art-now-uk · 3 years
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Somersault, Sheila Chapman
Acrylic on stretched canvas. This painting was inspired by the gymnasts in my daughter's trampoline club, training for a big display. I wanted to capture the gracefulness of their jumps and the gravity-defying positions they make in the air. There are five paintings in the series, each one capturing a fleeting impression of the trampolinist's movement. In this one I wanted to catch the controlled sense of tipping forwards when the trampolinist enters a spin. It happens extremely fast but here I have tried to catch it in a single "frame".
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art-now-uk · 3 years
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Wedding Hats (FRAMED), Sheila Chapman
This framed ink drawing on watercolour paper is part of a body of work I made inspired by a collection of old family photographs. I loved the way this scene is so evocative of it's time (in the sixties), and wanted to capture the relaxed feel of the group of women as they chat at the wedding. The painting is framed in a contemporary slim white wooden frame (see photos). The unframed piece measures 30 x 23cm.
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art-now-uk · 4 years
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Autumn Botanics, Sheila Chapman
I have been experimenting with egg tempera painting recently and this is my most detailed work to date. It was inspired by a trip to Edinburgh Botanic Gardens on a beautiful, clear, sunny day in September when all the trees and bushes were beginning to turn colour and looked stunning in the autumn light. The painting is made in egg tempera paint, on gesso, on plywood panel.
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art-now-uk · 4 years
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Woman by the Sea 2, Sheila Chapman
This painterly monotype is part of a body of work inspired by a collection of old photos I inherited from a family member. I love the enigmatic feel of this print, and the sense of timelessness. This print was made by painting the image, in Golden Acrylic paint, on to a glass plate from which an imprint onto paper was made by hand using a baren. The print is mounted in an off white mount and wrapped in cellophane.
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art-now-uk · 5 years
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Running Girl, Sheila Chapman
This drawing is part of a body of work inspired by watching my children's school sports day. I wanted to capture the freedom of movement and concentration of the running children, fully absorbed in what they were doing. Watercolour, graphite and goauche, on watercolour paper.
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art-now-uk · 3 years
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Winter Beach, Sheila Chapman
This drawing was inspired by a family walk on a beach in Ayrshire, south-west Scotland, in January. I wanted to capture the reality of trips to the beach in Scotland, often when the weather is cold but crisp, with beautiful light but everyone wearing their coats and hats. I wanted to try making a drawing on a hard surface, to see what the results would be like. So this drawing is made on board coated with acrylic gesso. I then used acrylic inks, graphite powder and oil pastels (the latter mostly for the detail on the figures) to make the drawing. The final drawing is varnished with UV varnish to protect the colours and surface of the work. The board is mounted on a timber frame support so the picture stands proud of the wall and is ready to hang unframed (the edges are painted white), or could be framed if preferred.
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art-now-uk · 6 years
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Coming Down the Hill, Sheila Chapman
This small painting is part of a body of work exploring the way we experience and connect with nature in our busy modern world, especially children like my own who are growing up in the city. This image was inspired by a walk in some local woods, in winter. I tried to capture the girl's joy in running down the hill through the trees, ducking under the branches as she went. This work was painted in acrylic (underlayers) and water-miscible oil paint (details in upper layers), giving interesting surface detail and brush marks.
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