#shes a grown woman she has no business not seriously considering the threats around her
the-boy-branithar · 9 months
i can't believe there are so many sansa haters when shae is RIGHT THERE
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strigital · 3 years
Do tell about Nim, I couldn’t find much info about her through your blog and I am dying to know more about this werewolf lady
well grab a pint and sit yo booty down, cause our bard of the evening tonight is Nim and she's drunk as all hell and ready to weave some outrageous stories!! 🍻
in all seriousness, thank you for asking! 😭💗 she came about back in ye oldie days of hype over the 11th of november 2011, and since then refuses to give up the title of my fav oc!!
now, a Paarthurnax would say: lets-a go!
a quick recap of the events in Skyrim:
Naali Saryn was born sometime in 4E 130 on mainland Morrowind as a result of a quick fling between an unknown Dunmer girl and Lucien Lachance and Kassandra Saryn's (The Hero of Kvatch's) son.
Sometime in that year, the baby was found aboard a ship bound for Raven Rock and when no one came forth to claim her a couple of elderly and childless ash yam farmers decided to take her in until her family was found.
The family, of course, was never found, and so they raised her as their own for the next sixteen years. They called the girl Nim - short, sweet, meaningless, and easy to shout out into the fields where the little brat is out adventuring when the house chores are yet to be done.
Nim grew up alongside her best friend Teldryn (don't believe his tales about his past, there's a reason why he wears a helmet in his hometown). For years the kids dreamt of leaving Raven Rock behind and making it big in the big city. And idea which really annoyed Nim's ol' Nana, who believed that everything needed for a simple happy life was right here on Solstheim.
After one particularly nasty fight with Nana about the ordeal, Nim gathered a bag of things and slipped out in the dead of night to catch an early morning ship with Teldryn.
They stuck together for a while then went on their separate merry ways. He - to Blacklight, she - to Leyawiin. Once in the wild, Nim had to quickly figure out her place in the pecking order. The romantic life of crime seemed to be the most attractive for her, but getting on top could never be easy. Especially for a young, inexperienced, and naive girlie. So she ended up running with the wrong kind of crew. Ended up in some truly dark places. Barely got out alive. Learned from her mistakes. Wore the scars of abuse like armor and made sure that since that day no one in this world or any other would play her for a fool, use her or put a finger on her without her permission.
By the time she turned fifty, Nim was well known amongst certain circles as the kind of scoundrel, thief, bard, and wench one should not trifle with. But her luck had to eventually run out, and so it did on the night of the fabled Umbacano Mansion heist, which failed so badly Nim had to either leave Cyrodiil or end up in a Thalmor owned torture chamber.
Skyrim seemed like a perfect place. After all, in a kingdom torn apart by the civil war, no one would even notice yet another greyskin refugee, right? Well, the Thalmor did. And so she ended up on a cart bound for Helgen to have a date with an executioner. But then Alduin showed up to crash the party before he himself got rudely interrupted by another dragon, who swooped in to save the Last Dragonborn.
After the narrow escape, Nim concluded her duty to warn Balgruuf of the dragon threat and went on to start a new career as a merc with the Companions. She and Aela became fast friends and when the prospect of joining the Circle came up she gladly accepted a sip of her new sister's blood. To never again be helpless and weak? To rip apart any fool who'd take her for just another elf wench who can't put up a fight? Well of course it was worth giving up the ability to sleep and having to get used to all smells suddenly becoming ten times worse!
After that Mirmulnir showed up and ended up as another ornament above the throne in the Dragonsreach. And Nim got stuck with a title which she would wear with great discontent for years to come.
Eventually, she ceased trying to run away and hide from her destiny, accepted her role as the Last Dragonborn, and begrudgingly began her quest to save the world. On her journey, she met and became tight friends with Yollokmir and Alasil who taught her how to speak, fight and fly like a dragon. With their help she inherited Konahrik's legacy: his mask embued with his soul, his citadel far up in the mountains - the NebenLok Zeikangaar - and the right to revive and lead the order of dragon riders sworn to defeat Alduin - DovahDein.
As she gained power and the word of her great many deeds spread across Skyrim, she managed to get quite the following of fellow men, mer, and Dov, willing to follow her into Sovngarde and beat the hell out of Alduin. Alas, she failed. Twice.
At that point, Alasil informed her of a special someone who might be of help in their quest against Alduin and who might prove difficult to convince to join her cause. That was the first time in fifty years that Nim got to visit her home. Unfortunately, Solstheim had changed. And upon arrival, she learned that her Pa passed onto the realm of Azura soon after her departure, and her Nana... well, she wasn't young anymore and suffered greatly due to all the ash ruining her lungs... and when the islanders got called to the All-Maker stones night after night by a mysterious spell, she just worked herself to death. That was the only thing Nim wouldn't forgive Miraak for, not until he swallowed his pride and sincerely apologized for being responsible for his potential mother-in-law's death.
And with Miraak's help, they finally sent Alduin back to his Maker, enjoyed a few peaceful years until High King Ulfric became a bit drunk on his power and needed a good ass whooping as well. Then Miraak suddenly found himself as the new king and Nim... she just did her own thing. As always. The end?
Oh and all the while running about, gathering forces, growing her Dragonborn powers, hunting Dragon Priests and Alduin's henchmen, she also meddled with the Thieves Guild, put Karliah in charge and became her right hand, managed to become an advisor on all things dragon at the Mage's College, ended up teaching lute and songwriting at the Bard's College (she's taking a break since Viarmo can't seem to handle her teaching tactics), earned the title of Thane in every hold and became a good friend to the Dawnguard fellas (Isran is more than happy to teach her kids the ropes of monster hunting) after kicking Harkon's ass into Oblivion. In what little free time she has Nim also manages the Lakeview Manor and leases the ash yam farm back in Raven Rock for some extra cash. All in all, a busy woman!
and some tidbits about the dovahmom:
Although Nim is perfectly aware of her real name, she chooses to use the one given to her by Nana. Both as a sign of respect and because, frankly, she dislikes both the Sarynes and the Lachances, who are, in her humble opinion, just a bunch of pricks. Somehow, the ghost of her murdered grandad finds this opinion of hers kinda funny.
Her friends sometimes describe her as "cyrodiilic brandy in a cup of tea": she's this small elf girl with pretty blue eyes and a smile on her face and you think that she'll be very pleasant and cute and shy and then... then you realize she drinks like a sailor, swears like one too, can beat anyone into the dirt (thanks, Hircine) and doesn't take shit from nobody. She openly speaks her mind and doesn't give a shit about what someone might think of her. She does what she considers the right thing to do, never plays nice with those she dislikes, never pretends to be someone she isn't. She's feisty, sassy, brassy, and, quite honestly, just doesn't give a fuck.
Nim is in almost complete control over her inner beast, partly thanks to her draconic blood, partly - to the ring she got when she and Sinding had that little party on a moonlit night in that grotto. She only loses control over herself when both moons are full and thusly will travel deep into the wilds a few days before the magical night. This way the only people that might get hurt are bandits, necromancers, hags, and the like. She and Aela also managed to get a small werewolf pack going, named the Whitemane Pack after the old man himself and dedicated to those who wish to take control over their inner beast, hunt with honor, and cause the Silver Hand as much grief as possible.
Nim is raising Blaise and Sofie as her own since they both were just wee lil' war orphans (the babes are in their teens now). She never quite really knew why... Nim was never a wifey nor a baby momma kind of woman. In fact, she can't even have children in the first place and, honestly, always thought of this as a blessing - never having to worry about contraception like all those other girls and just having fun without a care in the world! Her friends sometimes joke around, saying that she might've finally "ripened" for the motherhood, but she doesn't care. She loves Blaise, Sofie, and Sissel (thanks, Miraak, you're so good at kidnapping children!) and is content with being their famous Dragonborn mom. Post-Alduin Miraak, however, is secretly annoyed for not being able to get her pregnant. Oh well, the man can dream...
Oh yeah! Nim plays the lute and sings too! It's a skill she picked up across taverns all over the continent when she realized that bards get free drinks and a bed, as well as ample opportunity to sniff out and seduce prey. And even though her days of hunting for good-looking rich fools are long behind her, she still performs in inns and taverns across Skyrim. Firstly, it brings in a fair amount of money, and secondly, it's good for her Voice! And also just plain and simple fun.
Also, people get terribly surprised when she, a Dunmer, doesn't act like one at all! Nim might've grown up in Raven Rock, a Dunmer settlement, but she spent the rest of her life traveling the continent and then living in Skyrim. She's more Nord-ish than some Nords! And the Nords actually really love it! It's so so easy to just get plastered with the homegirl, punch some faces and pass out on a heap of hay behind the inn, just happy to be alive on this fine snowy day. The only truly Dunmer thing about her is the occasional "n'wah!" which escapes her potty mouth. I mean, she doesn't even like sujamma all that much and would rather have a pint of mead! Whatever Ancestors she has must be spinning in their graves fast enough to generate electricity.
uuuhhh I think that's all the important stuff? i might've forgotten, in which case, I'll add it later... meanwhile, have some more Nim content:
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^^^ the fanfic is slow, but it's moving... at a snail's pace. my advice: don't expect updates, so that when they do come, you'll be pleasantly surprised!
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kitkatopinions · 4 years
I'm tired of fantasy world writers being like 'oh, this is my allegory for racism in my fantasy world where actual racism doesn't exist, also I'm going to not do any research on how to properly include said allegory, badly portray it, make my main characters affected by this white or white passing, and then use racist stereotypes later.' Long post full of RWBY criticism ahead.
RWBY is terrible with the Faunus racism they chose to make part of their story. They made the White Fang an evil terrorist group, they made Blake lecture fellow Faunus about how they're the ones actually hurting themselves by using violence against each other, they framed comfortable and peaceful protest as the only good way despite establishing that peaceful protest didn't work, and they made their child slave coded character who literally got branded turn into nothing more than an abusive stalker and then had him killed without ever addressing the aforementioned child slavery. Also, the only Faunus among our main cast now that Sun is gone is one of the most privileged of the Faunus. Blake can pass as a human if she wants to, she grew up fairly rich, she has two loving parents, and she comes from an inherently powerful position as the daughter of the Chief. Having Blake be privileged would be absolutely fine, if she acknowledged her privilege, wasn’t the mouthpiece on Faunus rights, if she wasn’t the only Faunus in our main cast, and if she didn’t repeatedly lecture other Faunus.
On top of that, two of our main cast have been racist (within the narrative of the show) towards our main Faunus character, one of them learns from it (even though that as well was badly handled) and became the only member of Team RWBY to ever call out human's being racist after season three. Oh wait, except the other member of our main cast that was racist that never had it addressed because it was treated like a joke now has yelled at a racist once, in an incredibly tense situation, so I guess her racism is gone. It’s good that it’s gone, since CRWBY is pushing her and Blake as a couple, but it’s frustrating that her racism never even got a ‘that wasn’t funny’ and we never see Yang learn any better, because it feels like CRWBY brushed it off and acted like it was fun and quirky instead of treating it like the casual racism it was. They do a similar thing with Robyn in season seven which came out in 2019, when she calls Marrow ‘Wags.’ Also none of our main cast are ever seen protesting for Faunus rights (sans a two second flashback of child Blake at a rally and a non canon RWBY chibi cartoon.) I don't think Ruby - our main protagonist - has ever even mentioned Faunus rights. In a world where Adam was branded with the SDC logo under fifteen years ago at the most, racism and fighting racism should be a big part of the story, and instead, it's brushed to the side and used for the occasional 'we don't like racism btw' moment now that Blake got rid of a Faunus run terrorist group. To me, this implies that the number one threat to the Faunus… Was the Faunus, and although some humans are still anti-Faunus, no one has to devote their time or energy into fighting for equality. In season 7, Blake doesn’t even attend the rally of the political figure running against Jacques Schnee - who as far as I’m aware, is the only business owner or person in power who has ever displayed anti-Faunus racism in the show. By the way, please feel free to correct me if I’m wrong. It’s been a hot minute since I watched through the show.
Instead of attending a rally that seems very important for the Faunus, Blake goes dancing with her crush. It’s like she stopped caring about politics and rights after the White Fang got removed. That feels so bad. Also, I'll note that most of the actual POC Faunus that can't pass as white in this show are on the bad side (Sienna, Fennec, Corsac, Lionheart, Ilia, Marrow.) And either they die, or they must learn to give up their destructive ways and become better people. I’m not saying this was intentional, I’m saying it’s a pattern, it’s alarming, and the writers should’ve known better.
I believe Miles Luna and Kerry Shawcross have admitted that they mishandled Faunus racism, but first off, it still doesn’t excuse them because they were grown people putting out a product that premiered in 2013 and they should’ve known to do research and do better. But second off, I still feel like they haven't done the research they need to and continue to mishandle the racism by ignoring it when they want to and bringing it up only to let us as an audience know Weiss and Yang aren't racist anymore. They can’t just cut the Faunus from their storyline now, but they can’t just ignore it, and need to actually make it a better allegory. Honestly though, one of the big reasons I'm convinced that they still haven't done any real research on how to properly portray POC or racism is because of how terribly they're handling the Ace Ops.
They're writing a fantasy show, they aren't tied to real world portrayals of law enforcement, but they went the route of commentating on real world police, corrupt police, and use of excessive force. That's fine. But things are already pretty dicey just starting off because of how they've mishandled and continue to mishandle Faunus racism. Outside of Jacques Schnee and his company and business partners, I don't remember seeing Faunus racism in Atlas (not Mantle, Atlas.) If I'm wrong about that, again, please correct me, I may have missed it. But without seeing actual discrimination against Faunus within the police force, right off the bat, that's a mishandling of commentating on police brutality. But also, other than Clover who is now dead, the Ace Ops are all people of color. CRWBY made their bad cops all not white. Even Ironwood - who is white passing - is voiced by a person of color who has said he believes that James is Chinese American. I'll point out that being a Hunter is pretty much just being a cop with more freedom and seemingly less rules. Qrow (a Beacon Huntsman) goes around destroying public property and comments on how some hunters work outside of the law, and yet it's only the Ace Ops who are held to real world ACAB rules and everyone else gets to be a good cop/law enforcement officer. Ruby gets to proudly proclaim herself a Huntress, Weiss gets to arrest people, Jaune gets told that he deserves his Huntsman license, we've been getting told for seven seasons that Hunters help people and do what's right, and we're given long time Hunters and mentor figures like Oobleck, Glynda, Qrow, and now Robyn is being framed that way, and they back that up. Even training Atlas soldiers like Neon and Flynt are fine and fun. But only the Ace Ops are bad, corrupt law enforcement officers. So that way, we can have the entirely white passing Team RWBY beat up the entirely POC, not white passing Ace Ops. Even though Team RWBY is a byproduct of the same kind of program and even though we’ve seen the police discriminate against Faunus in Vale. If CRWBY wants their allegories to be taken seriously, they need to recognize that RWBY and co are also certified police. Also, it’s really not funny to see people use ACAB as a reason why the Ace Ops are of course bad, but then turn around and simp for Winter, and be like ‘We want Winter to be redeemed, but Harriet? What a bitch!’ Like… I’m side-eyeing that pretty hard.
Speaking of Winter, now she’s in charge of the Ace Ops. But unlike Marrow, Winter doesn’t just look sad sometimes and blindly only follow direct orders without protest. She’s actually feeling all kinds of things, and she’s actually being framed as strong, intelligent, and reasonable. I’m sure no one forgot this, but I’ll note it anyway; Winter is white. Having Winter be the only Ace Op to actually listen to JRY and do things without James explicitly telling her to (although I don’t consider what she did a betrayal or going behind his back) is dicey. They could’ve given this moment to Harriet and nothing would change. ‘This lady typically follows orders, is short tempered, and pushes down her emotions, but she can still recognize a fairly good idea when she sees one and can actually think for herself, so although this isn’t a betrayal, she compromises and lets Team JRY go after their friend.’ Yeah, idk guys, I feel like there was literally no reason to slot Winter in with the Ace Ops to be the lone voice of reason when Harriet could’ve become the new leader and played the exact same role. Instead, Winter gets to have a power move where she puts Harriet in her place. Winter is given actual depth and gets to put down the black woman who the writers have made display nothing but anger for the whole season. The fans rally behind Winter because she was given depth and hate Harriet because she has none, but that’s the fault of the writers. Btw, ‘this black woman won’t show any emotion besides anger’ is a racist stereotype. It would probably have taken like five minutes on google for Luna and Shawcross to have realized that it was a bad idea to write a black woman in any sort of position of power to be constantly angry + hiding her emotions. Elm is in the same boat as Harriet, and I was going to say it’s less severe, but then I remembered that she literally attacked Ren for talking about their emotions.
Look, my point is that RWBY as a show has never handled allegories like racism and corrupt police well, and either they should stop trying and stick to ‘make believe land is just different than the real world’ or start putting in the work and fix this. By the way, I’m not trying to make anyone feel bad for watching or even enjoying RWBY, but I hope people can watch it while recognizing that some of the things CRWBY has chosen to put into their show are destructive and that the creators need to be called out. I’ll continue to hope that most RWBY fans do recognize that RWBY is deeply flawed, but I’ve just been stewing recently about someone who told me that I shouldn’t have expected the show to address Faunus racism in the Atlas arcs because that ended when Adam died.
I want to make it totally clear that I agree with and support ACAB in the real world and I'm not against it being used in fantasy works, I just think CRWBY is doing a poor job of portraying it and many fans are misusing it and it feels disrespectful. This is an actual real world movement with actual real world consequences. It feels very bad to see people use it to argue that the writers who have never handled allegories of racism well can make an all POC group be a destructive, violent, easily controlled, easily beat group of corrupt cops that need a white woman and fellow cop to be the voice of reason.
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otomeramblings · 4 years
My thoughts on Act 2, Episode 5
Yes, I’m incredibly late to the party. It took me longer than I thought to finally be able to finish reading Ep 5 BUT here it is! I’m gonna try to summarize my initial reactions and how I feel about the main plot points here both for myself and for anyone that wants to read them.
Long post under the cut!
One small thing I want to mention before delving into the big stuff: seeing all the boys starting new stages in their lives was honestly super heartwarming; they’ve grown so much both as individuals and together as a company (and as friends), and it was a delight to see it. As a fan of small details, I loved to see that the conversation Banri and Yuki had in “Into the Night!” (about him taking acting seriously and maybe going to college to bring back the knowledge to the company) was reflected in his choice of going to Veludo Arts University.
But anyway! There’s 3 main things I want to talk about in regards to this episode:
First up is Masumi’s arc:
Hooooo boy, I hadn’t been this angry about a fictional parent since we learned about Misumi’s family. I think the main thing that irked me a lot about his dad was how little regard he seemed to have for his son as an actual human being. Especially because of how hypocritical it sounded when his secretary said stuff like "Mr Usui is concerned about you living without a parental figure for so long" because we all know that Masumi has been living basically on his own for a long time and the excuse of "Masumi has only been living in Japan this long due to his parent's desire to keep his environment as stable as possible while they were married" felt super empty because yeah, right, coming back to an empty home every day is the healthiest way to raise a child, it surely can’t affect his well-being and his sense of worth in any way.
Masumi saying "I thought it might make them happy if i got good grades or did well in sports, so I tried my best, but...nothing ever changed"  and the story about him begging his parents to come to the show and tell and his dad's response was just "Listen to your parents, that's all we want from you" was so heartbreaking. It made me incredibly angry but it also helped me understand Masumi as a character a lot more; no wonder he has attachment issues (which are mainly centred around Izumi/the MC) and his constant need for validation, he just wants people to be there for him and be proud of his accomplishments. He just wants a family but his parents were just too busy to even give a crap. 
Also, in relation to Izumi: I think he still needs to learn that the obsession he has with her is not healthy (and hopefully one day he can grow out of it) but it's clear that he doesn't do it to purposely make her uncomfortable; he's misguided and he doesn't know how to deal and express the affection he feels towards one of the people that genuinely cares about him. Also I'm not saying that he doesn't have a crush on her, I think he does but he behaves this way because he never learned how to express his feelings in a healthy way and he's probably scared someone "could take her away" at any moment because boy hasn't he had to deal with people going again a lot already.
About Masumi’s grandma: love her, she’s a darling and she clearly cares for her grandson’s well being. One thing she mentions is that her son changed when his company found success, and like, I get that he needs to put time and effort to keep his company afloat but like. not even considering what your son wants and feels? Maybe talking to him every once in a while? Being busy it's not an excuse; your son shouldn't have to wonder if his parents love him. But this also ties to the end of Masumi’s arc when his father finally lets him stay in Japan: I'm glad that Masumi's father apologised and realised the error of his ways, it doesn't undo the years of loneliness Masumi had to endure because of it, but it's a start.
Final thoughts on Masumi’s arc: 10/10 would read it again for the feels. I really loved the depth they gave him and how they made him realise that Mankai (not just Izumi) are important to him because they’re his precious family and he wouldn’t want to be anywhere else. One little moment after that warmed my heart was when Izumi tells Masumi that she's glad that he's been taking care of Tsuzuru while he's busy writing and he answers with "I mean, he is...family",,,,,,,,,,,I’m not crying, you’re crying. I hope we can get more moments with him in the future that are centred around his personality, his likes and dislikes, and his relationships with the other boys.
In second place, Chikage’s introduction and arc.
Let's see. I knew coming in that Chikage was a controversial character within the fandom and I knew the main reason why because of spoilers, but I didn’t know all the details. Also, something you should know about me is that I found morally grey characters interesting, so that made it so I went into this with an open mind.
Overall, I liked the episode and I ended up linking Chikage as a character well enough. But I’m not gonna lie and say that everything was perfect. The biggest issue I had with his arc was the way they handled his relationship with Izumi/the MC, especially in regards to the kidnapping. I’m usually pretty good at putting a dividing line between fiction and real life, which is what allows me to enjoy villains and morally grey characters; but as a woman who grew up with my mom saying “never leave your drink/food unattended”, seeing it done here and then having it go unpunished really left a bad taste in my mouth; because every girl grows up hearing this (and i know this is a problem that affects all genders) and it’s horrible because it has happened to so many people. So my biggest gripe about this part of his arc is the consequences, or more so the lack of them.
The only things that made it a bit more acceptable *for me* were three things:
This line from Izumi: "What Chikage's done is unforgivable. But I can't just ignore August's dying wish and Hisoka's thoughts on the matter." I have some mixed feelings about it but It just aligns with Izumi’s personality; she’s always been portrayed as incredibly selfless and giving, someone who’s ridiculously kind (to a fault) and who always tries to see the best in people and puts others before herself (and also because ~plot~ demands it, but that’s a thing with a lot of media these days) Do I wish she had been angry and wary towards Chikage after having been drugged and kidnapped? Yes, I do, it would have been nice to have a portion of the story dedicated to Chikage having to earn her trust back because what he did really was not okay.
Sakuya’s conversation with Chikage when he tries to leave after opening night and in particular these two lines from Sakuya: "This isn't about the play....for some reason, I get the feeling we shouldn't leave you alone right now" [...] "You're different now. I can tell you're broken and hurting. I feel like you've lost your way." Regardless of personal feelings, I think Chikage showed that he really was shaken by the weight of his own actions after he found out the truth. He knows that what he did was wrong and that’s why his emotions and all his guilt were crushing him all at once. He was driven by revenge and anger for so long that once he learned and accepted the truth, he completely lost himself. And seeing him have to deal with all of that made me really glad, because even if he’s not gonna have to deal with external consequences (aka having to deal with the rest of the company’s distrust, even though I wish he did), he still had to find a way to not only forgive himself but also to atone in his own way for what he did (aka putting down his walls, fulfilling his promises and making it his mission to protect everyone at mankai from the organisation) 
Now, as I’ve been saying, I really wish Chikage had been able to tell the others the whole story about what he did and why he did it but…..we didn’t get that. What I am glad about, though, is that at least he told them that he took her away on purpose (even if he didn’t tell them how or why); also both he and Hisoka pointed out that anyone who knows the full truth about their lives could be in serious danger and that having Izumi know was already risky enough. And yes, that is indeed very plot convenient but it’s the bare minimum and I’m willing to give it a pass this time.
tl;dr I think Chikage is an interesting character that has a lot of potential and I have hopes that he will get some more development in future events. BUT, I really think they could have handled his arc in this episode a lot better.
Now, all that said, if you still couldn’t bring yourself to forgive or look past what he did and you still don’t like him: no one can force you to like him after the things he did since it can be very triggering for a lot of people, so remember that your feelings are totally valid.
In third place and in relation to Chikage’s arc, I also have to mention Hisoka and the development he got as a result.
The only thing that bugged me in relation to Hisoka was that even though I knew he couldn't because of ~plot~ (and probably because part of him is still unsure about what he didn't remember and how it could affect the others even if he did say that the person he was before didn't matter anymore) but I really wished he had told anyone "hey so like......Chikage said some weird stuff to me just now and I might need help" because their first 1 to 1 confrontation was a threat if I've ever seen one.
But yeah, other than that I really love that we not only finally got to learn about his past, but also we got a good foundation for his development in the future regarding his interpersonal relationships with the winter troupe. The fact that he couldn’t remember who he was has been a point of conflict in the past and this brings that issue to a close in the sense that he is willing to tell them (part of) the truth once he sorts things out. And I loved loved how the trust Hisoka has in them is the direct result of all the ups and downs that the winter troupe has gone through so far in learning to open up to each other. I know they said during nocturnality that they’re not a family in the same sense the spring troupe is, but I honestly disagree; they way in which they’ve come to rely on each other shows how strong their bond is.
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anangelicday-mrwolf · 4 years
Wolfsbane : Noblesse Fanfic (post-ending)
(previous chapter)
Chapter 24 – 3rd Elder’s Bizarre Experience
Practice makes perfect.
Frankenstein would have thrown that in 3rd Elder’s face upon seeing the latter at work shopping for groceries, comparing products by price, details, and manufacturers before he paid the cashier.
Now the ex-elder was more than practiced; however, he was not perfect.
Partially because for the first time ever, he got to put himself against a self-checkout machine.
‘What should I do...?’
The white-haired man gulped. He could swear he did exactly what his preceding customers did, but the machine just would not let him pass on to the checkout stage.
It has been quite long since he has moved into Frankenstein’s island. With the owner of the island stuck in his lab for the majority of his time spent awake, 3rd Elder has been entrusted with getting supplies whenever needed.
Unlike before, he had plenty of time, now that he lost the title as the elder of the Union.
There were a lot of options available for him once he crosses the sea, but today he opted to visit Korea.
Among many rules Frankenstein required his consent on upon entering the island was the rule of shopping: do not consecutively visit the country or the market he has visited, lest the Union finds out what he is doing.
Which is why he was beyond bewildered to find a self-checkout machine – a modern artifact he has never seen in his previous visits.
He managed to memorize what the other customers would do, and he mimicked them accordingly, scanning each product on the small transparent surface. However, the machine simply whipped up a noise that was far from pleasant to the ears, refusing to let him actually check out.
To top it off, it was a weekend with thousands of people, and the employees were nowhere to be seen.
The 3rd Elder was sweating over his entire body, feeling how the eyes boring into his body were growing sharper and hotter, until a help arrived from someone not at all expected.
“Hey, mister!”
Yelled a little girl, making the 3rd Elder start and stare down at her.
Barely taller than his waist, a girl stuck her head out to look up into his eyes, revealing a set of teeth missing an incisor above.
“You need to put them here! Or else you can’t pay!”
She pointed towards an empty spot on the machine, her finger extremely short of a threat despite her apparent attempt at a threat.
Upon turning his eyes, 3rd Elder spotted a sign, so big and fat and obvious that he could not even fathom how in the world he missed it: Please put all your products here before check-out.
“Okay? Now be good and follow the sign!”
Her hands very proudly on her waist, the girl trotted to her mother, who was just packing her groceries at the machine right next to his.
Check-out completed so ridiculously fast, 3rd Elder’s eyes chased the girl, now far away and smaller than a dot, a feat for which he needed an effort, with the market teeming with children.
In fact, the market was teeming with more than children.
Girls and boys about to write college application essays in a year or two.
Young men and women preparing themselves for the bigger world outside lectures.
Middle-aged couples and elders.
The 3rd Elder could see a variety of age groups, which was rare considering how at the Union, whether they were agents or researchers, most employees and personnel were in their twenties and thirties, in forties at most.
Which was probably why 3rd Elder was deep into reflection – also a rare occasion – probably thanks to the fact that he has been staying away from Union.
‘If I were not part of the Union, would I be in these people’s shoes by now? Worrying about studies and job, dinner for the day, and living for tomorrow? Ordinary as hell?’
Just because the people here are not physically fighting for their lives would not mean their lives are far from fierce.
He could not feel any of the innate-slash-natural possession any Union-affiliated being would beget: razor-sharp, touch-me-if-you-dare atmosphere based on daily struggle for survival, betting on one’s own life as well as those of others, or otherworldly presence fashioned from experiments, combats, and training beyond human understanding.
And the point was that this place was full of men and women around the same age as the people of Union, which led to another reflection for the 3rd Elder.
‘My trusted, faithful followers at the Union must have had lives like these before meeting me. So if it weren’t for the Union, if it weren’t for our encounters, if it weren’t for me... Maybe they would have been happy in the ordinary world, without throwing away their lives in vain.’
Never before had he regarded his followers’ sacrifices for the sake of Union’s progress as “vain.”
But now, simply and offensively put, Union is done for.
These days he was seriously haunted by a question perhaps a bit belated: just for what had his followers thrown their lives away?
He could not help sighing in the middle of the street as he exited the building, with no one’s attention on him. The passersby merely gawked at him for a second or two out of pure reflex to his sudden halt.
Which was rather odd to him as well.
Every soul at the Union would bow to him as soon as his cloak flapped in the air, but nobody was treating him with awe and distant respect, and he knew it was not simply because he was missing his elder’s cloak.
In addition to the fact that as of now he looked like a highly ordinary man, everyone was busy with themselves.
“Honey! You forgot to put socks on our baby!”
“Hey, do you mind if I copy your homework? Oh, come on! Just for one day! Be a pal and save my ass, will ya?!”
“So what’s the last item on the list, darling?”
Man or woman, young or old, everyone was occupied with their lives.
And 3rd Elder found this situation rather difficult to comprehend, for as far as he was concerned, the public’s interest on nobles has skyrocketed ever since Crombell played his mind game on the world.
Nevertheless, contrary to his knowledge, the people he was witnessing could not be less interested in nobles, Lukedonia, or non-human entities.
Not that these people would represent the entire public in the world, but at least they were too busy devoting themselves to their everyday lives.
And in their presence, 3rd Elder could feel everything he has gone through fading into tiny dust, as Union, as an elder, as a modified human.
He believed everything he had ever committed was for the sake of mankind; however, his belief was melting away as he was standing in midst of plain life so very far from body modification, wrestle against werewolves and nobles, or struggle for power to stand at the apex of the world.
Everyone was busy bustling, rustling, and being busy.
He could see how each face bore personal challenges and ordeals of life, but he could also see such things could not hinder them from fully dedicating themselves to their lives.
‘And they look happy.’
He could feel his mind growing dreamily numb in the middle of a crowd boasting the perfume of ordinariness as they weaved minute knots and ties of their ordinary lives.
And he could feel guilt.
This was not his first time ever feeling guilty, but recently his guilt has grown more dominant as his question grew.
‘What if my goal – the Union’s goal to make mankind flourish was but nothing?’
The 3rd Elder broke free from his reveries, mortified by his own thought.
And then things took a sudden flip, like a set of dominoes stroked in a flash of light.
A boom of cacophony made everyone within 100-meters radius eject themselves from their spots, and 3rd Elder joined the others to find the source of the noise.
He could find a car entering the parking lot dangerously shaking to the side, leaving angry skid marks on the road with one of its tires burst.
There was a good chance its driver forgot the very basic rule of driving: never speed in the parking lot. Which was why everyone could feel threat for their lives just by watching the said car.
“Everybody, run!”
People were making themselves scarce, looking for a safe place; meanwhile, the car with a flat tire was rushing towards a child and her mom.
And the 3rd Elder recognized the child – his little lifesaver at the self-checkout machine.
Without wasting even a split second, he focused his gaze on the mother and the girl, and his eye long sealed away blinked with life.
I am about to push a pair of eggs onto the floor, and I must save them without breaking them.
Telling himself to be extra-careful, he pushed the girl and her mother to a nearby bush with his power. And he could not hesitate to find out if they were safe, for he had to stop the car as well.
Glaring into the car that was stampede-rolling into his direction, 3rd Elder concentrated his power on the mold of metal, as if pushing the thing into a stop.
To his relief, his effort was reciprocated in a good way.
“Someone call 911!”
“Are you alright, sweetheart?”
“Are they out of their goddamn mind? This is a parking lot, for Christ’s sake!”
The voices told him the girl and her mother were safe, except for a few scratches they could not avoid.
The driver looked unscathed as well, apart from the fact that his driving record would not remain so.
‘Thank god... Oh, THANK GOD.’
The 3rd Elder had never been more grateful in his life, his shoulders and chest heaving and slouching in a huge sigh.
Once he saw things settling down, he finally took his leave.
But he could not fancy where he was headed; his legs were uncontrolled, his mind disconnected from his body.
This was the very first time he used his power for the purpose of protection, with no return on his side.
It was a bizarre experience, but it did not feel so bad.
However, such small delight did not last long.
‘What the...?’
He did not classify himself as a combatant elder.
Of course, as an elder with a one-digit number on his title, his battle competence was by no means to be underestimated. Nonetheless, his specialty was coordination of things from behind the scenes.
But that did not stop him from shaping his so-called battle instincts, as one of the top fighters in Union.
And his instinct just signaled him he had someone trailing him.
Scurrying around a dozen corners to find a place with no eyes or ears, 3rd Elder at last turned around once he made it to an empty alley, before he immediately stiffened.
(next chapter)
This is personally one of my favorite chapters for this fic. Years ago, I once read an interview featuring authors of Noblesse, and they said they wanted to show how precious is the ordinary life we are born with. I don’t remember anything else from the interview, but that comment remains vivid in my head. So through this chapter I wanted to shed some light on the ordinary life in 3rd Elder’s point of view. Of course, it was a challenge writing this chapter, but it was definitely worth it. XD
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I Can’t Eat Love pt 21
Sorry for the long break guys, but here’s part 21!
Master post linked here
After I finished sewing, I said goodbye to Marile and walked towards the shop exit. I was preoccupied with my thoughts, and wasn’t focused on where i was stepping. Which led to me almost running into the young woman who was waiting  right outside the door.
I stopped just before slamming into her, taking in her appearance with a forced smile. “Hello, Edith.”
How had she found me? After a few moments of thought I quickly realized the answer to my question was easily found in my own home. 
I’m going to have to deal with Angela sooner rather than later.
Edith stepped forward, interrupting my thoughts. Her face was delicately pale, her smile complicated as if happy to see me but worried at the same time. It was very pitiful, and she looked more like a wronged heroine confronting her betrayer, rather than the villain that she was. “I missed you, Lenora! I wanted to visit sooner but I was afraid you wouldn’t want to see me… after…”
Her voice broke, and she lightly dabbed her eyes with a handkerchief, actual tears forming in her eyes. 
What a marvelous performance. I really felt like I should be applauding.
“After you ran around with my fiancé behind my back?” I tried unsuccessfully to hide the amusement in my voice. “Why wouldn’t I want to see you?”
She was now sobbing loudly, catching attention from those walking past. “Can you not forgive me? I never meant to hurt you! I just… fell in love! I cannot help loving him!” Even in tears her face remained pretty, her expressions showing mild sadness while maintaining a noble look. I wondered idly how many times one would have to practice crying to be able to look attractive while convincing at the same time.
I sighed quietly. “I wish the two of you can be always together.” As long as you stay far away from me!
“Are we still friends?” She stopped crying her gaze hopeful. A few people had stopped to watch the scene, the mood clearly siding with the girl who was crying. I felt many angry stares in my direction and wanted to laugh out loud. How many of these strangers would realize that the girl who they thought was being bullied was the one who had done the betraying?
Feeling tired, I forced a kind expression on my face. “Of course.” I felt no unease agreeing to this. After all, “friend” was only a meaningless term. There was no reason to hesitate applying it to such a person.
I invited her into my carriage and with a cheerful laugh she agreed. All signs of her previous tears were gone and she once again was pretending to be the gentle supportive friend. I was honestly shocked at how quickly she had switched roles. If I had honestly been in love with the prince still, did she think I would be over it so fast? She was being even more shameless than she had acted in my previous life.
There must be something else she wants.
Hiding my curiosity, I smiled blandly at her, pretending to listen as she chattered on about the latest dance she had learned. Edith at least had enough tact not to bring up the Prince… or so I thought.
“So, I am holding a party next week.” She started fidgeting in her seat.
“I see.” I nodded, my mind wandering to tomorrow’s schedule.
“There… I will be announcing that the Prince and I intend to be married. “
Calmly, I looked up at her fake-timid smile and couldn’t help but ask. “So it’s official then? You are engaged?”
Obviously the stupid prince hadn’t told her he had proposed to me again. I felt a brief flash of optimism. Perhaps my rejection had been enough for him to disregard the King’s order completely?
“Well, not officially, yet.” Her lower lip stuck out as she pouted, whether at her words or at my lack of reaction I was unsure. “Ronan has told me to keep quiet about it for a little while to protect your reputation, but by then I’m sure it will be fine!”
Protect my reputation? I barely held in my laughter. Since when has he cared at all about that? I forced myself to nod seriously.
Edith reached out, grabbing my hands, not noticing my discomfort at the contact. “I want you to be there, to support me.”
“Please be there.” Edith begged, her hands holding mine.
“I don’t know…” I trailed off, hesitant. It had been over a month since the engagement was broken. Mother had grown angrier by the day, Father had become increasingly withdrawn, anxiety etched on his features as debtors came to call day after day. I was still hurt over what Edith and Ronan had done, unsure if I wanted to subject myself to a party where I would show my support for the girl who had replaced me…
“Oh, but you must be there! We’re friends!” She cried bitterly, her tears making me feel guilty for causing her distress.
I was still afraid to lose her approval, even after everything that had happened. She was the only one who seemed to care about me. I hadn’t seen or heard from the Queen since, all my letters had gone unanswered. She obviously had lost interest in me now that I was no longer going to be her daughter in law. Edith was my only friend left.
And it was only a party.
“I’ll go.”
 “I’ll go.” My simple words seemed to shock Edith, who was obviously prepared to argue longer. Shaking herself, she smiled happily, clapping her hands with excitement.
“That’s wonderful! It wouldn’t have been a proper party without you there!” She reached out and hugged me, “I’m so glad we’re still friends!”
“I’m glad too.” I smiled as I pulled back, glad that the slightly shadowy interior of the carriage prevented her from seeing my face too clearly. If she had, she might have taken back the invitation. She might have canceled the party and fled the city.
It would have been the smart thing to do. 
But instead she took my expression for genuine, and continued to talk happily about plans for the party as the carriage moved forward.
I kept silent, nodding occasionally, pretending to listen as my brain quickly began drawing up plans.
This party could be useful.
 “The Prince’s staff have been trying to spread rumors all throughout the nobility.”
Rig paced back and forth, his expression showing his displeasure. Hallers watched silently from the sidelines, his face unreadable. “How idiotic is this man?!” 
I raised an eyebrow. “The prince? He’s an idiot, but this plan is fairly well thought out… at least for him.”
“But how is the prince lashing out like this supposed to convince you to marry him?” Throwing up his hands, the man slumped in a chair, shaking his head. “I can’t see this accomplishing anything but convincing you to stay far away from him.” 
“That’s because you think like a normal, decent human being.” I smiled, tapping my temple. “In the world of nobility, marriage is more of a business deal. As a Duke’s daughter, my worth is determined by my ability to tie my family to another.” Leaning back, I sighed. “Normally, I would have been completely taken out of consideration for a match after having an engagement broken with royalty.”
 Rig thought about that. “But your reputation was actually not too bad after…”
“Exactly. The Queen’s actions, my own reputation, and my wealth might have been enough to convince some of the braver families to try to ally through marriage. But now?” I shrugged. “With rumors that I was unfaithful, any man who tried to marry me would be thought to be the one I was cheating on the Prince with. Even if they avoided that, I would still be considered a loose woman, a stain on their reputation.”
 I laughed, a bitter sound. “No man would want his name tied to mine now. The Prince has ensured through this move that my only option to marry is to crawl back to him.” 
Rig and Hallers stared at each other. “I don’t think it completely dissuaded everyone…” Rig started to talk, a small smile on his face. “After all there’s…”
Hallers interrupted. “He’s not approved... yet.”
“I thought you liked him now?” Rig glanced over at me and then back to the butler.
“Liking him is not the same as approval for this role.” Hallers face hadn’t changed, but all of a sudden I found myself shivering from the coldness in his eyes, even as I struggled to follow their conversation.
Rig’s smile widened. “Of course, anyone trying to step up to the task would have to prove their worth. We can’t just give her up to anyone.”
Hallers chuckled, an evil sound.
I interrupted their plotting, trying to bring the conversation back to one I understood. “Not that any of the Prince’s plans matter.” I shrugged. “I have no plans to marry. So he can destroy my reputation all he likes.”
“Actually it’s not spreading well.” Rig looked at his own notes, confused. “For some reason, especially among the female nobility, the rumor tends to die out quickly, like they’re too afraid to talk.”
I smiled at that, repeating the threat that Marile had made a week past, and the other men smiled too.
“Simple, but effective.” Rig praised. “I like her methods.”
 “Well, it will really be put to the test at Edith’s party tonight.” I stood up at my desk, stretching. “We’ll see if they continue to hold off on then.” 
“Why are you even going to that? You realize she’s trying to use you to legitimize her relationship to the prince, right?” Rig rolled his eyes. “If you are publically seen supporting her, how can anyone else blame HER for her actions?”
I grinned. “Actually I’m going for two very different reasons.” I held up one finger. “First, as the Prince is currently under His Majesty’s orders to marry me, I truly am curious to see if Ronan will allow a public declaration of their relationship to happen. I’m actually hoping that she manages to do it.”
Rig laughed at that. “That would piss the King off, something awful!”
“I certainly hope so.”
“Then what’s the second reason?”
I grinned. “I have a plan to carry out.” Handing him a note with instructions, I watched his eyebrows slowly raise as he read through it. “Can you have it arranged before the end of the party?”
“I- I can, but why…?”
I smiled wickedly. “I was going to cause trouble anyways… might as well blame it on somebody else while I’m at it.”
 The party was beautiful. The Countess of Erand was never one to hold back from extravagance, especially on behalf of her daughter. I took in the glittering ballroom with an appreciative glance, smiling as I noticed how many of the noblewoman were wearing gowns from “Prosperity” tonight. Edith’s party had granted my business a small fortune in orders. I wished I could thank her.
As I entered with Henry by my side, I heard a small amount of whispering, caught a few sidelong glances, but that was all. It seemed that even the men were restrained, likely by the hands of their wives who were terrified that Marile would hold a husband’s gossiping tongue against them.
“Terrible.” Henry muttered, looking around. At first I thought he as referencing the few gossiping nobles, but of course he hadn’t even noticed. “How could they treat the poor geraniums like this?!” He stared mournfully at the flower decorations, which admittedly looked slightly bruised and wilted. 
“Shameful.” I whispered, playing along. “Should we steal the decorations?”
“No, it’s too late for these poor dears… but I’m taking their bush with me.” His eyes were fierce.
“Please tell me you’re joking.”
 “Nope. I’m saving it.” He spoke, his voice filled with righteousness and clear conviction. “I have no choice.”
I sighed, rubbing my forehead. “Just make sure no one sees you, please?”
He chuckled grimly, rubbing his hands together. “Of course.”
“What’s Henry planning?” Nate walked up, dressed up in a beautiful waistcoat, looking at my cousin’s face with suspicion.
“He’s planning to liberate their geraniums.” I muttered, grabbing the young man’s arm and studying it closely. 
“L-lenora.” He stuttered. “I - ..”
“What is this coat made of? This weave…”I pulled slightly on the sleeve, nodding with approval the softness of the fabric.
He sighed. “Should have realized.” Grumbling under his breath, he added. “Please, Lenora, release my arm before you cause a scandal, I promise to send my coat to you so you can study it.”
I looked around, realizing that this action would likely not have helped my shifting reputation, fortunately around the same time the prince had arrived, and it appeared that no one had been paying attention to me. 
Breathing a sigh of relief, I looked around for the food, my eyes lighting up at the sight of the table. It was filled with different pastries and other delicious treats, reminding me of the prince’s birthday party.
But I had a job to do. I felt my the corners of my mouth turn downward as I cursed my scheming ways. What if all the food was taken by the time I finished my plot?
 Nate, noticing my longing glances and sad sighs, chuckled. “I’ll get you a plate, Lenora. Go do whatever plots that need done.”
Startled, I looked up at him, taking in his complacent smile with confusion. “How did you…?”
“I pay attention.” He bowed politely, his hand on his heart and a smile in his eyes, before he turned towards the table, walking away.
I watched him move further away, my thoughts chaotic.
“Nate would be a good choice.” Henry spoke quietly, again causing me to jump. 
“W-what do you mean?” I felt a moment of panic, my stomach hurting briefly. “A good choice for what?”
Henry stared at me. “I’m going to recruit him to help me steal the geranium. What were you thinking?”
I shook my head, “Nothing. I wasn’t thinking of anything.” And with that, I escaped
I walked towards Edith, a smile on my face. She saw me, and threw her hands out, delighted.
“LENORA!” Many heads turned towards us as we crossed the room to meet up.
As I moved closer, I bumped into a young lady, nearly losing my balance. I had to reach out and grab her, to stabilize myself. We smiled briefly at each other, before I moved on, apologizing with a single word and then continuing my course towards Edith. 
She and I embraced, and the whispers from the crowd around us increased slightly.
I realized the source as a single figure stepped out though the crowd towards us 
The three of us stood there, smiling at each other, each of us wearing a false expression.
What an interesting party. All of us plotting behind the scenes, none of us truly knowing the moves of the  others.
Edith, who was trying to use my good reputation to legitimize her actions and her relationship with the prince.
Ronan who was trying to destroy my reputation to force me to agree to an engagement with him.
And me. Who came for a reason that didn’t involve either of them.
Smiling brightly at the two, I hugged Edith once more, whispering. “Good Luck.” Before she could ask me what I meant, I stepped away.
 “I wish you both every happiness.” My voice was pleasantly neutral.
 Ronan’s eyes narrowed. “Don’t think that you can…”
“Thank you.” Edith grinned, interrupting. “Your blessing means the world to us!”
“Does it?” I grinned, seeing Ronan fuming, and walked away.
“Done with your plots?” A plate was held out in front of me by Nate, and I took it, looking it over with appreciation.
“Good choices, thank you. 
He shrugged. “I asked Hallers, and was given very specific and detailed instructions.” Wincing, he added. “I have a feeling I’m in for a very long lecture regarding your preferences in the near future.”
“I’m sorry, I can tell him to hold off.”
“No need.” He held up a hand, smiling. “I told you I like cooking right? Might as well cook something I know you’ll like.”
I took a bite of the first pastry, savoring it. “This is amazing.”
Nate laughed. “Who knew that a pastry was all it took to impress you.” Pausing, he leaned closer, whispering. “So what was it you passed on to the young lady? 
I paused in my eating, trying to hide my shock. “To Edith? I didn’t…”
“No, not her.” He grinned. “The young lady you pretended to bump into on your way over.” 
“Was it too obvious?” I worried for a moment that my skills from my previous life had gotten rusty. 
“Only because I was watching closely. No one else would have caught it.” 
Breathing a short sigh of relief, I grinned. “Good. Otherwise there would be no point to coming to this party.”
“Food’s not bad.” Nate shrugged, picking a pastry off my plate and eating it, “Company could be better.” He pointed in the direction of the other half of the room, and I followed his gaze, sighing.
Edith and Ronan were standing closely together, flirting, smiling, toughing each other frequently. There were a few odd stares in their direction, but the pair didn’t notice, too wrapped up in their own world.
“Does it bother you?” Nate asked quietly
“Not the actions, just the indecisiveness.” I shrugged. “He wants me to marry him to appease his father, but he wants to pretend nothing has changed with Edith. He obviously has forbidden her from announcing the relationship, which was the entire point of this party for her.”
“Selfishness is a powerful motivator.” He watched me for a few moments. “Do you feel sorry for her?”
“Not really. They both value the position, the crown over the person they proclaim to love. It’s hard to claim one is the injured party when each other them is using the other.” I turned to Nate with a smile. “Let’s stay out of it.”
“Sounds good to me.” With that, Nate asked me to dance, and the party moved on.
I danced several times with Henry, ignoring his muttered plant related plots, and with a few other noblemen who had obviously not heard the rumors yet. The party was drawing to a close, when…
 “WHERE IS SHE?!” The Earl of Beral shouted, his face bright red with rage as he searched around the party.
I looked around the room slowly, and sure enough, Lady Erica, who had been dancing and socializing at the party, was nowhere to be found.
The Countess of Erand and Edith stepped forward in the sudden hush, the crowd parting to let them through.
“Perhaps she is taking a rest.” Edith’s mother tried to calm the man. “I’ll ask the servants to check…” 
“I’VE ALREADY CHECKED, SHE’S GONE! I BET YOU SHE RAN OFF WITH THAT TRAITOR FROM THE EASTERN GUARD!” He glared at Edith, his words laced with suspicion. “She spoke with you quite a few times tonight, what did she say to you?” 
Edith looked confused. “Nothing important, just fashion, the weather…”
“She couldn’t have done this alone, you helped my fiancé to run off!” He glared at the two women. 
Edith looked frustrated. “Why would I do that?”  
“Perhaps she paid you! I don’t know!” The older man threw up his hands. “But she just so happens to disappear from your party…. I know you had a hand in this!” 
Edith shot a pleading look over to Prince Ronan, who was watching from the sidelines, but he simply shook his head, refusing to speak. The Earl was extremely wealthy and well connected. He was also one of the Prince’s greatest supporters. Ronan wouldn’t risk alienating him. Not even for a woman he loved. 
“Coward.” Nate whispered under his breath. 
“I swear I had nothing to do with your fiance’s disappearance!” Edith then began to cry, her tears drawing sympathy from the crowd.
 The earl stepped back, his face bleak. “Very well. But I won’t forget what you’ve done tonight.” 
With that, he was gone.
The room collectively let out a sigh of relief with his retreat, but the mood of the party was definitely broken. As people prepared to leave, Nate grinned at me. “Strong work, rescuing a damsel in distress.”
 I kept an innocent expression. “I don’t know what you mean, I was just here to enjoy a party.”
“So I assume that’s where the travel papers I had made went to?”
I nodded, and he laughed.
“Starting a new store branch in Tilendria with an escaped noblewoman and a deserting captain… you never do things as expected do you?”
“Maybe not as YOU expect.”
“Well, at least now, you have a reason to come visit me in Tilendria.” His smile was bright, “You should at least check in on your store occasionally, right?” 
I held up my hands helplessly. “Tilendria’s a big country. Even if I go check on the store, I can’t guarantee we would see each other.” 
“That reminds me….” He passed me an envelope with a grin. I took it, feeling some exasperation.
“You and your envelopes. What is it now?”
“Information regarding land for sale in Tilendria.” He smiled. It’s in the Capital, right in the heart of the city, perfect for a business. You said you were opening up a new branch, so I asked around.”
I sighed. “You can’t keep doing me favors.”
“Oh, it not just a favor, this definitely benefits me, in many ways. After all, you’ll pay taxes right?”
“Yes, but what does that…?”
“Oh, there’s the signal!” He grinned, turning away. “It’s time for the flower heist!” 
Groaning, I turned away, and prepared to leave the party. Sensing an angry stare at my back, I turned to the side to catch Ronan’s gaze. He seemed bitter, likely upset that the rumors he had started hadn’t affected me at all. I smiled at him, allowing him to see the mockery in it, and walked away. 
In the carriage ride home, Henry clutched the large flowery bush, ignoring the wrath of Hallers at dirtying the carriage. I stared out the window, thinking things over.
Lady Erica had successfully eloped with her Captain. I was happy to have that out of the way, even more so that suspicion had been cast on someone else besides me. I remembered that man’s ruthlessness in my last life, and had no desire to face off with him again in this one.
I have enough enemies; let someone else deal with him for a change.
With the failure of the rumors to bring me around, I knew that Ronan would switch his strategy soon. My mind flipped through the possibilities, unsure of which route he would take. But i would get some sleep tonight and think about it further in the morning. 
But as I entered my house, and saw the stranger sitting in the visiting room, I realized that he had struck much sooner then I had expected.
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chickensarentcheap · 4 years
I Found (chapter 10)
Warnings:  a touch of angst and unrequited love
Tagging: @hemmyworthy @c-a-v-a-l-r-y @alievans007
Esme wakes with the baby; eyes opening with the first sounds that come through the monitor. She pauses to watch Tyler as he sleeps alongside of her, flat on his stomach with his  face turned towards her, a forearm under the pillow that lays scrunched beneath his head. He's at peace when he sleeps; the demons and the memories allowing him a reprieve before coming out to the play.  Slumber has never come easy to him.  His senses always on high alert. Brain and body having grown accustomed  to reacting  to a possible threat at the drop of a dime.
When he was first home from the hospital, he was plagued by nightmares. Horrible dreams that would have his body bitching and his face contorting with pain, low and tortured moans that would increase in both volume and intensity. Sweat coating his body from head to toe. His entire body would tense up right before he woke up, then he'd let out a strangled cry and spring up into a sit.  Chest heaving and his breath leaving in his lungs in enormous, almost painful heaves. His eyes dark and stormy; furtively glancing around the room in a desperate attempt to get acquainted with his surroundings. Fighting as his brain teetered between the dreamworld and his actual reality.
While the first two nightmares had terrified her, she had learned quickly that it was best not to react. To stay silent and motionless until he actually acknowledged her presence beside him. She'd made the mistake of trying to wake him a handful of times. When his tormented brain and body would be caught between what was real and what wasn't, and her mere touch would send him over the edge. He'd react as if she were the threat; grabbing her by the wrist or the elbow, pinning her arm behind her back as he flipped her onto her stomach and pinned her to the mattress. It wasn't his fault. She knew that.  The monsters inside of him made him oblivious to everything when they whipped him up into that state.  And she remembers trying to fight against him; those fingers digging painfully into her skin and that much heavier and stronger body holding her firmly in place.  And she'd beg for him to stop. She'd cry out for him and she would try to get through to him; reminding him that it was just a dream, he wasn't still in Dhaka, she wasn't the enemy.  
Just as quickly as the nightmare came, it would end.  He'd snap out of it and the enormity of the situation would instantly hit and he would become frantic when he realized what he had done. That rage in his eyes replaced by sorrow and disgust in himself. He would apologize profusely. He'd cry.  And she'd hold him as he did, a hand on the back of his head as he sobbed into her chest.  Her own tears dripping into his hair.
The guilt would last for days. Every time he'd catch a glimpse of the bruises that his assault had left behind.
Tonight he is at peace. Not a single muscle twitching or nerve firing as she moves beside him; rolling onto her side to face him, gently combing her fingers through his hair. He is  boyish looking when he sleeps. His features relaxed, softer. Those impossibly long dark eyelashes brushing against the top of his cheeks, his mouth slightly parted, his breath slow and rhythmic. He's smiling. Not the small sad smiles or the weary, sullen ones. But a gentle smile that tugs at the corners of his mouth. A smile of pure contentment. Of a man that has found a moments respite after a long day of doing battle with his own mind.
She pushes those stray locks away from his forehead and presses a kiss to his brow. His body reacts; cheek rubbing against the pillow and his breath escaping in a long, drawn out sigh.  But his eyes never open.
“He sleeps,” she whispers with a smile, and then cautiously slips her body out from under the heavy, muscular leg that he'd draped over her sometime during the middle of the night.
She moves quietly and slowly as she climbs out of bed, locating both her tank top and a pair of yoga shorts, slipping into both and then padding towards the door. Grabbing one of his dress shirts that hung from the back of the door and shrugging into it.
She tends to the baby.  Having to carefully step over Nik's resting and slightly snoring body as she sleeps beside the crib. One of her hands curled around one of the wooden bars, a desire to protect that tiny life that she had put herself in charge of.  And while it comforts Esme to know that her old friend is there, it is still disheartening. Nerve wracking. Not that they have connected, but why they'd had to do it.  A silent and unknown threat could be lingering right outside their door. It was naive to to think that there wasn't someone out there wanting for the chance to cause problems.
A man like Tyler Rake steps on a lot of toes.  Makes a lot of enemies. A by product of the job.
She'd been foolish anything to believe...to hope...that somehow they'd escape retribution. That the Tyler Rake his enemies knew was well and truly dead and would stay dead. If that's what they believed, it was better to leave it that way. He maintained no social media presence. If you searched his name on the internet, no results...aside from a man in Oklahoma having the same name...would be revealed.
As far as the world was concerned, Tyler Rake didn't exist. His reputation perhaps, but no record of name or face. Just an unknown man that would do the tough and dirty jobs. Those who wanted revenge or justice or a family member returned would simply put out the word as to what they were looking for, and it would eventually get to him. But he never came face to face with those who hired him.  He never spoke to them. He was just the one that did all the heavy lifting.
She reaches for the baby; speaking to her in soothing, hushed tones, a smile never leaving her face. Hands working to release her daughter of the confines of the swaddled receiving blanket.
“Daddy is way too good at this,” Esme whispers. “He wraps you up so tight. Like a little burrito. An Amelia Bean burrito.”
As she lifts the baby out of her bed, her thighs bumps against the crib. Causing the wooden bars to shudder. And Nik to snap awake.  
“Shit, I'm sorry,” Esme frets. “I didn't mean to wake you up.”
“It's all right. Is everything okay?”
“She's just hungry. Always hungry.  She doesn't want to stop eating.”
“She really is Tyler's daughter,” Nik remarks, and then frowns when she realizes the way it sounded. “That's not what I meant. I didn't mean for it to sound that way. As if I was questioning if she IS his daughter. I just mean...”
“That he eats a lot. It's okay. I understood. I'm the one that cooks for him, so I get it. No harm, no foul.”  
Nik pushes herself up into a sit and watches as her old friend tends to the basic necessities; a diaper change, a fresh pair of pyjamas, lots of kisses and cuddles and talking in that cute, melodic tone that has the baby smiling and reaching up to grab at her mother's hair.
It's a side of Esme she'd never thought she'd see.  While it wasn't her first marriage, it was definitely the happiest. She was loved. Safe. Protected. She never had to question his loyalty or worry about him shirking his responsibilities.  Never had to second guess his faithfulness. Tyler was all in. In ways Nik had never seen before. Esme had changed him. In the same way he had changed her.
“You're good at this,” she says.
“I just do what I need to do. I'm her mom. I just do the things moms are supposed to do.”
“But you do it well,” Nik informs her. “And not all mothers do it well.”
Esme smiles down at the baby, then lifts her to chest, a hand on the back of her head and the other holding her bum.  “She makes it easy. She's a very good baby.  She's very calm. Very laid back. Until she isn't anymore.”
“Very much like Tyler,” Nik observes.
“From head to toe. Inside and out. That man must have some seriously strong genes.  I'm going to go and feed her. Go back to sleep, Nik. It's late. Or early. However you want to look at it. Thank you. For keeping an eye on her. Other than Tyler, there's no one else I would trust to do it properly.”
The other woman smiles. Touched by the sincerity in her friend's voice. Is that what they were? Friends? She hadn't felt it fit into the friend criteria for months now.  There were a lot of things that had been left unspoken. Things that she had perceived as personal slights. A sense of loss and a lot of 'what if's' that she couldn't quite get past.  She had lashed out and said things that she regretted. Things that had deeply wounded her friend and caused her to both harshly react and then shut the door entirely. Both had made mistakes. But Nik felt she shouldered more of the burden.
“Do you want company?” she inquires, as Esme heads for the door.  “I always have a hard time feeling asleep once I'm up.”
“You don't have to.  Jason is out there. We'll be fine.”
“It's not I have to,” she says. “It's that I want to.”
Esme smiles, and then jerks her head in the direction of the hallway before slipping out the door.
They head to the kitchen. And while Esme sits at the table and the nurses the baby, Nik busies herself making a pot of tea. Pulling milk out of the fridge and sugar from the cupboard and setting them on the table. Leaning back against the counter,  she rubs sleep from her eyes and crosses her arms over her chest, watching her friend from across the room.  Enjoying these snippets of domestic bliss that she's never particularly wanted for herself, but had almost come to envy. She'd been doing the job for a long time. Starting from the bottom  and steadily making her way to the top. She'd been so engrossed in her career (could it really be called that?) that she never stopped to consider what she really wanted once it came to an end. Because it would. End. And she had no idea what she would do with her life once it did.
She watches Esme; marvelling at the tenderness, the motherhood instinct that had so easily kicked in the moment the results had come back that she was pregnant.  She remembered that day vividly; wandering into Tyler's hospital room with fresh coffee and treats for her and her friend, ready for another long day of keeping each other company while they waited for updates on his condition,  as he spent the day floating in and out of consciousness.  There were very few fully lucid moments in those early weeks.  A shocking amount of damage had been done to his body and he'd lost an incredible amount of blood, and the stress and the pain of the injuries had been putting a lot of stress on him.  Doctors had opted to ease as much as that extra burden as they could, keeping a steady drip of morphine going and keeping Tyler as comfortable as possible.  It was during those times at his bedside that Nik and Esme had had their most candid and often heartbreaking conversations. Where they'd cried on one another's shoulder and expressed their worst fears and shared their deepest and darkest secrets.
When she'd walked in that day she found Esme crying in the beside chair. Same spot, same place, every day. That was where you'd find her. Sometimes she'd be reading a book or looking at something on her cell phone, but most of the time she would be reaching through the safety bars on the bed to hold his hands. And she'd smooth his hair away from his forehead and talk to him as if he could hear her and as if he would give a response.  He'd react to her voice; opening his eyes briefly, attempting a smile, squeezing her hand.
Little signs that gave enormous hope.
She'd had the railing down on his bed and her head resting against his thigh, her entire body shaking as huge, yet quiet sobs swept through her.
“What's happened?” Nik had asked, immediately in a panic, setting the coffees and bags of food down and rushing to her friend's aid. “Has the doctor said something? Are there problems? What..?”
Esme had looked up at her. Tears streaming down her face, her eyes haunted. Terrified. Not the hysteria that she'd shown on that bridge and during the hurried rush to the hospital, but just as intense.
“I'm pregnant.”
At first Nik had thought she'd imagined it. Or misheard. The words said so low and so quiet that they could have easily been mistaken.
“I'm pregnant, Nik,” she repeated. “I'm having a baby.”
Tyler's baby?
The question had been on the tip of her tongue, but she didn't let it slip. She'd known that there was something going on during those five days holed up in that Dhaka hotel. She sensed it.  And before that she'd seen the little glances they'd share from across the room. She'd them that night at the hotel on the city limits, after the final team briefing, sitting together at the pool. Their feet in the water and their shoulders touching, immersed in conversation. Tyler was different. He was more relaxed. Smiles and laughter came much easier to him than Nik could ever remember.
Yes. She'd known.
She hadn't realized until much later how much she hated the mere thought of them together. When he and Nik had started sleeping together, Tyler had made it perfectly clear that he didn't want anything else. He wasn't looking for a relationship.  He had nothing left of himself to give in that respect and all he wanted was something physical.  A warm body to use for his own pleasure. Perhaps even wake up to on the odd morning following a late night of drinking and an even later night of sex.  He'd told her that he'd never be that kind of man. The one with time and patience to devote to a relationship. And while he loved her and loved spending time with her, he wasn't in love with her.
Then Esme came along and everything changed. And it broke Nik's heart. She felt betrayed. Slighted. And all she could do was sit on the sidelines as the two of them fell in love and started a life together.
Yet she did what she could for both of them. Stepping up where Tyler couldn't because of being in the hospital and his physical limitations. After all, she was partly the reason he'd ended up in such a mess in the first place. She felt guilty. Responsible. So she'd stayed in Australia and helped the best she could. Attending doctors appointments, ultrasounds. Plastering a smile on her face even as resentment ate away at her. She'd never put much thought into a future. Being a wife. Having children. And suddenly it became something she obsessed over.  
Something she obsessed over with Tyler.
She'd felt guilty. Remorseful, and one day she'd just snapped. Accusing Esme of ruining her life. Of just wandering into things and taking whatever she wanted. Whomever she wanted. Calling both her and Tyler stupid for being so irresponsible and selfish. They'd been in Dhaka to do a job, not fall into bed with another. And if it had to happen...if they couldn't resist...why hadn't they been smart enough to be careful about it? A baby was difficult at the best of times. And that had been far from the best of times.
Esme had been six months along at that time, her belly growing bigger with child, her face glowing. She'd been two weeks away from getting married.  And Nik had been harsh. Brutal.  As sometimes the truth is.
After that, Esme shut her out.  She was hurt. Perhaps even a tad threatened now that she knew of Nik's true feelings towards Tyler.  And when Nik left Australia, all the phone calls and correspondence ended. Esme put up the wall and there was no way of getting over  it.
The kettle boils and Nik pours the water into a ceramic tea pot she finds on top of the fridge, carrying it to the table and taking a seat across from the other woman.
“Congratulations,” she says. “She's beautiful.  You and Tyler did good.”
Esme smiles, her eyes never wavering from her daughter. A look of pure adoration and love that nearly takes Nik's breath away.  “Thank you,” she says. “And we did. We really did.”
“She looks just like her father. I was surprised at how much.”
“Why? Because you had your doubts she was even his?”
“I never said that, Esme.”
“You didn't have to.  And I don't blame you for thinking it. Things were messed up. Complicated. And things happened so fast between Tyler and I. I understand why you would think it. But it still hurt. It still broke my heart.”
“I know,” Nik acknowledges. “And I'm sorry for that. Truly sorry.”
“I hadn't been with anyone in over year,” she continues. “Before I met Tyler. It had been thirteen months between the last guy and him. So there was no way that she couldn't have been his. And I didn't trap him. I didn't set out to get pregnant. And I didn't make him stay. I told him he didn't have to stick around. That he didn't have to feel obligated to marry me.”
“He didn't. He wanted to.  He wanted to be with you. He told me that himself.”
“And I know he wouldn't have just taken off. I know he would have wanted to be in the baby's life regardless. He would have stepped up to the plate and took responsibility.  But he didn't do all of that because he felt he had to. He did it because he wanted to.”
“I know. And I never should have said all those things.  I regret them every day. But I was hurt too, Esme. And I know you didn't mean to hurt me. You had no idea that there was something between Tyler and I before you came along. I never told you because I didn't think there'd ever be a reason for you to really know. Then he nearly died and that was hardly the time to bring it up. You were going through so much. I didn't want to add anything else.  But when you told me that he'd asked you to marry him and you said yes, well that was more than I could take. And I snapped.  I said things I regret. But I didn't say them to hurt you. I said them because they were the truth. Because they needed to be said.”
Esme slowly nods, considering her friend's words. They were painful and hard truths. But they were painful and hard truths that needed to get out into the open. Instead of festering like a rotting, oozing wound.
Nik pours them both a mug of tea. Milk and sugar for her. Just milk for Esme. And the other woman smiles.
“You actually remembered something like that,” she says. “Something as simple as how I take my tea.”
“Why wouldn't I? It's what we used to do, remember? We'd sit with a tea and chat. Just like we are now.”
The discomfort is still there. Two wounded women trying to come to terms with all that had been said and done. But it isn't as heavy now. There's room to breathe.
“I'm sorry,” Esme speaks up, as she moves the baby to her shoulder; a hand rubbing smooth, slow circles on the infant's back.  “I'm sorry that it hurt you when Tyler and I got together. But I don't regret it.  I don't regret falling in love with him.”
“How could you? Why would you? Look at what the two of you have accomplished. You made another human being together. And she's so very beautiful. So beautiful and healthy and perfect and the two of you should be very proud. Of her. Of each other.”
“We are. We're in awe of her. In awe of knowing we could make something so incredible. Especially during such a horrible and ugly time.  The fact that she came out of all of that, it's...surreal.”
“The only bright moment,” Nik agrees, and motions for her to hand the baby over. “Give her to me. Have your tea. Before it gets cold.”
She settles the baby against her. Loving how Amelia just snuggles right in; rubbing her face against Nik's t-shirt and yawning loudly before laying her head on her chest. She loves the smell; a mixture of milk and baby powder. And how silky the baby's hair feels when Nik drops a kiss on the top of her head.
“You're a natural,” Esme smiles. “She's likes you. Look how comfortable she is.”
“I quite like her as well.  She's just a wee little thing. Way smaller than she looks in her pictures.”
“I'm glad. I was worried I'd have to try and push out something that weighed twelve pounds and had man sized feet already.”
“Your daddy is quite the big boy,”  Nik says to the baby. “Tall and strong. You're going to be  small like your mom.  But feisty. You won't let anyone push you around, will you.  You'll be more than capable of taking care of yourself. Your father will make sure of that.”
Esme laughs “I think he's already planning on how to teach her to kill grown men a hundred different ways using various household objects and her bare hands.”
“That would not surprise me at all. He adores her. I could see it today when I watched him with her. It's a side of Tyler I've never seen. That I didn't even know existed. She has him wrapped around her little finger.  We should all be so lucky to learn from you, Amelia. We should all learn how to wrap the big and scary ones around our fingers. Not that your daddy's scary. Not when it comes to the people he loves. And he loves you so very much. And your mommy.”
“Yes...he does...” Esme agrees.  “...and we are lucky. So very lucky.”
“Thank you, Nik says, and her friend blinks. “Thank you for giving this to him. A normal life. For helping put him back together. Thank you for loving him the way that you do.”
Smiling, Esme reaches across the table and takes her friend's hand, squeezing tightly.
They stay like that until the sun begins to appear on the horizon.
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quakerjoe · 5 years
I’m done. I’ve had it with Facebook, so fuck this shit; I’m out. Here’s the final publication...
Tumblr media
Perhaps you’ve noticed that it’s been quiet around here despite all the political excitement. If you’ve guessed “He’s in facebook jail again”, you’d be right. Being put in a childish “time out” because I pissed off someone who came to MY page uninvited is the name of today’s game, and I’m done with it. I already lost the original Quaker Joe page with well over 10,000 followers without an opportunity to say good-bye, so I’m doing so here and now to you all and to share some final thoughts about what I’ve learned about America, its people, and the political process in a collection of simple, straightforward observations. Here it goes.
First, it has become abundantly clear that America simply does NOT want to make this “a more perfect union” as prescribed in the Constitution that everyone claims to hold so dear. My whole life I’ve watched the GOP sink the economy and destroy civil rights and worker & environmental protections while making massive money grabs. While doing so, they’ve enacted shit laws to benefit the rich while screwing “the help”, meaning YOU in general.
This brings me to “Democrats are feckless” and suck-ass at delivering a clear message or any sort of show of strength. While they’re busy trying to clean up the mess left by the GOP every turn of the tide, the GOP points at them and they shout “Look at the mess the Dems are responsible for!” and Dems say nothing. Civility, I guess. It only goes so far before you get the reputation for being wimps. You know, like today.
Democrats are yesterday’s Republicans. They’re scared, angry and afraid of taking chances. Bold leaders like Bernie Sanders want to bring us ALL to a new, all-time high. Democrats are now his #1 enemy, trying to tear an honest man down. “He hasn’t accomplished anything” the same way Jesus didn’t in the N.T. No, I’m not comparing the two, but it’s funny how a “Christian Nation” isn’t rallying behind a Jew who is a former carpenter and is trying to lead a movement to tend to the poor and heal the sick. Fuck, Bernie could walk on water and turn water into wine all while bringing a dead man back to life and the Dems AND GOPers would still shit on him.
Liz Warren. She’s a brand. Granted, her brand is taking a royal shit on the rich and powerful by calling them out on their bullshit, and she used to be a hero to me, but we’ve got to face it- she ignored the call in 2016 when Bernie urged her to run for POTUS. She was either afraid of Clinton or she was playing the “But I’m A Woman” card and secretly wanted to back HRC. Either way, Warren was out for Warren, not a Progressive agenda and clearly wasn’t behind the cause. When Sanders picked up the torch for the Progressive Cause, she fucked him over and backed HRC, all while calling herself a Progressive. Again, she saw HRC as the inevitable victor and ponied up with her, probably hoping for a cabinet position. She’s doing it now, only more cautiously. This round, however, she thought it smart to shit all over Sanders EARLY in the game and when she did it cost her and her campaign tanked. She’s dropped out. So why hasn’t she openly endorsed Sanders, a fellow Progressive? She won’t. She’s waiting to throw in with Biden after the Primaries and we ALL know it. She’s no champion of the Progressive cause. She’s a brand and she’s looking out for her own ass and nothing more. She’s fallen from grace, if she ever truly had some. She WAS GOP before and clearly nothing’s changed much.
Biden. Fuck me, are we seriously considering fronting this next generation “W”? Why not just hand the election to trump now and get it over with. 2016 all over again. He’s already lining up his potential cabinet with Wall St. tycoons, and has OPENLY admitted that he’s going to slash Social Security (even though the Fed. OWES it a fuck-tonne of payback from all the times it has dipped into YOUR paid-in benefits) and Medicaid/Medicare, but do Americans find this a threat? With typical GOP mentality on BOTH sides of the aisle, it’s only a threat when a Dem. wants to do it, but if the GOP tries, well then it’s all good and fine. Biden is a fucking REPUBLICAN. Just because he CLAIMS to be a Dem, it doesn’t make him so. He’s racist, and twats like Kamala backing him already after the whole “I was that little girl” jab in the debates only shows that she’s not for “We the People” but her own ass. Shocker.
I could go through the list of formerly anti-Biden hypocrites who’ve jumped on board to support Biden and shit on Sanders. All the moneylenders are organizing and ganging up on the ONE true delegate trying to save YOU and not the RICH. Again, this is a CLEAR example of how America doesn’t WANT to be saved.
This has taught me that Americans are not only deluded and hypocritical, as a people in general, but that they seem to LOVE being put into position of strife and misery. It’s where they’re the happiest; embracing the stupidity and ignorance instead of trying to find a way to make us ALL safer, healthier, and happier. Americans HATE being happy with the “others” are happy too. Instead of reaching down to help a fellow American up, it’s the “American Way” to punch down and blame the poor and powerless for their own failings while the rich at the top keep pissing and shitting down on them all while making money grabs.
Next, there’s all this infantile bullshit about “Bernie Bros”. Seriously, shut the fuck up. Hypocrisy in action, yet again is what this is. I’ve found in my personal experience that if I call out another Dem on their bullshit, I’m labeled a “BB”. No matter how you try to point out how Pelosi’s asleep at the wheel or Schumer’s a babbling idiot or how Biden’s a declining fuckwit who can’t string words together and that trump will eat him alive on the debates if he’s the nominee, because I back Sanders, I AM THE ONE getting labeled. The media and the fuckwits out there who are tender little snowflakes who can’t handle criticism or having dirt on their picks dug up and called out cry and cry and cry until someone puts an admin in FB jail for days or even weeks or months.
So to them I say- “Fuck ALL y’all!” I’m done here. Cry me a river because I’m sailing off of Facebook and leaving you all with this cesspool of social mania run by a cunt who backs trump. It’s bad enough knowing that the game is rigged when electing who’ll be our nominee in the Dem. party, but it’s fucking stupid trying to fight the battle here on social media when there are thousands of people following who don’t have a problem with my postings, the description WARNS that I cuss here, yet it only takes one or two fucktards to shut down your page. Fuck this bullshit. I’ve got better shit to do, and my posts on other platforms like Tumblr and even Twitter never get me blocked or locked out. Childish as this whole notion of social media is, at least virtually every other platform is infinitely less riddled with whingers, bitchers and cry-babies who can’t take the heat and instead of clicking to go elsewhere they feel the need to fuck up a page. Enough is enough.
So for those of you who’ve even made it this far and still want to follow me, you can find me on Tumblr, a much more grown-up platform, here at https://quakerjoe.tumblr.com/. If you’re into Twitter (yuck) I’m there too for who knows what reason. https://twitter.com/QuakerJoe2020 will get you to me. I hope to see you all at one of those places. It’s been a real adventure and learning experience, but all I’ve learned is that America is a dirty, filthy nation with a dark and sinister past that it refuses to acknowledge and accept, let alone apologize for because admitting that you’re wrong is UNAMERICAN. Trying to do some form of penance is considered weakness, and turning to truth instead of lies and deceits only leads to the revelation that you’re all up to your eyeballs in selfishness, racism, misogyny, all sorts of phobias, and that you’re only happy as a nation in general when you’re literally given the liberty to tear each others throats out legally.
Good-bye, Facebook. I hope you ALL get a chance to get the fuck out and perhaps regain some sanity one day because if there’s one thing that trumplefuckstick did that was good, it was that he took off the covers and the gilded paint and showed us all what Americans REALLY are, it we’re not pretty.
-Quaker Joe
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lavendertwilight89 · 5 years
The Great Dog Demon War
Let's get this show on the road!
M rating (I jumped in quicker than I originally planned lol)
**Not trying to spoil my own writing but I know I give up on fics if they say something will or won't happen--I don't want anyone to get deterred to not read because they think/ I implied something; let's be clear-- KEEP READING!! I promise half of what's implied is more than likely false.**
Prologue was posted a week ago if you're tying to jump in now, I'd advise you go back and catch up.
In my defense about trying to pay multiple each week-- this was a super long chapter (I know, I'm bringing infamous for that) but, consider this you 2 for 1 deal this week!
Song inspiration for this chapter: Got Love by Tov Lo
Reminder: I do not own the referenced song or Inuyasha characters
Chapter 1
Kagome walked out of Kaede's hut wearing her priestess robes. She was holding some nap sacks in front of her at waist level. Her hair down, having grown a little past her waist and blew slightly in the wind. She lifted her head to gaze at the trees before her and smiled at the bloom of the flowers. Cherry blossoms. Beautiful. Reminds me of my haori from our wedding...
Rin emerged from the hut behind her matching her height. She wore a new purple and orange swirled kimono Sesshomaru had brought to her about a month ago. She still wore her side pony tail at the top of her head, her hair extended to her waist. She had grown so much since Kagome's arrival a little more than two years ago. She was becoming a woman. Her sass was just as strong and even more irking than before now knowing what “adults do” to everyone's dismay. She had some nap sacks she was holding in her arms as she stood next to Kagome with a kind smile.
"Lady Kagome, Lady Sango may need some assistance. Would you be able to hold these and I can go help her? Oh---Lady Sango! There you are! Do you need any help??" Rin waved her left arm up high in the sky and a giant open mouth smile swallowed her face when she noticed Sango's approach with her children.
"Good afternoon Rin, hello Kagome!" Sango greeted as she approached. Her two twin girls were walking on each side of her coming up to her waist each also holding nap sacks. They wore short kimonos so their legs would be free to run with the warmer weather and hopefully be able to splash around in the creek they were heading to. Suzuki was in a faded teal and intricate white designs who favored Miroku's looks as she grew older wearing her hair in a short bob-cut with navy eyes while Ayumi was in a faded pink kimono with gold swirls who favored her mother and wore her hair long with a half-up do braided on the sides that connected down the back of her head. Komori, who was slightly bashful, a head shorter than his sisters, walked behind their mother. He had a navy kimono on and seemed to resemble a young Miroku.
Sango wore her Hiraikotsu on her back and wore her usual pink kimono and green tie skirt around her waist. Her carefree smile was breath taking. Many villagers still couldn't believe she married a monk before they could even try to court her.
"Sango! Are you and the kids ready? Inuyasha had said they should be finished before the evening with their job and should be able to meet us for our late lunch at the village's edge."
"Yes, we are ready to go. It'll be great to see everyone again. It's been quite awhile since we have seen them."
Once Sango reached them, they turned and started making their way to the village's edge.  They were meeting up with some of the older allies they had made during their fight with Naraku.  They had briefly seen some in passing like at Kagome and Inuyasha’s wedding but not enough to be able to converse with everyone. Especially with other things on their mind that evening. 
Kagome thought back on their walk to the valley to after Inuyasha’s proposal the night Kagome returned and got lost in her own memories blushing lightly...
They married only a week after their reunion. Some of the villagers were stunned of how quickly she accepted or that she was willing to “dirty herself” with a half-demon.  She was asked if she was scared if she would lose her purification powers when she laid with him.  Inuyasha began to get more nervous about their union until Kagome had reassured him that their opinions did not matter and she wasn’t phased by them. Truthfully, she didn’t care.  She crossed over five-hundred years into the past to be with him. If they were thrown out of the village and had nothing, she would still remain by his side. Inuyasha took her reassurance to heart and tried to ignore the hateful phrases and implications some of the villagers threw their way. 
They had begun to work on building their own home outside of the village as Inuyasha preferred privacy (and to be away from the village gossip anyway).  Kagome didn’t mind and honestly, enjoyed the idea of being alone without interruptions as well. While Inuyasha and the other men from the village who had no issue with Inuyasha and adored Kagome worked on their future home, Kagome prepared for the wedding and also began her priestess training.  She was wiped out by the end of each day and fell into a deep slumber each night with Inuyasha not far from her reach. Kaede hadn’t objected to sleeping in the same hut as them, just as long as there was no bed sharing.  Not that Kagome would have been lively enough to try what she had implied anyway. Kaede and Miroku wore Kagome down each hour of every day since Inuyasha was preoccupied and when she finally had finished training, she had to work with old priestess, Rin, Sango, and the headman to organize the ceremony.  She already had begun to harness the ability of making barriers and simple demon purifications without her use of her bow and arrows by the time of their wedding.
Once it was the day of the ceremony, she was too busy getting ready to even see her guests they had decided to invite. Sango helped her get ready as her adopted sister and lack there of any other family, while Rin ran interference to keep everyone surprised and in wonder when she finally did appear for their union. Making various threats ranging from cutting off a male’s favorite “toy,” as she referred to it, to not allowing them to join the feast after the ceremony. Her threats were taken seriously as she promised her Lord Sesshomaru would hear about any disrespect towards her they would be sorry... most of the village had been still weary of the full demon visiting frequently as he was known as the cold silent ruler of the western lands.
Even though her methods were not condoned or even the least bit orthodox, no one had disturbed Sango and Kagome. 
Kagome was not nervous regarding the actual wedding. She knew what she was going to say and no fears of what Inuyasha would say to her in return... she was nervous for after the wedding.  She shared with Sango their couple of kisses but her lack of energy after training with the slayer’s husband and old priestess and how this would be the first for everything. 
“It’ll be okay, Kagome. I’m sure he’s just as nervous.  Miroku is with him now, and knowing that pervert,” her eyes narrowed and shifted to the side as she referred to her dirty husband, “he’s probably in there right now over-sharing our sex life.” Sango swears she could hear his sneeze from the other side of the village.
Kagome turned her head around to face Sango with hopeful pleading eyes as she bit her lower lip. 
“Don’t bite you lip! You’ll mess up the lipstick I applied!” Sango chastised standing and grabbing the shell and brush to smooth is back out evenly over her lip the blushing pink color that added a little more pink to her lips but not even to over power her natural beauty.  She had already applied light eye shower to bring out her caramel eyes with a thin line of eye liner and a hint of light blush on her cheeks.
“Okay, okay, I will tell you a little bit to calm you down so you don’t do that again... I mean I’ve had three children... I shouldn’t be that bashful right?” She cleared her throat and explained a little bit about their first time about how it was uncomfortable as it is for most women, but to make sure he takes it as slow as he can until she gets used to the feeling.  It’ll get better after that, but she just has to be prepared that it won’t be as magical as most other women make it out to be. They were filthy liars and clearly had out of wedlock sex she added rolling her eyes. She also added other things that feel good to be touched to help make it easier like nipples and the clitoris then also explained what feels good to the man. She made sure she told her not to grab too hard and be gentle almost like feathery touches as they were extremely sensitive.  
While she went through things he could do to her and vise versa, she finished brushing out her hair and pulled her hair up on the top creating a puff and then took part of the sides and twisted to keep it locked in place then added the slip Sango had received as a wedding present with rubies and diamonds shaped as cherry blossoms to keep the top knot locked in place. then pull the remaining bit of her hair down smoothing it out.
“Alright, I think you are ready, what do you think?” Sango inquired standing again and moving to her side to take in the full image of the bride.
Kagome had a plain white traditional white kimono on with a bright red obi around the center. She has had a loose red haori with small yellow/ gold flowers and larger ones of pink and white. Kagome looked away from Sango into the small mirror in front of her. She stared in curiousness as to if that was actually her... when had she become a woman? 
“Sango... you are amazing. I look like a different person!”
“Aw, Kagome, you are and have always been one of the most beautiful people I have ever met. Inuyasha would be happy even if you walked down in your old school clothes.”
“You think so? Haha, he may not even notice I changed.”
Sango smiled and rolled here eyes, “It’s sad how accurate that actually may be. Regardless though, every man out there will regret not getting a chance to try and win you over,” she added with a wink.
“Oh wow!!! Lady Kagome! You are so breath-taking!” Rin swooned finally entering the hut. “Lord Inuyasha sure is a lucky man!”
“Thank you, Rin. Is it time?” Kagome inquired about to bite down on her lip again until Sango lightly nudged her reminding her to keep it out of her mouth.
“Yes my lady! Everyone should be in place. I asked Master Jaken to go scare off anyone wandering around that wasn’t invited or who is trying to sneak a peak before we come out. I will be going out now to take my place by Kaede’s side.  I’ll see you in a few!” Rin cheered exiting the hut.
Kagome’s anxiety finally hit full force. She was getting married. At only eighteen (no in this time period it was old, but in her’s she would be considered a Yankee!). She was going to probably have to start a family. Tonight if they actually, oh who was she kidding, of course they were going to have sex. She wanted to do it since she came back since every time they did kiss butterflies flew around in her stomach demanding more. Her family wasn’t there to give her their blessings. She guessed they kind of did by wishing her well and allowing her to return but still--was she even going to be a good wife? It’s not like she had “wife training”. 
“Kagome--Kagome stay with me. It’s going to be okay. Miroku and I will be up there with you. We are in this together. I know this is a lot in a short time. But we also only knew each other a short period of time and look what we were capable of! Everything is going to be fine. You’re going to be an amazing wife. Inuyasha literally would never have taken anyone else to be his wife. You’re everything he’s always needed and wanted...Now, let’s go get you married,” Sango encouraged placing her hands on Kagome’s shoulders facing her fully speaking calmly.
Kagome embraced Sango fiercely, “Thank you, Sango... I’m ready.”
Sango placed a nontraditional head-dress over Kagome’s hair that was still solid white, but laid flatly on her head like a veil from her home-land rather than one that would cover a crown. She requested when they got to the aisle facing Kaede and Inuyasha that Sango to remove it. Kagome had insisted she didn’t want to part-take in all the traditions of a Shinto wedding as things in her era were different and her idea of a wedding had already been changed--the fact the whole village had to attend since she was to take over as head priestess was already a large argument,one she lost. She was marrying a half-demon anyway, who was more Buddhist than Shinto beliefs, tradition was already a out of the question at this point. But she wanted him to be surprised by her appearance along with everyone else. She was getting married only once; she was going to have some things that she could change to be her way.
They finally reached where the ceremony was being held and all went silent.  Flutes began playing and Sango removed the clip holding the veil which fell behind Kagome. Kagome had been holding her head down watching her feet as they had walked trying to remember to breathe steadily. Once the veil was removed, she lifted her head and a slight gust of wind pulled some of her unpinned hair flowing over her shoulder. Her eyes were bright but not overly excited, mouth slightly agape. She couldn’t look away from his wide staring eyes.
Inuyasha had never seen anyone more beautiful, including his princess of a mother in full dress and makeup, as his bride in front of him did on that day. Miroku put a hand on his shoulder giving a slight squeeze re-grounding him. He hadn’t even noticed he had slightly began to step towards her. He was wearing a traditional black kimono. He forgot how uncomfortable he was and all the nerves he had. She was so breath-taking he only saw her as she and Sango made their way to him. She had started to smile at him releasing a breath she probably didn’t realize she was holding until as they walked towards him.
When they reached Inuyasha and Kaede, Sango bowed and placed a took Kagomes hand and placed it in Inuyasha’s and hers on top. She bowed again and stepped behind Kagome similar to Miroku’s position behind Inuyasha.
Kagome still couldn’t remember anything Kaede had said.  She remembers nodding and speaking when she was supposed to but they were too absorbed in each other. His vow was to protect her with his life, that he would make her the happiest woman alive, he would give her everything he could attain, and finally reiterated how he was born to for her and doesn't regret a day of his life as after meeting her as he only learned what true strength and love from her. Her vows had been simple, that all she wanted was for him to be happy, she wanted him to smile, she wanted to him to be loved. She would do anything and everything in her power to keep him safe and make sure he felt like he belonged. Kaede took over preforming the remaining rituals, Rin standing by her side, aiding her in whatever she needed to preform the ceremony. She then pronounced them married which Inuyasha didn’t hesitate in grabbing Kagome and kissing her hard enough for her to see stars. 
They didn’t eat their feast; they were too busy having every guest congratulate them. Kagome also was too nervous to eat as she knew what was coming once everyone was done...
Inuyasha sat by Kagome, Sango and Miroku by her. Rin had made her way to see Sesshomaru and Jaken off thanking them for joining the occasion by her request. Kaede had been talking with the headman about Kagome and Inuyasha’s relationship and the plans they had in store for making her the high priestess of the village.
Sesshomaru had been the first to pay respects. If that’s what you would call them. Inuyasha was annoyed he even bothered coming let alone attending and nodding to them before leaving without another word. Rin, of course, translated he was happy to see them so happy and for the family they would be starting soon with a wink when she was summoned away by his annoyed sneer of her name. 
Koga, Ayame, and other members of the wolf demon tribe followed as they knew they made the villagers nervous by being there. Ayame gave Kagome a tight hug and promised they’d be in touch. Koga meerly nodded and stated his congratulations but did shake Inuyasha’s hand in blessing.
Jinenji and his mother came by, blushing per usual and congratulated them followed by the villagers. 
Kohaku, Shippo, Sango, and Miroku were the last to give them blessings which Inuyasha was thankful for because he was about to blow his top.
He looked at Kagome and motioned for them to leave. She stood without resistance and walked away from the feast shooting Sango a wink which she smiled at and turned back to the party in front of them. Miroku watched as they walked away wagging his eyebrows earning him an elbow to his gut by an exasperated Sango.
“Did you end up giving him some helpful advice?” She inquired eyes closed, elbow still out ready for another jab depending on his response.
“Oh Sango, that man was shaking like a leaf when we were getting ready. I gave him some... helpful suggestions and pointers that I know that have proved to be crowd pleasing. Speaking of... maybe I can demonstrate on you tonight?” He smiled mischievously. 
She rolled her eyes, “I can’t believe you are a monk. How do you even have purification powers?”
Inuyasha picked Kagome up a few feet away from the others and carried her back to their new home bridal style. 
He set her down inside. This wasn’t the first time she had been in their home after it was built. She’d previously visited with him and helped set up the furniture and items they received as engagement presents during a break she was given for lunch one afternoon. She kicked off her shoes and released a deep breath. She was startled when Inuyasha placed a hand on her right shoulder causing her turn to look at him with big, doe like eyes.
“Nervous?” He asked, calm eyes boring into hers.
“S-sort of...” She swallowed trying to regain her confidence she had found earlier. “It’s not that I don’t want to--don’t get me wrong, there’s just been so much hype up to this and now I’m just over thinking everything and you know, I’ve never done this before, not that you have either, but you know, I don’t know what to expect and of course everyone has an opinion about it and how to do it, and what it should feel like and even getting down to the littlest details about what should and shouldn’t happen and I don’t want to mess up and make things weird and---” she was cut off by Inuyasha pulling her into a deep kiss which made her mind go blank of anything else she was going to ramble on about in her anxiety.
“It’s really cute when you ramble,” he said cutting her off breaking off their heated kiss and reengaging with hot passion, "but I think you're the one that told me not to let what people say to effect us."
"Mmmmm," Kagome moaned into his mouth. Her hand had already fallen to his black obi around his kimono to try and loosen it. What was she nervous about again? For three years she had only thought about him in that way. She thought maybe she wanted it more than him at first but he was just as hastily pulling off the clip in her hair followed close by her haori when she had to surrendered her arms from him after she released his obi. He cut her obi open as she gasped but didn't even allow her time to lecture him about how it was a gift, would she seriously ever wear that again, anyway?
Her then started to peal away her kimono when her lips against his froze and her eyes opened.
Oh right. That's why she was nervous. Sure, he had seen her naked at least five times but he wasn't actually looking...he was checking on her, trying to find her, there was no actual intimacy involved in him seeing until now.
He opened eyes his in confusion when she had tensed up and realized she was embarrassed when he was peeling off her kimono. God, she is adorable. He gazed down at her while he pushed her arms down and pushed the kimono off to the floor.
She hadn't put on her under garments in fear they would be torn off and she wouldn't have been able to continue to use them. She stood naked in front of him blushing like a deer who got caught in the garden. If his hands weren't on her biceps locking her in place she probably would have ran like a deer to cover herself as well.
While he admitted to himself he'd seen her before almost half a dozen of times before, this was like the first time. She didn't turn away (even though she looked scared, she remained in place not pushing away from his hold), eyes locked with his. His full of love and lusty desire and hers uncertainty; they were looking for affirmation, searching his for an answer to a known question. What do you think?
He removed his right hand from her arm  and shrugged off his out black kimono down his right arm and then replaced that hand hesitantly on her left breast using his outer fingers to caress it gently, then shrugged off the left arm and then place his left hand on the small off her back his white yukata still in place and started to pull her closer to him again.
Her nipple was hard and erect under his hand once her had fully grasped it whole. Her breasts had grown in their time apart a decent amount-- almost as big as Sango's while she was breastfeeding--and the nipple had darkened slightly from the light pink to a mauve color. Her stomach was still tight and trim and her hips had only widened an inch or two at most. She was the most breath-taking woman he had ever laid eyes on. He didn't deserve her for how mean and childish he had been insulting her and comparing her to Kikyo... that was the reason for her hesitation... because he had been so off-putting to her, trying to push her away by making her think she repulsed him. He almost started to pull away because of his self deprecating thoughts when she caught his hand and held it place on her breast and then leaned in upward to kiss him again tentatively.
She had captured the way he had taken her in with his amber wandering eyes with such heat behind them. She noticed his bulge under his plain yukata now with his black kimono removed. She could see the look on his eyes of remorse and pain... she had to reassure him this was what she wanted this too. That she didn’t believe anything he used to say because they were in such an odd place with Kikyo, Koga, and even Naraku.  They had always made their way back to only each other.  Why should he have these doubts now? Why should she?
When she captured his lips it re-sparked his heated desire to keep going. The hand on her breast came up to the back of her head and got tangled her black flowing locks. She felt his penis against her stomach now being smashed up against him. She started to get those butterflies again but they were moving to her lower region. She wanted more. She wanted it all. She wanted all of him.
She put her hands on his yukata and started to guiding him to the already rolled out sleeping mat. He laid her down gently while kneeling beside her never breaking their contact with their heated intricate kisses. She opened her legs welcoming him to move in closer and yanked on his yukata while their lips were still in a battle of their own soon evolving their tongues. He took the hint and put his hands on both sides of her head and moved his knee to be right beneath her vulva (which was radiating the most wild scent he had ever smelled coming off her and heat he couldn't get enough) which made her jolt and her lips freeze.
He smirked and pulled away and helped her get off his yukata. He stayed still while her now lustful eyes wandered over his body.
He no longer had a body of a teenager either. He was deliciously ripped. His muscles were more pronounced and he looked the part he played as the strongest man man she knew. Her hands seemed to have a mind of their own as the took up to going up his abs to his chest then down his his arms. Her eyes wandered lower to notice his happy trail was also silver like his hair and-- holy fuck he has a giant penis. Good God she was getting wet just looking at God-like body. She was definitely as red as a tomato seeing him smirk at the way she was hungrily taking in his features.
"See something you like?" He teased.
""Sh-shush you---" she cut herself off sitting up recapturing his lips, arms encircling his broad shoulders. Holy shit, I can't stop this feeling, she thought to herself.
He leaned down to let her resettle her back on the floor and leaned down on his forearms getting closer to her. He took his right hand and replaced it on her left breast and startled to knead her nipple. She gasped and tried to hold in an elongated moan and failed miserably detaching from his mouth again.
Smirking he kissed her chin, jaw, then down her neck to her collar bone then latched onto her right nipple.
"Oh my God," Kagome gasped continuing to breathe harder and withered under the intensity of his mouth. He was trying to remember everything Miroku had mentioned to try and make this the most pleasurable experience for her.  He was so embarrassed while Miroku had offered his advice on pleasing a woman... but clearly the man knew what he was doing. Two suggestions were already proving the pervert was right and wasn't actually screwing with him.
He switched his mouth to her right nipple and swirled his tongue around and slightly gripped it with his teeth, careful not to allow his fangs to mark her, causing a sucking motion what seemed to be driving her hips wild toward him as she was bucking underneath him while moaning in and out of his mouth. His left hand that was on her right breast before his mouth claimed the left and his now free hand moved down to spread her lips and found her aroused swollen clit and began to tease it.
He lost her lips as she moaned loudly pulling away and unable to control her body. So much was happening. He had her nipple in his mouth and his fingers were on her clit. More liquid gathered between her legs as she was basically humping him from below. He kept lighting this new desire in her for wanting more of him. She wasn't even aware that all these sensations, feelings, and being with each other was actually new; she could only think about him, them, intertwined, together and where she wanted to put that probably twelve inch dick.
"In-Inu----ahhhhh!" She could barely talk. She was losing herself fast in this heated encounter.
He was just getting harder and harder listening to her and feeling how slick she was becoming as he played with her clit. He released her nipples and kissed to her sternum down to her stomach when her breath hitched when his head ended up between her wet folds.
While Miroku had mentioned this position in their little "pep talk" he had already been dead set on finding out what Kagome tasted like. She could call him a dog for being determined to do so, unfortunately the stereo -type fit and he didn’t care one bit. He licked her vulva long, hard and slowly. 
Oh fuck... he thought to himself. He would have cum if he hadn't taken a moment to regain his control remembering all she gave up for him, what an ass he was and how he didn't deserve this beautiful woman, but by some grace, she had chosen to be with him, and that he was going to make this the best night of her life.
She quivered from his tongue and lost control of that area of her body. Her hands became intertwined in his hair and she started to make load moaning gasps and whines as he continued to get more acquainted with this area of her. She decided in a moment of being aware to lightly grace her fingers over his ears.
He groaned slightly in pleasure but kept pursuing her pleasure. He kept his fingers from his left hand on her clit while his tongue massaged her vulva. He had his other arm wrapped around her left thigh trying to hold her steady. He was determined hot to stop until she had her "release" as Miroku referred to it. He said he would know when she did.
She was close she thought. Her breathing was becoming more ragged and the sounds emitting from her mouth were definitely not hers and she had no idea how they were emerging from her.
He carefully dove two claws from his left hand to her opening and slide then in to press up into her vagina to find this "G-spot" while placing his mouth on her clit and sucking on it the way he had on her nipples.
Her hips slammed down on to the floor and her thighs crushed his head saying another curse word under her breath. He slightly chuckled at her reaction to his touches.
"Inu-Inuyashaaaaaa!!!" She said throwing her head back in pleasure being totally consumed by him. The feeling in tummy was full force at this point and she couldn’t stop it from erupting even if she tried. "I-I'm-- oh G-God-- Inuyashaaaaa!" She wailed finally releasing onto his fingers. He pulled his digits out and licked some of her cum from her opening before he licked off all traces of her from his fingers.
She was pretty sure the world stopped moving as she tried to regain herself. She watched him clean her juices off himself in awe.
He leaned back down over her resting his forearms besides each side of her head and started to slowly kiss her which she hungrily took him in and her flame was relighting itself. He knew he wasn't going to last long. Not after that. He was dying. She was going to be the death of him. From smell, sound, taste, touch... he had no idea how he was still alive.
"Are-are you ready, Kagome?"
"Yes, Inuyasha," she affirmed spreading her legs back out for him to settle between them which he got into position then he slowly started to ease into her. Her hands gripped up on his biceps as she started to take him in.
She was so wet (thankfully he controlled himself from licking it all up to make this easier on her) he was sliding in without much resistance.
She felt pressure. She didn't know how else to describe the feeling of him entering her. He wasn't all the way in yet but she already felt how much he was already filling her and how it was stretching her (sadly, not as pleasantly as he had when his fingers were inside her). He was halfway in when her walls clamped down on him from going further. 
"Ohhhh, fuckkkk..." he said trying to keep it together. She had begun to clench her eyes and took in a sharp breath wincing.
"S-sorry," she said through a tight mouth.
"It's fine--- it’s okay Kagome, we can go slow. But, you need to try to relax a little bit. It’ll hurt more if you stay tense.”
She took a couple deep breaths and he pushed himself up a little bit and took her hands in his and they interlaced and he shushed her a little bit. She finally was able to relax and he felt her ease up and he was able to push the rest of the way in. It still stung a little bit but not as bad. It was more like the after effect of the being stretched. She moved her hips a little bit to egg him on to continue.
All he could think was how tight she was and how amazing this felt when she finally moved a little; he groaned and started to move slowly in and out of her.
It finally wasn’t as bad; she had forgotten her pain because the over abundance of stimulation set back in. He was hitting her core and it was bringing back that overwhelming sensation she felt in stomach. She tried to match his movements with her hips. Her hands left his as she pulled down on his shoulders to bring his mouth back to hers and he continued to drive into her. He lowered back onto his forearms and locked his lips around hers catching the moans and erotic wincing sounds she made. 
He lost her mouth when she lifted her head back and took in a deep breath and let out a load groan of pleasure rolling her hips to aid him. That’s when he about lost it. He lowered his head into the crock of her neck grounding his teeth trying to hang on until he could make her release one more time before letting himself get lost. He was fighting a losing battle. She was going to be the death of him. He lifted his head back up and moved his right arm from bracing himself and went back for her clit and started to massage it again. 
At that moment Kagome grabbed onto his ears weaving them through her fingers in what he could only think of was some fantasy she had and cried out his name loudly. While they were outside the village, he was fairly positive everyone within a five mile radius could hear them. She was definitely not quiet and he frankly didn’t care. Let them know what he was doing to their priestess. They should be jealous she chose him rather than them. At least this way he could prove he was doing something right. Her walls tightened around his penis rapidly, seizing and he lost all hope of holding on any longer and released his seed into her, calling out her name and then collapsed on top of her.
They both tried were exhausted; their breaths ragged and heart racing. He finally pulled out of her slowly and flopped over on his side beside her. She let of a slight whine of disappointment but not enough to make him think they should have another round later. They were both done and ready for sleep; they had a very long day and evening. They had years to come to enjoy that again. He pulled her close to him and took her lips in his again softly and gently and then kissed her forehead. 
Their eyes locked finally and they slightly chuckled relishing in what they just did with each other. He pulled over the blanket on top of them and wrapped his arms around her with a deep sigh.
“I love you, Inuyasha,” she said sleepily trying to stay awake.
“Go to sleep, Kagome...”he said with no venom in his voice, but with love, implying they were those words in return. 
“Kagome! Earth to Kagome! Where’d you go?” Sango jested.
“She’s probably thinking about Uncle Inu,” Ayumi teased.
“About she can’t wait to smooch him again ,” Suzuki followed with a smirk.
“Hahahaha, oh Lady Kagome, they have you pegged. You’d think you had just married yesterday the way you two still act,” Rin laughed
Kagome stopped and blushed turning back looking at them. “Uhhhh--what now?”
They all erupted in laughter at Kagome expense who started blushing except for Komori who remained behind his mother’s back watching.
“Is this a good place to set up for our picnic?” Sango asked still chuckling.
“Haha, yes. Sorry! I swear I need a map sometimes in my own head,” Kagome reached up and scratched the back of her head in apology.
“Lady Kagome, Lady Sango, I’ll take the girls and Komori to the stream and keep them entertained while you guys get set up,” Rin offered handing off the other wrapped lunches she was holding to Kagome and then turning to take the kids to the stream. 
Sango started to close the distant between them and turned to take Rin in. “My... she’s grown into quite a beautiful woman, hasn’t she?”
“If only her mouth were cleaner. I blame Miroku and Inuyasha,” Kagome added shaking her head.
“Mmmmhmmmm... They are certainly to blame. However, I don’t think any men in our village want her even if her mouth were clean... and I think she already has her own eyes set on someone.”
“I know exactly what you mean,” Kagome smiled turning to Sango. Sango exchanged her own grin and then they began to unwrap the lunches and lay out a sheet for them to rest on. Sango lowered her weapon to have it resting behind her and Kagome sat to her right.
“How long do you think they’ll be, Kagome?”
“Well, Kohaku is with them right? I doubt seeing him goofing around and keeping them on a tight schedule, so I can only imagine they wouldn’t be too much longer.”
Kagome and Sango looked up to see two whirlwinds heading towards where they were sitting. Koga appeared first with a giant smile on his face holding a small boy who resembled Ayame but wore his hair in pony-tail like his father, followed by Ayame who dropped a daughter who was Koga’s twin but wore her hair in pig tails and scooped Kagome up off her bottom in a tight embrace.
“A-Ayame, it’s good to s-see you,” Kagome said trying to loosen the demon hold she had on her.
“Oops, sorry! I forget humans are a little frailer than demons,”Ayame said placing Kagome back down on her feet. Koga gave her a quick squeeze on the shoulder but that was as intimate as he got with her since her wedding. He had moved on with his life hearing how she had returned to her home-land after the battle was over and finally owned up to his own promise and married Ayame. He was shocked to hear she had returned; but had decided not to visit in efforts to not upset Ayame and to keep boundaries that were implied after they had parted when Kikyo had passed.
"Alright my little cubbies--go play! Watch your teeth!!" Ayame called as the wolves giggled and ran to go play in the water with the other children calling their names in glee.
"Where's the dog-turd? Decided he didn't want to join?" Koga inquired sitting next to Ayame who planted herself to Kagome's left.
"No; he, my husband, Shippo, Kirara, and little brother had an extermination job a little further from here. They should be here shortly," Sango replied back.
Kagome looked to the sky to see where the sun was in regards to time. She bit her inner cheek nervously at his absence. They'd gone on multiple trips without her or Sango and have always come back... this time just felt different. He had reassured her multiple times yesterday it would be quick and he'd be back in time for lunch... she didn't know why she felt so apprehensive about him going and couldn't put it into words well enough for him to understand.  She had even pulled Miroku over and discussed her anxieties with him. Miroku assured her it would be okay and just to be on our guard for anything that felt strange. But she couldn’t let that be an answer enough.  She reopened the discussion with Inuyasha and let him convince her that the other village needed their help and they could use the money for new seeds for their garden.  He promised her he would be back for lunch even if they couldn’t finish the job.
Song change: Genesis by: Ruelle
Inuyasha had Tessaiga drew. It’s blade was black and it was thrown over his shoulder. His annoyance plastered on his face as he gazed down. He stood by Miroku who had sutras in his hands with Shippo perched on his shoulder looking confident while Shippo looked more nervous about the situation unfolding below. They stood on the cliff above a forest that was being rotted away with a giant stampeding scorpion below.
"Haven't we seen one of these before?" Inuyasha inquired annoyed.
"I think so-- five years ago when we were still collecting jewel shards." Miroku noted.
"It's a scorpion! They come from the main land! There's been an influx of them in the area recently; that’s why I was hoping you guys could help extenguish the last of them," Kohaku shouted from Kirara's back. The demon cat hovered above them ready to fight. While Kohaku was sitting on Kirara, it was clear he had matured and had grown older. He was taller and was more muscular from all the training and slaying he'd been doing alone for the past five years.
"I want to say we fought them with that demon that fed off the Tree of Ages... what was his name?" Miroku pondered.
"Who cares? He's dead anyway. Kagome and I finished him off along with his ancestry line. It can’t be him or someone related to him."
"We will just have to find the source of where they have been coming from after this one is neutralized," Kohaku added.
"Keh, whatever. You guys do what you want--Kagome wants us back for lunch. We can always track them tomorrow--"
Three more large purple miasma seeping scorpions appeared out of the ground howling and stomping the trees down further.
"Grrrrrr," Inuyasha was growing angry at the idea they probably wouldn't make it back to Kagome and the others in the time he originally told her now with multiple ones popping out of the ground heading back towards their village. He started to grip Tessaiga tighter.
"Calm down, Inuyasha. Kagome will understand. It's not like she'll 'sit' you or anything, " Shippo said trying to appease his anger.
"I don't think Inuyasha is scared of that, Shippo," Miroku defended. "Yesterday, Kagome was very anxious about Inuyasha leaving. She mentioned an ominous feeling and that she didn't want him away from everyone. My guess is she was on the verge of a premonition... but of what I'm not sure.  As it wasn’t clear, I told her everything should be fine until we came back. "
Kirara lowered to be more level with Miroku and Kohaku turned to them."That can't be a coincidence, can it? Do you think it was in regards to these scorpions?"
"More than likely they are related to whatever was giving Kagome such a bad feeling." Miroku threw the sutras down and started mumbling a prayer keeping his hand raised to his face, eyes closed, and a blue barrier erected around the scorpions trapping them from escaping further.
Inuyasha jumped and swung his sword yelling "Medio Zangestuha!"
Black blades emerged from the sword and cut the scorpions to pieces which were sucked into the meido making them unable to regenerate. Inuyasha landed back by Miroku who lowered his hand and opened his eyes.
"Shall we?" Miroku invited.
"Don't need my permission," Inuyasha grumbled jumping down the cliff.
"Man, he's grumpy today," Shippo commented and Miroku got on Kirara and they began following Inuyasha down the slope.
"Can you blame him? He doesn't enjoy leaving Kagome anyway, but now that she's concerned and fearful... I can't say I blame him. "
"Sister told me about their bad news when I arrived yesterday too... I can only imagine the toll it's taking on him as well."
"What bad news?" Shippo inquired.
"Uhm, HELLO?! Am I the only one who is going to do work around here?!?" Inuyasha shouted from the ground.
The three others on Kirara's back looked down at the half-demon stomping his feet in annoyance of their lagging.
"What do you see, Inuyasha?" Miroku asked trying to deflect his bad mood.
"A fucking butterfly, what do you think, you jackass! Tunnels!!! Come down here!!!"
"Now, now, no need to get so riled up because it's going to take longer to get back. My wife and children are with Kagome as well. You need to relax rather than getting yourself all worked up. It will accomplish nothing," Miroku said as Kirara landed letting them off and transforming back to her regular form and jumped up to perch herself on Kohaku’s shoulder.
"Keh. Easy for you to say. You wife wasn't the one crying to you all afternoon about leaving."
"Haha, true. She can't wait to get me out of the house. "
"Probably to get some peace and be away from your wandering hands," Shippo quipped.
"Sigh," Miroku smiled in defeat shrugging her arms out.
"I often wonder how I don't have more nephews and nieces."
"Let's get on with it. Hopefully we can make it back by the evening," Inuyasha said making his was to the tunnels that led down into the earth.
Shippo lit his fox fire and made floating orbs flow into the burrows so the others could see and the others followed Inuyasha's lead.
They walked in silence, looking around and taking in their surroundings for awhile before they noticed there were other tunnels that converged all going directly one way.
"The tunnels... they're..." Kohaku started.
"Leading back to the village..." Inuyasha growled and began running ahead.
Kohaku and Miroku exchanged looks and ran after him.
Inuyasha stopped suddenly sniffing the air in the cave-like area causing Miroku to stumble while Kohaku came around the side.
"What is it?" Shippo asked.
Kirara began to growl and jumped off of Kohaku's shoulder in front of him.
Inuyasha drew his sword, "I don't know... but this scent, I recognize it. A couple years ago I smelled it when Kagome returned...Be on your guard! Let's keep going!" He dashed forward as Kohaku and Miroku re-boarded Kirara.
This aura... it's similar to Sesshomaru... but darker...Miroku noticed.
They felt what felt like an earthquake and then saw bright light further ahead clearly that had been created by a hole and began to panic knowing the scorpions must've surfaced.
Shit, I can smell Kagome and the others!!! "KAGOME!!!!!"
“So, Kagome, what gives? No kids? Haven’t you and the mutt-face--ugh--ow!--I mean, Inuyasha been married like two years now? What’s wrong? He can’t preform? Hahahahaha!! OW! Stop that! The first part was a real question!” Ayame elbowed Koga in the arm when the first insult was cast then the gut looking unamused of her husbands comments.
Sango also glared as Koga and cleared her throat bringing her arm to her mouth beginning to answer until Kagome put her arm out in front of her and shook her head with a smile.
“Please Kagome, don’t feel like you have to answer Koga’s questions,” Ayame offered shooting him a dirty look. “What happens in your home is none of our business...right, Koga?” 
“Right right, I’m sorry Kagome. I didn’t mean to offend dog-tuurr----I mean Inuyasha,” Koga stuttered seeing Ayame’s elbow ready to strike again.
“No, it’s okay. I don’t mind talking about it. Really... It...it isn’t that we haven’t been trying,” Kagome said a little flustered initially at the idea of talking about about her and Inuyasha’s relations. But they were married; there was nothing to be embarrassed of about what married people do...they actually didn’t know until recently the village could basically hear them every night... Inuyasha found it ego boosting... Kagome found it mortifying.  
“It wasn’t actually a conversation initially, or even really a thought; we were just doing what married couples did. We had been apart for so long we just wanted to be with each other in every shape and form we could to make up for the lost time. Before we realized it, had been a year and we discussed the idea of having children. He initially was hesitate as you know; he’s a half-demon and thought of what life would be like for our children. He got used to the idea though, as the villagers became more accepting and tolerate of our marriage and him.  We also had a lot of support from our friends as well...” Kagome looked to Sango with a longing smile and Sango returned it and placed a hand on her knee which Kagome placed her own on top.  
“But as time went on... we realized there was something amiss. No matter how often we tried... I never was able to get pregnant. We met with Kaede and she believes it is because I’m not technically from this world... I don’t belong here and so time runs differently around me. We knew that from a demon who actually could stop time and it had no effect on me or things from my world... We just never put two and two together. We think because of that, my body rejects nature and balance. That’s why my spiritual powers are so strong, why I was able to travel through time...and why I won’t be able to give Inuyasha a family.” Kagome took a deep breath hoping that was enough of an answer to suffice the question.  Others had begun to ask so it wasn’t a question she hadn’t heard or hadn’t answered yet... and these were her friends. She could be fully honest and open with them.
Inuyasha and her had already mourned the idea of having children. She was completely heartbroken. But, she had become determined to make sure any orphan children would be taken in, like Shippo, and they would be cared for by them. Inuyasha only happily complied. He remained supportive of her and made sure she knew she hadn’t let him down and that he was happy that she came back.  That’s all he ever wanted anyway. He never thought of having his own children and even though he would give her the world, maybe not having children was what was supposed to happen anyway.
“Wow... Kagome,” Ayame took her free hand that wasn’t on top of Sango’s and looked into her caramel eyes with her jade tears forming, “I am so sorry. What a sacrifice you made to be here... I know you’ve told me before a little of your world. I know whether you will admit it or not, how much you gave up to be with Inuyasha. That is so beautiful you love each other so much...I’m so happy that you both have each other. Please, if there is anything you ever want or need... you know where to find us.”
“Thank you Ayame, and it’s okay. Inuyasha and I are happy with it just the two of us. Also we get to babysit anytime we want,” Kagome laughed.
Sango smiled and patted Kagome’s hand. She felt terrible her best friend, her sister, that she would never know what it would be like to have and carry a child of her own. But she also knew that even if Kagome had known this before crossing the well to return, she would have still come. Her love for Inuyasha was unbreakable and nothing would ever keep them separated again. 
Beneath them they felt the earth shake. They all stood suddenly, Sango grabbing her Hiraikotsu ready to launch it. Kagome looked around and closed her eyes to concentrate. Ayame ran to the stream calling her children’s name and ushering the twins and Komori out as well with Rin. Koga put himself in the middle so he could be the first to jump and protect them if necessary. 
Kagome tried to block out the noise, her feelings of doubt and fear, she finally was able to put herself in a void of sound and saw the demonic flow of energy coming from her right.
"Koga! Ayame!" She yelled turning to them, "Please take the children and Rin back to the village!"
"What?!? I can't abandon you, Kagome!"
"He's right! We're your allies!"
Kagome smiled softly then turned to Sango who nodded looking determined. Kagome lifted her left hand towards the others and erected a purple barrier.
"No! Lady Kagome! Lady Sango!" Rin cried.
"Mama!" Sango's children echoed.
"Leave. We will handle this until the others arrive... Kagome and I can handle this and cannot risk the children or Rin's safety. Please Koga, I'm begging you, GO!"
"Koga--this is not about questioning your strength, this is about who can get our children and friends out of danger the fastest. You and Ayame are our best chance."
Ayame who wore a torn face now looked determined and swallowed and picked up Sango's twin girls, "Koga! Come on! We need to get them to safety!"
Koga still looked torn and upset, fists tight in conflict when he squeezed his eyes shut and turned to his children. "Climb on Rei and Kaze," he said bending down for them to anchor on his back and picked up a now hysterical Komori in his left and lifted Rin in his right. She looked at back at the women behind the barrier concerned.
"Please be careful!" She yelled as Koga and Ayame nodded to each other and took off back towards the village.
Kagome kept the barrier erected and turned back to Sango. "There's three very distinct auras approaching with three other minor demons, the scorpions maybe? I don't how else to describe these three more powerful demonic energies except they are similar to Sesshomaru."
Sango grabbed her mask and put it on. "The scorpions must've been a distraction to lure Inuyasha and the others away."
They finally saw the purple miasma seep towards them slowly, dirtying the ground to a more red color like death. The sky began to darken and the loud sounds of stomping feet along with the vibrations were growing.
Kagome took a sutra out of her pocket and knelt to the ground pushing it and emitted her pure purple purification which destroyed most of the miasma by them. Sango took the opportunity seeing the large bodies approaching to throw her giant boomerang; she twirled it behind her and flung it out in front of her angling it to go to her right, "Hiraikotsu!"
Three figures jumped up while the weapon cut through the multiple scorpions that were running their way causing their legs to stop moving; their body slide to a stop twenty feet in front of them.
“Who are you?” Sango demanded catching her weapon out of the air. Kagome moved closer to her, arm up her sleeve for another sutra is necessary. 
“Well, well, well.... you must be the famous time-priestess we were told about,” The demon with brown hair replied.
“And the demon slayer that accompanies her in the village,” Added the demon with silver locks. 
“We need you to lower the barrier you have so hastily erected.  We have business in your village priestess.”
“Whatever business you have can be settled here,” Sango replied harshly.
“Well, we were told to annihilate the village for Lord Sesshomaru’s lack of cooperation and the growing strength of the priestess now taking guard... We can at least knock out one thing off our list,” The Silver haired demon replied and then help his arms out with the other two and thread like material appeared in their fingers like a web and aimed all at Sango. They pushed their arms forward and Kagome tried to throw a sutra but it was burned immediately by the black thread, while Sango tried to cut with her hidden sword beneath her sleeve and use Hiraikotsu to destroy the thread but it moved past her weapons as it was only magical thread and wrapped around her to absorb into her skin.
Kagome gasped and tried to pull the string off but it was too late; Sango shoved her to the ground harshly.
She gasped and grunted a little bit as she had lost control of her own body. The three demons that stood before her moved their fingers in sequence like they were beginning to control a puppet. As their fingers moved, so did she.  Her eyes were not glazed over like Kagome thought they would be, but full of anger and desperation to try and regain herself. They want her to watch!
“Ugh! Kagome! I’m sorry,” she said struggling to try and control herself but failing. 
“Lower the barrier time-priestess and we will let you friend go peacfeully, she is not who we are here for,” The demon with brown hair replied.
“That’s not going to happen,” Kagome said rising to her feet.
“Well then...” their fingers began to dance again making Sango lift her Hiraikotsu and swing for Kagome as she gasped. Kagome erected a barrier over her hand similar to miniature shield.
“Her weapon is made of demonic energy and parts... that wont work here. Release her!”
Sango then jumped and then swung again with her boomerang with Ksgome was able to block again using her right hand but then Sango came swinging with her left cutting Kagome’s left cheek.
She shrieked and dropped her shield from the Hiraikostu in error from the pain and was struck on her right side sending Kagome hard to the ground cringing in pain.
Sango was then forced to throw her weapon screaming for Kagome to get up as she was unable to stop herself. Kagome’s eyes shot open and she rolled out of the way barely in time to miss the strike only to have to stand quickly to jump away from Sango running toward her; she unfortunately was not as trained as Sango was for hand to hand combat and ended up with nicks from her sword and hits from her other open hand that was in a tight fist.  She faltered in step trying to dodge her attacks which Sango ended up extending her arm over Kagome’s left shoulder slicing into it deeply. Kagome cried out but took the opportunity of her being so close and grabbed her hand that was open without Hiraikostu having returned to her yet and pulled herself to Sango harshly embracing her and purified the controls she had placed on her. 
Sango grabbed hold of Kagome as once the controls were gone to hold her weakened body lowering her to her knees, “Kagome!! Hold on!!”
 Kagome looked to her right in time and erected another barrier around them to avoid the attack the dog demon who had yet to have spoken yet. He had swung his sword but luckily it had demonic energy which her barrier could repel.
“Damnit” he muttered and jumped back to the others.
Sango and Kagome looked to behind the demons, who also turned their concentration to the ever approaching Inuyasha and Kirara.
“This could complicate things... I thought those other scorpions were supposed to keep them occupied,” the demon with silver hair looked to the one with brown hair.
“We must've underestimated the half-demon...” He replied grimly.
“We must tell father,” the demon with black hair chimed in.
They disappeared with a quick jump like they were ninjas or never even really there...
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bluerosetarot · 5 years
A Long Awaited Reunion
//Here’s another V/Reader story for you guys, with a twist: I didn’t write this! This was written by someone who approached me, too shy to post it on their own.
Give it some love and help keep them writing! Because I definitely enjoyed it and would love to see more from them! ^o^
Taking a deep breath, you look about the town discreetly as you walk. It had been some time since you’d been in Fortuna and things had changed, some had not; People of the Order were not as prolific as they once had been but almost everyone still kept to themselves.
Shaking your head, you approached your destination. Before opening the door you shifted the sword at your side to be less visible, no need in scaring anyone needlessly. Taking a breath to settle your nerves, you open the door and walk inside. The inside of the orphanage was just like walking into a normal foyer, a warm wood color greeted you as you moved further inside.
You could hear the muffled voices of children somewhere further inside just as a younger woman came around the corner. “Sorry to intrude,” You smile slightly, nodding. The woman before you had grown into a petite thing.
“Have you been to Fortuna before?” Kyrie asked as she set two tea cups on the table and moved to sit across from you.
Humming, you take the cup in both hands and sip the warm honeyed liquid. “I come around every few years or so,” Taking another sip you sigh with content. It had been sometime since you’d had a decent cup of tea. “It's only wise with places like this and Vie de Marli that are prone to random demon appearances,” You smile into your cup as Kyrie’s eyes widened ever so slightly. You hadn't exactly hoped she’d remember you, but she had been just a child.
After taking a sip, Kyrie set her cup down. “So, you're a demon hunter?” She asked, not breaking eye contact. You smile remembering instances of some of your more memorable visits of Fortuna and the few hunts that brought you to this moment.
“For some time now. I know, I'm not as famous as some but that's the way I want it,” Smiling again you absently stir your tea. “So, tell me. How have things really been around here since,,,” You wave your free hand in the air. “The Order fell apart? Or anything really, I’ve missed having girl talk.” You asked, taking another sip of your now cooled tea.
For several moments Kyrie just stares at you before dropping her eyes to her own tea cup. “Well…” She begins and a small knot forms in your gut at her dejected tone. The report you had gotten hadn’t been rainbows and sunshine, but that was how most things ended when things from the underworld were involved.
You both sat around for a few hours talking about absolutely nothing, drinking tea and eating cakes. Every once in awhile one of the orphans came in, staring at you curiously before running over to Kyrie to whisper in her ear and then leaving.
“Your Nero sounds like a man I know. Given he’s slightly less brusque and more...” You scrunch up your face trying to think of a proper word.
“Hot-headed?” Kyrie offered, a knowing smile on her face. “You have someone?” she asked slightly averting her eyes. You hide a half smile behind your teacup, your thoughts going to the man you’d mentioned earlier.
Chuckling, you finally lower your cup. “It's complicated. But the next time I see him, I will be giving him what for,” Catching the time, you finish your current cup of tea and stand. “Well it's getting late and I'm sure you have things to do,” Moving away from the table you pushed your chair back underneath before pulling a card from your pocket. “This is my number. Give me a ring if you need anything or just wanna girl talk,” You set the plain gray business card on the table.
Saying your goodbyes you give Kyrie one last smile before leaving. When the door closes, you stretch your arms above your head before heading to your true destination.
It happened one random evening as you were sifting through what had been left of the Order headquarters. The phone in your pocket rings. Kyrie had called you dozens of times over the last few months and you’d enjoyed more than one evening drinking tea and watching the orphans. Setting down the papers you’d been reading, you fish the phone out of your pocket. “[Y/N],” you answer, gabbing a new stack of papers with your free hand.
There was silence from the other end. “Kyrie?” You asked cautiously and was immediately greeted by sniffles. “What's wrong?” You ask in a slight panic, raising from your seat. Something had definitely happened, and if Kyrie was this upset it wasnt something minor.
More sniffles before a shaky voice answered you. “N-Nero he- We don't know what to do. Nico is patching him up but-” More sniffles. Fear spiked through you at her words and you moved without thought.
“Whoever that is, tell them to get their ass here!” You heard another woman shout but you were already moving.
“I'll be right there,” You say in a low voice before picking up the pace.
You ducked into the garage and found two women and Nero, who was unconscious on the floor next to a pool of blood and his arm missing. “Well it's about damn time.” You assumed the brusque one was Nico, she knelt next to Nero. Ignoring her you looked Nero over, checking his pupils and pulse before moving to pick him up. He’d lost a lot of blood when, whatever, had taken his arm. “Now wait just a-” Nico began but stopped when you deadlifted Nero into a princess carry as if he weighed nothing.
You glance at the still kneeling woman before turning to Kyrie. “Meet us at the hospital,” You say firmly before walking away. Once out of earshot of the two women you look down at Nero and grimace. “Damn, kid. What the hell happened?” You take off for the hospital at a dead run.
The doctors had patched Nero up almost upon your arrival. Kyrie and Nico had arrived just as they put him into a room. Nico had eyed you the whole time as Kyrie sat next to his bedside. They had left only moments ago when you shooed them out and insisting they go take care of the orphans.
Sitting in the corner of the darkened room, you could only wonder at what happened. There had been little record left at the Order about Nero and what had happened during one of your absences. The doctors only shook their heads and said it looked like something had ripped his arm off.
Swinging one foot in irritation, you chew at your lip trying to put the pieces together. A soft light streaming into the room makes you open your eyes. Looking to the large windows, you note the moon rising. The full moon began to peek over the windowsill, casting a grayish light onto the bed where Nero slept.
Closing your eyes again you stiffened at the sound of one of the windows opening. “Are you seriously planning on bringing that kid along?” A whispered raspy-ish voice said. “He’s not going to be of any use, you know!” It continued, getting slightly louder as it came into the room accompanied by the light beat of wings.
“Who knows.” A new deeper voice said as if they had just walked in through the door and not entered via the window. “I'm simply doing all I can do. I'll use everything that can be put to use,”  Opened your eyes, they move to the sight alight the windowsill. “Everything.” The man said, a giant bird perched on the cane in his hand.
You could only assume the bird was in fact a demon, with its multi flapped beak, and the owner of the first voice. You study them both for a moment before speaking up, still unsure if the man is in fact human. “And what pray tell do you need with the boy?” You ask, not moving from the chair, arms still crossed over your chest.
The demon jumped and the man turned in your direction. You stare at one another for sometime before the demon bird speaks. “Great, another nosey nobody. Want me to get rid of this one to?” You ignore the avian as you sit and watch them, contemplating if these intruders are a threat.
The moonlight that had cast both in shadow, soon rising enough and giving you a slightly better view of the man's face, but it was obvious from his figure that he was lean and only seemed to have the cane on him. Narrowing your eyes you stand, keeping a watch on them both. “You know something about this.” You state, indicating Nero with a wave of your hand.
You continue to watch one another for several moments. “Very well.” The man said stepping away from the window.
“What?! Just like that?” The demon protests, flapping its wings as the man moves. “She already has you whipped?” The man shakes the cane making the demon bird fall off. “We don't have time for this!” It squawks, landing on the windowsill. “I’m doomed...” It laments lowering its head in defeat.
You had listened to his revised story in silence, making note of where it was obvious he had left things out. Saying nothing as he finished his tale, you nod, tapping your chin with a finger in thought. “Lo, a shadow of horror is risen,” you whisper to yourself. “Well, seems I know where I'm heading next.” You sigh, looking out the window. Despite what he had called the demon, you had your own ideas about its identity.
“This ain't no vacation lady,” The large avian demon turned to look at the man. “It's bad enough he wants to go. Dragging me with him no less!” The man just smiled. Heat rushed to your cheeks as he does so. The motion was languid and familiar and brought to mind the one man who had piqued your interest.
“All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players; They have their exits and their entrances...” You look at the demon with a smile trying to hide your reaction. “I'm simply playing my part,”
“Oh no. No!” The avian said flapping its wings at you. “One Shakespeare is bad enough, I don't need two of you!” With that it flew back out the window.
You chuckle and give the man a curious look. “So what should I call you?” You paused, considering. “And your demon bird.” Finally you step from your shadowed corner. Crossing your arms you watched him; For a moment you thought you saw shock flit through his green eyes, his shoulders stiffen ever so slightly as he see you in the moonlight.
He was silent for several seconds. “V.” He gave a short bow, a crooked smile on his face. You hide your surprise with a small cough behind your hand, dropping it before he can look at you again. “That would be Griffon.” V says as he straightens, a curious look smoldered behind his eyes. “Should we be expecting you at the Qliphoth?” He leaned against his cane, the smile still beaming.
“Me? No.” You shake your head, allowing yourself an internal chuckle before turning towards the door. “I have other matters to attend,” You smirk to yourself before turning back to V. “If you want Nero’s help, that's up to him. If you need my help with something else, however.” Giving V a slight nod you let your eyes linger on him a moment before glancing at the window. “Make sure you close that when you're finished.” You chide, before opening the door and leaving.
On the other side of the door, you let out a long breath as you lean against the wall. Memories had tugged at you the entire time, V’s mannerisms and smile constantly reminding you of the man you hadn't seen in years. You had met no one else like him, but there had stood a man his complete opposite who, with one smile, had brought memories back to the surface.
Not to mention the “name” he gave you, which had nearly made you choke. It would have been awkward if he had been looking at you at that moment.
Shaking the thoughts from your head, you push away from the wall and leave.
Before you even reached the city, the Qliphoth could be seen stretching up into the sky. Already the demon tree had grown miles above Red Grave, giving it an eerie feeling. Grumbling under your breath you run a hand through your hair.”What exactly was I hoping to do here?” You chide yourself and muss up your hair in frustration. You wanted to scream or better yet take your sword and destroy something.
Wanting nothing more than to find him yourself, you knew you couldn't face him. Some of the pieces had clicked with V’s story. Letting out a frustrated scream you glare at the Qliphoth. “When I get my hands on you...” You growl, taking in a deep breath you straighten and square your shoulders. You wouldn't let the circumstances daunt you and if you had to kill a few demons and kick a few asses, so be it.
Clutching the hilt of your sword, you give the Qliphoth one last glare before heading down into Red Grave. There was nothing you could do about the fool who thought to make himself king, yet, but you could take out your mounting frustration on the demons that were sure to appear.
Rumors had already spread among the people since your arrival that the legendary demon hunter Dante had arrived. You had smirked at that, remembering the first time you had met him but he’d yet to be called legendary let alone a demon hunter. His arrival ment V had convinced him and possibly Nero to take on his task.
Taking in the city from one of the higher roof tops, you look upon the Qliphoth. “And I watered it in fears, night & morning with my tears: And I sunned it with smiles, and with soft deceitful wiles. And it grew both day and night,” Scrunching up your face you turn from the tree. “I know this wasn't what you were hoping for V.” You mumbled to yourself before heading back to the street.
As night fell, the sky grew overcast and lights lit up the Qliphoth, your eyes strayed to the demon tree. As the searchlights roved the porous expanse you grumble. “What are this people doing. Standing around while a creepy tree invades the city,” Scoffing you make your way through the back alleys closer to the Qliphoth.
The people that were gathered around the tree, either just looked at it or prayed to it, which made you slightly queasy. Finding a fire escape you make your way up to the roof; No matter the outcome you needed to see what would happen next. Forgetting about the ignorance below you watch the Qliphoth for any signs.
A crash pulled your eyes to a section of the Qliphoth that fell to the ground and what appeared to be two figures descended from the hole. One of the lights flashed across the figures; one was clearly Nero and the other was what looked like a large demon with a white haired person riding it.
As soon as they land another man approaches them, you watch as the demon V had been riding disperses and his hair returns to being black. The three men only get a short ways before things burst from the ground and attack the humans.
You watch until they are far enough away before moving closer on street level. “V!” You call running up to him and grabbed hold of his arm, pulling him into an alley. “What happened?” You ask with slight urgency, glancing around the corner of the building at the attacking Qliphoth.
“As you see, we failed. Neither Dante nor Nero were strong enough,” He grabs hold of your arm in return and moves farther into the alley. Finding a safe distance from the opening he stops, you look him over for any injuries, which doesn't go unnoticed by him.
“How long?” You asked giving his arm a slight squeeze. “Y- Is-” You snap your mouth shut, gritting your teeth in frustration and look V in the eye. “What can I do?” V smiles giving your arm another firm squeeze.
You stand like that for several minutes until V chuckles. “You knew,” He said in an accusatory but teasing tone. “I carry your heart with me; I carry it in my heart. I am never without it; anywhere I go you go, my dear.” Smiling V draws you closer.
You enjoy the closeness and warmth before pulling back slightly, giving him a haughty look. “Of course I knew!” You say airily, straightening your back and raising your chin. One of his brows rose in question and you give a light laugh. “You weren’t very subtle, V.” Smiling you bump your shoulder into him lightly. “I just couldn't understand the how.” You look at him an expectant look in her face, willing him to tell you everything.
V smiled before looking around. “I'll tell you everything, just not here.” With a nod you leave, taking the back alleys away from the Qliphoth.
You had spent most of the time before the next attempt with V, doing various things. As the weeks passed it was obvious he was running out of time, as Griffon continuously reminded you both. At the moment you sat reading an old book, with Shadow curled around your back as you sat on the ground.
The book had been hidden in the remains of the Order headquarters. “Nothing.” You frown and tossed the book to the side, leaning back against Shadow. “Doesn’t V need you?” You ask, scratching Shadow behind an ear.
“I’m all that's needed for a simple scouting mission lady.” Griffon chimes in as he glides over you to land on some nearby rubble. “You could even do a better job than the giant hairball, but only slightly.” He laughed.
“Shadow has grown rather fond of you.” Came V’s voice as he made his way to the makeshift camp. “Griffon didn't even need to do much, so it was fine to leave Shadow here.” Stopping next to you, V leaned on his cane and smiled. “Find anything we can use?” He asked offering a hand.
Scoffing you glare at the small pile of discarded books before taking V’s hand. “No, everything seems to point to what you had planned.” You say as V pulls you to your feet. “Has Nero contacted you?” You ask dusting yourself off.
“He should be arriving some time early tomorrow. Then I can end this.” V smiled squeezing your hand that he still held. At the small gesture warmth floods through you and you smile at him warmly.
“It'll get done, one way or another.” You nodded firmly squeezing his hand back. “Should we get going? The demons won't make it easy to get to the Qliphoth and who knows what else has sprouted since.” You turn to look down upon the city as the sinking sun turns it foreboding red.
“Indeed. In me nothing is extinguished or forgotten, my love feeds on your love, beloved, and as long as you live it will be in your arms without leaving mine.” You chuckle, bumping into V as you make your way toward the city.
“You two make me sick!” Griffon bemoaned flying over your heads. “Get a room or I’m getting a stick.” He called flying away.
The demons walked freely in the rubble of the city. You moved ahead, having seen something odd a few blocks away. When you arrive you were greeted by several demons, which were easily dispatched with your blade. As the last of them died you screw up your face in disgust. “Why do they all look like creepy oversized bugs?” Grumbling you move closer to the large tangle of vines. “Ew, is it pulsing?” Sticking your tongue out at the bramble you shiver.
Taking a breath you move to cut it down when screeching from behind catches you off guard.  Spinning around to defend yourself, your eyes go wide at the demon who is inches from you, a dark needle like object skewering it. When it starts to crumble you let out the breath you’d been holding.
“Getting slow in your old age?” Griffon quips as Shadow and V approach.
Glaring at the avian demon you take a swipe with your blade as V finally joins you. “Qliphoth roots. Looks like we’ll have to get through more than just this one to continue.” He explains and you make another face before stabbing it.
“Nero should be arriving soon. We should part here, my dear.” V says as the root turns grey and disintegrates.
Looking at the brightening sky you nod before looking back at V. “Alright.” You stand there for a moment before throwing your arms around him. “I am but waiting for you,” Pulling away you let your arms drop before giving him a smile. “See you there V.” You say before dashing off.
It hadn’t taken as much time as you had thought to get to your destination. The constant slough of demons made it seem as time past far slower than it had. Upon arrival, you were surprised to see that Nero was fighting with the would be demon king. Watching from a secure hiding place you smile as he holds his own, giving a little muffled cheer when he manages to slice open the demon's hand.
When he was swatted away like a fly you gripped your sword and moved to help but stopped yourself. Gritting your teeth you crouch back down and forced yourself to watch; As the demon rose from his abominable throne and they fought once more.
With a wave of power that even had Nero sent flying, the demon sent tentacles to reach out for Nero, you make a small noise in your throat and grip your sword hilt tighter. As they picked him up into the air and was about to crush him, a red demon descends from above. Letting out the breath you’d been hold, you fell against the pillar in relief before returning your eyes to the scene below.
Griffon soon arrived and carried Nero off, you sigh in relief and watch until the avian demon was out of sight. With rapt attention you watch as Dante readied for his own battle.
Once Dante seemed to have the upper hand he approached in human form. The Qliphoth started to shake sending you falling forward, forcing you to clutch the piller to keep from falling. You continue to watch with wide eyes as the demon summons the Yamato then disappears in a shower of human blood.
Cursing you wait until Dante retreats from the room. “Damn it V.” You scowl, looking at the blood soaked throne.”And it grew both day and night, Till it bore an apple bright...” Shaking your head you take a deep breath and head for the top of the Qliphoth as V had instructed.
If it hadn't been born from the underworld and grown on the blood of humans, the view would have been breathtaking. You had made your way to the very top with little trouble, sure that the others were keeping the demon inhabitants busy.
Finding a secure but hidden place, you waited. If all went according to plan, V would arrive and you would be able to confront him yourself. Removing your sword you absently study the sheath before pulling free the blade.
By the time you finished cleaning your blade, Vergil appeared from a portal no doubt created by the Yamato. Standing you replace your sword and watch as he moves to an edge of the Qliphoth before creating as chair for himself.
Moving from your hiding spot you casually walk toward him, a myriad of emotion fighting to be shown. “I didn't expect you to be here already.” he said without moving, his voice bringing a smile to your lips as you moved to stand next to his chair.
“I am I, and you are you, and the old life that we lived so fondly together is untouched, unchanged. Whatever we were to each other, that we are still.” Still smiling you hook a hand on the the chair and look out over the edge of the Qliphoth. “You should always expect the unexpected from me V.” You chuckle, using your pet name for him. “Remember when I basically forced you to teach me how to wield a sword?”
Vergil let out an exasperated breath. “You were relentless. Even went as far as to try swinging a naked blade around.” You give a throaty laugh at the memory. “You did warn me you would end up destroying everything and hurt yourself if I didn't show you.” You could hear the smile in his voice as he spoke.
Giving a chuckled hum you lifted your left arm up turning it to see a fine white line mare the skin. “Still have the scar. The furniture, however, wasn't so lucky.” This elicited a soft chuckle from him. “I remember you were particularly miffed about when the weight of it finally got the better of me and it implanted itself next to the bookcase.” A soft grumble came from Vergil which made you laugh softly.
“Miffed, would be a mild way of putting it.” He huffed lightly, shifting in his chair. “At that point I knew you wouldn't stop destroying things until you got your way, you infuriating woman.” His slightly teasing tone finally made you look down at him.
“Oh, so it wasn't the part where I sliced open my arm trying a move I thought would look cool?” You huff in faux indignation and leaning against the chair. “You wound me so.” You laugh looking back out at the sky. “And your plan will happen with no major hiccups?” You ask glancing at him.
For the first time he looked up at you. “Will you not run screaming, knowing exactly what it is I hope to accomplish?” His eyes bore into you as he speaks, as if seeking deceit.
Smiling you move your hand from the chair to his shoulder, squeezing lightly. “I fear
no fate; for you are my fate, my sweet.” Your smile broadens as Vergil frowns.
“You always were fond of the more flowery poems.” He said moving to rest a hand on top of yours, squeezing gently. “Yes, things should go as planned once Dante arrives.” He said looking back over the Qliphoth, not moving his hand.
“You have a thing for the more morbid ones, love.” You glimpse the edge of his mouth pull back, producing a dimple on his cheek. “When you smile like that it makes it hard to hate you.” You tease, his smile growing. “And you know it.” You squeeze his shoulder hard, shaking him slightly.
Chuckling at you, Vergil gives your hand a final squeeze before moving his away and looking at you once more. “He should arrive soon, best that you not be here.” His smile was gentle and his eyes protective. “We can catch up more afterwards.” He paused and you quirk a brow at him. “But if things do not turn out as planned, remember. Why should I be out of mind because I am out of sight? I am but waiting for you, for an interval, somewhere very near, just round the corner. All is well.” You take in a sharp breath as he recites the poem, gripping his shoulder until he finishes.
Hesitantly you nod, forcing yourself to let go of him. Before you could step away he grabs your arm and pulls you down,  pressing a quick, chaste kiss to your lips. Shocked at his action you can do nothing but stare wide eyed at him. With a final squeeze he released you before turning away.
You watch as everything unfolded between Vergil and Dante in mild apprehension. When they were both propelled away from one another, Vergil threw a quick glance in your direction. “Nero is my son?” He asked Dante as he stood.
“Yeah, dumbass.” He grunted as he picked himself up. “You can't remember through that thick skull of yours?”
“Well, well. That was a long time ago.” Vergil said, casting you another quick glance. You simply look back at him hoping nothing telling showed on your face.
Dante laughed. “I guess you were young once, too!” He jabbed, moving into a fighting stance. “As much as I would love to hear that story, I think it's about time we…”
“Ended this.” Vergil finished also getting into a fighting stance.
As you watch and listen, Your throat goes dry and you swallow, a small knot forming in your throat at the possible conversation you’d have later. Shaking your head you take a deep breath as they both changed to their devil forms and rushed one another.
Before they collided, something fell from the sky, rocking the Qliphoth and almost knocking you from your feet. As the light and dust cleared a new devil stood in between them its hands resting again either man's chest. Regaining your balance, you watch in confusion and trepidation at the new arrival.
Both men returned to their human forms before both being tossed back. At that second you knew who the new devil was and with wide eyes watch as he returns to his human form. “This ends right here.” Nero said loud enough for you to hear, not looking at either man.
Dante approached him, his shoulders set for a fight. When he got close however, one of Nero's blue appendages knocked him away. Cover your mouth in surprise, you gasped in a mix of surprise and shock. Nero soon turns to Vergil as he speaks, then slowly approached him.
You could only guess at what would happen next and after that was a mystery as Vergil had not planned for Nero to interfere. Vergil stands and Dante merrily sits up, rubbing his jaw.
Moving to face Nero, Vergil soon points the Yamato at him and Dante waves off whatever Vergil said before falling back over. Cringing as both soon begin their fight, you manage to keep your eyes on both father and son.  Dante remains prone until Nero succeeds in forcing Vergil back.
As they bantered the Qliphoth began to shake and rumble. Vergil stood, sheathing the Yamato and walked passed a confused Nero toward the edge of the Qliphoth. Dante soon followed, as they neared the edge Nero stopped them. They turned and continued toward the edge, you watch Vergil, nodding when he looks at you, understanding without needing to hear them.
Moving to follow him, Vergil stops you with a raised hand, confused you glance back at Nero and Dante then back to Vergil. ‘Don't you dare...’ you mouth furrowing your brow, only moving back when Dante rejoins him. Nero soon runs up to them but is repealed by the twins with back fisted punches.
When Nero stops skidding, Dante offers him a salut before jumping off the edge. Vergil stands facing him as you watch in mild horror as he breaks the promise to let you accompany him. Vergil pulls his book from his pocket and tossed it toward Nero before turning, giving you a quick smile before he to jumped off the Qliphoth.
You take a single step forward before stopping yourself. Cursing yourself for inaction, you turn away sharply as Nero stands looking over the edge, Vergil's book in hand.
You had dropped everything the moment Morrison had called you, a mix of emotions assaulted you as your brain tried to understand the news. By the time one emotion had won over the others, you were already standing in front of the building. Walking up to the door, you could hear several voices from inside; One you knew like your own. Taking a deep breath, you flung open the doors of Devil May Cry and all the voices stopped.
They had all turned to look at you as you stood in the doorway. Your eyes immediately traveled over to one man. “V!” You breathe before taking long strides toward him. As you make your way into the building, Vergil's look of surprise changes to that of tense blankness. Stopping in front of him, you slowly looked up at him with a glare. “Vergil.” You scoffed as you glare at one another.
Almost a minute passed before Vergil opened his mouth to speak, before he could utter a syllable you drew back a fist and punched him directly in the solar plexus. As he bent over, clutching his abdomen trying to draw breath, Dante bursts out laughing.
Slowly turning away from Vergil, you turn your glare on Dante. “Mr. Tony Redgrave.” Venom drips off your lips as you enunciate every word. There was never any particular reason, but when he laughed as you hit Vergil, the need to put him in his place won out over simply ignoring him.
The moment the name left your mouth, Dante sobered, standing upright. “Look, lady...” He raised his hands in a pacifying gesture as he backed away from your advance. “I don't know you-” He started before bumping into the jukebox, cutting himself off.
Using the distraction, you swept his feet from underneath him and punched him in the face on his way down for good measure. He hits the floor with a satisfying thud and omph before you pull free your sword. Recovering enough to glean your intent, he raises and waves his hands towards you as you raised the blade. “Vergil, call off this madwoman!” He pleads, looking past you to Vergil.
A dark chuckle fills your ears before you're unceremoniously grabbed around the waist and lifted. You curse as Vergil swings you away, looking over his shoulder at his brother. “You deserved that. I won't let her sully her hands however.” Setting you down Vergil gives a soft laugh as you try to move around him. “Now, now, dear. Wear no forced air of solemnity.” Huffing you reluctantly put away your sword.
“My dear? What the hell?!” A curse and groan drew your attention back to Dante as he pushes himself up from the floor, still rubbing at his jaw. “Damn, brother, where did you find her? I think she broke something.” He opened and closed his jaw a few times before looking at the two of you. “Wait, I know you from somewhere...” He said still holding his jaw and pointing at you with his free hand. “Didn't I meet you in Red Grave? Wasn't that-”
Ignoring him you turn back to Vergil. “You!” You say, forcibly poking him in the chest. “You ever decide to go to the demon world again without me and even Yamato won't be able to send you far enough!” You jab him as you spoke, not breaking eye contact and frowning more as he smiled down at you. As the dimples on his cheeks formed you playfully punch him in the chest. “Damn your smile!” You screech when Vergil wraps an arm around your waist and pulls you close.
Grumbling you let yourself settle into the curve of his body, taking a deep breath of his scent before glaring up at him. Vergil merrily smiles down at you, holding you tighter as Dante mutters, moving to his desk. Even Trish and Lady snicker in the corner as they watch you, hiding behind slices of pizza as Morrison lounged in Dante’s chair.
When the doors opened a second time, all bickering stops as you all turn again to see who it is. Still encircled in Vergil's arm, you make a loud tsk sound before putting your free hand on your hip. “You're late, mister.” You chastise Nero as he stands motionless in the doorway.
Vergil laughs giving you yet another squeeze. “I think you broke him, dear.” He says as Nero continues to stare from the doorway, not moving as his mouth hangs open. “Don't just stand there Nero, come inside.” Vergil looks down at you then back to Nero.
“I think you're right, V. It seems I broke him.” You laugh giving Vergil a teasing look. “Think we could fix him with pizza?” Vergil gave you a withering look only making you laugh more while you attempt to squeeze him with both arms.
“Come on kid, get in here!” Dante calls to him as he opens one of several pizza boxes on his desk.“The family pizza party waits for no one!” He says shoving a cheesy slice into his mouth.
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lovedinapastlife · 6 years
3x11 “The Red Dahlia” - Riverdale Reaction
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Somebody ought to go in these handcuffs, and I happen to think it should be whoever approved this episode.
Let’s be clear...even if this episode was filmed in black and white, it probably still would have been the garbled, sleep-deprived ramblings of writing room edits as opposed to a compelling narrative about dames with dubious intentions and secrets to kill for. For me, at least.
I love how Betty still judges the hell outta Hal for his malevolent appreciation of a woman with a body count.
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Archie “the Hulk” Andrews. Nobody likes him when he’s angry. This poor overseer even has to fight with people about TAKING A BREAK. Eat a sandwich, Archie! Maybe you’re hangry on top of needing therapy.
Veronica calling out the temporary fabulous gesture of flowers from Elio and demanding precious jewels. Pretty RICH, considering she got Bettykins flowers and cupcakes in s1e1. That is growth. Maybe.
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“We all had problems, and a helluva good-looking one was about to walk through my door.” Anyone else expecting a Pop’s delivery?
I had to sigh. I know, I know it’s just the poor attempt at Noir language, but Jughead mocks her hat like two seconds later and I’m sure certain shippers were squeeing as I squinted at the general tolerance these two have for each other. He likes the $ and opportunity to play detective with Nancy Drew. V likes results. That’s it. Business partners. Woo.
Go, Fred! You PARENT your child! Aaaaand there he goes to take shots at a speakeasy. Well. You tried.
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Is Thornhill big enough to have its own funeral parlor AND cemetery? Just makes it easier to hide the murder victims and suicides, I guess! This is at LEAST the second wake-ish thing they’ve hosted here. Weird family. Sorry you’re related, Betty.
Not sure why Cheryl is SO offended by the insinuation that her prostitute/murderer/sent-her-to-conversion-camp mom is dangerous. I thought Penelope was kicked out anyway? Nana Rose is my new favorite Blossom murderer for the weird line implying that she finds pretending to cry over her son/a man is a waste of time.
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Did they seriously make cutoff vests with the Serpents insignia for the “TOO-WARM-TO-MOVE-A-BODY” weather, and yet dress Jughead in a SHERPA JACKET? I know he’s an “outsider,” but COME ON.
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“MOBSPLAIN” - only on this show. Also, the line about it being “unrealistic” made me laugh. This show is such a cheeky bastard. Love watching V make grown men stand up straighter.
SMITHERS! Didn’t even recognize him at first. This kinda works? But I’m confused. Is V just...doing the shakedowns now? And she doesn’t see the issue with that? Got kinda creepy Daddy Issue vibes when she smiled at Reggie and called him Man in Black. I know WHY she did and it probably wasn’t meant to be creepy, I just FELT it, okay?
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THEY’RE SO SOFT I’M GONNA DIE! The little back-rub? The cutie heart-eyes? I’m dying. But the writing was silly here, because Betty is all ABOUT investigating, and would totally help Jughead break in and have his back for sleuthing shenanigans with plenty of time for her thing. Also Betty seemed bemused/unimpressed at discovering the super over-the-top Maple Sex Club (THIS SHOW) whereas Jughead seemed totally unaffected. They have a more impressive setup at home, I presume.
Josie shoving Archie in a cold shower and telling him to sort his shenanigans was probably the most fun thing she’s ever done. And she wears cat ears and fancy outfits on the regular, so that’s saying something. Also, don’t they only serve mocktails at the speakeasy? Or am I not supposed to remember that?
Honestly? Most of this episode from about halfway on gets...expositional and boring and just a bunch of blackmail stalemates that do not further character, plot, relationships, nor aesthetic. Boo. Booooo! Unsatisfying stalemates don’t get better as a plot device because you acknowledge them at the end! Even Jughead’s narration was a hard cringe.
Like, did anyone think Kelly Ripa was gonna shoot Jughead? Or that he would be obnoxious enough to juggle the egg super awkwardly instead of getting ready to smash the thing as a threat? Just...no interesting conflict. Nor resolution. These actors could’ve used better staging and script, and honestly even the cinematography was unimpressive with a few exceptions (Archie’s shadow-pan to aiming the gun at the hooded man was one).
Jughead keeps shoving all his money into other people’s hands in bribery and I find that extremely problematic for many reasons. As was Betty’s later monologue about “black and white” morality with Hal. Sigh.
Minetta was alive? Who was dismembered then? Random goon #42? Is being a mayor in Riverdale just a cover for f***ing the Sheriff?
DOUBLE-TAP, MAN. Or headshot! FP’s been around this stuff enough where he should’ve gotten this right! After that whole “I’m not a killer” speech to Jughead back in season one, I just kind of rolled my eyes during this scene and went, “Sure.”
Aw, people keep trying to beat Archie to the punch...and the shot! (HA. The puns...I digress). The “atmosphere-building” monologue beforehand and lying to V indicates he might be on the path...to VILLAINY! (again) But maybe now he has some Black Hood closure. Some.
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“Thank goodness it’s over” -- me, about this episode. Love the contrast of Hermione’s flimsy white trench coat though. Is Falice still a thing? Or was the one scene for fan service and now their duty is done?
Veronica: And Archie...if you ever need a friend...to talk to...
GET ON ANOTHER SHOW, because this episode only has time for dastardly plots and random sex scandals! (although I will accept a spinoff Bughead romantic detective show ANY TIME now) I realize everyone has their own agenda, but come on. Throw us a milkshake, here. At least Hiram will stop trying to kill the poor teenager. Archie, to be clear. Jughead is probably still on the table.
They literally had to write “In case you’d forgotten” in Jughead’s narration before returning to a scene. Wow. The narrative.
Ugh. Hermione. That cleanup is going to be a MESS. Shoulda shot him in the shower.
This is the second time Jughead’s been in the awkward position of his dad shooting a classmate’s dad. Oh well. “It’s Riverdale.”
That Bughead sex scene teased in the next episode better be good after this week’s shenanigans.
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izanyas · 6 years
how I wish chivalry were dead
This is for Roe @rethrone WHOMST I LOVE...
Rating: G Words: 2,000 No warnings.
how I wish chivalry were dead
She is pretty, if Matoba were to think about it for a long time and with wide-open eyes.
Not the kind of prettiness depicted in movie posters or scouted from idol agencies. Not either the knife-like beauty of the women Nanase likes to link arms with in the dark gardens of formal functions, when the men they work with have been subdued and she can go out for a smoke and some velveteen words, afore the hours she vanishes and then comes back from smelling of heavy perfume. Matoba cannot imagine that Natori would know how to go about seducing those women—the first for they know his kind, the second for his shyness would not allow it to happen. They would devour him.
But this woman is pretty. She has lively eyes a little wide apart, and rosy skin from sunlight and wind. She is two heads shorter than Natori and confident in bowing to him and asking for him to sign the picture of him she carries inside her stickered wallet. There is no hesitation in her politeness, nor either the flushed-embarrassment that most fans harbor around him. Natori speaks to her with something like delight for a minute longer, and Matoba watches from a few steps away and studies her, him, in turn. Studies the picture they make together.
He feels like an old woman appraising her progeny's match.
"I loved your latest movie so much," the woman is saying, blushing but not awkward, "I went to see it twice."
"That's very kind of you. Thank you."
"Please, don't thank me. You're a wonderful actor."
And so on and so on.
Natori doesn't quite step out of the skin he puts on during those encounters. Under the honed and perfected act Matoba can glimpse the teenager he once met who clutched the strap of a bag to his chest as if brandishing a shield. But she is so natural and sincere that he sees the compliments widen his smile and brighten his eyes, and this, more than beauty or wits, makes the woman worthy of consideration.
She evidently has no wish to shorten their conversation. Her words have drifted toward names and titles he doesn't know or wish to know, but which must mean something to Natori, for he answers her in eagerness. Matoba looks away from her—them—and to her friends still sitting at the terrace of a café nearby, both of them whispering, snapping pictures with their phones.
They see him. He smiles fleetingly at them; they lower the devices.
"Natori-san," he calls, crossing the distance between them in two short steps.
This is enough to wash even the threat that the woman poses out of his mind; two steps and he is here, in this space, able and willing to put a hand on Natori's shoulder.
Natori tenses, naturally.
"We should be going."
His eyes are quick to look Matoba over, wide and then narrow, as if Matoba's presence will always be a surprise to him. His smile is weak when he replies, "You're right."
The black lizard which has elected his body as host peeks from under his collar, as sharp on his skin as it always is and always will be. Sharp enough for Matoba to see its tongue flick and taste his presence. He takes back his hand; there is no need yet for this fight.
Natori bids the woman goodbye. She bows back to him, enthused and as lovely as he is. Matoba can see no suspicion over her face when she politely acknowledges him. He cannot be sure that his smile won't frighten her as it did her friends, so he does not smile.
There is no reason to resent her for her luck either; after all, luck is also what brought him to meeting Natori today.
The man who called upon the Matoba for help is very old and very paranoid. He was once part of a clan himself, and somewhat gifted of sight: he can see shadows in sunlight and feel air move over his skin, colder or hotter than the wind outside allows. Most of the exorcists know not to take his requests too seriously, for they are half of the time the fruit of an overactive imagination within a dusty, empty house. But he called, and this time his words were accompanied by others, with proof enough of ayakashi activity for Matoba to travel himself.
He has escaped his enemy again two days ago. He can even afford to travel alone this time, and Nanase encouraged him to. Loudly.
The man lives in a town south of Matoba's home city. Very few homes here bear the same taste of tradition and spirituality, and most of the streets are wide and linear, with quirky shops lining the sidewalks and computers available for use everywhere. At this time of day some high schoolers roam the streets, sipping on cold drinks, their uniforms undone. Natori has loosened his collar and rumpled up his shirt with his fidgeting.
What an agreeable surprise it was to arrive and step out of the car, only to meet his eyes from the other side of an unknown street. Natori stilled in the light of late afternoon as if haunted by a ghost of his own, then thinned his lips, then bowed. Matoba returned only a smile.
He filed away the knowledge of his client's dishonesty and decided to consider this a holiday.
They walk now through the busy streets in the direction of the man's home. This cheerful town makes for a sharp backdrop against Natori's ever-tense silhouette, his poorly-fitted clothes and old, worn-down hat. A mind less versed into the study of this man would consider it disguise: loose clothing to mask his shape and a cover for his blond hair and glasses to hide his eyes, to twist away his recognizable features. But Matoba watches the old belt looped around Natori's hips and thinks of comfort. He sees his eyes through the untreated lenses of the glasses and thinks of practicality. It would be difficult to disapprove of the man's outfit even if he did not care for Natori feeling at ease.
He does not expect Natori to speak to him, though they walk side by side. Matoba knows to content himself with a glimpse over a crowded room and nothing more for months at a time; to be in Natori's presence like this, alone, is feast enough. There is no need for words.
So he inhales on his surprise when Natori declares, "I heard you've been busy. I didn't expect to meet you here."
"I have been busy," he replies, recovering quickly enough. Natori gives him another of those wide-and-then-narrow-eyed glances, and he continues, "Summer brings about spirits who wake from the winter. You should know this."
"I do know this."
Of course he took it as offense.
"I'm only disappointed to learn that some people still don't trust me to work on my own," Natori says, looking ahead. His shoulders are rigid under the soft of his shirt; the tendons in his neck are raised sharply under his skin. "It wouldn't have surprised me five years ago, but now?"
Matoba doesn't believe that their client distrusts Natori, only that he distrusts the world. He says nothing of it.
Houses grow wider and father-between the more they walk. Gardens lushen with trees that cast shadows on the road, that pepper the sidewalk with fallen leaves and make the air vibrate with buzzing insects. A massive bush of hydrangeas spills over the low stone wall of an estate before them. Honeybees work every one of its blue flowers. Matoba picks one of them between two fingers, cutting its step with a nail so he can brush a thumb to the heart-shaped petals as he walks.
They arrive soon before the home of the one who called them. As expected, the house is old and more traditional, the garden cut with stones and decorated with a green pond where koi fish swim languidly. Natori marks a pause at the gate, but Matoba advances without hesitation, and doesn't miss the jolt of surprise that the other gives.
"There's no need to be so tense," he tells Natori.
"I'm not tense," Natori replies tensely.
Matoba smiles. It only seems to unnerve Natori more, which is a shame.
"You always act so surprised to see me," he says. "This must be the fifth time you jump out of your skin in the last hour."
He can read the denial on Natori's face clear as day, and waits for it in amusement. But either Natori has grown out of defending himself as fiercely as he did when they were children, or he thinks Matoba will only send him more of his remarks if he does.
"I'd be less jumpy if you were more normal," he says.
"I have no idea what you're talking about, Shuuichi-san."
He refrained from using Natori's first name in front of the woman, aware of the image which Natori must convey for this side-job of his, but there is no need for such precautions now. Natori glances at him again. Wide-eyed and then narrowed.
He says, "You look like you should be taller."
Matoba finds himself at a loss for words.
They stand still for a second at the wooden gate of the estate, two steps between them and the greenery around rolling with wind and life, before Natori grows enough mind to show embarrassment. He rubs the skin of his nape where the lizard has taken refuge some time ago, looks away. Says: "You used to be taller than me. Every time I look at you I—you just. You feel like you should be taller. Always have. It's surprising, when I look at you."
Scrawny little thing, aren't you, Nanase said to him when he was but a child and she finally understood that he never cared for anything but honesty out of her. That's another thing you'll have to work with.
"Do you feel threatened by me?" Matoba asks.
He knows the answer Natori will give before he can form it in his own head—he knows immediately that it is a lie. "No," Natori says.
Matoba chuckles.
Just like before with the woman Natori was so easily charming, the distance between them is crossed in less than a second. For all that Natori sees him approach and knows his hands are bare, unarmed, he draws in on himself; he sharpens like the subject of a photography put into focus, and his eyes turn wild.
The lizard, Matoba's lifelong enemy, skitters across his face and rests upon the bridge of his nose.
Still, he has no intentions of harming Natori. He never has and never will. He brings up the hand where the blue flower is still held and slithers it into the small, breast-height pocket at the front of Natori's shirt. He doesn't linger, doesn't touch, and draws away at once. Natori's chest is still under the white cotton. When it finally twitches, the flower is nudged out of place and falls fully out of sight, resting against his heart.
"I am not tall," Matoba says.
He is almost close enough to feel the air that Natori's breathing moves.
He doesn't take advantage of it. He steps back without looking at Natori's face and then turns away to observe the garden again. He can endure summer heat well, better than most, so he knows that the warmth crawling up his skin is not due to sunlight.
Natori follows him only when he is halfway to the front steps of the house. His shoes creak against the dirt path, but his gait seems to have eased.
Matoba waits until he is standing by his side once more to ring the old bell. Immediately the sound of hurried footsteps filters in through a beaded curtain—it is too hot, no doubt, to keep doors closed—and he fetches a smile that is not brought out of pleasure or even satisfaction. He doesn't look at Natori to study him and find out if he understood his words. It's unlikely that he did.
That flower will have to be enough of a peace offering for now.
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katie-dub · 7 years
Ice dancing duo Killian Jones and Elsa Frost barely made the cut for the PyeongChang Olympics after a disaster at the World Championships that left them without a coach. Enter Emma 'The Saviour' Swan, their new coach who might just help to add a little magic to their routines.
AKA a Tessa Virtue and Scott Moir AU, with a twist.
The wonderful @welllpthisishappening Master of the Sports AU told me that she had a prompt for a Virtue and Moir AU and I had the thought "shame they're just great friends". Somehow this idea was born and Laura and @distant-rose told me to "WRITE THE THING" and here we are. Thanks ladies for enabling me and giving this a once over. All mistakes are very much mine.
A Song of Fire and Ice: The bumpy road to PyeongChang for America's ice dancing duo Frost and Jones
Eyebrows were raised when fiery Killian Jones, who missed out on the Sochi Olympics due to the infamous attack that left his former partner (both on and off the ice) dead and his hand gravely wounded, teamed up with solo figure skating champion Elsa Frost, whose icy characterisation and flawless technique earned her the title of Ice Queen. The unlikely pairing narrowly qualified for the Olympics after a disastrous performance at the 2017 World Championships left them with barely enough points to make the cut. That event also saw them part ways with their coach, Leroy "Grumpy" Short, following a rumoured face off between him and Jones. With less than a year to go to get medal-ready, in stepped Emma "The Saviour" Swan, who has a reputation for rejuvenating the careers of failing figure skaters. Here's hoping The Saviour has worked her magic on Team USA's ice dance duo, who are merely hoping for a place on the podium, while Virtue and Moir...
Killian flung aside the newspaper, scowling. He really didn't need to read more about the bloody Canadians who were certain to beat them to the gold, not least of all in a piece that was meant to be about his "road to the Olympics".
Elsa raised her eyebrows at him. "Why are you even reading that, Jones? Given that Regina had to issue actual threats to get you to talk to that journalist I'd have thought you'd want to avoid it."
He sighed and dragged his hand across his face wearily. "Yeah, I bloody well should have.”
He had known the piece would be like this, that it would hurt to read, but the events leading up to the last Olympics caused a wound that wouldn't heal. (Or hadn't, until her, The Saviour, his saviour.)
It was their final rehearsal before they at last took to the rink to compete for Team GB. They had knocked it out of the park, scored a touchdown and a variety of other sporting metaphors. He spun Milah around in delight, kissing her passionately. He'd always known they were contenders, but now he was sure that gold medal was theirs. Tessa and Scott couldn't touch their chemistry - they were so beloved that it seemed the whole world was #Team Millian, regardless of nationality.
Then came the blow to his head that sent him crashing to the ice and his whole world along with it. When he awoke everything had changed: Milah was dead. His left hand damaged. Gold, their former coach and her ex, walked free without so much as a slap on the wrist from the Olympics Committee.
So he ran away, defected to the states, determined to get one over on the country that failed him.
And now that time had come.
Well, tomorrow it would, for now he had to rest.
They were minutes away from taking to the ice and Killian was nervous. They weren't even the favourite of the American teams in the running for bloody bronze. The idea of anyone but the Canadian or French winning silver and gold had not even been considered, it was so utterly unlikely.
But they could do it, Killian knew they could.
The world may have been skeptical at the announcement of their partnership, but dancing with Elsa had seemed entirely logical. Her detached demeanour (“Frost by name, frosty by nature” was a joke she'd heard one too many times) suited his need for an entirely platonic relationship. And her looks running in stark contrast to Milah’s didn't hurt either. He was to help Elsa to put her heart into sometimes sterile style, she could improve his precision and refine his technique.
The latter of these worked at least, they could twizzle in perfect unison and they had the required pattern down. But it was the free dance that could earn them the big points and that's where they'd faltered. His spirit had been poisoned such that it was hard to convey deepest devotion when every spin on the ice bore a reminder: love brought nothing but endless torment.
But then came Swan.
It was some kind of romantic ice dancing cliché: falling for your coach - second only to falling for your actual partner. And yet, here he was.
She was just so easy to love, or so he thought. She challenged him and made him better - made both of them better. Elsa’s relentless perfectionism had eased under the coaching of a true friend. She could often be heard reciting the mantra Emma taught her “let it go, let it go.” And as for him? She had helped him to heal and move on. Not that she would ever know.
They'd been working with Emma for weeks and the improvement was significant. It was enough to make Killian wonder if she actually did have magic powers. They were stood in their final pose, having just completed their dance for Emma. They had skated well and he could see the tiny flicker of pride in Elsa’s eyes that he was sure was reflected in his own - they had nailed it for sure.
“Seriously? That's what you call romance?” He turned to her in disbelief.
“What more do you want from us?”
“You have to use your emotion - in a good way. You look like.. like a man who's pissed at his robot for not loving him.”
Elsa huffed, quietly indignant, but outwardly calm as ever while he raged. “Well perhaps you should show us how it's done, almighty Saviour.” He gave her a mocking bow, eyes flashing at her in challenge.
“Please. You couldn't handle it.” His eyebrows shot up in shock, he'd never seen this teasing side to her before.
“Perhaps you're the one who couldn't handle it?”
She rolled her eyes but skated over to them. She shooed Elsa to the side and guided him to resume the final pose with her wrapped in his arms. She gazed up at him with adoration and it felt incredible. His heart beat faster and his breath quickened - he might have cursed his body for its clichéd reaction to the feel of the warmth of a beautiful woman's body, if he weren't so busy getting lost in her eyes. His own eyes softened and he smiled despite himself, leaning in when she licked her lips. “And that's how it's done,” she said, pushing back from him and turning to Elsa. “Killian’s got a romantic soul, flash him a look of love and he will follow your lead. Now, try that dance again.” Emma skated back to the side and Killian touched his fingers to his lips, startled at his close he'd come to kissing his coach. Sure, he'd always kind of fancied her - when she wasn't yelling at him - but this?
“Come on, Jones!” Elsa called, “enough with the yearning looks, it's time to skate.” She dropped her voice low so that only he could hear. “Something tells me that you'll never look at me the way you look at her.” His jaw dropped open, he wanted to fling a sarcastic remark back at her, but he stopped himself, unwilling to let Swan hear. (And besides, a small voice inside whispered that she was right.)
They'd gone from strength to strength since that day in the rink as they had each grown closer and closer to Emma and now all there was left to do was dance.
Their names were called. Emma reached up on her tiptoes to kiss his cheek and whisper “good luck” in his ear. His nerves were soothed and he breathed more easily. He glowed with the joy of that simple kiss. He could do it, he would do it - would do anything - for her.
Killian felt light and joyful as he glided around the ice. The music seeped into his pores, guiding his movements. Elsa and he danced like a dream, every twist, turn and twizzle was in perfect harmony.
Their dance reached its crashing crescendo and they hit their final pose, looking for all the world like a pair of lovers.
The music died and he pulled Elsa into a fierce hug, lifting her off the ice with joy. “We both know I'm not the blonde you've been thinking of,” Elsa whispered into his ear with a giggle. He was so happy he couldn't even been bothered to chastise her.
They won. Of course they won. And no one was talking about their record-breaking score, all anyone could mention was the romance, their chemistry.
He'd turned off his twitter notifications after he received approximately a million mentions in a matter of minutes.
"OMGGGGGGGG @TheKillianJones & @ElsaFrost01 must be in LOVE! #FrostJones"
"I can lip read, she definitely said I love you!!!! @TheKillianJones @ElsaFrost01 #FrostJones #CanYouFeelTheLoveTonight #IShipIt”
He had to laugh at how far from the truth they were.
And now he was sitting off to one side at their impromptu gold medal celebration taking it all in - most of the rest of the USA figure skating team were there drinking bubbly wine and cheering drunkenly although Neal and Tamara were conspicuous by their absence. He shook his head at their pettiness. Sure their unexpected win had robbed the pair of their own chance at a medal, but he suspected the no show was more a “fuck you” to their former coach, Emma. (He couldn't deny being glad of that, remembering the hint of tears that had glistened in her eyes at revealing how she'd discovered that Neal had been cheating on her with his partner. Not to mention how she'd been dragged into a possible doping scandal when she found herself blamed for a failed test - he still wasn't certain how Neal had weaseled his way out of those allegations. Tonight was Emma's night as much as theirs and she didn't need that dickhead bringing her down.)
“Hey.” Emma bumped his shoulder affectionately, sitting down next to him. “Beware of lurking gold medallists!”
He smiled wryly at her. “Just thinking, love.”
“Lurking and brooding - a classic combination.” He laughed. “Shouldn't you be celebrating?”
He raised his plastic cup to show off his rum then placed it down beside him. “Don't worry, I'm celebrating, I was just thinking how we couldn't have done this without you.”
She blushed, and twisted her mouth into a small smile that he found utterly adorable. “You guys have the talent,” she said with a shrug, “I just helped you to polish your routine.”
“You did more than that, I wasn't sure if I'd ever skate like that again after, well, you know.” He gestured vaguely and she nodded. She did know. He'd told her all about what happened, back in that night when they'd traded tragic backstories and came within inches of kissing. He still remembered how beautiful she'd looked, could feel her breath on his lips and the bitter disappointment welling in his soul. He gathered his courage, spurred on by the high of his win and the rum in his belly. “That is, until I met you.”
Her eyes widened and she looked deeply touched. She leaned closer to him, his breath caught in his chest and he watched as her eyes flicked down to his mouth. He wet his lips instinctively and moved closer to her, breathing in her air and waiting. Waiting.
She took a deep breath and gently touched her lips to his. Soft, that was all he could think. Her lips were so soft. His heart felt full. It was the barest of touches and it had him completely undone.
A part of him wondered if he was having that effect on her - hoped we was. Then she moaned against his lips and deepened the kiss and all thoughts were lost.
He pulled back from her the barest amount when the need for air got too strong, keeping her as close as possible, wanting to stay in this affectionate bubble forever. “That was -” he breathed.
“The reason a thousand hearts broke around the world. At least.” He looked up to see Elsa smirking at the pair of them. “Mine included, according to the interwebs. Don't look so worried, Jones, I think I'll live.” Her last comment was said with a wink before she disappeared back to the crowd of merrymakers.
“We better get back to all the partying and celebrating you and stuff,” Emma said, but her forehead was rested against hers and she showed no sign of moving.
“Do we have to? I'm sure we could just -”
She pushed him backwards with a smile. “Be patient.” He was about to protest, but she silenced him with one last soft kiss. “We can have our own private celebration later.”
“Promise?” He intended to sound flirty, but he sounded far too sincere.
“Yes,” she said, rolling her eyes and dragged him back to the party.
As he held her in his arms later, her hair spilling out over his bare chest, which she was using as a pillow, he wondered how he ever got so lucky. Four years ago he had nothing, but now he had everything.
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vizkopa · 7 years
Unwind (Kaze x Reader)
Word Count: 1 991
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In times of war, it was always important to divide the duties and labour equally amongst members of the army. Regardless of status, regardless of ranking, you had to pull your weight if you all had any hope of making it through the hard days and cold nights on the road. As it happened, it was your turn to make the journey to restock the company’s food supplies, and you had jumped at the chance to explore and stretch your legs a little. Being confined to the camp, poring over endless maps and castle plans—it was beginning to drive you stir crazy.
Kaze had insisted on accompanying you to the village despite your attempts to reassure him you would be alright on your own. It was sweet that he was so reluctant to leave your side, but you were looking forward to finally having some space to breathe. Kaze was a wonderful retainer and an even better ninja, but he always seemed to take his duties so seriously. Perhaps this little outing would give him an opportunity to breathe freely too.
“It’s such a nice day today, don’t you agree?” You cast a look over your shoulder towards the ninja, who was bringing up the rear of your small party. The pack horse you were leading by the reigns whinnied in agreement, but the ninja was not so quick to concur.
“…Yes, quite.” Despite the politeness in his reply, you sensed an edge to his words. His shoulders were stiff and his keen eyes never seemed to stop moving, scanning the surrounding landscape for potential threats.
You sighed. “Would you relax a little? I highly doubt anyone will try to attack us out in the open like this. Especially on a day such as this.” You gestured to the cloudless expanse of sky above you.
“You never know, my Lady.”
It’s true—you never did. But it wasn’t like you hadn’t taken precautions before departing. You had forgone your usual heavy plate armour for a simple wool dress akin to what you often saw the common folk in the village wearing. Similarly, Kaze had dressed down for the trip, though not to the extent you had. He still held his shuriken concealed within the folds of his coat and his hand never strayed far from the simple dagger he kept at his hip. You were willing to bet he had one concealed in his boot too. Presented as you were, no one would so much as suspect you were secretly the wayward princess of Nohr and her retainer.
The markets were bustling when you entered town, but the crowd parted easily to make way for the packhorse, who snorted and shifted uneasily at the throng of people milling around him. You stroked his neck soothingly as you went about scanning the stalls for the items you needed.
You felt Kaze hovering behind you while you perused the stalls, but tried not to let his overbearing presence get to you. He was only doing his job, after all. Just perhaps a little too well.
As you were inspecting a head of cabbage, you felt the weight of a pair of eyes on you. A young woman at the next stall was looking in your direction, a slight look of awe on her face. She looked away hastily when you met her gaze, a light blush dusting her cheeks. At first, you thought she may have recognized you—you couldn’t fathom how; you had never seen the woman in your life—but quickly came to realise as the young woman chanced another glance, that it wasn’t you who had drawn her attention, but Kaze.
Well, someone’s popular, you thought to yourself with a smile. An idea came to you.
“Kaze, I can’t focus with you hovering behind me like that. At least make yourself useful and go buy some carrots from the stall over there.” You gestured to the stall where the young woman was still eyeing Kaze when she thought you weren’t looking.
“I’d rather not leave your side, my Lady.”
“I assure you, one stall away is hardly leaving my side.” You pressed a small bag of gold into his hand. “Go. The quicker we get everything we need, the quicker we can return to camp.”
Kaze seemed hesitant, but he couldn’t deny your logic. “Call if you need any assistance.”
“Yes, yes, just go.”
You breathed a sigh of a relief as he hurried off toward the stall. The young woman saw him approaching and almost dropped the basket she was holding in fright, her face turning beet red. You smiled to yourself. Kaze had always been popular with the woman amongst the army but it never occurred to you just how far that popularity reached. You hadn’t really taken much notice before now, but he was rather handsome, wasn’t he?
“Miss, are you going to buy anything or not?” The merchant’s voice jolted you out of your musings. You suddenly realised just how long you had been standing there.
“Oh. Yes. My apologies.”
With both of you working to procure the goods, the saddlebags were soon brimming with food and medicines. You met up with Kaze just as you crossed the final item off your list.
“I think that’s everything. Shall we make our leave?”
“The sooner, the better, my Lady. Oh, I almost forgot…” He rummaged in his pocket and pulled out the bag of gold you had given him earlier. He offered it to you.
“What’s this?”
“Change,” he said matter-of-factly.
Your eyes widened as you felt the weight of the bag in your palm. “But… hardly any of it is gone! How did you pay for everything?”
“Many of the merchants were adamant that I didn’t need to pay, and every time I tried to refuse, they only thrusted more items upon me. Now, I’m no salesman, but that does not seem like an efficient way to run a business—why are you laughing?”
You pressed a hand over your mouth to stifle your giggles. “No reason.”
He looked at you, perplexed for a moment. “No matter. We have everything me need, and more. We should head home.”
“Yes, gladly. There’s just one more thing I wish to buy… Wait here.”
When you returned, Kaze asked you what it was that you had purchased, but you only shook your head and told him it was a “morale booster”. You refused to give him any other clues.
It was late afternoon when the two of your arrived back at camp, tired packhorse in tow. You passed the horse off to the stable hands to unload and care for, before turning one last time to Kaze before you parted ways to freshen up for dinner.
“Kaze, would you join me for tea in my chamber later this evening?”
You thought you caught a faint blush in his cheeks, but dismissed it as a trick of the quickly fading light.
“I would be honoured, my Lady.”
You smiled. “Nine o’clock. Don’t be late.”
The hour Kaze was meant to meet you was drawing nearer. The night had grown cold while you waited, and you had to call on Jakob to light a fire in the hearth at which you sat now. You were nervous. You couldn’t pinpoint exactly why. Was it wrong of you to have invited Kaze to your personal chamber? He was your retainer—it wasn’t entirely unusual. But what if he got the wrong impression?
There came a knock at the door. You steeled your nerves.
“Come in.”
Kaze entered and bowed. “My Lady.” His eyes flickered to the bottle of sake set out on the table in front of you. “I thought you said we were having tea.” The amusement in his smile contradicted the suspicion in his voice.
“I thought it might be nice to loosen up a bit. You take your duties so seriously, but tonight, consider yourself off-duty.”
“Is that wise, my Lady?”
“Why not? I am in no imminent danger of being attacked or kidnapped here. So as your liege, I command you to take the night off and enjoy a drink with me. Come, sit by the fire and warm yourself. This war has gone on so long, Autumn is already upon us.”
“Well… how can I refuse an order from my Lady?” There was something behind his smile that you couldn’t quite decipher. Perhaps it was just a trick of the firelight. He took a seat across the table from you. “So, this is what you meant by ‘morale booster’.”
You smiled as you filled the cups, the strong scent already making you lightheaded. Or perhaps it was the heat of the fire, or nerves—you could not be sure.
“You were so tense at the market today, I thought this would give you a chance to… loosen up. To remember that you are my friend first, and my retainer second.”
“That is kind of you to say, my Lady. I am glad indeed to be able to call you my friend,” he said, taking the offered cup. “But what friend would I be if I ever let something happen to you under my watch?”
“I am never going to convince you otherwise, am I?”
“I’m afraid not.”
You sighed, taking a sip from your cup. The alcohol burned pleasantly, warming you from the inside out. Kaze did the same, a light flush entering his cheeks the more he drank. You talked of strategies for a while, of the coming change in the seasons. You were two thirds of the way through the bottle when you decided to change the subject.
“You were quite popular at the market today.”
“What do you mean?”
“The gifts, the swooning young women. I wonder at how you are still unmarried, Kaze.”
He shook his head slowly. “I have no time for silly dalliances. My duties are far more important.”
“Are you telling me not one of those women in the village today caught your eye?”
He hesitated. “Well… none in the village, my Lady.””
“Do you… perhaps already have eyes for another?” You could feel your heart leap into your throat.
The flush in his cheeks intensified. “There is… only one woman who has managed to hold my affection. But, it is inappropriate for me to have these feelings for someone of her… status.”
You leaned forward in your seat, hand propped under your chin. You swirled the dregs of your sake around and around in the cup to disguise the fact that your hand was shaking ever so slightly. “Oh? My curiosity is piqued. What woman could possibly capture the heart of the elusive ninja, Kaze?”
“Perhaps it is the sake making me bolder than usual. Under no circumstances should I be allowed to say this, but…” Kaze shifted uncomfortable in his seat, purposefully avoiding your gaze. “Well, that woman would be you, Lady [Name].”
You stared at him blankly for a long moment. Then chuckled.
“What’s so funny?”
“Here I was, inviting you to drink with me so that I might work up the courage to confess. But you’ve gone and beat me to the punch.”
He stared at you, disbelieving, for the longest time. “Are you saying…?”
“Yes, Kaze. You mean far more to me than just a bodyguard, more than even a friend.”
“My Lady, I am your servant, your bodyguard, how could you possibly…?”
“You don’t believe me?”
Before he could answer, you downed the last of your sake in one swallow and, emboldened, leaned across the table to press your lips to his in a searing kiss. He tasted like sake and Autumn and nothing like anything you could come close to imagining. You pulled back after a few seconds.
“Is that proof enough for you?”
His only answer was to pull you back in and capture your lips with his own once more.
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nyangibun · 7 years
Prompt: A combination of this “I want Tyrion and Sansa meeting again and Tyrion appreciating and actually listening to what Sansa has to say. And can you please put in jealous Jon there too? 😊” from @daredevil-karen-and-matt and “All I want is Ghost by Sansa’s side when J/D show up at WF and him growling at D.” from @ladyeliamm & “Definitely Ghost on Sansa’s side at all times especially when Jon returns.” from @qinaliel  
“My Lady Sansa, it is a pleasure to see you again,” Tyrion says, striding forward to take her hand. Ghost lets out a low growl under his breath but remains unperturbed by the man. After many moons spent with the white wolf, she understands him nearly as well as she once understood her darling Lady. It is a warning, a territorial threat against harming his pack. Sansa is pleased to be apart of that pack, to even have a pack again. 
“My lord,” she smiles. “It is my pleasure. I’m sorry we are not meeting under happier circumstances.” The clanking of metal upon metal as the winterly winds whip around them emphasises her point. Winter is here and the Army of the Dead is marching past the Wall. Times are as dire as they have ever been, yet Sansa finds peace settling in her soul rather than fear. If she is to die in this war, at least she will die with her pack. 
“Very right, my lady,” Lord Tyrion says with a nod. He falls quiet as he takes in the busy courtyard, the men and women who rush back and forth with carts of grain, or the ones fitting boiled leather into the armour as she had requested. It is a sight to behold. The once quiet of Winterfell now lost to the chaos of impending war. Worry creases the lines on her people’s faces, turning children of ten and two into warriors, stripping them of a childhood they will never get back. 
Sansa inhales deeply, trying to push away the ache of their loss. “The night is fast approaching. Soon, darkness will reach us. More than half of these people will be dead by the next moon.” She lets the breath escape, a swirling mist around her face, shadowed by the heavy clouds above. She returns her gaze back to Lord Tyrion. “And even if we win, what will we be left with?” 
“Life,” he answers her with a sad smile. “Life, Lady Sansa. That is why we’re fighting at all, is it not? Is that not why we are all here?” He gestures to the preparations occurring around them. “Is that not why you have stood by your king and ruled in his stead?” 
The question makes her laugh in spite of herself. She catches herself a second too late and Lord Tyrion casts a speculative gaze towards her. Sansa gives her head a little shake before walking towards the Great Keep, listening to the crunching of boots behind her as he follows. “My king,” she says, keeping her tone impassive. “Is that what I should still call him? Or should I be looking to your queen for commands now?” 
Tyrion catches up to her. She isn’t walking fast after all. There is no place for her to be now that her king is home. “Lady Sansa, surely you know that it doesn’t matter who sits on the throne right now. We are fighting for life not a crown.” 
“And surely, my lord, you know that the North is unlike anywhere else,” Sansa says, stopping just outside of the great oak doors to turn and look at him. “We are loyal to our own. Proud, stubbornly so, and war or not, the North will never yield to your queen. Our paths may have crossed in times of peace, but I fear when the war is done, if we still have breaths in our lungs, we may not be able to speak so candidly with one another again.” 
There is a long pause as the man considers her words before his hand reaches out to clasp around her wrist. Sansa tenses, dread filling her veins. She reminds herself to relax at his touch. It is only Tyrion; he was good to her once. 
“It would be a terrible fate if that is the case, my lady,” Tyrion sighs, though she sees the understanding in his eyes. Abruptly, his expression shifts and there’s a twinkle in his eyes as he smiles. “You have grown into quite a woman, my lady. I always knew you would survive us all.” 
Sansa flushes and chuckles softly. “Mayhaps. I do think –” 
She tenses again, but this time for an entirely different reason. Sansa turns, her heart seizing at the sight of Jon standing with the Dragon Queen, her hair as white as the snow swirling around them. She pulls her hand back from Tyrion’s grip and steels herself for the conversation to come. 
“Jon,” she murmurs softly, polite but distant. Sansa is of the North, the blood of the First Men running through her, and it is that stubbornness that keeps her still loyal to Jon. She suspects she always will be. He is not just of her kin; he is her friend, her anchor in this world. But it still hurts like an arrow to the back to hear he has bent the knee to this foreign queen. 
“I, uh...” Jon seems at a loss for words as he looks to Tyrion then to Sansa. It’s an inscrutable expression, but as quickly as it comes, it’s gone. He moves his gaze back to the woman by his side. “Oh. Sansa, this is Daenerys Stormborn of House Targaryen. Your grace, this is Sansa Stark, Lady of Winterfell. My... my sister.” 
Daenerys smiles and her teeth glint against her pale skin and pale hair. Everything about her is so pale. She looks like a ghost, Sansa thinks, a dead thing walking in the world of the living. The Dragon Queen steps forward, her words abruptly dying in her throat, as Ghost lets out a deep, gutteral growl, teeth bared. 
“Is that...” 
“A direwolf, your grace,” Sansa says, placing a hand on top of Ghost’s furry head, trying to placate the great beast. “I must apologise. I don’t know what has gotten into him.” She catches Jon’s eye and he looks confused. 
“Ghost, no,” he says sternly, but the direwolf blinks up at him, a whimper now replacing the growl. He, however, remains by Sansa’s side, still standing protectively in between Daenerys Stormborn and her. Jon’s confusion grows and he turns back to the foreign queen. “He is protective of his pack. I left him to take care of Sansa while I was away. I believe he is taking that quite seriously.” 
“It’s not an issue, Jon,” she says quietly, smiling up at him. “I understand. Dragons and direwolves are not beasts easily tamed.”
Sansa bristles at the use of his name and Ghost seems to sense her change in mood as he begins to growl again, louder this time, more menacing as if Daenerys’ words had cut her like a physical lash across her skin instead of the wound deepening inside of her chest. She cards her fingers through Ghost’s fur and grips gently. 
“I will take him inside,” Sansa announces. Jon looks ready to protest, his eyes widening and worry brimming in them like unshed tears, but she is good at putting on a mask. “I have matters to attend to so I must beg your leave, your grace. It was a pleasure to meet you.” She looks back to Jon. “Ghost, come.” The giant white wolf immediately falls back by her side and the two disappear back into the Great Keep. She hears the soft murmurs of conversation between the three of them, but she doesn’t need to hear what they have to say. 
Ghost may not be hers. Ghost may always be a part of Jon and loyal to him above anyone else, but as she lies in bed that night, arms wrapped tightly around the great wolf, she draws comfort in his presence. If Ghost is still watching over her then Jon still loves her. He is still loyal to her and that is all she needs to know. For now, that has to be enough. 
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ncfan-1 · 7 years
Gotham 04 X 07, ‘A Day in the Narrows’
I would still much rather be watching the next two episodes of Star Wars: Rebels early than this. This is Gotham.
- This post might be a bit abbreviated; I’m honestly not feeling it tonight.
- So it looks like Tommy Elliot is coming back this episode. Oh, joy.
- We open with Gordon sitting in Bullock’s chair, and Gordon is immediately on Gordon’s case. Meanwhile, a bunch of bloodstained gift boxes full of pig heads is offloaded into the precinct. 44 heads, one for every cop in the precinct. All except for Gordon. I’m sure that’s going to make him popular with his fellow cops.
- Next, we have Bruce and Alfred at some sort of charity function. And Bruce is nasty to a poor waiter, before storming out, apparently overwhelmed by… everything. Writers, if you want Bruce to seem likable, him being a nasty asshole to the hired help isn’t working.
- Bruce being nasty to Alfred when Alfred tries to push is a little easier to take, because Alfred has failed in so many ways as a parent, and one of them is that he tends not to push when he really ought to.
- I understand why he’s so mad—he’s consumed by his weird feelings about having killed Ra’s—but still.
- A girl around Bruce’s age stares at him as he walks out.
- Oswald’s new head hunter is a delight.
- And Gordon is being obstructive, in a way as to make things very difficult for the GCPD down the line.
- Gordon is very, very unconcerned about the fact that every cop in Gotham—except for himself, as Bullock pointed out—got a death threat.
- Hi, Harper! Please don’t die!
- “You can’t rely on anyone but yourself,” Barbara says to Selina, while staring straight at the woman who threw her over for a man who once threatened to rape her. And Tabitha, of course, does not get it at all. Because there is a yawning void where her conscience ought to be, and she has a self-serving memory that would make Petyr Baelish jealous.
- While Bullock’s making a speech, someone starts throwing furniture at him. I snickered. I snickered even more when I saw how much the head hunter loves his job. Especially because he made Gordon pull one of his “do not want” faces.
- Never thought I’d see Jim Gordon protesting police brutality. Especially considering some of the stuff he did last episode.
- The girl is named Grace; she’s an old classmate of Bruce’s. Grace is nice.
- If there is one thing Gotham is very good at getting across, it’s that mob mentality is a beast and people with guns turn into monsters real fast, especially if they have little badges that give them authority over others. That shit in the building was not easy to watch, and for once, I don’t think it was meant to be easy.
- A little kid blocks the television while Oswald tries to watch. And some tension between Oswald and Sofia; Sofia honestly seems a lot more interested in the kids than in him. I do wonder if there’s something ‘up’ with the kid who just stands around and stares. Given Gotham’s ways of portraying mental illness, I wouldn’t be surprised if that’s meant to be code for something.
- Was Selina… You know, I’m not at all interested in Selina’s subplot this week. She did seem horrified at what those guys were doing to that poor mechanic off=screen.
- Gordon trots out the “He’s doing this ‘cause he’s insane” regarding Pyg when talking to the cop who survived his encounter with him. Of course. Because all mentally ill people are insane, don’t you know.
- And now here’s something surprising: Jim Gordon is actually admitting that he did bad stuff. Of course, he doesn’t seem at all interested in actually confronting all of the bad stuff he did. And of course stabbed cop says Gordon is one of the good ones. Because of course.
- Tommy says Bruce should have beat him up harder the last time they met. I don’t know if this is a cover or if he really has grown as a person. I actually hope it’s the latter.
- Bruce fantasizes about beating a kid black and blue, to the point that he actually seems surprised when he snaps back and realizes he didn’t actually beat the kid black and blue. It’s actually kind of disturbing—you’ve got Tommy trying and failing to pull him off, while the two poor girls scream and cry in the background. Bruce is developing some really nasty anger issues, isn’t he? I’d recommend a psychiatrist, but that would be in Alfred’s hands, and it’s not like Alfred’s taken proper steps regarding Bruce’s mental well-being in the past.
- Selina calls Tabitha like “Come get me, Mom; I’m scared!”
- Tabitha is seriously calling Barbara self-centered???? Seriously?????????????????????????
- Gordon gets a call from Pyg and puts together that stabbed cop probably isn’t doing too well right now.
- Bruce is at a club with the other kids. The boy who isn’t Tommy—Brad—is a brat. Bruce buys a nightclub on a whim, just to piss Brad off. I did laugh a little when Bruce just snatched Brad’s sunglasses out of his coat pocket and put them on.
- Oswald calling Jim out on being a dirty cop makes me cackle.
- Even though Oswald is obviously, blatantly playing Gordon and Bullock against each other, I still smiled when Bullock told Gordon to stand down.
- And to everyone who’s theorized that Pyg is on Sofia’s payroll, I think we’re getting more evidence of that. It would explain Sofia using reverse psychology to get Oswald to work even more closely with the cops; in all likelihood, his guys are gonna get slaughtered in the courthouse along with the cops, and then he’s crawling back to Donna Falcone. [Okay, we didn’t see this happen this episode, but maybe next time.]
- Barbara shows up and bails Selina and Tabitha out. Tabitha isn’t grateful because Tabitha doesn’t know what gratitude is. Barbara does say they’re back in business, which I can only assume means she’s still a horribly lonely person. I could understand her wanting Selina’s company, because Selina’s an okay kid, but Barbara, honey, you can do so much better than Tabitha Galavan.
- And they shot the cop like the cocksure jackasses they are. And get gunned down by a machine gun.
- Harper had better not die.
- And the head hunter’s hit. Of course. Though I don’t think he’s necessarily gonna die.
- Harper lives! (For now.)
- I get the nasty impression that the writers are going to rehabilitate Jim Gordon without making him fucking work for it. Because that’s about par for course on this show.
- Bullock knows full well that Gordon’s a piece of work.
- Gordon gets another call from his biggest fan.
- Gordon, honey, the fact that a serial killer considers you his muse ought to tell you something.
- Oswald kills the head hunter. Because we just can’t have nice things.
- Bruce drinking underage, getting shitfaced and kissing a girl he barely knows is arguably the most normal teenager-y thing he’s done in the whole show. Even if he probably is just drinking his sorrows away.
- Yeah, they are definitely aiming for rehabilitating Gordon’s reputation without making him work for his own redemption. Lazy lazy lazy.
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