theimmortalpenguin · 5 years
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I really need to get Shion's coat so he'll be completely done. I gotta find one that'll work though first 🐭 🐝 📕 #tipsshion #no6 #no6cosplay #no6shion #no6shioncosplay #shion #shioncosplay #shionxrat #shionxnezumi #bee #rat #lgbt #lgbtq #lgbtqiapd #lgbt+ #gay #cosplay #aesthetic https://www.instagram.com/p/B2KKLxRHBGf/?igshid=k5thh6p4pmey
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aniki-xvi · 7 years
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11102017, can you tell who it is ? It's been a while since o paid homage for what was and is still one of my top fav series I tried to something different ... a little .. what do you think ? #inktober day11 #eve #nezumixshion #nezumieve #snake #shionxrat #shion #no6 #eveandapple #flowers #inktober2017
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riverlovesyou1 · 7 years
No.6 High School AU part 1
Anyone who walked past me probably thought I got into some kind of gang fight. My shirt was soaked in blood and was starting to stick to me. The black eye that I was sporting made it hard to see, but I knew one thing, I was in a fairly good neighborhood. The gunshot wound was throbbing and made it hard to move. 
I knew I had to get medical attention soon, otherwise I’d bleed out. The fight was long and I didn’t know why I even bothered to stick around. The truth to what happened? What the point in anyone knowing if I was going to leave soon any way? No one could do anything any way so it’s useless. I’ll probably just get put into another home that’ll treat me like shit, if not worse. 
I was starting to get dizzy, and even though it wasn’t my best idea, I sat on someone’s steps. My breathing was becoming shallow and my body heavy. I wasn’t going to make it at this rate. But before I let eyes drift close someone touched my shoulder and caused me to jolt away.
My vision still blurry, I looked up to them. I could tell it was a brunette boy. A smile was played at their lips and a hand was stretched out to me, making me confused. He glanced down to my bloodied clothes and his smile turned into one of concern. 
Even though the blood on my shirt was starting to dry, the liquid under my clothes was still escaping my body and was dripping down to the ground. 
“Come on, I can’t just leave you out here when you’re in this state.” He walked past me, up the stairs and towards the door. Cautiously, I stood up. When I looked over at him I saw him opening the door. Taking a step forward onto the steps I realized that I was weaker than I had anticipated. Doubling over, I put my weight onto my hand that had landed onto the concrete stair, but even with that I could hardly hold my self up. 
The boy turned around in shock. The door was wide open and the rain was starting to fall. For the moment he left it there and moved quickly towards me, I couldn’t see his eyes but I felt as though they were focused on only me. But why? Why was he so concerned about me?
His arm wrapped around my waist and pulled me up so that I was standing. He seemed reluctant but started to move forward. He was tall, not much taller than me, but tall. It reminded me of one of the bullies I had in the past. 
Before he brought me in he spoke, “I’m bringing you into my house, is that okay?” I was confused on why he was asking. It was nice though. To be asked what I want. Maybe I’ll meet someone as considerate as this person one day?
I nodded and he helped me into the house. He dragged me towards a door, but before I knew what was happening I was seated onto a counter and he was gone. I wasn’t as dizzy and vision was starting to clear up, so I looked around myself. 
The sink was wide and the counters were a nice marble. I hoped I wouldn’t ruin them. There was a fridge to my left and an oven to my right. Putting them all together I concluded that I was in...
“A-A kitchen?” I was still confused on how I even made it here? Who was trying to help me? Why are they helping me?
The boy came back into the room with a first aid kit and a sponge. His face was stoic now. It made me uncomfortable but he just set the items next to me before walking over towards the sink. 
I looked down at my hands as the water turned on and he began to wash his hands. Every other time something had happened, I had to be rushed to the hospital. Him bringing me inside was a big change. Not really sure what to do, I continues to stare at my hands. I was starting to get dizzy again so I knew I shouldn’t move much.
“Can you take your shirt off?” I looked up and for the first time I saw his eyes. They were a lighter brown than his hair but they still held such beauty that I was taken aback. Sluggishly I started to pull the shirt over my head, but found I was unable due to the gunshot wound in my shoulder. I sighed and dropped my arms.
The boy also sighed and dropped his head for a moment. lifting his head back up he looked thoughtful.
“I could cut it off if you’re okay with that, the shirt is ruined anyway.” I bit my lip before nodding again. Why did I have to be so weak right now? If I weren’t so weak I’d be able to just take the damn thing off!
He leaned over me slightly grabbing the first aid kit. I could feel my eyes closing, but before they could he tapped onto my cheek. I looked up at him while he cut down the middle of my shirt. He then proceeded to pull it of me before throwing it into the sink.
“I can’t have you dozing off, you could hurt yourself more if you were to fall. Just stay awake a little longer, okay?” I nodded and tried to sit up straighter in hopes that it would help. Suddenly a cool wet cloth brushed over my chest causing me to flinch.
“Sorry about that.” I looked back down at him. His delicate fingers were a hold of my shoulder as he wiped off the blood that covered me. The more he wiped it off the more scars that were revealed. Although he didn’t seem too bothered by it. 
The feeling was soothing and had me wanting to drift off, but I knew I shouldn’t. Soon all of the blood was washed off and he was holding pressure down on my would making me sober up. But just as that happened, the blood stopped flowing as much and was only coming out in small blotches. The boy had lifted me up bridal style but before we could make it to the next destination I had already passed out with the thought of his warmth surrounding me.
Pitch black. It consumed me, dragging me, and although I could breath easier, I felt like the weight on my shoulders still made it hard to stand. I moved forward noticing that most of the pain had diminished as well. I just wanted to get out of the dark though. I walked through the darkness for a while longer.
I hadn’t realised the reason I was having so much trouble moving was the liquid I was moving through. I assumed it was water. I kept moving forward, but as I did the water had began to rise. As I maneuver through the water I saw a light. I wanted it. I wanted that light. 
Soon those thoughts were cast away though. I only then realised that the supposed water I was moving through was a shining crimson colored. It was as high as my shoulders. And even though I could see the light, I knew that before I would make it there, I would drown. There’s no point in going deeper. So I turned around and walked back from where I came from. 
The only thing that guided me was the level of the blood, It was starting to lower. It felt like hour before the water was back to my ankles. I sat down and closed my eyes in hopes to escape this world, this dark and scary world.
When I opened my eyes again, I was warm. I couldn’t really see but I knew it was dark. I felt refreshed and although there was pain in my shoulder I could live with it. I mean Hell, I lived through nearly bleeding out. Despite that I didn’t know why I was warm. On any normal day, even with a blanket, I was completely frozen. So when I went to sit up and a weight was holding me down I realised I was only warm because someone was keeping me in an embrace. I tried to adjust my eyes and when I do I notice it’s the boy who saved me. I never did catch his name. 
I inspected his face. He looked soft, and his actions proved that further. Him saving my life is not something I expected. He was weak, I knew that. But I knew he had the potential to be strong. He could if he wanted to. But maybe he choose to be weak. Not that it was of any of my concern. 
I pulled his arm away from me carefully before fully sitting up. The fresh clothes that he must have put on me felt soft. I looked around the room and noticed how nice it was. It wasn’t somewhere I was used to being.
I stood quietly, hoping that I wouldn’t wake him up before I went over to the desk that was in the corner of the room. I sat down in the chair before just sitting there. Why did this guy save me? Sighing, I searched the desk finding an Id card that claimed his name was Tsuki Shion.(Moon Aster) The name suited him. I leaned my head back and looked at the ceiling. 
I brought my attention back to my task and found a pencil and paper. It took me a moment before I decided what to write. I short ‘thank you, and goodbye’ would’ve done fine but I felt that there should be more.
I want to thank you for your kindness. You’ve done me a great favor and although I’m unable to pay you back right away, I do hope that in the future we will meet and I’ll be able to help you. But for now, I’ll be leaving you. 
I’m sorry for all the trouble I caused. Please stay the way you are and don’t forget about the boy you saved.
Until the future,
Nezumi (Rat)
Thank you for taking my feeling into consideration. Your embrace was also really nice. 
I placed the note on his bedside table with his ID card to be certain that he would receive it. I then saw a balcony and walked towards it, the rain from the day before didn’t seem to stop. It was now a roaring thunderstorm. I opened the glass door, not bothering to shut it back. Rain fell on me in pints as if they were Blood bags just being poured upon me. The door was wiping around violently but I wasn’t too worried. I just stood in the rain before I opened my mouth and let sweet words leave me lips, a melody being provided by the patter of rain.
For every weak soul, 
I hold your palm
 in my hands 
so If you’re in pain 
let me guide you
in the right way 
let me guide you 
to a beautiful place, 
for every weak soul 
never give up 
always hold your head up high 
and reach towards the sky 
maybe then, 
your weakness will be
your power!
And when the last word left my lips, the rain stopped and the thunder went quiet. The doors stopped thrashing as well. My work was done. I went over to the ledge before jumping over and landing onto the ground with a thud. I can’t believe I’m going back to the asshole who caused this mess.
(A/N Okay guy so if you didn’t already know, most no. 6 characters don’t have last names. I didn’t want it to be empty because I find last names to be important but then again I don’t want to change much. So the name Moon Aster isn’t exactly out of context it’s just that there are some aster flowers that are called blue moon asters so I thought moon would work. If any one has a last name for Nezumi that I could use please let me know. And I know this says it a high school au but please understand that it not that far yet. It took me a weak to write this up. This is only the beginning so high school will come in the next part. but thank you for your support. sorry for this rant.)
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awkwardsenpai1-blog · 7 years
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It's been a while since I posted shion💕 Tags #anime #manga #otaku #otakugirl #nerd #selfie #cosplayer #cosplay #musically #no6 #no6anime #no6cosplay #no6shion #no6shioncosplay #shionxnezumi #nezumixshion #shionxrat #shioncosplay #shioncosplayer
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briarsrose · 10 years
Nezumi and Shion? More like yes homo
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dirux · 13 years
Shion just kissed Rat x ////// x ahhh, my night is complete at the moment. LOL.<3
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theimmortalpenguin · 5 years
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I have so many wigs I need to make for con and I still have to order another one. Someone save me, there's hair everywhere and I don't like it 🐭 🐝 📕 #tipsshion #no6 #no6cosplay #no6shion #no6shioncosplay #shion #shioncosplay #shionxrat #shionxnezumi #bee #rat #lgbt #lgbtq #lgbtqiapd #lgbt+ #gay #cosplay #aesthetic https://www.instagram.com/p/B2HgUfiH29b/?igshid=yz99jqs7q2fc
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theimmortalpenguin · 5 years
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I'm getting really bad at posting and I'm sorry. I've been busy with regular work and coswork lately. On the bright side I think my edits are getting a bit better. Shion is perfect for soft, pastel edits. It's been way too long since I've cosplayed this boy 🐭 🐝 📕 #tipsshion #no6 #no6cosplay #no6shion #no6shioncosplay #shion #shioncosplay #shionxrat #shionxnezumi #bee #rat #lgbt #lgbtq #lgbtqiapd #lgbt+ #gay #cosplay #aesthetic https://www.instagram.com/p/B2FZIRWHOv5/?igshid=7zs3hy8p8ixh
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theimmortalpenguin · 7 years
So yea! I tested Shion from No.6 yesterday! I blame @imaginaryevolution for getting me into the damn show in the first place! I couldn't not test this bean after seeing it!!! #no6 #no6cosplay #no6shion #no6shioncosplay #shion #shioncosplay #shionxrat #shionxnezumi #costest #cosplay #musically
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theimmortalpenguin · 7 years
Why has my face been breaking out so badly lately? It hasn't been this bad in a long ass time! I wish it would all just stop already and clear up! 🐭 🐝 📕 #no6 #no6cosplay #no6shion #no6shioncosplay #shion #shioncosplay #shionxrat #shionxnezumi #bee #rat #lgbt #lgbtq #lgbtqiapd #lgbt+ #gay #gaycouple #cosplay #musically
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theimmortalpenguin · 7 years
I need your ℓσνє I really like this video to be honest. But can you tell I can't really dance? XD 👻 🎃 💀 #no6 #no6cosplay #no6shion #no6shioncosplay #shion #shioncosplay #shionxrat #shionxnezumi #cosplay #costest #musically #31dayhalloweenchallenge
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theimmortalpenguin · 7 years
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"I do not wish to be defeated by the reaper. Even if I have to crawl, clutching at the ground just to move forward... Even if my body is changed beyond recognition... I... Want to live." -Shion 👻 🎃 💀 #no6 #no6cosplay #no6shion #no6shioncosplay #shion #shioncosplay #shionxrat #shionxnezumi #cosplay #costest #31dayhalloweenchallenge
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theimmortalpenguin · 7 years
уσυиg & вєαυтιfυℓ Ah I'm do excited for today! But I really didn't sleep well last night. Hopefully if I eat I'll feel more refreshed 👻 🎃 💀 #no6 #no6cosplay #no6shion #no6shioncosplay #shion #shioncosplay #shionxrat #shionxnezumi #cosplay #costest #musically #31dayhalloweenchallenge
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awkwardsenpai1-blog · 7 years
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It's been a while since I posted shion💕 Tags #anime #manga #otaku #otakugirl #nerd #selfie #cosplayer #cosplay #musically #no6 #no6anime #no6cosplay #no6shion #no6shioncosplay #shionxnezumi #nezumixshion #shionxrat #shioncosplay #shioncosplayer
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awkwardsenpai1-blog · 7 years
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Good morning ☀️ Shion once again 🖤 have a wonderful day everyone ❤️ {Tags} #anime #manga #otaku #otakugirl #nerd #selfie #cosplayer #cosplay #musically #no6 #no6anime #no6cosplay #no6shion #no6shioncosplay #shionxnezumi #nezumixshion #shionxrat #shioncosplay #shioncosplayer
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theimmortalpenguin · 7 years
Guess who passed their permit test! I'm so glad to be done and over with that! I psyched myself out way too much and made it feel like it was gonna be the worst test ever! Yes it was still stressful as all hell and hard to concentrate with all the noise but I passed first try and I'm so glad! Take some adorable Shion as a celebration!!! 🐭 🐝 📕 #no6 #no6cosplay #no6shion #no6shioncosplay #shion #shioncosplay #shionxrat #shionxnezumi #bee #rat #lgbt #lgbtq #lgbtqiapd #lgbt+ #gay #gaycouple #cosplay #musically
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