#shido battery
torque1block · 21 days
Shido—levelling up motorcycle performance with next-gen lithium battery technology
Advantage of Shido Battery: Shido batteries are very light in weight compared to conventional lead-acid batteries utilized in applications, and hence they can serve best for performance improvement and handing, which is highly required for motorcycles.
Best Feature of Shido Battery: Shido batteries are designed with a built-in LED charge indicator that enables the user to check the status of the batteries with ease for best performance and to avoid unexpected power loss.
Shido Battery Disadvantages: Another minor advantage of a Shido battery is that the extreme temperature, especially in regions of cold weather, can affect the performance and life.
Technology Used: Shido batteries utilize advanced LiFePO4 technology, which offers much better energy density, more charge cycles, and much safer performance compared to other more conventional battery chemistries.
Compatibility: Shido batteries fit a variety of motorcycles, scooters, ATVs, and more-these are Powersport vehicles. They act as a direct replacement for lead-acid batteries, making them an easy upgrade option in many models.
Related brands you may know: https://www.torqueblock.com/category?query=VARTA https://www.torqueblock.com/category?brand=YUASA https://www.torqueblock.com/category?query=BS%20BATTERY https://www.torqueblock.com/category?query=CRANK1
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maespri · 27 days
let's talk about the many crimes of the phantom thieves
hello and welcome to me detailing the many crimes of the persona 5 royal teenagers... my dearest friend and i got bored and decided to make a list of every crime they could potentially be charged with, and i thought i'd post it to get other people's thoughts (in case i missed any) + laugh about the insane shit they've pulled off.
lets go!!!
before we get into this: we did not count crimes that were committed within the metaverse, as it wouldn't be possible to really charge the phantom thieves. the only exception to this is goro. we counted his metaverse crimes because it made his laundry list of crimes funnier. that's all.
p.s.: i love studying criminology, but i know i'm not an expert by any means. if i mess something up, miss a crime, etc.- let me know!
now, let's get into it, in order from least to most crimes!
sumi yoshizawa commits zero crimes.
good for her... good for her...
ann takamaki commits one crime: battery.
aside from ryuji and haru (who also only commit one crime), ann has the shortest list of crimes with just one: battery. it's a stretch for sure, but technically, she does slap ryuji after shido's palace, and that does qualify as battery. good on her otherwise.
ryuji sakamoto commits one crime: assault.
side note for anyone who doesn't know: assault and battery are two different things. assault is the threat, battery is the action. for example: if i tell someone i'm going to punch them, that is assault. if i actually do punch them, that is battery. that's often why the two go hand-in-hand.
ryuji threatens people quite a bit, but we actually couldn't think of any instances where he goes through with said threats, excluding him punching kamoshida. because that happened pre-canon, however, and because kamoshida clearly didn't charge ryuji, we didn't count it.
haru okumura commits one crime: perjury.
haru lies to sae when being questioned about her father's death. and yes, lying to a prosecutor during a criminal investigation does count as lying to law enforcement in general.
makoto niijima commits three crimes: blackmail, hacking, and theft.
blackmail: makoto approaches the phantom thieves and blackmails them with a video of them stating their identities, threatening to leak it if they do not meet her demands.
hacking: makoto intentionally manipulates sae's laptop in order to steal documents from it.
theft: makoto steals confidential documents from sae's laptop.
ren amamiya/akira kurusu/the protagonist/joker commits three crimes: improperly bringing an animal onto public transportation, resisting arrest, and breaking and entering.
improperly bringing an animal onto public transportation: animals are allowed on most subways in japan if they are documented, in a proper carrier, and, at times, have been paid for with a proper fee. joker brings morgana onto the train every day without doing anything of the sort.
resisting arrest: joker runs from the police and attempts to escape when surrounded outside of sae's palace.
breaking and entering: in one of yusuke's later confidant events, joker picks the lock to madarame's house and enters.
yusuke kitagawa commits four crimes: plagiarism (charges would likely be dropped, however!), stalking, solicitation, and trespassing.
plagiarism: this one was really interesting to discuss with my buddy. yusuke does commit plagiarism by willingly handing over his artwork to madarame and allowing him to claim it as his own. however, it can be argued that he did so because he was being manipulated, abused, and was under duress* (madarame essentially claimed he would end up on the streets if he did not hand over his art). it can also be argued that because yusuke did not place any copyright infringement on his paintings, it wasn't really plagiarism. therefore, this charge would likely be dropped, either on the basis of insufficient evidence and/or his being under duress.
stalking: yusuke does stalk ann for a few days before speaking to her. because this action causes distress to ann (shown by her mentioning yusuke following her around a few days prior, as well as her initial reaction to meeting him), it falls under the category of stalking.
solicitation: yusuke solicits joker to commit the crime of breaking into madarame's house in one of his confidant events.
trespassing: when joker does break into madarame's house for him, yusuke enters.
*under duress: constraint illegally exercised to force someone to perform an act (AKA, forcing somebody to do something illegal via threats, blackmail, manipulation, guilt-tripping, etc.)
futaba sakura commits eight crimes: wiretapping, non-consensual surveillance, espionage, truancy, hacking, tampering, theft, and blackmail.
wiretapping: futaba hacks into phone lines (most notably, ren and akechi's) and listens in on conversations.
non-consensual surveillance: futaba tracks the GPS on a few people's phones.
espionage: futaba spies on people.
truancy: we don't know the full extent, but it is implied that futaba has missed a lot of school, which is a crime.
hacking: i hope i don't have to explain this one HAHA.
tampering: to send shido's calling card, futaba tampers with all the big screens around japan, which is tampering with property.
theft: futaba has stolen plenty of information, classified or not classified, from a loooot of different people.
blackmail: when she first asks the phantom thieves to change her heart, she does so through blackmailing them, threatening to reveal their identities if they don't do it.
goro akechi commits twelve crimes: attempted first-degree murder, mass first-degree murder, unlawful possession of a firearm, conspiracy, fraud, aiding and abetting, terrorism, assault, battery, perjury, blackmail, and obstruction of justice.
attempted first-degree murder: whilst akechi technically doesn't kill joker, he does try to, which means he can be charged with this.
mass first-degree murder: akechi murders. a LOT of people. which falls under this category.
unlawful possession of a firearm: in order to kill joker, akechi steals a gun from a police officer.
conspiracy: akechi states his plans to murder joker and plots it out in advance for a long, long, time.
fraud: faking joker's death certificate is a form of fraud.
aiding and abetting: helping shido kill people is aiding and abetting.
terrorism: terrorism is defined as "the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims." akechi's actions fall under this category.
assault: akechi throws plenty of threats people's ways!
battery: and follows through on many of them.
perjury: akechi lies to all sorts of law enforcement around him, most notably sae and the guard outside of joker's interrogation room.
blackmail: akechi threatens to leak the identities of the phantom thieves if they don't infiltrate sae's palace.
obstruction of justice: by lying about what he knew about the phantom thieves, withholding information from law enforcement, and overall just completely messing with the case, akechi commits obstruction of justice.
that's it!
thank you for reading thank you for joining us joy to the world... shoutout again to my wonderful friend for being these guys' defense attorney's
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immortalmsmoon · 11 months
Hello may I have some Goro Akechi dating HC ? :3
Goro Akechi Dating Head Canons
A/N: This was soooo fun to write!! i love writing head canons!!
Warnings: None, i don't think! if i missed any please feel free to let me know!
Word Count: 210
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Before Shido's Palace
he's very sweet
he loves to take you out on dates, especially to Jazz Jin, he just loves to spend time talking quietly with you while you sip on drinks.
Also loves to slow dance with you, and sometimes will take breaks from his job to dance with you for a bit
Not very fond of PDA, mainly because of the Persona (haha get it??) he has to keep up.
He also prefers to show his love for you in private because keeping up his persona is very tiring, and spending time with you is like charging his batteries.
occasionally he will brush his hand against yours in the train station, or talk to you for a couple minutes before his train arrives.
After Shido's Palace
Still very sweet
If you except him, he loves you more than anything
the fact that you would still love him even after all he has done makes him so happy
he's a little more vulnerable with you and a little more open with PDA and affection
You truly mean everything to him, and he is NOT letting you leave any time soon.
He would kill for you
he is very calm with you, and tries his best to make sure you don't get scratched by his thorns
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Storytime of a 'fan' partying with Louis and Oli in Los Cabos, Mexico on the night of Jan 18-19 2023
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[I copied the google translation of his tweets bc the story is too long for screenshots. For the original in Spanish check his thread here.]
I was born here in Cabo, so I know very well, my friends are not from here, but a friend had told me that she had never been to a bar called "The Jungle" and I took her to meet her and say hello. to some friends who work there that I love them (René and Yen)
We got to jungle and everything was shido, there was a live band and as always very full and we had to be outside, for this we realized that Louis was there, total, I was with my friends having fun, dancing, singing and so on
Anyway, they were already closing and Louis and Oliver left, we stayed until jungle closed and we went to other bars that we like, especially one called "Dice" but it was very empty and only I went to the bathroom and we turned back, when we saw him again
My friend came to talk to Louis (it should be noted that we are not fans) and while we were entertaining the night I bought some beers to which I gave Oliver one, we were talking for about 10-15 minutes and obviously people asked him Photos
My friends talked with Louis and I with Oliver or we made jokes about how it is difficult for them to pronounce the "R" in Spanish and I explained to both of them that they should use the language more, that they needed more practice and they laughed, they understood the double meaning hahahaha
I didn't have much battery on my phone, I think 6% and since I'm not a fan of Louis, I was talking with a person that I "met in the peda" (met while drunk) something typical here in Los Cabos or nightlife in general (many will understand )
A boy came up to talk to Oliver while we were still joking with Lou, and he looked angry and I heard Oliver say "I don't want problems" so I approached with Lou and put myself in the middle of the boy and Oli in case he wanted to do something or something
(I forgot to mention, when we were joking he asked me something about my phone and I said "do you have WhatsApp?" To which he said yes, I take my phone, he added himself and told me to send him a message and I sent him a sticker, typical of meeting someone in the peda [while drunk])
Anyway, they told us to go to another place, I suppose they liked us, and we went to a bar that was nearby, that to enter there was a bouncer and my friends are friends of the bouncer and we went by, we sat at a table and because people realized
We asked for a bottle, they brought it to us at the table and I told Louis not to drink too much, also trying to make them full (not too drunk), we were singing, dancing and well, many came up to say hello, he would greet anyone who came near without problems, photos It's not understood)
Oliver took a lot of photos, with all of us, the truth was that we were having a great time, until someone asked for a one direction song and he asked Oliver please to tell the dj to change it, I saw Louis's face and he smiled, someone must have recorded that I guess
I told them I was going to the bathroom, I went, I came back and I had about 2% battery, it was already like 3 in the morning I think, I sat next to Louis and that's when I took my phone to take some selfies, I helped him turn on the flash and the photos came out I don't know how they got them
For this, Oliver saw when Louis took the photos with my phone and applied the law of ice to me, how do I explain that Louis asked me? 🤣🤣
My friends went out to smoke together with the two of them and I waited for them at the table, I don't smoke and I'll tell you, I was at my party and I'm not a fan, when they returned Louis saw a shirt that a very special person gave me and he liked hahahaha
We ran out of juice, we stayed a while longer dancing and it was time to leave, I paid for everything we had consumed and we went downstairs
This is when we stayed for about 5 minutes, since we were saying goodbye and that's when my taxi driver friend came up to me to tell me if it was Louis and I said yes, he asked if he could take a picture with him and I asked him I said ask Louis, for me ahead
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Here we were saying goodbye (it should be noted that I have many friends and I received more photos of why or what he was doing with Louis hahahaha) and well I promised him that once we left with Louis I would post something, which I would rather than anyone else I knew for that night
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It should be noted that I'm not a fan, I'm not telling them to offend by any means, I enjoyed my night with my friends and with them and that's not going to change the fact that I continue what I do, I think we spent 3 hours with them, such again if you count the time since we were in jungle
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Lastly, I want to say that he is a super warm, fun, energetic person, he likes the riot as much as I do, if you are a fan of Louis I want to tell you that I enjoyed a great night for you and seriously if you approached me to tell me that You wanted a photo and I told you no, 1/2
It wasn't because I didn't want everyone to have his photo, but he just wanted to enjoy the night like anyone else, like you or I enjoyed it, I'm really sorry! It was a bit of luck that my friends and I had 🤘
And now yes, how do I explain that I ended up really drunk with Louis? I hope they enjoyed it as much as we 🤞🤞🤞
And that's all, I was looking at my messages and I'm not telling you so you can believe me or not, just my experience with them, the whatsapp is Oliver's, but my friends have Lou's, do you think if I send a message to Oli to pass me the photos, he'll tell me no?
Annexed when he called with my phone and I sent him a message, I still wonder if he would get mad if I ask for the photos 🤣🤣🤣
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Good night babe! It was a pleasure to share my anecdote with you, please, don't hate me, I told you with all my heart 🙋‍♂️ have a nice night anyway!
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autisticsupervillain · 3 months
It's Complete Monster Throwdown!
The show where we take two Pure Evil Monsters and make them kill each other!
This Week's Monsters...
Darkseid vs YHVH!
Darkseid is the ultimate embodiment of tyranny and evil within the DC Multiverse, the ruler of Apokalypse, and the cruelest of the New Gods. Beginning his fall to evil by murdering his mother, Darkseid keeps his planet held in the grip of fear, brutally punishing even his family members for the slightest failure or push back. With his cruelty ranging from petty to grand scales on a whim, Darkseid has mind controlled Superman and Big Barda into raping each other, enslaved all of Earth 2 to use it as a living battery, destroyed countless entire universes by himself, murdered his own son Orion, and sending Batman back in time as a living time bomb to destroy the Multiverse. As a being that transcends time, Darkseid remains the same tyrant he always across all reboots and continues his search for the Anti-Life Equation to destroy all free will in existence. Even to his bitter end, Darkseid vows to take reality down with him, letting his true form's body fall down atop the multiverse as a spiteful last gesture to make reality die with him.
YHVH, The Great Will, is the physical embodiment of Law and Order, as well as one of the cruelest incarnations of the Christian Lord Almighty in fiction. Kicking the series off by manipulating humanity into nuclear armageddon in the first game before rebuilding civilization into a cult that worships His name. Deciding this still isn't enough worship for Him, God decides to destroy the planet anyways, turning even His most loyal servants against Him in disgust. As the leader of the Law faction, YHVH orders countless atrocities across countless universes, from manipulating the rise of near dictator Masayoshi Shido and attempting to enslave the will of the entire Persona timeline as Yaldabaoth to erasing entire universes from existence and forcing their survivors to fight to the death to create a new one as Kagutsuchi. Known to erase even universes bent to His will for not worshipping Him enough, YHVH has trapped countless universes in eternal war with His forces, returning from death time and again through humanity's belief in Him and vowing to bring an eternity of suffering on every hero He faces for daring to defy Him.
True Form Darkseid vs True Self YHVH.
YHVH wants to conquer the DC Multiverse. Darkseid called dibs.
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louisupdates · 2 years
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JonathanGOrozco: Do you want StoryTime of how we ended up riding with Louis in Los Cabos? It should be noted that I am not a fan. [translated- please click on links for the original Spanish]
It was a normal day like any other. We had gone to eat sushi and go to the movies with my friends, very delicious by the way
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I was born here in Cabo, so I know very well, my friends are not from here, but a friend had told me that she had never been to a bar called "The Jungle" and I took her to meet her and say hello to some friends who work there that I love (René and Yen)
We got to Jungle and everything was shido, there was a live band and as always it was very full and we had to go outside. Because of this, we realized that Louis was there, anyway, I was with my friends having fun, dancing, singing and so on
Anyway, they were already closing and Louis and Oliver left, we stayed until Jungle closed and we went to other bars that we like, especially one called "Dice" but it was very empty, and only I went to the bathroom and we turned back, when we saw him again
My friend came to talk to Louis (it should be noted that we are not fans) and while we were entertaining the night, I bought some beers and gave Oliver one, we were talking for about 10-15 minutes and obviously people asked him for photos
My friends talked with Louis, and I with Oliver, or we made jokes because it is difficult for them to pronounce the "R" in Spanish and I explained to both of them that they should use the language more, that they needed more practice and they laughed, they understood the double meaning hahahaha
I didn't have much battery on my phone, I think 6% and since I'm not a fan of Louis, I was talking with a person that I “conocí en la peda" something typical here in Los Cabos or nightlife in general (many will understand )
A boy came up to talk to Oliver while we were still joking with Lou, and he looked angry and I heard Oliver say "I don't want problems" so I approached with Lou and put myself in the middle of the boy and Oli in case he wanted to do something or something
(I forgot to mention, when we were joking he asked me something about my phone and I said "Do you have WhatsApp?" To which he said yes, I take my phone, he added himself and told me to send him a message and I sent him a sticker, typical of meeting someone in the peda)
Anyway, they told us to go to another place, I suppose they liked us, and we went to a bar that was nearby, that to enter there was a bouncer and my friends are friends of the bouncer and we went by, we sat at a table and because people realized
We asked for a bottle, they brought it to us at the table and I told Louis not to drink too much, also trying to make it full, we were singing, dancing and well, many came up to say hello, he would greet anyone who came near without problems, but no photos (it was understood)
Oliver took a lot of photos, with all of us, the truth was that we were having a great time, until someone asked for a One Direction song and he asked Oliver please to tell the DJ to change it, I saw Louis's face and he smiled, someone must have recorded that I guess
I told them I was going to the bathroom, I went, I came back and I had about 2% battery, it was already like 3 in the morning I think, I sat next to Louis and that's when I took my phone to take some selfies, I helped him turn on the flash and the photos came out I don't know how they got them
For this, Oliver saw when Louis took the photos with my phone and [gave me an icy stare], how do I explain that Louis asked me?🤣🤣
My friends went out to smoke with the two of them and I waited for them at the table, I don't smoke and I'm telling you, I was at my party and I'm not a fan. When they returned Louis saw a shirt that a very special person had given me and he liked it hahahaha
We ran out of juice, we stayed a while longer dancing and it was time to leave, I paid for everything we had consumed and we went downstairs
This is when we stayed for about 5 minutes, since we were saying goodbye and that's when my taxi driver friend came up to me to ask me if it was Louis, and I said yes, he asked if he could take a picture with him and I told him, I said ask Louis
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Here we were saying goodbye (it should be noted that I have many friends and I got more photos of why or what he was doing with Louis hahahaha) and well I promised him that once we left I would post something, which I preferred more than anyone else I knew for that night
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It should be noted that I'm not a fan, I'm not talking about them to offend by any means, I enjoyed my night with my friends and with them and that's not going to change with what I continue what I do, I think we spent 3 hours with them, if you count the time since we were in Jungle
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Lastly, I want to say that he is a super warm, fun, energetic person, he likes to mess around as much as I do, if you are a fan of Louis I want to tell you that I enjoyed a great night for you and seriously if you approached me to tell me that You wanted a photo and I told you no, 1/2
It wasn't because I didn't want everyone to have his photo, but he just wanted to enjoy the night like anyone else, like you or I enjoyed it, I'm really sorry! It was a bit of luck that my friends and I had 🤘🏻
And now yes, how do I explain that I ended up drinking with Louis? I hope and they enjoyed as much as we enjoyed 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻
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samasmith23 · 7 months
I’ve gotta say, Persona 5 Royal’s penultimate boss battle with the corrupt politician & candidate for Japanese Prime Minister, Masayoshi Shido, was FREAKING phenomenal!
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Not only did I love the unique music for this fight, but the symbolism embedded in Shido’s golden lion & pyramid statues comprised of hundreds of regular humans was brilliant in conveying his distorted desire to both ride & subjugate the masses towards ruination for his own self-gain, and his Bane-like roided out second form showcases just how deep his ultra-nationalist “might-makes-right” ideology truly goes! And getting to fight Shido one-on-one as Joker in the final stage was so intense that I had to constantly stay on the defensive whilst timing my offensive techniques just right in order to avoid fatal damage from his powerful arsenal of special attacks!
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You better believe that beating the royal crap out of and changing the heart of this dirtbag Donald Trump-wannabe fascist was oh so satisfying! Yes I know that Shido was meant to be a pastiche of Japan’s former prime minister Shinzo Abe, but every time I heard Shido’s dialogue I got some seriously uncomfortable “Make Japan Great Again” vibes from the bastard! I mean… Shido might as well wear that ugly red MAGA cap, he gives off the same kind of hatable energy…
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Plus, it was satisfying getting revenge on Shido since he was also the one responsible for giving the protagonist Joker a false criminal record at the start of the game because the latter rightfully tried to stop a drunken Shido from sexually harassing a random woman on the streets, but Joker accidentally broke the Shido’s nose when he tried to pull the latter away from the woman. Unfortunately, Shido then used his powerful political & police connections to try and ruin Joker’s life by falsely accusing him of assault & battery, even blackmailing the woman he previously harassed to publicly testify against Joker.
So having the opportunity to beat the living crap out of Shido's shadow-self in the Metaverse was unbelievably cathartic!
And as I previously alluded to, the soundtrack for this fight, “Rivers in the Desert,” only serves to elevate the tension & atmosphere of this boss battle! BOTH the instrumental & vocal versions!
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butchfalin · 1 year
i would love to know your ghost akira lore
HIII perfect <3 i won't give away the Full thing because i do think i want to write it someday and i want to keep Some secrets BUT. here is the gist (and tw for major character death, light emetophobia, and some canon-typical violence and gore):
it starts on 11/20, where everything is going well... until it comes time to show akechi his phone. because his phone battery is dead. it's been like... at least a full 24hr since he charged it, and that is literally all that does him in
which means he's conscious enough to have a conversation with akechi when he comes in to assassinate him! but he's still drugged and out of it, and akechi is far too deeply entrenched in his quest for vengeance to be convinced. they talk, but it's not quite enough, and it ends just like it was always meant to: with a bullet in akira's head
and then akira wakes up in the velvet room, where "igor" taunts him but tells him that his role in the story is not yet over, and then akira is back in the interrogation room just in time to see akechi calmly tuck the silencer into his pocket and exit... and to see his own eyes staring, glassy and lifeless, into the empty space ahead. he's in such a state of shock that all he can think to do is follow akechi down the hallways and watch as he steps briskly into the nearest restroom, throws up into the nearest toilet before so much as locking the stall door behind himself, and then arranges himself into the perfect image of composure he was before. so, okay. maybe he's not as totally onboard the "kill akira in cold blood" train as it seemed when he was, you know, killing akira in cold blood. but there's only so much akira can do with that, and akechi doesn't seem to be able to see him, so.
the only thing akira can think to do is walk back to leblanc... and by the time he gets there, everyone else has gathered. there's a heavy moroseness in the air as they try to reflect on what went wrong, when suddenly morgana looks up and spots akira where he's just entered through the door (through in the most literal sense - he passed through it as if it was air, but he tries not to think about it)
morgana is immediately overjoyed to see akira alive and rushes over to him... and passes right through his leg. everyone else is in a state of shock/fear/anger/sadness at morgana's outburst that akira is alive, because 1) time and place, cat, that's not funny and 2) he seems to be talking to empty air. morgana comes to the realization quickly that something isn't right (you know, when he passes through akira's leg and also really looks at him, because he looks distinctly ghostly), but he can see and hear akira, which is more than can be said for anyone else, who are all in various states of disbelief
regardless, now they know who their next target is, and they're filled with even more righteous fury than before as they aim to take down the man who both ruined and ended akira's life. no one's quite sure what to make of morgana claiming to see akira, but they confirm a few key details that only akira and sae could have known, and so eventually they do come to believe that he's there... but they're really not sure what to make of it or what their next plan of action could be, so they decide pretty much unanimously to throw themselves into taking down shido
and akira... lingers. it's absurdly lonely, being a ghost, so he spends most of his time in the attic with morgana until everyone is ready to begin the infiltration. sometimes he hangs out down in leblanc, but the sight of sojiro crying over him when he's right there is too much to bear for long. at least with morgana he has someone he can talk to
when it comes time for infiltrating the palace, akira follows along, because what else is he supposed to do? and he doesn't expect anything to change, but when the world warps and he finds himself on the deck of a cruise ship, he's met with a chorus of gasps as the phantom thieves all suddenly see him in his full ghostly glory
and suddenly, things change. akira can't access his personas for some reason he doesn't know, but he finds he's essentially made of pure curse energy that he can send out in concentrated blasts if he tries hard enough, and also that he can't be hit (or touched in any capacity, but that's much less useful for fighting). within the palace, his teammates can see and hear him, and even if his outfit and personas are gone, he's still joker. it's the most alive he's felt since he was arrested.
but eventually, it comes time to leave the palace. no one is quite sure what will happen, but they can still see him when they leave. they assume it's something to do with cognition, like with hearing morgana speak - they know he's there, and so he exists to them. it's a huge relief, at least for akira, and he's thrilled to be seen and heard again. he never wanted attention much when he was alive, but he couldn't have predicted how much he missed it once he had died.
(no one can quite look at him, though, and no one can quite look away. haru tries to wipe away the blood from the bullet still embedded in his skull, but her hands pass right through him with an uncomfortable pulse, like the creeping tendrils of an eiha. when akira tries to wipe it away himself, blood just retraces its path down his face in a steady, constant drip. he tries lightheartedly asking ann whether he might still have a career as a model, if being an undead criminal comes into fashion, but her attempt at a chuckle is weak. he tries joking with yusuke that his next painting should be about the various shades of yellows, blues, purples, and reds marring his skin, but yusuke doesn't even pretend to laugh. he tries to ask ryuji what the damage is, whether or not he still looks cool like this, but ryuji just turns and unsubtly wipes at his eyes. he stops trying to make jokes after that.)
so they make their way through shido's palace, and it's... rough. on the bright side, it seems ghosts are immune to becoming rats, which is lucky. it's just about the only win he sees, when the mood is still so horribly downtrodden and there's nothing he can do about it
until they reach the engine room, that is
tensions are at an all-time high. akechi seems shocked and disturbed at the sight of akira, and everyone else seems ready to unleash their worst upon him. but akira... he's mad, too, don't misunderstand, but he also remembers that they talked, and the way akechi pretended to be fine with the whole thing until he was alone and then threw up the sparse amounts of curry akira had ordered him to eat before the fight with sae's shadow. he knows that it's complicated, okay? so when akechi shoots the button to raise the emergency partition, akira passes through it like it's nothing. and akechi might be impervious to curse, but his cognitive mirror is not, and it goes down easily in the face of akira's complicated rage
so akechi is alive! hooray! except akira is still dead, and absolutely nothing is fixed, except that they have a new teammate that no one wants to so much as look at, much less speak to. akira tries, once or twice, but akechi doesn't seem to want to talk to him, either. it's a horribly tense situation
(they fight. it ends with a flood of emotions and no clear winner, but they're on even ground. things are a little less tense after that.)
at some point, after defeating shido and before the world begins to end, they pull sojiro - briefly - into the top level of mementos. it's only fair that he be able to see akira, too, since he's grieving just as much as any of them. oh, kid, he says, how could we have let this happen to you? and the bitter swell of emotions akira has kept bottled up for the better part of a month explodes out of him as he finally breaks down at the terrible injustice of it all. he's just a kid - all he ever wanted was to help people - why did he have to die? and he stands there, sobbing and shattering, surrounded by his friends who cannot touch him, cannot do anything but watch as their dauntless leader crumbles into the ghost of a boy who only ever wanted to keep people safe - the body of icarus drowning in a swirling sea, surrounded by waxy fragments of broken wings
and then shido confesses, and nothing changes. and i am out of characters LOL
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etherbonded · 2 years
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fool!sumi being taken care of by a funeral director while being on house arrest
mmmm oc moments.
TW // harassment mention, yes the man is shido
" ...Something isn't quite RIGHT with you Yoshizawa. You don't seem the type to commit a crime such as assault or even battery. Do you want to talk about it? "
It's a bit of a shock to Sumire's system, finally someone didn't believe the bullshit that they were told about her. Not even her father believed her, so it's nice to finally have someone who'll actually listen to her. So, before she knows it, she tells the lady who's her guardian now she supposes, about what happened that night.
" W-well, this man was bothering my sister and he was getting too close for comfort so I shoved him away. And he got hurt so he threatened to get me in trouble, so my sister and I ran home as fast as we could. So the next morning, well, I got pressed with charges, I guess he figured out who I was due to something I must've dropped when we ran away. No one believed it was in self-defense besides my sister but my father made sure to keep her quiet due to not wanting his reputation ruined any more than me getting charges would do or something. The man won in his charges against me so, yeah, that's how this happened I suppose. "
The lady's grip on the car's wheel has tightened as she scoffs in irritation, almost as if she likely holds a DISTAIN for the justice system. " Tch, typical justice system. Always looking to screw over the weak and let the powerful win because they're more 'important' in their eyes. ...Sorry that happened to you Yoshizawa, I know what it's like to have the justice system try to screw your life over. "
Sumire wants to pry more, but not only do they come to a stop, she also figures maybe it's a bit TOO GUTSY of a question to ask for now despite the fact the lady had just asked her about what was up with her practically.
The lady sighs upon finally parked, as if it's a relief for her to finally be back at her Funeral Parlor. " By the way, Yoshizawa, you asked me earlier when I picked you up but I never told you, my name's Michiko Kishi. "
A smile lightly manages to tug on her lips for the first time in awhile from her guardian's response, " It's a pleasure to be in your care Michiko-San. "
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torqueblock12 · 1 month
Shido—levelling up motorcycle performance with next-gen lithium battery technology
Nothing is as critical to run your motorcycle as a dependable battery. Together with ensuring that your motorcycle fires up every single time, the right battery makes a significant difference in its performance. Take a look at Shido—one of the most innovative motorcycle batteries brands, using state-of-the-art lithium technology fast becoming the face of change in the motorcycle industry.
Why Shido?
Lightweight design
One of the major benefits derived from using a Shido lithium battery is lightweight design. This makes the batteries as light as up to 70% when compared to the lead-acid batteries; such a reduction in weight can be brought to your motorcycle. With this reduction in weight, handling will not only improve, and fuel efficiency will also increase, thus making your ride smooth and highly pleasurable.
Longer Life
 Shido batteries are long lasting. Where a lead-acid battery may only last a few years before needing to be replaced, a Shido motorcycle battery will endure for much longer. This is largely because Shido's lithium batteries are made with higher-quality materials that resist the sulfation typically seen in lead-acid batteries.
 Superior Performance
 They deliver a higher cranking power, thus ensuring that your motorcycle will start fast and reliably in any kind of weather. Besides, Shido batteries provide stable voltage that gives stable power output and improved performance of the motorcycle in general.
Eco-Friendly Choice
 With the rising awareness in the present era, eco-friendliness is an important criterion. Shido stands for sustainability, and its lithium batteries prove this with great evidence. Other than being more energy-efficient, Shido lithium batteries have a lesser toll on the environment in comparison to the traditional lead-acid variant. They are free from harmful chemicals like lead and acid and thus prove to be a much safer option for both the rider and the planet.
Versatility and Compatibility
Shido has many batteries for various motorcycle models, so you wouldn't have a problem selecting a correct Shido lithium battery for your bike. Whether you have a sportbike, cruiser, or adventure motorcycle, Shido will definitely have something to your liking. They are also compatible with a huge number of charging systems that guarantee you will be able to keep your battery perfectly fit with no hassle at all.
Easy Installation and Maintenance
Installing a Shido motorcycle battery is pretty easy, thanks to the brand's user-friendly design backed by excellent instructions. Again, these batteries require very minimal maintenance compared to other conventional batteries. With Shido li-ion batteries, you won't need to worry about checking water levels or leaking issues. You can be more focused on the road ahead.
Conclusion: The Future of Motorcycle Batteries
With the pace set by the motorcycle industry, Shido has not been left behind in making better batteries. It is a brand respected by riders worldwide because of its commitment to innovation, performance, and sustainability. Whether you are looking to upgrade the existing or just looking for a reliable power source to fit in your new motorcycle, a Shido lithium battery means investment in quality and service life.
In a nutshell, Shido stands for much more than just a battery brand; it symbolizes the future of motorcycling. Shido is at the forefront of delivering top performance, reliability, and eco-friendliness through its li-ion batteries for riders everywhere. If you are looking for a new motorcycle battery, look no further than Shido—the name that speaks for itself in excellence after every ride.
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halcyon-writings · 4 years
Hi! Do u mind doing headcanons of akira/ren, ryuji and akechi from p5 with a rlly extroverted and clingy reader? Thank you 🥺💖💖💖
note(s): apologies for the late answer to these, i’m slowly but surely finishing off requests!!lowkey this request has me soft for these three as well so i’m just 🥺🥰
all my links (masterlist, rules, etc.) can be found on my pinned post!!!
slight warning for spoilers in these too!! the hcs are utc, bc long posts without one make me age prematurely
i’ve literally tried to fix ryuji’s and akechi’s banner things and idk why the quality is so different hjdhdhj but i have given up bye
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He may not look it, but he can be just as clingy. So he loves it. At every little thing, whether it’s you grabbing his hand or walking arm in arm at every place you both go, or just laying your head on his shoulder when you’re both just hanging out and chilling in his room.
I feel like Akira would have a much more physical kind of love language, just having you close by is a big reassurance to him and sometimes there are days where the rumors catch up to him and the way he’s still held at a distance affects him more than what he lets on. It helps him when he knows you aren’t going to think of him as a criminal or worse.
As soon as you show any sort of physical affection just know he’ll be quick to reciprocate. And if you get flustered? Then he’s gonna double down on it until you’re both just a pair of very flushed and very sappy goofballs. Sojiro has nearly kicked you both out of Leblanc but apparently the old ladies live for it so they come by a lot, so you can stay but you’re both on thin ice.
He really likes your extroverted personality! If we look at this game mechanic wise, he does one thing and just automatically goes to sleep (morgana leering menacingly in the bg-). So looking at this more like characteristics, maybe his social battery isn’t as full as yours. But he’s also there for you in case you need to step back and relax too.
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If you want to see a very red faced Ryuji. then you’ve accomplished that mission very successfully by clinging onto him whenever you’re both hanging out. And for as much as he tries to hide it, the guy blushes all the way to the tips of his ears. You’ll know when you’ve got him all flushed and embarrassed.
He also likes your extroverted nature too, bc mans is also a pretty big extrovert. You both end up as that very excitable pair in high school. Very high energy and people are either jealous of the relationship or want to knock your heads together for being so loud and energetic, there is no in-between. 
Ryuji’s another who acts lowkey about all the shit people say about him. But don’t be fooled, after what Kamoshida did, apart from breaking up the track team and also giving him a debilitating knee injury, and how his reputation plummeted as a result, he bottles up a lot and keeps the negatives to himself. He’ll wait until he’s alone so that way he doesn’t drag you down, he says. But you prove him wrong and he’s all the more grateful for it.
Ryuji definitely brags about you. You’re probably the man’s homescreen/lockscreen. Returning to the first point, the moment you grab onto his hand or his arm when you both are walking to and from places whether it be to school or just on a date, he tries to play it off all cool. No one is fooled because they can see the flush on the back of his neck to the tips of his ears. 
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Once again I’m gonna warn for spoilers in these, but especially for Goro.
I’m not going to lie, Akechi will either really like the clinginess or hate it depending on the different stages of your relationship. If it’s the beginning of the relationship, you might honestly have been a cover up for more of the less than savory activities under Shido’s command. However as time goes on he finds your personality and overrall demeanor to be very refreshing compared to the rest of the people he’s had to deal with. 
Not to be like, lowkey angsty, but, I have feeling that just as he’s starting to let himself become closer to you, that lingering doubt that you’re going to either disappear or end up using him in some way rears its head. Maybe it will maybe it won’t but please let this guy know that you’re in it for the long run (however long it may be). That feeling won’t just disappear in a day, so somedays are rougher than others but the fact that you’ll still cling to him like you have previously is a small reassurance. (shido send me your location i just wanna talk-)
But n e ways after you get past that, if you when the two of you are somewhere private, he is probably just as clingy. Think Koala type of clingy, I just know Akechi is touch starved as hell. And dealing with the public image that he’s created for himself and being bombarded with all this attention from both fans and critics alike can be overwhelming at times. So it’s a bit like a relief when it can be just the two of you, away from prying eyes that want to know all about the new Detective Prince and his s/o. 
He greatly admires the way you’re so extroverted. And maybe sometimes has you talk to people for him if the social battery he’s got is too drained, but only if you’re okay with it! That’s another thing that he’s come to respect is the boundaries. You may be extroverted and slightly clingy, but you don’t push him and instead go at his pace. But when the roles are reversed and you aren’t up for being the social butterfly, he’s more than happy to help you out too.
I think he needs a hug. A big hug.
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tricksheart · 4 years
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Send me  “HC”  + a word and I’ll write a headcanon about it.( sweets ).
Even though society tells everyone that boys shouldn’t like sweets, Akira does anyway. He likes the more obscure desserts like lemon meringue and key lime pie. Both sweets don’t have a generic crust but comes with graham cracker crumbs instead because he doesn’t anything that really has a shell to it.
Macaroons are also a favorite of his because of all of the unique flavors, like pistachio & raspberry, and they remind him of miniature cakes. Plus, they are aesthetically pleasing to the eye. Akira likes setting them up in a little row or in a formation, taking a few pictures, and sending them to Instagram & Pintrest.
He’s not too fond with cookies but gets made if you steal or take one right out of his hands. People in his life previously have done this too many times to count. It’s mostly his pride getting in the way but he just won’t let it go. It’s been months but he’s really upset at this turn of events. 
Akira, for the lack of a better word, is a very picky eater. A few moments in the game indicate as such, even with a funny final fantasy xv joke about beans. He rather have udon and ramen instead of the gross thing his friends Ann and Ryuji had mentioned SEVERAL times. Also, he ransacked the sweets counter and ignored basically everything else when visiting the very EXPENSIVE upscale restaurant. The boy don’t fool around with choosing his personal favorites.
He hates any kind of vegetable, save a tiny portion, but lies to Haru just because he wants to have something in common with her, cause you know, a fool does anything for a person he falls in love with.  Akira has straight-down lied to people to make them happy, even eating foods that they recommend. It usually ends with send him straight into the restroom to up-heave the nasty piece of shit that he ate. All so he could impress someone.
Also, Akira hates when people find out that he is a picky eater and tell him to grow up. Mostly the adults in his life have given him grief of being ‘such a child’ and how Akira doesn’t have any real taste. He has made his mind up that he’s going to be picky until the day his kicks the bucket. His grave will read; ‘fuck ya’all! You can’t tell me what to do! #pickyeaters4ever!’.  
RELATIONSHIP HEADCANON #1 Thoughts about why (my) Akira has a interest in Haru Okumura/Noir.
First, a little bit about his backstory. Akira got sent away from his hometown and into shujin academy because of an assault & battery case. The real reason why he had a scuffle / confrontation with Shido, with Shido getting ‘hurt’  / suing Akira, is because the politician was harassing a woman. In which Akira still wonders if saving that woman was the right idea. She did change her story / cover up because of Shido’s influence. The woman rather had saved her own skin than to defend some high school kid who was trying to save her. Chivalry is dead in the society Akira lives in. Everyone is looking after their own-selves. He secretly hates the woman who sold him out. This is also a reason why he doesn’t trust people who sell him out betray him. Bunch of spineless cowards in his mind.
Jump a few months, and Akira is once again faced in a similar situation. A greedy person, which is Haru Okumura’s father, is basically marrying her to a guy just for political favors. And it’s basically up to Akira and the rest to make the father changes his ways / change his heart like most palace heists. At first, Akira is very much hesitating because he knows that happened in a similar situation but he finds Haru not willing to cower at the things that are said towards her during the time spent in the shadow palace.
That she WASN’T going to just sit there and take all the abuse anymore. That she was rebelling and obtaining a backbone. Something that Akira wishes that more people do, including the woman from his past. All of that makes her attractive in his eyes. Personality and the willingness to become braver is what he likes the most in a person. It doesn’t help that Haru’s a complete sweetheart and a bit naive but he’s really invested in having a very close relationship with her. Plus, she cute and is basically a good role model ( since Akira has no real mature relationships with anyone, even his parents ) so he’s quite drawn to her.
Of all the girls in his phantom thieves, Haru Okumura is the one he considers on marrying ( in the future of course. They are only still in high school ) because it’s the first time he’s happy with the outcome. On how Haru beat the odds and became free. And that’s something Akira loves to see.
Four headcanons for character’s relationships. ( Yu and Akira ).
1. Akira really looks up to Yu but really doesn’t know how to approach him because Yu’s face by default is normally stoic whenever Akira is around. Yu probably can see right through Akira’s ruse of being absentminded and can tell that he’s a little shit.
2. Akira really likes hanging out with Yu but usually gets ignored because the other can’t be bothered when thinking about his friends and Nanako. Mostly about Nanako. Or that Akira tends to get super annoying to anyone who doesn’t pay attention to his jokes or silly antics.
3. Yu and Akira get sent to a chalk bored by Dojima frequently. Hanging out with Akira has been a bad influence on Yu since he has to yet again write that he won’t be friends with delinquents. Akira has to write that burning down the Dojima residence while trying to cook with a persona is deeply frowned upon.
4. Akira finds Yu to be a worthy opponent when fighting in the arena/ultimax but that’s the only time Akira really wants to fight him. He’s a bit of a down to fight guy but Akira’s more focused on his heists than fighting allies. He’s not above taunting and 1-uping Yu when it’s applies to the situation though.
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thirtysixsavefiles · 6 years
Hahahahaha you know what’s an even worse interpretation of that last post is Akira texting Akechi’s number post-engine room. They don’t bounce back, but that doesn’t mean anything; for all Akira knows the phone will sit there accepting messages until it runs out of battery or they bring Shido’s palace crashing down. Maybe he hadn’t even had it on him. Who knows.
All he knows is that the messages aren’t bouncing back, and they start out “I know you won’t see this but...I need to say it”
“I miss you every fucking day”
“I’m sorry I wasn’t faster”
“I’m sorry I wasn’t better”
“I’m sorry”
There’s no reply. Of course there isn’t. Akira spends several minutes rereading the thread anyway before he closes it.
His phone buzzes as he’s getting ready for bed and his heart leaps into his throat because it’s impossible but maybe -
(He never did see a body -)
It’s Ryuji. Akira puts the phone down without replying. He’ll get back to him tomorrow, but right now, he just - he can’t.
And then when he gets home after school one day there’s a familiar face sitting at the counter and he must be seeing a ghost except ghosts don’t drink coffee, they don’t look at him with a confidence Akira can see the cracks in, and they don’t push phones across the counter with hands that just barely shake.
“I got your messages,” Goro says softly.
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oraclememehacker · 2 years
Send ☠️ to find out how my muse would kill yours
It would be all too easy for Akechi to kill her off, it was just another request from Shido. It wasn't enough that Wakaba was killed off, she wanted to make sure now that nobody who even had a remote chance of knowing about the metaverse was dealt with, and unfortunately for her, her Shadow was the opposite of most Shadows, nice instead of more aggressive. After all, she was the repressed side of Futaba's will to live and happiness.
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"You're telling me that you can help her....?" Shadow Futaba remarked as she was talking to Akechi in her palace. "I just want her to experience joy and happiness again, that's all. Please, tell me that you'll do that for her. It's really the least that can be done for her." What she didn't know was that Akechi had no intention of doing that and this was just another target for him. As she was awaiting his response, this is when he would lunge forward with a knife in his right hand and plunge it deep into her chest.
As Shadow Futaba fell down and was looking up at him with a horrified, shocked expression on her face, all she could say is "why...what did I do...." "Nothing, you are just a target. Goodbye." And with a gunshot to the head she died and Shadow Futaba disappeared. The effects of Futaba in the real world were instant, and she went basically catatonic, and nothing Sojiro could do would work. She didn't eat, drink or do anything. Eventually her body gave out and she died in the hospital because of starvation.
Bonus because I can't tell which way this means for some reason
Okay, she couldn't believe that she was actually doing this. Killing Akechi that was. Holy shit, was she really cut out for this sort of thing? Well thankfully she had a trick up her sleeve. She had seen his phone once and was able to remember basically everything about it, and would get a replica made of that phone but had it rigged with some explosives along with it being rigged to make the lithium-ion battery in there get so hot that it would expand and explode causing the other explosives to go off as well.
If he wasn't killed from this he would at least be sent in the hospital with several burns to his head and most likely traumatic brain injuries. She had asked him to come alone and she just wanted to talk to him about something Phantom Thief related since it had to do with him and her navigating. Plus she wanted to see his phone again real quick just out of curiosity. Thankfully he was stupid enough to fall for that twice, and she did a swapperoo whilst he wasn't paying attention.
Plus this phone was also rigged so she could follow his every move, and she would set it to get super hot quickly when he had his phone to his head. By the time he would realize what was going on? Bam, too late. So, she handed him the rigged phone and said thank you, as this was just her being a tech geek and thought his phone was really cool. She did discuss some stuff with him before heading home, and that's where she would stalk him from.
Apparently he was going to go see Shido about something, and he was in an alley way as he was going to answer his phone. This was the perfect chance she thought, and she activated the remote script and the phone would get superheated, and before he knew it, the phone exploded right next to his head, getting hit with fragments of the phone along with the blunt force of the small explosion that would cause him to fall backwards and hit his head hard on the concrete, his head bleeding out from the back and the side. His skull had been fractured and cracked in multiple places, and a piece was lodged in his brain as he bled out and died. Mission accomplished.
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audiocopyrightpro · 4 years
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OKUSHI NATURAL PARK | WINERY SANUKI | TEATRON | UMITSURI PARK SANUKI JAPAN EXPERIENCE TRAVELING VLOGS After you appreciated the wine made in Kagawa, why not going for a walk along the trail to the Ogushi Natural Park to enjoy the beautiful scenery of Setouchi Inland Sea. Please be aware that the legal drinking age is different for each country. In Japan, only people above 20 years old are allowed to drink alcohol. If you would like to visit Sanuki Winery, do not forget this rule. Here is the Open-air Theatron in Shido-cho(town), Sanuki-shi, Kagawa. Setouchi Inland Sea is just a background of this stage. I visited there to have a lunch with my friends before the concert at the Shido Music Hall a few years ago. Read My Blog Posts Here the link down below ↘️⬇️↙️ http://rommelblogjapan.blogspot.com/2... Follow me socials: IG: https://bit.ly/rdp_vlog FB PAGE : https://www.facebook.com/rdpvlog/ YT CHANNEL : http://bit.ly/RDPVlogs My blogging gears: Nikon DSLR Camera Bundle : https://amzn.to/2Vl7q51 Nikon D5600 Camera : https://amzn.to/2KiRU2Y Nikon D5600 battery : https://amzn.to/3bn0DNJ Nikon D5600 Telephoto Zoom Lens : https://amzn.to/2ysxEcu Nikon D5600 DSLR Camera Shooter : https://amzn.to/2ytVyUZ DISCLAIMER: This video and description may contain affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the links, I may receive a small commission. This helps support the channel and allows RDPVLOGS “with a y” to continue to make videos like this and feed my annoying family. Thanks for the support! (at 香川県さぬき市志度) https://www.instagram.com/p/CGJ2NW-M0wn/?igshid=aonxzyd6ujfz
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