#shes fine btw i made her drop it and she didn't open it but like. christ. i can't keep doing this shit.
yellowstarpunch · 1 month
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ursuu-la · 3 months
hi hi!! if the requests are still open can you do a fully one shot of reader crying in the bathroom and spencer comforting her? like she went shopping with her mom and met mom made a comment abt her body i’ve had a rough day and this would so totally help
thank you sm!!
Beautiful - S. Reid.
wc: 1.3k
tw: negative comments about others and oneself body.
a/n: I hope you like it and that it falls into your expectations!! This will be the first fic I post btw. English is not my 1st language, so there may be spelling or grammar mistakes♡♡ thanks for the request♡♡
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You sighed. You knew that her comments would affect you, but this was worse than you expected.
When you were inside the dress room, looking in the mirror, you could only think about how perfect the dress looked on you and how you wanted to show it to Spencer. But when you walked out there to show the way it looked to your mom, all those thoughts were brought down as if her words were made of rocks and your thoughts of feather.
"Don't you think it makes your arms look fat? And that fitting around the waist doesn't help your body type... Maybe you should consider other options, honey." You smiled and nodded, trying not to be affected by her sentences but failing.
When you entered the fitting room again and you saw your reflection on the mirror, you felt a knot form on your throat. You knew very well that feeling, but you weren't gonna cry, not until you were alone in your home.
You took the dress off as fast as you could, not wanting to feel that ugly for much longer. You handed the cloth to the saleswoman standing next to your mother and walked out of the store. The woman with you seemed confused when you told her that you didn't want to try any other outfit on.
"Why would you say that? We haven't found one that suits you fine yet! I'm your mother, and I can't allow you to keep dressing so horribly." She said, trying to laugh it off in the end, but it wasn't funny to you. "Oh, come on! You're never satisfied with anything I tell you."
"Well, maybe it's because you're never nice with the things you say." You spoke calmly. Yet you were boiling with anger and frustration inside.
"If I don't ever say nice things about you, it's because maybe there's nothing nice to say! Do you want me to say something pretty about your body? Well, be pretty first!" Your mom yelled this at your face, caughting some people's attention. You just sighed, not wanting to fight with her anymore.
"I won't tolerate this. I'll see you when you change." You left your mother speaking alone.
All you wanted to do now was to get home and just cry until you felt numb, Spencer was off at work: he had to work in the office today and he wouldn't come home until probably 5p.m.. This left you with the whole house to yourself.
When you finally got to your place, the first thing you did was to go get a shower. You undressed yourself and took a well-needed shower to relax your body. As you felt the warm water fall over your skin, you could feel how your emotions started to let go, and it didn't take you long to start crying.
You stayed a little longer than needed under water, but given the circumstances, it was justified. When the water stopped running, you grabbed a towel and started drying your body. You put your underwear and your pants on, but before putting your shirt, you looked at your reflection: big mistake.
All you could see were the defects your mom had pointed out, all the bad things you were convinced you had. Seeing all these things was a trigger to your crying. All the tears you had been holding since the morning were now dropping without any control. You were sobbing loudly and trying to take your look away from the mirror, but even if you did so, the idea was already stuck in your head.
You kept crying when suddenly you heard the sound of keys being placed in the table. 'Spencer?' You thought. It couldn't be him, he was at work. And if it was, had he heard your crying? You had probably been so caught inside your own thoughts that you didn't even hear when he opened the front door.
With a wave of adrenaline invading your body, you covered your mouth to stop your sobbing. After doing it, you heard a knock on the bathroom door.
"(y/n), are you there? Hotch gave us the afternoon off since there were no cases." It was Reid's voice, you felt your body freeze. You couldn't even process the thought of having to tell Spencer about how awful you were feeling at the moment. You didn't want him to carry with that weight that belonged only to you.
"I heard some noises coming from there, I know you're inside." You were still silent. "Hey, you're worrying me. Are you okay (y/n)?" He spoke again.
"I'm fine..." You said, but your voice was nasal because of how long you had been crying.
"You're not. Open, please... You know you can talk to me..." His voice was calmed yet worried.
"Give me a sec. I have to get dressed." You lied. You just needed to gain a little more time to calm down and compose yourself before facing Spencer.
After maybe three minutes, you unlocked the bathroom door, which was then opened by Spencer. When he saw you, your eyes and nose with a red tone, he knew instantly that something bad had happened while he was gone.
Before saying a word, your boyfriend grabbed you by the arm and pulled you into a tight hug. You couldn't help but to start crying, it was comforting to feel him next to you.
"Do you wanna talk about it?" You nodded, your head still pressed into Spencer's chest. When you were ready, you stepped back from the hug and looked at your boyfriend's eyes.
"My body... I'm not pretty, I have a ton of defects, and I just don't understand how to make them better. I know I have to improve the way I look, but I just can't seem to find the right way to do it and-"
"(y/n). You're the most beautiful woman who has ever stepped on this planet. You don't need to improve anything about the way you look. You're perfect like this." Spencer interrupted you, placing both hands on each of your shoulders. His face was honest, and even though he made you feel a little better, your insecurities were still there.
"You're just saying that because you love me..." You spoke, and instantly felt annoyed with yourself for finding a way of seeing the negative side.
"Hey. Do you forget I'm a genius? If I say that about you, then it must be true, right?" You smiled at him, and he seemed relieved for at least getting you to smile. "See? You liked the idea. Have a little more self-love, and whenever you don't feel like you are pretty enough: come to me, and I'll make you remember how pretty you are."
After saying this, Reid grabbed you by the waist and pulled you closer, bringing your faces really close. He was scanning every part of your physiognomy. To his eyes, you were a goddess, and it broke his heart not being able to make you understand just how beautiful you were.
"Are you gonna kiss me, or are you just making me wish for more?" Hearing your voice so playful brought Spencer back to reality with a smile. After processing your words, your boyfriend broke the distance that kept you too from kissing.
Even though Reid and you had kissed a hundred times before, there was something magical about this time in particular. Maybe it was because of all the beautiful things he had just told you, or because now you felt like the most perfect woman in the world, kissing the most handsome man on earth.
"Spencer." You spoke softly when you pulled away from the kiss.
"Yeah?" He answered, his eyes reflecting the purest kind of love you had ever seen.
"I love you, you know?" He nodded, which made you both smile. Spencer Reid truly was the best boyfriend in the world.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
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cellophaine · 25 days
Chapter IV: ALL
Pairing: Art Donaldson x F!Reader
Warnings: None.
Author's Note: I'm so sorry for uploading late! Editing this chapter took wayyyy longer than I thought.
Anything in italic is text messages (except for the very last line at the end of this chapter). Reader's messages start with –
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GIF Source: Pinterest
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The big window by the sink let the rectangle of sunlight into the kitchen, warming the tiled floor as you made your way to the dining area. You sat down with a bowl of cereal and the reading material for next week's lecture. Halfway through the bowl, the door to Ashley's room opened. Her footsteps sounded, bringing her into the kitchen. She whispered a soft hello as she walked by you and poured a cup of coffee that you had brewed earlier for her and Grace. Ashley raised her mug.
"Thank you for this."
You gave her a quick glance from behind your book. 
"You're welcome. When did you get home last night?"
"Hm, like 4 ish?"
She shrugged.
"Did anyone walk with you?"
"Yes, don't worry. Marissa's brother walked me home."
You put the book down.
"Speaking of Marissa, how did it go with her?"
Ashley's mouth widened into a smile, and she quickly dropped onto the chair beside yours. 
"It was amazing! She was amazing! We talked so much and she was everything I could've ever wanted in a girlfriend. We're going to a concert together in November."
Her happiness was so infectious that you found yourself smiling with her. She leaned into your chair and grabbed you by your shoulders.
"Thank you. Thank you for coming with me. If you didn't come with me and give me a confidence boost, I wouldn't have had the courage to even introduce myself."
You squeezed her hand. 
"You're very welcome. I'm glad it worked out for you."
She let you go but still maintained the closeness.
"What about you? Did you have fun?"
"It was … fine."
The memories of last night poured into your head and drew a soft smile on your lips. You tried to hide it, but Ashley's inquisitive eyes didn't let you off the hook that easily.
"Just fine? Didn't you leave with someone?"
"Yes, you did. I remember him. Tall, blond guy. Real cute."
"Uh, yeah. He is blond. And tall, I guess."
And, of course, he was cute, but you didn't agree out loud. 
"Did you guys hook up last night?"
"Come on, it's a valid question."
"Doesn't make it appropriate."
She squinted at you. You relented.
"Okay, okay. We didn't… hook up. He just walked me home."
"And ... ?"
"I kissed him good night. Just his cheek, not on his lips."
Your face burned at the confession. Ashley seemed thrilled as she grabbed your shoulder.
"That's great! You're putting yourself out there. I'm so proud of you!"
"I wouldn't say that I'm putting myself out there."
"Baby steps. Besides, I just want you to enjoy yourself, you know? I basically ditched you last night after talking to Marissa, and also, you're always either cooped up in here or at the library."
You opened your mouth to deny it, but Ashley didn't let you.
"Yes, you are. I live with you. You don't go out with anyone, even with me or Grace. I know that we have our fun here, at home, but it's not the same. You should get out there and enjoy your youth while you can. Grace and I are here for you."
"I know, and I appreciate you two." 
Ashely gave you another squeeze on your shoulder, and you gave her a reassuring mind. You stood up and took the empty bowl with you.
"By the way, I didn't expect a lecture on a Saturday."
Ashley shrugged.
"Well, you needed it."
You waved her off as you made your way to your room. You checked your phone on the dresser and opened the new message that came in about eight minutes ago.
Hey, I know there's a rule of not texting a girl the 3 days after getting her number, but I can't wait that long.
So, good afternoon. I hope you slept well.
You smiled, thinking of a response when another message came through.
This is Art btw.
You chuckled to yourself, typing out a reply.
– Interesting. I didn't know that was a rule. That must mean you're a very impatient man :)
When it comes to you, I can be ;)
You shook your head at another relentless flirt. 
– I did sleep well. I hope you did as well.
It was one of the best sleep I've had this semester.
– Oh yeah? Did you dream about me?
You bit your lip, feeling your boldness surge and wane in a few seconds as you waited for his text. You were afraid that you were being too forward and regretted the text when your phone vibrated.
How did you know?
– Just a feeling :P
Weird question, but are you working today?
– Yes, my shift starts at 5. Why?
I'll see you then :)
Art showed up at the coffee shop, as promised. You made him a drink with a heart drawn on his cup. He kept you company throughout the idle night, and the four hours went by much quicker than it would have been if he wasn't there. You talked between customers, your conversation flowed easily. He helped you close the shop at the end of the night. You cleaned up behind the counter and kitchen while Art wiped down tables and set the chairs on top of them. After you were done inside, you headed out to bring the few patio seatings in. Art playfully pushed you aside as you reached for a table, shaking his head at you. He picked it up so effortlessly, making his biceps bulge in the form-fitting shirt. You held the door for him as he walked by.
"You don't have to do that."
"I want to."
"Why? You're not getting paid for this."
"I don't care about that. I just want to hang out with you."
"You're relentless."
After locking up the cafe, the two of you headed downtown and grabbed dinner from a food truck. You walked to the park nearby, found a bench and table, and sat down across from each other. The cool evening air caressed your heated skin like a soft kiss. Afterward, Art walked you home, and you departed with a peck on his cheek. You couldn't have asked for a more perfect day to follow the night before. And the idyll mood unfurled its reach into the following days. From time to time, you would walk to classes, to Art's practices, to the library. You'd trail the miles on campus ground, spending it in comfortable silence or indulgent conversations. You looked forward to his texts throughout the day, a call here and there from time to time. It felt like a dream; an unreal sequence kept unfolding into more of its splendour. 
One day, Art called you during your movie night with Grace and Ashley. You went to your room and closed the door.
"Hey, Art. What's up?"
"Hey. Remember the match I told you? They announced it this afternoon, and it's next Thursday at 2. Would you like to come?"
"Hold on, let me check my schedule."
Your heart dropped when you saw the schedule in your notebook. 
"I'd love to, but ... I have my modern poetry class at 2."
There was a brief silence on his end, but it came to an abrupt end. 
"That's okay. I understand."
"I'll make it up to you."
"Promise. I'll buy you an ice cream."
The day of the match finally came. Besides a good luck text, which Art responded with a smiley face and not much else, you felt apprehensive. Even though you couldn't see his face, you could tell by the tone of his voice that he was disappointed. You remembered Art telling you that his parents rarely saw him play, and your heart wavered. Standing in front of the lecture hall, you stared at the time on your phone. Only seven minutes until two. 
You put your phone in your bag and ran. Your mind mapped out the quickest route to get to the court, your feet followed closely. You weaved through people, apologizing as they dodged you. Your bag bumped against your side, and at a particularly hard turn, it flew to the ground. You kneeled and hastily shoved the few things that fell out inside when you noticed that the strap was ripped from the spot where it was sewn onto the bag. You cursed, knowing that the patch-up job you did last time wasn't enough. But it'd have to wait. With one hand holding your broken bag to the side of your body, you picked up the pace. Your lungs burned in your chest, and the muscles in your legs begged you to slow down, but you pushed through. You ran for the gate to the audience seatings, and when you finally arrived, the pounding of your steps disturbed the silence of the court.
It looked like the match was about to start. The umpire looked at you from his seat, as did some others in the audience. One of them even shushed you. You said sorry in their direction and felt the embarrassment quickly seep in, but it quickly faded into the background when you saw Art with his gaze fixed on you. You were too far away to tell, but the smile on his lips told you that your presence here was welcomed. 
You nodded at him before breaking eye contact. You scurried to the first empty row, even though it was a little further back. 
The game began.
The way Art played was something. People's heads turned as the neon green ball bounced back and forth, but your focus was mainly on Art and the way he moved. There was a quiet confidence about him. His strokes were composed but never lacked precision and force, as if he anticipated the shots with great accuracy and calculation. The arch of his wingspan was beautiful as he followed through with the racquet, gracefully caught the ball, and bounced it back to the other side. His movement was fluid; his run to meet the ball was agile. Whenever he hit the ball, he let out a sound that was a cross between a grunt and a moan, and you wondered if he would verbalize the same noises if you kissed him. Art was graceful on the court, his demeanour calm, while his opponent seemed to run short on patience as he struggled to secure the lead.
The second set ended with Art temporarily holding the advantage. He went to his seat after the break was announced. As he took a sip of water, his gaze roamed around in the audience. You waved at him from your seat. His eyes found you, the corners softened as he looked at you. He winked before returning his attention to his coach. Your inside warmed, more so than the sun on your skin. 
Art won the match to the cheers from the audience. You stood up and joined them, pride blooming in your chest as he beamed. He found you in the audience, holding eye contact for a long moment. You hoped he could see just how happy you were for him. Eventually, he was the first to break. 
You met up near the recreation center a while after the match. Art had changed into a blue-green blouse with white stripes and blue jeans. He sauntered to you.
"Congratulations. I knew you would win."
He scratched the back of his neck.
"Maybe I only won because you're my lucky charm."
"Oh, please. It was all you."
"I'm serious. Did you skip class?"
"Yes, I did. It's fine, though. I liked seeing you play. You were great."
Art fell into silence. His eyes could barely contain the beginning of a deluge of emotion, and before you could dissect it, he drew you in for a hug. You went still for a moment before wrapping your arms around his torso. An artificial scent of apple invaded your senses, and you couldn't help but bring your nose closer to his neck. He eased his lips towards the shell of your ear and whispered.
"Thank you for being here."
The timbre of his voice was low, travelled through your ear and resonated deep in your stomach. You wanted to shiver so the effect that he had on you would have an outlet to express itself. Instead, you took a shaky breath, allowing more of his smell to occupy your mind.
"You're welcome."
After a long moment, Art pulled back. You found the absence of his warmth inflicted an unpleasant feeling.  
"Hey, uh, so … I was wondering if you would like to– you can say no, obviously, it's up to you ..."
He trailed off, leaving you with a question.
"What is it?"
"Do you want to stay and check out a match with me?"
You shrugged.
"Sure. I already skipped my class; I have nothing else to do anyway."
"Great. Let's go. We can get good seats if we go now."
Tashi Duncan walked onto the court after the announcement. There were more people here compared to Art's match, and most, if not all of them, were excited to see Tashi if the deafening cheer was any indication. Her confidence exuded from the way she walked to her chair to the way she did her stretch routine. You recognized her as the girl Art talked to at the party. The white dress she had on complimented her slim form, and she looked just as beautiful as you remembered. You turned to Art. 
"People seem to really like Tashi."
Art tore his gaze away from Tashi, giving you a split of attention.
"She's an excellent player. There's no one quite like her on court."
You nodded, taking in the high praise. 
"You'll see what I mean when you see her play."
"Great. I'm excited."
You debated with yourself for a brief second, but then, you decided to go for it.
"Do you guys know each other?"
Art looked at you through his lashes. There was hesitation in the way he came up with a response.
"Yeah, I'd say so. She's… seeing Patrick."
"Oh, right. Your friend from boarding school."
It took you a moment, but you recalled Patrick. He nodded. The match commenced shortly after that. 
You understood what Art meant. Tashi was mesmerizing to watch. She was relentless, making her opponent work for it. Her passion was palpable, and the tenacious grip she had over the game was impressive. 
"She's amazing."
You whispered to Art after the other player failed to return the ball. Without turning to look at you, he replied. 
"I know."
You observed Art as his eyes stuck on Tashi. Neither of them was the wiser to being perceived, but you witnessed it all. There was a look in his eyes like he was so far away; he had gone to a place you couldn't reach. An inkling of an idea slowly trickled into your mind, but you prevented yourself from exploring. You steered your thoughts away. You were well aware of your tendency to think of the worst possible thing in every situation. You ruined the good thing before it even had the chance to run its course or destroy itself.
As much as you had tried, the thought still bothered you as you fixed your bag later that night. Twin Peaks played on the TV as you absentmindedly listened to what was happening. Grace sat on the other end of the couch, knitting a sweater. After a while, she held it up and called your name.
"I'm almost done with my mom's gift. What do you think?"
You looked up from your own project. On the green sweater, there was a pixelated picture of a Golden Retriever with the name 'Cheese' at the bottom.
"Holy shit. It's amazing!"
"Thank you! I hope she'll like it."
"Is her birthday coming soon?"
"No, this is her Christmas gift."
"Halloween was only five days ago."
"I know. I just want to get it done so I won't be stressed out during finals."
"That's fair."
It was the beginning of November, and even though Christmas was over. a month away, Grace had already started on her family's gifts since September. You thought about your own list, wondering if you should get more despite knowing what your parents really wanted. You just need one more paycheck to complete it. 
An idea struck, and you turned to Grace.
"Can you teach me how to knit?"
Winter came along with finals. Between study sessions with your roommates, you couldn't hang out with Art much. He had his own grades to worry about. You would hang out whenever the two of you could find the time, and even then, it was far and few between. During a walk to the library, Art asked.
"Are you going home this Christmas?"
The question made dread crawl down your spine. Despite being together often, you avoided talking about your family.
"Yes, I am. What about you?"
"Me too. My family's going to Vermont to ski on the 27th."
"Have fun. Show me pictures when you get back."
Art told you that he wouldn't be back at Stanford until the 4th, and you solemnly nodded. That meant less time spent with him before the semester started, but he promised that the two of you would make up for it.
On the 18th, the day he left Stanford, Art asked to meet up at a bookstore near campus. The doorbell rang out in the quiet store, with Christmas music playing softly in the background. You sent Art a message. 
– I'm here. Where are you?
Come find me.
It took you about two minutes to find him standing in a random fiction aisle with a hand behind his back. The aisle was empty except for him, making you feel like you were the only people in this bookstore. You took your time as you ambled to him and only stopped when there was a small distance in between.
You looked around and asked.
"Why this aisle?"
"Because …"
Art pointed to the spot next to his shoulder.
"… one day, your name will be here."
You read the names beside the small empty spot and realized what he meant. Your last name would go there between these authors. You frowned, feeling your emotions surge in a way that you weren't sure you could control. Art took the hand out from behind, revealing a gift bag.
"For you."
You looked at him. 
"You didn't have to get me anything."
"I wanted to. Open it, please."
You pushed the tissue paper aside and gasped. Inside was a leather bag; its rich brown colour shone under the overhead light. There was a golden tennis racquet charm attached to the end of the strap. You held it in your hand, marvelling at its golden sheen.
"Now you'll have a piece of me anywhere you go."
"Not anywhere. Just classes."
He chuckled at your quick-witted joke. Overwhelmed, you managed to mutter.
"Thank you."
"You're welcome."
You dug into your old bag with one hand, pulling out a brown bag decorated with Christmas trees. 
"This is for you. Open it."
Art's eyes sparked an intrigue. You could barely contain the pounding of your heart as he reached into the bag and pulled out your gift. He pulled the entirety of it out, caressing the soft material with his hand. The Oxford blue scarf was theresult of your hard work and after many mistakes. Art ran his finger over the small heart you added at the end of the scarf. His lack of reaction worried you.
"I know it's not a fancy gift, and the stitching is off in some parts, and after I had already done half of it, I realized that this is California, so you probably won't get much use out of it anyway, so maybe I should get you a different gift ..."
Art stopped your rambling by taking hold of your trembling hand.
"I love it. It's perfect. Thank you."
A spark of happiness gleamed in his eyes. For a long moment, you basked in the silence together, the air weighed down with the things you didn't speak out loud. You didn't want to leave this place. That meant leaving this moment behind, even though all you wanted to do was bottle it up and bring it with you to the outside world, because the essence of the memory could never compare to this feeling. 
"I miss you already."
Art whispered, and an overwhelming urge took over. You stepped into his space, pressing your bodies together. You raised on your tiptoes and tilted your head up. His lips met yours halfway. You were careful with one another, and the touch was gentle. His lips were soft on yours, moving at a slow pace, discovering your shared rhythm. You needed more, so your hand winded around to rest at the nape of his neck, urging him closer. Your tongue darted out, tasting him. The way he eagerly responded to your call made your head spin. Your tongues found each other, licking and tasting at a fervent pace. His hand on your jaw drew you in, and the other rested on the small on your back, pulling you flush with his body. You gasped, allowing his tongue to dive deeper. You kissed until you were too breathless and had to pull back. You rested your forehead on his as you breathed hard, taking in each other's air into your lungs. His eyes were glossy and dazed, and there was so much want in them that you felt like you were the prized possession. You gravitated towards each other once more as if pulled by opposing magnetic forces, as if you couldn't help yourselves.
Back in your room, you admired the gift Art got you. You opened the bag, and in one of the compartments, there was a notebook. The cover was a mossy green colour, and you wondered if Art left it in there by accident. You opened the first page to find Art's neat handwriting. 
For you and your brilliant ideas. I can't wait to read your first book.
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Likes, reblogs, and comments are greatly appreciated! I'd love to read your thoughts on the story!
For updates, please follow @cellophaine-archives
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hobiebrownismygod · 9 months
"Sorry, Dove" Hobie Brown x Fem!Reader - Part 2/2
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Summary: Hobie Brown's canon event, or in which basically you were the Gwen Stacy to Hobie Brown's Spider-Punk
TW: Blood, Mention of murder, Reader death, Angst, Hobie crying
WC: ~1.8k
A/N: You and Hobie are young, around 14 to 15 in this. It's supposed to be sort of his origin story. Btw, Hobie's dialogue are bolded. I recommend reading the first part before moving onto this part, its linked below.
Taglist: @therealloopylupin2099 @spiderrinn @l0starl @daydreaming-en-pointe @itsparis-07 @vileviale @puff-hugs @lauryn2558 @sunasslut69
Taglist link & Masterlist
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Hobie was completely unaware of what was happening to you when he swung down to the city, stumbling as he fell onto the ground. The bomb had started multiple fires in the surrounding buildings, and he quickly went around, webbing open the fire hydrants in the streets and eventually calming the fires down enough for him to go and save the civilians trapped beneath the rubble.
He was doing really well too, pushing the rubble up, grabbing the people one by one and swinging them to safer places before sending them home. The only problem was, the person who set the bomb off was nowhere in sight.
That was, until he heard that quiet chuckle he hated so much. His spider-sense immediately flared and he crouched back, ready to pounce on the first glimpse of the Goblin he saw. "Goblin! Show yourself!" He said, seething with anger as he waited for the masked man to show up.
And then, his expression dropped when instead of the Goblin appearing in front of him, you did. You were shaking your head, eyes silently begging him not to approach you as you walked out from behind the rubble. Of course, he didn't listen, immediately rushing over to you. "What happen-"
He was cut off as his spider-sense flared once again and he leapt up, just barely dodging one of the Goblin's many trick knives. His eyes narrowed as he finally caught sight of the Goblin, who rushed right past Hobie on his hoverboard, grabbing you in the process before heading towards the building that'd exploded, half of it turned to rubble.
Hobie followed as quickly as he could. "Let her go!" He exclaimed, shooting a web towards the Goblin, which the man promptly dodged. "Make me."
Once Hobie got to the top, he lost sight of you and the Green Goblin once again. "Y/N!" He called out desperately, furiously turning his head around as he scanned his surroundings for any sight of you. "Goblin, where are you?!"
"I see you've made yourself a friend. A sidekick, even." Hobie watched as the Goblin appeared from the shadows, slowly walking with a knife in his hand, that same wide smile on his face. "Congratulations, Spider-punk."
"What did you do with her?" He asked angrily, holding his arms up threateningly at the Goblin, ready to shoot his webs at any moment. "Where is she?!"
The Goblin simply chuckled in response, taking a deep, obvious breath. "It's quite a nice night, isn't it?"
"Cut the crap and tell me where she is!"
"Oh?" The Goblin raised an eyebrow. "Have you run out of jokes already? What happened to the little quips I love so much?"
"Give me back my friend." Hobie said coldly. He shot a web towards the Goblin but the man simply swat it out of the way with his knife, cutting through the web like it was nothing and standing up straight. "No."
Hobie's expression drooped slightly. "Please. I'll do anything." He pleaded, eyes widening. "Just let her go. Please."
"Anything?" The Goblin chuckled, bringing his knife up to his face and tapping it on his lips. "Then why don't you show me your face, Spider-punk?" He suggested, his smile widening.
Hobie hesitated for a moment. "Bring her out first." The Goblin tilted his head to the side slightly. "Fine."
A whirring sound caught Hobie's attention and he watched in horror as you were brought into the light, tied back to the hoverboard while you struggled. You were shaking your head furiously, eyes wide as you let out muffled grunts, your mouth covered by rope. "Y/N-"
"Get close to her, and I'll set off the bombs."
Hobie backed away slightly, the bombs on the hoverboard catching his attention. If he tried anything, the Goblin would set them off, and you'd be killed. You had tears in your eyes as you continued to struggle and the sight made Hobie's heart twist. 
"It's gonna be okay." He said quietly, looking back towards the Goblin. "You want me to take my mask off? I'll take it off. But you have to promise to let her go."
The Goblin nodded, putting his hands behind his back as he watched curiously, to see what Hobie would do. Hobie slowly reached towards his mask, and pulled it off. You let out a gasp of protest, but he ignored you. He dropped the mask on the floor and looked up at the Goblin.
The Goblin stared back at Hobie for a moment, processing the sight. He probably hadn't been expecting his enemy to be so...young. "Let her go." Hobie said quietly. He felt extremely vulnerable at the moment and was itching to pull his mask back up.
The Goblin obliged and the ropes untied themselves, causing you to collapse to the floor. "Spider-man!" you exclaimed, getting up so you could approach him, but the Goblin stopped you, pointing his knife in your direction. "Not a single step."
"You said you'd let her go. So let her go!" Hobie was exasperated and he pointed his fist towards the Goblin. "I let her go. But we're not done." The Goblin replied, the smile slowly returning to his face. "I don't care that you're a kid. You're going to fight me." He said coldly.
"Fine." Hobie huffed out, putting his fists up. You couldn't do anything but helplessly watch as a fight ensued, with Hobie dodging the knives and bombs being thrown at him while shooting his own webs towards the Goblin. The scuffle was causing the building to shake and rubble kept falling.
"Just surrender!" The Goblin screamed out, lunging towards Hobie who barely dodged, covered in blood and scratches at this point. "NO." He leapt up, guitar in hand as he brought it smashing down onto the Goblin, causing him to be flung back. The Goblin cursed under his breath, looking up at the winning vigilante who was approaching him again.
And then, he decided to use his last hope.
The Goblin pounced towards you, using his gadgets to tie you up once again. "No!" You exclaimed, struggling and extremely annoyed at this point. This was the second time he'd caught you, but it wasn't like you could fight back. You kicked at the Goblin as he grabbed onto your throat, holding you up.
"You little-" He muttered. Hobie stood back slightly, eyes wide as he tried to calm the Goblin down. "Wait-wait you said you'd let her go. Please. Please let her go!"
The Goblin tightened his grip around your throat, effectively choking you as he held you above the edge of the building, a dangerous glint to his eyes. "You've ruined everything I've worked for, Spider-man. So I'm going to ruin you."
"Please." Hobie begged, putting his hands up. "Please, don't do this. Let her go." He whispered.
The Goblin looked back with a smile. "Gladly."
A blur of events followed. You felt yourself being flung off the building, your heart and stomach dropping as gravity did its job, pulling you towards the far-away ground. Hobie lunged after you, arms outstretched in an attempt to grab you before you reached the ground. Your hand reached out towards him and he shot a web towards you.
But before you could grab it, he was knocked out of the way by the Goblin's hoverboard. The last thing you remembered was dread creeping up your stomach and through your body as you accepted your fate, realizing he wasn't going to be able to catch you. You fell.
"NO!" Hobie yelled out, fighting to get back to his feet. He leapt towards the Goblin, tackling him in a fit of fury. He got on top of the dazed Goblin who was struggling to catch his breath, trying to push Hobie off of him. Hobie pulled his guitar off his back, holding it above his head.
And then, he slammed it down. But once wasn't enough. He brought the guitar down again, and again, and again. He wasn't even thinking at this point, he was simply acting on instinct, stabbing the Goblin long after he was already dead. 
Eventually, his movements slowed down, and Hobie dropped the guitar, looking down at the mangled mess that had used to be the face of the man he hated most in the world. His chest was rising up and down rapidly, his heart rate faster than it'd ever been before.
Hobie slowly got up, looking around as he tried to collect his senses. He stumbled towards the edge of the building, looking down to where you fell, a flicker of hope flashing across his face.
Maybe, just maybe...
He jumped down to the ground, letting out a groan as his foot slipped and he fell onto his side. "Y/N? Y/N?!" He called out, silently begging for you to respond. "Come on, where are you!? You're here, you have to be..."
A slight shine caught his eye. He felt his heart drop as his eyes adjusted to the dark and he caught sight of a body. It was lying there, head tilted slightly back, completely unmoving. He slowly approached the body, feeling the hot tears begin to build up in his eyes. "Y/N?" He whispered softly.
His gaze dropped to the figure's hand, where the shine he'd caught a glimpse of had come from. The person's wrist had a small slab of metal encircling it, connecting back to their palm. Web-shooters. 
"No..." He whispered, falling to his knees and turning the body over slightly. "No, no, no, no..."
It was you.
And you were dead.
The tears began to fall as he looked down at you, lifeless with your eyes closed. "No, please, no-" He whispered, swallowing back a hot lump in his throat as he pulled you into his arms, shaking gently. "Wake up, come on, dove, wake up-"
He caressed your face as gently as he could, running his fingers over your skin and slowly feeling the warmth disappear under his cold touch. "Please. Please don't go." he choked out, quiet sobs escaping his lips as he held you close, burying his face in your neck while he cried.
"Dove..." he whispered, looking back down at your body. His tears had fallen onto your face, making it seem as though you were crying too, the drops slipping down your cheeks and onto the hard, cold floor. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."
He looked down at you, shaking his head and sniffling. "This is all my fault. I'm so sorry, dove." His voice broke. His hand rubbed against your cheek gently, wiping the droplets away. 
"I love you." he whispered. The words simply fell out of his mouth and he was unable to stop himself at this point. "I love you so much." His sobs were sounding more like gasps as he ran his fingers through your hair, shaking his head. "I love you, please come back. Dove? Dove, please."
But his pleading was useless. You weren't coming back. You were gone and there was nothing he could do about it. "I love you." He whispered again. "I should've told you. I'm sorry." The sound of sirens were approaching in the distance, causing Hobie to flinch slightly. He couldn't stay any longer. He had to go.
But before he left, he had one last thing to do. One final gesture.
He slowly leaned down, and pressed his lips to your cold ones, just for a moment, before pulling back and crying into your neck. "I'm sorry."
After a moment of silence, he gently laid you back down, the tears still streaming down his face, before he finally stood up. "Goodbye."
He shot his web towards the closest building and swung away right as the ambulances arrived, along with the police cars and officers. He wiped his tears with the back of his gloved hand before he pulled his mask back on and disappeared into the distance, not leaving behind a single trace, besides one last whisper that left his lips.
"Bye, dove."
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serxinns · 1 month
I've got a devious angstish idea...
I luv yer blog btw..... platonic kisses >3<
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Ok ok ok post war arc, Shigaraki with a little sister(or gender neutral :shrug:) he (unintentionally since he was confident he'd win..ggs) left behind. Class 2-A finds little reader and they feel bad cause shes just a little kid but she absolutely hates them and does everything she can to make their lives 10x harder (esp for All might)
She runs off and torments the first year's too—they can't get under control at all but they try. (Quirk isn't decay rather than returning things to their original form but it doesn't work on people. Like reducing a shirt back into cotton for examle. They had to get her special gloves hehe.)
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A/n I got lazy with it so my apologies but I hope you enjoy!
Tw:MAJOR SPOILERS mentions of Shigaraki's death
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"Y/n! I know you're responsible for this! Come here this instinct!" Aizawa's voice raised as he was searching around for the culprit. You then appeared from behind him, startling him a bit with that mischievous smile plastered on your face "Y/n, did you draw all might is a killer on the bathroom stall?" Aizawa glared at the mess and then at you. "No, I would never-!" "stop the act, young lady. Iida saw you got out of the bathroom with a red marker." Aizawa cut you off as you dropped the innocent act and glared, "Stupid snitch.."
"And just for that, you are gonna clean up this mess and make an apology card for all might" You froze up you didn't want that MONSTER to an apology, especially for what he did to your big brother
The flashbacks of you crying out for your brother in the destruction and debris surrounding and collapsing onto each other the moment you realize that these heroes killed your big brother the way you collapsed onto the ground and cried your heart out while the green-haired boy was comforting you, the way Mr. Aizawa started at you with sympathy and wanted to give you a better life so he adopted you and now your here forced to go to a school Shigaraki hates but you promise yourself to avenge him you promise that heroes were gonna suffer for what they did to him even if it means giving everyone especially all might Grey hair
"I'm never gonna make one, especially to HIM out of all people, and you can't make me!" Aizawa groaned while gaining a headache from your usual everyday tantrums "If you don't go apologize I'll make you spend time with him again and this time it'll be longer than before your eyes froze and shuddered to hear that you hated that punishment so much that you were on your "best behavior" for a whole week without pulling any pranks on all night it was a very hard and suffering challenge but worth it
So in defeat, you grabbed the paper muttered something, and walked off in defeat in your and Eri's room (you two share the same room) closing the door behind
Time skip
"I'm done!" You shouted wanting to get this over with as Aizawa opened the door "ok now let's go to all might and give it to him" What Aizawa didn't know was that you held a mischievous smile on your face hiding it behind an innocent sweet smile
As the two of you open the door to see All Might reading a book with coffee in hand, he looks over to see you and almost chokes out his coffee. "The demon child!?" His eyes widen you notice a sense of fear on his face which makes your grin stretch even wider making the blonde male uncomfortable and praying for God to have mercy on him he cleared his throat "Why hello young Shigaraki is there anything you need" he softly smiled at you as your smile twitch a bit "Y/n here wants to give you a apologize card she made all herself" Aizawa nonchalantly said as he urge you to give it to him as you did and quickly running off to who knows where
Aizawa was about to stop, but all were reassured it was ok. "It's fine, shouta let them they were prob overwhelmed." Aizawa rolled his eyes at the excuse of you being overwhelmed. Yeah, right. "Plus, I bet you y/n made a lovely- oh.." just when All Might opened the card he stopped what he was saying and stared at the drawing you made it was a drawing of you hitting All Might with a hammer as the card read "Sorry to banging on your nerves!"
They both looked at each other in silence, still staring at the card. "Thar little sh-" Toshinori came to your defense, "It's ok, Shouta, they're just a child! Plus I think the card is cute... he reassured the teacher and signed wondering what was he gonna do with you as he heard screaming a maniacal laughter coming from Bakugo Katsuki cheering you on as he heard the 1st year screaming and pleading for mercy as you laughed mischievously Aizwa and Toshinori both stared at each other again thinking the same thing
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ellieluvr420 · 8 months
We meet again, darling pt.13 (detective Abby Anderson x criminal reader)
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Synopsis: Abby Anderson is a skilled detective that's never let a criminal escape her grasp, until you. You've infiltrated every part of her life and she still can't get you. As she grows more and more intrigued by you she finds herself descending further into darkness until there's no way back. She takes your hand and follows you as if your presence is the only thing giving her life knowing that you are the most dangerous thing for her. Her life will never be hers again and she will stop at nothing to keep following you down your path of corruption.
SMUT and violence, brief mention of SA like once btw. Sorry if this is batshit crazy!
You're woken by the throbbing in your face, as you groan you feel Abby's weight shift next to you and she suddenly pops into your eyeline as she leans over you.
"Good, you're up. How are you feeling?" You wince as you start talking.
"I'm fine, thank you for saving my ass yesterday. I thought she was the food so when she rushed me I was so shocked, I'm getting sloppy."
"Because of me?"
You hold the side of her face and smile. "No, I've got cocky, I needed to be humbled." You laughed at yourself and Abby laughed too as she started getting out of bed. "I'm going to leave when you leave because I've got to get ready for my day with Ellie." She scowls in your direction. "It's business, don't give me that look."
"What are you going to make her do?"
"Nothing for you to be concerned with."
"I do this to protect myself but I keep the things I have on people a secret. I'll keep what you did a secret."
"How do you manage to make it sound like everything you do is reasonable?"
"That's not me that's doing that." She watches you smile as her stomach drops. She forces out an awkward laugh.
"Whatever, I gotta shower will you be here when I get out?"
"Yes, darling." You wink and she shakes her head while chuckling as she walks away. You message Jeremy and get up to get some more ice for your face. Then you go to your bag and grab 500 dollars and leave it on Abby's dining table to pay for the damages. You amble back to her bed and lay down while you wait for Abby to be done in the shower.
You're sending messages and emails when Abby walks out in her towel. "Take it off1 Take it off!"
"I am already late. Don't start."
"You're no fun."
"How about I come to yours tonight?"
"Yeah I'll call when I'm home."
You both said your goodbyes and within half an hour you were back in your penthouse. You sat for a while just processing everything that happened last night and then you had a shower. You felt a lot better for it and you managed to do a good job covering the worst of the bruises with makeup so you felt okay. You had to admit your little standoff with Ellie made you only more excited for what you had planned.
Ellie stayed glued to her phone all day just waiting for you to ring but the call didn't come until nine pm.
"I'm outside, black jag, come out quickly." You hang up before she can say anything else and within minutes she's climbing into your car. Just as you did with Abby, you simply survey her appearance, her freckle-stained cheeks, the auburn hair and its shaggy cut. You notice the brightness of her eyes and then you notice the bags under them. "How are you feeling Ellie? Not too sore?"
"Are you seriously asking me that? My head hurts, thanks for that."
"Well who's fault is that?"
"If you're suggesting its mine I'll-"
"You'll do what?" You narrow your eyes at her as a warning which you were pleased to see she took.
"Where are we going?"
"If I tell you that it ruins the surprise. Be patient my love, all in good time." Ellie feels how clammy her hands have gotten as she pulls at her fingers in anticipation. You sit in the car silently until you arrive at your destination 45 minutes later. You're so excited you don't even wait for Jeremy to open the door, you just hop out. You rush round to Ellie's side and stand face to face with her as she gets out. You smile at her and she remains completely emotionless. You shrug as you begin walking to the warehouse. "Follow me!" You wait until Ellie catches up to you and you fling the door open with an enthusiastic "Surprise!"
Ellie looked up at your words and felt a chill run down her back that made her skin feel like ice. The warehouse was empty except for a chair that a man was tied to and a table next to it all on top of a plastic tarp. Ellie felt sick. The kind of sick that made her want to run and hide and never move from her bed again, but she couldn't run because you kept walking closer and she could only follow you. As you reach the tarp where the man sits unconscious Ellie takes in the scene in front of her with a hand over her mouth. On the table was a knife and gun and the man was bloody and bruised. He looked almost dead already and she noticed the large pool of blood under him, she followed the blood to find that it started from his crotch. She felt a small sickening grin on her face when she noticed his jeans were unzipped and yanked down.
"Did you-?" She gestures to the origin of the blood while looking at your smug face.
"Yeah I cut it off." Ellie scoffs. "That's why he's here. He was a runner for me, I caught wind of his indiscretions and I have no tolerance for it. I've done most of the work for you, you just need to finish him off."
"You want me to kill him? No way. You're fucking deranged."
"Look he's going to die anyway." You walk over and bend to put your ear to his slumped over head. "Sounds like he's got an hour or two left. If you don't do this you're only prolonging the inevitable. In a way you're doing him a kindness, putting him out of the misery I've caused him. Just shoot him Ellie. One clean shot to the head, that's it."
"How do you rationalise your actions?"
"I don't, you do." You were still kneeled down listening to the man's wheezy shallow breaths, that mischievous grin never once leaving your face. "One shot Ellie, one shot and you feel how Anderson feels, you have what she has. Do you know why I am the way I am?"
"You're immoral."
"I'm powerful. What we're doing here, we're playing God. That power, all you have to do to feel that, is kill him." You stand and walk over to the table holding the weapons to draw her attention to them. You relish in the way she follows you with those dazzling eyes of hers as you feel like you're under a spotlight. "One shot Ellie, that's all it takes."
Without another word Ellie marches to the table and snatches the gun, aiming it for the man. She breathes in and before she even has a chance to second guess herself she shoots the man. "Oh my god." Her ears start ringing as she feels her heart beat all throughout her body. The throbbing in her head reduces her vision to a blur and her mouth suddenly feels dry. As her arm is about to drop from the weight of the gun antagonising the shaking of her limbs she feels your hand enclose around her wrist as the other takes the gun from her.
"Thank you Ellie. That was beautiful. How did it make you feel?" Your voice is soft as you hand her a crisp white handkerchief.
"Exactly Ellie. I knew you'd understand. Come on, I'll take you home." You both start walking away from the corpse and Ellie finds herself sneaking glances back at the slumped man. As she watches you climb into the drivers side of your car for once she looks around for any sign of the driver. She shrugs her shoulders and gets in beside you. "If you're worried about anyone finding him there are people clearing up as we speak."
"I'm not worried."
"Hm okay good." You continue driving in silence until you reach Ellie's apartment. "You did good tonight Ellie, I'm impressed."
"Thanks. I'll see you soon?" As she questions you she smirks and you notice the change in her eyes: they're brighter and they have that sparkle when they look at you. The same sparkle Abby has.
"You'll be seeing me very soon." You lean in and whisper in her ear. "You're mine now." You pull away and smile angelically, she chuckles back at you before getting out of the car and walking to her home.
"I'm outside, hurry up." It felt like hours before Abby appeared at the car with a puzzled expression as she looks at you in the driver's seat.
"Hey, what's up?"
"That's what you call hurrying up? Put your seatbelt on." The second you hear her seatbelt click into place you take off for yours.
"Fucking hell, do you want to drive any faster?" When you don't reply Abby studies your face only to notice the small blood splatters spotting your appearance. She can't see much as your eyes are planted firmly on the road but she knows something is different. You pull up to your penthouse and practically throw the keys at the valet before dragging Abby through the entrance. Everything was setting your body on fire, you forgot this feeling and how inpatient it made you. The second the doors of the elevator shut you pushed Abby up against the wall, grabbing her by her hoodie and pulling her into an all-consuming kiss. As the doors 'ding' and open you grab her pulling her into the penthouse before locking the doors of the elevator.
Abby looks you up and down taking in your appearance. Your half-lidded eyes with the eyelashes that you bat at her tellingly. The smirk that you get when you know you're winning, it was the same smirk that was plastered on your face the night you and Abby spoke on the balcony. Your clothes, all black but smeared with a shiny substance, the same substance dotted your face giving you dark-red freckles. She realised you were covered in blood the second she noticed the knife in your hand that was surprisingly clean. "I cleaned it off already don't worry. Are you precious about the clothes you're wearing?"
"What?" Abby scoffs and laughs, half in disbelief, half slightly panicked at your off putting behaviour.
"Are you precious about the clothes you're wearing?" You saunter over to her, eyeing her like you're going to devour her.
"No, I guess not."
"Good." You smile menacingly and Abby gasps as she hears the ripping of her hoodie. She winces as the tip of the knife scratches a line up her stomach and past her chest so hard small bubbles of red begin to appear in its trail. You reach the neck of the hoodie and she feels the knife press against her throat as she backs away, she shuts her eyes as she tries to get as far away from the knife as possible although her eyes dart open again as she feels the knife being removed from its place against her neck and sees you are entranced by the cut going up her sternum. You make eye contact as you dart forward and lick away the blood on her skin all the way from the elastic of her sweatpants to her collarbones. "God you taste good."
Abby gasps into your mouth when you catch her lips in a rushed kiss and she tastes her blood on your tongue. You grab her nipples and twist as you smile into the kiss.
"Ow! You're a sadist."
"That makes you a masochist. Get on your knees." She sighs and chuckles as she gets on her knees in front of you.
"Only for you, darling."
"Oh right answer! You are doing things to me." You drag what remains of her hoodie over her head and thread your fingers through her braid until its loosened enough for you to grab a handful of. "I need a favour, love."
She kisses your thigh and feels the sticky sheen of blood coating her lips and chin. "Anything."
"I need you to eat me out so bad. Can you do that?" She doesn't even respond she just starts yanking your bottoms down with your underwear. You kick them off as you ditch your coat too, feeling like your skin is burning to the touch. You immediately feel her lips attach to your throbbing clit and you look down to meet her piercing gaze as your left hand grabs a fistful of her hair pulling her impossibly closer as she lifts your right thigh to wrap around her bare back before dragging her hand back up your leg and squeezing your ass cheek harshly. "Oh fuck, yeah just keep doing that."
Abby continues like this was the first time she had eaten in a week and before long you were groaning as you came so hard your head spun. "Thanks babe, that was amazing. Now go sit on the couch and wait for me. Please." You had your knife at her neck and it moves with her as she nods and rises. You both lock eyes when you hear the pops of her knees as she stands and you giggle as she immediately shakes her head. "Damn you're getting old."
"Shut up, sorry you're a demon that doesn't age."
"I'm gonna let you off for comparing me to a vampire tonight. Don't take my kindness for weakness."
"I love your kindness."
"Shut up, go sit down." You're smiling at her despite the annoyance in your tone and she starts walking backwards looking you up and down as you ogle her muscular chest. You felt like you had won the lottery when you realised she hadn't worn a bra under her sweatshirt and you're still entranced as you watch her walk to your couch. You discard of the rest of your clothes and inspect the red lining of Abby's blood on the point of the knife. You pop the knife into your mouth as you follow Abby and savour the taste of her, you feel invincible, like a god even when the knife nicks your tongue and you taste the iron filling your mouth and when you meet Abby's needy gaze the feeling only intensifies.
You kiss her like you'll die if you don't and as you pull away you stick your thumb in her mouth collecting some of her spit and smearing it across her lips and chin. You hum in satisfaction when you see the pinkey hue of the spit from your blood as you push her down to lay horizontally on the couch.
"Are you wet darling?" You purr at Abby.
"What do you think?"
"Keep giving me that attitude and you get nothing else from me tonight."
"Oh come on, you know you're turning me on so bad, so come here and do something about it."
"Oh that was smooth."
"I know." You laugh as you pull her sweatpants and underwear down so you're both naked and climb on top of her slotting your hips to hers. You throw the knife down on the floor without looking to see where it landed as you place a hand over each of her boobs that pushed back at your touch as her back arches when you roll your hips into hers over and over again. She pulls you down so you're pinned against her chest as you both continue rocking against each other and moans into a passionate, open-mouthed kiss that she caught your lips in. You both finish with screams and grunts and she scratches your trembling back.
"Follow me, I have a surprise for you."
"Jesus your stamina is ridiculous."
"Don't worry you old lady I'll do the work for now and let you catch your breath."
"Well alright then." She jumps up and follows you savouring the curve of your ass and the sway of your hips as you ascend the stairs to your bedroom. She feels like she’s entranced as she follows you, her cheeks heating up when you cast glances over your shoulder at her. As she walks into your room she's reminded of the last time she was here and her pussy throbs. Her attention falls on the box on your bed and she snaps back to reality to immediately inspect what's inside.
"I figured it would make sense for us to have one here as well. Want to put it on?" She nods her head as she rips the box containing the new strap on to shreds. You giggle as she looks like a child on Christmas ripping open the box but you go quiet again as she fits the harness round her hips and meets your eyes. "Go sit down, get comfy." You nod at the bed as you bite your lip.
"You're so hot."
"I know." You straddle her thighs and sink down on the strap, wincing at the size but persevering until you feel her hips under your legs. You grab her by the back of the neck and pull her forward so your bodies are pressed together. She bucks up into you and you pinch her cheek. "Bad girl."
"Who's fault is that?" You gasp as she chuckles and you push her down by her chest and start grinding down onto her. She tries to grab at your hips to guide you but you pin her wrists down.
"No touching." She whines and you smile as you continue moving on top of her. You speed up and only when your thighs feel like they're on fire do you feel her grinding up into you. You gasp and lean down wrapping your arms around her neck allowing her to encase you in her strong arms.
"What happened to know touching huh?"
"Shut up, I changed my mind."
"Thank god." She flips you both over and presses your thighs to her hips and she drags the dick in and out of you slow and deep. As she speeds up she leans down and spits into your mouth that had fallen open. "Swallow." You swallow her spit and groan as you feel your legs begin to shake. Abby looks down and takes in the sight of the strap gliding in and out of you so easily as it gets shinier with each thrust. You dig your nails into her back and she hisses as she slams into you harder as a response and before you can get a word out your orgasm washes over you and you see white as you whole body tenses. You hear Abby groan and feel her weight collapse on top of you as your muscles slowly relax.
"Good day babe?" She laughs as she looks up at you resting her chin on your chest while massaging your side.
"Good doesn't begin to describe it. Ellie was very obedient, I was impressed."
"You have a way of making people bend to your will."
"Yeah I know that's why you're my bitch."
"You are so unpleasant sometimes."
You both laid together for some time catching your breathe until you dragged her to the shower to get clean. You both argued about the temperature until you settled on a warm shower that she jumped out of much quicker. "Do you want me to change the sheets while you finish up in here?"
"Yes that would be amazing thank you. There's fresh sheets in the closet to the left of my room." She kisses you and leaves you to your shower as you turn the heat dial to as hot as it will go. You feel the water washing away all the dirt from today and as you savour the warmth of the shower you notice your skin feeling as though it is buzzing with the indestructible surge of power you haven't been able to shake since Ellie pulled the trigger.
psa: sorry this took a couple days, life got busy and then i got so high last night i slept for 13 hours so there was not much time to write. Hope this lives up to expecations and if it makes no sense im sorry im still super baked rn <33
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catinpinklace · 2 years
Jason Todd with a ‘swiftie’ s/o headcanon
Jason Todd (dc) x gender neutral swiftie! reader
warnings : english is not my first language, so there’s probably a grammar error somewhere lol, just fluff and domestic stuffs
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He would jam to Taylor Swift with you. Hype her up with you whenever she drops a new album/re-record her stolen albums.
When you are brewing your favorite drink in the morning —in his oversized shirt that smells like him— he comes to the kitchen, hugging you from behind, kissing your shoulder and hair softly. Daylight is playing softly in the background.
“I once believed love would be burning red, but it’s golden. Like daylight…”
“You’re my daylight,” he said, kissing your head, then swaying you both left and right gently to the romantic song.
Definitely sit next to you when you’re going through a ticket war online. Cheering with you if you got it, and comforting you if you don’t. (I honestly don’t know what concert ticket war is like lmao).
When midnight was released, he stayed up with you and listened to the album together. He’s giving you tissues when ‘You’re On Your Own, Kid’ started to play.
I don’t know why, but I feel like his favorite albums are Fearless and 1989..
I can see him jamming to Mr. Perfectly Fine, Anti-Hero, Haunted, and Wonderland.
His favorite activity is playing a vinyl record of your favorite album and dance the night away together.
A car ride is not a car ride without a karaoke session.
“Didn't they tell us don't rush into things? Didn't you flash your green eyes at me? Didn't you calm my fears with a Cheshire cat smile?”
The car windows are open, the night wind in your hair makes you look more beautiful than ever. His eyes are twinkling with adornment everytime he takes a glance at you. Your voice singing along to the song and the sight of you in his leather jacket flutters his heart. It was a perfect night for the both of you.
Cooking and baking together in the evening. The two of you have a tradition of baking a pie together while listening to ‘Evermore’ when fall comes (an underrated album btw). The sweet smell of pie is not the only thing filling up the room, yours and Jason’s laughter are heard from your shared kitchen.
“What must it be like, to grow up that beautiful? With your hair falling into place like dominoes. My mind turns your life into folklore, I can't dare to dream about you anymore.”
The yellowing leaves are falling down outside, and the air started to become a little bit chilly. Candles are being lit as the two of you eat the pie you two just baked. You’re just rambling about how your day was, Jason is sitting next to you, with his half eaten pie on his plate, putting all of his attention on you. 
Wasn’t surprised when your spotify wrapped number 1 artist is Taylor Swift.
He secretly made a playlist full of Taylor’s songs that remind him of you. You never find out because he’s good at keeping it a secret.
Before you started dating, he knew you like Taylor Swift, cause you ramble about her to your friends almost all the time. So he listens to her songs, and the next time you two get the chance to talk, he can use her as a conversation starter. (mastermind moment).
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a/n : helloooo, this is my first time posting my writing, I hope it’s good enough <3 have a nice day/night, love u <3
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buttonsfleas · 11 months
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So I saw this comment on my post I made earlier about a possessd andy script thing where he attempts to shoot Kyle but unfortunately fails lol so enjoy it now!
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I'm not myself.
Andy being posessed by chucky lil scene script where he attempts to kill kyle
BTW this is reeeaallly short since this is the first script of a scene I've ever made of anything and it's really short but pls don't get mad at me bc it's probably a lil bad too 😭
• btw, when he sees blood like Nica, he instantly change
• and I wrote this how I thought a script looks like but tbh idk what one looks like and this is shorter then a piece of glitter so sorry 😂😭
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Kyle was in her ranch-style house and had just answered her door to surprisingly, Andy. But, Andy didn't seem like himself. He was dressed up in a black tux with a white shirt and red tie and black loafers. The time was 9pm and everyone on her block were asleep.
Hey, Andy. What are you doing here?
Oh you know, just came for a quick hi.
Well, come in, it's cold.
Kyle welcomes Andy in and the screen skips time to them both in Kyle's modern kitchen.
Kyle and Andy were in the middle of a conversation whilst Kyle had a coffee and Andy had a beer.
So, still no nightmares?
No. Have you?...
Andy asks with one eyebrow raised with a slight frown.
Andy, he died a while ago and won't come back. You know I don't.
Well, I'm sorry to break the news to you Kyle, but what can I say? He has risen.
Andy smirks and takes a gun out of one of his back pockets and aims the gun at Kyle's heart. Kyle gets startled and puts her hands up with a slight shake of fear.
A-andy...what's going on?
You just got too comfortable without worrying about me coming back, didn't ya?
Andy's Hazel eyes transition into a glow of blue and transition back into Hazel.
Andy...don't do this...
You thought I'd leave you and Andy to rot in piece, huh!?
Andy shakes violently whilst holding the gun at Kyle's heart. He steps forward whilst she steps back at little.
Kyle is visibly uncomfortable and anxious whilst Andy has a smile or mischief and revenge.
Fucking hell, I never you you'd be able to not pull a gun out on me.
W-well...I just never expected this...
Whilst Andy is rambling om about Chucky's revenge, Kyle slides her hand into one of the kitchen drawers and pulls a gun out and then aims the gun in the middle of Andy's eyes.
Fuck off, Chucky...I don't want Andy to be in this state anymore...
Well, here's our game. You can kill me, you kill Andy, or, you can drop the fucking gun and own up for how many times you've slipped away from me.
Kyle puts the gun down on the counter but accidentally slips her hand on a knife that was on the chopping board when she was making herself a salad. Her palm bleeds and Andy looks at it before falling down and becoming unconscious.
Later that evening, Andy's Hazel eyes flutter back open and he sees himself laying on Kyle's couch. Kyle was standing up and watching over Andy whilst walking back and fourth in a line across the room.
Suprise, dick. You're now chucky.
Yeah, I know that but why am I here? Are you okay?
I'm as fine as I was were before you showed up. You?
I'm alright.
Well, you owe me one after nearly murdering me!
Yeah, right, see what Chucky says.
Andy sits up and looks around at his surroundings before focusing on Kyle again as she gives him his beer from before.
How will we get rid of him?
Well, we either Damballa or exorcism you, but exorcism isn't a choice we've got this year so Damballa it is.
Why can't we do an exorcism?
Well can we just find a priest and tell them before they think we're insane!?
...no...in some cases...
Look, all we have to do is find that little doll and get him into that body before you go out to get milk without paying.
How will we though?
We'll figure it out soon.
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damiemontclair · 2 months
Ok let me start this post by saying this is not me asking for help or advice. I will not listen to any advive unless it comes from a medical professional I trust. This is a mind-clearing, thoughts-sorting post. So if you click the read more, you agree to the above. If you can't, don't click the fucking read more.
For context: this is in relation to The Surgery(/ies). If you haven't followed along with *that* bit this is probably just going to be gibberish to you.
Please be aware that I chose not to tag this so it doesn't show up in any tags since its personal.
Since january my periods have been a little... Weird. As in almost non-existent aside from cramps. Now I know a lot of people wouldn't look that gift horse in the mouth, but in light of what happened, and the fact this was my 4th surgery (still wrapping my head around that, it really fucks with me) and that I have been on the pill since 2016, I think theres something more serious going on here.
I started the pill after my first surgery, and one of the resons was that my periods had always been a bit wack ever since I first started to get them as a teen. No regularity *at all*. Heavily influenced by stress and such factors. I once had 3 months without one due to stress and mild depression. Thats why I went to a gyn in the first place, as a barely 17yo, and how I ended up in surgery for the first time. Lucky find.
Since I started the pill, I've been living a very predictable life.
I've noticed since 2019, when my ovary twisted (twice (ow)) that my periods have been. Shorter. It seemed good at first. So what if I don't get 4-5 full days. 3-4 is fine too. I didn't really make any connection between the circumstances of the surgery and the diminished period (I was *very* busy doing 2 semesters at once that semester)
But since january we've dropped to something more along the line of 2 days with very little bleeding. And by little I mean litte. Even the smallest tampons don't fill up when I leave them in longer than recommended. Theres barely any tissue.
And I know for a fact that my ovaries have been. Damaged. By the whole thing. The doc said nothing can be seen on the ultrasound and that they look healthy back in january, but theres no way that everything is fine, between the 2 full twists in 2019 and the partial twist in january... (btw did you know those can't be seen on ultrasound? Yeah, its a fun time all around. They only found out after cutting me open. And in january they were gonna send me home without surgery. Fucking mess. Anyway.) I've been concerned about everything ever since.
I'm going to try and make an appointment with my gyn next week. She's been great ever since that first time I went, and she's requested I come for twice yearly checkups again, like I did back in 2016/17/18. I'm want her to check hormone levels and stuff, because clearly something is up.
You know, they're all going on and on about babies, and not removing the ovaries of a childless 'girl' in her 20s.... But I can't help but wonder if it'd even be possible for me to get pregnant without medical at this point. Between the scar tissue and whatever has been going on with my body since january.... I'm not interested in having kids that way anyway but you know. *would* it even be possible?
Anyway, I've finished my tea and the painkillers seem to have kicked in so its time for me to start my day.... Sorry for the wall of text, if you made it all the way down here. I've just been having a lot of thoughts lately, and my brain can't seem to let them go.
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[Mermaid Thena/fishermen Gil AU]
Heyyyyy I just wanted to know if you could do one where thena splits her tail and spends a day with gil on land? I think it would be really cute to see thena trying to understand the humans strange ways! (Gil would find it cute too!🤭)
Btw I love for your thenamesh fanfics <3
Thena jumped as another bolt of lightning split the dark skies outside the window.
"What did you do on days like this before?" Gil asked as he tightened another screw behind her.
"Most don't do a lot of swimming," she shrugged, leaving her seat below the window and joining him on the floor again. "It's like walking on a windy day--not unmanageable, but far from pleasant."
Gil grinned, nudging her ever so slightly with his elbow against hers. "Look at you, talking about going for walks."
Thena smiled at his praise, tucking some hair behind her ear. She watched as he moved to a different screw, bringing the pieces of wood together. "What is this?"
Gil made the final twist of the screwdriver as she picked up the instruction booklet. "The store has fancy names for everything, but really, it's a regular shelf."
"Exactly," he confirmed, accepting another screw from Thena for the other side. "Although I want it for something other than books."
"What are we going to put on it?" she asked, and Gil got that funny smile on his face again. He got it sometimes when she asked what they were going to have for dinner, or what they were going to watch on the box.
"Well, I was thinking it could kind of," he made a shy kind of expression and shrugged his shoulders, "be yours. So you can put your stuff on it."
"My stuff?" She tilted her head as he stood the frame of it upright, making a wooden box with an open front and back.
"Yeah, like the things I bring you home from work, or just things you would want to keep here and look at."
Thena considered it. There were other shelves in the house, ranging from the shelves in the kitchen that held their food, to the shelves in Gil's office room, although he was moving around the things inside there an awful lot lately.
Some of the shelves in the living room had things Gil had found while fishing--shells and bottles and treasures of that sort. She lifted her hand to touch the necklace safe around her neck.
Gil looked out the window after another roll of thunder boomed outside. "Will Ikaris be worried about you in this weather?"
Thena rolled her eyes; she had not forgotten about her brother and his recent 'visit'. "He'll be fine. Makkari and I would often go current surfing in weather like this."
"That sounds--fuck."
Thena looked over at Gil and the sudden exclamation. She didn't really know what it meant but it only ever came out in times of frustration. "What's wrong?"
He sighed, examining one of the screws he had added. She had seen him use them before, when he had replaced the door hinge (which she had broken accidentally). "It's gone in crooked. I'll have to get it out."
"Hm," Thena mused as she scooched closer on her knees on the rug. Gil attempted to unscrew the thing but it seemed quite solidly driven in.
"Okay," he grumbled, leaning back on his heels as he looked around them. There were a few spare screws, another two shelves to add, and all the packaging spread out around them.
"I can try," she offered, leaning in to see what he had done, and how to undo it.
"It's okay, it's not--Angelfish!"
Thena gripped the screw in her teeth and pulled, dragging the metal right out of the pressed board. She dropped it into her hand and licked her lips with a frown; it tasted awful.
"A-Are you okay?"
She smiled; Gil could be panicky at times, but she knew it came from a very caring place. She held up the screw for him, "here."
He looked between her and the thing in his palm a few times. "Your teeth are pretty strong, huh?"
Thena tilted her head at him to the right, watching as he made another attempt at things. She moved it in the other direction to see what would change in her perspective. "Yours can't do that?"
"Nothing like that," he smiled as he adjusted it more to his liking this time. "Our teeth are pretty strong, but I think I'd chip a tooth if I tried what you just did."
"Hm," she mused as she resumed watching him work. She liked watching him use tools and do small tasks like this. He seemed so focused on them, and it was fascinating to watch his hands utilise the different kinds of tools he had for different things. "Sorry Ikaris drowned your toolbox."
"That's okay, Angelfish." And he meant it, too, because he never seemed to tell lies. He looked at her as he twisted the screwdriver over and over. "Maybe it's time for a new one, anyway."
"Actually," Gil muttered as he tested the sturdiness of the shelf before reaching for another. "Maybe I'm overdue for a run to the market."
Thena tilted her head at him, hoping he would keep going until he reached his point.
He gave her a wink, which made something in her stomach flip like a salmon in a waterfall, "wanna come with me?"
Thena leaned forward on her hands and knees, getting nice and close to him, "really?"
He nodded, setting down his tool and reaching for her hand. "I think it might be okay if I take you with me. We'll go on a weekday, to the far side of town, you can stretch those legs of yours. What do you think?"
Gil laughed as she threw herself against him, her arms around his shoulders like he did for her often. He was so sturdy he managed not to fall backwards even with all of her weight suddenly leaning on him. He rubbed her back through the soft shirt she was wearing (a hoodie, he called it; it was the comfiest of all of them yet).
She sighed, purring against his arm as the scent of him washed over her. There was plenty of his scent on his hoodie, too, but being close to him was like being over a steam vent, or lying in a sunbeam on an embankment. It made her brain feel foggy and her body feel relaxed.
Gil let her settle in his lap, his legs bending around her with his hand at her shoulder. "Maybe we can find something for your new shelf."
"I have to add the things I already have." She was referring to the little trinkets Gil had brought her already, from a marble to a uniquely coloured shard of seaglass, to a toy he got from buying lunch one day.
"There'll be plenty of room," he promised, sitting back and admiring their - his - work. "Hungry?"
She nodded.
"I'll put on some lunch. Do you want a snack?"
"Yes please," she smiled, although him cooking did mean she couldn't sit in his lap anymore (unfortunate). "Sardines?"
"Comin' right up!"
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pixielove-1 · 1 year
•TRAPPED IN HER BASEMENT 2• category punishment/care
Recap so last time you woke up in nancys basement was realized what was happening. Don't worry this time you will fight back btw.
Nancy fucking wheeler!
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My heart dropped as she opened the door and the step creaked as we met eyes, keys dangled from her hand as she smiled brightly at me "seems this is your lucky day, I need you upstairs instead of down here tonight because of your little cuts." I swolled a huge glob a spit as she unlocked me from my cage. "Why did you kidnap me?" I asked once more as she pulled me up the step in down into a living room.
"I will tell you due to time y/n for now stay still while I wrap you up." I looked around the living room as I got and idea. "Here we are" I held out my hand but quickly kicked her at the same time. And grabbed the vase the sat proudly on the table.
"Fuck off wheeler!" I yelled smashing the vace onto the back of her head the glass shattered as it cut through her marble skin. I made run for it "shit!" I fell to my knees stopping myself with a huge peace of glass slowly bleeding out.
"Well this is unfortunate isn't it?"
I looked down the barrel of a decent sized hand gun. "Put the vase down y/n. Or you'll make things worse than it already is." I let out a breath as I dropped the glass and placed my hands up. "Nancy i-" She grabbed a fist full of hair and dragged me back towards the basement kicking and screaming "fuck! I'm sorry i-i nancy!" Falling down the stairs my head hit the cold concrete floor. I groaned as everything was in a daze. "N-nancy?" Your body was being pulled in a certain direction.
The smell of metal was all to familiar "n-no please I'm sorry i" your hand was now locked but pu kicked her leg "shit y/n, stop fighting me your making your punishment worse." I cried as I pushed her away "please, please let me go! I wanna go home pl-please..." A slap landed against your face.
Silence filled the room as she tied your legs down and your other hand and turned the light back on. "Stay here while I clean up and think about what the hell you just did." Her voice was hard..filled with such hate and venom that you'd think you wouldn't hear. Not from the sweet sweet Nancy wheeler.
But then again she did hold a gun to your head.
You stare at the little cracks on the floor watching as dust slowly fell from the roof and gathered in the cracks. The door opened again but you didn't bat an eye. "Come here." She said softly whipping off blood from earlier. Your teary eyes still shines in the light "come on let's get this off you."
Your clothes where stripped off leaving you in your bra. "M'sorry" you mumbled as she stripped the rest of your clothes off and set up a bath for you. She let's out a sigh "it's fine just know this is a warning try something again, I 'WILL' make you regret it. Now get in this should help with the bruises." You slowly sink into the over heating water which burns the cuts. I guess it was little punishment in itself. "Let me help you" She ordered pulling up her sleeves you hadn't noticed this before but she changed from her dressing a white button up shirt and gray suit pants with a black belt to hold it steady.
If you do say so yourself she was very attractive. As she put up her hair.
And started to scrub away at your hair. Closing my eyes I let her take control of my body as she cleaned every part, some burned some felt amazing...more amazing than others. Actually you don't remember the last time you've gotten layed. I let out a content sigh as my kidnapper pressed kissed along my neck line.
Even fiddled with your ass and tits for a bit. You whined as shit kissed a particular spot you liked. She giggled in your ear sending butterflys down to your stomach.
As you stepped out she whipped off the water from your body And hair. "Sleepy?" She questioned as you yawned laying your head on her shoulder. You nodded letting her lead you out the bathroom and onto an actual comfortable bed.
"Goodnight baby"
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cheerfulmelancholies · 11 months
@pluttskutt sorry I accidentally posted before I could paste what I was gonna share! And then I deleted it because I'm stupid. I need to stop being so ambitious on mobile, it never goes well. Anyway, thanks to a coin toss you got treat! 🍬 So have a piece from an old wip of mine I really need to start back working on. It's a little long btw.
Diana returned home from another visit with Ethan to find her father whistling a joyful tune in the basement. Eyebrows rising, she checked the time on her watch before trotting down the stairs. Her dad was hunched over his workbench, tinkering with some odd or end of a device he'd probably never get around to finishing.
Daniel dropped everything, let it fall against the wooden top with clinks and clangs, and whirled to meet his daughter's gaze. "Pumpkin! How's your day been?"
Diana forced herself not to flinch from the sudden shout. She blinked and averted her eyes from the stretched grin, opting instead to glance around him at the bench. "It's fine. What are you working on?" The tangle of wires and open plastic didn't look like something worth fixing.
He laughed, shoulders bouncing. "Nothing much. Just fiddlin' a bit with some gadgets I've been meaning to work on."
Silence fell as Diana and her father stood across from each other. He didn't look like like he was going to say anything anytime soon, so she cleared her throat to dispell some of the awkwardness. "Um, how was work today?"
"Fantastic! I'm actually being considered for a raise." His grin widened and he leaned against the workbench, palms resting on the surface.
"A raise? For what?" She didn't know how much he made there, just that it was substantial enough to support them and their lifestyle with ease. All this time, he'd never once mentioned any possibility of a raise or promotion.
Why now? What changed?
"For all my hard work, of course. My boss said he's been so impressed with my devotion. Said he felt I deserved something for it."
"...Ok?" She had no idea how she should respond to that. Her father continued to watch her, expression never faltering. "Are you feeling alright? You seem a little..."
"I'm great! This has been a fantastic day. You know what?" He pushed himself off the bench and stepped toward her. Pulling her into an excited hug, he felt his smile widen as he spoke. "How about you and I go out to eat? Have a little father-daughter bonding time?"
Diana didn't return the embrace as her father rocked them back and forth. This sudden change in mood was jarring. In any other circumstance she would be thrilled to have her father snap out of his obsession with work in order to spend time with her. But after the mishap in the garage and his unusual behavior as of late, this did nothing more than make her skin crawl. She pushed herself away.
"Where do you wanna go, pumpkin?"
"Um, this is coming out of nowhere, isn't it?"
"Well, I figured since I'm gonna get some extra cash to burn I might as well start using it. We haven't done anything together in ages." He gripped her shoulders and gave her a light shake. "C'mon, pumpkin, it'll be fun."
Diana watched in concern and slight horror as her father's unsettling smile-never once faltering-pulled his lips even wider. She looked at his eyes and, though not glassy and unfocused like they were in the garage, they seemed to hold an almost artificial light to them. There was no denying he was happy, but she had a problem with how sudden and random it was.
She spent a few more seconds regarding him before making a decision. "Yeah, sure. It has been a while since we've hung out together, hasn't it?" She grunted as he gave her another tight hug before letting go and heading up the stairs.
"Great! Let me just get outta my work clothes. You can pick the place."
Diana frowned at her father's back as he disappeared from view. This whole situation was unnerving but at least it would give her an opportunity to learn more about her father and MM. She couldn't recall the last time they'd hung out together let alone the last time he'd been in such a good mood. She was hoping that by saying yes he would be willing to discuss more about his work. After all, this was the first time he'd ever spoken so openly about it.
Several minutes later saw them in his car, going to a local diner they hadn't eaten at in a year or so. Daniel was rambling about how he hoped things hadn't changed and what he was thinking of getting while Diana stared out of the windshield with a troubled expression. She glanced sidelong at him as he went on and on, oblivious to the uncomfortable tension in the car. Her mind kept screaming that this wasn't right and by the time they pulled into the lot she'd already lost what little appetite she had.
Daniel stepped out and turned to find Diana staring at him from the passenger seat. He felt his expression falter. "What's wrong?"
"Nothing," she said, climbing out and walking to the entrance. She watched his reflection approach and follow her inside.
A waitress seated them-the place wasn't all that crowded-and they began skimming through the menu.
"So," Diana started, glancing up from the words she wasn't reading, "how much is this raise of yours?"
Daniel's smile twitched. "I... What do you mean?"
"You said you were getting a raise before... You know, like more money?" She fiddled with the menu as she spoke, carefully selecting her words and tone. This was already spiraling downhill.
"I am."
"But, like, how much money? A dollar? Three? A five thousand dollar check?" She watched his eyes flicker between her and empty space. He seemed rather disoriented from such a simple question.
"They didn't say," he said after two straight minutes of silence. "I guess it'll just be a surprise." The smile returned tenfold.
Diana chewed her lip and was thankful for the waitress's timely arrival.
"What are you having?" her father asked, any hint of his prior confusion gone.
"A Caeser salad," she told the woman. She didn't think she could stomach much more at the moment. As her father placed his order for a burger she tried to process everything that was happening.
Medical Mechanical was giving her dad a raise but never said how much? What kind of a company hides that sort of info from their employees? With the way he was acting, she assumed they either told him and he forgot, or this was some elaborate scheme to manipulate him. Either way, it made her sick with worry. She needed more info.
"Hey, Dad?"
Daniel returned from staring at nothing to give her attention.
"So... Did they tell you anything about this raise? Is it part of a promotion maybe?" She thought back to Megan's comment about a new division and tried not to let it get to her.
"They've been very impressed with my work lately," he responded. "I'm rather proud myself."
Diana hummed and took a sip of water. She was never going to get anything out of him as long as he was like this. Whatever had been done to him didn't seem like it was going to wear off anytime soon. She thought about how to change the subject.
Thinking back to her failed attempts at getting him to open up about his past, she tried, "So, have you ever spoken recently to anyone you used to know before moving here?" She hoped he wouldn't remember how that discussion had went the last time she brought it up.
Daniel's smile decreased as he searched his mind for an answer. "Not recently, no," he said after a few moments. "I've been so busy with work that I haven't even thought about it."
"Do you miss anybody? Like, friends or family?"
The smile became strained. "No."
Diana observed his sudden discomfort with morbid curiosity. Was she getting somewhere? "You never wanna talk about your childhood, what am I supposed to tell my kids?" she joked, hoping to elicit a response.
He shrugged and stirred the ice melting in his cup.
"I'm guessing you don't have a lot of happy memories then. So what made you pick Lakewood of all places?"
"It's small and quiet," he said. "I liked that about it."
"And now that Medical Mechanical is here, do you still like it?"
"It's nice they're recognizing my work and giving me a raise," he said suddenly, derailing the conversation.
"That's... not what I asked. And you still never said how much they were paying you." Before she could get an answer, the waitress placed their meals on the table.
"Anything else?" she asked, eyeing Daniel's odd, listless expression.
"That'll be it, thanks," said Diana, also watching the way her father had abruptly zoned out. She frowned as she poked at her salad, nowhere near hungry.
Daniel came to and began eating as though nothing strange had happened. They sat in silence, and it wasn't until the waitress took their plates and offered dessert that Diana spoke up again.
"Are they gonna give you more time off again?" she asked the silence.
He gave her a blank look before seeming to process her words. "It's not like I mind working."
It cuts off suddenly because this is something that I haven't actually gotten to yet in the story, but it's getting there. I just like to write ahead sometimes. I hope you enjoyed it!
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artisticmenace · 1 month
some writing. this is a story ive just had tucked away. might as well give it a beginning am i right? pretty short for what i want it to be but its whatever. this was based on a dream i had btw. it didnt go exactly like this but very close.
The Creation Mall
My mother used to tell me stories about my father. How he went into The Creation Mall, an impossible building, looking to climb to the heavens. I used to think that was her way of telling me he died. Letting little Evan Moors down easy. Then she died. And among her belongings was a map. A map of the floors of a mall. The Creation Mall. And attached was a note that read "Find Lucas". I didn't know who that was, but obviously I had to find out. Next step was to find it. The instructions to get there were ridiculously easy. Go out into the forest. Leave a peach ring and a seed on the ground. Say a prayer. Then boom! Creepy, abandoned, and impossibly tall building. I went inside. This first floor had lots of shops. Also lots of vines. I collected some supplies from the shops, whatever I could find. All empty of people. No dust, though. Products in perfect order. Florescent lights, to hurt the eyes. I knew I had to reach the top. Reach the heavens. I knew that's where I would find, well, Lucas. And maybe my father. So I began to climb the vines to the second floor. They hurt my hands to grasp, but I had to reach the top. It was instinct. This next floor was dark. So very dark. But on the back wall was a door, shining the rooms light from beneath it. I opened the door. The first thing that graced my eyes was a big ass piranha plant. I knew venus flytraps didnt usually care for human meat, but this wasn't a normal venus flytrap. You bet I shut that door as silently as possible. This was a road block. I opened the door again. The carnivorous plant was unresponsive. I prayed that it stayed that way. To my right were more living plants, and to the left, another doorway. A tall dinosaur eating some leaves took a look at me. I knew there would be trouble if there were carnivores. Suddenly, the venus flytrap began to nudge me, poking my skin with its oddly sharp teeth things. I hid under its display. I had made a grave mistake in doing so. The tiniest velociraptors I've ever seen came through the doorway. They stopped. They blinked at me. Then they pounced. I felt every moment of them tearing through my flesh. Every tooth sinking into me, every drop of blood leaving my body. But then I was alive again, standing outside the door. A man walked up to me. Older and grayer than me.
"You should go back to hell, kid."
"I need to find Lucas. To get to the heavens. I don't want to go back to my life just yet. I can’t give up."
"Fine, fine. Then I'll help you through this floor. There's still plenty that wants you dead up there, though. Next time you may not be so lucky."
The man linked arms with me and rushed me through the door. The venus flytrap snapped at us. We jumped over the tiny velociraptors. He was spry old man. We rushed past several other dinosaurs and living plants before they could react and flew through an open door on the other end. He shut it tight behind us, locking it with a key.
"Good luck kid."
"Hey, what's your..."
My voice trailed off. He had vanished. I continued through the dark. I walked up a broken escalator. There was a long hallway with several rooms. I peered into them, each a small empty office. At the end of the hall was a much larger office. I went inside. It was also very much empty, just like the others. I went on the computer. It was opened to a spreadsheet of some kind. I went to the homescreen. It was a picture of two men and a young girl with red hair. Did people work here? Human people? As luck would have it, the longer haired man from the picture walked into the room. He had a glaring expression, but it wasn't done with quite the precision of an actual human being. Two amorphous white creatures came out from under the desk and started waving around. He waved them away.
"What are you doing in here?"
The way he spoke wasn't quite right. It was clear english wasn't his first language. Not to mention his TEETH. Pearly white and pointy.
"Uhhh. I, uh..."
Something seemed to click. His eyes widened a little, looking closer to a human expression than they had before.
"You're human."
"You're Lucas's son."
"I'm what?"
"Why did you come here?"
"To look for Lucas! I didn’t know I was his son!"
He made a face, as though trying to seem sympathetic. The result was offputting.
"I'm Lester. I am not human. No one has been human here since your father came through. We are called Andramboros."
"Wait, so... the guy I saw earlier? Downstairs?"
"Looks like you already found him, then."
I couldn't believe it. I was the idiot of idiots. Clown of clowns. Fool of Fools. Whatever you wanna call me.
"I sympathize. Also... Your stay on this floor may be extended. The elevator is broken."
"Do you not have like... a stairwell?"
"No. Stairs were not a priority."
"That's a fire hazard."
"Nothing in this mall can be damaged without permission."
"Permission from who?"
"You were thoroughly unprepared, then. The Director. She is what awaits those who seek the heavens of this mall."
I was a little surprised and a little ashamed.
"You will have to stay here. I will alert the others. You will be safe."
The way he said that last line was not reassuring. He started showing me pictures of his family. He pointed to a short haired man with dark, sunken eyes and a gaunt face.
"That is my husband, Victor."
He pointed to a short, red haired girl. She was very pretty.
"That one is mine. Her name is Alice."
His wording was strange. I assumed he meant that she was his daughter. He continued to point through the photos in his wallet until someone walked in. It was the man from the photos, Victor. He was wearing a suit. Much more formal than his husband. They began speaking a language I didn’t recognize. Lester gave him an unnatural smile. It wasn't so much that the smile itself was unnatural, but that it didn't look right on his face. Every part of it seemed manual. Then Victor turned to me. His face distorted into a wide eyed expression.
"Oh. Oh dear...."
"Yes... It is quite concerning."
thats all i have written. whats at the top is very interesting haha.
things that were different in the dream:
-none of them had names
-lester walked into his office to find me looking at his roblox avatar(what was actually open in the dream on his desktop)
- the elevator wasnt broken i just needed it for narrative reasons
i will say that in the dream lester legitimately did tell me his species were called andramboros and that they were kind of like shapeshifters. the things under his desk were his guards in their normal form. they took to appearing human because its more useful to them to have limbs and teeth and eyes and ears and all that jazz.
tell me if its interesting.
0 notes
tonberry-yoda · 2 years
Prayer - Enrico Pucci
Pairing - Enrico Pucci x f!reader
Warnings - religion (catholic), like quotes from the bible and stuff. i am not religious, but i did a bit of research before posting it idk if that's really a warning, but i wanted to put it here just in case. also, pucci speaks italian at the beginning
Word Count - 821
Notes - stone ocean has me going feral rn omg. ive already read the manga, but my oh my is it so good animated. ive been really wanting to write for more jojos characters (you can request more btw if you're interested lol) and i had to write for one of my fav villains
And don’t forget, REQUESTS ARE OPEN! So if you want to request any writing, please don’t hesitate to ask, but please read my pinned post before requesting! Please enjoy!! Don’t forget to stay hydrated! <3
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Pucci raised up his head, the fire from the candles shining in his dark, almost lifeless eyes. His hands held each other in prayer, shaking. “La maledizione del Signore è sulla casa degli empi, ma egli benedice la casa dei giusti. Proverbs 3:33.” His voice was shaking. He could feel his breath running short. “149, 151…” He took a breath in, looking up at the full moon which surprisingly was not being covered by the storm clouds outside. “193, 197, 199…” Tears were still running down his cheeks. They were burning, like hot wax. “251, 257, 263, 269…”
Pucci jumped, hearing the door open behind him, the sound of rain from outside getting louder. He turned around, as the tears in his eyes blurred his vision, to find… her. He thought she was gone. Gone for good.
She stood in a soaking wet raincoat, slipping it off and hanging it up on the coat rack. As she walked towards Pucci, who was still on his knees, her wet boots left stains in the carpet.
“Enrico,” she kneeled down to his level and cupped his face. Her voice was so soft. Hearing it again made the tears multiply. “Enrico, you need to come with me.” She wiped a tear of his with her thumb. He pulled his face away and turned back around, staring at the crucifix that was watching his every move. “I can't.” His voice was barely audible, especially because of the storm outside. “Pucci…” He felt her hand on his shoulder. It was cold. Really cold. She must’ve been in that storm for hours.
“Fine.” Pucci stood up, closing his eyes and turning away from everything. “Let's go.”
Pucci knew that when he looked at her, God was watching. But he didn't care. He wanted to stare at her. He wanted to break rules. He wanted her to get the best of him. Sin didn't mean anything to him while she was around. Especially back then. The way her hands would cup his face. The way his cold skin would brush against her warm skin when they were pressed to one another. The way she would… kiss him. It's been years, but he still remembers. He would drop anything just to get one more kiss. One more hug. One more word out of her mouth. He worshiped her. Before she left, that is.
She stopped going to church. Found a life outside of religion. A life outside of him. He would’ve done anything to get her back. But suddenly, she was here again. She was here and he didn't know why. Dragging him through the rain for what felt like miles.
“Where are you taking me?” Those were the first words Pucci had said to her this entire walk. She turned around and he almost bumped into her, taking a step back. “I saw this and thought of you. I know it's raining and we haven't seen each other in a while, but I wanted to take you. It's right down here.” She led him through another pile of trees and they ended up next to an overgrown building. He froze as the rain stopped, the moon shining on the building. He turned to her and ran up to the building, running his fingers over each cobblestone. “How did you…” She smiled and opened the door, leading him inside.
There wasn't much of a ceiling or walls, but it still felt like home. “You found it.” Pucci turned to her with tears in his eyes and a smile. She giggled and sat down on one of the rotting benches. “I found it.” He turned to the old crucifix that was now torn up from the wind. “How’d you do it?” “I was just on a walk. It's nice to see this old place again, huh?” She stood up and walked around the place with a smile.
They met in that old church. It was abandoned now and it was abandoned then too. He was praying and she was crying. What a mix. They had a fling. One that he doesn't regret either. God, he wished he never took that vow.
“Enrico?” Pucci turned to her with wide eyes as she held a little candle with their initials inscribed in it. She handed it to him and held his hand. “I'm sorry I left you.” He pulled her close, dropping the candle, letting it smash to pieces. “Just don't do it again, okay?” He pressed a kiss to her lips and felt more droplets of rain fall from the sky.
Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. (1 Corinthians 13:4-7)
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nights-legacy · 3 years
Hii!! Hope u are doing amazing <33 I wanted to request a Drabble ? Or a head cannon I forgot the name sorry, where todoroki’s s/o gets kidnapped by the lov and gets turned into a nomu but when they capture her (since she is a nomu) eri uses her quirk on her and they find out it way yn and then todoroki cries and fluff and eri hugs her rllllly tight and eri in between todoroki and yn now cus why not :3( sorrry I’m bad at explaining . The quirk can be of ur choiceee. Btw if u don’t like this request, don’t do it it’s totally fine ^^ btw it’s kinda like the nomu deku au( by garbageisland) and kikimgcee but without the catatonic part- lol sorry this is too long. Hv a grt day byeee <33
Heyo! I had fun with this and I pulled at my my own heart strings. I decided to incorporate Todoroki's time dealing with her disappearance leading up to her being found. I hope you like it!
Lost & Found- Todoroki
Masterlist MHA Masterlist
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1910 words
Note: has she/ her pronouns but can be read as GN.
Warnings: none besides an indirect mention of death.
+ Y/N disappears and for weeks noone has any idea what happened or where she is. Todoroki is not Cdealing with it well and is on the verge of completely losing hope when on an outing with a certain little horned sweetie, they get a breakthrough. And little Eri is the one to save Y/N's life.
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3rd POV
There had been a somber tone to Class 1-A for a few weeks now. Ever since Y/N had disappeared. No one's been able to figure it out. She had gone home for the weekend and when school started back up, she didn't show. Not in class or the dorms. When Aizawa-sensei called her parents/guardian they freaked out because they sent them off the night before and even got a text saying she had made it. A full investigation was launched but nothing has been found out yet.
"Damn." Todoroki groaned as ran over the finish line. Aizawa had the class doing a 2 mile run and some were struggling. Todoroki is not normally one of them but he hasn't had a good night's sleep as of late and his mind is constantly weaving back to his missing girlfriend.
"Hey Todoroki. I got you some water." Midoriya came up and handed him the bottle.
"Thank's Midoriya." He said before collapsing into the grass. He took a couple swigs before dropping it beside him. He stared at the sky, watching the Clouds drift by. His thoughts drifted back to the first time he watched the clouds. It was with Y/N.
* "Why are we doing this again?" Todoroki asked as Y/N drug him to an open part to the lawn behind the dorms. He had had a bad day and Y/N wanted to help. "What's the point?"
"It's relaxing. It's fun. You just gotta try it." She giggled. She propped down on the grass and patted the Spot next to her. He sat down and She pulled him down to lay back. He looked up at the sky. "I used to do this all the time when I was a kid."
"Really?" He looked at her.
"What do I do?"
"Just lay here and watch the clouds. Try and find the shapes in the clouds." Y/N slipped her hand into his. Todoroki did as she said and watched the clouds float by. At first he saw nothing but white wisps. After a few minutes though he started to actually see shapes.
"Hey!" He exclaimed excitedly. He pointed at a certain cloud. "That one looks like a bat! Do you see it?" He looked over at her in wonder. She giggled and moved in close to see from his point of view.
"Yeah, Yes I do! Good job!" They continue to watch the clouds each pointing out different things they saw. Eventually, they lost all sense of time and Todoroki forgot why he was upset. *
"Hey Todoroki you alright?" Midoriya's voice pulled him from the memory. He sat up.
"I'm Okay, just..." He trailed off looking at the clouds again. "Just getting harder and harder."
"I, oh, um..." Midoriya tried to think of something to say but nothing came. the place a hand on his friends shoulder. "I'm sorry, Todoroki."
* Time Skip *
Todoroki sat on the railing of his dorm with a blanket over his lap and a small (your Favorite animal) plushie in his hands. He was trying to ground himself after the news he had gotten today. Y/N's bag had been found abandoned not far from the train station closest to UA. 
The blanket was one Y/N had gotten him and the plushie was one of yours that you purposely left in his dorm. He had become rather attached to it and she brought it over and left it.
* "I am sorry my love. I don't always mean to unload my problems on you." Todoroki said with a solemn face. Y/N smiled at him from her desk. He was on her bed picking at the blankets.
"Don't apologize, Roki. I don't mind at all. I'm just happy you trust me so much." She moved and knelt in front of him, laying her hands on his knees.
"Of course I do." He smiled. Y/N watched as he absentmindedly grabbed the (animal) plushie and held it in his lap. A smile appeared on her face as he fiddled with the little feet and calmed down. "I trust you the most in the world."
"That makes me happy." She stood and sat in his lap. He wrapped an arm around her but kept the plushie in the other. ~
Y/N walked into Todoroki's room with a blanket and the plushie. He smiled at her as she plopped down next to him. She cuddled into his side and he held her tight.
"What's with the surprise Visit?" He asked.
"I just wanted to see you. Anndd give you this." She held out the folded up blanket. He raised an eyebrow but took the blanket. He carefully unfolded it and saw a collage of things he liked. There was suba, Clouds, pictures of him and his friends, pictures of him and Y/N, and so many other things that made him smile. The blanket's edge was surrounded by a frosty edge for half and a light edge of fire on the other.
"Y/N... this is amazing. How did you... when did you... Thank you." He hugged her tight.
"You're welcome." She nuzzled under his chin. "I remember you mentioning getting a lighter blanket for your room so I did this for you."
"You didn't have too. But I love it." They spent the next hour or so cuddling under the blanket. She got up to leave and he noticed the plushie by his pillow. "Don't forget this."
"Actually, I think I'm going to leave it here. I'm here all the time anyway. Plus I think you can use it just as much as me." He looked at her confused.
"What do you mean?"
"You'll figure it out." *
He understood now but he hated the fact that he had to do this. He wanted her here next to him. He wanted her safe. He screamed out loud, shoving the blanket and plushie to the floor.
"Why? Why her?!" He screamed as he paced his room. He fell to the floor and cried. After a few minutes he felt something soft wrap wound him. He looked up and saw his blanket then Bakugo being to one placing it. He must have come in through the balcony. "Bakugo?"
"You're loud." He said before holding out the plushie. Todoroki took it and held it close. Bakugo sat in front of him. 
"Sorry." He muttered.
"Don't be. I can't blame you." He shook his head. His presence, no matter how much Bakugo always rebuked him, was comforting. He wasn't alone. He calmed down and cleaned himself up. "They're gonna find her."
"Yeah... but in what state?" He said solemnly.
*Time Skip*
Everyone was breathing heavily as the Nomu was restrained. Midoriya had Eri protectively in his arms while Todoroki, Bakugo, Amajiki, Mirio, and Aizawa stood inbetween. They had just been on an outing and Eri had wanted them to go with. While they were out they were attacked by a Nomu.
"Is everyone alright?" Aizawa asked. He got affirmations from everyone. Midoriya walked over to Aizawa with Eri in his arms.
"Sensei? I noticed something about this Nomu." He started.
"You noticed the similarities in one of the quirks to L/N's." Aizawa finished. Midoriya looked shocked for a moment but nodded. Aizawa sighed. "It's a longshot but..." He looks at the Nomu and Todoroki. "I damn well hope it's her."
"L/N?" Eri perked up. "That's L/N?" She looked at the Nomu that just a few minutes ago scared  her. She wiggled out of Midoriya's arms and ran towards the Nomu.
"Eri!" A chorus of yells followed her. She ran up and touched the being. Her horn glowed and everyone could only watch as the Nomu grew smaller and smaller. Everyone gasped as a familiar form took back its shape.
"Eri?" Y/N looked at the girl dazed, confused, and in pain.
"L/N!" Eri latched onto the girl and she slowly returned the hug. Eri's yell shook Todoroki from his shock and he ran for the two. He wrapped them both in his arms, pulling them into his lap.
"Roki..." Y/N whimpered and cuddled into his chest and held Eri tight to hers.
"I was starting to lose hope." He muttered into her hair. Y/N was trembling in his arms but the warmth that came from the told was grounding her.
"L/N, are you alright?" Aizawa knelt next to the three. Y/N loosened her grip on Eri but Todoroki refused to let go. Eri moved away. "That was dangerous, Eri."
"I know but, but... I wanted L/N back!" She exclaimed. Tears were coming from her eyes.
"And we got her back. Good Job but don't run up to a Nomu like that again." He turned his attention back to Y/N. Todoroki was checking her over now, noticing all the cuts and bruises that littered her body. 
"Y/N love are you alright?" Todoroki asked.
"I, I, I think so. What happened? Last thing I remember is..." She held a hand to her head. "Was Shigaraki and Dabi and..." She trailed off again, feeling her body get heavier. "I'm going to pass out."
"Shit, baby. Try and keep your eyes open please." Todoroki desperately tried to keep her awake but she went limp. "Y/N!"
"It's alright, Todoroki. She's alright, she's alive." Aizawa placed a hand on his shoulder. Todoroki met his eyes with a watery stare. "We'll have checked over but Recovery Girl and other doctors. She will be okay."
"Okay." He nodded before looking back to Y/N. He brushed hair out of her face. They took her to the hospital and notified her parent(s)/guardian about her rescue.
"So she was taken by the League this whole time." Bakugo said as they watched Todoroki and Y/N from outside the hospital room. He had refused to leave her side but only once. He had left to get his blanket and the plushie to bring her comfort.
"Yes. She told me that they grabbed just after she left the train station to go back to school. They even sent the phony text to make it seem like everything was okay. Her memory ended just a few days ago. So that must be when they... turned her into the Nomu." Aizawa said.
"I'm glad she's Okay." They watched as the doctors Endeavor had sent left the room. They were surprised when they showed up but they knew he had been trying to get in on Todoroki's good side.
"I was so scared I had lost you." Todoroki told me while nuzzling into my stomach. I was running my hand through his hair. I shivered a little and he sat up. He polled his blanket up higher on me.
"I was scared I wasn't going to make it out of there alive." I admitted as a dark thought crossed my mind. "I guess I didn't really."
"Sh. You're okay now." He set his forehead against mine. All dark thoughts left my mind.
"Lay with me?" He wordlessly got up and sat beside me. I settled into his side and pulled the blanket over the both of us.
"From now on, I'm escorting you home and back. I'm not losing you again." He mumbled. I smiled and nodded nonetheless. I reached for the plushie and held it to my chest before dozing off against his chest.
Tag List: @spicy-therapist-mom @dxnaii-rxse @iris-shihabi @charliesdaze
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blueberryrock · 2 years
Not like them.
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Summary: After about a week and a half, you finally get Marc's response to your pregnancy
Warnings: pregnancy ofc and angst, there's not much else besides fluff at the end
A/N: duuuuude i got stuck on this one y'all, my brain had cooked up the beginning and end of this but no middle as always XD. but hey! It's here and I genuinely like it! Anyways here's pt. 1 to this fic btw since it's not really a stand-alone? I mean you can try, but anyways i hope y'all enjoy 💕💕
Marc didn't need to see the test slide across the table. The shiny red bow that was pressed onto it had caught his eye the second Y/N walked out of the bathroom with it behind her back. He of course had recognized it immediately as it wasn't the first time he'd seen it, he and Layla had a scare once. Marc smiles at the small memory, remembering how relieved Layla was to just blame her late period on the stress of their mission.
He too was relieved.....mostly anyways, their work was no place for a child he had to tell himself over and over again for the days to come and to deny the small sliver of disappointment that had crossed his face when the news came.
But now?
With his work with Khonshu over?
And with his new simple life with Steven and Y/N?
Marc can't decide how to feel besides appreciating that Steven was fronting, all he currently wants to do is drift back into the headspace to ignore every feeling that arises in him, but Marc stays long enough to see Steven's excitement over his gift.
After watching Steven tear open his gift like a wild animal, Marc's eyes glance over at Y/N. A small smile graces his lip at the visible excitement she tries to repress. As Y/N decides to then slide the test over to Steven, a quick glance is all he needs before he tries to slip away. "You....are...sick?" He hears Steven mumble in confusion, causing him to peer at the Brit from the fish tank. Marc nearly chuckles at him, and instead mutters, "it's a pregnancy test dumbass," before slinking away for good.
He doesn't stick around for their excitement, only because Marc knows he can't mirror it...and it is with a sigh that he leaves Steven and Y/N to fawn over the news. Marc can still hear his name being mentioned in questions and statements but he pushes it to background noise, only focusing on the mundane noises for the days to come.
The clacking sound of Steven's fancy new Rubix cube or whatever Y/N had called it has slowly been driving Marc mad for his week of silence. He had been fine with it for the first few days, the quiet creaking of the corners spinning had been somewhat soothing, but now it has clearly been frustrating Steven to the point of Y/N dragging him to bed from his desk.
Which is where Marc finds them now, in bed with nothing but Y/N's quiet breathing and the stupid triangle Rubix cube thing to fill the silence. Go to bed Steven, Marc growls, purposely making the rubix thing drop onto Steven.
"Now you talk," Steven mutters as he picks up the puzzle from his chest to continue where he left off. "You know Y/N's upset with you. Well, maybe not with you, at you might be a better term."
"You're stressing her out Marc." Steven's whispered words are like cold ice running down his back, but still, he doesn't respond. "She won't admit it, of course, she's too stubborn. But I can see it in her eyes whenever she asks about you."
"I–" Marc starts. "I can't Steven."
"She needs you, they both do," Steven whispers, his hands still fiddling with the colorful triangle. "You'll have to face them at some point." Is all Steven says before setting the triangle down on his nightstand and drifting to sleep, leaving Marc to stew with his words before falling asleep too.
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It was a slow wake.
One of stretching his limbs as far as he could, enjoying the small pops coming from his joints.
The feeling of small warm hands sliding over his back is what made his eyes shoot open.
Marc was fronting.
The initial shock of finding his head resting on Y/N's slowly rising chest washed over him quickly as Marc whipped his head up to find Y/N peacefully asleep. "Steven," Marc growls lowly in hopes Y/N wouldn't hear him. "Steven get out here right now!"
Silence is what meets him rather than the cheery brit's voice.
"Dammit Steven!" He says a little louder, clenching his jaw in frustration, immediately after he says that a small hand is clasped against his mouth.
"Shhhh you're being too loud," Y/N mumbles, her hand sliding from his face to bury itself in his curls. "Mmm but good morning Ste–" "Good morning babe." "–arc? Marc?"
Y/N's eyes slowly blink open to meet Marc's gaze. "It's nice to hear your voice again," Marc mutters quietly, avoiding Y/N's gaze to glance over at Steven's messy nightstand.
"Of course," Y/N softly laughs, her free hand flying up to rub her face. "After a week and a half of you deciding to leave, that's the first thing you say."
"That you missed me."
The hand still buried in his curls is still surprisingly gentle as they break apart any knots they find. "I did," Marc sighs, resting his chin on her sternum and watching as she slides her other hand down her face to land on the mattress. "I really did Y/N. Steven told me that I've been worrying you, and 'm so sorry love."
"Birthdays.......birthdays have always been hard for me," Marc's gaze meets Y/N's softening one. "I was happy for this one, mostly anyways. Seeing you and Steven made it a good day, then..."
A small groan escapes Marc as he fails to continue, silently trying to hide his face from her, but Y/N's soft hands cupping his face stop him. "You can tell me love," Y/N whispers. "I promise I won't be upset by anything you say, I'm just glad that you're back."
With a soft nod, Marc takes in a deep breath before continuing, the soft hand returning to his curly mess. "I am happy. I am happy for you and Steven. I am happy that you guys get to have this, a normal-ish life but I don't want any part of it when I know I'll ruin it, I always do."
"I don't want to be like them Y/N," Marc finally blurts out, his hands digging under Y/N's warm body to hug her closely. "But I know I'll end up like one of them if I do this."
"You'll never be like them," Y/N softly growls, her hands moving to hug him the best she can in their position. "You are probably, genuinely, the best person I've ever met Marc. You're so sweet and caring, I'm not sure what they've done to you both, but I can assure you that you're already like a thousand times better than them, love."
A long shuddering breath leaves Marc at Y/N's reassuring words, his hands pulling her closer before he feels Y/N leaning up to kiss his head. Marc's hands slide from under Y/N's back to under her hips. "C-can I?" He whispers, meeting Y/N's gaze and earning himself a small nod. What would be a more seductive move, Marc pushes the hem of her thin nightshirt to reveal her non-existent baby bump.
Y/N's cheeks heat up as she watches Marc settle some of his torso between her legs, but he doesn't move further south. Instead, Marc lets out a small noise that Y/N can't tell if it's happy or sad and presses a small kiss to her abdomen. Y/N's heart swells at the sight of Marc's small kisses and murmurs to her belly. Her hand slides through his mess of curls, slowly pulling his attention with it.
"You're so cute you know?" Y/N hums as she sits up in bed, giving Marc enough space to sit up as well. "You're going to be just as great as Steven, I can sense it."
"I highly doubt that," Marc snorts before quickly adding, "he was practically singing from the rooftops about this, he still is you know."
"Oh, I bet he is," Y/N laughs, falling back onto the bed, dragging Marc with her, but this time they're face to face. "I am really glad you're back Marc, I was so worried about you and what you thought." She hums, dragging a light finger across his jaw. "Ya know maybe springing this on your guy's birthday wasn't the smartest thing I've done eh?"
"Hmm maybe not," Marc hums, inching close enough to Y/N's face that their lips almost touch. "But you made Steven very happy, and now me to...oooh do we still have cake?" Marc springs up with a small smirk right as Y/N had tried to kiss him.
"Yes you ass," Y/N frowns. "I had to hide it from Steven. Hey!" She cries as Marc runs off to find it. "Get back over here! I didn't get to kiss you!"
"Cake first!" Marc yells from somewhere in the kitchen.
With a groan of her own, Y/N pushes away any covers that were on her and slides off the bed to go find Marc's stupid cake. Once found (hidden behind Y/N's chicken soup in the fridge) she hands it over with a small grumble. "Thanks, love," Marc smiles before leaning down to press a sweet kiss to her lips.
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