#shinobu's quite the ler when she wants to be kdajkreakjrkjae
giggly-squiggily · 1 year
It is me again! Well, here's the one about Shinobu and Tengen because I really loved the idea
Tengen: Ko-kocho please, it was just a joke, I didn't really mean it...
Shinobu: You spanked Aoi, you almost kidnapped my girls and you threw one away, do you think I'll forgive you?
Tengen: But, you can't hurt me, I'm already hurt...
Shinobu: Yes, but I'll do something that will make you wish Gyutaro had cut off your head.
Tengen got worried, he didn't know what Shinobu would do to him, until he felt a weight on his arm, he looked strange only to see the hashira of the insect raised on that arm, smiling with slight mischief. He breathed a sigh of relief, he could pick her up immediately if he did something to him, well... That was what he thought.
Tengen: Shinobu, what are you-AHH!
Shinobu: What's up Uzui-San?
Tengen: Shinobu, no.
Shinobu: Mmmm... Don't worry, I won't hurt you, I'll just give you a little penance for your mistake
Tengen immediately gritted his teeth, he didn't plan on giving Shinobu the pleasure of seeing him laugh, but the hashira's hands were so small that they entered his armpit, those fingers went up, down and danced over his exposed armpit like spiders. He knew that at some point he would get bored or let him go, or so he thought.
Tengen: Shihinobu nohoho!! Ghh!! Stohohop! Grr!
Shinobu: I do not plan to do it, this is not even half of what I will do to you, I recommend you take a breath, I will do the same
Tengen: Whahahat? Hey! NO NO NO!! Plehehease! Kocho I swear what- GYAHAHAH!!!!
Everything happened so fast that Uzui didn't even notice the movements of the hashira, which was now blowing and blowing raspberries on your exposed abdomen. Every time he tried to push her away, she would immediately throw her hand to attack his armpit, thus avoiding the attack. It was almost 3 raspberry minutes in a row, his hair was messier than when he woke up, his eyes were teary from laughing, but Shinobu still wasn't satisfied
Tengen: PLehehehahahahahhahse, Kohohocho no mohohore... I'm sorry
Shinobu: Well, I haven't finished with you yet Uzui, there's something in that I'm sorry that doesn't convince me, but I think I'll find the answer now
Tengen: Nono, please, not Shinobu!! Don't you dare!! I'm really sorry!!
Uzui's despair grew when Shinobu went to his feet, she turned her head to laugh at the former shinobi, this time she wouldn't be alone. Tengen saw his wives approaching, he thought he would be saved but on the contrary, apparently they also agreed to the punishment and were not the one to disobey a hashira
Suma: Tengen-Sama! How could do that?!
Makio: It wasn't right!!
Hinatsuru: How can we help you, Miss Shinobu?
Shinobu: Hold his legs please, I would like to make sure that he is truly sorry Tengen: Girls, you wouldn't be able to, would you?...
Hinatsuru: I'm sorry Lord Tengen but you've been talking a lot about going to hell lately, so this will help you too, but you'll be fine you're a shinobi and a hashira right?
Makio: Ready girls?
Tengen threw his head back, arched his back and began to plead for his life. He didn't know how, but Shinobu was managing to torment the former shinobi effortlessly, Shinobu's little fingers were so fast that he couldn't find a moment to at least wrinkle his fingers.
Shinobu: Hey Tengen... Itsy Bitsy Spider...
Tengen: NONONO!!!
Shinobu: No? So...? This little pig went to the market~
Tengen: SHINOBU!!
Shinobu began to play with Uzui's toes, it seemed that this especially tormented him, his entire foot was so sensitive that there was no place that just a touch would not make him laugh. Tengen begged his wives to let him go, but they denied and scoffed.
Suma: OHHH what's up Tengen - Sama? It's too much?
Makio: We warned you to stop talking about hell, didn't we?
Hinatsuru: Fufufufu Lord Tengen is so cute
Tengen's laughter fell silent, it was only 2 minutes but for him it was an eternity
Shinobu: Do you regret it Uzui?
Shinobu: Hmm.... I don't know~
Shinobu: Ok ok, you win
Finally, Tengen was free to breathe easy, he curled up on the side of the bed, a few tears spilling from his one eye and staining his cheeks flushed.
Tengen: Thahahat's was so unflahahahshy...
Makio: Of course not, it was very fair
Shinobu: I hope it serves as a lesson to you Uzui... I'm leaving
Well, it seems that since then Tengen learned to respect, he didn't want that to happen again, or maybe he want to repeat this again?
KJERKJEKJRKJEKJR SO EVIL!!! I love Shinobu so much! What a devious Hashira she is lols! Thank you for sharing yet another fabulous dialogue, friend! :D
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