#she's just wearing mittens
vickysaurus · 11 months
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"Just because I have a model's body doesn't mean you can use me as one!"
King's season 1 outfits!
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minhosimthings · 4 months
Lucifer|| Prolouge
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Synopsis: After you found your husband cheating on you, you found a different kind of comfort in his devilishly handsome colleagues.
Pairings: detective 02z × fem!reader
Warnings: angst, fluff, suggestive, minors please do not interact, catcalling, mention of alcohol, reader is cheated on by Heeseung, cheating (which I do not condone in real life)
A/N: Prologue for my 02z short series everyone! I abandoned everything else after Enha dropped Memorabilia just to write this BECAUSE I CAN. I will try to put out the oneshots as early as possible and I hope all of you will enjoy it! Au revoir!
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Crystalline tears filled your eyes as you walked under the dark azure sky. Your feet ached, your heart thumped hard against its prison and your mind spun and yet you kept walking. Walking somewhere, you didn't even bother to understand.
Adjusting your skirt, and moving your scarf down to reveal your bloodied lips from having bitten them too much, you tried to recall what had happened today that made you so miserable. Was it the broken coffee machine, or was it the recent murders in the newspaper? Or was it a person? Perhaps it was the latter.
You loved Lee Heeseung. With all of your soul and all of your heart you loved him all the way through the bright Mays and the chilly Decembers. You loved him in a way only the setting sun could love the ocean, the way its rays danced with the water so gracefully.
And yet you caught him in your own bedroom, strong sinews of muscles handling another girl's lusty bones, as she merged her body with someone you thought belonged to you.
His apologies went deaf to your ears, you spent an hour or so packing up all your things and driving out the house without a second thought. You didn't even realise how much time you spent screaming your head off at him, trying hard to stop your tears from escaping their barrier as you shoved each and every gift he ever gave you into his arms and asked him to burn them to the ground. And yet you didn't know how to cope without them either.
Your mother never taught you how to handle grief without alcohol and your father's blood always seeped through your mouth in words of fire and fury everytime something went wrong. It was no wonder you had found comfort in Heeseung, a man who could handle all of your pain and all of your anger.
You had trusted him with your life, marrying him happily to escape your childhood home and entrusting in him your most beloved secrets, your love and dedication and your virginity as well. You thought that had been enough, staying home whilst Heeseung worked his ass off at the police station to provide you with everything you could ask for and more.
And when he came home, you were his toy, a plaything for him to release his stress on and yet you didn't budge. Why should you? When you were recieving all the pleasure you could ever want and giving all the pleasure back to your husband. Nevertheless, you stared at your empty ring finger now, hands shivering in the cold as you scolded yourself on not wearing mittens. Heeseung used to scold you too.
Lee Heeseung. What would you have done to absolutely irradicate Lee Heeseung?
You had parked your car at the nearby park where you knew it'd be safe, and had gone for a walk. Thoughts rushed to your mind. You had known about Heeseung's affair for some time now, but you wanted to catch him in the act, to prove to the world, to yourself, that your melancholic delusion could be justified. Here you were now, dragging your feet across the cemented pavement, knowing there's only one other place you could go to. The darkness was a bad place for a woman to be, at 10 pm but you didn't give a single fuck about anything as your prosaic body tried to get itself up. You swore you could have heard voices behind you.
"Hey, hey you!" You heard a voice shout behind you, "What's a pretty lady doin' in a place like this?"
You gulped in fear as your feet sped up. Stupid stupid girl, you thought to yourself, should have stayed in the goddamned car!
"Hey you ignorin' me?" The voice shouted again, and you could hear the gruff footsteps which followed you, getting closer by the moment, "Stop fucking runnin' away from me!"
Your heart pumped blood faster as you picked up your skirt and ran, at the fastest speed you could. This wouldn't have happened if Heeseung was here!, you thought, and though a part of your brain tried to scold you about still thinking about him, at the moment all you were focused on was getting somewhere safe.
The man's drunken voice could still be hear by your ears, and his harsh footsteps told you he was running behind you, chasing you as if you were a wild mongrel to be caught and leashed.
Only one place. Only one place you could go now.
Turning swift on your feet, you ran down the wide lane filled with shops on one side and the empty road on the other, being careful not to crash into the glowing streetlights, as your destination came into your visage.
The police station. Where you knew, your last hope would be standing.
"Got the Samson case solved yet?" Sunghoon yawned and stretched his limbs above his head, like a prosaic cat, "Man I could do with a drink right now."
"It's 10 pm." Jake checked his pocketwatch, running his hand through his hair as he always did, "What bar is going to be open at this time?"
"Hey, should we steal Jay's stash?" Sunghoon glanced, with mischievous eyes at Jake, who mirrored an equally mischief filled smile back.
"Don't even think about touching my bourbon." A dark haired man, with eyes as black as kohl, walked in, equally black gloves decorating his hands, "Unless you want to be stuck on traffic duty all week."
"Who pissed in your cereal today?" Sunghoon snickered, leaning back in his chair, a crack of his bone could be heard as he lazily stretched, "Let me guess, Heeseung?"
"Is it about his wife again?" Jake groaned, hair tangled in his hand again, "Jay, just leave it man, they'll sort it out."
"Sort it out?" Jay looked at the long haired man with a quizzical look, "What kind of a man cheats on a beautiful woman and brags about it?"
"Most of them." Sunghoon broke out into his drawer, hands reaching for a eloquent wooden pipe, which he lit and transferred to his mouth, sighing out the smoke as he relaxed into his chair, "You're too righteous to understand that, Jongsoeng."
Jay wrinkled his nose, as Sunghoon blew a puff of cigarette smoke into the air. Settling into his own chair, Jay's eyes flickered towards Heeseung's desk, where files lay messily scattered. A solitary photo frame brightened up the lonely atmosphere of the desk. Lee Y/N, Jay thought, his wife, not yours.
"Jay, come on, stop sulking over your little crush," Jake scoffed, his hands busy with a sleek, brownish-yellow bottle in his hand, "Just have a drink and get your mind off it."
"First of all, how did you get into my bourbon cabinet." Jay snatched the glass from Jake's hand, and toyed with it protectively, "Second of all, I can't just get my mind of it. I mean, come on," He extended his glass out to Jake who poured the elysian liquid into Jay's glass, "Who the fuck would have the gall to cheat on such a pretty woman who loves him to bits?"
"Look, you like her right? And don't say no, we all know it Jongsoeng." Sunghoon leaned forward in his chair, "So when she finds out about everything, just offer to take her home and, you know, let her sob into your arms and then take her into your bedroom and-"
"Since when did you start reading romance?" Jake chuckled, pressing a glass of bourbon to his lips.
"Since lover boy here started crushing on..what's her name? Y/N wasn't it?" Sunghoon laughed, taking another piquant drag of his pipe, "I get it, she is really pretty."
'Really pretty' was one way to describe you, Jay thought, smiling into his glass of bourbon. Every inch of you called out to him, beckoned him closer and closer to your poisonous radius. It wasn't that he didn't try to fight it, lusting after another's wife, but it was that he found that hidden sadness in your eyes heartbreaking everytime he looked into them.
"Want to head home, fellas?" Jake briskly sat up straight in his chair, "Or are either of you going to stop at a brothel?"
"Don't have time for that." Sunghoon chuckled darkly, putting out his pipe, "Plus I've got a-"
The door of the quite airy police station burst open with a loud bang, and it seemed as if a hurricane in the guise of a panicked woman had swept in, alarming the three detectives. The sudden action caused them to act on their reflexes, pulling out their revolvers faster than their eyes could comprehend the sight in fron them. Jake's eyes seemed to work the quickest.
"Ma'am? Are you alright?" Jake called out, signalling the other two to lower their weapons. He stepped forward and turned a switch on, which caused the entire room to light up in bright light, contrasting to the soft yellow light that earlier shone from the desk lamps.
Jay's senses had seemed to ding up after the initial shock of the entire thing, as he walked forward with careful steps towards you, as Jake and Sunghoon whispered to each other, making out why you were here. Your eyes took a moment to register the man in front of you.
Jay Park, you thought, a man who was perfection incarnated.
"Y/N," Jay spoke softly, careful not to frighten you, "What are you doing here? Are you alright?" He looked you up and down to check for any disfigurements.
"I-" you spoke, your throat tightening by the moment, "Heeseung—he" you couldn't speak any more as his name uttered out your mouth. Bursting into tears, you buried your face in your hands as you felt your cheeks burn up with embarrassment. You really weren't crying in front of your (ex) husband's colleagues, men who you barely knew, apart from the usual condolences.
You felt warm, strong muscles pull you into their hold. It felt like a cozy cocoon, scented with the fragrance of pine and paper.
"Calm down, doll," Jay whispered into your ear, his hot breath fanning your neck, "take a breath for me."
Jay coached you through breathing in and out, which restored some of your consciousness. You had nearly been on the verge of fainting, with how much you had ran.
"Can I—May I sit down for a moment?" You asked, weary of the other two men's eyes watching you, "Please."
"Of course." Jay said, supporting your figure with his sinews as he led you over to his cubicle. You could see the other two hastily clearing out messy piles of papers. The shorter one, you assumed was Jake, from his drooped posture and lion-like hair. The taller one then, had to be Sunghoon, with porcelain skin and an ice cold gaze.
"Did-did you walk all the way from your house?" Jake questioned, offering you a seat, which you gratefully collapsed into.
"No, just the park nearby." You shot him a small smile through your croaky voice, which he returned, "My car's still parked there though. I drove from" you stopped in your words uncertain to say his name, "-from Heeseung's house."
You felt the tension in the room as you said those words. Heeseung's house, you thought, it had been home once. You felt Jay shift his position in the chair next to you, and Sunghoon transfer his weight to one foot, whilst leaning on the desk.
"If you want us to go beat him up, we'll gladly do it." Sunghoon offered, making you chuckle and shake your head.
"No it's fine, I mean she wasn't that pretty anyway, he's bound to lose interest in her some day or the other." You smiled, to no one but yourself. Humour had never been your strong suit.
"Aww man I really wanted to beat him up." Sunghoon feigned defeat, "Asshole deserves it for how much paperwork he gave me."
"That's the only reason you want to beat him up?" You raised a brow at the light skinned man, who raised one back.
"And for betraying a pretty lady of course." He winked at you, making you internally roll your eyes.
"Would-would you like some bourbon?" Jake awkwardly offered you a glass. You could see the embarrassment in his eyes the moment he asked the question, "Or water if you want-"
"I'll take the bourbon." You grabbed the glass from Jake, who, with his shocked eyes poured you a glass, which you downed immediately without flinching in front of the three startled detectives, "Can I have another?"
"Can we have some too?" Sunghoon smirked at you, grabbing his own glass and beckoning Jake to pour him a shot. Jay, admitting defeat, had grabbed a glass too, filled with the bubbly alcohol.
"Well," Sunghoon raised his glass in a toast, "to Heeseung hopefully getting bored of the other woman."
"Peculiar toast, Detective Park." You laughed, "I like it."
The moments that followed still felt like a fever dream to you. You had sat in a building, alone with three handsome men, talking down right shit about your husband, whilst drinking more bourbon than you ever had and although you had already defeated Jake in drinking (almost) half a pint, you still wanted more. This definetly was not on your itinerary for the evening, but did you care at this point? Absolutely not.
"Ugh fuck." You swore under your breath. You probably shouldn't have drank that much, but in all honestly, it would have helped to relieve some of the painful memories of the night.
"Woah steady there." Jay looked at you cautiously as you stirred in your chair. Jake was on the verge of passing out, having even taking his glasses off, while Sunghoon and Jay, who hadn't drank as much, looked as calm as the winds.
"You know what?" You started, not knowing the words coming out of your drunken mouth anymore, "Fuck Lee Heeseung, fuck that man." A sudden maniacal giggle from your mouth seemed to have amused Sunghoon.
"Fuck in what terms, Mrs Lee?" He asked, trying to hide his cunning smirk, whilst ignoring Jay's warning glares.
"Mrs Lee?" You questioned, feeling your senses come back, though you were still tipsy, "Who's Mrs Lee? Not me, no sir-ee." You laughed, "If I had the chance to chop off that asshole's dick right now, I would."
"But you wouldn't allow us to beat him up? Strange." Sunghoon whistled out in his usual cocky tone.
"It's getting late." Jay checked the grand clock in the corner of the room, his eyes wavered over the dried tears on your face, it was alarming to him how much a mere glass of bourbon had managed to get you giggling like a cuckoo, "Y/N I can drop you-"
"I'd rather fuck all of you in one night rather than see that idiot's face again." You chuckled again, this time, saying the sentence with full seriousness. Did you really mean it?, perhaps not, as you would have thought later on. But were you up for having sex with three extremely attractive men who happened to be the best friends of your ex-husband? That, was a definite yes.
"Oh really?" Sunghoon placed his forearms on the desk in front of him, leaning in closer to your face. Jay's hand clutched harder against the edge of the desk. "And what if I say yes to that proposal?"
"What are you implying, Detective Park?" You looked into his dark, devilish eyes, "That you'd have sex with someone pathetic enough to get cheated on?"
"Don't say that, you're not pathetic." Jay's eyes softened as he looked at you, but you merely scoffed, turning your face instead to look at Sunghoon, who was evidently smirking. You caught Jake's widened eyes from the corner of your eye, listening intently.
"How about this-" Sunghoon started, folding his arms, "You get a night of good sex, I get a night of good sex, you and I both get to rub that in Heeseung's face, and then we have breakfast in France."
"Are you married Detective Park?" You quizzed him with an amused face, his offer seemed at the very least, interesting to you.
"Not yet, no. I'm still young aren't I?", Sunghoon's mouth stretched like a cat's into a lazy smile, "Why do you ask? Are you....perhaps intrigued by my offer?"
There was something ironic about that sentence "I'm still young" that struck a chord within you, you were the same age as him and yet you were sitting there talking about your husband.
"Intrigued is one way to put it." You smiled back, hoping you looked anything like a vixen, matching the bastardous fox like energy of Sunghoon's, "But don't you think it's greedy of you, Detective Park? To want me all to yourself?"
"And what do you mean by that, Miss Y/N?" Jake smiled in his boyish manner, "Is Sunghoon here not enough for you?"
"I'm just saying." You held up your hands in mock defence, "wouldn't you both like to get a taste too?"
You glanced at Jay in the corner, who you had expected to be shaking his head in disapproval. But to your utter surprise, he had one of his gloves hands stroking his chin as if in deep thought. His eyes were dark even in the fluorescent light of the room, deep pools of cataclysmic waters floating around in his pupils. He looked vaguely interested.
"So just to recap," Jake started, clearing his throat, such that his Adam's apple was clearly visible, "You want us to bed you, so as to make your ex husband, our colleague and friend, someone's whose wife we definetly should not be sleeping with, jealous?"
"That's the blueprint." You said in a sweet honeyed voice, "How exactly you make him know that I'm not his anymore, you figure that out. If I even so as look at that man's face again, I will jump off a cliff."
"But the question is-" you put on a proud smile, eyes darting from one man to the next, "Who's going first?"
"Shouldn't you decide that sweetheart?" Jay's deep voice came like a rumble through the ground during an earthquake, slightly startling you. He hadn't said anything in the past few minutes, his sudden break of silence alarmed you.
"Alright then." You chuckled, not daring to meet Jay's eyes, you knew you'd melt as soon as you saw them, "How about the person who suggested this?" You turned your face towards a smirking Sunghoon, with his head held high like a peacock's, "Detective Park?"
"Shall I go with the lady's word boys?" Sunghoon asked Jake, who nodded his head, taking his glasses off the desk and outting them on again. The effect it had in him was quite handsome, according to you.
"Should we make a pact then?" Jake asked cheekily, glancing around for a piece of paper, finally picking one up from underneath the mountain of files lying on the wisened wood. Putting it down on the paper, he scribbled something down quickly, showing it off proudly to the others. You let out a laugh when you saw what he wrote.
"'The make Heeseung jealous organisation'?" You laughed, "I can't tell if you're serious or not."
"I'm dead serious." Jake looked at you with glossy eyes, he always was a funny one, you recalled, "Come on everyone, I need signatures."
He's serious about this, you thought, amused at Jake's comedic demeanor. You swiftly pressed the black ink to the paper, leaving off a flashy signature to decorate it. Jay signed off last, with an impeccable font.
Words couldn't have described that very evening. No sentence that could come out of your mouth could have ever even begun to explain to a complete stranger about how you had ended up in Sunghoon's car, driving to his house in silence. Shrugging off the moral doubts in the corner of your brain, you stared out the window into a dewy night.
Relax, you thought to yourself, there wasn't anything wrong with what you were doing.
Was there?
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deepspacedukat · 2 years
Hey friend! How are you? 💙 getting enough rest, eating, drinking enough water? (Cinder says hello 😋)
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Awww hi friend! Hi Cinder!!! Look at how cute and fluffy she is!! Oooooh, best girl! Absolute best girl in the world!! 💙 Please give her some cuddles from me, okay? 🥺 Look at her wittle earsies I just wanna very gently boop her snoot!
I'm doing great! I promise I'm getting enough rest, hydrating, and I'm about to nom some foods. How about you???
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whateveriwant · 6 months
Some thoughts about girl dad!Simon during bedtime because he means everything to me (prev: dinnertime, bathtime).
Simon Riley who has to spend a solid hour every night trying to wear his three year old down before bed.
Simon Riley who’s convinced his daughter’s veins must flow with caffeine rather than blood because she seems to never get tired.
Simon Riley who notices her eyelids finally starting to droop after watching no less than two and a half episodes of Bluey.
Simon Riley who gently insists it’s time for bed now even as she begs him, “One more, Daddy!”
Simon Riley who lets her give you a kiss and hug goodnight before leading her by the hand to her room.
Simon Riley who has his little girl pick out which bedtime story she wants him to read her for the night.
Simon Riley who carefully tucks her into bed before displaying the grace of an elephant as he tries to squeeze onto the tiny mattress beside her.
Simon Riley who has to apologize to Mr. Bear for having accidentally squashed him, kissing him better per his daughter’s orders.
Simon Riley who meticulously reads each line of the picture book to her, giving her a good look at the illustrations before turning the page.
Simon Riley who makes it a game to see who can point out the two little kittens and the pair of mittens first (she wins, of course).
Simon Riley who doesn’t even get halfway through the story before his little girl is out like a light.
Simon Riley who uses every single ounce of core strength he has not to jostle her awake as he goes to stand up.
Simon Riley who makes sure her blankets and stuffies are all orderly, unable to resist the urge to give a soft stroke to her little, round cheek.
Simon Riley who flicks on the Hello Kitty night light beside her bed before turning the other lights off.
Simon Riley who gingerly tiptoes to the door, praying the floorboards don’t squeak beneath his weight.
And Simon Riley who keeps the door to his daughter’s bedroom cracked just a little, whispering, “Sweet dreams, love,” as he leaves her to sleep.
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megalony · 2 months
You're Staying Right Here
This is a new Eddie Diaz imagine based on a few requests I've merged together. I hope you will all like it.
Taglist: @justagirlthatlovedtoread @musicistheway @avada-kedavra-bitch-187 @luula @missdreamofendless @bradleybeachbabe @woderfulkawaii @amberpanda99 @daggersquadphantom @marvel-and-chicago-fan @angryknightstatesmantrash @minjix @lyje @kmc1989 @itsmytimetoodream @noonenuts @hiireadstuff @ashie-babie @classyunknownlover @jayyeahthatsme @sp1ritssz @dumb-fawkin-bitch @oliverstarksbae @gimatida @heart-35 @supernaturalstilinski @kyky9103 @wutheringhearts2275 @gay4hotmilfs @itshamleth @chaoticnosleepinfluencer @gs29 @wh0reforsmutstuff @mel-vaz @natashamea18 @chrisevansdaughter @alexandra848484 @deena-beena-weena @targaryenluvs @kpoplover-19 @marvelmenarebeautiful @gillybear17
@zoeybennett @mrspeacem1nusone @zephyrmonkey @estella-novella @eleventhdoctorsangel @kniselle @senjoritanana @shauna-carsley @dottierose @cfdhouse51 @darkfemme1 @rainechase45 @lolalolsstuff @jupiter1700 @ashdoctor @an-aliens-ghost @lunaroserites @houseoftwistedspirits @callsignwidow @winterreader-nowwriter @reneinii @bellsbomb @western-pyro
Eddie Diaz Masterlist
Summary: While (Y/n) is out with her and Eddie's newborn, she bumps into the 118 just as they get shot at by a sniper. And the team have to take her to hospital and try to keep her and the baby safe.
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Pausing in her tracks, (Y/n) leaned her arms forward on the pram and squinted when she looked across the road. Her eyes danced across the writing on the side of the two fire trucks, trying to make out what station they were from.
Her lips curved into a smile when she looked at the truck at the far right.
Both her husband and her brother were at work today, so chances were that they were right across the road at that scene.
"Shall we go see daddy and uncle Buck?" She turned her attention down to the newborn in the pram, smiling wider when Tate's mitten-covered hand moved to brush against her button nose.
No doubt she would wake up the moment (Y/n) crossed the road and the newborn realised she was surrounded by her favourite people.
Eddie was enamoured by his little girl. He had only just gone back to work this week and already he was finding it hard to be away from his family for so long. He just wanted to be back home with them all with Tate in his arms. And Buck was always eager to try and get cuddles with his niece. Whenever he visited, he swooped Tate up into his arms whether she was awake or not and he didn't fear waking her because he would just cradle her until she went back to sleep.
(Y/n) turned to the left and crossed the road, aiming for the truck parked up on the side of the street. There was another truck just in front, but it was from a different station that (Y/n) wasn't familiar with. She had only met a handful of people from other stations when they had parties or when Eddie came home saying he'd done a shift with a transfer who he got along well with.
If the team were busy or right in the middle of a call then (Y/n) would carry on her way and head back home. But she knew it was worth searching just to see if they could catch a glimpse of Eddie at work.
She spotted him instantly.
He had his back to her, but (Y/n) knew his frame in the pitch black, she could pinpoint her husband anywhere. Eddie had his hands on his hips which were cocked out to one side and the pose showed off his broad, tense shoulders that could be set against a ruler.
He was wearing his button up shirt today with the long sleeves that looked like they were cutting tight around his biceps and looked a bit snug on his back.
"Hard at work, I see." (Y/n) pushed the pram so it was resting near the door of the truck, shaded from the mid-morning sun.
Her head tilted to one side and her smile brightened when she watched Eddie's shoulders jerk up before he spun round on his heels to face her. His brows rose and a wide smirk curved at Eddie's lips as he moved forward, arms stretched out ready to embrace his wife.
His hands found her hips and he reeled her into his chest that felt had and tense beneath her hands. But Eddie's expression was as soft as ever as he let his eyes roam up and down his wife before he leaned down to taste her lips in a kiss. He felt (Y/n)'s hands roam up his chest to hold onto his shoulders, steadying herself against him as he leaned down into her, almost knocking her off her feet.
"Hey amor." He murmured softly against her lips, giving her hips a tight squeeze when he felt her hand move to drag along the side of his neck, leaving shivers in her wake.
He dared to swoop back in for another kiss, gliding his tongue across her bottom lip until Buck's voice caused him to grunt and pull back with his temple resting down against (Y/n)'s.
"You gonna put my sister down so I can say hi?"
Eddie felt Buck pat him on the shoulder as he walked behind him and stood somewhat impatiently at their side, hands on his hips sassily.
With a huff, Eddie let go of (Y/n) and took a careful step back so Buck could lean down and pull her into a sideways hug. But when Eddie turned to the right, the grin was back on his face and his teeth sank down into his bottom lip when he looked down into the pram.
"Hi baby," He cooed, reaching down to pick Tate up when her big round eyes started to flutter open.
He lifted her up and carefully snuggled her up against his chest, tilting backwards to keep her settled against him. He slowly carded his fingers up and down the back of her head and neck and he pressed a few wet kisses against her temple. He loved the way her lips moved and popped against his chest like she was trying to give him kisses.
He slowly turned around so he was facing his family and he couldn't refrain from rolling his eyes when he saw Buck grinning across at him. He had stolen (Y/n) for a hug and now he was clearly eyeing up Eddie's baby girl to try and take her for a cuddle too.
"How'd it go this morning?" His lips stayed against Tate's forehead but his eyes looked up through his lashes to lock with his wife.
"No more stitches." (Y/n) spoke softly with a grin as her hand moved down to press over her lower abdomen.
If they had been at home, (Y/n) would have pulled the top of her leggings down to let Eddie see the scar that now tainted her skin and show that she had healed 'perfectly' according to the midwife.
They hadn't planned for a C-section with Tate, but a day into labour, Tate had wriggled around so much the cord got wrapped around her throat. They needed her out as soon as possible as she was distressed and close to strangling herself, so off for an emergency C-section they went. It gave (Y/n) a row of stitches very far down on her stomach, but it was a relief to finally have them out.
It meant she didn't keep trying to itch them or catch them on her clothes and the general uncomfortableness was gone now. The only problem was (Y/n) still couldn't lift anything too heavy and she couldn't strain or stretch down too far.
Which was the reason why Maddie- and almost everyone else on the team- had all agreed they would keep popping round to make sure (Y/n) was okay and see if she needed any help.
Buck gave (Y/n)'s shoulder a squeeze before he moved towards Eddie with his arms held out expectingly.
"Can I have a hold?"
"Nope." Eddie kept his lips against Tate's head while her little mitten-covered hand started to bat and tap against his chest. He had only just gotten to hold his daughter and he knew they would be heading back to the station soon, he wanted a big cuddle before he had to say goodbye and let her go.
"Excuse me, I wanna hold the little lady."
"You can hold her later." they both knew Eddie was only joking, but he made no attempt to hand his daughter over just yet. He kissed the top of her head again and gently began to rock her up and down against his chest.
"So, where are you two headed?" Both Chimney's hands fell to his hips and his fingers began to tap along with his foot beating out a rhythm against the pavement. His eyes dancing between the two squabbling men who were like his brothers, and (Y/n) who was watching them all with amusement lighting up her eyes.
This call had been surprisingly quick and now all of them could head back to their station. No one would be opposed to (Y/n) coming back to the station with Tate for a while. Especially since Hen and Bobby would most likely be on shift by now. They hadn't been as early as Eddie and Evan this morning and Chimney had already been on shift for two hours.
"For a coffee." (Y/n) grinned and dragged her hand along the back of her neck. The stitches being removed had made her feel a bit queasy and she felt the need to go and get a drink to liven up before she took Tate home.
Eddie leaned his shoulders back against the truck, being careful to keep Tate settled on his chest with a smile on his lips and a glowing look in those dark eyes.
"We serve coffee at the station." He grinned, flashing his pearly whites when (Y/n)'s expression softened and her teeth bit down on her bottom lip. "You wanna come back to the station with daddy, hm?" He murmured against the top of Tate's head, taking the little gurgling noise she made as an answer.
He didn't want to say goodye to either of his girls just yet and he knew everyone at the station would be fawning over Tate when they saw her.
She had time. The only other pressing thing (Y/n) had to do today would be to pick Chris up from school, but that was late on this afternoon. She had a good few hours to kill before then and a coffee with the team- and a cuddle with her husband- sounded good.
"You do, well-"
Whatever (Y/n) was about to say faded out into silence in comparison with the gunshots that rang out through the air.
Everyone froze.
Eddie's eyes stayed locked on his wife. His arms suddenly tensed, pinning his daughter tighter to his chest as his fingers scrunched up into her onesie like he was afraid she was going to slip out of his arms.
That noise sent him back years. It had been so long since Eddie had heard the sound of a gunshot in person that he had forgotten the resounding bang that followed it. He forgot the way it made him wince when he wasn't expecting it and how much it rattled him when he wasn't in a battle zone.
His muscles contracted and his shoulders pushed back into the truck when a spray of blood splattered across his face and sprinkled over him as if someone had driven through a puddle next to him. He couldn't help the way he flinched, nor the way his lips curled as a disgruntled noise got stuck at the back of his throat.
For a second, when the blood hit, his eyes closed. But the moment they opened, it was as if his whole world had fallen apart.
His eyes locked on (Y/n) and as all the blood drained down from his head to his gut, Eddie felt his vision becoming dark. He had tunnel vision that focused on his wife and caused an aura to glow around her, nothing else visible and nothing else mattered. Except for his wife, and the blood soaking into her chest.
She didn't quite seem to recognise that the blood covering Eddie was her own because something horrid and frightened dwelled in her eyes when she looked at him. It was as if the world was crumbling and she thought Eddie or Tate had been the ones to get hurt.
Then she stumbled. Her feet slipped, her upper body tilted backwards and she went down to the floor as blood trickled down her shirt and out the entrance wound in her back, creating a dark puddle on the ground beneath her.
Static tore through Eddie's ears and his body shuddered back against the truck when another bullet pelted through the air and hit the truck, only two inches away from his head. But the thought of getting hit by a bullet didn't frighten Eddie as much as the thought of another one getting (Y/n)- or Tate.
His head snapped down so his lips could merge with the top of Tate's head and his trembling arms curved round her better so his arms engulfed her. He couldn't have the shooter- whoever and wherever they were- trying to aim for her.
He slid down the truck and twisted to the right, hunching over so Tate was between him and the ground making her as less of a target as possible. He could feel each cry and scream that she belted out becoming muffled in his shirt and vibrating through his chest, but it didn't matter. He had to keep her safe even if that meant frightening her.
"Get down!"
He could feel tears welling up in his eyes as a fire raged within his stomach and set alight to his heart and lungs. It was flowing through his veins, firing him up and making him feel like he was about to combust like the stars Buck was always telling them random facts about.
He couldn't have Tate getting hurt too. She was barely two and a half weeks old. A bullet would kill her. Any fragments that hit her if Eddie got shot would kill her. If Eddie got shot or pushed or fell down, Tate would be in trouble too because she was in his arms.
Panicked tears slid down Eddie's face as he breathed harshly, trying to control each breath that fanned against the top of the newborn's head. He stayed hunched over while Tate kicked and screamed, wriggling horribly to the point he had to hold her even tighter so he didn't drop her.
He began to shuffle to the right, keeping pressed up against the truck for some sort of cover and protection.
When he reached Buck and Chimney who were trying to shield behind the truck door, Eddie crouched in front of Buck and moved his arms out.
"Take her." He hissed as if the words were venom on his tongue. He had to go get (Y/n) and he couldn't do that with his daughter in his arms. Buck needed to hold her and keep her safe. He could see the panic flood Buck's eyes as he shakily took hold of his niece just as Eddie sternly demanded for him to protect her.
Eddie watched the way Buck's arms tightened around his niece, encasing her to his chest with one large hand curled around the back of her head for some sort of protection. He hunkered down, curling over so his entire frame was surrounding Tate like a blanket and he let Chimney grab his arm and drag him a bit further back for better protection.
They needed cover. They needed protection. They needed help.
Eddie gave the pram beside him a rough shove, watching the wheels spin out of control but it went in the direction he wanted it to. The pram moved towards Buck. It would give them a bit more cover, it would act as a shield from anymore bullets.
Her name barely scraped past his lips before he morphed into a scream. Someone grabbed him by the back of the neck. A rough chest barrelled into his side and tackled him to the floor.
He could feel whoever it was trying to pin him down, hissing in his ear to stay down, that they were in the firing line, as if Eddie didn't already know that.
Eddie gave way to the petrified scream that took all the air from his lungs. When he dragged in another breath, he went right back to screaming until he was red in the face and the vein was popping up the side of his neck.
His nails clawed at the tarmac road until blood started to scrape along the pad of his fingers.
(Y/n)'s name morphed into another scream but when he tried to scoot closer to her, his companion laid more on his back and pinned him down, still holding the back of his head to keep him looking down.
"Shots fired! Repeat, we're being shot at! Someone's hit, back up needed now. Send help!" The Captain from the 189 yelled into the radio pinned to his shoulder as he cowered down near Buck and Chimney.
A shiver tore through Buck and he cringed when he felt his niece beginning to scream into his chest. He could feel her mouth and nose pressing into his shirt and he made sure not to hold her any tighter, he didn't want to suffocate her. And it wasn't as if her screams were going to cause a problem, everyone was shouting, yelling and screaming their lungs out. Tate adding to the mix wasn't going to make a difference.
His hands shook as he cradled the back of her neck and hugged her into his chest. He could feel her tiny fists bashing into his chest and her feet kicking up into his stomach but he tensed his arms to hold her close.
She wasn't getting hurt on his watch; he wouldn't allow it.
Eddie could barely hear a thing, but he could feel his senses dwindling out and all he could focus on was his sights. His eyes were locked firmly on his wife. He could see her lips moving and Eddie wasn't sure whether it was his very acitve imagination or whether he was seeing it or not, but he was sure she was saying his name.
He thrust his elbow back into the teammate beside him, he screamed and roared until he managed to roll under the truck. He was getting his wife, he had to get to her and she was going to be taken to the hospital whether the shooter liked it or not.
His sleeves scraped against the road as he scuffled and shimmied beneath the truck that was barely raised enough for his large frame to fit beneath. He could feel his chin scraping along the floor so he didn't whack his head on the underside of the truck.
"(Y/n)! (Y/n)!"
He poked his head out from under the engine and took a quick look round for the shooter but he couldn't see anything. His vision was blurred and hazy and his eyes were moving too rapidly to take anything in. All he could see was (Y/n).
Blood was forming a river beneath her chest and her dusty blue top was turning black from the rouge blood dribbling down it. She had been shot in the chest, but she was still conscious. Her head slowly lolled to the right to look at Eddie and he saw the manic fear and pain dwelling in her eyes as his name bubbled past her lips.
"I've got you baby. I- I'm here."
He didn't waste time worrying about the best way to grab her and reel her under the safety of the truck.
With what little energy he could muster, Eddie scrunched his fingers into the back of her collar near her neck and started to pull. He yanked her close with a pulse of strength he didn't expect and his left hand planted down on the road to hold himself up.
A horrid scream bubbled past his lips as he yanked her close and scratched his knees to shuffle backwards. The moment she was beneath the truck with him, Eddie pressed his wet lips against her temple before he continued to crawl backwards, something he wasn't accustomed to doing very often.
Tears blurred down (Y/n)'s face and her wet lips parted to let out a tepid, meek cry when the tarmac scraped against her back that felt like it was on fire.
Tears blurred Eddie's vision. His arm was shaking and the muscles were tightening from dragging her with one arm, but he couldn't stop now. He had to keep moving, they had to get her in the truck and down to the hospital before she bled out here on the road and they lost her.
"I've got you amor."
When Eddie came out from under cover of the truck, he shifted into a crouching position and slipped both hands beneath (Y/n)'s arms. His nose scrunched up and he choked when (Y/n) screamed the moment he pulled her up. He had to. He couldn't get hold of her or move her any faster in any other position.
"Sorry baby, sorry, it's okay." Words tumbled past his lips and once (Y/n) was away from the truck, Eddie shifted positions.
He slipped her left arm over the back of his neck, one hand on her back and the other arm beneath her knees and hoisted her up into his embrace.
"Is Tate okay?" Eddie's voice dropped down two octaves as he rasped, his wild eyes scouring around while his head jerked forward when another bullet cut through the air.
"S-she's here, she's safe." Buck's voice had never sounded so broken and hollow before and if Eddie had the time, he would of been moved to tears and tried to hug his brother in law. But there was no time. He needed his family in the truck now so they could get to the hospital. He wasn't letting his wife bleed out in his arms like this.
"Then get her in the truck. Now!" Eddie ticked his head to the side in direction of the truck. They had to move, someone had to drive this thing and take them to the hospital. He wasn't waiting here like a sitting duck and letting his wife die in the street.
Trembling took over (Y/n)'s body and she could feel her head spinning around her. She could barely register Eddie's voice in her ear telling her to keep her eyes on him. She just wanted the pain to stop.
Eddie watched Buck keep his frame low, both hands cradling his niece as he climbed up into the back of the truck while someone else from the other team scrambled to get in the front.
He had to straighten up to keep proper hold of (Y/n), leaning over made him unbalanced and risked dropping (Y/n) before he'd got her in the truck. His teeth ground together and he turned to the side and managed to hobble up the steps into the truck while (Y/n) writhed and gasped in his arms.
"Sorry baby," He murmured as he hurried into the back and carefully lowered (Y/n) down across a row of seats. They had no ambulance nearby that they could confiscate, no proper medical equipment in here and no gurney but they would have to make do. They had to keep (Y/n) alive.
Her body writhed and jolted up when she was placed down but her nails scratched at Eddie's bicep until he grabbed her hand and held it to his chest.
Relief overtook Chimney after he climbed in with them and noticed the medic bag was still sat on the backseat where he had left it earlier, unused and ready for action.
"T-Tate," (Y/n) gasped, trying to circle her eyes back around to get her vision focused on her husband but her eyes wouldn't stay still. She couldn't do anything but let them roll and twist her head from left to right, writhing in absolute agony.
"She's here, s-she's okay amor, Buck's got her."
"I've got her." Buck repeated quietly, reaching out to press a trembling hand down on his sister's shoulder while he moved his other arm to indicate to the screaming newborn.
He had his niece in his arms and she was safe and so far unharmed. The only problem was how frightened she was and how distressed this was going to make her, but they could worry about that later. As long as she was unharmed and safe within their sights, it would be alright.
Eddie leaned forward on his heels with the soles of his boots pressed into the bottom of the opposite seats, his large frame didn't cramp well in the footwell of the truck like this. His fingers curled around (Y/n)'s hand and he held it against his chest like he wanted (Y/n) to feel his horrid heartbeat that was pounding through his body like it was about to explode.
They left the truck door swinging open as the driver took a sharp turn and jolted the truck to life, juttering down the street to get away from the scene.
Buck slumped down on the end seat stuck between the window and (Y/n) with her head nudging and pushing against his trembling thigh. Every part of him was shaking and he leaned forward, trying to keep out of range in case they were still being shot at. And he rearranged Tate in his arms so she was cuddled into his chest again.
His hand curled around the back of her head and he slowly started to rock back and forth, quietly humming against her head to keep himself calm and prevent a complete breakdown.
"I'm gonna take a look baby, okay?" Eddie couldn't stop his voice from rattling but no one seemed to care.
He held a trembling hand out towards Chimney who rummaged through the bag and handed him a pair of scissors. Eddie made quick work of cutting up the centre of (Y/n)'s shirt and dragging each torn piece across her shoulders so her chest was exposed to his eyes.
The white bra she was wearing was now blood red. Eddie would never be able to look at her in red lingerie the same way again. The gunshot wound was an inch above her bra on her left side and it was pouring blood like a tap. Blood coated all her chest, trickled down her abdomen and started to pool beneath her on the seats. It was lathered all over Eddie's hands, arms and chest and he didn't like it one bit.
A horrid grunt left (Y/n)'s lips when Eddie took a handful of gauze and forced it down against the wound so deeply it was like he was trying to give her CPR. Her chest shuddered and pushed up from the seats and her nails scratched into the back of Eddie's hand as she screamed. Spit bubbled past her lips and her blurring eyes finally managed to lock on her husband.
He leaned over her and pressed a shaking, bloodied hand against the side of (Y/n)'s face. His thumb smoothed over her cheek and his fingers fluttered against her jaw and lips. He tried to smile but he couldn't manage it.
"I'm here baby, just focus on breathing for me, okay?" He swiped his sleeve beneath his nose and rubbed at his reddened eyes before his free hand reached out to brace on the seat when they took a sharp swerve to the right.
"I l-love you," (Y/n) pushed her head back into the seat and nudged against Buck's thigh to get her brother's attention. "Love y…you all,"
Tears flushed down Buck's face as he sniffed and sucked his lower lip between his teeth to stop himself from bursting into sobs. She couldn't do that. She couldn't tell them that because that meant she wasn't expecting to live through this.
Buck couldn't be in a world without his sister. He couldn't survive without her. He couldn't live without any of his family. He went each day on shift wondering if something would happen to Bobby, Eddie, Chimney or Hen and how he would cope. He wondered if Maddie would be okay, if history would repeat itself and make him lose her like he almost did when Doug was around. He feared he might lose Chris like he did during the tsunami.
He feared something happening to (Y/n) like the night Eddie rang him in tears, saying (Y/n) was going for an emergency C-section because something was wrong with the baby. But Buck never feared his little sister would get shot, much less when she was with them while they were on shift.
"Don't do that." Eddie's voice snapped Buck out of his thoughts and had him shivering on the spot, but he wasn't talking to him. "You're not leaving me, so don't try and tell me goodbye. You're staying right here, do you hear me?"
The authoritive tone in Eddie's voice made (Y/n)'s head go dizzy and she choked on each breath she took.
He wasn't letting her die, and he wasn't going to crouch here and listen to her try to tell him goodbye. Eddie wasn't ready for that. He wanted decades with (Y/n). They had years and years and years left to be together and he wasn't having any of that time be cut short.
He'd already lost Shannon, and even though they hadn't been together at the time, she was still important to him. He couldn't lose (Y/n) as well.
He'd rather die.
"Go faster!" Pushing up on his knees, Eddie slammed his fist against the roof to urge whoever was driving to put their foot down.
He could feel the amount of blood (Y/n) was losing. He could feel her pulse throbbing against his hand as he tried to imbed the gauze into her skin to prevent the bleeding. If this continued she would have none left in her body and Eddie couldn't lose his wife.
His left hand pressed down harder causing (Y/n) to gurgle and writhe beneath him, but he had to. He had to keep the pressure.
He grazed his free hand across her jaw and his lips grimaced when he realised he'd just left a streak of blood tainting her skin. He lifted his head to look at Buck and his eyes trailed down to look at his daughter who was still screaming up a storm, despite how Buck was rocking her back and forth and trying to shush her the best he could.
But Eddie's attention went right back to (Y/n) when her hand feebly curled around his wrist and she started to pull, sinking her nails into his skin to claw for his attention.
"What, baby?"
"I c- ca…" Her nails scratched deep enough to draw blood around Eddie's wrist and she yanked his hand closer to her chest. Her head pushed back against her brother's leg and her chest lifted up from the seats.
Each breath turned into struggling gasps and her body began to convulse up and down, unable to take in a proper breath. She screwed her eyes shut and tried to still her shaking body when she felt Eddie's free hand hovering over her throat and then moving down to assess her chest.
"Shit, shit her lung's collapsing, she's breathing into her chest cavity."
Eddie turned towards Chimney who was already rattling through the bag to find a puncture needle which Eddie stole from him the moment his fingers curled around it. He had never done this in the ambulance, let alone in the back of a fire truck that was horribly swerving from side to side and shaking like they were driving through an Earthquake.
But he didn't have a choice. If he didn't do this, (Y/n) was going to keep breathing into her chest cavity and both lungs would end up collapsing. She would suffocate and combined with the blood loss, Eddie would surely lose her.
"Keep the pressure."
As soon as Eddie let go of the gauze, Chimney leaned between him and Buck, squashing his frame between them as he stood over Eddie's shoulder and held down on the gauze. He applied the needed pressure which made (Y/n) squirm and choke, but all of them froze when a struggling cough burst past her lips and a bout of blood spewed past her lips.
A quiet "Fuck," spat past Eddie's lips while he tried to steady himself on his knees and lean over (Y/n). He pressed down on two of her ribs and with a deep breath, he punctured the needle into the space between her ribs just a bit further down from her gunshot wound. He saw the moment he had pushed it deep enough because (Y/n)'s chest inflated up and her lung popped back up to maximum capacity again.
Eddie could feel tears spilling down his face when he looked back to his wife's face and saw her still struggling for breath. Blood coating her lips and dribbling down her chin while her hand flailed around to grip his arm.
"We're here!" Chimney jumped down from the truck and slammed his hands against the side of the truck before he pulled the door wider and waved them down.
Buck was next, cradling his niece into the crook of his neck as he clambered down, doing his best to stop from bursting into tears now that Tate had finally ceased crying. Reduced to whimpers and sniffles that choked Buck's heart.
"Okay amor, you're gonna be just fine and you're gonna stay with me, aren't you?"
(Y/n) did her best to nod and hum to let Eddie know she was listening and she understood. She felt him loop her good arm around his neck and once his arms slipped beneath her frame, she became weightless. Her head lolled against his shoulder and she scrunched her fingers tightly into his shirt as he hurried to clamber down from the truck and rush towards the doors to the hospital.
They didn't make it to the doors before a stretcher and a flurry of doctors were surrounding them. Eddie carefully eased his wife down onto the stretcher while a nurse immediately took place applying pressure to the wound and another clipped (Y/n)'s head into a neck brace.
"Keep breathing for me amor, y-you're doing so good." Eddie snatched the oxygen mask from the doctor and placed it over (Y/n)'s lips while his other hand gripped her wrist since she was still holding his shirt.
He could briefly see the boys running after them while he stayed doubled over the stretcher until his groin was pressed into the side and his legs burned from running at an odd angle to be alongside his wife. He didn't think about where they were going or what was happening until they reached the operation unit and a nurse suddenly grabbed him by the shoulders.
"No! No please- I can't leave her!"
He didn't have a choice. Chimney's hands clutched at his shoulders and pulled him backwards while a nurse disconnected (Y/n)'s hand from his shirt and wheeled her away from his sights.
As soon as she was out of his sight, tears overwhelmed his eyes, a sob ransacked his lips and his body started to shake like he was being electrocuted. He coiled his hands to his chest and let his nails scratch into his skin when it felt like his heart was going to give out and end his suffering.
His nails raked along his skin causing deep red indents to appear in their wake but when he twisted round on his heels, his eyes set on Buck. His hands left his skin and his arms stretched out as he gasped for air.
"G-give her to me."
Buck seemed at a loss for words and he seemed uneasy about handing over the little girl who had done wonders for keeping his concentration firm and preventing him from breaking down. But he knew if he didn't hand her over, Eddie was going to be the one suffering a breakdown.
He eased Tate into Eddie's arms, watching Eddie lean his cheek against the top of her head as he continued to silently sob like his heart was physically breaking in his chest.
What was he going to do now?
"Dad?" Confusion flooded Chris's voice and his head tilted to one side when he looked into the living room and realised his dad was home early. He had the sudden urge to rush over and bombard him with a hug but when he looked closer, he refrained.
His dad didn't look his usual self. He was slouched in the armchair like he was a wax work about to melt into a puddle. His head was propped up on his hand and Chris took note that his other hand was laid on the arm rest, shaking like a leaf.
His face was burnt red. His eyes were hollow and dark and had deep purple streaks beneath them like he had been shouting- or crying, for hours. And he could see Eddie's leg was stammering up and down, his heel clicking against the floor with every shake of his leg.
Chris felt Carla kiss the top of his head and whisper that she would see him in the morning but he could barely register her leaving and quietly closing the door behind her.
He didn't understand.
His mum was supposed to be picking him up from school today, but when he hurried out of the gates, he found Carla there instead. And all she told him was that there had been a change of plans and she was dropping him off home.
"Dad?" He asked again, his voice hollow and quiet this time as he kicked off his shoes and placed his bag near the door before he dared walk into the living room.
With a deep breath, Eddie pushed forward so he was no longer slouched in the armchair that had comforted him for the last hour. He tried to smile, he really did, but all he could manage was a small twitch of his lips.
He waved his hand out, beckoning Chris over as he got up and sluggishly moved to sit on the sofa instead. He watched Chris plop down next to him on the sofa, both hands gripping the seat as he started to rock back and forth but his eyes were intently focused on his dad.
"Is something wrong?" Chris could feel his heartbeat picking up but once he looked around, he felt a jolt surge through him. "Where's mum and Tate?"
Eddie sat forward on the edge of the seat and hunched over, clicking his spine into place as he did so. His elbows propped up on his thighs and both hands moved to cup his nose and mouth. He took a few calming breaths, willing himself not to have his third panic attack of the day, he couldn't be doing that again, not in front of Chris.
It took a moment for the adrenaline to wear off from his stomach and when it did, he turned to look at his son. He reached across and placed his hand on Chris's knee while his other hand started to rub up and down the back of his neck out of nervous habit.
"Your mum, she visited me at work this morning, and… there, there was an accident."
Eddie didn't want to be doing this.
He had done a speech similar to this when Shannon died. He had never had such a hard job as he did that day when he and (Y/n) sat Chris down and told him Shannon had passed away. He had only just got into a relationship with (Y/n) by that point, but she had been an anchor for both of them, keeping them safe and stopping them from drifting off into the unknown.
He had no idea how to have this conversation or how to speak without bursting into tears. Chimney had to be the one to call Bobby earlier and explain the situation. Buck could barely speak to Maddie on the phone. Maddie couldn't get through the phone call to her parents who actually said they were coming down. Which was a surprise, considering they hadn't come down when (Y/n) gave birth less than three weeks ago.
"An accident?" Hesitation flooded Chris's voice and he found himself leaning into Eddie's side with his cheek resting on his dad's arm.
Tears were already welling up in Eddie's eyes again despite him willing them away and telling himself to be strong, for his son.
"We don't know who, or why," He ran a hand over his face and squeezed Chris's knee. "But someone nearby started to shoot at us, and your mum got hurt."
"Mum got shot?" Chris's voice wavered and tears started to cascade down his face. Both his hands reached out to curl around Eddie's bicep and that was all it took for tears to trace down Eddie's cheeks. He reached his hand out and cupped the back of Chris's head, pulling him closer to he could kiss his curls.
"Yeah, but me and uncle Buck, we got her to hospital. I've been there all afternoon. They took her for an operation, and it went well. She's in the ICU and aunt Maddie's sitting with her now."
"W-will mum be okay?"
"It's gonna take some time, but the doctor thinks she'll be fine. But, but she's really bad at the moment, so uncle Buck and me are gonna take turns getting you from school and staying with you and Tate, okay? Just until mum can come home."
Eddie didn't want to jinx things and tell Chris (Y/n) was going to recover in case something happened. He couldn't take the risk of jumping to conclusions.
She had been in surgery for a good few hours. The bullet was taken out, her lung was patched up and the bleeding was stopped. They got her stable and into the ICU, but it was still early days. (Y/n) needed time to recover, they had to make sure her lung didn't collapse and she didn't get a blood clot in her lung since her lungs weren't working at full capacity yet. And they were getting her on antibiotics to prevent sepsis which was a big worry.
But she was still alive, she hadn't passed away during surgery, she had stayed strong and stayed with them and Eddie couldn't have been more thankful for that. His wife was still here and he was going to sit vigil by her side every day until he could bring her home.
That meant him and Buck taking it in turns to stay the night with Chris and take him to school. They would switch things around so they could both see (Y/n) every day but still look after Chris. He needed to keep routines and they had to keep him calm and look after him while also trying to take care of (Y/n) and Tate at the same time.
"Is Tate okay?"
A tender smile pulled at Eddie's lips and he nodded against the top of Chris's head.
"She's a bit unsettled, but she's completely fine. She's sleeping in my room at the minute."
Eddie carefully removed his arm from Chris's rather tight grip so he could loop his arm around the back of his shoulders instead. He tugged his boy under his arm and let him cuddle up into his chest.
It had felt awful to come home to a quiet home, especially when Eddie's heartstrings were yearning for him to stay at the hospital and be there when (Y/n) woke up, but he couldn't. He had to come home and be here for when Chris got back. He had to tell Chris what had happened and comfort him tonight and then he could go back and see (Y/n) tomorrow morning as soon as he'd taken Chris to school and found someone to watch Tate for a while.
He ran his hand up and down Chris's side while his other hand cupped his face so he could kiss his temple and keep his son as close to his chest as he could manage.
He was glad he'd come home when he did because ti gave him chance to get showered and scrub the blood from his skin. He may have scrubbed a little too hard and scraped off a few layers of his own skin, but he needed all of (Y/n)'s blood washed away. His clothes had gone in the bin, along with Tate's onesie that had been splattered with her mum's blood.
"I wanna see mum." Chris couldn't stop the tears from falling down his face, but he tried his best to hold back his sobs. He clutched at Eddie's chest and tilted his head back to look up at him.
"I-" Eddie didn't want to refuse. He didn't want to say no because he could see the agony swirling around in Chris's eyes. He knew it would do Chris some good to see (Y/n) and know she was alright. It would probably make (Y/n) feel better to see him too.
But he also didn't want to frighten Chris too much, and children weren't supposed to go into the ICU.
"Are you sure?"
"I want mum." His tone was defiant and firm and his chin jutted out as he looked up at Eddie with an expression that matched his dad look for look. And the underlying tone to his voice told Eddie he didn't want to wait until tomorrow. He wanted to go and see (Y/n), now.
"Let me call Buck, see if he can watch Tate, and I'll take you. But it won't be for long, kids aren't allowed in the ICU."
Removing one hand from around Chris, Eddie rummaged around in his pocket for his phone. He had no idea if Buck had actually gone home to change or if he stayed at the hospital. All Eddie knew was that Maddie was at the hospital with (Y/n) at the moment. But if Buck could look after Tate or at least sit in the waiting room with her, then it would give Eddie chance to smuggle his boy into the ICU so they could both see (Y/n).
He unlocked his phone, but his heart caught in his throat when he realised he'd gotten a few messages from Maddie. His phone was still on silent since this morning when he had been on shift.
*She's awake, everything looks good. XX
*Can you come back? She's getting distressed, doctor will sedate her if she won't calm down. Need your help. XX
That was what Eddie had been worried about when he left before (Y/n) woke up. She didn't like hospitals, she was going to be confused and wonder where Eddie and Buck were as they had been with her when she arrived and went for her operation.
The last thing they wanted to do was keep sedating (Y/n) if she got distressed or panicked, it wouldn't be fair to her. And they needed to try and keep her awake to make sure she was alright and she wasn't having any complications from surgery.
Eddie stuffed his phone back in his pocket, kissed the top of Chris's head and pushed up from the sofa.
"Let's get ready. Your mum's awake, and she needs our help."
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best-of-yandere · 4 months
Mafia AU with platonic yandere Superfam
TW: mentioned death (human & animal), non-sexual breastfeeding mention, surveillance, various "light" punishments mention, slight infantilization, platonic yandere
It starts with Clark and Lois deciding to have another child. They have Jon, and Connor, of course, but they miss having a baby in their arms.
As soon as they hold you in their arms at the hospital, they're in love. It's different with you; it only takes a single coo for them to be wrapped around your chubby little fingers.
When they bring you home, you quickly win the hearts of your siblings. Fights have been started between them over who's your favorite.
You never sleep alone. As a baby, Clark and Lois keep you in their arms at night. When you grow older, your siblings are allowed to have you with them at night. A schedule is quickly devised over who gets you what nights. You do have your own room... you're just never in it.
As you grow older, it becomes apparent you're not suited for the "family business". You still cry over a bird hitting the window; insisting on nursing it back to health, only to become inconsolable when it dies.
They're ok with that. What they do is dangerous, and you're too precious to them to be put in harms way. They decide to keep the truth of what they do from you, telling you they're both reporters to explain their long hours and traveling.
You grow up sheltered, a mafia princess with no idea you are. You're not allowed to leave the compound, but you're given everything you want... except freedom. It wears on you, the lack of freedom and personal space. One of the family is always around you, and when they're not, trusted bodyguards follow you around. You beg off to your room to get at least a little alone time, unaware of the cameras and microphones lacing your room.
But they couldn't keep the truth from you forever. One day, you see Connor killing a grunt, and sweet, sheltered you runs in fright. You don't even make it to the compound's front door. Having seen you trying to escape, Jon is quick to grab you and carry you back inside. You cry, trying to tell him what Connor did, how you both have to get out of there; it breaks his heart to see you so scared! He'll take you to the family room, shushing your cries and wiping away your tears, while he waits for the rest of the family to arrive.
When they do, there's no explaining it away. They come clean, at least about their real careers. You can't accept it; your loving family; murderers, criminals? When you eventually you wear yourself out, calmed down from the exhaustion, Clark and Lois tell you that nothing has to change. They're still your family who loves you very much and would do anything for you.
You're already restricted from business areas of the compound and under heavy surveillance, so the only major changes to your life is them taking away your access to electronics so you can't ask for help. That, and Connor's newfound clingyness. He wants so badly to be your beloved, cool older brother again, that he's constantly with you, trying to get you engaged in activities with him. He'll sneak you video games and junk food to try to get in your good graces again, so things can go back to how they used to be.
Lashing out at them due to your circumstances is a good way to get punished. They'd never lay a hand on you, but they're not afraid to show you just how much freedom you've been afforded until now.
An escape attempt will earn you an escort in the bathroom and shower. Trying to hurt them will put cuffed mittens on your hands. Trying to hurt yourself will get you sedated.
Stars forbid you try a hunger strike; Lois is more than willing to take your food into her own hands. She'll start breastfeeding you again, sedating you, so you'll be compliant. Once she does, though, even if you agree to start eating again, she'll still insist on feeding you herself, treating you like a baby. She'll cut up your food and spoonfeed you each bite, taking turns with Clark for each meal time. They both missed feeling so close to you in this way, and in her and the family's eyes, there's really no reason for you to grow up.
Not when they're always going to be there to take care of you - even if you don't want them too. You may not have freedom, privacy, or bodily autonomy, but you have your family. Forever and ever and ever...
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aethelwyneleigh27 · 1 year
Little Ghost
Simon "Ghost" Riley x Reader Drabble
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Thanks so much to @puff0o0 for drawing this and feeding me more ideas for GirlDad!Simon "Ghost" Riley.
(I didn't give the baby a name, I would've opt for Charlotte but idk what y'all want to name your children)
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Your little toddler asking you, her momma for help. She had several drawings of her dad, you and her. She's been pointing non-stop while babbling at her drawing of her dad, with his mask on.
"Yeah love, that's dada.." You said to her with your head tilted, trying to understand what she was telling you. The little one whined in frustration, she wanted so bad to communicate what she wanted but she was only able to say a few words.
She had to demonstrate to you what she was referring to in the means of actions, she took her baby blanket on the couch and placed it over her head, somewhat resembling a mask.
You further encouraged her later on by giving her one of Simon's older masks and it seemed to have cheered her up, even though her head was too small for it and the mask's eye hole goes through her head perfectly like a shirt.
That's when you had the bright idea to surprise Simon, taking inspiration from the baby carrier you and your husband bought for your baby (he couldn't do anything but grumble about the fact that it was pink), you decided to make her a mask tailored to her.
It wasn't hard finding the materials, you already had a pink stretchy fabric from your old shirt and that plastic skull decoration you got from last Halloween. Oddly enough you got it because it was similar to Ghost's mask, it was time you repurposed it.
• ──── ✦ Time Skip ✦ ──── •
Ghost finally found himself home after being on a mission for almost two months, he opened the door, prying his keys off them and gently nudge it closed.
He looked around throwing his duffle bag on the ground near the shoe rack, he found himself smiling at the two pairs of shoes there. Yours and what he thought was the tiniest pink shoes, a space unoccupied at the right side to be completed by his pair of combat boots.
Simon turned his head, looking further in towards your shared home to see his little girl stumbling towards him. Only to his amusement, she was wearing a pink version of his mask. Simon let out a chuckle, a proud boisterous one.
"Lovie, did you make that for her..?" Simon asked you after seeing you turn the corner to almost tackle him in a hug, the amusement in his voice still quite clear. You nodded your head before replying "Well I only helped, our mini Ghostie did most of the work". That earned you a forehead kiss from your husband.
He lifted your little one up after she looked at him and said "Up-py dada, uppies please", her tiny arms gripping his shirt while he carried her. The little mask reminded him of the time you surprised him with baby mittens with skeleton hands printed on it.
You kissed both their cheeks sending your little one into a fit of giggles while she tried to kiss her momma back. Simon just stared at the sight, feeling happier that he's home to his family.
Yeah he's definitely going to bring that pink mask along when he takes the little one to see the Taskforce again..
(The Taskforce interacting with little baby Ghost...)
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What about Ellie taking readers first kiss?!?🤭 very nervous reader?? anxious somewhat but also super excitedd
Frostbite - (ellie williams x reader)
Hi anon!! i did it a little differently from your request, i hope you don't mind. I could not stop writing this, i might make a part 2 to this... I hope you enjoy <333
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Pairing: ellie x fem!reader
requests are open! send me your silly thoughts
Warning: none
Summary: in which you shared a special moment with her
authors note: did i mention Christmas in this because I'm excited for December? yes.
Jackson was covered in thick layer of snow. Everyone was wearing puffer jackets, mittens and beanies hoping that the cold air wouldn't affect them. You walked down the street seeing how people were hanging Christmas lights, and how the children stared at everything in awe. The children made snowmen, and you knew that soon the town would be buzzing with people as they started to buy gifts for their families.
As beautiful as the holidays were, you hated it. Every year you'd end up alone in your house, listening to carols being sang. You're be filled with a emptiness that you can't explain.
You missed your family every year. You'd always imagine the type of life you'd be living if the outbreak never happened.
You sat in the local garden, shivering slightly when the cool breeze blew past you.
"There you are, i was looking for you"
you turned your head to that voice.
Her voice.
Ellie Williams.
You rolled your eyes "you need to stop looking for me"
"i missed you though" she pouted
You hated when she did this.
When she'd come after you with nice words, pretending like she cared.
Maybe she did and you didn't believe her. At this point you don't know how to feel.
When Ellie first arrived in Jackson the two of you were inseparable.
"We were bound to be friends" she'd always say.
Sleepovers, makeovers, baking, watching old movies, you did everything together.
But the older the two of you grew, things became different.
You both got new friends, new interests. You used to spend every waking second of the day together, now the two of you only awkwardly said hi when you saw each other in public.
You both had reasons for the sudden distance.
You thought Ellie had outgrown your friendship. One day she'd be smiling with you, the next day she'd barley look at you.
Ellie on the other hand, was in love with you.
She suddenly became self-aware of how she looked, how she smelled, how she spoke. She didn't want to embarrass herself. The best solution to her problem (or what she thought was right) was avoiding you.
Now that she's older she has realized that damage her avoiding you caused.
Years had gone by and the two of you lived separate lives, but Ellie's feelings for you never went away. She was stuck on you.
No matter how many girls she dated, kissed or hooked up with, she knew her heart belonged to you.
The older Ellie grew, the more attractive you found her and some days you're actually glad the friendship ended.
Imagine you were best friends with the girl you loved?
Both of you assumed your feelings were one sided. Until the rumors started.
It all started when a girl randomly slapped you across the face saying that Ellie moaned your name while they were doing the deed.
She's been avoiding you but she's moaning your name?
You weren't sure if you should feel flattened or disturbed.
You'd hear more stories as the years went on.
"She liked you" , "She misses you" You weren't sure if this was even true. Maybe it was all just a sick joke.
Even with all the drama you missed her. The friendship. The cheesy jokes, the stupid stories. You just missed her.
You were actually happy when Ellie slowly started coming back into your life. It went from just saying hi occasionally, to small life updates to full sleepovers.
It was just like old times.
Your heart ached for her even more, now you're getting close again. As much as you enjoyed the friendship, you couldn't help but want more.
You noticed her lingering touches, the small glances.
Maybe you were being delusional? Maybe you were reading into it?
You could feel a connection, but does she feel it too?
Maybe the rumors weren't true.
"You saw me earlier els, you cant miss me"
"I just love spending time with you"
fuck, how many girls has she said this to?
"i want to-" she went silent, not finishing her sentence.
She seemed nervous.
From the corner of your eye you see her moving closer to you, her arm wrapping around your shoulders.
You shiver at the close contact.
"Why are you so close?" You ask in a whisper
"I'm keeping you warm"
It was winter and its really fucking cold but suddenly you were hot. You were almost sweating because of the close proximity.
This is closest she's been in years.
Ellie leaned closer towards you, so close you could feel her breathe on your cheek. Your heart races, you felt comfortable in her presence, you palms felt clammy.
You were nervous.
Why does she make you nervous?
"Can i kiss you?" Ellie suddenly asked.
Without hesitation you said yes.
Before your lips crashed into hers, your body turned hot, your breathing came out in short breaths. You turned to her and and her hand gently touched your cheek, you leaned in first.
Since when are you bold? Were you really this desperate?
As soon as your lips made contact, you felt butterflies explode in your stomach. She pulled you closer by the waist and you grabbed her face bringing her closer than she already was.
Your heart was beating so fucking fast, you assumed she could probably feel it.
"Your lips are...cold" you softly chuckle as your fingers brushed against your lips.
Did this just happen?
You were suddenly hyperaware of your surroundings.
Did you breath smell ok? Did you kiss ok?
Fuck now you were really nervous.
Ellie didn't respond and there was a comfortable silence between the two of you.
Ellie spoke up eventually "I've always wanted to do that"
You stayed silent blushing at her words.
"Do you want to come back to... my place so we can talk about us.... and i know you hate being alone during the holidays so can we perhaps... i don't know... go?"
"Yeah... I'd like that"
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love-belle · 1 year
tujhe kitna chahne lage !!!
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ in which the entire world is convinced that they do not like each other but it's actually quite the opposite.
for when they make you go crazy in a good way. ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚
social media au // lando norris x fem!reader
warnings - language
author's note - another desi!reader bc why the fuck not!!!!!! hope you like it, i love you so much <3
≡;- ꒰ °instagram ꒱
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liked by lilymhe, carmenmmundt, landonorris and 758,427 others
yourusername lando norizz said i sparkled (derogatory)
tagged landonorris
username NAH MARRY ME RN
username sirf ek chance plzzz (just one chance please)
username MAATE???? ( mother )
username OH MY GOD
username nah im in love what yhe fuxk
carmenmmundt you shine ❤️‍🔥
*liked by yourusername*
username traditional clothes hit different and that's just facts
username hayeee nazar na lage ( no evil eye )
username lando rn: ur a vampire
-> username forgive me in my head that was wayyyyy more funny
username marry me PLEASE
carlossainz55 i'm blinded
-> landonorris only i'm allowed to make fun of her so back off sainz
-> carlossainz55 child i taught you everything you know now
-> yourusername i'm blocking both of u
username she's so W
username traditions attire 🔛🔝
username i love all the drivers just randomly popping up on her post and leaving after pissing her off like that's MY source of entertainment and serotonin
username mother slays 🔥🔥🔥
mickschumacher your aunt (???) is setting me up with her daughter help
-> yourusername walk AWAY
username not the desi aunties trying to play matchmaker 💀💀💀
username i love her so much omg
username waiting for lando's comments before going on with my day like it's the morning news or something
landonorris you DO sparkle
-> landonorris disco light like looking witch
-> yourusername i'm honestly gonna go and tell lewis that ur being mean to me
-> landonorris WAIT NO
landonorris you sparkle (🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮)
-> yourusername here lewishamilton
-> lewishamilton lando no
landonorris imagine wearing silver on silver
-> yourusername you wear dumb on stupid everyday do u see me complaining
-> usernme nah she gagged him
landonorris boo 👎👎👎
-> yourusername ur so obsessed with me ☺️☺️☺️🥰🥰🥰❤️❤️❤️ go on 🔥🔥🔥🗣️🗣️🗣️🙏🙏🙏 log out 💯💯💯❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥😘😘😘
username they make me so ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
username i want what they have
username just make out already
≡;- ꒰ °instagram ꒱
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liked by yourusername, carlossainz55, pierregasly and 789,514 others
landonorris when y/n managed to *not* burn the kitchen down while boiling water
tagged yourusername
username lando babe this js proves that you're all sunshine and smiles when it comes to her
username they hate each other???? lol
username nah what in the enemies to lovera shit is this
username HIS SMILE OMG
username sunshine boy
username he's so adorable
username nah they're definitely together
charles_leclerc says the one who burned the hello kitten mittens
-> landonorris IT WAS AN ACCIDENT and YOUR hello kitty mittens
-> username me randomly discovering that charles loves hello kitty in the comments of a post about y/n from lando is so wild if u think about it
username hiii im new to f1 can someone please explain who y/n is and why do lando and her hate each other :)
-> username ofc angel <3 she's the daughter of one of the BIGGEST sponsors for f1 and she's like very close with most of the drivers and their partners and attends as many races as she can!!!!
-> username lando and her have had a very *rocky* relationship since the beginning bc the first time they met, lando pushed her into the pool and then she pushed him into a fountain so !!
-> username they're all currently in india atm bc y/n's sister is getting married and it's like the event of the decade!!!!!!!
danielricciardo this is not helpful in beating the crush allegations !
-> landonorris shut the fuck up !
username he's so ☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️
username not danny ric calling him out
username this comments section is WILD
username they're together idgaf they HAVE to be
username atp they're just playing with us
username no bc lando and y/n are SO iconic like from the moment they met to here like all of their public interactions are so entertaining
-> username one of them is always ready to throw hands with the other one and most of the time it's y/n
-> username nah bc i know my girl is DONE with his shit
yourusername you forgot how to crack an egg.
yourusername *when y/n is actually the love of my life
-> landonorris hahahahahahaha!!!!!!! babe what!!!!!!!!!
-> danielricciardo both of you are so dumb 😭😭😭
-> maxverstappen1 oh my god
-> charles_leclerc what just happened
-> username "babe" SAY WHAT
username im gonna go and walk my fish
-> username i suddenly need to iron air
username they're idiots (affectionate)
≡;- ꒰ °instagram ꒱
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
liked by lewishamilton, carmenmmundt, landonorris and 897,527 others
yourusername tujhe kitna chahne lage ( just how much i love you )
tagged landonorris
comments are disabled for this post
≡;- ꒰ °instagram ꒱
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liked by yourusername, charles_leclerc, danielricciardo and 897,426 others
landonorris she's mean but she buys me chocolate so ❤️
tagged yourusername
username i am not okay
username IM SO
username HER.
username im heartbroken 💔💔💔💔💔💔 both of my parasocial relationships gone just like that
username nah bc she can fuck me up and i would say thank u and sorry for wasting your time
maxverstappen1 she's mean to all of us but she doesn't get us shit
-> yourusername aren't you like a millionaire
-> maxverstappen1 SO ARE YOU
-> yourusername lol i get p and kelly chocolates
-> kellypiquet 🥰
-> maxverstappen1 you're never getting to babysit p ever again
-> yourusername WAIT NO I'M SO SORRY
username they both said fuck soft launch
username apna time aayega ( our time will come )
danielricciardo idk she makes me chai
-> landonorris didn't she almost hit you with a rolling pin because you said "chai tea"
-> yourusername it was honestly so deserved
-> danielricciardo i am TRAUMATIZED
username LOOK!! AT!! THEM!!
username we've come so far oh my god
username y/n posting a couple dumb pictures of lando and a cute one of them together and then disabling the comments while lando posts these MASTERPIECES is so on brand of them
-> username cool gf 🤝 obsessed bf
yourusername i am NOT mean
-> landonorris sure
-> yourusername im not!!!!!!!!!!
-> landonorris sure!!!!!!!!!
yourusername love u ig
-> landonorris guess again
-> yourusername I LOVE YOU SOOO MUCH
-> landonorris k
-> yourusername blocked
yourusername hey ur kinda pretty
-> landonorris hey you're very pretty
username i feel like i've entered an alternate dimension
username ngl im gonna miss y/n and lando shit talking each other
1K notes · View notes
woso-dreamzzz · 8 months
Hardersson x Child!Reader
Part of The Big Adventures Universe
Summary: Your first snow
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You're dressed in the cutest snow suit possible with little black booties that make it very difficult for you to walk but you look like a marshmallow and Pernille thinks that's adorable.
"Okay," She says to you, zipping up the suit and shoving a green Wolfsburg beanie on your head.
You're still very little but you can walk now so Pernille takes your hand tight in her own and swings the door open.
It reached freezing last night and a large layer of snow covers the ground. You've never seen snow before and it makes you all wiggly in excitement.
You grunt out your frustration of Pernille still holding your hand. You kind of want to touch the white stuff. It's annoying you that Momma isn't letting you do it.
She laughs slightly before falling back. You fall on top of her, your movement made awkward by the layers of clothes she's dressed you in.
"This is snow, princesse," She explains to you, picking up some of the powdery white stuff and letting you touch it.
It's cold and it's a little crunchy under your hands. You grab a handful and smush it together. You know that it's really cold because you're wearing mittens and you can still feel it.
You kind of like the feeling and you move to high-five the ground while you giggle hysterically.
Momma laughs with you before flopping down properly and moving her legs and arms.
"It's a snow angel," She says before repeating the words in Danish, Swedish and German.
Pernille's trying to bring you up multilingual. She's not entirely sure if it's working but she's trying. She speaks just Danish in the house with you, a combination of German and English when outside and then Swedish when Magda's on the phone.
She hopes it isn't too confusing for you but, to be honest, you're not really paying attention to her right now, too focussed on sticking your hands in the snow and throwing it around.
"Snow angel," Pernille repeats just in case you passively take it in, repeating it firmly in all languages before helping you sit so you can one too.
Your clothes stop a lot of your motions so it looks a lot more like a blob than anything else but you seem happy enough with it, reaching down to swipe more snow.
"Hey, no," Pernille says quickly when it looks like you're going to put the snow in your mouth," We don't eat it. It's not food."
You stare blankly at her and move to put your snow covered mittens back in your mouth.
Pernille laughs as she pulls your hand away. You look a little annoyed at that but she distracts you easily by throwing a little heap of snow at your belly. You look down at where she's hit you, shocked like you never even thought that this was something you could do.
You touch the front of your suit with a little open mouth. You clumsily lean down to scoop up your own pile and throw it right at Pernille's face. Your aim is a little off though and it just spatters against her chest.
Pernille laughs and throws more at you.
You decide that this is a fun game and grapple to get more. None of them are ever made into proper snowballs, more like little handfuls of powder than anything else. There isn't much force in your throws either but Pernille plays along, letting every hit make her fall flat on her back and pretend to be wounded.
You must find this incredibly funny because you giggle hysterically every time she does so before flopping on top of her to check that she's just playing around and you haven't actually hurt her.
You roll around in the snow with her a few more times, making your blob-shaped snow angels but your head snaps up when a voice you recognise speaks.
"Well, don't you look all nice and cosy as a marshmallow?"
You don't understand all her words but you recognise the voice. You try to get up quickly but Momma's dressed you in lots of clothes so you fall straight onto your back.
You whine, holding your arms up.
Morsa pops up in your vision and immediately takes you into her arms, holding you nice and close like you love.
Pernille watches on, dusting herself off before wandering closer. "You're early. I thought you said that your flight wasn't until this afternoon."
"I got on an earlier one," Magda replies, still holding you against her body," I missed you both."
"We missed you too," Pernille says, pressing a kiss to her partner's lips softly.
"How has she been?" Magda asks," Good?"
"Like an angel."
"I can see that." Magda tilts her head to the you-shaped blobs on the snow. "But she's looking a little cold. How about we go back inside and warm up?"
Magda doesn't wait for an argument and leads the charge back inside. You seem especially happy when she strips you of all your layers and lets you walk around with your little toy walker.
It's with practised precision that Magda whips up two hot chocolates for her and Pernille that they drink while you wander about on your wobbly little legs.
At some point, you end up holding Magda's knee and try to climb up onto her. She has to put her drink to the side to pick you up. You lean forward to leave a breathy kind of kiss on her cheek before you completely crash out on her chest.
Magda fondly pushes your hair out of your face, soothed by the soft puffs of your breathing against her collarbone.
"She's exhausted," Pernille says, throwing Magda the baby blanket to wrap you in," I think she got a bit too excited about the snow."
"There's no such thing as too excited," Magda denies, wrapping you up nice and tight. She bites at her lip and glances down the hall to where your crib is waiting for you.
"Don't," Pernille warns as if she senses Magda's thought process," She goes down in the crib for naps, you know this."
Magda pouts. "Oh, Pernille, please? I haven't seen her in so long-"
"Literally last week."
"-Can't you let me keep her a little longer?"
Pernille sighs with such a strong eye roll that it's a wonder that they don't permanently get stuck in her skull. "Fine but you're in charge of dinner with her tonight. She can get you all messy instead of me."
Magda doesn't really care about that though as she tightens her grip ever so slightly to make you more secure. She adjusts her positioning so she's lying down with her feet in Pernille's lap and you're properly laying on her.
"You're going to stay right here," She whispers," Right here with Morsa."
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uncookedfeeler · 28 days
Cok's adventure I 🐙
Tags : 3k3, Idol Giselle, story, a bit of Smut, creature kink,
Part 2
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Seoul, May 28, 2024,
The night sky was clear, sparkling with countless stars, when a streak of light pierced the silence. Like a cosmic firework, a small spaceship looped and whirled before diving toward Earth. Unknown to the city's inhabitants, a small piece of space was about to collide with their urban lives.
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"Thank you for your hard work," the Aespa girls say out of breath as they bow to the staffs in front of them. The girls have just finished their last performance of the day and are leaving the stage through the back. The sound of heels echoes in the hallway as they make their way back to their lounge, followed by their managers.
As soon as they enter the room, the girls collapse on the black sofa at the back of the room, between the various makeup stations, and enjoy a well-deserved rest.
"You've done a great job, that's all for today. Get dressed for departure in 30 minutes," says the manager. But determined to enjoy the sofa for a few more minutes, the girls drag their feet, except for Giselle who, in a rush of motivation, grabs her bags and heads for the dressing room.
The cabin is spacious and can accommodate several people. There is a large mirror on the wall. Giselle puts her bags on the nearby table and takes off her black boots, which lower her a few inches and allow her two beautiful feet to breathe. Although she loves this kind of footwear, she's very happy with the feeling of walking barefoot on the cold floor. A pair of white mittens follows, as does her necklace. All that's left is her black T-shirt showing off her two buddies, and a pink, white, and black military skirt, all tied together with pretty white and silver leather straps.
Giselle spreads the straps over her shoulders and finally lets them fall, still tied to her skirt. She is finally free from the torment of pleasure that is the constant rubbing of the straps against her sensitive nipples. She unzips the front of her skirt. There's a metallic sound on the floor and a cold sensation in her thighs. She grabs the bottom of her T-shirt and pulls it up, rubbing the underside of her breasts as they begin to jiggle.
She looks at herself in the mirror, her body now in sports underwear, her skirt still at foot level, and immediately notices the presence of someone behind her, a pretty Korean woman, still exhausted from her day, stands behind her and their eyes meet. The two women exchange a smirk.
"Karina-unni, you scared me!! Are you here to enjoy the show? you've come at the perfect time," says Giselle, not at all worried about her member's presence in the cabin.
Karina leans against the wall behind her and looks at Giselle “well, I see you still like to make a spectacle of yourself, Mr. Mirror is lucky to have such a slut for himself” she knows that Giselle loves this kind of situation and never hesitates to tease her when she can.
Giselle turns and faces Karina, whose back and ass are now visible in the mirror's reflection. Although she's used to seeing the other members in revealing outfits in her dorm, Karina finds herself staring at the perfectly round bottom of the woman in front of her. The image of a juicy peach comes to Karina's mind. Giselle realizes her effect on the leader and decides to finish her off immediately. The woman picks up her gray panties and bends over to pull them down. As she takes her time pulling them down, Giselle reveals more and more of herself, and Karina's eyes widen as she sees a round, ruby shape pressed into Giselle's butt.
“Meet my friend,” says Giselle with a big smile, Karina is now all red, she didn't expect Giselle to be wearing an anal plug at all during their working days. “You're such a slut, hurry up and change, the others are coming.” Karina replies. "What's the rush, you're the one who came unannounced, look how my ass is taking it so well," she jiggles her ass against the mirror, "imagine if it was a fake mirror and someone was watching us now," Karina struggles to answer and gets ready to leave when all of a sudden, the manager knocks on the door and tells the girls to hurry up.
The show is over, Giselle changes out of her underwear and into a stylish yet casual outfit, a simple oversized sweater, jeans and a cap to hide her face. She steps out of the cabin and comes face to face with Winter and Ningning, who are surprised to see Karina with a flushed face. They enter the cabin while Giselle lies down on the sofa by herself.
As she leaves the building with the 3 other girls, Giselle asks her manager if she can make a detour to the mall. Giselle had always been in the good graces of her managers, the image of a nice, calm girl was just a facade for her darker impulses. her manager has no reason to refuse and goes ahead with the girls, Giselle is now alone. The adrenaline of the performance is still pumping through her veins and the night has covered the city in soft shadows, tonight she wants to escape the often overwhelming life of a kpop idol, if only for a little while.
Giselle adjusts the straps of her bag as she walks toward the mall. She hums a tune, her mind bubbling with excitement for the shopping trip ahead. It wasn't just any trip, she had been looking forward to this day ever since she had placed an order online two weeks ago. Today, she finally gets to pick up her secret package.
Even though it's dark, once inside, the artificial light could make anyone forget what time it is,
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The first store she visits is a popular streetwear boutique. The racks are full of trendy pieces, and as she looks through the clothes, she feels a wave of inspiration wash over her. Fashion has always been a passion, and today she wants to explore it freely, without stylists or choreographers to guide her choices. Just her, a piece of music playing in her ears. She stops at a cafe to get something to drink on her adventure between floors. Though trivial to many, she had learned to enjoy the small pleasures of a simple outing in contrast to her celebrity life.
But there was one store she was eager to visit, an intriguing little boutique tucked away in a corner of the mall. Giselle could feel the excitement building inside her as she made her way there. She stood at the door.
With a quick glance around to make sure her cap and glasses are firmly in place, she pushes through the shop's door. A soft bell announces her arrival, and the dim interior, lit by colorful neon lights, immediately envelops her in a captivating atmosphere. The walls are lined with everything from cheeky novelties to sophisticated items, and Giselle couldn't help but smile.
As she browses, her own lust begins to kick in and the feel of the toy she's hiding in her hole warms her body. Giselle rarely went out without her best friend deep inside her pleasure hole, leaving only the ruby-colored head peeking out from her plump butt. She squeezes as she feels the cold rod stirring the insides of her ass, yet she is mesmerized by an array of colorful products, each one more playful and daring than the last. She picks up a set of anal beads, a mischievous grin creeping across her face as she imagines the looks of surprise on her members' faces when she decides to give them away as a prank.
"Maybe I'll get the sexy cat outfit for Karina,” she thought to herself, giselle gazes at the black and white costume, the top barely covering the body, with only a band of fur covering the nipples. The bottom, on the other hand, is a transparent black strip with fur on the hips, the front is open with drawings of a cat's mustache on the opening.
and last but not least a 4 ball butt plug.
“Karina tries so hard to hide it but we all know her sex drive is insatiable, at night her moans of self pleasure can be heard all over the dorm, I even saw some red bite marks on her nipples, she must love her own milk”, she chuckles to herself as she continues to explore, letting her imagination run wild.
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"I can't believe it, what's it doing here?" she exclaimed, spotting a cute-looking brown teddy bear on a shelf and approaching the object to take it in her hand. The sensation of softness reminded her of the time she'd caught Winter rubbing her wet pussy with one of her animal toys, the moans she'd let out in a low, lustful tone before exploding and staining her stuffed slave, her eyes full of pleasure. 
She says to herself “This girl doesn't know when to stop, she takes this poor bear with her everywhere, whether in the company, in the green rooms or even at fan meetings. Just imagine her rubbing her dirty and wet hole while talking to her fans, you can be sure she will never let him go thirsty.” 
She notices a small remote control attached to the back, “a vibrating bear, no less” ; she already imagines her little rascal happy for her next birthday.
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Now that she had discovered potential gifts for her two Korean members, she couldn't leave Ningning to her own hands, the problem being that she wasn't very open about her sexuality.
"Mhh... What about Ning?" Giselle wonders, knowing that Ningning likes to be treated like a princess. More than once, she's led our staff by the fingertips to get her to do what she wants. Then she remembers a scene when they were training for her comeback: Ningning had got into the habit of spanking her members during their performance, and whenever she got her hands close to their asses, she couldn't help but stick her hand there.
Her face when she delicately slapped Winter's ass during their choegraphy is hard to forget.
She moves on to another section and the atmosphere here is quite different from the others: black leather outfits, eye masks and, in the middle of it all, an assortment of bondage whips with the word "SM" engraved on them, she smiles before saying in a low voice, "After all, a princess has to educate her servants when they deserve to be punished but even though she's the youngest, behind her soft character is a little girl who looks forward to give pleasure.”
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After picking out a few items - some for herself, some as gifts, she approaches the counter where a cheerful cashier welcomes her.
"Miss, did you find everything you were looking for?" the cashier asked with a playful smile in his eyes.
"More than I expected!" Giselle replied, her cheeks blushing with a mixture of amusement and excitement.
"I also got a notification that my package is ready for pickup," she adds, unable to hide the lust in her voice. 
"Absolutely! I just need to see your ID and the confirmation code from your notification," he said, tapping his tablet screen. Giselle digs through her bag, hesitating for a moment as she pulls out her ID. She could feel her heart pounding, anxious for her package to be in her hands.
Suddenly, as the cashier turns to go to the back of the store, a huge noise is heard throughout the building, shaking Giselle's legs and sending her into a panic. Giselle freezes, a cocktail of fear and confusion coursing through her body as she instinctively runs to the front of the store, with the cashier right behind her.
Now standing outside the store, Giselle hears over the loudspeakers all over the mall:
"There has been an accident on the 5th floor. Please evacuate. Security will escort you to a safe area. Giselle makes sure her clothes are straightened and walks over to the security guard stationed by the elevators.
On the floor directly above Giselle, an unprecedented event had just occurred: the crash of an unidentified object that tore through the sky and dived into the mall.
The crash site is unrecognizable as the impact sends shards of concrete and metal flying, startling the people inside the building, the crowd flees in fear, alarms starts screaming and the security officers rush to the scene. The hole in the roof reveals the full shadow of the moon, while the lights on the fifth floor no longer work and the cool night air fills the room. In this cloud of dust and darkness now lies the wreckage of your ship.
Your spaceship, a jewel of technology, is now smashed to pieces, the front window shattered on the ground, the rear landing gear cut off at the top and reduced to rubble.
The security personnel who hurry to the upper floors, wondering if some unexplained phenomenon has taken place. And then, from the smoking site, emerge the creature that will forever change Giselle’s life.
This is you, Cok, an alien octopus of vivid hues and shimmering red. Your body is a testament to the miracles of evolution; soft yet tough skin adorned with luminescent patterns that shifted as it moved; two black eyes capable of piercing the night with a single glance; cerebral faculties adapted to survival in any hostile environment; all these gifts of nature contained within such a small frame body. Your eight long tentacles glided effortlessly, taking in the new surroundings as curiosity flickered through his mind like electric sparks.
As you slowly become aware of your surroundings, the vibrations on the ground caused by the running guards, coupled with the deafening sounds of the alarm, awaken your survival instincts and you take advantage of the smoke to flee out of the impact zone and quickly crawl through the debris. Within the chaos, you were able to sneak into a shop whose door had been left open and take refuge in the room's emerging darkness.
At the same time, the guards finally arrive at the crash site. Upon seeing the extent of the damage, they discover that the ground is littered with debris and that there is still dust in the air. It gradually dissipates, revealing the ruins of your ship.
Cautiously approaching, they finally get a good look at the structure responsible for the chaos. Confused at first by its shape, they don't think at first they're looking at a ship from somewhere else. Limited by their human knowledge, it is logical for them to think of a drone accident, deliberate or not.
The arrival of the police and emergency services helped to stabilize the situation. Fortunately, there were no fatalities and only a few injuries, mostly from the shock of the impact or debris from the surrounding area.
1 hour later,
A loudspeaker announces that the mall is closing immediately and that everyone should leave; the facility's security is now in question and there's no telling if there will be another incident.
Giselle has now returned to the first floor. She sits on the floor next to the cashier. Still shaken by what happened and tired, she is forced to go home without her package.
As she stands up, a jolt of electricity shoots through her body as she feels her toy sink deeper and deeper into her tight but wide open hole. She has the feeling that her toy is sticking to the very bottom, the idea of rubbing her fingers against its folds comes to her mind, and she also feels the formation of a small stain in her panties as they rub against her slit. A rush of libido hits her and every step becomes an agony. She's close to climax, but resists as she heads for the exit.
As she walks away and starts to call her manager, the cashier catches up with her and asks:
"Madam, do you still want to pick up your package, it won't take long".
This was the nail in the coffin, the desire was too much in her body and she could not refuse.
"Sure, I'll follow you," she said, her cheeks flushed now, her eyes full of lust, and her breath coming in short gasps.
You've been hiding in the dark for a while. When the alarm goes off, you're greeted by a silence that doesn't displease you. Now you begin to explore your surroundings, even though everything around you is completely unfamiliar. Your tentacles aren't just there to move you; they're also powerful sensors, each with its own brain.
Crossing the room, you find yourself in the back room, devoid of light. You scan your surroundings. You identify metal structures, objects of all sizes and sensations. You are then attracted by a current of air coming from the ground. You crawl towards it and enter the passageway, probably damaged by the crash.
The passage is narrow even for you, and you continue toward the source of this air until you reach a dead end. You're immediately startled by the emptiness under your tentacles and feel yourself falling into the vertical vent. You barely catch yourself on the first ledge and slide to safety.
You realize that taking the downward path would be a mistake to avoid, and that the only solution is to continue blind in the ducts. After crawling about 5 meters, you hear a conversation in the distance and hesitate to continue in that direction. Finally, curiosity gets the better of you.
"Oh, this can't be! Look at this mess!" the cashier vent, accompanied by Giselle, who just arrived in front of the store.
The store, though one floor below the accident, had seen its merchandise knocked to the ground; some of it is still there. The once magical atmosphere was now just a pile of junk.
"Just a moment while I clear the way, ma'am," the cashier announces.
You arrive in what appears to be the back of a store. The environment is similar to the one you touched earlier. A faint beam of light from the shop crosses the room. You examine your surroundings again until you encounter something that paralyzes you for a moment.
Through your tentacles and round eyes, you recognize what appears to be one of your own kind. You make contact with this red creature with eight tentacles and two beautiful black eyes. But something isn't right. You don't feel any reaction from it, and the sensation of touch is unfamiliar, almost as if it were fabricated. Unable to discern the truth, a strange feeling arises in your body. This creature looks like you, but seems so different from you.
At this point, you're certain that the two people in the other room are dangerous. The bodies of your fellow creatures lying on the floor next to you are proof that your kind is not welcome on this planet. In panic, you hear footsteps coming towards you, and you hide in this narrow object. The sensation is pleasant, you feel as if you're being enveloped.
“Madam, the tablet is broken. You'll have to enter the code on the deliveryman's website. I'll pick up your package.”
“Thank you,” Giselle shouted across the room.
Hidden in this container, you still perceive the glimmer of light, the envelope of your hiding place gives you a feeling of security and comfort you have never experienced before on this planet, until the moment when total darkness drowns you, you feel tremors around you, the air becomes thin, but you don't need it anyway...
You hear the loud shout of a human announcing something in a language unknown to you. “Miss, i’ve found your package” 
You realize you're being moved, trapped in your box, you panic, wondering how you managed to find yourself so easily, knowing in advance that a direct confrontation is hopeless, you have no fighting skills, especially not against creatures much bigger and heavier than you, You're sure you've been captured and will suffer the same fate as your fallen compatriot.
"Here madam, I took the liberty of resealing the package, it must have been knocked over by the explosion, in case of damage, I apologize even more, now we have to hurry and leave," says the cashier.
Giselle, who finally has her precious package, leaves the mall before calling her manager to take her back to her dorm. It's been a busy day, but Cok's adventure is just beginning.
First of all, thanks for reading, I've never written a fic before, but it's something I really wanted to try :) Think of this as an introduction chapter. I know the themes might not be to everyone's taste, but please look forward to the next ones.🐙
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gremlingottoosilly · 8 months
Hi! I've been reading you for a while now and I really like your work. I have an idea about the Monster!141. What if they encounter a wild hybrid such as an ermine? Like she pounces on them, defending the territory or sees them as a threat,but she is literally smaller than them.🦦🦦🦦
Awwww! She is still a predator, of course, but the only ones who are weaker than her are some tiny prey hybrids like mice and bunnies. She is still a force to be reckoned with...if you're afraid of this tiny thing getting her claws on your hand or something. She is so firm and weird, she is scratching at Gaz whenever he left. her up, and the only way for him to make her shut up is to lift her high in the air, flying with her in his hands. She is adorable like this, using every limb of her body to cling to him and then squeak in his ear to put her down. Just look at this fluffy thing, she even remembered what normal words sound like...the problem with monster uprising is that a lot of monsters became...wild like this. They would scratch and yell and forget normal speech sometimes, but, luckily, Gaz is patient enough to remind her again. Oh, but Price is having NONE of it. He takes pride in his pack not acting like wild animals even though they are mostly animal monster hybrids, but if you want to yell and scratch and bite, you'd have to learn your manners. Our Captain is usually against any clothes at all because he wants to have access to your body, but he would force you into the most uncomfortably covering clothes just so he could make you learn how to wear them. You are tagging on these fancy collars and tight corsets, but no one ever would help you get out of it. Price might like it when you're scratching at his back during sex, but if you're using your claws anywhere else, he would force you to wear a muzzle for your mouth and mittens for your cute clawed hands...you hate it so much!! But he won't listen, oh no( he will just let you across his lap to spank your pathetic wiggling butt. Soap is the nicest to you in this case...he is the wildest out of the pack, with the least self-control - he understands how hard it could be to behave properly for someone like you, and so he really wants you to be free with him. He would let you "escape" just so you could play a small game freely, and then you two would play hide, seek, and fuck! You always hated the last part because Soap is cheating and using his superior nose to track you while you're just trying to get on top of the trees(he loves to force you into a corner just so he could slowly approach you and finally get his fill...you're always ending up on your back with your legs spread when you're hunting with him, but at least he'd lick your bit marks later and let you bask in the fresh air for a bit. Ghost is...difficult. He likes discipline, like Price, but his punishments are even less conventional. If you're trying to fight him, he'd let you - would legit ask you out on a ring, just so he could force his full body weight on top of you and watch you trying to get free. You're so dumb and adorable, it's insane - you're still acting wild, acting like you're a predator just like them, but in reality, you're just a weak thing that needs to be disciplined as harshly as possible. He might feel a bit sorry for you...but he loves to fight - and fighting you is the most precious experience for him. He loves having the opportunity to just force you on the ground and get what he wants, maybe even finally getting a few of his shadowy tendrils up your wiggling butt since you've been so ungrateful lately...
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vinomino · 2 months
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“A new follower!”
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Oh dear, he found out your secret! What’s going to happen…?! ⸝⸝⸝ ⸝⸝⸝
Featuring: Togame.J x f!reader
Contents: nsfw mdni 18+, camgirl!reader, scummy!Togame, blackmailing, dub-con, non consensual photo taking, alcohol, condom→unprotected sex, forced creampie, mirror sex, spitting, degrading(slut,whore), light pet play, pet names, rimming, anal plug, free use
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He uses his thumb to spread your ass, revealing your sopping pussy, the view making him whistle. “She’s crying…” He laughs under his breathe at how pathetic you looked. Both of of the furry mittens placed on his dresser with your ass arched out for him, Togame is kneeling behind you, face level with your most intimate parts. You whine when he twirls the tail plug you have in around, Buckling when he pushes the metal further into your ass, making one of the clip on ears fall off. You see him stand up in the reflection of the mirror, watching him clip the ear back into place and smoothing down your hair. Togame squeezes your cheeks, making your lips pucker as he forces you to look at your debauched self, “Kitten, look at yourself.”
Three months ago, you and Togame were hanging out with some of your friends at a cafe, and you brought your laptop to do some work. The last thing you expected was a Twitter notification to pop up on your laptop when you went to get another coffee. Togame notices the pop up and clicks on it curiously and he got a face full of your secret Twitter account. Videos, photos, and voice messages, all of which were definitely not family friendly. Sure, your face was blurred out, but he knew that it was you in those pics. Why spoil the fun so soon? So he pocketed this information and acted like he knew nothing.
College is expensive and for an attractive girl like you, making quick cash off the internet using what you already had wasn’t a bad idea. You’ll blur your face, use a fake name, and never give out identifying information. When you graduate, you’ll delete the account and vanish away with the money.
Now that came back to bite you in the ass as you sit on Togame’s couch and he shows his phone to you. “This is you right?” Your Twitter account, the one you’ve been hiding.
“How—How did you— find out…?” Panic wracks your body, it was mortifying that someone you knew in real life found out about your confidential job. He smiles slyly, you’ve fallen into the palm of his hand.
Your voice trembles, “What…are you going to do…with it?”
Sweat forms on your forehead as he leans against his hand and hums. “You don’t want anyone to find out and destroy your pristine image, correct?” Togame says lazily through a smirk. Your breath hitches at the thought of your friends finding out about your slide hustle, you can’t even begin to imagine the embarrassment. “Go somewhere with me tomorrow.” He grins.
You end up having to cancel plans to be able to go with Togame. He makes you wear his Shishitoren jacket and leads you into a packed dingy dive bar. Sitting in the corner, all his friends are at the table throwing shots and loudly chatting. You shift uncomfortably, not used to being in such an environment. Togame hands you a tequila shot, you try to turn it down but he leans into your ear, “I’ll keep your secret safe~” he smiles, pleased as you lick the salt, throwing the tequila back, and biting on the lime. “Atta girl…” He laughs at your scrunched-up face, poking your cheek.
Togame has his arm around your shoulder the whole night. Ends up dragging you back to his palace with a little convincing, “The night just started baby.”
Tugging on his sleeve, “Please don’t tell anyone…” Your lips tremble and you feel oh so powerless.
“I won’t, but there’s a price for everything in this world sweetheart.” He sits down on the couch and spreads his legs over the length of it. A dark glint in his green eyes as he ushers you closer towards him.
“I want you to strip, just like in the videos.”
You gulp, but this was better than public humiliation. You fold his jacket and give it back to him. He simply tosses it on the couch, gaze never leaving you, not wanting to miss a single thing. Rolling down your socks and kicking them away, you pull your tank top off, dropping it onto the floor. Finger’s trembling as you undo the button on your jeans and unzip it, he licks his lips as you slide out of your pants. Bitting on your inner cheek, you unclasp your bra, sliding it down your arms, eyes avoiding his. Hands going to the straps of your panties, you blink harshly before tugging it down and stepping out of them. “Come here.” Your cheeks are burning red as you step closer to the man, when you’re in arms reach, he tugs you down onto his lap, making you yelp. “Why’re you so shy? You loved whoring yourself out online.” He mocks and you want to cry.
You finally look up at him and he grins like a crazy man, Togame feels himself getting hard again after jacking himself off to your pics before meeting up with you. You’re a helpless bunny in his lap and he’s going to have his way with you. You tug at his black locks as you arch off the coffee table, “Jo– Jo! M’cum–ming!” You cry out as he sucks at your clit again. Rolling your hips to drag your cunt all over his face. He groans, reaching a hand up to palm your tits and pinch your nipples. You try to wiggle your hips away but his arms have you strongly locked down, he’s unrelenting.
A shrill moan and you squirt all over his face, droplets staining his clothes. You convulse on the table as he backs up, tugging his shirt off, and pulling his pants down to pull his leaking cock out. “W-Wait–condom…” You squeak out at the sight of his dick, angry red tip pouring out precum, and veins running along his length.
A sigh of relief as he pulls a condom out of his pocket. “Hold your legs back.” He instructs while lining himself up. You squeeze your eyes shut as his fat tip pushes in, breeching your hole, bullying into your walls. He thrusts and your eyes fly open as you throw your head back. A euphoric sensation erupts within you. His cock felt so pleasing. Suddenly– he pulls out, “Tch– it doesn’t feel as good.” Too fucked out to notice, he was ripping the condom off and throwing it on the floor. In a second he’s already plugging you back up. Without the rubber, you can feel his veins rubbing against your spongy walls, he smiles down at you and you’re able to see his fangs. “Fuck…so much better fucking your little pussy raw.” He extends his back to kiss between your breasts, sucking red marks. Digging your heels into his back, he gets the message and snaps his hips harder and harder.
His curved tip hits your sweet spot with no effort, making you roll your eyes back, mouth wide open, and drool rolling out the corner. Your vision focuses back on him when he pries your lips wider, Togame spits a dollop of his saliva into your mouth before licking your drool up. It shouldn’t feel this good, but it felt so right.
“That’s it…baby. Keep fucking cumming.” He grunts and you cream on his cock again as he continues to push it in and out of you. “Jo–mmphh!” He slams his lips onto yours, drinking up your moans and whimpers like a hungry man. He straightens his back and grabs onto your hips, “Shit– I’m cumming–gonna fill you up.”
You try to push against his chest, “No–no not– not inside! Not inside!” You cry to no avail.
“You’re gonna fucking take it, or I’ll show how much of a slut you are to everyone.” His voice was deep with a threatening lilt.
You twitch as he cums inside, coating your walls with his sperm. You wail as he continues to fuck it into you. When he pulls out, he laughs at how much of a mess you were. Cum seeping out your stretched-out pussy, hickeys all over your skin, and unfocused eyes. You jolt when you hear a camera snap— his phone is directly over your body.
You tear up, “Jo–” he shushes you, “It’s for my eyes only. I promise baby.”
These meetups continued, until recently he sent you an old pic off of your Twitter, you in a cat lingerie costume.
Togame[7:23] Wear this.
[1 Attached Image]
You show up at his doorstep, costume in a paper bag. He makes you undress and put it on for him as he records you. The shiny black camera covers your naked form as you slip the top and panties on. Two ribbons on each side of your hip. Clipping the cat ears onto your head, you slip on the paw mittens. “I-I’m finished…” You mumble. Togame places his phone back down,
“Then what about this?” He holds up the tail plug and you cower your head. “I forgot to take it out…”
“That’s no good…I’ve been keeping your secret well and this is how you treat me…” He says dejectedly.
You shiver, “I’ll–I’ll put it in!”
He holds it up when you reach out for it, “I wanna do it.”
You place your hands on his dress and wiggle your ass out for him. He laughs and uncaps the lube bottle, pouring it over the metal part. You bite back a moan when the cold tip touches your folds, he drags it over your perineum and to your rim. “Almost forgot to prep that.” You don’t have time to respond when his tongue pressed against your tight rim. You instinctively spread your legs further and his tongue taps against your hole before darting into it. He runs the tip of the warm muscle around the edge as you tilt your head back.
He inserts the metal tip in, fixing the fluffy tail so it laid flat down. “There we go…”
You looked so perfect and so cute. A pure kitten. He stands up— your flushed already blissed-out face is staring at him in the mirror. You smile back at him, pearly teeth greeting his sight. Fuck, you’re such a doll for him. He shoves his dick into you, cunt stretching to fit him again. “Jo–shiiit…” you giggle, pressing back into him, fucking yourself on his cock. The added pressure from the plug made you feel so full. You shouldn’t feel so turned on, you were being used for his own sick fantasies, but you guess you’re wrong in the head as well.
You end posting some of your tapes with him to your Patreon and snips of it to your Twitter.
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kooktrash · 1 year
his special secret II | kim taehyung
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summary: getting into a relationship with your professor was never in your agenda. you knew it was wrong on some level but it was hard to think of that when he made you feel so good. now it’s been some time since you got together and the secrets are slowly unraveling but who says it’s all bad?
➢ genre/au: college art professor!tae x art student!y/n [she/her… afab] [age gap 9 years]
➢ 13.5k words
warnings: smüt. secret relationship. tae is 30, y/n is 21. oral [f]. make out. groping. tae is divorced. both got cheated on in past. jealous tae. dirty talk. makeout in art closet. y/n is confident but going thru it. professor x student. missionary. tae’s ex finds out and she’s a bitch. y/n is kinda closed off but works on opening up to him. tae thinks everything y/n does is cute. changed it so Namjoon is the ex. fluff ending
THIS IS THE FINAL PART. read part one
You felt utterly ridiculous. You know you agreed to dress as a bunny tonight but clearly you didn’t think things through.
One, it’s kind of cold. You’re at a house party but with everyone going in and out, windows open, ie, you’re cold. The costume was an extremely vague definition of a bunny costume. You were dressed in mostly black, a simple black mini skirt with faux black fur on the hem, a black top, back bunny ears and tail. You even had gloves that turned to mittens if you flipped them up and it made them look like paws. You just weren’t dressed warmly.
Two, you’ve been hit on a lot more than usual. It’s probably the fact that everyone’s drunk at this point and you’re wearing very little clothes. Usually you would play along, never giving in, but you know… playing nice. If the conversation went well then you would get more involved but tonight you couldn’t do that. No, you won’t do that. You and Taehyung… you’re dating but also not? It’s a very tricky situation yet it also made perfect sense. It’s lowkey, the lowest of lows but that didn’t mean you could flirt with people right? That’s why you’re slightly uncomfortable being hit on tonight—probably because of this stupid bunny costume.
“We look so fucking stupid,” you groaned as you chuffed back your drink fully in hopes of getting drunk enough that you won’t think about it.
“It’s all Jungkook’s fault.”
“Woah! I thought this was a classy party so let’s not point fingers now,” Jungkook said in pink bunny ears because he thought it would be so funny dressing like a bunny. In reality he had no costume and Bora was between choosing pink or white and when she decided on white Jungkook was stuck with the pink. He begged you to trade but you had an entire outfit already so you weren’t going to now.
His hands were up in surrender,
“Jungkook, it’s your fault. We were only supposed to be bunnies, you could’ve done literally anything else,” Bora said, making Jungkook roll his eyes.
“That would’ve looked so stupid Bora, are you dumb? Three bunnies at least makes it look like we planned this all ahead for pictures — which we need to take soon,” Jungkook said pointing at you two.
“Whatever you want to do, let's do it now because I’m not staying long,” you said as you typed away on your phone. You have been talking to Taehyung for a while through text and he will be coming for you soon.
“Why?” Bora asked as she twirled a piece of your hair between her fingers casually throwing in a compliment about how nice it looked.
“I’ve got work tomorrow and I have assignments to do,” you said as you locked your phone and put it down.
Jungkook’s eyes narrowed suspiciously, “It’s late as hell, you’re not gonna do assignments.”
You looked back at him with a poker face, “I have to try.”
“Y/n, you bullshitting me?” He asked with an amused expression.
“Are you seeing someone?” He asked skeptically. All the signs are there, he's just trying not to jump to conclusions.
“I already told you no,” you rolled your eyes.
“Wait, why do you think Y/n is seeing someone? Are you seeing someone?” Bora asked, looking between you two confused.
“No, I’m not,” you said to her plainly.
“You’re a liar with pants on fire,” Jungkook said with a scoff. He really just wants to know, he has an idea on who with but he can’t just say it.
“I’m not wearing pants,” you said and he was so close to choking you out because why are you being so condescending?
“It’s a metaphor.”
“Yeah, I’ve heard it before but I don’t get it, I know it’s probably some history joke but it just doesn’t make sense, right?” You said with a little laugh making him nod his head in agreement.
“Wait. Stop changing the subject. Who are you seeing?” He said.
You laughed, “No one.”
“Jungkook.” You repeated in the same tone he used with you.
“Bora shut up,” you and Jungkook said at the same time.
“Sorry that I don’t know what you guys are talking about,” Bora said with a scoff. As much as you loved Borea, she was the slowest of you three and never caught onto things as quickly. You’re not surprised that Jungkook suspected this since he brought it up the other day but you wanna see how long you can deny it.
“Go somewhere else then for a couple minutes,” Jungkook said pointing at a random corner of the party trying to direct her over there.
“You guys suck,” she said, flipping you off.
“Love you Bora,” you said with a wave as she walked away.
“Why don’t you just admit you’re dating someone?” Jungkook asked and this time you couldn’t take the annoyance that was brewing.
“Jungkook, why are you pushing it? What does it matter?” You asked running your fingers through your hair to move it out of your face.
“Because I have my suspicions and if I’m right I want to at least make sure you’re okay,” he said and he was being honest. The last guy you dated cheated on you and the one before that was a manipulator so he feels like as a close friend of yours he has a right to make sure you’re not seeing another asshole.
“What are your suspicions?” You asked, crossing your arms over your chest.
“You’re dating someone from campus.”
“Dating but in the loosest of term,” you said.
He rolled his eyes, “Alright seeing, you’re seeing someone on campus.”
“Okay sure.”
“But not a student,” he said, waiting to see if you’d react but you didn’t so much as blink.
You huffed in annoyance, “Stop speaking in incomplete sentences and just spit it out if you know.”
“Your professor.”
Your jaw dropped, “You did not just say that.”
Okay, you knew he thought you were seeing someone but there’s no way you two were obvious enough for Jungkook to notice. What a hypocrite you were as if you didn’t just tell him to spit it out.
“I did,” he said with a triumphant smirk now that he got an actual reaction out of you. You fought like little kids but it might be because you’re both just a teensy bit drunk.
“Jungkook, I'm not seeing my—him, and don’t say that again, someone might hear,” you whispered the last part.
“Alright, first of all you told me to spit it out, second don’t deny it, Y/n,” he said, making you roll your eyes.
“What are you talking about?” Deny. Deny. Deny.
“Girl, I just know. Bora’s been joking nonstop about it and I think you really did sleep with him at least. You’ve been ditching us more — which is normal… but I’m just saying, you won’t even tell us who it is. You’re being so secretive about it and it makes me think it’s him. Plus, any time I’m walking past the art room or walking you there I always see the way he looks at you. And what do you do? Well you get all blushy but nervous and guess what I found the other day? A big fat hickey on his neck the same day he got mad I was in the room,” Jungkook with w gasp at the end from how fast he rushed everything out.
“Jesus Christ, you’ve been holding all of that in?” You asked with a little laugh.
“Yes! I have, so I’m literally begging you Y/n just tell me I’m right,” Jungkook said.
“Fine! You’re right, I’m sleeping with him,” you groaned but he just cheered.
“Oh thank god,” he said, holding a hand to his chest, “You got a few screws loose or something?”
“You’re so dramatic.”
“And you’re so fucked.”
You didn’t argue on that as you released a sigh, “Yeah, I know.”
“So is he gonna come pick you up?” Jungkook asked now and you nodded your head as you checked your messages where Tae texted that he would be here in five minutes. He raised a hand to your black bunny ears and flicked the headband back, “Be safe.”
You smiled as he left your side, that was your best friend’s way of saying he would support you and your decisions. When Taehyung arrived shortly after you left the apartment door hugging your sides feeling a lot more naked now than you did inside the party.
Outside the building a guy dressed in an oversized gray hoodie, black ball cap, and black sweats stood at the door waiting and he turned to look at you, you smiled. You looked behind you as if you would see someone you knew coming down the stairs and when it was clear you practically ran to him.
Taehyung released a soft laugh as you nearly jumped on him looking exactly like you were supposed to, a cute bunny overly excited to see him. Why did you make him smile so much when it’s just the two of you?
“I’m cold,” you said with a pout as you hugged his waist, “I forgot my jacket at Jungkook’s place.”
“Mm,” he hummed, his thumb caressing your cheek softly as he couldn’t stop himself placing at least one kiss on your lips. It was short and sweet and he was quickly pulling away to take off his hat first. His hair was beginning to get longer and the fluff and waved made it look shaggier than usual. Usually you always see him looking all sexy and professional in class but whenever you get to see him looking like the epitome of boyfriend material, your heart flutters. His long hair shielded his face as he dipped his head down to pull off his big hoodie and handed it to you before slipping his hat back on.
Once it was on he took you by your hand and walked the short distance to where he had the car parked and asked, “Did you have fun?”
“It was alright but too many people,” you said, thanking him for holding the car door open for you. Before you fully got in the car you gave him a quick kiss that had him smiling.
The two of you sat in the car for a moment, the car was on and the overhead lights were on and he just grabbed your hand to press a kiss to your knuckle, “You’re coming over, right?”
“Obviously,” you smiled as you leaned over the console for another kiss. It’s like you just couldn’t keep your hands off each other, he was kissing you back just as eagerly.
The further you leaned back the more Taehyung followed after you and by accident, your bunny ears hit the rear view mirror and knocked them down your head. You whined about the sudden pain while he was hit by one of the black ears making him move back laughing. You smacked your lips in annoyance as you sat back properly and yanked them off. He bit back a smile as he reached up to turn off the light and drive off.
He would be lying if he said he was patient but in truth, he couldn’t wait to have you. You ran for his bedroom chasing each other's mouths and when you were inside, you practically pushed him onto the bed giggling like you’ve just had the best idea ever. Taehyung felt so giddy in the moment and all he could do was smile as you took off his hoodie and slipped back on your bunny ears, “Well? You don’t like my costume? I thought I looked at least a little hot.”
“So cute,” Taehyung smiled boyishly and it took everything in him not to dig his face in one of his pillows. You crossed your arms over your chest rolling your eyes playfully and pretended like you didn’t see his outstretched hand beckoning you forward. You crawled onto the bed knocking the headband off your head as he began to kiss along your arm, guiding you to lay down so he could get on top and kiss you. You gladly let him take the lead, arms wrapping around his neck to hold him while his tongue licked along your lip.
Your legs were spread around him hoisted up at the knee and he took the chance to sit up between them and just take in the sight of you. You looked so pretty and he couldn’t stop himself from pulling on your clothes to get them off. He kissed along your exposed thighs trailing up toward your stomach and purposely skipping your pelvis even if his hands grazed your hip bones.
You wore nothing under your costume and Taehyung would be lying if he said that didn’t make him just a little jealous. It wasn’t anything serious but all he could think about tonight was how many people would hit on you. It’s no secret you were very pretty and he always worried that you’ll realize he’s too old for you and he can’t have that. If it means he has to give you all the pleasure your body can take, he will.
Taehyung looked at your exposed breasts licking his lips. Once your eyes meet he couldn’t help but finally hover over you and press open mouthed kisses to your mounds, swirling his tongue around your nipples in a way that caught you by surprise making your hand circle into his hair. Taehyung tugged a stiff bud between his teeth, rolling the other between his fingertips and you had to bite down on your lip to keep an embarrassing moan from slipping out.
“Tae, please,” you whine, rubbing your thighs together in an attempt to get an ounce of friction between your legs. You would be a liar if you said you hadn’t been thinking about this all night. He hasn’t paid much attention to your gear yet but if he did he would see the clear line of arousal that coated your entrance.
Taehyung lets his lips ghost over your inner thigh, nipping gently at your soft flesh and his fingers seemed to dig into where he bit and spread your legs even further apart.
“I’m trying to appreciate what a pretty bunny I have,” he murmurs, pressing a warm kiss to the spot just below your belly button, “You look so hot, all those pictures you sent me almost made me want to keep you all to myself tonight.”
It was true too. Earlier he had to see his ex at the restaurant and he had wanted to spend the night with you but you had already made plans and he didn’t want to keep you from it. When you showed him your costume he was just alone at his house trying to talk himself out of calling you and asking you to wear it for him and him alone but he knew you should go and have fun with your friends.
In the end he couldn’t stop himself from going to pick you earlier than expected, tired of waiting.
His soft hair brushes against your inner thighs as he finally dips his head between them, finally seeing how wet you were and his fingers dug into your thighs unintentionally, “Baby, how long have you been like this?”
“All night,” you confessed, “Couldn’t stop thinking about you—ngh, fuck.”
Taehyung didn’t even let you finish when his tongue licked your wanting folds, releasing a quiet breath of relief at your taste. He does it a couple times as if testing the water and each time a line of slick connects your cunt to the tip of his tongue when he would pull away.
“Poor baby, I’ll make you feel good, okay?” he breathes.His lips close around your clit so suddenly that your body reacted drastically. Your spine curved off the bed, a hand tightening around his hair pulling on accident and he releases a low groan at the hard tug but it only made him be rougher. He pulled your legs over his shoulders so they weren’t in the way when his tongue lapped at your pool of arousal before coating your clit with it. His arms had hooked around your thighs to keep you from squirming away from him and he could tell you loved his soft manhandling. He purposely nudged his nose against your clit feeling you begin to grind your pussy against his lips seeking your own pleasure and he happily let you use him to get off. Everytime he went lower he dipped his tongue teasingly into your entrance before pulling on your left labia knowing it was more sensitive between his lips to listen to your moans grow louder.
“Taste so sweet,” he hummed in appreciation and finally decided to really put his tongue to work. Taehyung alternated between flicking his tongue over the swollen bundle of nerves and flattening his tongue into your folds and moving it side to side before swallowing it whole in his mouth. He was quite literally making out with your cunt and he held you firmly to keep you from moving away.
You were so close already and he wasn’t easing up when you pulled on his hair in warning, “Tae, I’m so close.”
“Mhm,” he nodded his head, feeling your pussy subconsciously following his head movement to keep his mouth on you, “Go ahead, let go, pretty girl.”
Without much warning a hand left your thigh so that his middle finger can toy on your entrance and before you knew it he was pushing it into your wanton beat. You released a loud whine trying to squeeze your legs around his head to push him back but he only pressed a second finger into your slick. You were so close already and he wasn’t easing up until he tasted your release on his tongue. Taehyung knew exactly where that soft spot behind your pubic bone was and curved his long fingers into it, repeatedly pressing into it every time he thrusted his fingers back in. You have to admit, he eats your pushy bettwr than any guy you’ve ever been with and it’s all because of how experienced he was. You almost felt jealous at the thought of how many times he went down on his wife like this—even if he told you it had been a long time since they were last intimate.
Taehyung was unaware of your growing thoughts, too focused on making you cum and unintentionally he snapped you out of your thoughts when he suddenly pulled his fingers out right before your orgasm hit you and replaced it with his tongue. Immediately your body seemed to react to the change and you pulled hard on his hair as you saw stars.
He kept his grip firm on your leg making sure his tongue licked up all of your release like a dog in search of water.
Even as your body tried to calm down he licked at your clit gently, soothing you down as he messily tried to sneak a hand down to his sweats to tug them down.
You both looked at each other with hungry eyes as he sat back on his haunches to yank his shirt off before moving to take his sweats and boxer briefs off. As if knowing the routine, you reached into his nightstand to find the box of condoms he bought with you and ripped into the package watching him stroke himself for some relief and let it point straight.
You sit up pulling him down by the gold necklace he usually wore and kissed him hard, tasting your own release on his tongue and it was all so messy. His chin was coated in your arousal that rubbed off on you and his stiff cock was in your hands as you worked the condom onto him. Taehyung fell forward making you fall back onto the bed as he pressed his hands into the mattress to keep from crushing you.
“Look at what you do to me, baby,” he groaned as he fucked his hard dick into your fist. You just moaned leading him toward your push and he slid in right between your folds teasingly as he ran his tip along them.
“I need you,” you whisper into his ears as he drops his head down against your chest to watch his cock catch against your opening and finally rock his hips forward.
You couldn’t stop your hips from meeting his and guide him in further with a moan, “Fuck.”
You arch up, pressing your breasts closer to his face and he wordlessly wrapped his lips around a hardened nipple in time with the way he pushed in until he was at the hilt.
“So tight,” he rasps around a nipple; slowly beginning to fuck his long dick inside you. You moan at the tug he made between his teeth when he draws his hips back before fucking into you harder this time. Taehyung was shamefully close to orgasm because of how hard you pulled on his hair and his back was curved up making him practically curl into your body to stuff his cock deeper. Your nails scratched along his back moaning his name, “Taehyung, I can’t—“
God; he turned you on so much and you were already so sensitive. Your legs hooked around his hips, the heels of your feet forcing him even deeper as your walls tightened around his length making him moan, slobbering all over your tits.
“You’re so fucking good to me, Angel,” he fucked you hard and slowly making you feel his entire length. His hair ticked your chin as he pulled his mouth away to trail kisses up your neck until he could kiss your lips. “Why are you so pretty?”
He was looking at you lovingly, driving his dick deeper and deeper and curving his hips at an angle that made him hit your sweet spot everytime.
You can only moan in response when Taehyung tried to pull out halfway but your feet wouldn’t let him and he had to resort to rocking and grinding his hips against yours, practically rutting into you.
“I don’t know,” you finally responded to his rhetorical question. You can feel the familiar tremors of another orgasm starting, making your thighs shake and he doesn’t ease up, determined to making you cum a second time before letting himself go. You dug your nails into his shoulder making him his at the pleasuring pain and your voice rose to a high pitch, “Oh my god, I—I—“
He kissed you hard as your orgasm hit you, making you tighten around his cock so hard that you triggered his own orgasm. “Oh fuck,” he groaned as he rocked his hips, cumming hard into the condom and hugging your body to his listening to your breathless pants.
After a moment to catch your breath, he pulled out carefully, dryly swallowing as he ran a soothing hand up your trembling thighs, “You did so good, you always do.”
“Mhm,” you mumbled, already turning on your side, completely tired out. Taehyung just smiled at the sight of you trying to curl yourself into the blanket and as he watched your eyes close tiredly, he cleaned off the mess from the two of you before crashing down onto the bed next to you.
“Honey, wake up.”
You released a soft moan as you rolled onto your stomach making the comforter wrap around you as you dug your face into the pillow. A low laugh filled the room as Taehyung reached a hand out to your hair. You were quite literally the definition of comfortable sleep. Your hair was a mess because of your eye mask, the sheets were tangled between your legs and you’re spread out on the bed with no care in the world.
He brushed some of the locks out of your face, “Y/n, wake up.”
You huffed as you pulled yourself up enough to reach for your phone and checked the time, a whine left your lips, “Tae, it’s like 11 in the morning, are you crazy?”
He looked at you strangely, “It’s noon, Y/n.”
“And a Sunday,” you told him as you slipped your sleeping mask back on, “You know how late it was when you picked me up from the party, how are you not tired? Plus, I have to work tonight.”
“Fine, sleep all you want then, I’m gonna do some work,” Taehyung said with a slight roll of his eyes. You’re right, it’s a Sunday and typically those are lazy days, especially for Taehyung. He likes to just hang around the house reading, playing classical or jazz, maybe enjoy a coffee outside and you know… having the person you’re seeing join you.
He gets it, he really does. You’re tired and you did have a late night. He did too but he hadn’t gotten tipsy so he’s not hungover. He woke up early and did his usual Sunday habit but once it passed noon he wanted to see if you’d wake up anytime soon. You do work tonight and he probably won’t see you tomorrow so he would like to be with you today but you’re clearly tired.
You have a very chaotic schedule like most college students trying to bounce between strange class times and stranger work schedules so honestly your weeks all look different. He’s got more consistency clearly so he has time to relax and be at home or go out for drinks without having to do things so late. It’s clearly been a little difficult making your schedules align sonce yours is unpredictable. Some days you have early morning lectures and late night shifts. Other times you have three lectures in one day but they’re hours apart and they go well past the sun sets. Some weekends you work, some you don’t. Sometimes you get off early, sometimes you get asked to cover a shift.
Don’t even get him started on your crazy schedule for your art piece for the exhibition. You’re stressed and tired and last night you had your fun.
You went out with your friends, got drunk, danced, did whatever… maybe talked to guys or played a drinking game—just had fun. Then of course the two of you had done some things in the car when you sobered up enough and the night just grew later and later.
So he let you sleep.
Things have been tense for you lately. With school, work, the spring exhibition, balancing your friends and still trying to make time to at least talk to Taehyung, it’s all been too much for you. To make matters worse, you and Jungkook aren’t speaking to each other and if you do it tends to end in an argument over the same thing each time.
“You wanted me to be honest and I was,” you told him as he walked with you to the art room, “So why can't you just trust that I know what I’m doing?”
“It’s not that I don’t trust you, Y/n. You’re my best friend, of course I fucking trust you and that’s not why I keep trying to talk to you about this,” Jungkook said as the two of you stopped in front of the building, “I’m worried for you, alright? How long has it been since you and Hoseok broke up?”
You didn’t say anything because you knew he wasn’t actually asking. He didn’t even give you time to speak anyway, “And when did you hook up with V?”
When Jungkook said V he was referring to Taehyung, it was an easy nickname you could use in public. Once again, Jungkook didn’t give you much time to speak, “I get it, everyone wants to have a rebound and I was all for it, I was joking right there alongside Bora about it.”
“So then what are you trying to say right now?” You asked him with your arms crossed over your chest as you leaned against the building wall with windows, you knew that if Taehyung was inside he would be watching.
Jungkook took a deep breath as he moved to stand close to you, “What I’m saying is I don’t want to see you get hurt again.”
“I won’t,” you told him but it was very clear he didn’t fully believe it.
The thing is, Jungkook really did care for you. He loved you and it wasn’t in a romantic way, he just loved you as a friend and that wasn’t something up for debate. If Bora was going through this exact situation he would be equally concerned.
It’s not that he has a disliking toward Professor Kim because if anything, it’s the complete opposite. He has a lot of respect for the guy because of his professionalism and what he’s done to help his students. Jungkook doesn’t think Taehyung has bad intentions with you but he also can’t fully support a relationship that has been built because the two of you went through very similar experiences and you’re both still coping.
And you can lie to yourself all you want about how what Namjoon didn’t bother you anymore but Jungkook knows you. He knew that when you were telling him and Bora about it you were fighting back tears. He knows that you didn’t want to confront Hoseok and that you ended it with him so that you wouldn’t have to talk about it again. That’s not coping, that’s ignoring the problem and once again, Jungkook knows you. He knows that if you don’t deal with it any time soon then you’re just going to let it bubble up until one day you just break down and he highly doubts Professor Kim would handle that well.
Taehyung is older, he’s a bit more mature and level headed which is what you need but Jungkook just doesn’t want you to think it’s more than it is so that you end up hurt again. You need to talk with Taehyung and really discuss what kind of relationship you’re both looking for and until then Jungkook can’t fully support it.
He’s not going to sit around and watch his friend get hurt again.
With a reluctant sigh he finally said, “Am I taking you to work later?”
“If you can,” you mumbled as he ruffled your hair with a final goodbye. You waited outside for a moment trying to clear your thoughts.
You’ve known Jungkook for a long time and he’s a very good friend. Honestly sometimes it feels like you don’t deserve the kid, sure he can be immature and annoying at times but at the end of the day he cares deeply for those around him and you feel lucky to be one of them. He’s put up with you for years now so you understand where he’s coming from but you also feel like you’re capable of making your own decisions.
He’s right, you don’t know how your relationship will go with Taehyung but you don’t want to think about that right now.
Right now you want to finish up your work and enjoy the short amount of time you have with Taehyung because despite being so different, it works for you two. It’s almost like you balance each other out and you haven’t felt that way with someone in a while. You know that you have an age gap and it’s not that you think you’re this mature woman who knows everything but you’re also not a kid.
You’re at an age where you’re navigating through adulthood but you also can still say that you are a bit naive on some things and it can make things confusing for you. You know Taehyung doesn’t have bad intentions with you but you also know that he was once a married man to his college sweetheart who broke his heart. A man doesn’t just bounce back from that in a year’s time no matter how much he despises the woman now.
“What are you doing?” Yuna asked so suddenly that you jumped and she smiled, “Aren’t you going in?”
“Yeah,” you said with a sigh as you followed her into the studio for your printmaking class.
You walked past Taehyung like he was nothing more than your professor and he greeted you like you were nothing but a student. It goes like this almost every day you see him on campus but then the night or weekends roll around and it’s an entirely different story. It’s a bit exhausting but you prefer it this way.
“So, uh, you know who came up to me this morning?” Yuna asked, making you shrug curiously as you went to the usual table the two of you worked at, Seungjin already there waiting.
“Namjoon, he asked if I knew where you were but I said no,” Yuna told you, “I don’t know if I was supposed to say yes or not because—well, did you guys break up?”
Seungjin looked at you now, “Wait, you two broke up? Why didn’t you say anything?”
“Because I don’t like telling people my business,” you said in a snappy tone that Seungjin knew you weren’t serious about, “But we broke up before he left.”
Namjoon was just on a two week retreat for his major and that’s the only reason why he stopped blowing up your phone other than that day in the beginning when Taehyung scolded you for walking out. You knew he wasn’t done trying to get you back because even if the relationship was short lived and he cheated, the two of you worked well together. That’s why it bothered the shit out of you that he threw it away when the two of you could’ve been something great.
There’s no point in thinking about it now though because you’ll never take a man who cheated on you back.
“So it’s only been a few weeks?” Yuna asked, “That makes so much sense. I was wondering why you haven’t talked about him or why he seemed so mad when I told him I hadn’t seen you.”
“Are you working tonight?” Seungjin asked, trying to change the subject when he could tell you weren’t feeling it anymore.
In the beginning you barely talked to him and even Yuna, but lately he’s been hanging out with Jungkook a lot and you’ve been talking to Yuna more regularly so you’ve all just become closer friends. Seungjin knows your work schedule because most of the time if Taehyung can’t pick you up, Jungkook does and since the guy is always with Jungkook, he’s basically memorized your work schedule.
“Sadly,” you mumbled as you stared down at your work struggling to find out where to start, “I’ve got so much shit to do it’s stressing me out.”
Taehyung’s gotten a little bit better at hiding what the two of you have but it doesn’t make things easier. He still can’t fully explain your relationship because there’s a lot of factors that play a part in it.
First, your age. You’re both very clearly in different points of your lives even if your age difference isn’t too bad, it’s still not fully acceptable.
It’s not like he’s using the fact that you’re young and a bit naive in his favor because he honestly thinks you’re mature. He’s not going to say you’re mature for your age because he doesn’t like what that saying means. You’re mature because that’s just how you are and it has nothing to do with your age, just your person. He’s not sleeping with you because you’re young but behave like you’re grown.
He’s sleeping with you and talking to you every chance he has because he genuinely enjoys your time. He enjoys sleeping in bed with you and listening to your rants over the littlest things. He likes how enthusiastic you get when you talk about your favorite show or explain the meaning behind your art. He likes that you listen to his own rants about jazz music and which artist is favorite. He likes that you don’t know how to do some things but you’re always looking to learn something new.
Taehyung has gotten used to not being able to interact with you during the day. It’s not that the two of you can’t talk, it's that you shouldn’t. There’s too much tension there any time you do. You can tell by the way he looks at you with warm eyes that turn your insides giddy even if you want to say they don’t. He speaks to you gently and his tone very obviously changes when he’s talking to the others so the both of you are just paranoid to be found out.
The only time he really gets to see you is late at night and that makes him feel like an absolute garbage of a man because he’s not using you for sex. That’s not all he wants but if the only time he gets to see you is after you get off work, then it looks that way, especially considering you’re usually very eager to sleep with him that sometimes he can’t catch up.
“You don’t have class tomorrow, do you?” Taehyung asked as he twisted a lock of your hair around his index finger. You were laying on his chest as some A24 film played on the television in your bedroom. You’ve just finished having sex and now you’re just trying to enjoy some time together before morning comes and you have to go back to acting like there’s nothing between you.
“No, but I’ll be busy with the project,” you mumbled against his chest as you made yourself more comfortable against him.
“I’ve got a meeting in the morning but I’m free the majority of the day, there’s going to be the other teachers so I won’t have to stay,” Taehyung offered up, “Maybe we can do something.”
“I’d like that,” you told him as you tried paying attention to the movie but Taehyung wasn’t as interested. He wanted to talk to you because that’s what people in a relationship should do.
“I saw you and your friend talking outside today, everything okay?” Taehyung asked as you looked up at him.
He stayed quiet for a moment as he tried to decipher your expression and what you really meant. He does wish you would communicate a little more. You’re very obviously stressed about numerous things and maybe he could help with it a little but not if you won’t talk to him. He was used to his ex ignoring him in favor of keeping it bottled in and resenting him for her own lack of communication but he doesn’t want that with you. He wants to ask more but he won’t force you to tell him.
“Jungkook figured out about us,” you said before gnawing on your bottom lip in fear that he would be mad. Taehyung took a deep breath as he nodded his head, making you rush to say, “He won’t say anything, trust me.”
“I mean… if you trust him then I do too,” Taehyung said. He knows you’re close with Jungkook and that does make him nervous sometimes but he can’t come out of nowhere and tell you that so he just accepts it.
“And…” you bit your lip once more and Taehyung found himself bringing his thumb up to pull your lip out as it reddened.
“Talk to me,” he said gently. You’re opening up to him little by little but something is clearly on your mind that you’re struggling to say. Every time you get shy and nervous he doesn’t see you as the one who made the first move in his car that night, he just sees someone he cares a lot about looking worried and anxious. He just wants to be here for you.
“My ex has been asking around for me,” you told him honestly and he took a deep breath in thought.
“Really?” Taehyung looked away from you for a moment. Your ex was a cheater, he cheated on someone as beautiful and smart as you and in reality he’s also the reason why you and Taehyung got close. He knows that he’ll never go back to his cheating ex but you might feel differently. You might be more easily swayed into going back to him and it’s not like Taehyung could do anything about it. Your ex is closer to your age, he’s known you a little longer and all of your friends know of him. He’s not a secret to you and you’re not a secret to him so he would have no choice but to understand if you took him back.
“I mean, it’s just a bit tiring, I thought we were over this but it looks like he’s back to trying,” you said with a defeated sigh before cuddling back into Taehyung.
He pressed his lips to your hair, not really kissing you but just appreciating the intimacy, “Would you?”
“What?” Your brows furrowed as you looked up at him. Taehyung had never regretted his words so quickly looking at the way you pulled away from him clearly taken back. He cleared his throat, “I mean would you want to try with him again?”
“Would you?” You asked a little annoyed, “Would you want to try with your ex wife again if she asked?”
“No,” Taehyung sat up with you, “Of course not, but I would understand if you did.”
You couldn’t help but scoff, “So you would understand if I went back to my cheating ex? Good to know that you understand if someone takes back a cheater.”
“Baby that’s not what I mea—“ Taehyung tried to say but you were already moving off the bed, “Hey I just mean… you’re both still young and make mistakes—you weren’t dating long before and if there’s still lingering feelings…”
“If I still felt something for him, why would I be with you?” You asked, making him bite his lip nervously, “And you think just because I’m young it’s alright to just forgive someone who hurt me? Nice to know.”
“No, honey pl—“
“I’m gonna get in the shower,” you cut him off just as he was getting up.
He watched you leave and he sat on the edge of your bed running his hand over his face in frustration. That’s not what he meant at all. He was trying to say he would understand your feelings but that was clearly the problem. Why would he even think you would leave him the second you got the chance? You’re not his ex but he just doesn’t want to lose you when he just started feeling love again.
Wait, not love. It’s too early for that and you think so too but he means it affectionately. Why did he have to pretend like he would understand? He wouldn’t. He just doesn’t want you or your friend to think he’s the one controlling your relationship.
He has to trust you and not assume you’ll leave him.
Taehyung knows he upset you last night. That wasn’t his intention by any means and he feels like shit for making you feel any sort of way. You know your worth just how he knows his and it’s unfair that he questioned you about it. He feels so stupid and he hasn’t been able to stop thinking about it all morning.
He wasn’t able to pay attention in his meetings because all he could think about was how to be better for you. He knew you would be busy for a bit today so he didn’t want to bother you early on but you agreed to spend the day together. He decided that he would get groceries before you came over later, maybe a nice home cooked meal and some wine would ease the tension.
Going grocery shopping was one of those things Taehyung despised and there was on specific reason as to why. He’s a 30 year old man going shopping alone—it was a recipe to be hit on by single women his age. He could always say he’s in a relationship but he can’t go into detail and unfortunately if there’s no wedding ring on his finger then it doesn’t matter much. If anything it’s easy to note the pale ring mark on his left finger from when he used to have a wedding ring.
He walked around the market pushing a shopping cart filled with his usual groceries along with some things he knew you would like and tried to hurry this along.
His breath hitched as he came to a slow stop, but he didn’t turn around or even look at Jihyun until she stood in front of him. Why did she feel the need to talk to him after what she did and why was he seeing her now of all times?
“I thought it was you,” she said shyly, “Doing some shopping?”
“Yup,” Taehyung said as he looked over a bag of coffee. He wasn’t exactly sure what he was looking for or what the difference between dark roast or light roast but he was trying. Jihyun didn’t say anything as she looked at the bag, “Trouble deciding?”
What was she getting at? Taehyung thought. It was pretty clear he didn't want to talk to her and when he left with you the day of the lunch where they ran into her he thought it was obvious then too.
He knows he can just choose a bag of coffee and it’ll be fine but he wants to choose one you would like. You’re a coffee drinker but he’s heard you order drinks before and you like your coffee a certain way so he doesn’t want to mess this up. Jihyun bit her lip, “Light roast has more caffeine, when did you start drinking coffee?”
He set the bag back down and changed it ou yt for a dark roast one, “It’s for Y/n.”
He wasn’t going to thank her for her help because she thought it was for him but he is a little thankful that she helped him decide which you would like better. You like caffeine but you hate the taste of it. He dropped the bag down into his cart and went to look for creamer.
“So are you two really seeing each other? She seems a bit youn—“
“We are and she is but she’s mature, more mature than some other people I’ve met before,” Taehyung said trying to leave with his shopping cart, “And she understands my interests.”
He’s not going to say exactly how because it would easily give away that you’re his student but he will say that. He doesn’t feel the need to explain anything to Jihyun but he does want her to know that he’s doing just fine without her so she can stop trying to ask him about you.
“Jihyun,” Taehyung looked at her one last time and could see the look of hope in her eyes, “My name is Taehyung, not Tae.”
He turned his back to her and as if the thought of you alone brought this up, you were calling and he was smiling as he walked away and answered, “Hello?”
“I am at your place, am I too early? You’re not home, sorry I should’ve called before coming over,” you said through the phone.
“I’m just at the store but I’m heading over to pay right now,” Taehyung said, “There’s a key under the potted plant by the door, let yourself in and do you mind taking Tannie out for a walk? I haven’t had a chance.”
“Yes sir, I’d love to take him out,” you said jokingly, making him laugh softly.
He left without another word to Jihyun and she watched him walk away like she wasn't even there. She’s being selfishly unreasonable to expect anything else after what she did but she regrets it so much. She was at a point in their marriage where she thought he was losing his love for her. He was always so busy with work or something else that he wouldn’t pay attention to her. She thought he was avoiding her and in the end she fell for the attention she received from someone else and ruined her marriage with the love of her life.
Call her a cheater but don’t call her a liar, he really is or was the love of her life. They got together at such an impressionable age and it was so sweet and romantic and now she has to watch him be that way again with someone young and beautiful. It hurts.
Taehyung got back to a surprisingly quiet apartment feeling dejected, maybe you were still out with Yeontan or may—
“Boo!” You jumped up from behind his kitchen counter holding his pup up like you both surprised him and he nearly dropped the bags in surprise. A huge smile spread on his face and he couldn’t stop himself from saying, “Cute.”
“What did you get?” You asked as you let Yeontan run off in order to help him get the bags. He shrugged, “Just stuff to make later. How was your painting?”
You sighed, “Tiring. I’m almost done but I feel like something is missing.”
“Just remember not to overdo it. Sometimes less is better and if you’re happy with it now it’s better to stop, I want to see it,” Taehyung said.
He realized that he was stressed this morning for nothing. You’re not mad at him because of last night when he thought you would be. He needs to stop assuming that you’ll react the way Jihyun used to. She would snap on him for every little thing but you’re not like that and it’s refreshing and reassuring so he needs to remember you’re different.
You’re like spring. Yes, you’ve got a bit of an attitude sometimes but you’re so unlike anyone he’s ever been with. You’re fun and bright and make him smile without trying. You work hard and it shows through your work.
Taehyung cupped your face in his hands, “You’re so cute.”
“I thought I was hot,” you teased with a smile as he pressed a soft kiss against your lips.
Things are good, great even, at least that’s what you think. You feel secure with Taehyung and you haven’t felt that way in a long time. Sure, you both are still very much keeping it a secret but you’re heed to it now. There’s not much you can do about it but you’re so close to graduating and then it’s all over.
You’ve finished your painting for the spring exhibit which is just around the corner and you couldn’t be happier. With that out of the way you’ve got more free time to do other things and even though you work and have classes, it opens up a lot of time for you.
Tonight you did have to work but you spent most of your shift with Jungkook up until he was off. Like usually he was off before you and he asked if you wanted him to come back and take you home but you assured him Taehyung would.
Thankfully you didn’t have to close tonight since it was a weeknight. The bar was still open but there was another closer and you got off early so Taehyung was planning on picking you up and driving you home.
As your shift came to an end you followed your usual routine of putting your things away, collecting your tips, and clocking out. Taehyung had already texted you that he was running a couple minutes behind but you were just excited to see him.
You seemed to freeze up, you had just left through the back alley to go home and there in front of you was a familiar stranger. Namjoon stood there with his hands shoved in his pockets nervously. You looked around the lot to see if you could spot Taehyung yet but you couldn’t, “What?”
“Can we talk?” He asked as he took a step closer to you, “I just don’t get what happened between us.”
“You’re still on that? Jeez, Joon I didn’t think you would be the type to not let shit go,” you scoffed in annoyance and began walking down one end of the alley to get to the main street.
Namjoon followed after you, “What do you think would have happened? You stop talking to me out of the blue right before my trip and tell me it’s over but you can’t tell me why?”
“You know why,” you turned to him angrily, “Or what? Were you hoping I was just stupid enough to not realize you slept with someone who was supposed to be my best friend?”
Namjoon came to a stop. This was the first time you ever said this to him. You had told Taehyung how much you didn’t want to confront him about it but you had no choice. You needed him to stop asking for you and just leave you alone. You scoffed, “Surprised? Hate to break it to you but you were more obvious than you think. So are you happy? Now you know why I left you… you thought you could cheat on me and I’ll never find out, what a fucking joke.”
You turned away from him, a familiar black car parked on the street and you just wanted to get away from this conversation. With a smile on your face you headed toward the car, Namjoon following after you.
He grabbed on your arm tightly, yanking you back to him and nearly making you stumble, “Come on Y/n, I fucked up, I was planning on telling you but you’ve just been igno—“
You jumped in surprise at the loud honk of a car horn and you quickly turned to Taehyung who you knew was watching and you really didn’t want him to come out and expose himself but you know that if Namjoon kept bothering you he would. You pulled your arm free, “I’m done with you, alright? Frankly I don’t ever want to speak to you again so from now on why don’t we act like we don’t know each other?”
With that you left him standing there shocked and got in Taehyung’s car.
Despite it being dark out and Taehyung’s windows being heavily tinted, he still looked out at Namjoon who stood there frozen. You had gotten in his car but he was focused on the guy who just grabbed his girlfriend roughly. Before he could ask if everything was okay, you practically lunged toward him and he caught you over the middle console with a smile on his face.
You pressed your lips against his and he couldn’t help but kiss back confidently, a hand in your hair keeping you close. He nearly forgot about the guy standing outside until he opened his eyes and saw that he was gone now. He gently pushed you away only to watch you pout and ask for more.
He ran his thumb over your pouty lip, “You okay?”
“Why wouldn’t I be?” You asked, trying to kiss him again but he only leaned back trying to get you to talk. You gave him a quick kiss on his lips before sitting back, “I’m fine, I swear. That was my ex but we’re all good now.”
“That was him?” He asked, seeming bothered now and he reached out for your arm, the one Namjoon grabbed roughly, “Did he hurt you or anything?”
You just smiled as you sat back up to kiss him again. He turned away from you, “Baby, let’s talk first.”
You whined, “He didn’t and I don’t want to talk. I want to kiss you because you’re so hot and I haven’t seen you all day.”
“I know but…” he bit his lip. He should trust you. You said you’re okay and you left the guy standing there to come to him so he should trust you. He does trust you. A smile came to his face as he tried to stop stressing, “I missed you too, love.”
With that he placed a kiss on the tip of your nose before kissing you again. You happily deepened the kiss between you and it was quickly getting heated. Taehyung seems to always forget where he is when it’s just you two and he nearly forgot you were in his car again until you tried going over the middle console to get on his lap.
His hands immediately went to your waist, “Wait, let’s wait till we get to your place.”
“Why? Doesn’t this remind you of our first time?” You asked, beginning to leave soft kisses along his jaw, “We can do it again.”
He bit his lip, already feeling a little turned on at the idea but he doesn’t want it to seem like a secret when you’re together. He prefers to be in bed with you when you have sex but he’ll admit, you’ve made his sex life more exciting. You’re willing to get your hands on him anywhere you are and God did that make him feel wanted. He played with the hem of your skirt with one hand as the other reached for the lever under his seat.
“One more time,” he said with a boyish smile when you squealed happily and went back to making out with him.
The end of the semester was quickly approaching. School has gone easier now since you have your major assignments done and you’ve been able to relax a little more. It’s a bit funny to be in Taehyung’s class acting like a regular student knowing he was on top of you practically every night. What is even funnier is to tease him when you shouldn’t.
Taehyung has had to stand through this entire lecture acting like you weren’t sending him the most daring texts he’s ever received. The first one he got this morning was already enough to make him bruise his lip by how hard he bit into it.
y/n: gonna be waiting for u later in this
It was a picture of you in a cute lingerie set and every time he looked at you he couldn’t help but picture it right under your clothes. You knew that’s what he thought about, that’s why you would occasionally gnaw on the end of your pen as you looked him up and down like you just needed him right then and there. It made him stumble over his words.
The other time you texted him was halfway through the lecture. He had just gotten back to his text and looked over your text, unable to help himself from looking up at you but you were too distracted by your friends to notice him. He slid over the notification and quickly responded to your other text.
y/n: if u look at me again I won’t be able to stop myself from giving u and the whole class a show
tae: be a good girl and wait till after class
You looked up at him when you received his text and he didn’t need a response to know you would show up. He had to stay late tonight and finish up some paperwork so he wouldn’t be able to see you before you went to work. He had been bummed out about it but later on, when it was well into the evening, you did as told.
The sun was beginning to set and he was alone in his art room until you came along. He smiled at the sight of you entering the room and closed his files. You smiled mischievously, “You wanted to speak to me, sir?”
God, you knew what you did to him.
He had to bite back a groan as he looked outside the windows to make sure there was no one around, “I can’t speak to you if you’re so far.”
You walked up to him until you stood directly in front of him and he looked at you with lust in his eyes, “Bad girl, just because you’re done with your painting doesn’t mean you can distract me.”
You bit your lip, “What do you mean, sir?”
He chuckled as he ran his fingers through his hair, “Sending me all those dirty messages in class?”
Your brows furrowed cutely, “Hm… but you liked them?”
Taehyung dropped his voice down to a whisper, “I did.”
“So why are we still out here?” You used the same whispering tone and just like that, you were following him into the familiar art storage closet. Before you could even surprise him with a peak at the lingerie he was pushing you against the shelves and kissing you hard. You released a surprised whimper trying to kiss him back. Your fingers quickly toyed with the buttons of his white long sleeve and Taehyung let his hands slide under your shirt trying to inch it off your body already.
His fingers worked diligently to pull it off as he felt you begin to unbutton the front of his shirt with the need to just touch already. Once it was undone your hands moved to his hair, ruffling it up when he yanked your shirt off displaying the lingerie to his hungry eyes. Your leg went up to wrap around him as the other stayed locked to keep you from falling and Taehyung fit perfectly against you as he kissed down your neck while his other hand began to play with your skirt.
“You’re so cute,” he mumbled between kisses and you sighed with a playful roll of your eyes.
“Everytime I try to look hot for you, you just call me cute.”
He laughed, close to giggling as he pulled away to look at you again, “You look hot and cute and sexy and beautiful and I just want to eat you up every time I see you, okay?”
You smiled shyly now at his words and tried to look away in embarrassment but he just kissed you harder, forgetting where you were.
The campus was mostly empty except for those who had night classes. The art department was empty minus the two of you so you weren’t worried about being caught but maybe you should have been.
When Jihyun got to campus she wasn’t sure what she even planned on doing. The last time she saw Taehyung he barely acknowledged her and he told her to stop calling him by a nickname. She knows how badly she messed up but it’s been a year. Maybe she could talk to him and they could at least be cordial? Maybe someday they’ll look back on this strange time apart and realize that they really were meant to always be together… he’ll hopefully forgive her mistakes and they can move past this.
“Taehyung?” She called out to him as she stepped into an empty art room. She’s not sure why she thought he would still be here but she just assumed. He was always working late and she didn’t know where he lived so this was her best bet. Clearly she looks stupid now as she stands alone in a huge room where Taehyung isn’t at. This was so clearly his room too, he had some of his art hanging along with other students work and for the first time ever, she actually decided to pay attention to them.
She passed by art work belonging to students she’s never met, they were all winning pieces from seminars and contests. Just before her was a beautiful oil painting with a name and year displayed proudly in the corner. It was one of Taehyung’s mentees.
‘Full Bloom’
By Y/n L/n, December 10, 2022
___ University
She seemed to freeze up at the name. It couldn’t be…
A light voice whined as a loud thump followed and suddenly everything seemed to be connecting. There was laughter that followed and her attention immediately drifted to the direction of the noise. It went quiet again but it was too late, Jihyun was already walking to the closet.
At this point she didn’t care what she saw, she just needed to know if she was right or not.
Taehyung rubbed soothing circles against the back of your head as he whispered apologies for accidentally making you bump your head against a shelf. You had a cute pout on your lips at the pain and the fact that the two of you had to stop. All you’ve done is make out but your clothes was half off and you just wanted to keep going.
You barely had your lips brushing against his with the sudden yank on the door seemed to frighten you both away from each other. Taehyung’s initial instinct was to distance himself from you as soon as possible worried that it was a school head or worse another student but he thought about you instead. Your shirt was completely off while his was merely unbuttoned and knowing you were more undressed than him made him immediately hold you to his chest and turn his body toward the door to hide you better.
“Oh my god.”
You pressed your face into his front in embarrassment and a little bit of fear but Taehyung turned toward the door, brows scrunching together and voice raising, “Jihyun?”
You jumped, slightly startled and tried to pull away. Taehyung softened his hold on you just enough for you to snag your shirt off the shelf and hurry to put it on. Jihyun looked between you two, “She’s your student. You’re sleeping with your fucking student?”
Taehyung hushed her, “What are you doing here? Get out!”
You dressed yourself back up properly as Taehyung did the same and he seemed to look back at you once more before stepping out of the closet to follow his ex wife. You would be lying if you said your hands weren’t shaking and your face wasn’t heating up. This was all your fault.
You’re the one who came onto him in the beginning.
You’re the one who practically pushed him into a relationship and put his job on the line. You’re the one who did all this knowing his ex wife was still stupid enough to look for him.
God, you were the worst.
Feeling close to tears you hurriedly left the closet listening to Taehyung’s deep voice arguing with Jihyun.
“You come to my job and you—“
“I came to talk about us! I didn’t know you would be in the closet trying to fuck your student! What happened to you?” Jihyun shouted, “Is it because of me? Did I push you to this, Tae? I never meant to hurt you, I just…”
You looked around the art room for your things trying to hide your face because for some reason this suddenly felt wrong. It shouldn’t feel that way yet it does and all you wanted to do was escape. Why was she yelling at him like you’re a homewrecker?
Was it because you were his student or young? Or was it because she wanted him to forgive her cheating and realized he wouldn’t?
Taehyung turned to you as you headed straight for the door and he went right after you, “Y/n, wait,” but you were gone and practically running away. He could chase you but what would he do if someone saw him and asked what was wrong? You had to work soon and he would just have to wait even if he didn’t want to.
“You need to leave,” Taehyung said sternly as he glared at Jihyun, “I don’t know what you thought was going to happen by coming here but you need to go.”
“Taehyung, she’s your student, I just… do you realize the trouble you can get into?”
“Y/n graduates in four months and either way it’s none of your fucking business,” Taehyung said genuinely sounding angry and Jihyun can’t remember the last time he sounded this upset. Not even when he found out she was cheating, he had just hid his face in his hands like he wanted to cry and asked for a divorce. He scoffed, “Or what? Are you going to say something about it?”
“I—I don’t know,” Jihyun said truthfully, “But this isn’t you. You would never sink so low to sleep with a student and I know it’s my fault. I hurt you and I pushed you away and now you’re acting like a completely different person. You’ve never yelled at me before. Taehyung come on… we were her age when we started dating, you can’t possibly expect anything to come out of this relationship. She’s young and naive and she’s not looking fo—“
“Stop talking about Y/n like you know her,” Taehyung said through gritted teeth, “And stop acting like you have any moral fucking high ground. Did you forget what you did to me? You threw away ten years for a man you’re not even with anymore! Why would I care about what you have to say?”
Jihyun looked shocked like she was really surprised to be called out this way by him. He was packing up his things quickly as he said, “And we know it’s wrong because I’m her professor and she’s my student but… but it’s not wrong. We’re adults and we’ve connected and if you want to completely destroy another relationship of mine and put my job on the line because you’re an insecure woman who thought I would want you after what you did to me… then you’re cruel too.”
“Do what you want Jihyun, tell other people, I don’t care anymore but don’t mention Y/n. If you want anyone to suffer then make it me, I’m the one who divorced you,” Taehyung said with a tired sigh, “But I’m done being nice. I tried to be cordial every time we saw each other after the divorce but if you want to get back at me then whatever, there’s nothing I can do.”
She knew it wasn’t technically wrong. You were an adult and so was he and the only thing that made it wrong was the fact that he was your college professor. She hated you from the second she saw the way Taehyung looked at you and all she wanted to do was ruin this. She was a selfish woman who made a mistake only to realize it was too late to regret it.
It’s the same as Namjoon, he made a mistake and when he found out there was possibly someone else, he came to regret it.
Now Namjoon’s out of the picture and Jihyun should be too but all she wants to do is get him back. She’s willing to look past this and get back with him but he doesn’t want that and she can’t force him to. Without a word, Jihyun turned on her heel and left him in his art room with no clue as to what she would do about this.
If she went right to the Dean then he would lose his job and probably never be able to work at another college again. The University wouldn’t want the news out so he wouldn’t have to worry about it getting out unless Jihyun told other people. If she admitted that it was you he’s not sure what would happen. These things were always easier for the man and he doesn’t want anyone to do anything to hurt you.
God, it was a mistake to get involved with a student… but not because of you. If you two had just developed a relationship when you weren’t a student any longer things would have been different.
He was sitting at his desk now with his head in his hands just thinking of everything that could happen. He could easily work with his parents at a museum. He could continue his art somewhere else and not teach but what about you? What if people assumed he had always favorited you? What if they thought he helped with your art? Your submission for the seminar would immediately be disqualified if they had even an ounce of suspicion that he helped—especially with his status and credentials in the art world.
Fuck, he screwed it up badly for you.
You went ghost for two days. You didn’t answer his calls or texts and you skipped out on class. It worried him and you knew it but you couldn’t face him. It’s not that you feel like you did anything wrong but you’re embarrassed. She’s his ex wife so she doesn’t mean shit to you but you’re sure you confirmed her original suspicions and that pissed you off. You’re just some young and naive slut who he’s keeping a secret out of shame. It’s not true but you just know that’s what she’s thinking and you couldn’t stick around to hear it that night. You still want to be with Taehyung but You’re sportier that she knocked some sense into him or something. Maybe he’s blowing up your phone because he’s trying to end things. You also know you should go back to class but if he just completely pretends like you don’t exist or worse you find out that everyone knows, you’re scared at what would happen.
“You haven’t done anything wrong,” Bora said, touching your leg to comfort you. After weeks, maybe even months of keeping her in the dark, you finally had to speak up. She was your best friend too and you needed them both to make you feel better. Jungkook sat on your couch with an arm around your shoulders, “Seriously Y/n, you haven’t and I honestly don’t think Taehyung feels any different. You need to talk to him.”
Your friends were right and yet you couldn’t say yes.
They spent the day with you even if Jungkook had to go to work. Technically you were supposed to work but he was going to cover your shift because you clearly weren’t feeling well.
Hours passed with them at your side watching movies and when you were suddenly feeling better there was a loud knock on your door. Jungkook went to answer it before you could move and you couldn’t make out anything past muffled noises. Shortly after, a familiar face appeared at your door and Jungkook was letting Taenyung in without asking you first.
He didn’t say anything as he looked at you and you tried to hide behind Bora but she was standing up nervously, “Mr. Kim.”
Taehyung smiled stiffly and he turned to Jungkook who seemed to understand. “Come on Bora, I gotta go get ready for work anyway.”
“Y/n,” Taehyung finally said when it was just you two, “Baby, I’m sorry, I had no idea she would just show up like that and I really don’t want you to think I’m still involved with her. I’m not lying when I say you’re the only one I care about a—“
“It was so embarrassing,” you finally broke down now that your comfort person was here. Taehyung immediately went to your side, a pout on his face as he wrapped you in his arms. You were embarrassed to be caught in such a manner, like a dirty secret.
Hell, you weren’t even fully dressed and what if it had been anyone but Jihyun? A teacher? Another one of your classmates?
“I’m sorry,” Taehyung whispered into your ear and he really was. When you finally confronted Namjoon, he let it go. He hasn’t bothered you since and yet Jihyun just kept pushing and pushing. How could your relationship with Namjoon end more maturely than his with Jihyun? He never meant for you to get hurt.
“Does anyone know?” You asked with teary eyes and he wiped them away feeling his heart drop to his stomach painfully. He shook his head no, “No, I mean I don’t think so but please baby I won’t let her do anything to hurt you.”
“That’s not what I’m worried about,” you cried harder, “I just… well we both knew what we were getting ourselves into but I’ve never felt like such a…slut.”
“Don’t say that,” Taehyung said seriously, “Y/n, I love you.”
You looked at him with wide surprised eyes, “What?”
He didn’t back down from your gaze and with a softened voice he said, “I love you, and I’m not going to let anything happen to you. This isn’t just some secret that I’m ashamed to admit. I want to be open about our relationship, so please don’t think you mean less to me because of what happened. I wasn’t embarrassed to have the truth come out to Jihyun, I was mad that she was there when she shouldn’t have been.”
“Yeah but, what if she says something?” You asked, still unable to comprehend that he’s said he loves you twice already.
“Then I’ll quit, I’ll work somewhere else and trust me if the school finds out they’re not going to tell anyone. They’ll want it to remain quiet so the school doesn’t get hate from it. I'm not going to let it hurt you and I don’t want it to drive you away from me. You’ve been ignoring me and that hurt so much,” Taehyung said with a pout as he wiped another tear from you. You felt ridiculous for being so emotional when usually you’re the complete opposite.
Usually Taehyung had to ask you over and over again how you feel to get you to talk about whatever is on my mind yet right now you can’t seem to stop crying. You sniffled back some tears, “But we can’t be open about it. I still have a couple months before I graduate.”
“I know,” Taehyung said, “But I’ve sent in my resignation le—“
“What!?” You sat up and pushed away from him, “You said everything would be fine.”
“It will be, Y/n. I promise. I’ve gotten a lot of job offers from other people in the industry and they would easily take me and pay more. I was originally going to quit after the divorce but I didn’t. The only reason why I stayed the extra year is because I had some really good artist’s in their final year who I wanted to support,” Taehyung said and you knew one of them was you. The others probably included Seungjin and other classmates that Taehyung mentored but it was very clear right now he was talking about you.
“Anyway, I planned on leaving all along and even if Jihyun never says anything about us, I would still leave after you graduate,” Taehyung pet your hair soothingly, “And like I said I’m not going to let her ruin you if she’s tries to so please don’t cry anymore and please baby, please don’t ignore me or push me away.”
Nothing he said was a lie. The only reason why he never brought it up to you was because he didn’t need to. He knew you would be graduating and if your relationship lasted then he would tell you about his resignation once you were done with school. He just didn’t think he would have to tell you like this and make you think you’re the reason his career is about to change.
He waited an entire year to decide he wanted to quit teaching but it’s what he wanted to do all along. He enjoys it but he wants to start fresh… with you. He doesn’t want to have to listen to the opinion of others when the two of you become public.
“You love me?” You asked with the cutest set of puppy dog eyes he’s ever seen that it made his heart feel like it would burst. He nodded his head to answer your question and you sniffled, “I love you too.”
A small laugh in relief left his lips as he hugged you close making you whine about wetting his shirt with your stupid crying. You were so perfect to him. You were confident and forward yet deep down you were a crybaby and needy and loveable and he really did love you. He hugged you tighter in his arms.
“I know you hate it when I call you cute but you’re so fucking cute,” Taehyung said as he kissed your hair, “And I love you so much and I would never want to change the way we got together or make you feel like you’re not important to me because you are.”
He looked down at you with loving eyes, “And I don’t want to keep this a secret anymore.”
In the end Jihyun never told anyone. She figured she owed it to Taehyung after being so shitty the last few years. It had hurt her to watch him be happy with someone else but from the moment she saw you two at the restaurant she knew you made him happy. She couldn’t take that away from him after what she had done.
ok yayyyy finallt part 2 is done. this is in fact the final part so pls understand. feel free to send in asks about them or drabbles
permanent taglist: @notmyfaultbutours @rerefundslocals @fandems @sugaluvmyg @guvgguk @kimyishin @libra04 @kooromiwrld @classycreationcupcake-blog g @alwaysdreamingnotsleeping @cherrymonlightt @nikkiordonez12 @asking4-sanity @thvlover @saweetspoiled @uwu2rawr @shaybts-blog @babycandy111 @tearyjjeon @joons-uparupa @jeonninja @yellowcupid08 @02010802 @knudsenheggedel @skzthinker @unnatae @aurorthi @beautywine @95ene @taekookstata @lilliankoo @shescharlie @annenakamura @lesoleile @burnahtsw @babybella337 @kooloveys s @ku-ku @chaelvrx @minnie-mouser22 @Imeneghd @whoa-jo @evajeonsworld @marvelbun @sunnikthv @acielelyseen @giselleswifeee @ilikeitlikethatt @bangmechanpls @lvr2seok @badbyeyoongi @jaerisdiction @xyahrinx @angeleen777 @jooniesxbby @brillantdarling
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bluewxrld07 · 8 months
Hurt My Feelings (Ethan Edwards)
Warning(s): mutual pining, angst, cheating, making out, groping/touching
Ethan Edwards x femalebff!reader (there's also a little bit of Luke Hughes x reader oops ;) )
Summary: Based off of Tate McRae's song Hurt My Feelings :)
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She wears your number, but I've got what you like
She's got you right now, but I'm still on your mind
The rink was cold. It always was. No matter how many times she's sat in one, whether it was for a tournament or for just one game, she still was cold no matter what.
She was wearing her UMich gear; supporting a hockey sweatshirt in the the familiar navy blue with yellow lettering underneath her jacket, a pair of grey jogger sweats with their team logo, a UMich hat, and a pair of UMich mittens made by the famous Edwards mother herself. A gift from her two birthdays ago after learning y/n would be attending the same college with Ethan.
Y/n found her seat in the third row opposite from the benches, wrapping her blanket around her legs as she sat. Once she was situated, she looked around the arena, watching as people piled into their seats. Some making their way down to the glass to watch the boys warmups up close.
That's when her eyes stopped and did a double take, following back to the familiar head of platinum blonde hair standing right behind the glass, standing directly across the rink from where y/n was sitting. She wore the oh so familiar home jersey with the number 73 on her back, with leather skinny jeans.
Her makeup looking a tad too overdone, a large sign sitting front of her and her friends with a thirst quote written out on it in big letters. The chomping of the girl's gum also being very noticeable. Y/n fought the urge to roll her eyes as she watched Ethan's girlfriend rave with her friends, probably bragging and talking about the boy himself.
Ethan was not someone who enjoyed signs with messages such as the one written on his girlfriend's board. Course the signs were fine when it was younger kids coming to watch, but he always said it looked desperate.
When y/n and him would lay outside talking about life, he always stated that he would want his future girlfriend to be the one sitting in the stands with his family. Not the one behind the glass with a cliche sign. Sure he didn't mind it when it came to fans, but when it was his girlfriend, it was a different story.
He wanted to be able to come out for warmups, search for her and smile when he did. Be able to look up at her every so often in between drills, waving, making gestures, mouthing something out to her, anything like that.
Y/n was lost in her thoughts when Ethan's mom's voice rung out happily. "Ugh I'm so glad you made it before me! I thought I was gonna be too late and we wouldn't get our usual spots." she jokes, a large smile on her face as she sat next to the college girl pulling her in for a bear hug.
She supported a homemade sweatshirt customized with her son's number and name on the sides of the sleeves, mittens with 73 on both of them as well as a UMich tie blanket.
"You know me, I like to be early thanks to always having parents fashionably late to everything," y/n chuckles as they pulled away from one another.
Ethan's mom gave her a look, knowing exactly what she meant. "Oh sweetheart trust me I know. Why do you think I always tell your parents an earlier time nowadays? So then they're actually on time to things."
"Yeah no kidding. I'm always the one stressing."
As the pair talked, the seats and the edges around the glass began to fill with students and fans. Before they knew it the music started to blare out, cheers increasing as the teams came out for warmups.
Y/n clapped alongside the elder woman, the pair still conversing as they watched the boys skate around the ice.
Y/n's eyes fell to the familiar head of brown hair poking out of the helmet he wore, watching as he shot into the net a few times. Not6 long after did her eyes find his girlfriend once again, seeing the girl bouncing up and down like a toddler and banging on the glass eyeing Ethan as he skated around.
She watched as her and her friends banged on the glass and shook the sign made, trying to get him to notice it.
"She's absolutely embarrassing." y/n hears next to her, looking over to Ethan's mom, whom has a disgusted look on her face while staring at the platinum head of hair across the rink.
"Not a fan of her?" she asks, watching the woman shake her head immediately.
"I tried giving her a chance. I truly did. But she is just not anywhere near his type. Or even respectful for that matter," she admits while shaking her head, finding her song back on the ice. "She got drunk at dinner with us the first time we met her. The second time we met her she got into an argument with my husband." Shay says.
Y/n stays silent and just chuckles lightly, focusing back to the boys on the ice.
Ethan peers up at the stands, scanning them before his eyes find her own. He smiles largely with a goofy smile and nods his head up as if saying 'what up'. Y/n feels her face heat up, butterflies in her stomach.
She nods back at him with a humored smile playing on her lips. His gaze falling to his mom next to her blowing her a kiss. She smiles warmly at her son and sends a million kisses back and cheers for him, watching his focus go back to drills.
Y/n wanted to take that and rub it in his girlfriends face, whom was still desperately trying to get his attention. Yet she was better than that, so she just stayed content in her seat as she watched the boys.
After a while, it was nearing the end of their warmups as her and the older woman had small talk about how school has been. They kept their eyes on the team in front of them, soon seeing Ethan skate up towards the glass on their side of the rink, eyeing y/n whom looked at him with a questioning expression.
He points towards the tunnel where they came from as if saying to meet him over there, her nodding immediately as she unwrapped herself from her cocoon.
She tells the woman next to her she will be right back, the woman shooing her off with a knowing smile.
Y/n makes her way down the steps towards the tunnel, feeling a certain blonde's eyes on her, making her try to hide a humored grin on her face. Ethan skates over slowly and greets some of the younger kids waiting by the entrance for the players.
She leans over the railing with a small smile on her face, watching as he makes his way towards her removing his helmet to look at her clearly.
He reaches his hand up as she re moves her mitten and reaches her own hand down, doing their little handshake together.
"You cold over there Rudolph?" he jokes, earning and eyeball from her.
"Yeah yeah, haven't heard that one before." she scoffs and he laughs at her expression.
"You want to meet the guys and I for dinner afterwards? We might hit up Bell's Diner," he says, and she immediately feels her insides warm.
He's asking her to join him. Not the blonde who was insanely upset on the other side of the rink. Her.
"Yeah I might be up for it." she shrugs, earning a smack to her hand that still hung with his.
I should've known better, you should've known better than me
"Ow, okay, ow, Ethan! Stop that hurts!" Y/n cries out with a laugh, the boy now sitting on her as she was laying on the couch, video game controller in his hands.
"No you stay here." he laughs.
She squeaks out and tries poking at his sides to get him off of her, watching as he twitches from her hands. "Ethan I have class in like fifteen minutes! I swear if you don't get off of me, I'm-"
"What? You're in no place to call the shots, you can't move," he jokes out looking down at her in amusement. Her arms fall other sides, looking up at him with a scowl, then crosses her arms over he chest.
Ethan laughs down at her before unpausing his game, y/n's mouth dropping offendedly. She begins to huff and puff dramatically, her head turning away from him as her sighs get louder each time her ignores her.
Once she sees that her dramatic sighs are not doing the trick, she conjures up a devilish grin.
It's a few moments of silence, but then before Ethan knows it, the girl underneath him begins screaming. He immediately jumps up in surprise from the loud yell she conjures up, the girl now scrambling off the couch and up the stairs to get her bag for class.
She hears his footsteps coming up the staircase as well as the calls of her name with some empty joking threats such as ones like 'I'm gonna throw you into the pool' or her favorite, 'I will force you to play in my spot the next home game'.
She's zipping up her jacket and throwing her backpack over her shoulder by the time her reaches her, an amused smile on both their lips.
"Ethan, no." she giggles, watching him stalk closer to her. She puts her arms out to keep him away. Her breathing getting heavy in between laughs as he gets closer.
She finds herself backing into a wall, completely screwed now as he now stands directly in front of her. His hands find her waist while his eyes are piercing down into her own, a devilish smile on his lips.
The closeness between them made her insides churn with excitement and nervousness, unsure of what was next to come.
"I wanted to spend time with you," he drags out, she rolls her eyes. "I don't see you much anymore."
"I was here yesterday."
"Okay but still, You get so busy with classes this time of year, and I have Hockey. So I don't see you a ton." he says, leaning his forehead on her own, giving her waist a squeeze.
She swallows lightly, her breathing becoming heavy as her heart. pounds in her chest. "I miss you." he mutters, his eyes finding hers.
Her eyes look into his, their faces so close now. Her heart was yelling at her to close the distance, but her mind kept screaming back and chanting girlfriend girlfriend girlfriend.
She watched him close his eyes, his jaw clenching and unclenching.
Y/n closed her eyes tight, taking a deep breath before place a hand on his chest and lightly pushing him back. "I've gotta go Eddy." she sighs, and walks away from him.
Ethan stayed in his spot, her scent still there, captivating as ever. Once he hears the front door close, his head drops back as he lets out a groan and rubs his hand on his face.
I'm tryna tell myself I'm gonna stay away from you
I should've known better, you've got a way that's gonna weigh-weigh on me
It was New Years Eve, and of course the Hockey team was throwing a big party. They threw one every year. Y/n always helped plan them, per Rutger and his girlfriends pleas.
This year made it harder for her to say yes. She's been avoiding Ethan as much as she can, ignoring his texts and calls. Trying to distance herself from the need she had for him inside. She thought she was doing what was best for the both of them. Their want and need for one another was climbing. So she put a stop to it. At least is trying to.
The Hockey house was definitely bumping, the time being eleven o'clock. So close to ball drop. Y/n accepted that she would either end up kissing some random guy at midnight, or better yet, nobody at all.
Each year, she wished for Ethan to be that one she kissed. To feel his lips on her own. Yet it always ended up being nobody.
Of course Ethan knew she never had a new years kiss, so he would place his lips on her cheek after midnight and claim that that could count as her new years kiss.
She doubted she would get that now. After she had been avoiding him like the plague, stating she was so busy with classes and homework. Or that she was too sick to answer the phone sometimes.
She knew Ethan would see right through her each time though. Even if he wouldn't admit it, he knew her well enough to know her tell when lying.
So now here she stood while So High by Doja Cat played, next to Rutger in a game of beer pong against a couple of the Football boys, in a dress that she felt was too short. But was complimenting her figure so good per Rutger's girlfriend.
She was tipsy, but not drunk. She really didn't feel like throwing up tonight, better yet not having to deal with being hungover the next morning. It was enough of a buzz that she was able to feel at ease, and let loose for the night.
Rutger pulled her in for a hug as they cheered, her sinking the Football guys' last cup watching as they chugged it down.
Y/n a sip of her own drink, Rutger saying he was going to take a break and dance with his girlfriend, Y/n nodding and shooing him away to go be with her.
The girl made her way through the crowd after she finished making another drink, the crowd dancing as if in slow motion with the colored lights flashing around.
As she took a sip of her drink, she stopped in her tracks seeing the familiar boy she had been avoiding.
He was dancing up against his girlfriend, the girl basically grinding all over him as he kissed her neck. One hand gripping the underside of her breast while the other stayed glued lowly on her hip.
Y/n rolled her eyes, feeling the bile in her throat as she looked around the room to find someone. She thought it would be better to try getting over Ethan, by getting under someone else.
The crowd cheered as Rude Boy by Rihanna began to blare through the speakers, her lips turning up into a smirk. Y/n downed the rest of her drink and set her cup down on a nearby table, her eyes finding a familiar pair of blonde, curly hair.
"Hughes," she calls over the music, his head snapping over and down to her with a smile. "What's goin on little y/n/n?" he says back.
He was leaning against a doorway while talking another buddy of his, she held her hands out for him. "Come dance with me Luke," she challenges, his eyes scanning her figure as he bit his lip. Luke hands his cup to his buddy, immediately sliding his hands into her own, watching her lips move and sing along to the lyrics of the song.
They found a spot in the crowd, her eyes still locked on his. Sure Luke was attractive, everything about him was. Which is why she didn't mind how it felt dancing up close with him.
His hands slid away from hers, the girl turning around so her back was up against his chest while his hands found home on her hips.
Her hands slid up over her stomach, to her waist, over her own breasts before finally reaching behind her and sliding them into Luke's hair. The pair swayed together to the music as she sang along to the lyrics, Luke's head falling to the crook between her neck and collarbone.
Luke was tall, only a had a couple inches on Ethan, but still pretty tall nonetheless. His head fell over her collarbone fully, his lips finding a spot right on the bone that made her sigh deeply and grip his hair tightly.
Her eyes began to search in the crowd for the familiar brunette, stopping when she found him with his girlfriend still in their same position.
His eyes, though, staring into her own. Y/n knew she had him in a trance now. Her lips still singing along to the lyrics.
But that's when something else snapped in her. Her eyes leaving Ethan's and looking back down to the boy who was breathing heavily into her neck.
"Lu," she breathes, the boy humming and squeezing her hips as an answer. "I need you to help me out." she admits and he nods, his eyes finding hers for a second. He watches her eye dart towards the brunette and his own girl, Luke's eyes slowly fading over to Ethan and the blonde.
Luke's chin sat softly on her shoulder as they still danced against one another. The boys stared back at one another, Ethan's eyes looking into his best friend's with warning, as if daring Luke to test him.
Luke was always one to help stir the pot if it needed to be. Especially when he knew how both y/n and Ethan felt about each other, but danced around it for many reasons.
So of course when Ethan gave him those eyes, Luke's mind was more than happy to push his best bud past his limits.
Y/n's stayed on Luke's side profile while he stared at Ethan with a smirk blooming onto his face. As they swayed, the bridge to the song came in and Luke's hands began to move. One hand slithered its way to y/n's throat and gripped lightly, causing her to sigh at his touch.
The other hand slithered up too, but stopping on her left breast, squeezing and toying with it over her dress. The feeling of Luke's hands in the right spots made y/n's head rolled back onto his shoulder as she let out a sigh mixed with a breathless moan.
She knew Luke was still staring back at Ethan, who still held eye contact with him as well, Ethan's nostrils flaring.
Luke's eyes broke their stare a moment later, finding home on the soft spot in the crook of her neck he found earlier. Ethan watched y/n's chest heaving up and down as his best friend touched her and kissed her like that.
"Shit, Lu," she sighs into Luke's ear. She could feel him poke her backside as they ground against one another. "Who knew you knew what you were doing." she chuckles breathlessly, earning a hum from the curly headed boy.
"Gotta do what I gotta do to pull his head out of his ass, huh?" he says back to her, his head lifting up to stare back at her.
His hand left her throat, and began to slide down her waist, her hips, to her thighs, his hand moving towards her inner thigh and sliding back up slowly.
Her breathing was starting to become messy as he got closer to where she was dying to be touched. Whether it was Luke or Ethan, in which she hoped Ethan would be the one to do it, but wasn't complaining when Luke knew how to push her own buttons.
Before Luke could finally reach where she desperately needed it, she was snagged from his arms and thrown over a shoulder.
She looked back up to see Luke standing there, tongue poking the inside of his cheek as he saluted to her. She smirked at him in amusement, knowing exactly whose shoulder she was over.
Y/n was taken up the staircase and into the familiar brunette's room, the door shutting and locking behind them.
Ethan set y/n down on her feet once they were in his room, the girl’s eyebrows scrunched up in a frown. That frown changed when she saw his facial expression. 
She couldn’t pinpoint all the emotions running through his mind, but the ones she could see were anger, sadness, annoyance. 
His anger was what she could see the most running through his eyes, arms crossed over his chest. “Did you need something?” She retorts, testing the waters that were already running high. Ethan scoffs down at her, his arms being thrown up in anger at her. “You’re fucking with me right?” He snaps, making her shake her head at his tone. 
“I’m not doing this,” she chuckles bitterly, trying to walk past him but he grabs her arm. “Of course you won’t. You haven’t wanted to in weeks! I don’t hear shit from you, and the next thing I know I'm watching both of my best friends all up on one another? What the fuck is wrong with you?”
Y/n lets her tongue run over her teeth, not daring to make eye contact with him. She might’ve been buzzed, but she was not drunk. She was sober enough to be aware of her surroundings, but so aware of them that she was holding back her actions. Because liquid courage was surely a thing right now, and she could not hold back much longer. 
“Hello? You gonna answer me y/n/n?” He says in a short tone, making her snap out of her trance. 
She could hear Rutger’s voice downstairs saying fifteen seconds till midnight, y/n really wanting to get out of there before she couldn’t control herself anymore. 
All these feelings have been building up, her avoiding him not helping her case. Actually made it worse, because of the way her body and mind craved his presence and touch. 
“I can’t right now, Ethan.” She musters out, not making eye contact as she says it. Ethan frowns at her, confusion setting in. “Do what?” He asks. She shakes her head at him, the boy watching as she swallows hard, her chest heaving. 
“Ethan,” she says, her tone was one he had only a few times. It was a warning tone. She still wasn’t looking at him in the eyes. The sound of everyone downstairs counting down till midnight and the music blaring being heard. “You should really get down there,” she says and motions to the door. “Your girl will be wondering where you are at midnight.”  
Ethan storms up to her, annoyed that she won’t even acknowledge him or look at him. 
“Look at me,” he says, his tone stern as he grabs her jaw softly but enough to force her to look at him. Her eyes catch his, he sees that she’s got a certain emotion running through them. 
“What’s going on, y/n?” He mutters to her softly this time. "Why won't you talk to me? What did I do?" he pushes, watching as the gears turn in her mind.
He watches her lip quiver, soon biting it to hide the way it shook. It shouldn't have made him feel a way, but it did. He wanted to be the one biting that lip. Let alone taking away the pain he could see in her eyes.
Y/n rolls her eyes as the crowd yells out ‘one’ followed by a ‘happy new year’. She looks back at him, still staying silent. He says her name one last time sternly. 
“Goddammit Eddy.” she snaps before her hand wraps around his neck, pulling him in for his lips to finally slam onto her own. 
He didn’t take any time to process what was going on, just instantly kissing her back with just as much passion as she did. His hand going to both sides of her head, their lips moving in sync. 
The way his lips felt on hers was nothing like she's ever imagined. They felt like they belonged on her own. What caught her off guard the most, was the fact that he didn't even hesitate to kiss her back.
That's when she realized he felt the same way she did. The attraction was there.
His tongue grazed hers, making his hand slide down and grip her backside. When her mouth opened in a gasp, he slid his tongue inside to let it massage hers.
Her soft moans were like music to his ears, his hands roaming anywhere and everywhere. He wanted to hear them over and over again. It was him making her make those noises. Not Luke. His lips left her own and trailed down her neck, stopping on the same spot that Luke's had once been on. Y/n didn't think it could feel any better, but Ethan made it feel insatiable.
Her hands ran through his hair as his hands roamed wherever they could reach, her gasps and breathless moans going into his broad shoulder. But as he kissed along her entire chest, her conscience came creeping in.
"Ethan," she sighs, the boy's hands raising the hem of her dress slightly, gripping her thighs trying to get her as close as he could in that moment. All that was on his mind was her. She tried his name once again, the brunette still not answering her as he searched for her lips to shush her.
"Ethan hold on," she says in between their kisses. He whimpers in her mouth, making her feel so incredibly weak. She wanted to cave so bad. Wanted to give him all of her. Let him have his way with her, and her with him.
But she couldn't. She couldn't do that.
"Your girlfriend, Eddy." she mutters as she pulls away, putting her hand on his chest. They're both breathless, Ethan going in one last time, teeth going down to drag out her bottom lip which earned a moan from her mouth.
He takes a moment with her, chests heaving against one another.
"You stay here," he whispers, his hands coming up to squeeze her waist.
She just hums with a slight nod. "I'll be back." he says, placing one last kiss on her lips, leaving her in the middle of his room in a disheveled state.
He didn't return that night.
She's where you're waking up, she's got you making up such pretty boy excuses
Oh but I know one thing, she can't stop it happening in my mind
It had been two weeks since the New Years incident. Two weeks since y/n and Ethan had shared that moment in his room. Two weeks since he left you there, only to not return.
He had been the one avoiding her now. But in this case, not under his own choices.
Every time y/n showed up to the Hockey house, she was there. Every time y/n went to a home game, she was sitting in your spot, going to see him at the tunnel instead of y/n.
When she'd text him to meet, he'd say the same things.
E :)
I can't today, I'm trying to focus. I've got a lot going on rn.
E :)
I wish I could, but I've got some stuff going on with the boys.
E :)
I would say yes, but the gf and I have plans tonight!
She knew it wasn't him making the choices, or sending those texts. He always dropped whatever he was doing to see y/n, to be with her.
The boys would've invited her to come with for one, and for two she had planned on seeing some of the guys that night. So y/n knew it was a lie from him.
The classes y/n had with Ethan and the boys was what made it more obvious. He always made up an excuse as to why his girlfriend needed him to sit with her. Or she would already be sitting in y/n's spot, so she'd find somewhere in the back to sit.
Y/n's heart began to ache. She knew deep down that it wouldn't have just happened so easily between them two, and that she couldn't stop him from making that choice. It just hurt because she should've composed herself better that night, then maybe they would've turned out being back to normal at this point.
Y/n sat in the library with Rutger's girlfriend, the pair doing homework in one of the study hall rooms. Y/n had been zoned out, her eyes locked on Ethan and his girlfriend, whom sat outside in the main study hall area talking all happily with one another.
It should be her he is sat with. Them two laughing at some stupid joke Ethan tried making about classes or the assignment at hand. It should've been her getting the quick kisses stolen in between work.
"You really need to get better at hiding your emotions, y/n/n," Rutger's girlfriend says.
Y/n snapping out of her trance and looking up at the girl whom had the whiteboard marker in one hand, the other on her hip with an unfazed look on her face.
"What emotion? I'm fine." Y/n says, her tone squeaky and uneven.
"Yeah and I'm a hockey wag," the blonde girl jokes, making y/n shrug.
"Technically speaking, you are. Unofficially," she pushes, nearly dodging the marker thrown her way.
"Not the point!" the girl laughs, y/n smiling at her comment.
She comes and sits next to y/n, sighing as she sees what her friend was witnessing. Then turns back to look at her a few moments later.
"What happened on New Years?" she asked, watching her friend pale and look at her lap.
"You cannot say a word," y/n says. "I won't-"
"Not even to Rutger."
"Damn that bad huh?"
Y/n nods. "We kind of sort of," she trails off. "madeoutinhisroomandIhadtobetheonetostopitfromgoingfurther"
The blonde looked at her like she had two heads. "I cannot decipher your fast speaking tone, so slow it down for me thank you."
Y/n sighs. "We made out in his room, and I was the one who had to try and stop it. Because if I didn't, we would've kept going." she admits, watching her friends eyes light up.
"I was wondering why he looked so dazed and why his lips were swollen when he came back." she says in a knowing manner.
"Seriously, you cannot say a word! He didn't even come back to me that night, so it means nothing." y/n says as she closes her books, packing up her stuff.
"Girl, he didn't come back because his girlfriend knew something was up."
"I kind of figured with how she's been about me lately."
"Yeah trust me, everyone has noticed." y/n threw the whiteboard marker back at her friend who laughed.
"Don't stress about it seriously. She is just jealous of what you guys have," she explains as they begin to leave the room. "I'm not one to be for cheating, trust me. But with how she treats all of us behind the scenes, I'd say your secret would be safe with me."
Y/n shook her head, her eyes finding Ethan once again. "Yeah well," He must've felt someone staring because his eyes look up from the platinum blonde girl next to him, smile dropping when he finds the familiar girl's stare.
"He can count his day because he's breaking my heart doing it." The two girls then walk away, Y/n's eyes leaving Ethan's.
His eyes following her still as she left the hall.
She's got you right now, but I'm still on your mind
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crybaby-bkg · 9 months
you know what’s absolutely terrifying???? having to cut a baby’s nails………
Katsuki has to cut your baby’s fingernails when he discovers a tiny little scratch by her eye one morning. it’s barely there, a small thing, but it’s there, marring her little face nonetheless. he frowns at her when he holds her the next morning, her dreamy eyes alert and blinking up at him, she smiles.
“Now I gotta cut yer claws down,” he mutters to her, voice quiet as to not wake your sleeping form in the bedroom. he pads throughout the house with her chubby face resting on his shoulder, her gums gnawing at his bare skin, but he doesn’t seem to mind it.
he finds himself in a conundrum though, once he realizes just how fucking—how sharp the damn clippers are. they’re tiny, lavender in color, but they’re meant to cut though the nail with such precision. and yes, he’s a pro hero, has had to adopt the title of EMT, firefighter, emergency surgeon a few times in his life when need be.
but…those people weren’t his baby girl. they weren’t this tiny and precious, and they never looked up at him with a face so similar to his, it makes his heart squeeze tight in his chest. he frowns at her again, even deeper, and this makes her hiccup a little giggle, gummy smile spreading wide.
“You’re only gonna wear mittens from here on out,” he grumbles after a while, finally daring to pick up a tiny hand that she instantly curls around his thick finger. it’s the cutest image, he thinks to himself, but he catches sight of the jagged nail, the culprit. his heart squeezes even tighter though, when he realizes that he can’t protect her from every hurt in the world, even if the hurt comes from her own hands. and the realization is an aching one, but he tells himself that he, at least, can patch her up.
you walk in minutes later, find Bakugou curled over your daughter in the rocking chair he built for her room. his tongue pokes from the corner of his mouth in concentration, his eyebrows furrowed. your daughter babbles to him the whole time, her sweet voice cooing the softest little noises that he responds back to.
“I know, I know,” he mumbles to her. “Ya don’t like baths, and don’t like your nails cut, either. What other shit do you hate, huh?” he asks, and she seemingly responds with a long, sighed out coo. it makes him smile, despite the way his hands slightly shake when he cuts the next nail. he’s terrified, of somehow hurting her even more, of cutting too close, of scratching her. but he treks on, and kisses her fat little fingers every time he clips another nail.
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