#shhh ignore me screaming im just writing too much bc meds decided to hyperfocus on info dumping and typing
adhdvane · 3 years
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i’ve finally been feeling that pain for awhile of oh... not enough sephira stones???? what??? why gbf??? i always had so many??? this is what happens when you actually upgrade the arcarum summons??? gasp. i’m not even really trying to get borger (though... thanks for that month late evolite finally...... i spent all those valor badges....). i just think it would be nice to get the increased sub arua’s for the next gw, you know. ( i was missing so many aurora hazes, and then the next replicard dropped and i swear the drop rate for hazes is insane... wish i could get those sephira stones to drop )
i decided to finish that quest in the replicard sandbox to defeat all the militis boss in their non-proto-type form last night. they’re mostly just a war of attrition, chip away and survive. (admittedly athena was the first one i did and i was not expected her to just cast special attack on battle join and NUKE EVERYONE, so i did use an elixir but tbh i don’t really care i have like ~280 of them what else am i supposed to use them for). grani was the last one i did and the fu.cking funniest one, bc i new at this point okay, she’s going to cast the first trigger on join, it only hits one person, it doesn’t debuff anyone, i’ll put in the guidebook that gives some more hp and the measly shield at the start, this will be fine, i mean everyone has like OVER 40k hp. it can’t possibly-- soriz got fu.king sniped. i couldn’t stop laughing. (too much screaming under the cut)
i brought him along bc i knew he could easily deal w/her hit 30 to cancel omens. but sniping soriz brought out lobelia... and tbh that was like the absolute best perfect situation to be in. i get to immediately give everyone thunderbolt of disaster (a bit sad there was no time to get the skill dmg cap up from him in sub). that + warbringer is was made this fight easy as hell (still long as fu.ck... i think it took like around 45 turn lol). but thunderbolt made sure those skill dmg omens always got canceled, his self bonus damage and bonus damage with baal’s buff actually got the 30 hit canceled once. i was just not worried about canceling that omen or honestly many of the omens, after i realized warbringer making summer alexial’s sub all just be always available so she can sub and guard them all no problem. (it’s weird using a defensive team again for earth bc without good offensive character my damage on earth is still mostly garbage, i haven’t had summer alexial out since i was trying to clear wamdus. i am used to baal though because i used him a lot before but his nearly constant full party armor once you build momentum is very helpful). warbringer also just always perfectly timed on those 30 hits i wasn’t going to clear so i could immediately have baal’s dispel back to get rid of the uplift grani was going to get... i did take lumberjack as well, because i could use harp (i probably could have used the xeno harp for more healing but i took the xeno harp bc i did have cags in the backline so i could get some crits from the crests) and bring a heal that gained a clear and a veil and a stackable atk/def + charge bar. that and lumberjack is at master lv30 so my first buff lasts longer and chainbursts heal as well. earth was the team i was most worried about, after wind. bc my wind can do nice damage, but i’m so used to using my wind set up that uh, all attack, no need for good defensive crap... so i had to stop and go... oh baal is going to be a bitch and try to debuff the fuck out of us, i’m going to need more than one source of veil... tiamat you are returning to the front line, and i drag grand monika up here because she’s got a dispel and a heal. and that dispel turns into a delay. FUN FACT. BAAL MILITIS IS NOT IMMUNE TO HER ONE TURN PARALYSIS. WISH I HAD TESTED IT EARLIER IT COULD HAVE BEEN VERY USEFUL. I JUST ASSUMED HE WOULD BE IMMUNE SO I DIDN’T BOTHER USING HER DISPEL UNTIL I THAT OMEN STARTED POPPING UP NEAR THE END. i also forgot that tia’s dmg debuff skill also has a delay and a special fear at five crests, god i forgot how useful that was. but my wind team suffers from lower than my other teams hp syndrome bc i don’t have sub aura summons (i remember during that gw i scrambled to get like sr tempest up a bit for tiny hp boost), don’t have owlcat (owlcat, artemis, and red hare are who im missing. i don’t worry about red hare bc i have maximum devil, max draconic weapon, so a decent hp pool for fire. my light suffers a bit, but hey, theyere is the sandy summon... www my earth sits with a 0* mammoth and 5* tower in the sub, despite my 10% hp cut in dark from qilin bow, 1* zirnitra, my weapon skills add 149% hp + 17.5% ax hp... so i have like 57,557 hp as doctor and the rest of the party has like 44k to 39k hp which in the sandbox with the hp buffs that gave my earth ~40k hp looks like 69,310 on me and 53k to 47k on party www jfc, oh oh but double hades turns to 71,946 for me and 55k to 49k on party so wtf this hp pool). what was i rambling about... right, teams i was worried about. the veil back and fourth from rb and tia worked ok for ball thankfully, but it did get a little spicy in hp and i lost someone at the very end, i think tia, so katz had to come out and help finish off. i wasn’t as worried about water (except for that unexpected fucking nuke at the start i wasn’t expecting). bc vane is a monster, after that heal at the start athena was just slow, between lumberjack me and lily, we were able to keep the party is okay health. fire was the best off, esp bc garuda’s join attack is just a self buff and i can get rid of the mirror image easily. lumberjack lv30 + ullikummi + siegfried + decent hp pool = we only even ever got to half hp after a one time i was like nah, i don’t need to guard on this omen half way through the fight when we had no def buffs and i was idiot. (but hey... there is an enmity in my grid... it needs some use). lv30 lumberjack and ullikummi means there is only 1 turn downtime for woodcutter’s song buff (the ullikummi buffs are only 3 turns so they still have 2 turn downtime) so almost constant extra damage and possible heal [chef kiss]. anyways... i do still need to finish getting the last of the earth and water uh lusters... i only need 1 more earth and 3 more water though... for when i can 140 six... though i’m going to need another rotb for qilin anima raids to be going on... i need to buckle down on fediel... and... uhg.... i need dark quartz... thankfully i already 4* the spear relic so i don’t need to worry about detracting from my poor 507 dark quartz any more... uhg before that i still need to farm 241 more light scrolls and 238 more scales... i’ll be able to get a little more scrolls from the month reset though... i still haven’t finished getting three to 100. though the requirement says you only need to have them all 4*... i think you need to have all of the 4th skills unlocked for the skin though??? which i might as well get since gbf is making me do all this crap so i have continue to upgrade my boy okay im going to stop writing now.
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