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floofysmallbob · 11 months ago
I was on the mha wiki and I-
Monoma Neito is canonically bad at schoolwork-
he was at the training camp because he failed the written exams-
as if I couldn’t love him any more-
Also I’m a monoshinkami shipper and I’m just imagining them all studying together bc Hitoshi probably wouldn’t hang out or study with anyone he’s not that close with, Neito would be regarded as “too much” by some of his classmates and need someone to study with, and Denki would need someone to study with because of his ADHD.
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teallinum · 3 years ago
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Comm again~ for @Mars_bars112 this time
Price for such commission is $180 [more info]
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skullshadowdragon · 3 years ago
Kinda ranting
Anyone else kinda glad that they aren't popular, and so no one really ever gets to see what they post. Like if anyone has been on TikTok, there's a lot of hate towards other people, whether they cosplay or ship characters. And like, I don't mind most ships, as long as they're legal, but I'm obviously an avid Bakukami shipper if anyone has actually read what I've written.
And I see something where people are like, "Oh, rarepairs are trash" or something like that. I'm confused because a lot of rarepairs are fine. And I'm making this post just to see if other people see it and want to hear what you guys think. I don't post on TikTok. That's why I'm posting here. Like, are rarepairs that bad.
And I'm talking about legal rarepair ships. Like I like Bakukami, ShinBaku, ShinMonoKami, KiriBakuKami, RodyDeku, DekuKami and more obviously. Just want to hear others' opinions without a fight.
I do ship KiriBaku, TodoDeku. I don't really look for content for them because they're pretty popular and easy to find. I don't really look for BakuDeku because I don't prefer it. I don't hate it, it's just not for me. But I do get why people ship them, so I understand it at least.
I do prefer rarepairs because usually people aren't toxic about rarepairs unless they're illegal ships.
And no, the mha fandom isn't just toxic. It's popular so a lot of people have opinions on it and half the time, the negative opinions drown out the positive ones. I don't want negativity, just casual discussion.
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tatianalucia89 · 3 years ago
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Resulta que la señora se tomó un café a la una de la mañana, entonces eran como las cuatro y no podía dormir. Así que su mente empezó a divagar y se le ocurrió esta historia ridícula. Traten de adivinar quién es la doña, yo no voy a decir quién soy. Ja.
Entre rubios
Shinso caminaba por los pasillos con los dos rubios más molestos de la UA pisándole los talones. Estaban peleando por su amor, como siempre.
—Yo lo quiero más —afirmaba Kaminari.
—Mentira, yo soy el indicado para él —reclamó Monoma.
Hitoshi paró en seco, suspiró con fuerza y se dio vuelta para enfrentar a los dos tontos que lo estaban volviendo loco.
—Ya basta. No voy a elegir a ninguno. —Los rubios frente a él mostraban gestos de sorpresa y tristeza al mismo tiempo—. No voy a elegir a ninguno porque me gustan los dos.
Sin nada más que agregar se giró rápidamente y se marchó con las mejillas rojas. No quería confesarse así, pero ya no soportaba esa situación.
Por otro lado, Denki y Monoma se quedaron duros como piedras luego de la declaración de Hitoshi. Cuando procesaron la información sonrieron felices.
—Le gusto —dijeron al mismo tiempo. Parecían los gemelos Weasley, solo que en versión rubia.
Se miraron uno al otro pensando en lo mismo. Monoma se paró derecho, pasando una mano por su pelo en una de sus típicas poses de galán.
Kaminari también se acomodó, pero sin hacer tantos movimientos.
—Bueno Kaminari, creo que podemos llegar a un acuerdo.
—Así es mi amigo —siguió Kaminari— ¿estás dispuesto a hacer un trato conmigo y compartir al chico más hermoso de la UA?
—Y… si no queda otra —dijo Neito con desgano.
—Está bien. Vamos a buscar a nuestro gatito.
Kaminari emprendió la marcha, pero Monoma lo detuvo.
—Esperá, tenemos que llevarle un regalo. No podemos ir con las manos vacías.
—Tenés razón. ¿Qué le damos? ¿Un gato, una bufanda nueva?
—Una bufanda podría ser, esa que tiene está bien fea. —Kaminari asintió con efusividad.
Así, Neito y Denki corrieron a comprar la bufanda más linda y elegante que pudieran encontrar. Tardaron mucho tiempo en ponerse de acuerdo. Kaminari quería una amarilla para que le recuerde a sus ojos, mientras que Monoma quería una azul oscuro con líneas plateadas.
Terminaron comprando las dos por sugerencia de la vendedora cuando se hartó de su discusión.
De vuelta en la UA buscaron a Shinso, lo encontraron hablando cómodamente con Midoriya en la sala común del dormitorio del curso 1 A.
—Monoma tenemos competencia —susurró Denki.
—Lo vi —contestó en tono confidente—. Vos andá por la derecha y yo por la izquierda.
Neito guardó el paquete de regalo dentro de su ropa al igual que Denki. Ambos caminaron agachados para no ser vistos por el enemigo. Todoroki salía de la cocina con una taza de té en la mano, se quedó parado mirándolos sin entender qué estaban haciendo.
Shinso y Midoriya seguían charlando sin darse cuenta del ataque que estaban a punto de sufrir.
Denki y Monoma llegaron a su posición estratégica al mismo tiempo, se comunicaron con la mirada y algunas señas extrañas que ninguno de los dos entendió.
Todoroki seguía mirándolos, aún sin entender, pero entretenido mientras tomaba su té.
Kaminari saltó sobre Izuku y se aferró a él como si fuera un koala. Deku se asustó mucho y comenzó a gritar, pensando que había sido un villano.
—¡Objetivo neutralizado! ¡Repito! ¡Objetivo neutralizado!
Monoma saltó sobre Shinso y lo arrastró lejos del sillón.
—¡El gatito está a salvo! ¡Repito! ¡El gatito está a salvo!
Hitoshi también gritaba, pero exigía que lo suelten. Cuando Neito desapareció con su gatito, Denki soltó a Izuku y le habló con tono amenazador.
—Toshi es nuestro gatito, vos conseguite el tuyo.
Deku se quedó tirado en el piso con la ropa desarreglada viendo a Kaminari irse por donde se habían ido Monoma y Shinso.
—Pero… ¿qué hice?
Shoto se acercó a él.
—¿Estaban ensayando para una obra de teatro? Fue divertido, aunque no entendí de qué trataba. —Tomó de su té haciendo ruido de sorbido. Izuku lo miró desconcertado.
En otro lugar, Shinso se zarandeaba tratando de zafarse de Monoma. Kaminari llegó sonriendo orgulloso.
—¿Se puede saber qué están haciendo? —Hitoshi estaba muy molesto. Si de verdad fuera un gato estaría moviendo la cola de un lado con otro y sus orejitas estarían echadas hacia atrás.
Neito lo soltó, se paró al lado de Denki y carraspeó de manera elegante.
—Kaminari y yo decidimos dejar de lado nuestras diferencias y queremos proponerte…
—¡Tengamos una relación de tres Toshi! —Kaminari no se aguantó las ganas de gritar—. Te compramos esto —metió la mano debajo de su ropa y sacó un paquete todo arrugado—. Perdón, el papel está un poco roto, pero el regalo todavía sirve.
Shinso los miraba a los dos sin poder creer lo que estaban diciendo. Tomó el presente que le extendía Denki.
—El mío es más lindo —murmuró Monoma extendiendo su paquete que también estaba todo arrugado. Shinso también aceptó ese regalo.
—Chicos, ¿de enserio los dos quieren…? —Los ojitos de Hitoshi brillaban mucho, al fin iba a poder cumplir su deseo de besar a los dos.
Denki y Neito se miraron y sonrieron. Se acercaron a Hitoshi y cada uno besó una mejilla. Ante tal acto de amor, Toshi solo pudo ponerse colorado y taparse la cara. Ambos rubios lo abrazaron felices de haber resuelto el conflicto de quién se quedaría con el chico más lindo de la UA.
—Ahora que tenés bufandas nuevas podés tirar esa fea que te dio Aizawa.
—No es una bufanda, es un arma.
—Sí, sí. Como digas bebé.
—Toshi, usa la mía primero, es más linda.
Esos rubios lo volvían loco, pero le encantaban.
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icethewolf20025 · 3 years ago
“What are these Mr. Kaminari?” Eri asked after running up to me.
“Huh?” I looked up and saw her pointing to the scars on my arms. Curse summer and short sleeves! Kouda was standing next to her, Hitoshi, Neito, Mr. Aizawa, and Present Mic were standing around. The adults didn’t seem to notice what she had asked me, but my boyfriends did. I crouched down in front of her. “What’s what?”
“Those scars. Where did you get them?” That got the teacher's attention. I quickly racked my brain for an answer.
“Battle scars.” I eventually blurted out.
“Cool! Can I have them?” Kouta exclaimed. No no no no no.
“You can have this one.” I pointed to a cat scratch scar. “It was bravely one in a battle with Sir Ringo of Shming, the most ginormous cat you have ever seen.” Both children giggled at that, and the others seemed less on edge. Hitoshi sat in the grass next to me and the kids followed suit.
“What about these ones Mr. Kaminari? Where did you get them?” Eri gently traced at Lichtenburg figure.
“These are from my quirk. You know how sometimes I fry my brain?” I did an impression of my dumb mode and both the kids nodded. “It also leaves these scars. Reminders of how hard I worked to get here.” Neito sat down next to me and put his arm around my shoulder. The two adults were now sitting down behind the kids.
“What about this one? Can I have this one?” Kouta was pointing out another scar.
“No. These are the ones that you are never allowed to have.”
“Why not?” Kouta asked.
“These are part of a much longer war. A war that no one ever wants to be a part of. The war with the dark ones, Axa and Deia.”
“Who are Axa and Deia?” Aizawa asked.
“Axa and Deia are some of the worst things that you can ever go to war with. They hurt you from the inside out, and sometimes it makes you hurt those around you without meaning to. It takes lots of battles, and lots of time, but it’s a war that can be won. But sometimes you don’t win the war. Some people lose and Axa and Deia win. And we don’t want them to win, because then they take over. Sometimes they make you want to hurt yourself, sometimes they make you angry. The war is different for everybody, but so is the loss, or the triumph.”
“Axa and Deia seem scary.” Eri piped up.
“I don’t wanna let them win! What do you gotta do to defeat them?” Kouta yelled, pumping his fist in the air. One of the other people in the park shot them a dirty look.
“I don’t exactly know Kouta. It’s different for everyone who has to fight them. They’re shapeshifters you know. But it seems like one minute you’ve got them backed into a corner and the next they’re all you can think about. I’m still in the war, but lately, I’ve been winning more often than losing. I never want you guys to have to fight alone, so if you think that Axa and Deia have come for you, tell me okay? Or your Kouta, your aunt, Eri your dads and brother, or just anyone in class A for either of you. Promise?”
“Promise!” Both children chorused at the same time.
“You can also tell anyone in class B.” Neito chimed in, but the kids ignored him.
“C’mon guys! Let’s go get some ice cream!” Present Mic said, rather softly for him. We all stood up and both of my boyfriends grabbed one of my hands. Hitoshi gave me a kiss on the cheek and Neito squeezed my hand.
“We’ll talk about this later. You should’ve taken your own advice and told us.” Hitoshi whispered to me. I just squeezed his hand and pulled him along with me to get ice cream.
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drowninginworkbutstill · 6 years ago
Shinkamimono fic
Title: Magic in your eyes Ratings: Teens and Up Pairing: Shinkamimono Warnings: none Summary:  Kaminari is a kitsune who needs help to maintain his human form. Monoma owns a magical store that caters to mystical creatures. Shinsou is a private detective investigating something beyond his depth. They meet by magic.
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drowninginworkbutstill · 6 years ago
SHINKAMIMONO or however else you would order that but OMG this is totally what’s going on in my fic-
Shinsou, drops a pencil: ah fuck me
Monoma and Kaminari: we're trying to
Shinsou: what-?
Kaminari: sCattEr!
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ao3feed-hitoshi-shinsou · 3 years ago
The Polyam Relationship I Wish I Had
the polyam relationship i wish i had (shinmonokami) by gayforkyojuro
soulmate strings !!! shinsou and monoma are in a pre established relationship and denki hates it. after receiving their soulmate strings they see all three of them are connected to each other. fic is about them working on a polyam relationship and kaminari adapting to suddenly having two soulmates (who he "hates"). shinsou and monoma are very nice and welcoming and this is mostly a comfort fic. no angst planned as of rn
denki has bpd and also is very gay and polyam
Words: 1145, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Characters: Kaminari Denki, Shinsou Hitoshi, Monoma Neito, Class 1-A
Relationships: Monoma Neito/Shinsou Hitoshi, Kaminari Denki/Monoma Neito/Shinsou Hitoshi, Bakugou Katsuki/Midoriya Izuku
Additional Tags: Established Relationship, Developing Friendships, Polyamory, Shinsou Hitoshi is a Good Significant Other, Monoma neito is a good boyfriend, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, probably, Out of Character, Author Is Sleep Deprived, Author Projecting onto Kaminari Denki, kaminari denki has bpd, Not Canon Compliant, Alternate Universe - Soulmates, First Relationship
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/38206393
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feywild-meadows · 6 years ago
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Shinmonokami moodboard for anon!
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ao3feed-bnha-rarepair · 3 years ago
The Polyam Relationship I Wish I Had
the polyam relationship i wish i had (shinmonokami) by gayforkyojuro
soulmate strings !!! shinsou and monoma are in a pre established relationship and denki hates it. after receiving their soulmate strings they see all three of them are connected to each other. fic is about them working on a polyam relationship and kaminari adapting to suddenly having two soulmates (who he "hates"). shinsou and monoma are very nice and welcoming and this is mostly a comfort fic. no angst planned as of rn
denki has bpd and also is very gay and polyam
Words: 1145, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Characters: Kaminari Denki, Shinsou Hitoshi, Monoma Neito, Class 1-A
Relationships: Monoma Neito/Shinsou Hitoshi, Kaminari Denki/Monoma Neito/Shinsou Hitoshi, Bakugou Katsuki/Midoriya Izuku
Additional Tags: Established Relationship, Developing Friendships, Polyamory, Shinsou Hitoshi is a Good Significant Other, Monoma neito is a good boyfriend, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, probably, Out of Character, Author Is Sleep Deprived, Author Projecting onto Kaminari Denki, kaminari denki has bpd, Not Canon Compliant, Alternate Universe - Soulmates, First Relationship
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/38206393
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drowninginworkbutstill · 6 years ago
Shinkamimono HCs
Monoma: the type of competitive boyfriend who wants to be the power couple
Kaminari: likes doing couply things together 
Shinsou: just putting up with his boyfriends’ shit
Monoma and Kaminari want couple shirts (monoma: we're winning the cutest relationship in UA no matter what) and Shinsou agrees when they find one with cats or cat puns (Eg. "Two is company, Three is purrrrfect") 
I like calling them shinkamimono cuz that can be translated into “new god things” xD 新神物 
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