#shes gonna have that consensual workplace relationship with her boss’s daughter
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squarecloud73 · 1 year ago
*I worship you Tumblr don’t remove it
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…So about that leg pouch
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hellfirexhoe · 2 years ago
Sweet Tooth - Eddie Munson x Female Reader
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Y'all can thank @hellfire-puppet for this filth ;-)
Tags: 18+ content, Chef!Eddie, brief mentions of cheating (reader's boyfriend is a scumbag), graphic smut, oral sex (m&f receiving), unprotected sex in a restaurant kitchen, health code violations, creampie, not proofread
Summary: What is up with the hot new chef in your father's restaurant? / or Eddie loses focus and has a consensual workplace relationship.
6.2k words (I got extremely carried away, I regret nothing)
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You’re not supposed to be working today, you are supposed to be packing to go back to college but Carly has called out sick and can’t cover her closing shift tonight, so of course you’ve been called in.
You’re running through the kitchen doors wrapping your apron around your waist with your waiting pad between your teeth. You glance up at the clock and grin as you realise you’ve made it in with 2 minutes to spare. 
You quickly confirm which section you’re taking over from and head out into the dining area, thankfully everything is running smoothly so you’re not required to clean up messes, put out fires and take orders all at once, which is a nice change of pace from your usual shift starts. You run your first order to the back and make eye contact with a new pair of eyes on the other side of the gantry, before you can speak you’re introduced to the new guy by the larger chef he’s working with,
“You working the close tonight?” 
“Unfortunately yes, really cutting into my packing time.” You groan and are offered a sympathetic smile,
“Well, this is Eddie. He’s working the close with you tonight so please be gentle with him.” You laugh and flash a smile at Eddie,
“I can’t promise that, we’ll have to see how I’m feeling at the end of the night.” You offer up your name to the new guy and he nods, a little awkwardly. You grab the plates in front of you and take them out to your table, checking everything is running smoothly once more. It gets steadily busier, it always does on Friday nights, you head into the kitchen and catch the dessert chef starting to flap a little bit with his orders. 
“Hey, take a breather. I’ve got the sundaes.” You’re met with a grateful nod and handed the whipped cream canister. You’re so focused on your task that you don’t notice you’ve attracted an audience of one, Eddie’s watching you from the other side of the kitchen, until he receives a gentle flick to the back of his head,
“Don’t even think about it. She's the boss man’s daughter.” 
As he speaks your finger slips on the nozzle and you spray whipped cream over the counter, making Eddie chuckle softly, and then groan inwardly as he watches your tongue dart over the cream on your thumb. You catch him watching you and offer him an embarrassed smile, everyone in the kitchen has trouble with those canisters, its not just a ‘you’ thing but it’s embarrassing nonetheless.
The rest of the shift passes quickly and without further incident, and in fact you’re able to finish your closing jobs fairly quickly, so you decide to see how Eddie’s doing in the kitchen,
“Hey! Need any help?” Eddie is placing the heavy grill panels into the cleaner for the night. He shakes his head,
“Nah, I got this.”
“Eddie, right? I’ve seen the schedule, this is your first solo close, please let me help. What can I do?”
“Uhh just the counters need wiping down and the fryers need draining. I’ve got the floor.” 
You nod and get started with draining the used oil from the fryers, taking care not to splash any of the oil. 
“So, Eddie, how are you finding it here? You can be honest, I’m not gonna go running to my dad.”
“Hmm, well I don’t hate it.” He laughs and so do you, “Honestly, gun to my head, I would have never placed myself in chef’s whites. Prison overalls maybe. But I’m really enjoying it, is that super lame?”
“No it’s not super lame, its lovely when someone comes in and is able to work and feel accomplished with that work.”
“Oh you are definitely fitted with a wire that is feeding back to your father.”
You roll your eyes, “No, I mean it. It’s important to do something you enjoy.”
“What about you then? The guys say you work here on breaks from college? I’m guessing you’re not studying Advanced Waitressing?”
“Not exactly, more like Education.”
“So like teaching?”
“That’s the one, always like the thought of fascinating tiny minds, kids hanging off my skirt by the end of the day because they enjoy my lessons so much.”
“That’s cute, as long as they’re small kinds and not like 14 year olds.”
This makes you laugh, “Yeah, screw working with teenagers.” You finish wiping down the last counter as you speak, then shifting your weight to perch on the counter while Eddie finishes mopping the floor, he playfully swats at you,
“Man, c’mon no asses on the nice clean counters!” You hop down and wait by the back door as Eddie finishes up mopping the floor. You can’t help but make a bad joke as he removes the hair net holding his curls,
“Nice mop.” Eddie snorts at this and follows you out, walking you to your car once you’ve confirmed the building is locked up. 
“Well, I’ll see you over Thanksgiving weekend.” Eddie nods,
“See you then.”
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The Thanksgiving schedule gets sent out the week before you return home, typical of the managers to leave it until the last minute. You eye the shifts you’re going to be on for the 2 days you’re covering. Both are closes with Eddie, a small smile plays upon your lips as you register this.
“Okay, babe. Last chance, are you sure you don’t want to spend Thanksgiving with my family instead of slaving away in your family’s restaurant?” Your boyfriend pokes his head around the door to your bedroom, you shake your head.
“I’m sure, its too late to change plans now anyway. I don’t want to put your family out by surprising them.”
“Alright, I’ll let them know you definitely can’t make it.” You catch an edge to the tone of his voice, clearly frustrated with you and roll your eyes, you’d had plans to see your family and help out at the restaurant for far longer than the 2 months you had been dating your boyfriend, you weren’t about to dip on those plans.
The week seems to snail by and even the drive home feels like it takes longer than usual, in fact time crawls up until the second you are back in the restaurant. You catch Eddie’s eyes again as you enter the kitchen,
“Hey stranger, looks like we’re spending a lot of time together these two days.” You don’t mean to sound so flirty in your tone but it just seems to naturally sink in when you speak to Eddie. 
“Seems that way, should I expect a friendship bracelet?” Eddie is equally alarmed by the tone of his voice as he calls back to you across the kitchen, and its not unnoticed, he receives a few “dont you dare” glances from his colleagues and quickly turns back to his plating. You notice the tension you’ve caused and quickly duck out to the dining room, focusing on your job. It’s Thanksgiving so of course it is atrociously busy this evening, you barely have time to shout orders over the line before the previous 3 are ready to go to tables. But you make it through the shift, and you decide to do your last job in the kitchen, taking one of the dining room chairs and resting it opposite the counter. Cutlery wrapping is a mindless enough task that you and Eddie manage to hold a conversation, you congratulate him on how well he’s doing and he politely asks how college is going, keeping the conversation casual enough to distract himself from the tension he’s feeling. 
The second night and your last shift follows much the same pattern, you ending up wrapping cutlery in the kitchen, complaining to Eddie about how pointless it is to spend so much of your time wrapping the cutlery in the napkin, when nobody actually notices it, its not like your customers are fawning over the craftsmanship of it. Eddie laughs,
“Isn’t it part of the experience? Fancy wrapped cutlery by a grumpy waitress at midnight?”
“You think I’m grumpy?” You raise an eyebrow at him, amused by his assessment, he stops wiping down the counter and leans over it, his face moving closer to yours, you can’t help the way your eyes quickly dart down to his perfect pink lips for a split second before returning to his eyes,
“I think I’d hate to get on your wrong side.” 
You don’t respond, you can’t think with him this close to you and he seems suddenly aware of his proximity so slinks back, returning to cleaning the counter, cheeks a little pinker than before.
“So, um,” You clear your throat hoping to sound casual, “Your girlfriend must enjoy the improvement in your cooking at home right?” You do not sound casual, you sound insane. Eddie guffaws at you,
“No girlfriend, been single since birth practically. Smooth, though, very subtle.” He can’t help but smirk at the blush that ignites your face, “What about you?” He leans back on the counter behind him, folding his arms, flashing you glimpse of tattoos that his sleeves usually hide,
“There is someone at college.” Oh. Eddie can’t help but feel a little stab in his chest at this, he’s good with women, he knows when they’re flirting and he’d been fairly sure you had been, but maybe he’s not as perceptive as he thought?
“But…” Eddie likes the sound of a but, as cruel and selfish as that might make him sound. He tilts his head, indicating for you to continue. “But sometimes he makes me feel shit. Like I’m a disappointment or something.”
“Any man who makes you feel like you’re less than, is not good enough for you. You realise that right?” You look up, surprised at the boldness of his statement, “And that’s all of psychoanalyst Eddie you get for free tonight.” Eddie quickly shuts the conversation down, aware of how it might sound to someone on the outside if he was overheard, aware he’s being way too familiar with you and that he doesn’t know you well enough for this kind of conversation. The silence left in the kitchen is only broken by the sound of wrapped cutlery clinking into the trays before you. 
“I’m guessing you’ll be back for Christmas break?” Eddie’s voice makes you start slightly, and you nod,
“Of course, the best tips are at Christmas. Plus I can’t leave you to close this place down. I’d come back in the New Year to find the place burnt to cinders.”
“Oh you heard about the-”
“Yes I heard about the toaster incident.” 
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The Christmas schedule looks to be fairly relentless, and you notice a few empty closing shifts needing cover. So you volunteer after sneaking a look at the chef on those nights.
The first shift back after Christmas you’re not closing, a small mercy as you ease back into the pattern of working. Eddie himself had booked the afternoon off to start his Christmas shopping so gives you a smile and a wave as he walks through the dining room, he lingers a little while longer when you’ve returned to your patrons, watching the way you flash a smile that he could only consider to be heartbreaking, watching as you bat your eyelashes at a man old enough to be your father as you hand him the check. He bites back a laugh as he sees the fistful of cash the man puts down as your tip. She gets them suckers good. You glance at him as you walk to the bar,
“See you tomorrow?” He shakes his head,
“Afraid not, do you not check my shifts on the schedule?” You definitely do but must have missed the alteration, “Don’t miss me too much, I’ll be back to play therapist the next day.” Stop fucking flirting idiot.
“I look forward to it.” You give him a genuine smile, one that would reduce him to putty in your hands if he stayed a moment longer. He suddenly feels bad for the men you disarm on the regular while working, they never stood a chance.
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“Okay, I’m not an expert but something is bothering you.” Eddie hisses over the line at you as you grab plates,
“It’s nothing, just tired.” You plaster on the smile you wear in the dining room and head back out. Truthfully, it's not tiredness, but it's not something you want to discuss in a busy kitchen of gossips. Eddie chooses not to pester you further as you finish up dinner service, not wanting to cause you any stress that might make that smile falter.
“Alright, sit down and tell your therapist all that troubles you.” Eddie comes out of the kitchen as your lock the doors to the dining room. Eddie takes a seat at the table you’re yet to clean so as not to create more work for you. You don’t take a seat and instead start to stack plates, Eddie keeps his gaze trained on you until finally you break and make eye contact,
“Fine, fine. I am tired, I’m also sad.” Eddie waits to see if you’ll clue him in, not keen to pry too much,
“You know the boyfriend I was telling you about?” A nod, apprehensive. “Well, I was invited to go to his over Thanksgiving, but as you know, I was working. So obviously, heartbroken by the lack of my presence he decided to hook up with one of his sister’s friends. And I had to find out by his sister phoning me the second I was back in dorms.”
“That’s really scummy, I’m sorry.”
“Why are you sorry? You’re not the one who cheated.”
Eddie takes the plates from your hands,
“I’ve got these, do you want some help out here?” You shake your head, grateful for the change in conversation,
“I’ve got it.” He nods,
“Come keep me company when you’re done? I’ve got a shit load to clean.”
You crack on with the front of house closing, practically flying around the dining room, determined to get out at a reasonable hour tonight. When you enter the kitchen it’s almost spotless, you can spy two jobs that are still outstanding so perch yourself on the counter and clean down the metal trays from the salad bar.
“Hey! How many times do I gotta say no asses on my counters?” You stick your tongue out at him and hop down, 
“Thought you’d go easy on me, given my heartbreak and all.”
“I’m not as easily manipulated as your customers, you’ll have to try harder.” 
“Watch yourself, if I really turned my charm on you’d be a goner.” Eddie doesn’t doubt it for a second.
“Go easy on me then, if you want to help the grill needs spraying with the degreaser." You nod, putting the trays away in their cupboard. Eddie is mopping the floor with his back to you as you step up to the grill, grabbing the spray with one hand, you stumble slightly in your worn out shoes and put out a hand to catch yourself,
“Shit!” You curse loudly as you draw your hand back from the surface of the grill, Eddie practically throws his mop down and drags you over to the sink, running the reddening surface of your palm under cool water.
“Well this is fucking embarassing.” 
“Yeah, it is like a day one lesson, don’t touch the grill.” Eddie smirks, “I think you’ll live though.” In spite of yourself you can’t help but notice how good his hands feel on yours, smooth, gentle. Eddie insists on keeping your hand under the water for a full ten minutes, until your hand feels numb and your fingers are all pruney. While he holds you in place, once he’s done teasing you for your accident, he asks what you do in town when you’re not working. 
“Study I guess.” You shrug, “That and sleep?”
“No, like for fun.” Eddie makes a face at you, as though what he’s asking should be obvious,
“Never heard of it.” Eddie snorts at the joke and responds in kind,
“What about you, what do you do for fun?” You peer up at him, taking in his deep brown eyes, letting yourself drink in his features before you catch yourself,
“Well, uh, I have a band, we play at The Hideout.”
You wrinkle your nose at the memory of many a bad date at the bar he’s describing, “There? It’s a total dive!”
“Well, I’m sorry princess but everyone has got to start somewhere.”
“Sorry, I didn’t mean it like that.” Eddie smiles at you, clearly unbothered by your comment,
“It’s okay, I’ll chalk it up to being in pain from the burn.” Eddie switches the water off and reaches for the first aid box,
“I’m sure it will be fine. We don’t need to go all out with dressings and shit.” Eddie shakes his head,
“Nope, can’t have your skin sloughing off all over plates of food tomorrow night, we’re using the burn cream and we’re putting a dressing on it.” You crinkle your nose at the imagery he describes while he gently rubs the cream in a soothing circle, with featherlight touches. The dressing is applied in a similar, overly cautious fashion, to the point that his first attempt results in the dressing immediately slipping off from your hand.
“And… there! Perfect.” Eddie says with flourish, taking a step back dramatically for you to admire his work,
“What’s the prognosis doctor? Will I ever be able to wait tables again?”
“I’m sure your hands will live another day to be burned in another stupid manner.” You slap his arm with your unbandaged hand, the outrage on your face makes him laugh. You really like his laugh. You really like being the cause of his laughter. 
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The following night you step into the kitchen, ready to help Eddie with closing the kitchen only to find the counters practically twinkling at you, equipment all stored and a few damp spots lingering on the just-mopped floor,
“Wow! Someone was busy!” You look around, half expecting to see another colleague in the kitchen helping him,
“What can I say? I’m a dedicated worker.” Eddie comes around the line, and reaches into the walk in fridge,
“I have something for you.”
“A gift? But it’s not Christmas yet!” Eddie laughs at your theatrics, the mock horror you’ve put on your face,
“Not really a gift, you’re going to be doing me a favour. Now, close your eyes and open your mouth.” You narrow your eyes at him suspiciously,
“Okay… But if you do anything weird I will have you fired, Munson.” Eddie rolls his eyes,
“Relax, just trust me, okay?” 
You do as he asks and open your mouth, albeit with a little hesitation. You feel the cold metal of a fork enter your mouth, the food is easy to recognise by taste and texture, you chew and swallow,
“I thought we’d stopped doing the brownies?”
“We did, this is my own recipe, I’ve been tweaking it. What do you think?” Your eyes are open now and you accept another forkful as it’s offered.
“Really good, like creaming in your pants good.” Eddie chuckles at this, dropping the fork and container onto the counter as he giggles. He finds himself leaning over you, sweeping his thumb over your bottom lip to remove the crumbs there,
“Food can be that good?” You lean into him, eyes dropping to his lips and then back to his eyes, your breathing hitches as you notice how his pupils are dilating, making his eyes look darker,
“Only when the chef knows what they’re doing.” Shit, what am I doing? Eddie steps back a little suddenly aware of the proximity and you notice the shift in atmosphere, maybe you stepped over the line with the creaming in your pants comment? Eddie quickly turns, tidying up the container and throwing the fork into the dishwasher.
“Okay, are we ready to lock up?”
“Mhm.” Eddie doesn’t make eye contact and prays you don’t notice his chef’s trousers sitting tighter around his crotch.
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Eddie’s a lot more cautious of himself around you the next time you work together, keeping it so oddly formal that he’s coming across as rude to everyone else in the kitchen. You call him on it when you’re on break, storming out to the back of the restaurant where you know he smokes,
“Did I do something to you?” Eddie looks up from his chair, bewildered,
“No, why would you think that?”
“Then why are you acting like my existence in the kitchen is a personal insult to you?” Eddie pulls his hair net off and runs a hand through his hair, aggravated.
“That’s not, not what I’m trying to do.”
“Then what is it?” Eddie takes a long drag, mulling his answer over.
“It got weird last night, you know it did. I just don’t want anyone thinking I’m screwing the boss’ daughter for some kind of special treatment.” You kick at the floor, feeling guilty for the way you blew up at him, its valid that he would be concerned about that. You wrap your hands around your waist and offer a small joke,
“Well, just so we’re clear. The only way you would get special treatment is if you slept with my dad, and I hate to break it to you, but you’re really not his type.” Eddie laughs, taking care not to flick ash at your feet. “Eddie, I really like spending time with you, I just feel like we’re on a similar wavelength. You’re like my work husband.”
“I know what you mean.” He sighs, “You sure you’re not just being sweet so I’ll give you more treats?”
“Oh that is definitely why I’m being sweet, that brownie was-”
“Cream your pants good, yep, I remember.” 
You giggle at your terrible choice of words last night, “Okay, so are we good? No more weird formalities?” Eddie nods and follows you back into the restaurant, picking up where he left off in the kitchen.
Eddie starts making the food tasting thing a regular occurrence, though he never gets as close to you as he did the first time. He’s quick to improve and listen to feedback and the brownies were perfect after one tweak of using darker chocolate in them. 
“Alright I’ve got something new tonight. It’s a little out of season but I’m always up for a challenge. You know the drill, eyes closed, mouth open.”
“One day you’re going to make me regret the trust I’m putting in you, arent you?” You do as you’re asked as you speak.
“Whatever do you mean?” You can hear him chuckling softly, and cant resist trying to make him laugh more,
“Well, I’m trusting that the next thing going into my mouth is something sweet.” Eddie has to shake the thoughts you trigger out of his head before he caves and gives in to what he’s really wanting.
“No..I just like your honest feedback.” 
“Okay okay, what is this out of season culinary delight you’re hoping to improve?”
“I thought the game was you don’t know what I’m feeding you? But its a banana cream pie.
“Oh my god, I love cream pies.” You register what you’ve said milliseconds after the word leave your lips, your eyes snap open to Eddie’s looking ready to bug out of his skull, you hold each other’s gaze for a few seconds before he’s doubled over, giggles wracking his body,
“You sicko! You set me up for that!” 
“I did no such thing! Here I am, a humble chef, with a delicious pie that I’ve slaved over and you’re here making it into something filthy!” Eddie clutches at his heart with one hand, “If anything, you’re the sick one!”
The sight of Eddie pretending to be so wounded and mortified just makes you laugh, you manage to choke out an apology and close your eyes once more, though your shoulders still shake with small giggles as Eddie feeds you. 
“Now, is that not the best creampie you’ve ever had?” The pie leaves your mouth in a spray, forced out by your laughter as you slap his arm,
“Sorry, sorry! I couldn’t resist! No violence in the kitchen!!” You glare at him as you wipe your mouth and clean up your mess. 
“So how was it?” Eddie wiggles his eyebrows at you as he clears up the box,
“I don’t know, someone made me spit it out all over your nice clean kitchen!” 
“My bad, here.” He holds up another forkful, and you take it, noticing the way he tenses up as you wrap your lips over the fork. 
“It’s good, really good!” 
“But not creaming in your pants good?” You groan and walk with him to the backdoor, he pauses by the bin to remove the god awful hairnet and unties the bun he’s wound his curls into, you sneak a glance as he shakes out his hair, his eyes are shut so you can really gawk at him, unfortunately your staring is cut short by Eddie’s eyes opening and catching you, smirking as he does so, you speak up hoping to distract him.
“You’re never going to let that one go are you?”
“Fuck no.” Eddie reaches over you to turn the lights off.
You walk together to the carpark and Eddie raises his eyebrow at your usual space being empty,
“Need a ride?”
You shake your head, “No, its okay, I can walk.”
“Get in the van.” Eddie unlocks the passenger side and holds the door open for you,
“Were those the last words your last victim heard?” You climb into the van with as much grace as you can, which is not a lot at the end of a busy shift.
“No, she heard ‘stop making shit jokes about my cooking’.” Eddie winks as he shuts the door, sealing you in.
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The rest of the week is early shifts for you, and since Eddie is not about to make a creampie joke in front of the whole kitchen you find yourself missing your ‘work husband’s’ banter. Wednesday the following week is the next time you're closing together, it would have been Saturday but you did a couple of swaps with other staff. Wednesday’s are usually quiet, even during the holidays, so you manage to close the front of house in record time, and Eddie manages a similar feat in the kitchen, he's waiting for you when you step in, you can tell by the way he straightens up against the counter he was slouching against.
“I made some tweaks, care to review?” Eddie produces a slice of pie from the fridge and you nod, letting him feed you again, only you can’t help the giggles that shake your shoulders as you taste the food,
“For God’s sake, stop thinking about creampies you deviant! Think, what’s different?” 
You focus, its definitely different, maybe even better and as much as you don’t want to tease him too much you really can’t place the difference,
“I don’t know Eddie, did you… creampie the cream pie?” You feign horror at this,
“You’re so disgusting.” Eddie’s smiling at you, clearly amused by how he’s got a tweak past you and you can’t place it. You grab the fork from his hand and take another bite, getting cream on your nose in the process.
“Aw, hell.” 
“What?” You attempt, unsuccessfully, to lick the cream from your nose.
“Look at you. Looking all adorable and messy like we’re in a damn romcom.” You blush, dropping your gaze to the floor,
“You think I’m adorable?” Eddie sweeps a finger over your nose to wipe the cream off, placing his finger in his mouth,
“Obviously I think you’re adorable.” You take a step forward, pressing yourself against him and looking at his lips, then back up to his eyes, he swears those doe eyes of yours will break him one day but this time he steps back and smiles a little ruefully,
“You know nothing can happen between us right?”
“What do you mean?”
“Your dad.”
“Eddie. I am about to be a college graduate. Do you really think my father has or even wants a say in who I date?”
“But the other guys were sayi-” You cut him off with a wave of your hands
“Yeah those other guys were warned off because I was barely 18 when I started working here, it would have been wildly inappropriate for anything to have happened, also I wasn't interested in any of them, not like you” You pause for a breath, holding your finger up to indicate you’re not done, “Do you think I volunteer for closes every night? I hate the closing shift but hanging out with you makes it almost worth it.”
“You done?” You nod,
“Thank fuck.” Eddie sweeps you up in his arms and presses his lips to yours, pushing you back against a counter, its messy and desperate, your hands quickly yanking that stupid fucking hair net off his head, Eddie’s own hands come to your apron, pulling the loose bow and letting it drop to the floor, his hands travel to your thighs, lifting you onto the counter, he breaks the kiss first but never lets his lips leave your skin for a second, kissing down to your neck,
“I thought you said no asses on counters.” You breathe out as he sinks his teeth into your neck,
“I’ll make an exemption just this once.” He growls out, 
“I hope it’s not just once.” Eddie’s laugh tickles your neck, making you shiver against him, he pulls you closer in response, unbuttoning your shirt and planting kisses to the newly exposed flesh there. You take advantage of his distraction and start palming him over his trousers, but you don’t leave him wanting for long, your hand slips under the waistband and grasps his thick length making him hiss 
“Shit, you’re keen.” 
“I want you, Eddie. I want to taste you, feel you in my mouth.” He’s died. He’s died and gone to heaven. That’s the only explanation for what is happening right now. He nods wordlessly and helps you to push his chequered trousers and boxers down.
You’d felt it with your hand but seeing the way your hand can barely wrap around Eddie’s cock makes your jaw drop slightly, you push him back so you can slide off the counter and drop to your knees before him, you run your tongue in a slow stripe from the base off him before lapping up the precum leaking from his tip, never breaking eye contact with him, you have him clutching at the counter behind him, weak from the lightest touch. He’s a goner when you wrap your lips around him, taking him deeper and deeper into your mouth without so much as a break for a breath, when your lips kiss the skin at the base of his cock he’s sweating, practically convulsing as he fights the urge to fuck your pretty throat, he doesn’t have to fight the urge for long, as you start bobbing your head, pulling back only to suck him back in, making him whimper as he wraps your ponytail around his hand, to give himself even a semblance of control.
“Shit.. how the fuck are you taking so much of it?” Eddie’s cock twitches in your thoat and tears prick at your eyes, making your eye make up run, you withdraw slowly, keeping your tongue pressed firmly to him until you release him with a lewd pop.
“Pretty sure I was taking all of it, big boy.” Eddie’s panting but he scoops you up off the floor, leaning you against the counter as he undoes your zipper, pulling your trousers and underwear down in one deft move, before he turns you around and pushes you to bend at the waist over the counter, you’re expecting him to fill you with his aching cock, and spread your legs in anticipation, but when his wet tongue licks a path from your clit to your soaked entrance, and carries on to your other tight hole you can’t help but yelp in surprise,
“You good?” Eddie comes away from your body,
“Yes, so fucking good.” Eddie’s big hands massage at your ass cheeks as he returns to his long licks that make your thighs shake, you whine as his mouth comes away from you but the whine quickly becomes a long drawn at moan as you feel his fingers slipping into your soaked cunt, stretching you out with a delicious sting, as you adjust Eddie starts to work his tongue around your tight ass hole, the sensation entirely new to you, but fucking blissful. 
Eddie’s messy as he alternates between eating your ass and pussy, drool and your slick running down his chin and your thighs, one hand still knuckle deep inside you, rubbing your g-spot and the other hand digging into the soft flesh of your ass. His groans create vibrations that increase your pleasure, making you whine and cry out, your words have long since ceased to make sense, its not just cries of his name, begging him not to stop. And he doesn’t, not until your thighs are shaking, walls fluttering around his fingers, and you’re practically sobbing as your orgasm knocks the air from your lungs. You feel him stand up behind you and stroke your back softly, an almost jarring change of pace, you turn your head to look at him,
“Okay so no pressure, but I don’t as a rule bring condoms to work.” There’s an apologetic smile, as if that’s going to stop you,
A devious smile on his lips, “You want to take me raw? Bad girl.” He’s already rubbing the head of his cock through your slick, making you gasp anytime he brushes past your clit,
“Eddie, please, fuck me.” 
“Since you asked so politely.” He sheathes himself inside you in one fluid motion that has your back arching, he gives you a moment to adjust before his hips are slapping against your ass, grunting as he feels the vice like grip of your walls around him,
“You’re so fucking tight, and so fucking wet.” Eddie purrs as he slams into you faster, relishing in the way your body grips him, and the wet sounds produced by every thrust.
“Feels so good, Eddie, so, so, so good.” Your voice trembles as you try to speak, words coming out in time with every relentless thrust of Eddie’s cock into you. You can feel Eddie’s balls smacking stickily against your clit, making you tremble at the stimulation, Eddie himself struggling to hold back his own orgasm as he feels your slick running down his balls.
“Eddie, Eddie, ‘m gonna cum.” Music to his ears, he keeps his pace, relentless and well-timed until he has you coming undone beneath him, curse words flying from your bitten lips, walls holding him inside you, whole body shivering as the pleasure washes over you. 
“Good girl.” He soothes you, letting his thrusts still until you’re relaxed around him, “Does this good girl want a pussy full of my cum as a reward for being so good for me?” You nod, barely able to lift your head from the pool of drool on the counter top. 
“Think you can manage words?” Eddie is thrusting into you slowly, keeping himself under control,
“Want your creampie Eddie.” Eddie laughs at your weak voice making a joke and pulls almost out, until just the tip of his cock remains inside you before he slams back in, knocking you breathless for a moment, he keeps up this brutal pace, relishing in your moans and the way your hands search for purchase on the counter top, until he’s emptying himself into you, becoming lightheaded. Eddie stays inside you for a few minutes, letting you both catch your breath. Eventually you straighten up, turning to Eddie, who looks fucked out in the most beautiful way, cheeks flushed, hair barely held in the bun he had tied his hair into, bangs sticking to his forehead with sweat.
“How was that?” He asks with a cheeky grin as you pull your clothes back on quickly, 
“5 stars. Shame about all the health code violations we just committed.” Eddie shrugs,
“Well worth it.” You have to agree with him there, you wait for him to pull his own clothes back on and pull him down to you to kiss him, there’s no lessening of the desire in it, in fact, the desperation of his kiss feels more intense, like he could go again in 10 minutes. Eddie breaks the kiss first, a dopey grin on his face,
“Okay, you can wipe the counter, I’ve got the floor.” You pout,
“Don’t look at me like that, the sooner we get out of here, the sooner we can go back to my place and do that all over again.” You nod, struck a little dumb that he could be ready to go again in such a short amount of time.
“It's real vanilla pods instead of extract, by the way. The pie.”
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angstandhappiness · 11 months ago
*I worship you Tumblr don’t remove it
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…So about that leg pouch
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