#she's not wasting her time on a whole ass dinner
softquietsteadylove · 3 months
Hiii darling, how are you?
I had a promt idea and i wanted to share it with you.
What about thenamesh being broken up 😈.
Like i know thats basically imposible because they can not be apart from each other for a long time ( but relationships are hard you know).
So they haven't seen each other in a very long time, and they completely over one another, they even dated other people, but both are currently single.
They are completely over each other, Gilgamesh is NOT constantly thinking about Thena's beautiful sunshine hair, or how smarth she was or her gorgeous long legs he could stare at all day long of course not, and is not like Thena everyday thinks about how charming Gilgamesh was, or how he could make her feel better just saying something dumb or how she got distracted just by looking at those big and strong arms of his, not at all they are soo over each other and they don't even wanna meet again.
But when they do see each other again it goes like this:
- Thena and Gil walking directly to each other whitout realising.
They make eyecontact and fully stop
They stare at each other intensely
Gil : Thena hello ! - dumb smile
Thena : Hello - small blush
The tension in the air can be cut with a butter knife
"Mamma mia" by ABBA starst playing in the background
And thats about it 😊, sorry for any mistakes english is not my first language, and thank you for sharing your works with us they are so beautiful, i love them all, they make my days better 🩷🤍.
"Come on, Gil, don't get all emo on us now!"
But he'd had enough--more than enough. He had only agreed to a night out with the boys because he had dodged them ten times for every one, and tonight was the eleventh hour. Even with all that, it wasn't enough to keep him in the pub with pounding music and the stink of smoke.
Thena hated the smell of smoke.
His friends would tell him not to think that way. For all the times he had sworn to them that he was over her, here he was thinking of her again?
But of course he was! Thinking about Thena was as natural to him as breathing, and the breakup had done nothing to change that. It still felt almost surreal sometimes, as if the last year and a half of his life was still in the haze of post-breakup blues. All the months spent moping around his apartment, the weeks after of being set up with blank face after blank face. He had even maintained a relationship eventually, only to have called her 'Thena' one time (entirely by accident).
He had omitted that part of the story to his friends when they asked 'what happened to what's-her-name?'.
Gil had tried the dating thing, but it was becoming clearer and clearer that it wasn't working for him. If it wasn't Thena, it wasn't for him. And that didn't bode well, considering they had parted ways with the stark promise that there would be no getting back together.
No regrets, they had said. He was going to put the hours into the kitchen that he needed to as the new head chef of a long established restaurant. Thena was going to focus her razor sharp intellect into pursuing her PHD while working at the museum. He had once called her the 'rock star' of the historical world. She hadn't appreciated it at the time.
For their shared declaration of no regrets, there were plenty. He had lamented to his friends how he hadn't expressed enough interest in Thena's work. He didn't watch the historical programs she liked to watch in bed; he fell asleep to them. Although in his defense, Thena never could get through a boxing match without checking a work email or swearing she was paying attention while she read something on her phone.
Thena was on the other side of town, in Sersi's old flat after she and Dane had decided to finally move in together. She had always done best with her own space, after all. Yet another regret; their half-assed compromise - which made neither of them happy - on how to use the second bedroom. Gil wanted a home gym and Thena wanted a home office. It ended up housing his exercise equipment cramped in with all the books she couldn't fit onto the living room shelves.
It was the truest compromise, in the sense that they were both left frustrated and unsatisfied by the results.
Really, it was them making old fights into new ones. He knew she liked having her own space. Anyone would, after growing up with an annoying twin brother like Ikaris their whole life, he could admit. But he hadn't really appreciated her bringing up that he was an only child as a reason for him not sympathising with her more.
It was little things, really. Little things that had just...piled up on them. Him kicking his shoes off hastily, forgetting that Thena had grown up in a preparatory school and liked everything arranged neatly. Her leaving her teabags piled up in the garbage instead of in the organic waste container he kept in the fridge, specifically because the kitchen was his domain and he didn't like unwanted smells hovering around.
Little things piling up; it was for the best, they had agreed.
And now, a year and a half later, here he was, outside a pub, in the snow. He checked his phone; the night was young, but his friends were enough pints in that maybe they wouldn't notice if he decided to just...leave. If they asked, he could say it was way later, they just weren't remembering it right.
He walked slowly, still staring at his phone. It was the blank, default phone background. He hadn't settled on a new one after needing to take down the picture of him and Thena on their trip to Australia. It wasn't any more pathetic than the rest of his life.
"Sorry," a soft voice uttered, scuffling feet in snow filling the air as they narrowly avoided one another.
Her eyes rose to meet his, still a sparkling green that contrasted the hair that was the colour of pure sunshine. She was dressed in all white, as she always was. He had always said it was her colour. "Hey."
The one word was like the cavalry call. Memories flowed through him. Some of the bad times. But the happy ones far, far outweighed them. There were so many happy ones it was a wonder they had ever decided they weren't worth the bad.
Thena was still the most beautiful woman Gil had ever seen. Her edges were so sharp, and yet she still possessed a softness--a fragility to her delicate frame. It was hard to tell under her long white coat if she looked different, but he remembered those long legs entwined with his in the hammock on their balcony. Her lips were still full and succulent like a berry.
"Hey." He smiled, and she smiled as well. There was a lightness to it that hadn't been there when she had left her key with him and closed the door behind her. "How are you?"
"Good," she answered plainly, as she always had. Her eyes darted down to the ground and she tucked some hair behind her ear, still a clear tell of when she was nervous. His heart skipped a beat as he caught a blush in her cheeks. "And you?"
"Yeah," he answered, not that it was much of an answer. He had yet to stop smiling, but she was still smiling too. "Restaurant's doing well--same old."
Thena nodded, some of her hair tumbling from her scarf wound loosely around her. "I read a review of it. Your praises were sung most eloquently."
She had such a poetry to her language. Some found it odd, but Gil had always admired her more elegant word choice in comparison to his easy and casual phrases. He had tried writing poetry, but he was no match for her simply describing how her day was.
"Yeah?" he grinned. The idea of her checking a review of his work was more than he could have hoped for. It felt like hearing that she had asked if he was seeing anyone.
"I'm not surprised," she stated more than confessed. "You have always been an excellent chef. I wouldn't have needed some culinary reporter to tell me that."
Emboldened by her olive branch, Gil stepped closer. "And how's the doctorate?"
Her pleased smile returned, her scarf even picking up in the wind and brushing the front of his army green jacket. She used to always put her hand on his chest for no good reason, whenever she wanted. "I'll be submitting by the end of this year. Nothing is signed yet, but I'm told things look promising."
His grin stretched wider. The word 'rock star' was on his tongue again but he inhaled, drawing up his shouldering instead of wrapping his arms around her and picking her up off the ground. "Hey, that's great! I mean, I knew you'd get it. You're way too good not to."
Thena's eyes drifted downward again. Her smile turned shaky and her hands went to the buttons of her coat. She swayed on the spot, as if unsure of which direction to lean. "Thanks, Gil."
The snow filled in the silence between them, Mamma Mia positively blaring from inside the pub. The flashing, coloured lights inside proved stronger than the tint of the windows, reflecting on the snow already fallen.
Thena broke the silence first. "I'm surprised you're out this late."
Once, that might have been a barb about how he always had to sleep early to get into the restaurant early (especially on nights when she had a work social at the museum). But that was years ago, and now it was a casual - if nervous - question asked in a playful tone.
Gil smiled. "Well, usually I wouldn't. But the guys have really started giving me a hard time about-"
He clamped his mouth shut, suddenly terrified of uttering the truth of his dismal life since her exit. Surely it was pathetic of him to tell his ex-girlfriend about how all he did was lie around watching the same five shows and living almost completely off of leftovers from work.
But Thena laughed. It was gentle, and light, and he still found it really cute. "So, you came out tonight just to appease them?"
Her laughter drew out his as well. His shoulders lowered and his hands shuffled around in his pockets. "Guess so."
Thena looked towards the dark glass of the windows. It took her a few minutes to build up to what she had to say. But rather than eagerly rush her, he waited, happy to admire her. "I have become even less social than before, if you can believe it."
"Wow," he commented outright, earning the mildest form of her glare possible. He chuckled, though. "I can't believe it."
She could have left it there if she wanted. But she kept holding her scarf at the ends, braving on. "It seems I've been a bit reclusive since..."
It was Thena to bridge the unspoken gap, utter those completely forbidden words. But in that way, it was also her extending her hand, asking him to take it.
Gil turned soft, as he always did with her. His voice lowered to nearly a whisper, like it would after she'd had a night terror and needed comforting. "I guess I have too."
She had closed the distance as much as she could. She needed more from him, going quiet again and staring into his chest.
Gil eagerly met her halfway, pulling his hands from his pockets and crushing her against him. It was just a hug, something friends could do (if she decided she would regret this, too). "I missed you."
But she slid her arms around him. She buried her nose in his jacket and he leaned over her, practically engulfing her in his arms. She inhaled, drinking in the scent of him.
"Sorry, I probably smell like fryer oil," he excused. She had always hated that smell.
She shook her head, still buried in him. "I missed it."
How was he not supposed to fall in love with her all over again?
"Hey," he said gently, only encouraging her to pull away enough to look at him. He brushed some hair from the crown of her head. "Would you wanna grab something? We could get a decaf...something--you still don't drink, right?"
Thena beamed as if he had asked her something so much more than just terrible coffee. But small things - like remembering that she didn't really enjoy drinking - always meant the most to her. "I'd love to."
Just hearing the word from her lips made his heart leap in joy. It remembered hearing that word so often from her. It wanted to hear it again.
"So, uh," Gil began, leading her away from the pub with her hand in his. Maybe it was too much to hold hands with someone he had just asked out, but Thena's hand held onto his just as firmly. "That 24 hour place is still open. I heard they have daily specials now."
"Sounds lovely." She hadn't become a conversationalist. But she held onto his hand, letting him go on about the pastries in the window and how it was under new ownership. He didn't mention how he couldn't even look at the place for the first two months after their breakup.
Gil looked at her but didn't stop walking as she leaned against him. "You okay? We don't have to go out, if you're tired. You can just come over and I can make you some tea."
She buried her face in his sleeve. "You think I'm the type to go home with you on the first night we've met?"
He paused for a second before letting out a laugh that would wake anyone out of a dead sleep. "Are you flirting with me?"
"You seem much more the flirtatious type."
Thena was happy to play coy about it, but he knew she was flirting because she was terrible at it when they'd first started dating. "Maybe I am."
"You could take a girl to dinner, first." It was light, witty banter, her favourite kind. She was relaxing more and more.
"How's tomorrow?"
He waited for her response, only able to look at the top of her head with her leaning on him. But it made him think of the beach in Australia when he had first told her he loved her. He had thought it plenty of times before, but that was the first time he had spoken the words. Maybe he would get the chance to say them again.
Thena adjusted their arms, linking them at the elbows, still revealing nothing of her expression as she said, "it's a date."
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gingersxng · 6 months
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Sex Addiction
Pairing: f!reader x San
Summary: your boyfriend can’t keep his hands to himself and isn’t sorry about the consequences which follows
Genre: Smut 18+
Notes: sub!reader, rough dom!San, San has a sex addiction, San is really horny, public touching, nipple sucking, pussy eating, fingering, spanking, bruising, unprotected sex (always keep safe), cum eating, cream pie, many rounds, overstimulation
Words: 814
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you were invited to a family dinner with your parents at a fancy restaurant earlier this evening but halfway through your boyfriend decided it would be appropriate to start playing with you under the table. caressing his hand on your squishy thighs and then further up your short skirt while holding a conversation with your mom. you felt your heart race and your body froze cause you were so scared someone would notice. you squeezed your thighs together locking his hand in between them to give him a warning. a deep chuckle escaped his lips. he pinched your thigh making you jolt up with a “ouch”. you threw a deadly glare at him and he honestly couldn’t care less cause all you got in return was a dirty smirk. “everything alright honey” your mom asked with a worried look on her face. “she’s been having bad cramps lately, I think I should take her home so she can get some rest” San replied squeezing your thigh.
and that’s how you ended up on your bed with your boyfriend sucking on your nipples and a hand inside your panties. “y-you really can’t restrain yourself c-can you” you moaned out trying to sound angry. San let go of your nipple and gave you a smirk sliding in two fingers inside your hole. “oh how well you know me..” he chuckled pumping his fingers faster. his actions made your back arch and eyes shut tight. this wasn’t the first time something like this had happened when you and San were out together, his sex drive was almost too much but you wouldn’t have it any other way seriously.
he pulled down your panties and rubbed your clit a few times before he dove right in. tongue gliding up and down your folds tasting your arousal. you put your hand in his hair pushing him down a bit, he groaned against your clit sending electric waves to your stomach. your moans were like angels singing in Sans ears and he could feel his cock twitch in his pants. your orgasm hit you like a train and you came all over his tongue, your body felt so heavy. San didn’t waste any time, he licked you clean and hurried to undo his pants letting his leaking aching friend out. “you don’t know how hard it is to keep my cock inside my pants when we’re out darling” his voice were deep and serious making your whole body shiver. he took his cock guiding it to your aching hole, being too excited like he used to get he didn’t give you a chance to adjust to him and you let out a whimper from the burn. he rutted into you like his life depended on it, your hands grabbing around him scratching his back. his eyes were pitch black and his bangs sticking to his sweaty forehead, San wasn’t that vocal instead he was growling and it always made your pussy clench around his cock sucking him all in. “fuck, I’m gonna cum if you keep clenching like that” “then cu- cum mmh inside me” you moaned out. he almost came just hearing you say that. he pulled out grabbing you by the waist flipping you over on your stomach. “on all fours now” he growled. with shaky legs you obeyed him.
he hit your ass cheeks very hard a few times which would leave handprints before taking hold on your hips squeezing hard while he pushed himself inside again. you felt tears rolling down your cheeks from the mixed feeling of pleasure and pain, San always used to go very rough on you when you had sex which meant you almost never had romantic and slow sex. “my beautiful sexy girl gonna get filled up good with my cum” he groaned throwing his head back. you felt your stomach twist and your mouth fell open when he put one hand on your clit and the other squeezing your ass hard while thrusting in and out. “pls S-Saaaannn!” you screamed, your legs almost gave out under you. “cum for me baby” he spanked you one more time with force and you came while letting out a loud broken moan. San pressed his hips into you and you could feel his cock twitch inside you, a big load of cum spurting into you. San pulled out watching as the cum was dripping out from your stretched hole all over your thighs, just the sight made him hard again. before you had time to rest you felt him pushing his cock in again.
“San you’re kidding…” you threw your head back to look at him. he gave you a sly smile letting out a little laugh. “when you have an addiction it’s damn hard to stop” he said bending over kissing your neck and grabbing your boobs as he started to thrust into you again.
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not-neverland06 · 4 months
How About a Nuke?
Part I / Part II / Part III
The ghoul x fem!reader A/N: Part three is going to be when it gets juicy, this is just them becoming reacquainted. You’ll get the good angst in the next parts. Summary: Your dreams of stardom and fame have been blown away. Your old life is lost to the sands of this new world and you find yourself utterly confused. There’s a man who looks an awful lot like Cooper yelling at you, but it’s not the man you remember loving. Not anymore.
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For two days he’s been following the sound of sirens. With no new bounties, he hasn’t got much else to do with his time. Plus, he’s hoping that maybe if he figures out what’s been causing all this noise he can shut it the fuck up. Didn’t matter how far he walked, the blaring wail was echoing across the whole damn wasteland. 
A cough started up in his chest, itching into his throat and rattling his whole body as it ripped its way out of him. He tried to walk through the discomfort but it wouldn’t let him. He leaned over, hands braced on his knees, and coughed so hard he could feel ass jerky coming back up from his “dinner” last night. He clamped a hand over his mouth and forced the bile down. Frantic hands dug through the bag on his side, shaking as he ripped the box open and grabbed his inhaler. 
It took a minute before the drugs had the desired effect, and even then he was still fighting back nausea. He’s got to find a new dealer, that bitch in Filly was watering down her supply and he knew it. Not just that, she was overcharging too, on account of his being a ghoul. 
Even in the apocalypse money still managed to rule the world. Even if it was in the form of Nuka caps. He walked a little further before leaning against a boulder for a break. He wiped spittle off his lips and surveyed his surroundings. 
There was a faded old billboard sunken into the sand, only half of it sticking out. The paper was curled and browned from age and the sun, but he could make it out well enough. Quench Your Thirst, it wasn’t one of hers, though. It was the girl they’d replaced her with. He contemplated shooting it, just so he wouldn’t have to stare at the girl anymore, but it was a waste of bullets. 
Instead, he pushed off the rock and forced himself to keep going. The noise was unbearable now, rattling around his brain and making his ears bleed the closer he got. He must be right on it, only a little while longer and he’d finally turn the damn thing off. 
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He lifted a leathered hand to block the sun out of his eyes. He kept squinting, disbelieving in the sight before him. Vault 111 was sitting pretty among the skeletons and dunes of sand. It’s big white numbers upside down as the door was slid open, alarms ringing out and red flashing lights dancing around within the vault. 
He couldn’t believe it. Vault dwellers were practically extinct in the Wastelands, nevermind actually getting into their vaults. But here this one sat, open and ready for the taking. Normally, he wouldn’t risk it, even just to turn off those fucking alarms. But he had just used his last vial and if he didn’t get his hands on some good shit soon, well, best not to imagine it. 
Hand on his holster he started forward, eyes darting back and forth to make sure this wasn’t some sort of trap set by raiders. He didn’t imagine they were smart enough to do that, but apparently Muldaver’s been on the move, this could be her people’s doing. He’d rather not have to listen to someone whining on about a better life and a kind society. 
He’d believe it when he saw it. All people were capable of was greed and lust, it’s been the same before the bombs and it will be the same after. 
He stepped inside, eyes pained as they adjusted to the stark contrast of the glaring sun outside and the soft fluorescent lights within the vault. He spotted a big red button and slammed his palm down on it. The sirens, thank fuck, shut off, but the lights kept going. 
There was a gap between his platform and the next. The control panel clearly needed a Pip-Boy to be operated but he didn’t see any nearby. He sighed and took a running leap, just barely making it to the other side.  
He took another suspicious look around, still not quite sure he was completely safe. His chest tightened with the irritating feeling of an oncoming coughing fit. “Fuck it,” he muttered, starting through the open doorway without a glance back. 
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Whatever had happened in here had been messy and recent. He kneeled down next to a puddle of blood and dipped an ungloved finger in, still warm. He popped open his holster and tugged out the gun, better to be safe than dead. 
He had been following the direction the lights had been pointing this whole time, hoping maybe he’d stumble across an infirmary. These vault fucks had to have left at least one bag of radaway behind. So far, though, he didn’t have high hopes. Everything was ransacked. The bodies that were left behind had been stripped naked and beaten to unidentifiable pulps.
So far, the vaults had at least been air conditioned. If nothing else he was getting a break from the sweltering heat that trailed him on the surface. He’d already tested out one of the sinks down here, their water was still functioning. Maybe he could get some of the blood caked under his nails cleaned out. 
While the air conditioning had been nice, the breeze that was coming from the door across the way would have had goosebumps rising on him if he was still capable of that. His head tilted in contemplation as he stared at it. Above every door was meant to be an indicator of what went on in there. 
There wasn’t for this one, though. And despite knowing better, he had to admit, he was pretty curious. He strode forward, tucking the gun back in his holster and slamming the button on the right side of the door. The second it slid open, whatever had been sealing the noise inside broke. 
He flinched away from the sounds of sirens and covered his ears, cussing up a storm as he slammed the button once more. It clicked uselessly but didn’t send the door down again. “Fuck,” he hissed, stepping inside and grunting as the cold bore down on him ten times worse than before. 
Cryogenics, well, the temperature made sense now. 
He stared at each of the pods, the windows frosted over with cold and making it impossible to see the people within. He took his time examining them, trying his best to see if anyone he knew was in one of them. Despite it all, he held a little hope that he might see Janey, maybe even Barb. 
Without any luck he headed towards the terminal, he could probably get the sirens to shut the fuck up this way. Or maybe just get this door closed again. 
In neon green a warning sign flashed over and over across the screen. 
He glanced back over his shoulder and scoffed. Rich fucks hadn’t thought to have a back up, or did they really think their buddy Vault-Tec would keep them safe? He shook his head and clicked away the warning. He peered through the list of commands but couldn’t find anything except a list of who was in the pods. 
He figured he might as well see if he spotted a familiar name. If they were alive he might be able to get some information off of them. It wasn’t until the bottom of the list that he saw anything helpful. Your name stood out bright and bold and beside it the message:
The colon blinked a few times and he drummed his finger impatiently on the sides of the terminal. Finally the risk analysis loaded and he let out a rough exhale. 
His eyes widened and without thinking he clicked the little button. A moment later he heard something creak open, the seal of the pod broken as air rushed out. He turned around and faced your pod, of course it was the one right beside him. 
He ran forward, catching you just as you slumped out of the seat. Your skin was like ice, your lips blue and face purple from choking. It was all swollen, like you’d been struggling to get air in for a while before he came. He frowned down at your limp form, shaking you slightly as he waited for you to take in a breath. 
“Hey,” he brought a rough hand down on your cheek, the leather striking loudly against your skin.
Your lips parted and you took in a deep breath, gasping as your hands flew up to your throat. You turned over, falling out of his arms and landing roughly on the metal grates of the floor. He took a step back, watching as you hacked yourself back to life, your lungs nearly coming out with how hard you were coughing. 
His head tilted as he observed you. You looked damn near the same as the last time he saw you. The only real difference being the slutty little black slip you had on. He scoffed and shook his head. So that’s where you’d disappeared to, sold yourself out to Vault-Tec for some apocalyptic protection. 
Lot of good that did you. 
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You clawed at your throat, air feeling like razor blades as you greedily inhaled. You’re not sure where you are, you can barely feel your extremities, you’ve got an uncomfortable draft on your backside. You wince as you sit up, wiping your blurry eyes in the hopes they’ll clear up, metal digs into your skin as you do. 
It’s like when you get too cold during winter and your eyes frost over a little bit. Except, this doesn’t feel like a little bit. You can’t even see your own hand right now. All you can make out is faint outlines of everything, blurry little clouds of color. 
“Hello?” Someone was here, you could tell that much. You just didn’t know who. Metal creaked in front of you and you scrambled back. They weren’t saying anything. Why weren’t they saying anything? 
You wracked your brain for the last thing you could remember and felt tears building along your lashes. Oh god. “Tom?” You called out hesitantly. Maybe they’d changed their minds. Maybe the men who’d grabbed you had dumped you off somewhere. 
You didn’t want to think about what they’d done while you were asleep. You were slowly becoming more aware of your surroundings and very aware of the skimpy slip you had on right now. Not even close to what you’d been wearing when they grabbed you. You wrapped your arms around yourself in a meager attempt at comfort. 
“That who you fucked, sweetheart?”
Your brows turned down. “Cooper?” He sounded a little rough, his accent more pronounced, but you’d know his voice anywhere. It was as familiar to you as your own. “Cooper, where am I?” The tears were spilling freely now the longer he stared at you in silence. At least crying was starting to thaw out your eyes. 
You could more clearly make out his form now, looming overtop of you like some sort of dark omen. You always felt safe with Coop. When someone pushed you too much or got a little too aggressive, you could go to him. 
Right now, though, you felt like prey in front of a wolf. There was no kindness in his words and only a cruel accusation in his tone. Dear god, where were you? And why would he think you would ever fool around with any of these sick fucks behind his back? 
“Cooper, please, what happened?”
He barked out a laugh and you flinched back, “What happened? Well, lets see what the fuck happened.” You heard more than saw him pace across the metal floors, the spurs on his boots clanking loudly. Had he been at a party and come looking for you?
“You told me you’d be back for lunch and I didn’t see you for another two hundred years.”
Your stomach dropped to the floor, “What?” You whispered. 
He knelt down in front of you. “Your eyes still foggy?” You nodded your head mutely. “Well,” he chuckled but it wasn’t the one you knew. This was something mean and sharp. “When those clear up, I’m not gonna look like you remember me, darling. Should probably get out of here before you realize what you’re talking to.”
He made to get up but you shot forward, blindly groping at the dark form of his torso until you latched onto his duster. “Cooper, please, I’m confused. I-” you looked around blindly, hoping to find something to explain how the last thing you remembered was eating pancakes with him. There’s no way in hell it’s been two hundred years. 
“I went to Tom’s to get the script. He made me come in for drinks. There- there were all these men there, they grabbed me and I don’t remember anything after that. Cooper, please, I wasn’t wearing this when they snatched me. What the hell happened to me?”
There was a moment of silence before he let out a sigh. “You didn’t leave to find some safety in Vault-Tec?”
You frowned and let him go, shoving him away from you with as much force as your frozen muscles could muster up. “Fuck you, you think I’d do that to you? How little do you think of me?”
You reached out for the pod beside you, using it to get to your feet. You felt about as graceful as a newborn foal right now, all gangly limbs and stilted movements. You leaned over, catching your breath as you tried to walk forward. 
“If I were you, I’d get back in that pod and let the world rot away. You’re not gonna do well on your own out here, honey.”
You heard his spurs moving past you and then made out his form as he walked through the doors of the room. “Cooper?” You called out, but you knew it was pointless. He was gone. The man you knew was gone and you had no clue what the fuck had happened. 
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He managed to finally find the infirmary, lucky enough that a few bags of Rad-Away had been left behind. They’d only had IV bags, so he’d spent a while trying to find a spot where his skin wasn’t so tough a needle could actually get through. 
She had to be lying. 
He felt himself trying to look at the door, like she’d step through, and forced his head down. He flicked at the IV bag, hoping that maybe it would speed it the fuck up. He needed to get out of here. The longer he stayed, the more he wanted to talk to her. 
He’d changed a lot since they’d last seen each other. Whatever he had once felt for her was gone. The man he had once been was dead. There was no point in hurting the girl by giving her false hope. He sighed and leaned back against the wall, closing his eyes and trying to relax some. 
He’d finish this bag, pack the others, and then he’d leave this vault behind. She could figure out what she wanted to do on her own. He didn’t have time for strays or old flames. 
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You stumbled around for a while before you finally got your bearings. You managed to make your way into what looked like an office and sat behind a curved desk. A terminal on top sat blinking bright green letters at you. You went through each of the logs, your dread only getting worse the longer you read. 
Tom wasn’t in this vault, that’s for sure. The other names you only recognized from the credits of some movies you’d watched a while back. The men who had taken you from Tom’s house. 
According to the scientist using this terminal, they’d wanted to ensure they had some fun before they went underground. 
You weren’t the only one Tom had sold out. Your entire cryogenic chamber had been filled with other women, each of them dead because of a life support failure. You were meant to be their entertainment while they waited for the world to be ready for the taking. 
You took a break, forcing your eyes away from the screen and staring down at your hands. 
Well, Cooper hadn’t been lying at least. Two hundred years you’d been frozen, you hadn’t even known it. It was bizarre, what felt like only a few hours ago was over two millennia. You’d only just kissed Cooper goodbye and now he was acting like some asshole who wouldn’t even stay to help you to your feet. 
Feeling yourself getting angry and panicked you went back to reading. There was nothing you could do. You’d been screwed over by someone you trusted, you were stuck here. No point in pouting about it. 
The scientist wrote more about the men’s intentions and you forced the bile down as you read. Then he got to what Vault-Tec’s real intentions were. Something about experimenting with cryogenics, seeing how long a body could last, what all it could preserve. You didn’t understand most of it, the language far above your education. 
The men were just guinea pigs, same as you. It brought you a modicum of satisfaction. Barely, though. 
The lead of the whole project gets more cryptic and paranoid the further he writes. Something about Vault-Tec never sending the all clear signal to get the fuck out of here. Security was getting antsy the longer they stayed and supplies were running low. 
It didn’t take a genius to put two and two together when you looked at the blood splattered walls and the white coated corpse across the room.  
Underneath the last entry was a fail safe. In case the experiment was going wrong and there were no other options but to abandon it. 
The green pointer blinked as you stared at the question. Your mind traveled to the way they’d swarmed you. How ruthlessly they’d taken you like you were nothing more than cattle. The other women they did it to. You could only imagine what had happened while you’d been knocked out. 
That familiar feeling of anger, disgust, and shame welled up in you. You had always been typecast. The sexy bombshell with nothing else going for her. It bled into other aspects of your life, people treating you like you were nothing more than a walking doll, for their enjoyment and nothing else. 
You’d be damned if you let these men survive what the other women couldn’t. 
You hit the button and listened as the sirens quieted down the hall, the hiss of oxygen as the pods killed their inhabitants. You didn’t allow yourself to linger on what you’d just done for very long, you went clicking through the rest of the terminal. 
Most of it was password locked, you only gleamed enough information to figure out what had been going on while you slept. Bombs dropped, the world went to shit, just like you always thought it would. You’d never considered that you might survive it. 
Maybe those men had done you a slight favor, just barely. 
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He sighed as he ripped the needle out of his arm, pulling his sleeve down he moved away from the wall he’d been leaning on. He’d definitely been getting cheated out of his caps. Next time he saw that bitch Ma June, he’d show her what he thought about her watered down bullshit. 
A shadow passed by the doorway and his hand drifted down to his holster. He slipped out of the room and took a peek around the corner. She had her back to him, but he’d recognize her anywhere, even with that ridiculous vault suit on. 
She jumped and whirled around on him. For a moment he forgot that this was a completely new reality for her. She didn’t know what a ghoul was, she’d never seen one before. Her last memory of him had been his prime. When he’d had a fucking nose. 
Her eyes widened and his grew cold while he waited for the inevitable disgust. He was used to it by now, but he was pretty sick and tired of hearing about it. Especially when the few people who managed to get their hands on his old movies would recognize him. 
The disgust never came, just obvious shock and disbelief. She took a few hesitant steps closer, her eyes darting across his face while she did. He nearly missed her hand coming up, like she wanted to touch him. He caught it at the last second, bringing his hand up to swat hers down. 
She winced and backed up a step, the wonder on her face gone and replaced with hurt. “Cooper-”
He darted forward and snatched her chin in between his gloved fingers. “Now, darling, I’m gonna need you to get this through your fucking head,” he hissed, eyes boring into her terrified ones. “That’s not my name anymore, I’m nothing but a ghoul. I’m not the man you know and I’m never going to be. Let it go and if you know what’s good for you, move the fuck on.”
He could see the tears welling up in her eyes and grinned, she had always been pretty when she cried. “Understand?” When she didn’t respond fast enough for his liking he shook her roughly, “Speak!”
“Yes,” she shouted, clawing at his arm and wincing when her nails scraped across the leather of his skin. “I understand.” He took a moment, looking into her eyes, before he nodded and released her. 
She stumbled back, choking on a sob and glaring up at him. “So, what? Am I just supposed to call you an asshole?” He scoffed, barely laughing. Everything that happened to her today and she could still get a fucking attitude. It was nearly impressive, if not stupid. She didn’t watch who she spoke to and she was going to get killed before the day was up. 
“You’re not gonna call me anything. We’re not working together, you’re on your own.”
She glared at him and rubbed her jaw where he’d grabbed her. Her cheeks were already changing colors, bruises blooming where he’d snatched her. His eyes darted away from her hands and back to her. “Why’d you stop me then?”
He looked her up and down and grinned at the way she shivered, seemed he hadn’t lost all his charm just yet. “That tight little suit of yours is gonna get you killed. People up there don’t take too kindly to people from down here.”
She rolled her eyes and crossed her arms, glaring at him. “So, what? I’d be safer walking around in what they had me in?”
He shook his head and started walking back towards the door of the vault. “No.”
He heard her huff and race after him. “You’re fucking infuriating, you know that? What the hell am I supposed to do, Co-” He shot her a warning glare but she’d clamped her mouth shut before she could finish the sentence. She still had that stupid hurt look on her face, like he’d kicked her puppy. It kind of made him want to just shoot her. 
“I don’t have any supplies, all I have is this stupid suit. Please, I don’t know what I’m supposed to do.”
He sighed and stopped. She stumbled forward, nearly ramming into his back in the process. “Go to Filly, I’m sure you’ll find something there.”
“I’m supposed to just know where that is?”
He didn’t bother responding to her, there was no point in it. She would be dead soon, anyway. This world wasn’t made for pretty girls like her, especially not on her own. If she was smart she’d just starve herself down here, at least she’d have running water. 
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You watched him walk off and felt like your chest was going to cave in. You couldn’t handle this, he was just Cooper an hour ago. Making you breakfast and kissing you goodbye. And despite the odd deformities, you could still see him. Sure, he was missing a nose, but he was still there. Your Cooper. 
Except he wasn’t. 
You couldn’t quite believe he would be so cruel earlier. He was always mean when he was hurt. You figured maybe he was still sitting with the fact that you hadn’t actually left him behind for Vault-Tec. But his eyes gave him away. 
They were cold, devoid of anything you used to know. The man you had known was no longer there. And if he was, he was buried far deeper than you were interested in digging. You watched him walk away and felt your chest squeezing painfully. 
This was not the fucking time to start panicking. If the carnage around you was anything to go by, then the surface had to be so much fucking worse. Cooper seemed to think vaults were safer, but right now you were staring into the gouged eyes of a corpse who’d been killed by a friend. Clearly, nowhere was safe. 
You couldn’t afford to pity yourself or cry. You’d have to keep moving, process it all later. You pushed off the wall and leapt over the corpses blocking your path. Cooper must’ve stepped in a pile of blood because you could clearly make out his footprints. He seemed like he was going to leave, you bet if you followed him you would find the way out. 
You followed the prints up a set of stairs, but they had faded out completely by the time you got up to the vault door. You winced, blocking your eyes from the bright glare of the sun. Barely a second out of the vault and you felt like your skin might already be peeling. 
Whatever had happened while you were out, this was not the world you remembered. The sun seemed bigger, brighter, more violent. If the skeletons littered throughout the sand were anything to go by, everything was more violent now. 
You tripped over a particularly deformed skull of a beast and scrambled up to your feet. You glanced around, spotting a figure in the distance and ran after it. You hoped it was Cooper you were following, but he was already so far ahead of you that he was barely a dot on the horizon. 
You followed the footsteps he left in the sand and prayed he didn’t notice you trailing him. You couldn’t very well stay down there with all of those corpses. There had been no supplies to protect yourself with except a bloodied scalpel. You wouldn’t make it down there on your own and you certainly wouldn’t make it up here. 
You planned to just follow Cooper until you found something resembling civilization. He didn’t want you around him and you got the message, you’re not exactly eager to share his company. He’s a stranger, the only part of him you recognize is his name, and you’re not even allowed to use that. 
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You kept your distance as long as you could. Keeping him as far away as possible so if he turned around he wouldn’t be able to realize he was being followed. But you’re already struggling. He’s not showing any signs of slowing anytime soon and you can barely see anymore. 
Your lips are peeling, throat raw and aching for water. Your eyes are completely coated in sand and being damaged by the sun. You wished you had been better prepared for this but it’s been at least four hours and you’re about to keel over. 
You wheeze, dragging yourself over to a fallen billboard and slumping against it. You’re not paying enough attention to your surroundings, or you just don’t care anymore. You find yourself drifting off and you don’t stop it. You’d prefer if the heat stroke took you while you were asleep, at least then you wouldn’t be aware of it. 
Your eyes drift closed and your head slumps forward, the sun bearing down on your neck and burning away at the skin there. 
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You cough and splutter, frantically brushing sand off your face and spitting it out of your mouth. Cooper’s standing over you, frowning and glaring, which seems to be his go to expression now. You glance down at his outstretched foot and realize he kicked the sand in your face. “What the fuck?”
“You know,” he tilts his head and rests a hand on his holster, grinning at the way you shrink away from his gun. “I thought you would have lasted at least another hour.”
You wipe your face off and struggle back onto your feet, nearly teetering over as you did. “You knew I was following you?” You groused, glaring up at him. You’re not sure your anger translates well, though. You can barely hear your own voice, your throat too dry to produce any proper words.  
“‘Course I did, sweetheart. I’d be a pretty shit bounty hunter if I didn’t recognize when someone was trailing me.”
You finally manage to get to your feet and glare at him. “Congratulations, you want a prize?”
His smile drops and he darts forward before you can move away. His hand clamps around your arm and he drags you behind him. You’re stumbling, barely able to keep in stride with him. Mercifully, you notice the sky is starting to turn pink in the distance. Soon, the sun will be down and you’ll get a moment's reprieve. 
“Where are you taking me?” You demand, tripping over a rock and wincing as he jerks you back to your feet. He turns around to glare at you like he isn’t the one dragging you around. 
“Filly,” he grunts. He finally comes to a stop, you ram into his back wincing as your nose slams into him painfully. He doesn’t even flinch and you wonder if he felt it. If he can feel anything with how crisped his skin is. 
“I thought you weren’t going to help me.” Maybe you shouldn’t be pushing your luck. If he is helping you, and that’s a pretty hesitant if, you’re sure he’ll be quick to change his mind. Still, you can’t help but push him. You’ve always had that problem, except before he took it in stride and teased you right back. 
Now, your eyes dart down to his gun, you’re not sure he wouldn’t just put a new hole in you. 
“Changed my mind.”
You huffed and rolled your eyes, “Yeah, I’m aware. I’m asking why,” you cut yourself off sharply, mouth clamping shut because you almost called him Coop again. Your jaw is still aching from the last “warning” he gave you. You’re not looking for another. 
He whirled around on you and you didn’t even realize his gun was in his hand until it was digging into your throat. “Why don’t you stop asking me so many fucking questions, hm.” He sneered and you winced at the sight of his yellowed teeth. Finally you nodded and backed away from him, he kept his eyes on yours for a moment before he holstered his gun again. “Let’s go,” he started walking and you couldn’t do anything but follow him. 
At least this time you weren’t trying to track a dot in the distance. 
The sky was getting dark quick and the temperature was dropping even faster. You hunched into yourself and ran your hands up and down your arms to try and keep warm. It seemed everything was done in the extremes now, even the damn weather. 
Cooper whistled and you hurried to catch up with him. He stood in front of a decaying old house, nearly all of the roof gone. The walls looked like they might cave in soon and it had clearly been unoccupied for a very long time. He opened up the door and walked inside, letting it slam back into your face. 
You caught it and huffed. You followed after him and saw that he was already setting up his spot for the night. He leaned against the half-rotted couch, his hat over his eyes and his arms tucked under his coat. You glanced around for a clean spot to curl up and laid down on the ground. You winced at all the dirt on the floor but figured it was better than sleeping out in the sand. 
Despite your oh-so comfortable sleeping arrangement, you found it hard to pass out. Maybe it’s because you’d just taken a two hundred year nap or the man across from you. Your eyes refused to stay shut and you couldn’t stop staring at him. 
You told yourself you would process your emotions later but apparently your mind had decided now would be the best time. You could feel the tears trickling down your cheeks again and you tried to wipe them away.
Too much had happened for them to be so easily dismissed. You were struggling with the thoughts of what those men did to you. You’re certain your imagination is worse than anything that happened, but not knowing was killing you. You felt violated, just being knocked out like that and being left vulnerable to them. 
And Cooper. 
Cooper was practically dead as far as you both were concerned. You felt like you were grieving for someone who was lying right across from you. You were staring right at him and he was just out of your reach. 
You sniffled and wiped your nose. A loud sigh came from the man in front of you and he spoke without bothering to tilt his hat back up. “I’m gonna take you to Filly and you’re gonna help me with some business there and then we’ll go our separate ways.”
“What?” Your voice was an embarrassing croak and you winced. 
“They don’t take too kindly to my folk down there-”
“You mean zombies,” you interrupted, propping your head up on your hand. 
He finally lifted his hat up and glared, though it was half-hearted at best. “It’s ‘ghouls,’ sweetheart. Never knew you to be racist.” You rolled your eyes and he dropped his hat back down again. “You’ll get me what I need and I’ll have delivered you to, well, not safety, but as close as you can get out here.” He leaned forward, arm outstretched and grinning at you. “Deal?”
Well, it wasn't like you had any other options. You leaned forward, grasping his gloved hand in yours and shaking, “Deal.”
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SERIES TAGLIST: @pixelatedprofilepic @o0mellowdramatic0o @bisasterbisexual @julianmarie @v3n1x @weakling-grace
end. — I do not own the characters or the game/show Fallout, but this writing is my own all rights reserved © not-neverland06 2024. do not copy, repost, translate & recommend elsewhere.
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hapinesbuterfiy · 6 months
rosie baby!! yk rafe's frat boy ways… i feel like he would try to initiate rough sex with sorority girl!reader, not knowing how she'd take it because she's just so sweet and has an innocent feel to her, but boy, does he find out quickly that she's just as much of a freak🤭 (he’d totally brag to his brotherhood about how freaky she is)
oh yes. don't get it twisted!!! behind all the pink, philanthropy, and poise sorority girl is quite the freak when it comes down to it<3
. ‧₊˚ ⋅ 💋🕊️🎀 ‧₊˚ ⋅
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let's set the scene... rafe taking you back to his frat house after a dinner date, both wine-drunk and desperately trying to rip each other's clothes off as you stumble up the stairs and into his tiny bedroom.
rafe knows how he fucks. rough. he'll ram into you until you're sobbing from the overstimulation, choke you with his large veiny hands, spit in your mouth as you breathlessly moan. sex makes him feel powerful. he loves feeling powerful.
with you, however, he's different. softer. the boy knows what he has going with you is good, the best he's going to get. he doesn't want his somewhat sadistic tendencies to scare you away.
you're the picture of innocence, at least that's what he thinks. your frilly pink dresses and sweet smile make you seem too pure for this world, which in most cases you are. little does he know, you're just as freaky as he is, if not more.
you've had sex before, but this time is different, the alcohol in your system making you more eager than ever as you desperately palm him through his pink chino shorts as your glossed lips attack his mouth. "want you inside" you say softly, as you begin to lift up his polo shirt.
rafe wastes no time, tearing the remainder of his clothes off and throwing the skimpy material that you call a dress somewhere into the room. "shit. my girls needy tonight, want this dick yeah?"
"mhm— please." you whimper.
you're sprawled out on his twin xl bed, face down ass up. rafe's sparing you no mercy as he ruts into you from behind, leaving a firm smack on your ass between thrusts. you're a moaning mess, incoherently babbling into his pillows, begging for more.
"so good rafe. harder— please harder!" you sob, clumps of mascara smeared under your eyes from rafe pushing your head into the pillow.
"you like this shit, don't you? whole innocence act is really foolin' everyone. little fuckin' slut you are." he spits through gritted teeth, eyes laser-focused on the way your ass jiggles as his cock pounds into your abused hole.
"m' gonna cum!" the most obscene sounds continue to fall from your pretty mouth as your release hits, surely to be heard by the rest of the brothers in the house. rafe continues his relentless thrusts, pushing the small of your back down as he grunts. "fuck— so good f'me baby. so good."
he pulls out just in time, blowing his load all over your tits, taking a second to breathe before taking a picture of you in your fucked out state.
"gonna keep that just f'me, a'ight? who knew you we're such a slut."
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bishopsbeloved · 7 months
a night in
kate bishop x female reader
After dinner plans are cancelled, Kate Bishop skips straight to dessert
straight up smut, kate topping, she is so fucking horny, fingering, oral (R receiving), mentions of her strap, 1.4k words
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Dating Kate Bishop keeps you on your toes.
At the last possible minute, as the two of you were ready to leave her apartment in white tie attire for the high-end Valentine’s dinner reservation awaiting you, she got a call from Clint that had her huffing and grunting and tugging off her blazer.
“Stupid— fucking— superhero thing,” she’d muttered, fumbling with her quiver, “won’t— give me a, uhm, a couple hours, baby, I’ll be so quick.”
When she comes home, you’re at the kitchen counter, preparing a homemade meal in place of your prior plans. You’re still in the tight little number she picked out for you to match with her suit, figuring she’d still want to take it off you. The front door slams, and almost instantly she’s dropped her gear on the ground and made a beeline towards where you’re stood.
“Hi, baby,” you murmur, setting down the knife and turning to face her. Within a moment she’s pressing herself against your back, hands on your hips, stopping you from moving.
“No,” she sighs against your skin, her chest to your back, her mouth on your neck. She leans into you, draping herself over your back to pin you between her body and the counter, and hold you in place. “Stay.”
You’re quiet, cheeks reddening as her lithe arms curl upwards to let her hands cup your tits. Sometimes she’ll hold them just for the sake of holding them, but today she wastes no time in beginning to roughly grope them over your dress, fingers tugging hungrily at the cleavage.
“Katie,” you sigh, unable to stop yourself from leaning back, instinctively relaxing into her touch. She’s solid behind you, deceptively strong, groaning against the skin of your neck and then taking it between her teeth. You whimper.
“Was thinking of these the whole time I was gone,” she tells you lowly. She fumbles with the front of your dress, whining in the back of her throat when she can’t free your tits with ease.
“J— just my tits?” you manage, overwhelmed by her, arching your back into her touch.
“All of you,” Kate admits hoarsely, her hands moving to undo the zipper of your dress now. “Just you. Fuck.”
She’s all over you, she’s everywhere, beginning to grind herself against your ass as she trails open-mouthed kisses across the newly exposed skin of your shoulders. She tugs your dress down further still, impatiently rutting against you like a dog in heat, and you wince as you hear fabric rip.
“S’fine,” she mutters against the skin of your spine, sending shivers down it. She begins to tug you towards the sofa. “C’mere.”
“Katie, the food,” you remind her.
“I don’t— screw the food, we’ll get takeout. You taste better.”
She grips your hips as she sits on the sofa and pulls you onto her lap. The dress is somehow squirmed off of you entirely, leaving you in nothing but panties, and as Kate fights with the buttons of her own shirt you’re finally able to take her in — her pretty lips are parted as she pants softly, cheeks a little flushed, pupils blown. She looks up at you as she tosses her buttonup aside and a thrill of arousal shoots through you as her darkened, hungry eyes lock onto yours and finally your lips meet.
You whine openly into her mouth as her tongue slides against yours, and her hands make their way to your tits again, her thumbs toying with your nipples. Without the boundary of your dress you can feel how cold her hands are, and it makes you tense, squirming a little.
“Shhh, sh sh,” she soothes against your lips, “just let me play with you. Been— been thinking of you like this all night, baby, fuck.” She drags out the syllables, her voice dripping with need, and she’s not the only thing that’s dripping.
“You’re so wet, huh?” Kate muses as your wetness seeps through your underwear and onto her trousers. She jogs her leg, rubbing against your cunt and watching with amusement as you squirm. “Yeah? That feel good, baby? You want more?”
You cry out in the affirmative, and one hand stays on your tits while the other slides down to nurse your overwhelming wetness. She toys with you over your underwear, teasing your clit until you’re shivering in her arms, before growing impatient with her own games as she often does and sliding her cold hand beneath the lacy fabric. You yelp at the contact, and let out a low guttural cry as she slides two fingers into you without hesitation.
“Shh, it’s okay,” she soothes you, lazily curling her fingers inside of you as the pad of her thumb makes its way onto your clit. “Just be a good girl and take it. I’ve been outside working, I’ve been so cold, and I was thinking of this the whole time. You’re gonna be good for me and warm me up, okay? You gonna warm up my fingers?”
“Y— yes,” you cry out. You’re rolling your hips into her, arms curled around the back of her neck, and as the pleasure grows more intense your head falls forward to rest on her shoulder. You pant softly as, on every thrust into you, Kate fucks into the sensitive spot of your gummy walls that makes your vision go white.
“So— s’good,” you whine, breath hot against her skin, and you feel her shiver a little.
“Yeah?” she murmurs, picking up the pace a little. With every thrust your wetness seeps out of you and down onto her thigh, soaking it. “God, you’re so fucking tight,” she says desperately, whiny, her own hips beginning to rut up into you as she fucks you, and it’s the way that she gets off on your pleasure alone that has you gasping and teetering on the edge.
“Cum— cum on my fingers, baby,” she almost begs, an arm looped around your waist to hold you in place as she fucks you steadily, sinking her teeth into the soft skin of your neck. With a cry you obey, blinding waves of euphoria rolling over you as you clench around Kate so hard that she struggles to continue thrusting into you.
“Fuck, fuck,” she grits, fucking you through your orgasm and shuddering a little. The realisation that she’s cum in her pants just from fucking you has you whining, dragging your fingernails down her back, rocking into her. Eventually she pulls her hand from your cunt, sucking your slick off of her fingers and whimpering at the taste.
“Have to taste you,” she mumbles, almost to herself, easing you off of her lap onto the sofa and then getting on her knees. “Just take what I give you, baby, so good for me.”
Kate nudges your thighs apart, burying herself between them and running her tongue up your slit. She groans at the taste, not caring for your little whimpers of overstimulation.
“So fucking good,” she breathes, one arm wrapping itself around each of your thighs to hold you in place. You’re too far gone to muster a reply.
Kate Bishop always eats you out like a woman starved. Tonight, though, she’s hungrier than you’ve ever seen her. She laps at you messily, her nose nudging against your sensitive clit, desperate to engulf you. You’re crying out her name, writhing, and when you reach out to wind your hand through her hair she looks up at you through her lashes. Her eyes are wide and dark, lips swollen, the entire lower half of her face glistening with your juices. She blinks up at you hungrily, still lapping at your clit, swallowing everything you have to offer her, and the sight paired with the overwhelming pleasure coursing through you is enough to have you cumming on her tongue. She hums approvingly against you, the vibrations only prolonging your orgasm, and you feel so overwhelmingly good you can’t even move. Eventually she slows down, sensing your need for a break, and makes her way back up your body to tug you into her arms and hold you close to her.
“So good for me,” Kate soothes you, a hand combing through your hair. “So good at taking everything I give you. So, so good, my gorgeous baby.” She waits until you’ve come down a little more, until your eyes are a little less glassy, before grinning at you. “Happy Valentine’s, sweet girl. You want to ride my strap next?”
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nadvs · 2 months
how dare u just end it there “…they’d be competitive over who can make the other one moan louder 🤭”
pls do a lil blurb🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
they’re definitely the kind of couple who always want to one-up each other 🙂‍↕️
based on this fic! 18+!
» au masterlist
it starts with a text. she’s sitting in a lecture when she gets a message from rafe saying: that was you holding back last night? you were screaming.
they’ve been official for a few weeks now. rafe already thought the sex was incredible, but now that they’re together, paired in something real, it’s unlike anything he’s ever experienced.
they hooked up in her dorm the night before. they were under her sheets, rafe on top, moving with hard, fast thrusts, their moans interlaced in the air. before, as they undressed each other, she said they’d have to hold back because she didn’t want her neighbors to hear.
“you sure you can be quiet?” he asked.
“someone’s sure of himself,” she teased.
now, as she reads his text, her skin flushes hot, remembering the slow, sexy grunts he was letting out. she replies: you were louder than me.
he texts back: no baby i think the whole building heard you. she replies: you’re remembering wrong…
he says: do i have to prove it? she texts: yes.
that night, they go out on a date, and instead of starting the engine when they reach his car after dinner, rafe leans closer to her, putting a hand on her bare thigh, lifting up her dress.
“you wanna go somewhere you don’t have to worry about being loud?” he asks.
she can only nod, body tingling at the feeling of his hand dipping to grip her inner thigh.
he parks the car at the dead end of a street, no buildings in sight, and wastes no time shutting off the engine and shifting to unbuckle her seatbelt.
they’re a tangle of limbs as they kiss and shift to the backseat, rafe sitting up while she straddles him, their breaths shallow.
he grips her ass as she grinds against him, their cheeks grazing with every movement.
“none of that holding back bullshit, alright?” he rasps into her ear.
“yeah,” she breathes. “and none of that i’m louder bullshit, either.”
rafe smirks against her mouth.
“you honestly think i’m louder?” he says. “i really do need to prove it, hmm?”
“i guess i need to record us,” she sighs.
the thought thrills him as he watches her lean back to pull her phone out from her purse. she settles her phone onto the console, the car too dark to film any visuals, but close enough to film their sounds.
he grips her ass tighter once she settles on him again, a whispered gasp spilling from her mouth.
“already losing?” he teases.
she lowers her hand between their bodies, gripping him over his jeans. he whispers a shit, making her smile.
it’s immediately a competition, both of them doing what they know will earn moans of pleasure from the other.
he yanks the front of her dress down, capturing her nipple in his mouth. she strains to hold back her moan.
she unzips his jeans, roughly tugging them down with his boxers, rubbing the precum over his tip with her thumb, making him throw his head back and groan low.
he dips two fingers into her mouth, getting them wet with her spit, before shifting her panties to the side and sinking them inside her. this time, she can’t stifle her moan.
she rides his fingers, writhing and panting, eventually getting so impatient that she grasps his wrist to move his hand so she can ride him the way she wants to. she holds him at his base as she sinks down onto him, his groan filling the car.
“fuck,” rafe murmurs. “no warning?”
“do you need one?” she taunts.
his hands tightly grasp her hips, feeling her roll her body, using him, leaning forward to rub her clit against his skin to find the best friction.
she rolls her eyes back as he tightens his hold onto her hips and starts fucking her from his seated position, thrusting hard.
her breathy moans are getting away from her, so she covers her mouth with her hand, but he roughly grips her wrist and pins it at her lower back, locking his lips against the crook of her neck as he slams into her.
she clenches around him, purposely to provoke him, and it works, his groan deep and guttural.
“you’re not gonna make me come first,” he whispers.
“i am,” she says, “you’re gonna come so fucking hard inside me.”
“goddamn,” he groans. “you can’t talk like that.”
“because i’ll win?”
rafe clenches his jaw, shifting to get her on her back. she sinks into the firm seat as he cups the back of her knees, propping her legs up before he leans to push into her again.
he hates that he can’t move as freely as he wants to in the backseat, but it’s enough to make her gasp in pleasure when he starts to rub her clit with his thumb.
her hands press against the car door as he pounds into her, tracing circles on her clit, the car shaking with how hard he’s fucking her.
“this pussy belongs to me,” he breathes. “say it.”
“it’s yours, it’s yours,” she sighs, her words rushed, arching her back. she plays with her tits just for him to watch and he can’t look away, even if she is doing it just to make him groan, to make him come first.
“look at me,” he orders. she meets his eyes in the dim car and stares at him as he slams into her, rubbing her clit with perfect pressure, filling her over and over again. “you’re my good girl, aren’t you?”
he knows praise always sends her over the edge. frustrated, she bites her lip.
“taking it so fucking good,” he rasps. “so fucking good.”
the sweet, sinful mix of his words, the sounds of him pounding into her and playing with her, the feeling of pressure and tightness becomes too much and she can’t control the wave of pleasure that washes over her.
she tightens around him again and he can’t hold back any longer, coming inside her while her walls flutter around him. their moans tangle together, filling the car with a loud, shared groan.
they’re a panting mess afterwards. he kisses her slowly, lazily, as they come down. once they find the strength to put their clothes back on and move to the front seats again, she stops the recording.
“i don’t even know who won,” she laughs breathily. “i guess we can check later.”
rafe is so weak that he can barely speak.
“i won,” he says.
she rolls her eyes and smooths down her hair.
they listen to the recording once he pulls up in front of her building to drop her off. they decide it’s a tie. mainly because hearing it turned them on all over again and they’d rather pretend to agree so that they can go up to her room and do it again.
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dark-konohagakure2 · 4 months
Kushina forcing her daughter to suck her pussy and ass while she makes dinner? 🥺
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tw: incest, parent/child, dubcon, pussy eating, rimming, mommy kink, praise, grooming
All characters depicted are 18+
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Kushina is a very dedicated housewife, she wants her dearest Minato to have a clean home and warm meal to come back to, but sometimes she needs some help with that. Luckily for her she has the sweetest and most helpful little daughter in the world.
Minato is a great lover in the bedroom, but he can't always be home, so Kushina sometimes has to rely on her daughter to get some release. She's usually reluctant to do such dirty things to her own mother, but Kushina is surprising good at talking people into things despite her red-hot temper.
Kushina will be cooking dinner for the whole family while her daughter is on her knees underneath her, using those cute little lips of hers on her mother's perfect holes, eating out her pussy and ass while Kushina occasionally moans in pleasure and praises her sweet little daughter's efforts.
Her daughter is even better at eating her out than Minato is, much to Kushina's delight, so she'll have her daughter do it for her almost every time the two of them are home alone and the boys are out of the house for the day.
"Ohh~! Right there, sweetie..! That's my good girl! You always know just how to make Mommy happy, don't you?"
She's a very loving mother, letting her daughter eat something so very sweet even while Kushina is busy cooking something that's almost just as tasty for the whole family, she's just so generous when it comes to her beloved family.
Kushina will be a bit too busy cooking to pay a lot of attention to her daughter, but she'll be sure to praise her efforts and give some directions on how to pleasure her mother properly.
She can't help but be proud of her daughter's oral skills, her tongue expertly pleasuring her mothers soaked pussy and rim, Kushina is very glad that all that training she gave her in those areas didn't go to waste.
The red haired woman can be as loud as she wants when moaning in pleasure, since her husband and son are out of the house, so Kushina will be very verbal when she's about to climax.
"Good job, honey. Now make Mommy cum one more time before Daddy gets home, and I'll tell him all about what a good girl you've been today..."
Kushina won't tell Minato about their daughter's "skills" unless he outright asks about it, and if he does, maybe the three of them can do some extra special family bonding together next time.
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kithtaehyung · 1 year
mami (m) (teaser) | myg/knj
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— “then hurry up, mami. gimme one more for luck.”    
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title: mami (teaser) pairing: battle rappers!myg/knj x reader(f) , slight jhs x reader(f)😛 rating/genre: m (18+) ; smut ; battle rap au , roommates au  summary: turns out, two of the guys you’ve been hooking up with are battle rappers. and roommates. and the most competitive gd people you’ve ever met.  warnings for fic: [redacted] lmfaooooo🥴🥴🥴  warnings for teaser: cursing, yoongi’s fit, dirty talk, namjoon deserves his own gd warning throughout this whole fic so it’s included in the teaser warnings, too :^))  note: fuuuuuuck me lol. this is also gonna have some heavy 00s vibes so let’s fcking go🦋 est. drop date: jul-aug 2023 est. word count: 15-20k taglist: join here (will be checking blogs!) —18+ teaser below if you want to read :)) drops you right in the middle! minors dni.  
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Weeks go by and you keep your options super open, with the occasional run-in with Yoongi and the strangely refreshing dates with Namjoon. 
As much as you want things to move forward with the latter, he’s kept every meet-up early and short, always checking his phone with pure concentration before heading out. 
Did you think about whether or not he had a girl already? Absolutely. But just being able to have nice dinners and talk was pretty fucking harmless considering. 
If he finally decides to cave in and split you in two, maybe you’ll re-evaluate. But you hope that happens sooner rather than later because you are aching to feel anything he’d give you. 
That and the frustrating fact that he looks more and more attractive with every damn date.
Speaking of attractive things… 
One dingy, smoke-filled event on south side, just as you were cussing someone out for slapping your ass, it was Yoongi that shocked you by stepping in, quietly shielding you and taunting,
“You wanna try that again?”
“Fuck outta here, man. Just having a good time.”
When your surprise of a savior aims one slitted eye over his shoulder, he asks,
“You having fun?”
And your arms fold in calm revenge. “Not with him.”
“Didn’t think so.” Turning back around, Yoongi simply eases, “I’ll let you off this time, but only cus she’s listening.”
Your blink is immediate.
“But I better not see your sorry ass anywhere near her by the time I get on stage.”
Safe to say, it didn’t matter if he saw that guy or not. 
Because he definitely saw you after the show, right before you tugged his stupid tracksuit into the nearest bathroom.
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Ever since the first, all your dates with Namjoon have been innocent.
So it sends shivers across your arms when low words slip into your ear. Words so spiced that they cause your thighs to squirm on the cheap vinyl booth you both occupy, 
“I gotta say… I didn’t expect us to talk this much.” 
Breath hitching, you slowly turn, fixated on the veins running down his arms while admiring the way neon lights make rainbows of his chains. Not giving much of your own thoughts away, you simply ask, 
“This time? Or at all?”
“Honestly?” His smile coats you in a layer of warmth. Which is strange considering how frozen you really feel. “I don’t usually do dates.” 
You’ve never moved away so quick. “Wait, really?”
“Oh, shit. Was that bad to say?” 
“No, I”—pure relief juts out of your mouth—“Neither do I.” 
“No fuckin’ way,” Namjoon challenges with a grin, shaking his head when you nod multiple times. “Nah. You can’t tell me your fine ass has never gone out before.” 
“First of all,” you tut, smirking at his true nature coming through, “This ass has been taken out more times than yours.” 
“Oh, yeah?”
“Mmhmm.” Flipping your head, you give him a mocking once-over, feigning boredom even though you wanna mount those goddamn thighs and ride them into next Wednesday. “I just don’t waste my time dating.” 
“Then why’d you keep coming?”
“Why’d you keep asking?”
At your coy tone, Namjoon’s smile grows and grows, and you’re enjoying where this is going an obscene, frightening amount. 
Instead of responding, he simply lifts an arm to skirt knuckles right up the front of your dress, finally looping one under the necklace dangling from your neck. When he presses a bold thumb down, you cease breathing as he softly tugs forward, your entire body following without resistance. 
And just as your lips hover against his, he challenges, 
“Cus if I asked you anything else, you would’ve ran.”
Oh, fuck. 
Butterflies scatter at his insinuation, and they fall victim to his honeyed smirk when you taunt, 
“Try me.” 
What the hell is he gonna say? Based on your earlier conversations, you could tell he has a way with words. You don’t have to spell a single thing out for him, that’s for damn sure. 
The look you get is pure sin before he moves to your ear, his mouth hidden from the rest of the bar and hot breath stroking your neck. Anticipation keeps your body fully alert, and yet it still doesn’t prepare you for whatever comes out of this dude’s mouth. 
“Like if you’d ever let me paint those tits.” 
The fuck.
“Or if you’d let me be the first to make you squirt.” 
The fuck?
Your exhale comes out stilted before stuttering out, and your chest physically heaves because—
“What, that’s all it takes to make you shy?” 
Holy shit. You haven’t felt this way in years. 
Truthfully, you can’t even think up an inkling of a response. 
Because the hand on your necklace slides downward, a finger lowering your dress bit. By bit. By bit.
Before letting it spring back with a snap.
tbc. :)
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💌 l m f a o what do we think!! 💌
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A/N: PFFFFFT SO. thank you so much for reading and for all of your support in general. as you can probably tell, i am sweating writing this whole thing if this is what i decide to share as the teaser dklfjdsklf honestly y’all i need all the strength i can muster for these two DEMONS that are haunting the everloving SHIT out of me LMAOOO  ++ taglist:  ⇥ of course, any reblogs/comments/messages are appreciated!  ⇥ no emails collected, just put your username and make sure ur age is visible on your blog somewhere so i can see it when i check. ⇥ here!   ++ ⇥ masterlist 
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hatsue-exe · 2 years
Can I get a request for Kidd and Law (separate) after a bad argument (hurtful words thrown both way) with their s/o? Who apologises first and how? How quick are they to forgive? What was said that hurt each other? Sorry if it's too long and detailed 😅
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How they act after a fight:
warnings: some angst, fem!reader for kid (dunno why, just felt like it), gn!reader for law, reader is part of their crews.
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Eustass is the king of bickering with everyone in the ship, so it's not uncommon that you have disagreements. Fights, however, are a whole other situation.
When you actually fight, it escalates to the point where no one in the crew is able to ignore it. And Kid never masures his words, shouting whatever comes to his mind, so it gets hurtful pretty quickly.
Because of that, he's usually the one to apologise first, even if he's terrible at it.
"Why do you always get in the way? I can handle my own fucking fights!" you screamed as you boarded the Victoria Punk, your captain right behind you.
"Sure you could, just like last time, when you got yourself hurt and Killer almost got shot!"
"I was fine…" Killer mumbled, loud enough for you two to hear.
"See? He was fine! I was fine!"
"Of course he was fine, he's my fucking first mate! He's the one that got you out of that fucking mess! If he hadn't been fine, you'd be dead now!"
"As if you gave a shit about my well being!"
Heat passed the both of you, half the crew following him into the kitchen to try and ignore the fight. Killer, however, stuck around. He knew what was coming and that he'd have to interfere if it went any further.
"No, I don't give a shit about you at all, that's why I waste my fucking time protecting your useless ass from every enemy we cross!"
There it was.
You stopped in your tracks, eyes getting tearful at his words, but you held it, walking past Kid and out of the ship again. "Fine. Since I'm such a nuance, I'll get out of your sight. I'm no longer a Kid's Pirate."
That Killer was not expecting.
"Good fucking ridance."
Oh, no.
The entire crew got to the deck just in time to see you disappear back into the town you ported in. Killer went to his captain, pulling Eustass to the side. "Go after her.", he said, voice muffled by the mask.
"No. She left all her shit on the ship. She'll be back by dinner, when she's done trowing this fucking tantrum."
Problem was, you did not come back by dinner that day, nor the next, nor the following week. And Kid grew concerned. What if you crossed some marine's path? Or a stronger set of pirates?
What if you just didn't want to come back?
Those thoughts plagued his mind until he'd had enough. "Everyone! Get out there and find our fucking crewmate!"
Obviously, Killer was the one to find you. You were at a bar a bit far from the city, the owner being kind enough to land you a room in exchange for some help. "Captain wants you back."
"Your captain, Killer. I'll wait for some other crew to take me in."
"We're your crew." He sounded almost hurt, and you signed, putting away the broom and looking at him. "Come back to us, if not for him."
"So I can stand in your way? Killer, I have the lowest bounty of all of you. You have so much to conquer. I don't wanna bother."
"And I don't wanna conquer shit without you." Both of you turned to see Kid at the bar's door. "Can we talk in private?"
You took Kid to the back, while Killer went to find the rest of the crew. "We'll wait for you on the ship", he said, and you had no idea who he meant.
"Talk, Eustass."
"Look, I'm an idiot, a'right? I shouldn't have said that shit to you. When you got hurt and I didn't manage to stop it, when Killer was the one to go save you, I got mad at myself. I'm supposed to be your fucking partner, what use is that if I can't keep you safe? I was just trying to… Ugh, I don't even fucking know anymore."
"I get what you mean, Kid." You took a step towards him, barely believing your punk-ass captain was being so communicative. "But you can't spend your time babying me. I may not be the strongest, but…"
"You're strong. I wouldn't allow some weak thing on my ship. I wouldn't be in love with anyone weak. I'm sorry. Please come back to us. To me."
That last part was mumbled, but you knew it was sincere. Closing the space between you, you hugged Kid by the waist. "Second and last chance, Eustass. Pull this shit again and I'll rip your other arm."
"HA! Now there's my girl."
Fights with Law are much different. They almost never happen, simply because he'll room himself out of the situation, which makes it worse sometimes if you actually need to discuss something with him.
Both of you usually end up apologising, and pretty quickly. Holding grudges is a bit though in a submarine.
"I just want to talk, Law. Can you please hear me out this time?"
"We don't need to talk. The problem was solved. End of it."
You grew more and more frustrated. All you wanted was for Law to include you a bit more in his plan-making. You were a great strategist and he knew it. But his plans worked, and that's all that mattered to him apparently. "I just want to help. Aren't we supposed to be partners in this whole thing?!"
Trafalgar got away from the desk and turned his chair to you. "We're partners, but ultimately this is my ship and we will do things my way."
"Ugh, why do you have to be so stubborn? At least give me a chance to…"
"No. If something goes wrong, I'm responsible for it, so we do as I say and that's final. We've had this discussion before. Don't make me have it again." He went to turn to his work, but you got in the way, covering his books with your hand.
"Law I've had enough of this! Let me help! You don't have to do everything by yourself, we're a team! Just goddamn it, let me in."
Seeing your eyes water made Law sign, his hands reaching out to you and pulling you to his lap. "You're right. I'm sorry. It's just hard for me to listen, but I'll try next time, ok?"
"Thank you. I'm sorry for being pushy as well, but I just get frustrated, you know?"
He took your hand in his tattooed one and kissed your knuckles. "I do, dear. Please, say your piece. I'm all ears."
You knew that it wasn't much yet, and you'd definitely have to go over this same topic again after a while, but it was a good start.
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a/n: your request was great, don't worry! also sorry for law's being shorter, i just don't know how to write his personality properly :") and i also love kid's little punk, bitch-ass so
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pablitogavii · 9 months
Best friend's little sister Pt. 2
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Pablo was arriving to training a little later than usual noticing Hector with a prominent bruise on his left eye. He was starting to train with the first team occasionally and there was clear tension between him and Pedri since the party.
Pablo couldn't deny he was happy someone knocked the dude for grabbing your ass, but it also made him worried what his best friend might do to him if he finds out the whole truth. Ayy que haces conmigo pequeñita!
"We still have to play with him hermano" Pablo said sitting besides Pedri who was giving the boy death glares.
"I heard you pulled her away from him that night" Pedri said and Pablo's blood froze wondering how much did Hector see really hoping he was too wasted to care what happened against the wall.
"Yeah..I saw her and took her home" Pablo said seeing his friend nod which told him that he didn't know anything more..fuck that was close!
"Gracias hermano! She's defiantly being grounded for this stunt" Pedri said and Pablo nodded knowing he already gave his 'punishment' that same night before Pedri returned.
"P..please papi make me cum..i'll be good..i..p..promise you" my cries filled the room as Pablo was edging me for the past hour always brining me right to the edge before denying me to finish..this was torture and he knew it.
"Mi nena mala doesn't get to cum..not until she fixes her attitude" Pablo whispered into my ear denying me once more before dressing me up in his black shirt and kissing me goodnight.
"Think twice before letting someone else touch what's mine pequeñita.." were the last words he spoke to me before sneaking out that night.
End of flashback
"I have one rule, my sister is off limits! Fucking respect it!" Pedri groaned while fixing his coasters and Pablo gulped feeling very dirty for thinking dirty thoughts with my brother sitting right besides him. Pedri will never get over his rule..
A week passed and Pedri was still giving me a cold shoulder for sneaking out that night but my "punishment" ends today and I were happy for finally being able to leave the house again after school.
Tonight his friends (Pablo included;) were coming over and since Masa was out of town to visit her family, I came down the stairs wanting to hang out with them.
Pedri came back from the kitchen seeing me there asking to play FIFA with them. He placed snacks on the table asking me to let them chill alone but I looked at Pablo with puppy dog eyes..I really wanted to stay!
"She'll play with me, vale ? More chances for you to win hermano" Pablo said and Pedri shrugged nodding his head..it was only when it came to Pablo did he trust with his sister.
Balde, Ansu, Ferran and even Rapha noticed how close the two of us were always somehow touching or laughing together. We even won one time celebrating by hugging but to Pedri that was nothing special..Pablo was his best friend and he trusted him.
"Last round, I'm posting the winners on my story! Ready to loose Pablito??" Rapha said challenging Pablo. He pulled me back taking the full control and basically massacring them one by one as you cheered at the end.
"We won! Huh take that!!!" you said sticking your tongue out at the boys who rolled their eyes laughing while Pablo took a moment to look down at you with a smirk. He liked how my small hand was holding his flexed bicep..fuck he was getting horny again!!
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whatever they won 🙄 @pablogavi @y.n.gonzalez
barcafanss: are they together!!?😍
gaviragirls: her hand placement!!😳
pedrimirey: that's pedris sister relaxx!
pedrigavifans: yeah no way will pedri let him be with his little sis!!
pedrii: stop the rumors cause you'll ruin their friendship
pablogavi: good job pequeñita!
y.n.gonzalez: 💪🏼
pedri: "if she plays with me we'll lose hermano!!!" -pg
pablogavi: 😂😂😂
pedrigonzz: see they're just friends relaxXX!!!!
"Damn I forgot about my physical exam tomorrow morning..I can't take you to school hermanita" Pedri said mid dinner looking at me and then at Pablo who immediately offered to take his car and pick me up.
"House keys are upstairs..I can grab.." Pedri couldn't finish the sentence since I already said I was tired and can give it to Pablo as he followed me upstairs.
"You sure there's nothing going on between them Pedri?" Rafa asked and Pablo gulped but heard Pedri say he was absolutely sure about it. That was good but ultimately made Pablo even more screwed up!
The moment you were upstairs, you grabbed Pablo's hand and he pulled you closer kissing your lips feverishly. You were both screwed but couldn't care less in that moment!!!
"I wanted to do that all night!" you say and he smirks when you pulled away from each other.
"You really need to be more subtle about your affection pequeñita or he will start to notice too.." Pablo said as I pulled him into my room jumping into his arms and he grabbed my butt holding me up and kissing my lips again..we were both hungry for each other.
"I didn't do anything..you were holding my hand underneath the table the whole dinner!" I remind him while he kept kissing me from my lips to my neck while sitting down on the bed with me straddling his lap.
"And you were caressing my bicep as I played the game..it was driving me loco pequeñita!!!" he said and I giggled smiling and leaning into his neck to leave a few kisses myself. He closed his eyes enjoying the sweet ministration I gave to his neck wondering how badly he wanted to have you right now on this bed!
"I can't stay long.." he reminded me but still enjoyed my kisses. It was like his head and heart couldn't agree in that moment..I knew the feeling!!!
"Hm..we can say I just couldn't find the keys so quickly??" you smirk and he nods pulling you with him onto the bed cuddling up comfortably for a few minutes.
"I need to come down soon or he will start looking for me.." Pablos said while spooning me and playing with my hair as I tried to fall asleep in his arms. I was so tired of sleeping alone..I just wanted to stay like this for at least one night more.
"But..I want to sleep in your arms like this tonight!!!" I whined and he kissed the top of my head slowly getting up as I grabbed his bicep not letting him go.
"No!" I sass getting his stern look again..fuck it was my kryptonite!
"Be good now pequeñita..one more goodnight kiss and I'll see you tomorrow morning vale?" he said and I smiled as he kissed my lips one more time tucking me in and grabbing the car keys on the nightstand.
"Goodnight mi cielo.." he said and I blushed at that new nickname..it made butterflies in my stomach erupt..me and Pablo really started being more than just attracted to each other and it was getting more dangerous.
"Goodnight.." I managed to say before he closed my bedroom door and left downstairs with the keys saying bye to his friends.
The next morning, I was woken up by soft warm body on top of mine instead of a loud and obnoxious alarm blaring besides my head. Pablo was kissing my neck massaging my hips as I smiled opening my eyes slowly to look at him and touch his hair.
"Hmm I can get used to this.." I say and he moved to lay besides me as I quickly cuddled up to him enjoying his warmth. Pedri was surely already gone to his physical and I could enjoy this moment with Pablo in peace.
"Will you come to the game tonight pequeñita??" he asked while playing with my hair gently and I smiled looking up and nodding my head. I wouldn't miss El Classico for anything in the world..now having two people to support instead of one.
"I know you'll wear Pedri's jersey..but..I can't help wishing to see you in mine one day" Pablo said and I knew he rarely opened up like this so I savored the moment..and I got an idea for a surprise in that moment.
I begged Pablo to pick Masa up with me and he groaned saying "just for you pequeñita" before my best friend joined us. When we arrived to school, Pablo hesitated but it was obvious what he wanted in that moment..what we both wanted.
"Go ahead..I won't say a word..promise! Just as long as my girl is happy!" she said and he kissed me being hidden from the rest of the world by black car windows.
"Be good! See you tonight pequeñita" he said as we both left and he surely checked out my school uniform again..he had a thing for it for sure!!! I told Masa about the surprise and she was excited for me promising to be my date for the game and make sure I can sneak out behind bleachers on time!!!
Spotify, Camp Nou
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Go Barçaaaa!! ❤️💙 @fcbarcelona
liked by pablogavi and others
y.n.the.pretiest: whose jersey is she wearing!!??
pedrirey: her brother's obviously!🙄
gavigavi: nahh she wearing gaviss cause they're dating clearly!
gavi.pedri.bros.for.life: stop with rumors!
gavigavi: he liked her picture!!!
masa.babyy: my girl!!💗💗💗
y.n.gonzalez: 💗💗
pedri: ❤️
y.n.gonzalez: hermanooo
fcbarcelona: ❤️
y.n.gonzalez: ❤️❤️
raphina: our craziest fan😂😂
y.n.gonzalez: 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
The game was intense, typical for El Classico, with lots of faul and occasional fighting. Pablo was the one catching arguments while my brother tried calming him down..all I could think about is seeing Pablo all sweaty and perfect after the game..fuck I hope he likes my surprise!!!
Luckily Barça ended up winning which pissed of the madritistas but most of all Vinicius Jr who pushed Pablo to the ground and the fight broke. You saw Pablo walking off the pitch looking at Masa who told you to go now and she will meet your brother.
You quickly took off Pedri's jersey smiling at your Gavi one underneath before running to meet him behind the bleachers like you agreed. He was there and your stomach flipped the moment your eyes landed on his..fuck he was pissed iff and never hotter!!!
"Have you seen that hijo de fucking puta!!? Pushing me because he can't lose and because we are a better club and.." but you shut him up with a kiss and his strong sweaty arms wrapped around your tightly..that's when he noticed HIS name shining on your back.
"Pequeñita..turn around for me???" he said and you smirked pulling away and turning to make him see bright GAVI shinning on your back before returning his gaze. He was in utter shock as his hand touched his part and before you knew it you were kissing again.
"Estas loca!? What if Pedri sees??" you say and again you shut him up with a kiss explaining that you wore his underneath your brothers..Pablo relaxed and continued making your with you with his hands now comfortably resting on your butt while his lips devoured yours.
You two were too "busy" to notice Vini standing there with his phone and snapping a picture with a smirk on his face..
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cerisesakurainspring · 6 months
Hello, may I please ask for headcanons for Inarizaki reacting to Omimi having a long distance gf, she's a foreigner in an all girls school
Thanks for the interesting concept request! Hope you like this one:)
For some reason, this prompt reminded me of that Juju Stroll scene where Megumi was being hit on.
I think that;
Kita - already knows. He knows everything.
Ojiro - still thinks moitié is the name of the girlfriend
Ginjima - goes along whatever Atsumu thinks of the girl
Suna - thinks she's just a fan. He doesnt really care though.
Kosaku - whispers “did he threaten you?”
Riseki - proud of his senpai
Akagi - created a whole ass scenario in his head as to how they were “forced to date” each other. Who threatened who? Shares the same braincell as Kosaku.
Atsumu - in disbelief. Is jealous and thinks he should also be handsome enough for a foreign girl to have a crush on him
Osamu - thinks Omimi’s cool for dating a foreign girl. Also slightly jealous.
“Where’d you three run off to again?” Aran’s raised eyebrow and slight lift of his lips betrayed the serious tone he was pretending to portray on his kohais. 
The Miya twins were running towards them, Suna trailing casually behind. He wondered what the second year trios were up to again.
“Omimi-senpai is being hit on!” The blonde Miya raised his pointy finger towards the gym exit doors.
“Someone’s hitting our senpai?!” The brown-haired wing spiker rolled his sleeves and clenched his hands as if readying himself for battle, “Let’s go as back-up!”
“Tone it down, Ginjima.” Kita interrupted as he finished folding his uniform. Once he put it neatly inside his gym bag, he looked up at Atsumu to inquire further. “Is Omimi speaking to a foreign-looking lady?”
The setter nodded his head eagerly and grabbed Suna’s phone from his hand. “Look at this, captain!” He pointed at the photo of the 3rd year middle blocker conversing with an angelic looking girl. The whole team gathered around him to look at the subject of interest, curiosity dancing in the air.
“Uh, should we worry about Omimi-san or the girl?” Inarizaki’s libero remarked as he stared at the unfamiliar figure in the photo.
“I think her name is Moitié.” Aran stated. “She is Omimi’s girl-”
“Speaking of the devil!” Osamu cut in as two figures entered the gym. The girl’s shy but gentle smile rendered them in awe.
Not for long though because Kosaku ran up to his senpai and coddled his arms, “Omimi-san, where’ev you been. You promised we’d have dinner tonight!”
“Yer still sleeping over at ours right?” Atsumu jumped up behind Omimi’s back and wrapped his legs around his waist. Osamu followed suit and clung onto his legs like a koala would to a tree.
Suna wasted no time and took excessive photos at varying angles. These will definitely be in the yearbook he mused to himself.
Kita sighed and approached your giggling figure, “Y/N-san, please pardon my teammates' behaviour. Although it is nice to see you again.”
“It’s all good Kita-san. I find it amusing.” You smiled warmly and nodded your head at Omimi. The latter smiled softly and grabbed your hand.
“Everyone, meet my girlfriend.”
A resounding consecutive gasps echoed in the gym, their mouths left agape with surprised whispers shared between a few.
Atsumu pointed his finger between the two of you accusingly. How is it that he himself, blessed by the gods for his fine and attractive features, does not have a girlfriend yet and his stoic but, yes, still good looking senpai does first?
Two big oh’s resembling that of a donut hole was all Suna and Osamu could muster.
Akagi was also still deep in thought when you spoke up. “Hello, pleased to meet you all!”
“It is nice to finally meet you in person, Moitié-san.” Aran extended his hand for a handshake but Omimi choked on his saliva as you laughed at the possible misunderstanding.
“Moitié is an endearment that means ‘my other half’, Y/N is my name, Aran-san.”
“Oh.” The color in his face drained from embarrassment. “Oh. Oh, I always thought that was your name because that’s what Omimi has on his contact list.” The sudden realization hit him like a truck, he almost would have been isekai’d to a fantasy world where he’d be reborn as a talking tree. “Oh. Omg I’m sorry.” Aran put up both his hands on his face from awkwardness.
“Did Omimi-senpai threaten you?” Kosaku whispered to which you laughed at what you presumed was a joke.
“No, silly. We met at a cosplay convention last year and have kept in contact since then.”
“I’m not sure if I should focus on the fact that Omimi-senpai is dating a foreigner or that he went to a cosplay convention.”
“I cosplayed Zoro from One-Piece.” Omimi said matter-of-factly so simply as if telling a grade schooler that 1+1 is 2.
“YOU COSPLAY?!” Inarizaki’s team were all astoundedly in disbelief at the surprising fact. All except for Kita.
Of course, he would know. It’s one of those things Omimi would talk over a hot cup of tea.
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upat4amwiththemoon · 1 year
Unwanted animal | part 2
Summary: Because that unwanted animal wants nothing more than to get out.
Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x female!reader
Warnings: cursing
Word count: 1990
a/n: as you probably saw from the first part, this doesn’t follow really the MCU timeline/events
Tags: @thought-of-you-and-me @rafecameronswhore @sayah13 @strangegardentaco @natashamaximoff69
masterlists | guidelines
All parts: part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5, part 6, part 7
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A week has passed since the Avengers brought Y/N to the compound. During the week she has been there, she has met most of the Avengers, those who work on Earth, and complied with any tests or questionings they wanted her to do. They all have been fair and easy on her, trusting Natasha’s judgment and believing Y/N is answering their questions truthfully. However, she has yet to get any of the privileges of a free woman, but she isn’t too bothered by it.
The Avengers haven’t actually found any of the other prisoners nor the new HYDRA facility where everything was moved. It seems like they’ve disappeared to thin air. They clearly upped their secrecy. Luckily, the information Y/N has given them hasn’t gone to waste. They have learned more about HYDRA’s doings, some of them things they were completely unaware about, like capturing former Black Widow agents and making them comply to their wants and needs. The Black Widow agents are an easy target after all, most of the girls and women have lived in there their whole life and they follow commands due to the mental programming, besides, all of the training has been done already. HYDRA only has to tweak their minds to follow their orders, everything else has been done for them.
A loud thump echoes through the training room as Natasha’s back hits the floor. She throws Y/N over her body in an attempt to get her down, but she lands right on her feet. The two stare at each other, both crouched down, watching the others moves. They’ve been training for a while now, but neither of their breaths have changed from the normal.
Natasha grins slightly when she notices Y/N’s leg twitch right before she moves to attack. Because of that, she’s able to dodge it and counter attack quickly. Her leg sweeps near the floor, finally bringing Y/N to the floor with a bang. She straddles her waist, immobilizing her legs and arms so she won’t be able to get out of her hold.
“I win.” She smirks.
Y/N scoffs and rolls her eyes, “only because I let you.”
Laughing, Natasha stands up and offers a hand to Y/N to pull her up with her. They’ve been training almost every day together to get Y/N back to her original strength. The starvation and dehydration she had to go through at HYDRA did take a toll on her physical wellness, but given her history, she’s able to overcome it more easily than someone else would.
“It’s okay, I get that you’re still a bit rusty.” Natasha comments before taking a sip from her water bottle.
“That’s a low blow.”
They laugh. The other team members have heard that sound from Natasha a lot more since Y/N arrived. They’re all surprised, but haven’t said anything about it, mostly because they’re sure Natasha would kick their asses.
Glancing at the clock, Natasha pack her bag. “Are you joining us for dinner?” She watches Y/N pack her own bag next to her. During the first two days at the compound, Y/N preferred to stay in her room during eating times. Being around all of the Avengers at once felt too overwhelming to do so soon. On the third day, Wanda made the initiative to ask Y/N to join them, having cooked Russian food just for her and Natasha’s sake, hoping it’d ease the transition even a little bit. After that, Y/N started eating with the team.
“Would you like me to join the dinner?”
“Of course.”
Y/N smiles, her bag now resting on her shoulder as she looks at Natasha. “Then I’ll be joining you.”
“I’ll save you a seat next to me.”
The two start walking out of the training room, going to shower in their respective rooms. “How sweet.” Y/N throws Natasha a playful look before opening the door to her room. “I’ll see you at dinner.” She closes the door after her, leaving Natasha to stare at the closed door a moment longer, before going into her own.
Y/N opens her hair from the ponytail with a sigh. She walks over to the bathroom, locking the door right behind her. She has never gotten the luxury of privacy or a space that’s her own, so she is using all the benefits she has. Choosing to lock the door is one of those. The main door of the bedroom is still unable to lock, as the Avengers need to have access to her room because of the whole trust thing, but Y/N is very happy to just be able to lock her bathroom door. And having a proper bathroom.
Taking off her clothes and folding them before putting them into the hamper, Y/N steps into the shower. She turns it on, a smile appearing to her face when the warm water hits her skin. Showering has become one of those things to her that bring comfort. Whenever she’s feeling lost or overwhelmed, she takes a shower, not feeling comfortable with talking to anyone about her worries. It’s cleansing, in more ways than one, the water droplets hitting her skin empty her mind.
It’s peaceful, not having to think about her duties or next steps.
Y/N follows the conversation going around her with a smile on her face. She has already finished eating her dinner, as her appetite is still messed up from years of starvation, but she enjoyes listening the team talk, hearing all the gossip and what’s going on in each of their lives.
Listening gets her up to speed on the team. Obviously she has heard about the Avengers before, having been locked up with their enemies her whole life, but there are a lot of things she doesn’t know, personal things.
“I hope everyone has treated you well.” Steve states with a smile on his face, bringing Y/N into the conversation.
“Yes, they have, thank you, really. You had no obligation to treat me so well and let me stay this long.”
“I believe Natasha mentioned to you, you have a possibility of staying here, for good.”
She glances at Natasha, who nods with a smile. “She did.”
“I think I speak for all of us, that we would be very happy if you accepted the offer. Of course, making it official means going through a basic lie detector test, but that’s just protocol.”
Y/N nods with a quiet hum. “Of course.”
“How has training gone?” Steve turns to Natasha as he speaks.
“Very well, she’s getting back to her strength quickly.”
“Then I don’t see a reason to delay the final part.” He moves his head back to Y/N, a smile on his face. Steve likes her, she’s polite and helpful. She clearly wants to help them. He trusts her.
“As you see best.”
Sitting on a small chair, Y/N stares straight forward as Natasha attaches the wires to her body. Her touch is gentle, her fingers touch her skin lightly when she moves sleeves out of the way. She keeps glancing at her, but Y/N’s gaze doesn’t meet hers.
After setting up everything, Natasha takes a step back, “agent Maria Hill will be doing your test, but I’ll be right on the other side of the door.” They decided to bring someone from SHIELD to do the lie detector to have someone who doesn’t know her personally, someone unbiased.
“Alright.” Her voice is light. Finally she turns to look at Natasha. Nothing shows up on her face. “I’ll see you on the other side.”
With a grin, Natasha nods and leaves the room, holding the door open for Maria. “I’m agent Hill, pleasure to meet you.” She sits down to the chair opposite of Y/N. There files in front of her to get her up to speed on the situation. “This test is designed to tell us if you’re lying with 100% accuracy, if I find you to be untruthful, there will be consequences. This is private, no one else will hear your answers. Do you understand?”
Agent Hill nods, “lets start with simple questions. What is your name?”
“No last name?”
“I don’t know my last name.”
“How long were you in the Red Room?”
“Since I was born, I got out once it was destroyed.”
“Then you worked with Hydra?”
“Do you still affiliate yourself with HYDRA or the Red Room?” As Maria asks the question, her eyes are tightly locked to the panel in front of her.
The readings stay the same. Without showing anything on her face, Maria continues asking questions. Some of them are more obscure than others, like what is the difference between an egg and a rock, but Y/N answers them all the same. Her readings don’t move, until the final question, “why do you want to be part of the Avengers?” Y/N’s pupil moves the tiniest amount, making Maria lift her head up to face her. “Why are you here, Y/N?”
Y/N doesn’t blink. She doesn’t tighten her hold on the armrests. She doesn’t swallow. She just breathes in and out, like she has all her life. “I am here to be with the Avengers, to complete missions and make up for the things I’ve done.”
Maria’s gaze is sharp like a hawk as she looks through the statistics in front of her. Nothing flashes red. “Alright,” she walks over to Y/N and starts taking the wires off of her, “you’re all clear.”
“Thank you, agent Hill.” She gives the agent a nod in respect and leaves the room with a smile on her face.
“I’m guessing things went well since you aren’t handcuffed.” Natasha is the first person she sees out in the hallway. She has a teasing grin on her face as she leans against a wall, her arms crossed over her chest.
“Were you nervous?” She asks, her voice light and playful.
Chuckling, Natasha just shakes her head and starts walking towards their rooms by Y/N’s side. She’d be lying if she said she wasn’t nervous. But, that’s something she isn’t going to say out loud. “Congrats then, you’re an official Avenger.” She sets her hand to Y/N’s shoulder, squeezing in lightly.
“That’s it? I don’t have to do anything else?”
“That’s it. You’d really think there was a more complicated way joining, but most members got in easier. Of course, we always tend to do background checks, but that’s a little difficult to do to spies who technically aren’t supposed to exist.” They stop in front of their doors. “Today’s movie night, are you joining us?”
“You guys do movie nights?” She smirks, making Natasha roll her eyes.
“Every once in a while, Peter kinda dragged us to keep them, and now we have them even when he isn’t here.”
Y/N smiles and nods, “I’ll join.”
“I’ll reserve us a blanket then.”
“We’re on blanket sharing basis now?”
Natasha stares at the teasing look on Y/N’s face with a small smile. “Yeah, we are.”
The grin on her face slowly turns to a genuine smile. “Okay, can’t wait.” She says, her voice quiet. The two stand on the hallway, staring at each other with dopey smiles on their faces.
Something inside Natasha sparks. She feels her heart beat little bit faster than normally and her face suddenly radiates heat. Suddenly her palms are clammy, she has to wipe them to her pants discreetly. Her breath starts going irregularly, like she has suddenly forgotten how to breathe properly. She wants to break eye contact with Y/N, but it’s almost like her eyes are locked to with hers. All of these feelings are bubbling to the surface so quickly, and it scares the shit out of her.
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captainpulisic · 2 years
dont call me baby - m. mount
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feedback is appreciated gif credits to owner word count : 1.4k
by the time ben has the bright idea to call you, mason is absolutely wasted. music can be heard down the street and the house might explode with how many people are packed in.  
mason can’t stop laughing at nothing in particular, the alcohol doing a number on him. he’s halfway pouring himself another shot before ben snatches it from him. ignoring the childish protest from his friend, he guides him outside for some much needed fresh air. “i think we’ve had enough, yeah?”
ben makes sure mason is settled on the curb of the sidewalk before dialing your number, begrudgingly taking the role of babysitter.  
“uh y/n, are you busy?”
“not really, everything okay?” you have to hold the phone away from your ear, trying not to get ear damage from the loud music bleeding out in the background.
“no, yeah everything is good. i just think its best if you come get mase, he’s pretty shitfaced.”
over the receiver, you hear masons slurring, “who are you on the phone with? come sit with me!” you feel silly, just hearing his voice makes your heart skip a beat. 
“its y/n”
“y/n? y/n! where is she?” you can hear the smile in his tone and it makes you weak in the knees. if only you could see how pathetically sweet he looks, eyes looking for you in every direction. 
ben must have given mason the phone because his voice is suddenly clearer than ever. “y/n?”
“everything okay, love? having fun?”
“i think so, i said i wasn’t going to drink that much but kai kicked my ass in beer pong… twice.” he mumbles the last part, quietly. “are you almost here? i need you, i miss you.”
“i miss you too, sweet boy.” you swear you can’t love him anymore than you do right now. he always gets so soft and lovey when he’s drunk, it’s your favorite version of him. “want me to take you home?”
“what a scandalous proposition, at least buy me dinner before asking me to go home with you!” he laughs at his own joke for a solid minute.
“i’ll buy you all the dinners you want, okay? i’ll be there soon.” 
you exchange ‘i love yous’ and mason hands the phone back to ben, having watched the whole conversation with amusement. and the amusement only grows when mason lets himself fall back onto the patch of sidewalk grass. he hears mason ramble about something along the lines of ‘she wants to take me home’.
“hurry, for his own good.”
when you finally do arrive, you find mason passed out on bens shoulder. quickly getting off the car, you approach them and kneel right in front of them. mason is still mumbling nonsense of ‘her’ and ‘home’, eyes glazed and sleepy. you boop his nose, affectionately. he looks extra beautiful with the streetlight illuminating his features. “hello there, handsome. let’s get out of here, yeah?”
nothing could’ve prepared you for the serious look mason gave you as his gaze landed on you. no smiles, no laughing. in an annoyed tone, “no thanks, please leave me alone.”
ben and you share a confused look. you force yourself to swallow the sadness that was creeping up in you. mason has never been so cold with you, always wanting to work out arguments instead of fighting. what could you have done to him in that fifteen minute drive to warrant such a cold attitude? you reach for his hand, “im sorry, mase? did i do something wrong?”
“i said to leave me alone.” he retracts his hand at lighting speed, making your heart feel worse than it ever has. he’s certainly never done that before. “my girlfriend is on her way and i don’t think she’ll appreciate you putting the moves on me.”
you raise an eyebrow, “mason, what are you on about?” 
“just leave.” 
you really didn’t understand what was going on. “baby, whats going on?”
“do not call me baby, only my girlfriend can do that.”
oh my, your mood does a complete 180 and now you really can’t contain your laugh. your poor boyfriend is drunker than you thought. Keeping the charade up, you reach to ruffle his hair “i’m so sorry, i had no idea you had a girlfriend.”
his reflexes are quick, trying to dodge your affectionate gestures. “you should be sorry. please- hey stop that, i know y/n will definitely get mad if she sees you playing with my hair. only she’s allowed to do that.” not even waiting for your response, he turns to ben. “is y/n almost here? i want her.”
this time, you and ben share an amused look. ben pats his back,  “she just called, said she’s almost here.”
hearing that, masons stern glare is targeted at you again. he slurs, “now you really do have to leave. y/n might be nice but she will fight you if she sees you trying to get into my pants. leave before i tell her you tried calling me baby.”
without another word, you get up and walk behind your car, hidden from masons view. giving him a couple seconds to believe that this “other girl” left, you prepare to come out of your hiding spot. when you finally do reappear, you walk up to him again, hoping the ruse will work. acting as if this is the first time you’re seeing him tonight, you kneel down again and kiss his cheek. realizing that it’s really you this time, masons entire mood shifts. he tries and fails to get up, trying to grasp your hand. “y/n!”
“hey pretty boy!” ruffling his hair, this time he leans into it. “you’re okay?”
“yeah, just a little drunk and sleepy. i really want you to take me home, not sexually just literally.”
“thats what i’m here for, baby.”
as if the word triggers some memory he was trying hard to repress, mason lets out a gasp. “y/n! you’ll never believe what just happened.”
“some girl tried touching my hair and she was calling me baby and getting too close to me. i told her i had a girlfriend but she wouldn’t listen. i was properly mad but i told her you’d fight her if she stuck around.”
“oh, yeah? was she pretty? did you like her?” you know you shouldn’t take advantage of him in this state but it was just too fun to tease drunk mason. 
“no! i didn’t even look at her! i was just waiting for you to show up and trying my best to ignore her. i swear it!”
at this, ben snorted and helped you lift mason up. latching on to you, he sways you both around, promising he didn’t even pay attention to that other girl. you say your goodbyes to ben after making sure mason is properly in the car. 
halfway on the drive, mason speaks up. “where were you tonight? you should’ve come along and protected me from scary girls.”
you laugh at this.
“whats so funny?”
“nothing. just thought of me following you around, making sure no other girl touches your pretty hair.”
soon enough, you’re back home and helping him stumble in through the front door. getting him up the stairs should earn you a gold medal, setting aside the fact that he only almost slipped twice. entering your shared bedroom, you gently sit him down on the bed and begin to undress him. he hums in content when he is left in only his boxers and an old shirt, quickly being tucked in the covers by you. even in his state, he wants to tell you how much he appreciates you, how you’re his whole world.  “i love you, y/n.”
“i love you, sweet boy.” you give him a quick peck on his stubbled cheek, before changing out of your clothes and climbing into bed alongside him. immediately, he pulls you to him, nestling his face into the crook of your neck. this is heaven to you, feeling his warm touch all over you. 
you kiss him one more time, “go to sleep, love. you had a long night.”
“but i’m not even tired!” he whines, stifling a yawn.
“yes you are, mase.” lifting your hand to his hair, you begin to play with it in hopes that it lulls him to sleep. “it’s okay, i’ll stay up for a bit if you need anything.”
mason doesn’t even hear the last part of your sentence, already lost in his dreams of you.
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abiiors · 10 months
cozy making dinner wt home/movie night blurb !!
oooohhh i love writing domestic fluff!!
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the whole kitchen smells absolutely mouth-watering. what’s even more mouth-watering, however, is matty at the hob, flipping the chicken on the cast iron griddle. one side of it is deliciously golden-brown and crispy, and under his breath, matty hums some tune. 
so you sit there at the dining table and watch him in his element—quick deft movements as if he’s had a chef’s training. but this is not supposed to be anything special, just him cooking for you after what’s been a really hard week at work. 
fifteen minutes ago, he announced that all you need to do today is sit still and look pretty. he’ll handle the rest. 
“you always look pretty anyway,” he grins, “just need to sit at the table and talk to me love. let me take care of you.”
and so here you are, sipping on a can of coke and talking to him about some trivial work drama. 
“she won’t even acknowledge that it’s her fault!” you whine and matty hums in response, “and then me and my team have to clean up her messes, can you believe it? if this were my business, i would have fired her ages ago.”
“so stop cleaning up her messes,” his tone is nonchalant, and matty rests the spatula to one side. 
“babe,” he crosses the distance between you, standing right in front of you now and placing a little kiss on your head. “i’m serious. stop cleaning up after others. i don’t like seeing you so burnt out and exhausted.”
you take another, knowing what he’s saying is right. this is not your cross to bear. “yeah, i know, i know…” 
there’s a pause where the only sound is the chicken sizzling on the griddle. but then you sigh, softly nuzzling your head in his chest. “you’re right. you always are—”
“i’ll remind you of this the next time you argue with me,” he teases and you shush him with a playful glare.
“but! i’m not going to waste my breath on that. not when you’re being so sweet to me.”
his squawk of outrage makes you giggle. "i'm always sweet to you!"
at that point, it’s almost irresistible to control your impulsive thoughts. so just as matty turns to go back to the chicken, you slap his ass, laughing at the dirty little look he throws your way. 
“look at you, a proper house-husband!”
matty rolls his eyes, thoroughly unimpressed but at the last moment you see him crack a little smile and shake his head.
“go pick out a movie for us to watch,” he instructs and then winces, “but please baby… please! do not make me watch a hallmark christmas movie again.”
“i thought this was about making me feel better?”
he groans, defeated by that logic, and you stifle a giggle knowing you were on your way to do exactly that.  
ten minutes later, as you settle on the sofa under heaps of blankets and covered in the glow of the telly, matty appears with two plates loaded with pasta and garlic bread. his hair’s all over the place, messy curls everywhere, and his collarbone is visible from the way the sleeve of his jumper falls off his shoulder. but what melts your heart the most is his soft smile and even softer eyes. 
he sets the plates down on the coffee table and makes his way next to you under the blankets. his arm wraps around your waist and matty leans in to give you a quick kiss before handing you your plate. 
the pasta smells absolutely delicious and looks gorgeously creamy so it’s no surprise when you moan at the cheesy first bite, barely even paying attention to his laugh.
“that good?” he asks. 
“the best! when did you get so good at this, huh?
“oi!” he pokes your side, doing it again when you try to squirm away from him, “i’ve always been this good.”
he knows not to wait for a response because you’re already busy inhaling the food. instead, matty faces the telly again, groaning fondly at the hallmark christmas movie that’s waiting for him. 
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Push and Pull
Mina X M Reader
Tags: Smut, Edging, with a little bit of Fluff.
WC: 2.5K
A/N: Well this one took a while, y'all be the judge. Enjoy.
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Well the plan all goes to shit, you think. The clock strikes 24 minutes past 11 in the evening. The dinner is already cold and she's not home yet. Your phone didn't even rung once, she might not have had the chance to send you a quick message to let you know that she'll be late. You get it, her work schedule has no fixed time. Sometimes it does not end until the wee hours of the morning. She's a model alright, and a damn good one.
Deflated, you resign yourself and collapse on the sofa. The decorated table will have to wait until tomorrow to be cleaned up. A shame really, you thought you cooked the steak to perfection only to be put to waste. But you don't have the appetite to eat it alone, somehow you still wish the dinner will still be possible when she comes home. Wishful thinking at best.
And she did, eventually. You wake up to the sound of the door opening, the scuffle as she removes her footwear. You thought for a second, maybe you'll pretend you're asleep and wait what she will do. There's that small hope in you, maybe she'll surprise you or anything. However just like your night, the plan didn't materialize the way you wanted to.
"You're home." Disappointed you might be but the sight of her always puts a smile on your face. She's gorgeous in her outfit, like how in everything she wears. The checkered white top with the black pants works wonders on her. And the abs, damn the abs.
"Can you prepare the shower for me, love? I badly need one." Mina is somehow stern and cold in her words.
"Is something wrong, love?" You set aside how you feel to check on her.
"Just prepare the shower. You know the temperature I like." She shrugs off the question like it's nothing.
Well fuck! You didn't think your night was going to be any worse yet it did. Mina likes her shower hot, maybe a bit too hot for your taste. It needs to be prepared now so you head to the bathroom to do what she asks. Before entering however, you notice her casually strips all her clothes right there in the living room. It is impossible to ignore her, it's impossible not to watch as each piece of clothing is discarded to form a pile on the floor revealing her wonderland of a body.
"Do you want me to prepare the shower for myself, love?" She jeers at you when she realizes you got distracted.
Maybe something happened at work, but you'll find out later. You know her well, and you know what to do to not add to her thoughts. It's just a tiny bit harder now, given you have your own heartache to deal with as well.
"Is it ready?" Her voice snaps you off from your thoughts. You didn't notice that she's at your back already. Thankfully the water is at the right temperature now. You nod and gesture to lead her inside the shower.
Mina is bare naked, and every bit of her is perfect in your opinion. You've seen her in her truest form more than a few times, yet every time feels like the first time.
"Don't just stand there, I need you to scrub my back."
Understanding what to do, you take off your clothes on a whim. Once again you are reminded of the failed night, you dressed to look good you have noticed. It does matter little now, she orders you to undress and join her and you did just that.
Mina moans as she steps into the shower. The temperature is perfect, it is clear to see. You watch as the water inevitably drench her whole body. Hypnotized, you follow a single drop travels from her ass cheek down to her legs. Then it hits you, your penis is now up and about.
"You know what to do." Mina hands you the bath soap. "Only my back."
Only her back? You repeat the words in your mind. She said them with such conviction it sounds like a threat. Maybe it really is.
You pour the soap on your hands and lather her back with it. Her words echo yet again on your mind forcing you to abide and do the task properly, scrubbing her back and hard to reach places. Her soft skin distracts you but other than the proud standing member, you are able to keep to yourself.
"That should be enough." Mina then turns around and pulls you in closer, flinching at the contact of the hot water on your body. When you are fully drenched, Mina starts to apply soap on your chest, carefully, sensually.
"Did something happen at work?" You attempt to ask the lingering question.
She just shakes her head and continues what she's doing, or at least you thought she would. Instead her hand wraps around your dick and works it. The sudden pleasure surprises you, and you let out a moan. Desperate for more contact, you reach out to her ass to pull her closer to you.
"Hands off love, or I'll stop."
Your hands instantly dislodge from its hold, not wanting to leave the current paradise. Not wanting to be kicked out from its gates. Mina knows you, like the back of her hand. Throw in the front too given how good the handjob she's giving you. All the while, she maintains eye contact in which you struggle to keep yourself.
"It's so good, love." Well it's completely obvious that it is, your body couldn't deny it.
It did not take long for you to feel like you're going to blow anytime soon. Your body starts to tense up and your breaths short. The firm grip, the elegant upward and downward motion as Mina jerks your dick, the constant eye contact. Every single thing contributes towards the imminent climax of pleasure. It's a big load, you can feel it will be.
"I'm going to fucking cum, love." You ready yourself to let go. You're not going to last any longer, you've held on long enough. Besides, it looks like she's not letting up too.
Then pandemonium.
You expected to release all that was kept inside, all the cum and all the pleasure. You were on the edge, but no. Mina leaves you hanging.
"What the fuck, love! Seriously?" Your voice raises more than you want to.
"Language, love. Language." Her cold but pretty face stoic and expressionless, her eyes fixated on you judging every wrinkle of your annoyed face. You took a deep breath in response, settling to just let it slip.
Mina moves again and kisses your neck. "Mind your mouth, alright? Your language earlier cost you an orgasm." She then proceeds to kiss your chest, down to your belly and finally kneeling down on her knees. "Let's try again, shall we?"
You did not have the luxury to answer as you feel another surge of pleasure greater than earlier. Your dick softened up a bit due to annoyance. However, it only took one lick at the tip to bring it back to life. Mina masterfully sucked the tip at first. The contact of her tongue is divine circling around your shaft, lathering it with the juices of her mouth.
The view from your perspective is a form of art. You admit you enjoyed the sense of control a bit, being able to move your hips to meet her mouth. The urge to curse is a constant battle, you don't want to make the same mistake again. You want to hold her head or pull her raven colored hair for her to choke on your dick, say a few degrading things but you don't want to risk it. Your thrusting is even crossing the very thin line. So you bite your tongue and moan.
The pressure is once again close to its peak. The familiar feeling of pleasure and helplessness envelopes you once more. Mina hastened the pace of her blowjob, you're quite sure now that she'll finish what she started. You're close, way too close to the edge that you raise your head and close your eyes.
Then it stops.
You already knew what she did, but you open your eyes to be sure. Mina is on her way out of the shower walls, true enough she did the same thing. She leaves you hanging for the second time. What the fuck.
"What did I do this time? Don't start it if you don't intend to finish it." You watch her annoyingly as she wraps herself with the robe.
"You can finish it yourself, love." She casually combs her hair in front of the mirror, nonchalant.
"Yes, I'll make damn sure I'll finish it." Something inside you snap, getting out of the shower and joining her in the sink. You pulled down her robe with force to expose her shoulders as you take your place behind her, pinning her to minimize resistance if any. From underneath, your hand works its way to her entrance. You're going to make sure she's going to beg.
Your fingers are teasing her clit, she starts to squirm yet still composed. Mina tries her hardest to keep a straight face. Although her folds betray her as it starts to get wet and wetter. Both your eyes meet in the mirror, she's doing a really great job at playing pretend. But it didn't last long, she finally gave in when you kissed her shoulders while doing circles on her cunt.
"I'm so sensitive down there, love." The proud facade is gone. You have played your cards right. Now it's just a matter of making the most out of it.
You slip one finger inside, letting her know what's to come; or what has been missing. Her thighs spread wider to accommodate more of you. Watching her in the mirror, every twitch of her face, every moaning and whimper, you know she's building herself up to her release.
"Oh my god, love- ahhhh". She's smart for not mentioning that she is going to cum, but you're no fool. You did the same thing she did earlier, pulling your finger out a second too soon denying her of an orgasm. Expecting some kind of outburst, you pin her a little bit tighter.
"I want to curse you for doing that, love. But I won't give you the satisfaction." You admire her composure so you want to tease her more.
You turn her around and drape the robe back on her shoulders, fixing and tying the knot too. "Well I guess that's it then." Kissing her forehead to somehow properly end the night.
"Fine! I'm sorry. Please love, don't leave me hanging." There is desperation in her voice, stopping you from fully stepping away. You risked your way into a bluff and it paid off, big time. Mina unties the knot and let the robe fall to the floor, her nakedness exposed once again.
"I'm afraid an apology alone won't be enough, Minari." You relish the sense of control. You take her hand and make her face the full body mirror. "Promise me you'll do anything I'll ask you to." Taking your position behind her again, groping her fat ass in the process. Mina nods her head without hesitation.
"Good! Let's try again, shall we?" Throwing her words back at her. She smiles in disbelief in which you find adorable yet quite seductive, damn the duality. You wrapped one hand around her chest in contact with her perky tits. The other wanders on top of her entrance, mimicking what you did earlier. She's still wet as fuck, explaining the desperation.
You hear a moan of pleasure, yet more of a relief. Mina indulges herself in pleasure more openly, moaning a little louder, reciting her usual profanities in lustful situations. She shows her flexibility by hooking one arm around your neck, twisting her body for a kiss when you ask for it.
"Look at you, love. Look at yourself in the mirror. You're so hot." Both your eyes meet in your reflections again, now it's her turn to struggle keeping the contact. Eyes that are full of haze of lust. Her walls clamp around your fingers a little tighter, Mina is going crazy turned on by the act.
"Cum for me, love. Cum for me. And don't you ever look away." You whisper sensually in her ears. She bites her lip as she fights to keep her eyes open, fixed on you. Her breath, ragged and shivering in sync with the ever increasing pace of your fingertips buried inside her.
In the last moments, she grits her teeth but ultimately loses. A long drawn out moan together with her liquids squirting out of her. Some are in your hands, some in her thighs, but most went straight down to the floor.
"Oh my god, love. Fuck that was good." Even she's surprised by the amount of her cum. You support her weight as her legs give in while she catches her breath. She turns around and wraps her arms around your neck and you share a moment of silence, standing and looking at each other.
"We're not done yet, you know." There's your dick still upright touching her abs, reminding you both of what you still need to accomplish.
"Let's go to bed and you can fuck me there. My legs are long gone, love." She responds.
"Your hair is still dripping, you'll soak the covers."
She pushes you off her and walks out towards the bed. "It's me or the covers." Her confidence rose up once again. The choice is clear, to hell with those covers.
It didn't take long for you to find a home on top of her, in between her legs. Her pussy is as welcoming as ever, tight and slick. You pound her with gusto, missionary style. It has always been your favorite position, nothing beats the full view of her melting in pleasure underneath you. The ease of kissing her, the view of her boobs, her beautiful face. The abs, damn the abs again.
"I'm going to cum inside you, my love." Finally after two failed orgasms, you're going to let it all out.
"Yes please, all of it. Empty yourself in me." With her consent, you muster all strength to chase your peak. The rhythm quickens, the strokes shorten. One last appeal to God and your cum floods her walls. You lost count of how many times your cock pulses ropes of semen, you're just relieved you're finally satisfied.
Your cum leaks out of her the moment you pull out. Both of you laughed at the mess you made. She's a mess. She is yours.
"I'm sorry I missed our date, love. The schedule turned into shit." There's the reason for her lateness. You take your place next to her.
"I should have grievances, you know. I think the steak turned out so well to be ignored like that. But given the state of things, I don't have a reason to complain." You both burst out laughing after.
"You should have seen your face when I stopped fapping you." She teases you.
"Oh no miss. We will not talk about that."
It's 1:40 AM. Your night was not too bad after all.
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deiaiko · 3 months
#20.9 Heads up
"I have some news." Agni swirled the water in his glass as if it were wine. "Recently, I have officially taken Bam's friends' team under my wing."
Bam perked up but said nothing. His expression indicated that he wasn't surprised, so Khun or Grace must have told him at some point.
"So to make things efficient, I decided that I will arrange a game for us next week, so we can get to know each other better."
"By beating their asses?" Novick huffed a laugh, looking excited.
"If that's how you see it, sure." Though Agni wouldn't bet that his team would win against them. "Just keep in mind that you shouldn't underestimate them."
Novick folded his arms in front of his puffed chest. "We'll see about that."
Bam looked a little concerned, but Agni couldn't be sure who he was concerned for.
Agni decided to move on. "I need you all to promise that you will treat everyone equally and do your best in the upcoming game." He addressed everyone, but he said it especially to Gyetang and Dan. He already felt a headache coming from thinking about their fanatic behavior toward a certain princess. 
Dan raised his eyebrow, "Don't we always?"
"Why is this important, cluck?"
Agni mustered his best glare, pulling his lips into a thin line.
"Alright, alright." Dan and Gyetang raised their hands in surrender. Everyone else followed by voicing their agreements.
"Good. I will take your word for it. No going easy, especially not for Endorsi. Got it?"
Dan and Gyetang screeched at the same time.
"Whaaaat?!" "The princess Endorsi, cluck??" 
"No wayyy!! Are we going to meet her in person?! Oh my God!"
"I could never harm her, cluck!"
Agni rolled his eyes, having seen this coming. Really, what did they see in that barbaric woman? "If that's the case, then I will put you two on cleaning duty that day, so you don't have to participate. I believe Grace and I would be enough as a substitute."
"That's even worse, cluck!"
"He's right! I want to see Princess Endorsi in action. It will be so amazing!"
Agni felt his eyebrow twitch, thinking back on the spar he did yesterday with her. Her moves got clumsier the more he riled her up, and that was how he defeated her in less than five minutes.
"I hope you won't be disappointed." Grace replied, to Agni's surprise. "She's good, but she can be a little cold."
Agni saw a hint of sadness in Grace's eyes, and he knew why. She was powerful and had a lot of potential, but it would be a waste if she went down the same path as last time. The news of her betrayal from his own timeline still left a bitter taste in his mouth, and he knew Grace was still haunted by it now and then. It was hard to keep a neutral view on her when he knew what she could become. But if there was one thing he learned, it was that people could change. For better or worse he couldn't predict, but a chance for change was all that mattered for him. With it, he would be able to decide if her future self was worthy of forgiveness or not.
"You're worried over nothing!" Dan replied cheerfully. Soon they began to gush over Endorsi, then slowly devolved into the game brainstorming and strategy.
Bam was mostly silent for the whole ordeal, only talking if his opinion was asked, but he was smiling and listening intently. However, Agni noticed that Bam often glanced at him, specifically when Agni was not talking. He decided to ask Bam about it, and Bam answered that the way Agni used chopsticks reminded Bam of someone. Agni had a good guess on who that might be.
After they finished dinner and said goodbye to Bam, Agni and Grace decided to cuddle in bed for the rest of the night, leaving the others to entertain themselves in the living room. As Agni made himself comfortable under the blanket, Grace paused, not yet turning off the light as he was about to do.
"Oh right, I forgot to tell you yesterday."
Agni raised an eyebrow.
"Master finally agreed to have a spar with me. It's in two days." Grace looked a little sheepish, but Agni knew he was excited. Grace had told him that he wanted to build up his stamina, thus he was looking forward to going all out with Jinsung. "Are you free that night?"
Agni mentally sighed. He would not wish any harm upon Grace, if he could help it. But he couldn't talk Grace out of this, knowing that Grace had made up his mind. At least this time he will be there when Grace needs him. "I can always make time."
"Thank you." Grace smiled and turned off the lights. He joined him under the same blanket, resting his hands on top of Agni in an embrace. "I'm glad that you're here with me."
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