#she's such a frickin egotistic and hypocritical nerdddd i love her so much
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ziekkfreak2-0 · 2 months ago
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From the moment Eva mentioned "Bastilles and Basilisks" in her FTE, I knew she was truly a failgirl nerd.
Anyhow, I just finished Chapter 1 of Project: Eden's Garden. I figure I should just leaves my thoughts on it here since I'm prolly not drawing the rest of the cast, lmao.
Spoilers below the cut!!
So. Pretty ballsy to kill off the two most loved and probably most plot important characters. I'm not mad about it though, it makes sense. Their talents were far too useful to be left alive that long.
I LOVED Eva though. Even if she was probably being fake friendly during her FTEs and during the actual game, I still loved her. From the little "bweh" she does and how her voice gives "Erm, akshually ☝️🤓" vibes, to her hatred of her Ultimate title and desperation to be recognized and loved.
In that desperation, though, she failed to see the people who WERE trying to understand and get closer to her. She dug her own grave by lying about her title, inciting people to distrust her. The explanation she gave Damon (why she lied about such a thing) being a farce is up for debate, but I like to believe she was telling the truth. Eva is a lot of things, but she is first and foremost a scared, lonely child.
Of course, she's not entirely innocent. Her ego is off the charts. If it weren't for her title as the Ultimate Mathlete, I think she'd probably become the Byakuya of the game lol.
Originally I didn't like her execution, but then I realized the whole fire thing is because of the phrase "Liar, liar, pants on fire". Very devious. Plus the whole "desperately running away from fated death" using an escalator and a fire pit is a very fitting punishment for someone who wants to run from their Ultimate title. Throwing math equipment at her was just salt in the wound lmao.
Overall, I'm satisfied with how Eva's story played out. She could've lived a better life, but that's what fanfics are for babyyy.
Uhhh okay less on Eva. Wolfgang and Grace?? Never saw that coming. They're pretty cute though! I saw their room and jokingly said "Oooo getting freaky, are we?", so I was shocked to find that they were indeed, getting freaky. Still adorable!
SPRAKING OF ADORABLE!! Kai and Damon. Kaimon. They were literally roommates. I didn't get it at first when it was only the prologue, but I have seen the light. RIP to all the Wolfgang x Damon and Eva x Damon shippers though, lmao.
I feel like we have a new opportunity for a tragic yuri ship with Diana and Eva, though. They weren't together a lot, but I feel like in a different universe, Diana could've been the one to reach out to Eva and give her a friend. *points at Eva* Lesbianism could save her.
Ough okay that's all the thoughts I have rn. Maybe I'll come up with more later, when I'm more awake to verbalize stuff. For now I crawl back into my hole and read ao3.
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