#sheriff koopster
duckapus · 1 year
The Balad of Dusty Grumpton
On a trip to the (actual for real this time) Wild West, the crew encounter the somehow still alive Admiral Sergeant Swipe and his new posse of waddle dee gunslingers hunting what looks like a Legally Distinct Sumo Bro, which Boopkins quickly identifies as a Grumpton, the desert-dwelling counterparts of the Boopkins. After they help him get away from the hunters, he introduces himself as Dusty Grumpton, deputy-in-training to the Sheriff of Littol Beeg Bluff. They decide to help him get back to town, where they meet Dusty's boss Sheriff Koopster (just a normal Koopa Troopa with a cowboy outfit, sheriff's badge, and mustache), who explains the situation the town is currently in.
It turns out that before A.S.Swipe showed up, his waddle dee gang had already been low level troublemakers, but nothing Koopster and Dusty couldn't handle. But then a few months ago Swipe took over, using the promise of big payouts to shift their goals from simple banditry to the poaching of rare creatures that he's more used to, and between the gang's knowledge of the area and current target (not to mention their sheer numbers), and the Admiral's resources, experience and leadership, they've become a force to be reconned with, even managing to capture Dusty's baby sister Gabble, which is why they'd found Dusty getting chased by them; he'd tried to save his sister on his own and got overwhelmed.
The crew offer to help save Gabble and get rid of Swipe and his gang, with Boopkins being especially gung-ho about it.
(that's it that's all I got. this was all just to make a counterpart character to Boopkins and I didn't come up with an ending.)
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