#sherif Hoyt
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Moms don’t fuck about when it comes to photos 😔
#the texas chainsaw massacre#tcm#texas chainsaw massacre the beginning#tcm tb#the hewitt family#leatherface#thomas hewitt#Tommy#charlie hewitt#sherif hoyt#sheriff hoyt#luda mae hewitt
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Mother Has Fallen:
Tag: @oceansrose2002 @myers-meadow-selfship @vincent-sinclair-deserved-better
An: This happens right after Blinky’s mom shows up. Sorry the story is so disjointed, I honestly feel like this is how Blinky would tell their story. Just random memories in no particular order. Once I’m finished with backstory it will be more straight forward lol.
CW: Smut and harsh language (D Slur)
Macy’s POV:
I wasted no time getting on my bike. Blinky’s voice sounded tired and exasperated over the phone. It pained my heart to hear, and I couldn’t stand to watch idly by if my partner was in trouble. I forwent laws, driving as fast as my bike could go. I had quick reflexes and not many people were on the road at this time. When I finally made it to our spot, I barely had time to park before I was rushing over to them.
They somehow looked even smaller in the oversized hoodie they were wearing. And even in the dark I could see some tear stains on their face. They finally looked up at me, and smiled, but it didn’t come close to reaching their eyes. It was a pity smile.
“Oh, Sweetheart.” I said.
Engulfing them into a hug.
“Hey, I’m here, what happened?”
They shook their head, their curls falling into the face. This was one of the few times I saw them with their hair down. They never really let it be entirely natural before. I kicked myself for thinking it looked nice at a time like this. And quickly pushed the thought from my mind.
“It’s ok, you don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to. Where do you want to go?”
“Yours.” They said simply.
I froze. There was no possible way I could take them home. It would be like throwing a steak into the lions den. I couldn’t do that to them.
“Blinky, my family-“
“I don’t care. I want to be with you right now. Only you, I don’t care about anything else.” They said desperately.
I sighed, bringing them tighter into the hug if that was even possible. It looked like they were about to cry again and I wasn’t going to let that happen. I pulled them back, leaning down and holding their face in my hands.
“Just, stay beside me ok?”
“Wouldn’t dream of being anywhere else.” They said flatly.
I turned to grab things from my bike satchel. I handed them a helmet and they looked confused.
“I got it custom made for you. Your hair should fit.”
They smiled up at me, more akin to their usual one, but no where near as heart stopping. I watched as they put their helmet on, and was relived to know it fit well. I helped them onto my bike and didn’t say anything else until we made the long drive home. I knew they appreciated the silence. It wasn’t awkward for them, but my head was spiralling. What the fuck could have happened?
It was quite late when I picked them up, but the sun was dawning on the horizon now. Peaking its head through the clouds, which I was thankful for. It seemed no matter the season, Texas always managed to have uncomfortably humid weather. Despite this, I could feel Blinky shivering in front of me. I tried to move my body even closer to help warm them up. But I’ve wasn’t sure the shivering was entirely due to wind chill. It was about midday when I finally made it home.
I helped them off my bike, their legs wobbling slightly.
“I’m good, I’m fine.” They said, like it was an automatic response.
“I don’t care, I’m carrying you inside.” I said firmly.
I wouldn’t let them fight me on this. Whatever reaction their body was having to their distress, didn’t look good on her. She almost looked like a scared child. Of course, their size didn’t help. It never did. I put our helmets on the handles of my bike and scooped them up. Not without some grumbling from them which made me laugh a little. They said something about it being “unfair.”
I knew the house would be busy right now, so I tried to think of the quickest path to my room. But luck was not on my side today. As I pushed open the front door, I was immediately greeted by the smell of Luda cooking. If there was one thing that woman was good at, it was making food. She must have heard the front door open.
“Macy, is that you?”
“Yeah Ma, it’s me.” I grumble shouted.
“Come here, I need your help reaching something.”
I sighed, looking down at Blinky in my arms. Somehow they seemed more relaxed, they lazily nodded toward the kitchen where they heard Luda speak. I carried them into the kitchen, setting them down on the dinner table.
“What do you need?” I asked.
She finally looked away from the pot she was stirring and her eyes locked in on Blinky.
“Who’s this?” She asked.
At least she was attempting to be in a polite mood today.
“A friend, Ma what do you need?” I asked again.
Trying my best to draw attention back to myself.
“I need the pasta off the top shelf, your brother put away the groceries.”
Normally I’d laugh, but I wasn’t really in the mood. I quickly made my way over to the cabinet and grabbed it down for her.
“Anything else?”
“You’re moody today.” She commented.
I rolled my eyes.
“Introduce me to your friend.” It wasn’t a request and I understood that.
“Ma, this is Blinky, Blinky this is my mother Luda Mae.”
Blinky sent a polite wave. I could tell they were exhausted. They looked like they hadn’t slept in days. Which wasn’t far off from how they normally looked. But I was more concerned than usual.
“That’s an odd name? You’re parents named you that?”
I groaned. Already with the insults.
“No ma’am, my sister named me.”
There voice came out small, but it was by no means nervous.
“Your sister a crack baby?”
My eyes widened, I turned to look at Blinky but they didn’t seem perturbed in the slightest. Still lazily kicking their legs back and forth, a stim they did a lot. It was the quickest way to calm them down, get their feet off the floor.
“You got a problem with people suffering from addictions Miss Luda Mae?” Blinky asked.
They never faltered in eye contact, staring my mother down. Something few people dared to do and live. I started to get nervous, but I was also curious. Who wouldn’t be, I’ve never seen Blink behave like this before. Other than that one time a man tried to grab my ass, and she practically growled at him.
My mother squared her shoulders, but kept up her polite host persona. But I could tell it was quickly cracking. But I’d be able to get Blinky out of here if I needed to step in. Perhaps they would be offend if I did. I knew they could handle themself, but it was natural instinct to be protective.
“I guess not. Got any other siblings?” My mother went back to stirring her stew.
I knew what she was cooking. I could smell the blood in the basement from here. Tommy was probably very busy right now, which sucked cause he was the only person here I actually wanted Blinky to meet. And I knew he’d be comfortable with it, I’d been talking about Blinky since the first day I came home. Trying my best to retell their kooky stories as well as they could. Thomas was always begging to hear more of our biweekly meetings. Kept entirely secret from anyone else.
“Three, I think… my family doesn’t really define those relations.” Blinky shrugged.
Luda squinted her eyes.
“I know Macy’s got Tommy.” Blinky added.
My mother tensed, turning her attention back to my girlfriend. Mama was always overprotective of Thomas. Which I was genuinely thankful for. I knew she at least had his back when the others ganged up on him.
“What do you know about my boy Thomas?”
Oh no, this wasn’t good. I was going to step in but Blinky beat me to it.
“I know that he’s a lovely boy, who loves his Mama.”
Blinky smiled politely, but with a vastly different look in their eyes. They were testing my mother back. Luda huffed.
“You staying for dinner?”
“That’s entirely up to your daughter Ma’am”
“We’ll be in my room Ma.”
Luda hummed in distaste. I quickly took Blinky’s hand and tried to drag them up stairs. But as fate would have it, Hoyt and Monty were home.
“What are we kidnapping children now?” Hoyt commented.
I groaned, roughly planting my foot on the ground and stopping our momentum. Naturally Blinky turned to see who was talking. But as promised, they remained at my side. Hoyt stood up from his chair, ignoring the screen. He was still dressed in his work clothes, which I was sure Blinky took note of. They didn’t exactly have much trust in cops, but I didn’t really blame them. I’m sure Hoyt would have been itching for his trigger if his gun was in his holster right now. I growled under my breath.
“This where you been?” He asked me, ignoring Blinky entirely.
“The fuck do you care?”
“You’re staying in my house.” He challenged.
Blinky squeezed my hand slightly, a silent gesture of comfort.
“And we’re just about to go to MY room. We ain’t gonna bother ya.” My accent got thicker when I was upset.
I knew I didn’t have the best education growing up, but I tried to sound smarter in front of Blinky. Not that they asked me to, or ever made me feel I had to. I just wanted to be better for them. I even read on of their favourite books that they had gifted me last visit. I wasn’t finished by I was damn close. I’d certainly have a lot of questions, but I knew she’d have answers and I was looking forward to it.
“Taking girls to your room again?” Uncle monty asked, but his tone was disgusting.
I rolled my eyes. I had just about enough of this.
“Yes Monty, I’m taking my GIRLFRIEND to my room, if you have a problem with that, shove it up your ass old man!”
“What, couldn’t find a man so you moved onto teenagers?” Hoyt scoffed.
“I’m an adult thank you very much.” Blinky said, their voice flat once more.
But I could tell they were upset, with the way their hand trembled slightly in mine. I thought for a moment they were scared, but I was very very wrong.
“Whatever Dykes, you disgust me girl.” Hoyt got up in my face.
I was going to defend myself, but I didn’t want to start something in front of Blinky. If this got physical, they could get hurt. What I wasn’t expecting was for Blinky to drop my hand and step to him.
“Call her that… one more time…” she said lowly.
Hoyt let out a cackle.
“And what are you gonna do about it? Runt? I called my niece a Dyke cause that’s what she is, fifthly woman loving queer.” He leaned down, getting in their face.
Blinky pulled him down by his collar.
“I am going to cut off your dick, and shove it so far down your throat, you’ll choke. Maybe if you get a dick in you, you’ll find out being gay ain’t all the bad. Looks like you haven’t been fucked in a while you walking old corpse.”
Then they let him go. Stepping back and struggling themselves out. I stood there completely stunned.
“He homophobic to me all you want, call my girlfriend a slur again, you’ll wake up with a knife in your tiny, none existent heart. ffycin dyn rhyfedd.”
They never once raised their voice, keeping it calm and monotone. Even their Welsh hadn’t sounded that different, just sounding a little more natural in their mouth. They told me on our third date that they weren’t so good at English, but I had to politely disagree. Their English was better than mine half the time. I couldn’t stop the smile that spread across my face, as I watched Hoyt try to decide if he would call their bluff or not. He simply scoffed and walked away. I was quick to lead them to my room and close the door.
“I’m sorry about them.”
“Don’t. Don’t apologise for their behaviour. It has nothing to do with you.”
I frowned, we’re they upset with me now? Maybe I should have defended them against my mother. The sighed, rubbing their face on their sleeve.
“I didn’t mean to raise my voice. Im just-“ they let out an annoyed grunt.
“Why are people like this?” They sighed.
“I don’t know Blink.” I shrugged, pulling them into my lap as I sat on my bed.
Apparently this was the wrong move, well, not wrong, I certainly wasn’t complaining about what they did next. I blinked as they pulled me in for a passionate kiss. I laughed as I pulled away.
“What was that?”
“Wanna make them really angry?” They asked.
A sparkle coming back to their eyes. How could I say no to a face like that. They turned around on my lap, straddling one of my thighs and putting their arms around my neck to pull me in for another kiss. I hadn’t even expected them to want to be touched right now, let alone this. Sometimes touch overwhelmed them, and I respected that. We’d never really gotten farther than kissing. Which was nothing like my previous relationships.
Most of them started out as friends with benefits, and never progressed past that. Expect for the last one, but I shouldn’t be thinking about her right now. Not when Blinky was on top of me. I leaned back on the bed a bit, propping myself up on the bed and leaning away from the kiss. Blinky looked at me confused.
“Blink, you’re upset, maybe we shouldn’t do this right now.”
I wanted to do things right with her. I really really liked her, and I was afraid to scare her off. This was probably the longest I’d ever held back in a relationship before. But they were also younger, not by much. But they probably didn’t have much experience. I wanted to take things slow.
“What does that have to do with anything.”
“I’m just saying, maybe you aren’t thinking with a clear head is all.”
They removed their hands from around my neck, and crossed them over my chest.
“Yea?” They has my full attention, it wasn’t like there was much competition.
“I’m literally throwing myself at you right now. Don’t think I haven’t noticed your pent up frustration. And I’m supposed to be the socially oblivious one here.” They chuckled slightly.
“You were crying a few hours ago.”
“And now, I want to fuck you. You in, or not?”
If this is what they were like when they were angry, then this could be fun. That seemed like pretty clear consent to me, so I pulled them in for another kiss, this one sloppier than the last. I was still holding back, not wanting to hurt them. Not unless they asked me to of course. They giggled into the kiss, much more like them normal self now. I was a little surprised when they bit at my bottom lip, hard enough to draw blood.
“Oops” they said, bringing their finger to their lip and licking the blood off of it.
It was in that moment that I couldn’t even think about earlier anymore. I didn’t give a damn that anyone was in this god forsaken house. My pupils were probably blown wide by now. I stared at them hungrily. God they were so hot right now. I wrapped my hand around their waist, which covered most of their back. They kissed my cheek.
“I’m sorry, did that hurt?”
I couldn’t bring myself to say anything, just licking the rest of the blood of my own lip. They then kissed near my jaw.
“You’ll tell me if I hurt you yeah?”
They kissed the crook of my neck. I let out a little laugh, breaking out of my trance.
“If you hurt me?” I mused.
“Mmmhmm” the mumbled, sucking down on my neck like their life depended on it.
I certainly didn’t expect them to be this excited about it. Or feel this good. Maybe patience was a virtue. Or whatever the fuck the phrase was. The stoped attacking my neck to go to the other side, reaching to unbutton my shirt. Normally I’d take the lead, but I was curious to see how far they’re go before they got shy. I stabled us with my other hand still on the bed.
“Careful Bumble Bee, you really sure you want to do this?” I asked one more time, just to be completely certain they wanted this.
They stopped sucking on my neck and pulled back to look at me.
“Macy, will you just shut the fuck up? Or do I have to do it for you?”
I raised a brow at them, daring to open my mouth. They quickly pulled away, and I watched as they managed to skilfully remove their sports bra out form under their shirt. The crawled back over to me, and before I could get a word out they shoved it in my mouth. They smiled wildly.
“Better. You don’t normally talk this much.”
With a surprising amount of force they pushed me down onto the bed. Of course I wasn’t going to stop them. They crawled on top of me, sitting down on my waist. And made quick work of rooming my shirt. They placed open mouth kisses slowly down my chest, I mumbled something into the make shift gag, and they rolled their eyes, taking it out of my mouth.
“What was that?”
“Have you ever been with a girl before?”
“I’m sure I can figure it out.” They smiled smugly.
I didn’t even give them a chance to put the gag in themselves, grabbing it and shoving it back into my mouth. If this is how they wanted to play it, fine, let’s play. Maybe this would be a good way for them to release whatever stress they were under. Whatever made them run away from home. And I wanted nothing more than to provide that outlet for them. I helped her out by undoing my bra and letting it fall. I watched their eyes darken.
“I swear to Satan, Macy you were sculpted by Aphrodite herself.” They said lowly.
They seemed hesitant for a second, so I guided their hands to my breast. They slowly began to need at it, closing their eyes at the feeling. They looked blissful in this moment and it was turning me on. They leaned down and began attacking my other breast like they had my neck. Shamelessly leaving hickeys all over my body. Which I would wear proudly. They splayed their other hand over my stomach to stabilise themselves. I leaned my head back. Enjoying the feeling. It wasn’t often I was in this role, so I figured I’d enjoy it.
My hands slowly made my way to their shirt, asking them to take it off. Which I was happy to help them with. They didn’t have much there, but I never cared about any of that. Big breast, little breast, they were all the same to me. I reached up to touch them, but they smacked my hand away. Detaching their tongue from my nipple and looking down at me displeased.
“If they’re going to distract you I’ll put my shirt back on.” They warned.
God, why were they being so mean? I wasn’t the one that pissed them off, so why take it out on me? They pinched my nipple, rolling it between their thumb.
“You gonna get distracted Macy?”
I shook my head no.
“Good girl.”
God what where they doing to me right now? This had to be a dream. There was no way this was actually happening. The crawled off me and I let out a whine at the lack of content.
“Poor you, you still have your shoes on. Let me help you.”
They unzipped my boots, taking them off my feet while keeping eye contact. How were they so good at this. Nobody had ever made me squirm in anticipation before. They took their time, feeling up my legs and reaching for my zipper. It was odd how they still asked for permission, despite being so clearly dominate right now. But they paused, retracting their hand.
“Think you can help me out a little?” They asked seductively.
Fuck, I hadn’t shaved. But I honestly didn’t think that mattered at all right now. I doubt something like that would stop them from this little quest they were on. I quickly kicked of my pants, throwing them somewhere in my room. Leaving me in only my panties, and then just topless.
“Look at you, listening so intently. You really wanted this didn’t you fy nghariad”
I recognised that word, they used it often. Told me it meant “my love” a tears of endearment they had settled on for me. I nodded excitedly.
“Now if you’re good, we can remove that gag. Don’t you want your family to hear how good I’m making you feel? You gonna be good for me and let me please you Macy?”
The reached over to remove the object.
“Yes.” I said simply, honestly.
I couldn’t think to say much else right now honestly. I’m was completely in awe. She kissed me quick. Smiling into it. She softly ran her fingers along my bare legs, making me shiver as they were so much colder than my skin.
“Your hands are cold.” I muttered.
“I’m sorry darling, maybe you could help me warm them up.”
The sorry seemed sincere, but the rest do the sentence negated that with how suggestive it sounded. I leaned up on my elbows, grabbing their hand and slowly leading it to my mouth. I licked up their fingers before slowly popping two of them into my mouth. They never once dared to break eye contact. They ran their other hand up and down my body, pawing at my breast again. Trying to use the friction to heat them up.
I moaned around their fingers when they started playing with my nipple again.
“You like that?”
I moaned once more to tell them they were going in the right direction. But I honestly couldn’t take it anymore, I had waited so long for this. And they weren’t moving fast enough for me. But I didn’t want to discourage them. They’d never done this after all, but they were doing so well so far. I rubbed my thighs together, to try and ease the pressure building down there. Which didn’t go unnoticed by them.
“Somebodies impatient.”
I removed their fingers from my mouth with a loud pop.
“And somebodies being cruel. I like it” I said, pulling her in for a kiss.
They slid their hands down my thigh. Pushing them apart which I happily obliged. I’ve never been this wet before, but I didn’t have the mind to be embarrassed about it. Why should I? I had my hot partner trying their best to please me right now. There was nothing embarrassing about that. This is where they seemed to pause again, but this time not as part of the scene. I gently guided their hands to my core.
“Small circles like this.” I instructed.
They didn’t take offence to my helping, taking the suggestion with stride. Their hands were nibble and their fingers flexible. They played with my pussy like someone trying to beat the boss battle of a video game. At this rate I didn’t think I could hold back. I’d never come this quick before, but I couldn’t help it. They just felt so good.
“Yeah, just like that baby. You’re doing so good.” I praised.
Easily slipping back into my normal headspace. The praise seemed to spur them on with new vigour.
“Can I taste you?” They asked.
It sounded so sweet and innocent. The complete opposite of how their hands were using my body right now.
“Go ahead Bumble Bee, I’m all yours.”
They brought their hand up to their mouth, licking my slick off their fingers and whining slightly. I wanted to take them right then and there, but I remind patient. Reminding myself I was letting them take the lead for our first time. Sure it wasn’t the most romantic moment, but fuck that if it felt this good. They had licked their hand completely clean, and they seemed to want more.
Because before I could even Blinky, their head was between my legs. I couldn’t even look at them anymore, throwing my head back and giving into the feeling. The licked my slit hungrily. Devouring me as if they had done it a thousand times before. I couldn’t stop the moans i let out, and I didn’t want to. Fuck it if they heard. They weren’t the ones getting their world rocked right now.
“Oh fuck, Blinky.” I moaned.
They pulled back for a moment.
“Want me to keep going.”
“If you stop now, I swear I’m going to make it ten times worse for you.” I warned.
They didn’t need to be told twice, adjusting their position, and pulling me closer to the edge of the bed. I helped of course, my body weight being nearly twice theirs. I didn’t know how much time had passed, all I knew was that I was getting dangerously close. I tense my legs, desperately trying not to crush their head. But they didn’t seem perturbed in the slightest. Adding their fingers back in and flicking my clit in rhythm with their tongue.
“Shit Blinky I’m gonna-“
I didn’t get to finish my sentence before they experimentally skipped a finger in. I threw my head back, letting out a loud moan as my body shook. My orgasm crashing through me violently. They pulled their mouth back, but kept going with their fingers, slipping another one inside of me. They waited for me to stop shaking, before they wiped off my cum from their mouth with the back of my hand.
“You sound pretty like that.” They commented.
Looking down at me. I smiled lazily up at them.
“You’re surprisingly good.”
Maybe that wasn’t the best thing to say at the moment. But I knew Blinky. They wouldn’t be upset by my words.
“Yeah? They asked, brushing a strand of their hair behind their ear.
I couldn’t take it anymore, caging them in on the bed, as I switched out positions.
“You have no idea how many times I’ve dreamt of this.”
“I have some idea.” They smirked.
I rolled my eyes.
“Aren’t you sassy today? First you challenge Luda, then you threaten Hoyt. We’re you serious about that by the way?” I asked.
“Dead.” They said, staring right into my eyes to prove their point. “People like him disgust me.”
I never knew there was this dark side to them, perhaps they hid it because they were scared. And maybe the should be, this was dangerous. I didn’t think it possible to be more attracted to them. But the thought of them hurting Hoyt for me, had me wanting to cum all over again.
“Sorry if that’s intense.”
“Oh you’re going to be sorry for something else in minute. That was very rude of you to slap my hands away earlier.” I teased.
They frowned, and I thought for a second maybe I took it to far.
“I’ve never had anyone touch me before.” They admitted.
I was surprised. They seemed to at least have some experience.
“I’m really good at giving though.”
“I’ll say, you know, I’ve never cum that fast before.” I smiled.
“Not even close.”
They seemed to get lost in thought for a second. And I wished I could pick their brain. Of course I was still worried about them. But hormones were running high right now and my brain was foggy.
“I could make you feel good, I’ll be gentle, I promise.”
“You don’t have to-“
“Blinky, relationships are give and take.” I started.
“I was going to say you don’t have to be gentle. I can take it.”
Those were bold words. But for now, I would keep that promise I made. I didn’t want to ruin them. But it seemed unfair that I had to bare their mark, and they wouldn’t have mine. I wanted everyone to know they were mine. I lifted their chin with my finger.
“Remember when you told me to shut up earlier?” They nodded. “Let me do this for you. You get uncomfortable for even a second, you tell me to stop ok?”
It was the same ok they always gave when they fully understood something. I pulled them into a kiss, still trying to go fairly slow with things. But the fuzziness in my head was trying to get me to skip straight to the main course. But I couldn’t do that. Your first time could hurt if you weren’t careful. Most people learned that the hard way, and got turned off from the idea of sex all together.
As I kissed down their neck, they giggled slightly. A far cry from their earlier behaviour. But perhaps they had gotten it all out of their system. Taking out their anger on me, so sweetly.
“That tickles.” They laughed.
“Yeah?” I said, smiling into their neck.
It was cute how easily they became submissive. Even their little show of dominance earlier had been more akin to a sub trying to please their partner. I rubbed my nose into the spot where the skin met their collar bones, licking down on them after and watching them shiver at my touch. Even if we stopped right now, this was more than enough. They looked so cute right now, trying to squirm away from my touch.
They never mentioned it directly, but I was smart enough to pick up on things. I could tell they had sensory issues at least, and were a little awkward with communication. So I wasn’t going to take the chance and let their body language decide my actions. Verbal confirmation was better. Plus, if they could talk, I could check in to make sure they were really ok.
“You want me to keep going?”
They nodded.
“Use your words Bumble Bee.”
“Yes please.”
I had to fight back a smile at how cute they were right now. Oh Lord, I felt almost dizzy from it. I gently cupped my hand around their left breast, engulfing the whole thing with my hand. They blushed slightly. I slowly began needing them.
“Does that feel good darling?”
“So good” they stuttered out. “Dont stop.”
I could feel their heart hammering in their chest, at just a light touch. While they had quite a similar effect on me, it wasn’t nearly this bad. I didn’t know the situation, but that didn’t matter. How could you dare to touch this beautiful creature without caring for their pleasure. It was obscene and I was disgusted.
I moved my knee between their leg. A natural habit I guess. They let out a soft hiss, and I paused.
“No no, keep going. I’m good. I’m really good Macy.”
This time I didn’t bite back my smirk. I decided to try something. Switching out positions suddenly. They let out a quick yelp, but but down on their tongue.
“Sorry.” I chuckled, “forgot my strength.”
They couldn’t even respond. Just looking up at me in adoration. I moved them so they were facing me, straddling my thigh again. They looked confused. I knew they would need sleep tonight, and the easier way to ensure that was to get them tired out. Make them work for it. Sure, maybe my sadistic tendencies were skewing my decision a little. But it was so delicious to watch them squirm.
“I want you to grind down on my thigh.” I instructed.
When they still looked a little confused, I helped them out, placing my hands on their hips and helping them move them a little. They hit down further on their lip, throwing their head back a little.
“That feel good bunny?”
Another nod.
“Words.” I reminded.
“It feels so good Macy.”
They way they said my name made my heart jump a little. Their noises were small, but they were positively adorable.
“Then use my thigh pretty girl. I’m all yours.” I encouraged.
I kept my hands on their back, keeping them from falling off of me. But I couldn’t pay much attention to anything else with their perfect titties in my face. I couldn’t take it anymore and I hungrily sucked at their nipple. They continued grinding down on my thigh, mewling the whole time. I swore to god is someone dared open that door right now, there would be blood and lots of it. Nobody was allowed to see them like this, nobody but me. No matter how much I wanted Hoyt to eat his words from earlier.
“That’s it’s gorgeous, just like that. Let me make you feel so good.” I said, before moving onto their other breast.
I was carful with my word choice, gaging their body language to make sure I wasn’t saying the wrong thing. I knew they weren’t entirely comfortable with their body. But it seemed if I switched evenly between neutral and feminine terms they were just fine with it.
“Who’s making you feel this good.” I asked.
“You are.” They answered breathlessly.
“That’s right, and is anyone else allowed to touch you?”
“N-no.” They stuttered out.
Their breath was getting quicker and I could tell they were getting close. I wanted to see how soaked they could get those leggings they were wearing. I would get them some of my clothes after. Of course they would be huge on them, but I didn’t care. The sight of Blinky in my clothes was a sight I would never want to forget. That, and the look on her face right now. I could feel the tension slowly easing from their body.
“Macy, I can’t, it’s too much.” They said.
They scrunched their face up like they did when they were getting overstimulated. I felt bad, even if it was overshadowed by my other emotions right now. But I knew they had it in them, and she would feel so good after.
“Come on Bumble Bee, you’re so close. Just a little bit longer.” I urgedZ
“O-ok” they stuttered out.
Tiny tears escaped from their eyes, and I felt bad cause it was only making me hornier. I switched my attention, gently licking the tears from their face. I leaned in whispering in their ear.
“It’s ok, you can let go.” I said.
They squeezed their eyes shut as their body shook. I could feel a wet spot on my thigh and I gave them a satisfied smirk. Kissing all around their face as they came down from their high.
I breathed in and out slowly, trying to encourage them to copy me. They tiredly leaned into my chest, holding me close. I rubbed my hand up and down their back.
“You did so good for me Blinky. I’m so proud of you.” I praised.
Every word was the truth, and I made sure they knew that. They were fairly quiet, but I had expected this. They always got quiet when they were overstimulated, I didn’t think this would be much different. Though I wish I could have heard them scream. We sat for maybe ten minutes as I let them calm down. Just holding them tight, so they knew I wasn’t going anywhere. They slowly moved their head to look up at me.
“That’s it, there’s those pretty eyes.” I smiled.
“How are you so perfect?” They asked.
“I could as the same of you. You did so well for me Bunny.”
They gentle rubbed their eyes, pushing the rest of the tears out. I kissed the tip of their nose softly.
“I made a mess.” The said softly.
It was so innocent, so cute.
“That’s ok Blinky. I’ll get you cleaned up.”
They tightened there grip on me, as I tried to get up.
“I’m not going anywhere ok, just grabbing some stuff to get you feeling better.”
“Ok” they said softly.
I gently wrapped my blanket around their shoulders.
“Sixty seconds.” I said.
They began counting slowly, hugging the blanket tightly. I quickly rushed to the bathroom, Hoyt passed me sending me a nasty glare in the hallway. I just stick my tongue out at him. I quickly grabbed a washcloth, some lotion and my tooth brush. I got back to the room by the time they were on 55.
“See, told you I’d be right back.”
They smiled sweetly up at me.
“Let’s get you out of these pants yeah?”
The nodded, letting me peel them off their body. I slowly removed their panties as well, carful not to touch much down there, as it would still be sensitive. I looked up at them.
“I’m just gonna clean you up a little than give you a massage, does that sound nice” they nodded.
Going completely non-verbal now. But I could accept that. They knew I wouldn’t hurt them. I couldn’t never even think of it. I gently wiped the wet cloth on their thigh, cleaning up the rest of their mess from earlier. I stood up, instructing them to lay down on the bed. I sucked in a breath as they rolled over. I had never seen their bare ass before, and god was it perfect. I sat on the bed beside them, as they watched me carefully. I put some lotion on their back and gently began rubbing it. They closed their eyes, enjoying the feeling.
I had to turn off the horny part of my brain right now, as much as I wanted to go again, they would need rest. I could sort myself out later if I really needed to, after they were asleep. I didn’t say a word, letting them enjoy the quiet. When I was done, I handed them a sweater and some shorts from my closet. The smallest pair I had. I knew none of my undergirded would fit them, but I could sort that out tomorrow. I didn’t know how long they were staying for cause we never discussed it. As they got comfy, I lifted their chin so their eyes met mine again. Just checking in on them one more time.
“You ok?”
I wasn’t expecting the next words that came out of their mouth.
“My mother is going to die soon.” They said. It was so quiet I barely heard them.
“I’m- I’m sorry.” I said.
Why would they tell me what was bothering them now of all times? But Blinky just kinda said whatever came to their mind, it was how they functioned.
“It’s ok.” They said.
I had thrown on some sweat pants and a sports bra before I had left the room. And right now it didn’t seem important to get proper pyjamas on. I crawled into bed next to them, pulling them into me as they cuddled into my chest. I had left the tooth brush and a glass of water on the nightstand. We could take care of that later.
“What you did for me today, thank you.”
“I didn’t do anything sweetheart, I was just being a good girlfriend.”
They shook their head.
“No Macy, it was more than that. You made me feel safe. This didn’t feel gross like all the other times.” They said.
I frowned. What the hell did they mean all the other times? Gross? Who had hurt them that much? I wanted to rip the head off of this person.
“I never want you to feel gross.” I said softly. “I’m glad you could trust me to do that for you.”
They cuddled closer to my chest, and I held them tightly, draping the blanket over us. I didn’t really need it, I produced plenty of body heat oh my own. I tried to think of something to distract them. I should have anticipated they wouldn’t have entirely felt better after our little play session. But I didn’t want their first proper experience to be clouded by this feeling. Sadness, anger, I couldn’t quite tell. It mostly all looked the same on Blinky. Joy was the only emotion they excelled at flawlessly. You could always tell when they were happy, but everything else was a guessing game.
“Why don’t we get those pretty teeth of yours brushed?”
I saw them push their tongue through the gap where one tooth was missing. I meant to ask them about that, and maybe right now wasn’t the right time. But it just slipped out.
“By the way, what ever happened to that one tooth?” I asked, as I grabbed the tooth brush that already had a bead of tooth paste on it. I would just brush mine in the morning. I didn’t mind.
Blinky laughed slightly, their mood slowly shifting.
“I got punched by a racist.” They laughed even more.
“Blinky that’s not even remotely funny.” I said.
But their smile was contagious.
“At least tell me you punched him back, little miss I’ll cut off your dick if you call my girlfriend a slur again”
They paused, looking up at me.
“Yikes, did I really say that? I’ll have to put more money in the jar when I get home.”
“You have a sweat jar?” I laughed.
“I don’t like using mean words very often.”
“Maybe you can give yourself a pass this time Blink, it’s impossible to not call Hoyt a dick.” I laughed.
But my laughter quickly died down.
“I am sorry about your mom though.”
“Don’t worry about it, she’s going where she belongs.”
Their voice was harsh and cold when they said that. I’ve seen that look before, on Tommy before he killed a particularly nasty victim. Preservation mixed with disgust. I didn’t want to push and ask more, but I could already tell I would’ve hated their mother if I got a chance to meet her, maybe it was for the best she was dying. But if my hunch was right, Blinky and I would have to have a very serious conversion soon. Maybe they weren’t so innocent after all. Not that that mattered to me.
They’d be eating breakfast with my family in the morning. And that deserved a fair warning on my part. I watched as they brushed their teeth. Spitting the water back into the empty cup. I would take care of that in the morning. I leaned down, giving them a quick kiss on the lips as the cuddled back into me.
“Try to get some sleep Blink, I’m not gonna let anyone hurt you. And in the morning, you’ll get to meet Tommy for breakfast.” I smiled.
They let out a little yawn.
“I get to meet Tommy?”
“Mhhmm” I smiled down at them as their eyes closed.
They fell asleep with a content smile on their face. I wasn’t looking forward to our little chat before breakfast. But that was tomorrows problem. I turned off my lamp, and rolled over, pulling them impossible closer to me. Using them like a little teddy bear as I fell asleep.
An: I’m oddly proud of Blinky for taking charge on this one. Victims of assault often have a hard time in the bedroom, but they really love Macy and trust her.
#blinky firefly#Blinky#Blinky x Macy#Macy love-Hewitt#the Hewitts#texas chainsaw massacre#Texas chainsaw au#firefly family au#house of 1000 corpses au#selena firefly#ghost firefly#manon driftwood#doe eyes driftwood#otis driftwood#baby firefly#luda mae hewitt#thomas hewitt#monty hewitt#hoyt hewitt#sherif Hoyt
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slashers i write for/ masterlist at the bottom
I am new to this so this may be short sorry if so but you can request others and ill watch the movies and let y’all know
• Michael Myers (Rob zombie and original)
• Freddy Krueger
• pennywise (I’d prefer you ask for 2017 but can also go for the OG one)
• charles lee ray (chucky)
• Tiffany valentine
• jason voorhees
• ghostface (billy and stu)
• bloody birthday triplets (PLATONIC ONLY)
• leatherface (bubba sawyer And Thomas Hewitt)
• Brahms heelshire
• blissfield butcher
• Charlie Hewitt/sherif Hoyt
• nubbins sawyer
• chop top sawyer
• drayton sawyer
MASTERLIST (I can add more characters if anyone asks)
bubba sawyer🍗:
S/O who likes to garden
Thomas Hewitt🥩:
S/O who likes to garden
Michael myers🔪:
Tiffany valentine💄:
Charles Lee ray (Chucky)🩸:
Freddy kreuger🔥:
Bloody birthday triplets🎂:
Brahms heelshire 🎭:
Jason voorhees 🪓:
S/O who likes to garden
Billy loomis📞:
S/O who likes to garden
Stu macher📞:
S/O who likes to garden
nubbins sawyer📷:
choptop sawyer💽:
#thomas hewitt#bubba sawyer#chucky#freddy krueger#michael myers#jason voorhees#ghostface#Spotify#chop top sawyer#drayton sawyer#nubbins sawyer#nubbins x reader#charlie hewitt#sherif hoyt#thomas hewitt x s/o#blissfeild butcher#Quentin shermer
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The best sheriffing duo around 🥺
Beau Arlen and Jenny Hoyt, Big Sky: Deadly Trails
#Beau Arlen#Jenny Hoyt#Beau Arlen x Jenny Hoyt#Jensen Ackles#Katheryn Winnick#Big Sky#Big Sky: Deadly Trails
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How would a yandere slashers Bo , Vincent and Thomas react to their S/O trying to escape from them ? How would they punish her? Would it be physical , sexual or mental punishment???😏
Oooh! This is a good one!!
NSFW: Manipulation, gore, and sex/r*pe
He sees you trying to hide behind a wax man and he slips over to you unnoticed. He grabs a handful of your hair and tugs harshly, causing you to shriek in pain. He chuckles darkly.
"Comere love, you like it rough. That's why you keep runnin right?" He growls.
He slams you onto the ground. Sore and teary eyed you try crawling away. He steps on your back and adds pressure. An agonizing pain goes down your back. You scream. He clicks his tongue as his eyes roam your body, dressed in one of his t-shirts, too big and some undies you had in your suitcase. He grabs your arm and presses a kiss into your hair. As his lips touch your hair he moves is foot from your back to your arm. His hand grasps yours. He plants his foot down harder on your arm. You wait. Snap! Pain shoots through your now snapped arm. You scream, throat raw and sore, tears streaming down your cheeks.
"You needed to be punished Y/N. But I'll give you a treat for takin' it so nicely. Okay?" He lifts you up into his arms, being careful of your arm.
You whimper and whine the entire way back to his room. He sets you down in a chair.
"Can I trust you to stay put while I grab the shit?"
You nod and sniffle. He coos and kisses you, you don't resist anymore. The soreness and pain overwhelms you. He comes back with a box and he clicks it open.
"You know this is the second time I've had to cast you, hopefully it'll be the last."
You nod as he starts to fix your arm. A lot of pain and tears later you have a dark blue cast.
"Matching, cute right?"
You nod, looking at the ground. He lifts your face up and smiles, a genuine smile.
"Come on, let me make you feel good babygirl."
He lifts you from the chair and to the bed, he lays you down underneath him and he grinds into you. His lips press against your neck. The pain was still overwhelming and his touch made you sick to your stomach. But when he slips inside you, you close your eyes, pretend he's someone else and bear it.
You had finally uncuffed yourself from his bed and you knew he might be back soon so you booked it up the stairs. Hearing footsteps you slip into an open doored room. You smack into a solid figure. Him. The masked man. Vincent. He tilted his head at you. You go to run but he grips your arm pulls you into him. You struggle and kick and cry. He holds onto you as he sobs quietly. Why can't you just stay with him? Can't you just pretend to love him? Is that so hard? He provides for you. He gives you almost everything you want, makes sure you're comfortable and he doesn't force himself on you. So why cant you just love him?
"Please, please, stop." He whimpers while holding on you. "I love you.. so much."
He grips you, not to hurt you but keep you still and you feel a pang of guilt. This is the first time he's really spoken to you. You've heard him mumble to his brothers but never to you.
"I want to go home, Vincent." You sob. "I miss my family."
"What about me?" His voice quivered and he gripped you tighter as he sunk down to the ground, you in his arms and he whined whever you tried to pull away.
You stayed there for awhile letting him nuzzle into you. His sobs dying down. You stayed there and waited it out. He picks you up and carries you back down. You didnt know how to respond with his crying and you didnt want Bo finding out. You shudder at the thought. Vincent notices.
"Are you cold, Y/N?"
You shake your head.
"I want to make you happy, here with me." He says softly setting you down on his bed and kneeling in front of you and placing his head on your lap. "Please stay, I dont know what I'd do without you, I'd die!"
Your body shaking, hand reaching to his head. It lands softly in his hair and you pet him gently. He shivers and looks up.
"Thank you! Thank you-" he starts coughing.
After the fit he starts stroking your cheek, sighing dreamily.
"You wont regret this I promise."
He lays you back on the bed and holds you close to his chest. Guilt, regret and shame fill up your glass body.
You hated him. You hated every last brown strand of hair on his head. That large, scary bastard who wanted you. You pry at the wretched bear trap at your ankle. The teeth sunk deep into your right leg. You hear chuckling and look up, tears still falling down your face. It's the creepy ass sheriff.
"Well, what do we have here? A runaway bunny?" He tsk'd. "Tommy's gonna hafta punish you. You are his girl after all. And speak of the devil."
You see his looming figure behind the sherif and you tried backing up, the teeth sinking in deeper and you cry out in pain. He quickly snaps it open and throws you over his shoulder, kicking and screaming all the way. He set you down in a chair and tied you down, your injured leg left free. Hoyt and the beast left for a bit while Luda Mae help a drink up to you.
"It'll help."
You shook your head and let out a sob. She covered your nose. Blocking out the air. As soon as you opened your mouth she funneled the hard liquor down your throat. Coughing and sputtering you feel the effects rather fast. Your voice slurring as the boys come back in.
"She good and fucked up mama?"
"Yes... poor thing."
"Hold her leg up proper!"
The chainsaw revs. A dull pain in your leg makes you aware you're never going home. As your calf and foot fall onto the floor Thimas starts sewing and wrapping you up.
"You're all... fucking psychotic..." you slur. "I can't believe you..."
"It's just the alcohol taking Thomas. Take her back upstairs and let her rest." Luda Mae demands.
He nods and carries you up the stairs in his arms and upon reaching the room he sets you down gently. He started stroking your cheek. He loomed over you and started to unbuckle his pants.
#thomas hewitt x reader#thomas hewitt#bo sinclair x reader#bo sinclair#vincent sinclair x reader#vincent sinclair#slashers#slasher x reader#slasher
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“Good pep talk, bruncle Hoyt…”
Bonus because I felt so bad I could have wept
#he’s a special boy and he is so so pretty#the texas chainsaw massacre#tcm#texas chainsaw massacre the beginning#leather face#tcm tb#2006 remake#the hewitt family#thomas hewitt#charlie hewitt#sherif Hoyt#luda mae hewitt
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Hewitts 🥩
#the texas chainsaw massacre#tcm#texas chainsaw massacre the beginning#the Hewitts#thomas hewitt#luda mae hewitt#charlie hewitt#sherif hoyt#sheriff hoyt#monty hewitt#uncle monty#traditional art
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It’s so fucking funny how the Hewitts are acting like they’re eating people as their last resort when they have at least two live pigs literally living in their house, with someone who works at a slaughterhouse. Hoyt will kill every man, woman and child in that town before he even considers killing those pigs.
#Texas Chainsaw Massacre#tcm#texas chainsaw massacre the beginning#sherif hoyt#sheriff hoyt#Charlie Hewitt#the Hewitt family#traditional art
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He’s sooo ugly and mean, I’m sick of him [draws him again]
#the texas chainsaw massacre#tcm#texas chainsaw massacre the beginning#sherif Hoyt#sheriff Hoyt#Charlie Hewitt
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Did I say fix him? I meant have him fixed. ✂️
#dumbest fucking I’ve ever drawn I swear to god#scraps.png#texas chainsaw massacre the beginning#sherif hoyt#sheriff hoyt
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[drawing sheriff Hoyt beaten up and bloody while I’m kicking my feet in the air and giggling]

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He hears her talk about cannibalism one (1) time and is immediately like “I want you to meet my mother-“ he wastes NO TIME
If you feel like answering, how does Carrie Ann feel about the whole cannibalism thing? Does she shrug it off, or is it a big of a sore spot? Love your comics and your characters <3
I think she’d be into it tbh! She hates people and spending money so cannibalism is definitely up her alley
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#I have morals but my pussy don’t !!!!#texas chainsaw massacre#you don’t even know a quarter of what i want that awful old man to do to me#tcm the beginning#sherif hoyt#sheriff hoyt#idk how to spell it sorry😔
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Get sillay 🤪🤪🤪

Moms don’t fuck about when it comes to photos 😔
#tommy#the texas chainsaw massacre#tcm#texas chainsaw massacre the beginning#the hewitt family#thomas hewitt#charlie hewitt#sheriff hoyt#sherif hoyt
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For those curious; Hoyt is mimicking Tommy and Tommy is mimicking Hoyt !!

Moms don’t fuck about when it comes to photos 😔
#the texas chainsaw massacre#tcm#tcm 2006#texas chainsaw massacre the beginning#the hewitts#thomas hewitt#charlie hewitt#sherif hoyt#sheriff hoyt#luda mae hewitt
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Aww my baby 🥺
“Good pep talk, bruncle Hoyt…”
Bonus because I felt so bad I could have wept
#he’s a special boy and he is so so pretty#the texas chainsaw massacre#tcm#texas chainsaw massacre the beginning#leather face#tcm tb#2006 remake#the hewitt family#thomas hewitt#charlie hewitt#sherif Hoyt#luda mae hewitt
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