#she's the epitome of >:3c rn
lollyholly99 · 6 years
melted gummy but like not sticky
and yeah she tastes like it too
what flavour? varies
peppy :>
adopted by 2 gays who, in raising her, gave her her traits of ‘smart’ and ‘takes no shit’ in a backstory that I made bc of me joking abt making an ishimondo lovechild
in a less murdery universe? Gifted Kid Syndrome
speedruns professor layton games sometimes
“I am the Airi I speak for the bees”
flits wildly between “I could eat an entire bucket of honey rn” and “I can’t stand honey blugh”
I think I’ve mentioned it but she keeps 1 bee with her in her suit since he’s a smart boi and they’re best friends
his name changes every time she talks to anyone abt him
has never seen bee movie despite what folks might think
gentle precious boy
never fit into regular clothes when he started gettin real tall so his mum started making his clothes
then he learned from her and honed his skills to be. the best
he’s naive but he ain’t no babby and would like to not be treated as such
silently judging your clothing choices but like in a nice way
her dad taught her how to aim and made her the girl she is today but that don’t mean she much cared for him or agreed with him when he was alive
adopted her Aesthetic to overcompensate for people’s initial impressions of her being the ultimate marksman
has no impulse control over her mouth like if she thinks it she can and will say it
look at me about to call my boy out over his cool dude facade
the shades he wears are a lie he’s not cool
he’s only able to act that way bc the shades put a major damper on his anxiety
he’s a stuttering shaky mess talking to anyone face to face without em
the beanie and scarf are extra precautions so he can hide away
he like. really wants Mayu to act in one of his films
“yes I’m known for my critically acclaimed movies. yes Pixar’s Cars 2 is among my favourite movies. what of it”
tiny and takes advantage of that
doesn’t need to be big to frighten folks w/ his death talk
keeps his mask and gloves with him so he’s ready for dead bodies at any moment
2nd youngest of her numerous siblings
realised she was good at acting at some point and started doing it seriously so she could get the attention she wanted from her family
the epitome of celebrities going on talk shows or w/e and being Oh So Awkward And Quirky And Nerdy
she’s not nearly as shy as she makes herself out to be I’ll spoil that
Inferiority Complex
tsundere but like. in a friendship way
adores Umeko tho she’d never push her away
if only she thought her own talent was as cool as her sister’s or even anyone else’s :)))
she’s the one who thought to get her and Umeko the matching hairclips but she won’t admit it
and she won’t admit to knitting gifts for her friends by her own free will either
“I had some excess wool left over that I had to get rid of and I guessed no-one else would want this so here take it”
immune to non-talent-related insults
he’s a big A-Ha reference like Nirvana to Sonia Nevermind adsdffhj
Morten --> Morten Harket, Lycantear --> Cry Wolf, Hunhalow --> Hunting High And Low
speaking of Sonia he can’t stand the girl
the relationship between their kingdoms is. tense.
isn’t fond of the idea that he’s like. following after her in going to HPA
wants to be a good role model to his little siblings and also his people
ultimate mathematician too but keeps his comedian title as the public one
thinks that comedy can be calculated and that’s the basis on which he writes his shows
keeps going out of sheer spite
he feels like giving up sometimes but then he gets a comment on one of his social media pages that’s like “your jokes suck kys” and decides uhh no thanks
V different on stage compared to irl
he got low self esteem bc his friends ignored tf out of him all through his life so he just kinda took from that that he doesn’t matter :))))))
disaster gay
as in ‘please send help i want to smooch everyone i meet’
can guess your kinks from a mile away
I can’t believe I accidentally stole Gwenpool’s hair for him ;;;;;
trash baby
maybe her charms work? maybe they don’t? even she doesn’t know but she’s not gonna say that
fate does seem to be in her favour tho
sleep? what’s that
sexual orientation: “me”
has an Illness
who knows what it is
what we do know is pls don’t take his mask off or he will Die in like a minute
has never not skated anywhere
official title is ultimate figure skater but pls he does any and every kind of skating be it ice, roller, skateboarding, w/e
do Not bring up certain figure skating anime around him. for your own sake
works at the family bakery
makes some tastey cakes
and rly likes decoratin em
big sweetie but. he got a super short temper
likes his clothes comfy
rowdy gal
can’t help rushing into anything and everything and continually gets herself (physically) hurt over it
sunshine baby
lovs Momoko with all her heart
teases her sister over her sour attitude whenever she can
outs her “left over wool” lie every single time “nope she wanted to make something nice for you because she cares abt you!!!
how,,, do those glasses stay intact
Lovs human culture
wait what do you mean there’s more than one
they love humans’ ideas of what aliens might be like wow! haha! that’s what i am! but it’s completely wrong! wow cool!
buys any alien related merch they see
upon being questioned abt gender they don’t understand??? there ain’t no gender in space
but they do some research and they like the idea of girls so they lean into that
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