skxrk · 9 years
"I see your hair's grown back out...."
¤  “Looks like it.” He smiles, briefly, almost playfully. “What’re you gonna do about it?”
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Send me the name or URL of a character and I will describe them in five words. No more and no less.
"Let’s go hunt some bears."
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dxrlingclementine · 10 years
shesfuckingweird liked for a starter
Clementine's gaze traveled over the herd they were walking through. She could see the ending of it, it was so close. AJ was clutched to her chest in an attempt to block  his view of the walkers. It was miracle the boy din't cry when they smeared his face with the guts of the undead. But their luck  didn't last long. His soft cries began to fill  the air, muffled by her coat. She sent a  silent plea to Jane to get them out of there now.
Tumblr media
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overprxtective · 10 years
"Things aren't going to get better."
hurts| starters
     ❝You think I don't know that?❞     His brows furrowed and a scowl began to form on his     lips. He didn't need to be reminded of something he     was already well aware of.
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savelotsbandit-blog · 10 years
1, 5, 8
1. What OTPs in your fandom(s) do you just not get?
Oh my gosh I really can’t think of any. I usually ship the main OTPs in fandoms of mine.. Except when I was into Kuroshitsuji. Ciel x Sebastian is a NO NO.
5. Do you have a NoTP in [ TWDG ]?
Clem/adult and Mike/Arvo tbh????
8. Unpopular opinion about [ TWDG ]?
I’m pretty sure me adoring Arvo is a pretty unpopular opinion. But..Uhm…I guess another one would be that I really liked Troy????
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youkindaforget-blog · 10 years
3, 6, 7
Any fandoms that don’t appeal to you?
[[ TLOU, maybe. ]]
Has fandom ever ruined a pairing for you?
[[ None that I can think of, at the moment, at least. But I guess I used to really ship Nuke until I got on Tumblr and noticed how popular it was? I dunno, now it’s not all that great to me, y’kno? ]]
Is there anything you used to like, but now can’t stand?
[[ Nothing that I can think of at the moment oops— ]]
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nepravdx-blog · 10 years
shesfuxkingweird replied to your post:[throws confetti]  It’s the queen’s birthday.
txrpe replied to your post:[throws confetti]  It’s the queen’s birthday.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, CUTIEPIE! <3 -smooches- I hope you have a good one~
clementinehat replied to your post:[throws confetti]  It’s the queen’s birthday.
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skxrk · 9 years
replied to your
“Fuck, feels like I’ve been sleeping wrong for...
// BAE
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trxditore · 10 years
"I’ve got some bandages, wait a sec."
|REACTION MEME| Bruised and Broken Version
While it was nice that she was trying to help, he'd really prefer that she just left things alone. Mike shook his head slightly and moved away, battling between not wanting to seem ungrateful, but really wanting her to just go away and leave things as they were.
"Don' need 'em, jus'... save 'em for someone else or somethin'."
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overprxtective · 10 years
5, 7, 10
Questions designed to make you hate me
5. Do you have a NoTP in TWDG?
     { well, i've said it before, but i really don't like any     kind of adultxclem ships (and i mean seriously     that shouldn't even be a ship!) but there's also...     the whole 'arven' ship??? idk. it's not like i hate      it or anything... i just don't get it, i suppose. ;; i'm     sorry, pls don't hate me! }
7. Unpopular opinion about TWDG?
     { idk... i just think the fandom obsesses a bit too     much over clementine? i mean, i like her an' all,     don't get me wrong-- but... i don't think she's as     incredible as everyone tries to make her out to     be? if i'm honest, if i had to pick a favorite kid     from the game--and i've said this before--it     would be duck. i've always liked duck more than     clementine (and no it's not because i'm also a     katjaa rper!) and i mean... i really do like clem. i     think she's utterly adorable and lovely, but i'm     not crazy about her like the rest of the fandom     seems to be. }
10, Any fandom you’re ashamed of being in?
     { welllllllll, i used to be a huge 'narutard' back     when i was younger, and i was actually in the     fandom from like 2006 - 2011, maybe? i thought     it was just the greatest thing ever, but eventually     i ended up just getting really bored with it. looking     back on it now i see that it really wasn't as great     as i apparently once used to think. idk if i'd say     that i was ashamed to be in it, but... ya know. i     don't think i'll be going back to it any time soon. }
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izhexs · 10 years
shesfuxkingweird replied to your post:Giving or recieving oral?
High Fives
/high fives
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TWDG Questions - send me a letter in my ask and i'll answer
Q - Favorite member from the cabin group?
     { Sarah. I love Sarah. She's like my baby tbh. I just really     automatically took a liking to her, haha. }
U - Lilly or Kenny?
     { ahaaaaa Kenny. Kenny is love; Kenny is life. But seriously,     what did y'all expect me to say? I like Lilly just fine, but I     mean... Have you seen that mustache???? #WINNING. }
A - Who had the most heroic death?
     { I know people people would expect it to be Lee, right? Well,     his death was pretty heroic, but I think I'll have to go with     either Doug or Luke (if you choose to help him, that is)??? }
C - Your favorite episode of S1?
     { Ep. 2 "Starved For Help" tbh. I have a lot of reasons why     this one is my favorite. but KATJAA AND DUCK are a HUGE     reason as to why I love it so much, honestly. Things weren't     too bad, and my babies were still alive for an entire episode...     ;vvvvv; DON'T JUDGE ME! }
K - Least favorite ship?
     { Any AdultxClementine ship. It's really fucking gross and     WRONG, okay? }
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wouldbeentrepreneur · 10 years
twdg questions2 - send me a letter in my ask and i’ll answer
H. What do you want the next DLC to be about?
[The freaking cabin group. Please. Everything leading up to them escaping Howe’s, character development, Nick’s mom, Carver and Luke tensions, REBECCA, EVERYTHING PLS. OR something about how Kenny fucking made it out of Savannah please?? ‘Cause I’m still trying to figure that one out. Iffy on the whole using his awesome mustache to fly outta there but eh.]
I. If you got the chance to meet one of the voice actors, which one would it be?
[Scott. Porter. Hands down, no question. …Okay him or David Fennoy. Gosh they both seem like such awesome dudes, I’d wanna pick their brains all day.]
S. Favorite credits song?
[Take Us Back. I love all the credit songs, but after the emotional turmoil season one’s ending put me through, it just.. felt so fitting. And it brought me to even more tears, with the overall kind of haunting tone. Guh. Feels.]
T. Rebecca or Alvin?
[I like Rebecca’s character, but I gotta go with Alvin. He seems like such a papa bear, and I really wanted to see more interaction with him. Plus he gave Clem a freaking juice box I’m sorry but he’s so cute I luff
O. Did you like Ben?
[Yes!! I never once wanted him to be killed off through the season, sure he came off as a bit whiny to me in some bits, but I loved that he brought yet another view on the whole apocalypse in general. Not everyone is going to be as resilient as Clementine or carefree as Duck, or even as brave as Travis, but Ben wanted to do good, and he did, so that’s all that matters in my opinion.]
R. What’s your opinion of Wellington?
[So, so very done with Wellington. I was done once I saw it was this kind of ‘all or nothing’ place. I just.. never wanted them to end up there. Even seeing it, I just don’t like it. Can’t really explain it eloquently lol]
Y. What was the easiest decision you made?
[Hm.. Standing up for Kenny and his family when Larry was convinced Duck was bitten. I mean I had prior knowledge to know that he wasn’t, but even if I hadn’t, there was no way I would have let Larry try anything. Guess that counts??]
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trxditore · 10 years
shesfuxkingweird replied to your post “*looks at drafts* [[MOR]*looks at Dragon Age* [lol catch ya later...”
/Tomorrow night.....it begins.
[It's so weird to think it's already that close to coming out, tbh
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izhexs · 10 years
First of all; R U D E
J - Favorite ship?
Besides my own, I'm gonna guess. Hmm... Gee. I have a lot of ships I like, but I don't have a favorite really. Idk, nothing was very OTP worthy in the game. Nyeeehh I'm so bad at this. WalkerxBullet. fuck.
U - Lilly or Kenny?
Lilly. Always. I wanted her to begin with.
N - Sarah or Duck?
Sarah. Can't stand kids in general. ESPECIALLY LOUD QUACKING ONES. At least I can relate to Sarah.
K - Least favorite ship?
BESIDES THE OBVIOUS [Clem ships. NOTPs with Arvo]. I never liked CarLee. ngl.
Y - Character that gets a lot more hate that they deserve?
Besides Arvo & Ben & Sarah? Like maybe characters who actually did wrong l o l? Hmmm.... Dunno. Too many. Lilly maybe.
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