#she's an only child who was actually bullied in high school with a mom who was always pushing her
ghostlyheart · 2 years
This is probably not a new observation, but I love this costuming choice for Sam in "The Family Business."
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She's generally a very upbeat person, which is reflected in what she wears (lots of pastels or bright colors, frills, patterns, etc.), so it's really kind of jarring to see her wearing black all of a sudden. But then she has that conversation with Hetty and it's like ohhhhh. She's still grieving both the actual loss of her mom (twice!) and the type of mother-daughter relationship she wishes they could have had. Her mom was so critical of her (which she did get some closure on) and it really shows in her need for approval (like desperately trying to get the guests to like her in "Spies") and her resentment of criticism. She's just repeating the same pattern with Hetty, defying her and getting angry when she doesn't trust her judgement. Her blouse is a really simple but effective color choice to reinforce that her mom's passing is clearly something that still weighs on her, and how she and Hetty being each other's "second chance" and building a mutually respectful relationship going forward is part of her healing process
Also random sidenote that I have nowhere else to put- In early season one, whenever Sam and Jay get into a fight and he calls her out on something, she tends to blow up and storm off. They've moved away from that (which I'm glad, I like seeing them work through things healthily and being supportive of each other), but in retrospect it makes a lot of sense why she's so sensitive about that. I think it was a great idea to explore that same type of friction with Hetty.
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chironshorseass · 9 months
ok i really really really enjoyed watching the first two episodes and i think the show is already so faithful to the books in ways the movies wished they were BUT i’m gonna be a bitch just because i can and rant about a few insignificant but at the same time very important Things the writers didn’t Understand:
percy is angry.
and i know this is seen with his anger towards poseidon in the show, but i’m talking angry. as in, generally speaking. when he’s with grover and they’re talking about nancy, percy says something along the lines of “we should fight back,” and grover’s like “noooo we can’t stand up to bullies.” and then percy stands up to her and blah blah blah…but in the books percy’s first line is “i’m going to kill her” after she throws a sandwich at grover. grover talks him out of it because he’s already on probation.
with just this scene we know percy stands up to bullies, and that’s partly why he has so much trouble at school! in the show, he stands up to nancy, apparently for the first time, and gets kicked out because of it! sorry but as someone who worked in a school, i know for a fact that kids can get away with so much more before they’re actually kicked out lol. it would’ve made sense, like in tlt, that he’s already at risk of suspension so him “pushing” nancy is the final straw. it’s just very weird, considering it could be only a line of dialogue that makes percy’s anger and the connection between his outburst and him getting kicked out more clear.
consequently, percy arrives at his appartment and gabe is just a general (still admittedly abusive) jerk instead of a drunk, violent (also abusive) man. when we meet gabe, it makes a lot of sense why percy has so much trouble with his anger. it’s easy to see that connection. literal child + alcoholic abusive father figure = there’s bound to be some trouble….that’s not really the case in the show, especially in the way that sally easily stands up to him. people have said a fair bit about this topic already, so i’m not gonna expand on that, but i really wish the writers had focused more on percy’s internal anger, as it’s such an important part of his character and affects the way he reacts to things throughout the books; it just worries me that in the first episode it wasn’t as established. i. e. he hates dionysus on sight because he reminds him of smelly gabe, he hates the gods—is angry at poseidon—because, where was he when my mom and i were suffering at the hands of smelly gabe? ok i’m not gonna talk about more of this or of sally because other people have said it and i could write a four page essay of what the show got wrong plus i want to talk abt other things before this gets too long:
the monster scenes.
the mrs. dodds being a fury reveal felt sooo…weird? even the movie version did it better lol. it felt super rushed and strange how percy’s just standing there and the next he’s on the ground, but he had riptide with him so he just impaled her and then she turned to dust??? in the books, not only does she get percy alone, but grover tries to stand up to her—which is a big deal since he knows what she truly is and shows how much he cares for percy in that moment. percy has time to be genuinely terrified bc he’s alone with a literal monster and he’s about to die…and chiron throws him riptide just in time, but then he too vanishes so percy’s left wondering if he imagined everything. but no, in the show mrs. dodds comes out of nowhere and attacks him, and it’s so fast that percy doesn’t have time to dwell on wtf happened. the situation doesn’t seem as serious as it does in the book; in the book she tries to interrogate percy bc she thinks he’s the lightning thief, and when she doesn’t get her answer, she attacks him. this is another thing: the stakes. they don’t feel as high in the show because there’s no annabeth trying to ask percy what was stolen, no hellhound, no fates cutting a string, and no alecto/mrs. dodds interrogation. there’s not much of a lead up to the quest, really.
theeen the minotaur scene, which also feels super weirdly paced and there’s just not that same sense of urgency. again, other people have talked about this, so i’ll just stick to another main concern of mine: grover’s role in the scene. it was so strange how in the book he’s semi unconscious and in the show he’s fine (so fine that sally does something completely out of character and makes grover swear to keep percy safe? she would never put that much pressure in a child???) ok so he seems fine in the show, but then when they’re running percy’s holding him as if he can’t walk???? they’re not even fully sprinting, given that a monster is chasing them lol. (the problem with the stakes; i mean with the way they run and have an entire talk with sally makes it feel like they’re not in any real danger).
back to grover: he was perfectly fine, and he got percy back safe. not at all like in tlt, where percy has to practically carry him back, after loosing his mom and killing the minotaur. THEN percy passes out and later wakes up at the big house. this is important, bc grover’s entire THING is being percy’s protector, and he couldn’t do that properly bc he was indisposed. he felt awful. of course he did. his character arc is overcoming the guilt and insecurities—that he’s not a proper protector and therefore can’t search for pan; his main character motivation—by successfully completing the quest and helping percy retrieve the master bolt.
these are just little seeds that needed to be planted in the first two episodes of the show…so that the rest of the show feels cohesive and makes sense with what happens in tlt. if these character traits and scenes are looked over and not given proper importance/not replaced with something similar, then the show will have a different tone than it does to the books. i don’t think it’s necessarily bad, but it is disappointing that the details sprinkled in the source material are lost in translation. they may have seemed insignificant to the writers, but not to meeee!!!!!!
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starscabaret · 7 months
Yandere ML x Actual villainess reader (I AM TIRED OF THE SAME OLD… this is the same old BUT I WANT A REAL VILLAINESS not some reincarnation like come on guys what’s next? “I GET REINCARNATED AS A VILLAINESS AND THE MALE LEAD IS MY CHILD WHO LOVES ME”)
Yandere Male x Villainess Reader
hmm im not super sure what you mean by villianess...but this bitch is evil.... please let me know if this is what you wanted !!
pairing: Yandere! Male x Villainess (serial killer) reader
summary: quick blurb/ intro
warnings: murder, killing, etc
To Yan! you were more than just a high school bully. He knew how evil you truly were. Only because he stalked you and knew your every move. Did that make him evil too? No, he was just lovesick, you were sick… sick in the head. Beyond repair actually, but he didn’t care. After watching you for years he knew why your mom’s dogs never lasted long, he knew that your friend didn’t fall and hit her head in third grade, he knew what you were really doing when you told your parents you were going to a concert with friends for the weekend. The first time he saw you kill, his stomach turned and he almost covered his shoes in vomit. He wanted to scream out, but he couldn’t risk exposing himself. But it was you, you were his perfect sweet angel there had to have been a reason. His darling wouldn’t kill someone unless there was a very very good reason. What the fuck had they done to you ?? Did they hurt you? No one was allowed to hurt you. But there was no reason. You were just evil, pure evil. When you got an internship at the local hospital he thought you had changed. You were doing good, you looked beautiful in your scrubs, and a big smiling face, all of the patients lit up when you shadowed their doctors. How could they not, his darling shined bright everywhere she went. But when he snuck into the hospital late one night to watch you like he always did, he saw you cover a poor lady’s face with a pillow, and you smiled even brighter once she stopped struggling and her heart monitor flatlined.
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fluffyneondinosaur · 1 month
i don't think think jily would've lasted if they'd lived
Or at least not with both of them being content. I mean, first of all Lily was dating someone who' gone around bullying her ex-best friend, which to her knowledge, ended after SWM (which was sexual assault!).
However, we know that James went behind her back to continue to torment Sev even through 7th year, after Lily had started dating him. Let's take a look at the book.
“You think you’re funny,” she said coldly. “But you’re just an arrogant, bullying toerag, Potter. Leave him alone.”
“I will if you go out with me, Evans,” said James quickly. “Go on . . . Go out with me, and I’ll never lay a wand on old Snivelly again.”
Now that she's going out with him, did James stop bullying Sev? No. Of course Lily didn't go out with him to protect Sev her 7th year, but he got his girl who's only dating him because she thought he'd changed, so why not stop? Was she not enough to convince him to change?
Also, their relationship was super rushed too. They started dating at 17-18 (7th year), married and got pregnant at 19, and had Harry when they were 20.
And what does James do when they're both young and inexperienced parents? Go sneaking around with Sirius instead of staying home to help Lily care for their infant son? Let me tell you, if my dad had ever pulled shit like that my mom would've been furious.
And remember, this is the equivalent of a high school relationship. Imagine marrying someone who you dated in high school. I know that it sometimes works out, but more often than not, it's a terrible decision.
And James and co. loved Lily's feisty, fiery daringness, but I think that after becoming a mother she'd calm down a little, become a little more cautious (I'd be a little concerned for the kid if she didn't) and thoughtful. I don't know if James would've liked that change, or if he would've changed too, along with her.
I certainly hope he would, but if he toned down his recklessness, I suspect that they would grow more distant with Sirius, since he's truly an audaciously violent person (see: prisoner of azkaban, snape's head). James really did seem to care more about Sirius than Lily all through the few times we got to see him in the books, so I inclined to doubt he'd actually change.
There's no way people who sneak around their partner's back and ditch their child for a bit of reckless fun would be able to stay in a committed relationship. I think Lily would've grown to resent how reckless James would've been during the war, endangering his own life with no concern for her or Harry. And if the truth about him bullying Sev in 7th year came out, it would only make their relationship worse.
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incorrectmhatweets · 24 days
Shouta Aizawa/Eraserhead HCs of mine:
- Aizawa hated Pro heroes since he was a child, stemming from his mother’s unhealthy obsession with heroes.
- Aizawa’s mother was, what many people referred to as a cape bunny/chaser. She had a quirk that, upon looking into someone’s eyes, could make them lose their inhibitions for a brief period of time. This helped her with her goals as she was a professional villain victim. She knew who to contact when a villain needed a victim for their big debut with a hero for the public. That, and she purposefully would walk through dangerous alleys and knew the best places for patrols and crime to get the chance to win the heart of some unsuspecting Hero, afterwards, she would show him her gratitude.
- her intimate goal was to win over a hero and have him marry her. Unfortunately, she enjoyed the high of being rescued and being in dangerous situations so much that she was rarely able to stay faithful. She was engaged a total of 9 times, mostly to low ranking heroes. She only successfully married 3 times, and only once did it last over a year because she couldn’t stop trying for bigger and better heroes. Despite being payed generously to keep quiet for the heroes public image, and in child support, she often blew it all perusing her dreams
-Aizawa has a total of 14 siblings of various ages, genders, and quirks, all of them half siblings. Some of them he never even met because they ended up taken from his mother at an early age due to child endangerment and neglect and only in two instances did the father actually choose to take full custody of their child.
- Growing up, Aizawa always hoped and prayed that the heroes who ‘rescued’ his mom, and him on a few memorable occasions where his mother used him to gain a heroes attention, would rescue him as well. After a time, he stopped caring. He didn’t understand why his mom thought a second of their attention was so much more important than him. He didn’t know why he was never enough for her.
- he frequented an old pre quirk style dance studio to avoid going home after school. He used to loiter on the roof and watch the people inside from the window. His life changed when he was invited inside and essentially adopted by the owner.
- over the years (he would have been bullied even harsher if the kids at school learned about it, who bullied him because of his quirk and because everyone knew about his mother) he learned many different styles of dance. His favorite when he was younger started with ribbon dancing, and eventually evolved into scarf dancing and eventually pole dancing, though if he had a partner he loved ballroom, ballet, and tango. Something about the push and pull of two bodies in motion and watching his partner’s move while predicting the next to move with them. This eventually translated into his fighting style.
- the owner of the studio would never admit it, but she thought Aizawa was a little homeless girl when she first spotted him, with his small, lithe prepubescently androgynous body and long tangled hair with dark lashes. Traits that he unfortunately shared with his mother, which is why he hated to take care of his looks, and would often avoid shaving cleanly as an adult. His teacher was where he learned to wear his hair in a messy bun.
- he grew up in a dangerous neighborhood and narrowly avoided scrapes. Also, he oftentimes didn’t get along with his mother’s boyfriends, who were either low ranking villains she often used to gain the attention of heroes, or (as she got older and began loosing her beauty and her name became more well known by heroes and first responders that often took her calls) lower and lower ranked heroes that were often willing to take bribes and look the other way on things.
- He also didn’t get along with the few siblings he had. When he got older and decided to look into it, several of them went into the system and he was never able to fully figure out where they went, several more became criminals, a few of those criminals also became villains, and a few of them had died. He is the only one who became a hero, and that was only because of Nedzu’s intervention.
-His mom was the one who forced him to apply to Hero school, hopeful of parent teacher conferences with the all hero staff and hopeful of gaining the attentions of older students. She was very upset with him for not even trying during the practical exam. Which he purposely sat to the side for. He did not want to be a hero. But, his mom pushed for him to get into the general education course. Somehow (where there is a will there is a way) she scrounged up enough money to send him through.
- wearing his UA uniform on his way home from school resulted in him being chased down and mugged a few times, resulting in his mother thanking a few heroes who helped him. While he never confirmed it, he was pretty sure at least some of the later attacks were plotted by his mother to some degree.
- the day of the sports festival he had been through a lot. The dance studio that was his safe place for the longest time had closed. His mom’s now ex hero boyfriend had smacked him around a bit because of his freakish quirk and mother. He hadn’t slept in some time because of the anxiety of everything boiling over. His own classmates had started to learn about him and his quirk and his poor family and mom and started to shun him. And here he was. In a sports festival meant to glorify the hero course while they beat all of the other students in the school like they existed to be nothing but props, stepping stones for a hero’s future. Victims. Villains. Poor, helpless civilians. He couldn’t take it anymore.
- Aizawa snapped. He went into survival mode. Fight or flight, and he had been running all his life. In the arena there was nowhere to run. Nowhere to hide. Nowhere to escape. Maybe escaping was always an illusion. Because it would always come down to this. Heroes hurting him. And nobody ever cared except himself. It only took 13 years for Aizawa to finally snap. He didn’t want to hurt anymore. Definitely not for someone else’s entertainment. Leading up to that point in his life he had always avoided using his quirk.
- Truthfully, Aizawa didn’t remember much of his first sport’s festival. Looking back at the videos he would be shown, he fought like a man possessed. It was… unsettling, that he, a no name general education student, was capable of taking down the top hero students. The crowd was silent when he accepted his gold medal on the podium. The only fortunate circumstance out of all of it was that the first years weren’t televised. People only tended to tune in for second, and mostly third year sports festivals. Still, enough people were in the audience that it was bound to make the news. Only a villain would beat an aspiring hero so soundly, much less several of them. That, or maybe UA’s hero course teachings weren’t all that great if some nobody could kick their butts so soundly?
- To save face, Nedzu stepped in, transferring Aizawa into the hero course. Aizawa couldn’t decline, because if he did he would more than likely be pictured as the villain everyone thought him to be and would be targeted by society and the media. Nedzu blamed the entrance exam on Aizawa’s failure to make it in, and claimed to media outlets that the young winner of the first year sports festival clearly wanted to prove himself capable of being a hero despite the entrance exam only catering to hard hitting quirks. And, that is when Aizawa became Nedzu’s pet project and his mole for the hero course and hero teacher’s for favoritism and quirk biased behavior.
- Aizawa hated being in the hero course. Hated how much his mother loved him for it. Hated that the entire hero class also hated him, because the lowest ranking student of the class had been kicked out to make room for him, and apparently a lot of people had liked him. The only thing he liked was the fighting.
- When Hizashi suggested his hero name, he thought the guy was bullying him. Sure, he had to graduate from hero school, but he never planned on actually becoming a hero, so it didn’t matter what his name was. He never had control over his life, so why would he have control over his hero name.
- He played along with Hizashi and Oboro and any other hero student that befriended him. Waiting for them to announce it as a prank. Waiting for them to do something cruel. He had lost his faith in heroes a long time ago.
- His hero outfit was a simple black jumpsuit and a belt because it was cheep, and if he had to wear something it was going to be comfortable and practical and easy to replace if he got the tar beaten out of him.
- I have more thoughts on Hizashi and Oboro, but this post has gone on long enough.
- have a cookie if you made it this far. 🍪
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star-bear-headcannons · 2 months
I was just reading your high school Headcanons (I totally agree btw, theatre kid Harvey with his big sisters has my whole heart 😭), and was wondering
What do you think the bachelor(ette)s were like as kids?
Alex: He was actually pretty quiet. He knew that talking made his dad mad and he didn't want his mom to get hurt so he just.... shut up. When his dad abandoned them, he found his love for gridball and became much more happy and energetic. He had a brief period where he shut down again when his mom died but his grandparents were able to reignite that spark.
Elliot: Another quiet kid but for different reasons. He just, didn't feel like it. Loved reading and very rarely left his room. Had the constitution of a poor Victorian child. The slightest bit of dust had him on the verge of death.
Harvey: He was also quiet and got bullied quite a bit because he was a nerd. He'd ramble on and on about his interests (planes) whenever he got the chance. Stopped getting bullied when his growth spurt hit because he had suddenly turned into a giant overnight.
Sam: You know how parents say the worst stuff happens when you aren't looking? Yeah, Jodi has no idea how he got this far in life. She'd look away for a millisecond and suddenly Sam's on the roof testing whether the red crayons taste better that the blue ones. He had negative survival instinct.
Sebastian: There were two Sebastians as a kid. The bubbly lovable one who ran around and spoke a lot. That was Robin and his birth dad's Sebastian. Then there was the moody, petulant brat Demetrius and Maru got. When his parents first brought Maru home, he tried to ship her back
Shane: Shane grew up poor. Like, borderline homeless poor. Other kids stayed away because he had ratty clothes and stank. They never bullied him because Shane knew how to throw a punch. Smart kid but never applied himself.
Abigail: She was really polite and sweet as a child, only becoming more rebellious as a teen. She just had one small problem. She ate EVERYTHING. If it could fit in her mouth, it was going in her mouth. Caroline had many, many trips to the ER to attest to it.
Emily: Hyper, hyper, hyper child. They had a no sweets policy in the house because if she manage to get her hands on a cookie, all hell broke loose. I think her personality would be closest to Bingo from Bluey.
Haley: Prissy little brat. It was her way or the highway. Everything had to be just so otherwise she'd throw giant temper tantrums. She can't get that toy. Screaming in the mall. We aren't having McDonalds for dinner. The world is ending! It went on even as she got older. She stopped after her mom filmed one of her tantrums and she saw how ridiculous she looked.
Leah: Tough kid. Had a couple of older brothers she would wrestle with. Was that one kid who growled at the other kid. Her personality could be summed up from that seen in LOK where Korra says, "I'm the Avatar now you better deal with it!"
Maru: Smart kid. Demetrius was always making her studying and Sebastian ignored her. She was pretty lonely. So she just made her own friends. Robots. Robin was always scared that she was missing out on her childhood and now that she's older, she somewhat agrees.
Penny: A lot like Shane. Ignored and left alone. Her clothes always smelled like smoke, and her mom was always drunk. She learned to be self reliant. Her mom was often late to pick her up so the school librarian would let her stay and read. Several CPS calls. A few foster homes
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sigyn-foxyposts · 15 days
"The Afton family" Part 1/2 Fnaf Amaranth AU!
Note: Yes, this AU is inspired by Mobox87's and many others old FNAF lore that was created back in 2015-2016 but is remade to fit into what we have today. I'm simply doing this for the sake of fun and keeping a part of the nostalgia alive. All designs are inspired by how I viewed them personally growing up, making them my original designs. Please tag me if you ever make fanart, thank you :D
A huge thanks to @vamnp for coming up with the name of this AU!
The Parents:
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Name: Scott Ralph Afton.
Nickname: Scotty
Nationality: British (Moved to America)
Scott is clumsy and laid back. He is also a bit skittish because his dad used to scare him, intentionally as a child.
Has always struggled mentally, thanks to his childhood being quite rough.
He was bullied in school for being the shy and antisocial kid, often hiding in the bathroom stalls to get away.
He never had a good relationships with his parents, not even with Vincent no matter what he originally thought.
Has undiagnosed ADHD.
His special interest is machinery!
Likes to keep things organized and tidy.
Hates when someone is disobedient.
Loves teasing and making dad jokes!
Like his second oldest son, he has a fondness for the animatronic Foxy!
Suffers from insomnia and hallucinates.
He has a high pain tolerance and often gets injured, hence the many bandages he is wearing. His wife puts them on.
Feels horrible for not being able to stop Vincent from killing his children & being the cause of so many deaths.
Scott is the phone guy and tape guy (aka Henry but now it's Scott!)
Scott didn't actually die after the animatronics attacked and stuffed him into a suit, he was just severely injured.
Despite being in pain, he managed to stay alive until someone found him. After that incident he decided to retire.
He commits suicide, suffocating during the fnaf 6 fire together with Michael.
Scott is a hard working man that love's his family more than anything, but struggles to keep the stability going. Not only does he specialize with dangerous animatronics at work along side his brother Vincent, who has always been questionable in nature. He has always struggled mentally thanks to his upbringing.
The lack of sleep he is getting from his insomnia and night shifts causes him to get injured on the job. Which his wife is very unhappy about, they could be bickering and next thing they know they're argumening over family matters. Though Scott tries to be the one who puts an end to it and be a better husband and father to his children, he has to admit he is far from perfect. He retired from his own business Fazbear entertainment after the tragedies and focused on his remaining family, returning briefly during fnaf 6 to aid Michael and decided he would commit suicide with them.
Name: Margaret Fritz.
Nickname: Mag, Magpie.
Nationality: Norwegian.
Margaret met Scott through high school and originally felt bad for him, letting him rant to her about his inventions.
This somehow sparked feelings between the two and they remained high school sweethearts up until their marriage.
Margaret went to medical school and worked as a nurse for a few years, earning a good living for them.
She did end up quitting early and became a stay at home mom when she first got pregnant with twins.
Later in life she would try getting back into the work field but retires due to mental health issues.
Has a slight drinking problem and hates how addicted she is to it.
She suffers from compassion fatigue.
Developed depression and erratic behavior after the disappearances.
Feels guilty for Charlie's death because she was drinking that night and asked Scott to get him. (He was working late)
After Scott died in the fire, she went back to her drinking habits and died from liver failure. (Basically suicide)
Margaret is a stay at home mother who often finds herself stressed over not just her kids, but also her husband. Thanks to his recklessness at work and his horrible sleep schedules, along with his mental health. Margaret and Scott tend to argue a lot about his well being and over how they should manage things in their household, which often ends up going nowhere. This caused her to pick up a small drinking habit that she tries her best to hide from everyone, especially her children. Margaret originally came from Norway but moved to America with her family when she started high school. There she not only met Scott but got a degree in nursing and after a few years of dating, fell pregnant. This caused her to have to stay home permanently and at first while it was difficult, she knew she was doing it for a good cause. Their growing family. After the missing children's incident she went completely off the rails and had to be sent away to the mental hospital by Scott. She really struggled, especially with the guilt of not being able to protect her children that she had spent so much of her life taking care of. Eventually though she would be able to return back to Scott and their remaining children, raising them.
Older siblings:
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Name: Coppelia Afton.
Nickname: Lia
Age: 11 (in 1984)
Coppelia is the twin sister of Charlie!
Struggles sleeping like Scott.
Her special interest is also machinery!
She's often found outside tinkering in the garage with something.
She also loves reading books, specially the book that she was named after.
Can be quite hyperactive and playful, often leading her to be a bit brutal.
Love's to have playful banters with Scott or Charlie to see their reactions.
When she was younger she used to draw disturbing drawings, she grew out of it though! Scott affectionately calls her "his creepy daughter"
She loves eating bacon and eggs or pancakes, calling it her british breakfast. (Because she thinks it's funny)
After Margaret was sent away Mrs Andrews, their neighbor helped Scott take care of Coppelia and her brother.
This caused her to became a mother figure to her and she calls her mom!
She doesn't like any of the animatronics and once she got so scared as a child that she threw up and cried.
Coppelia is her families only daughter and tue older twin, taking most characteristics after her father. She is very hyperactive and playful, often tinkering with machinery like her father when he was younger. She can't be still for long, yet somehow she never runs out of energy either. She loves playing around with her siblings which often leads her to be a bit competitive and rough. She always feels a bit guilty because she accidentally hurts them or make them cry! The reason she prefers playing with her siblings still, is because she gets bullied at school too. Unlike her father though, she puts up a fight which gets her in trouble. Surprisingly Coppelia never noticed the issues her family had before her siblings went missing and her parents were even more unstable than what was normal to her. As if she didn't already struggle sleeping it got even worse for her, grieving heavily at the fact she might not even see her twin brother or younger brother again. She didn't know what to do and was afraid of when her father had to get back to work, but Margaret wasn't there anymore. Luckily their friendly neighbor Mrs Andrews would offer to watch over her and her baby brother, offering her support to the girl and comforting her. She knew what it was like loosing someone.
Name: Charlie Afton.
Nickname: Charles.
Age: 11 (When he died)
Charlie is the twin brother of Coppelia!
Struggles with anxiety.
His favorite animatronic is puppet.
He really likes collecting porcelain dolls.
Enjoys listening to the music box because it was a lullaby his parents used to comfort him with as a baby.
Charlie is actually left handed but forces himself to use his right to blend in!
The lefty animatronic was based on a stuffed teddy bear he owned.
Later Scott recreated Lefty as a animatronic to capture Charlie.
Like Scott he is also clumsy and skittish.
He is very pale and easily gets bruised.
To avoid people assuming bad things about his home life, he wears make-up, long sleeves and pants.
He originally wore make-up to just hide his bruises but started to enjoy it!
His parents find this adorable and often his mother helps him experiment around with her make-up stash!
Even though he keeps calm under stressful situations, when conflicts arises his anxiety skyrockets.
Especially when his and Coppelia's bullies search for them during school.
He knows Margaret has a drinking problem but hasn't said that he knows.
He hates when his parents argue because of how his brother accidently got in the way and was injured in the past. Luckily it never happened again.
His favorite cousin is Chris, someone he heavily sympathizes with!
Vincent stabbed Charlie multiple times in the lungs out of drunken rage, leaving him outside to bleed out in the rain.
Charlie is the oldest son and younger twin, taking a lot after both his parents. He is quite gloomy, clumsy and introverted but a passionate caretaker like his mother. Like his sister they're not exactly popular at school and the kids often picked on them, but Coppelia was there to protect him! Sometimes he wishes he would be able to do the same, to show that he was capable.. But all he could do was run and get the teacher. He makes up for this when he is able to protect his brother and the missing children after he is killed by Vincent outside of the pizzeria. The reason he died was because he was waiting for Scott to finish working after Maggie forgot to pick him up. Then the same children who bullied him and his sister threw him outside and locked the door. At first he blamed both his parents for his death, but stopped holding a grudge against them when he realized Scott and Michael tried to free them behind the scenes.
Younger siblings:
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Name: Bartholomew Fritz Afton.
Nickname: Bart, Fritz
Age: 7 (When he died)
His favorite animal is the fox, hence why he loves and adores foxy.
He has an obsession with pirates and pretends to be one all the time!
His favorite holiday is Halloween.
He likes to tease and be the annoying younger brother, often copying Coppelia's behavior.
Whenever he's bored he ask his parents or older siblings to read to him.
His favorite books are pirate books and books about norwegian folklore: because they have scary sea creatures.
Sings those kids nursery rhymes 24/7.
Hates loud shouting and glass breaking after he accidentally stood between his parents when they were arguing.
His favorite cousin is Brenda because she likes playing pirates with him!
Vincent lured Bart to parts and service, breaking his kneecaps, cutting of his hand and slicing his throat. It was so deep he pretty much decapitated him.
Bartholomew also known as Bart for short, is the second oldest son. He is hyperactive and outgoing to the fullest, insisting he is the leader of any group he comes across, siblings or friends. You'll often see him wearing pirate gears and singing songs, dragging around his younger brother who happily follows. He also never stops talking about what interests him and struggles knowing when to stop. He loves pirates, sea creatures and foxy! Bart also always unintentionally gets himself into trouble, even if it isn't his fault and while he loves his father the most, he hates being punished by him and go to the thinking corner. After he was killed by his own uncle Vincent, like the other missing children he can't trust adults and is very aggressive. Even to his own father Scott, when he figured out he possessed Foxy and tried to communicate with him.
Name: Matthew Afton.
Nickname: Matt.
Age: 4 (in 1984)
He is a very bubbly boy, who easily make people smile.
He is somewhere on the autism spectrum.
His favorite animatronic is balloon boy.
Balloon boy was inspired by Matthew's younger appearance and made by Scott.
He has a huge sweetooth and will try to steal sweets when no one is watching!
Margaret jokinly and affectionately calls him a ''menace'' to her existence.
He loves being around other people, which is why he always follows his brother or mother around.
He has a few funny quirks, such as rocking back and forth when he is excited, walking on his toes or biting on things.
He also tends to be so quiet that Scott got scared by him multiple times becuse he was just standing there, smiling at him.
His favorite thing is arts and crafts and he actually helped decorate the pizzeria along with other children there.
He loves playing with balloons, but hates when they pop, then he will start crying.
He used to be close with Bart before he went missing, now he is very attached to his older sister Coppelia.
His favorite cousin is Elizabeth because she offered him ice cream once.
Matthew is the youngest son and the only surviving family member of the Afton family with his older sister after Michael and his parents. As a child he was a bubbly boy filled with laughter, often finding himself following others around rather than leading the way like his older brother Bart. He was very young when his brothers disappeared and when he got older he struggled remembering them. When Maggie was sent away to the mental hospital, Scott retired to take care of him and was finally able to improve on his parental skills. When Matthew became an adult he started working under Fazbear entertainment despite the history it held to his family with his sister.
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acewritesfics · 2 months
Father's Calling | Eddie Munson
Pairing: Eddie Munson
Request: No
Warnings: Established relationship. Anxiety, anger, domestic violence, child neglect, drug use and alcoholism. Pure angst with a little fluff. I've given Eddie's dad the name David.
Word Count: 1,283
Stranger Things Masterlist | Main Masterlist
"You okay, son?" Wayne Munson asks his nephew after he hangs up the phone, his eyes filled with rage and his hands shaking, a deep frown on his face. From Eddie's reaction to the phone call, the older Munson man knew who was on the other end of the phone. 
"I'm fine," the younger man replies, grabbing his leather jacket and putting it on. The trailer was causing him to feel claustrophobic as his pent-up anger was building. He knows he needs to get out before he explodes on his uncle, the one man who didn't deserve to be on the end of his rage. "I'll be back later," he tells Wayne as he grabs the keys to his beat-up van and hurries out the trailer door. 
Wayne doesn't bother going after him, trying to stop him from leaving. He knows his nephew well enough to know that he needs space and that if he needs someone, he'll end up at Y/N's home. 
Eddie gets in his van and shoves the key into the ignition. He turns the key, starts the van and speeds off into the night, Metallica blasting from the van speakers, his fingers tapping along to the beat and occasionally squeezing the steering wheel tightly as he thinks about the phone call from his father and tries to calm his anger. 
He drives until he reaches his destination. Y/N's home. Y/N, his best friend since they were 6 years old and his first and only girlfriend. 
They became friends after she punched an 8-year-old kid right in the nose for bullying Eddie for having hand-me-down clothes. The kid was much bigger than the both of them combined, but she had no fear when it came to standing up to the bully. From that day, the two have been inseparable. They know each other better than anyone else and always have each other's backs. All through their childhoods, it was them vs. the world, and the world stood no chance when the two of them were together. In high school, it was only a matter of time before their friendship turned into a relationship. Her parents and Wayne could see it from the moment that they had met after being called into the school after Y/N had punched a kid in the face. The two came from different backgrounds, but Wayne and Y/M and Y/D knew that Y/N and Eddie were meant to be. 
Eddie pulls into the driveway of the small two-bedroom home that Y/N had moved into with another friend of hers who had recently moved out to be with her boyfriend. He turns off the ignition, pulls the key out and jumps out of the van, making his way to the front door. He knocks loudly, unsure if she's asleep, as a little guilt pierces through his rage at the thought of waking her up. He's waiting not even a minute before the door swings open, revealing Y/N, wearing his Dio shirt he had left the last time he stayed with her and a short pair of bicycle shorts she always slept in in the summer. She looks at him sleepily, causing him to feel a little more guilt knowing he did wake her up. 
She becomes more awake when she notices how tense he is and that he was at her house so late at night without a phone call saying he was coming over. "Eddie, what's going on?" 
"My dad called me," he huffs angrily. 
She takes his hand and pulls him inside before closing the door and locking it. He follows her into the kitchen and sits at the kitchen island as she pours a glass of water and hands it to him. 
"What did he want?" She asks, a little surprised. His dad only called when he wanted something, and that wasn't often since he went to prison. 
David Munson was never in her good books. He was never there for Eddie like a father should be, leaving the actual parenting to the boy's mom and uncle. He taught Eddie all the wrong things, things that would get him in trouble with the law. Instead of learning to play catch or to ride a bike, how to swim and install good behavior in him, David had taught him how to hot wire vehicles, along with how to steal, sell drugs, lie and commit other petty crimes. She recalled all the times Eddie would come to her house, angry and upset over something David had done. The most clear memory of one of those times was the last time David was arrested. Eddie had arrived at her home with a nasty bruise and a cut to his cheek. He was ten at the time and had stood between his mom and his dad when his dad had gone to hit his mom. David, who was drunk at the time, started an argument with Eddie's mom over not having enough money for his next drug fix. He blamed her for spending the money on getting ice creams for Eddie and herself when it had been him that had spent it on the crate of beer he had just drunk himself stupid with. It was a neighbor who called the cops after witnessing David throwing Eddie out of the trailer, bloody and bruised. By the time the cops arrived, David had beaten his wife to the point where she needed to go to the hospital. After three days in the hospital, Eddie's mom had come home, packed herself a bag, and dropped Eddie off at Wayne's trailer before leaving Hawkins for good, never being heard from again. 
Fortunately for Eddie, he had ended up in his uncle's care instead of the foster care system when his father was thrown in prison for assault and many other charges from previous crimes. Wayne didn't want to see his nephew go into the system and knew he would be better off with family than some stranger. He was always more of a father to Eddie than his pathetic excuse of a brother. And that way, Eddie would also be able to see Y/N. The older man couldn't bear to see the two separated. 
"He has a parole hearing next month," he informs her. "He wants me to speak on his behalf and tell the courts how much of a changed man he is." 
"I hope you told him to get fucked," she says, her own anger rising. "He's barely spoken to you in the last ten years, even between his stints in prison. Why does he think you'll speak on his behalf?" 
"I don't know," he shrugs. 
She moves towards him and hugs him from behind, her arms wrapping around his waist as she rests her head on his back. "He's a fucking idiot, don't let him get under your skin." 
"Easier said than done, baby." he sighs, relaxing in her embrace. Covering her hands with his, he joins their hands together. 
"Want me to kick his ass for you?" she asks. "'cause you know I will." 
Letting go of her hands and turns around to face her, cupping her face in his hands, his thumb stroking her cheek. "I know you will, baby. You've always had my back." 
"And I always will, never forget that," she smiles and pulls him into a kiss.  
"I love you," he mumbles against her lips. 
"I love you too, Eddie," she mumbles back before breaking the kiss. "Now lets go to bed, we can talk more about this tomorrow." 
"Lead the way, Mi'Lady," he says making a gesture with his arm. 
She giggles and takes his hand, leading him back to her bedroom. 
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skzfictions · 1 year
Just The Way You Are (Bang Chan Fic)
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Summary: When your mother accidentally takes the wrong gift in your place to your ex-best friend's 18th birthday party, you decide you must go and retrieve it before he can see it. Of course, due to your luck, or lack thereof, this doesn't go as planned…
Genre: fluff, funny, high school setting, awkward reader, best friends to lovers trope
♡Pairing: Bang Chan X GN! Reader
Word Count: 6K
A/N: Wrote this based on Chan's current style. This was supposed to be a short drabble, but it seems I just can't write short stories to save my life. I don't know if it's any good… Regardless, if you do enjoy it, reblogs are always appreciated. Much love!
"Mission complete!" you whispered to yourself, triumphantly, as you lifted a little black wrapped gift box from a table full of birthday presents and examined it. 
Despite how small it was, the gift stood out amongst all the other brightly colored gifts that currently decorated the table thanks to you using black wrapping paper, Chan's favorite color, to decorate the little gift box. You had finished its wrappings with a shiny silver ribbon thus, giving it a nice sleek vibe. 
However, as you examined the little gift, a wave of melancholy suddenly washed over you at the thought that he would never actually get the chance to appreciate your handiwork or the gift inside because of the fact that you were about to quickly swap it out for another gift before jetting on home. 
You sighed, heavily, as you realized you really had no reason to be sad. After all, that was your entire purpose for coming to Chan's birthday party in the first place. Because even despite the fact that you had spent so much money on the present and had taken your time wrapping it to perfection, you had never actually intended to give it to him. Well, you had at first, but had changed your mind at the very last minute.  
Unfortunately, your mother hadn’t known this and therefore, ended up taking the wrong gift in your place to Chan's birthday party.
See, you and Chan hadn’t spoken much over the last month ever since you had found out that he had been secretly dating someone who had been a childhood bully of yours, even despite the fact you both had been best buds since your diaper days and therefore, he should've been able to trust you enough to tell you the truth.
The only way you had even found out the truth was after your old bully had stalked right up to Chan one day while you and him were mid-conversation and they locked lips with him right in front of you leaving you feeling very much like a clueless little child. You both had fallen out ever since. 
He'd tried apologizing to you which you did come to accept, but ultimately, it still changed your friendship because from then on, things had gotten increasingly awkward between you both especially as he drifted further and further into the popular crowd his partner rolled with while you, on the other hand, found your own little circle of friends to hang with, eventually. 
Today, you two barely acknowledged each other, except for the occasional smile you were both forced to share whenever either of you noticed the other in the halls of your high school. 
It was sad that you guys had fallen out so much over the past month to the point that you no longer even felt comfortable giving him a birthday gift, instead choosing to have your mother do it for you.  
But dammit! Your mom had taken the wrong gift! 
When she had bugged you earlier that morning about going to the birthday party Chan’s parents were throwing for him at their house, you had ignored her, choosing to stay in bed and sleep in, but you had mumbled to her something about taking the small wrapped gift that was in your backpack to Chan’s. 
The part you had forgotten to mention was there were actually two gifts in your backpack. One was Chan’s true present that you were too afraid to give him and the other was the gift card you had bought at the last minute to replace the true gift. 
You had wrapped both gifts and left them in your backpack so when your mom had come to your room and asked you if she had grabbed the right one, still half asleep, you just mumbled "mmhm" before rolling over and going back to dreamland. 
It wasn't until you got up about an hour later and went downstairs only to find the wrong gift sitting on the counter that you realized which one your mom had taken with her.
That’s when you knew you just had to sneak into Chan's party to take it back and replace it. 
It had taken a while to get alone in the house where Chan's presents table was so that you could carry out your little plan. You'd had to play cordial and greet Chan’s parents, even Chan himself, and then mingle with several of the guests in attendance before you could finally find some alone time to make your way inside the house to grab back the gift. 
Now that you had successfully had the gift in your hand you could just switch it out with the one from your backpack and then you could-
At the sound of the unexpected voice from behind you, you shouted, nearly jumping out of your skin. Simultaneously, you…
…bumped into Chan’s presents table causing a few of them to topple over and fall onto the floor. 
So much for being discreet, you thought, hopelessly. 
Needless to say, you hadn’t been expecting the sound of your ex-best friend's voice to interrupt you in your quest to get back the gift thus, startling you and causing you to knock into the gift table. 
At least it was just a couple of presents that fell and not the whole damn table. 
Oops,” you now whimpered in embarrassment as you immediately kneeled to the floor to start picking up the few presents that had toppled over. As you scrambled to pick up the gifts, you felt Chan come up beside you to pick up a few himself. 
"I'm so sorry," you continued to apologize. 
He wasn't supposed to see you. That's why you had been trying to be sneaky about taking back your gift. Of course, you should've known better. You were never good at sneaking. Not only that but even despite the fact that you and Chan had not spoken in the last month it seemed he still had his "best friend radar" intact. How else would he have known to come inside the house right at the same time you had snuck in just to take back the damned gift? In fact, you had specifically waited to sneak inside only after you saw him surrounded by his guests and therefore he should've been too busy to even come inside, but here he was.   
Ever since you guys were kids Chan had always had a knack for finding you even when you didn't want to be found. He called it the "best friend radar." You wished you had it too. Then maybe you would've sensed him coming and then you could've moved a bit faster and got the hell out of his house before he could see you. But, no such luck. 
"It's okay, Y/N," Chan said as you both stood up and placed the gifts that had fallen back on the table. "I'm actually glad you're here. I thought you weren't coming. Or, at least, that's what your mom had said."
He was fully facing you now, smiling his dimpled grin that never ceased to help him charm his way into or out of anything, you included.
However, what he wanted at the moment you were not sure of, but with his gift still in your grasp, which you were now hiding behind your back, you knew you had to find a way to shoo him off so that you could switch out the gift. 
"Oh…yeah, well…here I am!" you replied rather awkwardly, with a nervous chuckle but it only came out as awkward as it had because you were both trying to be discreet about hiding his gift, while also not succumbing to his physical charms due to that smile of his whilst also trying to be friendly even despite the fact that the last time you both had a solid conversation was the day you had found out about his dating secret.  
In order to get him out of the house, you were going to have to figure out something quick though because in addition to the “best friend radar” Chan was also good at reading you. Actually, he was pretty good at reading people in general, but he knew you to the point that you were like an open book to him.
"Yeah, thanks for coming,” he now replied, his smile falling just a little as he glanced down for a second then back up at you. “So…long time no talk, huh? How have you been?” 
Chan looked at you expectantly causing you to avert your eyes when you answered in your attempt to appear more aloof. 
“Oh, you know…” you trailed momentarily. “I’ve been good.” 
Liar, your mind immediately responded which you ignored.  
“You?” you asked him as well as it was the courteous thing to do. 
However, Chan didn’t respond immediately but just stared at you for a moment causing you to fidget, uncomfortably. It had been a long while since you two had been alone and this moment with him proved it. It was awkward to be alone with him. Or, maybe it was just you.
Whatever the case, you were sure he was deciphering your every move which was why you were trying to appear standoffish but you didn't think it was working. 
Finally Chan answered, “...yeah, I’ve been good, too.”
His response was curt which caused you to grimace in response. The conversation really was getting increasingly awkward to the point of being painful when in comparison to the way conversation used to flow between you two so effortlessly just the month before. You wondered if it was always going to be like this from now on…
“Cool,” you said simply and you would have just left it at that but because the silence was killing you, you in all your awkwardness, continued to ramble on. “So then you’ve been good, and I’ve been good and everything is…good...”
As you rambled on, Chan's lips had begun to spread into a smirk, clearly amused by your awkwardness, but it soon turned to a full on chuckle causing you to look away in embarrassment. 
Well, at least your awkward personality got a laugh out of him, which actually did help to relieve some of the tension between you two, but only by just a bit. Regardless, you wanted to use that moment to get the chance to leave the room, so you attempted to start inching towards the exit. “Yeah, so, I’ll just…”   
However, as you were doing so, Chan cut you off.
“What are you hiding behind your back?" 
You halted, stumped by his question. Automatically, your hand squeezed the gift you were indeed, hiding behind you.
You blinked a few times not knowing how to answer so you feigned innocence, instead. “What?”
Chan pointed at your arm that was placed behind your back.
“Behind your back,” he said, frankly. “What are you hiding?” 
Damnit! You cried, internally. 
See, this was why you were trying to get the hell out of that house! Chan had already figured you out in the five minutes or so you two had been talking. Of course, you already knew you were an open book but damn! Five minutes! He had kept a secret from you for months but you couldn’t keep a secret from him for five damn minutes!  
That’s okay y/n, you spoke to yourself in your head as you felt your heart rate speeding up. Just try to remain cool. 
You shook your head. “Oh, um…I’m not-” 
“Is it my birthday gift?” he cut you off again.  
“No,” you responded a little too quickly and he smirked. 
Damnit! He knew. 
“Really?” he said, challenging you while grinning ear-to-ear. “Then show me.” 
You sighed, exasperatedly, exhausted with his persistence. “Chan, it’s not-whaaaat are you doing?” 
With his head tilted to the side like he was trying to get a look around your frame so that he could see what you were holding behind your back, Chan had slowly started inching towards you very much in a manner that resembled a wolf stalking a prey animal. You, in turn, started to move backward, tentatively. 
“If you won’t show me then I’ll just have to find out for myself,” Chan answered in a teasing tone, his grin now mischievous, still moving closer and closer to you while you kept moving back.  
As he continued to close in on you, your heart beat with such intensity you worried it might actually beat out of your chest! “Chan, it’s not what you-hey!”
Before you could fully register what was happening, Chan rushed past you and you felt the weight of the present that was in your hand suddenly disappear. Next thing you knew, Chan was raising his arms high in the air in triumph of having successfully stolen the gift from you. 
You cursed him and his lightning fast reflexes.   
“Damnit, Chan!” 
Immediately, you lunged for him in an attempt to try and retrieve it back but he stretched out his long arm in the opposite direction. When you attempted to reach around him in order to try and get it back again, he just ducked, switched it to his other hand and held that arm out, instead. 
He was so amused, he was laughing at the entire situation. Another thing about Chan was he absolutely loved to tease. You especially, which was something you both loathed and endeared.
In fact, had you not been desperately trying to retrieve the gift, you would've been happy at the fact that you two were now behaving more the way you used to before the big secret.  
“Chan, come on!” you whined now, exasperatedly, as you continued to try and get back the gift but he just ignored your cries. 
With a voice full of humor, Chan read the little sticker you had placed on the gift. “To Chan, from Y/N.” He shot you with an accusatory glare. “I thought you said this wasn’t for me?” 
You stomped your foot, begrudgingly. “It’s for another Chan!”
At this, Chan raised an eyebrow at you in disbelief, clearly not buying it, then the corners of his mouth lifted into a grin again.  
“Can I?” he wiggled his thick brows at you. You didn’t even have to ask what he meant by those two words. 
“Absolutely not!” you cried, vehemently as you went back to trying to grab the gift back from him again. 
Immediately, you felt Chan’s entire mood change as his arm that had been stretched out in the opposite direction, suddenly slapped down to his side. He had gone from amused to serious in a heartbeat. 
“Why not?” he asked with a confused frown. “We always open each other’s gifts, first, before anybody else's.”
He was right. That’s probably part of the reason he felt entitled to the gift. As best friends, over the years you both had made it your own little tradition to open each other’s gifts, first, before anyone else's on your birthdays. Even you had opened Chan’s gift to you, first, during your birthday which had been a compilation of his greatest songs he had made on his laptop. 
“Not this time,” you now said, placing your hand out for him to hand over the gift. Now that he wasn’t fighting you anymore about the gift and was actually taking you seriously, you thought that maybe he would give it back, but Chan just looked down at your open palm then his expression turned from serious to suspicious.  
“You’re being weird,” he said with eyes narrowed at you as he started to step back whilst holding the gift away from you, clearly not bending on giving it back.  “Weirder than normal.” 
You on the other hand had unknowingly started to follow his steps, still set on getting the gift back from him, possibly through force if he kept up this little charade. 
“And you’re being more insufferable than normal,” you shot back at him, fed up. “Give me back the damned gift, Chan!” 
But this little uproar of yours hardly got the reaction out of him that you wanted. Instead, his expression turned challenging again. His brows furrowed, and his mouth turned in a lopsided smirk. 
He held the gift even further away before replying defiantly, “No!” 
You winced at him. “That’s it.” 
You were done with his shit. 
And what happened next was a complete blur to you. One moment you were closing in on Chan just as he had been doing to you only a moment ago, and the next you were literally jumping his bones. 
As a result, limbs fell on top of limbs as Chan stumbled backward and fell onto the couch behind him, while you, in all the momentum, followed along, landing right on top of him.
Crashing onto the fluffy material (thank God it was the couch and not the hard floor) you used your hands to try and help control yourself from completely colliding with him by planting them firmly down on the material surrounding you both otherwise you would've knocked heads.
It worked, but only by just a hair because your face stopped a mere centimeter from his.
With parted lips, you both gasped for air, worked up from the unexpected crash. 
Neither of you said anything. The house was dead silent as you both tried to catch your breaths. The only thing that could be heard was the sound of the low hum of the refrigerator in the kitchen and each of your shallow breaths.
In this moment of silence, you couldn't help but to notice that even despite how long you both had been best friends, you had never been this close to him before. 
Well, that wasn't true. You'd both been up in each other’s personal space plenty of times before but all those times were platonic. 
For instance, sharing whispered jokes in each other’s ears that would get the other bursting in laughter or slinging arms around each other's shoulders like good friends often do. Hugs during celebrations or even just friendly hugs for no reason were a constant ritual in your friendship but this…for some reason, your closeness to him this time felt different. 
For instance, a weird tickling sensation began to develop in the pit of your stomach at the feel of his chest and stomach being pressed right up against your very own. With each rise and fall of your chest, his own moved in sync underneath you as you both breathed heavily against one another. 
However, when the tickling sensation suddenly started to move further downward to your nether regions, embarrassed at the new feeling, you knew you had to get off him immediately.  
But it seemed Chan didn’t mind you on top of him because when you had tried to sit up by pressing your hand against his chest to get leverage, he surprised you by quickly pressing his own hand firmly on your back, keeping you in place on him. 
Your heart rate skyrocketed at the action. In fact, you two were so close you bet he could feel it drumming in your chest. 
Swallowing hard, you gulped in response. 
"Chan, what are you-" 
"Why can't I open your gift, Y/N?" he asked you, breathlessly.
You sighed, putting your head down in his chest too embarrassed to look at him.
Because then you'll know, you answered in your head. 
"Fine," you finally gave in as you spoke into his chest. "Open it."
And so he did.  
Still keeping you in place on top of him with his arms, you felt Chan unwrap the gift above you while you remained quiet and unmoving. 
Once he got the gift unwrapped, he opened the box and you held your breath as you waited for his reaction, but as the moments ticked by and you didn't get one, you frowned. 
You looked up at him. Chan was silent. 
You watched his face, devoid of all emotion, as he eyed the piece of jewelry you had gotten him for his 18th birthday.
You didn't know what to make of this lack of reaction, but Chan soon cleared his throat before finally speaking. 
"How did you get this?"
You squirmed, uncomfortably. "Oh, I um…" 
"It's like, over two hundred dollars," he continued eyeing the piece of jewelry. 
"I know…I saved up for it," you admitted. 
Chan frowned as his eyes landed on you for the first time since he had opened the gift. 
"Why?" He asked, looking genuinely confused. "I mean, how did you even know…" He trailed in his speech, seeming to be having a hard time finding the words he wanted to say. He then sighed. "I can't believe this. I had been looking at this exact necklace a couple months ago."
You smiled sheepishly as you admitted, "Yeah, I know. I kinda had seen you staring at it in the window at Nordstrom at the mall."
Chan looked at you again. “You were following me?” 
You shook your head, figuring it was time for you to explain. 
“No. I was just at the mall with some friends, and you were at the mall, too, and I just saw you looking kind of hard at something in a store window for a really long time," you said, recalling the very day that inspired you to get the specific gift. "When you finally left, I went to go see what it was you were staring at and I saw the necklace and I just knew it was something you would’ve really liked. It was totally your style. Well, your old style, at least.” 
You looked up at him, running your eyes over his now neatly, fresh cut, straightened hair. Truthfully, you missed the untamable curls he used to sport that although he hated, you always loved. 
In fact, there was a lot he had changed about his appearance since he had started dating his current partner. 
He had taken out his studded earrings, leaving his lobes bare. He had gotten rid of his nose piercing. Had removed the black polish from his fingernails, and had completely gotten rid of his all black clothes in exchange for an ensemble that looked like it came out of an Old Navy catalog.
Today he wore brightly colored shirts, and V-necks. Dress shirts, slacks, and whatever new sneakers his partner bought for him were his everyday attire now. He looked fine, really. Chan looked good in anything, and you weren't adverse to him trying new styles, but you could tell that it wasn’t him. That he was only doing it to please his partner and their friends who could be super judgmental over things like appearances. 
You thought that by getting him the gift that maybe it would remind him of his old self somehow. That he might realize there was someone who liked him just the way he was, regardless, and did pay attention to what he liked.
When you guys were much younger Chan hadn’t paid any attention to his style, often choosing whatever hoodie he could grab followed with a pair of jeans, but as you guys got older his style changed a lot.
In addition to the all black ensemble and piercings, Chan had a thing for chunky jewelry like chokers, chains, spikes, and large rings. The jewelry piece you bought him for his birthday fit right in with what he would usually adorn himself in before his more recent makeover. 
The gift was a long sterling silver chain necklace with a polished silver skull dangling from it. The skull had a full grin, all teeth showing and the black empty sockets of its eyes were slanted downward giving it a slightly more menacing look. Lastly, was a slanted crown sitting atop its skull head.
The necklace had been a whopping two-hundred and twenty five dollars (hardly the most expensive piece of jewelry at Nordstrom’s but still plenty pricey for your budget). Luckily, since you had planned ahead to get Chan the gift for his birthday, which at the time, wasn’t until the latter end of the year in October, that meant you had plenty of time to save up money from your local cafe job. 
You had bought the necklace the second you had received your paycheck in hopes to make sure that no one else bought it before you could. Eager, you had even wrapped the gift immediately after you got home despite the fact that Chan’s birthday wasn’t for another two months. After that, the gift remained in your room on your dresser until Chan’s 18th birthday finally came around. But so much had changed between you both in the last month that you had no longer felt comfortable giving him such an intimate gift. That’s when you had bought a gift card in its place. 
Of course, switching out the gift had been a major failure on your part leading you to your current situation with you on top of him now. 
Chan continued to play with the necklace in silence and you wondered what he was thinking.
“You don’t hate it, do you?" You asked him, worriedly. "I-I could take it back-” 
“It’s incredible, Y/N," he interjected. "I can’t believe you even bought this for me." He continued to play with the necklace until his eyes finally landed on you again and he smiled that cute, dimpled grin again. "Thank you.” 
You nodded, feeling your cheeks burn, flustered by the sincerity in his appreciation for the gift. 
“Sure, no problem," you said nonchalantly although on the inside you were feeling anything but. "I just wanted to get you something special for your eighteenth.” 
As you admitted this, a confused frown made its way onto Chan's features again. "Y/N, why did you-"
But he didn't get to finish that question because the side door in the kitchen suddenly swung open.
“Chan?!” a voice called immediately following the opening of the door. On impulse, both you and Chan shot up from the couch. 
The voice continued, “Chan where are you, everyone’s…oh…” 
You stood uncomfortably as you were now looking at the person who was not only your old bully but Chan’s current partner. They looked you up and down, momentarily, before turning their attention to Chan. 
“What are you doing in here?" They asked him. "Everyone’s outside wondering ‘where’s the birthday boy?’ They want to bring out your cake. Come on!”
They ushered him with their hand to move quickly. 
Chan got up to move towards them. “Uh, yeah, sorry. I was just talking to Y/N.” 
“Oh," they glanced back at you but didn't say anything further about you. It was like you were barely even there. "Well, come on. Everyone's waiting.” 
They grabbed Chan's hand to take him outside but he turned around to ask, “You coming, Y/N?” 
You were so engrossed in the two you almost forgot about your own existence so it startled you just a bit when Chan questioned you, suddenly. 
With a forged smile, you nodded and followed a few feet behind the couple as they began to make their way outside. That's when you heard your old bully scoff at something. 
“Ew!” they said to Chan with a mocking laugh. “Where did you get that?” 
“What? The necklace?" Chan looked down at the necklace you had gifted him with which he was still holding in his hand. "It was a gift.”
“Really?" They said with a grimace. "But It’s so tacky…”
You frowned at their distaste for your gift but didn’t hear much more of the conversation from there as they went outside and everyone crowded Chan.   
Everyone sang him happy birthday, then watched him cut his cake and then watched him get smashed in the face with said cake by his partner, followed by friends and family. As everyone dove for the cake, Chan and your old bully ended up locking lips in a kiss that made your stomach churn, completely ruining any semblance of an appetite you had. 
It was then that you knew it was time for you to go. You had given him his gift, and even if his partner didn't like it, he was happy with it and that was all that mattered. Now, you could go home.    
You hadn't told anyone you were leaving, but just decided to sneak out while everyone was busy fighting over the cake. As you drove home you thought about your feelings for Chan. 
You didn’t know when your feelings towards him began to change. Maybe you had always liked him but was just the last person to realize it.
Regardless, the change wasn’t immediate, but your feelings just seemed to grow the more you and Chan drew further apart over the last month to the point that there was an ache in your chest whenever you saw him and his partner together, especially when they were locked at the lips like earlier. 
Sometimes seeing them together actually made you feel sick. Like sick to the point that you wanted to throw up. Aside from his new group of friends, that was the other major reason why you two would rarely hung out anymore. Because you couldn’t handle watching the two of them together when your feelings for Chan had grown so complicated over the past month but it was way too late to say anything now. 
It's funny how both your parents seemed to know there was something going on between you two, though. Even Chan's parents seemed to be surprised when you showed up for his birthday. 
Both your parents and Chan's parents had been friends since their high school days and had apparently always joked about having their kids grow up together, too, which actually did end up happening with you and Chan, so when you two stopped talking, your parents were the first ones to notice. That's how your mother knew there was something wrong between you both. 
After all, you and Chan had been inseparable since childhood so for him to suddenly stop coming around when he used to practically live at your house or for you to suddenly start staying in on weekends when you both used to hang out pretty much every weekend, the difference was highly noticeable. Still, your mother didn't pry but you could tell she was concerned. 
Regardless, you just reassured her that everything was okay between you both but just that you both had been really busy with prepping for life after high school like college applications and such. 
Speaking of college applications, you still had a few to fill out before the deadlines so you decided that that would be your main focus for now instead of on all your best friend drama. 
However, as the week progressed, Chan had made this decision of yours practically impossible to keep since he kept calling and texting you. You knew you should've just answered to find out what he wanted, but you really did just want to forget about him for a little while. Maybe if you could get over your stupid feelings for him then you could manage to have a normal friendship with him again, but for now you just wanted to be left alone. 
But again, no such luck because after being bombarded with calls and texts all week, by that weekend, you got a text from your mom saying there was someone at your house to see you. 
Who? You texted her back. 
It's Chan. She responded. Should I send him up? 
Chan? You thought in disbelief. You knew you couldn't continue to ignore him. It wouldn't be fair and after all his attempts to contact you, followed by him showing up at your doorstep now, clearly he had something very important to tell you so you figured you might as well see what he wanted. 
You quickly shot your mom a text that you would be downstairs in a minute. 
But before you did, you took a quick glance at yourself in the mirror. You weren't disgusting by any means. You had at least showered, brushed your teeth and then threw on something comfy to lounge around the house in.
Then it suddenly occurred to you why you were even bothering to care about your appearance in the first place when Chan had seen you both at your worst and your best. In fact, that was one of the best things about having grown up with him since your childhood. You never had to "dress up" to impress him. 
With that in mind, you left your room, then quickly scuttled down the stairs. Your mom told you he was outside on the porch, so you headed out to meet up with him. 
When you stepped outside, you saw him sitting on the little decorative bench that was placed on your porch but you almost had to do a double take once you saw him because of what he was wearing. 
He was dressed very much like his old self which included faded black jeans that were ripped at the knees, a black tee, and a black leather jacket with the usual buckles, and chains dangling from it that he always liked.
At the sound of your voice, he looked up at you and straightened up. "Hey, Y/N." 
"Hi," you said, unsurely, as you closed the front door behind you. "What are you doing here?" 
Chan stared at you for a moment as he seemed to be mulling something over in his head before finally asking, "You haven't received any of my texts or calls in the last week?"
You look down embarrassed and shrugged. "I did but I've been kinda busy…" 
It wasn't necessarily a lie. In addition to school, you still had your job, studies, and college applications. But you didn't mention the part about you using those as distractions to purposely avoid his attempts to contact you. 
"Right…" he said now, rubbing his hands on his pants like his palms were sweaty. "Look Y/N, I'll cut straight to the chase." He looked up at you from his position on the bench, while you were still near the front door. "I can't get over your gift." 
Pulling out the necklace you bought him from underneath his shirt, he fingered it before asking, "Why did you get this?" 
You didn't know what to say so you shrugged again. "Because I knew you'd like it. 
"But why?" He pursued further. "It's so expensive. Even I didn't get you anything that cost this much. Just that lame playlist of songs I'd made…"
"I love your songs, Chan," you whispered but he didn't hear it so he continued on. 
"...but this…" he lifted the necklace wrapped around his neck. It suited him so well especially now that he was in his original all black attire. "This is way more than what I could ever ask for…so why?" 
He looked up at you again, searching for answers but you kept your head down, not daring to look him directly in the eye. 
"It's really not that big of a deal…" you mumbled. 
"It is to me," he said with such seriousness that it caused your stomach to flip. When you stayed silent, he added, "Y/N. The truth. Please. I need to be sure of something."
You honestly didn't know what to say. You couldn’t just suddenly come out and say "because I'm hopelessly in love with you!" He's seriously dating someone already for heaven's sake! 
Because you didn't know what to say your mouth fell open but no words came out. 
Finally, Chan relented and leaned back on the bench before running a hand over his face. 
"I broke up with them," he said, causing you to look up at him. "It wasn't pretty but, uh…it's over. That's what I've been trying to call you to tell you."
"Oh…" Now you felt bad for having ignored him all week. You finally moved away from the door and sat down beside him on the bench. "I'm sorry, Chan. That sucks. What happened? You guys seemed good on your birthday." 
Just the mere mention of his birthday  caused your brain to draw up images of the two kissing again and you shook your head to get rid of them. 
Chan scratched at the back of his neck. "Uh…look, I know I told you that I've been good, but…I was lying. Truthfully, I was happier in the short time we were alone on my birthday than I have been since we stopped talking a while ago."
This news surprised you. "You haven't been happy, Chan?" 
He smiled, but it didn't reach his eyes. He then shook his head. "No, I mean, I've been alright." He looked confused now like he was trying to figure out his own emotions. "It's just…that's it. Nothing more. I've just been al-right. Not here or there…just," he shrugged. "You know, fine." 
He then turned to face you fully. "You remember when we were younger how we always wondered what it would be like to get in with the popular crowd?" 
You nodded. Neither of you were outcasts by any means but neither of you were ever at the center of your school's social circle either. It was just something you thought about from time to time. 
Chan continued. "Well, I'll admit that's part of the reason why I dated my ex in the first place. Everyone, even those who swear they don't care at least wonders what it's like and I'm no different. But honestly, it's not that great. At least, not with them and their friends. 
"At first, it was cool. You know, having someone from the popular crowd be into me. Plus, they were hot…" Chan chuckled to himself at having to admit this to which you just rolled your eyes. But there was no denying that their looks were a huge part of the reason for your old bully's climb up the social ladder. 
"But then the longer we dated the more I realized they didn't really like me the way I was. I had to keep changing things to please them…" 
As he spoke, he looked far off before his eyes finally landed back on you. "Those were the times I missed you most. But you were upset with me, so I didn't know how to tell you. I'm still really sorry, Y/N."
You sat in silence as you thought over everything he was admitting to you. 
"I never would've guessed," you said finally. "You two always seemed so wrapped up in each other and just because I wasn't friends with them, I still wanted you to be happy. I was willing to accept it if they were good to you." 
"...they were, but only to the changed version of me," Chan said. "That's why we were dating secretly, at first. Not only because I didn't want you to know because of your past with them, but because they were worried about being seen with me in public and what their friends would think." 
You scoffed at this. Now you hated them twice as much! 
Going into best friend mode, you immediately started off in a tirade about how awesome he is. 
"How could they be embarrassed of you?!" You exploded. "They're the ones that needs to be embarrassed! Not you! Chan you're awesome and you could do way better. They don't deserve you." 
At first, Chan had started to laugh as you went off but got quiet once you said your last words. 
"Who does then?" He asked, glumly. "What do I deserve?" 
You stared at your best friend, sitting beside you in awe of all his beauty that for whatever reason, he just couldn't see himself. 
"You deserve to be happy, Chan," you told him sincerely. "To have someone who won't be embarrassed to be out with you in public no matter what you're wearing. Someone who will support you no matter what." 
He grinned as he looked up at the sky before saying, "Like…you?" 
Your cheeks burned and you looked away. He was being cheeky. Teasing you once again. That's when he snapped his fingers. 
"I knew it!" He said excitedly at having figured out your secret. "How long?"
You looked down at your fingers as you admitted to him, "I think I always have, but just didn't realize it until we stopped speaking." You paused as you looked down at your shoes. "I'm sorry." 
At this, Chan snapped his tongue. "Why are you apologizing? You're sorry you like me?" 
You shook your head, before admitting frustratedly, "No, it's just…because we're supposed to be best friends and best friends aren't supposed to like each other…"  
After you trailed in your speech not elaborating any further, Chan was quiet for a moment until he finally spoke up.
"No, they aren't," he said, "And you know what else best friends don't do?"
You looked up at him, confusedly but was completely caught off guard when you felt his thumb and index finger lightly grab your chin and tilt it upward before placing his lips on yours.
Butterflies soared in your stomach. You had never thought much about your best friend's lips before, but boy were they soft with just the right amount of plumpness! 
When he finally ended the kiss with a quick lick of your lips, you swore you almost melted into a puddle right on that very bench. 
No wonder why your old bully seemed to enjoy kissing him so much. Oh well, their loss. 
He eventually pulled away, still with his hand gripping your chin, and you bit your lip before leaning away slightly feeling both elated and embarrassed at the same time. 
"Uh…yeah. Best friends definitely don't do that…." You started to ramble. '"Well, I mean...unless they're not best friends anymore but are actually dating now then I guess they-" 
But Chan just shook his head, laughing at your usual awkwardness as always before shutting you up with another kiss to which you just enjoyed instead of interrupting it with more rambling. 
Then suddenly, Chan stopped kissing you for a moment as a thought seemed to come to him. 
"So, I just have one more question," he told you and you nodded as you waited for him to ask. You had thought it was actually going to be something serious, that is until he asked you, "So, do you really like my songs, Y/N?" 
Now it was your turn to roll your eyes and shut him up with a kiss. Of course you loved all his songs, but not nearly as much as you loved the incredible guy who made them. 
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thehotelojkids · 2 months
To make up for the fact this blog was dead for 2,763 years, here’s some fun facts about some the children!
- Jalapeño used to have a mini-piano when he was a baby, which he would play with all the time. After Taco left him and Pickle, he barely touched it.
- Red Envelope and Blueprint actually get along well. They like yelling at Plunger during school.
- All the toddlers go to the same daycare, while Jalapeño goes to “I.I Junior High,” which is probably the only middle school on Inanimate Island. The babies aren’t old enough to go to school yet.
- Blueprint wants to be an illustrator when she grows up, inspired by Bot’s monster stories.
- Jalapeño only has one friend, Strawberry Fizz. He gets bullied by the other kids for his mom leaving him.
- Teacup sometimes helps her mom cook breakfast in the morning.
- All the children look up to Mephone like a grandfather, which is why they call him “grandpa Mephone.” Either that or he’s just old.
- Red Envelope has been saving up money since she arrived at the orphanage. She was given an allowance and has been storing money for a while. She hopes to buy a brand new dollhouse or another bike.
- Milk Carton is the ONLY child who knows how to whistle.
- Moldy Cheese is actually allergic to Inani-mates, so his dads try to keep him away from them.
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doombum · 10 months
Could we hear your Jeremy head cannons?
Yes, of course !! I love Jeremy so much
He is the middle child of the family, his little sister is Susie(/Chica) and his older sister is Jessica
His home life was not the best. His father was pretty abusive and was often violent with his mom and sometimes Jess who tried to protect the two youngest. But his mother eventually stood up against him and kicked him out for good when she found him drunk and hitting Jeremy one night.
His family was pretty poor and he got little jobs to get money pretty early on (one of the reasons he ended working at fnaf 2)
He is not one of Mike's bully friends, but he is in the same class as them and he has a small crush on Mike all throughout middle and high school. His best friend, Daisy, is the only one who knows about it and she likes to tease him about it.
His mom and big sister are very supportive of him when he tells them he's gay and they welcome Mike as family when the two finally end up dating. Susie had already disappeared when he came out, but she would have supported him too.
Jeremy and Mike only became actual friends after the bite of 83 and Mike was abandoned by everyone. Jeremy couldn't stand seeing him so alone when it was obvious the whole thing was an accident.
He is the victim of the bite of 87, but he survived it and Mike took care of him during the whole healing period. Despite the incident, Jeremy is still very much fond of Mangle and he insists that she should not get thrown out and dismantled but that they investigate the dysfunction.
He is a real ray of sunshine, even after everything that happened. He is very sociable and optimistic, always trying to cheer up people and help them out.
He likes kids a lot, but he's pretty bad with them. He always ends up being bullied and mocked by the kids when he works dayshifts.
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kharmii · 15 days
So I got the idea to actually calculate the global human population myself, city by city, and guess what.
It’s not even 3 billion.
Not even CLOSE.
There are NOT 7 billion people on the planet. You can count yourself. The overpopulation hoax is the foundation of the globalist terror regime.
Whether it's three or seven billion, the global population doesn't matter. Overpopulation is a regional problem. There are starving children with distended bellies running around in Africa and India, and yet I suspect those places aren't handing out free birth control and running article after article about how "Cats are Better Than Babies".
The globalist terror regime is focusing that on first world nations while flooding every good place to live with problem people. Here in the US, every country south of us is clearing out their prisons and mental hospitals then sending them right up to us in large caravans of tens and hundreds of thousands of people. It's white privilege to have a job with a living wage, medical benefits, etc. We need to let everybody in so large corporations don't have to send their companies to China. The whole planet should be one huge sweat shop.
Speaking of white privilege, I have an OT beef. A few days ago, a fourteen-year-old student at Apalachee High School named Colt Gray brought a semi-automatic weapon to school and shot a bunch of people before being detained by police. According to the wiki, the school is in a town that's 58% white where half the students are economically disadvantaged. Colt Gray was one of these students. His mom was a low life drug addict who was arrested for "domestic violence, drug possession, property damage and various traffic violations, including driving under the influence charges. She also faced civil fraud charges over the purchase of a used vehicle and was locked up in Ben Hill County as recently as April."
Colt Gray ended up a Kamala Harris supporting trannie who was probably bullied at school on top of having a dysfunctional family. They tried to wipe his online presence, but it's being passed around.
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It looks like he lived with his dad who was also abusive, and now the dad is being arrested for giving the shooter the weapon he used as a Christmas present last year. This is the second time I've heard of this happening. The first time is when the parents of school shooter Ethan Crumbley were charged with manslaughter in April 2024 because they supposedly also supplied the weapon used.
Now I can see why people would think this was appropriate. Terrible parents who raise a kid wrong should be held accountable for setting a monster loose in the community, and yet this only seems to be a white issue. I've yet to see a black parent be held responsible for her child's actions. Black people have an 80% out-of-wedlock birth rate and fatherless household rate. They make up 13% of the population but commit 90% of gun crimes, 90% of adolescent gun crimes and most of the mass shootings. The news only focuses on the rare white person committing a mass shooting and acts like it's an epidemic, even though black people are shooting up every major city every day of the year.
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You aren't even supposed to question this. Black people problems are the result of white privilege and 'them evil colonialists who brought crop rotation and modern medicine to the third world' blahblahblah. Black people who aren't qualified to run a hotdog stand at a little league game are supposed to be able to lecture white people endlessly, and yet we aren't allowed to say, *lifts finger* uh um.....maybe if you waited until you were married to pop out babies, then maybe your atrocious crime rate would go down. Srsly, we're dealing with the problems of people in generational poverty who have like a 10% literacy rate, and the media keeps beating it into our heads that all the problems of the world are caused by white people, and it's only white people who need to have fckn dogs-cats-rats-smelly horses instead of babies.
Another meme they're always pushing in the media is that 'right wing extremism is the biggest domestic terror threat' and that all mass shooters are right wing (laughably ridiculous). Then when a radicalized Marxist trannie like Audrey Hale shoots up a white Christian school, it takes literal years for the authorities to release the manifesto. It's supposedly a danger to the public. When we finally get to read it, it's nothing but the ramblings of a mentally ill radicalized Marxist who complains over and over that nobody loves them, and that's why they have to kill a bunch of white Christian kids because the media beat it into their deranged mind that white Christians are the cause of all their problems.
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destinygoldenstar · 2 years
Just A Couple Of Fun Headcanons Of TD Characters (Harold)
- Harold is a middle child of three children, with an older brother and a younger sister. 
- When Harold was born, he had about ten surgeries in the span of a month. There was that many complications to his birth.
- This mostly happened because of his father, who was a heavy smoker. (Explain his messed up vocal cords) (And NO, no one else in this family does that. If I ever headcanon that any character smokes, I am high)
- Harold is autistic. (I know a LOT of people headcanon that for a lot of TD characters, mostly so they can project themselves onto them. But for me, that’s not the case. For the first gen, the autism headcanon just applies to three people. Harold is one of them.)
- Harold doesn’t know much about his father besides that fact, and that he resembles a lot of his father’s genetics. He wouldn’t ask too many questions about him. Needless to say, his parents divorced when he was around two years old. No the dad doesn’t visit.
- Harold was heavily hospitalized at the start of his life. He said it himself, he contracted nearly three hundred diseases, so the hospital was basically his home. It took about a year for him to learn to walk. 
- Harold was the only member of his family with these issues. His siblings are relatively healthy, and whatever illnesses that caught were minor. Harold, from experience, would try to play the doctor role, even if they don’t ask for it.
- Most of the doctors thought that Harold wouldn’t live a long life. Someday his many illnesses would catch up to him.
- Harold, in his time in the hospital, read a lot of comics. Specifically, about superheroes and ninjas. He’s a massive fan about every TV show involving ninjas. You could say they’re his special interest. These stories definitely pushed him through his sick life.
- Harold taught himself how to read. And math. And a lot of science facts. And historical facts. And you get it.
- Harold was very curious about the world and all it’s glory. It’s mostly because it took a long time for him to actually get out there. Down to the smallest atoms of content there. It made him want to know everything.
- Harold watches Game Theory. He rips off the concept a lot.
- Harold is an anime fan. Say hello to the weeb of the TD cast.
- Harold does LEGOS. He has a lot of the Ninjago sets. He’ll also make hour long analysis videos on Ninjago lore and explain it’s many plot holes. (Not sorry. But I grew up with Ninjago so you know. I do love that show.)
- Harold is a KPop fan. (The unfollow button is right there)
- Harold taught himself first aid. With multiple allergies, and the fact that he gets hurt a lot, he’s always prepared for the worst.
- Harold didn’t start school until he was eight. That was when he became healthy enough to get some form of education. Almost instantly, he was bullied by a few jerks, due to being ‘old’ and only in preschool. However, he instantly proved himself as a very smart kid, with all his random facts helping him.
- Harold skipped several grades, and got to the level of is age group in only the span of two years. He’s a straight A student all the way. He’s in honors on everything, even. 
- Except for PE. He can’t do that without getting some sort of asthma attack. One time a strict coach pushed that and Harold almost choked to death. That coach got fired immediately.
- Harold has an aggressively low BMI. He has a hard time gaining weight because he has a fast metabolism. There’s a limit to what he can eat anyway. 
- Despite never having a dad, Harold loves his mom. She’s very supportive of him and puts in the effort to understand her kid. (From the past headcanon posts I’ve made with TD characters having bad parents, hopefully this is a breath of fresh air.)
- Harold has a decent relationship with his sister. She doesn’t find much value in him, but he takes the time to braid her hair, and she listens to him geeking out about his favorite media. Though she doesn’t care.
- If there’s any member of his family Harold has a complicated relationship with, it’s his brother. Actually, that’s an understatement. These two hate each other. This guy was basically the Duncan before Total Drama, but way less brotherly by the end. That’s irony right there. It’s mostly due to jealousy of Harold’s hospitality getting him more attention than the oldest of the kids, and the fact that Harold’s habits are disgusting, his voice is grating, and he never shuts up. Most of their interactions is just Harold’s brother bullying him to no end. Pranks. Fighting. Galore. He would even invite several of his friends over just to make Harold miserable. It’s a hobby now. The mom grounds the bully multiple times, but no one listens. Duncan’s kind of a blessing compared to this guy.
- This is why Harold isn’t crying when being bullied. It’s a casualty. So the harshest reaction would be “Aw s**t, here we go again...”
- Harold learned how to defend himself after awhile. Half of the stuff he got in trouble for. This is not the first time he’s cheated someone, as he has plenty of experience. 
- One time when his brother fell in love with a girl in high school, Harold sent that girl several uncomfortable posts about him to make her reject him. The brother found out and locked Harold in the car for days. The mom was out of the house then and he was in charge, so Harold was left in there.
- When the mom came back and found this out, she offered him a day out of school to spend time with her so he could chill, eat all his favorite stuff, and watch whatever show he wanted. And the brother? He was thrown in night school for his stunt.
- Harold wrote a poem titled: ‘Why does my brother hate me?’ It’s badly made, as you’d expect, but the end of that poem says that there was a ninja invasion at the mall, and the MC abandoned their brother to feed him to the invaders... so yeah, when he showed this to show and tell in school, the teacher said that it was... something.
- And that brother is his worst bully, but there’s several others too. School isn’t too kind of him. Some classmates use plenty of verbal insults or take advantage of his nature. They steal his work without consent, and get away with it. They put tacks on his seat, and get away with it. It’s only when Harold stands up for himself that the teachers do anything, and that’s punish Harold.
- Harold doesn’t have a lot of friends. Those that do are more so only friends with him because they’re in the same fandoms.
- Harold puts his hair up in a samurai bun. 
- Harold loves cosplaying as his favorite characters. He has a ton of costumes he hates throwing out, more so than actual clothes.
- Harold adores his shoes. He wears them around the house all the time and never takes them off. Not even in bed or in the shower. Sometimes he forgets he’s even wearing them.
- Harold spends his entire summer in summer camps. From the very first summer he got out of the hospital. He wanted to see the entire world and know everything about everything. Obviously, the summer camps teach him a lot of his many mad skills.
- Except beatboxing. He learned that from his brother, who beatboxes in the showers poorly.
- Since his father isn’t around, Harold likes to imagine his father is Steve. They’re not blood related or anything, but he likes to imagine that his dad came back for him to be his mentor. (Steve isn’t his actual father though)
- All the camps he’s been too were listed in the show. I don’t think I need to explain what he can do. He’s got the masters badges for every single subject there is in those camps.
- Harold’s dream is to become a ninja superhero. He wants to wield ninja stars as his prime weapon, and save several citizens from the villains of the world. He would be so skilled and strong, successful, and honorable, and everybody would love him and see him as a savior.
- Everyone laughs at this dream when he says it. To them, he’s just a dweeb.
- He wants to die of honor. Hopefully after living a long life. His biggest fear is perishing with no story for people to remember him by. He doesn’t want to just be ‘sick boy equals automatic sympathy’.
- He auditioned for Total Drama to try and fulfill that dream and make a name for himself.
- I guess you could say he’s not throwing away his shot? (Eh? Eh? I’m terrible)
- Chris and Chef were NOT originally gonna cast him. They thought it was a whole lot of nothing from him. However, one of their other choices, upon further research, was blind. Chris, being the offensive guy he is, decided that was gonna drive him nuts, so he went with Harold as a replacement. (From my Owen headcanon post and this, I think you get the message that these producers are incredibly petty and disrespectful)
- Leshawna was his first crush ever. He had no idea how to deal with it. Being an anime fan does not help matters.
- He wanted to keep his letters a secret from everyone because he knew they would torment him for it. After all, what good is he for a goddess like her? 
- After the clothes bullying, Harold stored his clothes in a cave to make sure that never happened again.
- DJ and Geoff eventually apologized to Harold about the bullying, though it took longer for Geoff to do so. Harold and DJ on the other hand are on good terms. 
- Duncan of course, never apologized for his behavior. As we saw on the show, it got to Harold’s skin and resulted in him rigging off Courtney.
- Harold McGrady is a horndog. The fanservice is everything to him.
- Harold went into hiding from Courtney almost instantly. Canonically, he never came out in the open because of how bad and worse Courtney’s threats were. If he wanted to eat, he had to wait extremely late at night and eat from the garbage since food wouldn’t be left out at that time. And even then, Courtney was taking all nighters just to find and kill Harold. She’s THAT crazy.
- This is also how he met the remaining Drama Brothers (The others are Gophers after all)
- It was around the time Trent was eliminated. Harold was hiding under the bed of Cody’s guest room. Cody ended up catching him there, which caused a bit of freaking out. Cody agreed to keep him hidden from Courtney and even offered to bring some barbeque back for them both. During that, Cody ran into Trent arriving at the resort, and eventually Justin, and the three of them came back to Harold. They got to know each other quite a bit from there, and even discovering each other’s music talent.
- Courtney never apologized about beating him up, or felt bad about Leshawna’s boot. She claimed Harold deserved it.
- Harold was bawling when Leshawna arrived at the resort, about how he couldn’t protect her... it ended up being awkward.
- Harold, technically canon, planned a whole future with Leshawna when they’re in their thirties. He became in denial when Leshawna turned him down, and he drowned away his sorrow in grape soda.
- Harold loves grape soda. It’s his favorite thing to drink. 
- I just want to make one thing clear: Harold’s flirts come across as fetish because he doesn’t know how to deal with a crush. I said it in my Noah defense post that TD does not have its characters blatantly say they care about others, or how they feel. Unless it’s a confessional, the writers kinda leave you with what’s shown on the show and leaves you to connect the dots to coherent characterization. So here’s my predicament on this specifically:
- I do NOT fault anyone for saying Harold fetishizes Leshawna. They’re... right. It’s also one reason why Leshawna does not hook up with him. Though it’s kinda part of Harold’s character development in Action where he sees how... morally complicated Leshawna is and what exactly he loves about her in the first place. And the snail? Letting that go is kinda him letting go of the guarantee that they’d get together, and fully respecting her choice to not want to be around him. So in my perspective, he does improve that fetishizing rubbish. Heck, even in Baby (the worst World Tour song next to Chinese Lesson, sorry not sorry) he does kind of address this. (Geez that was torture to listen to on loop)
- With that said, Action Harold is my favorite TD character ever. If the season ONLY had Harold on screen, the season is a 10/10 masterpiece. My opinion tho. Please do not take this point seriously.
- Harold sees Heather as a friend first, and a crush second. 
- When Action rolled around, Harold wanted to win the season. With NO cheating. He was ready to prove himself.
- When Leshawna bad mouthed them, Heather consoled Harold, who was the most upset about it. She told him he shouldn’t worry about her and just look out for number one. She and Harold became friends around the time Heather was eliminated from that season.
- Harold will always regret the day he voted Leshawna off the show. It haunts him in his sleep. 
- Harold and Beth are NOT friends. Harold heavily called out Beth for sexually harassing him, for NO good reason mind you. (Do not ask me to do a Beth headcanon post. I do not like her character at all)
- Aside from these, canon Harold is just that good that I have minimal things I feel I need to headcanon. Except for the end. I WISH I could say Harold won the season, even if it was an alt ending. But this is one thing I CAN’T headcanon because it contradicts canon. So, for what we got, I’m gonna try my best...
- Harold was very upset with himself that he lost the show. Over a SPIDER of all things. (Canon be stupid) I mean, Harold was THIS CLOSE, THIS CLOSE to proving his bullies wrong and achieving fame and glory, what he came on the show for. He was THIS CLOSE to proving everyone that they were wrong about him and that he could do great things... but he failed. Now all those people end up being right. His bullies, Duncan, his brother, they were all right about him. Fame was completely out of his reach.
- He was in denial about the idea he wouldn’t have the story he wanted to tell about his life. He wanted fame. He wanted glory. He wanted everyone to know who Harold McGrady was.
- The Drama Brothers was Trent’s idea, but Harold immediately begged to join in. 
- Harold was considered the least popular Drama Brother.
- That’s why he disbanded from the group. He thought a solo album would get him his fame and make people see him. His friends, as you might expect, were disgusted by his ego.
- So yeah, he kinda pushed away the people who cared about him. All for a title that no one cared for. It even caused Leshawna to distance herself from him, as much as she didn’t want to.
- Needless to say, the failure to make any relevance really got to Harold, and he took certain extents to cope.
- Next no nobody remembers this from Celebrity Manhunt, and it’s kind of confusing as it only appears one scene then is forgotten about, but it is technically canon. Harold let himself go. You know he did when I said previously he had a hard time gaining weight. Basically, he gained weight on purpose as he thought his fragile health was the issue as to why no one cared about him. So he started binging. That only made him look pregnant and did next to no favors otherwise. He made excuses, as shown in that quick scene, but Duncan will tell you that he clearly had a problem. (Again, he had a hard time gaining weight so it took very little effort for him to lose it in time for the reunion)
- The weight gaining started AFTER Harold disbanded from the Drama Brothers. Yes, the scene and the disbanding shown in Celebrity Manhunt are played the other way around, but there’s zero evidence of the weight issue during the disbanding montage, and there’s no real indication that any of the clips in that special were in the order of which they happened. So in my headcanon, it was out of order on what happened.
- And yes Duncan was there. These two did forgive each other after Action and agreed in their relationship being ‘rivals’. They’ve actually been there for each other quite a few times during the year gap. Harold sees Duncan as a brother This is one instance where Duncan had to smack sense into Harold, sometimes physically. Ironic since Duncan essentially stole the win Harold wanted. 
- Harold sees Duncan as more of a brother than his own brother.
- This ego persisted in World Tour. Obviously. He wanted to be the leader of Team Victory and lead them to, well, victory. Obviously, he failed. It was a bit of a harsh moment for him, as it was very clearly his fault. As we saw, Alejandro influenced him that the right thing to do for the people he cared about was to preserve honor and just... disappear. That’s exactly what he did in his Harold way.
- Also obviously, no one bought any emotional investment in his ‘redemption’. But it was enough for him.
- Harold continued working with the Drama Brothers after the show, and they’ve carried a modest place in their generation.
- Harold got Cody and Justin into K/Pop.
- Harold and Cody do Ninjago marathons. (In case you’re wondering, Harold’s favorite ninja is Jay)
- Harold and Leshawna did hook up after the show. They decided to work things out. 
- Harold often loves impressing his girl. He’ll pretend to have every mad skill in the book to show off to her. Even when he fails them, she laughs and supports him.
- Harold and Leshawna go to cosplay conventions together. Their favorite one was Star Trek.
- Harold got into an algebra college. He easily got an honors scholarship.
- What did he do with that scholarship? He became a middle school math teacher... and he hates his job. (This was NOT his ideal career choice)
- His students really see Harold as a pushover.
- Harold tried to get a more impressive career everywhere, auditioning for music bands, movies, even the military, but they all said he was not what they were looking for.
- This did get Harold some internet fame though from his multiple attempts at auditioning. He kind of became a social media guy and a YouTuber. He’s an analytic if you’re wondering.
- The opinion that got Harold the most backlash online? He hates Harry Potter.
- Harold made some pretty bad money choices in his time, it’s why he’s still living in a cheap apartment in the city, and even then he still barely scratches rent.
- Justin retired from the Drama Brothers to move to Hollywood North. And Trent is taking care of his family. Cody keeps the name afloat, but he doesn’t see Harold too often because he’s bitter from Harold spending more time with his career than helping him with his unhappy marriage. 
- Harold and Leshawna ended up breaking up. Why? Her family did not approve of Harold, especially when they learned about his medical conditions, making it so that he couldn’t give Leshawna any kids. Yes, this family wanted Leshawna to have kids, even if neither of them wanted that. Leshawna herself did want marriage, but the idea scared Harold, as he thought he couldn’t provide for her with his career and life. That reason only proved he cared more about his shot at fame than her. He broke her heart.
- Harold and Heather are still in touch, and occasionally help each other out. Even if Harold still hates Alejandro, her boyfriend. In fact, a year or two after the breakup, it was Heather who encouraged Harold to try and get Leshawna back. She saw he was willing to at least apologize to her and ask for a second chance. So they did meet again, and were happy to see each other again...
- But Leshawna was engaged to a celebrity. Jose Burromuerto, as ironic and uncomfortable and disgusting as it is. (Yes, Heather hates Leshawna as an in law, not because of their rocky dynamic, but because of their partners.)
- It was not a happy marriage, her family forced her into it, but she went along with it anyway. Harold knew this, especially when she opened up to him about it, but he felt powerless to stop it. He couldn’t even protect anyone.
- Cody came back into Harold’s life when he learned that Harold was going through a bit of medical issues. The guy shut down. They both got to apologize for being selfish towards the other. Cody was able to use his wealth to get Harold some doctors and therapists, and he would always visit to help him out. Harold, in return, supported Cody through the marriage, and though it took a few years, he was able to convince Cody to get a divorce. 
- Cody also became a co-editor in Harold’s videos. And an occasional guest in them. But even Cody draws the line with Harold’s hatred of Harry Potter.
- Even Harold’s mother took time to still visit him and help him as much as she needs. She heard him out and supported him. She encouraged him that she was proud of him and what he could do. It’s not what he wanted, but he’s got a great life ahead of him. Se truly sees that.
- Leshawna had a daughter with Jose. Harold did not attend the baby shower. He was still bitter about the marriage. She understood, and didn’t bug him about it. Though she missed him.
- Harold and Cody took a vacation to California to see Justin. They were happy to see each other again and bring back a band of friends. Justin even let them be around his paparazzi's, and tell them these were his friends. 
- Trent came back to the band. Though Justin was out from where he lived, the remaining three Brothers did some music videos on Harold’s channel. Even though Trent’s not a fan of the genre, he let them do a bit of K/Pop. 
- Harold actually became pretty happy with his teacher career. Not because he liked it, and his students are kind of jerks, but because he has a life outside of that, and he can be remembered outside of that. 
- Leshawna and Jose got a divorce. Leshawna made her own choice outside of what the expectations around her wanted. Jose acknowledged that she and their daughter would be happier with a different husband/father. She and Heather still consider each other in laws, just for the sake of another reason to argue over nothing. Leshawna kept her daughter.
- She came back to Harold in open arms, though they took things slow yet again, they got back together and Harold occasionally babysat her kid. It took years of Leshawna asking and asking and asking and asking, they got married. 
- They have a modest life, the money mostly from Leshawna. She occasionally does bug Harold about the YouTuber life being unpaid, but she doesn’t make him quit. Harold’s a stepfather to his wife’s daughter, and he puts in as much effort as he can to be a good dad to her. 
- Harold’s channel is called: “H-Bomb The Ninja”
(Out of ALL the TD characters I could’ve done, some even with more to work with, I chose Harold to do next. Harold was actually the first character I made headcanons for and most of these are just going off of my notes I made a bit ago. How was it I didn’t do him first again? Yeah, Harold is one of my favorite characters in TD. I love him. So he gets favorite character syndrome. I keep saying Heather is the better character and I like Noah’s potential and dialogue far more, but hey, Harold might actually be my favorite deep down and I’m in denial.)
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4004notfound · 8 months
ok RIP i am very late but without further ado let's get it, i'm ines and this is kim noeul who tbh was a poor, easily forgettable girl in hs and now is one of the preeminent young novelists in south korea! under the cut here i'll get into a little more but pls like this and i'll def hit u up for plotting!
ok so first of all: pisces sun/taurus moon/aquarius rising
now onto like bg stuff so she's born to two teenaged parents right
and what's wild is her parents genuinely really love each other and like get married and noeul has a little sister who's like 9 now which is crazy
also bc a 16 year old girl named her like her actual name is noelle not noeul but like she's let everyone just assume it's noeul bc it's easier than explaning that her mom thought noelle would be a trendy name
but anyways having two teenaged parents doesn't like set you up the best financially so she lived with her parents and grandparents for a while when she was growing up and evenutally her parents moved out of her paternal grandparents place only to be living in a shitty half basement apartment with noeul bc like again how far can two high school grads from poor families with a whole ass child get in seoul
and tbh like bro noeul loves her parents but she DEF kinda resented them for being poor growing up and like so combined with this hatred of her situation paired with being a smart girl with a lot of drive she worked REALLY hard to get into shinhwa
only kinda realized that getting into shinhwa didn't mean a ton in terms of social standing bc u know she's still fucking broke and tbh rather than bullied i don't imagine people particularly even took that much notice of her bc she kept to herself a lot with like insecurity bc she was v obviously poorer than everyone and stuff and probs had a few friends but not a lot
tho lmao wildly and fully relating to her secret despite being this smart girl who worked hard to get her scholarship and school was v important to her she got pregnant right at the tale end of her last year at shinhwa and actually had to delay going to college the following year bc u know PREGNANCY
and there's like a lot of stigma that comes with being a single mother in korea and shit so like tbh did she want to keep her daughter? yes of course but like she didn't have the financials bc atp it's her, her parents, and her little sister living in a shitty little apartment and she literally shares a room with a 3 year old at the time, and then like she wants to go and better her life and stuff and it's hard to do when everyone judges you for being a single mom and it's not fair on the child so she makes the hard choice to give up her daughter for adoption and then go back to school
and like ok she goes to ewha womans and she does well there too bc again very determined to do well in life and all but like i think giving her daughter up fr had a sense of guilt, regret, and honestly depression that she never really expected so like she struggled with that and she ended up writing this story about it for a creative writing class and her teacher was like "hold up this is kind of good have u ever considered writing it into something more?"
and with her teacher's help and encouragement she did just that and ended up writing what would become a very popular novel about a young woman who gets pregnant, gives up her child, and navigating life through the tragedy over it. tbh it's kinda in the style of kim jiyoung, born 1982
and even cooler u know later it gets turned into a movie that's scheduled to come out later this year and fr like idk shit turned her whole life around like writing about the biggest misery and regret of her life gave her the money she always craved and a bit of notoriety and everything is cool and all but like on the other side of things people fr think the story is just a novel and are like "wow how did you come up with the concept?" and for obvi reasons like noeul is def more comfortable with letting them thinking it's all fictional
and yeah so ngl life has fr turned around really recently for her and it's really nice but like rip now the dawn of realization is setting in that like... people are gonna expect another novel and how is she supposed to provide that like...
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mylittlesecrethaven · 30 days
My Anxiety And Depression Growing Up
Forgot this was in my drafts.
Oh well
Here we go I guess.
(it's literally a story of my middle school like, so don't read this if you ain't for that)
I spent most of my early life thinking that the way I felt was normal.
Y'know, everybody wants to hurt themselves and kill themselves and everyone always feels like the world is crumbling around them and trying to squash them like a bug and like nothing's going the way it should.
Yeah, apparently a lot of people don't feel like that?
At least at my age they didn't.
I never told my parents about this cause I'm an only child and if there was anything "wrong" with me, it was quickly beat out of me.
(my dad's pretty hard southern, so.... belts were commonplace around my house. Maybe that's why I never told my dad shit growing up)
Anyway, I had some rough times in junior high because I was pretty childish and all my friends thought I was acting too immature to hang out with me.
So I started 6th grade with all my friends turning from friends to bullies really fast.
And I don't think that helped with how I felt about myself.
I turned to writing dark stories and poems, which got me into a shit ton of trouble with my teachers cause one of my stories got found by another kid and it scared the shit out of them apparently.
Then I had some rough times in a class I hated but had to take cause a new kid came along and he started bullying me for shit, and I was trying to find a friend group to fit into, but there was this "war of the gays" going on at my school which made it impossible for anybody to ever want me near them.
(I'm not even joking about that, btw. My first middle school was kinda in the city, so everyone was pretty open about being gay, but then this war started between groups where they accused other groups of not actually being gay and everyone hated each other? And there were some people who weren't gay but had to say they were gay to be able to keep their friends. It was a whole mess and I couldn't keep any friends cause of it)
Anyway, one day during my dance class (cause I had to take either athletics, dance, or colorguard and the dance class was the only one left with open spots) in the locker room, I got this really weird.... feeling? sensation?.... idk what to call it, maybe an impulse, and I pulled out my mini stapler that I carried around and stapled my hand.
And it didn't really hurt, but it did cause an adrenaline rush. I pulled the staple out and I was fine, it didn't cause any damage besides the two tiny holes. The problem was that I couldn't keep my mouth fucking shut and I was showing it off for some reason?
Anyway, the school found out and that paired with the story got me a trip to the councilor's office and a meeting with my mom. They referred me to a child therapist and.... well..... I guess other stuff happened that also affected my school moving....
Basically, a family friend that I went to school with told the councilors a secret that was supposed to stay within my family, and then the councilors didn't tell my parents when they called CPS about it, got a case filed, and that was a whole thing.
But yeah, I moved middle schools and got a therapist. The first therapist was great. She was there to help with my depression and anxiety cause she was the first person to actually help me understand what was going on and help me explain that to my parents.
But.... she was too expensive, so I had to change therapists. After the CPS case, I had to have a therapist, but this one didn't help with my depression and anxiety at all. She was just there to help me with that event I mentioned earlier.
This event is something I don't like talking about cause it influenced my early life really badly. I couldn't keep my mouth shut about it when I was younger, and that really fucked up my life.
Anyway, we focused on that, but I really didn't want to talk about it cause I was uncomfortable even mentioning it. Honestly, going to therapy just to talk about the event made me really upset and it made it hard for me to want to interact with anybody at my new school.
(this new school was very southern btw and I was very openly gay at my school, so maybe that didn't help)
I also didn't like this therapist cause she made me do things I hated. I had to write a full fucking story over what happened in that event and read it out loud to my mom, and the therapist told my mom everything even when I asked her not to, so I just stopped telling her what was going on in my life and she didn't seem to care.
Anyway, after therapy was over, I went back to a semi-normal life. I learned to bottle up my feelings and I started becoming very dependent on friends, in the sense that I needed friends and I'd follow them like a puppy dog and do whatever they wanted just so that we could stay friends.
Nowadays, I'm pretty ok I guess. My depression and anxiety may be worse now than it ever was, but that's ok. I just keep that shit to myself and maybe spill shit on Tumblr.
But yeah, that's pretty much my story I guess.
Therapists made me distrust other therapists and councilors, so I learned to hide my depression and anxiety and live with what happened when it all comes spilling over.
(also, when I was having suicidal thoughts when I was younger, my mom would call me selfish? and that didn't really help with anything)
So yeah.
Sorry about the long post.
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bitch-butter · 9 months
I joked that I was going to make a Lifetime movies rec list a while ago and Truly being bored at work has given birth to worse ideas, so this is one for my fellow cinephiles lol
My Highest Recommended Lifetime Movies in the Order in which they Changed my Life
Small Sacrifices (1989)
I'm honestly unclear whether this was intended originally to be a Lifetime movie because they showed it on a few different networks, but this was the first one that I ever remembered seeing and it Rocked my world. It's a true story about a woman named Diane Downs who attempted to murder her children and my mother and her friends lived for this film in a way that like is actually bonechilling. But I was spellbound by Farrah Fawcett in this movie, I thought she was the greatest actress I'd ever seen, and the story was really dark and scary and felt disgustingly salacious. So everything I'd come to like about Lifetime movies lol.
No One Would Tell (1996)
All my mom loved in the world was to wake up hungover on a Sunday and turn Lifetime on and proceed to fall asleep again while my tiny child peepers beheld Truly heinous shit. This one is one that I continue to make people watch because I can't be alone with the memories, but basically Candace Cameron is in a horribly abusive relationship with her boyfriend, Fred Savage, and he ends up murdering her and it is Incredibly sad and traumatic. There's a historic scene where she's taking a shower and her entire body is just littered with bruises and I will Never forget it!!!!!!!!! Very, very dark. But....iconic.
Odd Girl Out (2005)
This was the point in time where Uncle Television was very much concerned with telling young girls about bullying (for a different and just as good interp of this theme see ABC Family's Cyberbully starring Emily Osmont). But this one was the first and best to me, I related to it very much as an ostracized teen. It stars Alexa Vega, and she's a teen that has her whole popular friend group turn against her and she gets bullied bad lol It gets dark but only for like 20 minutes and then her redemption arc is nice. I loved this movie to death until I discovered Thirteen (2003), which is Way darker and had girls kissing in it for a few seconds.
Fab Five: The Texas Cheerleader Scandal (2008)
This movie was my identity. This movie was my child. Every time it was on TV I stopped whatever I was doing and watched it. I have no idea why, because I have been told people mainly find this one boring, but I think it's mostly due to the fact that I really do love movies where teenagers behave badly with impunity. This was a Ripped From the Headlines Lifetime movie about a roving band of cheerleaders that terrorize everyone in their wake at a Texas high school and basically get away with it because one of their mom's is the principal. I think it is a lol and a half, it's actually pretty competent, and there's like Good performances in it from actual actors. Highest rec possible.
Liz & Dick (2012)
Lindsay Lohan gets so unfairly maligned for her performance in this, it's sick. My most cherished memories of my last year of High School are watching this movie late at night and reading all of Lindsay's blind items and every article that was being written about her failed comeback. Again, I think she's actually okay in this, but for a lot of people it was insulting to cast Lindsay Lohan as Elizabeth Taylor and to those people I say haters get thee behind me. It's fun, it's campy, it's not too long, everybody watch it and relax for a while.
Flowers in the Attic (2014)
DARK DARK DARK but also STUPID STUPID STUPID. Seriously this movie has no business being as funny as it is given the subject matter. Basically a bunch of kids are uprooted by the death of their father and their mother forces them to live in the attic of her wealthy parents home under false pretenses, and incest ensues. Which, again, sounds really upsetting but is actually pretty funny a lot of the time lol. Their evil god-fearing grandma is played by Ellen Burstyn and she's So over the top, and their mom is my queen Heather Graham who is actually pretty chilling. The other movies in the saga are Also pretty dark, stupid, and fun, but this one was a legit phenomenon. Me and my college roommate would host viewings of it in our dorm room, it's really fun to watch in a crowd of people that don't get darked out by poorly handled incest.
Harry and Meghan: A Royal Romance (2018)
This is part one of a trilogy, but it's probably the best one even though the third is pretty fun. Honestly, you guys, this one is just Nice. Truly dgaf about the irl Harry and Meghan but this movie is actually a very fun love story, and it's sweet and has a few legitimately compelling twists and turns, and ultimately has a really satisfying ending. The actors playing Meghan and Harry are stellar, it's funny, it's cute, another highly recced film.
Who Killed Jonbenet? (2016)
An unhinged Eion Bailey performance for the ages with added child murder. Sarah and I are Definitely recording an episode about this one in the future, but truly it's almost too bleak to be chic and gets saved at the last minute by how inadvertently goofy it is. Eion's character develops a psycho-sexual (to me) fixation on an older detective who comes in and basically upends his investigation, and everything about it gives "but daddy please" and I love it and hate it at the same time.
Death of a Cheerleader (1994/2019)
Both versions of this movie are elite, the original is truly iconic and the remake is actually deluxe and makes some changes that I think make it an actually interesting movie. In Lifetime fashion it is Based On a True Story (fun fact: in my younger years I listened to My Favorite Murder and this story gets mentioned in one of their first episodes and they offhandedly mention that the murder weapon was like 8 inches long and That is a fact that has stuck with me in the middle of the night). I'd say watch them both, because the OG has a Tori Spelling performance that cannot be missed and is just a basic mean girls comeuppance story, but the redux is a lot more thoughtful and actually reflects some humanity on all characters which (if you haven't noticed) Lifetime isn't always great at lol.
Too Young to Be a Dad (2002)
UGH. Me and my girlfriend Just watched this and honestly that's a shame because I wish I'd had this movie my entire life. Paul Dano is a teenager that loses his virginity and impregnates his friend in one fell swoop and he has to Step Up and become a Man as like a fifteen year old, which sounds crazy and is but is legitimately a captivating movie. And Paul Dano is sooo fucking good in, it's not even a joke, watch it for his performance alone. I laughed, I cried, a perfect film (even though they never address abortion as a viable option lol Lifetime can only go so far ig).
This was Purely just for me but if you read this and watch these movies please lmk what you thought ~
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