#sheet meta component manufacturer
businesknowlege · 2 years
Wiring Harness Terminals & Sheet Metal Components Manufacturer in India
We Shubham Industries is a well-known name in Wiring Harness Terminals manufacturer in Delhi along with Sheet Metal Components Manufacturers in India. Read the full article for a better understanding of our precious products.
The terminals on the wiring harness are the areas where the wire terminates or is connected to other components.
Similar to wire harness connections, the type of termination needed will depend on the intended usage and may have different forms, sizes, and insulation requirements.
Non-insulated terminals are a more cost-effective solution when protection from temperature, moisture, or the environment is not absolutely necessary.
Importance of Wiring Harness
Since wire harnesses must be precisely made with specific application needs in mind, the wire harness design process may be quite customized.
Several wire harnesses need to be concealed in boxes, walls, or other limited spaces. Functionality and safety both depend on a high-quality design.
The extensive list of elements above demonstrates how environmental considerations must be made in wire harness designs.
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Sheet Metal Components
Let’s discuss the sheet metal components as we mentioned above about the wiring harness now we are going to discuss the sheet metal components and their uses.
Sheet metal is used to make many different objects, including the bodywork of automobiles, trucks, and lorries, huge appliances, airplane fuselages, and wings, tinplate for tin cans, roofing for buildings (architecture), and many other things.
Iron sheets with laminated steel cores and other high magnetic permeability materials are used in transformers and other electric equipment.
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A Guide To Maintaining Press Brakes
 If you operate in the metal manufacturing business, you need to be understanding that press brakes are still a significant part of the gear. Thin sheets of metal and sheet metals created to specific specifications utilizing CD/CAM is widely being used in the building and manufacturing businesses. Press brakes help bend these sheets of alloy in several various ways.
If you are only starting in the market, here is all you'll need to understand:
Different types of press brakes
Mainly there are 3 unique forms of press brakes such as...
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In the current market, a press is a superior-excellent press brake providing top-quality effects. Due to the gap in trigger mechanics. There are various kinds of components such as precise components. Each part describes another usage. From the mechanical brakes, it utilizes a spring-loaded activate. Pneumatic brakes utilize an atmosphere trigger. When you press on the trigger in these types of brakes, then the machine will begin functioning.
Together with the hydraulic press brake, you can prevent it at any stage even following its breath. In cases like this, the operator will get a better level of control over what they're doing. Therefore, it helps in achieving more exact results. You might also operate hydraulic presses at a much lesser rate. It provides the operator time to fine-tune the item for their own liking.
Bends and Dies
It's possible to change the areas of the press brake. You may take them out and replace it using precise nozzles or some other necessary part. As you change the purpose and abilities of a drill by altering the kind of drill bit, altering the bends and expires from the press brake will alter what it's supposed to do.
Precision Control
To be able to conduct the press brake effectively, a proficient operator is a necessity. In regards to CAM and CAD, they've their made place in manufacturing and building. But when you employ them on your system, you'll require a proficient operator to track the job and be certain there is not any flaw in the last outcome.
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If you like a fabricator are thinking about buying your press brake, it's very important to understand the measures of upkeep. The fantastic thing is that the upkeep isn't so complex compared to other machines. Be certain that you follow the guides and maintain assessing the machines on a regular period, you may not find lots of trouble.
Regularly wash out the press brake. Be certain that you get rid of any oil and dust that may have made their location. Doing this on a weekly basis is a fantastic thing. Each of the oil filters will require to change on a yearly basis at the least.
Be Certain You Take Precautions
Before performing any operations utilizing press brake, it's important to confirm the ram of the device. You are able to put the ram on two equivalent dimensions wooden blocks. You might also lower the ram by the tooling.
Review it Mechanically
It's crucial to examine piston bolts, chain sprockets, precise nozzles, and guides of this press brake. Be certain that you look at the link between the pistons and ram on a standard base. Also, to calibrate or realign the rear gauge and ceases. 
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Lubrication in minimum number of things in contemporary press brake is also significant. Keep moving parts like a back estimate, directing techniques, and ball screws tidy. Do not forget to grease them to expand the press brake's purpose and lifestyle.
Here are the elements which require weekly maintenance:
Ram directing system
Ball screws
Guide encoders, encoder directing system
Gear section
Rack and pinion system
Guides and railings
Press brakes are a very simple piece of machinery. To be able to keep it and leverage the operation during a lengthy time, follow the proper actions to keep it. The maximum quality press brakes require maintenance regularly. It's a frequent gear for several factors. It soon will be working with substances like graphite and other artificial meta-materials. Ensure that you make it an outstanding investment for your alloy jobs.
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Effectiveness of Air Filters and Air Cleaners in Allergic Respiratory Diseases
Air filtration is frequently recommended as a component of environmental control measures for patients with allergic respiratory disease. Residential air filtration can be provided by whole house filtration via the home’s heating, ventilation, or air conditioning system, by portable room air cleaners, or a combination of the two. Appliances to filter the sleep breathing zone also have been developed. High-efficiency whole house filtration, high-efficiency particulate air sleep zone air filtration, and high-efficiency particulate air room air cleaners all appear to provide various degrees of benefit. Recent studies of various types of filtration, used alone or as part of more comprehensive environmental control measures, are reviewed.
Keywords: Air cleaner, Air filter, Air filtration, Breathing zone, CADR, Clean air delivery rate, Environmental control, Furnace filter, HEPA, HVAC, Indoor air, Indoor allergens, Intervention measures, Ozone, Particulate matter, PM, Room air cleaner, Sleep breathing zone, Ventilation, Whole house filtration
Environmental control practices (ECPs) are a group of measures recommended to reduce exposure to indoor allergens (eg, dust mites, household pets, cockroaches, mold, mice) or nonallergic triggers (eg, environmental tobacco smoke [ETS], wood smoke, volatile organic compounds, particulate matter [PM]) [1]. Historically, many of the common suggestions have been empiric and not based on scientific data or evidence-based clinical trials. As a better understanding of the impact of the characteristics of housing stock [2, 3] and occupants [4] on the indoor living environment has evolved, more effective measures have been identified. These may include modification of the occupant’s habits, remediation, and/or modification of the dwelling and its furnishings, structure, or ventilation, including the use of air filtration. One major drawback in many ECP studies has been the focus on a single allergen (eg, dust mites [5]) or intervention (eg, room air filtration for cat or dog allergy [6–8]). In fact, most allergic individuals have polysensitivity to multiple allergens. ECPs are therefore much more likely to be beneficial if targeted against triggers or allergens known to be problematic for the individual.
In the case of filtration, little attention has been paid to variations among the various appliances themselves, and no clinical comparisons have been done between the benefits of whole house filtration (WHF) versus those of portable room air cleaners (PRACs). According to the most recent American Housing Survey, 75% of US housing units have ducted forced air heat, while 63% have ducted central air conditioning [9]. When used in combination, these ducted heating systems are termed heating, ventilation, air conditioning (HVAC) systems. HVAC systems offer the opportunity for WHF, but poorly maintained or contaminated systems may actually increase the risk of asthma and other allergic respiratory symptoms [10]. Simple forgetfulness by the occupants in replacing the filter at suggested maintenance intervals may be the most common issue. HVAC service technicians frequently find round air filter that have not been changed for years when providing repair or maintenance services [11]. Dirty filters themselves can become a source for air contamination by allergens, particularly fungal spores [12], and can then be trapped, colonized, and released downstream as the overloaded filter fails [13]. Other issues, including air bypass from poor filter fit and duct leakage, may further confound the effectiveness of filtration in HVAC systems.
A barrier to proof of effectiveness for ECPs is the complexity of the gene–host–environment interactions. Expectations have been tainted by the fact that short-term drug studies of only a few weeks’ or months’ duration can show statistical effectiveness for improvement of symptoms. However, despite major advances in the drugs available for the treatment of allergy and asthma, none have been shown to arrest disease progression permanently. Improved understanding on how to avoid or reduce triggers would be expected to have this benefit. This may not occur in the short term. Observational epidemiology has already led to the recognition of a wide range of triggers found in the indoor environment, ranging from dust mite to diesel exhaust particulates. Applied epidemiologic studies are helpful in understanding targeted avoidance and prevention of disease progression.
Morgan et al. [14], as part of the Inner-City Asthma Study Group, conducted a randomized controlled trial of comprehensive ECPs in 937 children with atopic asthma. All were sensitized, as demonstrated by positive skin test, to at least one indoor allergen. A baseline home evaluation included both direct visual inspections and dust collection from the child’s bedroom. Targeted ECPs were then implemented based on skin testing results and the home evaluation. Interventions included the use of a high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) room air cleaner in the child’s bedroom if the child was exposed to ETS, sensitized and exposed to cat or dog allergens, or sensitized to mold. The intervention group reported significantly fewer symptoms of asthma during the intervention year and the follow-up year. The maximal number of days with symptoms was lower in the intervention group by 0.82 day per 2-week period in the first year (P < 0.001) and 0.60 day per 2-week period in the second year (P < 0.001). This effect is similar to that described in placebo-controlled studies of inhaled corticosteroids. The authors concluded that an “individualized, home-based, comprehensive environmental intervention decreases exposure to indoor allergens, and results in reduced asthma-associated morbidity.” This study and its outcomes represent the current thought that multiple ECPs, but not single interventions, are effective in modulating symptoms of allergic disease.
A recent review of 3,727 adults with asthma by Roy and Wisnivesky [15], using data from the Four-State National Asthma Survey, examined the association between preventive asthma care and comprehensive ECPs. Comprehensive management was defined as the implementation of combinations of at least five of eight measures. Air filtration was found to be the fourth (27.4%) most commonly implemented strategy, preceded only by no smoking (80%), no pets (53.9%), and washing sheets in hot water (43.2%), and followed by pillow covers (23.7%), mattress covers (23.4%), no carpets (14.5%), and use of a dehumidifier (13.8%). A similar study in the pediatric population found the same rate of air filtration (27.4%) use in the households of asthmatic children [16].
The role of air filtration in providing relief for individuals with allergic respiratory illness has been studied for more than 40 years [17, 18]. Prior reviews of air filtration have focused primarily on PRACs and the effect on patient symptom scores [19–21]. Reisman [19] stated that the studies should focus only on IgE-proven disease and HEPA PRACs. Wood [20] concluded that while HEPA PRACs may be an option for cat and dog allergy, there was no evidence they were effective for dust mite or mold allergy. Focusing only on allergies does not take into consideration the effects of PM and other indoor air pollutants. McDonald et al. [21] reported a meta-analysis of the only 10 randomized controlled trials on filtration published from 1973 through 1999. All 10 trials included asthmatic patients. The authors found a small statistically significant improvement in total symptoms and sleep disturbance associated with use of air cleaners, but no improvement in nasal symptoms, medication use, or peak expiratory flow (PEF) values.
In a 2010 rostrum article, Sublett et al. [22••] provided a comprehensive review of air filtration. The authors described the characteristics of airborne particulates, including allergens, to be filtered, and pointed out that the impact of inhalable PM and the effect on disease is not always IgE mediated. Residential air-cleaning products and devices are categorized into two broad categories: WHF (ie, filters or cleaners that are installed on the central HVAC system) and free-standing PRACs. Current standards for testing to determine the American Society of Heating, Refrigeration, and Air-Conditioning Engineer’s (ASHRAE) minimum efficiency rating value (MERV) for furnace filters and the Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers rating system clean air delivery rate (CADR) for room air cleaners are outlined. They also described the results of 18 studies on air filtration from 1973 to 2009, including some studies previously reviewed. The authors concluded that for the “optimal choice of cleaning devices, initial cost and ease of regular maintenance should be considered. PRACs with HEPA filters, especially those that air breather filter the breathing zone during sleep, appear to be beneficial. For the millions of households with forced air HVAC systems, regular maintenance schedules and the use of high-efficiency disposable filters appear to be the best choices.” They, as had previous reviewers, recommended that more rigorous study methods be applied to future research on air filtration and that the studies be of sufficient duration to show effectiveness.
Since the Wood [20] and McDonald et al. [21] reviews, there have been 14 studies (Table 1) published that are applicable to the role of air filtration as an environmental control measure for allergic respiratory diseases.
Urbanization increased population density in cities and consequently leads to severe indoor air pollution. As a result of these trends, the issue of sustainable and healthy indoor environment has received increasing attention. Various air filtration techniques have been adopted to optimize indoor air quality. Air filtration technique can remove air pollutants and effectively alleviate the deterioration of indoor air quality. This paper presents a comprehensive review on the synergistic effect of different air purification technologies, air filtration theory, materials and standards. It evaluated different air filtration technologies by considering factors such as air quality improvement, filtering performance, energy and economic behaviour, thermal comfort and acoustic impact. Current research development of air filtration technologies along with their advantages, limitations and challenges are discussed. This paper aims to drive the future of air filtration technology research and development in achieving sustainable and healthy building ventilation.
The most effective ways to improve your indoor air are to reduce or remove the sources of pollutants and to ventilate with clean outdoor air. In addition, research shows that filtration can be an effective supplement to source control and ventilation. Using a portable air cleaner and/or upgrading the cone air filter in your furnace or central heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning (HVAC) system can help to improve indoor air quality. Portable air cleaners, also known as air purifiers or air sanitizers, are designed to filter the air in a single room or area. Central furnace or HVAC filters are designed to filter air throughout a home. Portable air cleaners and HVAC filters can reduce indoor air pollution; however, they cannot remove all pollutants from the air.
The following publications provide information on portable air cleaners and on HVAC and furnace filters commonly used in homes.
Heating ventilation and air conditioning system (HVAC) is very important for offices building and human health. The combining filter method was used to reduce the air pollution indoor such as that particulate matter and gases pollution that affected in health and productivity. Using license plate frame in industrial HVAC systems (factories and manufacturing process) does not enough to remove all the indoor pollution. The main objective of this study is to investigate the impact of combination filters for particle and gases removal efficiency. The combining method is by using two filters (particulate filter pre-filter and carbon filter) to reduce particle matter and gases respectively. The purpose of this study is to use minimum efficiency reporting value (MERV filter) rating 13 and activated carbon filter (ACF) to remove indoor air pollution and controlling the air change rate to enhance the air quality and energy saving. It was concluded that the combination filter showed good removal efficiency of particle up to 90.76% and 89.25% for PM10 and PM2.5 respectively. The pressure drop across the filters was small compared with the high-efficiency filters. The filtration efficiency of combination filters after three months' was better than efficiency by the new MERV filter alone.
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scootersnchairsga · 4 years
The Best Batteries For Mobility Scooters & Electric Wheelchairs For 2020

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Are you looking for a replacement battery for your mobility scooter or electric wheelchair? We have batteries in stock, so check this guide for what to buy and what to consider before purchase.
Many people use a mobility scooter or electric wheelchair for everyday use. They are modern inventions that have changed the lives of millions of Americans across the country. For those people who have issues with mobility, be that because of an advancing age, illness, disability, or injury, mobility scooters and electric wheelchairs have been a godsend. At Scooters N' Chairs, we have a range of products available to help anybody with a mobility issue to gain complete freedom. 
We are a leading mobility scooter and electric wheelchair store, and stock a wide range of products that are suitable for a range of ages and mobility needs. Our products include the best batteries for mobility scooters and electric wheelchairs, because after all, you wouldn't be able to go very far without something to power up your personal mobility aid.
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We have worked hard behind the scenes to make sure we only sell the best mobility scooter and electric wheelchair battery types. Our researchers have gone to great lengths to explore the various brands of batteries available, to ensure that all of our customers have what they need to prolong the lifespans of their wheelchairs and scooters. All of our batteries ensure a powerful and reliable performance for your personal mobility aid, and they are all fully rechargeable. 
At Scooters N' Chairs, you can be assured of the very best prices and a minimum of one year manufacturer's warranty. With a full range of electric wheelchair and mobility scooter batteries in stock, of both the lead-acid and gel battery varieties, you can have the peace of mind that you need never be short of what your wheelchair or scooter needs. Be sure to choose from our selection of mobility scooter and electric wheelchair battery chargers too, as these are vital for staying powered up, whether you're traveling short or long distances. 
We are here for all of your mobility needs, so if you're a new user of a mobility vehicle or simply need replacement batteries, browse our store for what we have on offer. In this guide, we will point you to the best wheelchair and best mobility scooter batteries available, alongside some other useful information to ensure the longevity of your batteries and personal mobility vehicles.
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A Guide To Buying Mobility Scooter And Electric Wheelchair Batteries
If you are the owner of a mobility scooter or electric wheelchair, you will realize your scooter and wheelchair batteries have a limited lifespan. While you will get a lot of use from them with a mobility scooter or electric wheelchair battery charger, there will come a time when you will need to replace them.
At Scooter N' Chairs, we have a full range of replacement wheelchair and scooter batteries, so it's in your best interest to buy any spares you need to ensure you are never caught out. We will help you buy the batteries you need when you get in touch with us but here is a guide so you know what to look out for when buying.
Buying the best replacement batteries
When it comes to batteries for your electric wheelchair or mobility scooter, never settle for second best. Quality counts, as you will be relying on your mobility batteries to get around in everyday life. This is why it's important to do your research beforehand, although our team of experts will always point you in the right direction.
Check your electric wheelchair or scooter manual
You can source a lot of information online, but the simplest thing to do when buying an electric wheelchair battery or mobility scooter battery is to check the manual that came with your mobility aid. The manufacturer will always recommend the right battery type for your personal mobility companion, so you won't go wrong when choosing the correct product. Still, there is an element of choice when choosing batteries, so it's worth knowing what some of your options are.
Battery types for your mobility vehicle
Electric wheelchair and mobility scooter batteries generally come in two different types.
Gel Batteries
AGM (Sealed Lead Acid) Batteries
Each type of battery comes with its own benefits, so there isn't necessarily one 'right choice.' But whatever type you buy, you will need to buy them in a pair. This is because the power output for batteries is 12 volts and it takes 24 volts to power most types of electric wheelchairs and mobility scooters. You will also need a 24-volt battery charger. 
When determining which type of battery you buy, you might want to consider how you use your mobility companion.
AGM batteries produce fewer cycles than GEL batteries and are often noticeably cheaper. You might want to consider AGM batteries if you are an occasional electric wheelchair or mobility scooter user, as you are unlikely to wear the batteries down in a hurry.
GEL batteries can produce more cycles, which means they will last a lot longer. These are perfect for those people who regularly rely on their mobility vehicle, so take this under consideration if you are reliant on your scooter or wheelchair all day long. 
All batteries are:
Air transportable
Sealed and non-spillable
The Best Batteries In Our Range
At Scooters N' Chairs, we sell batteries from some of today's leading brands. including:
UPG Batteries
MK Batteries
Interstate Batteries
When you buy from brands such as these, you can be guaranteed the highest quality of battery for your mobility scooter or electric wheelchair. We can guide you as to the best battery for your mobility vehicle in store, so please do get in touch with us. Depending on your budget and your travel requirements, we will share our expertise with you so you can choose from the best battery types available.
Best batteries for your mobility scooter and electric wheelchair
The type of battery you buy depends on your mobility scooter or electric scooter. Some are compatible with both, but talk to us to learn more, and check out the expansive range of mobility scooter batteries and electric wheelchair batteries on our website. 
Here are some examples of the best batteries you will find in 2020.
Mobility scooters
Proud owners of an Afiscooter might opt for the twin-battery Afikim Battery Pack, for example, as they are of a premium quality AGM type and like all our batteries, are covered under a one-year manufacturer's guarantee. 
If you are looking for a more powerful battery for your Merits Roadster S740, the best-selling UPG Universal Battery 12100-S AGM mobility scooter battery is perfect. This battery pack is also compatible with a number of other lightweight travel mobility scooter models, and they offer a premium performance for scooter users. 
Our UPG 12V 12Ah Sealed Lead Acid AGM Batteries are also very popular. They are high quality, can fit both mobility scooters and electric wheelchairs, and are designed for superior performance. 
We also recommend the MK Battery Pack (set of two) U1, 35 Ah, AGM scooter and electric wheelchair batteries. It comes with two 12V, 35 amp-hour premium quality SLA batteries, and offers compatibility with a wide range of Merits scooters and selected wheelchairs.  
For owners of the popular E-Wheels EW 36, the Interstate 12V/18AH AGM Batteries are an excellent choice for those looking to get the best performance out of their mobility vehicle.
Electric wheelchairs
If you are looking to buy the best electric wheelchair batteries currently available, then we recommend the Sealed Gel 12V/40Ah batteries by MK.  With a laboratory-tested 500 cycles, you won't run out of power any time soon with these bad boys.  At a more premium price range, you can improve the performance of your wheelchair with MK Battery’s more powerful sealed gel battery pack variant, rated at 12V/88Ah.
One of our more popular electric wheelchairs is the Jazzy Elite 14. For this motorized beauty, we recommend our NF22 Gel MK Batteries. Such an elite wheelchair deserves to have elite batteries, and you will certainly get the most for your money with these select batteries from the MK range. 
These are just a few of the batteries we currently have in stock for our mobility scooters and electric wheelchairs, but browse our selection to find out more about batteries in your price range, and talk to us about our monthly price plans.
Before Choosing Your Batteries
Before choosing your batteries, you do need to check the power rating. It is imperative that you buy something that accommodates your particular mobility vehicle, so check the specifications on your current battery or within the manufacturer's guidelines. On our product pages, we provide specification sheets to help you identify the correct power rating, so find your particular vehicle and scroll down to find the relevant details. 
As suggested earlier, you also need to decide on whether an AGM or GEL battery is right for you. Both types are sealed, non-spillable, and maintenance-free, so safety needn't be a concern. However, if you do use your mobile vehicle regularly, you should consider a GEL battery, as they do provide a longer lifecycle than their AGM equivalents. 
Understanding Battery Components
There are three basic components to mobility vehicle batteries. These may be of interest to you when you're shopping for your batteries.
The capacity tells you how long your mobility vehicle battery will last, and the unit is always shown in Ah (ampere-hours).
 If your vehicle was capable of running at 10 Ah, for example, and if your battery capacity was anywhere between 30Ah and 90Ah, you could easily run your vehicle between 3-9 hours (assuming you were running it non-stop). Of course, you are unlikely to be using your vehicle for very long periods, unless you were on a long-distance trip, so for shorter journies, your mobility vehicle would run for a lot longer than 9 hours. 
Current rating
This refers to the current flow and is relayed in Amperes. The higher the Ampere level, the better performance you will get from your mobility vehicle. 
Cell type
There are two kinds of wheelchair battery cells: gel and wet. The latter requires maintenance and can be a threat to the environment, so that is why we only sell gel-cell batteries, as they are completely sealed, maintenance-free, and friendlier to the environment. 
Installing Your Batteries
After choosing your mobility scooter or electric wheelchair batteries, you will, of course, need to install them. This isn't as complicated as you might assume, especially if you're the brand new owner of a mobility vehicle, but for your information, check out the videos below. The first video will tell you how to install batteries into your mobility scooter, and the second video will give you information pertaining to your electric wheelchair. If you do have any questions, please speak to us, and we will gladly assist you. 
A word to the wise:
Don't mix AGM and GEL batteries
Don't mix and match from different battery manufacturers
Always fully charge your batteries before installing them
Follow the instructions given by your mobility vehicle manufacturer
Installing batteries into a mobility scooter
Installing batteries into an electric wheelchair
The 'Break-In' period
When you first install your new new battery, you might notice that you had less range than before. Don't worry, this is normal, as deep cycle batteries need a short break-in period to fully unlock the remaining capacity of the battery. This period generally lasts for about 3 weeks (or 20 full cycles), after which you will start to experience the full potential of your battery. 
Charging Your Battery
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It is recommended that you charge your battery for at least 18 hours before use, and then a full charge daily. If you irregularly use your mobility vehicle, at least one overnight charge of the battery a week is recommended to ensure it doesn't drain completely. 
The charger that was supplied with your electric scooter or power scooter is recommended, so don't be tempted to use another charger, eg. the one that you might use to charge your car battery. If you didn't get a charger with your mobility vehicle, or if you somehow misplace the one in your possession, you will need to purchase one. For your health and safety, be sure to match the charger up with the size of the power unit, and consult your manual for the manufacturer's guidelines. We sell battery chargers for all types of electric wheelchairs and mobility scooters, so contact us if you need to purchase something for your vehicle. 
You don't need to worry about overcharging your battery, as the majority now come with a built-in voltage limiter. This means the battery will automatically be disconnected once it has reached full charge, so you don't have to worry if you are leaving it to charge overnight
Frequently Asked Battery Questions
Buying batteries is a fairly straightforward affair when you know what you are looking for, and so is the installation and charging process. However, people do have queries from time to time, and you might too. While you can speak to us during our opening hours to get the answers to your questions, you might also receive the answer you need by checking the questions below. 
I've lost my manual - how do I know what battery I need?
Our first piece of advice is this: keep your manual in a safe place! It's an essential guide to knowing how to take care of your batteries and mobility vehicle, so try not to misplace it! Of course, life is never simple and mishaps happen. The dog might eat it or a sudden gust of wind might blow it into oblivion! In such cases, don't panic!
If you know what the make or model of your electric wheelchair or mobility scooter is, you will be able to research the batteries you need online. The manufacturer of your vehicle will have a website, so you might be able to download another guide from their site. You can also look at the battery you already have in your possession as this will tell you the power rating you need.
Generally speaking, smaller vehicles require 12AH batteries, mid-sized vehicles require 35Ah batteries, and heavy-duty vehicles require batteries that are between 55Ah to 75Ah.
Of course, if you're in doubt, check our website to see if we have your vehicle in stock, as we do list the battery specifications as we advised earlier. Alternatively, get in touch with us and we will help you find the right battery for your vehicle. 
My mobility vehicle isn't powering up. Is it a problem with the batteries?
It's rare that batteries go dead overnight, so if they have been working fine, there might be another problem with your mobility vehicle. However, if your batteries are over a year old, and if you have noticed that they have needed charging more often, it might be that you need to replace them. You can try to revive the batteries with a car charger, as there might be a little more life left in them, but if that doesn't work, then you will need new ones. 
Visit our website to pick up some new batteries, and refer to our previous point to ensure you buy the right batteries for your mobility vehicle. 
Can I put stronger batteries in my mobility vehicle?
To increase the speed of your vehicle, or to improve the range, you might be tempted to consider stronger batteries. Unfortunately, this isn't always possible. Stronger batteries that hold more charge and Amp Hours require more space, so they are unlikely to fit in the battery compartment of your electric wheelchair or mobility scooter. However, there are exceptions, and if you have noticed extra space in your vehicle, then yes, it may be possible to upgrade your batteries. However, you must check with your manufacturer first, or give us a call, as you don't want to install anything that could be detrimental to your vehicle. Please note: stronger batteries will increase the range, but any increase in speed will be incremental. Sorry speed demons!
Can I use my car battery on my mobility vehicle?
Unfortunately no. Car batteries provide a large amount of current over a short period of time, which is unsuitable for a mobility vehicle. Electric wheelchair and mobility scooter batteries provide steady amounts of current over a long period of time, which is why they are called Deep Cycle batteries. Always purchase the correct battery types for your vehicle, for both the preservation of your vehicle and your health and safety.
How long do mobility vehicle batteries last?
This all depends on the types of batteries you buy, and on how regularly you use your mobility vehicle. On average, batteries can last for around 2 years, and this is the case for most people. 
If you were to use your wheelchair or scooter every day, however, and if you traveled more than 4-5 miles a day, your wheelchair battery or scooter battery would only last for around 6 months. This is because the more you travel the more you need to recharge your batteries, and unfortunately, there are only so many recharges in your batteries. The terrain can also be a factor. If there are a lot of steep roads in your neighborhood, and if you are going up and down them on a regular basis, then you will reduce the life of your batteries. 
On the flip side, if you are only using your wheelchair in the house, or if you irregularly use your scooter, the batteries might last up to 4 years. To make sure you get the most life from your batteries, recharge them after usage, and charge them at least twice a month, even if you haven't been using your mobility vehicle. 
How can I maximize the life of the battery?
There are some very simple steps you can take to make your battery last longer.
Don't allow the battery to become flat
Don't charge it for less than 8 hours or longer than 24 hours
Charge your battery after every use
Only use the charger provided with your vehicle
Charge your battery fully, even when it's not in regular use
By following these basic charging steps, you will increase the lifespan of your battery. 
What charger do I need for my mobility vehicle batteries?
Here is a simple guide.
Batteries between 7Ah and 15Ah require a 24 Volt - 2A Charger
Batteries between 18AH and 35Ah require a 24 Volt - 3A Charger
Batteries between 35Ah and 60Ah require a 24 Volt - 5A Charger
Batteries between 65Ah and 100 Ah require a 24 Volt - 8Ah Charger
In some instances, there is some overlap, and if you use your scooter or wheelchair a lot, you might need a higher capacity charger. For more information, check with your battery manufacturer or speak with our team for professional advice. 
Where should I store my batteries?
It is always advised that you store your batteries in a cool and dry place. While they are very robust, you can reduce their lifespan if you store them in a place where there is a lot of heat, or in a room where there is a lot of cold and damp. So, find a place in your home that is safe from extreme temperatures, as there will then be less chance of them conking out unexpectedly. 
My mobility vehicle is slow. Is it a problem with the batteries?
It might be that you need to adjust the settings on your vehicle, or you might need a refresher with the controls. However, if everything seems to be in order, then yes, it might mean your batteries need replacing. Get in touch with us to explore your options. 
Of course, there are other issues that might be in play. If you are using your vehicle to carry your shopping, you might experience slowdown on your mobility vehicle if you have exceeded the weight capacity limit. There might also be a problem with the motor or with the electronic brakes, in which cases, a repair might be needed. Should this be the case, you will be eligible for repair if you are still under warranty. Alternatively, we have partnered with WSR Solutions to provide you with repair services if your warranty has expired and your item is not covered by the supplier.
What should I tell the airline about my batteries when I go on holiday?
You should have little trouble taking your wheelchair or scooter on holiday with you, assuming there are no size restrictions. However, the airline might want to know about the type of batteries you use. For safety, they will want to make sure they are 'non-spillable.' Thankfully, Gel batteries and AGM batteries are both designed with this aspect in mind, so you shouldn't have anything to worry about. However, there may be restrictions if you intend to carry Lithium batteries, so check with the airline when booking your ticket.
Why Choose Scooters N' Chairs
We pride ourselves on the products we sell and the services we provide, so excuse us for blowing our own trumpet. These are some of the reasons why you should choose for all of your mobility vehicle and battery needs. 
We work with brands from the United States
Because we work with brands that are based in the United States, there will never be any major disruption to the supply chain. Everything is shipped with a US carrier service, so you can be assured that we will always have what you need in a relatively short amount of time. We also work with those brands that we can trust. This can give you the assurance that the products you buy from us are reliable and the best of their type, with all of the long-lasting benefits that you require. 
We offer low prices
Our low prices don't equate to low quality. We charge the lowest price that we are legally allowed to offer, and offer some of the best prices in the industry. This is because we value you, the customer, and want to give you the very best deals that we can. We offer free shipping on products over $99 too, as well as monthly price plans to make things easier on your pocket. And we often have exclusive offers, so keep an eye on our website and get in touch with us to learn more. 
We offer full warranty coverage
For your peace of mind, we offer full warranty coverage. So, in the unlikely event something goes wrong with the product you purchase from us, you will be protected. 
We provide outstanding customer support
Choosing the right battery for your mobility vehicle can seem like a complicated process, but our friendly and experienced team are here to help you every step of the way. We are also here to help you with any other purchase you are considering, or if you have any concerns or queries about the items in question. Get in touch with us using the information on our contact us page, use our live chat service, or pop in to see us if you are in the local area. 
Speak To Us
If you are looking for the best mobility scooter batteries or the best electric wheelchair batteries, get in touch with us today. We will make sure you have everything you need to power up your vehicle, whether it's your first purchase or a replacement battery. 
With a range of other mobility aids available on our website and in-store, you can be assured that we have everything you need for all of your mobility needs. 
The Best Batteries For Mobility Scooters & Electric Wheelchairs For 2020 was originally posted by Scooters 'N Chairs® - Scooters 'N Chairs Blog
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buzrushblog-blog · 5 years
Search Engine Optimization Tools
Search engine optimization (Seo optimization) would be the science and art to get sites to rank greater searching engines which includes Yahoo and google. Because search is one of the main ways in which people discover content online, ranking higher in search engines can lead to an increase in traffic to a website.
In Google as well as other internet search engines, the outcomes website page sometimes includes paid promotions on the top of the webpage, accompanied by the standard improvements or what hunt promoters speak to the "all natural search engine results". Targeted traffic that comes by way of SEO is sometimes called "purely natural search page views" to know the difference it from customers that comes via settled query. Paid browse is sometimes called search engine marketing (SEM) or shell out-for each-click through (PPC).
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Some Great Benefits Of Web optimization
Seo really is a important area of online marketing as seek out is just about the number one ways that end users search through the online world. In 2014, throughout 2.5 trillion searches ended up carried out worldwide throughout the major search engines similar to The search engines, Yahoo, Baidu and Bing and Yandex. For the majority web sites, targeted traffic that comes from major search engines (known as "healthy" or "organic" customers) accounts for a considerable component of their absolute website traffic.
Search engine rankings are presented with an instructed number, together with the elevated up on that include a web site are able to get, the greater the customers the web site will have a tendency to accept. One example is, to obtain a standard research question, the first final result will get 40-60% of this total customers to make the issue, with all the second and 3 or more outcomes benefiting from considerably less page views. Only 2-3Per cent of visitors mouse click outside of page one of search results. For this reason, even a modest progress in search engine rankings may result in an internet site . benefiting from more traffic and likely small business.
Therefore, companies and webmasters will try to operate the search engine rankings with the intention that their website shows up much higher at the search results site (SERP) than their challengers. This is when SEO enters in.
How Search Engine Ranking Optimization Gets results
Search engines that include Search engines like google make use of algorithm or variety of rules to find out what sheets showing for any specified question. These algorithms have refined to always be very sophisticated, and consider thousands or even just many completely different being ranked points to identifying the positions of these Search page results. There are three core metrics that search engines evaluate to determine the quality of a site and how it should rank, however:
•Web links - Links from other webpages play the game an integral factor in discovering the rating of a online site in Google as well as other search engines like bing. The reason why truly being, a website link is seen to provide a vote of level of quality utilizing web sites, considering the fact that site owners are unlikely to hyperlink to other sites that are of sub-standard. Places that get hold of inbound links from a great many other online websites earn ability (referred to as "PageRank" in the search engines) while in the sight of internet search engines , specifically if the sites that will be backlinking in their eyes are them selves authoritative.
If it would be relevant for any given search query, •Content - In addition to looking at links, search engines also analyze the content of a web page to determine. A significant a component of Website positioning is inside making website content that is targeted to the search terms that internet search engines consumers are looking for.
•Page Construction - Your third essential portion of Search engine optimization is website design. Because web pages are written in HTML, how the HTML code is structured can impact a search engine’s ability to evaluate a page. Among them useful search terms through the headline, Link, and headers of a post and being sure a web site is crawlable are activities that webpage keepers might need to reinforce the Search engine optimisation on their site.
The search engine optimization process involves optimizing each of these core components of search engine algorithms in order to rank higher in the search results.
Seo Optimization Tactics
Focusing on how yahoo and google deliver the results is only the 1st step in the practice in improving upon a site's lookup search engine rankings. In reality developing a site's rank comprises benefiting several Search engine optimization methods to boost your website for research:
•Market And Keyword Research - Niche research is often the starting position for Search engine optimizing and includes looking at what search terms a web site is standing for, what search terms opponents ranking for, and what other keyword phrases potential customers are looking for. Identifying the conditions that searchers easily use in Google search in addition to other internet search engines features route of what current website content are generally enhanced and what new information can be created.
•Website content Selling - As soon as opportunity keywords and phrases are diagnosed, content and articles promotional is needed. This is upgrading current subject matter or generating innovative some material. It's important to research what content is already out there and create a compelling piece of content that provides a positive user experience and has a chance of ranking highly in the search engine results, because Google and other search engines place a premium on high-quality content. Good content material also provides an even greater prospect of remaining propagated on social networking and getting urls.
•Building Links - Since website links from external website pages (known as "backlinks to your site" in Seo optimisation parlance) are some of the root search engine ranking factors in Google and also other major search engines, getting higher-high-quality backlinks belongs to the major levers that SEOs have. This could certainly contain endorsing excellent article content, contacting other sites and property marriages with webmasters, distributing online websites to pertinent on-line websites, and having media to seduce urls using their company sites.
•On-Page Optimization - Coupled with off-page elements including connections, the raising the specific structure of a web site is capable of having enormous advantages for SEO, and is an aspect which is totally in your management of the site owner. Frequent on-page optimisation techniques involve perfecting the Web link of the site to include key terms, improving the title tag for the page to utilise related search phrases, and using the alt feature to describe illustrations or photos. Updating a page's meta tags (much like the meta explanation label) can also be worthwhile-- these tags don't enjoy a lead influence over explore positioning, but sometimes improve click-although rate belonging to the SERPs.
•Web site Structure Search engine optimization - Exterior website links usually are not the sole thing that situations for SEO, internal back links (the links throughout one's possess site) play a significant function in Seo optimization as well. Subsequently a search engine optimizer can increase a site's Website positioning by looking into making for sure essential sheets are increasingly being associated with and also pertinent anchor-text is going to be used for all those connections that will help increase a page's meaning for distinct phrases. Putting together and XML sitemap could also be a good way for larger sites to assist search engines like google crawl and discover every one of the site's web pages.
•Semantic Markup - Some other Search engine optimizing methodology that Web optimization consultants utilize is optimizing a website's semantic markup. Semantic markup (just like Schema.org) is utilized to explain the significance at the rear of the information in a site, for example helping to detect who the creator of a bit of content articles are and the area and type of posts for a article. Working with semantic markup can deal with acquiring loaded snippets exposed inside search engine rankings document, which includes added text, evaluate superstars, in addition to artwork. Can improve CTR from search, resulting in an increase in organic traffic, even though rich snippets in the SERPs doesn't have an impact on search rankings.
The best SEO Instruments
As a fairly technical discipline, there are many tools and software that SEOs rely on to help with optimizing websites. Here are some some popular free and paid applications:
•Google Search Console - Google Search Console (earlier referred to as "Bing Website owner Tools") may be a cost-free application delivered by Google and bing, and is particularly an ordinary instrument during the SEO's toolkit. GSC presents traffic and rankings information for prime search phrases and web pages, and will assistance identify and fix on-internet site tech problems.
•Search engines like google Classified ads Search phrase Planner - Search term Planner is another 100 % free program made available from Search engines like google, in their The search engines Advertisements products. Even though it is manufactured for paid out seek out, it could be a awesome tool to use for Seo optimization because it provides key word tips and search term explore volume level, which may be advantageous when you are conducting keyword research.
•Inbound link Research Resources - There are a number of url analysis programs nowadays, the 2 main designs truly being AHREFs and Spectacular. Inbound link analysis tools help owners to analyze which internet websites are backlinking recommended to their own individual websites, and the internet sites of contenders, and enable you to look for new url links in the course of link building.
•Search engine optimisation Platforms - There are several Web optimization platforms that gather the majority of the programs that SEOs have got to maximize web-sites. Many of the most popular involve BrightEdge, Searchmetrics and Moz and Linkdex. These tools observe keyword phrase positioning, aid with niche research, identify on-web page and off of-document Search engine optimizing options, and several other responsibilities regarding SEO.
•Social Media - Most social media sites don't have a direct impact on SEO, but they can be a good tool for networking with other webmasters and building relationships that can lead to link guest and building posting opportunities.
Enhancing Browse Customers: From Mouse clicks To Sales
All of that search traffic won’t help grow a business unless it converts into paying customers, although search engine optimization done properly can have the potential to dramatically increase the amount of traffic that a website receives. This is why transformation pace optimisation (CRO) comes in.
Conversion process rates optimisation demands using systems including a/B diagnostic tests to create modifications to internet sites and appraise the consequence they may have on your site’s transformation speed. Prosperous seek out online marketers realise that just generating traffic with a site is inadequate, exactly what the site traffic does and once it gets there on the site is simply as very important.
Thanks to software such as Optimizely, running tests to improve conversions on your site is as easy as inserting a single line of Javascript, though cRO was once a difficult and highly technical process. Additionally, Optimizely’s visual editor means that you can make variations to some website and never have to write down only one brand of program code.
Get more info visit BuzRush
Question & Answer Website: https: //community.buzrush.com/
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technoweber-blog · 5 years
We Have Expert Designer In Website Design Company
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An internet site Design may create the difference in your customers all. Very first impressions are very important, but developing a solid visual effect is not the optimal/optimally problem which our internet designers remember; yet to generate an exemplary internet site for your enterprise firm, we likewise ought to consider woman or man like, branding, and sometimes even psych! Website-design could be your process of producing sites. It encircles precise elements that include of articles fabric manufacturing, blog design, and picture structure. site layout and style is a fantastic deal it is about amazes the person that is forestall to market having a cohesive travel out of touch-down webpage. We recognize the best way and also our artists will be certain your web visitors are happy in the love it supplies and also the negative of one's page that is net. The pro website-design organization may need every component of one's challenge having a style with also a look that is expert and loading times. We utilize design methods to earn sure works properly on cellular apparatus, along with all demonstrates that are identifying and that your site looks enormous. Internet sites have generated some markup language named HTML's use. Web designers gather web-pages the use of HTML tags which summarize every page's material and Meta data. Look and the structure of this weather within a web site online have defined design sheets, or the use of CSS. Many internet sites encircle a blend of CSS and HTML which defines each webpage that is online may look at a web internet browser.
Author Information:
Christine Marie is a legitimate author working at techno Weber IT solution; she is working on project Website Design Company
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Cardanol from Vietnam
Cardanol Cardanol is a naturally occurring Phenol manufactured from Cashew Nut Shell Liquid. It is a monohydroxyl Phenol having a long hydrocarbon Chain ( C15 H27 ) in the meta position. The products obtained from Cardanol have many advantages over those manufactured from other substituted Phenols. The Components of commercial Cardanol differ in the degree of unsaturation of the side chain but for all the practical purposes it can be represented by following formula.
C6H4(OH) – (CH2)7 – CH = CH – CH2 – CH = CH(CH2)2 – CH3
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The average unsaturation of the about two double bonds in the side chain of the Cardonal molecules makes cross linking easy and give a satisfactory gradual drying and baking properties to paints prepared from it. Because of its peculiar Structure Cardanol varnishes have high electrical insulation, greater resistance to water, Chemicals and also good flexibility. The long hydrocarbon side chain imparts to Cardanol aldehyde condensate greater solubility in drying Oils such as linseed DCO, or tung Oil and aliphatic hydrocarbons Cardanol can be substituted by 30% in phenolic resins used for phenol bonded resins for plywood and lamination industries. Water soluble PCF resin(phenol, cardanol pharmaldehyde resin): We develop PCF resin by substituting 30% cardanol in phenolic resins. The resins will give additional property of antifungus and antithermic when used in plywood industries. In lamination industries it gives additional advantage in non-edge cracking and also cost saving.
The Specification of Our Product given below
1. Specification for Cardanol (Single Distilled):(minimum 90% Purity)
Viscosity at 30°C : 50 – 55 cps (Brooke Field) Moisture : Negligible Ash Content : Negligible Colour : 3 – 4 (after 30 days 7-8 )(Freshly Distilled) Specific Gravity at 30°C : 0.92-0.93 pH : 7.8 Iodine Value : Minimum 275(By Wig’s Method)
2. Specification for Cardanol (Double Distilled):(minimum 94% Purity)
Colour : Pale Straw Viscosity at 30°c : 45 – 50 cps (Brooke Field) Ash Content : Negligible Moisture : Negligible Specific Gravity at 30°C : 0.92 – 0.925 Iodine Value : Minimum 275(By Wig’s Method) Colour Gardener : 2 – 3(Freshly Distilled) (colour may 6-7 after 30 days)
Applications of Cardanol
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Oil Soluble Resins The meta substitution and the long hydrocarbon chain in its molecule makes the resins prepared with Cardanol, highly soluble in oils and imparts superior properties such as high electric insulation and resistance against chemicals to its films. It is to manufacture both solid and semi solid resole or novolac type of resins depending upon the nature of catalyst and the aldehyde compound. Cardanol resin varnishes have good electrical insulating properties and resistance against water and chemicals. They give superior quality Stamping Varnishes. Because of their high insulation and dielectric losses, these varnishes are preferred to compositions based on usual Phenol such as Cresol or Substituted phenols.
Surface Coatings and Paints Cardanol resin Varnishes in addition to water and Chemical resistance have good air drying and baking properties. These compositions are suitable for wood finishes, food can lacquers tax tile bobbins and high quality paints. Stoving paints can be prepared which could be baked at 60°C. The Cardanol based resins have good compatibility with other synthetic resins such as alkydes, epoxies chlorinated rubber, Phenolic etc., and can serve as raw material for variety of paints.
Lamination Industry By partly replacing the Phenol or Cresol in alcohol soluble resins used for Lamination one could prepare resins which imparts greater flexibility resistance to Chemical and water, and superior electrical insulation to the lamination sheets
Adhesives An excellent quality of Friction dust could be prepared from Cardanol which finds use brake linings and Clutch facings.
Technical Service
In case you require any other technical information regarding our products, we can furnish the same easily, as we have got our own well equipped and developed laboratory.
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larebomrglobal · 4 years
Global Acoustic Insulation Market Growth, Size, Share, Industry Report and Forecast to 2025
The global acoustic insulation market is estimated to grow at a CAGR of 5.4% during the forecast period. Rising development of electric vehicles is offering an opportunity for the adoption of acoustic insulation materials to reduce the noise level. Several automobile companies are working on the development of electric vehicles owing to stringent emission regulations on fuel vehicles and increasing consumer awareness regarding the environmental benefits of electric vehicles. According to the International Energy Agency (IEA), the global stock of electric passenger car reached 5 million in 2018, which is a rise of 63% from 2017. In 2018, China held the major share of nearly 45% in the global electric cars on the road, which is 2.3 million, followed by Europe (24% of the global fleet) and the US (22% of the global fleet).
A full Report of Global Acoustic Insulation Market is Available at: https://www.omrglobal.com/industry-reports/acoustic-insulation-market 
Some major automakers engaged in the development of electric vehicles include Tesla, Inc., Volkswagen AG, BMW AG, Nissan Motor Co., and Kia Motor Corp. These automakers are significantly focusing on investment for the development of electric vehicles. For instance, in March 2019, Volkswagen plans to develop 22 million electric vehicles in the next ten years. The company is planning to introduce 70 new electric models by 2028. The company’s 2025 target aims to minimize the CO2 footprint of the vehicle fleet by 30%. As a result, the company is electrifying the vehicle portfolio, by investing in this area alone with more than $30 billion by 2023.
To learn more about this report request a free sample copy @  https://www.omrglobal.com/request-sample/acoustic-insulation-market
Significant investment in the development of electric vehicles will drive the demand for electric vehicle components that are more fuel-efficient, lighter, and quieter while augmenting driving comfort. Therefore, most of the electric vehicle manufacturers are working to implement efficient noise and heat protection components. In January 2020, Nissan Motor Co. launched a new acoustic meta-material which is appropriate for insulation against noise from roads and engines and motors. This material composed of a plastic sheet and a lattice structure, which aims to decrease noise in a wide frequency range of 500 to 1,200 hertz and control air vibrations. This new material weighs only a quarter of the heavy rubber plates which decreases the weight of vehicles and thereby reduces consumption.
Weighing much less as compared to traditional sound insulation materials, the company’s acoustic meta-material provides both efficiency and quietness. With the use of this material, vehicles will be much lighter which automatically decreases the environmental footprint as it requires less fuel and fewer emissions. Weighing less is essential in electric vehicles which not only make vehicles lighter, however, limits the environmental impact of driving. A quiet vehicle cabin supports to make car driving much comfortable. Like Nissan, other electric vehicle manufacturers are also working to implement thermal and acoustic insulation in different parts of an electric vehicle, which in turn, is offering a considerable opportunity for the global acoustic insulation market.
Global Acoustic Insulation Market- Segmentation
By Type
Mineral Wool
Foamed Plastics
Others (Aerogel and Cellulose Acetate)
By End-Use Industry
Building & Construction
Manufacturing & Processing
Global Acoustic Insulation Market– Segment by Region 
North America 
Rest of Europe
Rest of Asia-Pacific
Rest of the World
Latin America
Middle East and Africa
Company Profiles
3M Co.
Armacell International S.A.
Autoneum Holding AG
Blachford UK Ltd.
Cellecta Ltd.
Compagnie de Saint-Gobain S.A.
Fletcher Building Ltd.
Huntsman Corp.
Hush Acoustics
International Cellulose Corp. (ICC)
Johns Manville 
KCC Corp.
Kingspan Group plc
Knauf Insulation Sprl
Marves Industries
Owens Corning
Rockwool International A/S
Trelleborg Retford Ltd.
Trocellen GmbH
URSA Insulation SA
For More Customized Data, Request for Report Customization @ https://www.omrglobal.com/report-customization/acoustic-insulation-market
About Orion Market Research
Orion Market Research (OMR) is a market research and consulting company known for its crisp and concise reports. The company is equipped with an experienced team of analysts and consultants. OMR offers quality syndicated research reports, customized research reports, consulting and other research-based services.
For More Information, Visit Orion Market Research
Media Contact:
Company Name: Orion Market Research
Contact Person: Mr. AnuragTiwari
Contact no: +1 646-755-7667, +91 780-304-0404
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rishabh3210blog · 4 years
Global Acoustic Insulation Market Size, Growth and Forecast To 2025
The global acoustic insulation market is estimated to grow at a CAGR of 5.4% during the forecast period. Rising development of electric vehicles is offering an opportunity for the adoption of acoustic insulation materials to reduce the noise level. Several automobile companies are working on the development of electric vehicles owing to stringent emission regulations on fuel vehicles and increasing consumer awareness regarding the environmental benefits of electric vehicles. According to the International Energy Agency (IEA), the global stock of electric passenger car reached 5 million in 2018, which is a rise of 63% from 2017. In 2018, China held the major share of nearly 45% in the global electric cars on the road, which is 2.3 million, followed by Europe (24% of the global fleet) and the US (22% of the global fleet).
Get Free Sample Copy @ https://www.omrglobal.com/request-sample/acoustic-insulation-market
Some major automakers engaged in the development of electric vehicles include Tesla, Inc., Volkswagen AG, BMW AG, Nissan Motor Co., and Kia Motor Corp. These automakers are significantly focusing on investment for the development of electric vehicles. For instance, in March 2019, Volkswagen plans to develop 22 million electric vehicles in the next ten years. The company is planning to introduce 70 new electric models by 2028. The company’s 2025 target aims to minimize the CO2 footprint of the vehicle fleet by 30%. As a result, the company is electrifying the vehicle portfolio, by investing in this area alone with more than $30 billion by 2023.
A Full Report of Global Acoustic Insulation Market is Available at: https://www.omrglobal.com/industry-reports/acoustic-insulation-market
Significant investment in the development of electric vehicles will drive the demand for electric vehicle components that are more fuel-efficient, lighter, and quieter while augmenting driving comfort. Therefore, most of the electric vehicle manufacturers are working to implement efficient noise and heat protection components. In January 2020, Nissan Motor Co. launched a new acoustic meta-material which is appropriate for insulation against noise from roads and engines and motors. This material composed of a plastic sheet and a lattice structure, which aims to decrease noise in a wide frequency range of 500 to 1,200 hertz and control air vibrations. This new material weighs only a quarter of the heavy rubber plates which decreases the weight of vehicles and thereby reduces consumption.
Weighing much less as compared to traditional sound insulation materials, the company’s acoustic meta-material provides both efficiency and quietness. With the use of this material, vehicles will be much lighter which automatically decreases the environmental footprint as it requires less fuel and fewer emissions. Weighing less is essential in electric vehicles which not only make vehicles lighter, however, limits the environmental impact of driving. A quiet vehicle cabin supports to make car driving much comfortable. Like Nissan, other electric vehicle manufacturers are also working to implement thermal and acoustic insulation in different parts of an electric vehicle, which in turn, is offering a considerable opportunity for the global acoustic insulation market.
Global Acoustic Insulation Market- Segmentation
By Type
Mineral Wool
Foamed Plastics
Others (Aerogel and Cellulose Acetate)
By End-Use Industry
Building & Construction
Manufacturing & Processing
Global Acoustic Insulation Market– Segment by Region
North America          
United States
United Kingdom
Rest of Europe
Rest of Asia-Pacific
Rest of the World
Latin America
Middle East and Africa
For More Customized Data, Request for Report Customization @ https://www.omrglobal.com/report-customization/acoustic-insulation-market
About Orion Market Research
Orion Market Research (OMR) is a market research and consulting company known for its crisp and concise reports. The company is equipped with an experienced team of analysts and consultants. OMR offers quality syndicated research reports, customized research reports, consulting and other research-based services.
Media Contact: Company Name: Orion Market Research Contact Person: Mr. Anurag Tiwari Email: [email protected] Contact no: +1 646-755-7667, +91 780-304-0404
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pratikshame-blog · 5 years
Aramid Paper Market : Industry Outlook by 2027
Aramid Paper Market: Introduction
Aramid paper is a type of heat-resistant fiber and synthetic material, also known as calendared insulating paper, which can offer protection against heat, open fire, resilience, flexibility, and mechanical toughness. Manufacturers provide two types of aramid papers: Meta aramid papers and para aramid papers.
Advanced aramid papers are synthetic-based meta aramid papers that are available in two physical forms such as flocs and fibrids, which are short fibers and microscopic binder particles, respectively. Foundrinier paper machines are employed in order to convert meta aramid papers – flocs and fibrids – in a sheet structure. Moreover, to increase its density as well as attain a specific bulk gravity of aramid paper, high heat and pressure is implemented on end-products including those from aerospace and electronics industries.
Aramid papers are utilized in various end-use industries such as electrical engineering, aerospace, defense, elastomers, and specialty papers. Electrical engineering applications of aramid papers include wire wrap phase insulator, armature slot insulation, wedges, end laminates, lead insulators, coil wrappers, and bushings. Aramid papers are also resistant to alkalis, acids, transformer oils, fluorocarbon refrigerants, and silicones.
Key Drivers of Aramid Paper Market
Polymer matrix composites, which are a grouping of continuous as well as discontinuous phases of reinforcements and polymer-based matrix, are used in a wide range of end-use industries. Poly aramid paper is a major component used in discontinuous reinforcement phase on polymer matrix composites, which offers high stiffness and strength. Thus, demand for these composites in increasing across various industries including aerospace and defense, which is a major factor propelling the demand for aramid papers. This, in turn, is projected to drive the global aramid paper market in the near future.
Expansion of electronics and electrical industries across various developing and developed countries is expected to fuel the demand for aramid papers. This is another factor that is expected to drive the global aramid paper market during the forecast period.
Adoption of aramid paper is increasing rapidly in the defense sector for protection against ballistic weapons, helmets vehicles, and protective clothing. Increase in defense development projects is another factor driving the global aramid paper market. Furthermore, demand for aramid paper is increasing from different end-use verticals such as automotive, electronics, and telecommunication. This is attributed to various properties offered by aramid materials such as high tolerance against impact and damage.
Demand for aramid paper is also rising in the elastomer industry across the globe. In the elastomer industry, aramid paper is majorly utilized in applications such as tires, conveyor belts, and power transmission belts.
Rising demand for aramid papers in generators, dry transformers, honeycomb materials, and motors from the composites industry is another major factor that is expected to drive the global market in the near future.
Rise in Demand for Aramid Paper-based Products in Aerospace and Defense Industry
Based on product type, the global aramid paper market can be divided into para-aramid paper and meta-aramid paper. The para-aramid paper segment is expected to account for a significant share of the market, in terms of revenue, during the forecast period. This is attributed to high strength and heat resistant properties offered by para-aramid papers.
Based on end-use industry, the global aramid paper market can be classified into aerospace and defense, automotive, electronics and electrical, and others (composites, sporting goods, etc.). In terms of revenue, the aerospace and defense segment is likely to hold a major share of the global market, owing to the rising demand for aramid paper-based material for manufacturing various components in the aerospace industry.
Asia Pacific to be a Key Market for Aramid Paper
In terms of region, the global aramid paper market can be split into North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America, and Middle East & Africa
Asia Pacific is projected to account for a significant share, in terms of revenue, of the global aramid paper market during the forecast period. This is attributed to a rise in the demand for aramid paper based products from electronics and electrical industries across countries in Asia Pacific. Additionally, rapid expansion of aerospace and defense industry in countries in the region is also expected to drive the aramid paper market in Asia Pacific.
To clarify your doubts about the report on Aramid Paper Market, Request a Brochure here
Key Manufacturers Operating in Market
Key manufacturers are consistently focusing on the development of advanced aramid paper, with an objective to expand their reach, improve product offerings, and gain competitive edge in the market
Manufacturers are introducing aramid papers in different forms, such as rolls and sheets with various thicknesses and widths, depending on their applications
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Aramid Paper Market – Detailed Survey On Emerging Trends 2028
Aramid papers are a type of synthetic, heat-resistant fibers, which are also referred as calendered insulating paper that can offer protection against open fire, heat, and cuts with its dielectric strength, resilience, mechanical toughness, and flexibility. Manufacturers in the aramid paper market offer two distinct types of aramid papers – para aramid papers and meta aramid papers.
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Modern aramid papers are entirely composed of synthetic meta aramid papers, which can be found in two physical forms – fibrids and flocs – which are microscopic binder particles and short fibers, respectively. Then, to convert meta aramid papers – Fibrids and flocs – in to a sheet structure, a machine called Foundrinier paper machine is used and high pressure and heat are applied to the end-product to increase its density and attain a specific bulk gravity of the aramid paper, which normally ranges between 0.7 and 1.2.
Manufacturers in the aramid paper market are introducing aramid papers in various forms such as sheets and rolls with various widths and thicknesses, depending on its end-use applications.
Aramid Paper Market – Notable Developments
DuPont, Shenzhen LongPont, Coveme S.p.A., Teijin Aramid, SRO, WJF Chemicals, Liren Electrical Insulation Materials, X-FIPER New Material Co. Ltd, and Yantai Tayho Advanced Materials Co. Ltd are the leading companies in the aramid paper market.
   • DuPont Safety & Construction – a U.S.-based leading player in the aramid paper market – announced in April 2018, that it will be investing over $50 million in the global operations for DuPont™ Kevlar® – its aramid paper product. The company aims to invest more in technology to enhance reliability, quality, and performance of aramid and ultimately, explore innovative applications of aramid paper to gain momentum in the aramid paper market in the upcoming years.
   • Coveme S.p.A., another leading player in the aramid paper market, recently launched its new product – Nomex® aramid paper and the company achieved to offer the lifetime of the new aramid paper of over 20,000 hours at 220°C. The company also announced that Nomex® is classified as insulator class C 220°C all major certifying bodies worldwide, including Underwriters Laboratories (file E34739).
Request TOC of the Report @
   • Teijin Limited – a Japanese chemical, pharmaceutical and information technology company and a leading player in the aramid paper market – announced in December 2018 that Technora® black – its flame-retardant para-aramid fiber will be used in a new smart phone launched by Sharp Corporation – a Japanese electronics company.
In November 2018, the company has shifted focus on catering to its customers from the defense and security industry. The company has invested in
Aramid Paper Market Dynamics
Rising Demand for Aramid Paper in the Composites Industry will Complement Growth of the Aramid Paper Market
Polymer matrix composites (PMCs), which are combination of continuous and discontinuous phases of polymer-based matrix and reinforcements, are used across a wide range of industries. Poly aramid papers are the primary components in the discontinuous reinforcement phase on PMCs, which provide them high strength and stiffness. With the increasing demand for composites across wide-ranging industrial sectors, especially in the aerospace industry, is bolstering demand for aramid papers. As the overall composites industry is gaining momentum, owing to the rapidly spreading, industry-wide lightweighting trend, the aramid paper market is expected to witness positive growth in the upcoming years.
Recent Developments in Cellulose Nanofiber Improve Mechanical Properties of Aramid Paper – A Popular Trend in the Aramid Paper Market
With the increasing growth of the aramid paper market, which is primarily attributed to growing demand for composite materials across industry, players in the aramid paper market are focusing on enhancing mechanical characteristics of aramid paper. Leading players in the aramid paper market are investing in R&D to bolster development of aramid paper with superior mechanical strength and stiffness that can provide improved characteristics to composites.
Read Comprehensive Overview of Report @
Recent discoveries and developments in cellulose nanofiber are mainly aimed at improving mechanical properties of aramid paper, such as high tensile strength, tensile energy absorption, and interfacial strength. The dipole–dipole coupling interaction or the strong hydrogen bonding between aramid fiber and CNF is helping aramid paper manufacturers to offer high-quality aramid paper, and ultimately gain a competitive edge in the aramid paper market.
About TMR Research
TMR Research is a premier provider of customized market research and consulting services to business entities keen on succeeding in today’s supercharged economic climate. Armed with an experienced, dedicated, and dynamic team of analysts, we are redefining the way our clients’ conduct business by providing them with authoritative and trusted research studies in tune with the latest methodologies and market trends.
0 notes
kellykperez · 6 years
10 on-page SEO essentials: Crafting the perfect piece of content
You are now living in the midst of a tantalizing revolution as the great minds of user experience (UX) and search engine optimization (SEO) finally converge to produce beautiful on-page content designed to rank in search results AND engage or educate the user.
Gone are the days of plugging in keyword phrases into your blog posts to get the density just right and building landing page after landing page targeted at keyword variations like, “automobiles for sale”, “cars for sale” and “trucks for sale”.
Since the introduction of RankBrain, the machine-learning component of Google’s Core Algorithm, in late 2015, Google has moved farther away from a simple question and answer engine and has become a truly intelligent source of information matching the user’s intent — not just the user’s query.
Crafting compelling content is tough, especially in such a competitive landscape. How can you avoid vomiting up a 1,500-word blog post that will meet the deadline but fall very short of the user’s expectations? If you follow these 10 on-page essential elements, your brand will be on the right track to provide a rich content experience designed to resonate with your audience for months to come.
The basics:
Title Tag
Always seen in the <head> block or the beginning of a web page’s source code, the title tag is text wrapped in the <title> HTML tag. Visible as the headline of the search listing on results pages, on the user’s browser tab, and sometimes in social media applications when an Open Graph Tag is not present, this text is intended to describe the overarching intent of the page and the type of content a user can expect to see when browsing.
What I mean by “intent” can be illustrated with the following example. Say my title tag for a product page was Beef for Dogs | Brand Name. As a user, I would not expect to find a product page, but rather, information about whether I can feed beef to my dogs.
A better title tag to accurately match my users’ intent would be Beef Jerky Dog Treats | Brand Name.
Query = “beef for dogs”
Query = “beef jerky dog treats”
How do I know what the title tag of my page is?
Identifying what has been set as the title tag or meta description of your pages can be done URL-by-URL or at scale for many URLs. There are distinct uses for each discovery method, and it is always important to remember that Google may choose to display another headline for your page in search results if it feels that its title is a better representation for the user. Here are a few great online tools to get you started:
URL-by-URL inspection:
Slerpee (Free)
Moz Title Tag Preview Tool (Free)
Google SERP Simulator (Free)
At scale:
Screaming Frog (Free Up to 500 URLs)
Sitebulb (Paid)
DeepCrawl (Paid)
NOTE: If you are one that prefers to “live in the moment”, you can also view the page source of the page you are currently on and search for “<title>” in the code to determine what should be output in search results. Lifewire produced this handy guide on viewing the source code of a webpage, regardless of the internet browser you are using.
Are there guidelines for crafting the perfect title tag?
Yes. The optimal title tag is designed to fit the width of the devices it’s displayed upon. In my experience, the sweet spot for most screens is between 50-60 characters. In addition, a page title should:
Be descriptive and concise
Be on-brand
Avoid keyword stuffing
Avoid templated/boilerplate content
Meta Description
Though the text below the headline of your search result, also known as the meta description, does not influence the ranking of your business’ URL in search results, this text is still important for providing a summary of the webpage. The meta description is your chance to correctly set a potential user’s expectations and engage them to click-through to the website.
How do I build the perfect meta description?
Pay close attention to three things when crafting a great meta description for each of your website’s pages: branding, user-intent, and what’s working well in the vertical (competitive landscape). These 150-160 characters are a special opportunity for your page to stand out from the crowd.
Do your page descriptions look and sound like they are templated? Investing time in describing the page in a unique way that answers user’s questions before they get to the website can go a long way in delighting customers and improving search performance.
Take for example the following product page for the Outdoor Products Multi-Purpose Poncho. The top listing for this product page is via Amazon.com, with a very obviously templated meta description. The only information provided is the product name, aggregate rating, and an indication of free delivery.
While not the top listing, the following result from REI Co-op clearly includes the product name, breadcrumbs, aggregate rating, price, availability, and a unique non-templated meta description. The standout feature of this meta description is that it does not copy the manufacturer’s text, provides some product differentiators like “easy to pull out of your bag” and “great travel item” that speak to user questions about portability.
The meta description plays an important role in complementing other elements of a well defined rich result, and it is often overlooked when retail businesses are using rich results to improve the ecommerce search experience specifically. That said, the same considerations apply to information focused pages as well.
Section Headings
Section heading elements (H1-H6) were originally intended to resize text on a webpage, with the H1 being used to style the primary title of a document as the largest text on the page. With the advent of Cascading Styling Sheets (CSS) in the late 90’s, this element had has less effect. CSS started being used for much of this functionality, and HTML tags acted as more of a  “table of contents” for a variety of user-agents (i.e. Googlebot) and users alike.
For this reason, the primary header (h1) and subheaders (h2-h6) can be important in helping search engines understand the organization of and context around a particular page of written content. Users do not want to read through a huge brick of text and neither do search engines. Organizing written words into smaller entities (sections) will help digestion and lead to better organic results, as seen in the example below:
In the example above, the primary topic (How to Teach a Child to Ride a Bike) is marked-up with an H1 tag, indicating that it is the primary topic of the information to follow. The next section “Getting Ready to Ride” is marked-up with an H2 tag, indicating that it’s a secondary topic. Subsequent sections are marked up with <h3> tags. As a result of carefully crafted headings, which organize the content in a digestible way and supporting written content (among other factors), this particular page boasts 1,400 search listings in the top 100 positions on Google  —  with only 1,400 words.
Over 92% of long-tail (greater than 3 words) keyword phrases get less than 10 searches per month, but they are more likely to convert users than their head term counterparts.
Focus on providing your potential users with answers to the search questions about a particular topic, rather than granular keyword phrases, will lead to a more authentic reading experience, more engaged readers, and more chances of capturing the plethora of long-tail phrases popping up by the minute.
Internal Linking
Internal links are hyperlinks in your piece of content that point back to a page on your own website. What is important to note here is that one should not create a link in a piece simply to provide a link pathway for SEO success. This is an old practice, and it will lead to a poor user experience. Instead, focus on providing a link to a supplemental resource if it will genuinely help a user answer a question or learn more about a specific topic.
A great example of helpful internal linking can be found above. In this article about “How to Ride a Bike”, the author has linked the text “Braking” to an article about types of bicycle brakes and more specifically how to adjust each type for optimal performance.
If there is supplemental information on your own website to substantiate your claims or provide further education to the reader in the article at hand, link to this content. If this doesn’t exist or there’s a better source of information on a particular topic, link out to this external content. There’s no harm in linking out to 3rd parties and in many if not all cases, this will serve as a citation of sorts, making your content more legitimate and credible in the user’s eyes.
External Linking
Linking to sources outside your own domain, also known as external linking, is often seen as one of the major ranking factors in organic search. External entities linking to your content are similar to calling someone you live next to a good neighbor, with a credibility effect similar to the citations you put in a term paper or an article on Wikipedia.
When writing a post or crafting a page for your own website, consider the following:
How can I substantiate my statistics or claims?
Why should my users believe what I have to say?
Can anyone (customers or companies) back up my thoughts?
If you are crafting the best user experience, you will want to take special care in building an authentic, data-driven relationship with your past and present customers.
There are no magic rules or hacks in how you link to external sources. As the SEO industry evolves, you will realize professionals are simply “internet custodial engineers,” cleaning up the manipulations of the past (part of the reasons for Penguin, Panda, Hummingbird, and less notable algorithm changes by Google) and promoting the creation of expert-driven, authoritative, and accurate (E.A.T.) content on the web.
For more information on E.A.T., check out Google’s Official Quality Raters Guidelines.
Getting Fancy:
SEO-friendly images
Now more than ever, visual search as an alternative to text search is becoming a reality. In fact, even Pinterest’s CEO Silbermann said, “the future of search will be about pictures rather than keywords.” Seen below is data from Jumpshot compiled by Rand Fishkin at SparkToro that confirms Google Image Search now makes up more than 20% of web searches as of February 2018. As a result, including images in your content has some unique benefits as it relates to search engine optimization (SEO):
Images break up large blocks of text with useful visuals,
Alternate text embedded within an image can provide more context to search engines about the object, place, or person it is representing. This can help to improve your rankings in this medium.
According to a study by Clutch in 2017, written articles, videos, and images are the three most engaging types of content on social media. Adding images to your text can improve a piece’s shareability.
 A great example of using varying types of content to break up a topic can be seen below. In the article titled, “How to Tie the Windsor Knot”, the author has provided an informative primary header (h1) based on the functional query and also included video content (in case the user prefers this method of consumption), origin information, a comparison of this knot to others, and an explanatory graphic to walk anyone through the entire process.
By providing an abundance of detail and multimedia, not only can your business realize the additional search opportunities in the form of video object structured data and alternate text on the images, but meet the E.A.T. standards that will delight your potential users and drive performance.
Open Graph Tags
Developed by Facebook in 2007, with inspiration from Microformats and RDFa, the Open Graph protocol is one element of your page that can be easily forgotten because it’s often built into popular content management systems. Forgetting to review how your shared content will display on popular social networks can kill productivity as you race to add an image, name, description post-publishing. A lack of “OG Tags” can also hurt the shareability of the piece, decreasing the chances for its promotion to be successful.
“OG Tags” as they are commonly referred to are similar to other forms of structured data but are specifically relevant to social media sharing. They can act as a failsafe when a page title is not available, as Google commonly looks to this field when it cannot find text between the <title> elements.
How can I construct and validate open graph tags on my website?
Unless your content management system automatically generates Open Graph tags for you, you will have to build a few snippets of code to populate this information for those sharing your posts. You can find a few tools to help you out below:
Facebook Open Graph Markup
Getting Started with Twitter Cards
Rich Pins Overview
Code snippet generators:
Web Code Tools
Mega Tags
Code snippet validation:
Facebook Open Graph Debugger
Twitter Open Graph Validator
Pinterest Rich Pins Validator
Meta Robots Tags
The content your team produces will never get the success it deserves in organic search if no one can find it. While a powerful tool for ensuring search results stay nice and tidy, the meta robots tag can also be a content marketers worst enemy. Similar to the robots.txt file, it is designed to provide crawlers information about how to treat a certain singular URL in the search engine results and following it’s contained links, a single line of code can make your page or post disappear.
Where can I find the meta robots instructions?
This specific tag (if your website contains one) is generally contained within the <head> section of the HTML document and may appear to look similar to the following:
What instructions can I provide to crawlers via the meta robots tag?
At bare minimum, your URL will need to be eligible for indexing by Google or other search engines. This can be accomplished with an INDEX directive in the content field above.
Note: It is still up to the search engine’s discretion if your URL is worthy and high-quality enough to include in search results.
In addition to the INDEX directive, you can also pass the following instructions via the meta robots tag:
NOINDEX – Tells a search engine crawler to exclude this page from their index
NOFOLLOW – Instructs the crawler to ignore following any links on the given page
NOARCHIVE – Excludes the particular page from being cached in search results
NOSNIPPET – Prevents a description from displaying below the headline in search results
NOODP – Blocks the usage of the Open Directory Project description from search results.
NONE – Acts as a NOFOLLOW, NO INDEX tag.
If you are taking the time to produce a high-quality article, make sure the world can see it with ease! Competing against yourself with duplicate articles and/or pages can lead to index bloat, and your search performance will not live up to its true potential.
Canonical Tags
The canonicalization and the canonical tag can be a tricky subject, but it is one that should not be taken lightly. Duplicate content can be the root of many unforeseen problems with your business’ organic search efforts.
What does a canonical tag (rel=”canonical”) do?
In simple terms, utilizing a canonical tag is a way of indicating to search engines that the destination URL noted in this tag is the “master copy” or the “single point of truth” that is worthy of being included in the search index. When implemented correctly, this should prevent multiple URLs with the same information or identical wording from being indexed and competing against each other on search engine results pages (SERPs).
Can my canonical tag be self-referential?
Absolutely. If it’s the best version of a page, do not leave it up to a search engine to decide this. Wear the “single source of truth” badge with pride and potentially prevent the incorrect implementation of canonical tags on other pages that are identical or similar.
Page Speed Test
Last but not least, we can’t forget about page speed on individual pages of a business’ website. While the elements listed above are great for helping search engines and users better understand the context around a piece of content, page speed is important for ensuring the user gets a quality technical experience.
The entire premise of using a search engine is centered around getting a quick answer for a particular question or topic search. Delivering a slow page to a user will likely lead to them leaving your website all together. According to a study from Google across multiple verticals, increasing page load time from 1 to 5 seconds increases the probability of a bounce by 90%. That could be a huge loss in revenue for a business.
Source: Google/SOASTA Research, 2017.
Tools for testing page speed:
Page by page:
Google PageSpeed Insights (Free)
GTMetrix (Free & Paid Versions)
Pingdom (Free & Paid Versions)
At scale:
Screaming Frog (Free Up to 500 URLs)
Sitebulb (Paid)
Crafting the perfect piece of content is more than simply understanding your audience and what they want to read about online. There are many technical elements outlined above that can make or break your success in organic search or many other marketing mediums. As you think about producing a blog, an informational guide, or even a product page, consider all of the information a user needs to take the desired next step.
(All screenshots were taken by the author for the purpose of this article.)
Cooper Hollmaier is Associate Program Manager, SEO at REI.
The post 10 on-page SEO essentials: Crafting the perfect piece of content appeared first on Search Engine Watch.
source https://searchenginewatch.com/2019/03/26/10-on-page-seo-essentials-crafting-the-perfect-piece-of-content/ from Rising Phoenix SEO http://risingphoenixseo.blogspot.com/2019/03/10-on-page-seo-essentials-crafting.html
0 notes
alanajacksontx · 6 years
10 on-page SEO essentials: Crafting the perfect piece of content
You are now living in the midst of a tantalizing revolution as the great minds of user experience (UX) and search engine optimization (SEO) finally converge to produce beautiful on-page content designed to rank in search results AND engage or educate the user.
Gone are the days of plugging in keyword phrases into your blog posts to get the density just right and building landing page after landing page targeted at keyword variations like, “automobiles for sale”, “cars for sale” and “trucks for sale”.
Since the introduction of RankBrain, the machine-learning component of Google’s Core Algorithm, in late 2015, Google has moved farther away from a simple question and answer engine and has become a truly intelligent source of information matching the user’s intent — not just the user’s query.
Crafting compelling content is tough, especially in such a competitive landscape. How can you avoid vomiting up a 1,500-word blog post that will meet the deadline but fall very short of the user’s expectations? If you follow these 10 on-page essential elements, your brand will be on the right track to provide a rich content experience designed to resonate with your audience for months to come.
The basics:
Title Tag
Always seen in the <head> block or the beginning of a web page’s source code, the title tag is text wrapped in the <title> HTML tag. Visible as the headline of the search listing on results pages, on the user’s browser tab, and sometimes in social media applications when an Open Graph Tag is not present, this text is intended to describe the overarching intent of the page and the type of content a user can expect to see when browsing.
What I mean by “intent” can be illustrated with the following example. Say my title tag for a product page was Beef for Dogs | Brand Name. As a user, I would not expect to find a product page, but rather, information about whether I can feed beef to my dogs.
A better title tag to accurately match my users’ intent would be Beef Jerky Dog Treats | Brand Name.
Query = “beef for dogs”
Query = “beef jerky dog treats”
How do I know what the title tag of my page is?
Identifying what has been set as the title tag or meta description of your pages can be done URL-by-URL or at scale for many URLs. There are distinct uses for each discovery method, and it is always important to remember that Google may choose to display another headline for your page in search results if it feels that its title is a better representation for the user. Here are a few great online tools to get you started:
URL-by-URL inspection:
Slerpee (Free)
Moz Title Tag Preview Tool (Free)
Google SERP Simulator (Free)
At scale:
Screaming Frog (Free Up to 500 URLs)
Sitebulb (Paid)
DeepCrawl (Paid)
NOTE: If you are one that prefers to “live in the moment”, you can also view the page source of the page you are currently on and search for “<title>” in the code to determine what should be output in search results. Lifewire produced this handy guide on viewing the source code of a webpage, regardless of the internet browser you are using.
Are there guidelines for crafting the perfect title tag?
Yes. The optimal title tag is designed to fit the width of the devices it’s displayed upon. In my experience, the sweet spot for most screens is between 50-60 characters. In addition, a page title should:
Be descriptive and concise
Be on-brand
Avoid keyword stuffing
Avoid templated/boilerplate content
Meta Description
Though the text below the headline of your search result, also known as the meta description, does not influence the ranking of your business’ URL in search results, this text is still important for providing a summary of the webpage. The meta description is your chance to correctly set a potential user’s expectations and engage them to click-through to the website.
How do I build the perfect meta description?
Pay close attention to three things when crafting a great meta description for each of your website’s pages: branding, user-intent, and what’s working well in the vertical (competitive landscape). These 150-160 characters are a special opportunity for your page to stand out from the crowd.
Do your page descriptions look and sound like they are templated? Investing time in describing the page in a unique way that answers user’s questions before they get to the website can go a long way in delighting customers and improving search performance.
Take for example the following product page for the Outdoor Products Multi-Purpose Poncho. The top listing for this product page is via Amazon.com, with a very obviously templated meta description. The only information provided is the product name, aggregate rating, and an indication of free delivery.
While not the top listing, the following result from REI Co-op clearly includes the product name, breadcrumbs, aggregate rating, price, availability, and a unique non-templated meta description. The standout feature of this meta description is that it does not copy the manufacturer’s text, provides some product differentiators like “easy to pull out of your bag” and “great travel item” that speak to user questions about portability.
The meta description plays an important role in complementing other elements of a well defined rich result, and it is often overlooked when retail businesses are using rich results to improve the ecommerce search experience specifically. That said, the same considerations apply to information focused pages as well.
Section Headings
Section heading elements (H1-H6) were originally intended to resize text on a webpage, with the H1 being used to style the primary title of a document as the largest text on the page. With the advent of Cascading Styling Sheets (CSS) in the late 90’s, this element had has less effect. CSS started being used for much of this functionality, and HTML tags acted as more of a  “table of contents” for a variety of user-agents (i.e. Googlebot) and users alike.
For this reason, the primary header (h1) and subheaders (h2-h6) can be important in helping search engines understand the organization of and context around a particular page of written content. Users do not want to read through a huge brick of text and neither do search engines. Organizing written words into smaller entities (sections) will help digestion and lead to better organic results, as seen in the example below:
In the example above, the primary topic (How to Teach a Child to Ride a Bike) is marked-up with an H1 tag, indicating that it is the primary topic of the information to follow. The next section “Getting Ready to Ride” is marked-up with an H2 tag, indicating that it’s a secondary topic. Subsequent sections are marked up with <h3> tags. As a result of carefully crafted headings, which organize the content in a digestible way and supporting written content (among other factors), this particular page boasts 1,400 search listings in the top 100 positions on Google  —  with only 1,400 words.
Over 92% of long-tail (greater than 3 words) keyword phrases get less than 10 searches per month, but they are more likely to convert users than their head term counterparts.
Focus on providing your potential users with answers to the search questions about a particular topic, rather than granular keyword phrases, will lead to a more authentic reading experience, more engaged readers, and more chances of capturing the plethora of long-tail phrases popping up by the minute.
Internal Linking
Internal links are hyperlinks in your piece of content that point back to a page on your own website. What is important to note here is that one should not create a link in a piece simply to provide a link pathway for SEO success. This is an old practice, and it will lead to a poor user experience. Instead, focus on providing a link to a supplemental resource if it will genuinely help a user answer a question or learn more about a specific topic.
A great example of helpful internal linking can be found above. In this article about “How to Ride a Bike”, the author has linked the text “Braking” to an article about types of bicycle brakes and more specifically how to adjust each type for optimal performance.
If there is supplemental information on your own website to substantiate your claims or provide further education to the reader in the article at hand, link to this content. If this doesn’t exist or there’s a better source of information on a particular topic, link out to this external content. There’s no harm in linking out to 3rd parties and in many if not all cases, this will serve as a citation of sorts, making your content more legitimate and credible in the user’s eyes.
External Linking
Linking to sources outside your own domain, also known as external linking, is often seen as one of the major ranking factors in organic search. External entities linking to your content are similar to calling someone you live next to a good neighbor, with a credibility effect similar to the citations you put in a term paper or an article on Wikipedia.
When writing a post or crafting a page for your own website, consider the following:
How can I substantiate my statistics or claims?
Why should my users believe what I have to say?
Can anyone (customers or companies) back up my thoughts?
If you are crafting the best user experience, you will want to take special care in building an authentic, data-driven relationship with your past and present customers.
There are no magic rules or hacks in how you link to external sources. As the SEO industry evolves, you will realize professionals are simply “internet custodial engineers,” cleaning up the manipulations of the past (part of the reasons for Penguin, Panda, Hummingbird, and less notable algorithm changes by Google) and promoting the creation of expert-driven, authoritative, and accurate (E.A.T.) content on the web.
For more information on E.A.T., check out Google’s Official Quality Raters Guidelines.
Getting Fancy:
SEO-friendly images
Now more than ever, visual search as an alternative to text search is becoming a reality. In fact, even Pinterest’s CEO Silbermann said, “the future of search will be about pictures rather than keywords.” Seen below is data from Jumpshot compiled by Rand Fishkin at SparkToro that confirms Google Image Search now makes up more than 20% of web searches as of February 2018. As a result, including images in your content has some unique benefits as it relates to search engine optimization (SEO):
Images break up large blocks of text with useful visuals,
Alternate text embedded within an image can provide more context to search engines about the object, place, or person it is representing. This can help to improve your rankings in this medium.
According to a study by Clutch in 2017, written articles, videos, and images are the three most engaging types of content on social media. Adding images to your text can improve a piece’s shareability.
A great example of using varying types of content to break up a topic can be seen below. In the article titled, “How to Tie the Windsor Knot”, the author has provided an informative primary header (h1) based on the functional query and also included video content (in case the user prefers this method of consumption), origin information, a comparison of this knot to others, and an explanatory graphic to walk anyone through the entire process.
By providing an abundance of detail and multimedia, not only can your business realize the additional search opportunities in the form of video object structured data and alternate text on the images, but meet the E.A.T. standards that will delight your potential users and drive performance.
Open Graph Tags
Developed by Facebook in 2007, with inspiration from Microformats and RDFa, the Open Graph protocol is one element of your page that can be easily forgotten because it’s often built into popular content management systems. Forgetting to review how your shared content will display on popular social networks can kill productivity as you race to add an image, name, description post-publishing. A lack of “OG Tags” can also hurt the shareability of the piece, decreasing the chances for its promotion to be successful.
“OG Tags” as they are commonly referred to are similar to other forms of structured data but are specifically relevant to social media sharing. They can act as a failsafe when a page title is not available, as Google commonly looks to this field when it cannot find text between the <title> elements.
How can I construct and validate open graph tags on my website?
Unless your content management system automatically generates Open Graph tags for you, you will have to build a few snippets of code to populate this information for those sharing your posts. You can find a few tools to help you out below:
Facebook Open Graph Markup
Getting Started with Twitter Cards
Rich Pins Overview
Code snippet generators:
Web Code Tools
Mega Tags
Code snippet validation:
Facebook Open Graph Debugger
Twitter Open Graph Validator
Pinterest Rich Pins Validator
Meta Robots Tags
The content your team produces will never get the success it deserves in organic search if no one can find it. While a powerful tool for ensuring search results stay nice and tidy, the meta robots tag can also be a content marketers worst enemy. Similar to the robots.txt file, it is designed to provide crawlers information about how to treat a certain singular URL in the search engine results and following it’s contained links, a single line of code can make your page or post disappear.
Where can I find the meta robots instructions?
This specific tag (if your website contains one) is generally contained within the <head> section of the HTML document and may appear to look similar to the following:
What instructions can I provide to crawlers via the meta robots tag?
At bare minimum, your URL will need to be eligible for indexing by Google or other search engines. This can be accomplished with an INDEX directive in the content field above.
Note: It is still up to the search engine’s discretion if your URL is worthy and high-quality enough to include in search results.
In addition to the INDEX directive, you can also pass the following instructions via the meta robots tag:
NOINDEX – Tells a search engine crawler to exclude this page from their index
NOFOLLOW – Instructs the crawler to ignore following any links on the given page
NOARCHIVE – Excludes the particular page from being cached in search results
NOSNIPPET – Prevents a description from displaying below the headline in search results
NOODP – Blocks the usage of the Open Directory Project description from search results.
NONE – Acts as a NOFOLLOW, NO INDEX tag.
If you are taking the time to produce a high-quality article, make sure the world can see it with ease! Competing against yourself with duplicate articles and/or pages can lead to index bloat, and your search performance will not live up to its true potential.
Canonical Tags
The canonicalization and the canonical tag can be a tricky subject, but it is one that should not be taken lightly. Duplicate content can be the root of many unforeseen problems with your business’ organic search efforts.
What does a canonical tag (rel=”canonical”) do?
In simple terms, utilizing a canonical tag is a way of indicating to search engines that the destination URL noted in this tag is the “master copy” or the “single point of truth” that is worthy of being included in the search index. When implemented correctly, this should prevent multiple URLs with the same information or identical wording from being indexed and competing against each other on search engine results pages (SERPs).
Can my canonical tag be self-referential?
Absolutely. If it’s the best version of a page, do not leave it up to a search engine to decide this. Wear the “single source of truth” badge with pride and potentially prevent the incorrect implementation of canonical tags on other pages that are identical or similar.
Page Speed Test
Last but not least, we can’t forget about page speed on individual pages of a business’ website. While the elements listed above are great for helping search engines and users better understand the context around a piece of content, page speed is important for ensuring the user gets a quality technical experience.
The entire premise of using a search engine is centered around getting a quick answer for a particular question or topic search. Delivering a slow page to a user will likely lead to them leaving your website all together. According to a study from Google across multiple verticals, increasing page load time from 1 to 5 seconds increases the probability of a bounce by 90%. That could be a huge loss in revenue for a business.
Source: Google/SOASTA Research, 2017.
Tools for testing page speed:
Page by page:
Google PageSpeed Insights (Free)
GTMetrix (Free & Paid Versions)
Pingdom (Free & Paid Versions)
At scale:
Screaming Frog (Free Up to 500 URLs)
Sitebulb (Paid)
Crafting the perfect piece of content is more than simply understanding your audience and what they want to read about online. There are many technical elements outlined above that can make or break your success in organic search or many other marketing mediums. As you think about producing a blog, an informational guide, or even a product page, consider all of the information a user needs to take the desired next step.
(All screenshots were taken by the author for the purpose of this article.)
Cooper Hollmaier is Associate Program Manager, SEO at REI.
The post 10 on-page SEO essentials: Crafting the perfect piece of content appeared first on Search Engine Watch.
from IM Tips And Tricks https://searchenginewatch.com/2019/03/26/10-on-page-seo-essentials-crafting-the-perfect-piece-of-content/ from Rising Phoenix SEO https://risingphxseo.tumblr.com/post/183718177645
0 notes
10 on-page SEO essentials: Crafting the perfect piece of content
You are now living in the midst of a tantalizing revolution as the great minds of user experience (UX) and search engine optimization (SEO) finally converge to produce beautiful on-page content designed to rank in search results AND engage or educate the user.
Gone are the days of plugging in keyword phrases into your blog posts to get the density just right and building landing page after landing page targeted at keyword variations like, “automobiles for sale”, “cars for sale” and “trucks for sale”.
Since the introduction of RankBrain, the machine-learning component of Google’s Core Algorithm, in late 2015, Google has moved farther away from a simple question and answer engine and has become a truly intelligent source of information matching the user’s intent — not just the user’s query.
Crafting compelling content is tough, especially in such a competitive landscape. How can you avoid vomiting up a 1,500-word blog post that will meet the deadline but fall very short of the user’s expectations? If you follow these 10 on-page essential elements, your brand will be on the right track to provide a rich content experience designed to resonate with your audience for months to come.
The basics:
Title Tag
Always seen in the <head> block or the beginning of a web page’s source code, the title tag is text wrapped in the <title> HTML tag. Visible as the headline of the search listing on results pages, on the user’s browser tab, and sometimes in social media applications when an Open Graph Tag is not present, this text is intended to describe the overarching intent of the page and the type of content a user can expect to see when browsing.
What I mean by “intent” can be illustrated with the following example. Say my title tag for a product page was Beef for Dogs | Brand Name. As a user, I would not expect to find a product page, but rather, information about whether I can feed beef to my dogs.
A better title tag to accurately match my users’ intent would be Beef Jerky Dog Treats | Brand Name.
Query = “beef for dogs”
Query = “beef jerky dog treats”
How do I know what the title tag of my page is?
Identifying what has been set as the title tag or meta description of your pages can be done URL-by-URL or at scale for many URLs. There are distinct uses for each discovery method, and it is always important to remember that Google may choose to display another headline for your page in search results if it feels that its title is a better representation for the user. Here are a few great online tools to get you started:
URL-by-URL inspection:
At scale:
NOTE: If you are one that prefers to “live in the moment”, you can also view the page source of the page you are currently on and search for “<title>” in the code to determine what should be output in search results. Lifewire produced this handy guide on viewing the source code of a webpage, regardless of the internet browser you are using.
Are there guidelines for crafting the perfect title tag?
Yes. The optimal title tag is designed to fit the width of the devices it’s displayed upon. In my experience, the sweet spot for most screens is between 50-60 characters. In addition, a page title should:
Be descriptive and concise
Be on-brand
Avoid keyword stuffing
Avoid templated/boilerplate content
Meta Description
Though the text below the headline of your search result, also known as the meta description, does not influence the ranking of your business’ URL in search results, this text is still important for providing a summary of the webpage. The meta description is your chance to correctly set a potential user’s expectations and engage them to click-through to the website.
How do I build the perfect meta description?
Pay close attention to three things when crafting a great meta description for each of your website’s pages: branding, user-intent, and what’s working well in the vertical (competitive landscape). These 150-160 characters are a special opportunity for your page to stand out from the crowd.
Do your page descriptions look and sound like they are templated? Investing time in describing the page in a unique way that answers user’s questions before they get to the website can go a long way in delighting customers and improving search performance.
Take for example the following product page for the Outdoor Products Multi-Purpose Poncho. The top listing for this product page is via Amazon.com, with a very obviously templated meta description. The only information provided is the product name, aggregate rating, and an indication of free delivery.
While not the top listing, the following result from REI Co-op clearly includes the product name, breadcrumbs, aggregate rating, price, availability, and a unique non-templated meta description. The standout feature of this meta description is that it does not copy the manufacturer’s text, provides some product differentiators like “easy to pull out of your bag” and “great travel item” that speak to user questions about portability.
The meta description plays an important role in complementing other elements of a well defined rich result, and it is often overlooked when retail businesses are using rich results to improve the ecommerce search experience specifically. That said, the same considerations apply to information focused pages as well.
Section Headings
Section heading elements (H1-H6) were originally intended to resize text on a webpage, with the H1 being used to style the primary title of a document as the largest text on the page. With the advent of Cascading Styling Sheets (CSS) in the late 90’s, this element had has less effect. CSS started being used for much of this functionality, and HTML tags acted as more of a  “table of contents” for a variety of user-agents (i.e. Googlebot) and users alike.
For this reason, the primary header (h1) and subheaders (h2-h6) can be important in helping search engines understand the organization of and context around a particular page of written content. Users do not want to read through a huge brick of text and neither do search engines. Organizing written words into smaller entities (sections) will help digestion and lead to better organic results, as seen in the example below:
In the example above, the primary topic (How to Teach a Child to Ride a Bike) is marked-up with an H1 tag, indicating that it is the primary topic of the information to follow. The next section “Getting Ready to Ride” is marked-up with an H2 tag, indicating that it’s a secondary topic. Subsequent sections are marked up with <h3> tags. As a result of carefully crafted headings, which organize the content in a digestible way and supporting written content (among other factors), this particular page boasts 1,400 search listings in the top 100 positions on Google  —  with only 1,400 words.
Over 92% of long-tail (greater than 3 words) keyword phrases get less than 10 searches per month, but they are more likely to convert users than their head term counterparts.
Focus on providing your potential users with answers to the search questions about a particular topic, rather than granular keyword phrases, will lead to a more authentic reading experience, more engaged readers, and more chances of capturing the plethora of long-tail phrases popping up by the minute.
Internal Linking
Internal links are hyperlinks in your piece of content that point back to a page on your own website. What is important to note here is that one should not create a link in a piece simply to provide a link pathway for SEO success. This is an old practice, and it will lead to a poor user experience. Instead, focus on providing a link to a supplemental resource if it will genuinely help a user answer a question or learn more about a specific topic.
A great example of helpful internal linking can be found above. In this article about “How to Ride a Bike”, the author has linked the text “Braking” to an article about types of bicycle brakes and more specifically how to adjust each type for optimal performance.
If there is supplemental information on your own website to substantiate your claims or provide further education to the reader in the article at hand, link to this content. If this doesn’t exist or there’s a better source of information on a particular topic, link out to this external content. There’s no harm in linking out to 3rd parties and in many if not all cases, this will serve as a citation of sorts, making your content more legitimate and credible in the user’s eyes.
External Linking
Linking to sources outside your own domain, also known as external linking, is often seen as one of the major ranking factors in organic search. External entities linking to your content are similar to calling someone you live next to a good neighbor, with a credibility effect similar to the citations you put in a term paper or an article on Wikipedia.
When writing a post or crafting a page for your own website, consider the following:
How can I substantiate my statistics or claims?
Why should my users believe what I have to say?
Can anyone (customers or companies) back up my thoughts?
If you are crafting the best user experience, you will want to take special care in building an authentic, data-driven relationship with your past and present customers.
There are no magic rules or hacks in how you link to external sources. As the SEO industry evolves, you will realize professionals are simply “internet custodial engineers,” cleaning up the manipulations of the past (part of the reasons for Penguin, Panda, Hummingbird, and less notable algorithm changes by Google) and promoting the creation of expert-driven, authoritative, and accurate (E.A.T.) content on the web.
For more information on E.A.T., check out Google’s Official Quality Raters Guidelines.
Getting Fancy:
SEO-friendly images
Now more than ever, visual search as an alternative to text search is becoming a reality. In fact, even Pinterest’s CEO Silbermann said, “the future of search will be about pictures rather than keywords.” Seen below is data from Jumpshot compiled by Rand Fishkin at SparkToro that confirms Google Image Search now makes up more than 20% of web searches as of February 2018. As a result, including images in your content has some unique benefits as it relates to search engine optimization (SEO):
Images break up large blocks of text with useful visuals,
Alternate text embedded within an image can provide more context to search engines about the object, place, or person it is representing. This can help to improve your rankings in this medium.
According to a study by Clutch in 2017, written articles, videos, and images are the three most engaging types of content on social media. Adding images to your text can improve a piece’s shareability.
  A great example of using varying types of content to break up a topic can be seen below. In the article titled, “How to Tie the Windsor Knot”, the author has provided an informative primary header (h1) based on the functional query and also included video content (in case the user prefers this method of consumption), origin information, a comparison of this knot to others, and an explanatory graphic to walk anyone through the entire process.
By providing an abundance of detail and multimedia, not only can your business realize the additional search opportunities in the form of video object structured data and alternate text on the images, but meet the E.A.T. standards that will delight your potential users and drive performance.
Open Graph Tags
Developed by Facebook in 2007, with inspiration from Microformats and RDFa, the Open Graph protocol is one element of your page that can be easily forgotten because it’s often built into popular content management systems. Forgetting to review how your shared content will display on popular social networks can kill productivity as you race to add an image, name, description post-publishing. A lack of “OG Tags” can also hurt the shareability of the piece, decreasing the chances for its promotion to be successful.
“OG Tags” as they are commonly referred to are similar to other forms of structured data but are specifically relevant to social media sharing. They can act as a failsafe when a page title is not available, as Google commonly looks to this field when it cannot find text between the <title> elements.
How can I construct and validate open graph tags on my website?
Unless your content management system automatically generates Open Graph tags for you, you will have to build a few snippets of code to populate this information for those sharing your posts. You can find a few tools to help you out below:
Code snippet generators:
Code snippet validation:
Meta Robots Tags
The content your team produces will never get the success it deserves in organic search if no one can find it. While a powerful tool for ensuring search results stay nice and tidy, the meta robots tag can also be a content marketers worst enemy. Similar to the robots.txt file, it is designed to provide crawlers information about how to treat a certain singular URL in the search engine results and following it’s contained links, a single line of code can make your page or post disappear.
Where can I find the meta robots instructions?
This specific tag (if your website contains one) is generally contained within the <head> section of the HTML document and may appear to look similar to the following:
What instructions can I provide to crawlers via the meta robots tag?
At bare minimum, your URL will need to be eligible for indexing by Google or other search engines. This can be accomplished with an INDEX directive in the content field above.
Note: It is still up to the search engine’s discretion if your URL is worthy and high-quality enough to include in search results.
In addition to the INDEX directive, you can also pass the following instructions via the meta robots tag:
NOINDEX – Tells a search engine crawler to exclude this page from their index
NOFOLLOW – Instructs the crawler to ignore following any links on the given page
NOARCHIVE – Excludes the particular page from being cached in search results
NOSNIPPET – Prevents a description from displaying below the headline in search results
NOODP – Blocks the usage of the Open Directory Project description from search results.
NONE – Acts as a NOFOLLOW, NO INDEX tag.
If you are taking the time to produce a high-quality article, make sure the world can see it with ease! Competing against yourself with duplicate articles and/or pages can lead to index bloat, and your search performance will not live up to its true potential.
Canonical Tags
The canonicalization and the canonical tag can be a tricky subject, but it is one that should not be taken lightly. Duplicate content can be the root of many unforeseen problems with your business’ organic search efforts.
What does a canonical tag (rel=”canonical”) do?
In simple terms, utilizing a canonical tag is a way of indicating to search engines that the destination URL noted in this tag is the “master copy” or the “single point of truth” that is worthy of being included in the search index. When implemented correctly, this should prevent multiple URLs with the same information or identical wording from being indexed and competing against each other on search engine results pages (SERPs).
Can my canonical tag be self-referential?
Absolutely. If it’s the best version of a page, do not leave it up to a search engine to decide this. Wear the “single source of truth” badge with pride and potentially prevent the incorrect implementation of canonical tags on other pages that are identical or similar.
Page Speed Test
Last but not least, we can’t forget about page speed on individual pages of a business’ website. While the elements listed above are great for helping search engines and users better understand the context around a piece of content, page speed is important for ensuring the user gets a quality technical experience.
The entire premise of using a search engine is centered around getting a quick answer for a particular question or topic search. Delivering a slow page to a user will likely lead to them leaving your website all together. According to a study from Google across multiple verticals, increasing page load time from 1 to 5 seconds increases the probability of a bounce by 90%. That could be a huge loss in revenue for a business.
Source: Google/SOASTA Research, 2017.
Tools for testing page speed:
Page by page:
At scale:
Crafting the perfect piece of content is more than simply understanding your audience and what they want to read about online. There are many technical elements outlined above that can make or break your success in organic search or many other marketing mediums. As you think about producing a blog, an informational guide, or even a product page, consider all of the information a user needs to take the desired next step.
(All screenshots were taken by the author for the purpose of this article.)
Cooper Hollmaier is Associate Program Manager, SEO at REI.
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evaaguilaus · 6 years
10 on-page SEO essentials: Crafting the perfect piece of content
You are now living in the midst of a tantalizing revolution as the great minds of user experience (UX) and search engine optimization (SEO) finally converge to produce beautiful on-page content designed to rank in search results AND engage or educate the user.
Gone are the days of plugging in keyword phrases into your blog posts to get the density just right and building landing page after landing page targeted at keyword variations like, “automobiles for sale”, “cars for sale” and “trucks for sale”.
Since the introduction of RankBrain, the machine-learning component of Google’s Core Algorithm, in late 2015, Google has moved farther away from a simple question and answer engine and has become a truly intelligent source of information matching the user’s intent — not just the user’s query.
Crafting compelling content is tough, especially in such a competitive landscape. How can you avoid vomiting up a 1,500-word blog post that will meet the deadline but fall very short of the user’s expectations? If you follow these 10 on-page essential elements, your brand will be on the right track to provide a rich content experience designed to resonate with your audience for months to come.
The basics:
Title Tag
Always seen in the <head> block or the beginning of a web page’s source code, the title tag is text wrapped in the <title> HTML tag. Visible as the headline of the search listing on results pages, on the user’s browser tab, and sometimes in social media applications when an Open Graph Tag is not present, this text is intended to describe the overarching intent of the page and the type of content a user can expect to see when browsing.
What I mean by “intent” can be illustrated with the following example. Say my title tag for a product page was Beef for Dogs | Brand Name. As a user, I would not expect to find a product page, but rather, information about whether I can feed beef to my dogs.
A better title tag to accurately match my users’ intent would be Beef Jerky Dog Treats | Brand Name.
Query = “beef for dogs”
Query = “beef jerky dog treats”
How do I know what the title tag of my page is?
Identifying what has been set as the title tag or meta description of your pages can be done URL-by-URL or at scale for many URLs. There are distinct uses for each discovery method, and it is always important to remember that Google may choose to display another headline for your page in search results if it feels that its title is a better representation for the user. Here are a few great online tools to get you started:
URL-by-URL inspection:
Slerpee (Free)
Moz Title Tag Preview Tool (Free)
Google SERP Simulator (Free)
At scale:
Screaming Frog (Free Up to 500 URLs)
Sitebulb (Paid)
DeepCrawl (Paid)
NOTE: If you are one that prefers to “live in the moment”, you can also view the page source of the page you are currently on and search for “<title>” in the code to determine what should be output in search results. Lifewire produced this handy guide on viewing the source code of a webpage, regardless of the internet browser you are using.
Are there guidelines for crafting the perfect title tag?
Yes. The optimal title tag is designed to fit the width of the devices it’s displayed upon. In my experience, the sweet spot for most screens is between 50-60 characters. In addition, a page title should:
Be descriptive and concise
Be on-brand
Avoid keyword stuffing
Avoid templated/boilerplate content
Meta Description
Though the text below the headline of your search result, also known as the meta description, does not influence the ranking of your business’ URL in search results, this text is still important for providing a summary of the webpage. The meta description is your chance to correctly set a potential user’s expectations and engage them to click-through to the website.
How do I build the perfect meta description?
Pay close attention to three things when crafting a great meta description for each of your website’s pages: branding, user-intent, and what’s working well in the vertical (competitive landscape). These 150-160 characters are a special opportunity for your page to stand out from the crowd.
Do your page descriptions look and sound like they are templated? Investing time in describing the page in a unique way that answers user’s questions before they get to the website can go a long way in delighting customers and improving search performance.
Take for example the following product page for the Outdoor Products Multi-Purpose Poncho. The top listing for this product page is via Amazon.com, with a very obviously templated meta description. The only information provided is the product name, aggregate rating, and an indication of free delivery.
While not the top listing, the following result from REI Co-op clearly includes the product name, breadcrumbs, aggregate rating, price, availability, and a unique non-templated meta description. The standout feature of this meta description is that it does not copy the manufacturer’s text, provides some product differentiators like “easy to pull out of your bag” and “great travel item” that speak to user questions about portability.
The meta description plays an important role in complementing other elements of a well defined rich result, and it is often overlooked when retail businesses are using rich results to improve the ecommerce search experience specifically. That said, the same considerations apply to information focused pages as well.
Section Headings
Section heading elements (H1-H6) were originally intended to resize text on a webpage, with the H1 being used to style the primary title of a document as the largest text on the page. With the advent of Cascading Styling Sheets (CSS) in the late 90’s, this element had has less effect. CSS started being used for much of this functionality, and HTML tags acted as more of a  “table of contents” for a variety of user-agents (i.e. Googlebot) and users alike.
For this reason, the primary header (h1) and subheaders (h2-h6) can be important in helping search engines understand the organization of and context around a particular page of written content. Users do not want to read through a huge brick of text and neither do search engines. Organizing written words into smaller entities (sections) will help digestion and lead to better organic results, as seen in the example below:
In the example above, the primary topic (How to Teach a Child to Ride a Bike) is marked-up with an H1 tag, indicating that it is the primary topic of the information to follow. The next section “Getting Ready to Ride” is marked-up with an H2 tag, indicating that it’s a secondary topic. Subsequent sections are marked up with <h3> tags. As a result of carefully crafted headings, which organize the content in a digestible way and supporting written content (among other factors), this particular page boasts 1,400 search listings in the top 100 positions on Google  —  with only 1,400 words.
Over 92% of long-tail (greater than 3 words) keyword phrases get less than 10 searches per month, but they are more likely to convert users than their head term counterparts.
Focus on providing your potential users with answers to the search questions about a particular topic, rather than granular keyword phrases, will lead to a more authentic reading experience, more engaged readers, and more chances of capturing the plethora of long-tail phrases popping up by the minute.
Internal Linking
Internal links are hyperlinks in your piece of content that point back to a page on your own website. What is important to note here is that one should not create a link in a piece simply to provide a link pathway for SEO success. This is an old practice, and it will lead to a poor user experience. Instead, focus on providing a link to a supplemental resource if it will genuinely help a user answer a question or learn more about a specific topic.
A great example of helpful internal linking can be found above. In this article about “How to Ride a Bike”, the author has linked the text “Braking” to an article about types of bicycle brakes and more specifically how to adjust each type for optimal performance.
If there is supplemental information on your own website to substantiate your claims or provide further education to the reader in the article at hand, link to this content. If this doesn’t exist or there’s a better source of information on a particular topic, link out to this external content. There’s no harm in linking out to 3rd parties and in many if not all cases, this will serve as a citation of sorts, making your content more legitimate and credible in the user’s eyes.
External Linking
Linking to sources outside your own domain, also known as external linking, is often seen as one of the major ranking factors in organic search. External entities linking to your content are similar to calling someone you live next to a good neighbor, with a credibility effect similar to the citations you put in a term paper or an article on Wikipedia.
When writing a post or crafting a page for your own website, consider the following:
How can I substantiate my statistics or claims?
Why should my users believe what I have to say?
Can anyone (customers or companies) back up my thoughts?
If you are crafting the best user experience, you will want to take special care in building an authentic, data-driven relationship with your past and present customers.
There are no magic rules or hacks in how you link to external sources. As the SEO industry evolves, you will realize professionals are simply “internet custodial engineers,” cleaning up the manipulations of the past (part of the reasons for Penguin, Panda, Hummingbird, and less notable algorithm changes by Google) and promoting the creation of expert-driven, authoritative, and accurate (E.A.T.) content on the web.
For more information on E.A.T., check out Google’s Official Quality Raters Guidelines.
Getting Fancy:
SEO-friendly images
Now more than ever, visual search as an alternative to text search is becoming a reality. In fact, even Pinterest’s CEO Silbermann said, “the future of search will be about pictures rather than keywords.” Seen below is data from Jumpshot compiled by Rand Fishkin at SparkToro that confirms Google Image Search now makes up more than 20% of web searches as of February 2018. As a result, including images in your content has some unique benefits as it relates to search engine optimization (SEO):
Images break up large blocks of text with useful visuals,
Alternate text embedded within an image can provide more context to search engines about the object, place, or person it is representing. This can help to improve your rankings in this medium.
According to a study by Clutch in 2017, written articles, videos, and images are the three most engaging types of content on social media. Adding images to your text can improve a piece’s shareability.
  A great example of using varying types of content to break up a topic can be seen below. In the article titled, “How to Tie the Windsor Knot”, the author has provided an informative primary header (h1) based on the functional query and also included video content (in case the user prefers this method of consumption), origin information, a comparison of this knot to others, and an explanatory graphic to walk anyone through the entire process.
By providing an abundance of detail and multimedia, not only can your business realize the additional search opportunities in the form of video object structured data and alternate text on the images, but meet the E.A.T. standards that will delight your potential users and drive performance.
Open Graph Tags
Developed by Facebook in 2007, with inspiration from Microformats and RDFa, the Open Graph protocol is one element of your page that can be easily forgotten because it’s often built into popular content management systems. Forgetting to review how your shared content will display on popular social networks can kill productivity as you race to add an image, name, description post-publishing. A lack of “OG Tags” can also hurt the shareability of the piece, decreasing the chances for its promotion to be successful.
“OG Tags” as they are commonly referred to are similar to other forms of structured data but are specifically relevant to social media sharing. They can act as a failsafe when a page title is not available, as Google commonly looks to this field when it cannot find text between the <title> elements.
How can I construct and validate open graph tags on my website?
Unless your content management system automatically generates Open Graph tags for you, you will have to build a few snippets of code to populate this information for those sharing your posts. You can find a few tools to help you out below:
Facebook Open Graph Markup
Getting Started with Twitter Cards
Rich Pins Overview
Code snippet generators:
Web Code Tools
Mega Tags
Code snippet validation:
Facebook Open Graph Debugger
Twitter Open Graph Validator
Pinterest Rich Pins Validator
Meta Robots Tags
The content your team produces will never get the success it deserves in organic search if no one can find it. While a powerful tool for ensuring search results stay nice and tidy, the meta robots tag can also be a content marketers worst enemy. Similar to the robots.txt file, it is designed to provide crawlers information about how to treat a certain singular URL in the search engine results and following it’s contained links, a single line of code can make your page or post disappear.
Where can I find the meta robots instructions?
This specific tag (if your website contains one) is generally contained within the <head> section of the HTML document and may appear to look similar to the following:
What instructions can I provide to crawlers via the meta robots tag?
At bare minimum, your URL will need to be eligible for indexing by Google or other search engines. This can be accomplished with an INDEX directive in the content field above.
Note: It is still up to the search engine’s discretion if your URL is worthy and high-quality enough to include in search results.
In addition to the INDEX directive, you can also pass the following instructions via the meta robots tag:
NOINDEX – Tells a search engine crawler to exclude this page from their index
NOFOLLOW – Instructs the crawler to ignore following any links on the given page
NOARCHIVE – Excludes the particular page from being cached in search results
NOSNIPPET – Prevents a description from displaying below the headline in search results
NOODP – Blocks the usage of the Open Directory Project description from search results.
NONE – Acts as a NOFOLLOW, NO INDEX tag.
If you are taking the time to produce a high-quality article, make sure the world can see it with ease! Competing against yourself with duplicate articles and/or pages can lead to index bloat, and your search performance will not live up to its true potential.
Canonical Tags
The canonicalization and the canonical tag can be a tricky subject, but it is one that should not be taken lightly. Duplicate content can be the root of many unforeseen problems with your business’ organic search efforts.
What does a canonical tag (rel=”canonical”) do?
In simple terms, utilizing a canonical tag is a way of indicating to search engines that the destination URL noted in this tag is the “master copy” or the “single point of truth” that is worthy of being included in the search index. When implemented correctly, this should prevent multiple URLs with the same information or identical wording from being indexed and competing against each other on search engine results pages (SERPs).
Can my canonical tag be self-referential?
Absolutely. If it’s the best version of a page, do not leave it up to a search engine to decide this. Wear the “single source of truth” badge with pride and potentially prevent the incorrect implementation of canonical tags on other pages that are identical or similar.
Page Speed Test
Last but not least, we can’t forget about page speed on individual pages of a business’ website. While the elements listed above are great for helping search engines and users better understand the context around a piece of content, page speed is important for ensuring the user gets a quality technical experience.
The entire premise of using a search engine is centered around getting a quick answer for a particular question or topic search. Delivering a slow page to a user will likely lead to them leaving your website all together. According to a study from Google across multiple verticals, increasing page load time from 1 to 5 seconds increases the probability of a bounce by 90%. That could be a huge loss in revenue for a business.
Source: Google/SOASTA Research, 2017.
Tools for testing page speed:
Page by page:
Google PageSpeed Insights (Free)
GTMetrix (Free & Paid Versions)
Pingdom (Free & Paid Versions)
At scale:
Screaming Frog (Free Up to 500 URLs)
Sitebulb (Paid)
Crafting the perfect piece of content is more than simply understanding your audience and what they want to read about online. There are many technical elements outlined above that can make or break your success in organic search or many other marketing mediums. As you think about producing a blog, an informational guide, or even a product page, consider all of the information a user needs to take the desired next step.
(All screenshots were taken by the author for the purpose of this article.)
Cooper Hollmaier is Associate Program Manager, SEO at REI.
The post 10 on-page SEO essentials: Crafting the perfect piece of content appeared first on Search Engine Watch.
from Digtal Marketing News https://searchenginewatch.com/2019/03/26/10-on-page-seo-essentials-crafting-the-perfect-piece-of-content/
0 notes
srasamua · 6 years
10 on-page SEO essentials: Crafting the perfect piece of content
You are now living in the midst of a tantalizing revolution as the great minds of user experience (UX) and search engine optimization (SEO) finally converge to produce beautiful on-page content designed to rank in search results AND engage or educate the user.
Gone are the days of plugging in keyword phrases into your blog posts to get the density just right and building landing page after landing page targeted at keyword variations like, “automobiles for sale”, “cars for sale” and “trucks for sale”.
Since the introduction of RankBrain, the machine-learning component of Google’s Core Algorithm, in late 2015, Google has moved farther away from a simple question and answer engine and has become a truly intelligent source of information matching the user’s intent — not just the user’s query.
Crafting compelling content is tough, especially in such a competitive landscape. How can you avoid vomiting up a 1,500-word blog post that will meet the deadline but fall very short of the user’s expectations? If you follow these 10 on-page essential elements, your brand will be on the right track to provide a rich content experience designed to resonate with your audience for months to come.
The basics:
Title Tag
Always seen in the <head> block or the beginning of a web page’s source code, the title tag is text wrapped in the <title> HTML tag. Visible as the headline of the search listing on results pages, on the user’s browser tab, and sometimes in social media applications when an Open Graph Tag is not present, this text is intended to describe the overarching intent of the page and the type of content a user can expect to see when browsing.
What I mean by “intent” can be illustrated with the following example. Say my title tag for a product page was Beef for Dogs | Brand Name. As a user, I would not expect to find a product page, but rather, information about whether I can feed beef to my dogs.
A better title tag to accurately match my users’ intent would be Beef Jerky Dog Treats | Brand Name.
Query = “beef for dogs”
Query = “beef jerky dog treats”
How do I know what the title tag of my page is?
Identifying what has been set as the title tag or meta description of your pages can be done URL-by-URL or at scale for many URLs. There are distinct uses for each discovery method, and it is always important to remember that Google may choose to display another headline for your page in search results if it feels that its title is a better representation for the user. Here are a few great online tools to get you started:
URL-by-URL inspection:
Slerpee (Free)
Moz Title Tag Preview Tool (Free)
Google SERP Simulator (Free)
At scale:
Screaming Frog (Free Up to 500 URLs)
Sitebulb (Paid)
DeepCrawl (Paid)
NOTE: If you are one that prefers to “live in the moment”, you can also view the page source of the page you are currently on and search for “<title>” in the code to determine what should be output in search results. Lifewire produced this handy guide on viewing the source code of a webpage, regardless of the internet browser you are using.
Are there guidelines for crafting the perfect title tag?
Yes. The optimal title tag is designed to fit the width of the devices it’s displayed upon. In my experience, the sweet spot for most screens is between 50-60 characters. In addition, a page title should:
Be descriptive and concise
Be on-brand
Avoid keyword stuffing
Avoid templated/boilerplate content
Meta Description
Though the text below the headline of your search result, also known as the meta description, does not influence the ranking of your business’ URL in search results, this text is still important for providing a summary of the webpage. The meta description is your chance to correctly set a potential user’s expectations and engage them to click-through to the website.
How do I build the perfect meta description?
Pay close attention to three things when crafting a great meta description for each of your website’s pages: branding, user-intent, and what’s working well in the vertical (competitive landscape). These 150-160 characters are a special opportunity for your page to stand out from the crowd.
Do your page descriptions look and sound like they are templated? Investing time in describing the page in a unique way that answers user’s questions before they get to the website can go a long way in delighting customers and improving search performance.
Take for example the following product page for the Outdoor Products Multi-Purpose Poncho. The top listing for this product page is via Amazon.com, with a very obviously templated meta description. The only information provided is the product name, aggregate rating, and an indication of free delivery.
While not the top listing, the following result from REI Co-op clearly includes the product name, breadcrumbs, aggregate rating, price, availability, and a unique non-templated meta description. The standout feature of this meta description is that it does not copy the manufacturer’s text, provides some product differentiators like “easy to pull out of your bag” and “great travel item” that speak to user questions about portability.
The meta description plays an important role in complementing other elements of a well defined rich result, and it is often overlooked when retail businesses are using rich results to improve the ecommerce search experience specifically. That said, the same considerations apply to information focused pages as well.
Section Headings
Section heading elements (H1-H6) were originally intended to resize text on a webpage, with the H1 being used to style the primary title of a document as the largest text on the page. With the advent of Cascading Styling Sheets (CSS) in the late 90’s, this element had has less effect. CSS started being used for much of this functionality, and HTML tags acted as more of a  “table of contents” for a variety of user-agents (i.e. Googlebot) and users alike.
For this reason, the primary header (h1) and subheaders (h2-h6) can be important in helping search engines understand the organization of and context around a particular page of written content. Users do not want to read through a huge brick of text and neither do search engines. Organizing written words into smaller entities (sections) will help digestion and lead to better organic results, as seen in the example below:
In the example above, the primary topic (How to Teach a Child to Ride a Bike) is marked-up with an H1 tag, indicating that it is the primary topic of the information to follow. The next section “Getting Ready to Ride” is marked-up with an H2 tag, indicating that it’s a secondary topic. Subsequent sections are marked up with <h3> tags. As a result of carefully crafted headings, which organize the content in a digestible way and supporting written content (among other factors), this particular page boasts 1,400 search listings in the top 100 positions on Google  —  with only 1,400 words.
Over 92% of long-tail (greater than 3 words) keyword phrases get less than 10 searches per month, but they are more likely to convert users than their head term counterparts.
Focus on providing your potential users with answers to the search questions about a particular topic, rather than granular keyword phrases, will lead to a more authentic reading experience, more engaged readers, and more chances of capturing the plethora of long-tail phrases popping up by the minute.
Internal Linking
Internal links are hyperlinks in your piece of content that point back to a page on your own website. What is important to note here is that one should not create a link in a piece simply to provide a link pathway for SEO success. This is an old practice, and it will lead to a poor user experience. Instead, focus on providing a link to a supplemental resource if it will genuinely help a user answer a question or learn more about a specific topic.
A great example of helpful internal linking can be found above. In this article about “How to Ride a Bike”, the author has linked the text “Braking” to an article about types of bicycle brakes and more specifically how to adjust each type for optimal performance.
If there is supplemental information on your own website to substantiate your claims or provide further education to the reader in the article at hand, link to this content. If this doesn’t exist or there’s a better source of information on a particular topic, link out to this external content. There’s no harm in linking out to 3rd parties and in many if not all cases, this will serve as a citation of sorts, making your content more legitimate and credible in the user’s eyes.
External Linking
Linking to sources outside your own domain, also known as external linking, is often seen as one of the major ranking factors in organic search. External entities linking to your content are similar to calling someone you live next to a good neighbor, with a credibility effect similar to the citations you put in a term paper or an article on Wikipedia.
When writing a post or crafting a page for your own website, consider the following:
How can I substantiate my statistics or claims?
Why should my users believe what I have to say?
Can anyone (customers or companies) back up my thoughts?
If you are crafting the best user experience, you will want to take special care in building an authentic, data-driven relationship with your past and present customers.
There are no magic rules or hacks in how you link to external sources. As the SEO industry evolves, you will realize professionals are simply “internet custodial engineers,” cleaning up the manipulations of the past (part of the reasons for Penguin, Panda, Hummingbird, and less notable algorithm changes by Google) and promoting the creation of expert-driven, authoritative, and accurate (E.A.T.) content on the web.
For more information on E.A.T., check out Google’s Official Quality Raters Guidelines.
Getting Fancy:
SEO-friendly images
Now more than ever, visual search as an alternative to text search is becoming a reality. In fact, even Pinterest’s CEO Silbermann said, “the future of search will be about pictures rather than keywords.” Seen below is data from Jumpshot compiled by Rand Fishkin at SparkToro that confirms Google Image Search now makes up more than 20% of web searches as of February 2018. As a result, including images in your content has some unique benefits as it relates to search engine optimization (SEO):
Images break up large blocks of text with useful visuals,
Alternate text embedded within an image can provide more context to search engines about the object, place, or person it is representing. This can help to improve your rankings in this medium.
According to a study by Clutch in 2017, written articles, videos, and images are the three most engaging types of content on social media. Adding images to your text can improve a piece’s shareability.
  A great example of using varying types of content to break up a topic can be seen below. In the article titled, “How to Tie the Windsor Knot”, the author has provided an informative primary header (h1) based on the functional query and also included video content (in case the user prefers this method of consumption), origin information, a comparison of this knot to others, and an explanatory graphic to walk anyone through the entire process.
By providing an abundance of detail and multimedia, not only can your business realize the additional search opportunities in the form of video object structured data and alternate text on the images, but meet the E.A.T. standards that will delight your potential users and drive performance.
Open Graph Tags
Developed by Facebook in 2007, with inspiration from Microformats and RDFa, the Open Graph protocol is one element of your page that can be easily forgotten because it’s often built into popular content management systems. Forgetting to review how your shared content will display on popular social networks can kill productivity as you race to add an image, name, description post-publishing. A lack of “OG Tags” can also hurt the shareability of the piece, decreasing the chances for its promotion to be successful.
“OG Tags” as they are commonly referred to are similar to other forms of structured data but are specifically relevant to social media sharing. They can act as a failsafe when a page title is not available, as Google commonly looks to this field when it cannot find text between the <title> elements.
How can I construct and validate open graph tags on my website?
Unless your content management system automatically generates Open Graph tags for you, you will have to build a few snippets of code to populate this information for those sharing your posts. You can find a few tools to help you out below:
Facebook Open Graph Markup
Getting Started with Twitter Cards
Rich Pins Overview
Code snippet generators:
Web Code Tools
Mega Tags
Code snippet validation:
Facebook Open Graph Debugger
Twitter Open Graph Validator
Pinterest Rich Pins Validator
Meta Robots Tags
The content your team produces will never get the success it deserves in organic search if no one can find it. While a powerful tool for ensuring search results stay nice and tidy, the meta robots tag can also be a content marketers worst enemy. Similar to the robots.txt file, it is designed to provide crawlers information about how to treat a certain singular URL in the search engine results and following it’s contained links, a single line of code can make your page or post disappear.
Where can I find the meta robots instructions?
This specific tag (if your website contains one) is generally contained within the <head> section of the HTML document and may appear to look similar to the following:
What instructions can I provide to crawlers via the meta robots tag?
At bare minimum, your URL will need to be eligible for indexing by Google or other search engines. This can be accomplished with an INDEX directive in the content field above.
Note: It is still up to the search engine’s discretion if your URL is worthy and high-quality enough to include in search results.
In addition to the INDEX directive, you can also pass the following instructions via the meta robots tag:
NOINDEX – Tells a search engine crawler to exclude this page from their index
NOFOLLOW – Instructs the crawler to ignore following any links on the given page
NOARCHIVE – Excludes the particular page from being cached in search results
NOSNIPPET – Prevents a description from displaying below the headline in search results
NOODP – Blocks the usage of the Open Directory Project description from search results.
NONE – Acts as a NOFOLLOW, NO INDEX tag.
If you are taking the time to produce a high-quality article, make sure the world can see it with ease! Competing against yourself with duplicate articles and/or pages can lead to index bloat, and your search performance will not live up to its true potential.
Canonical Tags
The canonicalization and the canonical tag can be a tricky subject, but it is one that should not be taken lightly. Duplicate content can be the root of many unforeseen problems with your business’ organic search efforts.
What does a canonical tag (rel=”canonical”) do?
In simple terms, utilizing a canonical tag is a way of indicating to search engines that the destination URL noted in this tag is the “master copy” or the “single point of truth” that is worthy of being included in the search index. When implemented correctly, this should prevent multiple URLs with the same information or identical wording from being indexed and competing against each other on search engine results pages (SERPs).
Can my canonical tag be self-referential?
Absolutely. If it’s the best version of a page, do not leave it up to a search engine to decide this. Wear the “single source of truth” badge with pride and potentially prevent the incorrect implementation of canonical tags on other pages that are identical or similar.
Page Speed Test
Last but not least, we can’t forget about page speed on individual pages of a business’ website. While the elements listed above are great for helping search engines and users better understand the context around a piece of content, page speed is important for ensuring the user gets a quality technical experience.
The entire premise of using a search engine is centered around getting a quick answer for a particular question or topic search. Delivering a slow page to a user will likely lead to them leaving your website all together. According to a study from Google across multiple verticals, increasing page load time from 1 to 5 seconds increases the probability of a bounce by 90%. That could be a huge loss in revenue for a business.
Source: Google/SOASTA Research, 2017.
Tools for testing page speed:
Page by page:
Google PageSpeed Insights (Free)
GTMetrix (Free & Paid Versions)
Pingdom (Free & Paid Versions)
At scale:
Screaming Frog (Free Up to 500 URLs)
Sitebulb (Paid)
Crafting the perfect piece of content is more than simply understanding your audience and what they want to read about online. There are many technical elements outlined above that can make or break your success in organic search or many other marketing mediums. As you think about producing a blog, an informational guide, or even a product page, consider all of the information a user needs to take the desired next step.
(All screenshots were taken by the author for the purpose of this article.)
Cooper Hollmaier is Associate Program Manager, SEO at REI.
The post 10 on-page SEO essentials: Crafting the perfect piece of content appeared first on Search Engine Watch.
from Digtal Marketing News https://searchenginewatch.com/2019/03/26/10-on-page-seo-essentials-crafting-the-perfect-piece-of-content/
0 notes