#shes I used a parenthesis inside a parenthesis sue me
rottentiger-art · 1 year
My thing about Zoey/Quinn’s friendship is that in the trailer Quinn seems to have to pressure Zoey into coming to her wedding all because Zoey’s two second high school ex is there…Also it seems like they told Chase before they told Zoey because he’s already coming to the wedding when Quinn is first telling Zoey she’s engaged. Like no offense but isnt the first person (apart from the parents) who usually hear about engagements the girl’s best friend bc the trailer makes me feel like Logan/Chase are closer than Quinn/Zoey which is kinda funny
My thing with Zoey and Quinn's friendship is that I HATE IT!!
Maybe it's just me, but I wouldn't be so self-centered to hesitate to come to my BFF's wedding (one of the greatest days of her life!) just because a guy I dated in highschool (like you said, a two-second boyfriend) was attending too.
I'm just gonna run with my headcanon that Zoey is a last option Maid of Honor, since Lola wasn't available, because she was never truly Quinn's best friend (I understand they might have gotten closer in the last 15 years, but I do not like it). If that headcanon turns out to be true (probably isn't, JLS would probably be against it and unfortunately, she is a producer on this). it would explain why Chase heard it first.
Though, on second thoughts, I bet Logan was calling everyone to let them know Quinn said yes, I imagine him being so excited and bragging to anyone that he was going to marry the love of his life A.K.A. the most amazing person alive (in his eyes) awww
If Logan and Chase remained best friends (which I assume it's the case since he's the best man (EVEN THOUGH IT SHOULD'VE BEEN MICHAEL) on the wedding), I suppose Logan must have told him he was planning to propose to Quinn, and would have probably sent a "SHE SAID YES 🍾" text after doing so (hopefully on a groupchat with Michael, who I insist is his real best friend goddammit!!!)
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onisiondrama · 4 years
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(Note: I’m not repeating stories he’s told before and just putting them in parenthesis. I have a lot more videos to go until I’m caught up so that would save me a lot of time. If he gives details I never heard from him before, I will type those.) 
“Women Who Run With Wolves” Speaks, September 21, 2020
- Says someone came to his forum and said the stories of the 6 women who are accusing him are immaculate. He questions what 6 women. - Say there were 3 women he dated. Says he dated Shiloh 10 years ago until she got pregnant with another man’s baby. Then his husband Kai stepped in and they’ve been married 8 years. They were in one serious poly relationship, Billie. The other they weren’t serious about because they were sexually extorted. - Says he was told Adam was just Regina dressed up as a guy. There was a shadow over Adam’s face. He says you’d say that’s insane, why would a “victim” (hand quote) dress up as a dude so they could be on Hansen’s show twice and get clout twice? [This must be the video this screen shot was taken from. edit: it was from “You Are Your Own Worst Enemy”] He tells viewers to watch the footage of each interview and compare.  - Says Regina is someone with a 2 year age gap with Kai, so there’s no potential for something weird there. Says he (James) never spoke to or met Regina. He says he heard Regina and Shiloh were ripped apart on lolcow or 4chan, says just like everyone else who is mentally whack. Says apparently Regina pretended to be a transgender person. Again, says study the footage and compare Regina and Adam. - Says Luxymoo was 20-something when he had a conversation with her. Says he told her he needed someone to keep Kai company while he was working, so if she wanted to date Kai that’s fine. He says he told her he (James) doesn’t have to be part of the relationship. Says she’s a “victim” (hand quote) even though he never met her. - (Lists Shiloh’s lies during their relationship.) Says he only calls Shiloh crazy because Sarah is not as nutzo as Shiloh and Billie is not as nutzo as Sarah. Billie is the most mentally sound, even though she’s vindictive and has anger problems. - Says Maya was debunked hard. He says he posted her texts about how into him she was and how she was sorry and wanted to try again. He says he asked her out and kissed her on the lips when she said yes. [He puts his hands up] “Sorry, I guess I wasn’t supposed to do that.” [in a mocking tone.] Says she got mad at him because he asked to pick her up and carry her to the other room so they could play VR and she said yes. Says she was 24 at the time. - Says you guys don’t care about the actual facts. You say children, but there were no children involved. - Says a normal accusation is someone kept me in a cage and sprayed me with a hose, but you guys believe the most ridiculous nonsense and the mob thinks it all makes sense. “He’s a masterful kisser after asker-outer.” [mocking tone again] - Says he feels like the people he broke up with all together and tried to imprison him. The FBI, Hansen, the cops, Shiloh all didn’t work out for you. - [Insults anti-o’s for a while, says they’re “mentally retarded” and deserve disability benefits among other things] - [insults his exes, the usual shit he says in all of his video] - He shows his computer monitors and says he does computer work all day. He asks how does he has the time [he changes his thought, but I think he was implying he doesn’t have the time to date women.] He says people think if they have a pussy, they can woo him. Men and women tried to collaborate with him on Only Fans. He asks why would he do that if he doesn’t know them? He says “no” to them because he only has sex when he’s in love with someone or if he’s being essentially raped. Says he also had sex when he was in rebound mode and that sucked. He said they were both 26. - Says he knows how it feels to be duped by Shiloh. He was duped by her for a year even though he knew she was lying. - Says Nicholas DeOrio acts like a white knight and thinks people with vaginas can do no wrong. Says he tried to tell DeOrio (Shiloh lied about being knocked out story). - He says Shiloh told him there was a guy who abducted and raped her in his basement for weeks. He says he just realized he got mad at Ricegum when he asked a girl if getting raped hurt because he (James) asked Shiloh that too, but not the same way. “Was it always torture for you?” She told him sometimes your body betrays you, but she ever enjoyed what he did. He says he didn’t know why he asked and says he was an idiot, 24 at the time. He says he doesn’t know if that really happened, but one time she said she saw her kidnapper a block away. James said he’ll beat the crap out of him if he’s a rapist, but she said no and that they needed to go. Says it was near a Korean BBQ in crowded downtown Toronto. He says it might have been close to where the into to one of the Saw movies was recorded. Says there was also a music store and a costume store so you guys can look at the maps and find out where he was. Says he likes to be transparent and no matter how many times you ask him questions he’ll always give the same answers. - Says you literally reported him to the cops with a LeafyIsHere video. Teenagers think just because you have an opinion of someone, you can cancel them and ruin their life. - Says he didn’t meet these people. Says he met Maya and he gives a sarcastic apology for kissing her. Says she didn’t complain about it right after. He went downstairs and made her breakfast after he kissed her.
“Onision Is The New Johnny Depp“ Speaks, September 22, 2020
- Says people tried to deplatform him when this all started. Says that’s weird because if someone was guilty, you’d want them to talk as much as possible. Unless you were the one hiding something. He says it would be weird for someone who talks as much as him to go quiet. - (Hansen is a fraud, he made a lot of money off of alleged victims) - Says there’s an alleged show that’s asking commentary Youtubers to be on. They weren’t there. How desperate are they? Asks if you watched a documentary and thought how great would it be if that random commentary Youtuber was in it? Says they didn’t even ask the guy who the show is about for comment. - Asks where all the funds go for the TV show. Asks if people are paid to be pretend victims. - Tells his audience to compare Regina and Adam again. Said a Hansen insider [Vincent? lmao] told him they were the same person. He says he already suspected it, but the insider told him without him asking. Says it’s demented and crazy to go on a show twice pretending to be two different people. Says it’s said Regina’s a hardcore drug user and it might have fried their brain. Says he doesn’t know and Regina should speak about it. - Says he was told the people he dumped had a falling out.  - Says he tried to work things out with Billie after, but she said “haha f-you.” Says Billie dumped Kai once in a car. - Says it’s clear the show is not for justice. If you want justice, you go to the police or get a lawyer. If you want clout, you go on a livestream or a TV show, start a Venmo, promote your album, Only Fans, etc. - Says if it was all true, there’s still no crime. It also alienates everyone else he ever dated. - Someone said “good morning to everyone but Onision.” He says so you just said hello to Hitler? - He says if a 19-year-old dude goes after a 16-year-old, people call him a pedo, but that’s not a pedo. Says it’s fine in a lot of states with the Romeo and Juliet laws. - Says people were paying attention to him because they thought he was melting down. He gave them what they wanted and he posted the bloopers to prove it. Says he made a good amount of money off of those fake meltdown videos and it was fun for him. - Says he never met the MySpace dude who went on Hansen. Never met the girl who said her friend died because of his video. Says so many people went on the show acting like experts and he has no idea who they are. - Says Maya said she never liked him and he proved her wrong with her texts. She came out, he posts the texts, she walks away. Says she re-invented the past. Says she needs to get her head checked. People do things like this when they have mental illness. They are trying to be a victim. He says that’s a common BPD thing, but he doesn’t know if she has that. - Says the commentary channels are just as bad as these fake me too’s because they make money off of the situation. Money is the root of all evil and if you follow they money, you’ll see the patterns. If they pretend to be heroes, why don’t they support charity? - He says if the company who is making the show has a lot of money, he can sue them. If you watch all his videos and aren’t mentally ill, it’s beyond a shadow of a doubt that this is nonsense. - Someone asked why he made this the theme of this channel. He says people won’t drop it and let him move on. He won’t stop fighting for the truth, even if it drives his channel into the ground. - (They are framing him because he dumped them.) - Says someone walked in on his video and he had to cut it. - Says Shiloh’s been stalking him for 10 years. She told him even if he was married with kids, she’d show up on his doorstep. She said they when they were listening to an Adele song. He says that’s mental illness. Says she contacted Kai. Tells her to move on, why are you obsessed? - Says if you were being honest, why would you not show up on a show? Says if they don’t want to collect money, they can donate it to charity. He says they’re already in too deep because they collected money. He tells the show, Edwin, Repzion, and Hansen to donate to TWLOHA if they care about actual victims. - He says using me too to get money is a guaranteed gateway to hell. Says real victims don’t want to report it because they don’t want to talk about it or see their abuser again. Says they were obsessively talking about him. Says he heard Sarah was playing a drinking game while watching his videos. He says she wasn’t really his ex because she sexually extorted him when she was an adult. Says she’s a rapist and she admitted it. She was beyond 18 by some time. - Says it’s sad there’s no consolation prize for him for being framed and sexually extorted. Says a creepy old man showed up to his house, he was egged the next day, people tired to swat him, tried to commit perjury against him to get his channels taken down. People think he’s disgusting even though he’s innocent, like Johnny Depp. If you have a taste in crazy women, you’re doomed. - Says he’s forever socially tainted with the lies of others. The silver lining is he can tell his viewers to avoid relationships with people who pretend to be victims. He tried to save Shiloh and Sarah. Shiloh faked a rape, car accident, pregnancy. Sarah said she was beat by her mom and raped. - Says Shiloh implied she started talking to him when she was 16. He says that’s not true, unless she emailed him. Says he got a lot of emails. Says she made a comment that he only paid attention to her because she was a Canadian popstar. He says that’s true and he only emailed her back because it was good for his career. He said it wasn’t about her age and that’s why Kai lied about his age. Kai knew if he didn’t lie about his age, James would have stopped talking to him. By the time James found out the truth, he already fell for him. It was legal. Says there’s taboo and there’s the law. - Says a dude can stab 20 people, but people will still just make videos and a documentary about how he broke up with a girl for being a criminal.  - Says he can’t trust anyone anymore. Sarah told him she’d never be like Billie or Shiloh and they were evil. She would up being them. Says Sarah was the most criminal of them all and bragged about it on twitter. He asks if they’ll include that on the documentary.
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