#shes a sweet airheaded girl but also she's a little mean :)
dumbbullet · 11 months
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Starting up a new pathfinder game. I'm playing a Sylph Kineticist named Zephyr. She got shoved out of a lighthouse after refusing a man's proposal and now she can shoot lightning :)
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We need more tom riddle and male reader. Like yall know tom is a charmer and the prince of Slytherin sort of stuff but then he found out abt this guy who is also prince-like from Hufflepuff (can be another house or wtv) and Tom's like "Hm, i wonder what's this guy's hiding, imma find out" so Tom did tryna find his secrets but when Tom use Legilimency, all he can found out are the reader thinking abt silly stuffs like "what kind of food i should try today" or "that guy's socks cool" or "shit, this flower's yellow, imma made it into a bookmark >:]" or "Imma dye my hair white using this spell i found from an old book from the restricted section, i wonder if this'll kill me– whatever" idk basically reader is a dumb typa guy who just... doing what he likes 😭 m sorry if this confusing lmao i tried my best to explain
Scatterbrained - T. R. x male!Reader
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A/N: Hi, anon! Thank you so much for the request! I went with a more airheaded sort of approach so I hope that’s okay. I incorporated as much of your request as I could, and I hope you like it!
This is completely unedited, so please be nice! 💛 No use of Y/N. Sentences in italics are the reader’s thoughts. GIF is not mine; it was found on Pinterest, link here
Part 2 here
CW: Tom being a bit of a stalker; suspicion; nonconsensual thought reading; reader is just a bit of a scatterbrain; flirting; fluff; Tom being slightly emotionally aware; Tom is a little mean towards reader; kissing; Tom’s nefarious plots
1384 words
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Tom Riddle was the Prince of Slytherin. Everyone knew it. Everyone respected it.
Even the Gryffindors, for all their talk of bravery, cowered when it came to confronting Tom.
He was the top of every class, the teachers’ favorite, the star Head Boy that everyone admired. All the girls wanted him. All the boys wanted to be him.
And then…
There was you.
Tom first met you in Herbology class in fourth year. You were almost unnoticeable at first. Just a languid, easygoing Hufflepuff boy with a warm smile and a friendly manner.
But more importantly, you were utterly unafraid of him. You’d even helped him care for his baby mandrake.
Tom was immediately intrigued. So he started following you around. Secretly, of course. But the more he follows you around, the more he starts to suspect.
You’re… too nice. The kind of guy to offer help and genuinely mean it. The kind of guy to help you with your homework and give you homemade cookies as a confidence booster.
Perhaps in mockery of Tom, the Hufflepuffs start calling you their prince. Prince of Hufflepuff. The boy who should be Tom’s rival, except you’re just so nice.
You have to be hiding something. No one is that nice normally. You have to have some hidden agenda. Some dark secret behind your sweet demeanor and comforting smile. Tom is sure of it.
Once fifth year starts, he comes armed with a secret weapon. The true key to figuring out your intents.
Tom holds off at first, waiting for the perfect opportunity. And then… it happens.
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You’re down by the Black Lake, picking flowers with your friends to make into bouquets for the prefects.
Tom watches as you laugh, as you playfully tease one of the girls. It makes his chest tighten and his jaw clench. Now is his moment, the perfect chance to truly find out what you’re thinking.
Tom silently casts the spell, causing you to wince and rub your forehead. He barely notices, too lost in the whirlwind of your thoughts.
Ow, my head…
Oh, I should grab those flowers. They’d be perfect for him…
She has cool socks…
I wonder if I can press that flower and make it into a bookmark…
Oooh, clovers! I wonder if there’s a four-leaved one…
Tom stops the spell, his head spinning.
You were so… scatterbrained.
Your head is full of fluff and nonsense. Tom can barely make sense of it all. He ends the spell, staggered by the revelation.
You have no ulterior motives. You’re so genuine because there’s no room in your head for anything otherwise.
Tom stares at you, lost. He doesn’t know what to do now. You’re not malicious or manipulative like him. You’re just… something else.
As you turn to grab a flower, you spot him. Instantly, your face brightens. A huge smile spreads across your face as you wave eagerly at him.
Tom slowly waves back.
You turn to say something to one of the girls. She nudges you, grinning. You rub the back of your head bashfully, and start heading up towards Tom.
He watches you, a bit surprised. You still have your bouquet of flowers, holding it out all nice and stuff.
On impulse, Tom casts Legilimency again. You immediately wince, but quickly shake off your pain.
Ouch, what is up with my head today?
No, focus! Be calm. Be cool. Be smooth…
Oh god, it’s him. He’s so perfect…
Compliment him somehow. Tell him he looks nice!
“Hi, Tom,” you smile warmly at him. “You look nice today.”
Tom’s cheeks warm against his will. “Thank you.”
Oh my god! Is he blushing? He’s blushing! He’s so cute…
Hurry, give him the flowers!
Merlin, he looks so cute…
Tom’s cheeks redden further. He awkwardly coughs into his fist, trying to quell the sudden thrill in his chest.
“Oh, um, here!” You hold out the bouquet of flowers. “I made this for you.”
Tom’s heart does an unfathomable flip-flop of excitement. He takes the bouquet gently, running his fingers over the colorful blossoms. Bluebells, white clover, twinflowers, and pink primrose. “For me?”
“Mhmm! I made it myself!”
Tom smiles, a small slight thing. But the way your thoughts explode at the sight of it makes it widen a bit more.
OH MY GOD!! He’s so cute!!
Look at his smile!!
God, I wanna kiss him so badly…
Mmm… kissing…
Tom panics a little, the mental images you’re coming up with overwhelming him. He stops the spell immediately, flustered and blushing.
“Thank you for the flowers,” he stutters out, tripping over his words in a way he wouldn’t have before.
You beam and nod. “Of course! I’m glad you like them.”
Then you walk back to your group, humming happily with the biggest smile on your face ever.
Tom gazes down at his bouquet and turns away, his heart thumping in his chest.
So you were a bit of an idiot, but somehow that didn’t bother Tom. He strolls back up to the castle, thinking deeply about you.
His reactions to you were… unexpected, but not particularly surprising. You were a handsome boy, after all.
Perhaps a different sort of investigation was required.
You seemed to like him quite a bit, and Tom isn’t opposed to the idea. But he’ll have to be quick going about asking you out.
Your kindness and genuineness haven’t been unnoticed by others, and Tom’s well aware that not everyone interested in you has the same intentions he does.
He’ll ask you out tonight, after dinner.
With that resolve in his mind, Tom enters the castle, a pep in his step.
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Tom finds you in the library after dinner. You’re huddled over an old tome, muttering something under your breath. You’re so caught up in reading that you startle when Tom clears his throat.
“Oh! Tom! I didn’t see you there!” You beam up at Tom.
He gives you a thin smile back. “What are you reading?”
“Just some book I found in the Restricted Section.” You say blithely. You point to the page you’re looking at. “I found a spell for hair dyeing and wanted to try it out!”
Tom looks at the page. “Unicorn hair and ashwinder eggs? Where are you going to get those?”
You shrug. “I dunno yet. I’ll find them somewhere.”
Tom stares at you. “You’ll find them somewhere? You don’t just find ashwinder eggs and unicorn hair.”
You frown a little but shrug, clearly undeterred. “I’ll work something out.”
Tom sits down next to you, trying to comprehend the stupidity of your words. “You have a death wish.”
You blink and tilt your head. “I just wanna dye my hair, is all.”
Tom rubs at his face, forcing himself to stay calm. There’s no point in getting annoyed when he hasn’t even accomplished his goal yet.
With a subtle flick of his wrist, he casts Legilimency on you, bracing himself for the onslaught of unbridled thoughts.
He seems upset.
Oh, no. I gotta do something…
Quick, say something!
“Tom?” You ask softly.
He sighs and gives you a weak smile. “I’ll help you dye your hair using a safer spell.”
You brighten immediately. “You will?!”
Yes! I’ll finally have white hair again!
“On one condition.”
You nod. “Okay…”
“I’ll help you dye your hair if you go to Hogsmeade with me tomorrow.”
Go to…
You tilt your head. “Like, on a date?”
Tom swallows. “Yes. On a date.”
Your thoughts explode with giddiness. Tom jolts a bit, ending the spell as his head aches from the force of your happiness.
“Yes,” you breathe. “Yes! I’ll go on a date with you!”
Tom relaxes and gives you a small but genuine smile. “Let’s go dye your hair then.”
He gets up, but pauses. On impulse, he leans down and gives your cheek a slight kiss. You’re frozen in your seat for a moment, stars in your eyes. Then you scramble to your feet and follow after him.
There’s no doubt you’ll be his now. And then he, and only he, will be able to enjoy your sweet stupidity.
He finds himself inwardly grinning at the thought. A date at Hogsmeade is only the first step. Soon, he’ll make you his perfect, scatterbrained boyfriend.
And then he’ll be unstoppable.
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thelast-nightonearth · 6 months
Why does the Ashley-Leon age gap debate exist? Just say you don't like the pairing! That's totally your choice. In mine and many others opinions, we just don't see it that way. They feel like such great friends if ANYTHING. I doubt a 7 yr age gap, with starkly different lives have anything in common. Here we have a goody two shoes sorority girl who's also the president's daughter, probably had everything handed to her yet she still manages to be a sweetheart. Leon, an orphaned good boy who was flung into this line of work against his will, and can't really stop, and uses humor and sarcasm to cope.
I think they're more alike than people are lead to believe. Think of it, the day before Leon knew his first day of the job, he decided to drink in excess which left him hungover. I mean what else can you expect from a 21 year old? Pretty immature move to me. And you see that, in a way, he is still stuck in the past. Trauma is known to freeze you in the past, which explains his childish and awkward behavior now. Throughout re2r, he says this "I can do this." When he points his gun a couple times in R.P.D. It's adorable, it's naive, it's precious, he's obviously insecure and afraid, and didn't want this life. On Operation Javier, he gets distracted by a literal butterfly and Krauser saves him from a snake about to attack Leon. He seems to be a bit airheaded and in his own world at the least. In re4, it's clear he's transformed into an edgelord, which is entirely understandable based on his circumstances. He compares Ashley to something as comforting and secure as a mother figure, even as Leon's an orphan, he can still make out the feeling of security with Ashley. As they say, you seek out your parents in your partner. Your parents are your first relationship, which he couldn't really have. But you still have that primal instinct of what makes you feel at home. A familial bond is also there with your spouse and kids.
Ashley's overprotectiveness and judgements for things like jumping across chandeliers, is out of worry Leon will get hurt. Even as he's battling a psychotic mind controlling plague cult, she manages to be selfless, because she cares and even loves Leon. Leon notices she's careful, and makes that comment, "what are you, my mother?" I find it interesting that someone who doesn't have a bond with his family would say that. Just tells me he feels close to her.
You can see the side of Leon he truly is. He's not a mindless killing machine, he makes jokes, one-liners, cute things like "nighty night, knights." And "goddamn, I almost became a pancake." It's clear he uses childish humor to cope, but in his most serious moments, you understand that there is NO ROOM for weakness in his mission, no jokes, or whatnot, so sometimes his seriousness came out with the danger of the mission, and he was able to mature a little more since raccoon.
But he finds a way to connect with Ashley on so many levels that they begin to like each other, and deeply care for one another throughout the game.
I don't believe a cold and brooding asshole would be able to make Ashley that happy by the end of the game. Leon was sweet, protecting and selfless towards Ashley and so was she.
(none of this is including re6 Leon, just in re2-re4)
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ashdreams2023 · 1 year
Hi I hope you are well! Considering I’ve just been through a breakup I was wondering if you could do a oneshot of reader who is going through a breakup and the whole team is there for her especially Nat and Wanda who hold her when she cries 🥲 and to incorporate Loki maybe he could be like witnessing all this as he has a crush on her?? It’s okay if not 🫶🏻 just needing some comfort lol
Honey I’m so sorry, I hope this helps, it’s not exactly exactly what you asked for but it’s comforting 🤍
It was probably the hardest thing you ever went through, it was just so sudden and now you felt so hurt and empty.
The news came like a flash to everyone as well, it was just going so well and-
"I bought us tickets to that movie you’ve been talking about!" You got startled by Natasha, you wiped your tears with the sleeve of your shirt.
"But…they’re all sold out!?"
"Honey, there is benefits to be friends with a million" Natasha rubbed your shoulder comfortingly and hugged you tightly, it felt nice, Natasha always knew what to do.
"I’ve finally perfected that muffin recipe, wanna be the first to try!?" Wanda yelled from the kitchen, she’s been obsessing with some vintage cooking book she found in a yard sale somewhere and you’ve been somewhat of a lab rat for her tries.
You didn’t hate it though, sugar made the hurt go, if only temporarily.
Everyone had been very nice lately, since they knew about your situation at least, Steve wanting to introduce you to some classic 50s jams and tony let you stay late with him while he works.
Bruce was sweet enough to bring you a coffee when he notice you dozing out again.
But the girls did a great job of keeping you distracted and entertained until your feeling summer down to a bearable temperature.
"How amusing, Midgardians are odd creatures" then there was Loki, you didn’t know what to make out of Loki to be completely honest with yourself.
"Why is that?" You asked.
He stands up and walks up to you, he smirks that devilish smirk of his and lifts your head up "They are blind and take things for granted, and your ex just wasted the best thing they might’ve ever had" you blinked slowly, registering what he just said.
"But any who you’re also an airhead"
You frowned and huffed "Excuse me??!"
Loki bit the inside of his cheek and leaned against the wall "You’re hurting your own feelings over a person who looks like they would make children cry out of terror"
You didn’t know how to respond to that.
Although it seemed like your expression was priceless because Loki started laughing, a full on belly laugh, you wanted to be mad or plain pissed off.
But oddly enough you couldn’t, you knew Loki didn’t have ill intentions…not now at least, you sniffed a few times and reached for some tissues but got bumped by the reality that you finished a whole box by yourself.
"Here, your nose is so red…exactly like a dove’s peak"
"What’s that supposed to mean??!" You covered your nose feeling suddenly self conscious.
He chuckled and pulls out of thin air then hands it to you "Don’t get me wrong, I do love your expression but due please remember that I won’t be making fun of you when you’re in such a vulnerable state of mind"
You stared at him then at the extended napkin, for the first time in days you felt like crying for another reason than your ex.
Tears rolled down your cheeks as you stood up and took the napkin, you sniffed and nodded your head, words failed to escape your lips but he understood.
He warped an arm around you and pulled you close to his chest, he smelled nice and felt warm.
And you cried while holding that napkin, you cried because people cared for you, because he cared for you.
"Shh…little doves shouldn’t hurt themselves over wasted and ugly pigeons"
"But pigeons are cute"
"Get with crow, they are intelligent and talk back…also bring you shiny things" he smirked but you snorted.
"So basically you?" You jokingly said, although when you looked up he had this glint in his eyes and made your heart skip a beat.
"Oh…um" you pulled away feeling your cheeks warm up and turned to your female friends who were watching with mild amazement.
You cleared your throat and pulled Natasha by the sleeve "come on I want to taste Wanda’s new recipe" Natasha rolled her eyes at your little escape attempt and went with it.
Before you left the room you turned your head around and glanced at him, his green eyes watched you intensely.
Your lips moved but sound came out but you smiled.
He smiled back.
"Are we going little dove?"
"Don’t start nat!"
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aqualblue · 17 days
What are you art inspirations? Your style is so pretty and unique. Also could you tell me more about your OC's? Like what they do and their personalities?
tyyy hahahaehe!!
my main art inspiration is ennuigrl. I had almost quit drawing entirely until I spotted their acc on twitter and found my love for drawing all over again through simply viewing their art. I also Take a lot inspiration from Street Fighter, winx club, my little pony fim, dmc, guilty gear, mortal kombat, and Dragon Ball in style/character design !
Unique to my other characters, my winx club oc Lovera, and her two goons, Gaia and clover, are seperate entities in their own stories, as well as being the main part of my personal winx club x castlevania au
As for ocs, my main cast, (Tsuaki Family, Downtown trio: Brecken, Anna, Kaminari Nami) were first made in wizard101 when I used to play a lot, through drawing them they became their own ocs, and now I rotate them through fandom aus of fandoms im into. Anba's friend group/circle also consists of the extra Kotori (Cori, ditzy, clumsey, abscent minded), Karol (kind of a perv, tall, protects her friends), Caren(Sweet, some may think she's a mean girl but she's very kind), and Eris and Rhea(Reincarnations that come back easily any time they die, both untrustworthy shapeshifters) Currently my main focus and au for them, it's street fighter!! (and sometimes dmc/guilty gear)
I'll breakdown some of my main ocs below their personalities under the cut!!
Lovera: Lovera is one of my many completely inhuman ocs that appear human. Like an animal she wears bright colors and naturally has bright colors in her human/non human forms to indicate she's toxic. She's an ex fairy/fae, having had her wings permanently torn from her shoulder blades right at the root for aiding her father in destroying a large portion of the fairy realm and stealing dark magic for their own gain. She's gone on to become a dark sorceress, sort of self absorbed anti hero who doesn't meddle in the affiars of others. In the castlevania au, her personal isolation is due to her love not being reciprocated by Juste Belmont when he learns of her past. She eventually goes on to open up to Alucard however. As a fairy, she was "the fairy of the pale dragon heart", which just means the fairy of love
Anba: Anba is the one you see me draw the most, the stoic little critter with the headband/glasses. She's completely random, unpredictable, but can be quick to temper or resorting to violence when things go south. Despite her muscled body, she's very flexible, and able to fit herself inside small spaces which she enjoys. Her powers are paradoxial, meaning she can use two opposites at once (fire, ice, shadow, light, etc). Anba also has an obxnoious british twin cousin named Nokoribi who raised her when her elder three siblings and parents vanished for some time.
Paru: Paru is the only Tsukai sibbling born completely without the capeability to show that she's being malicious, even if she wanted to. She trusts everyone, ever, think how fluttershy is when thinking the best of everyone !. Paru often has no trouble making friends, or being nice, and like her name suggests, she has a pearl in her forehead, which is the only time such a neutral gem has been placed in a Tsukai family member. Paru and Anba were very close when Paru was alive.
Kessho [Tsukai]: Kessho almost NEVER emotes, Apart from sometimes smiling at her partner or her siblings. Kessho, Ame and armondo are all 55, so Kessho is very mature, cool headed, and well thought out. She's the most like Kage visually and fighting wise, having spider flexibility and powers, and able to shapeshift very well
Amejisuto & Armondo-Hisui: These two are practically the same person, like with Morrigan and Lilith. Both having nighttime related powers, Ame' is a sweet, motherly type who comes off airheaded but is actually very smart and cunning, whilst Armondo doesn't hide that he's a sly, sassy, kind of rude liar.
Turmeric: Turmeric is the eldest out of the paru, anba and himself tripletts. He's blank faced, rarely showing emotion outside of blank, and being annoyed or weirded out. He was originally anba's genderbend, but became his own character to me. His powers are light related, and he's Kessho's opposite.
Kage: Kage is an evil, disney step mother (except she's the bio mom) type of character, who is simply wearing the skin of a human she was born into the vessel as. She has a twin sister, who often stays out of the continent of Asia to avoid Kage. She's also in past of history, been known as the witch "Morgin Le Fay", and in the era of Japan when samurai's still fought dragons and evil yokai, "The ShiKage". She has an obsession with bugs, specifically arachnids and hates avians.
Anna(Sanari Gojo): Anna is very timid, shy, sweet. She doesn't go out of her way to be noticed but either due to Brecken and Nami, her friends, or her mentor, Anba, she ends up in trouble. Anna comes off as weak willed, but actually has very strong principle and is only shy and cowardly around people she cares about impressing. When it comes to evil people, albeit, in her terms, "bullies", she has a zero tolerance, and will beat the shit out of them. Her fighting style mixes karate and Gymnastics, and she has icy powers
Kaminari Nami: Nami is just a very unhinged girl and mistunderstood for it. She's very outgoing, sweet, and attentive to those around her. She enjoys girly things, not always clothes, but she owns lots of makeup and dolls. She's one of my only hatian ocs, the others being her mother, Mirlande, and her twin sister Masayoshi. Nami in general just really has lots of love to give and so comes off as intense when she tries to give it out. She learned to fight by wrestling Aligators in Jamaica where she was raised by an adopted big brother after her parents vanished ! Nami and her twin sister have storm/raging storms at sea powers, relating to their names
Brecekn: Brecken's your classic gangster and swindler. She's got a mysterious ability to talk anyone into any kind of deal or scam she's selling ha. In the street fighter au she has a bunch of fighters/boxers under her wing in her management company and takes a HUGE cut. She's cocky, but for good reason, as despite her size, she's a boxer/bear wrestler that packs a punch harder than being hit by a car. She has illusion based powers
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kittykaspbrak · 11 months
Someone recently asked me why I enjoyed Final Destination 3 so much, and I accidentally wrote a mini-analysis so here you guys go. (I didn’t proofread it so I hope it makes sense)
Well, where do I even start. First off, the characters are extremely well written and easy to connect with, unlike any of the other movies (besides the first one).
The acting is absolutely phenomenal and the pure fear Mary Elizabeth Winstead (Wendy) managed to portray is actually mind boggling. I will admit Lewis (Texas Battle) was poorly written, being a stereotypical black jock never really plays well. But the other characters have their own uniqueness to them that we didn’t really see in some of the other movies. Ashlyn (Crystal Lowe) and Ashley (Chelan Simmons) were stereotypical “mean” girls but they were actually extremely nice and sweet in the movies, just girls who were kinda airheaded. Frankie (Sam Easton) was a weird ass pervert, but you have to admit his character was extremely (and sadly) realistic. Ian (Kris Lemche) and Erin (Alexz Johnson) were teenage dirtbag assholes which really balances out the ditzyness and almost airy feel of the other characters. Ian being super smart was honestly a refresher in the series, because not many people did try and apply other “laws” and “theories” to the equation. Julie (Amanda Crew) was that asshole teen little sister who acts like a brat but truly isn’t, which (if you’re a sibling) is so easy to relate and connect to. Kevin (Ryan Merriman) was a jerk in the beginning, but as the story went on you could kind of see him change and feel for him and his situation (at least I did. I know not many people can, but that’s cause of trauma for me…) And the little screen time we had for Jason (Jesse Moss) and Carrie (Gina Holden) made viewers feel torn about their death. With the 10 minutes they had, they were SUCH sweethearts and it breaks your heart to see them die like that especially knowing Wendy tried to get them off.
The plot itself is amazing, a control freak who now has the knowledge she isn’t even in control of her own life and death, as well as trying to stop everyone around hers demise. It adds a more realistic level to this that wasn’t portrayed in the others. She wants to be in control, but she can’t because that’s not the way death works. The clues being in the photos rather than in visions is genuinely so cool, although it was a bit of a reach at times. I found that it being a group of people who already know each other rather than strangers really drives the message further and makes the audience have a deeper reaction to the movie. The deaths itself were the best in any movie by far, and there’s no arguing on that. The tanning beds, the weights, the nail gun, the flag pole impalement, even the premonition Wendy had at the end that maybe (probably definitely) did happen with the train. Each death in this movie was beautiful, and the editing and everything about this movie is just gorgeous.
I think what worked for it was the fact it’s. Stand-alone, and not a continuation of the first two movies. Also, they had a lot more cool features than the other movies, like that whole “choose their fate” thing in the DVDs (I think). This movie is straight up just fun and a refresher from the others. The only movie I would consider being better than it is the 5th one, but that’s simply cause of the plot twist at the end and the cool thing they added with the “take a life, earn a life”
Anyways I hope this makes sense please tell me it does 😭
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onsunnyside · 2 years
if all the guys had a choice for the reader to be anything but a bunny, what animal would they choose?
other than a fluffy bunny 🥺 I’ll try bc I love this question 🤓, let’s thot:
mini drabbles below with Lloyd, Jake Jensen, Ari, Steve, Ransom, Andy and Curtis !!
Puppy!reader 🐶
Lloyd: totally inspired by my petplay wip called puppy love - big bad Lloyd is very strict and disciplines his dumb little pup. He locks her in a cage if she's being mouthy and teaches her everything she knows bc she’s just an airhead. she's always on her best behaviour when his friends are over bc whenever she's a good pup, she gets some yummy 'treats' from her daddy's friends.
Jake: sweet nerdy bf jake would love a hyperactive puppy!reader who is always up for snuggles and treats, bothers him under his desk, begging and whining for attention. no cages here (for punishment anyway, he's too much of a soft daddy for that), but there is one that's more like a tent with fairylights that you hide in, it has all of your favourite blankets, stuffies, and some of Jake’s clothes. And lovesick jake would drop all of his work and games for a cuddle session with his favourite girl that seems to always lead to special playtime.
Cub!reader 🐻
Ari: obviously Ari needs a little cub 🫶 she’s sleepy, loves snacking and being cozy (lots of cuddles by the fireplace) and is practically his personal chef !! he eats a lot and somehow she always knows what he’s craving before he does. he tries all her new recipes and will even help sometimes if he isn’t working. for their first date, me think they made homemade pizza 😌 and to be a little cheesy, they were in the shape of hearts ❤️
Kitten!reader 🐱
Steve: inspired by this drabble - Steve’s kitten is cute and quiet, and perfect for his quaint life. she takes naps in the sun while he works, will come to him whenever he calls and is just so so sensitive !! if he doesn’t say “I love you” before he leaves for work, she’ll cry all day. return of "the puffier it is, the better it tastes" is what he says about her clit, he'll play with her while she sits on his lap, or just flip up her dress whenever he's hungry. most times, he doesn't even let her finish, bc he loves when she cries and her kitty nub gets all swollen.
Ransom: sweater daddy loves his dumb kitten who doesn’t know any better 😪 she takes everything he says as truth and kisses the ground he walks on. he tugs on her tail, pulls her ears and spanks her whenever she's being bad. poor dummy doesn't even notice her daddy is putting her up for failure with his many convoluted rules, just bc he wants an excuse to punish her and her little kitty button.
Lamb!reader 🐑
Andy: I’m getting very much lonely daddy vibes from Andy but he’s also a very important public figure (a senator ??) and can’t let the world know he bought a hybrid bc it definitely doesn’t fit his charismatic and moral persona. His baby lamb is so quiet, doesn’t even speak to him for the first few weeks, more so just follows him around silently and lingers in the doorway. Until one day, he gets home hours late bc of a flight delay. it’s storming bad and when he walks in she’s crying by the front door and tackles him the moment she sees him bc the power went out, she’s cold and alone and finally realized how much andy really means to her 🥹🫶
Fox!reader 🦊
Curtis: now ofc this is set in some cold and snowy forest, Curtis returns home after a hunt to see his home broken into. And what do you know !! there’s a little thing napping in his bed, she’s got pointy orange ears and a fluffy fluffy tail. me thinks similar to my Hunter!Curtis x bunny!reader au but with a mischievous fox!reader instead. fox!reader always causes trouble and will escape the cabin no matter how much he barricades it bc “I’m strong! I survived this long without you” but Curtis obviously knows better 🙄 “ya little dumb fox. stay inside before the wolves get you”
Bonus character—Pain Hustlers sleazy daddy: I know almost nothing about this man but he wants a kitten or a bunny. I just know it.
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beezonia · 11 days
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Akechi Midori & Sakamato Chiziru - The Fool and The Empress
First designs of the duo! I wasn’t looking at references for the uniform so I’ll probably change it again once I do!
A bit about Midori - 17
Former Student Body VP, she got herself into a scandal with a guy from another school (I think you can guess who) and Shujin decided to take her role because of it
So now she’s at the butt end of Shujin’s gossip train
Midori is mature for a teenager, she’s sensible and honest but a little bit of a loon when it comes to heavy metal music
Most see her as uptight and a bit mean but now most just think she’s a delinquent because of the scandal
A bitabout Chiziru - 17
One of the schools most friendliest students, Chiziru is always willing to help those around her with anything school wise
she’s the top of her year grade wise (to contrast with ryuji’s bad grades I guess) and captain of the girls lacrosse team
Upbeat and sweet, Chiziru is quite popular but doesn’t let it get to her head but she’s a bit of an airhead when it comes to romance which causes some problems when she meets Hanzo (Ryuji’s dad)
Stays close to Midori because she knows her friend wouldn’t have done anything like the guy said she did (Chiziru does think Midori is a bit of a stick in the mud)
But yeah that’s the girls!
Also thinking about calling this au “Familiar Bonds” or “Rebel Parents” au
or something else if I manage to think about it
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emeritus-fuckers · 11 months
Hi hi! This is for the matchup event rerun! I ended up missing the last one so hopefully I can secure a spot this time!!
So hi!! My name is Valentine, genderwise I am a girl! She/her! Romantic orientation, I lean definitely a lot more towards guys but no harm in experimenting with girls too! I think I romantically have an attraction towards guys but sexually both? Does that make sense? Haha but definitely more guys!
Hmmm who do I like? Of course the papas, specifically Nihil (I have a weird thing for old decrepit dusty peepaw men) but also the human characters? Specifically Father Jim Defroque because we're sleeping on how attractive this priest is?? Ghouls as well because I love mountain 😭 IDK I think I like them all but if I had to pick, the papas.
Oh style! Appearance! Yay this is fun! Okay so I think I'd be the exact opposite of what an average ghost enjoyer looks like. I love pastels and whites and baby pinks. For my style I'm super into the whole lolita style so frills, dresses, bows, lots of bright sweet colours! I'm also into that whole Bimbo vibe? Like dressing in bright pink in really short miniskirts, baby tees and thigh highs. I just find it really funny how if me and whoever I were to be matched with in Ghost stood side by side, we would be polar opposites of black and pink. But general appearnace, I am a 5'3 korean girl with black hair down to my shoulders with white highlights and tan skin (terzo is canonically shorter than me so 💅💅) and I have piercings down my right ear, a lip piercing and eyebrow piercing. I also have a small studio ghibli tattoo on my wrist, a moomin tattoo on the back of my arm and a tattoo of star constellations on my upper thigh (which is funny because I have a big fear of needles).
I think my personality really depends but I like to think of myself as just a general sweet person but that's just me (IDK I FEEL SUPER SELF CENTRED TALKING ABOUT MY PERSONALITY HAHA). I mean, I reckon just in general I really like people so I want to be seen as a sweet person. I'm a girl's girl and I'm an extrovert, I go out of my way to talk to people to see if I can make new friends, if someone wants to talk or a hug or needs anything, I want to be the girl that can be there for that. I care about useless things like plants and bugs and I apologise when I bump into inanimate objects. Despite all that I also think I'm super careless and accident prone. The amount of times I miss a step on the stairs and go tumbling down or I bang into a clear window isn't funny. Going off the whole bimbo thing from earlier, I have been described as a bimbo before so I guess a bit of an airhead, dense, a little dumb and super optimistic.
Hobbies and interests. I love makeup, I like dressing up and going out. Just looking super cute and going out shopping or taking a walk is super appealing to me. In my free time, I play violin and I like painting my nails, usually pastel colours but it's just super fun to do! On other days, I probably watch 1000 hours of tv a day or practice baking. I'm not great at it but I like baking sweets and giving them to my friends. I like cats a lot and anything that just looks cute in general. I love plushies, champagne/cocktails, horror movies and reading when I'm not watching an unhealthy amount of Tv in my living room. Another hobby I have which probably isn't a great one is clothes shopping. I love spending money which isn't great but shopping for a new wardrobe is a guilty pleasure of mine.
A here are just a few random facts about me
-I love the colour pink more than anything
-My second favourite artist other than Ghost is Taylor Swift
-I own a bunny named Milkiss
-I'm studying a course as a tattoo artist!
-I watch a lot of trash TV (rupauls drag race, keeping up with thr kardashians, dance moms ect)
-I love sweets
Thank you so much 💋💖
This post is part of the 1000 followers match up event. Entries (asks) for the event close on 23rd October
Your match is...Young Papa Nihil
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Nihil's eye was immediatly drawn to you because of the bright colours you wear and how amazing you look! He loves how you are just true to yourself and that when stood next to each other the black of his clothes and the pink of yours are just complete opposites. He always says how good looking you both are as a couple and the best dressed people in the clergy.
He sees your constellations tattoo the first time things get a little hot and steamy. After that, because of the contrast in your clothes, he says you are the stars that light up his nights sky.
You truely do brighten up his world, you are so sweet and caring towards him. He can just open up to you and be himself.
He is pretty carefree and easy going, but he has moments of feeling a little less optamistic about things. So you balance him out well and keep him seeing the brighter side of things.
He fell for you even more when he saw you caring for a bug that was stuck inside. Then you appologising to the table you walked into.
He loves champagne and cocktails. He has his own bar in his rooms and he is learning mixology. So you spend a lot of nights with him where he'll make cocktails and you will talk and dance together late into the night .
He has made you promise that you will give him a tattoo as soon as you feel ready to. He admires you so much for getting tattoos and wanting to learn even with your fear of needles. It gives him courage to start facing up to some of his fears.
The man has learnt his lesson after his last relationship didn't work out. So don't worry you get to grow old with him. You get to love the dusty old Nihil too. Who is super cute and doting over you. The man is just content to hold you in his arms and gaze lovingly at you reminiscing about all the awesome things you did together.
Written by Nyx.
ps We wrote a post about the Papas with an accident prone S/O. If you havn't read it yet then you can find it here. I hope it's something you will enjoy :) I too am accident prone so i get it xx
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sky-kiss · 10 months
Low int Tav is my spirit animal. Mostly because I have no idea what's happening or what I'm doing most of the time.
That being said!
How do you feel about bimbo, airheaded princess Tav. Like the only reason this girlie is alive is because she has 20+ CHA and her luck is God tier, kind of Tav. The others just watched her steal in front of a shopkeeper, and they let her go when she says, 'I wouldn't steal, or it wasn't me'. Or like that movie scene she's standing in a field while a storm of arrows heads towards her and none hit her.
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But she just thinks Raphael is some noble that has a flair for being dramatic? Princess just thinks his whole "Devil persona" is cute and a way to get attention. "Honey, I've seen some awful people (recalls some nobles). You aren't that bad." Or when she sees Haarlep, "Raphie why didn't you tell me you had a little brother/twin/son?"
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But she becomes Raphael's trophy wife/lap princess.
Thoughts? Feelings?
I could get behind this. I could get behind this.
The other 8 INT Tav is essentially my himbo(but girl) Tav: sweet, well-intentioned, strong.
I think. I think I'd like this one to be kind of a mean-girl bitch (affectionate). Like she's dumb, but also just unnecessarily catty, and lucky. It's a terrible cocktail. She should not feel as secure about herself as she does.
And she keeps getting away with it.
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bambianne · 2 months
bambi anne [redacted].
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NICKNAMES: bambs, bambers, bambam, bambina, la bamba AGE: 25 HOMETOWN: FRANCIS BAY, VENN ANNE [ fictional san francisco bc i refuse to let go of new zeppelin lore, but for all intents and purposes it's san francisco ] DOB: july 2nd GENDER: female PRONOUNS: she/her JOB:  when asked what bambi does for a living she'll always say 'i'm a fashion designer!' first and foremost, but will ramble into 'stylist at meatlocker to pay the bills' at some point in the conversation. she's more of a cashier, of course! but nobody needs to know that - not when she's helped dress most of port manteau in that dressing room!
+TRAITS: bubbly, passionate, creative, fantastical -TRAITS: naive, airheaded, avoidant, insecure FEARS: having to face her family again, never being an actual fashion designer, walking after sunset, something happening to her coveted collections of bratz and carebears, the dark, monsters, ghosts, never finding her one true love, dying alone, people finding out she's a big compulsive liar about her relationship with her fam <3 HOBBIES: making doll clothes [a great way she's found to make extra cash], hosting tea parties ( unfortunately with both humans, and care bears, she knows it's weird, we know it's a problem, let's move on ), doing her friends' skincare, styling the willing, breaking into fashion shows, hounding the local celebs ( in a very subtle way, of course ) about wearing her designs, slumber parties HABITS: brushing her hair when she's upset, overthinking, falling for people too fast, drinking too much coffee ( like way more than someone with her personality should be drinking ), speaking without thinking, saying the wrong thing ( in the most respectful way possible, like karen from mean girls, like, 'wait, what did i say?' vibes) LIKES: high school musical, movies made 4 the girlies (13 going on 30, freaky friday, sleepover, etc) powerpuff girls, bratz, carebears, y2k/mcbling aesthetic, 2000's girly-pop, fashion, moodboards, pink, shoes, facemasks, shiny things, getting dressed up, polyvore, lattes, pigeons & other small creatures!!
the good-ish:
bambi is bubbly, and sweet, and lovely! as a funshine bear rising, she does her best to see the silver lining of every rain cloud - but as a grumpy bear moon, she can't help but fall dejected fast sometimes! on the bright side, when bambi is dejected it's kind of like when a small dog refuses to get out of bed? if you bring her a cup of hot chocolate and offer to watch a musical on DVD with her, she'll usually crawl out.
bambi is extremely giving: she loves to buy gifts, she loves to make clothes for people, and she loves to host little togethers (slumber parties especially)! her generosity may be to her detriment in the grand scheme of things, though, because sometimes it seems like she might have that obedience curse from ella enchanted. nine times out ten, you can tell her to jump, and she'll ask how high! she'll give you the dress she's literally wearing if she's got another stuffed in her bag - and she usually does!
obviously she's nice - you can't do all she does without being nice - but if you look a little closer, you might see her as the voracious people pleaser that she is. do her actions make people feel good? absolutely! but with selfish intentions (even if pleasing her own emotional compulsion is completely harmless to others) she's not getting into the good place any time soon. not until she sees a therapist, at least! but she can't help herself. all bambi has ever really wanted is friends, and a new family since she left her own.
the family trauma!!! ;pppp:
bambi's parents let her have her bratz dolls, and her bears, but she was also forced into some ideals that were a little too strict for her free spirit. growing up catholic is hard, fr. it came with too many rules, and too much guilt to handle. the constant threat of hellfire, and getting ostracized for being who she really is was the final straw for the sweet hearted girl!!! one night she wrote a goodbye note, and slipped out her window. she's kept in touch with some of them over the years (her siblings at least, mom and dad more or less ignore her existence) but she's more or less been missing from their lives since she was sixteen years old.
bambi has been living with her aunt in new zeppelin since she ran away from home. she finished high school in the city, of course, vehemently refusing to let herself miss out on prom, and homecoming games, and the formative friendships! but since her aunt couldn't exactly support a whole entire teenager, she's basically been working full time she arrived. balancing high school and her entire work schedule was tough, but at least she learned how to hustle! exactly what she needs if she's going to break into the fashion world anytime soon. ( she's only been trying for the last six years! )
bambers is maaad insecure. not only did she break away from her family way too early (like a kitten leaving it's mama before the 8 week mark), but her parents sort of instilled a lot of weird feelings in her!!! like she isn't good enough no matter how hard she tries!!! she overthinks everything, she's always kinda wondering what's wrong with her (even if a lot of it is internal wondering) and she has a hard time accepting that she's actually got friends! sometimes to the point that it might be hurtful to the people who care about her!!
bambi basically tells NOBODY about her past!!! NEVER believe her if she excuses herself by saying her mom is calling, because it's not true. she literally lies about her family all the time!!! sometimes she'll tell people she's going home for the holidays, and then jet off to La Colony to buy cheap fabric and eat chinese food!!! she just does not want to be seen as THAT girl, yk? her grumpy bear days are one thing, but she refuses to be the broken-no-family-basically-an-orphan-girl!
quirks ig:
bambi like,,, grew up on romance and fairy tales, and it grew into a delusional state about what romance looks like, and an idealized version of what she wants her romantic life to be!! despite the fantasies in her head, men really just are not her strong suit, as much as she wishes they were. to be fair, she might be a little overbearing... not to say that she's creepy, or anything!!! but she's got a big, big heart, and she falls quick. guys tend to friend zone her, disappear, or end up totally hurting her... but she also has a hard time seeing red flags!!! and is totes easy to manipulate. yikies. she's the owner of a lonely heart, fr, but she's holding out hope that she'll get her fairy tale romance one day.
girlie doesn't tell anyone her real last name! it's obviously not anne, but much like beyonce and madonna, she's decided to forever be known by her first name(s), bambi anne.
bambi has like,,, a lot of stuffed animals, and a lot of dolls! but she's a pretty serious collector!! it totally freaks people out sometimes, but after a few visits with a carebear or two to hug, they usually warm up to it.
toys aren't the only thing bambi collects!! she's also got a huge wardrobe full of vintage clothing, and an ungodly collection of shoes. like, if you ever need to borrow an outfit, ask bambi anne.
high school friends ; zeppelin port high school grads, class of 2015-2018 ( bambi grad, 2017. )
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anothersebastianblog · 6 months
I will never forgive the parasocials who harassed him and his gf everytime he gets with another woman until they eventually drove him off social media for good. It started way early since Margo because that was the start of his fame. Bucky was the role that made him known to the world. Fuck those immature capital letter B word. Bunch of whiny jealous little girls stuck in grown women's bodies deciding they're now dating an actor and own him in some way because they like him. They need look up what celebrity means again and seared the definition into their airhead brains. This is why we can't have nice things! Like,dude! Seriously! He's one the most nicest and most interactive-with-fans celebs out there. Not just amongst the MCU cast,but amongst celebs in general. Look all the comic con photos and how he entertained all their requests no matter how weird they get sometimes. Even on Reddit,which is not a subreddit dedicated to him or celebs at all,but on r/Ask subreddit,a guy commented that he saw Sebastian around SoHo a lot and that "people need to stop asking him for photos and leave the poor guy alone for a bit" implying that he never turned down fans' requests for photos most of the time even on his me-time. He replied to fans on IG (A LOT) and made their days. I saw him wishing a fan Happy Birthday on IG (on her page,it was a fanpage IG) and even wrote a sweet birthday wish to her in her comment section in one of her posts where she tagged him. He shares fanmemes/fanedits on his IG story.
Let's not forget his weibo interaction with his Chinese fans. It was so fucking sweet and lovely that I was jealous. He seems more casual,non formal,carefree and let loose lot more on weibo with his fans based on how he replies to them compared to IG where he kept it more civil. I'm guessing it's because no western news outlet will see it and report about it where as if he were to interact the same way on IG with his western fans,news outlets would pick on it. He didn't have to go out of his way for his fans,but he did. And what did they do? Threw it back in his face as a thank you. My point is he's so nice! One of the nicest celebs out there,I read that everywhere where people say that he's seriously one the nicest celebs out there. He's so appreciative and interactive/chatty with his fans. Most celebs don't do this with their fans. And now it's all ruined. I truly wished it would go back to before but he seems happy to be out of the toxic internet world and lives a lowkey & quiet private life with his girlfriend. If only I had the money,I would've tried to interact with the before Sebastian so bad (be in online or irl),the before Sebastian where he was still interactive with his fans and trusts us all enough to let his guard down and be all kind & bubbly.I'm not sure if he'll even do a comic con meet & greet for Thunderbolts or any con at all in the future where he has to interact with fans :( He looked so done and burnt out with it all. So sorry for the long rant. And sorry for my terrible English. I live halfway across the world.
No need to apologise.
I feel you. He probably felt a sort of burnout in 2017/2018 or something when he took the first big break. Then tried again but for so many reasons he saw things got worse and that + what i think it was him really GROWING up around his 40 bday made him realise internet was not something that gave him joy like it did so he quit.
It’s s shame considering seeing content directly from him is another type of joy really and also not everything on sm is bad, with his huge platform he could promote his less known projects for example. But it is what it is.
If it makes you feel more hopeful, i think he is not done with comic cons despite them being clearly stressful. I am sure he will attend one in japan in December 🇯🇵
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clairefable · 4 months
headcanon asks - 🍫🎭🖕for Rune!
Thank you for the asks!!
A headcanon about food:
Rune isn't a particularly fussy eater, but prefers sweet stuff over other things if given the choice- particularly Alolan pancakes! It's not unusual to find her chillin' with Donphan and a big pile of pecha berries either, a favourite of them both.
(She may also sneak a sweet pokeblock or two when no one is watching, but that's a secret.)
She isn't a fan of lava cookies though, because of the charcoaly taste.
A headcanon about what they lie about: She isn't anywhere near as airheaded as she lets people think. Rune is happy to play the part of the little-rich-girl-socialite because it's what people expect, and as such she is often underestimated and people often let her guard down around her. She is privvy to a lot of corporate secrets thanks to careless gossipers running their mouths in front of her, apparently not caring that this dumbass is also the heir to Devon Corp and will cheerfully pass this information on to her father and grandfather. They always ask her how she knows, but she will never tell...
(Also she is kind of lazy so the rich-girl-about-town gig means she doesn't actually have to *do* anything.)
A headcanon relating to anger: Cannot stand haters and bullies, and will absolutely throw hands without hesitation. Rune has way too much self confidence for one person so shares it with everyone else; she will be the first to tell you that she likes your t-shirt, or that your new haircut looks great, or that the eyeshadow you're wearing really compliments your eyes, anything. She hates to see people being down on themselves, but more than that she *hates* to someone bring someone else down.
This girl is well connected and knows a lot of Very Important People, so if you don't want your reputation ran through the mud, play nice :). If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all!
(She can and will be scathing though if the situation calls for it and once had her parents called to her school when she dragged a girl out of the toilets after catching her picking on a newbie, and made it very clear that this shit ain't happening on her watch. Lorelei made it very clear there would be no punishment because the other girl had it coming. Steven sat awkwardly and made a small "donation" to the school to make the problem go away.)
Fun fact: In a rich school full of little rich girls, the little rich girl with the richest daddy is top dog. Perhaps practising for what she'd inherit as an adult, Rune had her own girl gang of enforcers making sure that everyone stayed on their best behaviour, or risk the consequences...
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postgameroutesix · 1 year
APRIL tfp for the character bingo!
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shes so everything shes literally an everything girl to me she means the WORLD!!!! she has so much depth in my mind believe it like i think theres so much to say with her being a narrative for comphet and thinking youre seeking romance when in actuality ur seeking validation and company and its incredible to me how much the show has in it to support that in contrast with how little convincing material it has to support the “love triangle” as april being genuinely invested at all
^ as ALWAYS!!! the vinyl segment “april in paris” that separates her and the boys for a hot second really coincides with this reading of her like really i think we should isolate the crew into separate rooms and get them to work through their individual issues 🤨
april is REALLY funny i think like the exchange in whos chicken where shes explaining her plan remains one of my fav scenes in the entire show and her weird little one liners make me giggle and kick my feet the most shes sooo strange and corny sometimes like “(tied up in sacks on a conveyor belt to their deaths) well what next my fine feathered friends?” “we're being squished into a double decker sandwich”
ALSO 👆on those lines i really love her genuine “mystery solving team” qualities she has namely her assertiveness and quick thinking - with the former its how she will literally just Decide to do something and skip and augie will be like well :/ we dont really Want to do that but then will do it anyway and the latter really exposes her wonderful mind ❤️ mudsy speaks while invisible? well thats because skip is a ventriloquist and will now bark like a dog on command. muddlemore manor being torn down? i will improvise a whole organisation on the spot. GIRL!!!! i want to study her
and on that note of mystery solving i love her motivation for doing so because shes frequently portrayed as pretty easily scared of things and Yet is (its either her or skip) the first to suggest an investigation because By God She Will Figure Out Whats Going On Here!!!
i love how shes very nice and polite and sweet to everyone who isnt her close friends and then she literally will NOT!!! hesitate to fucking shut them down augie and skip can do so much as look at each other the wrong way and shes on them like a fucking puma like “stop it you two 😡😡” i think she has spidey senses for bullshit
i enjoy how shes evidently intended to be presented as a preppy “the beauty” character through her design, voice, placement between skip and augie (nerd/“the brains” + jock/“the brawn”) but is in reality a competent mystery solver and also deeply strange and silly - each of the crew subvert their intended presentations to varying degrees and april is no different!! shes not the “airhead” an audience would come to expect from the archetype presented. i think if in a different medium these three would really shine with these subversions tbhhhh
and yeas i have so many headcanons leeverse funky phantom in my mind is so beautiful….my fav smaller headcanon (so not to do with her backstory or anything) is her being a writer like its sooo special to me i think her fav authors to draw inspiration from are the bronte sisters + shirley jackson amen
and i say “canon isnt real if i dont look at it” but ive gotta stress im referring to the specific bits of canon that suffer from misogyny (eg: “damsel in distress” tropes, her design) rather than strictly overall but also the entire episode of “aprils foolish day” can DIE!!!!
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unseelie-robynx · 2 years
What’s Iron Fan’s relationship with Macaque like in the Tyrant Prince au? Because we know Wukong just wants to make Iron Fan forget about Red Son but I’m curious on how her relationship is like with Macaque because they have also been living under Wukong’s roof for some time.
So this relationship is interesting actually. Because there are two very distinct versions of it.
There's the version where PIF has had her memories of Red Son scrubbed out, and then lost her husband and she's had already been in a feedback loop of heartbreak and pain from Red Son being lost and losing DBK almost actually made things *better* because she at least had a reason to feel like her heart had been carved out. She was taken to FFM to live with SWK, as a way to heal and get over what happened (and because SWK felt so guilty, but DBK was almost gone with grief and rage at that point and it needed to happen). But that version of her is... quiet. She doesn't speak at all except to some of the baby monkeys, and the grief all but permeates off of her at all times.
That means, for her and Macaque, it's a sort of quiet companionship. I kind of went with the headcanon (And @vegalocity didn't stop me) that Princess Iron Fan and Macaque were closer than him and DBK, more of the fandom interpretation that she was kind of an (older?) sister to Macaque, where as DBK was more SWK's sworn brother instead. Subtly, but that would be the basis for that relationship.
So Macaque tries his best to help, but unlike SWK who expects PIF to eventually start to get better, (and side note, SWK doesn't expect PIF to forget about Red Son, he's actually been trying to get them to 'reconnect' because he assumes she disowned her son and that that's what all the 'I don't have any children' stuff she's said is about. Not that she's had her memory scrubbed and honestly belives she doesn't have any children), Macaque knows better, and knows that PIF had her memories gutted and so she can't 'get better'.
He worries about her, and he sometimes fears she might try to 'rejoin' DBK more permanently (which, MACAQUE knows that DBK is alive and in the rebellion, but he can't say anything, so it becomes extra stressful, as if it wasn't already) and he tries his best to take care of her and help her be at least a little ok, but the whole thing is a bit of a mass of pain.
But THEN our Tyrant Prince gets it into his head that maybe his perfect Wife who now has a*perfect baby sister to dote on (in the form of Shuyin, the cultist girl that Xiaojiao picks up that Vegalocity talks about a bit in THIS POST), deserves a perfect mama as well.
So this 'Mama', is sweet and simpering, overly doting on her 'babies', always knew that Red was an airheaded idiot (who was 'cursed' with a temper that needed to be cut out) and that both of her children had been given to her by a 'god' and that someday they were both meant to be owned by gods and to be given back to them.
In short, her personality is *yanked in the opposite direction, and while some of the real Princess Iron Fan comes out, she's now fully on board with Xiaotain and his plans, because she's been brainwashed to see him as a god, and to obey him without question.
Which means Macaque has lost yet another person that he cares about to Xiaotian's machination, and his home on FFM is even less safe. Because while SWK is only somewhat brainwashed and Macaque has to be carful to 'follow the script' around him, PIF is now completely brainwashed, and Xiaotian actually makes use of her to get Macaque out of the way for several important things. (Such as forcing SWK to tell him where some old stolen fruits are hidden away)
So Macauqe's new relationship with her is essentially one of heartbreak and distrust. Because he's lost his bond-sister, and not only that he now has to be so careful around her. Because she can use the winds and potentially learn things he doesn't want anyone to know with them, and so he doesn't get even a moment's reprieve anymore.
Which leads to bitterness.
Obviously, Macaque knows it's not PIF's fault, and that she's not willingly serving the Tyrant Prince, but the fact is she is and that's hard.
In the new dynamic, Macaque is bitter and on edge and heartbroken and guilty that he couldn't do more, but there really wasn't anything he could have done, because he hadn't realized what was happening or that Xiaotian had plans for PIF before it was too late.
Which, of course, is another thing he blames himself for
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thefandomcassandra · 1 year
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[Image Descriptions: Five images. The first is a page of fullbody and bust pencil sketches of Ebiwara from Mob Psycho 100. They have fluffy hair, a thick sweater, thick eye bags, and under their left eye is a cross-shaped scar. The text next to them (some of it cut off) says "Division 3 Head X-Gen[sic] They/T[sic] Specialty: pressure points - can lock up opponents energy and movement by forcing energy in[sic] pressure point". The second is a page of fullbody and bust pencil sketches of a fat, dark-haired woman in a tracksuit with diamond-shaped scars on her cheeks like dimples. She is labeled as Tsūren. The third is a page of fullbody, bust, and profile pencil sketches of a a skinny girl with an undercut and bangs covering her left eye. She has a scar on her head, above her right ear, more visible in profile. She is wearing a loose t-shirt that says "BANG!" in an explosion-shaped bubble. She is labeled Seiteki. The text next to her says "-uses aura like a tazer[sic] -battle junkie -big fucking airhead". The fourth is a page of fullbody and bust pencil sketches of a thin man in a black suit, wearing a blank white mask. His face beneath the mask is plain-looking with dark hair and dark, emotionless eyes, a scar running down the left side of his mouth to his chin. He is labeled as Zenkishi, the text next to him says "-puppets corpses/uncoscious[sic] people -D-list terrorist -so fucking boring he wears a blank mask and suit to stand out (it doesn't work)" The fifth is a page of fullbody and bust pencil sketches of a stout woman with short hair in a button up shirt and dark pants with suspenders. She is wearing round glasses that obscure her eyes and has a scar across her throat. She is labeled as Kosa. /End ID]
Info about these OCs and their powers (and spoilers for Champion if you care) below the cut.
My funny little OCs for Champion (and also a canon character I pulled to make the antagonist). Say hi to the Third Division Scars!
Ebiwara is an actual Scar that you see for like...half a second in the World Domination Arc and, sure, the wiki says that he is a dude but it's my world here and I decided I wanted to have someone who uses they/them. (Also he doesn't have any kind of canon specialty so I made one up lol. You can see me lifting from ATLA here.) Plus I realized halfway through that Ebiwara's Third has one (1) man and that was funny to me lmao. "I don't care about Ishiguro's little den of perverts and freaks!" They say, unaware of the irony.
Tsūren was the first I developed and, as a pattern you'll see going on with all the Third, I kinda patched together her name. Hers is a combo of "pleasure" and "pain" because she's a mean fucking bitch and also her aura is bruising and raw meat. Her specialty (cut off the page) is telekinesis used as restraints and to pull limbs past the breaking point. She likes causing pain. She looks cheery and sweet, sure, but she isn't and that's the point lol.
Seiteki was the second (alongside Zenkishi) because I thought "what if someone could use their aura like a taser?" and then i spelled it wrong on the page. She's fun coz she's a little punk and she likes getting into fights. Hence her hand-to-hand combat style and her frustration when someone isn't "fun". Unseen here is that she has dental piercings, a fact that, when I shared it with my friend, got an "eugh". Her name is a combination of "energy" and "accurate".
Zenkishi (once referred to as a "slenderman looking ass") was a little more of a joke than the rest of the Third. Because he wore the mask and suit, I decided he was just so boring and plain to look at that the suit/mask combo was an attempt to stand out among his peers. It didn't work because he's just...there a lot of the times, but it's a funny attempt. My friend is the one who called him a "D-list terrorist" lmao. His whole deal is "what if Mukai's skill but instead of puppets it's people" and then I made his aura beige lmao. His name is "former" and "dirt".
Kosa is the one whose design I plan on reusing coz I like her whole vibe (her vibe being gaslight girlboss). Her power was to kinda mirror Muto from the Seventh Division as the psychic who manipulates people into joining them. But while Muto has his illusions, Kosa has something more insidious: she can change one memory you have of a single moment, influencing your emotions at the time to change how you feel at the present. That's why her aura is the impossible colors one (stygian blue, hyper orange, magenta). She's unassuming until you get caught by her. Her name is "grit/sand" and "liar"
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