#she's nice and all very knowledgeable and you can underestimate this 'Daisy' really easily
cacophonylily · 1 month
I regret befriending Merrill. Girl, leave that creepy eluvian alone.
#she talks#she plays#da2#I wish I'd spoiled myself further so I'd made a rival out of her#she's nice and all very knowledgeable and you can underestimate this 'Daisy' really easily#but damn I can't help but feel like she should've left that portal alone and the last dialogue you have with her in friend or foe sucks#I don't want to tell you it's not your fault or to not think too much about it or that Merathari was a fool#I want to scream in your face that you had it coming even if you thought you were taking conscious/calculated risks#to think that this can lead to the whole massacre of her former clan if you don't take the responsibility#but I was too focused on getting 100% friendship with Fenris to secure the romance lol#he's so harsh to her when we leave sundermount after the keeper's death#he's so harsh in general and I eyeroll every time he shares his views about magic but eh he's hurt and I love him#I considered romancing Merrill but now I'm glad I didn't#also absolutely zero feelings about Anders and Sebastian like noooooone#that's the big difference for me personally between DA2 and DAO like I enjoyed all the companions even if I had favorites but in DA2...#I've made the companions quests because I was curious but there're really some I don't care about#my only regret is not befriending Isabella but I already play a dual weapon rogue so I didn't bring her with me much#I wish I had more friendship with her so she came back with Koslun's book instead of fleeing#also bless the mods that allowed me to give a romanced Zevran the right dialogue and a decent look like they bothered for Alistair#gonna play the dlcs before the very last quest now#I'm ready to be done with this game
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darkestdawnhq · 3 years
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GRETA CATCHLOVE is a 23 year old HALFBLOOD, a former HUFFLEPUFF, and a BOOK SHOP-KEEP who is a CIVILIAN and uses SHE/HER pronouns. They are categorized as CODE THREE. They are currently CLOSED.
Daisies in a finished bottle of wine or soda | True strength lies in persisting in the darkness | Shy glances at your crush | The smell of freshly baked cinnamon rolls | Being underestimated for enjoying the simple things in life | Pressing flowers in notebooks | Muggle music playing from your records 
Greta Catchlove was welcomed into the world by two loving parents, who were beyond thrilled to have a beautiful baby girl.  Her childhood was almost idyllic – she spent her time doing things that she loved with the people that she loved.  Her parents fostered her creativity. Together, Greta and her parents would paint nonsense on blank canvases, read in the afternoon sun, hike, and spend their summers swimming and kayaking at nearby lakes.  She was always fascinated by the beauty of the world around her, spending hours sitting in the back garden, just taking all of the beauty in. Watching the ladybugs, caterpillars and ants go about their days, marveling at mushrooms and ferns and oak trees. Greta quickly became the kind of person to give bees water or to save a worm from the pavement.  The Catchlove’s never had an excess of money, but they were happy.
Her fascination with the world prompted Greta to start writing at a young age, at first making detailed notes about her observations, but then starting to run away with her imagination. She dreamt up tales of Princesses and Knights, life-sized ladybugs who could sing, tap dancing dragons, and much more, letting her vivid imagination run wild. When she was 11 and she received her Hogwarts letter, she was both excited and terrified. She’d never known anything other than life with her parents, but she was excited to embark on a new adventure, just like the ones that she made up in her imagination.
Tall and gangly, even for an 11-year-old, Greta made her way to Hogwarts, and was immediately sorted into Hufflepuff house. It wasn’t until she got to school that she realized the simple fact that not everyone was nice. She also had no idea how important blood status was becoming in the Wizarding world. Both of her parents were magical, but her Grandma was a Muggle, and Greta didn’t know how anyone could look down on someone as lovely as her Grandma. She never really excelled at her studies, but she never did poorly, either, enjoying subjects like Care of Magical Creatures and History of Magic more than Transfiguration or Charms. Greta enjoyed learning new things, but was never able to stop her imagination from running wild in the middle of her classes. She was friendly and warm, making a few friends, but was always a bit too introverted and sensitive to form any real bonds, worried about rejection from her more outgoing peers.
When the war started to rage, Greta knew that, while she absolutely held sympathies for those who were standing up to He Who Must Not Be Named and his band of bullies, she had nothing to offer the Order. She stayed neutral in the war, not because she didn’t support the cause, or think that everyone deserved to be treated equally, but because she was terrified for herself and her family. Greta was a writer, not a fighter, and didn’t feel strong or brave enough to make a difference. Her neutrality landed her the code three status, and even after the war ended, she has continued to try to keep her head down so as to not draw any attention. She may have been introverted before, but by the time the war ended, she had pretty much cut herself off from everyone, even her parents. They had both gone into hiding with Greta’s Grandma for her safety, and Greta is terrified for them all. She’s afraid that if she steps out of line, that something bad will happen to her family. There have been few who have been reaching out to her, and Greta appreciates it, trying to push herself to really form some deep connections.
After the war ended, Greta started to be plagued by guilt about her inaction, but she is very careful with who she lets her sympathies be known to. It is these sympathies that Sirius Black seems to be very aware of, and though her interactions with him have been pretty few and far between thus far, she’s incredibly worried of the dangers that come with being associated with Order members. It’s flattering that Sirius seems to think she’s capable of more than neutrality, but a small voice in the back of her head can’t help but think that he’s just grasping at straws for an ally. As usual, there’s an internal war raging inside her head - she’s still absolutely terrified of stepping a toe out of line in the new world order, but she’s starting to think that she needs to do more than just sit idly by while injustices happen. Greta is, of course, completely unaware that she’s being closely watched by the new regime, which is probably for the best, as knowing would completely ramp up her anxiety.
If there was one quality that her parents instilled into her, it was kindness. People tend to underestimate Greta because she’s soft spoken, gentle, and kind, but she thinks that there’s a great strength and courage in being kind in a cruel world. She is incredibly observant, noticing things about the world around her that others might miss. Though Greta is very sweet and kind, she tends to be quite sensitive, overly anxious, and overthinks things a lot. She’s more of a dreamer than a doer, letting herself get more lost in her imagination than she is grounded in reality. She has a good sense of humour when you get to know her, tries her best to be hopeful, is very down to earth, and cares incredibly deeply about others. Greta tends to be a bit gullible and naïve, is easily flustered and embarrassed, and certainly isn’t the most skilled witch of the bunch. She is, however, a very talented writer, and hopes that one day, by some miracle, the reign of terror will be over, and she’ll be able to publish one of the many books she’s started writing.
SIRIUS BLACK: Recruiter. Greta has caught him several times since he went into hiding along with the other newly minted fugitives of the law. She would never turn him in, since she doesn’t agree with the new Ministry or the treatment of muggleborns. However, she does wish he would stop coming to her and looking for her to join their cause. She can’t say how she truly feels about him seeing some strength in her that not many others have, but she doesn’t want to get involved in the dangers of the defeated Order of the Phoenix. She offers him all the help she can each time without accepting his offer to join. 
ASLAN SHAFIQ: New Friend. They met at Flourish and Blotts when both were looking over books on herbology and charms. Truthfully, they both reached for the same book at the same time and their hands hit. Greta started talking to Aslan then and discovered that they had a lot in common in their interests and their views. She’s been keeping in touch with him since then and a new friendship is budding between them. It’s such a relief to her in these new days for her to find a new friend to fend off the darkness of the world with.
MOLLY WEASLEY: Companion. Greta started interviewing Molly for a book she was considering writing before the Death Eaters took over. She’d been playing with the idea of a book on charms one uses in the kitchen or one on herbology for your home. Over the afternoons with tea and little babbling babies on Molly’s knee, Great came to really appreciate the kindness, warmth and knowledge of the older witch. However, all hopes of her ever publishing a book like that, or about any topic, came to an end when the Ministry declared that only code ones could be published. She still enjoys talking to Molly when she can, even if it is no longer in pursuit of her book. 
LUCINDA TALKALOT: Classmate. Though Lucinda was in a different house, Greta always admired her from afar when they were at Hogwarts. The two knew of each other, of course, being in the same year, and Greta always wanted to befriend Lucinda, but wasn’t entirely outgoing enough to know how. Greta always admired Lucinda’s take no prisoners attitude, respecting that she was a fighter who always stood up for herself. Lucinda always had qualities that Greta wished she could have more of – she would have loved to be able to stand up for herself more, but confrontation terrifies her. Since graduating, she’s seen Lucinda around, and always thinks about reaching out. She has nothing to lose, and isn’t quite sure what’s stopping her.
Currently portrayed by NATALIA DYER
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