charlie sighs exasperatedly. 
“Can we eat the chicken tenders now?,” she whispers, eliciting a chuckle out of Carlos.
Maybe this was always supposed to happen, their paths crossing despite all the horrors they’ve seen. It’s certainly a nice thought.
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bunbunlovestowrite · 2 months
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Yandere!Tentacle Monster x Fem!Lighthouse keeper! Reader
Damn that title long
Cws: Tentacles are referred to as more than one, reader is a bit of a perv for wanting to bang monsters, consensual somnophilia, excessive cum, cumflation, penetration, the monster is buff ngl 💦, this is supposed to be freaky/kinky :p also reader is morally grey
You've always loved solitude. Even when you were a young girl in foster care.
Fog, mist, rain, thunder, dark clouds, all of those added to the feeling of being enclosed where no one else was.
You don't like sunny days. Not in an emo way but in a need for a calm, and the blistering sun couldn't bring you that.
Fast forward 20 something years and you struggle to stay at a job because of people. Rude customers, loud kids, lazy coworkers. Hell you got fired from your local grocer because you threw a cabbage at some entitled asshole.
And by some luck, you weren't in cuffs yet. Fate? Prolly lol
You were reading the newspaper one day and saw an ad for a lighthouse keeper. It must have been urgent if it was in the paper 4 times.
The people you met for the job were shady as hell. But they offered to pay good for you to just take care of the lighthouse completely alone for 6 months.
They put you on a boat and shipped your ass out to an island hours away from the mainland.
It had the lighthouse (duh), a cabin for you, a very small forest, and beaches covered in driftwood and seaweed.
It was foggy, cold, and wet with no sun peeking through the clouds.
The people who hired you were eager to get off the island. So immediately after showing you the basics they ran off.
The cabin was old and rustic, with a few holes in the roof that were covered by aged duct tape.
There was an outdoor shower and the place used gas lamps for light.
But you enjoyed it. The solitude.
Now let's skip to two months later.
You got the hang of keeping the light on and keeping it fixed. The stairs definitely worked you out though.
You spent 80% of your time using the small workshop to repair the cabin. It eventually looked slightly livable.
Everything was completely normal
Until that day on the beach.
You were outside your cabin showering.
The outdoor shower didn't exactly have curtains so you were exposed to the beach it faced.
The hot water kept you comfortable in the cold weather and you were relaxed...until you heard a growl.
You assumed it was an animal and looked around when you saw something light purple disappear into the ocean waves.
Coral you thought just coral
You went on with your week like nothing happened but you always felt watched.
It wasn't until one night during a storm you felt it.
A storm had hit the island hard, it was freezing and your shitty blankets did little.
You barely managed to fall asleep when something warm engulfed you, arms and slimy embraces.
You screamed in shock and fear but your unwelcome bedmate held you harder and wouldn't let you move.
It was only after you calmed down that it relaxed.
Light purple skin was what you noticed when looking down. With scales in areas that were slightly darker.
The tentacles were wrapped around your legs tightly, writhing in certain areas.
You got a better look when your holder put you on your back and sat above you.
A humanoid creature with light purple skin and what seemed to be a jellyfish head sat on its actual head. It had no nose and completely white eyes, not to mention a gentle smile.
It cooed at you, dragging it's hands up your stomach and sliding up your bra.
Slimy and warm, that was it's skin.
You normally would have thrashed and kicked, but maybe it was the pheromones the creature left out, or how one tentacle pressed right against your cunt through your damp shorts.
But you moaned when it touched you. A soft, unashamed moan.
The tentacle at your shorts practically tore them off, panties included, and it slid up and down your slit and flicked against your clit.
You watch as it's hand fondled your tits and pinched your nipples, its eyes slightly lidded.
You let your body roam down it's chest and saw it didn't have a cock. It was kinda like a ken doll. But the tentacles must have the same effect as one when you saw white precum drip from the larger tentacles tip.
More tentacles held your arms and legs open while the tentacle squirmed into you, thick and struggling.
There wasn't a part of you it didn't fill. Your stomach bulged slightly as it didn't wait and immediately moved in you, wiggling before pulling out and slamming back in.
The cabin was full of lewd wet noises and your cries, along with the creature chirps and coos while it pet your head that night.
There wasn't a second it didn't have a tentacle on or in you.
Despite its main body being in the water there was a tentacle wrapped around your legs that you never found the start of.
It had an iron grip and wouldn't come off unless the creature itself was nearby.
When the tentacle wasn't dormant it would rub against your clit through your pants or would be in you, gently drawing orgasms after orgasms until you begged it to let you breathe.
The creature was never gone for more than a few hours. And when it came back it came with gifts.
Shells, pearls, fish, jewelry it made or rusty jewelery it found on the bottom of the ocean.
You noticed it liked it when you wore the jewelry during sex, mainly due to how much rougher it was.
Then there was the slight fear of getting knocked up.
Every single time you had sex you would try and tell it to pull out but it would just smile and pet your head before cumming in you for the third time that hour. And you loved it.
Sometimes, when you were especially needy, you'd put on more of a show when showering.
Even touching yourself when you knew it was watching. The creature loved it.
You'd see it stand in the water and would beckon you closer, to which you happily obliged.
You'd meet in the water and it would kiss you roughly before lifting your legs around its waist and kept you above the water as it fucked its tentacles deep into you. The water mixing with the (possible) gallons of cum that spilled from you
One of your favorite things was waking up to its coos and growls.
You'd be held tight by its tentacles while it found shoved it's tounge in your cunt, hitting deep spots with its flexible prongs.
Other times it would wake up to you using one of its tentacles, whining when you couldn't get it to stay stiff by itself. It would act asleep and slowly stiffens the tentacle so you could have your fun.
What a perv you are
But then again the sun's gonna blow up one day so :p
It seemed to have infinite stamina and an infinite libido.
It could be the most inconvenient time ever and all you need to do is give it a look before your suspended in the air by your hands while it curls a smaller tentacle around your clit and fucks you with its thick one.
The creature was possessive before you knew it was there, especially when people dropped off your supplies.
But now that your it's? A whole new genre of possessive.
On time you had to keep a straight face while talking to someone cause the mini tentacle was rubbed right against your g-spot while somehow rubbing your clit under your skirt.
It even started biting you hard enough to leave marks.
Requests are open :)
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kinrdevan · 18 days
buck, tired and aching, after a- not bad, but long shift of back-to-back calls and wanting nothing more than to go home and cuddle his boyfriend, and fall asleep in his arms, but knowing that tommy started his own shift only a couple hours before, and resigning himself to a cold bed and a night of cuddling tommy's pillow, instead, hoping that it still smells like his boyfriend. it's been a rough few weeks of nothing but them being passing ships in the night, one of them flopping down into bed beside the other to soak up what little time they have together, or of quick hello's and quicker goodbyes and stolen kisses in between at the door, leaving them both a little more than grouchy and bruise eyed, because they've gotten so used to sleeping with the other that they struggle to sleep without them now, and honestly- buck's over it. he adores his job, and knows tommy loves his, too, knows neither of them would ever give them up unless forced to- would never want that, either, but. he does want more than five minutes of rushed affection with his boyfriend. wants to hold him, and be held in return, wants to fall asleep next to him and wake up next to him. wants soft, slow morning kisses, and sleep-warm morning cuddles. wants to make them both breakfast with tommy wrapped around his back, pressing kisses to his neck, and to his jaw, trying to distract him as he nicks pieces out of the pan. he just. wants his boyfriend.
he goes to tommy's house, because if he can't have his actual, living, breathing, hot, firefighter-pilot boyfriend, with his soft smiles and gentle touches and his cuddles, and care, and love for buck, then the house filled with all of the little pieces of him, of all the little reminders of him scattered around, seems like the next best thing. he kicks his shoes off at the door, slings his duffle bag to the side, and tells himself that he'll pick them both up in the morning. he doesn't bother to shower, doesn't have the energy, and makes his way straight into tommy's bedroom, intent on face planting into his boyfriend's pillow. he flicks on the lights and- stops dead in his tracks.
there's a stuffed bear; brown, and fuzzy, and wearing a little firefighter outfit sitting upright on top of what looks like one of tommy's folded, old hoodies, all placed neatly on top of buck's own pillow. his legs are moving before his brain even has the chance to command them to, and suddenly he's standing next to the bed, reaching out with gentle fingers to pick up the bear. the scent hits him before his fingers even have the chance to graze the soft fur, though, and the first thing he does is bring the teddy up to his face, breathing the familiar scent of tommy's aftershave in, before he clutches it to his chest, right over his heart, and then reaches out for the hoodie, too. it's soft, not in the just been washed, fresh out of the laundry way, but in the way clothes are only after they've been worn for a day or two, and when he brings it up to his face, it smells like tommy, too; not the strong, sharp smell of his aftershave, but the faint undertones of his natural scent, of everything that is uniquely tommy.
tears spring to his eyes, overwhelmed, because- tommy brought him a bear, and then sprayed it in his aftershave, and wore one his old, most cosy hoodies around all day, and probably slept in it, too, and then left them all on buck's pillow but at tommy's house because he somehow knew that buck would want to come here, even though he hadn't said that, and- he feels so loved, and cared for, and seen, in a way that he never has before, in a way that no one ever has for him before.
he puts the hoodie on, and climbs into bed. snuggles the teddy to his chest, taking a deep breath in, every now and then. he sleeps better than he has in weeks.
(he pretends not to notice his own missing hoodies from his laundry basket, or the way that tommy's side of the bed smells like his own aftershave whenever he's on an overnight shift after that. thinks he'll just have to get tommy his very own buck bear, too.)
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coca-cola-fiend · 1 year
How I think the straw hats sleep when they have company (romantic or platonic)
Wraps himself around you
You are NOT moving for a while
Snores, unless you prop him up right
Likes to cuddle, will whine if you say no (unless you look like super uncomfortable, emotionally aware king love that)
Mans has no thoughts of personal space. He wants to be close ALL THE TIMe
Will talk your ear off as he’s wrapped around you. Yes both arms and legs if it’s comfortable.
Tried to listen to you too, but will probs fall asleep. He doesn’t mean to be rude, bro is just tired and happy your with him.
Warm, but wiggles a lot.
After Marineford, he’s especially clingy. Has nightmares about it and only sleeps well if he knows his crew is safe and close by.
Please comfort him and tell him that the crew is safe, that he is safe.
Will drag you off for a nap if he’s tired. Or just falls asleep on top of you.
Will wake you up in the middle of the night to spout off random shit. Then fall back asleep. Or he’s going to try and grab a snack. Sanji is not pleased when the fridge is dented from this attempt.
Please make a deal with him to shower more. Your nose will think you.
Dude also needs a shower
Likes to work out and then have a nap
Doesn’t like to admit it but prefers when your around for both of these activities
Enjoys flexing while training and then relaxing with a nap with one of his favorite people on the ship
If he stinks, MAKE HIM BATHE. Bro is STINKY and needs to scrub more. After he washes then it’s nap time. That’s the deal.
Nami thanks you for this
It started with just napping around you, then slowly leaning onto you.
Neither of you make a big deal out of it, more for his sake then yours. He’s embarrassed to admit he’s soft for your time together.
Not a huge talker, but is very good a listening.
Gives advice if he thinks you want it, but will sit and listen if you need to get stuff off your chest.
Is a little jealous you can do so with ease (in his mind). He’s too caught up being strong for the crew that he forgets that he’s allowed to just be Zoro, not Pirate Hunter or King of Hell Zoro.
Snores a little, but not super loud. Place his head on your shoulder or lap and he’s OUT. May even curl an arm or leg around you if he feels like it.
Not used to co-sleeping
Sleeps with a weapon close by due to her past with Arlong. This doesn’t change, only the location of the weapon does.
Particular about her sleep. Has a routine and everything.
Expects you to hold yourself to a certain standard if your sleeping in the same room as her (you’ll have to work up to cuddling).
Will gift you nice pjs, soaps, blankets, things like that.
Gets hot easily, but hates being too cold.
Will fall asleep at her nap desk. Please pick her up and tuck her into bed.
That’s how it starts probably. She holds onto you in her sleep and mumbles something you can’t make out. You wait and get a quiet “stay…don’t go”. You stay.
This happens a few more times before your invited into her bed. You slept on the floor before to avoid making her uncomfortable.
Refuses to admit that she likes being the little spoon, but she has the best sleep when she feels safe and protected by someone she trusts deeply.
Likes to nap in the sun under her trees with you. The warmth and the smell of the fruit is relaxing.
Doesn’t ask you to nap, just expects you to agree. Drags you to nap when she’s had a bad day.
Please just hold her for a bit and listen to her rant about stuff. She appreciates it more then you’ll ever know.
Tries to act chill when you fall asleep on him for the first time.
Is smiling while trying to act annoyed like it’s an inconvenience (he feels so happy do NOT believe him)
Another one to fall asleep while creating. If you can’t pull him away wrap a blanket around him and place a pillow under his head.
Usopp is a lonely guy, considering he didn’t really have any friends before the straw hats (not including the Usopp pirates and Kaya).
If feels nice to be chosen
Likes to tell you stories (real and make believe) as your winding down to sleep.
Lights up when you smile or laugh because of him.
Makes it his goal to make you smile at least once before the end of the day. Even if it’s just an eye smile, he knows he’s made you happy, and that makes him happy.
LOVES late night talks. Doesn’t matter what it’s about. He’s happy to spend time with you.
Does his best not to wake you up in the morning if your not ready to wake up. Will save you some food (from Luffy) if your not awake yet.
Will be thinking of stories all day to tell you. Of course he tells the rest of the crew, mainly Chopper and Luffy, as well. But your late night talks hold a special place in his heart and day.
Is forever grateful you chose him as your best friend.
Another one who has a hard time accepting affection (Zoro, and Robin too).
Happens after he has a nightmare about his family (this feels familiar ha).
You catch him up super late and ask him what’s wrong.
He doesn’t tell you right away (especially if it’s before Whole Cake) and gives a vague explanation of having a hard time sleeping.
You offer to help, and for some reason (sleep deprivation due to stress) he agrees.
You bring him back to bed and hold him. He’s not used to being held and take a bit to relax and get comfortable. The last time someone held him like this was either Zeff or his mom. Probably his mom.
This repeats for about a week before he starts seeking you out. He’s embarrassed about it at first but can’t deny he does sleep better with you around.
At some point, you start waking up with him and keeping him company while he makes breakfast. Whether you help him or not depends on what he’s making.
You keep him entertained while he cooks, and he makes you a little extra as a thank you.
Of course he’ll deny this if you bring it up, so if you want extra, just enjoy it.
He may tell you more about his dreams as time goes on, but nothing huge until you actually meet his family. Then he doesn’t even need to tell you, you just know when he’s having a hard time and step up the comfort.
He’s grateful to have such a wonderful crew to call his own.
I’ll probably do a part 2 with the rest of the straw hats later, but I’m tired and want to post this already. The straw hats deserve some comfort with all that trauma.
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ryry-rebel · 1 year
Mafia Boss Sukuna
Mafia Boss Sukuna x fem reader
Warnings- Sex, Cussing, Mentions of killing
Word Count- 690
Pronouns- she/her the reader is female
Content- cussing, kissing, fluff, mentions of killing, smut, degration, pet names, penetration, slapping, aftercare, groping
My Masterlist -> Masterlist
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Mafia Boss Sukuna who would murder anyone for you. He would burn the entire world down for you if it was you who asked. You say the word and whoever you want is dead. He would kill them however you wanted; your wish is his command. “I will tell my men to get rid of them tonight. You say the word and it’s done.”
Mafia Boss Sukuna who caters and gives into your every need. Nothing is too expensive for him. “Kuna look, that dress is just so beautiful.” “Put it on me.” You jumped up and down with excitement as you ran into the store to try the dress on. His generosity towards you went further than clothes. Jewelry? He’s got it covered. Are you craving a specific dish? He will order it and have it prepared for you.
Mafia Boss Sukuna who is so overprotective of you. He wants to be with you all the time, but with his job, that’s impossible. So, you are forbidden from going out without him or one of his most trusted employees with you. He wants to keep you safe from harm. “Baby, I know you want to go out, but I have enemies and I don’t want their disgusting hands all over what’s mine.”
Mafia Boss Sukuna who tortures anyone who wrongs you. “What did he say to you? I’ll have his head on a spike, and I’ll ship his body back to his family! Nobody hurts my girl.” If someone dared make you cry, other than him, they wouldn’t live to see another day. He would track them down and murder them with his own two hands. Their death would be slow and painful.
Mafia Boss Sukuna who lets you attend his meetings with him. “Master Sukuna, is this woman allowed in here?” “This woman is my lady, and you will treat her with upmost respect. She is to remain at my side.” Sukuna would sit in his big leather chair and pull you onto his lap. He will rub his fingers along your hips as he goes on with business. His hands will squeeze your plump thighs as he watches you wriggle in front of his associates. He will ask for your opinions on his business matters too. Most likely he won’t take your words into consideration, but he wants his underlings to have respect for you.
Mafia Boss Sukuna who claims you in bed. He buries his cock deep inside your cunt and thrusts his hips into yours with extreme force. “Look at you, taking my big cock like a good little slut.” “You are my little slut, aren’t you? Such a pretty little whore for this cock.” He would wipe your tears away as he continued to assault your little pussy. He would slap your ass until you were crying out his name. “That’s right baby, cum on my cock for me.”
Mafia Boss Sukuna who surprisingly gives the best aftercare. He would kiss up and down your body, making sure he tends to all the marks and bruises he left. “I didn’t hurt you too much did I sweetheart? I didn’t mean to be too rough with you.” He would run you a hot bath and use your favorite bath bombs. “I’ll wash you up baby, just relax for me, okay?” He would massage your aching muscles while he brushes your tangled hair. “You did such a good job for me.”
Mafia Boss Sukuna who has a soft spot for you and only you. Everyone knows Sukuna’s cold demeanor and vicious personality, but you get to witness his warmhearted and loving side. When he got you alone, Sukuna would shower you with praise and kisses. “You look so gorgeous today doll.” “You’re such a pretty girl, and you’re all mine.” He would wrap his arms around you tightly and pull you close as he places warm, gentle kisses to your forehead. At night he would cuddle you and whisper sweet nothings into your ear until you drifted off to sleep. “Sleep tight baby. I love you so much. You mean the absolute fucking world to me.”
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bedoballoons · 10 months
I wanna request smthng simple,,,
Any character with user that naturally have a really hot body temperature plz (on my knees)
This is actually right up my alley, I always run warmer compared to everyone else! I love it, thank you so much for your request and I hope you enjoy <3
─⊰⁠⊹ฺ🍂𝔾𝕖𝕟𝕤𝕙𝕚𝕟 ℍ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕔𝕒𝕟𝕠𝕟𝕤⊰⁠⊹ฺ🍂
{༻~To hawt~༺}
CW: Suggestive fluff! MDNI! Mentions of being in the shower together and multiple other scenarios! (Pet names: Lyney: Mon amour, Diluc: My dear, Albedo: My love,
(Includes: Lyney, Diluc, Albedo,and Wriothesley!)
You tossed and turned in bed, feeling like you were melting under the hot covers...when had the cold night air turn into muggy warmth. You lifted the blanket off of yourself, almost gasping at the relief the cooler air brought to your body, now if only Lyney could take the rest of the blankets so they weren't touching you at all, then you might just be able to-
"M...mmon amour?"
"Oh no did I wake you Lyney?"
"No, its just really cold out and I could feel the blankets moving. Why are you in uncovered? You're going to freeze to death. Here let me tuck you in."
"No no, that's okay! Ha, I was actually feeling warm!"
"..." He paused for a second, contemplating wether you'd actually meant your body temperature was running higher than a normal person's would...or if this was actually due to some suggestive dreams. The second answer left a bit of room for flirting, even if it was the middle of the night he'd never miss the opportunity. "Mon amour, if you are ever feeling overheated...you can always ask me for help~"
Diluc pulled back from the water the second it hit his skin, feeling like he'd just been hit with a bucket of ice water,...when he said he wanted to take a shower with you...he hadn't expected that to mean a cold one. "Ahem...could we turn up the heat of the water? I can't imagine what use we have for a cold shower at this moment in time."
"It's not cold though, this is my normal shower temperature. Actually it's a little warm for me." You smiled at him brightly, rubbing shampoo into your hair while he stared back at you in shock...how could water that felt like it had been shipped right from the dragon spine streams...be what you shower in everyday? "Diluc...?"
"...is it because you're to hot?"
Your eyes widened at his question, soap suds running down your soft skin as his face turned red, he hadn't meant it the way it sounded, but now of course he couldn't take it back, especially since the both of you were currently naked in front of eachother...trying to unsay something like that wasn't going to work in this situation.
"Just to hot to handle I guess."
"Yes, yes you are my dear."
"Here you go my love, please keep warm with it." Albedo draped his coat onto your shoulders, hoping to heat you up while the two of you watched the subtle snowfall of dragonspine. He wasn't sure how you hadn't started shivering already, usually humans would be freezing about now, but you actually didn't seem bothered in the slightest.
"Awe you don't have to. I'm actually not cold at all if you'd like to keep it." You snuggled up closer to him, emphasizing your body heat as your warm hand slid into his delicate cold one...you really didn't seem affected by the snow. How very interesting. "We've been together for awhile now and I've noticed you always tend to run warmer than others. Is there a reason behind this? Perhaps somewhere in your family lineup your relatives bonded with that of a pyro slime..."
"What in teyvat are you talking about? I highly doubt any of my relatives had relationships with pyro slimes, I just have a high body heat and being near you doesn't help." Your heart instantly picked up pace as your words slipped out before you could stop them...when had you gotten flirty?
"I suppose it would be a slimy situation either way then hm?"
"How would you like your tea?" His grace set out a cup of sugar, excited to hear what kind of ways you liked to mix up the delicious drink. In truth this was a incredibly important question to him, after all it's his favourite beverage and he makes it often, knowing your order will tell him more about you and allows him to make it just the way you like from then on. He only hoped you wouldn't get tired of it soon after he started serving it to you..
"Hmm a couple spoonfuls of sugar and lots of ice!"
"...ice?" His ears perked up, attention fully trained on you...he simply couldn't imagine why someone would want to put ice into their hot tea. To cool it down? But wouldn't it loose it's flavour, leaving it more like a tea flavoured water instead?
"Mhm! Iced tea is so yummy and it makes it harder for my body to overheat!"
"...iced tea. Do you normally use ice as a means to cool yourself off?"
"Interesting, I'll have to remember that~"
"Remember that for what???"
ଘ(੭*ˊᵕˋ)੭* ੈ♡‧₊˚~Have a nice day~*⁠.⁠✧
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yoitsjay · 2 months
hello hello, i saw your requests are open!!! (i got so excited)
might i request some tech x f!jedi reader where they start by just working on the marauder together. and like over time both of them get more comfortable with each other and start opening up to one another. then one night after a battle on her homeworld they finnaly realize they have mutual feels and kiss? thanks sooo much!!
i hope you have a great day/night!!!!!!!
Yes requests are always open! Feel free to request any time 😊
This is so cute, enjoy!
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Don't Want You Hurt
Pairings: Tech x Fem jedi! Reader
Summary: you were on your homeworld fighting droids when you got swarmed by more separatists. You almost got hurt and Tech realizes he can't hide his feelings or concern for you any longer.
Warnings: cannon violence, fluffiness, reader gets hurt, kisses
Word count: 1,992
As a padawan you were faced with many hardships, you were only a child when you were thrown into the clone wars. Your master Aayla Secura taught you all she knew while also teaching you the harsh faces of battle and how to deal with the death that followed.
But you were an extremely gifted jedi and the council knew this. You had rare force abilities that not many jedi had anymore, life force healing as well as battle meditation. Aayla taught you how to harness those capabilities and amplify them without harming yourself.
You had passed your trials when you had turned 20 and often assisted Aayla’s battalion while you waited for your own. However that never happened, and instead you were told that you would be assigned to an experimental clone unit.
When you first joined them you felt very out of place, you tried bonding, amongst other things but it didn’t really get you that far, so you just focused on missions. You only ever really spoke to Hunter when it was about planning, since you were their commanding officer they did have to listen to you.
It had taken a while, but the way you fought so fiercely and protected many of them from harm, they started trusting you and actually holding conversations with them. Tech especially had asked you many questions once he got comfortable around you.
You were currently on Coruscant doing some repairs on the Marauder as well as getting it fueled up. You were out of your armor and instead wore a thin tight pair of workout shirts and a sports bra, sweat dripping down your back as you worked outside the Marauder.
You didn’t know why it was so hot outside, but you heard the news broadcasters mention something about heat flashes for a week so that could have been it. “Y/n i need your abilities to lift up the new hyperdrive.” Tech requested as he stepped out of the ship, you stood up, wiping the sweat of your brow as you nodded.
The hyperdrive had been damaged in a battle, you managed to get it repaired in order to jump but had to stop in Coruscant to get a new one.
You closed your eyes and with both hands you reached out, using the force to pull out the old and busted hyperdrive before replacing it with the new one. You could feel Tech’s eyes on you as your muscles flexed and you grunted before standing up straight stretching out your arms.
“Okay i’m gonna go take a break.” You told Tech, offering him a smile as you walked back onto the Marauder, graning as you slumped down onto the cold floor of the bunk room. Crosshair poked his head in, smirking as he saw you on the ground ass up.
“hot sweetheart? i bet i can help” he flirted, but you just groaned and flipped him off, pushing yourself upwards before getting off the ground. “I just don't get how all of you can still be in your armor while I'm dripping sweat down my back and thighs.” You huffed, walking out to the little fresher in the Marauder. Tech had walked inside, watching you slink into the fresher before shutting the door.
He looked over at Crosshair who was snickering to himself before he entered the cockpit.
By the time you were sweat free and dried off from your shower, Hunter and Wrecker were back with a new mission and fresh rations. So you got dressed.
You had long forgotten standard jedi robes in favor of hard plastoid armor which was even painted to match the bad batch’s armor. Granted you still had significantly less armor then Hunter or the others since you still needed that added mobility, but you had a chest plate, pauldrons, arm bracers and lower leg armor, leaving your lower abdomen to above your knees more vulnerable.
They had tried to get you to wear a full set but you just wouldn’t budge on it, always arguing back that if any armor hindered your movements you could put the team at risk, and you always had your lightsaber to deflect shots.
“We have a new mission, boys- and Y/n.” Hunter spoke up as he entered the Marauder, you rolled your eyes, but followed him into the cockpit. “We're being asked to travel to Onderon since they reported some separatist activity. So we’re gonna destroy it.” Hunter explained, however your eyes went wide.
“Onderon?” You repeated, Hunter nodded. “Yeah? Why what's up?” he asked. You sighed, sitting down in the cockpit as you rubbed the back of your neck. “It's just- that’s where I was born… I haven't been to Onderon since… since I was a baby.” You started, shaking your head. “I’ll be fine, it's just… kinda crazy.” You muttered.
Tech turned to look at you, raising an eyebrow before he spoke up. “Why is it crazy?” He asked, you turned to look at him before sighing and leaning back in your seat. “It’s nothing, seriously I'm fine.” You stated, not wanting to really talk about it anymore.
But you had a bad feeling growing in the pit of your stomach.
Turns out you were right about the bad feeling bit.
After some scouting you found the separatist base outside of Onderon’s city but it was empty. You decided to do some solo scouting and told the rest of them to stay back and watch your back in case anything had happened, but eventually you slipped out of view.
What they didn’t see was you getting knocked out by droids, your double bladed lightsaber was taken, and force blocking cuffs were put on your hands as you were taken prisoner inside the base.
Hunter knew something was wrong when thousands of droids emerged from the forest at once and walked into the facility, so he, Tech, Wrecker and crosshair scaled the wall of the base when the coast was clear and started searching for you.
“I can’t believe we captured a jedi!”
“General Grievous will be so excited!”
“Maybe I'll get promoted!”
The battle droids conversed, and Hunter raised his hand and pointed in a direction, Tech followed where he was pointing, eyes widening as he saw you, suspended in the air with your arms and legs bound.
“We have to get her.” Wrecker whispered, Tech nodded in agreement as he lowered the visor part of his helmet and surveyed the area as Hunter came up with a plan.
You on the other hand were starting to wake up, a sharp gasp leaving your lips as your eyes flew open.You pulled at your restraints, growling at every droid that passed by you. “Let me outta here you dung heaps! I swear to the maker when my men get me out of here I'll sever all your heads!” You shouted angrily.
This caught Tech’s attention, and he couldn’t help but smile as his brothers chuckled.
However before they could begin their plan, a lone fighter ship had entered the atmosphere and flew down into the base. Emerging from it was none other than grievous himself. You spat at his feet when he reached you, narrowing your eyes as he roughly grabbed your jaw.
“My my, what a fine specimen… you’ll be a wonderful addition to my collection.” he stated. Igniting one of the lightsabers he held.
“Wait!” You exclaimed, and he paused as he held the green blade to your neck. “If you're gonna kill me, why not make it fun? Let me down and give me my lightsaber and let me challenge you. If you win you kill me, if I win- well- I win.” You breathed out, turning your head away as you closed your eyes, fully prepared for him to just cut off your head.
“Yes… yes I will grant you this request.” Grievous said, before releasing your restraints. You dropped to the ground with a thud, and a droid waked over, tossing your saber to your feet. A circle of droids was made, and now you and Grievous stood in the middle.
He ignited all four of his lightsabers, but you had yet to ignite yours. You circled each other, but as you did you unclipped your chestplate and pauldrons, letting them fall to the ground.
Grievous then charged you, but you dodged his quick and angry blows, ducking, jumping and just overall avoiding his swings. You glanced up, catching the flash of a rifle. You grinned, knowing your men, your friends had these droids surrounded.
As Grievous swung his sabers at you you finally ignited your dual saber and blocked the attack, however he had only attacked with three sabers, using the fourth to stab you in the abdomen, You let out a choked sound of surprise, clenching your teeth as you closed your mind before calling on the force to push him away before you jumped back.
Pain burned through your abdomen, but you didn’t let one stab cripple you, or kill you. You then ran forward, jumping high into the air as you nodded to whoever was looking, and a bomb charge was thrown into the air.
Mid jump you directed the bomb towards Grievous, landing on the ground as you cut through some droids before jumping up and onto the wall beside Tech. “Miss me?” You asked, teasing almost despite the growing burning pain in your torso.
“You are critically injured Y/n, we are returning to the Marauder.” He stated, catching you in his arms as you stumbled forward when the pain had gotten too much. You nodded weakly, allowing Tech to pick you up in his arms.
You weren’t surprised at his amount of strength, he had shown many times that he had the muscle and the skill for many things outside of blaster combat.
Hunter, Wrecker and Crosshair covered your exit, but soon you were all back on the Marauder and tech was already looking at the small hole in your abdomen. It was entirely cauterized, so all he had to do was put bacta on it and cover it.
Hunter piloted and also sent a message to the council that Grievous was there and that the operation was bigger than they thought, and that they were injured. You groaned and winced as Tech cleaned up the area a little bit before placing the bacta over both sides of the wound. He was being as gentle as possible with you, and you couldn’t help but stare.
His helmet was off, but as you studied him, you noticed a tear fall down his cheek, and then another. “Tech?” You called out, placing your hand on his. “You don’t need to cry, you know I'll be okay.” You whispered, holding his hand in yours. “I know, but you…”tech trailed off, avoiding eye contact.
“Tech, you can talk to me.” You whispered, hearing him sigh. “I find myself caring for you, more than I should. I don’t want to ever see you hurt.” He explained. You frowned, but nodded, gently reaching up to cup his cheek. “I care for you too Tech.” You whispered, slowly sitting up with a grunt before pulling him into your arms.
“I started having these feelings for you a while ago.” He muttered into your shoulder. You chuckled, pulling him back as you cupped his cheek again. “Me too Tech… I love you.” You expressed honestly, seeing him smile at you.
“Don’t ever duel Grievous on your own again.” He ordered sternly, but you simply rolled your eyes before pulling him into a gentle kiss.
Wrecker cheered in the background, only for Hunter to slap a hand over his mouth, pulling him into the cockpit with crosshair to give you and Tech some privacy.
“You can't give me orders, you know, I outrank you.” You whispered to Tech, who just rolled his eyes and pressed his lips to yours again.
Tag list:
Tech tag:
@moomoog017 @only-my-unexistent-fiances
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azaliyas · 1 year
Hi! I saw this cute tik tok where Alhaitham is autistic and his weighted blanket was being washed so he was very grumpy snd couldn’t fall asleep so like kaveh decided to lay on top of him to try and emulate the blanket.
If it’s ok can you do that but alhaitham x reader, romantic and established relationship? Sorry if it’s confusing 😭
summary : alhaitham is a man of simple requests and simple needs, but when they're not met, like his precious blanket not being on him for the night, it can become quite the problem. luckily for him you, his amazing lover, have a solution that he will gladly enjoy (but he will never admit it).
word count : [ to be added later ]
genre : fluff.
cw / tw : none.
characters : alhaitham.
note : omg me?? posting?? what a rare occasion 💀 yes i'm not dead and i'm still writing! i just forget to post '^' anyway anon i'm sorry for the delay 😭 you have the right to bonk me if you want, i deserve it anyway ;-; this idea was so cute tho, i need to see that tiktok even if i don't ship haikaveh lol // i have more pieces ready they just need proofreading (if i can find the will to, otherwise to hell with that :D). on a serious note 1) i didn't understand much about weighted blankets so if this piece is off eeeeehhhh i tried 2) internet said that habibti was the right word, but if habibi is the one let me know please! hope you can enjoy this, sorry my sporadic appearances 🫠❤️
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a few years into your relationship with alhaitham you learned quite the number of curious facts about the scribe that many didn't know — not because alhaitham kept them a secret, but only because of his reserved personality that didn't make him open up to the first person that was in front of him.
the scribe liked his coffee burning hot with no sugar and just a little sip of milk, enjoying it sitting at the same spot of the kitchen table every morning. he also liked working out mostly in the evening and take a shower right after. alhaitham loved sleeping on your chest, the sound of your heartbeat a comforting lullaby.
speaking of sleeping habits, alhaitham could only sleep with his weighted blanket wrapped around his body. because of this, the scribe was very attentive in washing it during the day so it would be dry for the evening. that was one of the first things you taught yourself to do in order to help your boyfriend, a gesture that had the dendro user fall harder for you.
at least, that's what you succeeded to do until today. the rain didn't allow the blanket to dry during the whole day, and so by the evening it was still dump. impossible to let it be used, even when you had hung out the blanket before starting cooking dinner for tonight. by the time you and alhaitham had to turn in for the night, it was still wet. and cold. defeated, you had to put the weighted blanket aside.
you found alhaitham standing near the mattress in your shared bedroom, pyjama on and ready to crash the bed and fall asleep. that was, but his blanket was amiss.
your groan came out sounding more like a whine noticing this scene. you cursed the rain while scrambling your thoughts trying to find a solution.
«it's fine.» alhaitham said, turning on his feet to look at you. you knew he was lying.
«it's not! how are you supposed to fall asleep without your blanket?!» you whined again, a sound of exasperation leaving your throat right after.
«i can put more blankets on top of each other. it's not a problem.» your boyfriend rebutted, walking toward the wardrobe.
alhaitham pulled out some blankets and started laying them on the bed one after the other. deep down the scribe knew it wasn't the exact same thing, but a weighted blanket had its purpose in the deep-pressure touch that brought calmness and comfort. and that deep-pressure touch was given by the heavy weight. by logic, more blankets on top of each other had to be enough heavy.
but for once in his life, alhaitham was wrong. it was a weird feeling, but not as weird as tossing around back and forth, incapable of sleeping for more than five minutes before waking up again. his movements and his grumbling had you waking up.
you turned on your side and faced your boyfriend, just in time to meet his gaze. he furrowed his brows as soon as he noticed you staring at him.
«sorry for waking you up.» he murmured, annoyance clear in his voice. not at you, of course, but at his incapacity of falling asleep.
you looked at him, eyes focused, and alhaitham knew you were thinking hard about something, but what that something was he didn't know.
without a word you dragged yourself on top of alhaitham, who laid on his back as you took place on his chest, your blanket wrapping around both your bodies. your head rested in the crook of his neck, your hands gently pressed on his chest, right above where his heart was.
«habibti... what are you doing?» alhaitham looked at you like you just grew a second head on your shoulders.
«well, the comfort of a weighted blanket is in its weight, right?» you asked, raising your head to look at him. alhaitham slowly nodded. «hence my position: i will act as your blanket for the night.»
to say the scribe was flabbergasted was an euphemism. he didn't mind your wonderful mind and colorful ideas, after all it was one of the reasons why he fell in love with you, but sometimes he couldn't help but wonder if you the hamster running on your wheel wasn't actually high on something.
«it doesn't make sense.» he rebutted.
«this is where you're wrong, haitham. it does. weighted blankets have their purpose in their weight, that brings comfort thanks to the fact they mimic a hug, helping you release serotonin and dopamine, hormones that soothe you and help you sleep.»
you concluded your explanation with a satisfied smile, chin resting on your knuckles while you looked at your speechless boyfriend. it was a very rare occurrence to leave the scribe without anything to say, and almost all of the times it was because of you.
sighing and subtly rolling his eyes, alhaitham decided at last to try your idea and sleep like that — although, your chest was a much better pillow than the feather ones his head was currently laying on.
oh what a delight was to see your boyfriend's stunned face the next morning, the heaviness of sleep still clinging to his god-touched features as he was blinking away from the sun rays pouring from the window.
«don't.» he grumbled.
your smile turned into a knowing smirk.
«told ya!» you happily chimed.
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© azaliyas 2023 do not copy repost translate or feed to ai
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detectivelokis · 1 year
❓️+ Charlie how did you feel about Carlos flirtinv with you in the middle of a zombie outbreak?
“This is probably a little dumb, but I kinda liked it? I dunno, we were always stationed different places around Raccoon City and Umbrella, but I had noticed him in passing and thought he was cute. So, despite the horrors, a little flirting put a pep in my step, so to speak, and gave me even more incentive to survive. Is it - is it wrong to want to live just so you can get laid afterwards?”
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jennilah · 5 days
Your saw ship for the fall ask game! (Sorry I don't know anything about Saw)
ahaha the stupids <3
for Hoffstrahm:
Who gets excited about Halloween in July: God yeah I feel like, for reasons I cant explain that goes beyond the obvious villain/hero thing, I think Hoffman would be the one excited for Halloween whereas Strahm is more of a christmastime softie.
Who starts wearing sweaters and scarves on the first day of September and completely overheats: mr bigcoats and jackets and hoodies over his SUIT while working on MACHINERY Hoffman gets cold first but hes fine, Strahm tries to wear a sweater and the sun shines a little and he turns into one of those worms that shrivel up and die on the sidewalk
Who thrives in Fall/Who prefers Summer and warm weather: Strahm is happy once its cool enough, the increasing cold as the season progresses starts to annoy Hoffman
Who thinks the other looks so cute when they’re cold and trying to fight it with 50 sweaters: they both do bc i say so because i think sweaters is the fuckingg cutest thing a man can wear on earth so ill go ahead and project on both of them here thx
Who offers the other their jacket: Strahm :)
Who doesn’t want to get out of bed in the morning because it’s too cold and has to run from the warm covers to the shower: i think Strahm bc i think he'd be the grumpier of the two in the morning about everything.
Who touches the other with their freezing cold feet at night: Strahm, as payback. for the atrocities.
Who makes the hot cider to snuggle under a blanket and drink: Strahm
Who loves carving pumpkins and buys about 300: secret low-key halloween lover Hoffman, once theyre domestic and he realizes he can have fun in life again
Who is terrible at carving pumpkins: Strahm
Who thinks pulling the pumpkin guts out with their hands is icky: Strahm
What is their favourite Fall activity: holding each other hostage on the couch watching horror movies & trying not to argue about them
Who gets scared when they watch Horror movies: Strahm..
Who hands out candy to trick-or-treaters: Strahm :)
Who accidentally scares the kids: Strahm :(
Who suggested the couples costume: Hoffman
What is their couples costume: i .. dont know i cant think of one sobs i can only think of the inappropriate objects ones in every spirit halloween
What is the best Halloween they ever had: maybe their first one together after Strahm notices Hoffman is a lil distant and lingers by the pumpkins in a store one day and is like "... u want one?" and then its like he flipped the switch
What is the worst Halloween they ever had: the very next one where hoffman suggests they have a more formal party w their friends and it gets too wild
Who eats too much candy and ends up sick the next day: it was Strahm
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vizishereig · 16 days
24 with your ship of choice <33 i hope you have a lovely day/night!! :D
this evoked Leon's first time in fall for me, hehe <3
24. “You’re freezing cold.” from this prompt list :)
Scozai has a changing of seasons, but with how dry the surface of the planet is, it can only be boiled down to the cold and warm seasons. The caves protect against both, staying at the same temperature year-round, just like human ones. So, usually, the only people who are affected are the ones who are topside for one reason or another.
Leon hated being topside, in his last years on his home planet. Being in the militant district, drills were run every day. He used to get dry soil in his scales and the cold would make him sluggish, easier to hit. The cold days were the days he was at his worst, with a stiff shoulder that never fully recovered from the tail that had punctured it.
Krauser, of course, would never let up on those days. He’d push and push until Leon was aching with it, feeling joints stiffen up further, scales emanating cold even when they were sheathed. He’d fall into bed shivering, bundling up as much as he could after a shower (which was also cold, as Leon tried his best to get in and out of the shower block as quickly as possible).
Earth, on the other hand, is beautiful when the temperature changes.
The world, which was green a few months ago, is now a mix of golds, reds, and oranges. It’s cold, sure, but it’s not a biting chill. Not yet, at least, but Chris says it’ll get colder soon.
Leon’s favorite time is the afternoon, when the sun is starting to set. Gold rays scatter across the trees and the world looks like it’s on fire. It reminds Leon of Luis, and he’s slowly learning to live with that bittersweet feeling that appears when he thinks of his former partner.
He’s on the porch right now, though, curled up with a thin blanket, eyes scanning the trees. Chris and Claire had rented a cabin for Rose’s Thanksgiving break. It gives both Rose and Leon to experience something new. An added plus, the privacy allows him to be himself. His scales are hidden, but his tail is out, bobbing up and down in his lap.
The porch door opens behind him, but he keeps his eyes on the trees, watching leaves fall when the breeze blows a bit harder, drifting to the ground like fallen embers. As cold as it is right now, he doesn’t think he can equate fall to anything other than fire.
The person settles in the bench next to him, and now is when he spares them a glance. It’s Chris, not that he expected any different (the bench wouldn’t have settled as much as it did when she sat down and Rose is giggly whenever she tries to sneak up on him). The man raises an eyebrow at him, and he rolls his eyes.
“It’s pretty,” Leon says, gaze slipping back to the trees. His tail, unbidden, moves to wrap loosely around Chris’s wrist. He doesn’t move it, even as he feels the warmth through the chitin.
“Your English is getting better. You don’t even sound like you’re overthinking every letter anymore,” Chris teases, and Leon clicks out a few choice words in response to that. The man only laughs, reaching over to bring Leon closer to his side. The man jolts in surprise as he grabs Leon’s hand, making a sympathetic sound at the temperature of them.
“You’re freezing cold, Lee, oh my god,” he says, rubbing out Leon’s hands with his own.
“Yeah, but. It’s pretty,” Leon says again, huffing out a laugh as Chris levels a small glare at him.
“C’mon, inside. Rose wanted hot chocolate anyway,” Chris says, standing up and pulling him up as well. Leon tries to look upset, but fails, also delighted at the prospect of the sugary drink.
His tail moves from Chris’s wrist to loosely circle his ankle, but he doesn’t notice as he’s brought inside, one of Chris’s arms curled around him. Rose is inside, too, quickly letting out a laugh and running forward to cling at Leon’s legs, excited to see him.
He’s warm.
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dominimoonbeam · 22 days
To The Edge - 22
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This work is mine and I do not give consent for my works to be used, copied, published, or posted without my permission. I am sharing chapters as I work on this story but it is copyrighted material that I plan to rework and publish when completed.
story tags: scifi romance, hijinks in space, rogues learning to trust, violence, blood, guns, death, explicit language, so much kidnapping,
Works organized and easily found over on the patreon. <3
“I told you that trick shot idea was stupid!” Rory couldn’t remember the last time he’d laughed this hard.
“Eventually—” they started to argue.
He shook his head. “No, you did not get it to work eventually. You just sprayed a ton of bullets and managed to hit the target with one.”
“It was more than one!” They waved an arm back in the direction of their target practice. “You know you’re impressed.”
He was tired in the best way, in a way he hadn’t been in longer than he could remember. He was worn out just from having fun. They’d both done trick shots, competed in distance shots, and even done a bit of dueling. “I did so much better than you! I at least nicked the target every time.”
“What should I name it?”
Rory shook his head. He couldn’t believe they were still pretending their backwards shot was worth a damn. “Just admit you can’t do it, Stardust.”
They clucked their tongue in disapproval. “Don’t be sour just because you lost more duels.”
He held up an arm. “Okay, okay, I will admit you won more duels if you admit you can’t do that backwards shot.”
“Never,” they answered instantly. “You wouldn’t even try to be helpful!”
“I’m not wearing sunglasses to help you!” he said for the hundredth time.
They caught his arm. “Let’s just do a few more tries.”
He smiled and shook his head, no matter how tempting that sounded. “No. Even if we weren’t out of paint cartridges, we are definitely out of time.”
Stardust sulked.
“Trust me, you want to be out of here before the sun sets. This moon gets icy at night.” And they were both sweaty and covered in paint. He chanced a glance at them as they walked toward the ship. They were dripping in pink and green. “And really, at this point, I’m not sure if we could tell new paint shots from the old. You are covered. Although, I don’t hate that shade of green in your hair…” He reached out, rolling one paint-soaked lock around his gloved fingers.
They swatted his hand away. “You’re one to talk.”
“What? My hair? Oh shit… Did you have to use so much neon orange?”
“Orange is better than green. This shit might stain…”
“At least neither of us wore the jacket… We’d look like pirates in it if it was covered in all this shit.” And if that stained, it really would be ruined. No one but a pirate wanted to be mistaken for a pirate.
The gravel crunched and shifted under their boots. The wind had turned cold and the shadows long. It was going to feel great to get a hot shower and back into the steady hum of space.
“Cosmic…” they said, voice low, just as he noticed something was off.
He didn’t miss a step and neither did they, still walking that straight line toward their ship. “Fuck.” A figure was leaning against the canyon wall far off to the right, not even hiding. They wore gear for combat and a full mask, their riffle in their arms.
“To the right…” they said.
“Yeah, I see it… Just keep walking toward the ship.”
His heart pounded. They didn’t have any live ammo. They didn’t even have any paint rounds left. “There’s another one to the left,” he said, voice still low and steps measured. And there would probably be a third at the ship if this crew had the time to set up this trap…
“Who do you think they are?” Stardust asked and he heard the strain in their voice—trying to be casual when they too had to have realized how screwed they were.
“Probably bounty hunters… If we can get to the ship…” Two mercs stepped out of the shadows ahead of them and one continued right into their path. “Shit. Shit. Shit,” Rory exhaled under his breath. “Okay, so that makes four. They must have been waiting for us to come back…” he said the obvious to fill the space. This was bad. There was too much distance and open ground. If he had bullets…
“I don’t suppose you have any live ammo left on you?” It seemed worth asking even when he knew the answer.
They shook their head.
“Keep walking. Straight toward the merc in our way. When we reach him, you make a run for the ship. Don’t look back. Don’t stop. Just run for the ship and get inside.”
“What?” The surprise in their voice was a gut punch to his senses. “I-I can’t get in without the co—”
Rory scoffed. “Oh, bullshit, I know you know the code to the door. Why are you arguing? Run. They won’t shoot you if they’re after that bounty.” Stardust was still wanted alive. He checked often just to make sure.
The shooters on their sides aimed, guns humming with life.
Stardust still wasn’t running, keeping slow step at his side. He was about to push them when they suddenly jerked to the side, in front of him and up close. For one delirious second he thought they were going to do their stupid trick shot… but they had no ammo and they weren’t even facing him. Their back pushed up to his chest and their arms spread.
Rory ground his teeth. “Stardust…what the fuck are you doing? Move!” He grabbed at their jacket, smearing paint, and tried to drag them to the side. The ground shifted loudly underfoot in that little skirmish. It seemed to confuse the mercs too.
“You said it yourself. They won’t kill me,” Stardust argued.
His heart twisted in his chest, until it felt like it was literally clogging his throat. “That doesn’t mean they won’t shoot you on accident if you act like a human shield!”
“Just keep walking forward but keep me in the way,” they said, like there was any chance in hell he’d do that.
“This isn’t a fucking game. Run,” he practically hissed in their ear, trying to shove them to the side. Why? Why wasn’t he considering it? Somewhere, in the back of his mind, he knew this wasn’t the worst idea. The mercs wouldn’t risk shooting a Solinoh. He might be able to use them to get closer. But he couldn’t.
“If I move they’ll shoot you!” they snapped.
Rory was afraid those words and the sound of their voice breaking under the strain of emotion would be echoing in his head for the rest of time. They shouldn’t sound like that. They should have left him standing there and saved their own skin. “So what if they shoot at me?” he yelled and shoved them away from him. “Run for the ship and the guns.”
They stumbled forward, paused for a second and then mumbled, “Okay,” before bolting forward, not at the ship, but at the merc.
“What? No—”
Stardust, unarmed and covered in paint, rushing a fully armed mercenary was enough to surprise everyone standing in that valley. The merc dropped his rifle to swing on the strap around his chest when he reached out to grab the primer coming at him. They twisted sideways, grabbing his sleeve to pull him forward. They used his weight and momentum to unbalance him, press into his side and grabbing his sidearm off his belt. Instead of firing it, Stardust tossed it high over their head.
Rory Atilla had brought down a corporation transport with nothing but mining explosives when he was a teen. He had chased off pirates from his parents’ farm with a nail gun. He had gotten onto a ship and escaped his burning homeworld and been on adventure every day since. But when he darted forward, dropping to his knees to dodge bullets and slide on gravel, arm out to catch that loaded weapon, he thought this might be the best moment of his life.
All the best moments were right on the edge of being the worst.
His heart pounded in his throat, not for the thunderclaps of gunfire or bullets skirting his body, but because in his periphery he saw his Stardust grapple a merc twice their size and go down.
He twisted to the side and shot twice at one of the attackers, having to turn to find the others before he could even see if the one to the right had dropped or not.
“Stardust!” he called through the storm of gunfire, needing the confirmation of their voice but not getting it.
Something hit his chest hard enough to push him back a step just as he was standing but it wasn’t enough to stop him from shooting back, emptying the pistol and dropping the two mercs to the left.
His legs shook when he started forward again. It had all happened in a matter of seconds, from that first shot to this moment. But it only took a second to die.
Stardust was on their back in the gravel under the big merc, grabbing at his arms and shoulders, and kicking at the ground while he slammed his heavy fist down into their face.
Rory closed the distance, ears ringing. Why had they done it? Why had they taken the risk? Why put themself in danger? “Get the fuck off them!” he heard himself roar when he threw his shoulder into the other man, tackling him off of the primer.
The wind screamed through the valley, the sun dropping lower with every second.
He punched him, practically climbing him to stay on top in a mess of a grapple. He had to get this done. He had to make sure Stardust was okay. Were they up? Had they still been moving after that last punch?
Why hadn’t they left?
The merc fisted one hand in the front of Rory’s jacket while the other pulled a big knife.
Rory already had his hands on the man’s rifle, twisting it against the strap to push the nozzle into his stomach. He held the trigger down and a volley of shots competed rang out.
As soon as the man collapsed, Rory unclipped the rifle and put a few more bullets in him before making a quick turn to see if anyone else was standing.
No one was.
Not even his primer.
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icey--stars · 4 months
Contact Headcanons
How do they communicate? Azriel and Eris are very physical communicating individuals, but their banter is quite important as well.
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Day 3 of @azrisweek (Contact)
a/n: just a few short headcanons for my favorite ship :) also I kinda just let myself ramble so its definitely not my greatest work, but hey, oh well.
WARNINGS: SFW, but some mentions of sex
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In my imagination, I see Azriel and Eris as very physical lovers
While Eris is prone to use words, they’re taunting. A shield that he’s used all his life to hide himself.
When he’s with Azriel, he shouldn’t hide himself and Azriel has never been the one to use words much.
So, Azriel and Eris communicate best through touch and maybe a few prickly words shared across their bond or taunts/challenges through a little sly letter sent with magic into the other’s pocket
But it’s always been touch for them
This doesn’t always include sex (just most of it XD) but also just the littlest touches throughout the day that make it just slightly more bearable
Neither of them share too many words unless it’s important, so they find little ways to show their love
Little kisses during the day
Sly brushes from Azriel’s shadows that can shock Eris due to the coolness
When one of them is feeling stressed, just the other resting a hand on their thigh or maybe even playing with their hair (Eris adores this but Azriel will never pry that secret from him. Though, the cheeky shadowsinger already does know. He just acts like he doesn’t.)
After a fun time in bed, the two will deny it to others, but they love to cuddle. In bed, in the bath, in the shower- wherever the hell they end up. They always spend just a little bit of time breathing in each other’s scents and calming their hearts with the soft touch of their mate.
Azriel loves to encircle Eris with his wings in bed and it makes for the perfect sleep as well: Azriel is generally someone who runs cold while Eris runs hot obviously. They even each other out.
The closeness also tends to scare away the nightmares of the past from their minds, though they’ll still occasionally wake up screaming
When this happens, few words are shared unless they need to talk or they’ll explode (on occasion, Eris just needs to ramble about something, anything. It calms his anxiety and Azriel likes to listen and gently, silently, affirm Eris that everything is alright by keeping him close)
On nights when it's a nightmare that regards touching being triggering (ex. Beron’s dungeon or Azriel’s brothers), it’s always one of them talking the other down until that touch is non threatening and instead grounding:
“Eris, Eris, you’re not there anymore, baby,” Azriel whispers into the night. “You’re alright. Beron’s dead, remember? You killed him. Ripped off his crown. He’s not there and he never will be again. Come on, Eris.”
Eris would eventually wind down a little and then it’s back to the ever persistent theme of touch:
Azriel brushes Eris’s hands with his own, keeping Eris’s eyes locked on his as he traces his scarred hands up Eris’s body until he could cup his wet cheeks. “You’re alright,” he whispers and moves closer to encircle Eris with his arms. His shadows move to the scars Azriel knows are burning with the memory until Eris finally grapples onto him desperately, tears and silent sobs making their way out.
Azriel only puts one hand on Eris’s head and lays them both down gently so Azriel could wrap his wings around his mate and gently play with his hair until he passes out again in exhaustion.
In the morning, they don’t share words unless the other needs it- just the affirmation that they’re not alone is enough.
Another way they communicate is through spouts of whitty (albeit rude) banter.
When they’re away from each other, it’s little notes in their pockets. Teasing and bantering back and forth.
Sometimes they do go a bit far with it and one of them ends up getting a bit offended or disappointed, but they both know most of the stupid shit they end up saying is just for fun.
They really do enjoy messing around with each other in any way they can– after all, that’s how these beautiful enemies-to-lovers started, isn’t it? Whitty, annoying banter that they wouldn’t change for the world
I’d also like to say that I don’t think Azriel and Eris have the best communication skills as a couple. In fact, it probably takes them at least a century to talk about some old hurt. Eventually they will, when it starts hurting the relationship, but do not take them as an example of “aww! they have great communication!” you are lying to yourself.
Definitely not my greatest work, but I hope you all enjoyed the little short things regardless! It made me want to write a nightmare comfort scene...
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Btw, feel free to ask more questions about the headcanons <3
TAGLIST HERE! - see post for specifics <3
Tagged in all ACOTAR Stories: @bunnymallowo, @officiallyunofficialperson, @margssstuff, @rebloggiest-reblogger, @inpraizeof, @graciereads, @eos-princess, @bubybubsters, @fieldofdaisiies, @skyesayshi
Tagged in all Azriel Stories: @ladylokilaufeyson5, @marina468,
let me know if you'd rather not be tagged for AzrisWeek2024 or be added! (there's one more fic!)
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In Sickness And In Health
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Rating: Explicit (18+ Mature Readers Only) 
Pairing: Hunter x Female Jedi! Reader  
Words: 3k
Warnings: Here be smut! PIV Sex, Unprotected Sex (Wrap it before you tap it folks), mentions of sickness. 
Summary: After coming back from a mission on an ice planet, you begin to not feel quite like yourself. You are determined to suffer through this mysterious illness alone, however your clone sergeant/lover has some other ideas about how to make you feel better.  
Tags: Hunter x Female Jedi! Reader, Smut, L-Bombs, Porn with feelings, PIV Sex, Thigh Riding, Shower Sex, Reader is sick, Hunter is determined to take care of her, in more ways than one.  
As you climbed the steps leading back into the Marauder that night, you could already tell that something was off. You’d been running a job for Cid with the boys that led you to a remote ice world. The job had been simple enough; retrieving information from a contact of one of Cid’s mysterious clients on their hidden base in the outer rim. In fact, it had been one of the less eventful jobs that the squad had pulled off in quite some time. You were all thankful for the reprieve, and excited to return to Cid’s for a bit more down time before the next inevitable death-defying assignment turned up.   
At first you attributed your sore throat and abnormally hot skin to the change of temperature from the freezing tundra to the climate controlled air of the Marauder. However as Tech put the ship up and made the jump into hyperspace, your symptoms only got worse. By the time you emerged from the fresher after your designated turn in the shower your whole body shook from chills. You layered a spare set of Hunter’s blacks overtop of your normal underclothes, yet still couldn’t seem to get warm. Your body swayed uneasily as you stumbled through the fresher door, completely foregoing the cockpit in favor of entering Hunter’s private quarters. It was very uncharacteristic of you to not visit with your squad to discuss the day’s events or what your next moves were, however the insistent pounding in your head took precedence.  
The door slid shut behind you, plunging the space back into darkness as you crossed the small room and climbed into Hunter’s bunk on pure muscle memory. Just as you were pulling the blankets up over your shoulders, you heard the whoosh of the door sliding open once again. A beam of artificial light briefly cast across the bed, causing you to hike the blankets up even higher to shield your eyes. The door shut again just as quickly as it had opened and, before you knew it, you felt the familiar dip in the mattress as the weight of a larger body settled behind you. One of his strong arms wound around your waist to pull you closer as you shifted backward to meet him, welcoming the added warmth of his body heat.  
“Cyare,” Hunter’s gruff voice beckoned to you, his breath tickling the shell of your ear. “What’s wrong? You haven’t said a word since we got back to the ship.” 
“I’m fine,” you lied, attempting to hide the way that your voice cracked as the words crawled their way up your throat. “Just tired.” 
Hunter let out an exasperated sigh.   
“Well, your heart rates’ elevated. I can hear it beating out of your chest. And you’re hot to the touch, even though you feel cold judging by the double layer of my blacks that you’re wearing and the way your teeth keep chattering.” You immediately locked your jaw in an effort to stop it from shaking. Hunter chuckled quietly behind you in the pitch blackness. 
“When are you going to learn that you can’t hide from me cyare?” You flipped over to face him, choosing to burrow into his chest in favor of responding. Another shiver coursed through your frame as his arms encircled you, bringing you impossibly closer. 
He dropped an affectionate kiss to the top of your forehead as his hand rose to gently brush a few stray strands of hair from your face. Even with his sense of sight taken away he could still see you perfectly.  
“You don’t have to be alone,” Hunter reassured you, his voice dropping to a near whisper. “I’m here for you, always. Just let me help you.”  
“It’s not a big deal,” You grit out. “I think I just picked up a virus while we were out there on the surface.” 
“I know,” He murmured into your hair. “Tech said that might happen. I’m sorry. I forget sometimes that you’re not like us, with our genetically engineered immune systems and all.”  
“It’s s’okay,” you reassured him. “Just been awhile since I was sick…I’m sure I’ll be okay in no ti-“ Your sentence quickly devolved into a coughing fit as your body lurched and writhed against the sheets. You tried to roll away but Hunter was faster. He tightened his grip on your body, tucking your face beneath his chin before beginning to rub your back. 
“Easy there sweetheart,” He soothed you. “Take a deep breath, I’ve got you.” Slowly but surely your throat relaxed and your breathing began to slow as you settled against Hunter’s chest once more.  
“What do you need cyare?” He asked you. His voice was soft, though the underlying worry in his tone was unmistakeable. 
“I’m just…really cold..” You stammered out as another shiver violently rattled it’s way up your spine. Hunter was quiet for a moment, seemingly deep in thought as he toyed with the hairs at the nape of your neck.  
“The fresher’s open.” He offered up finally, in a similar way to when he would offer up a new strategy on a mission. “We could go get you back in the shower for a little while.” 
“I don’t know if I can stand for that long,” You murmured, not trusting your limbs as the heat from your fever pulsed through them, making your joints ache and your muscles feel weak.  
His hand moved upward to cup the back of your head as he drew you in to drop another kiss to the crown. 
“I’ll come in with you.” There was a brief beat of silence before he amended; “To make sure you don’t fall.” 
You rolled your eyes. “Of course, Sergeant.” Hunter gently untangled himself from your grasp before climbing back out of his bunk. 
“Come on cyare.” Through the heaviness that seemed to seep to your very bones, you slid to the edge of the bed. Once you had lifted yourself back to a standing position, your head spun from the movement and your knees nearly buckled beneath you. However Hunter sprang into action, wrapping an arm securely around your waist to stop you from collapsing. 
“Take it easy,” He cautioned you, his gruff voice right by your ear. A shiver rose goosebumps across your skin for an entirely different reason. “There’s no rush.”  
You took in a deep breath, calling upon the force to center yourself even through your discomfort. 
“Okay,” You confirmed. “I’m good.”  
You both made your way out of Hunter’s private quarters back toward the main part of the ship. The rest of your crew mates must have already went to their bunks or up to the cockpit, because you saw none of them along your slow journey to the main hallway where the fresher was located. You were secretly thankful for this fact, having not wanted to field any knowing glances from the boys or questions from Omega as you and Hunter filed into the small chamber together.  
By the time you had shed your clothes Hunter had already turned on the shower and dropped his own set of blacks to the floor. He then untied his bandana from around his head and placed it delicately onto to the side of the sink, a ritual he’d performed countless times before. His hair fell freely in front of his face before he tucked it away behind his ears. Even through the fog of your illness you couldn’t help but appreciate the way that his dark brown locks flowed around his handsome face. Seeing him in his natural state was always one of the best parts of your day. You hadn’t realized how long you’d been staring until his gaze met yours, an amused smirk tugging at the corner of his mouth.  
Within a moment he had closed the gap between you, wrapping one arm around your waist while the either reached out to activate the door panel that opened to reveal the shower. A puff of steam burst from the compartment to beckon you inside. As the two of you made your way beneath the spray, Hunter stayed true to his word and never removed his hands from your sides. His elbow bumped the door panel to seal you in, before he turned you to face him.  
His arms wound around you as you snaked yours around his waist in kind. You pressed yourself as close to him as humanly possible, allowing the heat from the water and the heat from his skin to overtake you. You closed your eyes and rested your head against his chest, feeling your body immediately begin to relax. The steam soothed your throat as you breathed deep, allowing it to flow through your sinuses. The chills that had previously plagued you were now long gone, replaced by a heat that seeped through your skin and warmed you to your very core. Slowly, you felt yourself being shifted once again to lean against the wall. Hunter’s back blocked the water from spraying in your face as his knuckle curled beneath your chin, lifting your head until your eyes met his. His expression was soft as he gazed down at you, and you felt your heart flutter in your chest.  
“Feeling better cyare?” You couldn’t help but smile back at him as you nodded. 
“Yes, much. Thank you.” He pressed his lips gently to your forehead.  
“You’re welcome. Although…” He trailed off as the hand that wasn’t beneath your chin gripped the flesh of your hip. He pressed into you again, except this time one of his thighs managed to wedge its way between your legs.  
“I think I can help you warm up even more if you’d like.” You giggled softly as you wound your arms around his neck. 
“See, I knew your motives for this shower weren’t entirely innocent.” He hummed quietly, not disagreeing with you as his eyes followed the way that his hand skimmed up your side to cup your breast. At that exact moment he flexed the muscle in his thigh and your laughter quickly devolved into a whimper.  
“I assure you this is just a bonus.” He teased, his voice dropping an octave as he observed the way your hips automatically jolted. Though your desire was apparent, he still caressed the side of your face and murmured your name to draw your attention back to him. Your eyes fluttered open to lock on to where he was already intensely staring down at you. You were captivated by the way that his damp curls stuck to his forehead. A single droplet of water fell against his cheek. It ran down the tattooed side of his face until it got caught on the plush skin of his lower lip. You had to suppress the urge not to lean forward and lick it off.  
“I’m all for distracting you, but this only happens if you feel up to it.” Your heart once again swelled with love for your sweet, caring sergeant as you smiled up at him and eagerly nodded your consent.  
“I do Hunter. I want you to. Please, touch me.” The corner of his lip curled upward into a brief smirk as he leaned in to capture your lips with his. His kiss was slow and building as he pressed more of his body weight against you. You’d forgotten about the hand that was still resting on your breast until the callous on his thumb brushed across your nipple. You gasped, and Hunter took the opportunity to slide his tongue into your mouth. His other hand caressed your cheek, brushing a few wet strands hair out of your face on its journey to cup the back of your head. Your hips flexed as you began to grind against his thigh, seeking out any form of relief that you could for the heat that was now rushing south to pool in your gut and between your legs. 
“That’s it sweetheart.” He mumbled, his lips brushing against yours as he spoke. “Does that feel good?” Your brow furrowed as you as gripped his shoulders, using his frame as leverage to pick up the pace. 
“S’good…but I need more,” You whined. He hummed his acknowledgement as he pressed his lips to yours again in a brief but passionate kiss. 
“Tell me what you need pretty girl.” You moaned desperately as a fresh wave of arousal ran through you. He only used certain nicknames for you during intimate moments like this because he knew exactly what they did to you.  
“Hunter…I…please, I need you…just you.” Your senses were on overload as your blood simmered with a high that you just couldn’t reach. You knew you needed more stimulation, but you were long past any coherent trains of thought.  
“Shh, it’s alright.” Hunter cooed, taking pity on you. He pressed one last chaste kiss to your lips before dropping his hands to grasp onto the sides of each of your thighs. His leg abruptly moved out from between yours. You whined at the loss of contact, but before you could protest any further you let out a yelp as you were you were hoisted upward through the air. Your nails scraped along Hunter’s shoulders as you clung to him for dear life. Once he had secured your legs around his waist, he leaned himself against you to press you back against the wall. 
“Easy meshla, I’ve got you.” He mumbled into your neck. You could already feel the head of his cock rubbing against your entrance, and you eagerly flexed your hips.  
“Hunter please,” You begged him. “Please fuck me!” He peppered kisses along your shoulder and chest as he lined himself up. You opened your mouth to continue to beg, but before you could say anything more he bit down on your pulse point and pushed inside you in one fluid motion. You cried out as your head fell back against the wall, the breath being punched from your gut with the force of his thrusts. 
Hunter immediately set a bruising pace. The build up had clearly affected him too judging by how he withdrew himself nearly completely out of you before slamming back in. The angle allowed him to brush against your g-spot each time he bounced you on his cock. It sent delicious waves of pleasure shooting up your spine and pooling down in your gut. All the while you cried and moaned, a senseless string of praises and whimpers of his name slipping past your lips. You were consumed with everything that was Hunter until not a single other thought remained. One of your hands rose to tug gently at the curls at the nape of Hunter’s neck, eliciting a noise that was more akin to a growl from somewhere deep in his chest. 
“Fuck cyare,” He groaned. “You feel so good, you always feel so good.” You whined high in the back of your throat, a sure warning sign that you were reaching your end. 
“Hunter…I…’m gonna cum.” 
“Yes Meshla,” He encouraged in a rush. “Cum for me, I’m right there with you.” 
With a final cry of his name, you tumbled over the edge. You didn’t know if it was from your orgasm or the fact that he was holding you up, but you felt as though you were floating. All that existed was  the pleasure blooming within you and the way that your cunt fluttered around Hunter’s cock as he reached his own end. The way that he moaned your name as he came was one of the most beautiful sounds that you’d ever heard. The movements of your hips began to slow as you rode out your highs. Hunter’s plump lips pressed a kiss to your pulse point, soothing the spot where his teeth had previously dug in.  
Even as the water grew cold you held onto each other, waiting until you’d completely come down before you dared to move. Careful to not jostle you too much, Hunter leaned backward to shut off the steady stream. He then lifted you off his cock and untangled your limbs from around him before you setting you back down onto your own two feet. The door to the shower opened and any remaining heat quickly rushed out into the rest of the fresher. Goosebumps immediately began to rise across your skin, however before you could become too cold Hunter was there once again to take care of you. He wrapped a towel around your shoulders and dropped an affectionate kiss to the top of your head before turning to grab his own.  
The contrast between the way that he had just fucked you within an inch of your life in the shower to how he now so delicately cleaned you up and dried you off was nearly enough to give you whiplash. However, it more so reminded you of exactly why you loved this man so much. He was sweet and loving and selfless, while also being captivating and passionate and intense. Hunter was all hard lines and soft edges. He loved with his whole being, and gave everything that he had to those who he cared for the most.  
It wasn’t until he began to dress you in another set of his blacks that you were drawn from your reverie. He had somehow already dressed himself again, and had even tied his hair back behind his signature bandana. 
“Credit for your thoughts?” He asked as he urged you to lift your arms so he could slide his shirt overtop your bare chest. 
You smiled sweetly once your head poked back out from beneath the collar. Your hand rose to cup his tattooed cheek.  
“Just thinking about how much I love you.” Hunter grinned back at you, placing his large hand overtop your own. He turned his head so he could press his lips against the inside of your palm. 
“I love you more cyare.” You shook your head. 
“Not possible, but I’m way too tired to fight with you. Can we go back to bed?” He snorted a laugh before gathering up your remaining clothes and towels and placing them in a neat pile. 
“That’s fair enough.” He agreed. “Come on, lets get some rest.” You happily shuffled back to Hunter’s quarters before drifting off into a pleasantly exhausted slumber as Hunter held you in his arms. Even in these most uncertain times, you’d never felt safer or more secure in your life.  
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This is a direct follow up to Story #223 and Story #232.
“Piece of shit!  It’s your lucky day.  You’re getting out of here.  You’ve been sold.  Lil’ Hog told me that I’m to transport you to the east coast.  I’m also to clean you up and tend to your sores.  Now, the chain your collar is coming off.  Coyote will use it on the next slave he’ll install later on today.  I am bigger and stronger than you, so don’t try to run.  Nod if you understand…
“Good.  Lean forward.  Damn this is one solid collar…. Hey, he gave me the right key this time…. Get up and let’s get out of this sewer of a bathroom.
“Bright out hunh?  Here, wash yourself up with that bucket of water.  I put some soap and a washcloth next to it.  There’s no hot water here, so it’s going to be a bit cold.  Scrub up good.  I don’t want you stinking up the cab of my semi.  Tonight, we’ll check into this motel, and you can have a hot shower….
“Are you… crying?...  Wait, you think that I am your savior, rescuing you from that disgusting mattress?  Oh faggot.  That’s too funny.  I’m just here to transport you from one hell to another.  We are going to spend a few nights at a motel in the middle of nowhere run by Big Hog. It’s a total dive.  Big Hog usually has the men to fill its six rooms.  They are waiting for us.  You have an evening of servicing whoever Big Hog plans on being there.  Don’t know what all he has planned other than your hair removal and castration.
“You can drop the shocked look.  And don’t even try to beg me not to take you there; I don’t care.  I really don’t.  You are fucking cargo to me.
“Your new owners want a hairless eunuch; they are going to get one.  That’s why we are spending a few days there.  Then I drop you off at the facility in South Carolina to be shipped off to God knows where.
“Everything is pretty much set.  Trust me, you won’t miss your balls.  It’s not like you were using them for anything….  Well other than a punching bag.  You are not going to father any kid.  So why leave them attached?  If anything, this should reinforce that you are not a man, that you are a cunt faggot slave used for the enjoyment of real men.
“Here’s the hose.  Rinse yourself off.  It’s cold….  When was the last time you cleaned out your cunt?...  A few hours ago?  Good.  Let’s go to my truck.  No, I don’t have a towel for you to dry off; the air is fine.  And you are not covering yourself up.  No one will think twice about coming into a closed down rest area.  Well except those in the know.
“You cleaned up well.  You no longer look like a troll living under a bridge.  Stop right here.  Get on your knees.  Out here in the open.  I have to take a hell of a piss.  Might as well start using my own personal toilet. 
“It’s big isn’t it?  This is what you are going to be serving the next week or so.  Fuck!  You sure know how to drink.  When I finish, get me hard.  I’m going to plow your cunt right here.  It’s too beautiful of a day to fuck in a closed cab. 
“Stand up, turn around, and put your hands behind your back….  These handcuffs will keep you from doing something stupid.  Now lean over.  Don’t worry, I got you.  These cuffs will act as a handle.  Oh man, are you ever stretched out.  Jesus!  My beercan is encountering no resistance.  No wonder why the guys are bringing me a special plug…. 
“Oh wait, do you hear that?  In the distance?  That sounds like a number of motorcycles.  Yeah, they will be in here in no time.  When they do, don’t fucking move.  I want them to see me plowing your cunt front and center.
“Oh man, I can feel a few fresh loads in you.  I will start the training you to build up these cunt muscles, to get them back to a place that offers some pleasure to the men using it.
“They are getting louder.  The sound of multiple motorcycles always gets my juices flowing.  Clamp down….  That’s all you have?  Fuck, we need to work on that.
“Here they come….  Look at that.  That looks like Coyote and Lieutenant Tom.  And Coyote has your replacement.  Look at that beast.  He’s not going to be here long.  Someone will buy him soon.  Oh! And here comes Lil Hog.
“Cunt keep staring at the concrete; don’t look up unless told to.  And don’t say a goddamned thing.  Here come’s Lil Hog….
“…Hey man I see Coyote has a beast of a slave going in….  Fuck.  Look at those arms.  Sheesh.  Can I get a piece of that before I and this cunt leave?  This fag’s cunt is so stretched out, it’s damned near worthless as a fuck.  Do you have the plug?  Good.  Good.  I’ll meet you in the toilet once I get this cunt plugged and installed in my cab.
“Cunt, get up and let’s go.  Take this butt plug.  In the next 50 feet, by the time we get to the semi, I want that plug in your cunt.  It should go in easy considering how stretched out you are.  That’s a very special plug; it comes all the way from Germany.  It has sensors around the base to monitor how tight you can squeeze. 
“Ok get up in the cab….  Lay in the bunk.  This chain is secured to the truck and now,… to your collar.  You ain’t going anywhere. 
“I love technology.  That plug is now synced to my iPad here.  Feel that vibration?  That’s telling you to squeeze.  You are to squeeze your cunt around the plug and keep squeezing as long as it vibrates.  If it vibrates very fast that means that you need to tighten up even more.
“When I get back, I will have a baseline score for your cunt muscle strength.  It will probably suck.  So I will most likely beat you for punishment, which will be after you clean off that beast’s ass slime from my dick.
“I’ll be back in a bit.  I’ll probably be last in the train.  And I don’t care if you want to beat off.  As long as you are squeezing the plug when instructed, that’s all I care.  Besides, this will be the last opportunity to pound your pud and drain your balls before they are sliced away.”
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ghostofskywalker · 2 years
A crosshair blurb when he gets an intergalactic cold and is a whiny baby and you have to comfort him?? Pls???
here it is!! i hope you enjoy!!
words: 664
clone troopers masterlist 
You could hear his hacking cough from all the way across the ship, and you immediately turned to share a glance with Hunter. You both knew what was coming next, you just had to see how long it took for Crosshair to actually ask for help rather than just try to pretend that everything was fine and he wasn’t sick. 
An hour passed, the coughing got more intense. You checked the medkit to see if there was anything for sickness in it, you were lucky enough to find a small package of pills that were supposed to abate some of the symptoms he was experiencing, and yet he never asked for help. 
Two hours had gone by at this point. The ship was colder than you would have liked, and you knew that to Crosshair it must have been freezing. You didn’t think he had a fever, but still no call ever came. 
Finally, it was the third hour mark that got him to whine for you, and you approached his bunk not sure what you would find. “Is everything okay?” you asked gently. 
The look he fixed you with was nothing short of murder, if he hadn’t had a runny nose and the sniffles. “What does it look like?” 
“Fine, Mr. Grumpy Pants,” you said, using the nickname for him that you knew he hated. “I guess I’ll just go back to the cockpit and help Tech fly then.” 
But before you could turn around, his hand gripped yours. “I’m dying here,” he rasped, clearly trying to charm you into staying. 
“And I can’t help you if you don’t cooperate with me,” you said, raising your eyebrows. “Do we have a deal?” Silence. You raised your eyebrows at him. “Well?” 
“See, that wasn’t so bad, was it?” Another murder glare was sent your way, this time interrupted by a hacking cough. 
Other than the medicine, there wasn’t much you could do to officially get rid of his symptoms, but you did your best. A cup of hot tea did wonders for him, and you found that once you were able to help him into the refresher for a shower that he seemed more awake and alert. That didn’t stop him from complaining the entire time though. You had helped each one of the Bad Batch through some kind of injury or sickness before this, but at this point it became clear that Crosshair was the most difficult patient you had ever dealt with, and you had a feeling he knew that. 
Your relationship with the squad’s resident sniper was hard to define, but you knew that his behavior meant that he trusted you enough to let his guard down around you. If this were anywhere else, he probably would have tried to suffer in silence, so even when the complaints got a little annoying and you started to snark back, you really weren’t all that mad at him.  
When it was finally time for bed, you expected him to send you away. But he didn’t want to let go of your hand, and even though his voice was mostly gone at this point, quietly asked you to stay. It was the first time he had willingly sought out such clear physical affection, and you acquiesced to his request.
The logical part of your brain knew that this wasn’t a good idea, that you would get sick too, but you couldn’t bring yourself to say no to him, not with the look on his face right now. “I hope you know that I expect you to take care of me when I inevitably get sick from this,” you said. 
“Fine, but you have to be the one to explain to Hunter why we’re in the same bunk right now when he inevitably asks.”
You just sighed. “You’ve got yourself a deal, unless you cough on me in the middle of the night, because then I’m leaving.”
“I suppose I can accept those terms.”
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