#ship: elizabeth x william
nevis-the-skeleton · 5 months
My FNAF AU (comics here)
They are all so silly X)
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hotmonkeelove · 10 months
My Black Butler Ships
Sebastian x Mey-Rin - Mey-Rin is the only one who's actually in love with Seabastian, rather than just lusting after him. She isn't constantly throwing herself at him. Instead, she's too shy to tell him. Much of the fandom says he knows about her feelings, but I have to doubt that. Sebastian claims she's incompetent because she's stupid, which says to me he's clueless as to the stupefying effect he has on her. He might know she's attracted to him, but I don't think he really understands the nuances of love. He believes that humans are all selfish and never satisfied, despite knowing ones who aren't like that. Mey-Rin, in particular, is nothing like that. She thinks being a maid and receiving a pair of glasses are the best things in the world. The only thing she wants is him, yet she's never aggressive about it. I think their dynamic has the most intriguing possibilities.
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Claude x Hannah - angsty and kinky! I love the twists in their relationship and Claude's character arc. While I think we can all agree Ciel becoming a demon at the end of Series 2 was stupid and deserving of getting disregarded in the third, Claude and Hannah's ending was perfection!
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William x Grell - they have the best chemistry of all the Grell ships. And William seems to have a bit of a soft spot for Grell, despite all the trouble she causes. (Whereas Sebastian is far more hostile to her.)
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Ciel x Elizabeth - they're adorable and they've been maturing together.
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That's it, at least so far.
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eyesforahead · 2 years
A deadly hug
An Afton+Sibling MALE reader
No ship's obviously
Bad grammar
Bite of 83
Hinted abuse
Mention of blood
Little background before we start. Y/N, Elizabeth and c.c who will be called Evan Chris Afton are triplet's.
Let's start. . .
You and Elizabeth were playing in her room. You weren't a fan of playing with the little dollies but you couldn't complain anything to get your mind off of your feelings.
Unknowingly without even wanting to you start tearing up and sniffle.
Your sister immediately looks up from your little doll show you were doing and hugs you.
"M/N.." she says her voice unusually silent.
"I-I miss him. W..why did he have t-t-to d-die????!" You cried hugging her.
Elizabeth hugged you tighter she didn't know what to say.
Father was so mean recently especially to mikey she saw him hit him but Elizabeth didn't care..
She hated Mikey
She hated Michael Afton
So so much that's all she felt
Hatred. . ..
He killed her triplet..
He's making M/N cry
She hated him so much
Elizabeth tried to think cheerfully so she can smile and her brother as well.
"Hey M/N , Daddy made a new location we're going tomorrow he made a circus baby just for me and and I also saw on his blue paper thingy a bear! You love bear's you can go see the bear while I can go see circus baby!!" She said cheerfully leaving out the part were she was warned not to go near her. .
You looked at her
"r.. really??" You said
"yup if I remember correctly his name is Funtime Freddy and he has a little puppet in his hand BonBon!" She said happy you're smiling.
You gasped in excitement you loved bear's!
"I can't wait!"
You couldn't wait to see the bear...
The next day came quickly and now both of you were finally here you saw the bear in the posters you wanted a closer look!
"Hey Michael" you asked looking up at your brother s killer
He looked down at you and you didn't fail to notice the bandage on his cheek.
"Yeah ?" He said
You told him that you and Elizabeth saw your friend and wanted to go play with her and he reluctantly let you go when he felt blood going down his nose.
"alright,stay where I can see you I need to take care of my bloody nose"
The moment he turned around to grab his bag both of you ran and giggled
"The bear auditorium is that way M/N I'm gonna see Circus baby." She said pointing to the right.
"okay Eli, you better tell me about Circus baby when you're done I'll do the same"
With a quick hug you ran to your death
You giggled you were so excited.
When you arrived you noticed how big he was! He was so pretty.
You were alone with him.
"Oh look BonBon" Funtime Freddy said.
You gasped he talked! You loved his voice.
You giggled and waved at him. "Funtime Freddy , BonBon Can I ask you something?" You said excitedly not forgetting to mention BonBon you didn't want him to feel left out.
"Anything Birthday boy!" Ft freddy replied.
"You look so pretty,can I have a hug? Pretty please with a cherry on top?" You asked happily.
"of course come here!" He said and BonBon giggled.
As you went in for the hug his stomach hatch opened and before you can scream you were already inside.
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entropiasgift · 9 months
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Ship dynamics: Like Dionysus and Ariadne, finding love after heartache.
"Distraught, Ariadne was wandering along the shore searching for sight of her lover's ship, when she was surprised by the wine god Bacchus. He had fallen in love with her and asked her to marry him, offering her the sky as a wedding gift, in which one day she would become a constellation." (x)
1. Susan Abulhawa, Against the loveless world. // 2. Mahmoud Darwish, With the Mist So Dense on the Bridge. // 3. Ariadne (1898), by John William Waterhouse. // 4. Glennon Doyle Melton, Love Warrior. // 5. Quote by Jamie Anderson. // 6. Ariadne in Naxos (1877), by Evelyn De Morgan. // 7. ? // 8. Megan Chance, The Spiritualist. // 9. Elizabeth Bishop, The burglar of Babylon. // 10. Bacchus and Ariadne (1522–1523) by Titian. // 11. Quote by Pavana. // 12. Hozier, Francesca. // 13. Baccus et Ariadne (1750), by Carle Van Loo. // 14. Mary Oliver, Blue horses: the fourth sign of the zodiac. // 15. Leah Horlick, For Your Own Good. // 16. ? // 17. Sharon Olds, One Secret Thing: Poems; “Something Is Happening".
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brain-r0tten · 2 months
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these came to be when I had a phase on Frankenstein but my style was going thru rough times back then so I never posted them lol
rambling below:
I plan to finally make some decent art for this crossover cuz I think it's funky
I watched a full 1,5 hr Wendigoon vid on it and it held me so hard in it's grasp that I had to listen to the whole Frankenstein audiobook lmao
I don't remember the full plot now but from my notes written earlier:
Twilight - Victor Frankenstein Rainbow - Henry Clerval (best friend of Victor, the homie that supports him even when he's being sketchy) Rarity - Elizabeth Lavenza (the adopted sister of Victor, beautiful and resourceful) Spike - William Frankenstein (Victor's younger brother, the one who dies in the story) Fluttershy - Justine Moritz (the beautiful girl who died by being wrongfully convicted) Luna - Krempe (the "worse" teacher) Celestia - Waldman (the "better" teacher) Discord - Adam (the creature) Big Macintosh - Felix (De Lacey's family's son) Applejack - Agatha (De Lacey's family's daughter) Granny - De Lacey (blind grandpa) Sugarbelle - Saphie (Felix's wife)
Twilight Frankensparkle is a top student and too excited to study new magic, of course Celestia is there to support her. Luna is against this as it can be too dangerous. Finally, Twilight gets a very ambitious idea of making a v magically powerful creature just to see if she can. The creature has new type of magic attached to it - chaos.
In the original story the Monster thought that Justine is beautiful and I could not help myself with Discord x Fluttershy shipping
as for the De Lacey's family I could not think of anyone else who would fit but I think it works
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chocolate-floof · 1 month
Since when is thinking ppl should be allowed to enjoy their problematic FICTIONAL characters and pairings without facing death threats and harassment means someone is a pedo and should die? Like you antis are terrifying
"problematic pairings"? Huh, you mean like,
Deku x eri? 16 x 6 yrs
Elizabeth Afton x William Afton? 40s+ x 11 yrs
Bakugou x aizawa? 39 x 16 yrs
If you ship an adult with a child which is often among proshippers, you should die :)
No more questions asked. If your attracted to fictional small children, then you are also attracted to real children and should be put in a wood chipper while hanging from your toes. it says a lot that you made this ask anonymously. Stupid bitch.
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anonymousewrites · 26 days
Pearl of the Sea Chapter Twelve
Found Family! PoTC Cast x Teen! Reader
Platonic! Will Turner, Elizabeth Swann, Jack Sparrow, Tia Dalma x Reader
Chapter Twelve: Visiting the Witch
Summary: Jack takes his crew, (Y/N), and Will to see a witch. The witch is expecting them. Well, expecting (Y/N).
            The crew of the Black Pearl eagerly ran about the deck to keep the ship sailing safely away from the Pelagostos. They had never been so happy to work.
            “Let’s put some distance between us and the island and head out to open sea,” said Gibbs, glancing back at the isle.
            “Yes to the first, yes to the second, but only insofar as we keep to the shallows,” said Jack.
            “That seems a bit contradictory, Captain,” said Gibbs.
            “I have faith in your reconciliatory navigational skills,” said Jack brightly. “Now, where is that monkey? I want to shoot something.”
            “Jack,” said (Y/N), surging forward from where Will had been admonishing them for not properly taking care of themself. “Are you alright?”
            “Well, not being eaten is always a good place to be,” said Jack.
            “I’m glad,” said (Y/N), knowing that was a “yes.”
            Jack looked at them for a moment. “I’m glad you’re not eaten, either. Would be so inconvenient.”
            (Y/N) smiled.
            “Jack. Elizabeth is in danger,” said Will, getting straight to the point.
            “Have you considered just locking her up somewhere?” said Jack.
            “Jack, she’s going to hang for helping you,” said Will. He narrowed his eyes. “We told you that on the island.”
            “There comes a time when one must take responsibility for one’s mistakes,” said Jack.
            (Y/N) frowned. “Jack, Will and I will be hunted down and hanged, too.”
            Jack hesitated, but he refused to turn around. He couldn’t worry about others, not when he was in trouble himself.
            And yet…
            I don’t want them to—
            Will grabbed a sword from a crewman and held it to Jack’s throat. Jack stared at it and Will warily.
            “I need that compass of yours, Jack,” said Will. “We must trade it for her freedom.”
            (Y/N) furrowed their brow. They wanted to save Elizabeth, but they also didn’t want Beckett to get what he wanted. They knew he couldn’t be trusted, either.
            Jack looked at Will in assessment and then turned to the helm. “Gibbs. We have a need to travel upriver.”
            Gibbs glanced at Jack nervously. “By need, do you mean a trifling need? Fleeting? As in, say, a passing fancy?”
            What does “upriver” mean, and why doesn’t Gibbs like it? wondered (Y/N).
            “No, a resolute and unyielding need,” said Jack.
            “What we need to do is make sail for Port Royal with all haste,” said Will.
            Jack sighed. “William, I shall trade you the compass if you will help me to find this.” He withdrew a folded cloth from his jacket. He unfolded it to reveal a drawing of a key.
            “You want us to find this?” said Will.
            “No, you want you to find this because the finding of this finds you incapacitorially finding and/or locating in your discovering a way to save your dolly belle, ol’ what’s-her-face,” said Jack. He grinned. “Savvy?”
            “This is going to save Elizabeth?” said Will, taking the cloth.
            Jack paused. “How much do you know about Davy Jones?”
            “Not much,” said (Y/N), but the name felt heavy in the air, like a wave on the sea. Will nodded in agreement.
            “Yeah, it’s going to save Elizabeth,” said Jack, turning back to the helm.
            Will frowned but wandered away to help with sailing. (Y/N) almost followed, but they paused to speak to Jack.
            “Davy Jones is dangerous, isn’t he,” said (Y/N).
            “What part of the ocean isn’t?” said Jack.
            “Jack,” said (Y/N), voice serious instead of light, and it made Jack pause. “I want to help Elizabeth. But I’ll help you if you’re in trouble. You don’t need to trick me.”
            Jack gazed at them. “You put an awful lot of trust in pirates, laddie.”
            “I’m not trusting you. I’m telling you to trust me,” said (Y/N). They smiled and turned away.
            Gibbs leaned towards Jack. “That one’s a weird one. One minute angry, then ordering us around, and then all philosophi…whatever.”
            Jack stared at (Y/N) as they began to help tie down sails with people. “Strange. Yes.”
            “Like her sometimes,” grumbled Gibbs, shivering.
            Jack grimaced. He knew of one other person so changeable, and she was one of the most terrifying people he knew. Unfortunately, she was the one person he needed to talk to.
            (Y/N) sat in a rowboat with Will and Gibbs as they and several other crew members rowed them into a river. They traveled upstream, entering a swamp with trees that obscured all sun and cast the water into shadow.
            (Y/N) could feel strange energy in the air, and a shiver went down their spine. They didn’t mind it, though. They reached out and touched the water. Closing their eyes, they let their hand pass through the water, and the ripples sent a flood of strange energy through them.
            “Why is Jack afraid of the open water?”
            Will’s words cut through (Y/N)’s thoughts, and they removed their hand from the water to focus.
            “Well, if you believe such things, there’s a beast does the bidding of Davy Jones,” said Gibbs. “A fearsome creature with giant tentacles that’ll suction your face clean off and drag an entire ship down to the crushing darkness. The kraken.”
            (Y/N) had heard of the mythical creature from the terrifying tales sailors told at Port Royal. Shivers ran down the other pirates told in the lifeboats, their own fear clear.
            “They say the stench of its breath is…Ugh.” Gibbs shivered. “Imagine, the last thing you know on God’s green earth is the roar of the kraken and the reeking odor of a thousand rotting corpses.” He smiled. “If you believe such things.”
            “And the key would spare him that?” said Will.
            “How does a key protect him from a kraken?” wondered (Y/N).
            Gibbs shrugged. “That’s the very question Jack wants answered. Bad enough even to go visit…her.”
            “Her?” repeated Will, raising a brow.
            Gibbs nodded. “Aye.”
            “Who is she?” asked (Y/N).
            Gibbs shivered. “You’ll meet her soon enough.”
            The sun had gone down as they drifted through the swamp. Soon, the light came from the faint moonlight filtering through the trees and the fireflies dancing through the air. Then, candlelight appeared. A small hut came into view, and the boats drifted up alongside it.
            Jack disembarked first. (Y/N) climbed out next, and Jack “helped” by lifting them up by the vest. Then, he looked back at the rest with a nervous grin.
            “No worries, mates,” said Jack. “Tia Dalma and I go way back. Thick as thieves. Nigh inseparable, we are.” He cleared his throat. “Were. Have been. Before.”
            So her name is Tia Dalma, thought (Y/N). And she and Jack have history.
            “I’ll watch your back,” said Gibbs firmly.
            “It’s me front I’m worried about,” muttered Jack.
            Gibbs looked back at (Y/N). “Mind the boat.”
            They looked at Will. “Mind the boat.” They went in after Jack.
            “Mind the boat,” said Will to Ragetti, who said it to Pintel, who said it Marty, who said it to Cotton. In short, a lot of people headed into Tia Dalma’s home.
            Jack hesitantly opened the door. He warily looked for traps. (Y/N) gazed at all the hanging jars and various snakes and exotic animals. The door creaked, and a woman’s head emerged from a corner. She had wild hair in dreads, soot from smudging sage streaked across her face, hand-sewn clothes draped on her, and handmade necklaces fell around her neck. In short, she was the most beautiful woman (Y/N) had ever seen, wild and free.
            “Jack Sparrow,” said Tia Dalma with a wide smile.
            Jack cleared his throat and tried to smile. “Tia Dalma.” He entered the hut properly, and the other pirates straggled in.
            “I always knew the wind was going to blow you back to me one day,” said Tia Dalma. She smirked as she approached Jack, then she glanced over his shoulder to assess who was with him. She paused, and her smile fell. “You.” She pointed at (Y/N). All heads turned to them. Tia Dalma stepped closer to them and looked them up and down. Her eyes seemed to see more than just their appearance. Her gaze pierced their soul. “You have a touch of…the sea about you.” She smiled. “(Y/N).”
            They frowned. “You know me?”
            Will frowned. Will glanced at Jack, hoping he’d see Jack understanding what was going on since this was one of his acquaintances. However, Jack looked as puzzled as him. He, too, failed to understand why Tia Dalma was suddenly so interested in (Y/N). It meant something significant. Tia Dalma was too…mystical for it not to.
            So what was it about this kid that had elicited such a reaction?”
            “I know your heart,” said Tia Dalma, smiling gently at (Y/N). She raised her hand and pushed their hair out of their face. (Y/N) felt their skin tingle beneath the surface.
            Jack cleared his throat before the strangeness could go any farther. He stepped between (Y/N) and Tia Dalma, unsure of why he suddenly felt so sure he didn’t want Tia Dalma—wild witch that she was—to be so focused on (Y/N).
            “There’ll be no knowing here,” said Jack. “We’ve come here for help, and we’re not leaving without it.”
            Tia Dalma’s eyes didn’t leave (Y/N). “Come.” She walked back to a table, weaving through the jars of—
            I’m not going to look too closely at those, thought (Y/N).
            Tia Dalma guided (Y/N) into a seat. “What service may I do for you?” She looked sharply at Jack. “You know I demand payment.”
            “I brought payment,” said Jack. He whistled, and Marty handed him a cage. He threw off the cloth to reveal Jack the Monkey. Jack withdrew his pistol and fired. Jack the Monkey screeched but didn’t die. “An undead monkey!” announced Jack brightly. “Top that.”
            Tia Dalma took the cage and looked at the monkey. She flicked the door open.
            “Don’t—” Jack huffed at the monkey escaped and scampered away. “You’ve no idea how long it took for us to catch it.”
            “The payment is fair,” said Tia Dalma, tossing the cage aside. She looked at (Y/N). “I do not like containment. Do you?”
            “Uh, no,” said (Y/N), still unsure of why they were getting any sort of attention but trying to go with the flow (maybe witches just liked being mysterious).
            “No, you prefer freedom. That is good,” said Tia Dalma, nodding.
            “We’re looking for this,” said Will, interrupting Tia Dalma and (Y/N). He unrolled the cloth with the key painted on. “And what it goes to.”
            Tia Dalma paused as she looked at the scrap of cloth. Any smile she had fell, and she stared at it. Then, she looked at Jack with something akin to suspicion. “The compass you bartered from me, it cannot lead you to this?”
            Jack froze guiltily. “Maybe. Why?”
            Tia Dalma grinned. “I hear ya. Jack Sparrow does not know what he wants.” She smirked. “Or do you know, but are loathe to claim it as your own?”
            Jack’s gaze flicked from Tia Dalma’s face to the cloth to (Y/N) before landing on a jar. He stubbornly refused to look away.
            “Your key go to a chest,” said Tia Dalma. “And it is what lay inside da chest you seek, don’t it?”
            “What is inside?” said Gibbs.
            “Gold?” said Pintel. “Jewels? Unclaimed properties of a valuable nature?”
            “Nothing bad, I hope,” said Ragetti.
            Tia Dalma leaned forward. “You know of Davy Jones, yes? A man of the sea. A great sailor…until he run afoul of that which vex all men.”
            “What vexes all men?” repeated Will.
            Tia Dalma smirked. “What indeed?”
            “The sea,” said Gibbs.
            “Sums,” said Pintel.
            “The dichotomy of good and evil,” said Ragetti—an unexpected answer.
            “Freedom?” said (Y/N). Tia Dalma’s eyes flicked to them, leaving (Y/N) with more questions and curiosity over what she saw that others did not.
            “Love,” said Jack, rolling his eyes at everyone’s answers.
            Tia Dalma nodded. “He fell in love.” She smirked and leaned back. “With a woman.”
            Gibbs shook his head. “No, no, it was the sea he fell in love with.”
            “Same story, different versions, all are true!” declared Tia Dalma. “See it was a woman as changing and harsh and untamable as the sea. Him never stopped loving her. But the pain it cause him was too much to live with, but not enough to cause him to die.”
            Jack furrowed his brow. “What exactly did he put into the chest?”
            “Him heart,” said Tia Dalma, smiling.
            “Literally or figuratively?” said Ragetti.
            “He couldn’t literally put his heart in a chest,” said Pintel, rolling his eyes. He paused. “Could he?”
            “You used to turn into skeletons at night,” said (Y/N) incredulously, and the pair coughed.
            “It was not worth feeling what small, fleeting joy life brings,” said Tia Dalma, continuing her tale to give them the true answer. “And so…him carve out his heart, lock it away in a chest and hide the chest from the world. The key, he keep it with him at all times.”
            Will faced Jack. “You knew this.”
            “I did not,” said Jack. “I didn’t know where the key was. But now we do. All that’s left is to climb aboard the Flying Dutchman, grab the key, you go back to Port Royal and save your bonnie lass.” He turned to leave.
            “Let me see your hand.” Tia Dalma held out her hand, her voice commanding.
            Jack hesitantly gave her the hand covered in a cloth. Tia Dalma pushed it back to reveal a black spot in his palm.
            “The Black Spot!” gasped Gibbs. He shook his hands, spun around, and spat.
            “The Black Spot!” chorused Pintel and Ragetti, copying the movements.
            “My eyesight’s as good as ever, just so you know,” said Jack.
            “I have just the thing,” murmured Tia Dalma, searching for something amongst her menagerie of items. “My little beauty, where are you? Such a long time in such a mess.” She returned to the table with a jar in hand. “Davy Jones cannot make port. Cannot step on land but once every ten years. Land is where you are safe, Jack Sparrow, so you will carry land with you.” She held out the jay of dirt.
            Jack took it and looked at it dubiously. “Dirt. This is a jar of dirt.”
            “Yes,” said Tia Dalma.
            “Is the jar of dirt going to…help?” asked Jack.
            “If you don’t want it, give it back,” said Tia Dalma.
            Jack clutched the jar tighter. “No.”
            “Then it helps,” said Tia Dalma.
            Will cleared his throat. “It seems we have a need to find the Flying Dutchman.”
            Tia Dalma sat and picked a cup of shells and crab legs. She whispered over it before tossing it down. The shells rolled out, and she nodded approvingly. Whatever map it had provided, she understood it.
            Jack was the only one who dared approached, so he stepped forward, and she whispered his heading to him. He cleared his throat, nodded, and quickly stepped back.
            “Time to go!” said Jack, eager to leave the incredible presence of Tia Dalma.
            Instantly, Marty, Pintell, Ragetti, and Gibbs rushed for the door. Will made sure (Y/N) was with him and headed to the lifeboats. (Y/N) cast a look back at Tia Dalma, who smiled as they left.
            Jack was the final pirate to swagger towards the door, but Tia Dalma stood.
            He paused and looked back at her.
            “That child has something wild within them. One day, it will break free.” Tia Dalma gazed at Jack somberly. “Ensure that no one tames that wildness. They have faith in you.”
            “(Y/N) is no problem of mine,” said Jack casually, though the idea of someone having true faith in him made him stand straighter.
            “A child of the sea is a child of all,” said Tia Dalma.
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William Turner with fem reader for "when you're sick and you wake up to find your lover asleep by your feet, like they've stayed awake the whole night by your side to make sure you slept well"
TwT please
Omg Will would definitely do this! 🥺
You stayed down there all night?
Pairing: Will Turner x Fem reader
Description: After getting sick will stays by your side through the whole time
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You felt your eyes droop close as another wave of nausea waves over you holding on to the side of the ship tightly. You didn't hear the whispers from the crew, the look of concern on Will's face when he comes up from below the ship seeing you curled in a ball in the corner, or the gentle soft hand of elizabeth on the side of your face and talking to Jack after, they kept a close eye on you as you got worse each day barely able to move without being exhausted and when will saw you leaning over and almost falling off the ship if he hadn't had pulled you up before you went over and fell in the water as he feels his heart stop and then race quickly taking you to his quarters where cares for you watching over you like a hawk when he doesn't have to help jack or when the ship is being attacked by other pirates which thankfully didn't happen slowly you got some lucidity back to your senses you notice a hard and warm form at the bottom of the bed next to your feet when you realize who it was "Will? What are you doing down there?" he looks at you with a look of relief and joy hugging you tightly and laying a kiss on your forehead as you wake up "Why were you at my feet?" he chuckled saying he didn't want to take up a lot of room next to you if you were really sick so he sat at the foot of the bed watching you and feeding you to keep you healthy. You felt much better than you did before you lost proper thinking and rationality just staring at the sea until all you saw was black and fast movement in between what happened after will helped you and started caring for you for the next few weeks going to land for supplies and not going with everyone else to a inn or tavern to get off and away from the ship, he lays down with your head on his chest as you lay in each other's arms in the quiet below as everyone comes back from land and gets back into the throws of the sea passing Tortuga and many places that have such heart warming memories in your life but also the crew and will. "You stayed down there all night?" you stare with your eyes wide as he smiles sweetly "I also laid there cause I was afraid of losing you and somehow knowing that I lost you all because I wasn't with you" you caress his face leading him to press a kiss to your cheek then you jaw as you laid together before falling asleep.
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uncannyoceanz · 6 months
Some basic things about my Creepypasta au!
Ask me or the creepypastas anything! PLEASSEEE I NEED SOMETHING TO DO WITH MY LIFE 😭💀
Jeff the killer x Eyeless Jack
Candy Pop x Jason the Toymaker
Jane the Killer x Mary Vaughn
Bloody Painter x Puppeteer
Nathan the Nobody x Ciara
Suicide Sadie x Roadwalker
Clockwork x Nina the killer
Nurse Ann x Dr. smiley
Pinkamena x Rainbow factory
lulu x the skroll
Homicidal liu x Hannah the killer?
Ben drowned x Lost silver
Luring Lyra x Kate the chaser
Candy Cane x April fools?
Masky x hoodie?
Weeping Forest x Ally SlenderDoll
I don’t know a lot about marble hornets btw so…. :’)
Pasta groups:
circus pastas: Papa Grande, Jason the Toymaker, Candy Pop, Candy Cane, Laughing Jack, Laughing Jill, Puppeteer, Nathan the nobody.
The killerz: Jeff the killer, Homicidal Liu, Asylum Nancy, Nina the killer, Clockwork
The girls: Jane the killer, Nina the killer, Clockwork, Sally, Suicide Sadie
These people idk what to call them: puppeteer, Bloody painter, Zero, Nurse Ann, Judge Angel
Slender family: slenderman, Splendorman, Trenderman, Offenderman, Surrender, Slendrina.
The monochrome crew: Zero, Laughing Jack, Puppeteer, Kagekao, Hobo heart.
The doctors: Nurse Ann, Doctor smiley, Doctor pain, EJ.
The dumbass trio: Jeff the killer, Ticci-Toby, Ben drowned.
Slendrina is Slenderman’s daughter. Lazari lives with Sadiya and Puppeteer.
Puppeteer doesn’t really work for slenderman nor Zalgo. He’s just there honestly lol
Homicidal liu lives by himself in a cabin in the woods.
Jane and Mary live together
Slender’s main proxies:
Masky, Hoodie, Ticci-Toby, Weeping Forest, Kate the chaser, Ally SlenderDoll, Rogue.
Zalgo’s main proxies:
Sonic.exe, Dr. locklear, Mr. Wide mouth, Stripes, Dark link, The Skroll, glitchy red, Jane Arkensaw
Jeff the killer (Jeffery Woods)
Ben drowned (Benjamin Lawman)
ticci-Toby (Tobias Rodgers)
masky (Tim Wright)
hoodie (Brian Thomas)
eyeless jack (Jack Nyras)
laughing jack
Lost silver (Gold)
Papa grande
Homicidal Liu (Liu Woods)
hobo heart
Jason the toymaker (Jason Meyers)
Vine the dollmaker
julius the dressmaker
Candy Pop / Night terrors
X-virus (Cody)
Smile dog
Nathan the nobody (Nathan Lux)
Puppeteer (Jonathan Blake)
Bloody Painter (Helen Otis)
Wilson the Basher
Jane the killer (Jane Richardson)
Sally Williams (Sally Maryam Williams)
Nina the killer (Nina Hopkins)
Judge Angels (Dina Angela Clark)
Lulu (Lucile Tiffany gracefield)
Nurse Ann (Ann Lusen Mia)
Clockwork (Natalie Ouellette)
Laughing Jill
Candy Cane
Zero (Alice Marie Jackson)
Suicide Sadie (Sadie Marie Bennett
Roadwalker (Zayner Nanook)
Jane Arkensaw
Mary Vaughn
Ally the Slenderdoll (Adeline Abendroth)
Weeping forest (Jennifer Ryhnes)
Rouge (Heather Marshall)
Lilly the Jester
Ms. P (Ms. Pencilneck)
Stripes (Eloise Sarah Bellarose)
Lazari (Lazari Natalie Swann)
Lifeless Lucy (Lucy Jones)
Lily Kennett
Ellison Burns (Ellison Wright)
Rose (Rose Fairen)
Elizabeth Vazquez
Anna (Anna Schurks)
Kate the chaser (Kate Milens/Hayes)
April Fools
I feel fantastic / Tara
Sadako (Samara Morgan)
Beings of the forest… (That hold a lot of power)
Candy Pop (Mostly Night Terrors)
Zalgo’s Family:
Cynthia Ezelle (My oc)
Realms (Within the slender forest and such)
The Slender Forest Itself
The slendermansion
Homicidal Liu’s Cabin (In the slenderforest)
Granny’s house
Slendrina’s Mansion
Zalgo’s territory and base.
Roadwalker’s clearing
Sadiya’s house (Puppeteer, Sadiya, and Lazari)
The old abandoned Hospital
Jason the toymaker’s realm
The Abyss (Candy Pop’s realm)
The Mindscape
The lake
Cynthia Ezelle’s house
The old abandoned treehouse (Slender proxy Base)
The Circus Realm
Please dear god ask me something😭 I’m too lonely and bored man 💀💀💀
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characterhcotd · 1 month
THEME: Your most problematic ship
⚠️ CW: fictional age gap and shipcest below the cut ⚠️
It didn't take me long to come to the conclusion that this ship would probably be my most "problematic". I could go on and on about this ship, but I will show some restraint. The point is, this ship is very problematic, and I love it very, very much.
William Afton x Elizabeth Afton from Five Nights at Freddy's!
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original fan art by hijichan
Side note: I was having trouble finding what social media they use these days, as I know they've switched accounts a couple of times due to 🐜. If anyone knows where I can find them, please let me know so I can attach a link to their account! They deserve all the love, they are my favorite FNAF artist 🫶
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frankingsteinery · 7 months
thoughts on elizabeth x justine?
personally i don’t have many strong opinions on it! i don’t think there’s much in the text to support it (and i believe elizabeth refers to justine as her sister when visiting her before her execution if i recall correctly), but i think it could be fun and cute if you enjoy shipping. in general, i do acknowledge and have even analyzed the homoromantic/erotic subtext in frankenstein, but i don’t think it was intentional or intended to be read that way, and while i enjoy engaging in shipping sometimes (and i’ve even written waltonstein fic myself), i think honestly as a whole shipping within the frankenstein fandom tends to detract from the value of the book because people focus on (inventing) romance rather than the themes and commentary that are actually present, and it usually comes at the expense of the actual characterization. i get im complaining about shipping in a fandom space, which is often inherently shippy, but it’s still a bit tiring when the only interest and content/discussion surrounding supporting characters like henry and justine and walton (who IS a narrator and a complex, rounded character! why do we not talk about walton more!) are only ever through romantic relationships with victor, elizabeth or the creature.
i can’t talk much on elizabeth x justine because i haven’t seen too much content of it, but while it isn’t as severe as other fandoms, i do see henry and victor specifically flanderized and reduced into one-dimension tropes when shipped with each other. i get henry wasn’t a rounded character in the first place but he was definitely still flawed (ex. being avoidant about victors issues, never confronting the situation even when something was obviously wrong, etc) and at times even confrontational/chastising—not unkind but chastising (im thinking specifically when henry & victor first reunite at ingolstadt and henry lectures him a little for not having written to them) and i don’t see this written about very much at all, specifically in shipping content where henry is the happy sunshine golden retriever to victor’s black cat or whatever.
i also never really see mentions of henry’s life outside of context of his life revolving around victor if that makes sense, even though shelley goes out of her way to give us a bit of backstory on the clervals, and to establish that he has stuff going on outside of his relationship with the frankensteins. it’s always “henry is sad victor is going away for college and won’t be able to see him” and YES that is absolutely a part of it, but he’s also a dreamer who’s dissatisfied with the career that’s been dictated by his family, the life trajectory set out for him, who advocates for himself and argues with his father to pursue these dreams and get a higher education. he IS optimistic and a deliberate foil + supporting character to victor in a lot of ways, but he was also dissatisfied and upset with the career that had been chosen for him, and it’s implied his relationship with his father is a bit rocky, and, like victor, he could be a bit morose almost—go look in the 1818 novel when clerval is walking victor to the carriage after williams death; it’s quite far from most fanon interpretations of him
overall i think shipping in frankenstein can be entertaining, but i tend to be quite picky and enjoy content that dissects the themes and characters themselves more rather than romance just being the sole focus, and for this reason i tend to stick more to the analysis side of things!
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namitchy · 7 months
☘Hi!! Zomb'z new on Tumblr, sosu (in zome way) zo here iz an intro!! >_<
☘Zomb talk in the 3rd perzon, uze a typing quirk and everytime end itz zentence with "sosu", sosu!
☘Name: Felix/Zomb/X
But Zomb go by a lot of other name, sosu ^^
☘Age: 14
☘Birthday: 01/08
☘Zomb iz french
☘gender: boy (FTM) , fakeboy, hyperboy, xenogenders (295)
☘sexuality: gay, poly, acespike, cupiosexual, nebularomantic, aegosexual
☘pronouns: He/they/it And Zomb'z favourite xenopronounz are: fire/fireself, void/voidself, snow/snowself
☘Zomb iz a fictionkin, therian, dollkin, angelkin, fallenangelkin, zombiekin, sosu
☘Zomb iz a zomboy az a coping mechanism, sosu :3
☘ Zomb iz looking for canonmate or mediamate, sosu ^^
☘Tomoko (Watamote)
☘Tsukasa (Project Sekai)
☘Stolas (heluva boss)
☘Rika (Wonder egg)
☘Angel (Azbin hotel)
☘Satoko (Higurashi)
☘Ruruchan (ruru suicide on a live stream)
☘Naomi (corpse party)
☘Nanachi (made in abyss)
☘Jax (TADC)
☘Wanderer (genshin)
☘F. Foxy (fnaf)
☘Mitsuba (TBHK)
☘Elizabeth A. (Fnaf)
☘Dori (genshin)
☘Kyoko (Madoka magica)
☘Karma (Assassination Classroom)
☘Nagisa (Madoka magica)
☘Bennett (genshin)
☘Yashiro (TBHK)
☘Freminet (genshin
☘Matilda (reverse 1999)
☘Tsuyu (MHA)
☘Cyno (genshin)
☘Collei (genshin)
☘Evan A. (FNAF)
☘Kirara (genshin)
☘Ticci Toby (creepypasta)
☘Vflower (Vocaloid//Utau)
☘Nevillette (genshin)
☘Fischl (genshin)
☘Lyney (genshin)
☘Venti (genshin)
☘Shijima (TBHK)
☘Sana (madoka magica)
☘Irina (Assassinations classroom)
☘Qiqi (genshin)
☘Felicia (madoka magica)
☘Chevreuse (genshin)
☘Faputa (made in abyss)
☘plz if you're one of these (fictionkin) interact, sosu💚
☘Aether (genshin)
☘Yao Yao (genshin)
☘Lynette (genshin)
☘Gorou (genshin)
☘Itto (genshin)
☘all Archon (genshin)
☘Yae Miko (genshin)
☘Amber (genshin)
☘Razor (genshin)
☘Barbara (genshin)
☘Mika (genshin)
☘Baizhu (genshin)
☘Hu Tao (genshin)
☘Kazuha (genshin)
☘Tighnari (genshin)
☘Kaveh (genshin)
☘Alhaitam (genshin)
☘Rui (project Sekai)
☘Tomoki (watamote)
☘Blitzø (helluva boss)
☘Husk (azbin hotel)
☘Rika (Higurashi)
☘Seiko (corpse party)
☘Lolbit (FNAF)
☘Michael (FNAF)
☘William (FNAF)
☘Kou (TBHK)
☘Hanako (TBHK)
☘Nagisa (assassinations classroom)
☘Sayaka (Madoka magica)
☘Sonetto (reverse 1999)
☘class 1-A (MHA)
☘Jeff the killer (creepypasta)
☘Masky (creepypasta)
☘Hoodie (creepypasta)
☘Teto (vocaloid//Utau)
☘Miku (Vocaloid//utau)
☘Rin (vocaloid//utau)
☘Len (vocaloid//utau)
☘Meiko (vocaloid//utau)
☘Kaito (vocaloid//utau)
☘Luka (vocaloid//utau)
☘Fukase (vocaloidl/utau)
☘Tadaomi (assassinations classroom)
☘Reg (made in abyss)
☘Riko (made in abyss)
☘Metty (made in abyss)
☘Zomb don't mind doubles, sosu! :3
☘Zomb will mainly post about rarepair and cross ship, sosu
☘tiktok: @x.__felix__.x
☘Pinterest: @Fe3eli11xx
☘Twitter: @Felix_Zomb
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maridemira · 2 months
William Braine: Before the Franklin Expedition
He was a marine, a seaman, a husband, son, a crew member....What was life like for him prior to the famous Franklin Expedition? Who was he?
In this essay, we're gonna look at the life of William Braine, who was famously one of the Royal Marines in the Franklin Expedition. In this post, we're gonna look at Braine's life before the Franklin Expedition. Now, a disclaimer here, most of the information comes from sources found by @radiojamming and @entwinedmoon , so shout out to them. And usually, what we all know is technically mostly about his death and post-mortem, but we do know what year he was born. So stick around as we dive deep into the life of William Braine.
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William Braine was born in the village of Oakhill in Somerset on March 1814. He was the third son of Shadrach and Honor Braine (nèe King), and is one of 7 children, 6 boys and 1 girl, though his oldest brother Thomas had died when he was two months old. He was baptised on May 28, 1815, in the parish of Ashwick. His father was a quarry worker and according to a biography of Braine, Shadrach Braine probably came to Oakhill to secure a job, and once he was able to and rent a two roomed cottage, he brought his wife with him to the village and thus, it was here that William was born. Almost nothing is known about Braine's mother, Honor, except for the fact that she died on August of 1823, when William was 9 years old and his father married a spinster named Elizabeth Bun. We also don't know anything about Elizabeth Bun either except for the fact that she became William's stepmother. We may hypothesise that Shadrach needed someone to take care of the children but whatever the reason may be, we'll never know.
William never had the benefit of schooling,this was evident when he came to Yeovil to join the Navy as a royal marine, instead of signing his name, he signed with an X. In fact, he left his home on late 1833 and arrived in Yeovil, Somerset to sign up as a royal marine private. The journey was rugged that time, according to Parson Skinner, the weather that December was incredibly snowy and rugged. Nevertheless, William and the other Marines who signed up travelled to Plymouth to begin their training. They would then be placed in Stonehouse Barracks where they would have been given their basic training.
On July 1834, 7 months after signing up and training as a Royal Marine Light Infantryman (RMLI), Braine was then transferred to the 8th Company Woolwich Division. This division reportedly was made of one battery, meaning troop, of the Royal Marine Artillery (RMA). However, according to the biography, Braine might have taken two routes to complete this journey, either by sea or by land, though the biography also sides with the former stating that it would have been a much swifter journey. It is certainly possible though, that in 1837, Private Braine had been involved in the burial of King William IV and the coronation of Queen Victoria. This same biography also states that Braine might have had the chance to see the action in the First Spanish Carlist War which happened in 1833 to 1840, though we are actually not certain if Braine indeed get to see the action, but he may probably have learned of it. In 1839, the First Opium War started and many detachments were sent to fight. It would be more possible that Braine was one of the detachments sent and may have fought alongside Thomas Hartnell Jr., John Hartnell's younger brother (Though really, they were probably on different ships and locations, and probably never met until 1845 in the Franklin Expedition). The British had won the war in August 29, 1842.
In October 31, 1841, 27 year old William Braine married Eliza Wood in Woolwich. We know very little about Mrs. Braine except for the fact that her father was William Wood. She too was illiterate, and by this point, both of the couple's fathers had been general labourers. There were no known children that resulted from their marriage, although it's possible that the couple did conceive, but they either had a miscarriage or their child was short lived and no information has survived, or it was probably because William was frequently away for them to be able to have children.
The years between 1841 and 1845 had been a peaceful time for William, except for the fact that according to Ralph Lloyd-Jones' paper on the Royal Marines of the Franklin Expedition, on March 9, 1844 William Braine had "Run from Furlough" which meant that he had exceeded a period of leave. We may not know why, maybe because of family affairs, we just don't know. But Lloyd-Jones suggest that this may be the reason why Braine, despite his 10 years of service as a Royal Marine Private 3rd Class, never received a promotion. One more fact is that he never appeared in any court martial or Defaulters book which suggest that he had a clean service record, but because the life of Royal Marines were not recorded until the 1880s, we may probably not know for certain what he had really done between 1833-1845.
In May of 1845, William Braine was one of the seven detachments of HMS Erebus of the famous Franklin Expedition. However, he never alloted his pay to anyone, not even his wife, but it is unknown why, but we may think that he probably is not on good terms with his family, or that something else was going on, either way may be a reason or it could be because of a completely different reason. Either way, we don't know. This is the final service that Royal Marine Private Braine would perform, because he died just after the first wintering of the expedition on April 3, 1846, at just 32 years old possibly of ailments unknown and was buried next to 20 year old Petty Officer and Lead Stoker John Torrington of the HMS Terror and 25 year old Able-bodied Seaman John Hartnell of the HMS Erebus in Beechey Island. As we know, the Franklin Expedition then sailed south to King William Land (now King William Island) which turned into a disaster and the rest is history.
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William Braine was one of those who came from low backgrounds, yet made a significant impact in the history of the fate of the Franklin Expedition. Even though he is gone, he is not forgotten.
Sources: The Life of William Braine, The Royal Marines on Franklin's Last Expedition by Ralph Lloyd-Jones, Buried in Ice (1988)
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strxbxrrylxvxr · 3 months
”no ….. NO …. NOOOOO !!!” me when i found out that, that one creep that used to ship william x elizabeth and make gross fanart of them ships neuvifuri and makes furina look like a child.
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anonymousewrites · 8 days
Pearl of the Sea Chapter Twenty
Found Family! PoTC Cast x Teen! Reader
Platonic! Will Turner, Elizabeth Swann, Jack Sparrow, Tia Dalma x Reader
Chapter Twenty: Seeing the Dead
Summary: Truths and conflicts emerge as they make their way out of the Locker.
            “Trim that sail! Slack windward brace and sheet!” ordered Barbossa as the Black Pearl prepared to sail (where, they weren’t sure).
            “Haul the pennant line,” said Barbossa and Jack at the same time.
            “What are you doing?” demanded Barbossa.
            “What are you doing?” retorted Jack.
            “No, what are you doing?” Barbossa threw it back at him.
            “What are you? Captain gives orders on this ship,” said Jack.
            “The captain of this ship is giving the orders,” said Barbossa.
            “My ship, makes me captain,” argued Jack.
            “They be my charts,” replied Barbossa.
            “That makes you ‘chartman,’ ” said Jack.
            (Y/N) groaned as they argued and turned to face the sea.
            They stiffened. “Elizabeth.”
            She swallowed. Not Lizzie. Elizabeth. “(Y/N), you have to know that I did it for—”
            “I don’t care who you did it for,” snapped (Y/N). They whirled on her. “You left Jack to the kraken. You left him to die.”
            “We wouldn’t have survived with Jack. Will—you—wouldn’t have made it. And he’s here now. We’ve rescued him,” said Elizabeth, trying to justify herself and stop (Y/N)’s gaze from being one of such disappointment.
            “You still did it,” said (Y/N). Their hands were balled in fists, and the waves rose and fell with their breaths. “He came back for us to the right thing, and you repaid him with death.”
            They brushed past Elizabeth, unwilling to speak any longer. Elizabeth was left standing on her own.
            She had broken a part of her bond with (Y/N). It would take more than a discussion to fix it.
            (Y/N) didn’t leave the side of the ship for the rest of the day. While the sun lowered in the sky and the clouds darkened, (Y/N) just stared at the murky grey waters below them.
            Appropriate, thought (Y/N). That’s how I feel.
            They were startled once they saw bodies in white floating by beneath in the waves. Souls, whispered the sea air, and (Y/N) believed their instinct. They leaned out over the bodies, and their brow creased. They seemed lost, the poor spirits, no afterlife to wash up on.
            “They should be in the care of Davy Jones.” Tia Dalma drifted up next to (Y/N). They barely glanced at her, used to the way she moved like water, light and graceful.
            “I thought he ruled the Locker,” said (Y/N).
            “He does,” said Tia Dalma. “But this is the true duty he was charged with by the goddess, Calypso.”
            Calypso. The very name held power, and (Y/N) could have sworn the waters rushed around the Pearl faster in response.
            “To ferry those who die at sea to the other side,” continue Tia Dalma. “And every ten years him could come ashore to be with her who love him truly.” The history in her words spoke volumes, but (Y/N) felt the heaviness and knew not to ask for more than what she gave. “But the man has become a monster.”
            “So he didn’t fulfill his duty, and the cost was his humanity,” said (Y/N).
            Tia Dalma smiled slightly. “You understand magic well.”
            (Y/N) lowered their gaze to the souls drifting by. “It just made sense.”
            “Perhaps.” Tia Dalma looked at them, and (Y/N) could feel her gaze burning into them. “But you have a talent for magic.”
            (Y/N) felt an itch beneath their skin and ran their hand over their arm to sooth it. “I don’t know what that means.”
            “It means tis in your blood,” said Tia Dalma. “I ‘ave heard from William Turner and Elizabeth Swann that you mights have summon’d a wave against the kraken.”
            “I—I don’t know what that was,” admitted (Y/N). “I just felt a lot, and then the sea was there. It was just…strange.”
            Tia Dalma hummed. “Give me your hand.” She extended her palm, and (Y/N) stared at her. “Go on. I mean no harm to you, child.”
            (Y/N) nodded shortly and put their hand in hers. Tia Dalma turned over their hand and ran a finger down their vein. (Y/N) stared as a slight pearlescent shine followed her finger, disappearing in the darkness.
            Tia Dalma hummed. “As I thought. Magic is in these veins—magic of the sea.”
            (Y/N) pulled their hand away and stared at it. “What does that mean?”
            “It means you’re a Child of the Sea.” Tia Dalma looked at them with that all-knowing glint in her eyes once more. “You escape to the sea. You yearn for it. It is freedom, life. Your heart.”
            “How do you know that?” whispered (Y/N).
            “The sea is my heart. In a different way, but my heart, too,” said Tia Dalma, gazing out at the sea mysteriously.
            (Y/N) frowned. “What does that me—”
            “Boats!” cried Ragetti, clutching onto Pintel.
            The shout broke all focus on tasks. (Y/N) and Tia Dalma turned to see what the others on deck were looking at. In the distance, hundreds of tiny rowboats floated towards them. They bobbed over the spirits suspended beneath the surface of the water. Lanterns sat at the head of each boat and lit their way.
            Gibbs grabbed a rifle, and Tia Dalma stormed towards him. Will lowered its muzzle and shook his head.
            “They’re not a threat to us.” He looked at Tia Dalma. “Am I right?”
            “We’re nothing but ghosts to them,” said Tia Dalma.
            “It’s best just let them be,” said Barbossa.
            (Y/N) gazed sorrowfully at the dead who had no guide to a proper resting place. Children, elderly, men, women—none reacted as they drifted by.
            “It’s my father!”
            Everyone followed Elizabeth’s gaze to a man sitting in one longboat. (Y/N)’s heart broke. Swann was dead. He would never be with them again once they returned to the land of the living.
            “We’ve made it back,” said Elizabeth in relief. “Father, Father, here! Look here!”
            “Elizabeth.” Jack shook his head. “We’re not back.”
            Terrible realization dawned, and she faced him again. “Father!”
            Swann turned his head dreamily. “Elizabeth. Are you dead?”
            Elizabeth shook her head in panic. “No. No.”
            “I think I am,” said Swann hesitantly.
            “No, you can’t be!” cried Elizabeth.
            (Y/N) covered their mouth as the man who helped raise them drifted by towards the Land of the Dead—but he would never find it. Jack steadied them by the shoulders as they watched with horror.
            “There was this chest, you see,” said Swann. “It’s odd. At the time it seemed so important.”
            “Come board!” shouted Elizabeth.
            “And a heart,” continued Swann. “I learned that if you stab the heart, yours must take its place. And you will sail the seas for eternity. The Dutchman must have a captain.”
            If someone killed the heart and Jones, they would take his role. The realization washed over the crew and each person who had considered doing just that.
            “Silly thing to die for,” said Swann.
            “Someone, cast a line!” said Elizabeth desperately. “Come back with us!” She grabbed a rope herself and threw it out. “Take the line!”
            Swann looked up at Elizabeth and smiled. “I’m so proud of you and (Y/N), Elizabeth.”
            “Father, take the line! Take the line!” begged Elizabeth.
            But Swann just smiled as he floated away.
            (Y/N) ran and hugged their sister tightly as she cried out for Swann.
            “I’ll give love to your mother,” said Swann as he disappeared into the darkness.
            “Please!” cried Elizabeth.
            (Y/N) just held her tighter as Elizabeth broke down and hugged them back. “I’m sorry,” they whispered. “I’m so sorry.”
            Elizabeth just sobbed harder and held (Y/N) tighter. Her last bit of family was in her arms.
            Everyone was silent as Elizabeth returned to the deck after (Y/N) had brought her down to rest after seeing her father pass into the afterlife.
            “How are you?” said Will softly.
            She gazed at him with red eyes, evidence of how much she cried for Swann. Will’s eyes softened, and he hugged her.
            “How is (Y/N)?” said Jack. Swann had taken them in as a ward, so although they were not father and child, it was clear he also meant quite a bit to them.
            “We both took a rest,” said Elizabeth. “They’re still sleeping, so I left them as they were.”
            Will nodded. “They deserve it. You do, too.”
            “I want to make sure we can get back to defeat Beckett,” said Elizabeth, narrowing her eyes. She would channel her grief into determination. Beckett would pay for what he’d done.
            “Good,” said Tia Dalma. “He has the power of the seas. We must fight with all we have.” Her gaze darkened. “And we have something that may help.”
            All eyes went to her.
            “What do you mean?” said Will. “If we have a way to fight him, why have you been holding it back?”
            “Because Beckett will want to use it to his advantage,” said Tia Dalma.
            “We’ll make sure that won’t happen.” Barbossa patted his sword handle. “Beckett isn’t getting any more power now that a proper pirate is on the seas.” Jack rolled his eyes.
            “Good. They will need support,” said Tia Dalma.
            “They?” said Elizabeth.
            “What?” said Will.
            “(Y/N) isn’t a weapon!” said Elizabeth.
            “The lad is a good pirate, but Beckett is formidable,” said Barbossa.
            “This is about what you warned me of, aye?” said Jack.
            Tia Dalma smirked and nodded. “You noticed it?”
            Jack nodded.
            “What is she talking about?” said Will.
            “I told him (Y/N) is a Child of the Sea,” said Tia Dalma. “They have something wild within them. And now it’s free.” She looked at each adult—Will, Elizabeth, Barbossa, and Jack—in turn. “The magic of the sea is theirs.”
            “The wave and the kraken…that was them?” said Elizabeth. She had seen it and thought it significant, but all that had occurred overshadowed the moment.
            Tia Dalma nodded. “They can control the waters.”
            “I thought Jones did,” said Will.
            “He does,” said Tia Dalma. “But so does (Y/N). They are both parts of the ocean.”
            “How? What is a child of the sea? What type of magic can (Y/N) have? They’re just a child,” said Elizabeth.
            “You found them in the sea,” said Tia Dalma.
            “Yes,” said Elizabeth.
            “They were alive, yet they had nothing to keep the above water,” said Tia Dalma.
            “How do you—”
            “I know the sea,” said Tia Dalma, and Barbossa narrowed his eyes. She looked at the adults—(Y/N)’s family. “And I know what (Y/N) is.”
            “A child of the sea, you’ve said it a million times now,” said Jack, waving a hand.
            “They are a nereid,” said Tia Dalma.
            “That sounds Greek,” said Elizabeth, remembering her mythology.
            “All myths are based in truth,” said Tia Dalma. “Nereids are sea spirits, incarnations of the sea. (Y/N) is made of the sea and its magic.”
            “So their magic could help against Jones’s,” said Will.
            “If they can use it, yes,” said Tia Dalma.
            “What if they can’t control it?” said Elizabeth.
            “The sea isn’t about control,” said Tia Dalma, raising her chin. “It is about freedom.”
            “But will the magic hurt them?” said Elizabeth. She wouldn’t let (Y/N) be hurt.
            “No. It wants to be free,” said Tia Dalma. “They will be themself once they let it go.”
            “But you’re worried about them because of Beckett,” said Jack, narrowing his eyes. He wouldn’t let that Lord hurt (Y/N), not after all that he had already done, not to his kid.
            “He wishes to tame the seas. If he knows of what they are, he will see them as a threat,” said Tia Dalma. “He cannot stand what he cannot control, so he will seek to tame them or destroy them.” She smirked. “And (Y/N) is as untamable as the sea.”
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phantomhunting · 6 months
Read of AO3
< this is Chapter 1 >
disclaimers: This all takes place much after the events of each canon, Aftons & Emilys meet Fnaf: the musical, This is based off the gacha Fnaf concept of aftons meet past/future/au/canon/etc, This fanfic features my personal headcanons & theories and a Fnaf AU alike to gacha AUs (aftons can transform into their animatronic form, aftons have ther abilities, illusion discs make them seem normal, Ennard, etc) there's no need to get mad if you disagree with stuff, There's some canon-typical violence, And there's two ships (Nate x Mark, Michael x Jeremy Fitzgerald)
"Liz please I need to get some sleep before my shift toni-" right as Michael finished his
sentence, the doorbell rang. Elizabeth walked over to the door, turning on her illusion disc
and kicking any visible bloody appendage out of sight. She opened the door and stared down
the men outside with her big green eyes. "Who the fuck are you?" She asked, forgetting she
appears as a child. "Wow! No need to curse!" the man with the dyed hair exclaimed, "I'm
Mark, this is Nate, and this is... Uhh what's your name again?" He turned to the man in the
purple hoodie. "AJ!! ITS AJ!! IS IT REALLY SO HARD TO REMEMBER?!" He screeched,
it hurts Elizabeth's ears. "Shut up, stop shouting like a 5 year old, who's the last guy?" She
asked, pointing at the man in the bloody suit. "That man goes by many nam-" Mark started,
but was cut off by that same man. "Matt, or Scott, or William, or Dave, or evil dirtbag with a
chainsaw, or phone gu- okay yeah that's a lot of names. Most people just call me Matt
though" he chuckled, Lizzy raised an eyebrow. "Why are you here?" She asked, not wanting
to deal with adults right now. "Well, our car broke down and we need a place to stay..." Nate
started, "...and your house seemed more welcoming than your neighbour's, we were kicked
off the property" Mark finished. Elizabeth stared at them for a moment, confused, and then
turned to the inside of the house, "MIKE! THERE'S PEOPLE AT THE DOOR THAT WANT
TO STAY!" She shouted, hoping her brother heard. A bang was heard from the vents above
her, followed by a soft, robotic 'fuck'. "Enn, you have to stop spying on people from the
vents" she shook her head. Mark and Nate looked at each other, worried if they made the
right decision. After a few seconds, a man barely resembling Michael walked in to the room.
"Mike, this is Mark, Nate, Matt, and uhh-" Liz started to explain, but forgot the purple
hoodie-d guy's name. "AJ!" he exclaimed in anger. "James, exactly what I said. Anyways
they want to spend the night here because their car broke or something" she continued.
Michael thought for a moment, staring at a hidden blood spot on the wall, slightly terrified of
how that might go. "You know what? I'm sure dad will appreciate some guests, and I'm sure
Ennard will love it too" he said finally, winking to Liz, implying the four guests will not
leave the house unless it be in ghost/soul form. AJ started to shiver, it was getting cold
outside. "Come on in!" Michael smiled wide, fixing his loose tie which had his illusion disc
in it. The fours walked in and Lizzy closed the door. She went to the kitchen because she was
hungry and left the group and Michael all alone. Michael led them to the living room, which
was luckily empty. He took out his phone and texted the family group chat (which had very
little messages in it) "guests over, get En to clean up all the rooms and leave the vents, get
him his illusion disc too. C, get yours, it's on dad's table in the workshop. Dad, please don't
murder them. Liz, get mom and make some dinner, they probably need to eat. And under no
circumstances will any of you be talking about the past!! We are the Schmidt family until
they leave tomorrow morning." He sent the message and sank on the couch next to Mark. He
noticed two pins mark had on his shirt, one read "Freddy Fazbear's pizzaria security" and
they other was a bisexual pride flag. Mike raised an eyebrow, "you wor- uhh you like men
and women?" He thought it might be easier to approach that subject first. "yeah- I mean I
have a boyfriend" Mark pointed to Nate, who was chatting with AJ. "Ohhh, cool! I'm gay,
and I have a boyfriend too" Mike responded, wondering what Jeremy was doing right now.
"Nice" Mark pulled his phone, bored. His phone's wallpaper was him, Nate, a weird plushie
version of Freddy, Bonnie, Chica, and Foxy on the background of a burned building with a
sign reading "Freddy Fazbear's pizzaria" in big letters and "get some Freddy-filled fun
today!" In a smaller font. Mike cringed at that slogan, ""don't ask as about our kids" was a
better one" he thought to himself. He wanted to ask about the job because he never saw Mark around, and he knew literally all of the workers at Fazbear entertainment's places. Besides,
those looked nothing like the animatronics from the actual locations, and that building didn't
look like any location! He was confused and concerned. "You uhh.. you work at Freddy's?"
He asked quietly, afraid of the answer. "Oh, uh, yeah, I'm a- or well, I WAS a nightguard
before this psycho burned his own place down." Mark chuckled and pointed at Matt, which
concerned Michael so much more. Freddy's locations belong to either his dad or his dad's
"friend", not this random dude! "I thought the owners were William Afton, Dave Miller, and
Henry Emily?" He said confused, attempting to sound normal. "Those are all his nicknames"
Mark chuckled again.
Before Michael could say anything further, William walked through the front door, looking
exhausted and with a big stain of blood on his clothes. "It rained today." He said through
gritted teeth, still in pain from the springlocks. Michael burst out laughing, glad his dad got
springlocked again. Mark stared at the blood with wide eyes and internal panic, Nate and AJ
did the same. Matt looked for a moment, then made a face of understanding, "you work with
springlocks too?" He asked, rolling his sleeves up to reveal scars from his old springlocks
suits. "Yep" William unbuttoned the two top buttons of his shirt, revealing deep scarring from
countless springlocks failures. "Oof, that's rough buddy" Matt responded as he got up and
reached his hand for a handshake, "Matt, or Afton, nice to-" but he was cut off by Michael
and William. "AFTON?!" they screamed in unison, shocked at this discovery.
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