#ship: RavenPilot
starlightlotus · 5 years
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Because everyone else was doing it
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starlightlotus · 4 years
Long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...
The paths of a daring pilot and a dark princess would cross. Both on different sides that kept them apart, but they felt the Force bring them to each other.
As much as duty tried to keep them apart, they only moved closer and closer until the space between them no longer existed.
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starlightlotus · 5 years
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I had to do this one because of @sosoftandsweet haha :'D
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starlightlotus · 5 years
ravenpilot (i think that's the name? for you and poe, right?) for the ship meme (kittyandco)
Yes, that’s the ship name! Sorry if it took a while too ; v;
big spoon/little spoon: Big spoon - Poe, Little Spoon - Padme
favorite non-sexual activity: Going out for a walk together with their corgi, BB!
who uses all the hot water: Poe Dameron
most trivial thing they fight over: Who took the last piece of chocolate in the fridge
who does most of the cleaning: Padme Solo
what has a season pass on their dvr/who controls the netflix queue: Neither, both of them take turns fairly.
who calls up the super/landlord when the heat’s not working: Poe ofc
who steals the blankets: Padme haha
who leaves their stuff around: Both of them!
who remembers to buy the milk: Padme
who remembers anniversaries: Mostly Poe
Who cooks normally?: Both of them
How often do they fight?: Very rare
What do they do when they’re away from each other?: Spend time with friends/family.
Nicknames for each other?: Poe calls Padme sweetheart, Padme calls Poe Bunbun (just because the nickname sounds cute)
Who is more likely to pay for dinner?: Poe
Who steals the covers at night?: Poe. Seems fair since Padme takes the blankets.
What would they get each other for gifts?: Poe would definitely give Padme things that relate to art/models, while Padme gives Poe things he would want for his guitar.
Who kissed who first?: Poe kissed Padme first.
Who made the first move?: Poe did!
Who remembers things?: Padme
Who started the relationship?: Poe
Who cusses more?: Neither, both of them cuss just about the same
What would they do if the other was hurt?: The hunt for the culprit begins. Padme won’t let it slip until she gets back at them. Poe would get upset, but he wouldn’t go as far as Padme would.
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starlightlotus · 5 years
Xayah: I will destroy the Resistance so that Supreme Leader Snoke recognizes the fact that I am not Kylo's shadow. I will not turn to the light!
Poe Dameron: -exists-
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Also Xayah: ....
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starlightlotus · 6 years
I just realized...
Odyssey Yasuo - Captain of the Morning Star
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Poe Dameron - Commander of the Resistance
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2 handsome space dudes with a high rank who also have a starlight princess (my S/I's) for a girlfriend.
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starlightlotus · 6 years
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“You are the light to my darkness.”
A small RavenPilot aesthetic I made :’D
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starlightlotus · 6 years
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Directly from his flight recorder in his X-Wing, Black One; Poe Dameron is a selfless, loyal, kind, and dedicated man to the Resistance with a passion for flying. 
Leaders aren’t born, they’re made.
He never thinks of being in the spotlight, nor intends to be in one as he knows that he’s only accomplished those missions thanks to his squadron and his friends. This man is the type where he is not going to sit around and watch something happen, he's the type to take action when necessary.
He worked his way up the ranks from the New Republic to the Resistance and General Organa trusts him. Stars, Leia Organa worked alongside his parents, Shara Bey and Kes Dameron, in the war against the Imperial forces of the Empire.
Poe Dameron cares about his family, his friends, and his squadron as he fears that all the work he's risked on those missions will be for nothing and he fears losing more people who are close to him. Which is why he puts himself in harms way rather than let his friends do it.
I love this man with all my heart and to think about the things he’s been through while standing strong with an unwavering will to fight for the peace of the galaxy makes me so proud of him.
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So if you think he’s a villain for what he’s done in TLJ, think again.
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starlightlotus · 5 years
Some self-insert birthday thoughts/headcanons
RavenPilot - Poe surprising Padme by waking her up early and taking her in his X-Wing to Naboo as a surprise for her birthday.
Coffee for Two - Mikoto sleeping peacefully only to wake up to the smell of fresh brewed coffee Sandalphon made for her. Special fluff from the Supreme Primarch is hard to come by.
Cinderella - Tokiya doing choreography practice while Izayoi is out doing photoshoots plus having to make a special appearances on a few shows. However, knowing Izayoi finishes late, Tokiya, ST☆RISH, and Arch☆ngels create a surprise birthday party for Izayoi.
Nightblade - Izayoi does her usual rounds of patrol for the time being, until Irelia visits Izayoi to celebrate her birthday. Irelia also brought over a few desserts from the city since she knows Izayoi hasn't returned for quite a while.
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starlightlotus · 6 years
First there's @sweetselfshipping with PoeTP and now there's @eros--arrows with Poemance.
Y'ALL ARE TRYNA BE FANCY WITH ALL THESE NAMES FOR RAVENPILOT THAT I AM LOSING IT HERE (in a good way ofc omg my cheeks are going to hurt in the morning)
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starlightlotus · 6 years
Gonna gush about Poe for the time being
Just to make myself feel better eksjgneslKNMg
But you know when you see a certain character a few times and then it later on hits you like those “oh no, I love this character” moments?
That’s exactly what happened with me to Poe.
I did not think about it at the time being when I first watched TFA, all I just remembered was liking Kylo Ren (who is now a family f/o). 
But after talking to my best friend @yans-selfshipstand, reading a few fics, and pulling off some shenanigans together, I then realized that I started to like Poe Dameron. And at that point, it was like... that small feeling for Poe just then blossomed into what it is now where I just want to run up to him and give him a kiss.
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starlightlotus · 6 years
Gush about your lovely flyboy Poe!!
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Ooh the talk about this pilot is going to be a long one. This is going to have a lot of mixed emotions, but the love for this pilot is definitely strong.
I’ll do the other f/o in another post!
But for now, let’s have some fun!
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Star Wars always had been a part of my childhood. From watching the movies to playing the Lego series on the PS2 and PS3 (yeah I played it because I was bored last night), it always stuck with me. How I came to know this pilot was from watching TFA several months ago after my dad got the dvd of TLJ. 
And tbh, I would see parts of TFA before I watched the whole movie, but I never thought about, nor seen Poe until after I watched the full movie. My first thought was like, ‘yeah, okay, he’s pretty good at what he does’ because before I liked Poe, I loved Kylo Ren. 
I talked about this to my best friend @yans-selfshipstand about HOW THIS MAN NEEDS FUCKING HELP AND LOVE HE DESERVES. Soon enough she gave me a fic to read (can’t tell you guys since it contains a lot of adult content inside. Sorry~) and in the span of 4 to 5 days, I read all 83 chapters. From finishing that Kylo x Reader fic, my heart began to tug a little for Poe because he was such a sweet guy where he had the patience and the heart to understand the reader compared to everyone else, including Kylo! 
So after a few shenanigans with Yan and a couple of RP rounds, it was like “That’s it, I’m going to love this flyboy. You already love Kylo and I see him more as a brother than a lover” and from there my love for this flyboy went sky rocket after seeing TFA like several times before watching TLJ.
Looking back on it now, I love this pilot so much within the span of a couple of months. 
In TFA everyone knows that he is a very loyal guy fighting against the First Order for the galaxy to be at peace again. A commander that General Organa trusts and relies on, a leader that everyone looks up to. To see him lead both Blue and Red squadron into battle on Takodana and Starkiller Base gave me that feeling where this man is the perfect example of a future leader for the Resistance.
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After TFA, I saw a few posts here that tell more about Poe and his background that the movie never revealed. I was blown away for reading things like that and it made me love this character even more! 
Poe Dameron is not just some pilot. This man has been through so much in his life while growing up. He lost his mother when he was a child, he wanted to be the best pilot like his mother, he fears that all the work his parents and his friends have done to make the galaxy at peace would be for nothing, he’d rather put himself in danger instead of anyone else! 
Poe wears his late mother’s ring (for crying out loud) because his mother was his biggest inspiration, it made him become the best pilot in the galaxy that everyone knows about now! If that alone doesn’t tell you much about Poe Dameron, y’all got a lot of reading to do.
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When my dad got the dvd of TLJ, I watched it and it left me with more questions than answers. Instead of that booster he added to his X-Wing, to take out one Dreadnought that could have wiped out the Resistance, so many lives had been taken from the Resistance, the worst part was that Poe was leading that entire fleet and he disobeyed General Organa’s orders to pull back. We also get to see that he makes decisions where it puts Finn and Rose in danger, and we see that he’s short-tempered.
I get some characters need to hit that rock bottom in order to redeem themselves later on. But this movie made it too soon for Poe’s character. From TFA, a strong and kind commander to TLJ, a short-tempered and egotistical captain? That’s not the Poe Dameron I know of (probably because there was a different director for TLJ instead of the same director for TFA).
Giving it some thought over time has made me lost and confused about his character. Then I see some posts here on Tumblr where people point out how Poe is a bigger villain than Kylo Ren or make the assumption the he will betray the Resistance. I just sat there for a good 10 minutes and just ask myself ‘why are people like this? They’re fools to think of that’ why? BECAUSE THEY DO NOT KNOW POE DAMERON AS WELL AS THEY SHOULD.
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Betray the Resistance? Killed hundreds of people? Umm, are you that stupid?
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Poe Dameron is not the villain in this trilogy.
He’d never betray the Resistance after all his parents have gone through to get rid of the Empire! He’s seen enough sacrifices that have been made in his life, and he will not let those sacrifices go in vain.
After seeing all that garbage and watching the fandom go up in flames over that has made me turn to reading some reader inserts with Poe. Most of them were good, and some of the fics can get pretty wild. But that has only made me love the pilot even more.
All that loving and it brings us here. Making self inserts with Poe, playing the original series of Lego Star Wars on the PS3 (my first pick will always be X-Wing), having pop figures of him and BB-8 (my fav is the Bounty Hunter exclusive in his X-Wing ofc), dreaming of meeting Oscar Isaac in person and sign my art one day, and so much more! 
Other than being handsome, daring, and charming, Poe has a lot patience, a good heart, absolutely loyal, good judgement, and great leadership. How can you pass that up? A guy with a personality like that is what I like, a guy with a good personality and good judgement without going to the extreme. A guy who has been through so much heartache and seen too many casualties, but still stand tall and strong like it’s nothing. A guy who would think of his friends before himself. thatturnsmeon 
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But man, this pilot deserves so much love. I’m willing to give all that love to him. He deserves more credit than he should. 
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starlightlotus · 6 years
"Oh! I didn't mean to step on your toes!" + Poe
A/N: I’m going to make this a modern AU so more good stuff in this!
Pairing: RavenPilot (Poe Dameron x Padme Solo)
Summary: Invited to a co-worker’s wedding party, Leia decided to bring along Ben and Padme. Ben stood by his mother as she was talking to the bride and the groom, but Padme was outside enjoying the view from the balcony. The view from the mountains was a sight to take in until a small accident happened creating a new beginning.
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“Oh! I didn’t mean to step on your toes!” Poe said as he apologized to a young woman.
A wedding party had occurred, everyone was having a great time as some of the guests came to congratulate the newlyweds, and it didn’t take long for a small accident to happen out on the balcony. The young woman Poe bumped into grabbed a napkin to wipe her arm. Luckily the spilled drink only went on the young woman’s arm and not on her dress.
“Don’t worry about it. That happens to everyone,” the young woman said only to look up and see Poe.
A dashing young man in a navy blue suit with tan skin and dark curls, good lord, if looks could kill others would say. The same went for Poe seeing the young woman, she had fair skin and long dark wavy hair. But the dress she wearing is what got Poe’s attention, a flowing black dress that fades into blue at the end. Almost to match the night sky above the couple. 
Poe had to collect himself quickly to deal with the little incident that happened. Luckily for him, the situation did not get out of hand too fast. This was a wedding after all, and he was sure as hell not going to be the one to create such a scene at a happy occasion.
“I’m very sorry about that again, how about I treat you to a drink to make it up to you?” Poe asked lending out a hand to the mysterious woman.
“I guess that’s fine, it is a party after all,” the woman said taking his hand and the two made their way to the bar in the party.
The music played and everyone in the main room was talking and laughing with one another. Through the loud crowd, Poe introduced himself and started a conversation to get to know the woman.
“I’m Poe, Poe Dameron by the way. And who do I owe this fine drink for?”
“Padme, Padme Solo. So you must be the flyboy my mother appreciates so much? She always told me stories about you and who knew I would meet him here at this occasion.”
Poe’s charming smile faded as he turned around to face Padme as the two were halfway towards the bar. Funny enough, Poe had heard stories about how Leia had a daughter who was single. Little did Poe knew that he would meet Leia’s daughter in person at his friend’s wedding.
“A small world we live in. Leia always told me things about you.”
“My mother told you stories about me?”
“I would ask the same for you.”
“She always told me about the good times she had in the Air Force. Along with keeping in touch with some who retired to pursue a different career and those who are still in the Force.”
“Leia always told me how she had a daughter who needs a little adventure in her life.”
“Are you trying to suggest something here, Dameron?”
“Give or take, it’s your choice, princess.”
“You know, I can see why my mother likes you a lot. Even though she has me and my three brothers.”
The two continued to laugh and talk about each other on their way to the bar. But once the crowd was clear, the couple saw that Leia and Ben were talking to the newlyweds at the bar, Snap and Kare. When Leia glanced up at the crowd she noticed her daughter standing next to Poe. All she could do was give a warm smile before getting up from her seat to reunite with her daughter. The Snap, Kare, and Ben looked up to see why Leia stood up only to see someone very familiar.
“I see you’ve met Dameron here by yourself,” Leia started off.
“Well, I guess you can say it was a coincidence for us to meet this way,” Padme said before looking back to give a wink to Poe before they joined in the group to enjoy the rest of the evening together.
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starlightlotus · 6 years
RavenPilot headcanons (University AU)
Poe is an outgoing guy who wants to become a pilot in the future.
Padmé wants to become a geology teacher for intermediate or elementary children.
The two met in a science class required for their degree, assigned to be lab partners
During their free time, Poe loves to play his guitar while hanging out with friends, and Padmé spends time with her brother, Ben, in the library.
Padmé has to deal with her three older brothers Ben, Kylo, and Matt, around campus.
Poe always asks Padmé to hang out with him, and sometimes he gets glares from her older brothers.
Both Poe and Padmé make an amazing duo in their class.
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starlightlotus · 6 years
I just want to say
That I love Poe Dameron so much and he is the light of my life. He is one hell of a pilot with a heart of gold, aspiring leadership, and loyalty like no other. He may have made mistakes before, but he learned from it and that is what makes him human.
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starlightlotus · 6 years
🐸 + Poe? (♡ sweet)
@sweetselfshipping Ohohoho this will be something! Sorry if this was late too, I’ll do the other one when I get up ; v;
Pairing: RavenPilot
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“Come on, Padme. This will be fun! It’s Prince Poe Dameron here! Look at how handsome he is! And he’s also coming with his friend, Prince Ben,” Sophia pointed as she showed her best friend the picture of him on the newspaper.
“Prince Dameron is handsome, I’ll tell you that. Even with that grin of his. How teasing that can be.” Padme commented as she glanced at the newspaper.
“Prince Ben is such a catch. So charming, look at those dark curls-”
“But Prince Dameron got dark curls too.”
“True, but I just hope to get Prince Ben’s sights.”
“I am no princess, but all right, I help you out on this,” Padme said as she saw how Sophia was excited about the event.
How bad can it be, right?
“I am Prince Poe Dameron! Really! I changed into a frog by some witch doctor. Please, if you kiss me I’ll return into a prince,” the green frog said.
Padme was still unsure about what is happening right now. The man outside that looks like Prince Dameron isn’t the real prince, but this frog sitting on the window sill is!? As a child, Padme told herself that she wouldn’t kiss a frog, and she wasn’t a real princess, but it’s worth a shot right? Just a simple kiss so that he can change back to normal, nothing more. 
“All right. Here goes nothing,” Padme said before leaning in to kiss the frog.
What was supposed to be a kiss for a prince to return to human, had went wrong. Poe was still a frog, but where is Padme? The prince looked down from the window sill to see that the dress Padme wore was on the ground. And from that pile of fabric came out another frog.
���Oh no,” Poe whispered as he now realized that not only did he remain a frog, but Padme was now a frog too.
“That was a close call, but now we cannot go back until we’re human again,” said Padme as she is worried about her best friend and hoping that she isn’t going to look for her any time soon.
But getting away from the malicious spirits that witch doctor Snoke sent out was close enough. Those things weren’t after her, but for Poe. But why? Did it have to do with that charm or a voodoo totem that Snoke possessed?
Either way, Padme had to find a way to return back to human. On a single lotus leaf, Padme used the leaf as a raft and broke the stem to create a paddle to begin her journey with Poe to find another way to change back to her normal self. 
There has to be another way to return to human without having to be kissed by a princess, or facing a voodoo witch doctor. Padme had to think of something, but also survive as a frog with Poe.
“All of this can be yours, my dear. If you give me the talisman, you can have the bakery, Prince Dameron, you’ll even make your parents proud,” Snoke said trying to convince Padme as she held onto the talisman charm.
Everything before her eyes can be hers, but Padme remembered what was the most important. How Poe loved her, and the fact that he’d rather stay with her, and recollecting a few facts about Snoke. Even if she wanted the bakery to become a reality, Padme chose to be with Poe above all. By choosing to be with the prince, Padme smashed the talisman causing the dream to fade away and the malicious spirits to take Snoke away to the spirit world.
With the talisman and Snoke gone, Padme and Poe found Sophia. But by the time midnight hit, it was too late for Poe to return to normal. However that did not matter to him as he realized that as long as he had Padme, he was happy with his life as a frog.
“By the power invested in me,” Finn said as he chuckled to himself before continuing.
“I pronounce you frog and wife! Now go and get it on, you two!” Finn said as he chuckled to see the glorious moment before him.
With Finn officiating the wedding and updating Padme’s status, Poe and Padme returned to human after their kiss. Surprised at the appearance after they realized that they were back to being human, Padme looked at the beautiful aqua blue dress she wore and saw Poe wearing an attire fit for a true prince with darker shade of blue.
“You just kissed yourself a princess, Prince Dameron,” Padme teased her new husband.
With the same charming grin, Poe held Padme by the waist before replying back to her, “And I’ll do that again,” before he leaned in for another kiss while Padme cupped his cheeks.
The two were happily married and as they returned home, they also noticed that Sophia and Ben are together, happily engaged to each other. Together, Poe and Padme opened up the bakery that Padme always dreamt of. Upon grand opening of the bakery, Padme met Poe’s father, Kes Dameron. Kes was so proud of his son to learn responsibility and find himself a wife. Leia smiled at her new son-in-law and knew that her daughter is in great care.
Every night, Poe and Padme would go outside to see two stars, shining brightly in the night sky, knowing their friend is up there and dreams do come true when the work is done.
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