#she's talking to masked spidey right?
jaylver · 6 months
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synopsis: Falling for your best friend wasn't on your check list for high school. As if that wasn't enough to break your heart, his odd behaviour only added fuel to the fire along with a new crush of his. Who knew that odd behaviour would soon turn into a secret truth that you'd discover after his valiant effort of hiding.
pairings: spiderman!jake x afab!reader
genre: best friends to lovers, unrequited love, miscommunications, spiderman au, angst, romance, fluff
warning(s): profanities, mentions of alcohol, party, violence, injury
wc: 10k
a/n: tried something new! a little birthday gift from me <3 please leave a feedback and reblogs are greatly appreciated! muah xx
masterlist | © jaylver all rights reserved.
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Falling in love with your guy best friend was probably the worst thing ever to experience when it came to girlhood.
High school should be fun, right? Being a teenager should be fun, right? Well, that wasn't exactly the case when you found yourself feeling more than just a mere liking towards Jake Sim, the guy best friend you mentioned and was entirely, love sickeningly, in love with. 
Jake Sim was the first guy you actually built a solid friendship with. It first started when he sat beside you in calculus, then you realised you had more classes with him and a friendship eventually developed when you started acknowledging each other. One class together soon turned into years spent with one another. You knew his family and he knew yours. Nothing could ever break the bond between you and him.
You just couldn't help but notice a slight change in him after the death of his uncle, Ben. At first, you figured it might've been grief, trying your best to offer your utmost support. But as months flew by, the oddness persisted. He would disappear in between classes, sometimes standing you up at places you were at together and returning a little scathed, making it up to you by promising for a redo hang out. All of that was weird. Let's not get started on the fact he caught your stuff falling way too many times, even when his head was faced away, his hand would reach out first. In his words, he called it his 'spidey sense', whatever that meant.
However, you never doubted him. He was still the best friend you had, even if he had some tweaks to him. You never once questioned him or brought up your suspicions, but this time, you couldn't help yourself from bombarding him with questions when he broke the news to you.
"I think I have a crush," Jake announced the moment he was in your presence, sounding a little out of breath considering he made a run to the cafeteria. The tray of food was untouched, quite unlike him since he always dug into his food first.
"You 'think'?" You hummed, ignoring the mixed feelings you had blaring loudly. 
"Okay, I know I have a crush," he has yet to start eating, just staring expectantly at you, eyebrows furrowed at the nonchalant and dismissiveness in your tone. 
"You're being for real?" You finally turned your head to meet his eyes, placing your fork down. 
"I am! I think it's kinda crazy," his eyes twinkled, something quite rare but only you knew, like a comet in the sky. 
"Who is it?"
"Gwen? Gwen Stacy?" You swallowed back a frown that was itching to make its way to your lips, masking it with your best shot of shock instead of disappointment. Of course it was the golden girl, what a cliche plot.
He nodded, a small smile rested on his face as he started digging into his food. "We … talked? Talked about some science things, about Oscorp, about the things she's working on. Oh yeah, she said there's this party on Saturday and wondered if I wanted to go, I said I wanted to bring a friend and she's cool with it,"
"I assume I'm that friend, then?" You poked at your food, suddenly losing your appetite as the conversation progressed.
"No, it's Carlos—of course it's you, dumbass," he flicked at your forehead, earning a firm scowl from you. "You're my best friend, my only ever, I'd be insane to think otherwise,"
You chewed at your lips, not because you were contemplating whether you should or shouldn't go, but it was mainly due to the word 'best friend' that got your attention. There goes your hope down the drain. First, being told your best friend who you have a crush on already has his eyes on someone else, then, getting friendzoned by that same exact guy, all in one shot. It's brutal out here.
"So what do you say?" Jake's voice broke the momentary silence, noticing your dazed expression. You snapped out of it almost immediately.
"I'll go,"
"Do you want me to say no instead …?" You raised an eyebrow, watching him scrambling at your words.
"N–no! I'm just shocked and very glad you agreed to come," he managed a laugh, which turned into a smile. 
"Am I going to get ditched that night because you want to get your dick wet?"
Jake scrunched his face up in a look of disgust. "Can you not? I don't need you to say that. And no, I'm not going to ditch you,"
"I'm holding you to it."
Jake shot you a wink, earning a figuratively loud eye roll from you. His laughter filled your ears, and though you managed a smile, you found yourself feeling the opposite internally. You knew you shouldn't feel this way, it's not like you were even in a relationship with him in the first place. But God, why did it hurt so bad?
Who told you friends to lovers was cool when it was unrequited and one sided all along.
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"You know, you look good either way,"
Jake Sim was sitting on the edge of your bed watching you put on makeup and getting ready. It was a few hours before the party and Jake had turned up looking nervous, wearing that lucky graphic tee of his that you recognised quickly. Your teasing definitely didn't make him smile, and you soon realised that the crush he had was actually serious.
You glanced at him, raising an eyebrow despite feeling the giddiness from the effects of his nonchalant words. He has to stop that. "Are you trying to butter me up to get me to move quicker?"
"Whaaat? No way. You genuinely look good whether or not you have makeup on, seriously," he was genuine, you could tell, but you knew him better than anything. It was quite a fatal flaw.
"Give me ten minutes to finish the other eye then we can leave."
At that, Jake sighed in relief and fell back onto your bed, kicking his legs patiently. He couldn't stop talking about the party and the people who'd be there, but honestly, you could tell he was just trying to not bring up Gwen at any given moment. Knowing that, you wished the mascara wand would just poke into your eye, maybe it'd hurt less compared to how your heart felt.
"Does my shirt look lame—"
"Dude, shut up," just before you and Jake entered the house, he was asking for another reassurance. First, it was his hair, then his shoes, and every other piece of clothing, leaving his shirt for last. It took everything in you to not punch him along the way there. "I swear, no one will care. If anything, isn't that your lucky shirt?"
"It is my lucky shirt. But whether or not that lucky shirt looks good, that's the case," he glanced down at his graphic shirt, a picture of a rock band from the 2000s staring back at him.
"Trust me, if it's ugly, I would've asked you to change, now shut up and get your ass in there before I leave you here," you huffed and continued walking, hearing him mutter something before catching up with you. 
Upon entering the house, you figured it was as underwhelming as you expected. The smell of sweat and flavoured smoke filled the air, high school students lingered around as the music blasted. You should've probably stayed home.
"So, you got your pick up lines ready?" You thrusted a cup of fruit punch into his hands, tilting your head in question. 
Jake rolled his eyes. "I'm afraid Google has failed me on that one," he looked around the room, shoulders tense.
"Calm down, big guy. You're acting like you're being hunted down. She's not that scary," you patted his shoulders as he took a swig out of his cup.
"Not scary? Says the one without a crush,"
How ironic.
You brushed it off, finding yourself taking a big gulp as well. He was oblivious and you were just stupid. Stupidly in love with your best friend who has his eyes set on another girl. Perfect.
"I think I see her," you followed his line of sight, spotting a blonde in the midst of the crowd almost immediately. She made her way through, parting the mass with a certain grace to her aura. 
Jake looked back at you, a mix of conflict written in his features. You read him well, too well. You offered a smile. "Go, go talk to her. Just text me when you're leaving, okay? You said you're not going to ditch me,"
"I won't," he laughed, but there was a certainty in his tone. 
"Then go, what are you waiting for? I'm expecting a whole loads of information by the end of the night," you gave him a slight push, but you could see the small reluctance he had. "Go!" Off he went into the crowds and gravitated towards her. 
You couldn't bear to witness it all, watching him leaning down as she laughed into his ear. The feeling of bitter jealously coursed through your veins, it was evil, so evil, but you couldn't help it. At the end, you had to remind yourself, he wasn't yours in the first place. He wasn't yours to lose.
Turning your back to them, you sat alone in a stranger's kitchen and fought off the temptation of getting drunk. Instead, you indulged in the leftover pizzas left on the counter, letting a random girl join you and overshare secrets. Wallowing in self pity was probably not what you had in store for the night.
Almost as fast as you had arrived, it was already past midnight in a blink of an eye. You realised your curfew was around the corner and it was time to signal Jake to leave too. Glancing at your phone, you were surprised to see zero messages from your best friend. Weird.
You stepped out of the kitchen and into the living room, seeing a bunch of people passed out at the oddest spots, only a few still awake. One of them was surprisingly Gwen, the goody two shoes you had in mind was actually staying up past your curfew. You heaved a distressed yet exasperated sigh, walking towards her. 
"Hey, Gwen," you hoped she remembered you, considering you were in the same Chemistry class as her.
"Oh, hey. Y/N, right?" She flashed you a sweet smile, and it was painful to know how likeable and nice she was. You couldn't even bring yourself to hate her. 
"Right. Sorry for interrupting, but have you seen Jake around? The last time I saw him was with you," you unknowingly chewed on your bottom lip anxiously, taking the frown on her lips as a bad sign.
"He left," that was the least expected thing you anticipated as a response.
"He … left?" You repeated incredulously, almost as if she hadn't made it clear enough for you.
"Yeah, he suddenly said he needed to leave … in the middle of our conversation. An emergency or something. Kinda weird but kinda cute," she laughed, but you were holding back a disdainful scowl, reserved for both Jake and her, but most specifically Jake Sim. "Why? Were you with him?"
You bit back an immediate reply. As much as you wanted to say 'yes', you didn't want to blow off his chance either. "No, just … checking. He said he was coming tonight,"
"Oh, I see," 
"Yeah," you nodded rather stiffly and awkwardly. "I'll get going now, thanks,"
"See ya, Y/N. Until our next class," she gave you a salute, a melodious laugh escaping her lips.
You couldn't resist a smile either, saluting her back. There was a charm to her that affected people, it was understandable that Jake was charmed, but you hated to know that, and you did not want to understand it. For now, he was dead to you, just like how he has left you to yourself in the middle of a party at midnight. Was he Cinderella? Glad to know you weren't the only one who he pulled the disappearing act on. 
Clutching onto your jacket tight, you cursed every cuss words there were under your breath, all of which were dedicated to Jake. He had the audacity to leave without even leaving you a text, and that got you walking home in the dangerous night of New York City. Thanks a fucking lot. To say you were seething was an understatement.
You hated the streets of New York especially at night. To prove your hatred further, you just had to be at threat of an armed robbery there and then. 
"Hey! You there!" A dark figure approached from a distance, pointing at you. Oh God. "Got some money on you?" This couldn't be happening. 
"N–no," you said quietly, backing up quickly. His footsteps thundered loudly against the pavement, seemingly getting closer. 
"Don't lie, I see that purse on you,"
"I'm a broke high school student, leave me alone!" Was it sad to say that you were yelling the brutal truth to him?
"I don't care. Give me your purse—" his threat almost had you running in the opposite direction, but his sentence was never finished. Instead, a sharp unfamiliar noise shot through the silence, and a second figure in the distance appeared. That wasn't his partner, right?
Panic coursed through you, and yelling out was most likely the worst idea you had in ages. "Hello?" 
"Hello? Can I leave now?" 
"Yeah, you can," the figure walked under the lamp post, revealing himself. 
Clad in red and a mask over his head, he stepped towards you ever so casually, whereas you stood there absolutely stunned to even move. It wasn't an everyday occurance where you could personally meet the hero in flesh. The media might've painted him as some criminal, but to you and many other citizens, you knew that wasn't the truth.
"Spiderman," you greeted, anxiety lowered knowing you weren't getting robbed now. "Thanks for—that," you waved in the direction of where the man originally was.
"No worries," you noticed his voice seemed familiar, but before you could think more about it, he spoke with a sudden deeper octave. "It's—uh—not safe out here. What are you doing here anyway?"
"Well, for starters, my friend left me at a party that we were supposed to leave together without telling me, and now I'm walking home alone, until I almost got robbed," it was clear that anger and bitterness laced your voice, a deep frown etched on your face as you told Spiderman your concerns.
"Sorry," his voice became lighter, somehow sincere, which made you tilt your head in question. "I–I mean, sorry that he did that to you," he cleared his throat, straightening his spine and returning back to that deep voice. 
"I don't know what's up with him. He could've left me a text," 
He muttered something inaudible under his breath, then turned his focus back on you. "I'm sure he's very sorry, and maybe he's got a reason too. Try hearing him out,"
"I will. I always do. I'm just hurt, it's complicated," 
"What? What do you mean complicated?"
You shrugged, hugging your purse close to your chest. "It's nothing. I don't think Spiderman will be interested in my matters with my best friend. I'll leave you to your hero stuff and head home now. Thanks for saving me and the 20 dollars in my wallet,"
"Well—I—wait," before you could fully turn around and leave, his hand landed on your shoulder, stopping you in your tracks. "Let me walk you home. It's not safe,"
"Wouldn't it be weird if I turned up at my apartment lobby with Spiderman?" You crossed your arm, making quite a fair point. 
"You're right. What about I give you a swing?"
Swinging around New York City was definitely an unforgettable but scary experience. You clung onto Spiderman, screaming like a madwoman as he had his arm wrapped around your waist. The touch was as familiar as his voice, hard to put a finger on but almost feeling like you've known him for years. 
You were about to point out your apartment but he had already beat you to it, not even needing you to tell you which floor or window it was, landing on the fire escape right in front of your bedroom window. That just further proved your familiarity towards him. 
He pulled your window open, signalling you to head in, but you were stuck staring at him, both in shock from the swing and the way he knew your place. 
"How did you—"
"Bye! Goodnight!"
You watched as he avoided your question and shot a web out to swing to some other building, leaving you stunned. How were you going to recover from this?
10/10 experience. Spiderman might just be your casual crush to get away from the thoughts of Jake. 
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'BREAKING NEWS: bank robbery in downtown last night caused a chaotic and frantic disturbance, luckily, Spiderman was there to save the day and catch the robbers before anything major happened. Is he really as bad as they make him to be?'
The news of Spiderman saving a bank from a robbery right before your personal near robbery experience had you amused. The videos of him beating up the robbers and using his webs to tie them up were going viral all over the internet, even people in school were talking about it.
You were standing at your locker, digging for some textbooks before class started when Jake Sim himself appeared beside you. His presence was announced before he even spoke, but you didn't bother to spare him a glance.
"Y/N, I'm so so sorry about last night," he was heaving in breaths, as if he had ran across the school to find you, maybe he did.
"Oh, were you?" You clicked your tongue, suddenly finding the random piece of paper in your locker fascinating. 
"I am. Seriously, Y/N. I know I'm an asshole for that, I'm sorry for not texting you earlier and letting you know—"
"Jake, this isn't the first time you bailed on me," you cut him off, slamming your locker door close and turning to face him. The bruise beside his right eye caught your attention, and suddenly, your anger seemed to have sizzled away. "What the hell happened to your eye?"
It has become a common practice by now apparently. Jake disappearing and turning up with some kind of injury. Like always, he just brushed you off. "It's nothing, don't worry. It's not about me, it's about you. I fucked up this time and I know it, I'm sorry. An emergency with Aunt May came up a–and I had to go home early, I was too caught up in the moment to let you know. I'm sorry, really,"
You considered his apology for a moment. He was sincere, you knew that, but there was a certain dishonesty to his explanation. However, you didn't want to press on further either. "I understand. You probably always have a reason, it's just that I hate it when you disappear on me without telling me. I almost got robbed last night!"
It took him almost a few seconds to register, then another few more to compute a reaction. "What? Are you okay?"
"I'm standing here, aren't I? Spiderman saved my ass," 
"Yeah, Spiderman. That guy who swings around New York. He saved me from some guy that was about rob me, because someone over here decided to leave early,"
"I'm sorry, okay? I'm just glad you're alright," 
"Well, thank fuck I am," you crossed your arms, staring pointedly at Jake. 
He dug something out of his backpack, a paper bag of some sort materialized in his hand. "I got you some of your favourite cookies and donuts. As a form of apology,"
You took the bag from him, glancing between him and it. "You can't just buy your way into an apology,"
"You accepted it, you took the bag," 
You rolled your eyes, unable to bite back. "Whatever," you reached in for a cookie and started walking away from your locker, hearing Jake scurrying to join your side.
"So, we're cool?"
You took a brief glance at him, taking a bite out of your cookie. "We are,"
Jake wasn't fully convinced, however. He knew you and your patterns, and he definitely knew which tricks to pull to make it better. "How about I treat you to some Chinese food tonight?"
That piqued your interest, an eyebrow raised at his question. "The one downtown?"
"That one,"
"You sure know how to get on my good side, Sim," you nudged his side, falling into one of his tricks once again. "Too well,"
"I know my ways to get to your heart, don't underestimate me," he said in a lighthearted tone, but God, you wished he would actually find his way into your heart. "Anyway, how was—uh—Spiderman, last night? Excusing your near robbery experience," he winced at the last part, though in reality, the accident hadn't shaken you as much as he had thought.
"He was nice! A little awkward but I kinda get it. He swung me back to my place, which was weird because he knew which window and level it was," you pursed your lips in deep thought, failed to realise the widened eyes from Jake and the panic that filled them.
"M–maybe, it was a wild guess," he said shakily.
"Wild guess? Don't bullshit me, Sim. A smart guy like you would know it's hard to do so," you waved him off, continuing to venture into your theories.
"Maybe he has some kind of sixth sense," he laughed rather stiffly, earning a suspicious narrowed stare from you. 
"Okay, big head, quit acting so weird. Let's just get calculus over with and then stop by that ice cream place after school, what do you say?" 
Jake's shoulders visibly relaxed, a sense of relief overtook his features. What was that about? "Sure. My treat,"
"God, Sim, you have to stop treating me or else I'll fall in love with you," you joked, even as it came out lighthearted, it was filled with a painful truth that you kept as a secret.
"Then fall in love with me."
You froze, almost unblinking. Something so intimate yet controversial had left his lips like it was nothing. It was probably nothing to him, maybe a mere joke even, considering how he let out a small laugh and smiled at your reaction. You tried to pretend it was nothing, but it wasn't nothing, not to you. 
For a second, you wished you weren't already in love with Jake.
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Trying to be happy for your best friend shouldn't be hard, but why were you struggling with it so much?
First, you were literally in love with him. Yes, you've come to the conclusion that you 'L' word him, the big 'L'. Seeing him list out the things Gwen likes and hates reminded you of yourself knowing him equally that much too, which only pained you more than it reassured you. Second, he has been hanging out with her more. Not that you were completely friendless and have no one to hang with, but Jake was Jake, he was your best friend, and losing your best friend was the worst thing to happen. 
You didn't lose him, no, but it felt like you had. He barely made time for you, being caught up with Gwen, dates and school work, how could he not manage to squeeze you in there? You've always made time for him no matter what the occasion was, so knowing he didn't do the same for you just had you dying internally. 
It was a quiet evening in New York. The sun had just set and you were walking home from grabbing an early dinner alone. This time around, you were smarter than the previous round. Armed with pepper spray and a pocket knife, you prayed on a shooting star that an unfortunate incident would never ever happen once more. 
You were practically in your own world to even realise or hear footsteps approaching you from behind. By the time you did, your fight or flight mode was activated, almost throwing out a punch, just to freeze upon figuring out who it actually was. Spiderman.
"Walking home alone?" He kept up with your pace as you recovered from a momentary fright.
"Stalking me?" You wondered how he even spotted you in the first place. In the big city of New York, he's coincidentally strolling down the same street as you? As if. "Scared me, you know? Thought it was another round of getting robbed,"
"I'd be there to fight them off if that happens," he said with utmost confidence that it had you laughing a little, shaking your head in disbelief. Why did he remind you of Jake? It's a sign you should stop thinking so much about him.
"Really? I kinda doubt it. Unless you're keeping an eye on me or something, stalker," you teased him, egging him on further. 
"I'm not stalking you," his tone gave away the withering confidence of his. You smiled, feeling his lingering gaze on your face. Maybe it was just your mind that's overthinking, but his mannerisms reminded you too much of your best friend. It was in the way he walked, talked and how he normally did this thing where he walked with you and cast glances at you from time to time. Every little detail that you wished you couldn't list out was a part of the city's hero. 
He cleared his throat, straightening his back, trying to rebuild that confidence he originally carried. "So … how are things between you and your friend?"
"The one that stood me up at the party?"
He choked a little, but regardless, he nodded his head. "Y–yeah,"
You couldn't hold in a sigh from escaping your lips. Just thinking about Jake had you huffing in frustration. Spiderman picked up on it, shifting slightly beside you. "I guess not … good? Haven't seen him much and he hasn't been bothering to hang out with me anymore. I mean, I get he's making moves but why can't he just manage a little time for me? Maybe I'm too selfish but—" he's not mine anyway. You bite your tongue, holding back what you really wanted to say. 
The hero beside you was silent for a bit, as if walking on eggshells and picking the best words to say. "I think he'd come around," he said slowly, "he'd say a couple of sorrys, and you should tell him what's on your mind. Let him know. He'll understand," 
You chewed on your bottom lips, considering the possibilities, but totally also not expecting to get advice from the Spiderman like it was some counselling session. "I know he'll listen. He always does. But I don't want anything to change between us,"
"Nothing will change," he said with a kind of certainty that even you didn't doubt. How did he know? Who was he to judge? You didn't say anything, but just nodded. You knew Jake wasn't the type to argue nor take your words lightly, but you shudder at the thought of a confrontation, not that it was your first with him, but it felt much more emotional this time.
"I hope so. I miss him—oh, my place is around the corner, I can manage myself," you stopped before a turn around the corner, Spiderman following suit. 
Standing before him only increased your curiosity about his identity. Who was he? He was hiding under a mask that shielded his face, but something about him seemed less foreign than expected. 
"O–oh, then I guess I should get away too. Swing around the city and see whose ass to beat," he laughed awkwardly, a hand automatically reaching for the back of his neck, just like something Jake would do too. You shook that thought away. "Goodnight … stranger,"
"It's Y/N," you didn't hesitate to tell him your name, he saved your life, a little information about yourself wouldn't hurt despite him being a total stranger still. "Goodnight, spider boy."
You turned around the corner, leaving the hero standing there, bewildered and helpless. It was hard to ignore the pit in your stomach that carved deeper and deeper. He reminded you too much of your best friend, and strangely, that was probably the reason why you felt gradually attached to him, a stranger that resembled the ghost of a guy you liked but couldn't have. 
The space of your apartment was dark and soulless once you stepped into it. Your parents worked late as always, meaning you were alone most of the time, and this was one of them. Maybe it was the atmosphere and the countless wishful thinking, but a sense of despair knocked on the door of your heart. 
By the end of the night, you laid awake in bed thinking about what Spiderman had said. Nothing will change. That was exactly what you wished for too, that your dynamic with Jake was never to change, but how was that to happen when he's got a girl around? Eventually, you're not just going to lose the guy you loved, but your best friend as a whole.
Your train wreck of thoughts were interrupted the moment you heard a knock on your window. That knock turned into a tune that you knew too well. Sitting up straight in bed, you spotted the figure standing by your window out on the fire escape. Jake. 
At this point, you weren't even going to figure out how he got up this high on the fire escape. It was one too many times of him avoiding your question and you ended up dropping the matter too. Yet, curiosity itched your mind. 
Unamused at the fact that he turned up at possibly the wrong timing, you dragged your legs over to the window, meeting his bashful gaze. He offered a crooked grin, but your narrowed eyes only shot it back into a frown.
"Explain to me why you're here? It's midnight, Aunt May would be worried about you," your window was opened now, but you stood in the way before he could climb through, an interrogative look of yours stared at him accusingly.
"I told her I'd be over at yours," he answered cheekily. "Just like the old times, eh?"
Judging from your unbudging stance and eyes practically shooting lazers, Jake knew he had struck a nerve that have been left untreated for far too long. He sighed a defeated breath, squeezing through forcefully and dropping his backpack onto the ground. 
"I know," he didn't need to say much, yet he conveyed more than needed. "I've been a shitty best friend,"
It was your turn to sigh. You shook your head, averted your gaze to the ground and stepped aside, giving him more space. "You know a 'sorry' alone won't cut it this time,"
He followed your every movement, joining you to sit on the edge of your bed, a small space in between separated you and him. "I know. But I really am sorry, Y/N. I mean it,"
"I just want you to be honest with me, Jake. I know you're busy, I know you're trying to get the girl of your dreams or whatever, good for you, but it feels like you've forgotten about me or something,"
"I didn't forget about you. How could I ever?"
"Well, then stop acting like it! A text would suffice," you stood up, back facing him just so you could hide your face from him and the tears welling up in your eyes. 
"Y/N," he grabbed a hold of your wrist, cold fingers wrapped around your skin, his touch ever so gentle. "I'm sorry. I know I fucked up … many times, and a single 'sorry' wouldn't make up all the hurt I caused you, b–but there's a reason why,"
"What is it then?" You whirled around to face him, the dark of the room casted a shadow over his face, bringing out the fatigue and injury on his delicate features. "What the fuck, Jake? Are you hurt again?"
"It's nothing,"
"You said it's nothing every time you turned up hurt, and I never ask many questions, but Jake, it feels like you're hiding something from me," your hand reached up for his face, hovering over the bruises and mild cuts on his lips and skin. "I don't know you anymore,"
Jake moved his face away a little, grabbing that hand of yours which hovered over his face, lacing his fingers into yours, the rough surface of skin contrasting your soft touch. "I–I wish I could tell you what it is right now, Y/N, I really do, but it's not the right time. I need you to trust me, I need you to believe me, I don't want to hurt you,"
There was a moment of silence where you stood before him, hands intertwined with his, your hurtful gaze scanning his every feature that you knew too well. Jake never lied to you, you knew that, but why couldn't you fully trust him this time? There was a sense of truth and lie hidden behind his words, but you knew one thing, he was genuine. Yet, it wasn't enough. 
"Let me make it up to you. There's this carnival in the city tomorrow night, you and I, hang out, what do you say?" He tried offering a smile, which eventually turned uncertain. "We can spend the entire day together. Just you and me,"
"No bailing on me this time?"
"You do?"
He held up your interlocked hands, then intertwined your's and his pinky fingers together, something you and him always did when it came to serious promises despite the childishness to the whole pinky promises thing. "Promise," he repeated. 
"I believe you, Jake. I always do, and I just don't want you to get yourself in danger, whatever it is that you're doing. Whenever you turn up bruised and beaten, I–I just feel helpless, and you push me away every time,"
"I'm sorry," he whispered, taking your interlocked hands and placing them on his chest, near to where his heart resided. "I promise to tell you the truth soon. I just need to be ready,"
"When you're ready," you gave his hand an affirming squeeze, a reassuring smile creeping up onto your lips. "Do you want to stay over?"
"I didn't turn up with a packed bag for nothing," he laughed, the air lightening up much more compared to earlier. "I'll sleep on the ground like always,"
Once you were done manoeuvring and setting up the sleeping bag for Jake, you were finally in bed for the second time that night, except now, you had Jake sleeping on the ground beside your bed. It wasn't a rare occasion having him sleep over, just maybe this time it was a tad bit more awkward given the situation you had earlier. 
"Jake," you spoke into the darkness, your eyes trained on that one spot on your ceiling. 
He hummed back in response. 
"Nothing has changed between us, right?"
A beat of silence, the whirring of your A/C was what remained. Then, he spoke. "No. Nothing's ever going to change. Nothing will change," 
It sounded familiar, the way he said it and the enunciation he had in every word. You shook it off, given the late night and a mushy brain, you didn't give it a second thought. 
"I'm glad. Goodnight, Jake."
Despite the reassurance from Jake, you descended into sleep with a pit in your gut. You could barely sleep with him next to you, thinking you could find a cure to every trouble that existed between you and him to fix it all. How could he say there'd be no changes when there's a bigger crack forming on your heart?
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The next morning was like any other whenever Jake stayed over. An empty kitchen that allowed you to make some simple breakfast and after, you bid Jake goodbye for the moment before meeting him later on that day. 
Upon stepping into your room, you spotted a black lump sitting under the window. It was Jake's backpack. He was already long gone from your apartment by then. 
You advanced towards his backpack, held it up to move it somewhere else, but it only caused the contents inside to spill out. Knowing how clumsy Jake always was, you figured his backpack had been unzipped the entire time.
You glanced at the pile of mess littered on your floor, a clump of red catching your eyes amongst the rest. Curiosity got the best of you despite knowing you shouldn't pry, but the moment your fingers made contact with it, the question marks in your head increased by tenfold.
Spandex material. You pinched it at first, feeling the material against your skin, then you finally got the guts to hold it up entirely, revealing something far beyond expectations. 
Spiderman suit?
Was it a fake one? Jake could've always bought it from Amazon. You held it closer for inspection, noticing how it was worn out, slight tears on the bottoms. It couldn't be a fake, something in you knew. The dried blood stains on some spots gave it away. 
Everything made sense to you now. Jake being secretive, hiding the truth from you every time you asked, turning up hurt and disappearing at random times just for the news to report Spiderman's appearance after. All of them were finally connected in your head, and revelations about his suspiciousness were known by you.
It hit you. Jake was spiderman. Your best friend was that vigilante swinging around the city saving people and fighting crimes. He was the one who walked and swung you home. He always knew.
You let out a breath of disbelief, knees feeling weak and head spinning. How were you to shoulder the truth after this? Pretend like nothing's wrong when everything is wrong and weird. It was practically impossible to patch up the existing crack that continued to worsen. 
Shoving Jake's belongings back into the bag, you shouldered it and made your way to his place. Your mind was in a haze, the thought of him being Spiderman was hard to wrap around. Sometimes ignorance was genuinely bliss, you wished this was one of those times. 
You didn't know if it was a good or bad thing that Jake wasn't home when you turned up at his door, meeting a confused looking Aunt May instead. Apparently, Jake went out in search of his backpack that was currently in your hands, so you had no choice but to call him and wait for him to be back. 
How could you not have spotted it sooner? Now that you're in his bedroom for possibly the millionth time, everything seems clearer. The map of the city stuck on his wall which had random scribbles and locations circled in red marker ink stood out to you, the box of medicine and ointments sat on his bedside table that you frequently ignored. All the signs were presented before your eyes without your knowledge.
"Hey, sorry for keeping you waiting," Jake closed his bedroom door after almost half an hour of waiting for his appearance. His hair was dishevelled, clearly panicked and alarmed. 
"No, it's okay, we're supposed to meet up anyway," you sat up from lying on his bed, nodding at the backpack sitting on his desk. "Got your baby back,"
"Oh my God," he crossed the room with big steps and had zero hesitation when it came to unzipping it to check his belongings. "Did I leave it at your place?"
"You did," 
"Thought I left it out there somewhere," he murmured under his breath, then zipped the bag up. You knew why he was so secretive, and it made even more sense why he always brought it around. 
Jake most likely felt your wandering eyes on him judging from the way he spun around and shielded his bag from view, trying to divert your attention away. "Want to watch a movie?"
How could you possibly say no? That sly prick.
You didn't indulge in his suspicious behaviour further now that you were aware of his secret, though you pretended not to. He did say he would reveal it to you soon, but that 'soon' was quite unknown. At this point, you didn't know who was going to be the first one to reveal it. Either you or him.
You spent half of the day binging on movies, ate an early dinner and then walked to the carnival together. Along the way there, you couldn't stop yourself from taking quick glances at Jake. The street lights illuminated his features under the darkening sky, the loud chatter of the crowd drowned out and it was only him in your world. Even as he asked you questions, you blindly nodded to most of them. 
How could you not fall for him? He bought you drinks without question, won you prizes at those booths, held your hand as you walked through the crowds. It was as if Jake Sim himself was blind enough to not know what he was doing to you. 
"Enjoying the night?" Jake threw his arm around your shoulder ever so casually that it had you holding your breath for a minute.
"You won me a big bear, of course I am," you held onto the stuffed toy tightly, grinning at the memory of Jake winning during his first try. 
"What's next? Wanna stop by that art and craft booth then we go on the ferris wheel?" Jake definitely did know his way into your heart.
"Sounds good," 
You thought the night would eventually end with peace and quiet, but before it could even end, it had been ruined beyond belief. 
The big screen suddenly flashed to a news reporter, the background looking chaotic and people were fleeing. It was live news, the whole thing was happening as you breathed. You and Jake stood rooted, staring at the big screen just like many others did, listening in on the broadcast.
'Just in, a monstrous creature was seen terrorizing and climbing along the Oscorp building. It was spotted not long ago, but now it has disappeared into the building, its whereabouts unknown. Workers of Oscorp have fled the building, but not all of them, some were said to be present in the building until now.'
You glanced at Jake, a sinking feeling in your gut. It was a sour thought knowing he's about to get himself in danger yet again, but having him bailing once more cut deeper than a falling knife. As a human, you wanted him to save lives and the city. However, you were also his best friend, and you hated to be selfish, but you just wanted him to be there without having to leave every single moment.
The conflict in your eyes matched Jake's, who was evidently struggling with himself. You tried to mask it, yet hurt and sadness was hard to ignore or hide. 
"Oscorp … Gwen," the faint hush of a murmur was audible under his breath, causing you to cock your head at him.
"I–I, Y/N, I have an emergency," he removed his arm around you, the hold on his backpack strap tightened. 
"Jake," to scream at him? Let him leave? All of the above? You struggled with your emotions as you tried to understand and empathise, you always did, but couldn't you just have him this one time?
"I'm sorry …" his voice was weak, he knew how much pain and hurt he caused you, and retreating away from your disappointed face wasn't going to solve anything, just the problem downtown, but not the cracks that were forming right now.
"I know, Jake," you shouted when he was a distance away from you. He turned around, eyes widened and pupils blown, a mix of confusion and surprise painted his features. "I know about you,"
He was breathless, he didn't know what to say, so he didn't say anything. He left without a trace, and once again, you were left alone to fend for yourself. You wanted to understand, you do, but it was hard. 
You glanced at the big screen for one last time, uttering a silent curse under your breath, and decided to head to where the scene was. Crazy? Stupid? You were everything described. That was probably why you and Jake were best friends. 
Taking the cab was one of the stupidest decisions you made, and that excluded the part where you're literally bringing yourself to danger. Thanks to whatever that was terrorising the Oscorp building, the traffic was heavier than usual, so you had no choice but to run on foot. It was the most running you ever did all year.
You wondered if it was a good idea to even be there. Answer: no. The police cars were everywhere, all of which were stationed with police that were armed with rifles. A helicopter circled the building, several broadcasting stations and their reporters were present too. It was a mess. 
"What's happening here?" You were practically out of breath, panting, as you asked a random bystander there. 
"Some freakish lizard creature. I think Spiderman swung into the building to save the remaining victims. They were all rescued but Spiderman's still fighting in there,"
"You saw him? Spiderman?"
"I did! Red suit, white webs, he was so heroic when he crashed through the glass panels," 
"That's the one," you said unnervingly, disliking the uncertainty of it all. Jake was putting himself in danger and you could do nothing about it. How long did this go on for? You were left in the dark for far too long.
Soon, which almost felt like forever, you saw a speck of red escaping from the gap in the building with somebody in hand. You held your breath out of anxiety, heart thumping, listening in on all the noises and reports coming from everywhere around you.
"There he is! Spiderman!" A reporter appeared next to you, absolutely transfixed with the superhero slinging through the dark sky and eventually landing in the distance. "He has the last hostage in hand! A girl!" 
A girl?
You pushed past the crowd, trying to get a closer look at Spiderman and the entire scene before you. There he was, speaking to the police, but there was somebody else too. Gwen Stacy. 
An overwhelming feeling crashed down on you like a heavy weight of boulders falling from the sky. Confusion, hurt, heartbreak, altogether they penetrated you harder than you could manage to breathe. One step, two step, you took many steps back before turning away and hailing for a cab home. 
He wasn't yours, and he wasn't yours to lose either.
Returning home to an empty apartment was nothing new, except it did hit differently this time. Your heart was empty, mind in a haze, it was as if your narrator had drawn swirls over your head. You wished things had turned out in another way. You and Jake, how you found out about his secret, him hiding his secret. If only all of them had another ending than what you had in the present.
You sat slumped over in bed, the desk lamp was the only thing that provided light for the darkness in your room. The shadow looming over your window went unnoticed by you. That was until a series of knocks sounded and you jumped out of bed in alert, finding it strange how there was nothing once your eyes trained on your window.
Well, there goes your future. 
You stepped a little closer. Just then, the window was jerked open by some unseen force, a red cladded face peeking his head into frame. Spiderman, or more accurately, Jake, was standing on your fire escape again. 
He dropped his backpack onto your bedroom floor, letting himself in wordlessly. You stared at him, not knowing whether to speak first or let him be the one to do it. After all, he had left you hanging, it's the least he could do.
Jake pulled off the mask from his head, revealing a rather beat up face and messy, dishevelled hair that was coated with sweat. "You knew?"
His voice was tired, but the confusion and hurt punctuated through his words. He inched close to you, but you took a step back, unable to meet his gaze.
"Well, it wasn't a long time," you muttered. "Just today, actually … coincidentally,"
"Your backpack. I swear I didn't look through it, it was unzipped and when I picked it up, everything spilled out. Your suit revealed it all," you chewed at your bottom lip, Jake's eyes boring into yours, the prickling feeling of anxiety crawled all over your skin. "I didn't want to find out this way either,"
"I'm sorry for not telling you earlier. I wanted to, trust me, you're one of the closest people I have in my life. But I just didn't know when or how to break it to you. I wanted to protect you, to keep you safe," he was equally guilty for hiding it for a long time, but you understood the reason behind it. Being a hero comes with a great responsibility, that was what movies taught you anyway. 
"Jake, I know, and it's okay, but I just wish to be selfish for a little. I want you to be here with me, to be there for me a–and be my best friend for a minute," you felt yourself losing the will to speak as seconds passed by. "I feel like I'm losing you,"
"You're not. I'm here," he pressed his palm against his heart, stepping closer until he was barely a few inches away. "Always,"
"I don't want to lose you, Jake," your voice wavered, a clear sheen of tears glazed your eyes. "I'm in love with you," your words came out in a whisper, a hushed confession that spilled with no warning, coming from the deepest, darkest pits of your heart. Even then, you couldn't believe you had actually said it, stilling in place and blinking in shock. 
Jake's breath hitched, his movements frozen. You wondered about the possible scenarios you were about to face, ones that you thought of whenever you had the urge to spill your love confession.  All of them certainly didn't prepare you for what was happening next.
"I'm sorry," shock turned into instant panic. Your hands shot out to create a small distance between you and him. "Ignore what I just said. Sorry if I made you uncomfortable—"
Jake didn't say much, and in a swift motion, he grabbed a hold of your hand, pulled you into him. One hand holding your wrist, the other cupping your face to tilt your head and his lips met yours.
You could barely register it. The weight of his mouth against yours created a mass of fireworks in both your head and stomach. The shock evaporated from your body and relief took its spot. You melted against his touch, leaning your body closer to his. 
Jake kissed you like no man could have ever done. He left a part of himself, imprinted his every unspoken word into a deep and passionate kiss. You wondered if this was what it felt like being loved by him.
Forever was what you wished for when it came to kissing him. Yet, it eventually came to an end just like every one of your favourite movies. This time, however, you weren't disappointed, you were glad. 
"Don't apologise. Y/N, I'm in love with you too," his hand on your cheek remained, the dim light managed to bring out the sparks in his pupils. It was your turn to be confused. Didn't he have a crush?  "I know what you're thinking. Gwen—" it's freaky how he always knew, "—I was kinda dumb, to be honest. I was always in love with you but it took me years and a girl to only realise that,
"She was nothing like you. The more I got to know her, the more I thought of you. I wasn't trying to like her, I was trying to find a piece of you in her. Being the coward that I am, I ran away from facing the thought of liking you, I didn't want to ruin our friendship. So, I kept on entertaining the thoughts of liking Gwen instead, but none of it was real. You're the one who's constantly taking up space in my mind, in my heart,"
The fireworks from earlier exploded ten folds in your mind. You couldn't believe you were experiencing every passing moment listening to Jake's confession. He felt the same way as you did for him. He has had the same pining for you like the same way you had for him. Years, years of unspoken romantic love for one another that both were too scared to touch upon. 
Jake took your shell shocked silence as an opportunity to continue on. "I'm sorry for standing you up all the time. I'm sorry for hiding the truth from you. I'm sorry for avoiding you. I'm sorry for not realising it sooner. But I love you, Y/N. You're my best friend, more than anything, you're the only person I want to have occupying my mind all the Goddamn time,"
"Jake," your hand travelled to place itself onto his which rested on your face. "I love you too," you laced your hand into his, the intimacy that would've been seen platonic days ago was now something more than that. You and him both felt the shift, it was apparent. 
"I don't care that you're Spiderman," you continued, not once breaking eye contact with him, letting him stare into yours as you did the same. "You're Jake to me, you forever will be, and that's all that matters,"
Jake's delicate features melted into a smile. His pretty smile that had you swooning was on display like a trophy, influencing you enough to crack a small grin too. He looped an arm around your waist, dipping you slightly and pressing a haste kiss on your lips, then your cheeks. 
"I guess I can now say I've swung into your heart," he teasingly sent a wink flying at you, to which you responded with an eye roll. Some things never changed, but his ego definitely was inflated now.
"Shut up before I kick you out," you threw a light punch at his shoulder, which he dodged almost unsuccessfully. "Come on, let's patch you up then we can go to bed," you patted his shoulder, walking towards your bathroom. 
"Demanding," he whistled under his breath, picking up his discarded mask from the floor. 
"Don't make me add a black eye to your face,"
"But you like my pretty face,"
"You want to test it out?"
"Okay, okay. I'm coming."
The night eventually ended with Jake being patched up and sleeping on your bed instead of his usual spot on the ground. These little changes was what you anticipated most, but other than that, it was safe to say nothing would be changing when it came to your and Jake's relationship. If anything, it was about to be stronger. 
So what if he was Spiderman? At least you knew Spiderman was yours, and he had indeed swung into your heart.
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Dating your best friend who had a secret identity was fun. 
You got to discuss maths in school and listen to his adventures after. Not to mention, he would swing you around New York City at times once the clock striked past midnight. No other girl was going to get a date like this. Ten out of ten, you may add. 
With the fun came the terror. You do fear for Jake's safety almost every time he's out, and it has become a routine to patch him up till the point where you had to restock your emergency kit. This time was like no other when Jake appeared through the window soundlessly in his Spiderman suit.
"Hey," he was breathless, tumbling over the window still. 
You jumped, not even realising his appearance. "What the hell? Jake? Oh my God," you got up right away to support his tired body, but he ended up sliding down onto the ground anyway.
"Are you injured anywhere? Bleeding?" You checked for his body, trying to spot any obvious cuts, making yourself comfortable in the space between his legs. 
"No," his hand reached for the end of his mask, pulling it up halfway only to reveal his lips. "Can I get a kiss?"
"Are you serious?"
"I am dead serious," 
You rolled your eyes, leaning down to press a kiss on his lips that eventually widened into a satisfied smile. You gently slapped his face, eliciting a sweet laugh from him and with a tug of his hand, he fully removed the mask from his head, revealing his pretty face that you missed.
"I got something for you," his hand reached out to brush your hair away from your face, his touch ever so gentle when it came to you. He dug something out of his bag, pulling out a fresh bouquet of flowers. "Ta-da," 
"Flowers?" You accepted the bouquet from him, noticing all of your favourite flowers in it. He remembered, even the littlest details about you, he remembered them all.
"I got them on the way here," you raised an eyebrow at him. He threw his hands up in defence. "Hey, I didn't steal them. I actually paid for them. They gave me a discount too because I was in my suit,"
You resisted a smile. "You're unbelievable,"
"Unbelievably cute? Romantic? Handsome?" He leaned in closer to you, noses close enough to brush against one another. 
"Go away," you squeezed his cheek, and he just let you do so without any fight. You threw your arms around his neck, hugging him briefly. "I like them,"
"What about me?"
"I like you too,"
 "But I like you more," 
You threw your head back laughing, a simple sound which was enough to have Jake's heart racing. "We're not making this into a competition, stupid. Now, go shower or else you're not sleeping on my bed,"
"Nope. Shower or get exiled,"
"Fine," he dragged his body up sluggishly, looking almost like a puppy being forced to his dismay: the shower. "You're not joining me?"
"Don't make me chase you out." you threw a pillow at him that he skillfully dodged. Damn his spider senses. His laughter echoed around your bedroom until he disappeared into the bathroom, the sound of it gave comfort to you and your beating heart.
Things might've changed a little in different aspects, but you knew nothing could change you or Jake altogether. He was your best friend and lover no matter what he was. Spiderman or loverboy, he was everything to you. All you knew was that he was going to be by your side no matter what, protecting your heart alongside the city. 
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( © jaylver all rights reserved. do NOT copy, plagiarise or edit my work and repost whatsoever. once discovered will be exposed and blacklisted. )
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dyns33 · 7 months
Most of the time I see him as the cool silly big bro, but I love Deadpool, so here's a long Deadpool x female reader.
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Normally nothing destined Y/N to meet Wade Wilson.
A normal life, without enemies, without superpowers, without contracts on her head. She didn't fight, respected the law (at least for the most serious and important things) and she considered herself to be a good person.
The first time she had passed Saint Agnes Orphanage, she hadn't really paid it much attention. The second time, she found it a little strange that an orphanage was in this part of the city, which was not really made for children.
Then one evening, when she had had a bad day, she realized that it was a bar and she decided to go in for a drink.
Since she thought an orphanage was strange in that place, she might have thought it was odd for a bar to have such a name. She could also have been scared when she saw the other customers, who all turned towards her, indicating that she might not be welcome.
But Y/N was tired, and she just wanted a drink before going home, so she smiled politely as she sat down at the counter.
The waiter frowned, but he agreed to serve her with a shrug, muttering that as long as she was an adult, it wasn't his problem.
A tall, bald, tattooed guy then approached her, putting a hand on her arm without worrying about her private space, asking her if she wanted to follow him home.
"… No thanks."
“Come on, don’t be a slut.”
“Come with me, you stupid bitch.”
"Now, that's really not very nice. The lady said no, a gentleman should know it's time to leave. But no Hector, not only are you insisting, but you're being rude."
"Fuck you, Wade, don't get involved in this !"
The waiter continued to mumble about cleaning, while this Wade guy smashed Hector's head against the counter. A tooth even flew close to Y/N’s face.
That might have been enough to scare her completely. In addition to the surge of violence that was happening right next to her, there was the red suit, the katanas and other guns, which could make you want to flee as quickly as possible.
But when he finished kicking Hector's ass, Wade turned to her, and despite the mask, it was obvious that he was smiling, extending a hand towards her.
"Miss, my apologies for that boor. He knows nothing of good manners."
"… Thank you."
"You're very welcome, lovely angel ! Wade Wilson, Deadpool, Merc with a mouth, at your service ! Oh, he spilled your drink… Bad Hector ! Or was it me ? Maybe it was me. Weasel, the same for the little lady, on my note !”
“You already owe me a fortune.”
“I will kill whoever you want for free !”
“I thought you didn’t kill anymore.”
"Ah yes… I'll suck you for free !"
“Here you go, two drinks, just shup up Wade.”
In the end, Wade was a bit special, but not evil. He stayed with her, partly because he loved having someone to talk to, but also to make sure no one else was going to bother her again.
And he talked a lot. Everything he said didn't always make sense, he even seemed to be talking to himself sometimes, but he was funny. It seemed to please him that Y/N laughed at his jokes. Behind the counter, Weasel was still muttering that she was doing something silly.
Among the long tirade he delivered that evening, she understood that Wade had not had an easy life. That he had done some things that could make him a criminal, but he had been trying to improve for some time.
"Colossus already wanted me to become an X-men but it wasn't for me. Wait, there are X-men in this universe ? I do not know anymore. Anyway, there's Spidey and Devy. No, he's right, this nickname isn't great, Devil. Like Daredevil. They want us to be Team Red, but only if I stop unliving people. It's not fair because they're friends with Frank, and Frank keeps unliving people, but he lost his wife and his kids, so I guess he has more sympathy points than me."
"I don't understand everything, but I guess Spidey is Spiderman ?"
"Yes ! He's super cool ! And his ass ! People confuse us sometimes, it annoys me, but it's a bit of a compliment. He's my role model."
Like a true superhero, Deadpool insisted on taking her home. He was terribly honest, saying that he could leave her a few blocks away, but that was useless, because as a former mercenary, he was very good at stalking people and he could find her address without difficulty, even if he only had her name.
"Which I wouldn't do ! Normally. I might want to see you again, and ask Weasel to find your number, but I know myself, I'll put it in my phone, and I'll hesitate for weeks, then I'll send a lousy message, you'll be scared, you'll block me, I'll be ashamed and I'll shoot myself in the head because I'm a moron."
“I can give you my number.”
"And I… Huh ? Huh ?! For real ?!" exclaimed Wade, jumping like a child on Christmas Day.
Wade called her right away, specifying that it was not to verify that she was giving him a false number but a little. Despite the mask, his face showed surprise when he saw that she hadn't lied.
"I should put a bullet in my head to make sure I'm not dreaming."
“You wouldn’t wake up.”
“Baby girl, we only just met, there are a lot of things you don’t know about me.”
When Deadpool talked about shooting himself, he meant it literally. It often happened that he died, either because of an enemy, an accident, or by his own hand. But he always came back. A gift like a curse.
They became friends. It was obvious, and quite sad, that Wade didn't have many friends.
Most people around him couldn't stand him or were afraid of him. It was true that he could be quite unpredictable, especially when he got lost in his discussions with the boxes, or an imaginary audience. But he was never mean.
Weasel was more of a collaborator, Al was forced to accommodate him, and the other heroes, unable to get rid of him, tried to make him a nice guy.
And he was really nice. Crazy but adorable, funny and wanting to do well.
Very quickly, Y/N started to have a crush, and even more. Even after seeing him without a mask. He never took it off completely to eat, repeating that he didn't want her to lose her appetite or feel like throwing up.
But after landing in a trash can after a fight, and forgetting that he had invited her to watch Princess Bride, Y/N had seen him. Yes, his scars were a bit impressive, but they weren't that bad.
With an embarrassed smile, he waved his hand while remaining frozen near the entrance.
"… I can move if you want to run away. I won't follow you. I may look like Frankenstein's monster, but I only pursue young girls who ask me to. Or who deserve it. Because criminals have no gender, I don't discriminate."
“I brought popcorn.” was her only reaction.
"... Oh. Sweet ? Salty ? Caramel ? Al must have beer somewhere, hidden with the cocaine."
After that, he was a little less afraid to show his face, even though it was obvious he wasn't comfortable. It wasn't easy to reassure him, repeating that she didn't care about his appearance.
Y/N didn’t remember how they ended up having this conversation. The only thing she knew was that she was pressed against him, laughing, when she had innocently said it would be fun if they went out together.
This made Wade laugh, but a very serious laugh, leaving no chance and hitting where it hurt.
"You and me ? Ah ! No chance."
"Why ?"
"It's obvious."
A simple little sentence could sometimes do a lot of damage. Too busy making fun of the characters on the screen, Wade didn't see Y/N's look of sadness, just as he didn't feel her body stiffen.
Still, she should have expected this response. Of course it was obvious that they had nothing to do together. Deadpool was a super hero (in training), he was tall, muscular, funny, rich.
She had seen photos of his deceased ex, Vanessa. She had observed him flirting with beautiful women and men before. It was already fortunate that she was only friends with him.
So Y/N swallowed her pride, accepting the obvious, and not talking about the subject again.
But it was hard, because the more time passed, the stronger the feelings became.
It was even harder when Wade entered his depressive phases. He kept putting himself down, insulting himself and accepting insults from the boxes in his head. It took a lot of patience and perseverance to get him to put down his gun.
"Anyway, I'll come back later. Bad luck for the world. People would be happier if I wasn't here anymore. Maybe they'll miss me a little, for a few minutes."
“I would miss you, Wade.”
"Yeah… You say that because you're adorable, baby girl. But you'd be better off without me too. I'm a real drag."
“You saved me the first time we met.”
"And since then you think you owe me a debt. You know, every time we're in the street, the others look at me and they're afraid. If I wasn't there, you could be with them. You could have lots of friends.”
"I don't want lots of friends, Wade." Y/N sighed, taking him into her arms. “I’m glad we’re friends.”
“Oh, sweetie pie, me too !”
It was rarer for them to find themselves in the opposite situation. Not because Deadpool wasn't capable of empathy, but because she didn't like talking about her problems, preferring to keep everything to herself and cry out of sight.
Unfortunately, she had made the decision to become friends with a former mercenary who loved to jump from roof to roof, only to come visit without warning by tapping on the window.
Y/N had no time to hide her tears, holding back a sob as her eyes met those of Wade, who had stopped mid-movement, fist raised against his window.
He didn't hesitate before entering, terribly serious.
"Who ? Who did this ?"
"Who made my baby girl cry ? I want a name. Spidey and Dev will understand. Yellow wants decapitation, White wants emasculation. Tell me who."
"It's really not necessary. It's not important."
“It’s important if you cry.” Deadpool growled as he looked around the apartment for clues.
Once he had an idea in his head, it was almost impossible to divert his attention. If it wasn't so important, it was possible with food or talking about Spiderman's butt. But this time he considered it very important.
Tired, Y/N thought that all she had to do was say that it was just a ridiculous heartbreak for him to calm down. He had no reason to kill someone just because they didn't love her back.
This actually seemed to calm him down a bit, as he patted his cheeks with his hands in a dramatic gesture.
"What ?! Someone doesn't love you ?! Someone doesn't like my sweet little angel ? Are they crazy or stupid. You deserve the best !"
"Actually… He's the one who's too good for me."
"Bullshit ! The important thing is love ! If a woman can marry a space duck, then everyone can be together, as long as it's legal and consensual !"
"… What ? No, wait, it doesn't matter. Wade, please forget it."
"A name. Let me prove to you that this fool doesn't deserve you, and not the other way around !"
"A name !"
"You ! It's you !"
For the first time since they met, Wade was silent for more than a minute, staring at her like he wasn't sure she was real. He often had hallucinations, so this happened to him.
Then he muttered incomprehensible things, probably speaking with his boxes to check that he had heard what she had just said.
"… Me ? As in, me ?"
“I know what you’re going to say.” Y/N sighed, wanting to disappear. "You've already said it, it's obvious that we're not meant to be together. You're charismatic, and strong, and funny, with powers. You save people, you have an extraordinary life, while I… I am me."
"… Baby girl. Do you have a fever ? Did you lose a bet ? Because… You saw me without a mask. You know I'm crazy and dangerous. There are several bounties on my head, I've unlived more people than the population of New York, and my favorite movie is Zoolander 2. When I said it was obvious… I meant that you were too good for me."
There had been a misunderstanding, each being convinced that the other could never want the other, because they were too different. But even though he was special, with skin problems and an inability to concentrate for more than ten minutes, Wade was much better than a space duck.
However, while she was sure of what she wanted, he hadn't clearly said what he expected next.
"I mean, if you just want to be friends, I'll understand."
"You can't tease me like that and then break my heart. Don't play with me, woman !"
“Wade…” Y/N sneered, as he gesticulated like a degenerate, declaiming his great love for her and her smile, the most beautiful thing he had ever seen.
Taking advantage of his inattention, she approached him, until he froze when he felt her hands on his mask.
With a look, she asked him if she could take it off, and as he didn't move to stop her, she took it off first up to his nose, before hesitating.
Y/N didn’t want to make him uncomfortable, but she also didn’t want him to think that she didn’t want to see him if she didn’t go further. So she took out the whole mask, she observed Wade, smiling before kissing him.
"… Don't take what comes next as a bad thing." he whispered as their lips parted.
"What ?"
"I'm going to have a heart attack…"
As always, Y/N thought he was joking at first, until he collapsed in front of her, looking delighted even though his heart had stopped beating. Fortunately she was used to seeing him die, even if it was still a little traumatic.
It took almost an hour for him to wake up. Y/N had time to take a shower and make herself some tea, sitting on the couch to wait.
"Shit !" he shouted as he opened his eyes, looking around the apartment before looking at her. “Did we kiss ?”
“Yes and you died.”
"It's weird. Normally you go to heaven after you die, not before. But I probably don't have enough superhero points for heaven yet, so the other option is that I became totally crazy."
"I know, White and Yellow would have told me. They're already saying that all the time, but they would have insisted, especially for me to escape from the asylum. It's no fun fighting with fake people and hippos. Was I dead long ?"
“No, a little over half an hour.”
"And you stayed with me, it's so cute. Nurse Y/N. No, Doctor Y/N, and I'll be Nurse Wilson. Oh, Doctor Y/N, I made a mistake in the dosage of a patient, I'm a bad nurse, punish me."
"… Let's see Nurse Wilson, we're in the middle of an intervention, calm down."
"Uh oh ! You're playing along !" Wade exclaimed, pouting from the ground. "I didn't expect that ! Wait, I need a blonde wig, and a white dress. You'll see, I look super sexy in a dress. Wait, we do this now or it's quick and we should have a date first ?'
“I wouldn’t say no to a date.”
"I see the genre, like in novellas. Doctor Y/N takes me to the restaurant to talk about my future promotion, but in fact, you are going to admit to me that I am pregnant with you, before I even enter your bed !"
“As long as you’re in my bed before the hundredth episode.”
“UH !”
The small, high-pitched cry of pleasure preceded a second cardiac arrest, Deadpool's mind imagining Y/N and him in a bed, with a stetoscope.
When she asked him if he was going to have a heart attack every time, he told her that he would probably die for good the day he saw her naked, or that they made love for the first time.
But Wade was a gentleman, he ate lots of vegetables, exercised, and begged Daredevil to teach him meditation techniques.
So he had the courtesy of having the next heart attack only after they were finished, and in the toilet. And every time after that they were together, Wade would go out of his way to just get a nosebleed.
Especially on Weasel's counter, telling him everything they had done or almost everything, which annoyed the poor waiter a lot, even if he knew that it would happened from the start, the moment he saw Deadpool with Y/N.
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orangeaurora · 3 months
Steve Harrington | Spidey 🕷️
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Summary: You get stuck with Steve Harrington as your lab partner in your college biology class but he never seems to show up to class or make time for important homework assignments.
Imma call this aaaaa “people who love to bicker but actually love each other” fic because reader and Steve aren’t mean enough to each other to be considered enemies. :p ALSO! I will GLADLY write a part 2 of this so lemme know 🥰
Author’s note: I haven’t written anything in so long but I love this idea and had to write it myself. I hope you enjoy. 🧡
Warnings: getting cat called, and slightly grabbed (a man grabs your wrist hard but that’s as far as it goes), slight angst, cussing, uhhhh I think that’s it??
Word count: 3.9k
You sat in the cool air of your dorm room, focused on the biology homework in front of you as your roommate Robin was quickly flipping through channels on the TV to find something to watch. “-and Spider-Man!”, you hear quickly before the channel is changed again and your eyes are adverted to Robin. “Hey! Go back!” You say excitingly as Robin shrugs and goes back a few channels. “Okay, stop!” Your eyes light up as J. Jonah Jameson is going on another rampage about the city’s new hero.
“What… this?? I hate this guy.” You shake your head and laugh. “No, not the news guy! Spider-Man!” Robin rolls her eyes and smiles slightly, like she knows something that you don’t. “Ew. You know, there could be a complete weirdo underneath that mask and you wouldn’t even know it.” You shrug and go back to doing your homework. “Doesn’t matter to me.”
“Oh suuuure…” Robin says under her breath. “Huh?” You say with your eyebrows furrowed not actually sure of what Robin had said. “What? Oh, nothing!” She smiles and quickly fills her mouth with a handful of popcorn so she can’t talk anymore.
A few hours later Robin had left the dorm room to go take a shower and you hear a quick, melodic knock on the door. You sigh and stand up from the comfy spot in your bed and shuffle yourself to the door. As you approach the door you hear the sound of small items hitting the floor, followed by a mumbled, “oh, shit, fuck… SHIT!” You swing the door open to reveal Steve Harrington dropping a bunch of boxed candy and bags of popcorn on the floor. His fit frame bent down, picking up everything quickly. “Sorry I’m late, Robin, I got caught up with Spi- OH!” He jumps slightly before finally gathering himself and looks up at you, his smile dropping. “It’s you.” He stands up straight and shrugs, and scoots past you into your dorm room.
“Yeah, come right on in!” You say with a scoff as Steve lays all his stuff on Robin’s bed. “Hm… finally here to do our biology lab, Harrington?” He scoffs and starts pulling out a bunch of movies from his backpack. “Hell no. It’s horror movie night for Robin and I.” His back stays turned away from you as he talks, your eyes burning into the back of his head the whole time. Your arms cross over your chest as you lean your back against your bed. “Soooo, lemme get this straight, you don’t show up for class, you never show up to our study sessions, and now you can’t even help with the lab that YOUR name is gonna be on… even if you didn’t do any of it?” He shrugs and finally turns around to look at you. “Yeah, sounds about right.” He takes a step towards you. “Look, I’m sorry. I’ll figure out how to be included in the lab somehow, okay?” Your eyes narrow at him as you process what he’s saying.
“No you won’t.” You say flatly. Steve’s eyebrows furrow at you, his eyes looking a little bit shocked. “Wh-what do you mean?” You roll your eyes again before grabbing some of your stuff and a blanket. “You say that every homework assignment. I’m tired of picking up the slack for you.” You slug your backpack over your shoulder before walking towards the door. “It’s almost midnight! Where are you going?!” Steve says as he slightly raises his voice, annoyed with you. “To finish our lab, ya know? The one that’s due in…8 hours.” You look at a fake watch on your wrist before opening the door, revealing Robin only a few feet away from your dorm room. “Hey, idiot, where are you going?” Robin says with a smile as you walk right past her. “Enjoy your movie night.” You say to both of them as you make your way to the library.
As you reach the library, you couldn’t help but feel as if there were eyes on you the whole way there. It was a Sunday night on a college campus, lots of kids were finally returning to their dorms after a weekend of partying, but there was no reason to feel unsafe. You shake the feeling before finally finding a study room to finish your lab in peace. Thankfully you get super focused, not allowing your mind to wonder about the interaction you had just had with Steve or about the anxious feeling you had felt only a moment before. Only an hour later, you finished your assignment and smiled. Though, as you look at the top of the page where your name was written in nice, neat handwriting, you freeze for a second, tapping your pencil on the table as you think before sighing, and quickly writing, “Steve Harrington”, right next to yours.
You quickly close your notebook before you can change your mind and shove it into your backpack. The anxious feeling suddenly comes back as you realize you’re the only one in the library. You shake your head and quickly grab your things and start to make your way back to your dorm. Before you can make it to your dorm building you hear a whistle and freeze. “Hey, pretty thing!” Someone yells out and you continue walking. “Oh, come on, I just want to talk!” The voice is getting closer and closer to you as your feet start to move as fast as they can. Unfortunately, you weren’t walking fast enough as there is now a very drunk college boy walking parallel with you. “What? A guy can’t compliment a girl anymore?” He takes a slug of his drink before turning towards you. “Hm, thanks but I’m not interested. Have a good night.” He scoffs. “Come on! It won’t hurt to give me the time of day.” “It might…” you mumble under your breath before feeling a tight grip on your wrist. “What did you say?” He says between gritted teeth. “N-nothing!” Your voice gets louder but before he can respond, another voice is heard from above.
“Now is that any way to treat a lady?” Both you and the man, who’s grip on you loosens, look above you to reveal a figure perched up on a light post. The voice is sarcastic but playful as he shoots his hand out and releases a silk like substance from his hand, throwing the man away from you onto the ground. You stay frozen in your place, not sure if it’s out of fear or confusion. “Wha-?” You can’t even finish your sentence as the perched figure stands and jumps down besides you, your eyes going wide. “S-spider-man?” Your eyes light up as a smile appears on your face.
“Oh! Seems I have a fan?” The tone of the masked man is fun yet comforting, and it reminds you of honey. “Don’t get too close.” He says with a laugh as he walks towards the drunk boy who is still plastered on the ground. The masked man makes his way to the boy and webs him to the floor before crouching next to him. “Now, let’s use our big boy words and tell the girl you’re sorry? Okay?” The boy quickly nods before shaking and looking over at you. “S-sorry.” He looks over at Spider-Man, who’s shaking his head at him. “Hm… one more time. Like you mean it.”
“I’m really sorry, ma’am.” The boy looks back at Spider-Man for approval. “Much better.” Spider-man pats him on the shoulder before standing up, “Enjoy your time outside tonight!” He says as he looks down at the boy still webbed to the ground before turning his attention to you.
“Do me a favor, princess?” You nod your head, mouth slightly agape as you stand in shock still. “Go get to your dorm safely.” He points behind you as he walks backwards, never letting his back turn from you until you start walking away. You clutch your books to your chest before quickly turning around again to see if he is still there. Your heart is beating so fast that you can feel it in your throat, but you still manage to yell a clear, “Spider-Man?” In his direction. He turns back around and looks at you, walking backwards again.
“Thank you…” you say with a small smile. “Anything for you.” He yells back before swinging into the shadows. As soon as you turn around to walk into your building, you bite your lip and smile. “Oh Robin’s gonna love this.” You mumble underneath your breath.
As soon as you open the door to your dorm room, you feel an anxious energy flood over you. Your smile fades as you look over at Robin pacing back and forth and chewing on her nails. As she makes eye contact with you, her eyes light up. “Oh my god, you’re okay! I mean…” she puts her hair behind her ear. “Of course you’re okay, why wouldn’t you be okay? You were just at the library. At the library… in the dark! And I’m really scared of the dark so… in reality I’m just projecting my own fears!! I’m just being silly.” Robin laughs nervously as she sits on her bed. Staring at you with an awkward smile.
“Ooookay.” You say with a small laugh as you sit on your bed that’s across from her. Your smile grows bigger as you two sit in silence. “Oh, god, what??” Robin says with an amused but also grossed out tone. “IsawSpider-Mantonight.” You say under your breath super quickly. Robin squints her eyes at you. “I can’t hear a word you’re saying.” She says as she leans her head in closer to you. “Spider-Man. I just saw him… right now. He… he talked to me, Robin.” Your voice grows louder and louder as you speak, excitement spilling from your body.
Robin rolls her eyes as she lays back into her bed, slamming her back into the mattress. “Oh Jesus Christ, that’s what’s got you all riled up?” If only you could see the smirk on her face. “Robin, he saved me from this super creepy guy… and then called me princess.” Robin sits up from her parallel position and looks at you. “Ew.” She frowns.
Now it was your turn to roll your own eyes as you laugh and throw one of your pillows at her. “Whatever.” She laughs now too and throws one of her pillows back. “I’m happy for you, idiot.” She smiles as she lays down and pulls her blanket over her body. “Now go to bed and dream about your little spider boy.” She giggles and lays her head on her pillow, you mirroring her actions. “Oh I plan on it.” You mumble and fall into a deep sleep, every dream including the masked man who saved you tonight.
When you wake up in the morning, you quickly check your phone to see what time it is, and it immediately puts you into a panic. “Shit!” You say as you throw your blanket off of your body and pick up a pair of dirty jeans off of the floor and tug them up your legs. “What… are… you doing?” Robin grumbles as she covers her face with her pillow. “My stupid lab is due today and class starts in like…10 minutes.” You scoff as you pull a t-shirt over your head. “And lord knows Steve isn’t gonna show up and present anything so if I’m late that means both of us are going to get zeros.” Robin groans as she turns over in her bed. “Good luck.” She says as she throws a thumbs up over at you. “Mmhmm… thanks, R.” You quickly run your fingers through your hair as you shrug with approval and grab all your things, making your way quickly out of your dorm and to your class.
You had never walked faster to a class in your life. Your feet were moving a million miles a minute as you approached your classroom. That is until you hear a voice from beside you. “You look like you’re in a rush.” You stop in your tracks as you look at the boy and scoff. “Wow, decided to show up today, huh?” You look up at him, Steve. He shrugs and puts his hands in his pockets. “Decided I had enough time for you today I guess.” Your eyes squint at him for only a moment before you scoff. “Okay, Harrington.”
You shake your head as you quickly dig through your backpack and pull out the notebook that had your lab written in it, slapping it in Steve’s hands. “Review that as we walk.” You say as your feet start moving towards your classroom again. “You have a lot to catch up on. Come on, looks like we are both in a rush.”
Steve quickly follows behind you as he looks down at the lab in his hands, a smile forming on his face. “You know you really don’t have to give me credit for any of this… you shouldn’t.” You shrug as you look up at him. “You’re smart, Steve. I know you are. You just… are occupied. It’s okay. I’ll cover for you.” You smile up at him as he looks down at you with a glimmer in his eyes, the sun hitting off of the rim of his glasses perfectly.
“We could make a deal? I’ll do the next lab by myself. I promise.” You can’t help but laugh at Steve’s words as you shake your head. “Yeahhh not holding you to that promise, Harrington. Though, I do appreciate the offer.” Steve stops walking for a second, softly grabbing your wrist. “No, I’m serious, please, let me make it up to you.” Your eyebrows furrow as your eyes meet his, seriously considering his offer. “Fine. Pinky promise me, Steve Harrington.” Steve rolls his eyes as he holds out his pinky. A sweet smile on his face as a curl falls down into his face. “Pinky promise.” He slightly whispers as you two lock fingers. As your fingers lock and your eyes meet one another’s, you feel a flutter in your chest. It feels like time is frozen until you both get knocked out of whatever trance you’re in with each other when Steve looks down at his watch that’s on the hand that is currently interlocked with yours. “Okay but seriously we should probably get to class.” You release your hand from his as you nod quickly. “Mhmm, yeah. Class.”
As you and Steve are waiting for your turn to present, you can see Steve getting antsy. His leg shakes up and down as he chews on his thumb nail, his eyes staying in one place, his face showing that though his body is in the classroom, his mind is not. “Hey…” you whisper over at him. “Relax. We’re gonna do fine.” Steve looks at you confused. “Hm? I know that.” He shakes his head and goes back to chewing on his nails, his eyes darting down at his watch over and over again. You start to grow nervous that Steve might walk out on you right now. It wouldn’t be the first time. Finally, your names are called to present your lab and Steve sighs in relief, quickly standing up.
You guys present your lab almost perfectly, besides the fact that Steve could not slow down his speech, making it known he was in a rush. As soon as you said the last word of your presentation, Steve darted out the door. You smile at your professor awkwardly and then to your classmates. “Thank you…” you say quietly as you make your way back to your seat. The seat next to you now uncomfortably empty.
As soon as class is over you close your books and make your way to your dorm. You are incredibly thankful that you have no more classes for the day as you walk through campus. You can feel your throat start to close as tears brew in your eyes. Just once you wanted Steve to actually care. So many missed homework assignments, so many missed presentations, and now, finally when Steve shows up, he reminds you once again that none of this matters to him. Did you matter to him? Why would you? He’s Robin’s friend. You’re just his lab partner. You somehow wished you were more. After almost a whole year of being put on the back burner by Steve Harrington, you still expected more from him. Wanted more from him. You quickly wipe the tears that fall down your cheeks before a voice is heard from above.
“Hey, princess!!” The voice yells down. You jump slightly before looking up and seeing your favorite masked hero looking down at you. “Why the long face, sweetheart?” You laugh softly, wiping your tears clean off of your face. “I think you have better things to do than help a girl with her feelings.” You yell back with a smile. Spider-Man quickly jumps down and takes up the space right next to you. He shrugs, “my job comes with many responsibilities.” He starts to count on his fingers as he speaks. “Beating up bad guys, helping old ladies get their cats out of trees…helping old ladies cross the street, OH and watching pretty girls walk home.” One of your eyebrows goes up as your face contorts into amusement.
“Oh so I have a stalker now?” Even though the man has a mask on, you can feel the worry on his face as he gasps. “What? No… no! That’s not what I meant! You know that’s not what I meant!” He says awkwardly and in a panic as he puts his hand on his head. “I just mean… you know, you never know what could happen because of that… creepy guy the other night.” He leans his back on the wall of the building you guys are standing next to, trying to be slick and cover up what he had said. You can’t help but laugh as you step closer to him. “Well then I guess I’m honored.” As you look at the masked man, you can’t help but feel a longing for him. You want to know his secrets, what he looks like. His favorite color and favorite movie. You want to know him. Not Spider-Man, but the man in the mask. Your smile fades as you look toward your dorm building.
“Well, I shouldn’t keep you. It’s uh, it’s sweet of you to check on me.” You start to walk backwards, making your way to your dorm. Spider-Man sighs as he throws out his hand and swings back up to the light post he was on only minutes ago. “Don’t be a stranger.” He yells down. “How could I be??? You’re stalking me, remember??” You yell back at him as he shakes his head and laughs. “In your dreams, princess!” He yells one last time before swinging away. Oh if only he knew.
You spend the rest of the day longing for another interaction with Spider-Man. Just from the two small interactions you had, he made you feel like you mattered. As you sit cuddled up in your comforter, you can hear laughter approaching your room before Robin walks in with Steve. “Oh, sorry dingus number two! I didn’t know you’d be home yet.” You sigh as you sit up and look at them both. “No problem.” A small smile forms on your lips as Steve looks over at you. He waves and scratches his neck nervously. Robin looks at you both and rolls her eyes with a loud groan. “Oh get over it already you two. I can not have my two best friends be this awkward with each other all the time. It’s killing me!” She grabs a few popcorn bags and walks towards the door again. “I’m going to the lounge to make this. You two…” she points at you both back and forth, “work this out right now. She’s joining us for movie night tonight.” Steve looks at Robin with furrowed brows and slumped shoulders, almost begging her not to leave. Like they both know something you don’t and they are communicating with their minds.
Robin tilts her head at Steve and he rolls his eyes with a quiet, “okay, fine, fine…” leaving his lips, his hands going up in surrender. Robin quickly makes her way out of the dorm room, slamming the door behind her. You can’t help but laugh at her dramatics, Steve joining in right after. “Awkward? Pft… we aren’t awkward.” Steve says as he leans against Robin’s bed, arms crossed over his chest. You smile at him and roll your eyes before pointing between the two of you. “Oh, this isn’t awkward?” He shakes his head with a smug smile. “Nah…” he laughs before sighing and looking down at the ground. “I’m sorry… about earlier. I wish I could make it up to yo-,”
“Don’t worry about it.” You quickly cut him off, not wanting to get upset, but Steve shakes his head. “No, I am worried about it. I’m sorry.” You frown slightly at him before speaking. “I just want to know why, Steve. I know I’m just your lab partner, but…” you shake your head at your own words. Steve squints slightly at you, wanting you to keep going. “But what?”
You scoff again. “Nothing. Seriously. You have better things to do, I understand that.” Steve frowns back at you now as he glides his hand through his hair. “I just wish I could explain…” you shrug at him. “There’s nothing to explain, Steve. You have your life, I have mine.” Steve pushes his glasses up his face before sticking his hands in his pockets. “Whatever you say, princess.” You smile as you look down in your lap, but suddenly a voice in the back of your head repeats the word princess back to you. It’s not the word, it’s the way he said it. It’s not mocking you, it’s sweet…like honey. You freeze, mouth going slightly dry as your head shoots up to look at him, eyes going wide in shock. The nickname, of course you’ve heard it before.
“What?” Steve says with a small chuckle, noticing the way you're suddenly studying his face. The chuckle that leaves Steve’s lips suddenly sounds familiar to you. He’s busy all the time because he is Spider-Man. A voice says in your head before you shake it away. “Nothing…nothing! We’re good, Steve, I promise.” Your mind is still running wild. You try your best to hide your thoughts, not wanting to look crazy. Steve smiles and holds out his pinky, just like earlier. “Pinky promise?” You take a deep breath before locking fingers with him again. “Pinky promise.” You smile and just as you’re about to say something else, Robin barges in the room with two bowls full of popcorn, she smiles wildly as she looks at your fingers interlocked. “Awwww… dingus one and dingus two just needed some alone time!” She says as you and Steve both roll your eyes and let go of each other’s hands. You look over at Steve one more time, his curly hair dangling in his face, his glasses perfectly framing his face, and you can’t help but smile.
Maybe your connection with Spider-Man ran deeper than just having a crush on a masked superhero. Maybe he’s been in front of you this whole time and you’ve never realized it. Whether your sudden realization was real or not, Steve Harrington had his secrets, but so did everyone else. Maybe you’d never know who was behind the masked hero, but suddenly, it didn’t matter.
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munariplans · 9 months
cold | natasha romanoff
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synopsis: AU to the spidey!reader and natasha series, wherein a bad argument leads to unsaid misunderstandings and forever guilt between natasha and her love, just before christmas.
natasha romanoff x spidey! reader
word count: 2.2k words
warnings: major character death
a/n: i have to emphasise that this is an AU for these two once more, or i fear i may not make it out alive for christmas from your wraths as well...
cold had been the one word you would describe the look in her eyes, as she told you to get out. to get out, if it made you happier going out on that stupid mission than spending time at home with your family. that stupid mission that no one could deny was not only dangerous, but life-threatening. but you were confident in your abilities. you knew that if anyone could survive it, you could. you also knew that bringing the stolen artefact home could add a nice year-end bonus that would chip in heavily to the new play room that was being built for your son. 
you didn’t mention any of that to natasha, of course. she was already enraged enough as it is, standing by the christmas tree the three of you had decorated together. your son was a greater help than you, she would say, as you carried him on your shoulders and allowed him to choose where he wanted to hang the ornaments beside natasha. you remembered those moments fondly. 
“get out then,” she bit harshly, “get out on that stupid, godforsaken mission if you have to. i could care less about trying to convince you otherwise anymore. it seems that whatever i say these days doesn’t even matter.”
“nat, of course what you say matters.”
“you don’t love me enough to have it matter.”
“how can you–”
but she had put up a hand to stop you. it was enough. she had sighed deeply, and began walking back to the bedroom. it was late, and your son had a preschool play the next day. natasha needed to get up early to put his costume together for him. 
you didn’t see a point fighting her. maybe you should have. maybe you should have gone up to her, wrapped your arms around her, and told her just how sorry you were. that you weren’t going on the mission anymore, because it would be going against her wishes, and you loved her too much to disrespect her like that. maybe things would’ve been different then. 
what you did instead, was sigh irritatedly as well, and began packing up for the mission. getting dressed in your spider suit underneath plain clothing, you slipped your mask into one of the pockets on your jacket. the pendant with natasha’s photo inside of it hung snugly on your neck; your good luck charms. 
natasha watched you enter the bedroom, equipping your web shooters and packing the last of your things. she didn’t say anything. when you were finished and shot one last longing glance to her, she clenched her jaw and looked away. she didn’t want to be the one to give in first. she wished she had. she wished she had just put her ego down, and hugged and kissed you goodbye. it would have alleviated so much of the regret, and sorrow, that she was feeling right now. 
you nodded understandingly, swallowing a particularly difficult breath. coming a little closer, you noticed natasha not flinching when you moved. so you took the chance to kiss her on the cheek, and murmur i’ll be home soon in her ear. she gave a nonchalant grunt and drew the covers over her face. 
but natasha still cared. she cared so much that it hurt; it was inane for her, just caring for you. and so when you left the bedroom and made your way across the hall to your son’s room, she followed.
she watched by the door as you woke him up gently, leaning down to smile at him as he sleepily reached out for your voice in the dark. you held his hand, calling him your little warrior, and then, you leaned down and whispered, just enough for natasha to barely make out, “take care of your mama for me while i’m gone, okay? just like we talked about, my warrior.”
his hands imitated your own when you shot your web shooters; the spider pose, he would say, as you chuckled. you kissed him gently on the forehead then, and tucked him back in. 
“when will you be back?” he asked, eyes wide as he saw your mission supplies. 
you smiled sadly at him. “just in time for christmas, i promise.”
“pinky promise?” he let out his pinky, you interlaced it with yours, nodding. 
natasha disappeared back into the room before you could see her, her own eyes red and brimming with tears. she heard the click of the front door a few seconds later. she wished she had never allowed you to leave that night. 
it had been a mistake; a miscalculation on your part, which led to a mistake with even graver consequences than you had realised. you had slipped in the wet snow running from the enemies, allowing them to catch up with you. just enough for a clear shot.
the first few seconds after the initial gunshot felt broken, silent in the freezing air of the night. your breath was still ragged, desperate to flee, and your reflexes had been working perfectly fine. then came the second, and the third, and you knew something had gone very, very wrong. 
you let go of the artefact, and zipped away out of sight. 
ending up at a rooftop just near the park, you could hear the confused shouts and demands for the enemies to find you. but you knew, that while you were not safe up there, you were hidden. stumbling as you landed, you scrambled to feel just where you had been shot, and why the bullets weren’t deflected from your near-bulletproof suit. you cursed when you felt that they had been designed to mimic the density of arrows instead. 
“oh my god,” you hadn’t realised just how much blood was pouring out of you. you reached out for the wall beside you, but soon enough, standing proved to be too arduous of a task, as you crippled to your knees. your hands drawn back were doused in blood, and you finally felt just how piercing the wounds were, exposed to the cold.
you lay on your back. rolling over onto your back was all you could manage. the lightheadedness was coming quickly; you were so cold, everything hurt. you had tried pressing your hands against the wounds, but even more hot blood coated them while doing so. under the moonlight, the blood appeared thick and black, almost like molasses. 
the crippling fear that you were going to bleed out before anyone could find you began to set in. and through your short, panicked, breaths, you felt something slip out of your pocket. the blood had made the grip in your suit slippery enough to allow your phone to slip. 
there, the wallpaper of natasha and your son shone bright against the dark backdrop of the night. you shut your eyes, summoning the last of your strength to grip it and bring it closer to you. your fingers slipped as they pressed down on natasha’s number from muscle memory. your vision had gone blurry by the time you managed to press the phone against your ear. 
the tone rang once, twice, then, “hello?”
her voice was always sweet like honey. the thought of bleeding out before you could hear that voice for another day would have filled you with the rage of dying, but you had no energy for it any longer. you were so very, very tired. and so very, very cold. 
“hi, my love.”
natasha moved the phone to her other ear. you rarely called her during missions; you had always feared for her safety. there was the soft pitter patter of rain in the background of where you were. natasha didn’t know that in the rain, the water and blood was slowly filling up your lungs. 
“what’s wrong?” you hated how she knew there was something amiss. her voice already carried an air of concern.
you cleared your throat. “nothing. i just needed to hear your voice…how have you been?”
“it’s only been a week, baby. nothing much has changed since you left.” natasha would regret uttering those words just a few minutes later.
you smiled. “t-that’s good. how was our boy’s play? d-did he outshine the others, like i said?”
“he did, he was easily the best one there,” natasha cooed, her other hand ruffling your son’s hair as he played with his toys while waiting for natasha to complete mission reports in the compound. “he misses you so much.” 
“tell him–” the line crackled as the rain beat down harder on you, “–please tell him–that–that i miss him too.”
the troubled feeling in natasha’s gut only grew bigger. “i will. baby, is everything okay over there? is the mission…okay?”
you drew a ragged breath that natasha didn’t miss. “yeah, yeah of course. mission’s perfectly fine. like i said…i just wanted to hear your voice.”
there was a beat of silence, as natasha held her tongue and you hoped she wouldn’t detect the fading in your voice. it hurt to breathe by then. 
“yes?” she responded immediately. 
“i’m sorry, nat. for going on this mission. for going against your wishes. i’m sorry–” the line crackled, “–that i made you feel small, or your opinions unvalued. you know that…you know that your opinions always matter to me. and–” 
you had drawn up a cough, wet and bloody. “–and i’m sorry for all the times i never made you feel as loved as i should have. i’m sorry for not loving you enough, as you told me. i regret everything about that argument we had, you know. i love you so much, i don’t think i could fathom…the idea of losing you.”
“it’s alright, baby, it’s really alright,” natasha had moved from her office to the main comms room, paging for an emergency meeting, “i forgive you. and i said some nasty things i didn’t mean too. i hope you forgive me as well, and we can move past it, together. i love you too, you know.”
“yeah, i do,” your eyelids were drooping, “thank you.”
natasha could hear the footsteps of the others by then. “baby, are you sure everything is alright? should i call for help? where are you?”
“no, no,” you begged, “please, i’m alright. just stay on the line with me, please.”
“i’m not hanging up.”
you let out another bloodied cough. this time, it was hard to deny that natasha couldn’t hear it, because it had launched you into an even worse state, your suit beginning to grow heavy on your bones from the water and blood. there was no hope by then. 
“yes, sweetheart.”
“it’s just me and you here, right?” you looked up to the moon, wondering if it was the same one she was staring at right now.
natasha shut her eyes in pain, gripping the table before her. fury’s hand wrapped over hers, as the team gathered around her. they had already begun tracing your call, and the avengers were suiting up. “...just me and you.”
you were wincing between every word, “the drawer below where you keep your winter coats. our son’s christmas present…and yours. i–don’t think–i can make it home for christmas on time. will you help me break the news…to him? i’m sorry.”
natasha let the tears run freely then. they had found you. and she had seen just the state you were in. “baby, please. why are you–”
“–please?” natasha shook her head. this cannot be happening. “nat, please?”
“okay, okay,” she reluctantly agreed. whatever to keep you awake. “in exchange, can you…can you hold on for a little while longer? i’m coming, baby.”
you let out a soft exhale as you smiled. “i love you nat. i always have, and i always will.”
“i love you too. so please, can you–”
“–do me a favour, nat. don’t. don’t try. just please…please stop crying for me?”
she had wanted to scream. she had wanted to scream, to find you and shake you so hard that you would wake up and realise that you were killing her just by dying too, and that she had wanted to slap you so hard for even daring to ask her not to cry. but she also wanted to hold you, to hug you and kiss you, and have the opportunity of feeling your touch once more before she said goodbye. she didn’t want this to be the way it all ended. 
she didn’t know how she was going to survive without you. her blood was running cold and she was pacing back and forth in anxiety. the team didn’t dare interfere with how she was dealing with the impending loss of her wife.
your voice was drifting further and further away. you were dying. 
“i have to go now, nat. please forgive me. please forgive me. and please kiss our son goodnight before bed tonight for me. thank you for everything.”
the phone dropped, and natasha’s world stopped. her son would not only know that you weren’t coming home for christmas, but you weren’t coming home at all. and she would know that had she just convinced you a little better, loved you a little harder, you wouldn’t have gone on the mission. and she would still have you by her side for christmas. 
cold had been the body they found right outside yours and natasha's shared apartment. cold had been natasha’s heart the moment she saw you again, the life in your eyes gone and the guilt in her heart needling itself into grief. 
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exhaslo · 1 year
Kinktober Day 16- Miguel x Villian!Reader (Bondage)
*Requested by reader ;) *
        The age of heroes was long gone, therefore you thought it was safe to play the part of a villain. Not really a villain, per se, you were a thief. Upon reading about how glorious the past thieves and villains were, you wanted to give your life a new thrill. Taking upon the name of, 'Black Cat', you dedicated your nights to stealing from the rich and giving to the poor, or sometimes to your pockets. Which ever gave you more of a high.
"Ohhhhhh, look at those earrings she is wearing! I'm sure she won't notice if I take them~"
"I'm sure she will,"
"No she-Ah!"
        You yelped away from the window, wondering who was talking to you. To your surprise, it was a tall muscular man in a suit. This must have been the big scary Spiderman that everyone was talking about. Your eyes wandered from his head to his toe. He was much finer than the stories you heard. Ain't no way a man like that was single. You swore a lightbulb appeared above your head. There was something new to steal now.
"Don't believe we've officially met, I'm Black Cat, but you can call me Kitty." You said with a wink.
"Gatita? (kitty?)" He repeated. 
        You nearly gasped. He was Spanish too, one of your many weaknesses in a man! Holding your chest, you nearly stumbled. What would happen if you just surrounded yourself to him? Spiderman was a hero, perhaps you can taint him!
"Wow, that just rolls right off the tongue-ahem, anyway, there's no way such a big hero like yourself is here to stop lil ol' me from stealing some earrings, right?"
"No. Just patrolling and saw a shady figure looking to break in."
"I am not shady!" You said with a huff and approached him, "But, I'll be a good kitty tonight and go home. Maybe if we meet again, I can be good to you~" You purred, trailing your finger against his chest.
        You quickly left with a wide grin against your lips. Oh he was so toned! You casually glanced back, hoping that your flirting was good enough. It had been a while since you did something so bold. Well, the mask sure helped.
        Miguel just stood there, wondering what had just happened. Normally he wouldn't let such petty thieves get away without teaching them a lesson, but then again, you didn't steal anything yet. That, and Miguel had not been flirted with in such a long time that he was in shock. Your casual touch against his skin made him tense. You called yourself a good kitty for him. That was something he was going to think about all night.
        As luck would have it, you kept bumping into Spiderman. It was always whenever you were going to steal something petty or for yourself. Never when it was for others. It made you wonder if he was watching what you were stealing. If so, where would he draw the line? It felt like your flirting was working because Spiderman had started to flirt back! Oh, you nearly dropped on your knees the first time he said something so proactive! You nearly folded right then and there for him!
"Not yet, (y/n)! You need to think!"
"(Y/n)? What a pretty name," Spiderman said with a hum. You let out a whine as your cat claws stroked down the wall you were about to climb,
"You're so mean to me!" You teased, facing the tall man, "Are you going to look me up when you get home, huh Spidey?"
"Now why would I want to look up criminals?" He drew closer to you, "Unless you want me too?"
"Tsk, tsk, this kitty won't like that. This game has to be fair."
"I don't play games with thieves." Spiderman hummed lowly, his hand pressed against the wall as he hovered over you, "Now what were you trying to steal this time?" He asked.
        You gave him your best pout, trying to act innocent. Why was this man so attractive!? If only you can match a face with that sexy voice of his. You bit you lower lip as you took notice of the position you were in. This was straight out of a comic book! Argh, if only you weren't restricted by his mask. You would totally kiss him!
"Why don't I let you guess?" You placed a hand against his chest, "If you guess correctly, I'll reward you~"
"I don't play games with-"
"Boo! Perhaps next time you can play with this kitty. I'm flexible~" You whispered in his ear before dashing off.
        Miguel inhaled deeply as he watched you scurry off. He kept saying that he did not play games with criminals, yet here he was, letting you run off. Like a game of cat and mouse, only he was a Spider. Miguel groaned lowly as your last words repeated in his mind. Next time he might want that reward you were tempting him with. Next time, he might stop playing games and catch you...Just to see how flexible you really were. It all depends on how you were going to be and what you were going to steal.
        This was it! This was really going to test your flirting skills with Spiderman. You might be going too far, but hell, this was for your own amusement. You wanted to steal Spiderman for yourself. Such a fine man deserved to be yours. You could not go to bed without thinking of him being intimate with you. You wanted him! Chuckling to yourself, you stared at the adult store in front of your, waiting for Spiderman to appear.
"What are you doing, gatita?" Spiderman said with a hesitant sigh. You smirked towards him,
"What? Can't even steal myself some relief? I'm tired of being a good kitty~"
"Rel-" Miguel stopped himself, feeling that thin line slowly breaking, "You don't need that."
"Awe~ Why not?" You slowly approached Spiderman, "Remember that game last time? Guess what I'm going to steal and I'll reward you? Well, it will be an extra sweet reward~"
"Fuck," Oh, you weren't expecting that, "I'm done playing games."
        Before you can whine, you yelped as Spiderman fired his webbing towards you. You gasped as both of your hands were stuck to the building. Spiderman drew closer to you, webbing your hands more firmly so your claws couldn't break you free.
"You've been a bad, gatita. I'm going to have to punish you after all," His voice was low and raspy. Did you actually succeed?
"Oh? And how are you-ah~"
        You gasped once more as Spiderman started to rub his fingers against your cunt. The fabric causing a burning friction. You tried to close your legs, but Spiderman raised them and webbed them to the wall as well. This was an embarrassing position! You were completely caught in his web.
"Miguel," He whispered, trailing his fingers against the rip of your pants, "(Y/N), if you want relief so badly, then I'll give it to you."
        Shit, this was actually happening. You felt yourself grow wetter just by him telling you his name. At least now you had something to yell out. Muffling a moan, you whined as Miguel lowered your pants. The bottom half of his mask disappeared as he brought his tongue to your wet pussy. Your eyes widen as your saw fangs. So those rumors were true. Before you could ask him about them, you let out a loud moan as he licked your folds.
"M-Miguel!" You yelped in shock. Miguel just looked up at you thru his mask, licking your wet folds in the process,
"You can't lick yourself here, gatita, so I will." His voice vibrated throughout your body, causing you to shiver in delight.
        You tried to arch your back as he wiggled his tongue all over your pussy. A burning sensation traveling all over your body to your cunt. His hands stroking your legs, making you more sensitive. Miguel raised his head slightly, sucking against your clit. You cried out, feeling your growing pleasure. You felt his smirk as he slid his hand over your cunt, sliding two of his large digits inside of you. That was your final straw as you cam against his hand.
        You whined once more as Miguel kept fucking his fingers into your throbbing pussy, not giving you a chance to rest. His tongue still against your clit, eagerly sucking and licking. This was actually happening. Spiderman was fucking you. Trembling as Miguel curled his finger's inside you, you started to grind your hips against his hand. This was much better than whatever toy you were going to steal. Another gasp came out of you as Miguel started to pump his fingers faster. You wanted these webs off.
"C-Come on, Spidey, I-I'll be a good, ah, kitty, lemme g-go~" You begged, feeling another orgasm forming. Miguel looked at you, freeing your abused clit,
"Don't like it when you're trapped in my web?" He asked, bringing his fangs against your neck, "Gotta tie up criminals. Including bad gatitas." He whispered, sucking against your neck.
        Your whines got tuned out by your moans since Miguel pumped his fingers into your g-spot. Your vision blurred for a second as you cam once more. Miguel removed his fingers, giving them a lick as he freed his large cock. Pre-cum already dripping from his tip. You were brought back to your senses once you laid eyes on it. How was that going to fit? There was no way you could move either.
"Awe, is my gatita scared?" Miguel teased, pressing the tip of his cock against your soaked pussy, "Why don't I give you a reward for not stealing anything?"
"Mhm-Miguel...It's...too hn...b-big," You stuttered, trembling as he slowly slid his cock inside your gummy walls, "D-Does y-your training...including...d-dick growth?" 
"Hah," Miguel almost let out a rare laugh. 
        You wanted to say you were joking, but you weren't. Miguel was so big and thick. You were shaking as you felt your pussy stretch like never before. It hurt at first, but this position was making you adjust quickly. You were spread out like a damn butterfly. Thank god there were no cameras or nearby people. You flung your head back, moaning as you felt his tip hit your cervix. Who knew Spiderman had such a big dick. Who knew it would even fit inside you!
"Fuck, look at that. What a good gatita." Miguel groaned lowly.
        You whined softly as you felt your walls squeeze him. Miguel leaned in to kiss you before beginning his rough thrusts. Your eyes widen as you moaned into the kiss, surprised by his strength. You felt him fuck the breathe right out of your throat. With each thrust, Miguel bruised your cervix. He held your hips, climbing onto the wall to fuck you deeper. If only you could hold onto him. You felt so vulnerable in this position, unable to move. It was like you were just his fuck toy.
        You swore you saw stars as Miguel made you cum again. He grunted as his cock started to get a white ring from your juices. He quicken his pace, causing you to moan from overstimulation. How many more orgasms' was this man going to draw out of you. You started to feel dizzy, but you didn't want him to stop. Hearing another grunt, Miguel held your waist tighter, almost piercing it with his talons. He slammed his dick into you harshly, pouring his cum into your womb.
"That's right, good gatita's like their milk." Miguel panted softly. You just trembled,
"A-Ah~" You moaned lowly, feeling his hot load fill you.
        Miguel waited a moment before pulling out. He watched as a mixture of his cum and your juices rolled down your legs. He freed you from his webbing and fixed your suit. Glancing up at the building before you, he smirked under his mask,
"I'll let you steal just one thing from that store, but I'll have to punish you again." He whispered in your ear, holding your waist close to his. Your body leaned against his, unable to think straight,
"Do you like seeing this kitty all tied up?"
"I'd be lying if I said no."
"Then I'll reward my precious hero and grab more bondage...That doesn't involve sticky webs." You whined, still removing his webs from your suit. Miguel smirked, biting against your neck as he rubbed your pussy again,
"But you enjoy these sticky webs." He poked against your hole, causing you to melt under his touch,
"L-Lemme steal...mhm...something first."
"Yes, my good little gatita."
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spiderlandry · 17 days
Secrets Kept — Ethan Landry
in which you have a secret, and it’s not what ethan thinks.
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Pairing: Ethan Landry x Spider-Woman!Reader (she/her pronouns used)
Warnings: minor gunshot wound, kind of escalates quickly?, mention of reader having no family (other than aunt may), slight angst, fluff, no ghostface (previous movies can still be canon i think), somewhat dialogue-heavy, mentions of Across the Spider-Verse events
Word Count: ~9k
Author’s Note: hey everyone, i do wanna apologize for promising to come back and then just. not. so im sorry for that! i have had some health/life troubles recently and long story short i won’t be releasing anymore fics after this. (i am not dying, dont worry, my energy just isnt the same). i also realized i just do not feel as passionate about writing as i used to. thank you for sticking with me, and i will keep all my fics up. for unfinished series i’ve written, anyone is free to write continuations if you wish. thank u so much again for making me feel so welcome here!!! feel free to talk to me in my inbox as i’ll be checking in periodically. and if there’s any interest, i’m willing to post unedited wips.
i guess i've come full circle because this fic was the reason i created this blog. it was unfinished so i never did post it, but i finally got some energy to do it! so enjoy (hopefully)
New York had been your home for a long time. All your life, actually. But sometimes, the rowdy, noisy city was suffocating.
However, swinging through the city, air resisting against your skin as you picked up speed—lifted the weight off your shoulders.
You changed in a secluded alley on the outskirts of the busyness in the big apple, not risking any neighbours seeing you go into the window of your apartment. The subway was crowded as it is all hours of the day, though you didn’t mind too much.
Closing the door behind you, you dropped your bag on the couch and looked for your roommate. “Quinn?” Your voice travelled throughout the place, bringing your roommate to her feet and outside her room.
“Hey, d’you just get back?” She smiled, leaning against the end of the hallway. “How was patrol?”
You sighed, opening the zipper of your backpack to pull out the bagel you got for her. “Yeah, it was alright. Nothing exciting.” you threw it to her, and she almost dropped it. “Got you a bagel. Thanks for covering for me.”
She scoffed in mock offence, “What did I say about throwing things? I don’t have your spider sensor, or whatever. But this is appreciated.” She took a bite, and you laughed at her remark about the spider-sense.
“Noted, sorry again.” You returned her grin. You knew she loved being in on the secret. She took joy in knowing the real identity of the masked vigilante, often covering for you around your friends when you had to leave very suddenly during movie nights and hangouts. But above all, she was a concerned friend. Always. Patched you up when you came home late at night, warned you when you were about to make a bad decision, told you to be careful before you left.
You often told yourself not to get too close. Making connections as a vigilante wasn’t ideal. Anybody who knew your identity was in danger at all times, and it didn’t help that you had a huge crush on her brother. You never uttered a word to her, but you could sense her observing you when you hung out with the friend group—not in a spidey-sense way, though, you could just feel it, even without the supernatural sense.
“Anything interesting happen while I was gone?” You asked, flopping down on the couch and turning on the tv, avoiding the news channels.
“Ethan missed you. It was kinda gross, actually. Wouldn’t stop asking where you were.” She grabbed a drink from the kitchen, disappearing from view.
You furrowed your brows, “You know I never believe you whenever you say anything about Ethan, right? Especially concerning me.”
“Not my problem, spidey. I never lie.”
“I could give you ten examples,” you chuckled.
“I never lie to you. Obviously I lie to everybody else.” She came back from the kitchen with a look.
“Is it because I’m special?”
You weren’t the nervous type. Maybe it was after you were bitten by the spider, you never really knew, but one of the main reasons Ethan may not have realized you have any semblance of feelings for him was because you acted normal around him like you did everybody else. Your schedules were different, so you rarely hung out with him for school reasons, meaning the only times he spent time with you was during group hangouts.
Including now. At his and Chad’s tiny off campus apartment.
He watched you play chess with Anika, Chad watching from the sidelines during a blitz game. Speed chess. He knew how to play chess. Maybe he should play with you, a thought grazed his mind.
As if his sister could read him, she appeared beside him and nudged him closer to the scene. “You should play.”
He looked at her with shock, “No, I’ll lose. I don’t wanna embarrass myself.”
She narrowed her eyes. “Since when has that stopped you? You never back down from a chess match, remember?” He did remember, years ago when his father taught him after Richie left for college. “It’s because you like her, isn’t it?”
He huffed. To try and prove her wrong, he went over to the coffee table and watched as you lost to Anika—maybe he has a chance.
It was his turn, now. He replaced Anika on the seat facing you, rearranging the chess pieces. “Pretty boy wants to play!” Chad exclaimed.
“Chad.” Ethan said in an almost warning tone. “What did I say about the nickname?”
You reset the chess clock. He looked at you—you were smirking—which was a mistake, because he didn’t realize you started his clock.
“Shit,” he moved a piece, fumbling. You grinned at him, and he realized he’ll do anything to see it again.
You didn’t lose your confidence, moving chess pieces to counteract his own moves.
During the middle game was when it dawned on him he was fucked.
It became clear to him you likely knew how to psych him out—just by smiling at him.
Little did he know, you smiled at him because his thinking face was adorable. But on his side, you were smiling every time he glanced at you. He had no other choice but to believe you were doing it to make him blunder, because he couldn’t make you usually smile like that, could he?
Quinn watched her brother fumble around you. Her plan worked. At least for tonight.
You ended up winning the game with ten seconds left on your clock and three on his.
You high-fived Chad, much to Ethan’s dismay, but you offered a handshake to his direction which he gladly accepted to feel your warm palm in his. Worth it.
He was mustering up to ask for a rematch when your phone buzzed on the counter, which Quinn reached to get before anyone could in case it was something spider related. And thank god she did, because it was. She gave you a nod, reading the notification about something happening downtown. You cringed internally, knowing the burden of covering for you would fall on your friend’s shoulders again. She packed your things and handed you the backpack, whispering ‘be safe’ as you take it from her, so nobody else would hear.
With a closing of the door behind you, a conversation in the room began, thanks to a suspecting Mindy.
“Why does she leave sometimes?” The woman looked to the strawberry blonde for an answer, suspecting that she knew more than she let on. “She never tells us.” They all settled on the couch as Chad flicked through streaming services for a movie and Ethan cleaned up the chessboard. He didn’t wanna seem to interested, but he was definitely actively listening for Quinn’s answer.
“Her aunt calls her sometimes to run some errands,” Quinn prayed they wouldn’t pry. She saw this coming because you’d been dealing with more calls recently and patrolling more often. There really was no other excuse for the spontaneous leaving. It was easier to cover if you were already not there—you’d be studying, grocery shopping, napping, or literally anything else.
“Aunt May?” Ethan piped up. You mentioned her once, saying you needed to get eggs for her.
“Yeah, Aunt May.”
“She never talks about her family.” Said Anika.
Quinn didn’t want to say anything else. “She’s just private, I think.”
“You know more about her than us, though.”
“Because I’m her roommate.”
Mindy’s eyes squint toward her. Tilting her head, she pursed her lips. “I think you’re lying.”
“Why would I be?”
“She’s left before, at like, one AM. Why would her aunt call her at that time?”
Quinn shrugged, feeling a little bit of panic setting in. “Who knows?”
“Is she hiding something?”
“No.” The word was so quick and curt, and that was when she knew she fucked up.
“You’re definitely lying.”
Everyone else, watching the interaction turning from teasing to tense, Sam stepped in. “Guys,” she interrupted. “If Y/N wants to tell us something, she would. I’m sure she has her reasons.”
Mindy had been suspicious for a long time. Not out of malice, she liked to think she had a naturally curious personality. She’d kept an eye on you every time you left, half because she wanted to know, but also because she was worried. Had you not been friends for long enough that you couldn’t tell them why you left or was sometimes missing?
Ethan thought similar.
It got weirder when he saw a glimpse of your name on Quinn’s phone, a call from you that she answered. She went to the kitchen to answer it. Mindy saw it too.
Ethan wasn’t proud of it, but he followed, to stay right behind the threshold of the kitchen and the cold tiled floor, listening to the conversation.
The audio from your end was inaudible, but Quinn’s responses were: “Yeah?” … “How bad is it?” … “No, I’ll be there.” … “Who cares if they get suspicious? You’re more important.”
He heard the call end and rushed back to his seat, to Quinn’s obliviousness. She grabbed her things.
“I’m tired, guys.” She announced to the group, Tara pausing the movie. “I’m gonna go home.”
“Oh,” Sam replied. “Well, be careful. Do you have your pepper spray?”
“Yes, Sam.” Quinn almost rolled her eyes at Sam’s protectiveness, but she knew it was out of real worry.
After his sister left, Ethan began the conversation this time. “I think Mindy’s right.”
Everyone turned to him.
“Quinn was talking to Y/N.”
Tara sat up. “You followed her to eavesdrop?”
Ethan shrugged, feeling scolded.
“Not cool, dude.”
“What did she say?” Sam asked curiously, now hooked. If Ethan mentioned it, it must have been important.
“Like…” A pause, “Q asked ‘how bad is it?’ then said she’ll be there. And then, like, who cares if they get suspicious.”
“They’re definitely hiding something,” Mindy stated. “But why?”
“My sister never hides anything from me. She always overshares, and I always hated it. But now she’s not. It’s probably not…good.”
“Are we sure we should talk about this?” Anika piped up next to Mindy. “Maybe it’s a problem with their apartment—a leak, or something.”
“But…” Chad spoke, “what about the suspicious part? And why would Quinn lie?”
At the same time, at your and Quinn’s apartment, you bled out on a towel placed on the couch from a gash across your stomach. You winced as your friend applied the bandage.
“Didn’t I tell you to be safe? What happened? You had a good streak going there for a while.”
“Quinn, please.”
“Also, not to alarm you, but they’re getting really suspicious. Mindy asked why you leave all the time.”
“Shit, she’s never asked that.” Your head fell against the end of the couch in defeat. “Maybe I should start distancing myself.”
Quinn’s head snapped up. “You’re not serious.”
“Dead serious.”
“Don’t make me say it.”
“Say what?” You looked at her.
“It’s a really bad idea.”
“I’m trying to keep people safe. Keep you safe. Keep everyone else in the group safe.”
“What about Ethan?”
“Including him.”
“No—“ She scoffs, “I mean, you’d…break his heart.”
You had to stop yourself from laughing. “Quinn,”
“I’m serious.” And she actually was. She might have thought her brother was a nerdy asshole. But he was her brother. “And everyone would wonder where you are. You can’t avoid them forever.”
Sitting atop a random apartment building Monday morning, your sight helped you catch a glimpse of Ethan walking amongst a crowd of New Yorkers, bumping into people with a hand on the backpack strap on his shoulder. It had been a week since you talked to Quinn about possibly leaving the group.
After that, you stopped answering messages from them, much to her dismay. She still saw you at the apartment, looking at you with silent eyes hoping you’d realize your mistake and come around again. She knew you would.
Having everybody’s schedules memorized helped you avoid them—but Anika having the same major as you was your downfall. You skipped a class yesterday, and she texted the groupchat asking where you were.
Maybe it was creepy, but keeping an eye on your friends calmed you down. You wanted to be the one to make sure they were safe without having them try to do the same thing—this was why you never wanted to get close.
Unbeknownst to you, the group had a bet going.
Mindy thought you and Quinn were dating. Ethan thought something was up in your family life, maybe Aunt May was sick. Chad thought you were in a secret fight club (secretly worried). Anika was on board with Mindy’s theory. Sam refused to answer, and Tara was also silent.
Quinn came to your room that night. “Everybody’s worried about you.”
You looked at her with begging eyes. “I know, Quinn.” You sighed in defeat. “I don’t know what to do anymore.”
“Either you tell them or not. Your choice. But you can’t avoid it forever. Everyone’s been giving you space, but they’re still thinking you’ll come around.”
You stared at her, them looked away, at anything else.
“One more thing—“ she said before she left, “don’t patrol tonight.”
“Why not?”
“I’m gonna be over at Isaac’s place. If you get hurt, I won’t be there. He thinks I’m cheating on him whenever I bail.”
You would never ask her to give up a part of her life for you, she knew you would agree. But she also knew you would never miss patrol.
“Fine, I won’t.”
She left knowing you would.
You should have listened. God, you should have listened.
Your wound from a few days ago had already healed thanks to your abilities, but another power you had was how many times you got injured in a short amount of time. Especially in the same spot. This time it was a real stab wound on your side, not just a gash a centimetre deep.
You couldn’t let yourself bleed out on the alley to be found dead and your friends to find out your identity through a news announcement that Spider-Woman was dead. You were about to swing back to your apartment—
You didn’t have your civilian clothes. The window on the fire escape was locked. Your door was locked. Nobody was home. Idiot!
One choice. You forced your feelings down, hoping this was for the best.
Ethan and Chad’s were the closest.
With your heart pounding in your ears, holding it together and covering your wound, you knocked on the glass.
Chad came out of the hallway to furious sounding knocking on the window, thinking maybe a madman managed to climb up the fire escape and was trying to break in.
He certainly wasn’t expecting the masked vigilante of New York City to be the one on the other side of the glass. And she looked to be bleeding.
You were thankful it was Chad who answered and not Ethan. He coincidentally had Econ tonight, so that was actually a plus.
Chad opened the window. “Holy shit!”
“Look—“ You were breathing rapidly, unable to keep it together. “I’m sorry about this—“ You tried to change your voice hoping your friend wouldn’t recognize it.
“I’m gonna carry you now, okay?” He put an arm behind your back and another under your knees, trying to avoid touching the wound. “What the fuck?” You heard him whisper as he set you down on the couch.
He rushed to the bathroom for the med kit. “You’re lucky I have this,” He set it down on the floor, rummaging through it. “I play college football, I mainly have it for sprains. I never used the suture kit, but hey, first time for everything, right?” He rambled. Just as Chad does when he was nervous, also evident in the tremble of his voice.
“I heal pretty quickly, I just need stitches to stop it from bleeding.”
“Thank God. I don’t know how to operate on organs. What if you have internal bleeding?”
“Won’t matter. I’ll heal. I’d never let you touch my organs.” You joked.
“Glad to know Spider-Woman’s funny.”
You were careful not to call him by name on instinct. “What should I call you?”
“Your saviour.” He got the tools ready, “Kidding. I’m Chad.”
“‘Kay, Chad. Need me to walk you through it?”
“Yes—yes, that would be good, actually. You have medical experience?”
“If you call getting injured experience, yes.”
“This is gonna be a long night.”
Tara did not believe her boyfriend.
She was at his apartment, sitting on his bed, and he was pacing and rambling about Spider-Woman coming to this very place last night and asked the vigilante to save her. She stared at him crazy.
“Babe, you have to believe me!” He jumped up excitedly, he couldn’t keep it in.
“You didn’t get any proof?”
“She was bleeding! I stitched her up! Not really a great time to ask for an autograph or a picture.”
She smiled at him endearingly. “I wanna believe you, so, so bad.”
He came closer to her, “Please do.”
“She just happened to come here when Ethan was away?”
She laughed, falling back on the bed.
“Please, babe!”
With good timing, a knock on the door took them away from the moment.
Tara went to get it, Chad on her tail.
And surprise.
It was Spider-Woman at the door.
You never intended on showing up, but the guilt consumed you and your feet brought you to a bakery and you’d purchased a dozen cupcakes before you knew it. You wanted to leave them at his door, but not trusting his neighbours, you decided to hand them over.
He wasn’t alone. You should have expected Tara. It was afternoon, and Ethan had a class early morning (why he picked it that early, you’ll never get.)
Tara’s eyes widened at the sight, immediately turning back to her boyfriend stopping him in his tracks. “Is this a prank?” She pointed a finger up at him.
Him not knowing who’s at the door, “What? Who’s at the door?” He walked past her and was equally shocked.
You lowered your voice again. “Uh,” you cleared your throat, “thanks for saving me last night.” You handed over the box of cupcakes.
“Are you joking?” Tara went to lift your mask, but you backed away. “Who are you?”
“Not a prank, promise!” You exclaimed. “This is…actually…me. Just wanted to say thanks. If not for him, I would have bled out.”
“Prove it.”
“Prove what?”
“You’re her.”
At that, you shot a web to the ceiling.
“I wasn’t lying, babe.” You heard Chad whisper to her. And directed at you, “Glad I could help, spider. Come back anytime!” Tara playfully slapped him on the shoulder as you walked away.
“I’ll keep that in mind!”
You still hadn’t told Quinn about what happened last night. That was because you hadn’t seen her anywhere. She must have slept in at her boyfriend(?)’s place.
As you got home, your phone buzzed.
Bruno Mars Security Team
everyone !!!!!!!! please come over tonight !!!!!!! i have to tell you all something !!!!!!! im spiderwomans best friend now
Oh god
What lol
Then, a personal message notification from Quinn.
Wtf happened while I was gone you have to tell me
Please actually come over to Chad’s. We all miss you even tho its only a few days like we’re all worried
i will
Chad had never been happier to see you. “You’re here! And you’re early!” He opened his arms for a hug, which you took. “I missed you!” You’d always been a little sister to him, despite being a few months apart, it mattered to him.
“Sorry I’ve been MIA,” You sighed, pulling away. “Just—dealing with stuff,” you cleared your throat.
Just then, Tara appeared and ran into your arms. You squeezed her tight, knowing she gave the best kinds of hugs. Her arms wrapped around your neck, head resting against your shoulder, fitting like a puzzle piece. “Talk to us anytime, okay?”
You nodded, ending the hug and closing the door behind you.
“What’s this about Spider-Woman?” You inquired, grabbing a drink from the fridge.
“I have to wait until everyone gets here, you guys are gonna freak! And Tara is here to back me up.”
“Is that all I’m here for?” Tara teased.
“No, honey, you know it’s also because we’re using your Netflix login.”
You laughed at their antics as she flicked him on the forehead lightly.
Ethan happened to catch you right at that moment as he came out of the bathroom.
He was silent, but shot you a smile nonetheless, which you mirrored. He really did not know what to say. A feeling bubbled up inside him and he knew he wanted to talk to you alone.
You took your place at the very end of the couch, checking something on your phone as you waited for the others to get here. Unbeknownst to you, though, Ethan was looking at you trying to decide whether it was the right time to talk. Chad and Tara were whispering to themselves, betting on if he would actually say anything.
After a few seconds, your senses told you somebody was staring. Not in a dangerous way, or even remotely alarming, but you could still feel it. So you turned your head upward and saw the curly haired boy a standing awkwardly a few feet from you.
“What’re you doing?” You smirked, though not really in a smug way. It was more amusement than anything.
“Uh—nothing, I just—“ He wandered closer, sitting a few centimetres away from you. “I—we, the group, want you to know that we’re always here if you need anything. You can talk to us, alright? You don’t—just don’t deal with it alone.” He shrugged, “That’s it.”
Your face softened at his confession. Only if you could tell them without compromising their safety. “Thanks. I’ll…keep you posted.”
Ethan didn’t know what to do now that the conversation was seemingly over.
He was about to stand up until the door swung open, Quinn coming in along with Mindy and Anika who were carrying a few boxes of pizza.
“We’re here! And we brought food!” Mindy’s voice echoed throughout the apartment.
You were going to greet them but Anika beat you to it, seeing you on the couch and running over to hug you.
Mindy did the same, relieved to see you okay.
Quinn had a knowing smile on her face.
After the room settled down, Chad began to finally tell the story.
Needless to say, nobody believed him.
By the end of the night, long past midnight, you were getting ready to leave when Ethan asked you something.
“Are you going with Quinn?”
Mindy and Anika were waiting at the door, they both got a ride from your roommate since Mindy’s car broke down a few days ago.
“No, uhm—I think I’m gonna walk home. It’s only a few blocks.”
Quinn, upon hearing you, chimed in. “Really? You sure you don’t want to?”
“Yeah, I’ll be fine.” You shared a look with her that only the two of you knew. You turned to Ethan, “Why?”
“Can I walk you?”
You were surprised, to say the least. “Really?”
“So you’re safe.”
Preparing to protest, you felt Quinn’s hand on your arm. “Let him.”
So you did.
The walk home was brisk. The streets were empty, the street lamps illuminating your synchronized steps with Ethan.
With him, silence was never awkward. It was just…quiet.
It was no secret that you were perceptive, especially to your friends. Quinn knew why, but the others thought it was just you, not something caused by the spider bite. Your senses were especially heightened around Ethan.
You would never mention it, but you knew his heartbeat sped up when he got close to you. You only caught it a few times on accident trying to listen for something else, but you’d never actually do it on purpose.
Lately it seemed he was spending more time with you since the night you came back (which was three weeks ago at this point). One, he would message you on Discord asking if you wanted to do a study call—you never failed to say yes (making Ethan giddy). Two, he began to ask you things about your life during those calls when you would both take a break from studying. Like he wanted to know more about you.
Three, you began to spend time together outside the group.
Quinn was excited for you the first time you told her that you were going to see Ethan and only him. Of course, you told her not to read into it, but when has she ever listened?
Things were going fairly well. Especially with New York as a whole, nothing too major had happened (no supervillains, thank god), only a few robberies and cats stuck in a tree.
You were sitting atop a building when a tingling sensation in the back of your neck alerted you to something. Then, as you honed your hearing, you heard glass breaking a block away.
Swinging never got old.
As you reached your destination, a small bodega being robbed, you spotted him. Ethan.
Your heart began to pound in your ears, watching from the outside as the robber trained the gun on his hostages inside the bodega, one of them being Ethan.
It was like muscle memory. Go in, threaten the robber, and if it escalated, you fought him.
“I’m going to get rid of you, Spider-Woman!” The man in the mask hissed at you, his pistol trained right at your heart. This part didn’t scare you anymore, but Ethan being here—did. “If you come any closer…” He stepped away, instead pointing the gun at some old lady, who looked scared shitless. “I’ll shoot her!” He noticed you weren’t fazed at threats against you, so he targeted the next best thing: civilians.
“Easy, there, cowboy. Why don’t you point that gun at me? I thought you wanted to get rid of me.” You tilted your head, gauging the severity of the situation.
In your peripheral vision, Ethan stepped in front of the lady, trying to usher her to the side.
God, he was an idiot—but you’d be lying if you said that didn’t warm your heart.
The robber didn’t notice because he was still staring at you, watching for any sudden movements you’d make.
It happened in three seconds.
One, you shot the web to the gun, trying to pull it back to you.
Two, the gun went off—a slip of his finger caused by your web. Before you saw who it hit, the man came at you.
Three, you took him down, knocking him out.
It was the next second that you decided your life wouldn’t be the same.
You heard a hiss, a gasp from onlookers, and you took away the magazine of the gun before your head snapped up to where the hiss came from.
Red was the first thing you saw. It was on that yellow cardigan he wore when it was chilly—You rushed to his side, seeing the red come from his arm. He was backed up, leaning against the wall.
He was wide-eyed, face scrunched up in pain. “Shit,” He put pressure on his wound. “It hurt less than I thought it would.”
If only he could see how the tears lined your eyes under the mask.
“We need—“ You tried to keep your voice steady— “We need to get you to a hospital.”
“I’m fine,” He hissed again as you pressed harder on his arm. “It’s just a graze.” He saw your concern.
“No—It could’ve—it could’ve hit something vital—“ Despite your knowledge that it likely didn’t, your head was spinning and rational thought weren’t exactly on the table.
The sirens reached your ears before anyone else’s.
You took a deep breath. Your head cleared.
“The ambulance is gonna get here soon, uh—“ You cleared your throat. “Don’t move, okay?” You nodded to him, and left.
Okay, you didn’t actually leave. You stayed on a rooftop across the street, a few buildings over, seeing that he was okay as he got checked out by the paramedics.
That was when you actually left. For good this time.
The timing was almost perfect—the next day, an old friend came to see you.
You weren’t expecting anybody, hanging out in an abandoned building you found in the outskirts of Brooklyn when you were a teenager.
But a black hole opened up right next to you. Maybe not a black hole, but the closest thing to it.
That was when you saw Miguel O’Hara.
Quinn had no idea that, when she woke up that morning, it would be the week she spilled your secret to the friend group.
This is how it went down.
Last evening, she told you to be careful before you left for patrol. You never came back in the morning. She didn’t see any evidence of you being there, like your shoes haphazardly thrown across the floor near the front door, or your backpack on the couch. This had happened once before and she found out you were at your Aunt May’s house—so she just sent you a text and went on with her day.
It was also the day Ethan called her and told her that he was shot. Then he texted the groupchat about what happened and they all (including Quinn) rushed over to his and Chad’s apartment to see in person that he was actually okay. A bit of a freaky situation that Ethan was caught up in that, but everyone calmed down eventually. But when Ethan told the story, Quinn hoped your disappearance had nothing to do with his getting hurt. She also noticed that he was bummed about you not being there.
It was the second day she got worried. No sign of you. Nothing on the news about Spider-Woman, either.
Bruno Mars Security Team GC
Anybody heard from Y/N?
aren’t you her roommate
Hasn’t been home since Saturday.
She hasnt answered any of my texts
okay now i’m worried
tara? mindy? anika? sam?
nope. anika says no too
Not me or Tara. I’ll try calling her
She didn’t answer
Quinn do u know where she’d go? maybe to a family member?
I dont know her aunt mays address
let’s wait a day to see if she turns up. if not then we’ll get together to brainstorm
You weren’t there the next day, so everyone gathered at yours and Quinn’s apartment to see what could’ve happened to you.
They all stood around the kitchen island.
“Has everybody called her?” Chad said, arms crossed. “Texting her and everything?”
Everyone nodded.
“Quinn,” Tara began. “Have you checked her room?”
She looked down, almost ashamed. “I did, actually. Nothing.”
“Do you think we should…check again? Maybe we’ll find something.”
“I’m good at snooping, if you need.” Anika added.
Quinn’s eyes slightly widened, “No!” Calming down, “I mean—no. She doesn’t like other people going through her stuff. I can because I’m her roommate—not you guys.” At times of stress, this was the best she could come up with.
“Okay…” Mindy’s eyes narrowed in suspicion. “How about an address to Aunt May’s place? Do you think we could find that somewhere?”
The realization dawned upon her—no way of getting to you. “No. But she would’ve told me if she was going there.”
“Look, Quinn.” Mindy sighed, “Can you just—be honest with us?”
The ginger nodded.
“What was the last thing she said to you?”
“I—she was going out to buy something.”
Ethan’s nostrils flared—he knew when his sister was lying. Why was she so adamant to hide your whereabouts, even if it meant you were in danger? He sighed.
“I’ve—“ Everyone’s heads snapped to Ethan at his interruption. “I’ve had enough of it, Quinn. What the fuck are you two hiding? Seriously.”
Safe to say there was nobody in that kitchen who wasn’t surprised at his sudden outburst. He didn’t care, though.
“You always fucking lie, Quinn. I can tell. Why don’t you think I can tell? She goes missing, and you’re still keeping a secret!”
Chad put a hand on his shoulder, “Dude.”
The boy took a deep breath, reminding himself where he was. “Sorry. For shouting, I mean. But you can’t just—ask us to look for her when we all know damn well that you know something we don’t.”
At that moment, she had two choices. She thought for a long moment before she couldn’t find a rational explanation as to why she shouldn’t tell them that you’re Spider-Woman—you could be dead by now.
She walked away, hearing Mindy say “Are you fucking serious?” right behind her.
They didn’t have to wait for long, because Quinn came back from your room with something in her hand. They examined the object as she threw it onto the counter.
It was a mask—Spider-Woman’s mask.
“Holy shit,” Sam was the first to say.
“Wanna know the secret?” Quinn crossed her arms. “There’s your fucking secret.” She directed it at Ethan, whose mouth was slightly open.
She took a deep breath, a similar trait to her brothers to calm herself down. “The night she left, she told me she was going on patrol. When she didn’t come back the next morning I thought she was fine. Now it’s the third day, nothing from her. Look—I might’ve—like, fucked up. I don’t know.”
“How?” Asked Mindy.
“I should’ve told you sooner.”
It was clear to them that Quinn must have had this weight on her shoulders for so long.
“I have…so many questions.” Said Chad. “So when…Spider-Woman came to my apartment, that was Y/N?” He grabbed the mask, analyzing it with his hands.
“Why do you think she came to yours? She knows you have that stupid med bag with the unused suture kit.”
“Is that why she always left?”
“Mhm.” She nodded. “I thought—things were getting better. She was getting close to us again, stopped patrolling some nights because of my brother’s stupid discord calls.”
Ethan was breathless. “What?”
“Look—point is: she didn’t want to put anybody in danger. If I didn’t find out by accident, she never would have told me. She just…cares about you guys too much. She thinks if you know she’s Spider-Woman, you’d be in danger.”
When Ethan came face to face with Spider-Woman in the bodega, it was you. That was your concern, practically radiating off of you in waves. He knew you seemed familiar, somehow. But everybody knew Spider-Woman. He knew you differently. You saved his life.
Everybody was taken aback by the news. But Sam, ever the leader, began. “She’s been protecting us this whole time. All of us. It’s time we have to do the same for her.”
“We find her. In any way possible, even if it means we have to track down her entire family, go back to her high school friends, anything we can think of, okay?”
There was no doubt in anyone else’s mind that they were all on board with the plan.
“Let’s do it.”
It was the first night in a week that Ethan got proper sleep. The exhaustion finally caught up to his body after countless sleepless nights spent poring over clues on how to find you. He’d been making progress on the Oscorp lead when the last thing he remembered was slumping over at his desk.
Which was why it was weird when he opened his eyes, he saw the ceiling. He was laying down in the comfort of his own bed. Maybe he actually went to bed and didn’t realize it. The sunlight peeking through the curtains was probably a sign to get up, get back on the investigation.
That was until he sat up and saw a figure at his desk, standing over some of the files he sorted.
It took him a second to see it was you. Was he dreaming?
“You’re finally up.” He heard the voice come from you, and saw your mouth move, and as he processed your sweet voice and the teasing lilt to it, he almost fell off his bed jumping out to rush over to you.
He almost knocked you over as his (surprisingly) muscular arms wrapped around you in a quick second, you returning the hug with a smile he could feel on his neck. He was almost speechless. Almost.
Slightly pulling away, he got a good look at you, unharmed, grinning at him with the power of a million suns. He kept his arms around your waist, keeping you close as if he was afraid you’d disappear once more. Nonetheless, he mirrored your expression as he felt your breath on his face and your arms looping around his neck, running your hands through his soft curls.
“You’re…here. You’re actually here.”
Your soft hand came to rest against his chest, feeling his heartbeat along with hearing it.
“I’m sorry I left.”
The boy shook his head, “What matters is you came back. You always did.”
“I always will, Ethan.”
It was early morning and the feeling of defeat was strong in the room. Everyone was there at your and Quinn’s apartment all with one goal: to find you. They’d started this search almost a week ago with a determination in their eyes akin to a fight for survival, mainly because it kind of was. But as the days went on and the meetings at the house got longer to discuss other possibilities surrounding the circumstances of your disappearance, the metre to measure the disappointment was getting higher.
They all sat at the couch, flipping through the news channels, all talking about how Spider-Woman hasn’t been seen in over a week. It was an alarming wake up call for the city, because crime rates had gone up significantly without the friendly neighbourhood spider watching over the residents of the city that never sleeps.
The news anchors all echoed a similar message. Where is Spider-Woman? Many have theorized that this may be the end of an era—
Sam clicked the red button on the remote, the screen turning to black. “We can’t give up.”
“I didn’t wanna have to, but—“ Tara sighed, “We said if we can’t come up with anything, we’d get the police involved.”
Chad slumped right next to her. “What are we supposed to tell them? Hey, our friend’s been missing for a week and we’re just now reporting it. And FYI, she’s the vigilante who does your job for you.”
“Not like that.”
“But we can’t tell them she’s her, right? If they find her, she’d be arrested.”
“If they find her alive, that is.” Mindy added grimly, looking at the ground.
“Dude, come on.” Her brother tapped her arm.
“I’m just saying.”
“Quinn, Ethan.” Tara refocused the conversation, “Your guys’ dad is a cop, right?”
They looked at each other before nodding.
“Can you talk to him? You don’t have to tell him anything just—find out if anything happened lately, okay? Anything new.”
Anika added, “We’re not even on the week mark. It’s tomorrow. How about we focus on our leads today, then meet again tomorrow. If there’s really nothing, we’ll go to the police, okay?”
“That sounds good.” Ethan agreed.
“Alright,” Sam exhaled. “Dismissed.”
Everyone was sleepless that night. There was the obvious tell of the bags under everyone’s eyes growing bigger, not to mention the slouching and the less than ideal attention span they had lately.
Quinn’s eyes were wide open in the dark of room, wondering and hoping you weren’t dead in some back alley somewhere.
A sound in the living room broke her out of a dazed stupor. It wasn’t too loud, but not subtle, either.
On edge, her hand shot to grab the bat right next to her bed, a gift you’d given her for self defense purposes. She was careful not to make any sound, clearly unlike this moron who was breaking into her house on the middle of the night with heavy steps.
The fridge was open, the door hiding the figure of the person behind it.
She was ready to swing—
You. The figure closed the fridge door and it was you in your suit.
Maybe it was the lack of food that caused you not to notice her presence immediately, but you heard the clacks of the wooden bat hitting the floors before you clocked your roommate fully embracing you in a bear hug.
“Quinn!” You chuckled, returning the embrace. “Missed you too.”
She pulled away abruptly after a second, a stern look on her face but a layer of worry in her eyes. “Where the hell have you been?” She grabbed your shoulders and pushed back a little, looking over your entire body, checking for injuries—but you were clean. Not even a scratch. “Shit, you’re okay.”
She hugged you again.
That was when you realized why she reacted like this. “How long have I been gone?”
She looked at you like you were crazy. “You’ve been gone a whole week.”
“Shit. I didn’t leave a note, did I?”
The guilt on your face was apparent, but it was nothing compared to the stress everyone had gone through while you were away.
“You didn’t. All of us have been looking for you—“ Something dawned on her. “I…had to tell them.”
You didn’t react the way she expected. She expected you’d be upset—angry, even, but not this. Not you being the one to hug her this time, taking a deep breath.
During the embrace, you spoke, your voice vibrating on her shoulder as your head rested against it.
“It was so stressful, out there. I have so many things to say. But I’m so tired—I wanna explain everything later.” You sighed, “How’s Ethan?”
“He’s okay. I’ll drive you to his place tomorrow, okay?”
Mindy, Chad, Tara, Anika, and Sam all woke up in their respective apartments to a text message in the group chat.
Can we all meet at Chad’s place today? In a few minutes. Urgent!!!
After the conversation yesterday, they all expected the worst. Maybe Quinn had gotten information from her cop dad that Spider-Woman was found dead—they were all thiniing it. Ethan, however, having been up until late, was still sound asleep, phone on silent mode.
They met at the front door of the apartment building (of course, except for Chad, who was in his bedroom staring at the text in worry), Sam looking among the group to reassure them. “Guys,” She sighed. “Maybe if’s not bad news.”
Mindy turned to her. “Really?” She sounded exhausted, almost ready to give up.
“If Quinn had really bad news, she would’ve called us. Probably, right?” Tara backed her sister up.
“Let’s just…go in. She’s probably not even here yet.”
Just then, the sound of a car approaching quickly caught their attention—Quinn’s car.
Tara was at the end of the group, giving her the advantage of seeing first who was in the passenger seat of the car, getting out.
“Y/N!” She yelled.
The rest of them turned, almost running to the middle of the street as you closed the car door, leaving Quinn to find parking. You ran to the sidewalk, running into Tara’s arms.
You could feel the warmth radiating from the group as they welcomed you back with open arms, feeling guilty that you must have made them worry for them to react like this. Knowing some of their history with the murders in Woodsboro, it must’ve been terrifying for them to think they could’ve lost another friend.
It wasn’t long until you felt the missing piece, a hole amongst them that resembled a shape in your heart: Ethan.
“Where’s Ethan?” You tried not to show panic, but it was likely obvious due to Anika immediately reassuring you.
“He’s okay! He’s fine—he’s just sleeping.”
You sighed, relief taking over. “He doesn’t usually sleep in this late.”
“He was up late last night, he said he got a good lead on you. He…” She contemplated for a moment, not wanting to worry you. “He took it pretty hard when you dropped off.”
Tara almost slapped her arm. “Yeah,” she looked to you, watching carefully for any signs of panic. “He was worried. Probably more than any of us. But you can wake him up.”
“Do you…Can you tell us what happened? Where were you?” Mindy was reluctant to ask in case it was difficult for you.
But you were happy to tell them—you figured you owed them that much after having them think you were dead for a week. “I’ll tell you inside, come on.”
Pizza and drinks were being passed around, everyone was here, and you chose to sit right beside Ethan. He couldn’t stop looking at you. You could feel it.
As you animatedly told the story of meeting other people who also had spider powers, had similar stories, Ethan then began to wonder what would be next. Would you stay? What if you wanted to go back there, be with people who really, truly understand you?
By the end of the night, the group was preparing for the sleepover. But you could tell something was troubling Ethan. You studied him from the couch while the crew was gathering pillows, and he caught your eye and said, “Wanna go to the rooftop?”
You tilted your head on instinct, confused.
“You know…good air.” He shrugged.
The walk up was silent. Maybe more than silent, if that were even possible.
As he opened the door to the rooftop, you made eye contact for half a second. And in that half second, Ethan decided he won’t lose you. In that half second, you looked away, then looked up again—and he gently grabbed your wrist, pulling you close enough that you felt his breath on mingling with yours, so close that you thought he was going to kiss you. But he began to speak.
“Can I—”
And you kissed him.
It was a small one, but when you tilted your head to lean in closer and tangled your hands behind his neck—Christ.
You pulled away abruptly and he wondered if he had done something wrong. At the same time he said “Holy shit,” you asked, “Wait, that’s what you were going to ask, right?”
Once his brain recovered, he finally nodded, “Yeah. You beat me to it.”
After a pause, he began again. “Does this mean you won’t leave?”
“Leave? Who said that?”
“Well, I just thought—”
“You’re an idiot, Ethan Landry. Come here.”
Additional Author’s Note: I apologize that Ethan and Reader do not have as many moments in this. Thank you for understanding. Again, if there’s enough interest, here’s a list of fic titles I’d be able to post wips of (keep in mind these are unfinished, you’re allowed to write continuations but my one wish before leaving this site is that my work is not fed into any kind of AI and that includes character ai):
blackout (2k)
dialogue (2k ish)
the dress (900)
rain (1k)
story beats for murder party part 2 (3.2k, jot notes)
reflections (2k)
the bear au (500 ish)
thief (800)
like a fool, im thinking of you (500)
hard to love (2k, lo’ak)
sorry for any mistakes i didnt catch during editing !
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scatorcciogf · 6 months
let the light in
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¬ summary: spider!lottie saves you from a criminal. established relationship but reader doesn't know she's spidey yet :) ¬ warnings: cursing, gun mentions (nothing happens), slight violence + injury. gn!reader ¬ word count: 2.5k.... i swear this was supposed to be a drabble
it’s a quiet night tonight. 
well. as quiet as it can get in the city that never sleeps. but you’re not necessarily in the city — you’re on the outskirts, waiting for a bus back home — so it's way calmer. you were visiting a friend, got a little carried away (see: watching three bad horror movies instead of just one), and now you're definitely gonna have to wait a while until you can catch a ride to the city. 
you sigh, sitting down on the bench. you wish you had lottie there to keep you company, but she had to stay behind and study for an upcoming biochem test. you curse her for being such a responsible student and you curse nyu for existing, and then you take out your phone because you should probably shoot her a text.
at the bus stop now :) see u soon, you write. 
you don’t expect her to reply quickly, considering that she usually leaves her phone in the other room when she wants to focus on something. you’re surprised to see her read it immediately, type for a few seconds, then disappear again. you’re about to ask her about it when she calls you instead.
“hard at work, i see.” you say in lieu of a greeting, and you can almost hear her eyes roll.
“i’m taking a break. don’t be a brat.”
“why’d you call?”
“i wanted to hear your voice. i miss you.” 
you chuckle. “it’s been, like, six hours. you’re ridiculous.” 
despite your teasing, you think it’s cute — and she knows that. she knows how easily you melt at her sweet words and soft smiles.
“well, i also wanted to talk with you while you wait. you know, make sure you’re safe. i don’t like the idea of you being out alone so late at night.” she argues.
“and that’s very sweet of you,” you say, smiling. “but there’s literally nobody here. you don’t have to worry about me, you should go study.”
she groans. “but this lesson is so boring. and i’m only revising now, anyway. it’s not that important.”
“fine… but if you get kidnapped, don’t blame me.”
“as if you could do anything about it all the way from our apartment!”
“i would think of something.”
and you open your mouth to tell her to just go already, but your words die in your throat as you feel something hard and cold pressed against your back. the next voice you hear comes from behind you, not from the phone, and it's much deeper and rougher than your girlfriend's. 
“hang up. right now.”
fuck. did you accidentally manifest getting kidnapped? you're frozen in both fear and indecision, bar your shaking hand. was that a gun or a knife? you want to tell lottie to call the police, but you're also afraid of what the man would do to you if you did. what if he kills you anyway? fuck, fuck, fuck. 
“baby?” you hear her confused voice at the same time as he shouts: “i said now!”
you want to tell her you love her before you end the call, fearing that you might never get another chance, but you find yourself too paralyzed to speak. instead, you press the button and drop the phone, hearing it shatter as it hits the ground. you know she knows anyway. 
the man speaks again, and you realize his voice is muffled by what must be a ski mask. “give me all your money. come on.”
you shake your head, eyes welling up. “i don't have anything on me, i swear.” 
“don't make me hurt you. just give me your fucking wallet.” 
“please,” you somehow manage to say as you show him your pockets are empty. “i already told you, i don't have my wallet with me.”
“and i don't believe you. what about your bag?”
you feel your heart rate picking up as he gets more aggressive in both his tone and actions — you're going to have a bruise with how strongly he's pressing his gun to you. if he doesn't actually pull the trigger, that is.
you slowly reach for your bag. you really don't have anything valuable in there, besides headphones and a water bottle. maybe he'll be satisfied with just that if he's particularly thirsty. 
you open it up and shift it vaguely towards where he's standing. “see? no money. please just—”
you're interrupted by a sudden thwip sound behind you. weird sound for a gun to make, you think, before you realize it's not the gun that you heard, but rather what grabbed it. a thin, but seemingly firm, spiderweb-like fluid, swiftly tugging it towards—
spider-woman. holy shit. 
“have you ever considered getting a job? it's this thing where you contribute to society and get paid, instead of mugging innocent people at night.” she says, tossing the gun aside. 
your mind is still racing, but you have the common sense to step away from the guy. it's only when you turn to look at him for the first time that you realize he doesn't need a weapon to be able to hurt you — he's massive. and now, it seems, pretty angry too. 
“not you again,” he growls. “mind your fucking business.”
she jumps down from the tree she was in, elegantly landing a few feet away from you. her gaze doesn't leave him, however. 
“the safety of people who live here is my business.”
he scoffs. “what are you gonna do, then? arrest me?”
“something like that.”
he lunges towards her before she can make the first move, looking ready to strangle her. she's too quick for someone like him, though, and she dodges every punch he tries to throw her way. you assumed she'd immobilize him with the web or something, but then again, what do you know. maybe she's just too busy trying not to get beat up. 
they spar for a minute or two, the guy holding up better than you thought he would. you should probably run away or call the police (scratch that, she just stepped on your phone and you swear you heard a crack! in between all the grunts and hits), but you're so captivated by the whole situation that you can't look away. it's not every day you get to see spider-woman up close. 
she kicks his side and manages to shoot the web into his eyes while he's catching his breath. he winces and swears loudly, stumbling back. he's scratching at it, and you can tell it's very tough to get it off. 
“oh, fuck this!” he exclaims before she can do anything else. 
still functionally blind, he starts running away, slamming against you in the process. he's clearly not impacted by it because he just continues running off, but you are. it was too forceful for you to stay on your feet, and in a flash, you're on the ground, dull pain in your head from hitting the bench. 
“ow…” you mumble, reaching to touch the back of your head. 
you feel blood under your fingers. great. you think about telling spider-woman to call the ambulance before she goes to catch the bad guy, but she's hurrying towards you before you even have to ask. you can't see her face, but you can tell by her voice that she's worried. 
“are you okay?” she asks. “oh, god, is that blood?”
you hum in response, starting to feel a little dizzy. your eyelids suddenly feel heavier, too. 
“no, no, don't pass out. talk to me. what do you feel?” 
you blink a few times, trying to stay awake. “i don't know… i feel dizzy. and in shock. and it hurts.”
she sighs. “i know, but you can't fall asleep, okay? please. you'll be okay, i just have to get you to a hospital.”
“aren't you going to run after him?”
“that guy? no, i'll just find him later,” she turns to look at your bag. “do you have any tissues or something? we should apply pressure to— you know.”
“no,” you shake your head. “it's fine, i'll just…”
you try to get up, but you soon realize you didn't just hurt your head. you feel sharp pain in your ankle, too. you're not entirely sure you could stand up if you tried. 
spider-woman notices, and she seems even more concerned. “it's not fine. i'll carry you.”
“you can't exactly swing around if your hands are occupied.”
“then i'll walk,” she retorts, inching closer so she can look at your head. “are you sure you don't have anything we can use for that?”
she looks back into your eyes. “you're bleeding a lot.”
she's still for a few seconds. you wonder if she's finally considering the logistical nightmare that would be carrying you to a hospital. you wonder if she's just going to give up leave you there, bleeding and unable to move. 
then, she takes a deep breath and removes her mask, pressing it firmly to your wound, and you wonder if you've gone insane, because the eyes you make contact with are lottie's, and there's no way that isn't a hallucination, right? 
you don't get the privilege of processing this information, though, because the pressure is painful and makes you feel lightheaded again, and soon enough, you pass out. 
— 🕷 —
your eyes sting when you finally open them. it's too bright in the room, both because of the sunlight and because of how… white and clean everything is. 
so she did get you to a hospital. 
you sit up, beginning to register the dull pain that's still present in the back of your head. you look around, and there she is — curled up on a chair beside your bed, blissfully asleep. you smile at how cute she looks, but then you remember last night, and your smile is replaced by a tight feeling in your chest. 
she can't actually be spider-woman… right? 
you clear your throat, not really willing to wait to find out. you hope the conversation you're about to have will be less confusing than the thoughts floating around in your head. 
“lottie?” you call out. 
her eyes immediately snap open, then widen when she realizes you're up. she shifts in the chair, clearly nervous. 
“oh my god, you're awake. how are you feeling?”
“i'm fine.” you pause. “how are you feeling?”
she seems to stiffen. she just looks at you, as if she's trying to think of what to say. 
“you know, since that guy got in quite a few punches.” you add. 
she sighs, looking away. “i thought you were already passed out when i… when i took off the mask. your eyes were already closing.”
it's a confirmation, and you're almost surprised that she didn't try to act confused or change the subject. but it's lottie, and she's never been good at lying to you. 
(despite the fact that she hid her superhero identity from you for the whole duration of your relationship. although, in hindsight, there were a couple of times where it was your own fault you didn't connect the dots.) 
you shake your head. “no, i saw you.”
you can’t really read her; the look on her face — is it shame or relief? maybe it’d be easier to tell if she just looked at you, or said something. anything but the uncomfortable silence filling the room right now.
“i’m also fine,” she says after a few moments, “knuckles were a little bruised but i heal pretty quickly.”
you nod, relieved to hear that, ignoring how surreal everything about this is. you’re not sure which is harder to process — the fact that you had a gun to your back or the fact that the person who saved you from getting shot was spider-woman, who is actually your girlfriend. your chest feels heavy again. she finally looks at you, and you open your mouth to ask her something, but you both speak at the same time. 
“how did—”
“i’m sorry for—”
“you can go first.” you say, offering a small smile.
“i’m sorry i never told you. i wanted to, but it’s just… difficult to get the words out. i didn’t want you to worry, either, that’s the main reason. you already have enough on your plate.” a beat. “but now that you know… it’s fine if you want to break up. i lied to you, and i know it’d be stressful knowing this, so.”
your eyes widen. “what? lottie, i’m not gonna break up with you.”
and, well, you’re pretty sure the look on her face is relief now. 
“no?” she asks quietly, and your heart breaks a little as you realize she fully believed what she said.
“no, of course not. oh my god. come here.”
you shift a little to the side so she can sit next to you, and she does, albeit a little hesitantly. you pull her closer, enjoying the warmth as her body presses into yours. you slide an arm around her waist and pull her in for a gentle kiss, before putting your head on her shoulder.
“are you sure you’re not mad?” she asks.
“i guess i’m more in shock than anything else.”
she tenses a little. “i can’t believe this happened to you. i’m so sorry, i should have stopped him, i…”
“lottie.” you look up at her. “you did what you could. which, speaking of, how did you get there so quickly?”
she grins. “i have my ways.”
you roll your eyes, then close them again, burying your face in her shoulder. a few moments pass where you’re just holding each other in silence, and if you hadn’t just woken up from a coma, you would fall asleep on the spot. as it is, though, you just sit there, breathing in her perfume. 
“does anyone else know?” you ask after a while.
“not really, no. i didn’t want anyone to get wrapped up in this.”
“really? i figured you’d have laura lee as your sidekick or something. you know, have her pray for you every time you go out to do your thing.”
she laughs. “i didn’t think of that. it’s not an entirely bad idea.”
you weakly slap her on the arm. “hey, no. i’m helping you now. i won’t tolerate competition.”
“helping me? you don’t plan on getting a costume of your own, do you?”
“mmm, i was thinking more along the lines of patching you up when you get home. i like seeing you shirtless.”
she grins and pulls you in for another kiss, a little less gentle this time. she slides her arms down to your waist and you let her press your bodies together as tightly as physics allow, melting into her. you still have a lot of questions — both about the life she’s been leading behind your back and the life you two are going to have from now on — but they can wait. for now, you’re content with just getting to kiss her senseless until a nurse comes for a check up.
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sylusjinwoon · 8 months
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peter parker x fem.reader
10 stages of love
notes: unedited; post no way home; no one remembers that peter parker is spidey; both the reader and peter are in their second year of university.
{ joy is the coldest lover i know | only because she never comes }
1. first sight
lab had kept you on campus for far longer than usual, and it was nearing midnight when you completed your research with your professor, dr. kingsley.
he kindly asks if you would like for him to walk you home, but you declined his offer, saying that it was best for him to head back home to his wife, that you would be just fine by yourself. after all, you had no reason to be afraid, since you went home alone almost every night.
despite how new york city was known to be a dangerous place, you considered yourself quite lucky to have never faced any problems or issues during your walk back to your apartment.
perhaps it's thanks to that vigilante... what was his name again? wait, it was spider-man.
as you crossed the darkened streets of the city, you allow your mind to wander, thinking back to all those videos you saw plastered all over the internet. lately, there's been sighting of a young man swinging around new york, dressed in a skin-tight suit that bore the motif of a spider.
whenever you could see him clearly from the video's blurry screen, you realize that his form was quite lean and lithe, and you figured that he was a hero that was just starting out. during your free time, you find yourself browsing through youtube and tiktok, just to see if anyone had caught any further sightings of spider-man.
the sound of some rowdy laughter makes you stop in your tracks, and you saw a group of guys standing on the sidewalk, blocking your usual path home. you purposely took a step back, not wanting to draw their attention as you turned around to search for an alternative way home.
with your hair whipping in the cold wind, a sudden whistle causes the hairs to stand from the back of your neck. "whoa, hey babygirl, you lost or somethin'?"
ignoring their catcalls, you quicken your pace-
only to bolt out into a run upon hearing their footsteps chasing after you.
their laughter was heard intensifying, taking absolute pleasure in your panic and fear. the weight of your bag that carried your school belongings was weighing you down, and you half considered tossing it at them to make a clear getaway-
but when you found yourself suddenly trapped, with all three men surrounding you, there was a feeling of despair felt in the pit of your stomach.
"p-please, just let me go, i'll give you all the money that i have."
"come on, don't be so scared and shy. we don't want your money, we just wanna have some fun with you."
you brace yourself, ready to scream for dear life when a rich chuckle was heard coming from just a few feet away from you.
"didn't your mothers ever told you assholes how to treat a lady right?"
your throat felt dry when your would-be attackers stopped gaining up on you, facing whoever spoke in that cocky tone as you saw spider-man standing before you.
it was undeniable that it was him, with the suit and all. his mask was all that was seen as he tilts his head to look at you. the three goons talk amongst themselves, not believing that this was the real spider-man as the quickly gained up on him.
"come on, there's no way this guy's the real deal, it's just some poser lookin' to get laid by 'saving' her."
you gasp, taking a step back once punches were thrown, and spidey dodged every single one of them. he manages to grab one of their arms and twist it back, kicking him away as another one tried to tackle him from the front.
being distracted by the two thugs, spidey was unaware of the third one, coming at him with a blade shining in his hands.
"spider-man, watch out!"
your warning came a second too late as the man manages to slash at spider-man's left arm. you hear him let out a hiss of pain before kicking the knife away. with your mind racing, you look onwards to see spidey managing to detain all three of the guys miraculously, even with his injured arm.
with your heart felt pounding within the confines of your chest, you look at spider-man, seeing him continuing to grip at his injured arm all while meeting your gaze from beneath his mask.
"are you okay?" spidey's voice was gentle, and you mentally cursed, jinxing yourself for ever believing that you could spend all your days remaining safe while in the dangerous city of new york.
2. introduction
"you're hurt." you ignored how shaky your voice came out, coming closer to spidey as you gingerly touched at his injured arm.
he replies to your statement with a strained laugh, "it's alright, i've experienced a pain much worse than this." the way his voice cracked near the end sent a sudden sharp pain within your chest, but you quickly ignored the feeling as you coaxed him to follow you home.
"wait, it's okay, i don't need any help...!"
"i'm not letting you say no, spidey. i have to help you or else... i won't ever forgive myself if anything bad happens to you. what if your arm gets infected and you get sick?"
your words manage to silence the young vigilante, making you break out into a tiny smile. "just... let me do this for you as a thank you, for saving me."
you see spidey give you a gentle nod, and you continue to lead him back to your apartment complex. the walk was relatively peaceful and silent now, and thanks to how late it was, not a soul was even awake enough to witness you taking spidey into your apartment.
you gesture at him to wait on your couch as you head to the bathroom and search for some neosporin ointment, cotton, and a roll of bandages. it wasn't much, but you hoped it would be enough to help out spidey and his pain.
returning back to him, you kneel on the ground and ask him to take his arm out of his suit. spidey remains silent, simply giving you a nod before freeing his arm. seeing the fresh cut on the side of his bicep, you apply the ointment on the cotton before gently dabbing at the wound. a light hiss escapes from spidey, and you softly apologize for hurting him.
"the cut isn't too deep, but it'll take some time to heal." once the ointment was placed over the wound did you finally wrap the bandage around it, making sure it was completely covered before sitting back with a laugh.
"perfect. i'm no doctor or paramedic, but i'm sure that you'll be healed in no time, spidey."
you hear him let out a soft chuckle, leaning forward as he reaches out to you with his uninjured hand. "if you don't mind me asking, what's your... what's your name?"
you blink up at him, finding yourself leaning into his touch when you tell him your name. spidey repeats those syllables, making your heart flutter even more at the sound.
a few moments pass, with neither of you saying a word. as if awakening from a trance, spider-man backs away from you, adjusting his suit once more when he places his injured arm back inside of it.
he coughs, standing back to his full height as he walks over to your fire escape. "uhm, thanks for helping me. i-i gotta go, so-"
"wait...!" you call out to him, your voice sounding hopeful as you prayed that he would tell you his true name.
"what's your name...if you don't mind me asking?"
you wait with bated breath, seeing spider-man still hanging from your open window. and even though you couldn't see him, somehow, you knew that he was smiling from beneath the mask.
"you can call me peter."
with that final phrase, spider-man left your apartment, and you knew that you would never be the same after such a fated meeting.
3. interaction
you were distracted, and you knew that you were.
but you couldn't help it.
you could not stop thinking about him-
about spider-man / peter.
despite your troubled thoughts, you did your best to remain completely and utterly normal throughout the entirety of your classes. yet none of your professors caught on to your less-than-optimal state. it wasn't until you went to do research with dr. kingsley that your inability to focus was made to be achingly obvious.
dr. kingsley calls out your name with concern, "are you alright? there's something going on with you, since you spent the last hour reviewing data we had already completed weeks ago."
upon realizing that your professor was right, you felt your blood turn ice cold. looking back at the desktop's screen, you chew at your bottom lip, upset that you had wasted so much time. "i'm sorry, dr. kingsley, l-let me pull up the right file and-"
"no no, i insist that you go home now." his voice was gentle when he takes a hold of your arm and forces you to stand up. "classes are getting tougher now that midterms are right around the corner, and i realize that it may have been selfish of me to require you to do all this work. tell you what, you may come back and do research with me after your midterms are complete. are we clear?"
"yes sir." you grab all of your belongings together, shooting a grateful expression at him. "thank you for your understanding, and i promise, i'll be back soon!"
dr. kingsley merely gives you a wave, wishing you luck on your midterms before going back to his lab. with a sigh, you head out of the building, craving for something warm and sweet to cheer you up. as you walked across campus, you felt the hairs standing at the back of your neck-
you look behind you to see a boy around your age standing several feet away from you. his features were indiscernible, but you figured it was just another student.
but just in case...
without glancing back, you dart away from the concrete path and into the grass, making a shortcut towards your university's café.
but when you heard footsteps still following you, you had a hunch that it was the same boy with brown hair. with a click of your tongue, you run towards one of the campus buildings, keeping yourself pressed against the wall in hopes of hiding yourself from him.
why does the world feel like messing with me all the time? first it was those three goons, and now this totally random guy was chasing after you.
when you caught sight of his brown hair was when you made your move, tackling him from the side as he landed to the ground with a grunt.
anger was felt sizzling through your veins as you glared down at the guy, only to feel it simmer down. the boy that fell to the ground looked... soft, achingly soft. he had matching, coffee brown eyes and full lips that were painted in a frown, still in pain. he struggles to get up, yet when you looked towards his left arm, you saw something that made your blood freeze up even further.
it was a bandage wrapped around his left bicep, letting you know just who this guy was.
he lets out a nervous laugh, standing back to his full height while brushing back his hair. "y-yeah. here and in the flesh... i didn't think we went to the same university."
4. attraction
your mind was spinning, unable to comprehend or even believe that spider-man was actually here. you couldn't believe that he was revealing yourself to you like this.
"come with me."
you quickly grab on to peter's arm, leading him towards the café while trying to hold back the heat that was threatening to dye your cheeks. for starters, you weren't expecting spider-man to be so cute, with his doe eyes and full lips parted in a half grin-
he was totally the type you would go for.
but one thing was bothering you-
why was he so willing to reveal himself as the spider-man to you? wasn't the whole point of being a vigilante to keep your superhero identity a secret?
so just why did peter basically out himself to you?
with the café in sight, you enter with peter in tow, making a beeline towards the further table in the back. letting go of his arm, you take a seat across from peter at the table, with you looking around to make sure no one would hear you or listen in.
"is it really you, spidey?" you ask peter in hushed tones, with him answering you with a nod.
you look back to his arm, "does it still hurt?"
peter shrugs while smiling at you, "it's nothing a little ibuprofen can't fix. i'm fine."
relief was felt coursing through you, "that's great!" you tell him before clearing your throat, wishing to ask him this specific question, "listen, i just wanted to reassure you that your secret is safe with me, b-but i was just wondering, isn't it better to keep your identity hidden from anyone? w-why did you basically confirm that you and spider-man were the same person?"
peter gives you a deprecating smile, "you're a smart girl, much smarter than you let on..." he thrums his fingers against the table, as if searching for the right words to say.
after a few moments of silence, peter speaks once more. "i don't know, i guess i was just... tired to keeping this a secret. i didn't want anyone else i cared about get hurt from my dishonesty so... so i came clean to you right from the start."
he closes his eyes before leaning forward, placing his hand over yours. peter opens his eyes once more as a deep pain was seen settled within his gaze.
"i already lost everyone that once meant the world to me, and i guess i just wanted something to change, that's all."
peter gives you yet another smile, but this one was much softer, much kinder as he kept his gaze on you. with you sitting with peter, you felt as though you were the only two people in the world, allowing the strange warmth to take over as a new emotion began to blossom deep within your chest.
5. date
you were currently finishing up your essay when a series of knocks were heard coming from your front door. taking out your headphones, you stopped playing the music from your phone and went to answer the door.
but what you weren't expecting was to see peter parker himself standing in front of you with a bouquet of daisies in his hand. you take a step back, feeling the familiar warmth gracing your cheeks as you called out to him.
"p-peter, what's this?"
ever since your first meeting, you and peter had started becoming closer as friends. of course, you couldn't deny that you had one of the biggest crushes on him, but there was no way in hell you were admitting that to him.
sure, you had some study dates here and there, but this was the first time you saw peter standing outside of your apartment with a bouquet of flowers in his hand. and he was dressed kind of nicely, too, ditching that plain t-shirt for a sweater that fit him to perfection with a dark pair of jeans, completing his overall look with a pair of converses.
"hey, i-i was hoping you'd like to... go on a date with me...?" his words came out a bit slow, and you could practically see the anxiety shining within his eyes. he was afraid of rejection, but little did he know that you would never deny this chance to get closer to him.
"like, a date date? a real date?"
that's when peter flashes you a genuine smile, "yeah, a real date."
you look behind you, seeing your essay still displayed on your computer screen as you quickly ignored it, setting it aside to complete at a later date.
because there was no way you were going to say no to going on an actual date with peter parker.
6. holding hands
peter ends up taking you to a movie with a dinner afterwards. the date was completely casual, and you found yourself having the time of your life.
the sky had long darkened as stars littered across the expanse of the universe. your heart felt peaceful while you walked with peter.
"so... the city is not in need of any saving?"
your question earns a chuckle from peter. "nope, not tonight. i think the police can handle all the petty crime seen around the city for once."
you laugh with him, playfully running your hips against him as peter gave you a feign expression of pain. he rejoins you in your laughter, but this time, taking your hand.
this wasn't exactly the first time you had held hands together, but the emotion remained the same. the touch was so soft and benign, void of any urgency the moment peter interlocks his fingers together with yours. he smiles down at you, with you doing the same as you decided to walk closer to him.
keeping you by his side, peter takes your hand to press his lips against your knuckles, filling you with a sudden joy you weren't sure you had felt in a long time.
all you knew was that you never wished for this feeling, or this night, to ever end.
7. first kiss
you and peter spent the next couple of hours just walking around the city, talking about your lives and how you grew up.
you had parents who loved you, but desired to be a bit more independent, hence why you attended a university a bit further away from home.
peter didn't have anyone that was close to him anymore, telling you that his aunt had passed away a couple of years ago, that his death still stung him to this day.
you knew that this was just another part of peter that he was afraid of showing; the one who truly had lost everything within a blink of an eye. after he admits to how lonely he was to you, the silence returned, but only because the pain and empathy you felt for him was so raw that you didn't truly know what to say.
so you spent the next couple of minutes walking back home in silence, with peter still holding hands with you. with your lips pursed, you gently gave peter's hand a squeeze, catching his attention as he meets your gaze.
he gives you another tiny smile, squeezing your hand back in reply.
time goes by in a blur, and you found yourself standing in front of your apartment. peter remains silent, but you could see how shiny his eyes had become, alerting you to how he was having a difficult time holding back his emotions.
not saying a word, you take a hold of his face, framing it with your two hands. he looks at you, allowing a single tear to fall from his eyes before leaning in to softly kiss him.
he gasps, feeling him let out a slight hiccup before kissing you back. you allowed your lips to slot perfectly against his, tasting the saltiness of his tears when you deepened the kiss.
after a few seconds, you pull away from the kiss, gently caressing at peter's skin when you ask, "do you wish to spend the night here, with me?"
peter remains silent, merely wrapping his arms around you as he hugged your form even tighter to him, never daring to let you go as you invited him into the comfort of your apartment.
8. relationship
your relationship with peter was something that was still growing, yet already there was some rockiness felt along the way.
for starters, peter had gone back to his vigilante duties, often leaving you on read each time you would send him a text to check on him. but regardless of how his silence and distance hurt you, you knew it was only because peter was busy saving people.
but that didn't make it any easier.
each night, you found yourself aching for his presence, with all of your texts piling up with each day. you knew peter could see each and every one of them, but had yet to make an effort to even call or text you back.
truth be told, you were hurt. couldn't peter spare you even just a few minutes of his time? can't he call you so you could talk; so you could hear the sound of his voice? and why, whenever you search for him on campus, was he always nowhere to be found?
why did he feel so far away now, when things haven't even begun?
as the days morph into weeks, you decided to burn the sadness that was felt in the pit of your heart. you turned that sadness into anger, stopping all of your contact with peter as you went on with your life.
if he wants to give up on our relationship, then fine. it's better now when we're barely a few months in than suffer in the longterm.
thanks to your spite, you end up blocking his number, cutting off all contact with him. you refused to allow the guilt to fester within the pit of your stomach and tried to move on.
it continued on like this for a few more days, with you feeling the tiniest bit better without having to stress about peter and what he was doing. even if you were still hurting, you wouldn't force yourself to go through such unnecessary pain ever again.
and just when you were so confident that you could do this; could leave peter at a blink of an eye-
it all came crashing back down on you.
when you came home, you expected your apartment to be empty-
not to see peter parker himself settled on your couch with the utmost look of defeat on his face. he was still dressed as spider-man, and you were left flabbergasted, unable to react or respond as you looked from him to the sight of your open window, the one that lead out to your fire escape.
"get out, right now, just what the fuck are you even doing here?" you spat out with as much venom as you could muster, only to wince when peter's head fell.
"i'm sorry, you have every right to be mad at me, b-but, i can't do it. i can't let you go."
peter sounded like he was going to cry again, and the sound of his pain was enough to push you forward.
"i know that my life is a fucking mess, that everyone is probably better off without me. i realized that i was being selfish when i tried pursuing a relationship with you."
"b-but, i was so happy being with you that i forgot all about that. all i wanted was to fall deeper for you, but my stupid thoughts prevented me from making you happy. i'm just... so scared all the time."
feeling your own tears welling up within your eyes, you come closer to him and join him on the couch, wrapping your arms around him as you allowed your lips to brush against his unruly locks of hair.
"it's okay... it's okay. i get it, i do... all you need to do is just... trust me, peter." peter then clings to you, hiding his face within the curve of your neck while letting out a sigh of your name.
"it's just... you won't ever forget about me, right?"
"never ever."
you seal your promise to him with a sweet kiss, knowing now that you could never leave this boy with a heart of gold behind at all.
9. love
you and peter both lay back in bed, with you resting your head against his chest. you simply spent the entire day basking in each other's presence. as you listened to the gentle beating of his heart, you reach out to grab a hold of his hand, linking his fingertips together with yours before giving it a squeeze.
peter let's out a soft chuckle, taking a hold of your hand to press a lingering kiss at the back of it.
after you and peter finally communicated about your mutual feelings, you came to a mutual understanding. with your relationship growing stronger, you knew that you could never truly leave peter, that this boy who lost everything deserved to have a happy ending for once in his life.
as if reading your thoughts, peter takes a hold of your chin and leans closer to you, giving you a kiss that made your mind turn blank. you end up relishing the warm that he exuded, kissing him back with as much fervor to show him how you truly felt.
he pulls away first, staring deeply into your eyes while tracing at your bottom lip with the pad of his thumb.
"i've never felt so happy before... i can proudly say that this is the first time i have felt so much joy in my life-
"and it's all thanks to you, i love you." peter completes his statement by pressing yet another searing kiss against your lips, the sensation of it all enough to make your heart burst with happiness in response.
"oh peter parker, i love you, too."
as you and peter continued to lay in bed together, you knew that sharing this type of life with him would not be an easy one-
but you loved him enough to try, knowing that it was all going to be worth it in the end.
10. commitment
peter held your hand, leading you to the graveyard with a solemn expression on his face. knowing that this was an important day for him, you remain silent, just keeping your hand interlocked with his as you prayed that this would be enough to ease his pain.
you follow him throughout the cemetery, only stopping when he stands in front of a gravestone. he was silent, giving you a moment to read what was engraved:
here lies may parker...
"hey may, it's been a while." peter's voice breaks, and he sharply inhales before continuing, still giving your hand a tight squeeze. "i just wanted to tell you that you don't have to worry about me anymore..."
"i know how i told you about ned and michelle forgetting all about me, and for the longest time, i was stuck in such a deep darkness, one that i wasn't even sure i could even get out of."
"but... i ended up escaping that darkness, and it's all thanks to her." peter looks over at you with true love shining within his eyes. "i met her due to certain circumstances, and i was so happy i was able to protect you that night."
you could feel your tears forming, but no words would come out, instead, you mouthed the word i love you to him, basking in his sweet smile.
"i just wanted to tell you that you don't have to worry anymore, may. that i found someone who truly is my soulmate, who makes me happier than anyone in this world."
peter looks away from you briefly to stare at the bright morning sun, "so if you're up there, please know that i am happy now."
no words were spoken, but you swore you felt the sun warming your body as a gentle wind goes through your hair, the sensation making you let out a soft giggle as the sound catches peter's attention. he looks down at you with his own grin, saying your name when he reaches down to touch at your lips.
and as you were caught in his embrace, you were unaware of how brightly your golden wedding bands shone from beneath the intensity of the sunlight.
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a.n. - it's been roughly 2 and a half years since no way home's release, and i was finally able to write a comfort fic for peter parker 🥹 he deserves his happy ending.
i apologize for any errors in this story, but i hope you readers enjoy this anyways.
all stories are written by rei; reposts, translations, and plagiarism are not allowed.
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whirlybirbs · 1 year
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;   —   webs && whispers    |    miguel o'hara
summary: set pre-atsv. he's the hero. you're the villain. but, that's been changing, hasn't it? pairing: miguel o'hara / villain!reader (gender neutral) tags: pre-established 'situationship' aka hero v. villain, enemies to lovers, sexual tension thick enough you can cut it with a butter knife, established reader pseudonym a/n: ... the people asked, so the people got *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
"You're a hard spider to find these days."
Miguel feels irritation slip up his spine long before the phantom shift of your voice meets his ears. It's a hazy sound, like a chorus of susurrations converging into one. 
In the last few months, he's grown accustomed to it. 
Miquel, however, isn't sure he'll get used to the way you slip in and out of space like the flea on the tightrope. Here nor there, always lurching between the frames in reality, always ephemerally present. And the sound — voices of past, present, and future all overlapping at once, then: silence.
In a disjointed stutter, you're suddenly close — encroaching on his personal space in a way that makes his lip curl. A flash of fangs emerges beneath his mask. 
His back is still to you.
"I'm not in the mood, Whisper."
Beneath your mask, your face twitches. He sounds exhausted — though that isn't entirely new for Nueva York's un-friendly borough-stalking Spider-man. 
"Are you ever?" you quietly chirp as you stalk up beside him; you cross your arms, "I'm inclined to think you're avoiding me."
Up here, on a penthouse roof backlit by the nightlife above and below, you watch tension ripple into his shoulders as he rolls his posture back. That black mask hasn't left the horizon. Tar-black eyes stare out over the city, only narrowing slightly at your accusation. 
"We aren't friends."
He turns to walk away.
In a rush of hushes, you appear directly before him.
"We talked about that, Whisper," Miguel leans his weight onto one leg, reaches up, and pinches his brow through his mask, "It's called personal sp—"
You roll your eyes. You straighten up and move to step back, but — instead — shift a meter backward. You talk over him.
"Personal space, right, sure, Spidey," you slip towards the edge of the building, planting a boot on the lip of the ledge. You wind your arms tighter around yourself, "You're ignoring my question."
"You never asked one," he grits; against his better judgment, he moves to your side at the ledge.
"It was implied."
"I've been busy."
"Too busy for your nemesis?" you tsk and click your tongue. 
He's looking at you now. 
"Please. 'Nemesis' is hardly the correct title."
You scoff. Your shoulders bob. "Oh? C'mon then, Spider-bite, what is?"
It's a fair question — one that Miguel wasn't sure he has the answer for. 
In the beginning, this little tango was rife with explosive violence, scalding anger, bloodied knuckles, and sworn endings. You were a terrorist, fated to exploit and destroy the people whose mistakes made you: Alchemax. He was the hero, destined to protect and serve the people of Nueva York. Good and bad. 
Constant. Like the rise of the sun and the fall of the moon. Spider-man versus Whisper. Frontpage headlines. Time and time and time again.
Then, something shifted. Miguel can't remember when it began, or why... But, the collisions of fists became a tandem of fists. A team-up brought on by — was it Mysterio, maybe? You never liked the guy. 
Lyla remembers. She remembers everything. The footage from the incident is shaky — blame the multiple CCTV views all meshed together in a hot tangle of the canon-relevant plot. 
Spider-man is down on his luck. On his knees. Mysterio: laughing. Vitals: dropping. Three ribs: broken. Mask: compromised. Lyla's footage swivels inward, the sight of Miguel's one eye. A rageful carnelian smithed hard into a pained gaze. 
Then, you. Standing: tall. Voice: rageful. Fists: lit with power and already cracking across the opalescent globe of Mysterio's helmet.
When did that happen? When did you begin to see his side, when did you begin to admire the safe consistency he built in this city? When did you envy it? When did the rage fade at the thought of him? When did something more tepid, more comfortable crawl in?
You turn your face upwards; there's a when moment your masked gazes connect. For a moment, things are still. Slow. There isn't danger here, nor hatred nor anger. The tension is different. Palpable still, but it feels like swallowing roses more than blood.
He looks away first.
"Try 'Number One Annoyance'."
His voice is distant.
You hum. "Care to enlighten your 'Number One Annoyance', then? You've been gone. People have noticed."
He was afraid of that.
Miguel exhales tightly. "Get out of here, Whisper."
He can feel your scowl. Then, your physical form flickers for a moment. A wash of emotions is present — a tell. In the past, that was how he knew you were going to snap. Now, in this context, he isn't quite sure what to make of it. There's a rush of voices, smothered quickly by a grounding inhale. 
You're quiet for a long moment then. Miguel's chest is tight — it's guilt.
"I'm only asking because I care," you finally say; it's like it's been wrenched out of your chest by his own clawed fist. It's an admission as quiet as the shadowed hushes that follow your every warp through space. 
He reacts coldly. The only way he knows how to these days. "I didn't ask you to care."
The claws twist. 
Another fast crackle, transparency pulsing quickly through your spine and nerves. Here nor there. Ephemerally calm. Like the ocean before a storm. Your face twists fast to his. Mask be damned. Miguel can see anger. 
Guilt. And the dawning realization this was a mistake. 
"It's better if I do this alone," comes the follow-up. It's... gentler. Still cold. Harsh. 
You look away. "Do what?"
Your eyes stay affixed to the horizon. Spider-man doesn't move. The stirring in your chest hurts. Hurts worse when you realize he's right. After all, he's the hero and you're the villain. You both have roles to play. Parts to act. The show must go on. 
"...A part of you knows I can't tell you that."
You sigh, rolling your neck, "You're right."
"...And a part of me wants to tell you."
It's quiet. Nearly inaudible. But you hear it. And you can't help the loose grin that flashes across your face at the admission. Your scoff is more like a huff. Gloved palms slip to your hips as you step back from the ledge. 
Suddenly, the tension is different. Lighter. Like it was a handful of weeks ago before he disappeared into the woven stream of time. 
Miguel follows suit. Beneath his own mask, his expression has lightened. 
"Yea?" you ask, stepping back like a prey recognizing the hunt. 
Miguel steps forward, shrugging easily. His voice is almost playful. "Yea. But, y'know, last I checked you're wanted on a new charge of grand larceny—"
"Oops. Sticky fingers," you chitter with a waggle of your hands. He watches you slip downward and through the fabric of space. You emerge behind him in a whisper of wind. 
Miguel is quick, he catches your hand with a web and tugs. You let yourself land in his grip — his black-gloved hand wraps around your wrist. He knows you're allowing this. You could easily wash away through the air, manifest around him in any three-meter radius. 
The closeness is tight.
"While the Spider's away..." he tsks.
Your glove slips around the web and tangles it tightly in your fist. You push back and move around him. He's allowing this. His arm crosses behind his back. You absently admire the ripple of muscle there. 
Then, you unceremoniously kick the back of his left knee and he crumples. The grip on his hand is tight. Miguel grits his fangs. 
"Play nice," he warns.
"I've known you long enough to tell when you're stalling, you know," you let slip the chirp with a sly look at the black and red Spider-man. 
On cue, there's the hum of a patrol copter over your shoulder. A few blocks away, still, but it's coming. Somewhere, in the bowels of the city, sirens begin. 
"If you leave now, you'll beat them by a minute," he says slowly, "Sixty-five floors is quite the trek."
You loosen your grip and gently shake the web from your hand. Miguel rolls his shoulder. You slip through time, landing before him in a low squat.
Your voice is sincere. 
"Try not to be a stranger."
"No promises."
"I'd never ask for one," you call over your shoulder as you stand and move towards the far ledge. Your costume, as pitch-black as the darkest night, is light in red and blue from the arriving patrols.
Just like that, in a haze of voices and a whisper of time, you're gone. 
And Miguel is left to himself on that rooftop, again.
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spctrsgf · 1 year
to his office
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prompt #351 from @/lyralit: 
“I could kiss you right now.”
“You’re very welcome to do it.”
word count: 3.8k
warnings: spidey!reader (tried to make it gn, lmk if i messed anything up!), language, my shitty spanish, innuendos but no actual sex
a/n: i saw atsv and miguel was SO SCRUMPTIOUS i had to write this
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“HOBIE!” You yell at the aforementioned Brit, narrowly missing a chunk of some building that is being thrown at you. “I bloody know!” He yells back, swinging from the building next to you.
You nudge your head to the left as a signal to him, releasing a quick whip of web to maneuver behind a rough, brick building to land on the side of it. Hobie wasn’t too far behind, and Gwen was soon to your left as well. The three of you heave in heavy breaths, synchronous in your silence. The inevitable stomp of the angry anomaly of the week roams in search of the very people next to you as well as yourself. 
“She just does not give up, does she?” Hobie quips, filling the silence.
“Well,” Gwen adds. “We did make her angry.”
“We? You were the one who threw a brick at her, mate.”
“And who’s idea was it to do that?”
“It was a bloody joke!”
“It didn’t sound like it–”
“Okay!” You exclaim, cutting their childish argument in half. “Enough. Back to defeating the Wannabe Crab woman, okay?”
“Right,” Hobie answers, quick to drop his anger like usual. “What’s the plan, boss?”
“We gotta trap him somewhere, but this fucking city is endless. It’ll take forever.”
“I think we gotta get her hands tied,” Pavitr says from above, nearly desticking Gwen from the brick wall in surprise. “That’s where the power is, right?”
“Jeez, Pav,” You yelp, coming down from your initial shock. “We didn’t see ya there.”
“I know, and I’m sorry for scaring you, but seriously. I think we gotta tie her hands!”
“He’s right, that would solve all the cement throwing we got going on.” Hobie agrees, shifting to lean on the windowsill next to him.
You tilt your head. “Do ya think webs’ll be strong enough for that one?”
“Ours? Nah.” 
“True, but Miguel’s would do us a solid right now with all this.” Pav interjects.
“He’s right. We need those ever so strong webs your boyfriend has to do the job.” Gwen nudges you with her shoulder.
Your cheeks flame, and you’re eternally grateful for the silky mask you have on. “He’s not my boyfriend.”
“Yeah, sure.”
“Gwen! We’re not– he doesn’t– oh my god,” You pinch the bridge of your nose as best you can through the mask. “Back on topic!”
“Seriously,” Hobie nods. “You should ask the lad to help us out.”
“Why don’t you do it?”
All you get is a shrug from him.
“Or you, Gwen? Or Pav?”
They all give you a look, a look that tells you exactly what they’re thinking.
“No. Oh my god, guys! Seriously? He doesn’t like hearing from me, anyways.”
That’s true, you firmly believe it, and you have ever since you first got to Nueva York. Being the person you are, you originally doted around the idea of talking to him, of engaging in a conversation. But, to be frank, he scared you shitless. He towered over your stature, a whopping 6’9” to your pacifying build. But, somehow you found yourself standing next to a nonchalant Hobie, watching his floating platform float impossibly slow towards the two of you after a mission. 
He’d been… you could tell right away that Miguel wasn’t the type of person to sugar coat nor was he very good at hiding the emotions that flew across his face, because oh my you felt it. You felt the trail of his scarlet gaze as he took in his first impression, you felt the razor sharp cut of disgust, felt the way his tongue ran along his accentuated canines as you rambled through your report. 
He’d dismissed you as quickly as humanly possible, opting to talk to the laid back Brit, the one who didn’t have to clear his voice every few sentences. Maybe it was a force of habit, you’d tried to reason as your head bowed to scurry out of the room. He has been working with Hobie longer, there has to be an ease between them. 
But, as time passed, Miguel remained the same. He tossed you a cold shoulder, and seemed to avoid your presence unless needed. You tried to shrug it off, to pretend like it didn’t hurt you as much as it did, but it was hard to pretend when the sting of rejection slapped as soon as he was brought up. Which actually happened a lot. 
You weren’t sure where Gwen had gotten boyfriend from that. Sure, you thought he was attractive. It was hard not to with his broad shoulders, a stark contrast to his (slutty) waist. There was something about his fangs that intrigued you, it was something you’d never seen before. And it wasn’t just the appearance that did it for you: it was that under all the anger and the rough exterior and the mask was a man, vulnerable and caring and wanting to stop what happened to him from happening to someone else.
He might be blunt and mean and pushy and all those things, but he came from a truly caring place, from a want to help. You could see that shine through in the way Gwen and Hobie and even Lyla talked about him, and you could see that in the mission notes he writes and in the slim amount of time that you were graced with his presence. 
“That’s why.” Gwen’s voice shakes you clear of the memories. 
“Wha?” You blink incredulously at her, like that would somehow shock you into understanding her sentence. 
She shoves your wrist, which hovers in front of you with the button to call Miguel in a booming orange. “Call him.”
You glare at her, but all that earns you is a tilt of the head and a not-so-encouraging punch from Pav. “Fine! Fine.”
You take a deep breath before hitting the call button. It sends off some sort of interdimensional wave towards Nueva York, and you buzz with a different type of frequency, suddenly nervous. The Miguel effect. Your brain blurts. Always nervous. You sigh and remind yourself that there are three other spiderpeople next to you as the call goes through, and Miguel’s face pops up unceremoniously in front of you. 
“What’s wrong?” Are the first words out of his mouth. “Uh, well, you see–” You start, only to be rudely cut off by his attitude. “Get to the point. I don’t have all day.”
The blunt words don’t roll off your back like normal, maybe it was because you could hear the anomaly pound, inching closer. “We need help. We need your webs, they’re stronger and can hold this guy’s claws together. He’s been tearing up the city.”
“You’re supposed to be containing the threat, not me.”
“Miguel, if you don’t get your fucking ass over here right now, all four of us are gonna be dead.”
“Doubt it.” He sounds distracted, like he was observing something else in front of him.
“Seriously? You can’t take two seconDS..!” You cut yourself off to launch off the building as the anomaly slams her fist into the spot you were rested at just a few seconds before. 
You go to follow your partners in chasing the monster away from the buildings, to yell at the stubborn man currently still on call from the watch encircling your wrist, but your spidey senses perk up and then you’re swinging back towards the anomaly. Your eyes train on a woman, not much older than thirty, running for her life from the gnarly creature above her.
You don’t think. Normally, you’re all about thinking and finding the best course of action to try and save everyone, but you don’t now. Not when you’re so short on time, not when that woman could die. You dive, holding your arms out as you beeline to the poor woman. Her face turns from fear to relief when she sees you, reaching out to grab your hand as you scoop your arm around her waist and carry her to the nearest roof.
You’re off before she can say a word, and the glance back you lend her tells you that she knows exactly why you couldn't linger and conveys the thank you she couldn’t say to your face. It fuels you, and you move quickly, pulling the anomaly farther and farther from the people. “Are you a quiet one, huh?” The anomaly’s voice is low and gravelly. “I’m always up for a little banter.” You shoot back, taking a quick left to navigate to where you see your partners waiting, hidden and ready to attack. 
“Alrighty then, let’s banter!”
“Are you expecting me to now spew out my whole plan and sob story, cus it ain’t happening.”
You shrugged. “Nah. Most of you don’t anyway.”
“We don’t?”
“No,” You shake your head, coming to a stop. “We usually have you caught by that time.”
Right on cue, Pav, Gwen, and Hobie shoot webs out, attempting to contain the anomaly. You realize, as you're adding your own webs to the mix, that Miguel must’ve hung up the phone during your little fright. “What happened with the boss? We getting that bloody help we need?” Hobie calls out, tightening his grip. “Dunno!” You call back. “Maybe he hung up.”
“Call him back, eh?”
“I- I can’t! This is harder than it looks.”
“We know!” Gwen screeches, voice strained.
“What do we do, guys?” 
“Try and hold on.” Pav’s voice is uncharacteristically dim, lacking its normal cheer.
His tone sinks into your stomach. “What if we don’t–” 
“You will,” Miguel’s voice crackles from your wrist. “I’m here. Where are you?”
“Uh–” You risk a look around as the anomaly struggles with a scream. “Open field. I can see an ocean from here, and there’s mountains to my right. Actually, I think it’s a river– we’re at a bend in it.”
“Got it. I know where you are, I’ll be there in a minute tops. Stay on the phone with me, okay?” 
“Will do.”
“He won’t be here in time.” You look up at the anomaly, her deep green eyes locked unsettlingly with yours. She yanks hard this time, and you see Gwen nearly topple and Hobie’s footing slip slightly, giving her arms more wiggle room. “Yes he will.” Your jaw sets as you shoot another web to wrap around her wrist, yanking her down onto her knees.
“You’ll lose. Wouldn’t that be crazy? Spiderman. Losing.”
“Crazy? Yeah, cus it won’t happen.” Gwen grunts from above, struggling to keep a clean facade.
“I’m almost there, cariño, hold on.”
“I am, we’re fine–”
And then you’re not. Because the anomaly bursts up in a spur of movement, effectively breaking the confinement you four had put on her. She runs forward, taking a straight track for you. You leap up, swinging away as quickly as you can. You pick through the strain on your forearms, through the cloud of fear in your head. You try to stay in the same general area you told him you’d be in, but it’s hard with the anomaly on your heels. 
“Miguel! Help, she’s chasing me, I can only keep her away from me for so long–”
“I know, I know, I’m coming. Hold on.”
But you’re not responding anymore. The anomaly swings a mighty claw straight into your abdomen, effectively sending you into the ground. Pav lets out a scream, sliding to catch you before you can slam into the grass, and Miguel knows something is wrong. You can hear his yells and Pav’s telling you to respond, but the pain in your side is excruciating and your brain feels like mush and your mouth is dry like sandpaper and your vision is tunneling into black and you try to speak but–
It’s very dark.
That’s the first thing you notice when you come to. It’s nice. But there’s an off putting feeling about it, like something’s lurking in the dark, and then you’re itching to turn on the lights so you can see something. “You have something covering your eyes, you do realize that.” Miguel’s smooth tone slides in from the left, decorating across the bland abyss.
Ah. So that was the problem.
Your arms feel foreign as you reach up to pull the fabric off your eyes, exposing you to the room you were in, only slightly brighter than before. “Lyla said the mask was supposed to help you heal better,” Miguel starts, and you can’t quite bring yourself to look at the man next to you quite yet. “I listened, she’s better at this than I am.”
“Am I not in the infirmary?” You question, before frowning at the way your voice sounded. You sit up, clearing it a few times.
“You were, but I moved you.” 
“I didn’t want you in there.” He answered bluntly, yet it lacked any substance at all.
“I don’t have to explain myself to you.”
You chuckled dryly. “Miguel, you moved me from the fucking infirmary to your office. I think you owe me a damn explanation.”
“No.” He turns away, slinging a web out to launch him onto his floating platform.
“No.” The orange screens encircle him, effectively slamming his hard tone into the flow of conversation that wasn’t really flowing anymore.
You frown, half sat up in the bed that he’d placed you on. You’re frustrated, you don’t understand what’s been going on between you and him. He hated you. You’d previously established that, his vibrant reaction to your question confirmed it. But he saved you. And he moved you into his fucking office. 
Your head swims with this new information, and you flop back down unceremoniously onto the bed. Your head tilts automatically to him again, the fiery red in the bleak, monotone room. His back is to you, and he’s furiously tapping at something on one of his many screens. The boldness of his stature, the way he’s standing is so unwelcoming that you’re now sure he never really wanted you there at all.
You sit up and hop out of the bed as quietly as you can, even though you know he can probably hear you in the silence that enveloped you both. Yet he doesn’t react, he doesn’t turn and yell like you thought he might. He stayed stoically and almost stubbornly facing his screens, so you turn and slip towards the door.
Fucking say something, Miguel.
He doesn’t. You don’t know what you expected anyways. 
So you continue your walk, your path out of noose that the room brought. Yet, steps to the hallway seem harder and harder to make, like the hallway is getting longer or maybe you’re moving a lot slower than you normally do. You move to shoot a web, hoping to gain traction and move somewhat faster, but you can’t quite get your aim right– 
And then your vision is fluctuating and you start to feel unbalanced. You’re not moving. You’re moving your feet, but you’re not going anywhere. Your brain is fuzzy and the ground is getting closer than it normally is- you don’t remember being this short? “Ay, cariño!” Is exclaimed from behind you, and then something’s grabbing onto your back and pulling you back upright.
Miguel has his arm wrapped around your waist as you wobble, guiding you back to the bed and then lifting you up to sit on it. Your hands come up to rub your eyes, trying to get them to refocus. They blur and then unblur, finally resting to take in your wobbly hands, which are held out shakily in front of you. In response, you twist your hands together just enough to feel the pain of it, reminding you that you were in fact awake and aware. 
“Are you okay?” It’s then that you realize that Miguel is still in front of you. He’s got you caged in, blanketing you in his grand shadow. Your neck cranes up to reach his eyes, and you’d be lying if you said you didn’t let your eyes linger during their ascent. When you meet the scarlet of his irises, you’re taken aback by the level of concern in them. Like he was actually worried about you. 
“I’m okay,” You respond, tilting your head with a smile. “Don’t worry about it.” He scoffed, but didn’t move away. “I’m not worrying.”
“If there’s one thing you’re bad at, Miguel, it’s lying.”
“I am a great liar.”
“Dios mio, cariño, yes.”
“What does that mean, anyway?,” You question, rocking backward to tuck your feet underneath your legs. “I tried to get Lyla to tell me, but she will not let the secret loose.”
He freezes. “Nothing, sorry, slip of the tongue.”
“You do realize I can just search it up, right? Would you rather me find out from the reach of the internet?”
“Not really, what if you just don’t–”
“Miguel.” You rise onto your knees, leveling your gaze with his own and resting a hand on his shoulder. “What is it? It can’t be that bad, it’s not like you’re saying you’re in love with me or something.”
“Right, cus that would be like…” Your words tumble over him, your brain too keen on keeping your feelings, your delusions to yourself. “Te amo? Te quiero? I’m not sure…”
“Either one.”
“Yeah, so it’s not one of those, so what is it?”
He takes a deep breath, looking slightly troubled. His face twists his face up like he’d just bit into a lemon, and then you’re panicking again.
“I’m sorry, you don’t have to answer that–”
“It’s a term of endearment,” His voice stops your apologies in their tracks. “It literally means affection, but when you use it as a nickname it’s more like sweetheart or darling. Dear is another way to say it, but you get the point.”
“Yeah, sorry about that–”
“Don’t be,” Your head tilts with his, following the way he turns his gaze away from you in embarrassment. “I like it.”
He meets your eyes again, curiosity and hope strung in his vibrant eyes. “You do?”
“Yeah. The way you say it is so satisfying, if that makes sense.”
“You like when I speak Spanish, huh?”
You nod, and suddenly you’re the one hiding your face from his smirk. 
“Querido, mírame.”
“Ahora. I won’t ask again.”
You sigh, glaring at him. “I don’t understand you.”
“That’s okay, you’ll learn,” He leans down and then innnn, so that the two of you are practically nose to nose. “I know you can do it.”
“Do you?” Your brain is screaming at you, making you even more painfully aware of his proximity to your face, yet you somehow manage to clearly deliver the line. 
“Well, it’s only cus I’ll have the best teacher. You.” You hit his nose with your finger, catching him off guard.
“I am happy to take that title.��� 
He hasn’t moved. Even as the room fades into silence, he hasn’t moved. He’s still so close, like you could lean in, barely four inches, and you’d be kissing him. You can smell him, a tinge of metallic blood yet so earthy and centering. It’s intoxicating: your brain is swimming and you're struggling to keep your head above the water. 
Cariño. Sweetheart. A term of endearment. You still haven’t quite wrapped your head around that, not that you’ve been given much time to mull over it. Was that him telling you that he liked you, more than a friend? Was that a normal thing, using that term? You didn’t know, but you had a feeling that would be the best confession from him you were getting, if he meant it that way at all. You were gonna have to make the leap yourself.
“Everything okay?” His hand lands on your shoulder, a gentle reminder that you’d been staring into nothingness for what must’ve been a painfully long time for him. “Yeah,” You stumble to regain your words. “Sorry, I-” 
“Spaced out.”
He nods, smiling just enough so you could see his fangs peek out. You were caught.
“I could kiss you right now, you know that?”
“Huh?” stumbles stupidly out of your now slack jaw.
“I could kiss you. You’ve been staring at my lips for the past few minutes, mi amor, whether you realize it or not.”
“I have? Oh my god.”
He chases your drifting gaze, just like you did with his. “It was cute.”
“Cute is a word I never thought I’d hear come out of your mouth.”
“Cállete, you hear me? Shut up.” 
You giggle, grabbing his hand and sliding it up to fit comfortably on the back of your neck. “You wanna kiss me, O’hara? You’re very welcome to do it.”
“Don’t have to tell me twice.”
Now he’s leaning in, closing in those four painstaking inches to lock lips with you.
And it’s insane. Showstopping. Any kisses you had before then? Not even a fucking kiss. Sure, it was a bit awkward at first– mainly you, you suppose– but it worked itself out. Miguel must’ve really gotten into it, because once you swear he nipped at your bottom lip with those fangs of his, just hard enough to draw blood. Your hands, in the meantime, explored his mass of brown curls, previously smoothed back but released by your fingers.
His own hands nestled themselves in your hair, tugging on it just enough to draw a sigh out of you. He tastes like blood– surely yours– yet ever so homey. You lean into him inadvertently, so content in the moment. The rational part of your brain reminds you that you’d probably suffocate if you kissed him for much longer, but nothing in you cared very much about that fact at all. 
In the end, it’s him who takes a dip for air, who drags your face off of his reluctantly to gasp softly. You do the same, resting your forehead on his toned chest. His hand, still in your hair, guides you gently back up, just so he can absorb your appearance and vice versa. It’s crazy, taking him in like this. He looks so out of control, his hair disheveled and his lips puffy and his cheeks red, releasing air in quick puff puffs. You’re sure you’re not much better looking.
“Out of breath already?” He says, head tilted with a goofy sort of grin adorning his face. “I’m regaining it currently, don’t tease.” You puff back at him, dropping your head back onto his chest.
“Oh, but teasing you is the best part.”
You stab a finger into his side. “Be quiet.”
“If you fare like this, mi alma, you won’t last very long where we’re headed.”
Your head whips up, equal parts confusion and frustration. “First of all, I’m fine. Second of all, what?”
“C’mon.” he pulls you off the bed.
“Are we sure I can even–”
His arm is around your shoulders, hand clamped tightly around it to squeeze you reassuringly. “I got you.”
“Thanks.” Your smile towards him is mushy, but you couldn’t quite find it in yourself to care.
“De nada,” He smiles back, and you mentally note to tease him about his softness later on. “Let’s get all the way to home plate, huh?”
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feel free to drop by my inbox anytime, everyone, before i run out of ideas
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Love me or hate me, both are in my favor (Miguel O’Hara x Fem! Reader [HS Academic Rivals AU])
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I know y’all I know… I promise from now on, from this chapter this final I will put my priorities on finishing this fic, and the next chapter will be longer. anyways, not proofread. Enjoy once again.
Some villains foreshadowing, cursing maybe (can’t remember tbh), not much tbh.
Word count: 2.1k
Series Masterlist Series playlist
Chapter 10: What a wicked thing to do, to let me dream of you
“How interesting… seems my wall crawling friend here found himself a little girlfriend…”
You both couldn’t see him, but he saw you. Saw the way Spider-Man’s hand so easily found its way to the small of your back, saw how he smiled down at you when his blue and red mask was partly off, the way your eyes gleamed as you looked up at him. Young love.
He couldn’t wait to destroy it, to rip it right out of Spider-Man’s sharp talons.
“Enjoy her while you can Spidey… You won’t have her for long…”
Miguel has officially burned whatever unstable bridge he had with you. You won’t talk to him, you won’t go up to him to compare scores anymore, won’t even glance his way anymore. It’s not like he doesn’t deserve it, he knows he did, but it doesn’t mean he isn’t stuck internally mourning the loss of any good blood between you and his civilian form, officially snapping the last olive branch you had given him.
You wouldn’t talk to him, you wouldn’t stop by his desk anymore, started to take the longer routes to class whenever you would both have to go to the same class just so you weren’t in the same viscosity as him, hell, he’s pretty sure you haven’t even looked at him since. He can’t blame you though no matter how much he wanted to, he brought this upon himself. If he was able to keep his mouth shut, then maybe he would be able to better his chances of turning your silly rivalry into something closer to companionship. Now… his only hope was to be patient, and pray that you would eventually grow enough of a soft spot for him to be able to enter your life once more.
Step one, would be to make you acknowledge him. Even if it’s a small glare or a rolling of the eyes, he’ll take whatever you’ll give him. So he starts of small, a small scrap of paper with the words “I’m sorry, pls stop ignoring me so I won’t feel bad when I crush you on the next quiz”, it was meant as a joke, hoping to garner some sort of reaction out of you, where that be a chuckle or snort or an eyeroll. But you didn’t even open the note up, the second you saw his initials written in his neat handwriting on top of the folded paper, you crumpled it up and tossed it in the trash can before returning to your seat before the teacher began class.
You were stubborn, but so is Miguel, that was one of the many things you both had in common. So he tired again… in the next class he had with you, samething, a small folded slip of paper placed on the top of your desk, only for you to repeat your actions by throwing it away again. But as time passes he gets more persistent, started to leave your favorite candies and flowers on your desk, you knew it was him too, because they’d always be accompanied with his name on something, and despite how much it pains you to throw away perfectly good candy and flowers your need to keep a grudge was larger.
“Are you kidding me? How long is it gonna take for him to get the hint…” You whined quietly to Mj, as you picked up the small stuff doggy he had left on your desk this time, he knew you wouldn’t have the heart to toss this. Damn him.
“It’s a bit cute doesn’t you think? He’s like all those guys you read and watch about in those romance novels and movies.” Mj tried to reason with you, a small giggle leaving her lips as she picked it up and examined it. “It’s so cute too…”
“Well lucky you, it’s yours now.” You deadpanned with an eye roll as you sat in your seat, “And that’s different, at least all the guys in the movies and books didn’t drag the girl through the mud and insult them the way he did me.” You added, crossing your arms and turning your nose up in a slightly childish way, not even glancing at said male that you were talking about despite him sitting a few seats over from you, fidgeting with his phone as he pretended not to listen. You didn’t care if he did or not.
Mj just sent you a friendly glare, one that silently says, “don’t you think you're blowing this out of proportion?” You then tilted your head to the side, sending her one back that simply said “no.” she couldn’t help roll her eyes a bit at your dramatic as she gladly takes the stuff husky and placed it her bag, despite now being in basically no contact with your rival, it felt like you were complaining about him increased ten fold. Erasing any progress she and Peter were hoping to get the two of you together.
“So,” She finally drops it, glancing at the clock above the door of the classroom to see how much time she had before having to find her seat. “Are you doing anything after class tonight? Gwen from my French class is having a party at her dorm tonight, wanted to see if you’d come with me.” She asked, hoping to finally get you out and distracted. Frowning slightly white how quickly you shook your head.
“Can’t. I’m gonna be busy tonight.” You quickly answered, pulling out your supplies from your bag, making her groan at the rejection.
“You’ve been ‘busy’ all week, I know you well enough to know you’re probably just watching some random movie in bed.” She retorted, crossing her arms as she lightly glared at you.
“I have an actual thing tonight.” You replied, a smile creeping on your lips as you spoke. Mj raising her brow in suspension.
“A thing?”
“Yeah a thing.” You giggled a bit, feeling your cheeks warm up slightly.
“Okay can you tell me what said ‘thing’ is?” She asked, placing her hands flat on your desk as she leaned in a bit to get a bit closer, you pretended to think about it for a second, letting out a small hmm before finally answering.
“Okay, okay fine. Only since you're my best friend, I’ll tell you.” You said before folding your hands under your chin. “I’ve got… a date, for a lack of better terms.” You admit with a smile, Mj’s eyes widened so big you thought they’d popped out of her eyelids.
“No-no way!” She shout-whispered, going to sit in the empty chair next to her despite it not being her assigned seat. “Wait who!? Is it someone we know? Is it someone at this school?” She asked to which you quickly shook your head too, another smile spreads on your lips as you noticed her face form into one of confusion.
“Nooo, or actually I have no idea where he goes to school.” She scrunched together her brows at the odd answer.
“What do you mean you don’t know what school he goes to? Have you ever met this guy in person before?” You couldn’t help but let out a snort as she goes into ‘mom friend’ mode, her naturally overly protective nature shining through a bit. “Because if this is some, like random guy you met off social media I forbid you going-“
“Oh my goodness, no, no it’s nothing like that.” You shook your head and laughed, trying to explain yourself before she went into a full tirade about stranger danger. “I’ve met him in person, multiple times actually.”
“…Okay, so what’s his name?” You could still hear the slightest bit of suspicion in her tone as she narrowed her eyes at you. Only to watch them narrow more as you shrugged your shoulders, making her let out an over exaggerated sigh. “Is there anything you can tell me about him then? Literally anything.” It’s clear that her patience with you was starting to wear thin from you keeping her in the dark about the supposed guy you were going to see.
With practically perfect timing with the bell, you made a quick movement with both your hands. Middle and ring finger folding flat against your palms as the pointer, index and thumb were stretched out. Her jaw dropped to the floor as the biology teacher told everyone to get to their assigned seats, leaving you free from any more questions from the shocked redhead.
“Why can’t we take the subway or something? Do you really need your main mode of transportation to be swinging?” You asked as you placed on a jacket, trying your best to not get cold feet on your plans with the spider despite him already being in your window. “I’ve developed a new fear of heights because of you.” You whined, which wasn’t a complete lie. Especially after the whole Doc Ock situation.
“When have I ever given you a reason to doubt my ability to hold you safely while swinging?” He asked with a head tilt, squatting in your window stool, despite the mask being on your still noticed the way it shifted as he smirked.
“Well… no but-“
“See. You’re safe-“
“That doesn't mean I can’t still be scared though.” You pouted, crossing your arms in front of your chest as you took a step closer to his spot in your window. “This might be second nature to you but it’s not for me, okay Mr.Man.” You retorted, before a small squeal left your lips when he pulled you closer to him once you were in arm’s reach, a smile creeping onto your lips despite your attempt to act annoyed with his actions. The red line where his right eyebrow would be raised up as he hugs your waist.
“Yeah… you know, Spider-Man. Mr.Man. I-I don’t know, it sounded better in my head.” You huffed, face heating up slightly from embarrassment as he let a snort out before even realizing he did, shaking his head playful as you attempted to explain away the attempt at being sassy. “I don’t know your name yet, okay. Cut me some slack.”
“Okay okay, sorry.” He chuckled, motioning for you to get on the window ledge with him, his grip tightened around your waist to make sure you didn’t fall, your arms wrapping around his neck as he helped slip you out of your window. Shutting it behind you both with a web after he swung you both onto the neighboring rooftop. A small squeal leaving your lips as you cross the distance.
“Where are we going anyways?” You asked, moving some loose strands of hair out from your face as you looked up at the vigilante.
“One of my favorite spots, has a great view of the city.” He told you, patting the side of your hip as a silent command to wrap your legs around his waist for extra security while he swung you both, quickly doing as you’re told, shifting until you were comfortable on his side, arms around his broad shoulders and one ankle hooked under the other to keep your legs around his hips. Once he felt the shuffling stop, he shot one of this neon red web to the top of your dorm building, his free hand that was gripping your waist gave your side a little squeeze, as if to silently warn you he was about to start swinging. “But first I gotta go pick up our dinner.”
“Mmm… yeah you're right, these sandwiches are waaay better then the bodega from around the corner of my school.” You admitted in between bits of your sandwich, taking a sip of your drink to help wash the food down. “Too bad it’s all the way across town, that’s too far for me to just get a sandwich. A forty minute subway ride is not worth it.”
“Well, if you're ever in the mood for one, I’ll get you one. It takes me less than half that time to make the trip.” He told you as he readjusted his mask to sit on his nose better, and cleaned some crumbs off the side of his plump lips.
“I’ll have to take you up on that deal sometime.” You joked, wrapping your free arm around your torso in an attempt to gain some more warmth. Even with one of your thicker winter jackets on, it was no match against the cold winds of late fall in the city from up at the top of the Empire State. You had no idea how Spider-Man wasn’t developing hypothermia considering he appeared to only be wearing the blue and red spandex suit. He must have noticed your body begin to tremble slightly, wrapping his arm around your shoulder and pulling you closer to steal some of his warmth.
Taglist: @famouscattale @oharasfilipinawife @mxltifxnd0m @loser-alert @homewreckingwreck @dumb-gemini @cowboylikeevie @thedevax @codenameredkrystalmatrix @strawberryjuice9 @maomaimao @franceseca-the-1st @mcmiracles @mangoslushcrush
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wifey-ohara · 1 year
ok ok I got an idea
what if Miguel ohara found an orphan who was a spider and decided to raise her🥺
I love this sm🥺🥺🥺
Under my wing
Fatherfigure! miguel&spidy!teen!Fem! Reader
Notes: some angst at the start but the rest is fluffy, good dad miguel, distrustfull reader at first, road trip writing, hcs and drabbles, can you tell i can't write good father figures? That's bc mine doesn't like emotional support:) not proof read
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💙Miguel was fighting off an anomaly with some other spider people, shouting orders left and right, when he ordered some feral-looking spider and she went exactly against his order which he was gonna follow them, save her and then scold her about being reckless
🩵but then he noticed that that specific spider was not from his team
💙he saw her swing forward, hit the anomaly with both legs, knocking it off it's feet, and he took that chance and tied it up with webs
🩵she did a couple flips and landed, looked back, and miguel could feel her intense stare at him
💙he was about to call out for her, and maybe even invite her to the spider society
🩵With a roll of your eyes and a "tsk" you jumped forward, swinging away
💙when miguel returned, he searched up your earth and information about you
🩵he found out that you only a teenager living a double-life, been bitten by a spider as a child, and that your parents were your canon and that you're alone in there
💙so he visits your earth a lot to check on you
~you said goodbye to your friend and watched them disappear from your sight, leaving you with that uncomfortable feeling of eyes on you, you felt this way alot ever since those many spiders appeared the other day
With a sigh you walked over the little abandoned apartment complex you lived in, put your back pack there and put on your spider suit to patrol the streets
Miguel on the other hand, he only got more protective of you and needing to keep you safe as he watched from afar
🩵you didn't see miguel again until another gaint anomaly destroyed your home
💙you were just taking the sight in, the rubble, the dust, the destruction, another home crumbling before your own eyes, and again you couldn't save it, so you just stared at it, thinking what stuff of yours survived,probably none
You sighed, deeply, then, your spidey senses were ringing in your head, you turned around, ready to fight whoever it is, pulling down your mask
It was that big spider-man, and you felt uneasy about his stare, but you pulled your mask off anyway
" what" you attacked,no actual violence in your voice, you were so tired, and now even more homeless then before
"you're looking at the apartment complex a little too long" he answered, calm, yet somehow knowing? You hated that
"yeah well i lived there" you rolled your eyes
"it looks abandoned?" he inquired yet teased, you hated the brain games he's playing
"i never said others do, also cut the crap, what do you want" you snapped weakly
"ok" he lifted his forearms in front of him "i noticed that your are most times alone, and homeless as it turns out and i wanted to invite to the spider society" he offered
You were quiet for a moment
"so it was you" you yelled, annoyed "why the fuck were you stalking me like that, was it so hard to
talk to me?"
"no but i need to know you before inviting people into my society" he reasoned
With a scoff you asked "what's this- pfft- i don't know spider group thing?"
"a society from people just like you from other universes, team up and fight off what might be in the way of the smooth running of multi-verse, seeing your circumstances, i think you'd like it" he adviced.
🩵And boom! You→in spider society!!
💙you sticked to miguel's side most time, he didn't mind one bit
🩵you'd sit in his office while he works, scrolling on your phone/tablet (or whatever you like) that miguel got you despite you arguing that he didn't have to
💙"I've seen the kids carrying them around, i think its important to y'all or something " he argues,knowing damn well that its a luxury thing
🩵you get him lunch everyday and you two eat it together, talk about stuff and all that father/daughter all that good stuff
💙you two joke around lots too! You'd crack a joke and he'll chuckle and add to it until you're crying laughing
🩵you join him on most missions, its more of you swinging and playing around and helping whenever you can, and he actually fights it off
"oh my god!" you yelled when he stopped beside you "are you spider man!?" you asked him, acting like a fan girl who just saw her dream idol
His wide eyes turned into an eye roll at you as he swung away again
You laughed about to get down from the wall you were clinging on, when it broke with some force, knocking you down
A surprised noise tore off your throat as you fell down, you turned around, your back facing the ground, looking for something to web yourself to
On the other hand, miguel felt the life leave his body
He's losing A daughter, again, he couldn't let that happen
He swung to you, wrapping you in red webbing just as you webbed yourself to another building, he pulled you up to him and held you
"are you ok!" he checked frantic, looking you over for the smallest cut
"I'm fine" you smiled "it just caught me off guard "
He sat you both on a surface, gears turning in their head, then he took a deep breath "go back to HQ" he told you, voice gentle
"what? Why!?" you asked, surprised by his offer
"just do what i say.. Please" he pleaded
"alright.." you argeed, releasing his arms as they lowered from your shoulders
Stepping back, clicking a few bottoms on your watch, making a portal appear behind you
"be safe!" you said, before stepping into it
💙you two didn't talk about that day since
🩵you of course knew about his daughter and past
💙 that day, he acted weird, and you just thought that it was because he had a long day
🩵he became more protective of you, not letting you go to as many missions as before, it annoyed you a bit but you chalked it up to you being reckless and careless and he couldn't have you fucking up missions
💙he'd call you things like "mija" or "niña" yk indearments and cutesy stuff like that
🩵you're so petty most times, and you like to get under his skin so you and lyla gang up on him
💙he doesn't like hobie being around you, but you do, soo that's that..
🩵he teaches you (mostly technology) stuff and answes all your questions
💙after a year and some months, you gave him "the best father" gift card on Father's Day and he went home and cried about it
🩵after that he became even softer (somehow) with you
💙"I'm proud of you"s and "good job kid"s were a reaccuring
🩵he asked to move in with him from the HQ rooms and you agreed, and hugged him
💙he spends more time off now, with you, learning more about you hobbies and interests, cheering you on
🩵you started calling him dad, he teared up the first few times when you did, still warms his heart everytime
💙he helps you with school, and not in a "WHAT'S 5 TIMES 7 while you cry " kinda way lol
🩵he scares off any dating possibilities too
💙if you have a bad day, he'd be a lil sad that you didn't call him first thing, but he'd buy you/make you your favorite food and sits with you and listen to you ramble about it if you want, if not, he'd sit with you on the couch watching a movie
🩵he lets you do wierd things on his face ( "dad they're called face maskes!)
💙he tells you dad jokes ironically, you always roll eyes at him
🩵you're an endless supply of old man jokes ("mija I'm not even that old what the fuck")
💙so yeah,it's happy vibes all around
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You guess it, next is probabs platonic hobie
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firewalkzwit · 1 year
arabella // hobie brown x reader (one-shot)
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oneshot of hobie trying to pursue a reader who's effortlessly cool and has strong arabella vibes cuz i love that vibe. inspired some on slc punk and sex pistols lore, cool fic for the music enthusiasts
New girl's hip New girl's cool New girl's interesting New girl's hot.
"She came straight out of 70's New L.A. She's no rockstar's girlfriend, she's a rockstar herself! Crazy hair, mysterious bassist, she's from outer space."
And when she needs to shelter from reality she takes a dip in my daydreams...
"Ay, who's the new girl?" Was the first thing Hobie asked as he nudged Pav's shoulder, not breaking his intense stare at the new recruit. 
"New girl? Oh that's YN." Pav shifted his narrowed eyes into Hobie's, a teasing grin drawing on his face.
"Yea' but what's her full name...?"
"Go ask her yourself man, everyone calls her YN." Hobie never got her name, she refused to be called anything but those particular initials.
To say she was pretty was an understatement. She was stunning, show-stopping, alluring. 
At least to Hobie, all adjectives were perfectly applicable.
She had this quirk, this confidence and these slight Chrissie Hynde vibes, boldness when she spoke that made her so attractive, and to top it she was a great musician. 
Back in her dimension it was the seventies, and she was the leader of a girl band where she played the bass, doing small gigs in downtown New L.A.
She wore flamboyant black cowboy boots and scandalous skirts, with chunky sunglasses that looked like the eyes of a bug. She had crazy hair and wore Vivienne Westwood's accessories on her pierced ears and fingers before it was even cool in the US. Her dark tights were always ripped but she didn't care, she called it a fashion statement. So did she call her Spidey suit, which had a unique design that caught anyone's attention. 
Love was for posers Hobie thought, but what's more punk than going against your own structures?
"Gwendy I gotta' talk to this girl more." Hobie's frustration was something Gwen wasn't used to seeing. His nature was often relaxed, only energic when invited to disrupt the order, but hardly ever frustrated.
"Well, you don't have to." Gwen shrugged as she tried to mask the frown that was forming in her face, but her wrinkled nose gave away her displease of jealousy.
"I know, but I want to." His attention was fixed on YN, how she moved and talked. "I wanna hear her play. You're a girl right? When you girls think a lad's fit, how much of that comes from his coolness?" He asked as he leaned on Gwen's side, resting his body weight on her. She scoffed in disbelief at the absurdity of his question, something only a man could ask. 
"Since when do you want to conform to the arbitrary standards of women?"
"I don't, I just wanna' know how many I can get away with breaking and she can still like me yea'?" Hobie chuckled before getting up again. "Don't get too jealous on me alright?" He joked, patting his friend's shoulder as he jumped down from where they were sitting, approaching her once again.
"He's never gonna give up is he?" Miles sat once again close beside Gwen, who sighed at the sight of Hobie attempting to come off as nonchalant with a girl who only seemed to curve his insinuations over and over. 
"That's such a man thing to do, no offense." Gwen spat as her hand slid down her face, pointing at what she could only describe as a humilliation show.
"Yeah... right." 
It's not that she didn't notice, she just dodged him. She thought there was more important things to do than let herself be conquered by some co-worker. But she was lying if she said he wasn't winning her over.
He also was so her type.
The funky hair, the spikes on his leather vest, the stickers and carvings on his guitar, his Iggy Pop vibes and his weird slang. But he thought he was so it, he was a nice guy but he needed some humbling. Their first conversation was about Bowie, and he played her a bit of Moonage Daydream as she recalled when she saw him live, getting all starry eyed whenever she'd narrate the part where she gave him a ride in her car.
"You gave Bowie a ride?"
"Spider's Tour, yeah..." She giggled, flipping her hair in a way that had him starstruck. "In my mom's car."
"In your mum's car? Oh get out." She went on to talk about how that changed her view on music, going on about her gigs in New L.A and how she moved there to make it big. 
Hobie was sure he was listening, but as much as he tried to contain himself, keeping in comments was not in his book.
"You always dress this mad? Like, all the time?" He bursted out with a smile, cutting her off. They were sitting on a counter table, with his guitar on his lap. He leaned closer to pick on the fabric of her coat. 
"Always. Do you always dress so pretentious?" She retorted with a smug grin, pushing her hair out of her face. His eyes shot up to look at her, puzzled. "I mean, aren't you like... rebelling against society?" Hobie let out a slight laugh, his head tilting in interest as he looked into her eyes. 
"Well, yea'. Why?"
"Don't you think it would be more of an act of rebellion if you didn't spend so much time buying stickers and pins and going out to get punky clothes? Stop me if I'm being offensive, I think the style's hip, but it just seems counterproductive to your cause."
"Na' its cool, keep going." He struggled to discern if he was actually listening, or simply invested in watching her mouth smart words as her long painted nails tapped on the counter.
"You want to be an individual, but it's like you wear a uniform. It's just punk fashion, not rebellion." Hobie's eyes fixated on her's, leaving a strong silence as she ended her phrase. 
"I'm not judging you, just kind of a general critique to what they call punk movement."
Hobie brushed her off with his usual humorous comments to maintain his pride, but he was dazzled. Even if she had criticized his way of thinking and how he dressed, she was so outspoken, without caring what he had to say or thought about her opinion, and he was crazy for his first impression of her, as much as he hated to admit it as he'd call 'Love is for posers'. Hobie was sure he was just trying to win her over, to prove a point he'd say, but deep down he loved the way she smiled and shook her head whimsically everytime he'd say something or take time off his schedule to nag her.
It was a few times that she gave Hobie the chance to play with her, to which she soon learnt that he did not know how to read tabs. Of course the punk kid is self-taught. Trying to lead, they would play messy numbers and solos. It was ocasionally just her and Gwen, who had let YN grown onto her sharing her love for girl bands, doing some jamming with their instruments as Hobie payed vague attention. But he would pound on any chance to be alone with her and try to take her out.
She didn't know what was in her that day, but she let him take her out.
He toured her around his universe, before taking her to what he called "his palace". 
The small canal boat was ridiculously a very Hobie place to live. If she were to guess, she'd think he lived in a tree somewhere in Birmingham. However it had it's charm, it was very humid and it wobbled when they walked, but it was unique and she loved it. Hobie showed her the collection of things he had stolen, proving himself to be a brilliant thief. He owed most of his 'talent' to his Spider-Sense and speed, but he'd never bring it up. 
As she sat on the mattress where he slept in, Hobie picked up one of his records, sitting beside her to show her the signed insides of the vinyl. Her eyes paced from the inscriptions to his face, as he ocasionally caught a glimpse of her through the corner of his eye. He left the vinyl aside to go on about his encounters with the infuential musicians on the area, how he attempted to steal the microphone the Bowie of his dimension had used when he was touring in his city. Her gaze shifting from his eyes to his lips back and forth. 
He was hesitant about making a move, afraid he'd mess up what had taken him so much work. But wasn't even given time to think it through before the proximity between them grew, and her hand softly caressed his bony cheek and down to his neck, inviting him to lean into a kiss. As they made out, his cold piercing was quickly warmed by her damp tongue and soft lips that sucked and kissed his. His hands caressed up and down her waist, undoing the buttons on her blouse with his slender fingers as she revealed her naked torso, no bra underneath. YN did her usual hair flip to watch him undress her, and himself, jumping on her once finished to continue what he had briefly interrupted.
"We won't sink, will we?" She asked between soft giggles as the boat quivered at his abrupt movement, Hobie nibbling down her neck and kissing her chest. 
"I wank pretty crazy here every night, we won't." He teased before crawling backwards, kissing down her navel. 
songs i listened to while working on this:
(ofc) arabella - arctic monkeys
moonage daydream, lady grinning soul and starman - bowie
hey, velouria - pixies
rhiannon, gold dust woman - fleetwood mac
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thinking1bee · 4 months
You Haven't Failed Part 5
Requested by Anonymous
Pairings: Wanda Maximoff x Reader
Tags: Spidey!Reader, Venom!Reader, So Much Angst, Fluff, Established Relationship, Graphic Depictions of Injuries, Blood, Violence, Explicit Language, Explicit Sexual Content, Smut
Everything Taglist: @sammy90682 @nobody13 @owloftheshadows @captain-josslett @camslightstories @worldovart @finleyfray @acertainredhead @sammm9068 @reginassecretlover @ara-a-bird
After ignoring multiple calls from Fury, Peter, and Wanda, you turned off your phone before pocketing the device. You just needed to be alone right now. You needed to think. You went to the one place that grounded you. The, oddly, one place no one seemed to check when you needed to get away.
The Empire State Building.
You sat at the very top of it, your feet attached to the metal while you sat on your haunches. Your elbows rested on your knees while your hand idly held your mask. You stared at it hollowly, shame and guilt eating you alive from what you did. Disbelief filled you to the brim. That couldn’t have been you. Those feelings weren’t you. Yeah, you were angry. Everyone was capable of anger, but murderous rage? That wasn’t normal. If Peter hadn’t intervened, you would have killed that man. There was no doubt in your mind. It scared you to know that excitement and happiness filled you as you punched the life from him. You could still feel the crunch of his bones and cartilage on your knuckles, and you rubbed your hands together to chase away the phantom sensations. Honestly? You didn’t know what came over you. There was pain, then there was surprised intrigue. Then, there was nothing but blind rage and the need to make the one who caused it suffer. Tears trailed down your cheeks and you sniffled as the horizon blurred in front of you. You weren’t a murderer. The thought alone had bile rising to your throat, but you were willing to change all of that in that one moment.
What the hell was wrong with you?
The sounds of New York filled the atmosphere. Even though you were high up in the air, and the wind was gently blowing, you could hear people talking down below. You couldn’t hear the specifics, but it was like you were standing in a crowded room. Nothing but overlapping voices that all chattered about the day-to-day things of life. Horns honked. Music played in the street, and you watched numbly as life passed you by. Even after you watched the sun set, and even as the sky darkened to reveal the moon and stars, you sat there, and you cried.
You didn’t know how much time passed, but eventually, you could feel Wanda’s power searching for you. It didn’t manifest physically. It was more of a gentle caress in your mind. You knew that she was there, and you could sense the anxiety she felt as her power wrapped around you. It filled you with grounding warmth and familiarity. It was like Wanda touched your soul, and you swallowed thickly, wanting nothing more than to be in her arms, but remorse kept you rooted to your spot. Wanda had to know what you did, either from Peter, from Fury, or from the news. The very thought of facing her had more tears falling faster down your cheeks. You couldn’t predict how she was going to react, and because of that uncertainty, you stayed where you were.
<Please, детка. I need you to come home.>
You felt her voice in your mind more so than you heard it. There was desperation laced in it, pleading. Your hands were shaking, your breaths coming out very much the same, and you swallowed before you stood up. She was worried, and you didn’t want to be the reason for why she felt unrest. So, you slipped your mask back on and faced the city. You could do this. With tensed muscles, you jumped off the side of the building, plummeting for a few seconds, before swinging home.
Instead of going to the door of the room, you landed on the balcony. Using the front door meant having to traverse the compound, and you weren’t ready for anyone to confront you just yet. You still couldn’t figure out what happened to you, and right now, you only had strength for Wanda. She heard the moment your feet landed on the cement. She was still up, her legs curled under a blanket as she sat on the couch. The tv played in front of her, and when she heard you arrive, she was on her feet in an instant and sliding the balcony door open. She pulled you inside and closed the door.
“Y/n? Babe? Are you okay?” she immediately asked you.
You couldn’t answer her. You pulled off your mask and faced the tv. On it was a news report. A video recording from the fight you were involved in was played, and it showed you crouched over the man while beating the life out of him. That was you. That was your suit. That was the man, but you didn’t recognize yourself. You could see the spray of blood even in the shaky phone recording. During that moment, you hadn’t heard anything from the crowd, but you could hear them now. They all murmured. They gasped. Someone screamed, and the recording ended right as Peter caught your fist. Suddenly, the nausea that you’d tried to fight for the last couple of hours reared into you and flipped your stomach upside down. Wanda followed your line of sight, your features growing paler as you watched the video. It was only a couple of seconds long, but you saw more than you could bear. She reached for the remote and instantly turned the tv off. You groaned, then you dropped your mask as you made a mad dash to the bathroom. You barely got the toilet seat up before you vomited violently. Nothing but bile and stomach acid filled the bowl, and you retched as tears streamed down your cheeks. Wanda was there every step of the way. She rubbed your back and smoothed your hair from your face as you kept vomiting. You vomited until there was nothing left to throw up. Then, you dissolved into tears. Loud sobs left you as your body folded in on itself, and Wanda watched you in alarm. She had no idea how to help, except to kiss your forehead and to guide your head to her shoulder. You let her, and she angled her body towards yours as she wrapped your arms around you. You cried in her arms as you let the emotions drown you alive. You were terrified, and scared, and ashamed, and guilty. The list kept going, and as all of those emotions morphed from one to another, over and over, repeating like a broken record, only one made itself glaringly clear.
You were utterly horrified that you were capable of something like that, and the fact that you acted on it had your body shaking in Wanda’s hold. Tears soaked her shoulder, but she never let you go. She kept rubbing your back and pressing kisses against the skin she could reach. It took a while for you to calm down, but when you did, your breaths coming out jagged and stuffy, Wanda looked at you.
“Can you tell me what happened, baby?”
You gazed into her eyes and saw nothing but safety, love, and concern for you. She didn’t look scared, nor did she judge you. You could tell that all she wanted was to understand. So, you nodded and kept eye contact as you prepared yourself.
“Fury sent Peter and I to check the surrounding area near Oscorp, but we didn’t find anything. Everything was normal and we just got to talking as we kept looking. Peter told me that there was a shootout between the police and escaped prisoners, so I went to go help.”
You paused, your gaze momentarily breaking from hers as your body began to shake.
“What happened?” Wanda asked.
“One of them stabbed me.”
She sat straight up, panic tearing through her. “What?!”
Before you could say anything, her hands were manipulating your body so that she could get a good look at you.
“Oh, god,” she whispered as she covered her mouth with her hand. “Oh, my god.”
She hadn’t noticed the blood when you first arrived, and it still hadn’t clicked as she watched you throw up, but now, under the light of the bathroom, she saw what happened to you. Dried blood covered the majority of your torso, front and back. More thick trails of it had ran down your thighs. You looked like a victim in a horror movie, and Wanda’s eyes took in the slitted hole in your suit. She was about to yank you to your feet, a string of Russian expletives marring the calm atmosphere that she tried to create. She was seconds away from forcing you to the med bay, but her name from your lips stopped her.
She looked at you, her eyes full of fear while her hands shook.
“I’m fine. I’m okay.”
She looked at you for a moment more before her hand shakily ran over the area where your wound would have been. Nothing but smooth skin greeted her. She sank back to the ground with you by her side.
“Don’t get me wrong,” she said as her hand continued to feel your stomach. “I’m so happy that you’re okay, but how is this possible?”
You shrugged. “I don’t know.”
You were resilient, not indestructible. You were as susceptible to gunshots and stab wounds just like any other normal person, and while you could heal from something fatal in a matter of days, you never once demonstrated near instantaneous healing like you did today.
“I just healed. There’s no other way for me to describe it, but after, I was so fucking angry.”
“I would be angry too if someone stabbed me.”
You shook your head. “It wasn’t like that. I took one look at him and decided, right as he began to beg for his life, that I wanted to kill him.”
That quieted Wanda for a second, your confession shocking her into a stunned silence. After another moment of hesitation, she looked at you.
The question wasn’t a demand. It wasn’t accusatory. Even as she asked it, you didn’t hear judgment in her voice, only tepid curiosity. It was something that needed an answer but wouldn’t force one from you. You told her the truth.
“Because he tried to kill me, and in my mind, all I could think about was you. I know you’ve been back for a while, Wands, but it’ll always feel like I just got you back. I want to live life with you, and I don’t want anything else separating us. If things didn’t happen the way they did, I could have died. And then what? All of that knowledge flitted through me in a millisecond, and before I could process just how angry I was, he was already in my hold.”
The more you talked, the tighter Wanda held you. She understood completely. Just as you said, it’d been years since the events that occurred in Wakanda, but sometimes, she still had nightmares about it. Something so traumatic was forever etched in your brain and hers. If the roles were reversed, not even she could promise that she would react in grace. She had the power to change reality as she knew it, and she had to remind herself that you and her friends weren’t worth that kind of fallout. Regardless, she understood.
“I’m so sorry, Y/n,” she whispered into your hair.
You shrugged. It wasn’t her fault. She was a victim of something that couldn’t have been controlled by anyone once the power of the gauntlet was activated. It just wasn’t her fault.
“You know that it wasn’t your fault, right?”
It was like she read your mind, and you stared into her eyes. Not once did you see a red glow in them, nor did you feel her in your mind. You must have been really transparent. You gave her a weak nod but that wasn’t what you felt.
It was your fault. You should have been stronger. If you were, it wouldn’t have happened in the first place.
Part 6
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thelovelylolly · 1 year
Hi love, i saw ur requests are open i was wondering if you could do a frank castle x teen reader where reader is basically a female peter parker. Maybe frank meets her as spider women and later finds out shes just a kid doing all this messed up shit. Only write if u want too ofcourse thank youu <3
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Summary : On his normal patrol of New York, Frank runs into a vigilante with spider powers. Warnings : mentions of violence (but its not a lot), teen reader, this is a platonic frank x reader!!!, not proof read Notes : frank being a father(ish) figure >> (also thank you for the request, its a rlly fun idea i love it! i had to write these over the course of three days bc ive been very stressed and tired but i hope you still enjoy it!)
Frank had heard talk about someone with spider-like powers swinging around New York City at night, taking out low level robbers and such. He didn't really believe that though. A person with spider powers? Yeah, right. He wouldn't believe it until he saw it.
On patrol one night, Frank was driving around the streets of New York City with his eyes peeled for any activity. As he turned a corner, he saw a group of robbers running out of a store with bags full of products. He quickly parked and got out of his car, only to hear the robbers grunt and yelled.
He looked over and saw two of the robbers wrapped up in a...spider web? The others were chasing something down into an alleyway. Frank sighed and ran after them.
In the alleyway, a figure was swinging around and landing kicks and hits on the robbers. There was spider person he had heard about. Whoever they were, they had a mask on to conceal their identity. "Oh, come on fellas! I thought this would be harder!"
Frank rolled his eyes at the remark as he grabbed a nearby brick and chucked it at one of the robbers. The fighting stopped as the robber fell to the ground, knocked out, and they all looked at Frank.
One of the robbers took the spider person's pause to punch them. The spider person stumbled back while Frank charged at the rest of the robbers, easily taking them out.
As he caught his breath, Frank walked over to the spider person who was catching their breath, too.
"I had it covered, you didn't need to step in," they spat.
"It was five to one-"
"Three to one once they got down here. I can handle myself. I don't need the big bad Punisher to come save me," they cut him off, brushing past him.
"You know about me?"
"Of course I do. And I know you know about me."
With that, they shot a web up and swung away.
You kept your head down and hood on when you walked to and from school. A black from the night before had bloomed around your eye and you didn't feel like making up an excuse. Your hands ran up and down the straps of your backpack as you watched your shoes on the pavement.
Your shoulder hit someone and you stumbled before glancing back at whoever it was. "Watch it!" You yelled.
Then you realized who it was. The Punisher.
Frank froze when you yelled at him. He recognized your voice from the spider person. You were glaring at him in attempt to hide your slight fear.
He looked around before pulling you into the opening of an alley.
"You're the spider person from last night," Frank said, low enough for you to hear and no one else.
"I'm not, you have me confused with someone else," you spat in reply. You tried to walk away but Frank grabbed your arm and kept you in place.
"You have a black eye, kid. I watched you get punched right there last night, and you're not a great liar without your mask."
"I...got into a fight at school-"
"Bullshit," Frank quickly cut you off. You glared up at him, crossing your arms in front of you.
"So, what are you going to do? Call the police on me? Tell my parents?"
Frank sighed. "I should. You're a kid going around and fighting crime at night. This vigilante shit is not a game-"
"I know it's not a game!" You said a bit louder than expected. You and Frank quickly looked at the people passing by, making sure no one had heard anything, then looked back at each other. "I know it's not a game. I want to protect my city. I want to help."
"There are already people helping, we don't need to worry about a kid trying to be hero."
"I'm not a kid! I'm 17!"
He sighed once again, already done with your attitude. "Fine, you wanna help? Swing around tonight and I'll find you, then you're staying by my side-"
"What? You wanna protect me or something?"
"Yes. I do. I don't need another kid hurt because they wanna pull some stupid shit."
"...okay, dad," you said teasingly. "See you around."
You turned and left. Frank watched as you disappeared into the crowd of people walking by on the sidewalk.
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guilty-pleasures21 · 9 months
Yooooooooouuuuuuuuuu!!!!!!! You SUCK!
I'm really setting myself up, huh? The first sex scene is going to have to be REALLY good.
But don't worry guys, I have SO MANY smut scenes for after they get together, it's CRAZY!!! 😭
2. It NEEDS to be EVEN sssslllllooooweeeeerrrrrr.
Part 1 - the new recruit
Part 2 - the depression
Part 3 - the gelato
Warnings: none.
     Gwen stopped suddenly, startled by the unexpected darkness of the control room. It didn’t take long for Jess to realise that she wasn’t following behind her anymore. The older lady turned back and waved to Gwen welcomingly. 
     “Oh! It’s all right, honey!” she reassured her. “Miguel’s got these super senses, so the light hurts his eyes when he takes his mask off.” She continued walking again, gesturing for Gwen to follow her to the control panel. 
     “Super senses?” Gwen repeated, jogging to catch up with Jess. “You mean like spidey senses?” Jess hesitated. 
     “Not exactly,” she began uncertainly. “More like … super sight, super hearing, that kind of stuff?” 
     “Why?” Gwen asked, studying Miguel’s broad form curiously. “How did he get them?” 
     “You know that means I can hear everything you’re saying, right?” Miguel informed her over his shoulder. Gwen stopped talking immediately. 
     “Miguel?” X called out to him, hopping down from the platform once it had lowered. “How’d it go? Is everything okay?” 
     “Everything was fine, arañita,” he reassured her, his voice softer than Gwen had heard it thus far. “How was everything here?” X waved away his concerns. 
     “Same as always.”
     “Whoa,” Gwen whispered to Jess, surprised by Miguel’s sudden change in demeanour. “Who’s that?”
     “Oh, that’s X,” Jess explained. “A.k.a. Black Widow, a.k.a the only person in the entire multiverse Miguel will actually listen to.” 
     “Maybe because she’s the only person in the entire multiverse worth listening to?” Miguel called back, having heard everything she’d said. Jess grinned and leaned over to Gwen, pretending to whisper, but still speaking loud enough for both X and Miguel to hear.
     “Nah, it’s because he’s not-so-secretly in love with her,” she revealed to Gwen. Miguel sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose.
     “¡Ay, por Dios, not this again!” he warned Jess. But he could feel X’s heart start to quicken, spurred on by the adrenaline rushing through her veins at the thought. She wouldn’t push him though - she never pushed him. Even when he deserved it. X looked over at Gwen, oblivious to Miguel’s thoughts. 
     “Hi! Um, have we met before?” She flashed her a sheepish smile, worried if she might have forgotten the girl among the hundreds of thousands of Spiders wandering in and out of HQ everyday. 
     “Um, no! I’m Gwen. Gwen Stacy.” She straightened quickly, trying to appear serious - like she belonged there. Miguel strolled after X as she approached Gwen, folding his arms across his chest as he looked down at her. 
     “Of Earth-65,” he informed X, his tone meaningful. X's lips parted in surprise and she turned back to look up at him. Miguel frowned, his features hardening as they carried on some sort of mental conversation. He nodded to Jess, shooting her a glare, and X followed his gaze, her eyes widening in understanding. Then she turned back to place a hand on Miguel’s forearm, the gesture relaxing him almost immediately, the harsh look melting off his features as he sighed in defeat. She gave him a gentle squeeze, satisfied, then returned her attention to Gwen. 
     “I’m X,” she introduced herself, holding out a hand for Gwen to shake. “Black Widow of Earth-2.” Gwen’s eyes went round with curiosity. 
     “Earth-2?” she repeated, impressed. “What’s that like? Is it special?” 
     “Well, Earth-1 doesn’t have any superheroes, right?” X explained. “They just write all the stories that the rest of us live out. So, Earth-2 is kind of like that, except that people started experimenting and stuff to try to turn those fantasies into realities. That’s how you ended up with people like me.” Gwen took a moment to digest the information. 
     “So, you’re … a lab experiment?” she asked carefully, wincing at the thought.
     “Well, no,” X replied. “I was just an accident. Got bit by a radioactive spider that snuck out of a higher level lab where I was working.” She shrugged, giving another sheepish smile.
     “You work in a lab?” Gwen repeated. “Cool!”
Miguel frowned, sliding his gaze to the side as he sniffed at her reaction. 
     “I work in a lab too,” he murmured. X grinned and leaned into him, her shoulder pressing into his arm playfully. He tried to maintain his sombre expression as he looked down at her, but eventually, she weakened him, and he huffed in amusement as he rolled his eyes. 
     “So, are there others like you in your world?” Gwen asked, curious to find out more. X straightened, thinking about it. 
     “Well, I’m the only Spider person in my world. But …” she paused, shifting uncomfortably at whatever she was about to say next. “There are experiments that have gone wrong. Like the mutant villains and stuff. We have a few of those.” She didn’t look like she wanted to say any more on the subject and Miguel, sensing her unease, reached out and curled his fingers around her shoulder. She relaxed immediately, taking a step back so that her back brushed against his chest. 
     “So, Gwen,” she began, that cheery smile on her face once again, “have you had the tour yet?”
     It was strange the way Miguel - so huge and strong and intimidating - seemed to take comfort in the presence of this small, non-threatening Spider. She was tiny next to Miguel, warm and friendly with a welcoming smile that didn’t seem like it ever left her face. They were an odd combination, the two of them, but cute, nonetheless. 
     “Uh, they showed me a few rooms on the way in, but …” Gwen glanced around the control room once again, a jumble of peculiar machines she’d never seen before in her life. “This place is huge! How do you not get lost in it?” X grinned and turned to Miguel, her tone teasing as she spoke. 
     “‘There’s a system’,” she quoted, repeating what must have been one of his common dialogues. And again, his strikingly sharp features softened at the edges, even as he rolled his eyes at her. She turned back to Gwen. “Miguel always has a system. Come on! I’ll show you.”
     Gwen followed after X, curious to learn more. But then X stopped in the doorway, turning back to call to Miguel, “oh! I’ll see you later, Miguel?” 
     “Sí, arañita,” he assured her, the corner of his lips quirking against his own will at her excitement. “Hasta luego.” She smiled and his lips stretched even wider at the sight. Jess glanced back and forth between them, waiting until X and Gwen had left the room before leaning over to Miguel. 
     “Not in love with her, huh?” she teased him. Miguel clenched his jaw and turned around, walking back to the control panel without another word.
     She closed her eyes and slumped over in her seat, clearly exhausted. Miguel sighed. 
     “Why don’t you just go home and sleep, arañita?” he suggested. X groaned. 
     “Because! I want to be with you!” She lay her head down on the table and looked up at him. “I like hanging out with you, Miguel.” He tensed up at her confession, staunchly avoiding her gaze as he tried to figure out how to respond to her. She shuffled closer to him and closed her eyes. 
     “You make me feel safe,” she told him softly. And it was as good as if she’d told him she loved him - again. She had anxiety, so feeling safe was all she’d ever wanted. He leaned over the table, scrunching his hair between his fingers. Then he stood up and began shooting his glowing red webs at the ceiling. She opened her eyes when she sensed him getting up and watched quietly as he tried to weave his webs together in some sort of pattern. Finally, she sat up, leaning her head on her hand. “What are you doing, Miguel?” 
     “I saw one of the Peter’s do it once,” he huffed out in irritation. “Trust a Peter to find a way to take a nap when the fate of the entire multiverse is hanging in the balance.” X got up and went over to him, wanting to help him figure it out. She pushed down on the hammock when they’d finished, testing if it would be able to hold her weight. Then she turned to look up at him, silently asking for his help to get onto it. He steeled himself, preparing to have his fingers curled around her soft and perfect curves, then he lifted her up onto the hammock, trying so hard to not let his touch linger on her. She lay down on her side, looking over at him as he sat back down and returned to his work. 
     “I love you, Miguel,” she told him before turning around. He sucked in a breath, freezing up at the words. He clenched his fists, the muscles in his jaw working. 
     “Don’t …” she stopped him, knowing exactly how he was going to react. She yawned, then let out a little chuckle. “You don’t have to say it back.” He didn’t need to - he’d already showed it, so many times, how much he really cared about her. 
     “You don’t need to,” she reassured him softly, already drifting off to sleep. 
     She stretched and blinked her eyes open, lifting her wrist to check the time on her watch. Two hours, it had been two hours since she’d fallen asleep. Her eyes widened in alarm. 
     “Miguel!” She scrambled around, struggling to push herself up to a seat. “Why didn’t you wake me up?” He got up and went over to her, slashing the webs surrounding her with his claws. 
     “Because. You said you have insomnia.” He caught her in his arms when she fell. “I wanted to let you sleep.” Because she felt safe with him - safe enough to fall asleep, deeply and soundly, right by his side. But, ay, mierda, she always looked so pretty when she’d just woken up, her features all soft and glowing. He pulled his gaze away from her and set her down on the ground. 
     ‘Uh …” She took a moment to return to her senses, her mind all fuzzy from sleep and being in his arms and his concern for her. Did he even realise how sweet he really was? How caring and tender he could be? Especially when it came to her? She shook her head, waking up properly. “I can just take a pill. Tonight.” 
     “Is it that bad?” He sat back down in front of his computers again. She walked over to him. 
     “I think it’s just getting to that time of the month again.” She rested her hands on the table as she leaned over to look at him. “You gonna be done soon?” 
     He slid his gaze over to her, flashing a look that said ‘am I ever done?’. She reached up and squeezed his shoulder gently in response: there was no point in telling him not to work so hard - he’d either just let out an annoyed grunt or go another rant about saving the entire multiverse. 
     “What should I do?” she asked him.
‘Stay,’ he wanted to say, ‘just like this; your hand on my shoulder, your presence a comfort. Stay. Just the two of us.’ He sighed, knowing he couldn’t say it. 
     “You should go home and get some sleep, X,” he told her kindly. “You’re tired.” She slid her hand around to his other shoulder, rubbing her thumb up and down the back of his neck.
     “So are you,” she pointed out, taking note of the exhaustion in his voice. “And, you know, you can’t save the entire multiverse if you’re too exhausted to do it.” 
     He wanted to fight back, wanted to tell her that he could survive a few more hours without sleep, but the multiverse wouldn’t. But now that her hand was on his shoulder, her familiar scent soothing his frayed nerves, he did start to realise how tired he really was. He slumped over, finally letting the tension escape from his body. She moved her fingers to his hair, scratching his scalp softly. 
     “We’ve always got tomorrow, Miguel,” she said, her tone soft and reassuring. And mierda it felt good, her slender fingers in his hair, tickling his scalp gently. He steeled himself, forcing himself to get up so that her hand fell away. 
     “I’ll see you tomorrow, arañita,” he relented. She grinned, triumphant. 
     “Yup! Always.” Then she waited. He raised an eyebrow, confused.
     “What are you waiting for?” 
     She folded her arms across her chest, smirking back at him knowingly. “I’m waiting to make sure you go home first.” 
     He rolled his eyes and placed his hands on his hips, challenging her back. But she didn’t back down, smiling even as she took a step closer to him. Her eyes fell across his body and she bit her lip, the corners curling with mischief. “I really want to hug you right now, Miguel.” 
     He wanted to hug her too - so badly. Wanted to pull her into his chest, wrap her up in his arms and never let her go again. But then he’d never let her go again. He looked away, his body slouching with disappointment. She snickered at his hesitation and he let out a huff, opening up a portal. But then he paused, glancing over at her uncertainly as he tried not to think about how dark and empty his apartment was without her in it. “I’ll see you tomorrow, arañita.”
     “See you tomorrow, Miguel. I love you.”
     “Hmm.” He left.
     “I told you!” Miguel pointed an accusing finger at Peter B. “I told you we shouldn’t have let a bunch of teenagers handle a mission by themselves! Why do I even listen to you?!” He paced back and forth on the platform, waving his hands in the air as he continued with his rant. Gwen shuffled a little closer to Peter, still not as used to Miguel’s grumbling as Pav and Hobie were. 
     “What are you doing?” she whispered to Peter as he tapped away at his watch. 
     He leaned over to murmur back to her, “sending a distress signal to X.”
     “What? Why?”
Peter’s lips curled into a knowing smirk. 
“You’ll see.”
     X ran into the room, her curly hair flying behind her as she did so. Peter turned to her immediately, waving his hands in the air in relief. 
     “Thank goodness you’re here!” he exclaimed, gesturing for X to go over to them. 
     “I’m here! I’m here!” she yelled, skidding to a stop beside Peter. “What happened?!” Miguel gestured to Pav and Hobie, continuing to scowl at them. 
     “What happened is that I trusted these two clowns,” he informed X, using one of her common insults, “to-” He paused suddenly, losing his train of thought when his eyes fell upon her. 
     She’d always shown up in her suit, bare-face and ready for a fight. But even then, he couldn’t help but let his gaze linger on her smooth curves, her tumbling curls, her pretty smile. And now, with her standing before him in her cute little outfit - white, long-sleeved shirt tucked into a black skirt that grazed her mid-thighs, tanned legs exposed down to her black suede ankle boots - what chance did he possibly stand? His forehead creased as he tried to remember what he was mad about, stuttering and stammering while his mind went blank. Finally, he managed to wrench his gaze away from her, gesturing to Pav and Hobie to explain themselves instead. 
     “We just made a little mistake!” Pav began. 
     “But we fixed it!” Hobie added. 
     “And now the canon is completely intact!”
     “So no harm done!”
X turned to Miguel, tilting her head in curiosity. 
     “Okay, so … what’s the problem then?” She always gave him the benefit of the doubt, never dismissing him for overreacting or waving him off for being too dramatic. Because she trusted him - she’d taken the time to understand him and she always knew when there was some bigger underlying issue at hand. His gaze returned to her and he found himself constantly having to pull it away just so he could form a coherent thought. 
     “Uh, just …” His eyes flickered over to her and he swallowed hard at the way her rosy lips were pursed to the side, her eyebrows knitted together over her curled and darkened eyelashes as she waited for his response. Coño, she was cute. He turned back to Pav and Hobie and waved them away. “Just don’t do it again.” 
     “Yes! Thank you Spider-dad!” Pav exclaimed as Hobie gave a lazy salute. Then he turned to X and gave her a cheeky wink. “And thank you, Spider-mum.” 
     “I’ll just … be heading home now,” Peter began, a knowing smile on his face as he began backing out of the room. “MJ said she wanted me home early tonight.” 
     “Okay,” Gwen began once the four of them had safely exited the room. “What just happened?” 
     “Oh, we always call X whenever Miguel gets into a rage,” Pav explained to her casually, swinging from the beams overhead. “She’ll either calm him down or distract him until he forgets what he’s mad about.” Gwen stopped to think about it. 
     “How?” she asked, intrigued. She’d been surprised when Miguel had suddenly stopped in the middle of his lecture, fidgeting with his hands and glancing over at X like he was … nervous? But he couldn’t possibly have been nervous! Especially not around X! Hobie turned around to continue walking backwards so he could fix Gwen with a smirk. 
     “Did you see the way he reacted?” Hobie chuckled. “Man’s got it bad.”
Gwen furrowed her brows in confusion. They seemed like an old, married couple, X and Miguel - he the grumpy old husband and she the sweet little wife who always knew just want to do to calm him down. But Miguel had said that they weren’t together; that he wasn’t in love with her. Even though everyone else seemed to think it most definitely wasn’t true.
“But if they like each other so much then why aren’t they dating?” Gwen asked the rest of them. Peter sighed. 
     “It’s … Miguel … broke a canon event, once,” he revealed softly. “And it cost him his whole family. Well, a version of his family. So … he’s just scared, I guess.” The mood turned sombre suddenly and Pav swung to the ground, landing by Gwen’s side. 
     “They’ll be fine,” he declared confidently. “They’re meant to be together. Trust me: I have a sense for these things.” Peter grinned at his self-assurance, amused. But he hoped he was right, God he hoped he was right. 
     Miguel tapped his knuckles on his desk, not looking at her as he tried to figure out what to say. Finally, he cleared his throat. “What are you doing here?” 
     X went over to him, stepping up onto the platform to reach his side. 
     “Peter messaged me saying there was an emergency.” She reached up to give his shoulder a gentle squeeze, her features still fixed in an expression of concern as she leaned over to look up at him. “Is everything all right?” 
     Her lips were glossy, soft. And if he bent down just a little more, he'd finally be able to feel them against his own. Would she taste sweet? Like the scent of strawberries that always wafted off of her and clouded all his senses? 
     “Miguel?” His eyes were glazed over as he looked down at her, his lips parting as he lowered his head, his thoughts consumed by something she couldn't guess at. 
     “Huh?” He shook his head, forcing himself back to the present moment, and straightened. Maldita sea, had he … He’d almost … “It was nothing! Just … Pav and Hobie almost messed up the timeline. But that's what I get for trusting them to go on a mission together. And with the new recruit, no less.” 
     X grinned as he fell back into his usual grumbling. She rubbed his shoulder reassuringly. “Keyword: almost. They fixed it, right?” 
     Miguel sighed, the tension finally leaving his body at the sound of her soothing tone. And her casual touches didn't hurt either. “This time.”
She leaned over to smile up at him again.
     “Well, it's over now. If it ever happens again - touch wood,” she paused to knock on the desk, “and they don't fix it,” another knock, “then you can get mad at them. But I'll make sure they don't do it again. I'll go through the debriefing with them.” 
     He glanced up at her, a grateful smile tugging on the corners of his lips. She was so caring and so sweet and everything always seemed so much easier whenever she was around. His eyes travelled over her again, looking much too cute standing there in her pretty little outfit. Would she dress like that; if he took her out on a date sometime? He shook his head again and dragged his gaze away from her, gripping onto the edge of his desk as he tried to regain control of his thoughts. He cleared his throat awkwardly. “Why are you dressed like that?”
     She looked down at her outfit, confused. Then she remembered that she'd been in the middle of a dinner when she'd gotten the emergency call. 
     “Oh! Some of the girls at work wanted to go drinking together.” She shrugged. “I thought I'd just join in. For fun.” She'd always found it difficult to make friends, even despite being one of the sweetest and most welcoming people he'd ever met in his life. He just couldn't comprehend how anyone could not want to be around her. The very thought of anyone ever treating her badly was enough to ignite a spark of rage in his chest. But so did the thought of someone treating her too well - someone other than him. He glanced away again. 
     “Was it? Fun?” She shrugged again. 
     “It was okay.” She grinned. “Every time I get drunk, I just feel like watching Shakespeare.” He let out a snort of amusement. She was so weird. And he was so glad for it. 
     “Do you … want to watch some Shakespeare now?” He kept his gaze fixed on the table as he waited for her response. Then he felt her curl her fingers around his shoulder again. 
     “I barely finished one drink, Miguel,” she reassured him. Then her eyes widened in alarm. “I thought someone broke their leg or something! The way Peter was freaking out.” Miguel narrowed his eyes in suspicion at the revelation that Peter had been the one who’d called her there. 
     “He’s just being dramatic. I don’t know why he thought he needed you to-” ‘calm me down? Get my anger to evaporate, just at the sight of you? Make everything feel like all was right with the world once again?’ But that was exactly what she’d done, hadn’t she? “To come over.” 
     “It’s okay,” she shrugged, grinning at the thought of him raging before she’d arrived. “I don’t … I like that you feel safe enough with me … to let go of your anger. I don’t like it when you get angry. Just because of how it affects you! Not because of anyone else.” She glanced around at the screens surrounding them, not knowing what else to say. He already knew how she felt about him, after all. Could it be possible that he was maybe starting to feel the same way? That he was beginning to take comfort in her presence, in the same way she did in his? 
     “Are you gonna go home soon?” she asked him instead. He shook his head and sank back into his seat. 
     “No. We still have three more missions going on right now. I’ll wait for them to get back first.” X lowered herself into the chair beside him - her chair. 
     “Okay. How long do you think they’re going to take?” He raised an eyebrow. 
     “Don’t you want to go back? You don’t have to stay here, you know.”      
“I know.” She spun around in her chair, eyes fixed on him in anticipation of his reaction. “But I always have much more fun hanging out with you anyway.” She gave him a sweet smile and he felt the corners of his lips twist up at the ends, a warm feeling filling up his chest at her admission. ‘Yo tambien, arañita,’ he thought to himself. ‘Yo tambien.’
Tags: @leahnicole1219 @heubstr
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