#she's more confident now and in her mom-mode but still. it's rachel's town
savingthrcw · 4 months
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@talesofaether asked for a starter for Celes!
She had faced it without hesitation, but Terra had expected the first hours, days, without magic to feel akin to the violent loss of a limb; ripped from her, gone forever. And yet, she felt nothing of the sort. A little weaker, perhaps, but it could be a feeling that steemed from her heart and not the body, and the moment she had been reunited with her kids it was all forgotten, only hope, joy and love to think about.
But a village of only kids, with no magic to help them deal with the inhospitable world around them, was not going to be self-sufficient for long, and there had been plans to make, which included using the airship and Figaro Castle in the future to help the kids find their new homes and possibly reunite later on. The four youngest ones, however, had naturally wanted to stay with the only mother they remembered, and Duane and Katarin did as well, if only to help her while they raised their own.
Terra's smile was bright when Celes arrived outside, where she was enjoying the sun on top of the wing of the castle that Edgar was all too happy to let her share with the kids. She wondered how long he'd allow them to stay, but didn't worry much, sure they'd have time to figure things out. "The kids are staying with me, after all. The youngest ones." One way like another to start a conversation, she figured, too thrilled to hide it. "I was thinking Kohlingen may be our next stop for supplies. I don't want to impose on Edgar too much. But do you think Locke would be alright? I have heard it's a... special place to him."
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