#sherry shahan
neverskinnyenough000 · 2 months
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“The lighter we are— the higher we sail”.
- Sherry Shahan on Skin and Bones.
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booksbeforelooks · 4 years
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Skin and Bones by Sherry Shahan Brought this book from a recommendation on booktok knowing that I would probably like it. Its heartwarming and heart wrenching at the same time. I grew attached to one of our main boys Jack ( also known as Bones) and reading about his struggles with anorexia and battling all the thoughts whilst also simultaneously falling in love for the first time. I don’t know how accurately that this books talks about anorexia but from what I’ve read and heard its pretty damn close to what people actually go through when they are in the EDU. I guess what I found to be some of the heartbreaking moments for me where when Bones was so caught up with being there for Alice and “helping” is when he realises that he’s actually hurting her and her progress. As a reader we do get the impression that Alice doesn’t really want to get better but is rather there by force and not choice and will do the bare minimum to get released like time and time before. There were points in the book where I wanted to cry with Bones and times where I hated Bones and preferred Lard. The book was written well and in a way that does leave you wanting to know what happens next and therefore inadvertently reading the whole book in 2 and a half hours. My only critique would be that I wanted more at the ending and I wish that the ending wasn’t so ‘abrupt’ as it kinda felt a little rush and half finished. I would’ve like to have read a little more about Bones recovery process, I would like to know more about Lard and what happened to him after he finished the program, I would’ve maybe liked to know a little more about Nancy and her time in the program and finally I would’ve liked more of an ‘ending’ about Alice and where she went and if she comes out the other side. ~ Shaelyn Chalker
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thebooksoflife · 4 years
But the truth stretched out in front of him; loving her hadn't been enough. Not enough for her.
Sherry Shahan, Skin and Bones
Maybe if I had loved him better. Maybe if I had said something different. Maybe if I had held his hand longer. Maybe. Maybe. Maybe. 
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iliketoeatmyself · 6 years
I stole this from mpa (because I wanted to save it) but I’m going to highlight those I’VE READ... also I might add some others as time goes... 
Wintergirls by Laurie Halse Anderson (it was a good read!)
Solitaire by Aimee Liu * (Considered first anorexia memoir. Thus, there are points when EDs aren't completely understood, but still totally worth the read. Available through KU.)
Unbearable Lightness: A Story of Loss and Gain by Portia de Rossi (it was really good and real tbh)* (One of my faves! A memoir that really captivated me)
Wasted: A Memoir of Anorexia and Bulimia * (Really is what it says on the tin and so much more. This memoir captures the darkest parts of EDs and is done very logically, stabilizing itself with facts that are intermixed by the chaos of EDs).
Just Listen by Sarah Dessen (Romance)
Thin by Lauren Greenfield (Nonfiction elements. Like the TV documentary of the same name, but of course, the book has more details.)
The Best Little Girl in the World by Steven Levenkron (NOT like the movie. Based on research of EDs in figure skating and gymnastics.)
Perfect by Natasha Friend
Purge: Rehab Diaries by Nicole J. Johns
Skinny by Ibi Kasliky
Loud Girl in the House of Myself: A Memoir of a Strange Girl by Stacy Pershall
Gaining: The Truth about Life After EDs by Aimee Liu (same author as Solitaire)
Identical by Ellen Hopkins * (Written in same manner as her other books, which is basically more like a poem than traditional novel format. LOVE this book and recommend the authors other, non ED books)
Letting Ana Go by Anonymous
Massive by Julia Bell
Keeping the Moon by Sarah Dessen (Romance)
Hungry: A Young Model's Story of Appetite Ambition and the Ultimate Embrace of Curves
She's Come Undone by Wally Lamb
Thin by Grace Bowman (memoir)
The Disappearing Girl by Heather Topham Wood (Romance, KU)
After the Strawberry by Adrienne Maria Vrettos
Purge by Sarah Darer Littman
Beautiful Me by Natasha Jennings
Hunger Point by Jillian Medoff (it was okay, the sister of mc has an ed)
Pointe by Brandy Colbert (Very dramatic. Deals with sexual abuse and also kidnapping in addition to an ED. Still not sure how I feel about this book, but a read that is very interesting, especially for those who like reading all things ballet. Also, this is nice because a black girl is not only a ballet dancer, but also has an ED, which is not portrayed enough!)
Looks by Madeleine George
Kessa by Steven Levenkron (I'd say this is probably for younger readers, but hey, you're never too old to read any book in my mind!)
My Sister's Bones by Cathi Hanauer * (Really liked this book and it isn't necessarily because of the ED part of it. I just like the whole feel and author's style)
Parperweight by Meg Haston
You Remind Me of You: A Poetry Memoir by Eireann Corrigan
Chalked Up: Inside Elite Gymnastics' Merciless Coaching, Overzealous Parents, Eating Disorders and Elusive Olympic Dreams by Jennifer Sey (Wow, that's a mouth full!)
Believarexic by J.J. Johnson
Feeling For Bones by Bethany Pierce
More Than You Can Chew by Marnelle Tokio
A Dance of Sisters by Tracey Porter
Gravity Journal by Gail Sobat
Elena Vanishing by Elena Dunkle (A memoir written with her mother)
Before I Fall by Lauren Oliver (Haven't read this in a long time, but I remember liking it)
A Trick of the Light by Lois Metzger * (One of my favourites! About a male with an ED.)
Starved by Michael Somers (Another good male ED novel)
Reckoning Daze by Michael Beaulieu (Currently free kindle edition is available)
Thin (Sharing Spaces Book 3) by Alicia Michaels (This is part of a romance series and is the third book. This one focuses on the ED character, but there are hints to the ED in other books. You don't necessarily need to read the other books in the series and can figure things out without reading them first. I actually read this book before the others)
Cake Dreams: A Memoir of Survival by Hoyt Phillips * (Another male ED book. Great multi-faceted portrayal of EDs and general metal illness. Available on KU)
Not My Father's Son: A Memoir by Alan Cumming * (It's been a while since I've read it, but I recall there being an ED. The book does not focus on the ED, but it is thrown in there, adding to an already fascinating, interesting read.)
Nothing by Robin Friedman (Another male ED book)
Lighter and Weightless (books 1 and 2 of Begin Again Duet series) by Gia Riley (Romance and available on KU)
...And All Shall Fade to Black by Layla Dorine (Gay Romance, male with ED, available on KU).
Still Water: A Boys of Bellamy Novel by Ruthie Luhnow (Gay romance, male with ED, available on KU)
Four Weeks, Five people by Jennifer Yu * (A male wannabe rock star with an ED. He is 1/5th of the main characters who all have other mental disorders and have been sent away to camp to help with their various mental illnesses).
Phat (Escape From Reality series) by Taylor Henderson (Part of a series. KU)
Life-size (no, not like the Lindsey Lohan movie) by Jenefer Shute (Available through Kindle unlimited)
Love Struck (Star Struck Series) by Amber Garza (Romance series. KU).
Fake Perfect Me by Cari Kamm (KU)
Out of Breath (Exposed Series) by Hazel Kelly  (KU).
The Kaitlyn Chronicles series by Elaine Babich (Series, for younger readers. KU).
Please Don't Go by Elizabeth Benning (A bulimic sent to a residence to recover and teams up with anorexic former enemy in hopes of escaping)
Girl, Interrupted by Susanna Kaysen * (very great!! I loved this one, it’s not only about the ed, but human nature and emotions) (A classic novel that everyone interested in metal health should read).
Do or Die (Fight or Flight Series #4) by Jamie Canosa (Romance series. KU).
Hungry: One Woman's Battle and Victory over Anorexia and Bulima by Jessica Skinner (The title pretty much says all you need to know. KU).
My Perfect Little Secret by Rebecca Coppage (KU).
Anorexic: The True Story of An Anorexia Survivor Who Found Love by Anna Paterson (This is romantic, but I wouldn't call it romance. KU).
Balance of Control by Stephanie Nance
Running in Silence: My Drive for Perfection and the Eating Disorder that Fed it by Rachael Rose Steil
My Not-So Secret by B.P. Morrison (KU).
26 Beats per Minute by Dez Wilder (Male with ED. Memoir. KU).
Summer Fades by Amanda Bews (KU).
It's Never Enough (Book 1 in Never Series) by Susan Soares (Series. KU).
Restricted: A Novel of Half-truths by Jennifer Kinsel * (KU).
Chrysalis by L.A. Field, Gary Thaller * (KU).
A Slow Fade by Brooke Melius (KU).
All We Ever Wanted: Unmasking the Silent Battle by Alexandra Wnuk (KU).
Life Hurts: A Doctor's Personal Journey Through Anorexia by Dr. Eliabeth Mcnaught *
A Fork in the Road by Rebekah Wilson (KU).
Skin Deep (Stolen Breaths series) by Pamela Sparkman (Romance Series. KU).
Feeding the Heart (Heart Series) by Marion Myles (Romance Series. KU).
Anorexic Annie by Sarah Burleton * (KU).
The Downside of Being Charlie by Jenny Torres Sanchez * (Male with ED, the ED is not a huge part of the book, but also deals with family dysfunction, which I always find interesting).
The Art of Starving by Sam J. Miller * (This is very interesting. Male with ED. Deals with super powers! Though, it could just be the ED causing the protagonist to think he has powers, but I'll let you be the judge!)
Skinny Boy: A Young Man's Battle and Triumph Over Anorexia by Gary A. Grahl
It Was Me All Along: A Memoir by Andie Mitchell * (about binge eater who lost weight)
Safety in Numbers by Brittany Burgunder *
Skinny: She was starving to fit in... (False reflections book 1) by Laura L. Smith (Currently free kindle edition is available).
When You Fall by Alex Karola * (through Wattpad. Not finished yet, but is a great read!)
Inner Hunger: A Young Woman's Struggle Through Anorexia and Bulimia by Marianne Apostolides
Empty: A Story of Anorexia by Christie Pettit
Inside Out: Portrait of an Eating Disorder by Nadia Shivack
Not Otherwise Specified by Hannah Moskowitz *
All Good Things Die in LA by Anhoni Patel *
Jane in Bloom by Deborah A. Lytton (Another one for younger readers. Still, a nice read)
Gravity Journal by Gail Sidonie Sobat
What I Lost by Alexandra Ballard *
This Impossible Light by Lily Myers (told in verse)
Sad Perfect by Stephanie Elliot (the girl has avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder)
Beautiful Bodies by Kimberly Rae Miller * (this is a KU book and is a fairly new release as of 7/28/17. It is about disordered eating and chronic dieting, not a full blown ED; however, I still enjoyed it and recommend it).
Shattered Image: My Triumph over Body Dysmorphic Disorder by Brian Cuban * (KU, male memoir detailing ED struggle and primarily his struggle with BDD)
Sugar by Deirdre Riordan Hall (KU)
Empty Net (Scoring Chances Book 4) by Avon Gale * (gay romance about bulimic hockey player)
Heavyweight by MB Mulhall (Male protagonist)
Just Jack by Shaun Powell (KU, male protagonist)
Don't Call Me Kit Kat by K.J. Farnham (for younger audience definitely)
Hunger: A Memoir of (My) Body by Roxanne Gay (BED)
Skin and Bones by Sherry Shahan (Male protagonist)
Skinny Me by Charlene Carr
Wrists by Jay Broderick (male protagonist)
Unicorns and Rainbow Poop by Sam Kadence (male, gay, romance)
Bare Roots by Molly S. Hillery (KU)
Grip by Adex Garza (KU, male. Deals with morbid obesity)
Rita Just Wants to be Thin by Mary W. Walters (KU)
Taint by Jude Nicholas (KU)
Fasting Girls: The History of Anorexia Nervosa by Joan Jacobs Brumberg
13 Ways of Looking at a Fat Girl by Mona Awad
Hunger Pains: The Modern Woman's tragic Quest  for Thinness by Mary Pipher
The Stone Girl by Alyssa B. Sheinmel
Pretend We are Lovely by Noley Reid
Stick Figure by Lori Gottilieb
Diary of an Exercise Addict by Peach Friedman
The Anorexia Diaries by Linda Rio
Feed Me!: Writers Dish about Food, Eating, Weight, and Body Image by Harriet Brown
Insatiable: A Young Mother's Struggle with Anorexia by Erica Rivera
How I Got Skinny, Famous, and Fell Madly in Love by Ken Baker (about a girl who goes on a reality TV show to lose weight. Fun read)
Inside Out: Portrait of an Eating Disorder by Nadia Shivack
Perfect: Anorexia and Me by Emily Halban
Losing it by Sandy McKay
Fragile by Nikki Grahame
My Big Fat Disaster by Beth Fehlbaum
Thin Ice by Niki Settimo (romance)
Unfiltered by Lily Collins (not solely a book about ED, but the topic is mentioned throughout)
Good Luck with That by Kristan Higgins (coming out on August 7, 2018)
Staving in the Search of Me by Marissa LaRocca
Feast (True Love In and Out of the Kitchen) by Hannah Howard
The Solitude of Prime Numbers by Paolo Giordano (the mc is anorexic but it’s not focused on it only. This book is about two outcasts who connect to each other and its effect of it in the course of their lives)
The Vegetarian by Han Kang (it’s very good and wild. It also tackles on feminism and societal issues as well)
Colorless Tsukuru Tazaki  and His Years of Pilgrimage by Haruki Murakami (it’s a great book. The ed is not the main point but there is a character suffering from one)
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reymurray · 7 years
 Tagged by @justrazorboy
1. Name: Reyhan (Ray-Ann)
2. Nickname: Rey
3. Age: 17 (Dec 4, 2000)
4. Gender: I really don’t care about gender so I just go by my birth pronouns, so lady xD
5. Orientation: This is a hard one... xD I used to just say gay but occasionally I’m lowkey attracted to some guys so maybe homoflexible???
6. Height: Last time I checked about 5″5
7. Favourite colour: I like black, blue-violet, neon green/yellowgreen/idk how to describe it right
8. Book recommendation: Honestly, I don’t read as much as I should or want to because it’s hard for me to get into a book... I really liked Skin and Bones by Sherry Shahan and It’s Kind of a Funny Story by Ned Vizzini. Skin an Bones is about a teenage boy with anorexia who’s admitted into a hospital and... Wait a second I just realized how similar those two books are
Its Kind of a Funny Story is about a teenage boy who is depressed and admits himself into a hospital... Oh well, they’re both great xD
9. Movie recommendation: I don’t watch a lot of TV or movies, but some movies I love are Sala Samobojcow (The Suicide Room), Les Miserables, and... The Hunchback of Notre Dame, sure why not xD
The Suicide Room is about a teenage boy who overtime loses his friends, so he finds an online game and meets some people in a chat room called the Suicide Room. I watched it everyday the first three days after finding it, then i think i may have watched it again a week later, and cried each time? xDI actually wanna watch it again oops
Les Miserables, I mean cmon everyone knows it (and isaac still needs to watch it) but it’s about the French Revolution and i need to watch that again too and cry again shit son
The Hunchback of Notre Dame is so good too sob pretty sure everyone knows what its about
10. Anime recommendation: I haven’t been able to watch anime in a while and I want to sob but my recommendations are Soul Eaters and Akuma No Riddle. Soul Eaters is hard to explain and I’m rushing this so skIP. Akuma No Riddle is about I think twelve assassins being assigned to kill someone in their class, Haru Ichinose. But one of the assassins, Tokaku Azuma, takes it upon gerself to protect Haru. I don’t really remember why, I need to watch that again too SHIT im bad at giving recmmendations but i ship it okay next question
11. Music recommendation: This is a bad question for me because I listen to a little bit of everything... Unless it’s country I guess xD I enjoy NeverShoutNever and have a guilty pleasure for One Direction and lately I’ve been listening to songs from TWD to inspire me for my own apocalypse story so shrug
12. Coffee, tea, or hot chocolate?: I don’t like coffee or tea, but I love hot cocoa so there c:
13. Cats or dogs?: I am one of the imfamous cat AND dog people because I am all inclusive
14. Favourite meme?: Honestly this will give me a bad repuatiation but I don’t pay attention to memes and a lot of them I find to be really stupid I’m sorry
But a person i watch sometimes has been streaming VR Chat and it’s hilarious so I’ll go with “Do you know de way” i guess xD
15. I want to live long enough to witness: Me get healthy and happy
16. Weird obsessions: I hate mouth noises and the sound of people eating but for some reason seeing people eat ramen is very satisfying to me
17. Tumblr birthday: I don’t friggin know and my computesr is being laggy so I’m not gonna find out I’m sorry xD
18. How many side blogs?: I have a blog in which I used to reblog random stuff I liked or found funny, and I have a blog that I use to track my weightloss but I don’t realy use them right now very often because I hate logging in and out and in and out but I knew if I made this art blog a side blog then it’d freaking suckbecause that’s what happened with my weightloss blog
19: Random facts about me:
I’m in the process of trying to write a story about an apocalypse that involves zombies and possibly robots
Also another one with my pal about vampires
I’m also in the process of trying to lose like 100+ pounds because I used to be 270 pounds and now I’m like 230 (I was 220 but for the past two months I’ve been failing)
I love chinese food... that’s proabbly not something I should say after saying I’m trying to lose 100 pounds
I’m a Junior in high school
I’m bad at Tumblr
20. Goals for 2018: 
Lose 50+ pounds (get into healthy habits like working out almost everyday and eating well)
Progress in writing my story/ies
Keep bonding with my friends and make more friends
Roleplay more
Also watch more anime and read more
Don’t fail the ACT
Keep up the grades because I feel like I’m gonna do shit in my US History Class
Tag 20 people!: I don’t know that many people but I can try
@stayprettyandsmile @marias-studyblr @coloricioso @kry-lena
That’s itearlly all of the people that come up when I hit @ besides Isaac i tried my best
And don’t feel the need to do this if I tagged you, I know none of us have even talked xD
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dream-gardener · 7 years
books books books books boks books books
Top 10 Books Tag Rules: List ten books that have stayed with you in some way and then tag 10 people.
i was tagged by my good sir @dukeofstratford :0 !!!!!
This is in no particular order btw
Skin and Bone by Sherry Shahan
This is Where It Ends by Marieke Nijkamp
Because You’ll Never Meet Me by Leah Thomas
We Are Okay by Nina LaCour 
Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Lightning Theif
Kids of Appetite by David Arnold 
The Forbidden Wish by Jessica Khoury
It’s Kind Of A Funny Story by Ned Vizzini
Milk and Honey by Rupi Kaur
Number 10 is a quadruple bonus round: My childhood staples 
The Foot Book by Dr. Seuss
Go Dog Go! by P. D. Eastman
Stop That Ball! by Michael McClintock
A Fly Went By by  Michael McClintock
also i dont have 10 friends left to tag so uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh @ghost-peaches @fondmmrs @alicia-bkl @discosweater and @amasicrius 
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uscoinsnpapermoney · 5 years
Death Mountain: By Sherry Shahan (2005) Hardcover FIRST EDITION Fiction Novel https://bayfeeds.com/g/0!2Wt!6g5Xqr9!2Bz!0
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nevinslibrary · 8 years
Youthful Thursday (Sorta)
First a few Youth Fiction titles (both Children’s and Young Adult) about the Iditarod:
Black Star, Bright Dawn by Scott O'Dell Bo at Iditarod Creek by Kirkpatrick Hill The Mystery on Alaska's Iditarod Trail by Carole Marsh Ice Island by Sherry Shahan
And some awesome Youth Non-Fiction titles as well:
Iditarod by S.L. Hamilton Dogs of the Iditarod by Jeff Schultz Iditarod Dream: Dusty and his Sled Dogs Compete in Alaska's Jr. Iditarod by Ted Wood Racing the Iditarod Trail by Ruth Crisman Mush!: Sled Dogs of the Iditarod by Joe Funk Woodsong by Gary Paulsen The Great Serum Race: Blazing the Iditarod Trail by Debbie S. Miller
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What about #119? (Im looking at new books)❤
119. Favourite book?
Ooh, that’s a tough one… I really enjoy Impulse by Ellen Hopkins, Schizo by Nic Sheff, Skin & Bones by Sherry Shahan, and probably Flowers for Algernon by Daniel Keyes
Do keep in mind, the first three can be very triggering for some people as they deal with suicide, depression, eating disorders, etc. etc.
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cheatedoned · 7 years
6 21 39 40 62 74 92
6. What are you excited for?
I’m excited for this upcoming Sunday because I’m getting my second tattoo!
21. Are you in a good mood?
I’m on the neutral-positive side of the spectrum, so sure!
39. Who was the last person you danced with?
It was actually a group of people at my program-- so Raul, Lauren, Lindsey, Brianna, Lorraine, Erin, Rachel, Kelsi, Pammy, Ali, Kapila, Jen, Hannah, Caley, Marisol, Angi, Angela.
40. Why did you kiss the last person you kissed?
Because I like him a lot and I feel safe with him
62. What do you wear to bed?
Generally a tank top but if I’m really cold I’ll throw on some pj pants
74. What is your favorite book?
Skin and Bones by Sherry Shahan
92. Do you want to get married?
To be honest, not really. I know too many people who are already divorced and I don’t want to risk it. 
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thebooksoflife · 4 years
Bones couldn’t think about it anymore - thinking and feeling was too much to deal with. Thinking itself was paralyzing.
Sherry Shahan, Skin and Bones
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uscoinsnpapermoney · 5 years
Death Mountain: By Sherry Shahan (2005) Hardcover FIRST EDITION Fiction Novel https://bayfeeds.com/g/0!2Wt!6g5Xqr9!2Bz!0
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