misc-obeyme · 4 months
Ooh speaking abt baths, my dog also hates them but will patiently wait until it's done (unless you stop cooing at her, then she tries to climb out of the tub like a wet rat 🐀) but once she's out I towel her off before letting her shake the rest off while holding a towel over her so water doesn't get everywhere lol. Then it's time for zoomies!!! Before being combed which she actually loves (no hair dryer though because she does Not like wind)
So I'm imagining sheep!MC absolutely taking off the second bath time is over; running away from the brothers and leaving a trail of water through the house. Happily baa-ing and zooming around until they get tired enough someone can scoop them up to get them dry. I feel like they'd be calm with Asmo though, especially with a cute modified tub for them. He'd treat it like a spa day and cut little cucumbers to put on their eyes! He also must have a magic noiseless hair dryer. They'd also probably be calmer if Simeon and Luke were sheepsitting but even then they'd probably at least try to shake some water off at the angels for some chaotic fun
OH YES sheep MC zoomies!!!! That'd be so freaking cute, just imagine that lil fluff ball running around the House of Lamentation like crazy and it's all clopclopclopclop 'cause of their hooves as;lfkdfj
Ahh your pupper sounds so cute!! I think it's so funny how you get the doggos that love bath time and then you get the ones that are more like okay fine, I will tolerate this if I must. Like you know they're just doing it to make their human happy lol!
Now I'm also imagining sheep MC finally tiring themselves out. Mammon is maybe the only one who could catch them when they're going full speed, but once they've slowed down, it's whoever's closest! Except maybe not Belphie because I could see him scooping up MC and then promptly falling asleep with them snuggled in his arms. No drying getting done at all lol.
I totally see Asmo treating sheep MC's bath time like one of those videos where someone has their cat in a little robe and like brushes their fur with a makeup brush and so on. He would go all out. I love the cucumbers, but I also feel like sheep MC would rather eat them.
Sheepsitting angels omg!! I love that, too! You know 'cause sheep MC is trying to be good but they just can't help shaking that water off at them! You know Simeon is probably laughing and Luke is like MC how could you?!? I love it!
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amintyworld · 3 years
Denial - Dream SMP SMPsona Oneshot
A/N: Hey guys! Sorry for the lack of content lately, I've been on a bit of writer's block. Anyway, this one-shot is inspired by my OC SMPsona Flower! If you'd like to see more content of her let me know and if you have questions about her character or story my ask box is open! I hope you enjoy it! - Minty
Summary: After losing her first cannon life, Flower visits Phil as she usually would for tea. She ends up finding comfort in the only true friend she has left.
TW: Major Character Death, Mention of Major Character Death, Slight blood/gore (Not too severe, just a few sentences), Betrayal (If you squint), denial, loneliness, self-blame. (LMK if I need to tag anything else!)
Flower grasped the basket of goodies awkwardly, taking a deep breath she wasn’t aware she needed. The other day was… it wasn’t great, but today’s a new day. A clean slate. That doesn’t mean everything was the same, however - Fundy and Quackity glared at her as she passed, and when Ranboo tried to walk up to her to say hello it was like he realized who it was and just froze in his tracks. Murmurs floating around didn’t exactly help the large pit that grew in her stomach. Traitor, they said. How could she be something she never wanted to be? She never tried to be? L’manberg was her home. These were her friends. She.. she wasn’t like Eret, or… or Wilbur. She was just defending someone who couldn’t defend himself! She was just trying to help.
Despite it all, one thing was for certain - she’d give anything for things to be normal right now. Maybe that was why it took her so long to meet up with Phil for tea.
Gathering courage, she raised her arm and knocked. For a moment she wondered if Phil was mad at her too. He didn’t see everything, maybe he thought she’d lead them there. Shuffling could be heard beyond the door, muffled with voices inside. Voices. Did he have someone over? She didn’t want to impose, he’s been through a lot, maybe she should just-
When Philza finally opened the door, blonde hair framing his face perfectly with that same tired warm smile, she’d tensed up. “Hey, Flower.”
“Hi, Phil.” She swallowed, mustering a small smile. “Sorry I didn’t come by earlier, I was, uhm… busy.” She heard a distinct ‘Baa’ come from inside, which proved to only raise more questions to add to her ever-growing list. “Is this a bad time?”
“No, no no please.” Phil moved aside, holding the door open. “It’s been quite a while.”
Flower walked inside, her heart dropping in her chest seeing materials scattered all over the floor, chests busted and broken. The walls and floor were littered with axe and sword marks. They really weren’t kidding. She remembered only a few weeks ago Phil finally was fully moved in - he’d organized the chests to his satisfaction and somehow lugged his bed up to the second floor. It was pristine. Did… did they really-? “Phil… Phil, what…?”
“Sorry for the mess, everytime I think I’ve gathered it all I find more material in a corner somewhere.” He shrugged, moving toward the furnace and grabbing a kettle from the chest. A lump formed in her throat when she noticed the bulky and seemingly heavy ankle bracelet on his right foot. The blinking red light taunted her. “Can I get you some coffee, tea…?”
After what felt like forever, she found her voice again. “Some tea would be great.”
“Of course. Make yourself at home, I’ll be right over.”
“Right. Thanks.” As she moved to go sit, she’d been so distracted she hadn’t noticed a blue-wooled sheep sniffing around her basket. It looked up at her with big brown pleading puppy-dog eyes, and she couldn’t help herself from smiling at the creature, even to relieve her worries for just a moment. “Excuse me, little guy, but what exactly do you think you’re doing in there?”
“Ah, I see you’ve found Friend.”
“Ghostbur’s pet.” Ghostbur? She hadn’t heard of him since he got shipped out with Tommy after the exile. He was... back in L’manburg? The teenager turned to the winged creature.
“Phil, you’re sheepsitting?” She smirked slightly, hand combing through Friend’s soft fur.
Philza chuckled, turning briefly to face his friend. “It wasn’t exactly as if I had much of a choice. He didn’t trust anyone else.”
“That’s… kinda cute, though.” she admitted, moving to sit and put her basket upon the table. “You know, in a Ghostbur kind of way.” She shrugged.
“He’s been visiting a lot more lately. I gotta admit, it’s nice to have the company.” Phil carefully picked up the two mugs, bringing them over and setting them down on the table to cool.
“Sorry about that, I really should’ve told you-”
“Flower, it’s okay. You don’t have to look after me. I know you’ve got things going on.” Flower couldn’t understand how Phil kept smiling, throughout all this. How he kept his voice even. Why wasn’t he mad, no, furious with her?! She was the one who tried to protect him! She was the one who couldn’t fight back. She was the one who failed.
It’s… it’s okay..? It’s okay?!
“But this… your house, you… you have a fucking ankle monitor, Phil! That’s NOT okay.” Flower raised her voice. “You didn’t do anything!”
Phil winced at her outburst, looking down at the steam rising up from his mug. “I... didn’t tell them where Technoblade was.” He breathed. Flower deflated, looking over toward her friend, eyebrows furrowed. “That’s why. They demanded to know where he was so they could kill him, and I wouldn’t tell them. Not like it mattered, they found the compass he gave me anyway.”
“This isn’t like them, any of them,” Flower added, breaking the brief moment of silence. “I don’t... agree with what Techno did, but… going after him, organizing a witch hunt… Tubbo said he promised we’d get peace. No more fighting, not after the 16th.” Tears welled up at the edges of the teen’s eyes. “This isn’t, this wasn’t like him. They were never this violent, Ranboo would never hurt a fucking fly, I…”
“People change. Sometimes it’s… it’s just not for the better.”
“But I know them, they’re my friends…” She took a deep breath. Friends. Yeah, the same friends who won’t talk to you anymore. “This doesn’t make any sense, they wouldn’t… they wouldn’t…”
They wouldn’t kill me on purpose.
“I told you, get out of the fucking way!”
“No! I won’t let you hurt him! If you’re gonna kill him you’ll have to kill me first!”
“We don’t want to hurt you, Flower.”
“Guys, can we just… uh… talk about-?”
“Back off, Ranboo.” Quackity warned.
“Flower, please. Please, just step aside. You don’t know what’s going on here, you don’t know what he’s hiding!”
“Yeah, you’re right, Tubbo. I don’t have a clue about what Phil knows. But I know netherite has never mixed well with a simple conversation, has it?”
“We’re not gonna hurt Gramps-”
“Then drop the weapons.”
“You don’t wanna hurt me? You wanna talk to him? Drop the weapons now.” Her eyes narrowed. “That means you, Quackity.”
Something darkened in his eyes, anger flared from a place Flower never knew existed. His eyes narrowed. “I don’t take orders from you. MOVE!”
“Make me.”
It was so quick. A second of pure pain. A whimper escaped her lips. She felt the blade slice through her body, the blood well up on her throat as she choked. For that one second, she looked at them. Her friends.
Tubbo merely looked at the ground, eyes shut.
He didn’t care.
Phil looked over at her, squeezing her arm in a bit of comfort. “Are you… are you okay, Flower?”
The scar across her chest throbbed in pain at the memory, her eyes wide and a knot in her throat as tears fell down her cheeks. “I… P-Phil...” She sobbed, tea long forgotten as she curled in on herself.
“Oh, mate…” Phil’s warm gaze turned to sympathy as he moved over toward her, wrapping her in a tight hug pulling her to the floor. The teenager sobbed, heartbroken. Tears pricked at the edges of the winged creature’s eyes. “I know… I’m… I know…”
“He didn’t even look at me Phil… they killed me and he…” She sobbed. “He…” Phil’s hands laced through her hair, his wings moved slightly to wrap around her as well, like a soft, warm blanket. Protection. Protection the Angel of Death couldn’t give her then, but he swore he would now. They sat there for hours, surrounded by destruction and hurt, their only real comfort being each other.
General Writing Taglist (Let me know if you'd like to be added/removed!):
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woodandwhatnot · 7 years
Enjoy 👋🏼 #hellofriends ! #feedingthebeasts #hungrybeast #sheepsitting #keenasacucumber #alwayslikethis #lifebythecoast #thehouseontheedge #northdevonspam #summerindevon #cantgetenough
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woodandwhatnot · 7 years
Feeding the fantastic beasts ✨ #northdevonspam #babythegiantsheep #lifebythecoast #sheepsitting #toofattobesohungry #eager #hungry #eatsomegrass
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