#she's on a little father-daughter-date and Anakin is disturbing them
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There's someone with Fox.
Rex squints his eyes. There's a small, dark-haired woman standing next to Fox. She is looking up to him and saying something, and from the downwards tilt of Fox's head, even with his helmet on, Rex knows that Fox is saying something back.
She looks awfully familiar, but at the same time Rex knows that he has not met her before. It's a somewhat paradoxical feeling, but she's so familiar that he would know if he had ever seen her before this.
He watches them for a while, but mainly her. She is tiny, in both height and overall stature, and she is wearing comfortable, yet high-end clothes. Rex has spent enough time with Padmé by now to recognise when something has been made with enough care and money. Her hair is braided, rather intricately, into two crossing bands at the back of her head. She looks a lot like all the women in the Alderaanian delegation, with the hair and the clothes, he decides.
Perhaps she is. Rex knows that Fox is rather close with Senator Organa these days, as the Senator has been a good ally to the Guard. It makes the most sense. Perhaps she is a relative of someone in the delegation, and Rex has seen those said relatives before.
The thought feels wrong, for some reason, but it's the best he can come up with for now, especially since they seem very comfortable with each other. Fox doesn't let himself be comfortable like that with many people.
Anakin comes to stand next to him.
"What is it?" He asks Rex.
"Nothing, was just watching them", Rex says, and nods his head towards Fox and the woman. "My brother's there, and she looks familiar, so I was trying to see if I recognised her."
Anakin looks over to Fox and the woman as well, and that is the moment Rex sees her going awfully still. Then she's whipping her head around, and locking her dark eyes with Rex and Anakin.
She looks-
Rex blinks. She looks at Rex, for a split second, and then looks at Anakin, and even from this far, Rex sees how her eyes turn hard and cold. She steps closer to Fox, partially in front of him, like she is attempting to shield him from them, even when she's almost two heads shorter than Fox, and not the one wearing full-body armor.
She takes Fox's hand into hers, and says something. Rex sees how Fox looks up at him and Anakin as well, and instead of coming to greet Rex, he lets her turn him around and walks away.
He looks up at Anakin, who has a deep scowl on his face.
"Sir?" Rex calls. Anakin blinks, too, and the scowl clears slightly.
"She looks familiar", he mumbles. "And she felt like...I don't know."
His comlink beeps, and he turns to speak to it. Rex turns to look back at Fox and the woman.
There's something hanging at her waist. Rex can see a glimpse of it when the long hem of her shirt shifts a bit as she walks.
It looks a lot like-
They go down some steps, and Rex cannot see them anymore. He glances back at Anakin, and at his lightsaber, for once securely on him.
He had seen correct. Rex is sure of it.
He is also very sure that the woman is not a Jedi.
#hello the leia time travel au hasn't left me alone after my last ficlet#I just find it very cathartic okay#she's on a little father-daughter-date and Anakin is disturbing them#sw#tcw#my writing#snippets#captain rex#commander fox#leia organa#anakin skywalker#leia time travel au#bail/breha/fox is a thing in this au if you couldn't already tell from the fact that it's me writing lmao#Star Writing
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Unconditionally Epilogue (pt 1)
Anakin X Reader
a/n: UNCONDITIONALLY IS BACK FOR A FINAL GOODBYE!! this fic really means a lot to me and i wanted to end it out with an epilogue, so here is said epilogue!! (i always said i’d get to it, didn’t i? hehe) this one has a bit of fanservice lolll, I had to incorperate the og trilogy somewhere!
10 years later...
Warnings: cursing, kids?
The sun was hot as you walked from your car into the bakery; today was the twins' birthday and you were going in to fetch their cake.
As you walked across the warm asphalt you offered your hand behind you, in no time a smaller hand grabbed yours and you smiled.
Your daughter returned the expression, “Hi, Mommy!”.
“Hi baby” you smiled back.
Five years ago, your and Anakin’s first daughter together was born, Rey; she was an unexpected surprise that came right as you finished med school.
You had her in the winter before you started your residency at the city’s biggest hospital.
The twins were 12 when Rey was born and were beyond excited for the new addition. They spent most of their free time playing with her and Leia would even teach her new concepts she learned in school (not that Rey remembered any of that).
Your daughter looked alot like you, but she definitely had some signature skywalker traits; her thick luscious hair, her high cheekbones, and her beautiful eyes.
You absolutely adored her.
When you told Anakin the news all those years ago, he could hardly believe his ears; he didn’t think that he would have the opportunity to be a new father again, but he was ecstatic.
Throughout the pregnancy he would kiss your belly and run over your bump with his own arms, rather than the stiff prosthetics; he told you it was because he didn’t want to disturb the baby with the more harsh motions he made with them on.
Around that time he was just returning to work again and came home exhausted from all of the walking and meticulous tasks, yet he would still make sure you were as comfortable as you could be before he would relax for the night.
He was so thoughtful.
As for Anakin himself, he had his good days and his bad days, but as the years passed his good days began to outweigh the bad ones. His body had gotten accustomed to his prosthetics and he was able to go a whole day with them on without too much discomfort.
He got himself back to a healthy weight and even started working out again; his routine was much different than what it used to be, but with the help of some specially designed prosthetics he was able to go to the gym with little to no trouble.
Nowadays his biceps and triceps were particularly defined- some of the new devices allowed him to hold weights and even hold his weight on the pull-up bar. He also got some running blades and tried to make it to the track at least once a week.
He still had bouts of phantom pains, but those only really came after long periods of wearing his limbs or when he would get stressed.
His lungs also got significantly better over time with multiple treatments in the earlier years; now they only gave him trouble in winter when the air got thin and crisp.
“Mommy, which cake are we getting for Lukey and Sissy?” Rey asked as she surveyed the assortments of colored cakes in the glass display case.
“The baker made their’s specially, so we just have to pick it up” you smiled as you waited for a worker to assist you.
Today was Luke and Leia’s 18th birthday and were planning a big party. When the twins got into highschool they both made a plethora of friends, so since it was their birthday and so close to school being back in session they decided to have an end of summer and birthday party.
It took a while to get the date sorted out because you and Anakin had your 10th anniversary vacation planned for around this time since last year.
You decided that you would celebrate the twin’s birthday with the family and close friends then they could have their party later in the week when you and Anakin were gone.
Maybe it seemed irresponsible to leave two newly 18 year olds to an empty house as you went across the country for a weekend, but you and Anakin trusted the kids, they were responsible and with Leia around, nothing would get too crazy. She grew up to be just as mature as you always figured she would.
Finally an attendant came up to help you and gave you the cake box in no time.
“Alright baby, let's go home” you said to your daughter who trailed behind you with an sweet smile on her face.
Across town, Anakin sat in his office going through documents on his large touch screen computer.
It was a really good thing for him to be able to go back. The office celebrated his return with a nice cocktail party downtown (very fitting for the prestige of his company).
Even though you had been with him for a decade, you still weren't quite sure what his business did, you just knew it was very successful (obviously with the income he made).
He and Ben tried to educate you countless times, but you were never a big economics or business girly.
“I think I’ll just stick to my medical knowledge and leave the economy to you guys” you jokingly told him and Ben.
Anakin’s return was pretty seamless, he never lost the momentum he once had at work. He hated pity and sympathy more than anything so he made sure to let his work speak for his capabilities. And after only a month and a half back he brought the company's stock up 17%; safe to say no one was questioning his capabilities after that.
Today was no different, he was on a grind to get extra work done so that he wouldn’t be behind after coming back from the vacation.
His office was pretty tricked out with innovative tech to help him do things easier. First off, everything was digitized since he didn’t have the dexterity to sift through stacks of papers. Everything was touchscreen for his convenience as well (he wore one of those touchscreen gloves at work).
The doorway to his suite was expanded so he could go in and out easier on days that he needed his wheelchair.
He also had a bigger office so that he could bring R2; he even had a little treat jar for him.
Anakin leaned back in his chair and stretched.
“Almost done Artoo, then we’ll go back home, alright?” he promised, petting the dog beside him.
After another 30 minutes Anakin was finally finished; he gathered up some of his stuff and put on his work backpack and suit coat. He grabbed R2’s leash and hooked it on to his “service dog” vest before heading for the door.
“Leia, who are you all inviting to the party?” Luke asked from the kitchen.
“I don’t know? Probably some of my friends from model UN and maybe a few from debate club” she shouted back from the couch.
She turned to the guy she was leaning on, “you’re definitely coming to the party”.
He made a face, “no, actually I’m not coming and I never wanna see you again”.
“That's fine” she said nonchalantly and turned the other way.
“Let's see how you function without me,” she smiled to herself.
“You’re right, what would I do without you? How would I take care of Chewie on my own? The horror… the Horror!” he cried dramatically.
She giggled and cuddled further into him, “You’re so stupid, Han”.
“Right back atcha sweetheart” he winked before kissing her gently.
Han Solo was Leia’s long term boyfriend; they started talking in middle school but Anakin didn’t want her to date until sophomore year of high school and even then he didn’t want her to date, but you convinced him to loosen up (Leia was insanely grateful).
The two of them met after they were assigned to a project in physics class; Leia hated physics and just wanted to be in her gov and econ class that was next period, but she was stuck here with a sarcastic lab partner.
She was annoyed, thinking she would have to do all of the work for their labs but he surprised her; one lab required a long list of calculations so they split them down the middle and Han finished all three of his before Leia had even gotten to the second one.
“You’re not the only one with brains here,” he said.
“I know I look as dumb as a bag of rocks, but I sure know my numbers”.
From then on, she was hooked.
Han had an outward impression of a kind of trouble maker, but he was one of the most genuine kids out there. He was very polite the first time everyone met him and even helped Leia choose a birthday gift for you. He was about a year and a half older than the twins, but had taken a gap year to work.
Leia was really really into him; she would come ask for advice on how to keep the relationship healthy and how to be a great girlfriend. It was cute.
Han also had an absolutely massive dog named Chewie who was a big sweetheart; he had long brown fur and was always smiling with his tongue out.
Often Han would bring Chewie over to the house because he got along really well with Artoo; they spent many afternoons playing in the backyard while everyone else did their own things.
As for your kids (when the twins were twelve, you legally adopted them), they turned out to be wonderful people with amazing goals; you and Anakin were beyond proud of them.
Leia was academically focused and even solidified the spot as the class valedictorian. She joined the debate club and model UN- a natural leader and you and Anakin were beyond proud of the young woman she turned out to be (afterall, you had been raising her for most of her life at this point).
You and her bonded over your shared love for learning and not long after you and Anakin were wed, she started calling you “mom”.
Unlike her brother, Leia was content spending the weekend at the house just reading books and watching random dramas (not to say she didn’t like a good party); she just didn’t need the typical teenage activities to have fun.
Luke on the other hand was more entertained by his friends and enjoyed doing typically teenage things. Most weekends he would hang out with his buddies at whoever was hosting’s house; mainly they played video games, watched tv, or just did other random shenanigans.
He got really into mechanics and welding early on in highschool, so you had him enrolled in a certification program. He now worked at a car shop after school and absolutely loved it. He even had a little crush on one of his co-workers who attended a college nearby (that would have to wait until a bit later).
On occasion you would smell the nostalgic smell of weed on his jacket as he breezed by to head up to his room; most of the time you would shake your head with a smile, remembering those days.
But of course you gave him the typical “be smart and safe” talk, but he needed to learn his limits himself, when did telling kids they weren't allowed to smoke ever stop them…?
The age gap between you and the twins never really crossed your mind when they were younger, but since they were growing up and puberty hit them and their friends you noticed some things. Luke’s friends would spend more time asking you how your day had been and their curious eyes lingered longer.
You really were only about 15 years older than then but apparently they thought you were a milf- you only enjoyed their juvenile attention when Anakin was around (you liked to see him get annoyed by their terrible flirting).
Often he would walk up and place his mechanical hands on your waist or grip your hip as he came up to “tell you something important”; usually it was just him whispering naughty things into your ear.
His jealousy was endearing- both of you knew these kids were just sorting out their hormones and that they didn’t stand a chance- but he still felt the primal need to show them that you were his.
You pulled into the long driveway of your house and helped Rey out of her carseat before grabbing the cake box from the passenger seat.
Your daughter excitedly ran into the house to find her beloved siblings, which made you smile .
Soon enough, you saw Anakin’s car pulling in beside yours; you always loved when your schedules would align. You set the cake back down and went over to his door to greet him.
“Hey, darling. How was your day?” he asked with a tired smile as he opened his arms for a hug.
“It was pretty good, I’m ready for this vacation though” you smiled into his chest.
You felt the familiar stiffness of his mechanical hand cradling your waist, “yea, me too” he said, kissing the top of yoru head.
“Shall we?” he asked, motioning towards the house.
“We shall” you agreed, picking up the cake once more.
He turned off his car and Artoo hopped out of the passenger seat; the fluffy dog came over to greet you with a wagging tail and a smile.
“Hey buddy!” you smiled as he rubbed against your leg.
Once you set the cake down on the counter, your sleek cream colored cat came sauntering from your bedroom; happily you picked him up and kissed his head.
“Hello, 3PO” you exclaimed and he meowed back.
After Anakin had R2 for a couple months, you realized how much you wanted a pet of your own; you always really liked cats and thought that it would be better to have a cat than two dogs with all of the other responsibilities you already had at the house.
You continued the tradition of naming the pets after your liscence plates; 3PO was the last digits of the car you had when you first started working for Anakin.
3PO was a very loving kitten, he often curled up in your lap or on your chest at night. At first, Anakin wasn’t a big fan of him- he didn’t really like cats- but as the years went on 3PO grew on him (just like you did).
Now adays 3PO almost acted as an emotional support pet while R2 carried out the duties of a service animal.
Either way, you were just glad that he finally approved.
Anakin walked into the kitchen with a slight limp.
“Are you alright, Ani?” you asked, helping steady him at the counter.
“Yeah, my right leg is just giving me trouble today. I think I might have gone too hard at the gym” he said.
“Alright” you said, before tilting your head up for a kiss.
He brushed your hair out of your face and smiled, “Nothing to worry about, Angel”.
Afterwards he granted you the kiss you were waiting for; even after all of these years he still gave you butterflies.
a/n: so i made ur kid Rey since shes "an honorary skywalker" in the sequels and in this universe, she's luke and leia's halfsister (technically. even though she sees them as her real siblings). this was a lot of background and hopefully it wasn’t too muddled!, i really just wanted to write this for funsies :)) i hope you all enjoyed though!! there will b one more part!!
Taglist: @katsukiswrld , @wtf-andys , @angeelcoree e , @jetiikote , @khaleesihavilliard , @sxoulchvn, @sakura-amethyst, @dottodottoo , @vader-is-hot , @circuloctm , @jellydodger , @shadowheads-shitshow
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Sith Happens
Note: Dates in Star Wars are based around the Battle of Yavin (in Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope), abbreviated as Before the Battle of Yavin (BBY) or After the Battle of Yavin (ABY).
In Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace, we learn what it was like in the galaxy when the Jedi were in their prime and had prominence as the guardians of peace and justice in the Galactic Republic. Among other things, we also learn that the Jedi believe that the Sith, their ancient enemy, have been extinct for a thousand years. Despite their initial skepticism, they realize that Qui-Gon Jinn was right that the mysterious warrior (Darth Maul) he had encountered, and the one who killed him, was a Sith Lord. At Qui-Gon’s funeral, Yoda says, “Always two, there are. No more, no less. A master and an apprentice.”
But the question is, what does Yoda mean by this? And just what is the real story about the Sith and the assumption that they were extinct for a millennium?
According to one of my favorite Star Wars facts book Beware the Sith, in the past, the Sith Order consisted of many Sith Lords, just like the Jedi Knights of the Jedi Order. However, being Sith meant they had no control over their feelings of anger, hatred, jealousy, and paranoia. These negative emotions, and their quest to gain power, were ultimately the undoing of the Sith, as the dark side made them turn against one another.
By the time of approximately a thousand years before the events of The Phantom Menace, the Sith Order was almost completely decimated, due to the interference of the Jedi and the infighting Sith. But unbeknownst to the Jedi, there was only one Sith Lord who remained: Darth Bane. Realizing what had become of his Order, Bane reformed it by establishing what is known as the Rule of Two. The Rule of Two states that only two Sith Lords can exist at any given time: a master to embody the power, and an apprentice to crave it.
So at this point, the Jedi believed the Sith were finally extinct with the numbers having been wiped out by each other and by the Jedi. But contrary to their beliefs, the Sith were never extinct. Darth Bane was the only one left, and he went into exile, so the Jedi were completely unaware that there was one left. When Bane went into hiding, he secretly swore vengeance, promising that the Sith would one day return and eradicate the Jedi.
Starting with Darth Bane, his apprentice, and then all of the masters and apprentices who followed, these individuals were essentially the new Sith Order that stayed in the shadows for the next thousand years and vowed to someday emerge and exact revenge on the Jedi. By the time of The Phantom Menace (32 BBY), Senator Palpatine, as his Sith Lord alter ego Darth Sidious, decides it is time for the Sith to finally reveal themselves and begin their quest to annihilate the Jedi Order and bring the galaxy under the rule of the Sith. But Palpatine would not be the one to reveal himself to the Republic, at least not yet. While hiding from the Jedi, as Sidious, he influences the corrupt Trade Federation to blockade and invade Naboo. Queen Padmé Amidala flees to the planet Coruscant to receive counsel from Palpatine, unaware that he actually engineered the invasion. After a plea for help from the senate results in bureaucratic delays, Palpatine persuades Padmé to make a motion to have Supreme Chancellor Finis Valorum removed from office. When Padmé attempts to liberate Naboo, Sidious sends his Sith apprentice Darth Maul (who makes his presence known to Qui-Gon Jinn) there to capture her and kill the Jedi protecting her, those being Qui-Gon and his apprentice Obi-Wan Kenobi. The invasion is eventually thwarted and Maul is defeated in a lightsaber duel with Obi-Wan (but not before Maul kills Qui-Gon). Palpatine uses the crisis to be elected the new Supreme Chancellor of the Republic. This is his first major step in gaining control of the Republic in order to get more power and annihilate the Jedi.
By the time of Attack of the Clones (22 BBY), Chancellor Palpatine exploits constitutional loopholes to remain in office even after the official expiration of his term. As Sidious, he continues to manipulate events from behind the scenes by having his new Sith apprentice Count Dooku (now Darth Tyranus), a former Jedi Master, lead a movement of planets in seceding from the Republic to form the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Since the Separatists are secretly building a battle droid army, Palpatine uses the situation to have himself granted emergency powers. Palpatine feigns reluctance to accept this authority, promising to return it to the Senate once the crisis has ended. His first act is to allow the creation of a clone army to counter the Separatist threat; this results in the opening salvo of the Clone Wars. Before the Clone Wars begin, Dooku reveals to Obi-Wan that thousands of senators are under the influence of Darth Sidious. The Jedi are skeptical of his words, but at this point, little do they know that this is true, and that Palpatine is this very Sith Lord. They remain completely unaware that the man in charge of the Republic, whom they believe is their ally, is actually their ancient enemy who seeks to one day destroy them.
At the start of Revenge of the Sith (19 BBY), Palpatine is captured by General Grievous as part of his plan to continue to remain in office and be granted more emergency powers. Obi-Wan and his former Padawan Anakin Skywalker come to his rescue, and duel with Dooku for a second time. By this time, Dooku is no longer of any use to Palpatine, and he is killed by Anakin after being defeated in their duel. By now, Palpatine has become a virtual dictator and is able to take any action in the Senate. The Jedi have grown to distrust him and are alarmed when Palpatine makes Anakin his personal representative on the Jedi Council. The Council, in turn, asks Anakin to spy on Palpatine, a request that makes Anakin turn more away from the Jedi and grow closer to Palpatine. Palpatine tells Anakin the story of Darth Plagueis, a Sith Lord who had the ability to keep people from dying. This is exactly what Anakin desires for his secret pregnant wife, Padmé Amidala, after having disturbing nightmares of her dying while giving birth to their baby. Eventually, Palpatine reveals himself as Darth Sidious to Anakin, and offers to teach him Plagueis' secrets to save her life. Anakin reports Palpatine’s treachery to Mace Windu, who then takes four other Jedi to help him arrest Palpatine. Conflicted, confused, and terrified for Padmé’s safety, Anakin rushes to Palpatine’s office to make sure he is captured alive. Anakin intercedes on Palpatine's behalf by cutting off Mace's arm, allowing Palpatine to kill the Jedi Master with a blast of Force lightning. Anakin then pledges himself to the dark side as Palpatine's new Sith apprentice, Darth Vader.
Having made Anakin his apprentice as he had desired since they first met 13 years ago, and being in a position of great power that he will not return to the Senate, Palpatine finally orders Vader to carry out the plans he had desired to do for so long: destroy the Jedi Order. By doing this, Palpatine initiates what the Sith have wanted to do to the Jedi over a thousand years ago since they (the Sith) were destroyed to the point of near extinction. (This is the “revenge” to which Darth Maul refers in The Phantom Menace.) This action becomes known as the Great Jedi Purge, which begins when Vader takes an army of clones to the Jedi Temple, and when Palpatine order the clone troopers serving the Jedi around the galaxy to turn on their Jedi leaders and kill them. However, it is considered to truly begin when Palpatine kills the four Jedi when they try to arrest him. Palpatine later addresses the Senate, saying that the Jedi are traitors and will be hunted down and defeated. He also reorganizes the Republic into the Galactic Empire, declaring himself its Emperor. After rescuing Vader, who is horrifically wounded and near death following a terrible duel with Obi-Wan on Mustafar, Palpatine suits him in black armor which contains breathing equipment and life support systems to help him survive. Over the next 19 years, the Jedi Purge continues until they are almost entirely extinct, while Palpatine rules the Empire with Vader at his side.

However, unbeknownst to Vader and Palpatine, although Padmé does die, she successfully gives birth to two children before her death: a son Luke and a daughter Leia. These children are realized by Yoda, Obi-Wan (both of whom survive the Jedi Purge), and Padmé’s friend Senator Bail Organa, to be the last hope for the galaxy. As a teenager, Luke is briefly tutored in the ways of the Force by Obi-Wan (A New Hope, 0 BBY), then a few years later by Yoda (The Empire Strikes Back, 3 ABY). Along with Leia, Luke becomes a key member of the Rebel Alliance, which seeks to defeat the Empire and restore the Galactic Republic. Luke makes this first major step when he destroys the Empire’s super weapon, the Death Star. On the second Death Star (Return of the Jedi, 4 ABY), Luke duels Vader for a second time, with Palpatine watching. After defeating his father, Palpatine encourages Luke to take his father’s place as the former’s new Sith apprentice. But Luke declares his allegiance to the Jedi and refuses. Furious that his plot has failed, Palpatine proceeds to torture, then kill Luke with Force lightning. But Vader intervenes by killing his master to save his son, then he dies of his own injuries shortly thereafter.
So with the deaths of the two last Dark Lords of the Sith, Darth Sidious (Palpatine) and Darth Vader, the master and the apprentice, respectively, brings an end to the Sith and their ancient vendetta.
Lastly, today is my birthday, so I decided to make this analysis as a present for myself. 😄
#Star Wars analyses#Twentieth Century Fox#Star Wars#The Phantom Menace#Attack of the Clones#Revenge of the Sith#A New Hope#The Empire Strikes Back#Return of the Jedi#Sith Order#Sith#Jedi Order#Jedi#Great Jedi Purge#extinction#Emperor Palpatine#Darth Sidious#Rule of Two#Darth Maul#Count Dooku#Darth Tyranus#Anakin Skywalker#Darth Vader#my stuff#mine
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