Can we talk about the parting glances in TLD?
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I love this scene to the power infinity. The parting glances gave all the sherlolly shippers great hopes. This particular scene made me feel like a husband looking at his worried wife and reassuring her that it will all be fine but he himself isn't sure of what lies ahead. [ Sorry, I'm too much dramatic and romantic haha]
Also the glance was meant for Molly. There are reasons I am saying that.
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Look at this gif carefully, what do you see? The lingering glance. Firstly look at the angle of Sherlock's eyes, look where he's looking at. He's watching the person from the corner of his eyes. If it was for John his eye level would have been a little lower. The slo-mo makes more sense right?
Let's suppose he is looking at John. The question is why would he give him that lingering look? John didn't utter a single syllable for Sherlock to pay attention to him in such manner. Both of them are just walking toward the building. John's face is quite straight and unanimated from what we can figure out. This proves that neither John is talking or giving any kind of looks for Sherlock to give him that type of stare.
It's more like Sherlock looking at Molly and reassuring her with his stare, "don't worry nothing will happen to me". And it makes more sense isn't it? Molly has been really worried about him because of his drug abuses and then he is going to meet the serial killer Culverton after all. Sherlock already knows she's stressed. (Is it only me who can see his subtle reassuring smile btw?)
Know what's more interesting? Sherlock knows he is going into grave danger where his life would be at stake, hence that glance. He takes a good look at her before departing in case he doesn't get to see her again. Such feelings!
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Now look at our pretty Molly. She looked like she wanted to say something to Sherlock. When do we give that certain reaction? We do it when we want to say something to someone, pretty simple. This further proves that the departing stare happened between them. Maybe she wanted to tell him "stay safe" but was unsure whether she'd tell him or not.
Overall, this scene made me feel warm and fuzzy. Oh by the way, it is not unknown that Sherlolly used to share meaningful glances to each other even before.
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