#she's always wearing a dinosaur kigurumi
spicyberries · 11 months
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normal questions from a normal girl
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1b-headcanons · 6 years
Hiiiiii!!! So I was thinking 1-B sleep headcannons? Like, who’s a light/heavy sleeper, who can function on 3 hours of sleep, who gets nightmares, basically anything relating to sleep, lol. Have a wonderful day! Thank you!!
Awase: normal sleep schedule, but if there’s a new game out, he’ll become nocturnal. Game all night and sleep all day.
Kaibara: loves to sleep in whenever possible. He has an air tight morning routine for getting as much sleep as possible. Any suggestions to just go to bed earlier are ignored
Kamakiri: the boy just doesn’t sleep apparently. Text him at any point in the night and he’ll respond. No one’s figured out if they’re waking him up, or if it’s coincidental, or it’s a prank
Kuroiro: Always sleepy. This boy could sleep 14 hours straight and be like “time for a nap” 2 hours later.
Kendo: tried to keep a schedule, but she’ll sometimes have too much coffee and be up way later, but she can function on little sleep.
Yui: keeps a tight sleep schedule that NO ONE is allowed to interrupt or there’ll be hell to pay. Embaresssd that she used to pee the bed frequently as a kid
Kinoko: lays down a layer of mushrooms on her comforter before she turns in for the night. She claims they “sing her a lullaby.” Now everyone fears her.
Ibara: early to bed, early to rise. She has to wrap up her hair to avoid any accidents with her thorns. Occasionally will have nightmares that leave her skittish the next day.
Shishida: it’s canon that he loves napping. How could you not when you’re a walking pillow with a blanket of fur. Will sleep anywhere
Shoda: gets nightmares easily, but gets over them once he tells someone about it. Reiko is usually who he tells since she likes hearing about other people’s bad dreams.
Pony: sleeps like an angel. Will cuddle with anyone. Prone to sleepwalking. Monoma once caught her trying to kick down his down while sleepwalking
Tsuburaba: can function on very little sleep. Moves around a lot in his sleep. Sleeps naked. Had to compromise that he’d where boxers during the camp.
Tetsutetsu: TOO MUCH ENERGY! He’s either wide awake or dead asleep. There is no in-between. After the training camp, he’s sometimes get nightmares involving fog and guns.
Setsuna: claims to have a racecar bed at home to sound cool. Her only PJs is a Dinosaur Kigurumi. Otherwise, she’s in her undies. Sleeptalks a lot, leading to some interesting questions the next morning during sleepovers.
Fukidashi: will usually stay up late drawing or watching anime, so he takes plenty of power naps. Owns many pajama pants with anime logos on them.
Honenuki: doesn’t need sleep. He could sleep an hour and be ready for the day. Weekends are when he finally crashes.
Bondo: a very heavy sleeper. You could elbow drop him and he’d just roll over. Gets the munchies late at night.
Monoma: tons of blankets, even in the summer. Wears a purple sleep mask with “pillow princess” written in glitter. Very light sleeper that blames any noises in the night on Kuroiro or Reiko
Reiko: insomnia hits her pretty often, so she’s awake very late. Likes hearing about other people’s bad dreams, but if she has one herself, she becomes supremely freaked out and begs in the group chat for someone to save her. Everyone comes to comfort her without fail.
Rin: a beautiful sleeper. Prone to lucid dreams. Sleep is when he lets his hair down and it looks goooood. Don’t try waking him up though or he’ll instinctively throw a punch.
- Mod Iron
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face-turn · 7 years
Good Company
Pairing: Kenny/Kota (golden lovers) Words: 1k Rating: G  A/N: I HOPE U LIKE TOOTH ROTTING FLUFF. I stole this idea off of @breadclubrising tbh  Tags: @breadclubrising @kidvoodoo
Kota woke up at the crack of shit to find himself alone in bed. He could hear a disaster happening somewhere downstairs, which spelled trouble-- any time Kenny was up without him, something was going terribly wrong. Probably Kenny was trying to teach Hana to cook again, which was something of a process considering Kenny’s own deficiencies in the area.
Kota bit back a whiny curse at the early hour and slapped his hands over his face before rolling himself out of bed. They’d both been trying to cut down on swearing since they’d brought Hana home. It was… going. Kota couldn’t exactly recall the number of times Kenny had been forced to turn a ‘son of a bitch’ into something else. Kenny talked about sons of biscuits so much more now that they had a baby in the house.
Kota had to mentally correct himself as he pulled a shirt on. Not a baby anymore, technically-- a perfect, beautiful, thank-god-she’s-not-two-anymore toddler who was getting so big it made his stomach swoop the same way it did when he got suplexed. That exhilarating oh shit feeling. The kind of swoop that made a man grateful to be alive.
He made his way downstairs, the creak of the fourth step setting off a chorus of hushes from the general area of the kitchen, both Kenny and Hana trying to keep from attracting his attention and only succeeding in being louder than ever. It didn’t smell like burning, at least, which was a definite improvement on the last three times that Kenny had tried to make anything other than a salad.
Kota stopped in the doorway and blinked. Hana was propped on Kenny hip while Kenny stirred what was probably pancake batter, and they were both wearing--
“Jesus, Kenny,” Kota couldn’t help but laugh. Those stupid fucking animal pajamas, Jesus Christ.
Kenny grinned at him like this had been the exact outcome he’d been hoping for, the silly unicorn-faced hood sitting askew on his curly head. His tongue is poked out between his teeth a little and Kota couldn’t help but go cross the room to kiss him. Then he had to give Hana a kiss too, because she was dressed as a little dinosaur and it was only fair. Her silky-straight hair was rumpled with sleep and Kota’s heart ached with how much he loved them both.
“You left me out of your kigurumi party again?” Kota demanded through his grin, reaching out to take the batter from Kenny. He was much less likely to fuck it up.
“Wake up sooner!” Kenny replied, bouncing Hana on his hip and planting a kiss on the top of her head. “Not everyone can sleep through their lovely, angelic, quiet--” Here, Hana giggled, reaching up with both hands to swat at Kenny’s  nose, “-- daughter bouncing on their bed at four in the morning.” They’d just transitioned Hana to a bed, and the fact that she was no longer caged in a crib was wreaking havoc on their sleep schedules. It was probably to make up for what a quiet baby she’d been.
“I need my beauty sleep,” Kota sniffed, hunting around for a frying pan.
“You do?” Kenny said dubiously, swinging Hana to the other hip so he could open a drawer to grab Kota a spatula. “What about me? I need all the help I can get.”
Kota made a show of humming and nodding in sage agreement, flicking a burner on to let the pan start heating up. Kenny’s offended gasp got repeated in stereo when Hana mimicked it, which just made Kota start laughing and ruined the bit. Nothing was cuter than their daughter’s-- and that still made Kota’s heart skip a beat, their daughter-- tendency to pick up on Kenny’s most over-dramatic moments.
She was going to be such a nightmare when she started school.
“Pancakes?” Hana asked Kenny seriously, apparently continuing a conversation that Kota had interrupted five minutes ago.
“Pancakes.” Kenny agreed. Kota glowered at him over his shoulder. This was why she wasn’t even trying to talk in full sentences yet. Kenny caught the look and cleared his throat nervously, putting on his I’m doing this for your father voice. “Kota is making breakfast. Do you want to say thank you?” Hana pondered this. “No,” She decided, and shoved her face into Kenny’s armpit.
Kenny gave Kota a what can you do sort of shrug, shaking with stifled laughter. He was the worst person on the planet.
“I’m not giving anyone pancakes,” Kota said mildly, dumping a few spoonfuls onto the shimmering-hot pan. He was glad he was wearing a shirt. He’d already burned his chest enough for a lifetime. “I’m going to eat them all and I won’t even be sorry.”
Twin howls of anguish from the peanut gallery made Kota smirk into the batter. He doubted Hana had any real concept of what he’d said, but Kenny’s dramatics always caught on. They were, as ever, a crowd pleaser.
When the first few pancakes were done and plated, Kenny kissed the back of Kota’s neck fondly, snagging one of the plates out from under his nose. Kota grabbed after him, but his heart wasn’t in it, and Kenny slipped away like a unicorn-onsie’d eel.  “Thanks for cooking, baby,” Kenny sang, spinning away from the counter with Hana in tow. She shrieked with glee and Kota found himself grinning after them helplessly. When he turned back to the stove, he could hear the sound of Kenny cutting pancakes into itty-bitty pieces so Hana could try to eat them all by herself. She would probably get more on the table than in her mouth, but the table had seen worse. 
The first rays of dawn were peeking in through the window, and Kota couldn’t think of anywhere he’d rather be.
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