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some times I wish
I was a « ponyta
» like the ones I
grew up sur round
ed by . . . some
times I wish I wa
s raised by « del
caty » like me .
. . but at the en
d of the day I` m
just some thing e
lse . . . and tha
t` s ok . . . I w
ill never « grow
wings » like my p
eers but I can do
my own thing . .
. no one should b
e expected to gro
w wings just beca
use their sibling
s are all shellgo
n and people shou
ld not shun a ski
tty for not being
as good at trotti
ng as a ponyta tr
eating them as le
ss worthy of valu
e even if they ha
ve spent every wa
king hour of thei
r life trying to
perfect their tro
t but their body
and their nature
keeps be tray ing
them because deep
down it knows it
really was not bu
ilt for trot ting
. . . and . . .
I don` t know . .
. maybe if they t
ry hard enough th
e mareep can shed
its wo ol and fin
ally become a dra
gon like all thei
r siblings . . .
but would ? they
funda men tal ly
even be the same
after ?
[ @hel-lo111 ]
//lord, I really got carried away, this should probably have been a reblog, so sorry.
At the end of the day... we are something like no one else. We don't fit in the structure of binary of one or another. Maybe we don't need to grow wings... but maybe...
Maybe we will strap wings to our backs in hopes of seeing the sky...
No matter how dangerous it might be... Because we simply want to be like them...
Is a shooting star still a comet even after it burns out? Even after it hits the ground?
How far will we go? What do I need to do to achieve who I want to be? How can I possibly learn to be like them? I want so fucking desperately to be like them but it's like the universe is fucking laughing at me!
My skin is cold to the touch! Can you believe that!? It's mocking me for daring to think
[Miguel types something but thinks better of it and changes what they were going to write]
to think I could reach the sky.
Sometimes I can't help but laugh back in the face of it. Lets make light of it, friend! We will find ourselves in due time.
#riders diary#howling voice#answered best#rotomblr#pokemon irl#pkmn irl#pokeblogging#festering#unseen watcher
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[Media] ShellGo
ShellGo Simple Shellcode Loader tool. https://github.com/BlackShell256/ShellGo #redteam
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#welcometocanada #fuckyeahbud #outforarip #shellgo #ohya #brosefarm #brosejam2014 @the_brosefarm
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