#shea coulee came too slay
youreonyourown-kid · 4 years
I always watch the new episode a day late so i get spoiler, people were saying this episode was terrible so I had low expectations and actually enjoyed it lol 
this challenge was weird, especially cause it was a lot like the club episode in as4 and i thought most people hated that episode? 
ngl i love cracker and alexis clashes and i think it shows alot about how early season girls played the game vs later season girls
like honestly im not playing any of this “villian” business and just appreciate the good tv we are getting and u should 2
im still mad at how the show/fans treated vixen so i refuse to buy what other people sell as a villain, and try to support those girls extra hard.
Also i love Shea standing up for cracker. 
ANYwho yeah the challenge itself was actually pretty dull
i dont get how blair and mayham had the best thing but juju won? WHat?
Im glad Mayham did well this episode tho, i do like her I just feel like she finally has a spot and she didnt the first couple eps
I knew ru is a huge fan of golden girls, so i thought that would be a great idea, but it was lacking any energy..
Okay i love shea but honestly i did think she did so bad in the challenge. Maybe just cause I have such high expectations??
THE LOOK THO I feel like it didnt get enough respect i was hypnotized. Like it’s burned in my minds eye. And I feel like her expressions worked so well with that make up.  
I really hope alexis wins a challenge soon. SHe’s so good and I worry about fans turning on her (choosing shea’s lipstick, conflict with cracker. I love her for these things but..)
NGL sometimes when I listen to Bob and Monet’s podcast (sibling rivalry go listen if you havent) I always find myself more in love with Bob, and Monet I still love but do think of her as more of the little sister lol.
I just love her. And her and craker running up to eachother and hugging made me so happy. 
I’m gunna miss Mariah, she is such an amazing Queen. 
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Rupaul’s Drag Race Season 10 Power Rankings - Ep. 8, (Cher) The Unauthorized Rusical
Fair warning, my brains are still scrambled from last week. This show is going crazy! It’s chaos! It’s so unpredictable! I don’t know what to think anymore. I feel like I just need to...snap out of it!
Actually, with the exception of Kameron winning, I found this episode to be pretty predictable. This episode was pretty much just filler so we could get rid of the Vixen, and we did. Huzzah!
7. The Vixen Ding dong the bitch is dead. This elimination was written on the wall and was only delayed by a week because Monique bombed so hard last week. It didn’t matter what anyone else did this week or who was going up against her because NO ONE survives a 3rd lipsync in a row. Ru seemed like she was itching to get rid of her. Before, I thought there was an outside chance the Vixen could’ve made it to the end, but she couldn’t decide if she wanted to be an evil villain or a whiny victim, and she just came off as volatile and childish. Her rage wasn’t focused, and her drag needs a ton of polish. Obviously, the season’s gonna be a lot more relaxed from here on out. No one’s gonna have to walk on eggshells anymore. There will probably not be any fights going forward, but I’m fine with it. We got enough this season, I think. Thank you Vixen for bringing chaos back to the show and Untucked. We loved to hate you. RIP.
6. Asia O’Hara Asia has been going up and down throughout the season, so it’s hard to know where she stands. After performing pretty poorly 2 weeks in a row, I have no other choice but to put her low. I’m not sure if she’s going home NEXT, but she’s in a really rocky spot right now. Her Beyoncé was bad. Her Cher was bad, and the next challenge is just acting, but she might squeeze through. In the only challenge she won, she got by on silly faces and ugly makeup, not great acting, so I’m a little nervous. After looking back through their track records, I may have overrated Asia a little bit before. Even though she has one win and some great moments throughout the season, she’s the only one who has been consistently low the last couple weeks, which is a bad omen for next week. I’ma be bummed if she goes next, but it’ll pale in comparison to the shock of the Snatch Game episode. Only the Twist will top that.
5. Kameron Michaels I didn’t expect Kameron to ever get a challenge win, but I didn’t expect Aquaria to win Snatch Game either. Next week is acting, which isn’t Kameron’s strong suit, so I refuse to put Kameron any higher despite winning this week. I initially would have put Cracker below Kameron, but Cracks is a good actor and Kameron isn’t (maybe knowing what the next challenge is would be considered cheating for the purposes of writing power rankings but fuck you I do what I want). I actually think the win for this Cher challenge should’ve gone to Cracker and not Kameron. Even though KM has a surprisingly good voice, Cracker was funnier, had harder choreo, and a MUCH better runway look. Kameron’s look was kinda basic. On the other hand, Kameron is finally finally getting some interesting narrative. I actually do kinda like the bitch. She’s thoughtful, reserved, and seems genuinely kind and humble. It’s actually really interesting to see a queen this quiet go this far, and it’s refreshing to have someone there who isn’t such a loudmouth. I feel for Kameron, and I’ve come around on her for the most part since the season began, but I still don’t think she’s gonna go to the end.
4. Miz Cracker Cracker always gets so close, but never quite nabs the win. I don’t really agree at all with the judges’ negative critiques about her this week. Breanna slayed. There’s always next week! It’s weird how Cracker and Aquaria have had this role reversal since episode 1. I think when the season began, most people were gunning for Cracker over Aquaria, but now it seems like Aquawoman is a true fan favorite and Cracker is getting kinda written out. Shit’s nutty. I’m still crossing my fingers for my girl. I think she deserves top 4, but maybe not top 3. She hasn’t won a challenge and is rarely in the top, even in comedy challenges. I dunno. It’s unfortunate but I don’t see her winning after all.
3. Monet X Change Another strong week for Monet! Cool. There’s still a few episodes left and no stupid Twist yet, so I GUESS something crazy could happen, but if things go as they should, she’ll likely be in the top 3 next to Aquaria and Eureka. I think that’s a pretty nice looking top 3. It would have been more interesting to have seen Monique up there instead, but I’ll take what I can get. The top 3 should be diverse but strong all around, and I think Monet has that......well except for her looks. Monet X Change has to have the absolute worst looks out of everyone this season. Her outfit this week was REAL bad, but her Cher was real good, and she’ll probably be fine next week.
2. Aquaria Can someone actually explain to me what Aquaria did to her eyes? That shit was incredible. THAT’S commitment. In the looks department, I’d put Aquaria up into the highest echelons next to Raja and Violet Chachki, the most fashionable queens of all. I’ve never seen a queen with such an artistic eye before. It blows my mind. She may have been “low” this week, but she made it through this, one of the harder challenges, and I can’t envision any possible ending that doesn’t have her in the top 3. You know she’s gonna murder the finale looks, too.
Check out this video. Things like this look are why she’s a frontrunner: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WESAj_lQHPs
1. Eureka That dress made me scream. It was EPIC. This’ll probably be the closest she comes to the bottom for the rest of the season. It really doesn’t matter what Eureka does from here on out. Even when she stumbles, she still gets more and more backstory. Every thing not to like about Eureka comes with a good story behind it. I dunno if she’s polarizing or not; most people I’ve talked to have said she’s among their favorites, or they at least recognize she’s going to the end. It’s obvious. I don’t have much else to say about her. I’m just gushing over that  fucking gown.
Some other misc. notes: - Black queens are gonna get judged more harshly in a Cher challenge. - No one did that great (at least in the judges’ eyes) so Kameron won by default. - Assigned roles are bullshit. Asia shoulda gotten to pick who did what since she won the mini challenge.
If the Twist isn’t next episode, I’ma be EXTREMELY nervous beyond that. I know some stupid bullshit fuckery is on the horizon. I feel it in my bones. I think the only one -truly- safe no matter what happens is Eureka. What I fear most is a stupid lipsync tournament. Shea Coulee and Trinity Taylor were robbed. I want this to be a good, fair battle between the top THREE queens. Season 9 had a top 4 finale. That’s a THIRD of the contestants in the finale. Shit’s stupid. Narrow it down so I can really gun for one of em.
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zettainya · 7 years
Slay 🔪Coulee, Look 👀 at the edges 📐 I snatched today ⬇️ I see you 👈🏿watching 😳 how I sashay 💃🏽Them other girls 👭 best Get outta 🙅🏿 my way 🚌 Cause I want 🙋🏿, I get it 💆🏿And came 💦up here 🔝and did it ✔️And girl, I’m ready 😤 to show 👯them How these bitches 🐶, I own them ™, Got that 💅🏿? Supermodel switch 🎮, Ms. Coulee 👩🏿 She a real, real bad bitch 🐩- uh Let me rock ☄️ this mic 🎤 Leave them in my dust 💨 like Tina 🏃🏿‍♀️ did Ike 🙇🏿 I’m sickening no? 💁🏿 And real fierce 🔥 too Chicago 🌭 in the house 🏠 , girl, Whatcha gonna do 🙌🏿? About to shut it down ❌ Come on, Mama Ru 🤰🏿Bring the queen 👸🏿 her crown 👑 I approve 👌🏿 this message 📝, And all I’m gonna say 🗣, Is I’m Shea Coulee 👄 and I always 😏…
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sheacou1ee-blog · 7 years
psychic: I am now going to access the inner workings of your mind
my mind: Slay 🔪Coulee, Look 👀 at the edges 📐 I snatched today ⬇️ I see you 👈🏿watching 😳 how I sashay 💃🏽Them other girls 👭 best Get outta 🙅🏿 my way 🚌 Cause I want 🙋🏿, I get it 💆🏿And came 💦up here 🔝and did it ✔️And girl, I’m ready 😤 to show 👯them How these bitches 🐶, I own them ™, Got that 💅🏿? Supermodel switch 🎮, Ms. Coulee 👩🏿 She a real, real bad bitch 🐩- uh Let me rock ☄️ this mic 🎤 Leave them in my dust 💨 like Tina 🏃🏿‍♀️ did Ike 🙇🏿 I’m sickening no? 💁🏿 And real fierce 🔥 too Chicago 🌭 in the house 🏠 , girl, Whatcha gonna do 🙌🏿? About to shut it down ❌ Come on, Mama Ru 🤰🏿Bring the queen 👸🏿 her crown 👑 I approve 👌🏿 this message 📝, And all I’m gonna say 🗣, Is I’m Shea Coulee 👄 and I always 😏…
psychic: okay what the fuck
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ashenwaste · 7 years
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RuPaul's Drag Race Season 9 Episode 5:
AJA: I really, really like Aja, she’s super cute and got a lil ratchet to her.
 ALEXIS MICHELLE: Bitch. What was her logic assigning the roles, trying to weaken her competition? Classless.. trash… Her conceit is unbearable. There’s a likeable way to be cunt and she is not it.. GO HOME already
 CYNTHIA LEE FONTAINE: The less she says CuCu the more endearing she is. She should of went home tonight.
 EUREKA: Has her bad days, has her good days, this was a good day. I’m glad she finally came around to giving a sincere apology… So sad to see her go, she was a talent, and although she would speak out of hand often, i did enjoy what she brought to the show. May season 10 be her year.
 FARRAH MOAN: Adorable.. still fading away compared to everyone else, she’s still my fishy fave though. Such a sweetheart when she broke down into tears for Eureka, i cried too.
 NINA BO’NINA BROWN: I wish she got to be Blac Chyna, but she shouldn’t spent the whole challenge letting that get to her.
 PEPPERMINT: Still not getting a lot of camera time, but her one liners are fantastic. Can Peppermint be my auntie??
 SASHA VELOUR: She is so smart, wise beyond her years, i’m glad she’s able to share her story to uplift others.
SHEA COULEE: SLAY BITCH SLAY! Clear front runner, she said it in her MTQs there’s nothing she can’t do.
TRINITY TAYLOR: Faded in background, definitely a safe week for her, but i love her.
VALENTINA: She is so cute i love how invested she was with her Kardashian 101 lesson. My poor angel, please eat every day of your life, you’re beautiful, you’re perfect, you’re my fave, and i’m rooting for you.
OKAY! So here are my elimination order Predictions. Top 3: Valentina , Sasha Velour, Shea Coulee
4- Trinity Taylor
5- Nina Bonina Brown
6- Aja
7- Peppermint
8- Alexis Michelle
9-Farrah Moan
10- Cynthia
11- Eureka
12- Charlie Hides 
13- Kimora blac (correct)
14- Jaymes Mansfields (correct)
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abhordelano · 7 years
thoughts about tonights episode (the kardashian musical):
First of all, I’m going to say my predictions for the episode before it aired. I thought that Alexis, Cynthia, or Peppermint were either going to win or be top 3 because it was a musical (I didn't know it was a lip sync at first), and I figured Eureka would go home (or Farrah if she has to lip sync)
Wow I could tell Eureka was going home the moment they started talking about her injury because I remember reading a rumor on Reddit that someone leaves because of an injury (gagged because we all thought it was gonna be Charlie.......yall got me there bitch!). 
Also when she apologized to Val and Sasha: to me, I think the producers wanted Eureka to do that, but I hope she comes forward and says that she really meant it. But to me, that scene/edit made me think that the producers wanted her to tie up lose ends so that she could leave the show without being hated by the fanbase (its good that they're doing that though, btw)
Wow that musical concept was.........a Choice. However, even though the kardashians are the least talented ppl in showbiz right now, I honestly appreciate the campiness of the musical, like they kept it relatively on brand for the show and the clan, I think (I dont watch KUWTK, so i can't verify that for sure)
I thought Peppermint, Sasha, and Trinity were all kind of forgettable in the performance for me. Like they were just kinda meant to be thrown into the background for this episode in general (which I guess could be understandable because they were at the foreground of the previous challenge). I wonder if this is also because of the show’s structure (I can't make any valid suggestions on how to improve this, because theres a matter of time constraints both in filming and in airtime that I bet were very hard to navigate for the writers)
I’m happy Peppermint was in the top this episode, but now I’m worried that some of her basic fashion choices will cost her the chance at going even further in the competition. I’m certain that she will win at least one challenge, and that maybe she’ll turn out at least one lip sync before she goes.
Speaking of forgettable performances, I completely forgot about everyone when miss Shea Coulee came on as Blac Chyna and totally STOLE. THE SHOW. Bottom line, cut and dry, she killed it! I can see why Nina was so bitter about not being able to play that part.
The runway.....im still a little salty that they're cutting these runways short, but bless Logo for running the full runway reel on their website (I hope they do that for the rest of these shorter runway presentations). I wasn't totally impressed with the looks this runway, I think the only standouts in my opinions were Shea, Nina, and Sasha. The concept was cute though, I hope PETA is screaming ferociously somewhere in the distance.
I could’ve sworn Alexis was gonna be the clear winner, because of how spot-on her soccer mom Kris Jenner was (though I'm not gagging over “mom-ager”, I think Alexis is gonna try way too hard to make bad catchphrases happen #SubwayFish?). However, as soon as Michelle read her for having a basic ass outfit, I done knew that she was gonna be just safe (omg thats 5 episodes straight of being just safe, girl.....)
miss Shea (Slay) Coulee already won 2 challenges just before Snatch Game, I think that means she's pretty much guaranteed to be in the top 3 (though in my opinion, this means she's already gonna win the damn competition)! I really hope the producers dont fuck with her edit before the finale, but I wouldnt take it upon them to do so in order to make us think that someone else has a shot at winning.
Not surprised at who's on the bottom here (they're all bottoms). Cynthia didnt know the words and Farrah was boring and lacking in personality (though, in my opinion, she deserves credit for being very well in character....)
That lip sync......was not great, but I really believe that it was better than the editing made it out to be. If the camera work had maybe shown more of each queen getting into some of their best choreography and face-serving, it might have looked better to us (the viewers).
I was kind of shook when a producer went up to Ru and then Ru got up and came back. Thats when I knew that something was fucked up....my first thought was that someone was disqualified again, but then I remembered that Eureka was on crutches the whole episode, and I kind of knew that Ru was gonna send her home for it...
Im glad that they let Eureka down easy with this elimination, and Im sure her image is gonna be better off than it was the previous episode, but in all honestly I’m not gonna be super psyched to see her on Season 10. I mean, I’m not gonna object, but I’m just not sure thats gonna go well (hopefully, I’m wrong though, I love it when the show proves me wrong!)
I’m really excited for Snatch Game next week!!
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Rupaul: “Category is....”
Shea Coulee:  ”Slay Coulee, Look at the edges I snatched today I see you watching how I sashay Them other girls, best get outta my way Cause I want, I get it And came up here and did it And girl, I'm ready to show them How these bitches, I own them, got that? Supermodel switch, Ms. Coulee She a real, real bad bitch-uh Let me rock this mic Leave them in my dust like Tina did Ike I'm sickening no? And real fierce too Chicago in the house, girl, Whatcha gonna do? About to shut it down Come on, Mama Ru Bring the queen her crown I approve this message, And all I'm gonna say, Is I'm Shea Coulee and I always...”
Rupaul: “Bring it to the runway...”
I know everyone has their favorites but if you put that to the side you have to admit that this is Shea Coulee’s Crown...she deserves it more than the others and even though trinity is a very close second...it should still go to Shea..but im not holding ,y breath because Alaska deserved to win Season 5 but its was given to Jinx so...you never know..
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kidswithhats · 7 years
rupauls drag race s9e08 thoughts
why is this so much earlier than usual??? becauuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuse im procrastinating doing my russian work for the day soooooooooooooooooooooo
alexis michelle: i dont know if it just wasnt as easy to clock irl as it was through the tv screen, but WHAT was happening with miss michelles titties??? im not sure it if was supposed to be a bra illusion or it was a straight up bra and im just inadequate, but the insert or breast plate or whatever it was a very different shade of green than the rest of her? hennyway, i laughed at some of her jokes even tho i know they were bad LMAO she deserved bottom two, tho, i def agree. she had a great lip sync tho! not peppermint, but shes a goddess among men SO (but when she asked tamar if she watched the show i was WHEEZING)
farrah moan: i knew she was gonna go home after her first joke lmao she is not a scripted comedy queen and hats okay! just not right then, uno? im disappointed that her gimmick was showing her tuck while alexis was playing all sort of appalachian orchestra and doing splits and then in untucked she was like dolly is my BITCH im gonna SLAY this, BUT THATS BESIDE THE POINT, rip my first fav to go, besos!!
nina bonina brown: i liked it! it was a teeny bit of a rip off of that thing coco did where she had a character (i think it was a friend from back home) do the jokes so she could do characcter comedy, but WHATEVER i liked it, even if she drew on glasses instead of wearing them.
peppermint: SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYY so glad she finally has a win!!! icon, she told them ALL about themselves and looked HIGH CLASS HWEALTH while doing so
sasha velour: cute! i liked her outfit, too! wouldve been happy with her winning
shea coulee: AN ICON she is really on track to bob this season and make it to the end without ever being low or in the bottom. part of me wanted her to win, but another part of me wanted peppermint to win so she could have a win
trinity taylor: remember how i asid she wasnt as funny as yall thought? *gif of janet jackson eating an orange slice* it was just... flat, uno? idk, i was bored
valentina: it was nice! she looked pretty as usual and her routine wasnt bad either! hopefully she steps it up, tho, bc she and shea are almost guaranteed top 3 seats if they keep it up or even improve.
HONESTLY i really liked that fortune feimster was a guest lololololololol i know shes not a very well known comedian, but ive known about her for a few years and have always been a fan. UM tamar was interesting, i guess? i feel like they shouldve gotten another comedian bc she seemed a bit taken aback by some of the roasts lol. UM allow me to show my ass a bit and talk about the whole alexis michelle body image thing. SO first of all, alexis is histrionic, like its just how it is, its always SOMETHING (recall the untucked outfit bit, pls) which is FINE im not mad about it, but it wasnt so much that she felt insecure that i think put a lot of people off (which is like not ridiculous, jokes can hurt whether or not theyre intended to) but the fact that she was so shitty about it like??? its a fucking reading challenge and youre built like a linebacker like PLS and then she was like i was just upset about the lack of creativity like NAH you were butthurt AND you came for sheas teeth, which is probably something she dealt with when she was younger and maybe even now. (to be clear, im not really taking a moral ground on making jokes about others bodies and/or being offended, just that her anger about it was annoying) if i may show even MORE of my ass, tho, the fan reaction to this has been exactly what i expected where the same young, thin, pretty queens who were upset about eureka’s comment (and defensibly so) are being protected while older, bigger queens are left out to dry. thats all, tho.
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