#shellheadtm:// hold me close and hold me fast.
involuntaryspy-a · 4 years
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"Heard you were looking to get boned." Says the man who's about to get his boning privileges revoked. It's fine, this is payback for every bad pickup line Bucky's hit him with. He leans over the couch and drops a rubber dog bone into Bucky's lap - they don't even have a dog; he may have been holding this back for exactly the right moment to use as harassment. "It squeaks and everything."
He has been doing nothing to warrant this. It’s been over two weeks since his last pun. Chores are done, dinner put away, leftovers even sweetly packaged for Tony to take as lunch to work tomorrow. He has been good and this is his reward? To have a squeaky toy dropped in his lap? His libido mocked?
Picking up the toy and giving it a compulsory squeak, he looked over at Tony before carefully placing it on the coffee table. Instead, he picked up a magazine--Handyman was going to teach him about building a dining room table or something--and flipped to a random page.
“Don’t forget the errands I need you to run tomorrow.” Page flip. “Oh, and add to your list: ‘dog house.’ You’ll need it.”
@shellheadtm​ | this is not what he wanted & you brought this upon yourself
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cptsrogers-archive · 5 years
@shellheadtm said:five times kissed - i realized i didn't send this to steve, so now you have to suffer again ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
It was weird, right? That they were dating now, it was weird? Kind of? Maybe? And yet, at the same exact time--it just made sense. Nothing really changed. They were still completely in sync--more, maybe, now that they knew each other’s heart’s fully. Had taken the time to talk things out. Was actually talking about things--hard things. His disappearance. Tony’s coma. The fallout from both.
It was the closest they’d been in years. Maybe since the beginning. And yet... he was still hesitant at kissing him. So afraid of messing it up. He knew he was a good kisser, logically, that physically he was fine, desirable, that really wasn’t the issue. They’d both had lovers, this wasn’t anything to do with that it was just--just that nagging voice in the back of his head that said what if. What if, after all this time--after everything they’ve been through--after longing and waiting and doing his damndest not to think about it--
What if it wasn’t good? What if he wasn’t enough?
They had dinner. Quiet, small, local. Italian. Candle lit. Full romance, brought to you by Steve Rogers. Because if he did this, they both knew what was going on. They’d both be on the same page. A nice evening. A lot of staring. A lot of slow smiles, hand holding, feet brushing against calves.
So it really wasn’t a surprise when Steve was pressed up against the elevator wall, Tony’s fingers running up his sides, holding onto his hips, angling his head slightly, lips hovering just slightly off of his. Tony’s want was clear. Steve was more than interested. He just had to close the distance.
Slowly, hesitantly, he leaned in, lightly brushing his lips against Tony’s. The mustache tickled. His lips were still sweet, from the dessert. Cherries and some sort of chocolate mousse--the name escaped him right now, with the flavor right on his tongue. Dessert had been good the first time around, but it was so much better now, with Tony. Everything was always so much better with Tony.
He’s learned a lot. He already knew a lot about Tony, about his tics and habits. His tells. But now it was all about learning the physical. How he liked to be touched. His boundaries. What places thrilled him more than others. And it was fun learning. As fast a learner as Steve was, he liked taking his time with this.
One of Tony’s--and his--favorite spots was his neck. So sensitive. Delicate. And vulnerable. Tony was open, trusting, with him. The few times Steve took control--because, all appearances to the contrary, he much preferred handing over control to someone else in bed--it always stared with the neck. Fingertips trailing down Tony’s jaw, right along the side of his neck, feeling the pulse, the bit of sweat. His lips were always sure to follow, on the other side, gentle, at first. Just lips, soft, trailing from just below his ear to the fine line of his collar bone, the hollow of his throat, tongue dipping, and that’s where he’d take his first nip. Not hard, not enough to bruise, not yet.
Usually, by that point, Tony had gotten handsy and things escalated, and soon Steve wasn’t being quite as careful, sucking messy marks into his neck, hand pressing against his chest, feeling the smooth skin, feeling his heartbeat. Steady. Strong. Good.
“So beautiful. So beautiful.”
"Ow, shit.” He looked back at the lamp he’d just knocked over with his elbow, sending it shattering to the floor. Oh well. Not important. Tony could buy a new one.
As if to emphasize the importance of now, Tony’s fingers scraped up Steve’s abs, a particular favorite of his that had his hips rolling and his attention snapping back to Tony. He could feel Tony’s mouth, hot on his neck, and he moaned, hands blindly reaching for Tony’s shirt.
“You know. That was my favorite shirt.” Well shit again. He looked at the two halves of the shirt now in his left and right hands, eyes flicking up at Tony who just shrugged.
Dropping the cloth, he pulled Tony close by the hips, leaving a line of kisses down his throat and over his shoulder. “I like you better naked anyway.”
Tony turned them, pulling Steve along as he backed towards the bed--which was a touch closer than expected, sending them both toppling, all limbs tangled together--
Steve pushed back away from Tony, eyes wide. He’d hit his head on the headboard, and while it certainly wasn’t the worst injury they’d ever had, and not concussion-worthy either, it was still enough to give them both pause. Steve slowed, his fingers coming to hold either side of Tony’s face, laughing quietly. “Maybe we should slow down a bit.”
He slid down Tony’s body, pressing him gently to the bed, running his knuckles against Tony’s cheek as he leaned in, kissing him slowly, deeply. There was no rush, not in this. The need, the want was still there--always had been, always would be--but he could let it simmer. Let them have their slow, easy love. This was their time. They were going to make the most of it.
Meetings all morning. Avengers budgets and investing, the charity programs they funded, then scheduling--which hero was going where and when. Briefings. Phone calls. To say he was busy would’ve been an understatement.
Then the call went out--not Avengers, but for him. Crossbones, doing some stupid shit again, like holding up a bank with Sin. He suited up and jogged towards the hangar, knowing it’d be much, much easier if he flew to the spot rather than tried to drive.
As he moved down the hallway, he passed Tony--then stopped. “Hey, Tony.”
They’d seen each other that morning--early for both of them. Board meetings and project reviews claimed Tony’s schedule, and he’d probably just come up to raid the fridge for lunch. This would probably be the only time he’d get to see him all day.
Tony paused, looking up from a file. “Need me to suit up?”
The hope there was enough to make Steve chuckle. He really did love being Iron Man. So did Steve. “No, I can handle this. Besides, don’t you have that big acquisitions meeting?”
Tony’s nose wrinkled, and Steve smiled again. But instead of turning to leave, he took a few long strides back towards Tony, reaching up with the hand that wasn’t holding the shield and cupping the back of his neck, bringing the other in for a hard kiss.
“For good luck.” Steve licked his lips, still sharing space with Tony, giving the back of his neck a little squeeze. “I think you’re gonna need it.”
Tony snorted and Steve’s grin widened as he turned away. The quick slap to his ass had him dancing away, turning back with his eyes wide, only to receive a rather lewd wink from Tony.
Steve was grinning all the way to the quinjet, and his face didn’t cool off until after take off.
"So my assistant says you cleared my schedule for a ’national emergency’?”
Steve closed his eyes and sighed, head tipping back towards the sky. “I asked if she’d block out your dinner time slot, so we could have a rooftop dinner.”
He gestured to the spread around him--picnic blanket and basket, pasta salad, roast chicken, potato soup, a dozen other greens and vegetables, and mulled cider to keep of the encroaching cold. Nonalcoholic, of course, just simmered over the stove all day. “And before you worry--no, I didn’t cook a single thing here, it was all Jarvis. So, it’s--it’s actually edible.”
He held out his hand, waiting for Tony to kick off his shoes and lose the tie and jacket before sprawling on some of the cushions he’d brought up here. Steve huffed, then pulled Tony towards him, so his back was pressed against his front, laying between his legs. It was, obviously, the best way to keep warm.
“You’ve been working hard, lately. I just thought we could... I don’t know, enjoy a sunset. Figured if I kept it close to home and without telling anyone we might actually get to do it.” Their last three dates had been interrupted--honestly, he’d probably broken a few of Hyde’s ribs on that last one out of frustration--and he just wanted a quiet evening with his partner at this point.
Tipping Tony’s head back, he brushed their noses together with a grin, pressing a kiss to his forehead. “Love you.”
The smile didn’t fade, instead growing as he kissed his way down towards Tony’s ear, wrapping his arms around his chest and holding him close. “I love you, Tony.”
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worldwarvet-archive · 5 years
@shellheadtm​ said: five times kissed
Their little spy operation was going about how Bucky had expected--nearly getting caught, and in trying to keep their cover for as long as possible, he’d shoved them into a closet. A very small, very tight closet that had both of them pressed very closely to each other. Close enough that he could smell the cologne Tony had on--which, beyond being tastefully applied, was also a very appealing scent.
Which was only mildly distracting. The real distraction was Tony’s eyes, flicking from him to the door and back, the slightly nervous lick of his lips. It was a lot of attractiveness in one very, very confined area.
“We need a cover story.” Tony’s eyes flicked back to Bucky as he spoke and before he could ask any sort of question, Bucky pulled him in by his tie for a kiss. 
His hands kept busy while he nipped at Tony’s lips, purposefully reddening them--Bucky made quick work of loosening Tony’s tie and taking off his own and shoving it inside Tony’s inner suit jacket pocket. He unbuttoned the top button of his own shirt before finally sliding his hands into Tony’s hair, messing up the gelled perfection to create a lovely, sexy mess of spikes.
When they parted, they were both breathing a bit heavier than they were supposed to be. Bucky flashed Tony a smile. “See you out there.”
When the neighbor’s kid asked if he could help fix his car, he hadn’t expected the whole damn engine to need fixing. Not that he really minded--his hometown had really embraced him since he’d moved back, and with the amount of help they’d given him while he was fixing up his house, he figured he could repay the favor by helping people out where he could. Not to mention, his garage was the most capable of car diagnosis, at least without taking it all the way to the shop.
He’d just begun muscling the timing belt off when he heard the familiar repulsers and landing of his favorite shellhead, man and machine clomping into his garage before the hissing release of Tony emerging. Bucky straightened with the belt in hand, tossing it to the side before wiping some sweat off his brow. Between the grease he knew was all over his arms and surely his face, the grass stains on his jeans from weeding his flowerbeds earlier, and the messy bun he’d thrown his hair up into he was very much in contrast to Tony, in his suit, who had very clearly come from some sort of meeting or press conference, all clean and carefully coifed. 
“Hey, babe.” Bucky pressed a kiss to Tony’s cheek as he walked by, careful not to get his greasy hands anywhere near Tony’s suit. “If you get changed you can join me in replacing the timing belt and water pump while I try to talk you out of sup’ing up a sixteen year old’s car.”
The first thing that he became aware of was the steady beep familiar with all hospital rooms. Bucky didn’t know where exactly he was, but he could guess, considering the last thing he remembered was passing out from blood loss as ambulance sirens approached. And eyes his eyes fluttered open, he saw an all too familiar face sitting on his right, could feel someone’s warm hands holding his own.
“You listed me as your emergency contact.” It wasn’t really a question, but he could hear the bewilderment in Tony’s voice, the uncertainty.
And it hadn’t been a choice he’d made lightly, but one that just made sense. It was a rough responsibility, but he trusted Tony--trusted him with his body, his arm, his mind and heart. It just made sense that, if he couldn’t call for Tony himself, whoever found him would call in his place.
“Yeah,” His voice was raspy, and he tried clearing it before continuing. “I mean, have you seen Steve when I’m hurt? Thought he was gonna get in a fight with some of those nurses...”
The joke faded as Tony’s seriousness remained, and instead, he tightened his hand around Tony’s, giving it a squeeze. “I’m okay, Tony. I listed you because I trust you. And I knew you’d take care of me.”
There was no comment, but when Bucky tugged on Tony’s hand, he came closer, leaning over when led and pressing a kiss to his forehead. He felt Tony’s arms wrap very carefully around his shoulders and he rested his head on his shoulder, pressing small kisses into Tony’s neck. The position was awkward, but it didn’t stop them from staying that way until they heard the hospital room door open, Tony’s hand lingering across the back of his neck as he withdrew.
“He’s really good with kids.”
The comment comes from his left, but honestly, Bucky can’t tear his eyes away from the fact that Tony’s got a gaggle of kids, ages six through twelve, all gathered around him. The younger ones are making valiant efforts to get in his lap while the older kids are interrogating him about the suit--how fast can he go, how far can he fly, what’s the coolest thing he’s ever done, how does he get into it, does it smell bad, which is his favorite--
And Tony, bless him, is answering each question with just as much interest and excitement as the kids, even as he wrangles the younger ones to keep them from falling off the sides of the chair. He’d almost felt bad, at first, like he was throwing him to the dogs, but Tony adapts like it’s the only thing he ever knows how to do, and does it in style. Bucky shouldn’t have been surprised, yet here he is, watching, feeling like his heart’s about to melt out of his chest because this is just too sweet.
“It helps that he’s a big kid himself,” He answered back, more than a bit delayed, before excusing himself and heading back to his seat, a pair of sweet ice teas and popcorn in hand. The kids, having gotten all their questions answered for the time being, began to run around playing superheroes--he heard more than a few arguments about who gets to be Iron Man going on--as he took his seat next to Tony. Their chairs were close enough that they could comfortably lace their fingers together, and he did, bringing the back of Tony’s hand up for a kiss.
Despite the fact that he seemed like a city boy through and through, Tony was really adjusting to Indiana, to Bucky’s home, like it was his own. They’d fallen into an easy rhythm, working on projects together and apart, working in different rooms or the same. There were breaks, lunches, dinners, walks around the neighborhood. Project swaps to give different perspectives. Playful arguments and rather serious debates on the best approach to an issue. Honest late night talks.
It was a lot. It was everything. And yet Tony had inserted himself flawlessly into his life, in such a way that if he wasn’t there--and sometimes business, superhero or otherwise, demanded it--the house felt just that bit emptier, colder in a way he didn’t enjoy. He wasn’t really sure when this had gone from dating to this... domestic thing that they had, but it wasn’t something he wanted to stop anytime soon. He was lucky. So incredibly so, to get someone who knew everything about his past, to know full well the horrors that he’d committed and had been done to him, and embrace him, trust him all the same.
As he turned off the lights to the kitchen, he came up behind Tony on the sofa, ruffling his hair. When that didn’t illicit much of a response, Bucky propped his elbows up on the sofa behind him, moving to press a kiss into the crook of Tony’s neck. Each kiss after that left a warm trail up, occasionally pausing to create a nice little red spot before moving along, kissing Tony’s jawline before finally coming to his lips, kissing deep as one hand gently tangled in his hair, the other running down his chest. When he finally pulled back from the kiss, he was pleased to see Tony’s eyes a little hooded, the blue hazy instead of clear with focus.
“What was that for?”
Bucky hummed, a small smile playing around his lips as he pulled away, turning to climb the steps. “Guess you’ll just have to follow me upstairs to find out, huh?”
The clatter of hastily dropped electronics had never made Bucky smile more.
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numbinghigh · 5 years
1ST RULE: Tag 9 muses you would like to know better. (or you know, whoever you want) 2ND RULE: BOLD the statements that are true for your muse.
I am 5'7" or taller I wear glasses   I have at least one tattoo I have at least one piercing I have blonde hair I have brown eyes I have short hair My abs are at least somewhat defined I have or have had braces
I love meeting new people People tell me that I’m funny Helping others with their problems is a big priority for me I enjoy physical challenges I enjoy mental challenges I’m playfully rude with people I know well I started saying something ironically and now I can’t stop saying it There is something I would change about my personality ABILITY:
I can sing well I can play an instrument I can do over 30 pushups without stopping I’m a fast runner I can draw well I have a good memory I’m good at doing math in my head I can hold my breath underwater for over a minute I have beaten at least 2 people in arm wrestling I know how to cook at least 3 meals from scratch I know how to throw a proper punch HOBBIES:
I enjoy playing sports I’m on a sports team at my school or somewhere else I’m in an orchestra or choir at my school or somewhere else I have learned a new song in the past week I work out at least once a week I’ve gone for runs at least once a week in the warmer months I have drawn something in the past month I enjoy writing I do or have done martial arts EXPERIENCES:
I have had my first kiss I have had alcohol I have scored the winning goal in a sports game I have watched an entire season of a TV show in one sitting I have been at an overnight event I have been in a taxi I have been in the hospital or ER in the past year I have beaten a video game in one day I have visited another country I have been to one of my favorite band’s concerts RELATIONSHIPS:
I’m in a relationship I have a crush on a celebrity I have a crush on someone I know I have been in at least 3 relationships I have never been in a relationship   I have asked someone out or admitted my feelings to them I get crushes easily   I have had a crush on someone for over a year I have been in a relationship for at least a year I have had feelings for a friend MY LIFE:
I have at least one person I consider a “best friend” I live close to my school My parents are still together I have at least one sibling I live in the United States There is snow right now where I live I have hung out with a friend in the past month I have a smartphone I have at least 15 CD’s I share my room with someone RANDOM SHIT:
I have break-danced I know a person named Jamie I have had a teacher with a last name that’s hard to pronounce I have dyed my hair I’m listening to one song on repeat right now I have punched someone in the past week I know someone who has gone to jail I have broken a bone I have eaten a waffle today I know what I want to do with my life I speak at least 2 languages
Tagged by: indirectly by @cptsrogers Tagging: @shellheadtm @timesewn @whitemelody @starbreathed @ofsaudades & whoever else wants to do this!
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involuntaryspy-a · 4 years
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“I don't come cheap but the kisses come free.”
@shellheadtm​ | lyric starters
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involuntaryspy-a · 5 years
@shellheadtm​ replied to your post:
“Wait, what? Where’s yours. Please don’t tell me you lost it, I swear to God, I go through all this trouble to make them unlosable! And yet.”
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“So. Funny thing about ‘unlosable’ identicards... you have to have one first. To lose it.” He’s treading a bit carefully because Tony’s already got that little edge to his voice that sounds exasperated. Exasperated is not happy. Exasperated is having had replaced his fair share of them, apparently.
“I have never had the unique pleasure of having one. Not that that’s ever stopped me.” Because when he ends up hearing about this shit? It’s all hands on deck, and it’s not really that important who’s actually a card-carrying member or not. Wars and invasions aren’t exactly the time to ask what the benefits package and card coverage is.
“Or that I even knew about them until Clint flashed his all over the place.”
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involuntaryspy-a · 5 years
@shellheadtm said: "You have to close your eyes, if you don't you ruin the surprise and I'll be sad about it." He's worked hard on this, okay, it's been a secret project and he's been good about it. No real upgrades despite having to nearly physically restrain himself, period-appropriate colors. What he couldn't find parts-wise he machined himself. He did it right, no Tony Stark innovation, just one hundred percent 1941 Indian 841 sitting in the garage. "Just trust me, okay, I wouldn't steer you wrong." happy birthday bucky
He trusts Tony with his life, his happiness, with his whole heart. It surprises himself, some days, to realize that this is his life now--happily married, deeply in love, feeling this way every morning and evening and every minute in between. It’s not something he’d ever thought he’d get. He’s not supposed to get a happy ending. He’s not supposed to--and yet, he gets the closest thing he can to some storybook ending, shining knight in armor and all.
Bucky does not, however, trust the word “surprise” coming from Tony Stark. Sometimes surprise means all their mugs on the front lawn in order to set it up for a bad pun. Sometimes surprise means promising the kid next door that yeah, he’ll supe up the minivan and make it the fastest land-based vehicle in Indiana. Both of these are surprises, sure, but on two completely different scales.
There’s also a third category, which he’d gotten a taste of during Valentines Day. Tony, knowing that Bucky was easily seduced by chocolate, had gotten him a box of chocolates. And not just any box of chocolates, but perhaps the fanciest type ever. And not just one box--but a box per month, special delivery, mailed to his front doorstep. Luxury chocolates, at his house, every month. It nearly made him teary eyed, every time he got a box, because this kind of thing wasn’t what he ever expected. He hadn’t started dating Tony with the idea that he’d ever benefit from this--he’d liked the guy, liked seeing him smile, and thought that just maybe, there could be something there for the both of them to cling to. Money had never been a part of it. Gifts, perks, fame--none of that held interest for him, when compared to seeing Tony smile and joke, wearing jeans and a t-shirt, in a cul-de-sac in the middle of America, manning a grill as if he knew what he was doing while causing the neighborhood dads to bust a gut laughing. That, that unguarded, joyful, lighter man was the one Bucky loved and longed for, the one he melted for and married. Everything else was just details, really.
So being told there’s a surprise in the garage, knowing that there’s a lot of ways this can go... Bucky still closes his eyes with a sigh, even going so far as to put his hand over top of them because he knows he’ll peek if he’s not careful. He lets himself be steered out to the garage, a goofy indulgent smile on his face because whatever it is, it’ll be nice. Tony didn’t need to do anything, but he did, and that’s nice, honestly, to feel a little special on his birthday. “Okay, okay, I’ve got my eyes closed. But please remember to guide me down the garage steps, Karen’s really tired of seeing us in her ER.”
It was only once he was carefully led down the steps, arranged in a specific way, and told to open his eyes that Bucky’s smile slipped. His jaw dropped and he stood there, shocked. A 1941 Indian 841, perfect condition, as if it had rolled off the line and right onto the front lines yesterday. He loved these bikes--it was pretty much all he’d driven during the war. It was was why he bought nothing but Indian bikes after that too--he’d been trying to regain that feel, but nothing had quite the same magic.
Hesitantly, Bucky reached out his right hand, fingers running lightly over the headlamp. It was a perfect replica, right down to the army green with a white star. He was breathless. “Tony...”
Bucky crouched down, running his hand over the star on the fuel tank while he took a closer look at the engine. No modifications, no tweaks--this was as authentic as he remembered it being. He tore his gaze away from the bike, looking up at Tony with wide, surprised eyes, still slightly in shock. “How...?”
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involuntaryspy-a · 4 years
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you know what i want gimme tonybucky
Who asks the other on dates: bucky. ask how many dates they went on before tony caught on. three. they went on three dates before bucky went in for a kiss and tony just thought “oh ok we’re doing this now” and just went for it. honestly, if they weren’t married, i think he’d still think they’re friends. they’ll both make an effort to arrange dates, but bucky’s often invited to things in his neighborhood and community, so he’ll usually prompt for them doing fun stuff around town. Who is the bigger cuddler: tony. listen the boy’s all arms and legs, it means he’s an octopus and that he has to wrap them around bucky whenever they’re both horizontal. and tbh bucky loves it so while tony’s the bigger cuddler, they both crave it. Who initiates holding hands more often: bucky. he fuckin loves tony’s hands. he likes playing with them, like if they’re just neat! well not neat, they’re filthy, he’s a mechanic so they’re likely very dirty but he likes sitting next to tony and stealing a hand to play with. he’s very careful and gentle, what with his metal hand and all. bonus: tony knows that buck is uncomfy with his metal hand and defaults to standing off to bucky’s right, so he can use his non-metal hand--but he’s not shy about touching or being touched, he built that hand, he trusts it and the man wielding it.
Who remembers anniversaries: bucky. listen, tony is good at many things. so many things. remembering dates is not one of them. regardless of how many alerts tony sets, he will turn them off and keep going on whatever he was working on. also, yknow. you have to actually know when you started dating someone to know when the anniversary is. Who is more possessive: neither. honestly, they’re not really.... like that? both of them are super giving people and especially with each other, there’s nothing that they won’t give. but, i will say, when it comes to like.... like tony’s a super busy guy and people come to him asking for a lot of help, sometimes with important things, but sometimes it’s like my guy, you can probably do this yourself or find someone else to fix the equipment you broke. so in regards to like... bucky will put up a front of being “possessive” of tony’s time, if it means that tony then gets some well-needed boundaries.  Who gets more jealous: neither. again, it’s not really jealousy, but sometimes bucky will use it as like... a weapon? excuse? to get people to fuck off and leave tony alone so he can have some space and boundaries. bucky’s not above using himself as an excuse to get tony out of something if it means his husband is happy. Who is more protective: both. it’s funny because they’re both super protective but in kind of opposite ways. i think in the superhero way, the physical way, tony’s way more protective--he’s a tank and he knows how squishy team human is and bucky’s just a guy in some (very nice) kevlar and leather vs the amazing iron man suit that tony wears. and honestly, when it comes to the field, bucky knows exactly what tony’s capable of and leaves him to do what he’s good at. he trusts tony’s skill and knows iron man’s limits, and would only start to worry when there was danger of reaching them. on the other hand, when it comes to personal lives, bucky is way way way more protective of tony and his feelings and boundaries. if tony won’t set those for himself, he’ll set them for him to protect his time, feelings, and energy. he can and will give people the boot when he knows tony needs time to work on other things and that they just want tony to take care of it so they don’t have to. Who is more likely to cheat: neither. they’re both so sure in the other, i just don’t think it would occur to them to cheat. they trust each other implicitly, there’s just no likelihood of it happening.  Who initiates sexy times the most: neither. listen. listen they’re really shitty about communication about sexy times for some reason. both are brats. both like a bit of a challenge. neither likes backing down from said challenge. they will literally end up blue-ballsing themselves if they’re not careful. i mean they get there, eventually, but geeze does it take a while. Who dislikes PDA the most: neither. i think before they were married, bucky likely would’ve kept a lot of the pda to a minimum, out of respect for not wanting to cause tony any undue trouble. but yknow, cat’s out of the bag and they’re hitched so whatever, he’ll hold his hand when they go grocery shopping and steal kisses at galas or whatever. they’re not gross about it, they don’t really want to make the front page of the tabloids for whatever stupid conspiracy theory they have running now, but they don’t hold back any casual touching when they’re out in public either Who kills the spider: neither. this house is catch and release ok, spider-woman didn’t suffer for this kind of spider treatment Who asks the the other to marry them: bucky. literally, it was bucky. he did this, he asked, he said the question and tony said yes and then no take backsies were said, regardless of how many bad puns per day happen. tbf tho, bucky had originally asked as just like a “hey would you ever consider marriage” kinda question but it came out as a proposal and tony said yes so he was like ‘okay i’m planning a wedding now before he can say no’ Who buys the other flowers or gifts: tony. are you kidding me. like. look bucky tries? but he’s not good at figuring out what to get. tony would be elated at anything, yeah, sure, but he struggles with any type of gift giving, it’s just not his strong suit. but he knows that gift giving is definitely one o tony’s love languages and loves every little thing--usually big thing--tony gets him. bonus: tony buys him flowers a lot as a surprise and bucky keeps all the cards to them in a now-empty vosges chocolate box under the bed, along with the receipt from their diner date (date 2), a few polaroids of the wedding, written copies of their vows, and any other little mementos that happen to strike his fancy. Who would bring up possibly having kids: neither. they know what their lives are like. even if both of them are excellent with kids, neither wants to bring a child anywhere near that danger. like most superheroes at least know their villains, but bucky has memory problems right, and what’s worse than knowing who out there is gunning for you is not knowing, and the horrible paranoia that comes from trying to figure out who to trust when deciding things like daycare and schools and babysitters--it’s just not really the kind of life a kid deserves. but yknow, i think they’ll always have a pet. alpine makes a great fur baby. Who is more nervous to meet the parents: bucky. tony’s the only one that has living parents still, so i think he was technically a little nervous. he’s got a sordid history, especially depending on what all people have decided to believe re: his this trial, so he knew going in it could be a hard sell. but then he found out amanda was also a spy and a kickass one at that, so a lot of his worries pretty much evaporated. he’s now pretty happy about having a mother-in-law and probably keeps her as up to date as she wants on tony, because tony is not going to send the dumb half asleep photos of himself but bucky sure as hell will Who sleeps on the couch when the other is angry: both. they don’t really go to bed mad? well, back up, they don’t really fight, and usually when they have a source of conflict, it’s more of a conversation because both of them are fairly reasonable people and are willing to find that compromise. but, if they just need a while to stew before talking, both are likely to retreat to their own corners to get things done while waiting to cool off. but if i’m honest, bucky makes it a point to not go to bed mad--or stay mad for too long--because carrying that around doesn’t make him feel better. it’s also part of the next point-- Who tries to make up first after arguments: bucky. he doesn’t want the argument to linger, and even if he thinks he’s right, he doesn’t like the angry to stay between them. and he’s also very, very quick to remind tony that even when he’s mad, he still loves him. neither of them are likely to stay mad long, but i think bucky’s the one to push them into talking about it, because he doesn’t want whatever it is to linger between them--and frankly, he doesn’t want to be mad at tony, he wants to love and hold him. Who tells the other they love them more often: both. i mean they’re married? and they’re like that sickening married couple that says it instead/in tandem with goodbyes and hellos. and then randomly throughout the day. and then at night before bed. and-- listen bucky loves saying it as much as he loves hearing it, and even if tony doesn’t say the words, bucky feels it in everything he does. but they’re both cheesy as hell and frequently exchange i love yous.
@shellheadtm​ | send me a ship and i’ll rant (accepting for steve & bucky)
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involuntaryspy-a · 5 years
steeples fingers. wedding things
it’s held in bucky’s backyard. he adds more string lights, rents some tables and a dance floor, and brings his (aka tony’s) record player outside for music
steve marries them bc otherwise there’d be too much of a struggle to figure out whose best man he is
nat is bucky’s best man
the guest list is small. pretty much just the people that matter. but because bucky’s house is a secret, any of the party guests he doesn’t trust with the location, he blindfolds them to get them there
the wedding itself is a surprise to tony, since otherwise he would’ve become bridezilla
bucky gets la vie en rose engraved on tony’s ring bc it’s the first song they danced to and the first time he thought he loved tony
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involuntaryspy-a · 5 years
@shellheadtm asked: wound : my muse patches and bandages a wound your muse has gotten. one word prompts || accepting 
You know what’s nice about being married? Having a built-in buddy system. He has someone to do things with. And it’s great, too, because his built-in buddy is like him--a superhero, a squishy human, a daring idiot. Really, the fact that no one had stopped their wedding to say that two human disasters such as them, getting married, was a bad idea? An absolute miracle. Or everyone had been too excited to have grilled cheese to really pay attention.
It makes going home after a full day of superheroing that much more rewarding. Because it’s not about finding somewhere to lick your wounds, but going home and taking and giving comfort in tending theirs. It’s... nice.
Except for the part where Bucky lost rock, paper, scissors and has to be the one cared for first, which is absolute bullshit, Tony totally rigged it--
Whatever. It’s not like Tony’s not gonna get his in a few minutes. The lower half of his face was starting to swell and Bucky wanted to give him a cold compress and a smoothie. And check again for a concussion, because taking that many hits to the head can’t be good.
But Bucky has to go first because he’s bleeding or something along those lines. Another good thing about being superhero husbands? Both of them are pretty good at the whole stitching themselves up deal. Three cheers for cutting down on hospital bills. Watching as Tony began setting up shop on his right side, Bucky’s lips twitched up in a smile. He snorted, then began laughing under his breath, shoulders shaking--which wasn’t helping, because the cut was high up on his right arm.
“Sorry,” He tried to stop laughing, taking a deep breath and looking over at Tony, grinning. “So, how’re you gonna tune up this arm? I can tell you right now, I’m not going to be able to have a backup of this one.”
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involuntaryspy-a · 5 years
@shellheadtm asked: touch a gentle touch like rubbing their back, hugging them, holding their hand. nonverbal starters || not accepting
He’s pretty sure he’s not supposed to cry when he gets a massage.
Tony had, once, on a whim, just started rubbing his shoulders. It’d been casual at first, just his way of getting Bucky’s attention, until Bucky had practically ground to a halt, dropping whatever he’d been holding and practically becoming putty in Tony’s hands. 
Since then, it’d been something that Tony made a point of doing periodically. Bucky wasn’t going to complain, even if his reactions embarrassed him. Sometimes he’d roll over with a hard on, which was fine. That was probably an expected thing, honestly, considering that most of the time they were already in bed. But every now and again, whether it was because Tony touched just the right spot with the right pressure, or it was just time, or some other unknown reason to him--the massage, while still being comfortable and relaxing, something he craved--he’d begin to get teary eyed.
Which, up until this point, had been easy enough to hide or blink away. Faking a yawn, rubbing his eyes and saying he was tired--there wasn’t much of a reason for Tony to look too hard, so he didn’t, and it let that feeling, whatever it was that had built up in his chest, fade away without further incident.
Tonight was apparently when that knot broke loose. Maybe it was the added addition of being shirtless, Tony’s hands somehow burning and soothing all at once. It had him trembling at first, just his hands, which he tucked under his hips. But it soon traveled up his arms to his shoulders, and it was like a damn suddenly burst, tears trailing down his cheeks before he realized it, his breath suddenly jerky and wet, like he’d just learned how to breathe air instead of water.
Fuck. He wasn’t like this during sex. Tony could touch anywhere, and it just left Bucky craving more, pressing into his touch. But all he had to do was spend a few minutes touching Bucky’s back, and he was ready to fall to pieces, trying not to shake apart or have it be too obvious he was crying. Which he was failing at. Miserably.
“I’m fine, I’m fine, I’m f-fine.” Right, his shaky voice sure did sound convincing. Shit, he’d always been a messy crier. Shoving his face fully into the pillow, Bucky tried to calm his breathing and stop it from hitching. “Pl-please don’t st-stop.”
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involuntaryspy-a · 4 years
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“we need to change those bandages and get some food in you.”
Tony’s got a solid point. He knows this, because he’s done this whole thing before, by himself. He’s also done this to Tony countless times. But being on the receiving end of it all? Nowhere near as fun.
“Just five more minutes.” He’s all sprawled out on the sofa, looking... alright, he’s manly enough to say it. He looks pathetic. The only semi-real clothes he’s got on right now is his sweatpants that he’d cut into shorts. Most of his ribs were covered in bandages, his ankle was in a brace, and his knuckles were still red and raw. Being the very human and very squishy one on missions really sucked.
“I haven’t bled through yet, I’m sure we can wait a little longer.” Food still sounded good though. But he was sure Tony was going to use that as motivation to get him to move. It would probably work but it’s worth trying to see if he can get it without. “I am hungry though. Maybe chicken nuggets?”
post-trauma sentence starters || accepting - @shellheadtm
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involuntaryspy-a · 4 years
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“is everything okay?”
Bucky’s head jerked up at Tony’s question, blinking, suddenly aware that he’d been taking off his body armor on autopilot. His hands fumbled to a stop halfway through the leather jacket’s snaps as he looked down, then back up at Tony. “Yeah, yeah I’m fine...”
Except for the fact that he very clearly wasn’t. Covered in blood--not his--and grime from his mission, he was feeling very... tired. Tired of the fight that never really seemed to end. The war that, in one way or another, he seemed to be fighting in since he hit sixteen in 1940. He’d never really firmed up his plans for what he’d do after the war ended, but he’d always pictured an end. That one day he wouldn’t be doing this--hunting people down, killing extremists, doing the dirty work so no one else would have to. He’d been so close to going legitimate, to getting out of this mess... only to be brought back into the fold.
“...No, actually, I’m--” He took his mask off, tossing it down on the table as he slowly pulled off his gloves, looking down at his metal hand. “I’m just tired. Somedays I feel... You know, Steve got lucky. He was frozen, and he got back, and everything was different. No real open war for him to be on the front lines of, team to welcome him, a whole slew of things to learn and adjust to, to distract him when he needed it.”
It was dumb, being jealous of that--and he wasn’t, not really. Steve had probably had an equally hard time. Everything had changed in and instant for him. Bucky shed his leather jacket, bringing it over to the stand he had for it and sitting down with a rag, to start cleaning it up. “Steve got out of it, even if he doesn’t think so. He got a break. And I just... haven’t. I’ve been doing the same thing since 1940 and I’m... just tired. And I feel old.”
post-trauma sentence starters || accepting - @shellheadtm​
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involuntaryspy-a · 4 years
“How did you talk me into this? How did I let myself be talked into this?”
He felt pretty foolish, fiddling with his suit in front of the mirror, trying to get his tie to lie flat. French silk. Damn thing. Too nice for his tie-tying experience. He’s just never gonna get used to fine things. Bucky’s just one step away from being a farm boy, and nice shit like this still makes him fidget like going to church on Easter Sunday. But he’ll do it if he’s gotta.
“You’re sure I have to go?”
starter for @shellheadtm
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involuntaryspy-a · 5 years
@shellheadtm asked: ❝ i don’t need my pants, anyway. ❞ some meme i lost || not accepting
They’d taken a break for lunch, opting to cool off some at the house and have some sandwiches. They’d actually been left alone after the first day, their only real interaction just a quick “hey, here’s your food, have fun” sort of deal. The kitchen had been fully stocked, and while the appliances were dated, they were in fantastic condition. It meant he didn’t have to try to hard for meals, and had, in fact, figured they would do simple things--prep a few meals that second day while Tony slept in, and make it so each night he just had to throw things in the oven or skillet for a few minutes before they could eat. 
Lunches, though, were sandwiches, and despite having already seen Tony do this several times already, he watched with morbid fascination as chips were crammed onto an already full sandwich. It shouldn’t surprise him that Tony’s mouth could open that wide--and yet, here he is, shaking his head slowly and deliberately keeping his chips separate from his sandwich.
“Look, I’m not going to stop you from going completely nude to the beach, but there’s only so much ass kissing I can do if you get sand in places you don’t want sand.” Waving a pickle around as he spoke, he took a quick bite of it before stretching himself. Already he had a tan appearing, and while he’d opted for as little clothing as possible, he’d kept the small swim shorts on whenever the beach was involved. 
“And do mean to imply that I’m willing to do a lot of ass kissing. But I figure since you don’t even like a little bit of stubble, you’re not going to like sand.”
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involuntaryspy-a · 4 years
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“I’ll let you watch.”
“Didn’t realize I needed permission.” He did, however, move into the garage fully now. Bucky had just been lingering in the doorway, not wanting to disturb Tony’s workshop time, but since he’d been acknowledged and practically welcomed in, he might as well move into the space proper. 
His eyes skimmed over Iron Man, taking in the scorch marks and the dented plates, watching as Tony’s hands and arms worked to force pieces back into place and buff out damage. Sweat dribbled down his neck, and the tank he was wearing was soaked, hands and forearms covered in grease, goggles propped up on his forehead. God, he loved his sexy, hot husband.
“Working out all the kinks? Need any help banging anything out?”
out of context nsfw starters || open -- @shellheadtm​
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