#shenegains recently of my doing at work have made me think of a friend i had and how she engaged with otjers
steampunkedparm · 9 months
i think you left your mark in a very strange way
i ask purposefully strange questions for ice breakers
i tag my coworkers with tape
i initiated a four way rock paper scissors to close off our shift
i think you left a smidgen of your whimsey and your humour when we last parted
-you gave me the confidence to be weird near strangers and positive acquaintances
i dont think I'd like to talk to you ever again,
i dont think we could be friends at this stage in our lives,
at least i dont hold any bitterness towards you,
but i hope a part of me left that sort of impact.
im glad that this, of all things, is what cam be attributed to you
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