#shes dressed as a ballerina for purim
stellarwaffles · 2 years
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Lavinia week day 7: Purim / Jewish heritage
Made this as if it was a mishloach manot card :)
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yoalioficial-blog · 7 years
Kids Costumes Are Fun!
Children love to make believe. Since you were once a child, you know just how much playing dress up can be. Holidays like Halloween and Purim allow kids a great opportunity to act out and dress up as their favorite characters. Whether a child chooses a fictional or historical character does not matter, they are going to have a good time. Fortunately, kids costumes come in all shapes and sizes for children from infants to teenagers.
It is easy to become disconnected from the healthy fantasy world of a child when you are an adult. Long gone are the days of pretending and playing games. Fortunately, adults can have children and, in doing so, they can again get to experience some of the fun as their children innocently play and live in their imaginations. Holidays where parents and other adults can dress up and participate with children help blur the barriers between adulthood and childhood just a little bit and adults can, once again, bask in the fun of being a kid.
sexy Halloween Costumes for Women
These days, there really is no limit to what parents can find for kids costumes. Newborn infants can have their own costumes as bumble bees or pea pods. Toddlers can be almost anything their creative minds can concoct. A fairy princess? No problem. A pirate? Likewise. A fairy pirate princess? It can be done! Older kids will undoubtedly decide to be something more concrete like a favorite action figure or super hero. Regardless of what a child chooses, the costume can be either made or bought outright to fit their needs.
This is where the greatest amount of fun comes in for the parents and other adults in the lives of those children. They get to help choose the costume, make it, or assemble the parts. They get to see the excitement in the eyes of the children and almost see the "gears turning" as the imagination begins to ramp up. Soon, their daughter or granddaughter is going to be the pretty princess they always say she is. Not only will she feel it, she will be able to see it as well. No parent would want to miss these moments. Choosing kids costumes is a rewarding "job" for a parent.
These days, unfortunately, are numbered. Make sure to spend them wisely as best as you can. Before long, your child or the children around you will find dressing up to be beneath them or for "babies". Do not let this time slip by without indulging yourself in the fun. Parents, grandparents, and adults of all ages can get into the fun as well. You may not have been 10 years old for a very long time but that does not prevent you from enjoying a holiday with your grandchild. Maybe you only want to get involved with making or getting the costume. Maybe you want to go "all in" and dress up yourself. You know what you want to do so go ahead and do it. Letting your children see you enjoy yourself with them will help further cement your relationship. You will be glad you did.
Kids costumes are only limited by the imagination of the people wearing them. Those imaginations still really do not have any limits. Spacemen, ballerinas, lumberjacks, and pirates all can be real and they all can rub off on every adult. The world would be a much better place if, for a moment, everyone got the opportunity to experience being a child for just one moment. That opportunity is there. Seize it.
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