#shes got a pantsuit and big ass heels in my brain
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The week before: The voice for the Faz CEO is female
Me:-leans forward wanting to know so much more that I fall out my chair-
#red rambles: mun post#Womens wrongs? Womens wrongs!#shes got a pantsuit and big ass heels in my brain
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Let Your Hair Down (chapter iii)
Get caught up with the Let Your Hair Down Masterlist!
word count: word count: 1,624
story summary: Harry gets more than he bargains for when he falls not only for you but your little girl as well.
chapter summary: You run into Harry again when you least expect it but when you need him the most.
warnings: language as per usual.
It'd been three weeks since the cookout at Mitch and Sarah's. Three weeks since you had made the big move and three weeks of being absolutely lost every single time you left your apartment. You had no idea how people got around in this damn city but you suspected them all of being wizards. There's no way someone could figure out how to use the subway and not know magic. You had already taken the wrong one 3 times on the way to drop Thea off to her first day at her new school and if you didn't find out where you were going in the next hour you'd be late not only to drop her off but to your new job as well.
"Okay, sunshine let's get going before momma gets us lost again and you're late." You said as you handed her the breakfast muffin and juice box you had ordered for her at the Starbucks you managed to stumble upon. You wanted to take her out to a nice breakfast, somewhere that had pancakes, which were her favorite, as a celebratory meal before her first day but unfortunately you getting lost 3 times meant you had to quickly change your plans.
She nodded as she took a bite of the muffin you were regretting giving to her in the first place. It looked like it had definitely seen better days but she was hungry and you had no time to stop and get a better meal. At least your 5 shot espresso iced latte was decent and it would definitely kick your ass in gear.
You started to frantically look in purse for your phone as you both walked down the crowded street. You knew you just had it and the address for her school was in your phone notes. There was no way you were going to make it there without that damn address and your stress level was rising the more you searched and couldn't find it.
"Momma," Thea said as she tugged on your pinstriped pantsuit. "Harry!"
"Yes baby I know we're in a hurry but if I don't find my phone we're definitely not making it there in time." You were half-listening to her. Your heart slamming against your chest as anxiety bubbled up in you. You had everything in your phone. Including the address to get to your apartment because you still had no idea how to get there on your own yet.
"No Momma. Harry not hurry!" She huffed right as you found your phone and pulled it out of your purse. Your sigh of relief was cut short though as you walked face-first into someone. Of course this day just had to get worse and worse.
"Oh my god." You shrieked as the contents of your purse went everywhere. Your drink spilling all down the person you walked into but managed by some luck to not get all over you.
"I'm so so sorry!" You bent down quickly trying to desperately shove everything back into your purse, not even looking at the person. Embarrassment wasn't even close to the right word. You were on the verge of tears, you just wanted today to be perfect and so far it had been complete shit.
"I promise I'll pay for dry cleaning or even buy you a new shirt or something." You rambled, your words running together as you quickly picked up your business card holder so they could get a hold of you and you could repay them for the shirt or get it cleaned for them.
"Here you go." You said, taking out a card and standing up, finally getting a good look at the person you ran into.
"Oh my god." You muttered under your breath. Fuck your life. You just had to run into him. Had to, because of course your luck was shit. If you thought you were embarrassed before you definitely were now. Tears pricked at the corners of your eyes and you hated yourself for being the type of person who literally cried over any small inconvenience.
You're a strong bitch, do not cry. Do not cry. DO NOT CRY. Your brain chanted over and over again as you stood dumbfounded in front of Harry.
"Well, I'm going to go die of embarrassment over there so…" You trailed off as you handed him your business card and tried to move around him but Thea kept you firmly in your place.
"Momma, Harry can help us find my school." She suggested before she took the last bite of her breakfast muffin as she peered up to Harry. Basically pleading with him to save her from your almost meltdown with her big doe eyes.
"I'm sure Harry is very busy sweetheart." You said trying to choke back all the emotions that were starting to get the best of you. You didn't want to admit you needed help, your pride always seemed to get in the way.
"'S not a problem," Harry said softly. His voice sounding like it was begging you to just let him help. You let out a small sigh before nodding your head in agreement and showing him the address on your phone.
"My GPS kept saying it was around a corner but when I get there it says rerouting." You huffed. "I've already managed to get us lost 3 times on that stupid subway, don't think I could take getting lost one more time." You admitted with your eyes firmly kept on the phone screen but you could feel his stare burning into you.
"Just the next street over is all." He said turning around and taking Thea's now empty muffin wrapper in his one hand, so he could hold her hand with his free one.
"Come on, I'll walk you to make sure you don't get lost again." He started to walk with Thea a few steps in front of you before you quickly caught up to them. She gave Harry the rundown of your disastrous morning but then moved on to tell him how excited she was to start school.
"Momma says that they have a playground and I'll get to play on it if I'm good and listen to my teacher." She beamed. She had been talking about recess since she first found out she was able to go to kindergarten.
"Well, I guess you better make sure to listen to your teacher so you can play today." A smile crept up on his face as Thea started swinging their hands back and forth together. She did a little skip as she agreed with Harry.
It wasn't even 10 minutes later and you were finally standing in front of her school. You bent down to her level and gave her a tight hug, kissing her on her cheek.
"Okay baby girl, tell me the rules." You said pulling back from her and adjusting the backpack straps on her shoulders.
"Don't be a jerk." You smiled as you heard Harry laugh behind you two. She was right it was one of your top rules for her, be a nice person.
"Share my toys with anyone who wants to borrow them." She continued the list and held up a perfectly painted purple finger every time she listed the next rule.
"Only you pick me up from school unless my teacher says so." Another finger popped into the air.
"No getting in cars with strangers." You nodded encouragingly, knowing she was doing a great job remembering everything you've drilled her on over the past month.
"And give momma lots of kisses cause she'll miss me a whole lot." She said holding up all five fingers before throwing herself at you, almost making you lose balance on your heels, as she hugged you tightly and gave you a kiss on the cheek.
"Good job baby now go have fun and learn lots of stuff." You smiled down to her as you stood and she turned making her way to the school door. She turned around one last time and waved goodbye to you and Harry before marching up the steps towards the door.
"Make good choices!" You yelled after her, your voice cracking a bit. You were having a harder time than you wanted to admit letting her go even if you knew she had to grow up at some point.
Your eyes started to blur with tears as you watched her baby blue backpack disappear through the double doors. You wanted so desperately to hide your emotions like you always did but the second Harry placed a hand on your shoulder a small sob escaped you. Making him pull you in for a full hug.
"She'll be fine." He said hugging you tightly and even though you didn't want to admit it, the smell of him was calming you down. You laid your forehead against his chest as you got yourself to finally stop crying but you pulled back suddenly.
"Shit, I'm going to have coffee all over my face for my first day." You sighed but laughed at the state of his shirt. "Really sorry about that. I'll have it dry cleaned. I'd buy you a new one but I know damn well it probably cost more than my rent." You pulled back from him and immediately missed the warmth even if he was covered in coffee.
He laughed, shaking his head, making his messy brown curls sway back and forth with the motion.
"Let's get you to work." He smirked, knowing that you couldn't turn down his help now. Knowing he finally had you talking to him for longer than 5 minutes. You gulped before nodding, after all it couldn't hurt to be friendly, right?
#Harry Styles#Harry#Harry Styles x Reader#Harry Styles x You#Harry Styles x Y/N#Harry Styles Fanfic#Harry Styles Fanfiction#writitng#fanfic#mine#LYHD
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Dean Karny-Birthday Surprise
This is for my one and only @primaba11erina for being amazing even though she lost our little game I'll still give you your imagine, hope you enjoy, sorry if there’s any mistakes I did try wait it as best as I could, love you bub :*
You know those kinds of friends who would do anything for you? The kind that would drop everything to help you out, the ones who support you and empower you?
Those kinds of friends were the stuff of fairy tales in my fucking life. Bitter anger surged in me as I closed the messaging app on my phone again, the light too bright in this dark club. I'd invited a few girls from work to go out and party with me since it was my birthday today, and I'd wanted to do something exciting for once.
When I'd asked them, Sarah, Layla, Jessa and Nikki all had seemed very willing to join me, and I'd filled with warmth at the potential for actual friends. I didn't make them easily; I was shy, reserved, and more than a little awkward. I did better with computers and gadgets than I ever had with people.
But despite their initial excitement, one by one over the last 30 minutes they'd all texted to back out. So there I was, all alone in a loud and unfamiliar club on my 25th birthday.
I never should've even bought this stupid outfit, or bothered with makeup. It was all a waste of time. The thoughts tumbled through my mind, one after the other until it was all I could do to hold back the frustrated tears.
I stood up suddenly from the booth I'd been hiding in, ready to go home and eat my feelings. I stumbled out of the booth on the too-tall heels I'd put on, and regretted the decision to wear them even more now that the floor was rushing up to greet me in what would end up being a very painful and embarrassing collision. I closed my eyes tight and willed it to just be over already, bracing myself for the fall.
I jerked to a stop in midair, and my eyes popped open with surprise. I was hovering above the ground, the floor within reach of my fingertips. It took me a moment to realize that a pair of strong arms were holding me tightly, preventing the inevitable face plant I'd been headed for.
"Don't worry, I got you." The deep, male voice washed over me in a heat wave that I'd never experienced before in my life. The man's arms tightened around my waist before lifting me into an upright position, helping to steady me on my shoes. I watched in fascination as his arms loosened and his hands slid across my stomach to gently smooth my dress down around my hips.
The warmth cascading through my body increased, and the resulting throb in my pussy surprised me. I could feel the heat from his body behind me, and I could tell that he stood well over my average 5'6" height. His hands tightened on my hips and slowly turned me around so that we were now face to face.
I was still looking down, admiring the fit of his pantsuit on his thick legs, the material not able to hide the obvious muscles covered by the expensive material. My eyes began to travel up his body, widening with every inch they gained.
I knew nothing about fashion, but even I could tell that everything this man wore from the tips of his shiny black dress shoes, to the perfectly polished cufflinks winking in the fabric of his dark suit, to the white shirt that emphasized his build, cost him some serious money.
His shirt was unbuttoned at the top, giving me glimpse of skin that I suddenly wanted under my tongue. My eyes stopped there, frozen from all the images swirling through my mind. A chuckle rumbled through him and it was that that broke my stupor. My brain cleared slightly, and I realized with shame that I'd been staring at the man, not even thanking him for helping me.
I finally moved my gaze to his face, and my heart thudded in my chest. I had never in my life seen a more beautiful man. His jaw was strong, covered in a light beard that framed lips women pay good money for. His eyes were emerald green, framed with lashes that rivaled my own. Those eyes and lips captured me not only with their perfection, but with the satisfied pleasure they projected.
He pulled me forward, and suddenly he was sitting in the booth I'd just left with me across his lap. One of my hands splayed over his chest while my other arm snaked around his neck in order to balance myself, not wanting to make a fool of myself all over again.
His scent surrounded me as much as his arms did as he held me tight against him, my curves pressed against the tight muscles of his body. His touch was making my nerves ping in happiness, which surprised me since I usually hated being touched by strangers. My nipples were tightening, my pussy getting wetter by the second, and then he spoke again.
"Do I pass inspection?" I watched his mouth move, his words taking a minute to get through the haze of lust I was thrumming with. I blushed furiously, glad that it was dark in this club and that meant he probably couldn't see. I still tilted my head down, my long blonde curly hair obscuring my face from him.
Immediately, he spoke again. "Don't look away from me baby, I want to see those big blue eyes eating me up like they were before."
The command in his voice had me lifting my head back up before I even knew what was happening. My bottom lip made its way between my teeth, and his gaze narrowed on the movement, his chest rumbling with a sound I couldn't hear, but could feel vibrate through my body.
"Th-thank you. For helping me earlier, I mean." My voice was quiet, but he somehow heard me over the music blaring through the speakers. I was impressed with myself for being able to get the words out in the first place. I was so focused on the way his arms wrapped around my waist and kept me pressed against him that any real thoughts had basically been obliterated.
He moved one hand to brush some hair away from my face, then cupped my cheek gently. I nuzzled into the hand, enjoying the feel of his roughened palm against my soft skin.
"Fuck." I read the word on his lips, and a little pang went through me that I hadn't been able to hear it. An incredibly strong need for the feel of his lips filled me, and I leaned forward. In a move that was nothing like the usual, shy Y/N I was, I plastered my tits against his chest before I placed a light kiss on his mouth.
His arm around my back tightened, and the hand on my cheek slid back onto the nape of my neck, tangling in my thick hair. The move had me gasping, my breath blowing across his lips still touching mine.
What the hell was going on with me? I was not the kind of woman to cuddle up with a stranger. In a club. And then kiss him. I jerked back, struggling to move off him and escape.
"Please, don't go." His words made me freeze, although I couldn't bring myself to look at his face. I could feel tears welling up in my eyes from all the helplessness, loneliness, embarrassment, and anger from today taking over.
"We can go somewhere else, quieter if you want. Or we can stay here where you're surrounded by people. Just don't run away from me."
His words were soft, like he was talking to a cornered, frightened animal. I suppose that was very much what I seemed like right now, since that's how I felt. But the fact that he'd started off with please, and how he was willing to stay here where I was safely surrounded by witnesses, calmed me.
I turned back to take a peek at him, and his eyes were soft, yet burned with something I couldn't name. Just to test his reaction, I move slowly off of his lap. His hands tensed on me for a second, before he let out a reluctant sigh and let me go. I stood in front of him, and a wide smiled filled my face. I liked that he didn't seem to want to let me leave, but would if that's what I really wanted.
I held out a hand and he immediately took it, standing and wrapping his arms around me again. He moved his hands down over my ass and gripped me right below it, where the skin met my thighs. He lifted me up and I instinctively wrapped my arms and legs around him, burying my face into his neck. I felt a shiver go through him when I kissed the side of his neck.
With the smile still across my face, I moved my lips to his ear to whisper to him. "Let's get out of here."
The moment she'd walked into my club, I had seen nothing else. I'd been sitting in my office on the upper level and just by chance had gotten up to look down onto the floor of the club I'd opened just over a year ago. It was doing even better than I'd anticipated, but over the last few weeks I'd felt nothing but boredom.
Watching the people dancing and drinking below me, a flash of gold near the front doors had caught my eye. My hands clenched into fists, my body going stiff as a board as my eyes swallowed up the female. Long, curly blonde hair tumbled around her as she made her way slowly across the floor. She stepped carefully in the tall gold heels that encased her feet, a perfect match for the dress that hugged every delicious curve of her body.
Something about the way she moved called to me, and I was heading to the floor before I could even think through what I was planning on doing when I got to her. All I knew was that my heart pounded in my chest, each thump accompanying a resounding mine in my head.
I got to the floor and searched the crowd, wishing I had waited to see where she'd been headed. It was so crowded, I was afraid that I wouldn't be able to find her in the mass. I prowled along the edge of the dance floor, a weird feeling like desperation coming over me as my eyes roved back and forth.
I hadn't felt like this since I was a teen, struggling to find a way to survive. I'd come a long way since then; I owned a chain of clubs that were wildly successful, and had put money towards investments that had paid off handsomely. I hadn't been desperate for anything since landing my first job in high school and I didn't like feeling it now.
I was starting to think I'd gone crazy, seeing someone as perfect as the curvy woman in gold since I couldn't find her now. Just as the disappointment began to set in, that flash of gold caught my eyes once more. I zeroed in on that, pushing not-so-gently through the crowd to reach her.
When I finally broke through, I saw her sitting in a booth in the corner, her phone in her hands and screen lighting up her face. I drew in a sharp breath at the sight of her. I couldn't see as well as I wanted to, but I could see the way the thin straps of her dress pressed into her shoulders, the top of the dress barely able to contain her breasts. I could see the golden tone of her skin. Her plump, pink lips were shaped in a grimace on her face, and my hands twitched to reach out and smooth them for her.
She looked up from her phone and glanced towards the floor, and odd expression of yearning on her face. Her phone lit up in her hand again, and her forehead wrinkled further as she read.
Every iota of my being wanted to go over there and find out what was making her so upset, but I knew that I could be intimidating. I figure that a 6'5" tall man packed with muscle demanding to know what was wrong would more likely scare her than endear her to me.
So instead of going over there and hauling her into my arms, I took a seat at a nearby booth, hidden in the shadows so I could watch her without creeping her out. Over the next half hour I sat there and watched her face go through so many emotions even I was dizzy.
Anger. Frustration. Longing. My body tensed more with each new expression, the need to make her smile a living thing inside me. When I saw her features crumble like she was on the verge of tears, I knew I was done with waiting. I stood up to go over there and I worked on schooling my expression into one of friendliness. When I'd just about reached her booth, she tucked her phone into the small purse dangling off her wrist and stood up. She stepped down from the small rise, and I saw her ankle twist uncomfortably.
I knew she was going to go down, and I crossed the last few steps in a split second to catch her. I managed to get to her just in time, wrapping my arms around her waist and holding her against me.
My cock instantly went hard, the feeling of her ass against my crotch bringing desire roaring to the surface. I grit my teeth in effort to control the impulse to grind against her, and somehow managed. After a moment I was able to pull her up, steadying her on her wickedly spiked heels and turning her around but not letting go of her.
Her perusal of me excited and amused me, and her scent of roses and honey drifted into my nostrils, making me harder than steel. Then sitting her on my lap, watching her fascination with me play over her face, when she turned her face into my hand like she wanted it more than her next breath... I knew that there wasn't anything that was going to keep me from claiming her. Even when I let her pull away, I knew that she wouldn't be getting very far. She didn't know it yet, but she was fucking going to be mine.
I glared at anyone who dared look at us as I carried her across the dance floor, the feeling of her nuzzling my neck making my knees shake. I had to get her alone, before I started fucking her against the nearest wall. I turned the corner that led to the elevator only I had access to and pressed the button for the doors to open.
Just as I stepped into the elevator, her teeth nipped at the sensitive spot where my neck met my shoulder. I let out a sound of pleasure, the small bite nearly undoing me. No women had ever had the same power over me. The doors shut and I pressed her against the wall, a hand going into her hair and pulling her head back so I could get my first good look at her.
Her eyes were blue orbs calling to me, to the man in me who wanted nothing less than to completely possess her. I took in the flush in her cheeks, the way her dress reflected the gold in her skin, making her seem like a stolen ray of sunshine. The warmth radiating off her body and into mine through our clothes only further convinced me she'd escaped from that burning star.
"Who are you?" The question left my mouth in wonder, and her cheeks darkened before she looked away from me.
"No one special," she said with sadness in her voice.
I tugged on her hair sharply, a small gasp leaving her as I forced her to look at me. "Don't ever fucking say that again. I'll spank your ass until it's on fire if you ever say shit about yourself like that."
Her pupils widened at my words, and my instincts told me she liked the idea of my hand on her ass, even though it scared her a little. A small tremble went through her, and I pressed my lips against her cheek.
"Now, try again. Tell me who you are." I pulled away from whispering the words in her ear to watch her face. She swallowed roughly, but answered me.
"My name is Y/N." Her voice was raspy, like she rarely used it, with a hint of an accent. It was music to my ears.
"Y/N," I repeated, loving the feeling of her name in my mouth. The way she licked her lips made me think she liked it too. "My name is Dean."
"Dean," she breathed huskily. "It fits."
I grinned at her and nodded. "So I've been told."
I took a second to insert my key into the lock and finally pressed the button on the elevator to move us up. The ride was short and silent, but I didn't even think about putting her down. I liked having her in my arms, and she didn't protest so I was taking advantage of it.
The elevator stopped and I stepped off, heading towards my office. You could still hear the music and the crowd from up here, but it was muted significantly. Noticing the giant window where I'd been standing when she'd walked into the club, she let out a small gasp.
"That's quite the view," she said.
"I like being able to see what's going on." I walked towards it and set her down gently, her body rubbing against mine the whole way down and torturing me. I turned her towards the window and crowded behind her.
I knew there was no way she couldn't feel my dick pressed against her, but she didn't shy away or tell me to back off, so I pressed just a little closer. I heard a small moan leave her mouth and a satisfied smile filled my face.
"I was standing right here when you walked through those doors." I caressed her sides as I spoke, relishing in the way she leaned back into me, letting me do as I wished. "I haven't seen anything but you since that moment you caught my eye."
She drew in a breath and turned back slightly to look up at me. "That's crazy."
"Maybe. Or maybe I just know what I want when I see it."
Questions filled her eyes, and I knew that she was wondering why I'd focused on her. "I can't tell you all the answers baby, I just know that I feels right to hold you in my arms. There's something about you that hooked me from the very beginning. I can't just ignore that kind of feeling."
Her eyes searched mine, and she must have seen the truth burning there. She reached one hand around and placed it on the back of my neck, drawing me down towards her. As soon as our lips touched, the fire ignited.
In a second we were devouring each other, lips and tongues and teeth battling for a better taste of each other. My hands gripped her tight, the need to consume her overtaking everything.
She twisted slightly in my arms to get a better angle, and I crushed her to my chest. My hands roamed and gripped her ass tightly, grinding her slightly against my cock. She let out a small moan with every pass, and even rocked her hips into mine when I paused.
Pulling away from her mouth, our harsh breaths filled the air. "If you want to stop, you have to tell me now," I said. "I want to see you, taste you everywhere, tease and torture you until you're screaming my name. If that's not something you want, then say the word and I'll let you go."
It hurt to say the words, but I would stop if that's what she wanted. I'd let her go for now, but not forever. I'd give her time and space, but I would be coming after her.
Thankfully, I didn't have to worry about that.
"Please Dean, don't stop." She was shaking slightly, but her words were sure.
"Thank fuck," I said and captured her resulting giggle between our lips.
Kissing Y/N was like a revelation; like a taste of heaven for a fallen angel. A piece of my soul kicked into place the moment I'd touched her, and now it felt like it was going to explode from me.
Groaning, I pulled away again. A mewl of protest left her lips and I softly placed a finger on her lips.
"Hush, beautiful. I'm not going anywhere." I bent down and lifted her again, striding towards the plush couch against the opposite wall. I turned as I reached it, falling back so that I was sitting with her straddling my lap.
Her eyes roamed over my body, and I sat still to let her take it all in. "What's going on in the beautiful head of yours?"
She smiled lightly at my question, biting her lip. "You're so big," she whispered as she ran her hands down my torso.
"You haven't seen anything yet, babe." She flushed at my response, and I curled my hands around her thighs, pulling her closer. The beast inside me howled in pleasure at the way she felt under my hands, at the contrast between her lightly tanned skinned and mine. I could feel the heat between her thighs branding my lap as she instinctively rotated her hips on mine.
Her eyes went heavy, head tilting back when she rubbed against me. My hands on her thighs tightened, and little noises escaped her as she continued to grind on me.
"That's it little girl, take what you need from me. Grind that pussy on my cock like I'm inside you already."
"Oh god, Dean," she said breathlessly as she started to move a little faster.
"If I lifted you from my lap and looked at my pants, would I be able to see just how wet you are for me?" Her cheeks flamed with a mixture of embarrassment and arousal, but it didn't stop her from moving.
"Show me baby girl," I continued. "Let me see how bad you need me."
I could still feel the heat flaming my cheeks, but I wanted nothing more than to show him what he was asking for. I had no idea what alien had taken over my body and mind, and yet I wasn't going to argue with it. I mean, I wanted to get a little crazy for my birthday, and if this wasn't crazy then I had no idea what was.
With a determination that bolstered my nerves, I looked Dean right in the eyes as I leaned back, placing one hand on his thigh behind me. My other hand moved to the hem of my dress, lifting the skirt enough for him to see the white lace panties I had on underneath. I watched his pupils dilate as he took the sight in. He groaned aloud, the sound only making me wetter than before.
I watched as he reached forward and traced the wetness of my panties with one finger, my breaths coming more rapidly at the light touch. I wanted him to rip the panties off so he could touch me for real. I wanted him to claim me, brand me with his touch so that I'd never forget this night.
Not that it'd be easy to forget anyway. After all, I didn't have much experience with boys so it's not like I had anything to overshadow this experience. And by "much experience", I meant none. I hadn't even kissed a boy before tonight. Not for lack of curiosity, but I'd just never met anyone I was interested in enough to go there with. I hoped Dean wasn't able to tell how inexperienced I was; he wasn't complaining though so I was just going to keep going like I knew what I was doing.
"Goddamn Y/N, I can't wait anymore. I need to taste you." Suddenly, I was spinning around, falling against couch cushions and my legs spread wide over his shoulders. I hastily brushed my hair out of my face in time to see him drag my underwear off, a hunger in his eyes that made my insides clench with excitement.
I felt his fingers spread my pussy apart so he could see everything, and another wave of embarrassment flooded me.
"So fucking gorgeous," he breathed out reverently. The tone of his voice instantly calmed me, and in a move that surprised even myself, I reached down with one hand and traced my middle finger over my hard clit.
"Are you going to stare at me all night, or are you going to get a taste?" My voice was sultry, one I'd never heard before. I could hardly believe it was even coming from me.
A wicked laugh burst out from him and caressed my wet pussy. I jerked slightly at the feeling, and he knocked my hand away so he could have full access. Before I could blink, his mouth was on me. My back arched high, a loud cry leaving me at how good it felt.
"Oh my god!" The words were a loud, choked cry. His tongue lapped at my lips, licking up every drop of my wetness and leaving a trail of his own in its wake.
Goosebumps popped up everywhere on my skin, my nipples going diamond hard as his tongue moved up to the hard bud of my clit, flicking it rapidly and driving me to the edge so fast I was shocked.
"Fuck, you're gonna make me come," I moaned out. He pulled away slightly, meeting my hazy eyes for a moment before looking down at my pussy. I felt a finger trace around my pussy hole, the sounds of my wetness hot and thrilling at the same time.
"Feel free to come whenever my little slut," he said lazily. My nails scraped along the fabric of his couch and he bent back down, taking my clit between his lips and sucking on it at the same time as he pushed a finger inside. The combination of the pressure on my clit and the feeling of his finger in me, pressing on a sensitive spot on my inner wall had me climaxing without warning.
I screamed loudly, shaking in full-body spasms as the strongest orgasm of my life consumed me. I never even imagined I could feel like this- I'd read about orgasms like these in books but I figured they were all exaggerated. Holy fuck, had I been wrong.
Dean gently pulled his finger out of me, straightened up and then slowly moved my legs from his shoulders to the couch. I was breathing hard, staring up at him and by the wide grin on his face I could tell I had stars in my eyes.
"You liked that, did you?" His voice was teasing but rough, like he loved making me feel good but barely had a grip on himself.
"I loved it," I said, voice trembling. I sat up, then palmed his erection through his pants. A garbled sound left him as he threw his head back, and he quickly grasped my wrist to stop me from stroking him. I gave him a questioning look, and he shot me a smile.
"It feels too good. I don't plan on coming in my pants."
A thrill of wickedness ran through me. I pulled my hand out of his grip gently before running my hands up his chest.
"Where do you plan on coming, then? My hands? My tits?" I moved my hands to the straps of my dress, pulling them down and baring myself to him. "My mouth?" I moved to the edge of the couch, loving the way his eyes jumped around, trying to decide where to look first. I slid my arms around his neck and pressed my bare chest against his crisp white shirt, thrilling at the feeling. I leaned forward to whisper into his ear. "In my hot, tight, soaking wet pussy?"
A growl ripped out of his chest. Next thing I knew, I was standing on my feet, my dress and panties being ripped off my body in one harsh move. I was standing in front of Dean completely naked while he was still on his knees, still fully dressed. I felt vulnerable, but for some reason I knew I was completely safe with him.
"You want to tease me, little slut?" His hands grasped my hips and slid up my body, until he was cupping my heavy breasts in his large hands. His thumbs brushed my hard nipples, coaxing a moan from me as I stared at him with half-shut eyes. "Just be careful what you ask for."
"I know what I'm asking for," I quipped. "Are you going to give it to me or not?"
A sharp laugh burst out of him, and then he was standing, stripping off his clothes as well. I watched avidly as his smooth, muscled, tanned skin came into my view. I wanted to trace the ridges of his abs with my tongue, follow that little happy trail of hair that begged me to go down.
He unbuckled his belt, unzipped his pants, and then paused. I looked up to his face to see a glint of concern. Stepping forward and covering his hands with my own, I answered the unspoken question.
"Yes, I'm sure." I curled my fingers into the waistband of his slacks, and pulled down. I tilted my head down to get a good look, and I knew my eyes were as big as saucers when I murmured the first thing that came to mind. "Commando, why am I not surprised?"
He didn't answer, letting me look my fill. He was even bigger than he'd felt in my hand for the moment I'd gotten in, and I was a little worried it wouldn't fit. I was a virgin, and I'd never expected cocks to even get this big. He took his cock in his hand and stroked it up and down, and heat pulsed in me at the sight. A little bead of cum leaked out of the tip, and my tongue grazed my lips in desire to taste it.
"Fuck Y/N, you're going to make me come if you keep looking at me like that," Dean grit out.
"That's fine with me," I said in fascination.
"You look at me like you've never seen a cock before," he said as he moved his hand on his cock again like he couldn't help it.
I was hesitant to admit the truth, so I told a little white lie. "Never one this big."
"Jesus," he hissed out. Goosebumps trailed across my skin again at the sound of his voice, knowing he was close to losing control. Wanting to not just push him to the edge, but over it, an idea popped into my head as I glanced at the large window again. I started backing away from him, towards the window as I spoke.
"Can you imagine what it would feel like to fuck me with that big hard cock of yours while I'm pressed up against this window? How hard my nipples would be, tight against that cold glass? How anyone might be able to look up and see you pulling my hair back, my mouth wide open as I screamed your name while you spanked me?"
I knew my cheeks were red as cherries, but I hoped that if he could tell, he thought it was with passion and not from never having spoken out loud like this before. My back hit the glass, and I shivered at the cold.
I watched as he stalked towards me, his skin gleaming like midnight, a fierce look on his face. In that moment I truly felt like I was being stalked by a lion, his gait sure and steady as he came for me. My pussy throbbed in anticipation, and I lazily flicked my nipples just to see the way his jaw tightened. When he reached me, he grasped my shoulders and turned me, pressing my body tight against the glass, a hand in my hair forcing me to look down at the crowds below us. His cock pressed into my ass and I moaned at the feeling, moving my hips back against him.
"Does it make you wet to think that someone will see me fucking you? Does my little slut get off on the idea of being watched?"
"Yes," I gasped out, in tandem with the sting of his teeth nipping at my neck.
"Good. I want you to be wondering who's looking at you, taking in your tits pushed up against this glass, watching you come with my cock deep in your pussy."
The hand not in my hair trailed from my collarbone, going between my tits and moving down my stomach and brushing across the tiny strip of hair on my mound. His finger traced the line, and my hips jerked in response to the sensation.
"I thought I was going to explode when I saw this little path right to where I wanted to be," he commented like we had all the time in the world. I whimpered as his fingers moved lower, playing over my clit, slippery from my earlier orgasm.
He cupped my pussy, then pressed back so that my hips were tilted back, presenting my ass to him. The hand in my hair loosened and traveled down my spine, then palmed both cheeks, one after the other. A split second later, a sharp sound echoed in the room, and I registered the sting a moment later.
"Did you... just spank me?" I turned my head back to him, eyes big but and excited smile on my lips. He studied my face for a beat and then caressed the tender spot on my ass.
"Did you... like it?" He teased me, pausing just like I had, and I bit back the giggle that rose in my throat. I loved that he made me want to laugh just as much as he made me want to plunge myself down on his cock.
"I'm not sure, maybe you should try again."
He shook his head lightly, in amusement, before delivering his next command. "Turn back around, dirty girl, and let's find out."
I turned back to the glass, and as soon as my gaze hit the people below, his hand landed on my other cheek. The pain zinged through me, but was closely followed by sparkles of pleasure, a whole different kind than anything before. A strangled moan left me as I tapped my forehead on the glass, and I felt his dark hum of delight in my bones.
His hand that cupped my pussy moved lower, his two middle fingers pushing between my folds to feel just how wet he'd made me.
"My pretty little Y/N is a very dirty girl, I see." His two fingers teased at my dripping hole, and it was all I could do not to beg him to fuck me with them. I canted my hips back, rubbing against his cock and thrilling at the sound he made when I did. He knew what I was asking for, and he didn't wait long to appease me.
My heart stuttered at the sensation of him pressing those thick digits inside me, the first thing since one uncomfortable attempt with a vibrator. The same burning sting was there, but this time it was overshadowed by the absolutely incredible feeling of having Dean inside me, massaging and tweaking my nipples with the other hand. Every time he moved he hit a spot inside that made me jerk, eyes crossing from the pleasure.
I was completely overwhelmed. Every damn thing from the lingering pain of the spanking, to his cock subtly grinding between my ass cheeks, to his arm around me and fingers in me, his chest pressed tight along my back... I was being bombarded inside and out and I. Fucking. Loved it.
"Please, oh god, Dean," I panted as my thighs began to shake again. I couldn't form the words to beg him to give me what I needed, but he seemed to know what it was anyway.
"That it Y/N, I want you to come for me again. I want to feel this pussy tighten and come all over my hand. You won't get my cock until you give me this first. So come for me little slut, now."
A loud, keening cry flew out of me as I came apart around his fingers. I barely even registered his fingers sliding out, and his cock replacing them.
"Y/N, fuck," I vaguely heard him mutter in my ear as he thrust into my body. Tears gathered in my eyes, a mixture of the intensity and elation that this was actually happening. Although it was slightly painful, I'd expected it to hurt more.
He stilled inside me, and I concentrated on coming back from the high he'd sent me to. The first thing that registered was his lips on my neck, his arms banding me to him around my hips and torso.
He knew when I'd come back, and I felt his small exhalation of relief flutter in my hair.
"Did I hurt you?" His gentle question surprised me, shocked that he'd noticed much less cared. I figured not many guys would have.
"I'm okay," I responded in a raspy voice. "Please Dean, don't stop."
"God, you're fucking perfect. Where the hell did you come from?"
I let out a shaky giggle, my words breathless as he pulled out slowly. "Aren't you glad I came out for my birthday?"
"Fuck baby, it's your birthday?"
"Yeah. Best one ever," I responded. I punctuated the sentence with a loud groan as he pushed his cock right back into me.
"I think birthday girl needs another orgasm. What do you say?"
"Jesus," I groaned. "I'm not sure I can take another one."
He paused inside me, then grabbed my wrists and pulled them above my head, palms against the glass. He placed one hand lightly around my neck to hold me in place as he began fucking me in a steady pace. His other hand moved down and started to rub my clit in small circles. To my utter astonishment, I immediately felt another orgasm start to build.
"If I want you to come for me again, that's exactly what you're going to do. Got it, dirty girl?"
"Fuuuuck," was all I could say in response.
Y/N was full of surprises. This woman was fucking hot, but she was also an intriguing mixture of shy and bold, with a little sass and humor threaded through her. I wanted nothing more than to be fucking her right now, but in my heart I knew I wasn't going to let this woman go.
Every thrust into her pussy solidified that. Every sound she made, every moan and cry and shout of my name, told me that somewhere inside her she knew it to. Now I just had to get her to admit it to herself.
Speeding up my thrusts, I clenched my teeth hard enough that I wondered if I'd crack one, trying not to come yet. I promised her one more orgasm, and damn it all if I wasn't going to make sure she got it.
After all, she'd given me her virginity. My cock swelled bigger inside her, blood rushing from my brain as that primal thought took over. As soon as I'd thrust into her, I'd known. Something about the way her voice changed, the way her body tensed up, some sixth sense I had for every small iota of her reactions had told me.
I wished she'd told me first so I could've been gentler, but I knew that if that was something she'd wanted she would have told me. I was going to bring it up after this was over, because that's not something I could let go... But for now at least, I was going to settle for proving to her that she hadn't made a mistake with that decision.
"Do you think anyone can see you right now?" I tightened my hand around her throat just enough for her to feel it there, and felt an answering squeeze of her pussy around my dick. I'd figured out that she loved the dirty talk, so I kept at it to make sure she got to that peak one last time.
"I bet if anyone's watching, they wish they were here. Somewhere out there a guy wants to take his cock out and stroke it to the sight of you getting fucked within an inch of your life. A woman's cunt is getting wet, wishing she were you, wishing it was her tits pressed against the glass and my hand around her throat."
She let out a rough snarl at that sentence, clenching her pussy so tight around me that I had to pause, screwing my eyes shut and counting in an effort not to come.
"Never. You're mine, no one else gets to have you." I could hear in her voice that her vehemence surprised her, but she wasn't taking it back. I didn't even try to hide the grin that split my face. I went back to fucking her, even harder than before. I hurried my fingers on her clit, and could feel her walls begin to ripple around me.
"That's right baby. I don't want anyone else. Other girls can watch, other guys can peek, but they'll never get to touch either of us. Because just as much as I'm yours, you're mine little Y/N."
That was all she needed. Like a bomb, she went off. Her scream would've been heard downstairs even over the music if this room wasn't soundproofed. I couldn't stop myself from following directly after her, and I held her tight in my arms as she came around me, my cock pouring its life inside her.
I somehow got us back to the couch, although I was in a haze as I did. I'd never come that damn hard in my life, and I was positive neither had she. I reached down beside the couch to grab my discarded suit jacket and placed it over her, nearly able to cover all of her. She curled into my chest, humming with delight at the warmth.
I pet her head, running my hands through her soft curls, wondering how to bring up what I wanted to say. I let out a big sigh, knowing I would just have to come right out and ask.
"You okay?" She lifted her head from my chest to look at me, concern furrowing her brow.
"I feel fucking amazing," I assured her. She smiled and settled back onto my chest. "Why didn't you tell me you were a virgin?"
Her body froze, and I could practically hear her panicking in her head.
"Hey, Y/N, Look at me." She slowly tilted her head back to meet my eyes, her face in a full blush. I lifted my head to place a soft kiss on her lips. "I'm not mad. I just... could've been gentler. I didn't want to hurt you."
She shrugged, biting her lip. "Honestly, I was worried you might stop if I said anything. And I didn't want that. It didn't hurt as much as I was expecting, anyway." The corner of her mouth tilted in a grin. "I think the fact that you got me so wet I probably leaked onto your carpet helped a bit."
My cock twitched under her tummy, and a shocked laugh fell from her lips.
"Well when you talk about being that wet, what do you expect? That thing has a one track mind, babe."
She burst into a fit of giggles, burying her face in my chest. My heart expanded, warmth coating me at the sound. I waited until she caught her breath to talk about the one last thing I had on my mind.
"I meant what I said. I don't think I can ever let you go."
She looked up at me again, a huge grin on her face, happiness obvious. "Good. I don't plan on going anywhere soon."
"Thank fuck," I breathed out.
"In fact," Y/N continued, sitting up on my lap, my jacket curled around her shoulders. I drew in a breath at the sight, my cock beginning to harden again at the simple eroticism. "This birthday girl is in need of a little dessert."
Her eyes zeroed in on my growing cock, and a groan left me when I realized what she meant.
"Ever sucked a cock before, little slut?"
She shook her head, bottom lip caught between her teeth. Her hands moved forward and grasped me, lightly sliding up and down. My head fell back against the arm of the couch, the feeling so damn good.
"Will you teach me, Dean?"
"Oh Y/N," I said, "I'll teach you anything you want to know, and things you didn't know you wanted to learn. This is just the beginning."
Her eyes shined bright with excitement and true happiness. My heart skipped a beat, and I knew this girl was it for me.
"Happy Birthday, my little slut."
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Death of a Bachelor
(Erik Killmonger POV)
Word Count: 3.4k
Warnings: sSmutSs, fuckboyness
A/N: Possible new series? So hear me out, this was inspired by the movie Alfie, the Michael Caine version is the only one I seen. But Erik is going to experience four, maybe five women, each very different from the next. He’s having fun with them but at some point he’s going to have to tighten up on some of his ways, whether it’s with a lucky lady from the five, or by his damn self. I also just wanted to do a smut since I haven’t in a minute and no one is gettin any in my series’ (also I may have some residual hormones that I can’t work out right now because nature doesn’t want me to have any pleasure this week, so I’m getting it out here). The one time my mama asks me what I’m writing about and it’s THIS, smh. First POV of a character, so hopefully his spirit comes across here.
I swear God had a sense of humor making a nigga like me. The average man woulda been shot his on brains out with the bullshit I have had to deal with in my life. I’m not goin into all my childhood shit right now, that psychology and repressed emotions bull never rocked with me for real. Nah, I’m talkin bout my life right here, right now. People just won’t leave me the hell alone!
So boom, it’s like this. I like to take care of myself. I do my cardio every Monday, Wednesday, Saturday. That can be runnin, boxin, some P90X or whatever the fuck to keep me on my toes. I do weight training Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, doublin up when I feel like it with my cardio days; lightwork, you feel me? All that to say ya boy is stacked. You couldn’t put no more muscle on this 6’0 frame if you tried, took a damn long time but I finally got my shit filled out right.
And I’m proud of my shit, gotta double back by the mirror every so often just to catch myself lookin. I ain’t narcissistic or nothin, but fuck you if you think I should be humble, I earned this.
I say all that to say it’s funny how people think they entitled to your time just because you give em some dick every other visit. Females will tell you different, but they just as thirsty as niggas these days. I go out the gym, fresh from a shower in my wife beater and sweats, right? I got my shades on cuz I’m not tryna socialize, just get my protein powder and jet.
What they do? Stare at me walkin past the produce section, holdin they bananas in a daze, fuckin me with they eyes! On one hand, I’m cool with it, like I said I work for this body to be admired. Bitches love feelin on my stomach and chest while I dig them out, clawing my back when my shit too deep for em. But then I say good morning, and they ass wanna look at me funky and go about they business! Like I bothered them with some eye fuckin! Bitch if you don’t go on somewhere witcho thirsty ass! Maybe my approach is off, but fuck that, I know what you were thinkin bout, and that don’t require much introduction to get to.
That’s a good sign for me though, cuz I know they gon run off to they little friends talking bout, “Girl, this fine ass nigga said Hi to me at the grocery store today. Bitch, I hope I see him again, I might have to fuck him right on the tomatoes!” I know them! They act proud, but they don’t wanna come off hoeish.
Lemme see you be a hoe! I cannot stress that enough! There’s an artform to it though, don’t go comin up on me, rubbin my ass and whisperin in my ear (depends on the location and time of day though for that). Shit, come up to me and say hi for once! Being the aggressor gets tired after a while. See, when a baby girl come up to me, smilin all confident and shit like she holdin the meanin to life between her legs, askin me who I am and what she wants, NIGGA! You ain’t said nothin but a word, ma!
That’s how I got involved with this one girl, Venice, like that town in Italy. She a real cute redbone, bout 5’5 wears these red bottom heels everyday (at least she has em one whenever I see her...never takes em off). She work as a paralegal, so she gotta wear blazers, skirts, or pantsuits, which I don’t always find sexiest but the way she gets em tailored to her body, whew man, it’s almost porno levels of ridiculous but that’s just cuz how thicc she is. Bitch can’t help it!
I go to this deli shop on lunch sometimes and she was in line with her phone glued to her eyeballs, so I knew she wasn’t wantin to be fucked around with. I respect a woman’s boundaries, you ain’t gotta tell me twice to go the fuck on somewhere. But tell me why when I’m pickin up pastrami on rye, ready to smash that thing I hear her behind me talkin bout, “I took you as more of a footlong type of guy.” If that ain’t no damn innuendo I don’t know what the fuck is. I’m lookin at her like she gotta be jokin, but damn her with that fuckin smile. She smelt good too, like coconut and fresh laundry, she was clean clean. She tried to hide her lil joke talmbout “I meant you so look like you workout, your meal just don’t match the appetite I envisioned.” So I ask her if she been envisioning in more ways than one and that got her cackling real quick, touchin on me like we old classmates reuniting. Long story short, we exchanged numbers and I get a text at the end of the day askin me to pull up to her job and next thing I know, we fuckin on her desk. She loud as fuck too. The building seemed like it was cleared out but damn, the police coulda been called for all she was doin. The pussy was fire though, almost had me losin my shit. She keeps it clean, except for some hair across the top of her pussy like a toupee. She likes to ride it though, that probably has to do with her profession, wantin power over people. Soon as she start cummin though, she a damsel in distress needin her Superman to finish things off.
So I been fuckin with her for a little over a month now. It’s real causal, we meet more after dark than in the daytime. It’s fun, I ain’t had to jackoff too much cuz she seems to work with my shit like circadian rhythm or whatever. Soon as I felt my shit gettin hard, my phone light up.
Tonight wasn’t no different. I was working out late that night, finishing a couple of miles on the treadmill when a notification interrupts my music. I look at my phone and it’s a picture of her hand spreading her pussy lips out. Damn, purple and pink were my favorite colors. I had to hit the emergency stop so I didn’t bust my face on the machine. I let her know I would be there in a hour, she says to make it 30 minutes.
This is when I have a problem with her, she think she run me! If I tell her I can’t come today, she says she can help with that. I tell her I’m tired, she say I don’t have to do shit but lay there. I was outta town once, and she still not satisfied until I get her on FaceTime so she can see me jackoff while she play with herself. If it didn’t turn me on so damn much, I’d drop her for good.
So, after I shower and start heading to my car, she text me with this address I don’t know. When I Googled, it led me to some condo on the other side of town. I asked her what this was about and the bitch left me on read. Fuck outta here with that shit. I ain’t Scooby Doo, and I don’t feel like solvin mysteries. Fuck I look like?!
But my dumbass follows the scent of hot n ready pussy soon as it pops up, so I go and whatever. Place look like the fuckin Powerpuff Girls live here, doin the absolute most for one woman to be livin in by herself.
When I go knockin on her front door, it just opens on its own like a haunted house. I peek in, bout to call her lame ass for tellin me an address I don’t know about, tryna get a Black man killed, I hear her voice.
“Come on in, baby.”
I stepped my ass in there real slow, checkin my peripherals until I saw her sittin on the couch in some see through robe lookin at her fireplace. I coulda busted concrete with the hard on I got lookin at her. Those titties, nigga, sittin up under her chin practically, just overflowin she so big.
“What’re you standin there like you seen a ghost. Come sit like you got some kind of sense.”
“What you got the front door open like that for?” I asked her, sittin next to her.
“I knew you were coming by. I don’t feel like getting up if I don’t have to.” She takes a bottle of Hennessy from the table in front of us and pours two glasses, handing me one of em.
I take a sip, nursing my drink. “You tryna be a pillow princess tonight or sumthin? Wantin me to do all the work?” I asked her. I couldnt help but reach out to feel that ass through her robe but she smacked my hand.
“Not like that, Erik! I want you to finish that drink, and maybe another. I want to be entertained a little more than usual tonight.” She knocked back her drink quicker than a jackrabbit on a date. She set her drink down, scooching over closer to me. I couldn’t keep my eyes off them damn titties! She started rubbin the inner part of my leg and I took the Henny down, you feel me!
She poured me another drink and started talkin all general about my day and shit. I wasn’t giving her nothin but one word answers cuz I was startin to get a lil lit off of the drink and she kept playin in my hair, kissin my neck and shit. I was tired of tellin her to chill out with alldat cuz I damn sure was ready to teach her ass some fuckin manners.
So I grab her thigh and pull her big ass over my lap, giving them cheeks a Jaws of Life-ass squeeze. I heard her gasp from my strength, she love that shit.
“Erik, hang on-” She try and say but I ain’t wantin to hear her mouth. I slip my hand in her panties and started washing my hands, her shit was like a faucet with that drip. I knew she was ready, think she playin with somebody.
“Fuck a ‘hang on’. Hang on these nuts, what you finna do.” I was bout to be in my element! Pussy poolin and I was finna dive, my nigga! Next thing I know my hair gettin pulled and yanked backward, hurt like a muthafucka.
“Damn Venice! What the fu-”
She took my hand and licked them off all slow. I felt her tongue dancing on my fingertips before she pinned my hand back.
“I really, really, love it when you’re rude, Erik. I do! But when I tell you to hold on, you say ‘yes ma’am’, remember?”
She pullin that dominance shit again. I ain’t on no punk shit, let the record show. But if this moves things along, then, “Yes ma’am.”
Then the damn doorbell rings! “Finally!” Venice gets up for the door, walkin all fast.
“Who the fuck are you expectin?” I’m gettin loud with her cuz I didn’t sign up for none of this shit. I was supposed to soak my wood and dip, she be extra but this on some other shit.
She turns around and puts her a finger to her mouth at me before opening the door. Some blonde girl comes through the door sayin Hi and huggin Venice like this a tea party. So, I’m sittin on the couch waiting for them to finish and her to leave, but Venice walks Jennifer Lawrence lookin clown into the living room.
“Erik, this is-”
“I don’t need to know her name, I need to know when she leavin.” I’m heated! My dick gettin soft by the minute, but Venice and her friend is unphased.
Venice starts playin in her hair and they start gigglin. “She’s here to keep us company. She’s fun, I think you both would do well with each other.”
Nigga, when she said this, I wondered if she spiked my damn drink or some bullshit. “I don’t associate with white folks Venice, stop wastin my time so we can do what I came over for.”
“That’s why Abbigayle is here! She wanted to meet you and-”
“You tellin bitches about me? Talkin behind my back?! I ain’t a damn gossip topic, fuck is your problem! I don’t fuck white bitches either, so you can just step ABBA!” I was ready to pack my happy ass up and go. Too many females on this planet to be strung up on one dummy.
“ERIK! I’m not going to be interrupted again! You’re making me lose my patience, that isn’t going to go over well for you. Be nice!”
I said already I ain’t no punk, right? And I meant that shit. But I ain’t never one to fuck up a good time, fuckin is fuckin, so let’s just see what happens. “Yes ma’am.”
Venice liked that, she instantly walked all slow and sexy over to me tellin me good job and shit, kissin on me. For a second I forgot about Abracadabra but then I feel an extra pair of hands at my lap and I see her unbuttoning my pants. Venice tooks my face back to look at her; she is really fuckin beautiful, I can’t even lie on that. Her lips felt like when you ain’t had Starburst in a while, and the first one in the line is a Pink or a Red, nigga her lips juicy as fuck and I didn’t want her to stop puttin em on me.
So we makin out on the couch and Abacus got my dick out and starts lickin and kissin my shit like it’s a damn bomb pop. That’s cute and all if I rock with you, but if I don’t know you like that? You just playin, show me what the hell that mouf do so I can hae somethin to talk to the homies bout later.
Venice gets off the couch and sits across the room in a chair, leaving her leg over the arm so her legs are spread out. I finally was gettin hard again, poor Abilify probably thought I was gettin there from her hen peckin round my shaft. Nah, I couldn’t hold back seeing Venice sittin there like she ain’t give an entire fuck that some random bitch was suckin my dick! Like, she ain’t been shy about what she likes in the bedroom but fuck, this was some new shit she pullin out on me.
When Venice took off her bra to let them titties hang on her stomach, I was about to lose my damn patience. I look down and Albuquerque and decide she needs some instruction on what to do when you got dick in your mouth.
“Open ya mouth up.” I told her, pulling her hair back to hold it behind her head. Soon as she does I pump my dick all into the back of her throat. She start hittin that gag reflex just right and then I let her breathe while she coughs and wipes her mascara down. I look over at Venice who has a slick smile on her face, nodding at me to continue. When Abomasnow started bobbin on my dick again, she was two handin my shit right? Venice brought a real lazy ass to this party. So I popped her face tellin her to take it deep. White girl was a trooper, I give her that. She barely got it halfway in before she started to gag, so I held her down just to make sure she wasn’t playing.
Lookin over at Venice, now she all relaxed, panties to the side with two fingers diggin herself out. She was bitin her lip tryin not to cum, she bet not either. With her full attenion I let her friend breathe again before I made her face my playground, fuckin the shit outta her throat. I tried my best to imagine it being Venice’s pussy like she probably wish her fingers were me. I couldn’t take no damn more.
I pulled out of Arby’s and strolled my ass on over to Venice, ready or not. Venice wasn’t fightin though as I picked her up under them thick ass legs while she held onto my shoulders. I guided her onto my Johnson and slid right in that bitch like it was nothin. She was so damn wet for me, and her face said it all that she was finally gettin what we came there to do. Venice pussy reminded me of when you just sat down after bein up on your feet all day and you feel like your heart is beatin in your soles when you get them propped up but it’s so damn better than gettin back up again. Venice knew how to tease me, and that shit was torture, but fuck if that release ain’t sweeter for it. Kissin on her lips while she breathin on me kept me goin, so I put her down turned her around by the fireplace. I picked her leg up and back and got right back in that pussy. This was my favorite position, cuz she felt tighter from behind, and she screamed louder too. Singing my name out like a gospel, cussin me out so much it almost hurt my feelins. Almost.
I almost forgot about her friend, til I felt a ticklin on my balls and there was Abscess tryna feel a part of this too, lickin my nuts and Venice’s pussy when I was slammin too hard in them cheeks. It was whatever though, cuz not a damn thing was bringing me out of her til I was through.
While I’m holdin Venice’s titties bouncin round, I felt myself gettin close, but that wasn’t happenin here, not like that. So I pull out of Venice, almost kickin Albany in the face and take her chair spot.
“Lemme fuck them titties real quick.” Venice gets between my legs and wraps them tig ol bitties round me, holdin them in place. Ma had my dick CREAMY, I didn’t even notice til then, she was cummin harder than a muthafucka. Venice friend helped keep her hair back, encouraging her with some “Go girl, get that cock baby!” type of Bring It On like nonsense. This ain’t no damn pep rally, fuck is you doin? Me and Venice were in our own damn world anyway, watchin her tongue hang out to catch my tip when it poke from her cleavage made me mad. She knew what the fuck to do, and I can’t stand it! Nigga, that nut was so long and hard, it could break steel, but it painted her face like a damn masterpiece, stickin on her eyelashes and shit. What the fuck she get for makin me work so damn hard.
With all that, her friend was pretty chill by the outcome. “Damn, Venice, you weren’t lying at all. Shits real!” givin Venice a high five while I pulled my pants up and she wiped her face.
“Right? Told you! Ok guys, I have to get some rest so just see yourselves out. We should do this again!”
I just knew she wasn’t talkin to me, but she really was walkin up her steps to her room like we were her employees clockin out.
I asked her, “Aye, Venice! This how you treat guests in your house!”
“You ain’t gotta go home, Erik, but you have got to get the hell outta here before my husband gets home.” Venice said with a flick of her wrist. Bossy ass bitch!
Me and Abbreviate walk outside and I just had to ask her somethin for what just happened. “Do y’all do this a lot?”
She just shrugs. “Sometimes, but I don’t say yes to every invitation. You just sounded too promising.”
I nodded, confused as hell, but flattered. “Right. And how y’all know each other?”
“I’m a colleague. Worked on a case together and got a little closer than necessary. Been a good friend since. Take care of yourself, Erik.” She gets in her car and that was that on that.
When I head to my whip, I get a text notification. I just knew it was Venice asking me to come back or at least a thank you. But no this time it was my other situation, Genesis.
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