#shhh i'm not 19 minutes late you are
paperiieveryday · 4 months
Day 50 & 51 (BLIND DATE | PART 1/5)
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25th of May, 2024
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surftrips · 2 years
wish you were sober
pairing: jay halstead x gn!reader
song: wish you were sober by conan gray
word count: 658
author’s note: i’ve been wanting to write a fic to this song for a while now because i love angst and this is where i got. please leave some love on this post ❣️
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You've known Jay since you two were kids. Grew up right across the street from each other. You lost contact with him when he left for the Rangers, but upon his return to Chicago, ended up reconnecting with him at a party.
At first, it was fun going out with him. He was wild. Downing cups of beer, trading drinks with strangers, flirting with anyone in sight.
But after a while, you found yourself searching for exits and excuses to leave early. Jay was in his 20s, yet he was acting like you guys were 19 again. You enjoyed a night out every once in a while, but the people Jay was hanging out with were definitely not your crowd.
As much as you tried to ignore it, you knew that he was hurting. His time in the Rangers had messed him up and it hurt you knowing that you couldn't do anything to help. But he was so far gone most nights, you didn't see any point in trying to get him to open up to you.
Besides, you were probably the last person he'd want to be vulnerable with. You and him had a brief fling in high school, but you were going to college and he was joining the army, and things weren't great at home for him, and just about a million other things preventing you two from being together.
So even though he wasn't your responsibility, you couldn't help but feel an obligation to watch over him. You always hated how you two left things off when he went overseas, and you could tell that he needed you now more than ever.
"Come on, how many drinks have you had?" You asked him one night.
"What does it matter? Another one won't hurt."
"Please don't drink more beer..." you wanted to say, but instead gently pulled him out of the bar and to your car.
As you put Jay into the front seat of your Rover, he leaned over and kissed you on the cheek.
"Real sweet, Jay. Let's see if you remember this in the morning."
When he got drunk, he was overly nice to you. It made you reminiscent of your teenage years... but you couldn't allow yourself to return his affection because once he got sober, he was an entirely different person.
You had visited him once at the police district after he had a particularly long night, and was met with a cold stare as he pretended he didn't know you in front of his coworkers.
It wasn't like you were airing out his dirty laundry to the entire district, you were just there to see if he was managing his hangover and to drop off some lunch.
Now, the ten minute drive to his apartment was silent.
With Jay leaning onto your body, you pulled him out of the car and into the elevator up to his apartment. At his front door, he leaned in to kiss you on your forehead this time.
"You should stay over tonight," he slurred.
"You've had too much to drink, let's get you to bed," you responded firmly.
After pulling the blanket over his body and turning around to leave, he blurted out, "Y/N, why are you so nice to me when I'm nothing but an ass to you?"
You sighed. It was much too late to have this conversation, and at this point, you were more mad at him than anything. The fact that he was only nice to you when he was drunk, refusing to acknowledge he had any problems, constantly pushing you away when you just wanted to help... the list went on.
You could have said a million things but you knew that he would just forget them by the morning, so all you said was "Shhh... it's late. We can talk tomorrow," but all you could think was “God, I wish you were sober.”
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This is my first fanfic post on here. I'm not sure how long it'll be.
Protocol 19
What if Bell isn't dead?
"Heros have to make sacrifices. That's why when I ask you to make one more, I hope you understand..." He said.
Then he shot me.
The last thing I remember is a sharp pain and falling.
"Shhh, Bell, the job's done." He said.
The world went dark.
"Late night again, Catie?" Helen said
"Well, we can't all have glamorous journalism careers, can we?" Catherine said, turning to her sister.
"Still, I can't believe you actually enjoy working at the pub."
"I enjoy meeting new people," Cate said
"And getting into fistfights with them, apparently.
"Well." Cate shrugged with a laugh. "It's a living."
"And on that note, I'd best get to bed. Big football game tomorrow, Charlie scheduled a double shift"
The next night, the pub was bustling. It was almost standing room only as rival soccer teams played a championship match.
"Oi, Catie!" Charlie yelled in his thick London accent. Table in back 'asn't been served yet."
" Alright, Charlie," said Cate as she poured beers for the patrons at the bar, then swiftly turned to grab a pen and pad of paper before heading to the table.
" 'Ello loves, what is it tonight for ya?"
She approached the table where three men sat. One with combed back and graying dark brown hair, stress etched on his face. One with slightly spiked black hair, grey in his trimmed but still bushy moustache and beard, and anger in his eyes. The last had a shaved bald head, aviator sunglasses and a scowl.
"Stop being such a sourpuss Hudson, we're here to celebrate." The one with the moustache said.
"A celebration, eh." Said Cate. "What's the occasion?"
The one with the slicked back hair gestured toward the one called Hudson. " Our friend is one month sober." he said happily.
" I hate you both." Hudson said through girted teeth.
"In that case, welcome to the Drake and Clover. I'm Cate, and the first round is on me." She said before turning to attend to her other tables.
After a few moments, the men flagged her down and decided on a couple of beers and a scotch-less scotch and soda.
" I heard this place had some fucking delicious fish and chips." Said Frank.
Cate laughed. "Best this side of the Thames."
"We'll take three." Said Alex.
"You lads are my favorite table tonight."
Closing time came faster than Cate expected. It was a good night. Her favorite team had won their match, and she made out like a bandit on tips tonight, not to mention she'd also gotten a cute guy's phone number. Being on cloud nine was an understatement.
"Helen, I have wonderful news." Cate said, as she danced her way into the flat they shared.
"She's home now, yes just walked through the door." She heard Helen whisper into the phone. "Alright then, be ready." She immediately hung up when she heard Cate call her.
"What was that about?"
"Nothing, dear, just catching up with some old friends. What was is you said about wonderful news?"
"I can finally pay my half of the rent." Cate excitedly said, as she pulled out the wad of cash and counted out the bills. "200 quid...in advance, you won't have to pay my share too this month." She said with a wide grin.
"Oh! That is wonderful," said Helen, hugging Cate.
But she didn't let go. "I hope you understand," she whispered as she stabbed Cate in the neck with a needle.
A sharp pain and falling...
Catherine stumbled off the sofa, letting the money she held cascade from her hands.
"Wha' fa?" she slurred out, while holding her neck. The room seemed to spin faster and faster by the minute. Then, to her amazement, the men from the Pub entered.
She tried to say, "A'yeesh, F'ank, Yushnin' wha'?" as she crawled to safety.
"I hope you know what you re doing," said Hudson
"Do you have any better ideas?" asked Woods.
" Stop squabbling, we have more pressing matters," said Helen, kneeling by the now limp woman on the floor.
The world went dark.
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akalover19 · 6 years
Awww ❤ I'm glad I made you smile ☺ Don't worry about negative anons, I'm sure it was a one off situation. But if that person ever comes back I'll fight them (ง'̀-'́)ง 😉 Well, since it's ok to send you a prompt... how about the first kiss on New Year's Eve? 🙈😏
Such a nice idea! I hope I will give you your lifejuice xd. Hahaha but jokes aside, I hope you will like it!
Ermal was pacing in rounds through his dressingroom
He was nervous for various reasons
First of all the performance he had tonight, but most importantly for Fabrizio
Ermal made a stupid promise to himself to tell Fabrizio about his feelings before the new year started…
Otherwise he will never be able to do it, he thought
Only… 2019 will begin in 4 hours to be precise
You could say he is good procrastinating when it comes these things
He’s never been good at handling feelings or crushes
Like this one time he was 19 and wanted to ask a girl out
He said to her: ‘’Do you want to…uhh do you eh.’’ ‘’What do I want?’’ ‘’Uhm do youuuu..want to tell me what time it is?’’
Yeah smooth, he even cringed thinking back at it
But he’s not 19 anymore, he’s a full-grown man in his late 30’s. Surely this wouldn’t be as difficult as back then…right?
Well, if it would have been this easy, he would’ve already told Fabrizio
But did he do it?
So now he has 4 hours left, great, just…great
Ermal took some deep breaths and stepped out his dressingroom
He was now a man on a mission, a man with a goal. To find Fabrizio and finally confess
He didn’t even have to look around, because Fabrizio already stood in front of him when he just opened the door
Oh god
They nearly bumped into each other, resulting in the two man standing face to face, really close
Fabrizio immediately wrapped his arms around the younger man, telling him how much he missed him
Ermal responded in hugging the man back, as usual, his face in the crook of Fabrizio’s neck
Taking in that familiar scent that he missed oh so much
They pulled out the hug and looked at each other
Fabrizio showed a smile, which made Ermal’s stomach drop
‘’Bizio I- I uhm…’’ his throat had gone dry in a second
It was almost impossible to say something, let alone those words
‘’What is it? Are you alright?’’
Ermal coughed
‘’Yes, I’m – yes. I uh I missed you too.’’
Fuck, why is this so difficult
Fabrizio smiled again, but this time it was wider, brighter, with something so genuine in it
It only made it more difficult for Ermal
‘’I’ll see you later yeah? I have to soundcheck now.’’
Ermal stormed off abruptly, leaving Fabrizio confused
He has to make a plan he thought
Yes, that is a good idea. Make a plan and stick to it!
And so he did
In the last hour he would take Fabrizio apart from other people, just the two of them and then say it
Though he was scared of a bad reaction, he was confident in his new plan
Luckily (for Ermal) they didn’t see each other much for the next 3 hours
Fabrizio felt as is something was off with Ermal, something was just odd?
But he couldn’t lay his finger on it
Every time he saw Ermal, tried to get his attention or talk to him, Ermal would flee the room or pretend as is he didn’t hear Fabrizio
‘’Why does he act like this? Have I done something wrong?’’
It had hurt Fabrizio, he honestly didn’t why Ermal acted this way
Fabrizio needs to be alone for a bit, yeah get his head cleared out
One hour had gone to two hours. Two hours had gone to three. Only one hour left…
He has to do it now
Come Ermal, you can do it!
So Ermal tried to find Fabrizio. He knew he wasn’t on stage so he would be around somewhere
But Fabrizio is nowhere to be seen
Ermal looked in every dressing room, asking every person, but no one has seen him
Oh god, what am I gonna do now?!
Think Ermal, think. What would Fabrizio do if he wanted to be alone?
He would find a place where no could find him. Somewhere where no one would even look
No fans, no staff, no one
Ermal thought for a minute, where could it be?
The only place he could come up with was behind the stage curtain
No one would be there because it will open at 12 o’clock, revealing something
He didn’t even know what. Maybe fireworks on a big screen?
Anyways, he was heading over now
He had to be quick though
Because of all this procrastinating and looking around he lost a lot of time
Right now there were only 10 minutes left
Shit, 10 minutes. This will either end in me not telling Fabrizio or just in time
The venue was big, it took some time to get from one end to the other
He also had find his way to the stage, only to get weird looks back at him
Finally he was behind the curtains
It was dark, he couldn’t see much, but right in the middle sat Fabrizio on the ground
Just staring into the big black curtain, with on the other side hundreds of people
‘’Oh hey.’’ Fabrizio looked up, surprised to see Ermal all of a sudden
Ermal stretched his hand out, offering it to Fabrizio to stand up
‘’Listen I need to talk to you. I’ve been wanting to say this for a long time but, I didn’t have to courage to do it.’’
‘’Wait before you say something, I also need to say something.’’
‘’No Fab-
‘’’Shhh let me talk first. Look I noticed that you are not yourself today and that you’re avoiding me and I get it, you don’t have to be around me all the time, but it’s just weird you know.’’
Fabrizio kept talking and talking, bragging on and on and on. When does this mean even breath?
Ermal didn’t even register what the other man said. All he could think about was how many minutes he has left
Time was really ticking away now. You could hear all the people from the other side cheer ‘’ONE MINUTE LEFT!’’
One minute! Shit shit shit
‘’Listen Bizio, you have to-
‘’No Ermal I’m not done yet. Because I’ve been thinking about everything and about us blablablabla.’’
‘’TO ME’’
‘’1!’’ Ermal grabbed Fabrizio by his shirt and pushed his lips to the older mans
Fabrizio froze at first, but quickly put his arms around Ermal’s neck, pulling him closer
They relaxed into the kiss, enjoying this sudden change in their relationship
Suddenly the big black curtains open, revealing them making out in front if the public and national television
They didn’t notice it at first, their eyes were closed, too much into their kiss
But hearing one big, loud ‘’OHHHH!’’ by every single person shook them out of their intimate moment
There they stood, frozen to the spot, shocked and blushing like never before
It was like time stood still right now, like in the movies when it goes slow-motion
Fabrizio grabbed his hand, pulling hard on his arm and made them leave the stage
Once out of the public eye, everything became clear again
Realisation kicked in making Ermal stare at Fabrizio with big eyes
He was speechless
Has this really happened? This certainly wasn’t part of the plan
Ermal could kick himself in the face, already scared of the consequences
Fabrizio could see how hard the man was on himself. It broke his heart to see him like that
Fabrizio puts his finger under Ermal’s chin, making him look up into his eyes
Funny how you can communicate with someone by only looking into their eyes
Ermal knew now, that it was alright. Everything would be fine. It’s them against the world, together
‘’Happy new year.’’ Fabrizio whispered
‘’It is indeed.’’
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