#shield hero s3
i-will-just-nyom-bi · 2 months
I did already make a post about RotSH, but man...
I love this anime, it's in my top 3 and the protag is my fav character. Why did they ruin it so fricking much?
The series had so much potential. The 3 heroes could have become better, recognized Naofumi or even died, 3 good tropes. (Also angst. Imagine Naofumi being left alone as the Legendary Hero, and the world doesn't dare to kill him to summon new ones, because at this point killing him is 1. Impossible 2. The dumbest desicion ever. So he collects more daughters (maybe sons even) and spread them across his world to the point when The Shield Gang was waaay better than the 4 Heroes. Man I need to write this).
Naofumi could continue to explore his and other worlds, gaining xp and knowledge, being known as a God across dimensions.
L'arc's world troupe. Their cooperation, Kizuna's and Naofumi's research. Glass's help. Man that was good.
But nooooo, they added like 30 background characters who "play a big role" (I mean really? The tiger girl being Naofumi's "shiled"? Girl he's THE SHIELD HERO. You can't possibly level with him or the shield, go learn archery or something). Ost dying in a few episodes, the Pierro girl....
The other heroes became even more shallow. Motoyase lost his mind, Ren unlocked the Cursed Series after realising after MONTHS that this world is not a game. That troupe could've been way better.
The King's flashbacks and his obsession with the tiger girl.
Not to mention the ENORMOUS amount of plot twists. A mistical rogue? Ren! A mistical archer-gladiator? Itsuki! Puff! RAPHTALIA IS A FUCKING PRINCESS OF SHE WAS WANTCHED THIS WHOLE TIME.
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nijigasakilove · 10 months
As an Atla stan it’s so good to see her personality being brought to life on the screen. Sneaking out of the room at night and tying up Fohl so she can go sleep with Naofumi 😂 .. her arguments with Raphtalia.. just great. It really feels like they’ve brought to life the dynamic from the books. This season feels so much more faithful, shoutout to the staff.
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Speaking of which, Rat and Galeon are here now as well which means the family dynamic from the LN is on full display at this point. Even Ren is beginning to settle into life in the village. After everything he’s been thru, it’s great seeing Naofumi have a proper family.
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Only complaint I had with the episode was the CGI for Galeon. Idk who was in charge of that but damn that looked bad. Hopefully that improves going forward
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momojedi · 8 months
— RETURN pairing. crosshair x gn! reader
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type. oneshot note. couldn't contain myself with the release of the s3 trailer ... so have a little crosshair fluff! along with some sweet crosshair and wrecker reunion warnings. fluffy flamingo fluff word count. 839
star wars masterlist || pinned post
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"Easy, buddy, I got you." That voice.
Despite his delirious state, Crosshair couldn't help but recognise it, yet he couldn't exactly pinpoint as to where he'd heard it before - it felt so close ... so intimate, in a way.
He tried to grasp a clear image of what was going on, of who that voice belonged to, but as soon as he'd opened his eyes, he already regretted it. The world blurred into a sea of colours and the blaster sounds in the distance barely reached him, dimming into the background. Deciding that he could worry about his faceless hero later, his mind immediately went on to the next important subject he could think of.
"Find ... " he slurred, trying to piece any kind of comprehensive sentence together, "Ome ..." He couldn't even properly finish his sister's name before his lights went out.
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Two and a half hours.
That’s how much time had passed since you all had victoriously reached the Marauder and taken off into the safety of hyperspace.
And it’s also how much time had passed since Crosshair had been knocked out, holding loosely onto you with an arm draped around your shoulder as you tried your best to support his weight and taller frame while also holding off the blaster fire of the stormtroopers.
“He’ll be fine,” Wrecker tried to cheer you up, gently patting your back, “It ain’t the first time he’s been knocked out.” You tried your best to give him a small grin, yet the doubtful grimace of a smile was all you could manage.
Normally, lifting a team member’s spirit would’ve been Hunter’s job. However as soon as the sergeant had laid his eyes upon Crosshair’s broken state, dull brown eyes staring back at him, Hunter’s leader facade had cracked.
You knew he blamed himself for Crosshair and Omega’s imprisonment and the endless torture they likely had been put through. Night after night had you sat next to him, embracing him and whispering sweet nothings. You couldn’t even begin to imagine what kind of weight he carried wordlessly upon his shoulders.
As soon as you’d gotten a hold of the two, Hunter had seen red, fully blinded by all those emotions, all that anger that had been he'd been battling internally for weeks, even months now. He hadn’t hesitated to put a blaster shot between any imp he'd come across on your way back.
You couldn’t blame him. Had you not been holding on to Crosshair, you likely wouldn’t have acted any differently.
The sudden string of mumbled words brought you back to the present and your gaze immediately settled on the unconscious sniper now slowly but surely waking up. He blinked, once, twice before shutting his eyes again and frowning, reaching up to shield his face from the burning lights. "Ugh, Wrecker," he hissed, "Dim the knifing lights, they-"
Suddenly his words were caught in his throat as his eyes widened and he shot up, scanning his surroundings for a second before settling on Wrecker. "You - you're here!" An expression of bewilderment and surprise stretched across his face and before you knew it, tears were glistening in the corners of his eyes.
Wrecker rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly, "Yeah, well ... we couldn't let the Imps keep our best marksman, could w- oof!" Before he could finish his sentence, he was engulfed into an uncharacteristically tight hug as Crosshair wrapped his arms around his big brother. Hesitantly, Wrecker raised his arms before returning the hug and soon enough, there were tears falling on both ends.
You smiled as you watched the reunion unfold, and after a few minutes of loving silence, you stood from your seat on the rack, ready to head out and give the brothers some space to catch up before Wrecker cleared his throat.
"Uhm," he started, pulling back from the embrace and rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly, "I think you two have might have some stuff to talk about, too." He then swiftly headed out, though not without giving you an encouraging grin.
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You two wordlessly eyed the floor for what felt like an eternity. What does one say in such a situation? You didn’t know. And it seemed neither did he.
“I’m sorry.” Crosshair finally broke the silence. You looked up. “What?”
He sighed, averting your gaze. “I’m sorry - about everything. How I treated my brothers, Omega … not to mention you.” Finally he glanced at you, brows furrowed and the familiar wetness sparkling in his eyes once more. “I fucked up. I - Shit, I could’ve killed you, I could’ve-”
You shut him up by pressing your lips against his. For a second, the marksman is taken aback before kissing back, carefully cradling you in his arms and pulling you closer to his chest. After what felt like forever, you were pulled apart by the fatal requirement that is air. When your breathing finally stabilised, you hummed, pressing your forehead against his.
"I'm just happy you're back."
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if you're interested in being tagged for my future works, let me know in my comments or by sending me an ask!
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shuttershocky · 10 months
Hey Shutters, what do you think they'll end up going for regarding a 6* arts defender + that subclass' modules? And also what would *you* do?
I think that a 6* Arts Defender has the potential to be the next Horn. I think Hypergryph know it too, which is why this very old archetype has hung around all this time getting 5 stars but never a 6 star when even the damn Sentinels got their 6 star in Jessica (and Sentinels weren't even a real archetype for ages, they used to be classed as regular Protectors).
In fact, I know HG are timid about touching Arts Defenders because Viviana was our first Arts Guard in 2 years since Surtr, and they made her play like a Defender instead with her shield generation and damage reduction against elites and bosses, trying to play as a DPS tank.
Being a Defender means your stats are good. Being an Arts Protector means you have access to Arts damage on skills. Being a 6 Star means people expect you to be much, much stronger than the rest in your class, when Shalem does 2,262 single target arts DPS and has a 25% RES reduction talent and Asbestos has AOE with a range extension and Czerny has a +100% Max HP skill.
Right now, Arts Defenders are mostly relegated to niche clears and for people who simply like their characters. Their skills tend to be weird (Shalem kills himself, Czerny needs to get hit a lot, etc) to balance out how powerful the concept of combining Defenders with damage is (which goes for the others too: Juggernauts can't be healed, Duelists only block 1, etc). A 6 star Arts protector either won't be shackled by these same constraints, or will have numbers high enough to be worth the janky mechanics.
If I were to make my own 6* Arts Protector, I think mixing some of the funnest ideas from Czerny, Shalem, and Asbestos could make for a really fun operator. And because this is HG and they cannot hide from me that they take inspiration from Dota 2 skill designs, I'm also going to partially base it on a certain Dota hero, Abbadon.
I'm thinking something like:
Talent 1: +5 RES. This unit takes 5/10/15% of damage taken by allies in the 8 surrounding tiles into itself instead.
Talent 2: Every time this unit loses 10% of Max HP, attacks an enemy within range for 100% of ATK + 10% of Max HP as Arts damage.
Skill 1: SP/s recovery. When this skill is activated, +100 ASPD +50% Max HP +100% RES. This unit loses 5% max HP every attack.
Skill 2: ATK recovery. When skill is activated, range expands, all allies attacking the enemy this unit is attacking receives + ASPD. Enemies hit by this unit take -ASPD and are silenced. Each enemy killed when this skill effect is on them increases this unit's ATK by 4%.
Skill 3. Defensive Recovery. When this skill is activated, +250% ATK, +350% Max HP, +100% DEF. Healing effectiveness + 80%. Attacks change to AOE, but stops attacking (can only attack via Talent 2). Talent 1 effect x3 (+15 RES and takes 45% of ally damage into itself instead) and range expands. Talent 2 range expands to Global.
It sounds a bit silly but can you really tell me I'm going overboard when HG crammed everything into Hoederer's S3 to make him viable? I for one think the niche of a unit that takes damage for other units is still unexplored beyond Skadi the Corrupting Heart's S1, but I also think it will be extremely funny and unique if we have a Defender that just stops attacking and instead takes damage for all of its allies, but retaliates by shooting AOE arts blasts all around the map every time it takes 10% of HP as damage, sort of like Czerny's S2 combined with Asbestos' S2.
You'll obviously need a healsquad for this guy but I think it sounds funny and usable in niches without being a too straightforward Arts DPS unit.
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banshee-king · 20 days
Seeing discussions about Disventure Camp has once again got me seeing people use the term “plot armour” without any consistency on what that means. In some cases it seems to be synonymous with “plot bad”. I know nothing will change, but I still feel like arguing about it anyway.
Plot armour should be reserved for characters who have NO explanation for how they survive, OTHER than the plot needs them. If the character HAS a valid reason to survive, even if you don’t like it, it doesn’t count as plot armour. If all characters who reach the end of the plot, regardless of how, are therefore considered to have plot armour, then the term loses all meaning.
If a hero is being attacked by a sword, and they defend themselves with a shield, it’s NOT plot armour. You can’t just say, “but the writers conveniently gave them a shield, therefore plot armour.” No, if it’s convenient the hero has a shield, it’s convenient the villain has a sword. If you say the writers just gave the character a solution, well then the writers also gave that character a problem in the first place. You also can’t say, “the hero doesn’t morally deserve to have a shield.” That’s still not plot armour, that’s something else.
Feel free to criticize the plot, but it’s bizarre to see people say that characters they dislike have plot armour, even if that character has an in-universe explanation for why they’re still around. Like, use a different term. A character’s arc can still be unsatisfying and handled poorly, even if they don’t have plot armour.
(Spoilers for S3 Ep 20) I would say Riya has plot armour when the challenge was to cross the finish line with 10 gems. Riya didn’t get them, Ally’s bag may have ripped, but then neither finished the challenge properly. It’s never explained why Riya won, she just did. Meanwhile when characters don’t vote for Jake and he therefore survives elimination, I wouldn’t call it plot armour. He doesn’t have plot armour if the other characters have bigger priorities, that’s a perfectly valid explanation. I certainly think DC has a lot of plot holes, but I don’t think the term plot armour should be used so liberally.
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judasisgayriot · 5 months
it’s your friendly neighborhood heroes anon! you seem to maybe kinda like the petrellis, so i’ll give you a fun ask about them.
what do you think peter and nathan were like with each other growing up? i’ve seen a bunch of different headcannons from people. in some they’re only like 8 years apart and in others it’s 14. some people think nathan was seen as more of a ‘cool cousin that gets you booze’ type by peter and they never really saw each other much, but when they did it was a fun time. but then in other fics nathan and peter are basically conjoined at the hip even after nathan graduates.
it’s all a big mess, and i don’t know who to believe lol. your thoughts? don’t be afraid to ramble on and on (and on)
Hi!!! I love to talk about the Petrellis haha so here goessss 💖💖
Ooh so first of all, I don’t rly know anything abt the supplemental stuff like the comics lol but not many ppl do anyway lmao
And secondly, in regards to their age gap we can roughly work it out from a few things: s1-s4 take place over roughly ~2 years (for instance Claire is 15-16 in s1 and 18/going to college in s4). Peter was born in December 1979 and is 26 in s1 (stated in canon), Nathan is similarly stated to be 40 in s4 (so ~38 in s1). So I’ve always interpreted them as being 12 years apart. Which yes, is a pretty sizeable age gap and means they wouldn’t have hung out in the same way that siblings of closer ages/in similar life stages would have. Peter and/or Nathan would be away at fancy boarding school, Nathan was in the military for parts of Peter’s childhood.
Their childhood is not super filled in by canon so a lot of this is my personal headcanon/interpretation (be warned for subjectivity/filling in the gaps) but I think their clinging to each other/closeness did start very young regardless of the age gap. Their father was terrifying and emotionally abusive as fuck, controlling to Nathan and at best dismissive and neglectful to Peter, Angela at least loves them in her own way but isn’t much better as a parent and is actively manipulative/gaslighting them all the time lmao and they live in an insane household that forced them together due to this (no wonder they’re Like That).
I think Nathan’s always been protective of Peter and wanted to be there for him/stand in front of him to shield him (though I think he’s later a little resentful about it, similarly Peter sometimes sees Nathan as too much of a puppet to their parents and doesn’t get why he didn’t stand up for himself more/gets frustrated with him, but Nathan was literally moulded from birth to be their obedient little attack dog who’d do whatever they wanted him to. Nathan in s3 saying his evil mind-controlling dad chose his career and even the person he married was picked out for him. There’s a reason that he seems so spineless.) but Nathan’s exception has always been Peter - the one thing he’ll defy his parents for. In s1 he goes along with what he’s meant to do until it comes time for him to pick The Plan or Peter, and he sacrifices himself for Peter. I think Angela never even considered that Nathan would choose Peter over her plan for him, which was the flaw in her machinations lol.
Peter also mentions in s4 that Nathan would rearrange his military leave to be there for Peter’s birthday, etc. i think that they were really happy to see each other every time they got to, it gave them some escape with someone who wasn’t their parents, who understood what it was like to grow up in that family. They’re hugely different people, but in part because Peter was allowed that freedom to be himself and have his own opinions that Nathan simply didn’t have, and again I think Nathan at once kind of resents this and also fiercely wanted that for Peter and is proud of him, despite the way he’s mean to him sometimes lol.
Of course I’d be remiss not to mention the infamous s2 deleted scene, where Nathan says that he and Peter used to steal Arthur’s scotch and go out to the treehouse and he ‘got him drunk for the first time’ up there. Not sure exactly when but this has to have been when Peter was a teenager, and… whew. The way Nathan delivers this with such anguish (‘why did I go back there…’) says so much about how intensely he feels about this whole thing, like, whatever really happened in that treehouse was a LOT and he’s having a LOT of feelings about it. I think when Peter was a teenager their closeness started becoming TOO much and too intense and it scared Nathan a bit as much as he wanted to hold onto Peter. But aaaaanyway….
I just love me some codependent brothers lmao so I’ve probably coloured it more towards that in my own perception. But basically I do think they were close regardless of the age gap!
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spinningbuster98 · 5 months
Sonic the Hedgehog 3 & Knuckles (Knuckles) Part 3: Hyper not living up to the hype
Unfortunately I had to cut this one short because I had to stop the session, so it’s just me Emerald hunting
So while we’re here what about those Super and Hyper forms for Tails and Knuckles?
They’re lame
I don’t understand why Sonic gets to have a unique design, but Tails and Knuckles (and later Amy, Mighty and Ray) only get to glow a little. They don’t even fly! Tails is especially egregious because he still needs his tails to fly and can still get tired!
Not only is it lame from a gameplay perspective (Tails’ invincible flickies would be great if not for the fact that he himself is already invincible thus making it much faster to kill enemies yourself, and Hyper Knuckles is literally just Super Knuckles except he has a wall smash attack that is nowhere close to being as versatile and fun as Hyper Sonic’s hyper dash), it also makes little sense from a lore perspective
I know that the whole “Sega said only male hedgehogs can turn Super” has (from what understand at least) been proven by a member of Sonic Team itself to be misinformation, but this is one of those cases where I think the games themselves don’t do themselves any favors because look: Sonic, Shadow and Silver get proper Super forms, all the others only have them in the Classic games and they just glow a bit, while in the modern games no one else ever turns Super and that one time in Heroes Tails and Knuckles only receive Super Shields from Super Sonic. The only exception to the rule being Blaze really. It’s easy to imagine, even from an outside perspective, that the super forms of most characters that we see in the classic games are a purely gameplay related thing and not story canon. I’m not claiming that’s the case, just that that would be an easy conclusion to come to just looking at the material on its own
Furthermore it just doesn’t make sense period: Knuckles should have more proficiency at handling the Emeralds given his ties to the Master Emerald, honestly he should be second only to Shadow! I remember reading somwhere that the reason why Tails needs the Super Emeralds to transform is because he has little experience. I wanna stress that I don’t know if this is official or fan theory, but either way it’s just nonsense: oh sure he doesn’t have the ability to handle the powers of the Emeralds, but their more powerful versions? He can handle those no issue!
And if we really wanted to follow this type of logic then, again, Sonic himself should have trouble using the Emeralds, because he, by this point, has only encountered them 3 times, and the first time it wasn’t even the full set! Yet he can totally use their full power by his second adventure with them, while Tails for some reason still has issues and Knuckles, the guy who’s spent his life guarding the biggest Emerald of all, can just do the bare minimum with them?
And for the record: no I’m not saying I want everyone to spam Super forms all willy nilly. But when I see Sonic go Super to fight the latest threat while the others just stay back and cheer him up I would really like to know why exactly it’s always just him and maybe one other guy who’s turning Super instead of the whole gang which, y’know, would be more practical? (I mean look at SA2: Sonic and Shadow turn Super to fight the Biolizard while Knuckles, the guy who should also be able to go Super according to S3, just stays there literally slack jawed)
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static-arz · 7 months
What are the relationship of Li with Mk and others and Shen too if its alright?(Sorry I'm just really invested in your oc's🥺✨)
Also phew this one is gonna long answer so prepare! :'D,
1. Note: Li makes his first appearance in mid season 2 while Shen makes his first appearance in mid season 4!
Li Xin:
Mei dragon:
Just like I wrote on his sheet, she's Li's childhood bestie and are super close, for Li she's seen as a possible love interest too! Problem is that he's too scared to say anything and doesn't wanna ruin the long friendship they share so he loves her in silence :')
Just like the rest, Li only knows him through Mei. At first, Li was doubting him and judging him in all ways, didn't really like him at first because he thought he was the only best friend Mei had lmao he was kind of jealous tbh.
But around season 3 Li sees MK as an close friend too! The moment MK had to start figuring things on his own, that is when Li was able to relate to him a lot. He would often try to mentally support him and just be there for him as much as he needed. He adores the way he is and also apologizes to him for his behavior and now he's extra caring for him. uvu
Monkey King/Sun Wukong:
Nope. Not even a bit. For Li monkey King is a burden. He gets to learn about him throughout the season 2, 3 and 4 and he is not very convinced by him. He often try to avoid talking to him and be annoyed with his presence alone. He only sees the bad traits instead of the good ones. In the end of season 4 he does get to learn more about him, but stays natural towards him. So he doesn't really see him as friend.
For Li he's sorta a mutual than a close friend. He doesn't bond with him much but they had their moments too. Li gets to see his troubles too and notices his lack of confidence. He often try to tell him the opposite though. By now you'd know that Li is sort of the therapy friend of the bunch.
Just like Tang a mutual. he would often take advice from him when it comes to cooking because Li had to microwave his food most of the time because he is a student. He'd love to learn how to cook proper meals for his health and regrets never learning it from his parents. Pigsy gladly teaches him as well. Li also learns quickly and he's thankful he's here too.
Li sees him as a close mutual. At first he was quite suspicious of him because he never saw so much kindness before. Almost made him believe that guy is not what he seems to be. He actually had a lot of doubts in everyone but slowly he warmed up to him too and saw a genuine kind individual. Since he received pain and suffering most of the time he often got fooled by people who pretended to be kind. He's glad Sandy is not that person and never will be. He appreciates his presence too.
Red son:
He doesn't wanna admit it but pretty sure he's part of them too! When first met in S3 Li gets super suspicious of him too. Especially after hearing about what he did in the past with the others he quickly becomes protective and alert of his friends safety. Soldier instinct he has. He didn't really like him at first and was neutral about him until in the special episode: embrace your destiny, he sees him as ally once seeing how much he helped. Especially Mei since Li gets super anxious and even more protective once he saw Mei struggling with the fire of Samadhi.
2. Note: As for everyone else he was able to meet throughout the adventures with MK and the others, he'd stay natural and takes time to warm up to anyone that is seen as ally, and he will be protective and shielding against the enemies.
Shen Xiaotian:
Let's say that his relationship with MK and the others is a mix of hatred and adoration. He pities MK but at the same time he can't help but feel pleasure when watching him suffer because he thinks he deserves it. Shen sees him as a corny hero but at the same time Shen wishes he was that type. For the rest he isn't very impressed by them but more annoyed. Especially with Li because for some reason Li caught his attention shortly. There is not much to say about Shen and his relationship with Mk and the others since he freshly appears in season 4.
As for Monkey King, he's a different case. Shen first met him when he caught him stealing peaches of immortality. Back then Shen was a passionate celestial warrior so he'd definitely try to catch that monkey. For sure he failed. He was a nuisance to him and still is. Yet he does adores the way of his rebellious acts. But Shen is even more unhinged than Monkey King so when he finds out how "weak" be became he instantly gets disgusted by him.
Phew! That was a lot to write! Took me almost an hour! Excuse my spelling mistakes, I am quite fast in typing and english is not my first language! :'D. But yeah, let me know if something is unclear I try to explain it more!
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rkmatsu · 1 year
DRA fancasting
I was heavily inspired by @creepercraftguy's headcanons on voices for the Danganronpa Another cast so I caved and did my own as well. I have decided to use VAs that weren't in any of the official Danganronpa games and anime while also considering the other roles the voice actors are known for as well as their overall energy.
That being said, this was made in all good fun if it and its' sequel (which I'll post tomorrow hopefully) were official games. I hope you enjoy the picks as I did.
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Yuki Maeda - Zach Aguilar Notable Roles: - Tanjiro Kamado (Kimetsu no Yaiba) - Koichi Hirose (JJBA: Diamond is Unbreakable) - Genos (One-Punch Man) *Also for a note, Utsuro himself will share the same VA as Yuki, though the voice would have some distinction.
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Akane Taira - Lisa Reimold Notable Roles: - Ui Tamaki (Madoka Magica: Magia Record) - Emma Verde (Love Live! Nijigasaki High School Idol Club) - Kurumi (Lycoris Recoil)
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Kiyoka Maki - Amber Lee Connors Notable Roles: - Shouko Komi (Komi-san) - Pieck Finger (Attack on Titan) - Furina/Focalors (Genshin Impact)
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Mitsuhiro “Mitch” Higa -Jonah Scott Notable Roles: - Kojiro Nanjo (SK8 the Infinity) - Legoshi (Beastars) - Tatsu (Way of the House Husband)
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Kizuna Tomori - Sarah Anne Williams Notable Roles: - Sayaka Miki (Madoka Magica) - Nonon Jakuzure (Kill la Kill) - Peacock (Skullgirls)
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Ayame Hatano - Ryan Bartley Notable Roles: - Komugi (Hunter x Hunter) - Shoko Ieiri (Jujutsu Kaisen) - Ram (Re:ZERO)
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Kakeru Yamaguchi - Alejandro Saab (CyYu) Notable Roles: - Gabimaru the Hollow (Hell's Paradise) - Tatsuya Shiba (The Honor at Magic High School) - Izumi Miyamura (Horimiya)
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Kanata Inori - Brianna Knickerbocker Notable Roles: - Hu Tao (Genshin Impact) - Kanao Tsuyuri (Kimetsu no Yaiba) - Filo (Rise of Shield Hero)
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Kinji Uehara - Daman Mills Notable Roles: - Lyney (Genshin Impact) - Blade (Honkai Star Rail) - Legato Bluesummers (Trigun Stampede)
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Haruhiko "Haru" Kobayashikawa - Aleks Le Notable Roles: - Sonon Kusakabe (Final Fantasy 7 Remake) - Luke (Street Fighter 6) - Caiman (Dohedoro)
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Satsuki Iranami - Jenny Yokobori Notable Roles: - Yoimiya (Genshin Impact) - Xiaomei (EDENS ZERO) - Martina Electro (Rain Code)
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Yamato Kisaragi - Landon McDonald Notable Roles: - Kazuki Kurusu (Buddy Daddies) - Ranpo Edogawa (Bungou Stray Dogs; S3 - Onwards) - Noritoshi Kamo (Jujutsu Kaisen)
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Mikako Kurokawa - Anne Yatco Notable Roles: - Nobara Kugisaki (Jujutsu Kaisen) - Raiden Shogun / Raiden Ei (Genshin Impact) - Lola Metrose (The Hidden Dungeon Only I Can Enter)
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Tsurugi Kinjo - Howard Wang Notable Roles: - Narciso Anasui (JJBA: Stone Ocean) - Hikari Ku (Octopath Traveler II) - Langa Hasegawa (SK8 the Infinity)
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Rei Mekaru - Lizzie Freeman Notable Roles: - Yanfei (Genshin Impact) - Trish Una (JJBA: Golden Wind) - Hinata Tachibana (Tokyo Revengers)
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Teruya Otori - Nazeeh Tarsha Notable Roles: - Alhaitham (Genshin Impact) - Chobei Aza (Hell's Paradise) - Jude (The Saint's Magic Power is Omnipotent)
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Here’s my take on a batch of custom Nexo Knights minifigs !
Closeups and thoughts under the cut
So, in no particular order, the closeups, with comments and comparisons with the actual characters from the original Lego theme (also, because of Tumblr’s image limits, I had to badly stitch together my pictures, sorry-)
1) Mace
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Pretty cool one, and the only girl in the team in the original cast, who also happen to have troubles because her dad is the king. But eh, none of that here, so she get the cool cloak I assign to any cool red character I can find (yes, you’ll see it again many times in the future). The overall design is pretty nice (mostly this face, the other one on the brick is not as good; the printed armor, which is from season 4, is pretty nice, and does a nice job with the large dark piece (coming from later Hero Factory sets). The weapons are from the Chima theme (and so is the cloak !). The hairs are from the only Tron set, which should have been continued as whole theme but eh-
2) Axel
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Stupid and muscular originally. Well, now he’s got a Large Axe (Bionicle) to stand to his name. The helmet is all Nexo, but with some custom brew of mine, and so is the shield. Also, the custom arm was possible because the large chest has a technic pin.
3) Clay(more)
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Not room much modifications on the base character (s1). The sword is from a season four version of the character, the shield is homemade with some fun pieces I had lying around. The two arms are modified from the Ultimate set. …which I transformed in guns…Yeah.
4) Aaron
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Green ! Always had a cooler weapon. The armor is from the mech set, the chest piece is from s3-4, the Google’s are from the Ultimate set, and the shoulder thingy is from Boba Fett. I kept the original shield with some added pieces, which is made to fly (like with the original al character) but changed the face to give him a more serious expression. The weapon is mostly from the original crossbow, with some nice twists (the beam on the first image is from a ninjago sword).
5) Lance Whatever their name is now
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Really a bad character : rich, 'very pretty', egocentric. So, well…I took the armor and made an entire new one. I really like them, but it might be because it took an awful lot of time to figure out the weapon (transparent white piece similar to the green beam mentioned above). Armor-wise, it’s s1 body, with a grey pauldron (Clone Wars) and a light grey kama (…Also Clone Wars). The hairs are a really cool piece from a Ninjago set, and the head…Come from a City ski set. But the orange visor makes it work !
6) Never remembered the name of that one
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Original character is a very smart kid with not much development in the show. Well, firstly I made him an adult (legs are from a black widow figure), and then I decided to push the technical side a little. So, full suit with crystal swords, which works ! Most pieces are actually from the theme, except the red dots (Ninjago again), the crystals in the back (Power Mine [really a cool theme !]), and the helmet (City firefighters + Ninjago…again). It was the first one I made, which made me do the others.
I might get them in a diorama at some point, to set them against the very many custom monsters from the same theme (which were already much cooler than the original minifigs). In fact, most of the theme was really cool, the two sad points are that it was discontinued, and the TV show was…Well, it didn’t push much sci-fi nor fantasy, so I had to do the job.
Now, with that post I have finally revealed my three favorites things to do with legos : Dioramas, Big Mechs, and Custom minifigures (plus any Clone Wars related stuff, but it’s probably just as much because of the fandom aspect as it is the Lego aspect). One day perhaps, I’ll get all three of these aspects in one epic scene, but I have no idea of how for now, so maybe later~
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nijigasakilove · 1 year
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loisfreakinglane · 4 months
heroes + agents of shield?
fyi my heroes knowledge thus far only goes thru to the end of s3! I HAVE YET TO WATCH S4
The first character I first fell in love with: 
peter, easily.
The character I never expected to love as much as I do now: 
honestly? both angela and sandra lol. OH AND MICAH MY BABY. i always liked him but unfortunately did not love his plots, but s3! changed things!
The character everyone else loves that I don’t: 
i can't say i know much about fandom opinions tbh? but i can say i just find niki so incredibly boring. SOOOOOOOOOO boring.
The character I love that everyone else hates: 
uhhhhhhhhh i genuinely don't know who this fandom hates. i will ASSUME this fandom has no love for angela or sandra and i adore them? ARE THERE ANY MR MUGGLES HATERS OUT THERE BC I WILL THROW DOWN W THEM
The character I used to love but don’t any longer:
i remember really liking west the first time around but on rewatch of s2 i found him truly insufferable like good god
The character I would totally smooch: 
mohinder, obvsly. peter, monica, nathan, elle, dl, ando
The character I’d want to be like: 
hmmmmmm maybe peter?
The character I’d slap: 
god i fucking HATE arthur. and puppetmaster guy. and danko. and matts dad.
A pairing that I love:
A pairing that I despise: 
claire/west was an affront to me and mine
agents of shield:
The first character I first fell in love with: 
gosh i remember waffling after the pilot between ~skye~ and may
The character I never expected to love as much as I do now: 
i mean on the one hand the answer to this is daisy bc she's one of my favorite fictional characters of all time, and i never would have expected that very early on. but also deke! i despised him in 5a! and i grew to ADORE him. easily my favorite member of that whole family
The character everyone else loves that I don’t: 
i am sorry friends the answer to this is both fitz and simmons i do not vibe with either of them
The character I love that everyone else hates: 
ward is a FUN villain I HAVE FUN WITH HIS VILLAINY. also deke?????? i find deke incredibly entertaining. and jiaying is a mess but i LOVE HER. oh and kora!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The character I used to love but don’t any longer:
The character I would totally smooch: 
daisy, obvsly. sousa! gabriel! mack! TRIP!!!!!!!!!!
The character I’d want to be like: 
hmmmmm melinda
The character I’d slap: 
A pairing that I love:
daisy/sousa is such a great eleventh hour otp
A pairing that I despise: 
bus kids. leave daisy out of that mess i'm sorry
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crypticjackal13 · 2 years
Benched(a mini nonsensical rant that no one asked for!)
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Y'know, I was thinking about this earlier and I figured this is the best place to say anything.
One of my favorite episodes of LMK is Benched, and here's why:
The creators of the show had a real opportunity for this episode to be a one on one confrontation between Macaque and Wukong. No, their fight in s1 doesn't count--MK was present for that. However, Benched doesn't allow this to happen a second time: they choose to let Tang have a moment.
I think Tang being the one to talk with Macaque inside the lantern was an excellent choice. There's something to be said about how Macaque talks to Tang specifically as opposed to the others. He chooses to compliment him(in his own way), saying how smart he is and then offering up some advice.
"don't take it personally, Tang. Your buddy Wukong values people by how useful they are to him. Take it from me, as an expert on what happens when you get too close to the king...Look out for number one, because if you don't, no one will."
I find this interesting. When Macaque tells the story of the hero and the warrior in "Shadow Play" he mentions over and over the betrayal of being left behind that the warrior felt. The letdown of feeling like the warrior was on equal grounds with the hero, but then everything had to change because of power, and he is projecting this idea right onto Tang.
But Tang IS smart, he IS wise, even if he seems more like a side character, he does HAVE STRENGTH. He sees through what Macaque is trying to tell him.
Macaque is "alone". He, at this point, has no real allies, no one to save him. LBD doesn't count because she ONLY sees him as disposable.
Tang, on the other hand, knows that even if he "[doesn't] bring [anything] to the table" he is not alone. He, especially in the drawing he has from MK, is surrounded by people who love and care about him. People who would save him, and people he has saved himself(see how he shields Mei from the ice when Macaque shows up to begin the ritual). It is a two way street and he knows this.
In that moment inside the lantern, Tang very well could have chosen to believe Macaque and betray MK and Co. But he didn't because he isn't pessimistic like Macaque is. He FINDS that power he needs to get the ring and get out. Powers of friendship, sure, but also it could be how MK needs the confidence to get his powers--Tang needs reassurance(even from himself) in order to find his own strengths. Multiple times throughout the show, he follows his gut and most of the time he's correct(Spider Queen in s1, following the Golden Cicada in s3) so of course he would be confident in himself and his relationships and use that power.
I just find their interaction along with Tang's character interesting.
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gwenstrikesagain · 2 years
vecna slash henry slash one
When Robin starts to rant about how they were wrong about Vecna, she refers to all of the names we know him as:
and One.
Robin asks what they're calling him now, and I think it is interesting who picks which name.
Erica calls him Vecna.
Dustin and Lucas call him One.
Nancy calls him Henry.
So why are they picking each of these names? and why is that interesting to us as viewers?
First of all, up until this point, Erica has been shielded from most Upside Down gore. She saw El's leg in S3, but she never saw the Mind Flayer in the mall, nor did she see a Demogorgon. She was told what was happening by Dustin. The story was laid out for her, a story that she hasn't lived yet. Dustin acted as a DM for her, laying out the story.
Canonically, Erica is still 11 years old. At her age, Erica's brain will protect her from trauma by considering these things a game, or relating them to a game. Which game would she relate the horror she's hearing about and seeing? The one she has become so passionate about since S3 and the one that directly correlates to the victory she just had. She calls him Vecna, because in her mind they've already defeated Vecna. It is the safest option for Erica.
This is why the very end of E9 is a transforming moment. When Erica breaks into the attic and finds Max dying in her brother's arms, there is a dramatic shift we can see in her eyes (serious kudos to Priah, she's incredible). In that moment, the gravity of the Upside Down hits her as she sees it cause the death of someone she loves in front of her eyes. For the first time, it isn't a game anymore.
Next on the docket: Dustin and Lucas. Unlike Erica, they have seen the gore and horrors of the Upside Down first hand. They have seen the Demogorgon attack and El kill in S1 and the Demodogs that almost killed them in S2. In S3, Lucas sees the Mind Flayer several times. He throws fireworks at it, cuts it off of his friend, and watches it possess and kill his girlfriend's brother in front of her. Meanwhile, in S3, Dustin sees the gate opening, and knows that the roaring he hears over Cerebro promises imminent death for his friends. For those two, and the others, this battle is no longer a game or a comic book.
Dustin and Lucas have seen Eleven defend them on countless occasions. They have seen the power she holds first hand. For Lucas, he has even been on the receiving end of what her powers can do. For those two, and the kids who aren't present, One is the most familiar and understandable way to refer to and understand him. To them, El is their superhero, and One is the villain. Much like the comic books they read, and the games they play, he is a big bad that the good guys will overcome. They've saved the day every other time, and they will do it again.
They have a lot of trauma in their past. Compartmentalizing and placing One in the same box as Eleven is the most comfortable option. One is the big bad, and El is their hero. It is the safest option for them.
Also, they themselves are 14/15. Developmentally, Lucas and Dustin will rely on the familiar as a coping mechanism. Comic books and D&D are the reference they will rely on. In those, however, death is not final. No 14/15 year old boy acts in self preservation. Mortality isn't real to them. Just like in the comics and in their games, danger is not real. They won't die, nor will their friends. In their stage of life, death isn't an option.
But, in E9, they both lose. Dustin loses Eddie, and Lucas loses Max. Both of them watch as the big bad wins, and the ones they love most die in their arms. This is no longer a comic book with classic heroes and villains. They have escaped relatively unscathed in the past, but now? Now the danger is in their faith and it is throwing their mortality in their faces. Not only is death final, but it is personal. This is human, and this battle is no longer safe.
Finally, Nancy refers to him as Henry. When she is cursed by Henry, he shows her his childhood. Specifically, he shows her what he looked like as a human child. In S3, when Max and Mike are arguing, Nancy reminds Mike that El is her own person in control of her own decisions. In the moment, we get a glimpse into how Nancy sees El. Unlike Mike, she doesn't look at El and see a superhero or only her powers. Nancy sees that El is a kid, and a young woman making her own decisions. In the same way, Nancy sees Henry as a boy who has made his own decisions.
To Nancy, he is human. He isn't the antagonist in a D&D match, or the supervillian in a superhero's comic book story: he is Henry. Nancy sees Henry as a man who has chosen evil, and has chosen to torture.
She never had the luxury of seeing this as a game, or heroes verses villains, like the others. This has been human and real to Nancy from the moment Barb disappeared. She never had the luxury of ignoring mortality. Her best friend was killed at the very beginning of all of this.
Developmentally, at 17/18, Nancy is coming to terms with adulthood and what that means for her. With it, she is facing the fact that she is mortal, and her decisions will influence her future. The college she goes to, the friends she choses, and who she decides to love are things that do not feel safe: they feel vulnerable.
Of them all, Nancy is the most in tune with what they are facing. As such, she immediately jumps into action. Nancy makes the decision to go into the Upside Down, to allow Max to be bait, to assign Eddie and Dustin to distraction duty, to step forward and pull the trigger on someone she sees as a man, not a monster.
Nancy is the leader this season. Robin says it herself, Nance is in charge. That responsibility, and the choices that came with it, will haunt her. She made the plan, and assigned tasks just as she would at the school newspaper. The deaths and injuries that occurred under her orders will follow her, just as Barb's death had followed her.
Next season, it will be interesting to see if the group unites in what they refer to Henry/Vecna/One as. Will they be a united front, facing an enemy they see in the same light, or will they still be divided?
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mxlanieblog · 5 months
🫧About Me🫧
I’m a 19 yo female, I watch anime, k-dramas, horror, tv shows and series’ (basically everything). I will mainly write about anime just an fyi. I write smut but probably when it’s requested only, and I don’t write smut for minors or about minors!
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Top Anime’s I will write about currently if requested: (these change depending on my brainrot levels)
1. Seven Deadly Sins
2. My Hero Academia
3. Attack On Titan
4. Black Clover
5. Dr. Stone
6. Jujutsu Kaisen
Anime’s worth Mentioning!
Haikyuu, Akame Ga Kill, One Punch Man, Tokyo Ghoul (s2), Toilet Bound Hanako-Kun, Saiki K, Blue Exorcist, Food Wars (s3), Death Note, The Promise Neverland, Vinland Saga, Noragami, Your Lie in April, High Rise Invasion, Black Butler, HxH (York New), Dakaichi, Kakeguiru, Sk8 Infinity, Devilman Crybaby, Gekkan Shouju Nozaki-Kun, One Piece Live Action, Blue Period, Spriggan, Spy X Family (s2), Mob Psycho 100, Demon slayer (s4), The Rising of the Shield Hero (s1)
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Seven Deadly Sins
My Hero Academia
Attack On Titan
Jujutsu Kaisen
Vinland Saga
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ragesin · 1 year
crossovers in grand cross are just funny to me because of how its implemented with people being pulled into britannia through various magic rifts. on one hand you have king of fighters and have a tournament or other series like rezero and tensura with their own little story lines. then on the other you have attack on titan where you have s3 eren, mikasa, and levi zipping around on odm gear to kill fake copy titans that appeared with them. and on the other other hand you have stranger things with eleven using her telekinetic powers, mike and will using legit magic, and then there's hopper, who has a fucking shotgun / pistol to shoot demons with.
shield hero ( and mushoku tensei ) never got a story so we can pretend it never happened.
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