#shes sick of the world and is biding her time till retirement
amazingdeadfish · 9 months
I already wrote a comment asking about 'mama LBD', but I have another question, if LBD had to teach them everything again, does that mean they had THE TALK? because I think it would be really funny to know how they came to that conversation.
Y'know what? I've thought about this before. And y'know what the answer that I came to?
Yes. Yes she did. She did give them the talk.
And y'know what? Y'know what buddy?
Here. Take this. Because I don't know if I'll ever release other stories like this one. It's set before LBD was imprisoned:
This is the only warning: This includes an explanation of how reproduction works.
"How are there so many of them?" They asked her one day. It was rather strange to say the least, standing here in this village, filled with humans of all shapes and sizes. They looked like them, that's for sure, and they could understand them, yet they still felt like they stuck out like a sore thumb (even though they went unnoticed, along with their Lady). In this village, they felt rather out of place amongst the majority. This was not a pace they belonged to, nor anywhere else. They only felt like they belonged to the Lady Bone Demon.
"Elaborate," she simply questioned.
"Humans," they said, "why are there so many of them?"
She turned to them slowly, with a rather peculiar expression on her face. A sense of dread seemed to wash over her, and her face scrunched up ever so slightly. Then she turned back to looking at the people around the two.
"Reproduction," she hesitantly confessed. "I... Suppose you had to ask eventually."
"Is that a concept or a thing, my lady?" They inquired, tilting their head a little.
"It is a process of sorts," she continued, quite careful with her elaboration. "There's two types. Asexual and Sexual. Asexual is where there is one individual, who makes a clone of themselves to make another individual. Sexual, the method that humans use, is where a female and a male-" she hesitated, "come together to create a child."
"A child is one of those little things, right?" They said, pointing at some children nearby.
"Yes. But do not point, it is rude," Lady Bone scolded gently. Her hand quickly pressed their pointed hand down and they lowered it immediately.
"Apologies," they mumbled. After a moment of silence, they asked, "so like, how does it work though? Do humans sort of just, magically create one?" After making some strange gestures in the air, ones that barely supported their point, Lady Bone let out an exasperated sigh.
"Humans have reproductive organs," she said, "specifically to reproduce. These organs have to, come together in order to make an offspring. A female has a vagina, and a male has a penis. However every so often there will be individuals who might carry both. Those people are intersex. Demons also typically bear either one or two of those sexual organs, depending on what type of demon they are."
And after much, much hesitation, Lady Bone Demon glanced at them, seemingly regretting what she was going to say next.
"And you also have a reproductive organ. The male kind."
Immediately, they widened their eyes, and glanced all over their body. Patting it down under their armour as they tried to find what she was talking about.
"What is it?" They asked. Because they really did not know what it was. Did humans reproduce with their arms or something? Was that just another word for arms...? They did not know. They really did not know.
When they finally looked back up to her, Lady Bone Demon, reluctantly, still wearing the sense of dread on her face, gestured to their crotch.
Without even a single bit of hesitation, they pulled on the hem of their pants a little outwards, just by enough so they could peak to look.
"Is that what that thing is for-?" They blurted out. Only to immediately be interrupted by their Lady who exclaimed.
"Oh you will not do that in public! Take your hand away," she scolded. Her hand made the shooing gesture, and they quickly withdrew their hand and let their pants go back to covering their legs and crotch.
"Apologises," they mumbled again, feeling rather shameful now. She simply shook her head, letting out a sigh. But after another moment of silence, they knew they had to ask something else.
"So... Did you asexually reproduce me then?" They asked, "because... You created me by yourself, right?"
"No," she curtly replied. "I did not asexually create you because you are not a clone of me."
"And I did not reproduce you either, it is more -" she hesitated, her face scrunching up a little once more. "it is more as if I produced you, rather than reproduce. Because you are artificially created."
"Ah... I see."
So... Apparently there is a difference. Good to know.
"Enough questions," she huffed out, "we ought to cleanse this village. If you do it fast enough then perhaps we will even arrive at the next one near the neighbouring mountain."
"At your service, my Lady!" They exclaimed happily. Pulling out their sword and bowing at her, "I will make quick work of it!"
Annnnnnnd that's how the Mayor learned what sex is. Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk.
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