#she's also named after my baby sister but shhhhh
mileymint · 4 months
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I put a ton of thought into her design but I'm bad with clothes, but I did add the detail that she always wants bigs sleeves. It makes her feel better about her little worker drone arms </3
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( @electrozeistyking you said to @ you when I post so here it is!!! <333 )
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shalomniscient · 7 months
thimking about sevchino family…………. lyney thinks he’s for sure gonna be estelle’s favourite brother, i mean he’s lynette’s favourite brother (“you’re my only blood brother??” “shhhhh”) so clearly he knows how to handle sisters. but he’s absolutely crushed when estelle starts crying when he holds her, and doesn’t stop, but then gets DOUBLY crushed when father asks him to give her over to freminet, and she stops crying immediately. lynette pats him on the back as consolation, but she honestly finds it so fucking funny and yknow what? lyney needed the ego check anyway.
freminet is very awkward but holds her so gently. he’s very unused to this, since even in the house he wouldn’t really deal with the toddlers and babies. they’re too loud. but estelle is remarkably quiet in his arms, looking up at him with big, curious eyes—mother’s eyes, he thinks—and he finds that it’s not so bad. estelle also ADORES pers, freminet’s mechanical penguin. she loves watching him float around freminet, and freminet himself also loves that she likes pers. when she’s older, he makes her her own penguin, which she names remi—after her beloved big brother freminet. (lyney witnesses all of this and is soundly devastated.)
lynette and estelle are bros. especially when estelle is older. lynette’s like the cool older sister who is a little dry and stingingly sarcastic but the moment she sees even the slightest hint of tears in estelle’s eyes she’s ready to throw hands. lyney has to hold her back by her scruff to prevent her from mauling whoever’s responsible, assuming arle doesn’t find them and legitimately kill them first.
estelle herself is almost a carbon copy of arle. same dual-toned hair, though only wisps of it for now, and her complexion leans more towards arle, but she keeps some of my melanin !! no child of mine is burning in the sun amen 😌😌😌 estelle also gets my eyes instead of arle’s X eyes, which she’s pretty relieved about. growing up with eyes like that was difficult to say the least, and she wouldn’t want her daughter to go through the same thing. BUT once estelle gets older she can 100% do the arlecchino glare, X or no X (arle is a very proud papa).
in conclusion, the L in lyney is a representation of all the Ls this poor boy has to take 😔😔😔
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n7punk · 4 months
found my old dragon age notes lmao
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(i have actually played every da:o origin and romance, just didn't attach much to anyone but those three. i've actually played niera twice, once without and once with the marriage-unlock alistair mod LMAO)
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she's my favorite child i've played her at least two maybe two and a half (unfinished) times
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i love hawke so much but da2 is definitely the game ive replayed the least because the gameplay just needs so much more polish. hopefully da4 is solid since it's the furthest thing from rushed development
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casc is actually my least favorite of the wardens ive latched onto because she's kind of boring lmao but she made a lot of great choices to set up the rest of the world with. i thiiiiiiink she was an arcane warrior because fuck yeah arcane warriors.
for my nobility playthrough, i love hollicity but it looks like my notes for her are mostly blank, probably because she was my newest/last warden playthrough. she's like 16 and just fighting for her life out here. she was raised for political power though and that gives her enough wits to outweigh her naïvety. she didn't romance anybody. ended up backed into a corner with not enough favor so she was forced to take up a political-ONLY (seriously she's like his baby sister but also would be a more competent ruler than him lmao) marriage with alistair in order to rule because the nobility's fucked like that 👍 no actual romance even as she ages. she says it's because she's not about to risk the stability of the crown for that if she's caught but she honestly finds she never has interest.
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there comes a certain time where you spend enough time in canon you start throwing it out and my trevelyan twins were the start of that, bleeding into the elves playthrough (even though i played nyer first shhhhh). i think i played through inquisition once with both of them as the inquisitor, but the intent was that denal was the inquisitor and his sister was one of his companions/inner circle
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niera is actually a fucking gremlin don't let this fool you. she's my "immoral" playthrough. i actually played her twice (one making horrid choices like using blood magic to sacrifice the slaves and one making less-bad choices), and the personality from the second playthrough ended up being the one sticking. she's a duel-wielding rogue so she can stab you in the front and back at once!
you can't play an elf in da2 which kind of ruins my "elves fuck shit" playthrough line, but i did my best with garret hawke. i dont have any notes on him but he's my red hawke because again, this is the immoral characters timeline (my canon hawke being purple). since this is my "fuck canon" playthrough i think the headcanon was that hawke was half elf here.
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we don't need canon anymore 🥳 okay fun fact about Selain: the way i spelled her name changed dozens of times. other fun fact: i only romanced solas as her to get the vallaslin off cosmetically since she wouldn't have any with her lineage but then i liked the angst of the romance just for her. generally i think solas is an egghead.
and then some randoms:
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I think Raya might have been my nightmare difficulty playthrough for the trophy? no actually i did that with Anerra Again. oh yeah she was actually exclusively to romance sera LMAO. I don't have notes on aeducan but yes he was named after That aeducan and he was my Challenges trophy playthrough with all the difficulty modifiers like getting x2 disapproval from companions but keeping them through the first act or whatever that achievement was. he only managed that because he's a pathological liar - otherwise he would have driven everyone away a lot quicker. i didn't finish him but i did play raya through to trespasser for the seramance.
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bnhablessings · 5 years
Spying with Love!
NN is still going on forever in my heart. This is a one-shot I thought of to contribute to the love of Sof and NN. I imagine this would take place after Denki comes over and ruins Shouto’s OJ
Sof is an amazing writer and I love her so go check her out! @myherowritings​
(Sof you changed Todoroki for me so I had to include alien-related things in here. :’) I hope you enjoy this thing, bby! <3)
If you somehow have not read Number Neighbor please go read it. Here is the (Masterlist). You will not regret it. : )
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Summary: (Name) needs to make sure her best friend is being treated well by his new boyfriend so she becomes a spy with her other roommates. Plot twist: He knows
Words: 1,798
Todoroki Shouto x Midoriya Izuku (Of course I’d grab the chance to have them be dating so yes. They are an item in this.)
Shinsou Hitoshi x Kaminari Denki
“Stop pushing!” You whisper-shout while glancing around the corner of the street cautiously.
The two males a few feet behind you share a glance with each other. Both are wondering who the hell you’re talking to. You turn back to look at them as you place a finger on your lips.
“(Name), this is no time to be joking around,” Todoroki murmurs as he glances at his partner with a slight serious pout.
Midoriya nods his head and tries to bring you back to their reality, “C’mon (Name). You know how Shouto gets when we’re running low on orange juice.”
They finally come near you and peak their own heads around the corner. To their surprise, you had spotted Shinsou and his new boyfriend they briefly met. With a smug look on your face you wiggle your eyebrows at them.
“No. We need the orange juice,” Todoroki states his eyes narrowing down slightly as he just a teeny-bit conflicted.
You’re about to get on your knees to beg the weirdo to spy with you when Midoriya pipes in with a brilliant idea.
“Why don’t we spy on them on their next date tomorrow?”
…Why didn’t you think of that?
“Wait what date?” You ask realizing you had no idea they had a date tomorrow.
Todoroki raises an eyebrow as he intertwines his hand with Midoriya’s. He’s ready to leave you for not remembering the conversation held earlier when you met Kaminari. They turn towards the direction of the grocery store and ignore your now crying form.
“What? How rude. He said we all probably look stupid,” You inform your other spies of what your bestie, Bakugou, had texted.
Todoroki wants to scoff at that response while Midoriya flushes from the slight truth of it. You give your bestie a crying emoji before deciding to text him the updates later. In the meantime, you have more important business to deal with.
You push your beanie further down on your head until it touches the top of the dark sunglasses you’re wearing. All of you are wearing dark-colored schemed clothing, beanies, and sunglasses for this important mission. Bakugou may be slightly, only a smidge, correct. You all look like you are in a cult infiltrating this mall.
The strange looks you are all getting won’t deter what needs to be done!
You make sure you keep a good distance while taking cute (kind of creepy) photos with your phone of an oblivious Shinsou and Kaminari holding hands. This goes on for a while as the three of you watch with careful and curious eyes as they do many things.
They share a smoothie together and heart is soaring from how happy Shinsou looks. Kaminari is good in your book. That is until Midoriya points out a store they are headed to. This will be the judgement of fashion.
They walk into the flashy store.
The three of you watch from the shop across. You are judging the yellow boy as he picks up a pair of clothing. “I get his theme is yellow but… Honey, no. Those don’t match.” You want to desperately call out to him.
Midoriya tilts his head, “Look. Shinsou is helping him out. Black or white goes with yellow perfectly. Maybe brown.”
“He’s giving off weird vibes… Are you sure he didn’t knock over my juice on purpose?” Todoroki glances at the two of you for confirmation.
You roll your eyes while Midoriya, in vain, does his best to comfort the dual-haired boy who is now over-analyzing everything… Which could turn to your favor in needing to know if this weird but bright kid will be good to your sarcastic best friend. It doesn’t hurt to be on the safe side.
“You know what? Maybe he did knock your orange juice over on purpose. He’s obviously not an alien as he a bit dummy in the head but- Quick, what other things have you noticed off about him?” You ask.
His eyes narrow down in focus as he starts to list things off at the top of his head, “His hair is weird with that black stripe but he seems to be born with that so never mind. I have noticed that he stutters, his skin seems to flush, his eyes go a bit sparkly, and his smile turns wider when he’s all near Shinsou. If he got abducted by an alien maybe they are using him as a test subject to watch over Shinsou. We need to find out why they would be into Shinsou though. Wait. All those symptoms… sound familiar."
Midoriya lets out a squeak as Todoroki looks at him. You are trying to hold yourself back from laughter and the pain of wanting to hit him with love.
“Midoriya, do you remember that one night a month ago when I felt a sudden chest pain in my heart?” Todoroki asks.
You remember it clearly and it’s taking all you have not to cry now. All of you were binge-watching horror movies and all you said was they looked rather cozy since they were leaning against each other. You didn’t expect Midoriya to malfunction and Todoroki to ask for clarification on the meaning “cozy”.
You don’t regret changing the context at all because it gave Midoriya the courage to confess and here we are.
Midoriya nods with a slight blush as he says, “That… That was before we started dating, Shouto.”
“Is this all a ploy from the alie-“
“Let me stop you right there, dimwit. Those chest pains were your love wavelengths are whatever. Anyway, those symptoms you listed is the proof that the Pikachu weirdo does love our boy,” You state with a smile.
It forces all of you to glance back and see the two males walk out of the store with a bag in hand.
You casually take another photo only to have someone completely photobomb it. It appears to be a girl younger than your crew and immediately your eyes widen in a slight panic. She’s being touchy with your boy.
“He was just recognized right now wasn’t he?” Midoriya questions.
You nod your head frantically ready to go fight the girl who looks to be thirteen, way too young to be thirsting after your best friend.
“No. This may be a tactic the government is using to-“ Todoroki stops talking as all three of you watch in slight horror and fascination on what is going on.
Kaminari is literally prying the girl off Shinsou. She’s screaming, making a huge scene, and refusing to let go of the purple-haired boy… She just elbowed Kaminari in the face.
“I LOVE YOUR MAPLESTORY VIDEOS! PLEASE HUG ME BACK!” Her voice is so loud it made your heart jump out of fright.
Midoriya is conflicted as he asks, “Do we um… go help defuse this?”
“We aren’t here and we don’t know them,” Todoroki replies with ease while reaching for Midoriya’s hand and the back of your shirt with the other.
Yeah, he knows everything. You were ready to go “scold” a child.
“This can be Kaminari’s test since he is a fellow fan of Shinsou,” Midoriya notes.
…He does have a point. This would be a wonderful test to see how far Kaminari will go for Shinsou. Plus, it’ll be interesting to watch… Todoroki lets go of both of you and already has his phone out recording this monstrosity.  
Honestly, the whole thing got really weird and petty fast. Kaminari and the girl start a screaming match at each other. They are shouting which videos are the best and when they saw it. Finally, Kaminari grows a pair and stands up to the terrifying child.
“Listen- You are a baby. You stand no chance with him. He is on a God tier level,” Kaminari says.
He has the audacity to snap his fingers at her.
Instead of the tears, you were expecting, she goes crazy. She finally lets go of Shinsou and lunges herself at the poor now traumatized blond.  
Before she can cause any damage a new and incredibly buff stranger appears. His voice is deep and honestly, you can see Kaminari having a heart attack as the stranger addresses him.
“You. Why are you upsetting my baby sister?”
OH GOD. Is this really about to get worse??
Todoroki thankfully stopped filming and is on board with defusing this now dangerous situation. He grew a heart seeing as Kaminari won’t have a pretty face if this continues on. Midoriya is the first to reveal that you are all here, by casually saying hello with a constipated look on his face.
You don’t blame him.
“Stay out of this squirts. I’m talking to Pikachu over here and I am not repeating myself.”
To your complete and utter surprise, Kaminari starts to laugh. Shinsou finally moves like he hasn’t been on pause this whole time and gives the guy and girl ten bucks each. He thanks them and they leave content.
“What just happened?” You ask voicing Midoriya’s thoughts.
Todoroki seems a bit annoyed as he mumbles, “I knew this was a ploy. I just thought it’d be by the government.”
“You should have seen your faces! How was my acting?” Kaminari questions in-between his laughing.
Shinsou just smirks as he states, “You really need to learn how to be better spies. Also, don’t voice your entire plan over breakfast.”
“…You are telling me you weren’t gone this morning? And that whole scene just now was all an act? Those were actors?” Midoriya is the one voicing your question now.
You feel quite stupid yet impressed when Shinsou nods.
“You gave me a fright. Anyway, I’m just happy that you two seem to be good for each other! Though, Kaminari, if you do anything to him that he doesn’t like, you will be answering to us personally!” You try to glare at him.
You just look like an angry teddy bear. Midoriya copied you and looks like an angry cinnamon roll. Thankfully, Todoroki actually looks menacing as he glares at the blond (mostly because he still believes he’s been abducted).
Shinsou finally wears that lazy smile on his face and says in a rather sincere voice, “Thank you guys for worrying about me.”
“Anytime, my sweet baby!” You pull him into a hug.
Shinsou continues as he makes eye contact with his boyfriend, “You heard them. You’ll after face them if you ever hurt me. Though, I should warn you that I carry sharp objects around for fun.”
Kaminari gulps out of nervousness for a second before he laughs. Yeah, he thinks Shinsou is joking but you know better. All that matters is that they seem to genuinely like each other now and that makes you happy for them.
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vivi-the-sky-kid · 4 years
All right, time for a post detailing my Sky OCs, since it's probably been enough time since my last post. All three of them live in the Forgotten Ark following its restoration
Putting under a read more for length
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Name: Sriracha
Gender: No gender only RAGE (uses they/them or it)
Likes: Vivi; Damaxa; sand; chasing birds and Vivi; monching on mushrooms
Dislikes: anyone it decides is a threat to Vivi and/or Damaxa; everyone Damaxa is crushing on; when Vivi has to go through stormlock and be reborn; the ice in the Valley (it is very slippery and not conducive to their legs)
Sriracha is a baby crab that was purified by Damaxa and is now no longer hostile-on-sight to sky kids and other star spirits. However, they are still very bratty, and possessive of both Vivi and Damaxa. Named for its spicy attitude, Sriracha is still more than willing to charge into anything or anyone it deems a threat. How they determine this is still unknown. Damaxa fears the answer
They are roughly the size of Vivi’s head, and are white with cyan eyes and a small golden diamond on its face
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Name: Vivi
Gender: nonbinary (uses they/them)
Likes: Damaxa; Sriracha; the animals of the Ark; crab dancing to assert dominance make new friends; fireworks
Dislikes: when people don’t help with doors requiring more than one person; people being mean to Sriracha; bedtimes; the krill of Eden
Vivi is a young sky kid under Damaxa’s care, and is very tiny. They are a pyro gremlin who absolutely LOVES the fireworks staff and spells, but have promised Damaxa not to use them within the Ark (for safety reasons). Vivi trains under Damaxa in the creation and use of spells, potions, and scrolls, and has earned their own fireworks staff as part of their training. Unlike Damaxa, Vivi has been through the Eye of Eden and been reborn a few times. Often, Damaxa can only accompany them past the first wave of rocks in Eden’s second part, as her height would make hiding from krill difficult. Still, they can always be found waiting in the home area for Vivi’s rebirth, along with a very grumpy Sriracha, and it always makes Vivi happy to see them
They wear a cyan cape with a black lining (though this may change in the future), long puffy pants, the scare spirit’s hat (with the wasteland elder’s hair underneath), and the chibi mask/the weasel/fox mask (they still very short when they wear this mask).
They are also my blog’s namesake!
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Name: Damaxa
Gender: agender (uses she/her and they/them)
Likes: Sriracha; Vivi; studying spells and stuff; finding new things; the Citadel and the Forgotten Ark; flowers
Dislikes: the Eye of Eden; getting wet; getting lost
One of the very first sky kids to be reborn, Damaxa got lost while traveling through the Golden Wasteland (because she has no sense of direction) and eventually found herself at the Forgotten Ark. They would spend many years there searching for the lights to restore it, growing into an adult in the process. A few years after successfully restoring the Ark, she would find an extinguished Vivi in part of the Wasteland, and immediately took them back to the Ark to care for them. Ever since, Damaxa has been a mother/older sister figure to Vivi, as well as a mentor
Sometime after this, Damaxa began experimenting with a purifying spell similar in function to the shrug spirit’s, seeking a way to cleanse the Wasteland of darkness. To test it, they found a baby crab. While the spell was successful in removing the darkness from the crab (thus allowing Sriracha to join the family), it also created a red crystal of concentrated darkness that damaged her hands, leaving permanent scarring. Damaxa put it inside a small pot and tucked the pot away from Vivi’s reach, and is now a bit wary of trying again
Damaxa has short, spiky hair with a low braid in the back (much like the Wasteland elder’s hair) and keeps a white poppy in the tie at the end. They wear the play fight cape and, occasionally, the matching mask, but usually go maskless. Her clothing resembles the full length robes of the ancestor spirits, but cut short around the thighs, and they wear long, flowy pants beneath. They have a fireworks staff
They’re also crushing on Teth/the Forest Elder, Sah and Mek/the Valley Twins, and one of ru_rain’s OCs over on Twitter. She’s also a semi-self-insert, but shhhhh
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harryandmolly · 5 years
Belated - A Compilation of Birthday!Shawn Blurbs
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A/N: these are obviously late, hence the title. but fuck it, it’s still his birthday month. anyway, I love this mans even when he puts me through it. I started these as a fun way to disappear into my beloved fantasy worlds rather than dwell on his real life birthday content. special thanks to my @achinglyshawn for jumping in last second to help me with a couple 😉
warnings: language, slightly NSFW, breaking canon in a few places
WC: 4.7k
(from Like the Back of My Hand -- we’re breaking from canon a bit because Lilly and Shawn don’t get together until after his 21st birthday but shhhhh I make the rules around here)
He loves the little sound she makes when she’s tired. It’s a throaty little whimper, totally involuntary. It’s the only sound of near discontent she’s made all night, which he thinks is pretty impressive considering the circumstances.
His 21st birthday party was lunacy -- specialty cocktails with weird names, a cake shaped like fruit and tea that was hilarious but tasted like fondant, and more industry types and celebrities than Lilly is used to having around. He knows her. He knows this isn’t her jam. But you couldn’t tell by watching her tonight.
And as drunk as he got, finally, at long last legal on American soil where he spends so much time, he watched her. She was dancing and laughing with his family, his parents and sister, cousins and aunts and uncles, so many of whom flew to New York for the event. She stuck with them amidst the chaos, straying toward them rather than some of the star studded company.
When his cake came and his head was floating off his body, announcing he was too drunk to make a speech, he blew out his candles and gave her the sloppiest, drunkest kiss on record because he just couldn’t help himself and clung to her, yammering in her ear a little louder than he needed to about how much he loves her. She just grinned and kissed him back and assured him she loves him too.
They’re stumbling back to the hotel, trailing at the middle of the pack. Shawn takes her hand and gives it a squeeze. She squeezes back and makes the little noise. He lifts her swinging hand for a kiss and then rubs his itchy nose with the back of it, making her chuckle.
“Thank you, baby,” he murmurs, eyes growing heavy.
“Thank me tomorrow if you live through the night,” she laughs, swinging his arm around her shoulders as he grows a little unsteadier on his feet. He smiles and buries his face in his Lilly’s hair.
(from The Long Way Home)
“I’m gonna die,” Shawn moans, rolling over, sandwiching his head between the hotel mattress and a pillow. He can’t hear her amused chuckle, but he feels her little hand in the dip of his waist as she settles in behind him and starts kissing the back of his neck.
“I tried to stop you,” she purrs, close enough to his ear that he can hear. He winces and releases the pillow, reaching down to tug her closer, wrapping himself under her slender arm.
“The problem is that I stopped. If I just kept drinking all day, I’d be fine. But this party starts in four hours and I’m already hungover,” Shawn whines.
They got drunk at his birthday brunch. Well, he got drunk. She’s better behaved than he is and also not legal yet so she didn’t want to drink in front of his family. Emma’s too careful about his parents, Shawn thinks, probably as a result of her relationship with her own. But he knows his mum snuck her a mimosa or two.
Emma noses at the nape of his neck and slides one of her Pilaticardio toned legs between his. It always makes him feel better, no matter what’s wrong. He sighs heavily.
“You should take a little nap,” she advises with a nod, though he’s facing away from her, “The aspirin and water will help too.”
“But I’m gonna die,” he says weakly.
Emma rolls her eyes. “You can’t die before I play you your birthday song.”
She goes scarlet before he even turns all the way over to look at her.
“My what?”
“I wrote you a song. It’s your birthday present,” she explains quietly in her perfectly sweet, perfectly humble, perfectly Emma way.
He cradles her close and feels further from his own demise. “You’re my birthday present.”
He naps. She smiles.
Lydia - cowritten by @achinglyshawn
(from When the World Stops Turning - also breaks canon because Shawn was already 21 before he met Lydia but again ssssHHHHH)
Lydia stands in the doorway of his bedroom, sex haired and in his shirt from last night, watching him snore. It’s cute, light snoring because it’s morning and he’ll be waking up soon, not gross, heavy, middle-of-the-night boy snoring. He’s facedown in pillows, sleeping through the morning of his 21st birthday.
She can’t have that. She has too many plans. She already let him sleep late enough. He’ll be a little grumpy until he remembers how spoiled he’s getting today.
She crawls onto the bed and lays over him gently, plopping little kisses all over his shoulder blades, waiting for him to stir.
He wakes with a shiver that starts in his shoulder and spreads across his back. The world still feels heavy around him, like he’s not really awake, but simply becoming aware of another dream. But he shivers again and realizes there’s someone pressed into his back, a sweet pair of lips dusting across his shoulder and neck. That would explain the shivering. 
He can’t open his eyes. Isn’t still so early? Is the sun even up? But he’s definitely awake now, and he can’t resist the devil on his back. 
“Lydia,” he rasps, arms curling tightly around his pillow as he buries his face in the fluff. “Early.” 
“Shawn,” she mocks gently, “10am. Birthday.”
She punctuates each word with a little wet nibble on his sleep-warmed skin. Part of her wants to sink into him and let herself sleep through the day with him, too. 
But her plaaaaaaans.
She noses at his neck and starts working her kisses down his jaw and up over the cheek that isn’t smashed into pillows.
“Birthday kiss?” she tries, lifting a gingery eyebrow.
Shawn groans low in his throat, Lydia’s teeth on his skin calling an unnecessary amount of attention to the morning wood currently trapped between his stomach and the bed. Then he blinks, eyes finally opening, as he registers what she’s said. 
“Birthday,” he lifts his head, squinting blearily at the headboard in front of him, “My birthday.” 
He turns over, and there she is, freckled face centimeters from his as her nose nudges his cheek. 
“You give me the birthday kiss, Hamilton. I’ll wait here.” He rearranges himself, settles back into the pillows and tucks his arms up behind his head, biceps bulging but only because that’s just how big his arms are now, not cause he’s flexing or anything. “I’m the birthday boy.” 
As he turns over, she can feel that he’s hard beneath the sheet. She settles in around him, comfortably tucking him up between her thighs so when she leans her weight down, he can feel her.
“I’ll give you several,” she whispers, pecking the tip of his nose before skirting down to his lips to do the real work. She sinks her fingers into his hair and hums contentedly into his mouth, tickling his tongue with hers, ignoring their morning breath.
She spends longer there than planned, like she always does, because she fucking loves kissing him. But finally, she pecks along his jaw, counting under her breath as she goes, along his cheeks, down his arm over the swell of his bicep, along his collarbone, leaving the 21st kiss somewhere down the center of his chest.
“You have two choices,” she murmurs, finding her breath come out as a pant as she gets a little hot for him, “You can stay in bed and skip birthday brunch at the Himalayan place or come eat chocolate croissants with me.”
Lydia takes her time. Patience is one of her best qualities. Her patience with him during their relationship has been incredibly unfathomable. He sometimes still isn’t sure how she hasn’t broken up with him yet. He’s a lucky fucking bastard. He already knows his birthday wish is gonna be for more of that luck, as long as he can get it. 
A soft moan rumbles his chest when her lips find his ear. He untucks his arms from behind his head and settles his hands on her hips. He squeezes, turns his head to brush a kiss of his own over the apple of her cheek. 
“Why can’t we hang out in bed just a little longer,” he murmurs with a slow, lazy roll of his hips that presses his cock into the swell of her inner thigh, “Then do brunch? Can’t a man have both on his birthday?” 
Lydia takes the rocking of his hips with a little gasp. Her eyelashes flutter. Her resolve weakens. She narrows her eyes.
“We have a packed schedule,” she replies, wrinkling her brow, attempting to look stern, “We’re going to your parents’ after lunch and then you have your big birthday bash tonight and then I’m keeping you awake all night long with all the hot, hot birthday sex.”
She’s leaving out a couple things, like his birthday gift -- she conspired with Andrew and his parents to schedule a private cruise in the Caribbean in the fall when he has time off during recording. They’re announcing it together later. And the other birthday gift, the one he’s getting tonight after his party if he doesn’t get too drunk, a new toy to try out together during all the hot hot birthday sex.
Shawn laughs, reaching up to smooth the crease between Lydia’s eyebrows with his thumb. He doesn’t want to have such a strict schedule on his birthday. And he doesn’t think his parents will mind if they’re fifteen minutes late. Or thirty. 
He cups her cheek, using his best puppy-dog eyes on her as he looks down at her. “Please? I’ll be quick. You know I know how to make it good and quick and still within the confines of a Lydia Hamilton schedule.” 
A brow quirks, his lips twitching with a tease of a smirk. He knows he sounds greedy, because they have all night to have each other, but Shawn’s always been greedy with Lydia. Plus, it’s his birthday. 
Lydia heaves a falsely belabored sigh but she can’t quite fight the smile off her face. She sits up and raises her arms, pulling his shirt over her head. Her nipples are hard in the cool of his apartment. 
“Should’ve known I needed to work this into the schedule,” she grunts, dropping back against him with a laugh, rocking her hips and cradling his neck in her hands. She goes quiet, blinking up at him, overcome with gratitude.
She bumps her nose against his. “I love you, birthday boy.”
(from I Could Write It Better Than You Ever Felt It)
In a perfect world, Shawn and Val would spend the morning of his birthday in bed, but in the real world, maybe the better world, their two month old is making her little pterodactyl noises and Shawn is on his feet to grab her before Val can sneak out of bed and quiet her to let the birthday boy sleep.
But if you had told Shawn on his 30th birthday that he’d be a dad on his 31st, he would hardly have believed it. He felt like a dad then, sort of, to Alice. But he wasn’t really yet.
He is now, in all the ways you can be. Before Daniela was born in June, they made sure to work out the adoption papers because they were the last thing they wanted to worry about after the baby was born. 
So what do dads do on their birthdays? Val ran through the list in her head while she was planning — golf? Fishing? Napping? Not really Shawn things. So she consults Alice who gleefully suggests the park because she’s 2 so she’s always going to suggest the park.
Val prepped the picnic basket in secret with fun treats from Waitrose, absolutely nothing they have to cook themselves, and put Daniela’s bottles in the diaper bag. A picnic with this kind of family is a whole affair — there’s the pram that resembles the Queen Mary, the diaper bag, the play bag, the picnic basket, Val’s purse and, Shawn insisted, his guitar case.
When they arrive in Regent’s Park, they look like they’re moving there permanently.
Alice sits in his lap and talks while she chews on a cheese sandwich and Val holds Daniela over her shoulder, patting her tiny little back to burp her.
Shawn just nods, too tired to really listen to Alice’s toddler ramblings, making murmuring noises of assent every so often as he finger combs the little girl’s hair. It looks just like her mother’s. In his other hand he holds a half eaten sandwich of his own.
Alice bolts upright suddenly, full of manic baby energy, ready to sprint around as much as her tiny little legs will allow. Shawn smiles and glances over at Val.
“Bloody hell,” Val grumbles, shaking her head. She squints and watches through the cool British sunlight as Alice starts skipping away before Shawn can unfold himself from their blanket and chase after her.
“Alice, wait for daddy, please!”
Shawn blinks. Val doesn’t seem like she realizes she’s said it. Daddy.
Shawn has been “Shawn” since he and Val reunited about a year and a half ago, before Alice was talking. By the time it was clear that he was sticking around, he was already “Shawn” (or “Sawn” because Alice couldn’t do her “sh” sound yet) and changing the toddler’s habit wasn’t high on the list of priorities with all the other integration and changes in their lives, especially once Val got pregnant with Daniela.
Shawn had thought about it but didn’t really know how to bring it up. He wanted to be Alice’s daddy, just like he’s Daniela’s daddy. To him, there’s no difference. They’re both his little girls.
Shawn watches as Alice toddles back over looking entranced. “Daddy?”
Shawn looks at Val. Val looks startled, like she finally realizes what she said. She looks back at Shawn.
“Daddy?” Alice repeats, pointing at Shawn.
“Daddy,” Shawn confirms with a nod and heat in his cheeks, grinning over at Val. Val’s face splits with the force of her smile. She laughs.
As Shawn stands, brushing Alice’s crumbs off his legs, Val hooks her fingers affectionately around his knee.
“You might be their daddy but you’re still my papi,” she reminds him with a playful squeeze.
(from The Emancipation of Ginny)
Ginny twirls. And twirls and twirls and twirls and twirls.
Shawn follows close, spinning her by the hips, giggling wildly with her, watching her tight curls like a soft brown mist. 
The party may be for Shawn’s 21st birthday, but it’s been the Ginny and Shawn show all night. He’s barely stopped kissing her long enough for each of them to imbibe enough to get drunk. Everyone gets it, though. They don’t see each other as much as they’d like, what with Shawn’s tour schedule and Ginny’s artist management schedule, chasing Hannah around the globe as she prepares to release an album. But Ginny moved things, bumped things, even straight up dropped things to be in New York for Shawn’s birthday. He’s so grateful. He’s been grinning like an asshole all night. Or at least he has when his lips haven’t been attached to hers.
Shawn manages to catch her hips before she goes spinning into a table covered in shots of tequila. She laughs harder and tucks her face into his neck. As he holds her close, he figures now, when they’re both trashed and so stupid in love they wouldn’t be able to see straight even when sober, is a good time to dance with her.
He lifts both her arms up around his neck and sways them gently despite the fact that they can barely hear the music over the party noise and even if they could, it’s not a slow danceable song. They don’t care. Ginny tilts her forehead to his and coos, stroking through his curls with her long fingers.
“Good birthday so far, my love?”
He nods, careful not to dislodge her from against his forehead. “Pretty good. Only thing is the girl I love has to leave tomorrow morning.”
Ginny’s stomach lurches at the thought. She tilts her head so her eyelashes flutter against his cheek to make him smile. “She’s a lucky girl. Bet she’s counting the seconds until she sees you again.”
Shawn huffs gently. “Forty days, 6 hours and about… 19 minutes.” He glances down at his gold Rolex to verify.
Ginny snorts. “Excellent drunk maths skills.”
He cracks a grin. “I think I get better at math when I’m fucked up.”
She’s about to make another comment when the song changes. Again, it’s loud. Most people probably can’t really hear and aren’t paying attention. But Ginny would be able to hear this song any time it’s played in a 3 mile radius. Mariah Carey’s voice is like a dog whistle to her.
Her eyes pop wide. She gapes at Shawn until she sees his shit eating grin and gasps, squeezing him tighter into her. He goes willingly.
“You did this on purpose?”
He nods. “I asked Andrew to make sure there were a few Mimi songs on the playlist. I let him pick. I guess he knows you pretty well.”
Ginny doesn’t have the energy to glance around to try to find Andrew in the throngs of people. Instead she cuddles closer to her man and lets him kiss her through one of her all time favorite songs.
He breaks away suddenly. “This song is really sad.”
It’s “Always Be My Baby.” Ginny laughs. 
“Have you never noticed?”
He shakes his head. “It’s like… really sad.”
“‘S ok, love, it’ll be over soon.”
He nods and tucks his face into her neck, letting her sing softly to him until the rest of the party falls away.
Maya - cowritten by @achinglyshawn
(from Change of Pace)
Maya so, so sucks at keeping secrets from him. For at least a week, any time Shawn looks her in the eye, she’s been ready to scream it in his face.
It would make her breathe easier. But it would ruin it and Shawn deserves the sweet surprise. She chants it in her head. He deserves it, he deserves it.
They’ve been out all day running around Toronto doing cute stuff they never get to do during the school year when they’re in classes and Shawn thinks they’re heading back to her place to order pizza and pregame before they go out for his birthday. He doesn’t know all his friends, their friends, are waiting in her apartment, crouched behind her furniture, waiting to get him so drunk he doesn’t remember his name.
But he’s being a pain. Not intentionally. He’s having fun and wants to stay out, maybe grab dinner someplace, maybe go check out a bar. Steering him back to her place hasn’t been easy.
“We can check out the bar later,” she promises, fiddling with her bitten down fingernails, “Aren’t you hungry?”
Shawn’s staring at the bar across the street, a new place that’s just opened that Geoff keeps bugging him about because apparently it’s really good, decently cheap, and all of the waitresses are cute. Not that Shawn cares about that last bit. He’s also heard they do a Drunk Firework Ice Cream Surprise for birthdays. Shawn cares a lot more about that bit. 
He glances at Maya, reaching for her hand and tugging. “They have food there! Perfectly, deliciously, unhealthy birthday celebration food. Maybe even better than Pizza Gino.” 
He turns on the heel of his boot to face his restless girlfriend. He brushes his thumb across her knuckles as he bites his lip, one brow lifting towards his hairline. “Please? I’ll pay even though I’m supposed to let you treat me.” 
She hardly ever has to say no to him and when she does, she never wants to. She has to dig her heels in though. She just… doesn’t know how.
“First of all, how dare you, Pizza Gino is the best food on the planet. It’s culinary mastery,” she nearly stammers, her brain buzzing as she tries to come up with a real excuse that gets them home.
She doesn’t want to fake sick or he’ll feel terrible and get all cuddly and attentive. She doesn’t want to fake fight with him because in every rom com she’s ever seen, fake fights turn into real fights. She’s drawing a blank.
She blinks up at him and feels the familiar zing of her nerves when he brushes his finger over her knuckles. She gets an idea.
Maya sighs delicately and lifts her free hand to skim up his back, resting between his broad shoulders. She lets her eyes get heavy lidded and wets her lips.
“Why don’t you let me treat you? At my place?”
He’s still blinking across the street when Maya’s talented fingertips scale the length of his spine, her warm palm settling between his shoulder blades. Her pink tongue slides across her full lower lip and catches his eye. 
Shawn sucks in a soft breath, fingers tightening around hers. 
“What kind of treat, Lemon?” His voice is low, curious but husky, like he already knows the answer to his own question. Which, he thinks, maybe he does. He knows that look in her eye fairly well, at this point. His stomach flips. 
Maya can see she has him where she wants him. She feels a small pang of guilt, and her own regret, that when she gets him upstairs she won’t be treating him like he thinks she is. At least, not yet.
But she still has to get him to come with her, so she has to lay it on a little thicker.
Maya loosens their fingers and swings both her arms up around his neck, nudging his earlobe with her nose before kissing it, sucking it between her lips for a second.
“Any kind of treat you want, honey. Want you to choose.”
She leaves it kind of open ended so his brain can run wild, hopefully motivating him further. Plus she isn’t sure what kind of mood he could be in so she thinks letting him dictate is her best course of action.
Wanting to seal the deal, she kisses his ear again, tugging at the lobe with her teeth like she does when she wants to come.
“Maya,” he pants, her teeth sharp in that painfully sweet way he craves. His eyes fall shut as he momentarily forgets their very public location, standing across from a very busy bar. His arms wrap tightly around her waist and he scoops her into his chest, then drops his face into her neck. 
He kisses the soft skin he finds, nosing at the angle of her jaw. He doesn’t know how to resist temptation like this, despite the alluring call of the Drunk Firework Ice Cream Surprise from across the street. As with most things that tempt him, Maya manages to tempt him more.
Finally, he nods, lips finding her ear as he breathes, “Okay. Let’s go.” 
He drops her waist then finds one of her hands instead, leaving them only connected by their tangled fingers. He pulls her down the street, away from the lively bar and towards their quiet apartment, whilst considering all the ways he’ll make her come before they order pizza and maybe one of those giant brownie cake things Gino likes to make on special occasions.
“I think I want to eat you out, first,” he sighs when the reach the end of the block, glancing at Maya with a smile spread across his lips.  
She’s holding it together while he kisses her neck and starts dragging her down the street. While he focuses on navigating, she manages to type out a short text to Geoff on her little Nokia flip phone so the party is ready for the surprise.
She falters, though, at his request. Her body reacts as it always does for him -- he’s always getting her wet. But the eagerness with which he looks at her right now, like he’s determined to have her coming on his tongue again and again while they wait for the delivery guy, makes her seriously regret the 50 or so guests stuffed into her apartment.
“First?” she chokes, blinking at him. She stops herself from asking what the rest of his plan is because it can’t happen now anyway.
“Well, yeah. Since when do we stop after one?” Shawn smirks and decides the owlishly curious look on Maya’s face is the best birthday present he’s gotten. As if she doesn’t know how thoroughly he plans to love her tonight. She’s funny like that sometimes, surprised by how much he loves her even after two years together.
They reach her apartment building. She glances at him with a shaky grin. They ascend the stairs quickly, panting by the time they reach her door. He’s got his hands on her hips and his lips on her neck and she’s sort of trying to shrug him off without him really noticing and she opens the door and--
Shawn’s heart nearly stops. His hands are on Maya’s stomach, his lips on the back of her neck as he nudges his semi-hard cock into the swell of her ass and-- what the fuck. He freezes, eyes going wide with his mouth still pressed to her skin. There’s a beat, then another, then he drops her like a hot potato. He takes a quick step back, pops his head up and blinks at the grinning crowd before him. 
He stays tucked behind her when he realizes she invited everyone. Everyone she could manage to squeeze into the apartment, anyway. At least he doesn’t see his parents. He and Maya have yet to be caught in a compromising position in front of them, and Shawn thinks he’d like to keep it that way. 
He finally manages to catch his breath. He laughs, head falling back as he tucks a hand into his curls. He reaches for Maya’s hand and tugs her fingers. “Maya,” he rasps, glancing down at her, “What did you do?” 
Shawn’s hiding in the back of her neck while his delighted guests cheer and laugh at them. Maya bears the brunt, going magenta and wishing she could hide behind him instead. She takes a deep breath as he lifts his head and grins.
She looks up at him, shrugging, “You mentioned a few months ago no one’s ever thrown you a surprise party. That seems so wrong to me. So I did it myself.”
She decides to let him linger behind her until his friends all start crowding them, clapping him on the back and handing him a beer and laughing at the shock on his face. Then she starts to slide away to let him enjoy himself while she flits around saying hi, half hoping they’ll all get bored and leave soon so she can go back to what they were about to get down to.
He loses Maya for a solid half hour. He gets passed around like a joint from friend to friend, hugging and laughing and taking shot after shot. He feels a bit like he’s walking on a cloud. He must’ve done something right, you know, to get himself a girlfriend like Maya. She’s always giving him so much, more than he ever asks for. 
He’s so fucking lucky. 
“I miss you,” he sniffs once he finds her again, puttering around in the kitchen, replenishing chip bowls and pulling another 12 pack of beer from the fridge. He lifts the beer from her arms, slides in onto the counter behind her. She’s trapped against his chest this way, just like he wanted. 
“You didn’t have to do all this,” he murmurs, lifting a gentle hand to her cheek, tilting her face back as he smiles lazily down at her. “But thank you, Lemon. You’re too fucking good to me.” 
He gets all warm and soft when he’s tipsy and soaking up the love and attention of his friends like a true Leo. He seeks her out to get close to her, to feel her warmth and see her smile for him like she always does. Maya lets herself get cradled between the counter and him, nuzzling into his warm hand.
His eyes are already a little bleary. He might not remember much past this point. That’s ok with her, that’s what your 21st birthday is for (even if they live in Canada). Plus, the way he’s looking at her right now, she’ll remember that for both of them.
She turns her face in to kiss his hand. “I just want you to have everything,” she answers earnestly, going pink at her own tendency to get cheesy when she’s sentimental like this and so in love with him she can’t see anything else.
She sweeps her hands up his arms and drapes herself easily around him, nosing at his ear.
“And I’ll give you everything else later tonight.”
Taglist: @smallerinfinities @the-claire-bitch-project @achinglyshawn @infiniteshawn @mendesoft @singanddreamanyway @alone-in-madness @abigfatmess @shawnitsmutual @awkwardfangirl2014 @september-lace @grittyisaho @sinplisticshawn @rollingxstone @yslsaint @randi-eve @fallmoreinlove @heyits-claire @itrocksmysocks @parkerspicedlatte @simpledomain @abeautiful-and-cloudy-day @thecurlsofgod @magcon7280 @bensbuttercup @shawnsmusical @paigeasourous @tell-me-when-ur-ready @softmendesss @searchingunderthestars @buggy-blogs
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linkispink1995 · 4 years
Better as friends (23) the facade crashes
Series Masterlist
Chapter warnings:language,drunkenness and Alison
Steve's p.o.v
It had been a few weeks since Y/n and I's conversation and it also happened to be the last time Y/n and I spoke since whenever she'd drop Jackson off and pick hi up she'd be really quiet. I was starting to worry that it was maybe my fault , I knew that I shouldn't have asked her that but Alison being Alison continuously asked me that. Speaking of Alison she was now at the 5 month mark and by this time Y/n had a bump and an attitude and Jackson would move around and kick to the sound of voices but Alison so far had no bump unless she did and was just hiding it very well and never ever wanted to talk about the baby or her doctor's appointment. I felt like I was being so let in the dark with Y/n I'd roll my eyes and shrug the things off that she'd tell me and I definitely feel like this was payback. I couldn't belive it , I was scared I was missing thing or that some things just didn't add up , I was currently sitting at my cubicle at work stairing at the clock counting till I could go home. Alison wouldn't be home till late because it was her cousins bachelorette party and she'd be having to drive them since she couldn't be drinking anymore , except for her small glass of wine at night which I still wasn't sure to believe that or not. I had almost fallen asleep in my desk for the third time today when there was a phone call , I sighed before picking the phone up and answering "Hello this is Harrington-" I was cut off by a voice saying. "Yeah whatever listen we need to talk" it was my sister Polly , I sighed saying "I'm not talking to you" before I could hang up she added. "Are you dating Alison Martin" I sighed again saying "why" she responded saying "answer the question" I huffed saying "yeah I am why" Polly was silent before finally saying "do you remember when I was a junior and they put me in a dorm with a freshman" I rolled my eyes as she added. "Now do you remember how I said she was this rich and entitled mean girl who was always out partying and lied like a rug" I answered saying "yeah I remember you nagging about it" she responded saying "it was Alison". I rolled my eyes saying "Polly this is just sad okay stop calling" before she could respond I hung up the phone.
After the ridiculous phone call with Polly I came home to a dark and empty apartment I knew Alison was still out but usually she'd leave a light on. I entered the kitchen to grad a drink out of the fridge when I noticed a small take out box from some restaurant I didn't recognized maybe Alison went out to lunch but when I knew she had classes and a doctor's appointment. I shrugged that off before exiting the kitchen only to be stopped by a shopping bag in the trash and with closer examination I saw that a movie ticket stub was tucked in the bag. Again I brushed it aside thinking it was just paranoia that had been amplified by my phone call with Polly , after a shower and putting on warm close even though it was june the apartment was ice cold per Alison's request and I knew that when Y/n was pregnant that the word no wasn't one she liked . After settling on the couch I sat there before see there was a star wars marathon on tv , as the movie began to play I couldn't help but feel somewhat grateful that Alison wasn't home since I knew by now she'd turn the tv of and give me the speech about it rotting my brain or her speech about how nothing in star wars actually made sense. About half way through the empire strikes back I got up from my seat to open the cabinet above the fridge were I store (hid) away my junk food from Alison since shortly into are relationship she disposed all of mine and insisted from then on out she'd do the grocery shopping.
I awoke to the sound of the front door opening and practically slamming , I sat up to see the ending seen of return of the jedi was playing. I wiped some of the chip crumbs off of myself before hearing noise come from the kitchen , I entered to see Alison standing by the kitchen sink with a glass of water in hand. She was silent except for the small sounds of hiccups coming from her , I spoke saying "are you okay" she ignored me and instead began walking or should I say somewhat stumbling out of the kitchen before she finally spoke to me saying. "Goodnight" alchohol I smelt alcohol on her breath so strong I could almost taste it , I felt nauseous like my whole world had crashed down before I spoke saying "you lied to me" she turned before busting out into a strong laughter before she walked towards me with her finger placed on her mouth saying. "Shhhhh you can't tell Steve okay , it's a secret" she was so drunk she couldn't tell it was me I knew I had to confront her but I wanted to know what the secret was so I asked. "I won't tell him" she responded saying "I'm not pregnant" my heart fell as I began to feel nauseous before she added. "I don't know why I said it It just sorta fell out , but he believed it and I'm so screwed i have no clue what I'm gonna do". I felt my legs become uneasy at her confession as she continued "and I mean I just feel so bad you know he's a really nice guy he deserves someone who doesn't lie to him , he deserves someone who writes him these letters. You know he had someone like that , he had Y/n and you know what after all the stuff he's said to her Y/n still comes back just for that kid. Let me tell you something okay when I was his age my dad left and do you know when , he left on Christmas eve." My face fell in shock before saying "but Steve meet your dad" she chuckled again before saying "who Robert , Robert's my stepfather he's the only decent person in that family. My sister's a nightmare and I won't even get started on my mother , listen I'm tried I'm gonna to bed and don't tell Steve about are little talk." I ignored her words before as she entered the bedroom I didn't know what to do my instinct was to kick her out but I wasn't doing that to someone blackout drunk so instead I sat at the dinning room table to think until I knew I needed to talk to someone. It couldn't be Y/n because it was two thirty in the morning and God only knows what she'd be doing with Stewart. It couldn't be Robin since she left a few days ago to visit Helen up at school , Matt and Collen were definitely a no. I was blanking totally blanking until I knew the one person would wouldn't take my crap and would tell me how it is which is exactly what I needed right now.
I pulled into the parking lot of the hospital before walking in , I walked in before getting to the receptionist saying. "Hi I'm looking for Paige Walker" she nodded before I heard a voice say "Steve" I turned to see Paige in her scrubs before I said "can I talk to you". She huffed before saying "fine" after walking down a hallway to sit on a bench Paige spoke saying "whatever nonsense this is I will take Y/n's side cause you-" I cut her off saying "Alison is lying a being pregnant". Paige's face fell saying "oh Steve I'm sorry" I shrugged saying "whatever it's payback from how I've treated Y/n". She responded saying "you know you might've been a jerk and I'm just saying that word cause I'm at work right now but you never treated Y/n horribly when she was pregnant I mean you stayed there and-" I cut her off again saying "Paige did Y/n tell you I was there when Jackson was born". She nodded before I added "God she really is a good person I mean she must've told you the story she's told Jackson". Paige's face feel in shock before I added "I wasn't there when he was born , I wasn't there when my son took his first breath or opened his eyes for the first time , do you know how long it took for me to realize my son's eyes are brown". She frowned saying "oh my god she protected you from the group cause she knew we'd be mad" I nodded as she added "so why didn't you go to Y/n , why here". I sighed saying "didn't wanna bump into Stewart" she shrugged saying "why would you run into Stewart he's in Florida and they broke up you know that right" . I shook my head as she added "yeah it was mutual I guess" I frowned thinking that was what had Y/n so down these past couple week , why she was so quiet. I spoke again saying "thanks Paige" she nodded saying "sorry I didn't invite you to my wedding" I shook my head saying "don't be it's okay". Paige and sat there in silence before I added "and I really miss hanging out with you guys so-" this time I was cut of by Paige saying "make things right with Y/n and you can hang out with us" I nodded before saying "your right I know exactly what I have to do"
The following morning
It was the next morning and I was running on zero sleep except for that small nap I had during the movies last night. I was sitting at the dinning room table ready to talk to Alison like an adult , as soon as I got home from the hospital I took a seat exactly where I was and rehearsed exactly what I was going to say. My a millionth rehearsal was interrupted saying "don't worry I can hold my own hair up when I'm sick" I ignored her words as she entered the dinning room saying "what". I responded saying "you
Iied to me , to me the person who chooses your side over my own sons , the person who turned his back on his family for you the person who was actually excited to have a baby with you , but it isn't true. You lied to me Alison" she scoffed saying "I don't know what your talking about" I sighed saying "you know what drunk Alison just tells people how it is your not pregnant are you". She had a blank expression before she spoke saying "no I'm not I-" Alison stopped she completely blanked on words before I decided to ask another question. "Did you ever have a roommate named Polly Harrington" she silently added before I continued with my questions. "Did you steal the letter for Y/n , the letter meant for me , did you take it and did you read it". She silently nodded as I added "you know I didn't read it right" she scoffed saying "oh please you had that in your pocket and you don't want me to believe you didn't read it". I rolled my eyes before pulling a sheet of paper out of my pocket saying "you mean this" she nodded as I added "this is something I wrote for Y/n what did you think it was". She responded with "That's it Steve I can't take this anymore" I huffed saying "are you kidding me your upset .She rolled her eyes at my words saying "you Steve I'm upset with you" I huffed again saying "me what did I do , you faked a pregnancy and it doesn't just hurt me it hurts Jackson-" she cut me off saying. "That's it , it's all about the kid" I sighed saying "he's my son what do you want me to do". She then crossed her arms saying "choose" I shrugged in confusion as she added "it's either me or the kid , choose" I couldn't belive it , she sounded like I did when Y/n and I broke up and I then remembered what my mother said "sometimes we need to see someone make the same mistake to know that's what they were". That's when I knew the answer to Alison's question was "Jackson , Jackson Michael Harrington will come before anyone including myself and if you don't like it that's just to damn bad". Alison frowned saying "but I'm your girlfriend" I nodded as she added "and I love you" I nodded again saying "I know but-". She cut me off saying "no buts Steven I'm your-" it was my turn to cut her off saying "Steve my name is Steve not Steven okay" she huffed saying "I love you" I nodded before saying the words that were wanting to oze out of me , "and I love Y/n", her face then twisted into anger saying "excuse me" I nodded saying "I love Y/n" she then sighed saying "but-" I cut her off again saying. "Alison your a horrible person , you attacked Y/n several times , you turned me against my parents and my best friends but not only that you tried to get in between my son and I oh and am I forgetting something else yeah you pretended to be pregnant" before she could say anything else I added "we're done Alison".
Please don't plagiarize my work , stay safe and feedback is appreciated - thanks Meg
Taglist @disneyprincessbuffyannesummers @queenofthehairharrington @charmed-asylum
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sigurdjarlson · 5 years
Diily’s old friend nightsaber sanctuary headcanons or just random headcanons about her sabers
She is genuinely baffled when people describe cats as cold and aloof. Clearly they’ve never been close with one if they thought that. They’re very demanding when they want cuddles and they want a lot of them. They just want them on their own terms and she respects that
She play wrestles with them constantly and finds it amusing when people freak out. She knows who she can trust enough to roughhouse with and who she can’t. Some sabers have less self control than others. She has the scars to prove it. She never blames the cat though. She knows it’s her own fault. They’re just doing what they were made to do.
Whitestorm one of her pure white frostsabers (am I stealing some of my fav warrior cats names on some of them?) was being trained and she made the mistake of traveling through Elwynn forest and well she ended up having to pay a farmer handsomely for his lost sheep. It’s not the first or last time this has happened
He tried to pretend he didn’t do it but he’s all white so..it’s not like he could hide the blood. Diily never punishes them because why would she for them doing what they were born to do? However she does double down on training them not to attack certain things until ordered to. It’s an exercise in self control for them really.
She’s taken to putting a “I need space” bandana on the sabers still be socialized or ones who are just moody. She saw it on a dog and thought it was a brilliant idea
She then proceeded to put one on Alaluria and Gaillen. Alaluria kept it
Full grown riding sabers may be huge but they don’t usually consider themselves to be. You can often find them sprawled across Diily who’s most likely just accepted her fate
They are big and demand cuddles. Give them the cuddles or they will..cuddle you anyway and there’s nothing you can do about it
They are apex predators. Designed by evolution to do one thing kill. Anything can be prey..including tiny bugs like flies. And this is as disastrous as you can imagine. Full grown nightsaber knocking furniture over and bowling over people to get to said fly.
Cubs however get more wiggle room and Diily will lift them up in the air and chase after flies so they can catch them. It’s hilarious. It’s even more hilarious if one or both of her sisters have a cub too and it’s like a competition (the saviors of Azeroth everybody..)
The laser pointer was an amazing discovery for Diily and she’s spent hours making them chase after the mysterious uncatchable red dot. She feels bad after a while and gives em a treat
Teething cubs are..Diily has scars all over hands. Her sisters do too. Many nightsaber handlers do if they deal with cubs frequently.
Ever had to take care of a nightsaber with a toothache? It’s more pathetic than frightening really. “You’re an apex predator you big baby”
She does have a rather decent array of veterinary knowledge. Some her mother taught her and the rest she learned in her 10,000+ years on Azeroth.
She stays in Stormwind and Dalaran frequently and honestly culture clashes are kind of hilarious. Apparently it is NOT acceptable to cut up mice in the middle of town for your new-just-starting-to-eat-solids cubs and this will cause people to send the guards to get you for some reason and then your boyfriend will have to bail you out
Nor is it acceptable to give your boyfriend dead animals at his workplace. Which honestly is kind of ridiculous if you ask her but whatever you say Khadgar
Bloodsicles are absolutely terrifying to most humans apparently. They’re not for her, you dimwits. Although..she has tasted them before out of curiosity (shhh) ...Alaluria kind of likes them
Rough housing is just sort of the Wintermoon daily schedule. It amuses Diily and her sisters how shocked people can be when they see them wrestling with her cats. And sure she’s gotten hurt by accident several times playing with them (they’re big buy don’t mean to usually) but she’s gotten hurt rough housing with Alaluria and Ladelia far more times. Especially Alaluria.
Shadowfang (Alaluria’s nightsaber turned felsaber) loves Illidan so much. Partially because he saved her life by using the fel to transform ber into a felsaber and also because she knows Alaluria loves him so..
Sometimes he gives her scratches when no one is looking. Shhhhh.
She likes to bring him dead demons and he’ll be like “go find me something bigger” and it was like a running joke with him and the cat. She never got a chance to bring him a pitlord though :/ to be fair Alaluria does the same thing to his amusement and satisfaction. (Weirdo)
The thing is..no night elf is immune to nightsaber charms. Even Illidan “The Betrayer” Stormrage. In very rare moments at the temple he’d sit with them and he’d pet her absentmindedly without even thinking about it.
He misses his nightsaber. No one really knows what happened to her besides him and he never talks about it. He does have a long fang in his chambers though. It’s customary for a night elf to keep the fang of their saber once they pass.
Her purr is bizarre and warped sounding now but it’s still cute to Alaluria. She loves her fel infused baby with all her heart.
Diily warmed to Illidan just a little more when she saw him petting Shadow.
Ashenvale was like a gut punch to her. The horde killed the sabers first (sadly this is canon via the book) so the night elves wouldn’t be able to ride away to get reinforcements
She wept for them just as much as she wept for her sisters in arms. And filled her with even more rage. How could you be so heartless? (I think that’s what made me finally burst into actual tears while reading)
there are members of the horde who decided to gloat openly about this. They won’t gloat about anything ever again
Sabers are not usually solitary. They live in prides like lions do. It’s how they were able to successfully be domesticated over millions of years. Similar to humans with wolves and then dogs.
They love unconditionally. It’s not uncommon for a saber to die by their handler’s side because they refuse to leave them even after their body has long been cold. They will die to protect their handlers. Without question and without hesitation.
Diily feels it’s only fair they receive the same unconditional love and loyalty back. Nothing pisses her off more than someone mistreating their nightsaber. How dare you? You have to be a special kind of monster to hurt one when they’ve done nothing but love you.
Nightsabers are incredibly long lived. Which is kind of canon. Tyrande has had hers for thousands upon thousands of years. I couldn’t tell you how or why they are but they are as long-lived as their elven companions.
It’s incredibly difficult to rehome a saber after they lose their rider. They tend to become very aggressive and standoffish. It takes a lot of time and patience and TLC to help them move on.
Sometimes wisps play with nightsabers. No one could know whether or not they knew the nightsaber in their lifetime or if they’re just fond of them but they’ll drift close and then of paws reach, letting them chase them (paws will just go right through them) interestingly enough their claws are always sheathed when doing this. As if they know it’s play
Diily has had to teach her cats not to hunt ravens after an unfortunate incident with Khadgar. He was fine but he never wants to be caught between a saber’s jaws again lmao. It was very unpleasant.
Some like to swim some don’t. Many do though if they’re introduced to water as cubs. Diily has so much fun with it.
Diily commands them in Darnassian. It’s kind of amusing to watch an enemy’s face pale when she says something they can’t understand and suddenly there’s a very large saber advancing towards them. “Kill.” Is the command you don’t want though because cute as they are they do that very well.
She enjoys the hunt as much as they do.
She usually doesn’t let them eat corpses of people unless she has absolutely no respect for the person they killed. It’s kind of macabre but her sabers have to eat after all..
There’s a myth that once they’ve tasted human flesh they’ll become man-eaters and Diily finds it amusing because all of them have tasted human flesh and they’re no different than they were before. “Who’s mama’s little man-eater? You are!”
There are so many morphs and subspecies. Especially once tigers started becoming common pets. You can find some very unique colors and patterns. Although most night elves don’t allow them to mix with other species.
Dental hygiene is important and you can find Diily brushing their fangs sometimes and it’s just very amusing.
They usually keep their own claws trimmed if the ripped up tree trunks are any indication.
Like any animal they can have behavioral issues. Food aggression, fear aggression, etc. you just have to know how to read them and work with them.
They’re very in tune with their owners and usually you can tell when an elf doesn’t like someone even if they have the sweetest smile on their face..because their saber is acting particularly aggressive around that person.
On the flip side they like people who their owners like. Usually.
Don’t be fooled Diily has scars from making mistakes with sabers. Moving too fast, too close too soon, turning her back on an untrained one. She never blames them though. Not even for a second. It’s her fault. They’re doing what they were born to do.
They are bottomless pits. They are always hungry and act like they’re starving but they just ate an entire moose. Don’t be fooled by the big eyes and cute meows.
They are big cats but they’re still cats. They knock things over for no reason. They LOVE boxes. They get the zoomies.
Fat sabers exist. It’s not healthy naturally but god damn it..you can’t help but find it cute when you see one.
Don’t make jokes about turning her cats into coats or rugs. Just..don’t.
Some like being brushed and pampered some don’t. It just depends on the saber.
They are very intelligent. Sometimes they seem as intelligent as their elven companions. Honestly they are.
Diily loves her babies
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underworldystuff · 5 years
3,18,21 and *drumroll* 27 >:)
I hate you so much right now Sam, I should have expected this
3. rant. just do it
My little sister (who is 12 and still an entire baby who knows nothing of the world) has a boyfriend and she’s always calling him from the garden except it’s RIGHT UNDER my window and also she is far too young to even thing about having a boyfriend. They even have a ship name! They have been on dates! She’s 12!!!!
18. rant about your favorite musician 
I don’t really have a favourite, but Christy Leahy is pretty awesome? The way he plays is so distinct, and also that whole family is super talented. I mean, this is so cool.
21. what’s a conspiracy you believe in?
I don’t really believe in any conspiracies, I think? 
27. how long before a trip do you pack?
This is such a callout because I am leaving a weekend trip tomorrow and I have not finished packing, and then I leave again the day after I get back and I haven’t even started that. So shhhhh
I’d say thanks for asking, but do you really deserve it?
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fineillsignup · 6 years
Clouds and Rain: a (snarky) Character Index
I lured @math-is-magic​ into trying to read Clouds and Rain despite no prior knowledge of the Three Kingdoms era generally and she professed being impressed at how, long long ago when I read Romance of the Three Kingdoms for the first time, I made my own character glossary to keep track of who is who.
CAVEAT LECTOR: Historically accurate only to the degree that it pleases my pedantry. Departs from Dynasty Warriors in some key areas. Limited to characters that have (so far) appeared in the story directly.
Wu aka Sun Wu - Jiangdong - The Southlands
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Colour Scheme? Red Animal Motif? Tiger Part of China? Southeast third, from the Yangtze (more or less) down, west about halfway. Heat, rivers, pirates, rice, fish. Motivation? Bonds Hearts? ON FIRE Enemy Camps? ALSO ON FIRE
Sun Quan, ruler of Wu, style name Zhongmou: Wow, who died and left this loser to rule? Well, that’s the problem, everybody died and left this loser to rule. Ever so slightly neurotic. *coughs* Kind of my problematic fave. Thinks everybody in Shu is out to get him. (Everybody in Shu IS out to get him.) Lianshi: Technically she ought to be Lady Bu but since Dynasty Warriors didn’t bother neither did I. Former lady-in-waiting to Sun Quan’s sister, nicest woman you’ll ever meet, Sun Quan is her problematic fave. Big ol’ tiddies. Lu Xun, Wu chancellor, style name Boyan: OUR HERO. 92.3% perfect gentleman and Confucian af. Gan Ning, Wu officer: Adorable kitten thinks of nothing but murder all day. Former pirate, semi-reformed psychopath. WEARS BELLS, it’s his thing. Used to be in the employ of another army, during which time he kinda sorta killed the father of... Ling Tong, Wu officer: Rich kid who made good in his own right. Wanted to kill Gan Ning for a long time (in revenge for his father’s death) but has mostly gotten over it and now they are best frenemies. (Note to history buffs: just GET OUT of here with your FACTS.) Shield of laziness and apathy. “I don’t care,” says Ling Tong, caringly, as he cares deeply. Zhou Tai, Wu officer: Sun Quan’s personal bodyguard. Former pirate. Tall, dark, and... scarred. Well, two out of three isn’t bad. The strong silent type. Zhu Ran, Wu officer: Lu Xun used to be Wu’s pyromaniac character. Then they introduced Zhu Ran to be the pyromaniac and actually made Lu Xun well-rounded, and Zhu Ran is slightly bitter about it. Also a Rich Kid. (Is Wu’s army all rich kids and pirates???? MAYBE.) Ding Feng, Wu officer: One-note character who looks like Frankenstein’s monster and writes poetry. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯  Han Dang, Wu officer: One-note character who doesn’t want to be forgotten. Forget about him. Sun Shangxiang: Sun Quan’s younger sister, famous/infamous for being wild about martial arts and just generally wild. Arranged married to... (hold this thought...)
Shu aka Shu Han
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Colour scheme? Green Animal motif? Dragon Part of China? At this point, the west-southwest. Smallest/least prosperous. Motivation? BENEVOLENCE Really? YES OF COURSE, BENEVOLENCE AND ONLY BENEVOLENCE. Pay no attention to the man behind the crane fan. What’s benevolence? 仁 Ren. Confucius says... no, come back, this isn’t a joke! Confucius really does say! Confucius says: Now the man of perfect virtue, wishing to be established himself, seeks also to establish others; wishing to be enlarged himself, he seeks also to enlarge others. What’s that guy doing over there behind the crane fan? NOTHING!!
Liu Bei, ruler of Shu: He was arranged married to Sun Shangxiang! (I hope you didn’t hurt yourself holding that thought.) Tenuously related to the imperial family but grew up poor af. Charismatic as hell. Wants to tell you the Good News about Benevolence. Liu Shan, crown prince, aka A-Dou: Unspecified, serious intellectual disability. Bears zero resemblance to the Dynasty Warriors version. Affectionate, gentle young man. Gets along really well with Zhao Yun and Sun Shangxiang. Zhuge Liang, prime minister of Shu, chief strategist, style name Kongming, Taoist name Crouching Dragon: The smuggest of snakes. He has a crane fan and he isn’t afraid to use it. Likes: his wife, his lord, his plans, sex magic, being an asshole. "I meant to do that,” he whispers, calmly, while falling at terminal velocity into a pit of vipers. Yueying aka Lady Huang, inventor: Zhuge Liang’s wife. Unspecified not neurotypical. Likes: machines, her husband. Dislikes: people, distractions, social cues. Very little resemblance to Dynasty Warriors character. Zhang Fei, Shu officer: Liu Bei’s sworn brother dating back to when they all weren’t shit, along with the dead Guan Yu. Designated youngest brothers because in Chinese culture it is Absolutely Vital We Know Who Is Older. Big, burly, loveable drunk. (Again, do NOT confuse me with the facts.) Zhang Bao, Shu officer: Zhang Fei’s son. Young and unproven and determined.  Grew up with Guan Yu’s children as pseudo-cousins. Xingcai aka Lady Zhang, Shu officer: Zhang Fei’s younger child. Xingcai is not here to make friends or play games. Xingcai is here to win. Unfortunately for Xingcai, her society dictates that ladylike behaviour means making friends and playing (diplomatic) games, not winning (on the battlefield). Guan Xing, Shu officer: The oldest natural child of Guan Yu. Honour, righteousness, honour, honour, rules, benevolence, honour, rules, and honour. Guan Suo, Shu officer: Youngest son of Guan Yu. In the wake of his father’s death, passive and disheartened. Guan Yinping: Youngest child of Guan Yu. Our heroine! Strong, sweet, determined, and genuine. Zhao Yun, Shu officer: One of Liu Bei’s first and best recruits to his cause. Famous for having single-handedly rescued Liu Shan as a baby while they were fleeing Cao Cao, fighting with the infant on his back. Madam Zhao aka Yunlu aka Lulu: Zhao Yun’s much younger wife, the sister of another officer in Shu, for some mysterious reason her identity is a (badly kept) secret, WHO could she POSSIBLY be? (People who know the answer: shhhhh.) Ma Chao, “the Splendid”: A multi-ethnic officer of Shu who joined because of wanting revenge against Cao Cao for the massacre of his clan. Yes, Ma Chao is Shu’s Sasuke. Catchphrase: JUSTICE. Ma Dai, “the guy who hangs out with Ma Chao”: Ma Chao’s cousin, trails along after Ma Chao trying to keep him from getting himself justiced to death. Wears the only non-stupid hat in Dynasty Warriors. An artist and a joker. Wei Yan, Shu officer: Speaks... like... this... why?... Unclear... maybe... head... injury...
Wei aka Cao Wei
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Colour scheme? Blue Animal motif? Phoenix Part of China? The entire north, from the coast to the west, including the cities with the strongest claim to be imperial capital in that time. Motivation? Ambition and power Isn’t that slightly evil? I mean, not necessarily, but they’re the antagonists so in fact yes. So they don’t get the same revisionism deal as the other two kingdoms? Nope. Is that fair? Nope! Show me on the map where I store my fucks.
Cao Pi, ruler and self-proclaimed emperor: I genuinely have a grievance against the historical guy but he was no worse than most of the rest of the people here. But in this story, the fictional Cao Pi is a supreme douchebag. Zhenji, empress: Too good for Cao Pi and this world. Don’t mistake my meaning; also kind of a bitch. A perfect bitch whom I would die for. Sima Yi, Wei prime minister: Genius strategist. Did not even originally want to join the Ambition Kingdom, but has caught the spirit in a big way now. Zhang Chunhua: Sima Yi’s wife, pulls the strings, literally. Thinks all problems can be solved with enough murders. Don’t think I’m saying she’s a bitch and I don’t like her. She’s a bitch, and I like her so much. Zhang He, Wei officer: Could host Queer Eye for the Third Century Guy. Floats like a butterfly, stings like a bee. Came to Wei from the same place as Zhenji and they are besties. Li Dian, Wei officer: Has a gut sense about things which is always right, unfortunately doesn’t stop things from happening, poor babe. A nice guy. Yue Jin, Wei officer: Smol and insecure about it, despite the fact that he could fuck you up. He can fuck anyone up. He can fuck himself up. BFF with Li Dian. Also a nice guy. Wang Yi, Wei officer: Hey remember how Cao Cao killed Ma Chao’s entire clan? Well while Ma Chao was attempting to get his revenge against Cao Cao, he whoopsy-doodle massacred Wang Yi’s entire clan. Now Wang Yi dreams of dancing with Ma Chao’s severed head in the moonlight. Xu Shu, Wei officer: Sad man who got tricked into leaving Shu because he loves his mama. Tries his best and deserved none of this. Jia Xu, Wei strategist: Loyal only to himself and shrewd, was an enemy strategist who came very near to killing Cao Cao at one time, but accepted being hired by him when he was captured. Does believe in doing his best.
And (I think) that’s everybody! Whee! I hope all three of you who read this enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it.
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enbystede · 6 years
This Chat Says Gay Rights!
Yo so I started this Disney group chat fic lmao. If y’all have any requests for this au send them my way. Read also on AO3
jointhejamboree asked: Hey there! First of all, thanks for this blog! I really love all the resources you guys share. Secondly, I’ve been wanting to meet more people in the community, but I’m a bit intimidated by some of the groups that already exist, and how old some of them are. So I’m trying to start a discord server for lgbt+ kids under 16. If you could post this so anyone who was interested could dm me, I’d really appreciate it! Thank you!
lgbt-support answered: no problem buddy! I’m glad this blog has been helping you!
If any of you kids out there want a place to talk, send a message to @jointhejamboree!
glindareference: hey, could I join your server?
jointhejamboree: sure! [link]
jointhejamboree: here you go!
likeahurricane: whatsupfellowteens.jpeg
likeahurricane: anyway what’s up can I join the server
jointhejamboree: ofc! [link]
likeahurricane: *dabs*
jointhejamboree: *dabs back*
troopreads: can I join your discord?
jointhejamboree: yeah sure! [link]
troopreads: thank you!!
bowsandblitz: im lesbian. server pls.
jointhejamboree: yes miss lesbian [link]
bowsandblitz: kdkskdjah thank u <3
Baby Gays
Saturday 13:46
Mickey created the chat!
d duck joined the chat! Score!
pinkmouse joined your party!
d duck: what’s up fellow lgbts
Mickey: its introduction hours time
gooftroop just slid into the server!
gooftroop: hiya everyone!
itsdaisytime is here!
Mickey: cool! Everyone is here! Feel free to change your nickname in the chat and send a little intro thing I guess???
Mickey: lmao ive never done this before sorry
Mickey: anyway, I’m Mickey, I’m 14 and I use He/Him pronouns. My tumblr is jointhejamboree. I’m a huge theatre nerd and I’m here today to say I’m the worlds biggest gay
Mickey: oh also you don’t have to share your identity if you don’t want to
pinkmouse: minnie, 14, she/her or they/them, @glindareference, also a theatre nerd (weird coincidence lmao) I’m a trans girl and I’m not totally sure yet but I know I’m not straight : )
d duck changed their nickname to donald
donald: what’s up nerds I’m your local grunge enthusiast. I’m 13 and my tumble is @likeahurricane. I’m trans (he/him) and ,,,, uh,,,, not straight (lol I feel you minnie) but I’m also super in the closet irl so that’s. A thing.
itsdaisytime changed their nickname to Diamond Daisy
Diamond Daisy: I’m Daisy, I’m 14 and I’m lesbian. Pop music gay and femme af. @bowsandblitz
gooftroop: how do you change your name??
Mickey: if you like I can do it for you?
gooftroop: oh thanks! I’m not great with tech whoops. Could you change it to Goofy please?
Mickey changed gooftroop’s nickname to goofy
Mickey: done!
goofy: thank you Mickey!
goofy: I’m Goofy, I’m 15, I’m bi and I run a book blog called troopreads. Also in the closet so you don’t need to worry, donald.
Mickey: oh ya, big mood. We Stan the closet at this point in our lives! Esp when that thing keeps us safe!
pinkmouse: who wants to leave the closet, there’s wifi in here.
Diamond Daisy: well, I’m out to my family. But I guess I didn’t have to worry so much bc my sister and aunt are gay so I knew I would be supported.
donald: thats actually so cool. i wish I had gay relatives.
Diamond Daisy: it is pretty cool, not gonna lie. But I do still understand, I’m terrified to come out to my friends.
donald: welcome to gen z where as soon as there’s a safe open space everyone starts venting their issues at once
pinkmouse: we stan
donald: also wait hang on
donald: am i the youngest??
donald: thats so wild
Mickey: babey
donald: shhhhh
donald: fr tho I’ve always been the oldest . Oldest sibling, oldest cousin. This is weird lmao.
goofy: -pats u on head- we’ll look after you
donald: bless
Diamond Daisy: we stan our resident trans baby!
donald: djajjdjskdjsk SHUT
pinkmouse: all my uwus
donald: u i will allow bc ur my trans sister
pinkmouse: oh. shit.
donald: ??
pinkmouse: sorry. just. That’s actually the First Time someone has referred to me as a sister and I’m. Wow. Feels Good ™.
Mickey: minnie is our favourite sister and that’s facts! (Sorry Daisy lmao)
Diamond Daisy: i will allow this. once.
goofy: Minnie seems like a really good sister :)
donald: scared lgbt kid solidarity
Diamond Daisy: worm
Mickey: mmmm big mood
pinkmouse: thanks you guys <3
goofy: I gotta go, my ma is calling me to go shopping with her.
donald: yeah I should finish my hw w/ my sister dumbella
Diamond Daisy: I know sibling banter is a thing but dumbella?? You really call her that??
donald: our parents called her that. thats her real name.
Diamond Daisy: WHAT THE FUCKLANDMWNSJOS?!!!?!?!?,,????!!?,,,?!!??!
donald: my legal name isnt much better. can’t wait to change that bitch.
pinkmouse: Big fuckin mood
Baby Gays
Sunday 11:14
donald: sound off gays whomst here has a Fucked family life
Rest on AO3 (tumblr won’t let me post all of it :/ )
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obsessedreads · 3 years
My life as a hero!( this is my book)
1, call me Ava not Avalona!
Hey, I’m Avalona Dobson and I’m thirteen. Yeah, you might think that my name is kind of wired but that’s okay because my friends and teachers are calling me as   ‘’ Ava’’ My siblings used to call me as my real-name (which was not good at all) I have a big brother named Ayden and also a younger sister named Ayla (I wonder why my parents thought of putting her a nice name, they could have put her a wired name as mine… It’s totally unfair!!!) She is eight years old and my brother is fifteen years old. Oops, I forgot, I also have a little baby brother who is 9 months and 19 days old.
One day, when we all were getting ready to go to school. My sister came up with the weirdest question ever!!!                                                                                      ‘’ Why don’t you have any photos of me when I was a baby on the wall?’’ asked Ayla getting closer to mother who was really exhausted babysitting our little brother. I and Ayden was sharing wired looks at each other.                                                                                                                                                                    ‘’ Ask from you brother. I’m going to take little nap and please don’t wake me up… I’m absolutely tired…’’ said mother with a sleepy voice leading towards the bedroom. Ayden got closer to Ayla and said her to sit down. I was staring at them while making some sandwiches for all of us as our breakfast.                        ‘’ Do you want me to tell the real reason why we don’t have any photos of you as a baby on walls?’’ asked Ayden while looking at Ayla with a mockery smile. Then I knew that he was about to tell something that might make her feel upset.                                                                                                                                  ‘’ Yeah, please….’’ Begged Ayla who knew nothing.                                                 ‘’ I’m so sorry to tell you but… I guess the time has arrived to spill the truth!’’ said Ayden. I was looking at him with a frown. He always did those things to scare Ayla or to make her cry.                                                                                   ‘’ Tell it! Tell it!!!’’ shouted Ayla with an excitement. I felt really bad for her.              ‘’ You were adopted!!!’’ said Ayden. Ayla’s face turned red and ran inside the bathroom crying.  
 I looked at Ayden with an anger. He was just smiling at me as if nothing happened.                                                                                                                       ‘’ Look what you have done? I’m not the one who is going to get her out of the bathroom and tell her to come with us to the school. OK? If you did that, you should be responsible.’’ Said I while eating a bite of my sandwich. After like half an hour, Ayden got her out of the bathroom and said her that he was just lying. After school, I had some cheer team practices at school by the way, I also had a great news. As soon as my school bus stopped in front of our gate, I ran inside wearing a smile on my face.                                                                                       ‘’ MOM!!!MOM!!!’’ I shouted happily. Then, mother came running downstairs.      ‘’ SHHHHH!!!!! Baby slept, don’t wake him up again.’’ Yelled mother.                      ‘’ Oh, sorry mom.’’ I said sadly while throwing my bag on to the sofa.                    ‘’ It’s alright dear, how’s your day anyway?’’ asked mother while giving me a chance to tell the great news. I sat on the sofa while dragging mom also on it.        ‘’ Guess what happed to me today…’’ I said with an impatient voice. Mother was rather surprised.                                                                                                 ‘’ Tell me dear, what happened?’’ asked mother with a kind of an excitement.       ‘’ New cheer team in-charge teacher selected me as the senior cheerleader of the middle school…’’ I said happily.                                                                           ‘’ I’m so proud of my little girl!’’ mother gave me a worm hug, I felt really proud of myself.
 At the afternoon, I was on the couch near the window waiting for my father to tell the great news.                                                                                                            ‘’ Oh, I see someone waiting for father to get appreciated…’’ said Ayden while sitting next to me on the couch. I looked away from him,                                            ‘’ However, I’m so proud of my sis…. Are you going to cheerleading the team at the next inter school match that I supposed to play on the next week?’’ asked Ayden with a smile.                                                                                                        ‘’ Yeah, I guess….’’ Said I with a smile full of self-proud. Ayden seemed to be so happy to hear that.  At the next moment, a car parked in our garage. I ran outside, to say the news.                                                                                              ‘’ Hello dear.’’ Said dad while hugging me.                                                               ‘’ Dad, I have a great news.’’ I was overjoyed. Dad was really happy today, he seemed not to be tired as usual. After we came inside, I told dad to sit on the sofa.                                                                                                                               ‘’ Dear, I also have a great news for you all but that’s ok you go first.’’ Said dad while sitting next to mom on the sofa while getting Ayla on to his lap.                      ‘’ No, it’s alright dad. You can go first!’’ I said. At the next moment, dad said something that was totally unexpected at the moment.                                                    ‘’ I got a promotion!’’ for the first we all were hugging and wishing him happily but the unexpected thing happened next.                                                              ‘’ As I got the promotion, we all should move to another city on the next week. It’s great right? We will get a nice luxury house with all the facilities. Isn’t it?’’ said dad with a happy face. We all were shocked at the moment, even mom was rather shocked. She was looking at me. Tears were filled in my eyes. I can’t leave on next week… I have my first cheerleading chance. I looked at my brother with tearful eyes. I could clearly see that he was worried.                                                                                                                                                           ‘’ Why, aren’t you all happy for our future?’’ asked dad.                                            ‘’ I’m so happy but could we please leave on next month?’’ I asked kindly with a small smile on the edge of the mouth. He looked at me weirdly.                                ‘’ No, we can’t!’’  He said with a little bit of anger.                                                    ‘’ Please dad! Please could we?’’ I begged with a tearful eyes.                              ‘’ I told you once dear, we can’t and that’s the last word! We should move on next week!’’ At that moment, brother seemed to be so mad at father.                                                            
 ‘’ How could you even say that you can’t? You didn’t even ask her the reason that she was begging for…’’ said Ayden with a little anger on his face. Dad was looking at him with a frown.                                                                                        ‘’ I don’t care… This is my last word! WE ALL ARE MOVING ON NEXT WEEK!’’ stated dad and went to his room. At that moment, all were staring at me with sad faces.                                                                                                                     ‘’ Don’t worry dear, you’ll have a chance to be the cheerleader of the team at your new school.’’ Said mother trying to make me feel good. I ran upstairs to my room and locked the door crying. After some moments, I could hear that someone is stepping near my room slowly.                                                  ‘’ Hey, are you okay?’’ asked my little sister, Ayla while knocking on my door. I didn’t reply to her. I jumped on to my bed crying, I thought I would never have a chance to be happy again. Without me knowing, I was sleeping for three, four hours. I felt so hungry but as I was mad at my dad and mom, how could I went downstairs and eat dinner together? I had no choice, I laid on the floor thinking of tons of things that may trouble me when I move away to another city. How could I find friends? What if no one likes me there? I questioned from myself… At that time, a little piece of paper came to my room from the little space under the room door.
                          Aren’t you hungry sissy- Ur bro              
 I was so happy that he asked that question, I ripped a piece of paper from my art book and wrote;
                                                   Yes please…..
                    Thank u sooooooo much for asking…….
 And pulled it under the door, after a second I heard him running downstairs. After some minutes, he asked me to open to door. I opened it and got the dinner inside the room.                                                                                                        ‘’ Are you going to stay inside the room forever?’’ asked brother laughing.             ‘’ Ummmm… Maybe.’’ Said I and thanked him again.  
 Finally, the day arrived. We had to move away even if we are not ok with that. After a long time journey, we arrived to our new home. Well, it was true that the house has every facilities but still I’m not ok with that. There was a swimming pool at the backyard and also some ponds in the front yard right in front of the main door. Well, there were some good points of this, I got a separate room besides at the old house I had to share the room with my younger sister, Ayla.
Week was spent, we all are quite settled down now but we still didn’t went to the new school. Finally, the day arrived, I had to attend to the new school. My dad dropped us to the school on the first day. There was a woman sitting on the office, after my dad went it to it and talked with her about fifteen minutes. The woman was a middle aged one. She seemed to be really kind. I read the name board in front of her table. It named her as Mrs. Ladson. After like half an hour doing nothing just looking at the kids who were playing in the ground. Mrs. Ladson came near me and said to follow her to my new classroom. When I went there, all the children were shouting and talking.                                                       ‘’ Silent please…’’ said Mrs. Ladson while stepping inside the class. I went right behind her. Every child was looking at me at the moment.                                                                                      
   ‘’ Children, this is girl is new to this school! Dear, tell about yourself to the class, tell us what you like, do you have siblings and all’’ Asked Mrs. Ladson while looking at me. As you guys don’t know much about me, I have this stupid Anxiety thing that always distracted me. Once, I could remember I had to participate to a singing contest, when I jumped onto the stage I saw millions of people staring at me. Guess what happened next, I fainted!!!
 ‘’Clam down!!! You can do this…’’ I mumbled to myself and took a deep breath.      ‘’ Hello, I’m Ava Dobson and I’m 13 years old. I have two siblings, one is a high schooler and other one is still in the elementary school and I really like pop- music.’’ Said I and looked at all the children who were still staring at me.                                                                                                                                                          ‘’ Thank you dear Ava, go and find a place to sit. Hope you could sit with the blonde girl on the front row.’’ Said Mrs. Ladson pointing me a place to take a seat.
  After the school, as dad advised us we should walk home. He gave the responsibility of taking care of me and Ayla to Ayden but the time went, Ayden didn’t came to get us so, I took Ayla’s hand tightly and walked towards the high school to check on Ayden. We sat on a bench near the high school waiting for Ayden. After about fifteen minutes, Ayden walked outside the high school. He seemed to be so sad and he was covering his forehead with a napkin.                                                      
 ‘’ Oh, why did you guys walk here?’’ asked Ayden wiping his tears away.             ‘’ that was Avalona’s idea…’’ said Ayla blaming on me.                                         ‘’ Yes it is, we came here because you were late like an hour.’’ Said I staring at his forehead observingly.                                                                                          ‘’ Oh--- I’m so sorry… You know, I had some- some practices afternoon.’’ Said Ayden. I could clearly understand that he was lying to us. I looked at him with frown on my face. Then we all started walking towards our house.                                                                                                                                                        ‘’ Is everything okay?’’ I asked.                                                                                   ‘’ Yes, why not? What about you? Did you found any friends?’’ asked brother. I opened my mouth to answer but before me, Ayla answered.                                     ‘’ Yes, I found lots of friends…’’ said Ayla annoying me once again. I looked at her with a mad face.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 ‘’ Wow. That’s a good news. What about you sis Avalona?’’ asked brother making me mad once again.                                                                                    ‘’ Stop calling me as Avalona!!! I hate it. Anyway, I also found some friends…’’ I answered. At the same exact moment, when I looked at my brother, I saw his napkin that he was keeping on his forehead turning red. I doesn’t wanted to ask about it at the moment, if Ayla heard about it she will tell it to everyone and expose Ayden. I don’t know why, but something inside me keeps telling me that someone has hit him.  
Guys, this is my first chapter... I’ll update the second on soon as possible. TC!
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hyongjunseo · 6 years
howdy demons, it’s ya boy helliott, elliott. feel free to drop me a line in discord ( helliott™#6798 ) to plot! i’m from florida, and yes; the alligators do wear tropical shirts around here. below are some random key points about jun!
*  nam joo-hyuk, 24, he/him  | oh, them? that’s hyong jun-seo . they’ve lived in carina bay for, like, his whole life . last time i spoke to them they were an unemployed trust fund kid, and if i remember correctly, they’re a cancer . seeing them around always makes me think of the kid who says his dad will sue you, unaffordable wine that taste the same as every other wine, overpriced name brands drenched in cologne  . ( elliott, twenty six, EDT, he/him )
So first off my boy Jun here is kinda a cry baby asshole. He is 100% an angry crier, who lashes out at others very easily.
He’s also narcoleptic, falling asleep like everywhere. It’s kind of a huge problem for him because something bad could happen to him easily while he’s out someplace and he’s really dependent on others; he hates that so much. It’s about 90% of the reason he’s a bundle of anger most of the time. His father insists he take someone with him when he goes out, he doesn’t often listen, it helps that his father is usually overseas here and there working anyway.
His parents moved to Carina Bay on a whim of his mothers after vacationing there, they would eventually have him and his sister and decide to stay. They vacation elsewhere often and his father has his company’s locations all over (vacation resorts!) so it stands to make sense that it didn’t really matter where they lived as his father travels a great deal anyway.
Jun usually has a sneer on his face, he is a member or the resting bitch face club and will get offended if you point it out, especially if he’s trying to be nice that’s like never.
He’s pretty indifferent about his family, he likes them all well enough he supposes but he doesn’t think he’d be all that upset if anything happened to them. ( that’s a total lie by the way he’s just trying to be cool, he would cry if anything happened to them because he cries about everythinggggg, especially if anything happened to his dad. )
Jun is always told to stop being such a lone wolf ( ironic given that he hates dogs ), that he pushes everyone away for no reason. He does indeed push others away for no reason, often coming across as disloyal, he sort of is mostly because he’d save his own skin before anyone else’s.
He doesn’t want to run his fathers business, not even a little bit. That crown is too heavy for his head and he doesn’t want the responsibility, he argues that his sister would make a better CEO than he ever would. Mostly Jun just knows what people already say about him and doesn’t think he’d ever be able to keep his mouth shut. Why give a shit about a company when they all look at you like you're a massive man child?! He is but shhhhh he doesn’t wanna hear it GOSH.
When he was little his mother babied him a ton, it’s probably why he’s the way he is and probably why he acts younger than his sister who is better rounded then him. He’s not a mamma’s boy for it though, in fact he prefers his father to his mother; that doesn’t mean he still isn’t a pain in his fathers ass, because he very much is.
He’s pretty sure without his fathers funds, or if he had to take care of himself he’d be dead within a week.
Jun hates the idea of ‘traditional’ marriage, mostly because he’s pretty gosh dang gay. He’s willing to get married to be fair, but he’d probably make the worst husband ever he thinks and god help the poor girl who his family tries to set him up with.
Jun likes to talk a big talk but speaking of relationships he’s only ever kissed like, one girl.
He’s like super untalented, he can’t paint, can’t sing, can’t write like he doesn’t really have any hobbies either because he’s like high key aware at how bad at things he is? But he tries sometimes because he’s really bored like most the the time and wants to find something he’s good at besides crying.
He loves his cat The Most ™ , she’s a very fluffy Himalayan named Elizabeth the 3rd. He’ll 100% talk about her if she’s brought up...and then proceed to not shut up about her either. 
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sasster · 7 years
how many fankids do you have! can we know more about them ?
I did 22/27 that I remembered off the top of my head, and then I kept remembering more of my ocs and it just kept making the list longer so I gave up.
I’ll make a separate post for the ones I missed anyhow!
Honorable Mention:
Sprout and Star. They were both raised separately on two of my alien planets one Narathix and the other Cardalith, respectively. I don’t have a lot on them yet because they are like brand brand new. But Star is a goofy man child who like to run around making a fool of himself. Sprout will cut you.
Reid and Alli are my most used/fleshed out humans. They are best friends and have been for as long as they can remember, they do pretty much everything together. Reid’s a know it all that unfortunately has a photographic memory. His pass time is horror movies and anything cryptid related. Alli loves going outside and being in nature! She’ll climb a tree if you dare her too, or if you don’t, actually. When she graduated she wanted to be a social worker! She wanted to be just like her older cousin.
Clay is an air force veteran, he was nothing more extravagant than a pilot but shhhhh! He likes to pretend his job was secret hush hush, and doesn’t exactly talk about anything that relates to his time there. He was enlisted for 10 years before some Bad Times fell on him and a buddy. His favorite pastime is taking pictures, ideally he’ll take pictures of people – with consent of course – but nature shots are okay too! He’s got a bit of a short temper, but he tries his best to keep it under wraps.
(Everyone else is under the cut)
Atlas, Ezra, and Isaiah are triplets. Atlas being the oldest, ten minutes older than Izzy, the youngest. Ezra’s in there somewhere. Atlas also served in the air force and happens to be the Buddy that bad times fell on for with Clay. All they are willing to talk about from the accident is that it left Atlas nearly completely deaf in their left ear. Primarily they used sign language at home to communicate with one of their mothers who is entirely deaf, so they were well equipped for this change. After their time, Atlas became a chemistry teacher! They like to think they are good at their job.
Ezra is an apiarist! Though all three of them lived close to their mothers, Ezra lived the closest, right next to them. He had a colony of bees in his backyard as well as theirs that he looked after very closely. Ezra is very shy and entirely not as outgoing as Atlas or Izzy, but he does make up for it in being an especially pleasant person to be around! His free time is occupied by books if he isn’t around his brothers!
Izzy is, as stated above, the baby of the group! He is a child therapist, but primarily was a social worker back on Earth. He found it was his calling to make the world place for others as best he can. (Can you guess who the older cousin Alli aspired to be like is?) Izzy is incredibly outgoing, but not nearly as overzealous as Atlas, and loves bringing a little light into the room wherever he happens to wander. His confidence and charm are off the charts!
Marion is their younger sister and Is the youngest Clarke. I haven’t played her yet! But she is an honorable mention.
—Another little clan: Elven, Aliene, Sophia, and Gabe.
Elven is a private investigator who also just so happened to be a licensed lawyer back on the home planet. After passing his bar he literally was just like “eh” and changed his mind. His true passion/calling/what have you is baking! He could spend an entire evening just churning out desserts. He is another one that goes out of his way to make sure other people are happy, though he is careless more often then not and has a tendency to forget that other people are people. Depending on the time of day.
Aliene was a veterinarian before she was cast away from earth, fun little tid bit, of all of my humans, Sprout and Star aside, she has been off planet the longest and hates it the most. She finds surrounding herself with animals is a lot easier than being around people, they are far less judgmental, familial ties aside.
Sophia is next in line and she was an army medic! If your question at this point is “God Chase why so many service people?” the honest truth is it’s the easiest career to write, fight me. Do after having served, she resigned to a career in nursing because she was more capable of actually spending more times with her patients. In her free time she boxes!
Gabe is also teeny tiny, the youngest of this family and another one I haven’t played often enough to grasp his personality.
—Avery is a tattoo artist, he is a small angry man that is small and also angry. He has spent entirely too long fighting in court with his ex (an npc named Lauren who is just Despicable) for custody of his darling baby daughter Carmel. She is ten years old now, and if he didn’t get abducted by aliens he wasn’t so certain he had any fight left in him for the battle! He spends much of his time doting over her and her current obssessions. As of late, she very much wants to jewlery so he helps her with that! His entire universe is centered around his baby Caramel.
Marshall is Carmels uncle, and yes he is related to aforementioned npc Lauren,no he is not as bad as she is. He loves Carmel to death. He’s been Avery’s best friend since high school and his only advocate outside of his own family for his side. Besides that he is a psychiatrist, but you wouldn’t think that just by looking at him. Due to existing trauma from a past life, he does not let himself get too terribly close to people outside of those that already exist within his friend group. By looking at him one could tell he forces himself to be withdrawn and is actually quite the people person if he doesn’t control himself!
–Autumn is the newest of all of my humans. He is a soft man and used to work in a planetarium. I don’t have a lot of information on him yet but he is an all around family man and he spends most of his time with his husband and their two kids.
One of which is a darling baby girl, Winter, whose two favorite things are zombies and flamingos! Don’t get her started on zombie flamingos!!!
–-Kris is a construction worker who has 110 bad things under his belt. He recognizes that he isn’t a great person and is working towards bettering himself and the world around him – It isn’t easy for him but he’s trying his hardest with the resources he has. He is recovering from a great many things and certainly doesn’t try to justify any of what he’s done in the past!—Nate was a history teacher and he is very incredibly and entirely too skittish! He’s scared of his own shadow, and has anxiety that could go from 0 to 100 at the drop of a hat. Then he’ll want to know whose hat it is where did it come from and how does he get it from the floor without upsetting them! He has two darling baby children that are absolutely the worst and also very demonic. He loves them with his whole entire heart!
Jessie is a small child and she’s aspiring to be a journalist! Her parents are very good about letting her pursue her interests as she goes. She has a little journal she takes with her everywhere she goes! Everything is written down, and of course her very special toy Lion comes with her no matter where she’s going
James was a science teacher, I haven’t used him a lot to develop his personality! But he was Nate’s high school crush and the namesake for one of his twins. He spends a great deal of his time talking Nate off of the ledge.
—Sam and Luke are brothers, but they aren’t very close. Sam’s pretty spiteful of Lukes having left him and their siblings behind when he turned eighteen and kind of just left. The truth is that Luke just wasn’t ready for the responsibility of helping raise his family and for fear of making them turn out worse, he couldn’t just rip them with him.
Sam is boisterous, intrusive, and often times a little brash. He tries his best to conceal parts of him that remind him of his father, but sometimes they seep through the cracks.
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No Memories
Pairing: Dean x Winchester Sister!Reader, Sam x Winchester Sister!Reader, John x daughter!reader
Warnings: Abandonment, drugging, kidnapping, abuse, car crash, hospitalization
Word Count: 4721
A/N: This was written for Kas’ 2.5k Dialogue Prompt Challenge @kas-not-cas My prompt was “You have no idea who I am, do you?”. This takes place about mid season 5, not that it really matters. That is the time frame that fits the ages I’m working with and it was before the bunker. This isn’t the whole story I promise. I meant for this to be a one-shot but it got really long, like this is the longest one-shot I’ve written, and I’m tired from cleaning all day so I thought this was a good place to stop. The second part will probably be really short but it will wrap things up and will be out tomorrow. That being said, I am really proud of this one so tell me what you think feedback is always welcomed and appreciated.Also un-beta-ed and unedited because I’m tired af so all mistakes are mine and I apologize in advance. 
Summary: You are John’s youngest and Sam and Dean’s little sister. You were basically left in their laps by your mother as an infant. One day, when your five years old, you are kidnapped on Dean’s watch. Ten years later you run into Dean in a coincidental accident. What happens when he recognizes you?
Masterlist - No Memories 
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^ pretend thats young Dean 
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^ I know that’s JJ but lets pretend this is the relationship that Dean and his little sister have.
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^When the part comes and you will know it. Imagine this but obviously not as romantic because that would be weird, especially considering the events taking place at that moment.
Dean’s Age: 16
Sam’s Age: 12
Reader’s Age: Like a month old
There was a knock at the door and Sam and Dean just looked at each other. They never had people come to the door. John was in the bathroom and before they could ask what to do another knock rang at the door.
“Dean! Get the door!” John shouted through the bathroom.
Dean stood up and cautiously unlocked and opened the door. In front of him stood a woman. She was about 5’6, had long blonde wavy hair, blue eyes, and a slender build. Exactly John’s type was the thought that rang through Dean’s head.
“Uhhh… is John Winchester here?” she asked.
“Dad!!” Dean yelled out for his father. That’s when Dean heard shrill cry and noticed the pink and black baby carrier she was holding and his eye widened. “Dad, you really need to come out here.”
“I’m coming De- Madeline?” John said.
“Here you go John. She’s your kid. I never wanted this. She’s your problem now. I can’t handle it,” Madeline said as she handed John the carrier, with the still screaming baby, and the baby bag on her shoulder.
“What? No. I can’t take her. She’s just a baby. You know the life I live and I already have my boys. It’s bad enough my boys live this life she doesn’t need to be thrusted into it too. AND she’s your daughter, and doesn’t deserve to be called a ‘problem’,” John said.
“Well, either you take her or she sits outside your door because I’m done.”
“How can you be so cruel? She’s an infant. She didn’t ask to be brought into the world. YOU brought her into the world. That was your decision.”
“I didn’t make her myself John. Last I checked it still takes two to tango. And I thought I can do it but I can’t and by the time I figured that out it was too late to turn back so either you take her or she sits outside,” Madeline said with finality as she turned and walked away.
“Wait, at least tell me her name.”
John finally looked down at the screaming child and started to panic. He had no clue what he was going to do. When Sammy was an infant he wasn’t a hunter yet. He was able to care for him, until he couldn’t. But now he and Dean are grown and he was a full-blown hunter. He couldn’t drag an infant into this. He needed air. He needed time to think alone.
“Dean,” John said.
“Sir?” Dean replied.
“This is Y/N. Take her. I need to run an errand and I’ll be back when I get back,” John told his son as he handed him the carrier and walked out the door.
Dean looked down at you crying in the carrier and gave you sad eyes. He couldn’t believe your mother could just hand you over like that. He put the carrier down, pushed the handle back, and started unbuckling you. You reached your arms out to him wanting him to pick you up and he gave you a sad smile and did as you wanted.
“Hey, sweetheart, shhhhh…. It’s okay. You’re going to be okay. I’ve got you,” Dean cooed while bouncing you in his arms.
After about a minute you stopped crying and settled into Dean’s arms. He couldn’t help but smile. Once you calmed down Dean couldn’t help but notice that you had the same green eyes he did. There was no question in his mind you were a Winchester.
Sam sat and watched the whole ordeal and couldn’t help but be happy to have a little sister. He always wanted a little sibling and now he smiled to himself looking at how adorable you were. “Dean?” Sam said.
“Yeah, Sammy?” Dean said.
“Can I hold her?”
“Yeah, just be really careful,” Dean said as he carefully handed you to Sam. Sam held you gently and smiled when you giggled at him. He just thought you were the most adorable thing in the world. After a while you ended up back in Dean’s arms and he found a bottle in your bag and heated it up and fed you. You just sat in Dean’s arms smiling at him and he knew he was done for. You would be able to get him to do anything. You couldn’t even talk yet and you already had him wrapped around your little finger.
About two hours later John came walking back in the motel room with his arms full of bags. He called for Sam to get the rest out of the Impala as he saw you in Dean’s arms. When John walked in and saw the bond you had already created with Dean he knew keeping you was the right decision. He couldn’t believe how good Dean was with you. He saw his oldest son pacing the room with you wrapped in a pink fluffy blanket asleep in his arms.
Sam came back into the room with the rest of the bags and John started to unpack everything. He had a couple boxes of diapers, wipes, bottles, formula, blankets and spit up rags, clothes, toys, and whatever else John could think of getting for you.
“Well boys, how do you feel about having a little sister? Because it looks like we have a new addition, a new little Winchester,” John said.
“We love Y/N already, Dad,” Sam said as he looked over at his brother with you.
Five Years Later
Dean’s Age:21
Sam’s Age: 17
Reader’s Age: 5
“De?” you said.
“Yeah, Y/N,” Dean said.
“Where’s Sammy?”
“He’s at school remember sweetheart? I told you that this morning.”
“Oh yeah. Is he going to be home soon?”
“In a couple hours, why?”
“I’m bored and wanted Sammy to play with me.”
“I’ll play with you sweetie.”
“But you don’t like to play with Barbie’s.”
Dean chuckled and nodded his head, “Yeah, you got me there sweetheart,” he said as he knelt in front of you lightly grabbing your chin. He would never admit it but to Dean you were more than his little sister, over the years you had become more of a daughter to him. He raised you more than John did so in his head you were his daughter. “Why don’t we go to the park to kill some of that energy you have building up?”
“YEAH! The park is so much fun, De,” you said as you jumped into his arms.
“Okay, but first you need to change into shorts. A dress isn’t appropriate for the park. And you need to put on your sneakers.”
You ran and changed as quick as you could and grabbed your sneakers. You ran to Dean because you still didn’t know how to tie your shoes.
“We really need to get you velcro sneakers,” Dean said with a smile on his lips.
You guys were at the park and every new item you tried you called for your big brother to watch you. He looked over and smiled every time and couldn’t help but think how adorable you were and how happy it made him that you wanted him to see you try everything.
When you were on the third jungle gym from the right Dean caught sight of a pretty little brunette. She was just his type and after looking at her for a minute and almost getting up to approach her, he shook his head. Now wasn’t the time. He was there with you and he needed to give you all his attention.
When he looked back to the jungle gym you weren’t there. He quickly got up screaming your name and searching each jungle gym not finding you.
“Y/N! Y/N! Sweetheart, this isn’t funny. You can’t hide from De. Come on Y/N. Y/N!!!!!!” Dean screamed having no luck and starting to panic. His heart started racing and started approaching people asking if they had seen you.
“Excuse me ma’am but have you seen my daughter she was at the last jungle gym. She has brown hair in braids, wearing a princess shirt, and blue jean shorts, with pink princess sneakers? Please she’s only five,” Dean pleaded with the woman.
“Sorry, sweetie I haven’t seen her but I’ll keep an eye out. I hope you find her,” the woman said.
“Thank you,” Dean said with a shaky voice. He was in full panic mode, putting both hands to his head and looking around. He knew he had to call his father.  He also knew his father was going to blame him, which he already blamed himself so that didn’t matter, but his father would hate him for this. He pulled his phone out and dialed the number with shaky hands still looking around the park.
“Dean, I can’t talk right now. I’m busy,” John said as he answered the phone.
“I know that Dad, but this is an emergency,” Dean paused not sure how to tell his father. “It’s Y/N, she’s …she’s”
“What Dean? Is she hurt? Sick? What’s going on? Is my baby girl ok?”
“She’s missing,” Dean just blurted it out like ripping off a band aid.
“WHAT??!!!?! Son you better be lying. So, help me…”
“Dad, I’m sorry we were at the park and I looked away for a second and when I looked back she was gone. I looked everywhere. I’m sorry. I’m so so sorry. What can I do?”
“Stop saying sorry and you’ve done enough. I’m on my way back now. You need to go pick up Sam and we will meet back at the motel, go it?”
“Yes, Da- “
“It’s Sir,” John interrupted with fury in his voice. Fury for Dean and fury for whoever took his baby girl. John didn’t know that Dean had also felt like he lost a child and Johns dismissal of him only added to the guilt already building up as the minutes ticked by.
You were playing on the jungle gym when a lady called your name. You cautiously walked towards her but not to close.
“Sweetie, your father has been hurt and told me to come get you?” the lady said.
You were skeptical of her so you said, “Okay, but first I need to get De. He’ll want to see Daddy too.” When you went to turn around the lady grabbed your arm and injected you in the neck with a needle filled with a clear liquid. You were confused when all the sudden your eyes starting closing and you fell unconscious in her arms hearing Dean scream your name calling for his ‘sweetheart’. All you wanted to do was call out to him but with the drugs now in your system all you could do was let the darkness take over.
When you woke up you were in a strange bed room. You didn’t recognize anything and you were scared. Usually when you woke up in a strange place you had De with you or sometimes Sam or on very rare occasions you had Daddy. But right now, you were alone so you started crying like any scared five-year-old would do.
That’s when a strange man came into the room.
“Hey kid stop whining,” he said.
“No, I want De. Where’s De?” you sobbed as the tears cascaded down your little pale cheeks.
The stranger raised his right hand and struck you against your left cheek. You stopped crying, raising your tiny hand to your cheek, feeling the sting from the stranger’s hand. You were shocked. You had never been hit before. Daddy, De, or Sam never hit you, especially when you were crying. They would comfort you, hug you, and tell you everything was going to be okay. This man didn’t care. Since he scared you he complied.
You made sure you only cried when you were alone and they were quiet cries. Every night you would cry yourself to sleep and you would cry for the same thing or rather person, De.
There were nights you would get caught and those nights were always filled with nightmares. When they would catch you, the woman would inject you with something that made you instantly sleepy. She would always whisper that this was better than the man hitting you as you blacked out.
As time went on you got older and stopped crying at night. The memories of your family faded with every injection. You no longer remembered why or who you were crying for so you just stopped. The man and woman who took you became all you knew. They became ‘mom’ and ‘dad’. They became everything you feared.
10 years after abduction
Dean’s Age: 31
Sam’s Age: 27
Reader’s Age: 15
Today was your 15th birthday and you made the decision that today was the day. Today was the day you were going to finally escape the hell you had been living in your whole life. You had had your bag packed with your essentials for the last week and you worked out an entire plan of your escape. You didn’t sleep at all the night before because of the nervousness but you knew this was what you had to do.
You made the decision 2 weeks ago, when your Dad came home drunk and angry, you knew it was going to be a bad night, you just didn’t realize how bad. He screamed at you to do the dishes so you complied, learning earlier on never to argue with him. As you did them a plate slipped out of your hand and broke. He was pissed and took that out on you. He grabbed you by your hair and dragged you to the living room and threw you to the floor. He slapped your face and kicked you in the stomach. When you were balled up on the floor he kicked you in the back and spit at you. You hobbled to your room that night and made the decision. This wasn’t the first time this happened and you knew it wouldn’t be the last.
Once you heard your parents leave and made sure they pulled out of the drive way and was off your street. You grabbed your bag and crawled out your window, knowing if you went out the door the neighbors would tell your parents. You walked to the abandoned car lot knowing a couple of them still ran and hotwired one and drove off. You kept driving until you needed to stop for gas the next. Once you were filled up you were back on the road.
It was the middle of the night and you were on day three with no sleep. You weren’t exactly sure where you were going, but you didn’t want to stop. However, your body was running on fumes and was physically exhausted so your eye lids started to droop. You keep them open as long as you could but finally they drooped far enough to close completely and cause you to swerve off the empty highway into a tree. You lost consciousness due to the lack of an airbag and the force of the crush.
You begin to slowly regain consciousness hearing the roaring engine of an old muscle car and what sounds like a man shouting at you trying to get your attention. For some reason the engine sounds familiar to you, you don’t know why.
Dean was driving down the highway to meet up with Sam at some sleazy motel for a case when all the sudden he heard a crash. A half a mile in front of him he saw a car slammed into a tree. He sped up a bit and through the Impala into park. He pulled out his phone to call 911 what happened, but he knew that where they were it would be a bit before anyone would show up.
So, once he hung up jumped out of the Impala and ran over to driver’s window of your car. He saw you were barely conscious, your head was bleeding, and you were just a kid. He reached his hand into your window to turn your head to face him. You could barely register what was going on. Dean grabbed the handle of your door and yanked it open and realized that your leg was stuck under the dash and that he was going to have to pry it out.
“Hey sweetheart,” he said causing a spark in your head. Why did that sound so familiar? “I’m here to help you get out of this car, but your leg is stuck. So, I need to go grab some tools from my car to get you out, okay?”
You just nodded your head not really being able to do anything else.
Dean ran back to the Impala and went into the trunk. He grabbed a crowbar and a hammer, hoping this would work. He slammed the trunk closed and ran back to you.
“Hey Sweetheart, I’m back,” Dean said. There was that nickname again. Why is it so familiar? Neither of your parents ever called you that. “Okay, this is probably going to hurt a lot and I’m sorry about that. There’s nothing I can do about the pain, but I just need you to brace yourself.” You nodded. “Ok, sweetie here I go,” Dean said as he stuck the crowbar under the dash and used the hammer to shove it in further. When he began to pry it up you let out a blood curdling scream that made Dean wince. He hated that in order to help you, he had to cause you pain. At this point your car started smoking and Dean knew what that meant but he didn’t want to frighten you so he kept it to himself.
“Ok, sweetheart your leg is free. I’m going to lift you out of the car now okay?” You answered with a nod. With that Dean slid one arm under your legs, causing you to moan in pain, and one arm around your back. You put one of your arms around his neck as he carried you bridal style from your car to his and laid you down on the seat. As he carried you, you looked into his eyes. The green orbs seemed so familiar to you. They looked just like yours. Now your front hood was slightly on fire signaling it was closer to blowing but you still hadn’t noticed.  
“My bag. I need my bag. It has everything I own in it. It’s in the back seat,” you said slightly panicked.
Dean looked back at the car nervous but knew by the look on your face you needed that bag. “Ok sweetheart, you stay here. I’ll get it.” You nodded your head and Dean ran to your car and quickly grabbed the bag and what looked like your sweatshirt and ran back to the Impala.
Once he got back to the Impala your car exploded frightening you enough to grab onto him and squeeze. He squeezed you back and looked down at your face now that he had some light to actually see your features. What he saw he couldn’t believe. It was you. His baby sister that he could never forgive himself for losing. Just as he was about to say something you feel unconscious in his arms again.
A second later the first responders showed up. The firefighters went straight to work killing the flames from the car and the paramedics came running over to you and Dean. Dean explained the accident and having to pry you out because you were stuck and that you just passed out a minute ago, to the paramedics. They nodded and went to reach for you but Dean grabbed you to place you on the stretcher. They began working on you and pushing you towards the ambulance.
Dean jumped into the driver’s seat of the impala and followed the ambulance to the hospital.
Once at the hospital the doctors took you back to get a CT scan of your head and an x-ray of your leg to check for further damage than what they were seeing. The police stopped Dean to ask him some questions about the accident. He told them everything he knew and everything he told the paramedics.
Finally, when the police were done questioning Dean, you were done with all your tests and he could go sit with you.
“Hey doc, I was the one that found her. Is she going to be ok?” Dean asked.
“Well, she has a concussion and a broken leg, but other than that there are no other fresh injuries,” the doctor said.
“What do you mean by ‘fresh injuries’.”
“Do you know her family or anything about her home life?”
“Well, I’m not permitted to release any other information, but I have some concerns.”
Dean nodded his head at the doctor and went to sit next to your side. He couldn’t believe it was you. He thought that he would never see you again. He thought he lost you forever. But here you were in the flesh and despite the injuries you were beautiful. However, he couldn’t help but wonder back to the doctor’s words. What were his concerns? Why did he want to know about her home life? Deep down he knew why, but he didn’t want to believe it.
Dean pulled out his phone, he knew he had to call Sammy and let him know. The conversation was weird, but Sam said he was on his way and told Dean to watch you like a hawk, which Dean had already planned on doing.
The police approached the room and said they were going to contact her parents. Dean stood up to object, but before he could the doctor spoke up. He was concerned about possible abuse and didn’t want the parents in the room just yet. He wanted to evaluate all her previous injuries first. The police nodded and started to walk off, but Dean saw this as his chance to get Y/N back so he stopped them.
“Excuse me sir, can I talk to you for a second?” Dean asked.
“Sure, you have information?” the officer asked.
“Sort of. Her parents … aren’t really her parents.”
“Come again?”
“That girl in there … she’s my little sister. When she was five years old she was kidnapped from the park we were at and hasn’t been seen since.”
“Sir, that was ten years ago, how can you be sure that this is your sister?”
Dean’s anger started to spike a bit, but he kept it in check for the time being. “Because I practically raised her. Our dad wasn’t around much and her mom just dropped her off in our laps and left. I was with that little girl every day for five years. I would know those green eyes anywhere. They are the same eyes as mine. She was practically my daughter. So, when I say that is my little sister, that is my little sister. Go check, my father filed a police report ten years ago, when it happened. Try the last name Winchester.”
“Okay, we will look into it,” and with that the officer walked off.
About a half hour later you began to stir awake. Dean hastily sat up and squeezed your hand. You opened your eyes and were met with your green-eyed savior.
“Y/N, hey it’s okay. You’re in the hospital. You are safe now. Do you remember what happened?” Dean said softly.
“I remember you carrying me to your car and that’s it,” you said trying to remember if you told him your name or not.
“Well, I laid you down in my car and then you started to freak out about your bag. I ran to get it and once I got back your car blew up. I guess the blast scared you because you blacked out in my arms. Then the paramedics came and brought you here.”
“Wow, ok. Wait, how do you know my name? I didn’t tell you it.”
You nodded your head.
“You have no idea who I am, do you?”
You shook your head no and said, “Should I?”
Dean sighed and said, “I guess you wouldn’t remember. I’m Dean Winchester.”
That name sounds just as familiar as his eyes look. “This introduction is useless now, but I’m Y/N Smith.”
He chuckles a bit but it doesn’t seem to reach his eyes. His green orbs seem to show sadness and guilt, but you couldn’t understand why. He saved you. You were alive.
“Well, the police are going to call your parents soon imagine, now that you are awake,” he said.
The minute those words hit you your eyes widened in panic and fear and you began to shake your head. “No no no no no. You can’t. Please don’t call them. I just got away from them. I can’t go back. I can’t handle it anymore,” you said as you gripped on to Dean’s shirt and the tears plummeting down your cheeks.
“Okay, Okay. Shhhh…. It’s okay. I won’t let them call. I’ve got you. It’s all gonna be okay. Hey,” he said as he craned your neck to look in his eyes. “Do you trust me?”
For some reason you did, so you nodded your head and squeezed him harder, which he reciprocated. “They…. They aren’t nice people. They never have been. They hit me. Hard. They have been beating me for as long as I can remember. Two weeks ago, after a particularly bad night, I made the decision to run away on my fifteenth birthday which was three days ago. If they find me, I’m scared to think of what they would do,” you said as you wiped the tears and looked at Dean. He looked angry. Why would he be angry? But then he looked sad and guilty again as he looked into your eyes. What was this man blaming himself for that he looked so …... broken all the time?
His phone rang and he picked it up and said the name ‘Sam’ which again sounded familiar to you. “I need to run out for a bit,” he said. He noticed the panicked look in your eyes as he spoke. He assumed you didn’t want to be alone. “I’ll be right back. I promise. I just have to go talk to someone real quick, okay?” he said and you nodded.
Dean ran down to the lobby of the hospital to meet up with Sam.
“Hey man can I go see her?” Sam asked.
“That’s what I came down to tell you. She doesn’t remember us. She doesn’t remember the life she had before she was taken. I don’t know if it was because she was so young or if it was something those people did, but for right now I’m just playing the stranger who saved her from a car wreck,” Dean said.
“Okay. Is she at least ok?”
“Physically, she has a concussion and a broken leg. Psychologically, she’s a freaking mine field waiting to blow. The people who took her abused her. They beat her. That’s why she was on the rode that late. She was running away.”
Sam’s jaw tightened and his fists clenched, having almost the same reaction Dean did at the news. He let out a breath and said, “Okay, I’ll just sit out here then. Just keep me updated and if she does remember give her my love.”
“Okay man I will. But I have to get back. I promised her I’d be quick. She’s scared shitless that her parents are going to show up.”
The brothers hugged and Dean ran back to your room.
The minute you saw Dean re-enter your room, you let out a breath of relief. You didn’t know why, but you felt incredibly safe with this man. The minute he sat back down you wrapped your arms around him again and squeezed him tight.
“Thank you, De, you muttered into his chest.
Dean’s eyes got wide in disbelief. Did you just call him by the nickname you did when you were 5?
“What…. Why did you call me De?” he asked.
“I don’t know. It just came out that way,” you replied.
Before Dean could question you further, the officer from earlier stepped into the room.
“Mr. Winchester, can I speak to you outside.”
Part 2: A Memory 
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kpoprambles00-blog · 5 years
Spring 2019 comeback review [Part 1]
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I don't give a shit if it's the middle of summer, there were way too many good comebacks in the spring. I can't NOT talk about them.
Seriously, I don't know who was in charge of the scheduling for this comeback season, but good LORD they were out to kill me. Every other day it seemed like we had a major comeback, or at least a comeback I personally was interesting. And while that's great, because it gives me a lot of material to talk about here... it also gives me a LOT of material to talk about here. It's one of the main reasons why this is so late; there were almost TOO many damn comebacks and reviews. This review nearly ended up being three parts long. That's how intense it got.
But in the end, I've narrowed it down to 20 songs I wanted to talk about. (I say that as if 20 is a small number...) Now, keep in mind, I have already done some reviews of spring comebacks; namingly, Dreamcatcher, MAMAMOO, TWICE, BLACKPINK and (G)I-DLE. They won't be mentioned here (because that would be overkill at this point), but if you want to read my reviews and find out what I thought of each comeback, they're all on this blog!
Anyway, that's enough rambling. I'll be here for another two months at this rate. Spring comebacks, let's go!
~ MV link ~
I didn't think I'd be able to say this after (G)I-DLE, but... this might just be one of the most promising girl group debuts of the 3rd gen. If not THE most promising.
Like. Wow. This sounds like a song that a pre-established artist would release mid-way through their career, only to be received with critical acclaim and everyone calling it "their best song". BUT IT'S JUST THEIR DEBUT SONG. WHAT. There are very few debuts that leave me speechless - (G)I-DLE impressed me, yes, but they didn't drop my jaw or anything. Everglow DID. If you've been seeing a lot of hype around this song, then trust me when I say it's for a fucking good reason.
"Bon Bon Chocolat" is one of the most intense and powerful girl group songs I've heard in the past year or so. I had no clue what to expect going in, admittedly, but man this was a fantastic surprise. The instrumental, for starters, is fucking nuts. It's got this phenomenal 808 bass line that permeates the entire song, along with some really interesting bass drum beats and some gorgeous, vibrant synths to help boost the melody. It's a tour de force of momentum that just does not fucking stop, and I for one am in for the ride. The vocal samples are another standout, as well; the minute you hear those fast-paced adlibs at the beginning, that's when you know that this is going to be something special.
Speaking of vocals, that's probably my only gripe with this song. Each of the members' performances are layered with quite a bit of autotune, which I'm not the biggest fan of. But the more I listen to it, the more I feel like it works in the song's favor. Sure, it does make their voices less distinct and makes it harder for you to get a feel for the members' charms (which is important for a debut, in my opinion), but the song is so damn good that it actually ends up working. In a weird way. The fact that the girls are able to pull of this sound and concept without sounding like they're trying to be the next BLACKPINK is... amazing in my eyes. It's a trap so many rookie groups can fall into, trying to sound like a hugely popular and successful artist. But Everglow have their own charm, and it shines from start to finish.
Lyrically, this song is certainly invocative of a debut. It's got that sort of "you can do anything if you believe in yourself" message to it, but it's a very confident and fresh take. The charm and personality of the lyrics actually works, and is boosted by, the girls' performances and that amazing instrumental. They honestly elevate what would normally be some pretty standard lyrics into something more interesting and worth your time.
You, straighten up your shoulders and get up Look at the world outside the window That's been trapping and hiding you
Oh, and guess what? The choreo is phenomenal as well. WHO WOULD'VE GUESSED, HUH.
~ Dance practice link ~
And that brilliance makes a lot of sense when you realise that that was choreographed by Lia Kim. Yeah. Lia Kim from 1MILLION. Only one of the most successful and celebrated dance companies out there right now. She is really fucking good at what she does, and that mastery comes across in spades here. This routine ebbs and flows in all the right places, and you can really tell how considerate she was when choreographing it; you can tell she wanted it to match the song perfectly, and she really fucking nailed it in that regard. It also helps that the girls of Everglow themselves are all great dancers, too; they've got so much power and finesse to their moves that helps them flow excellently from one move to the next.
Overall, this was fucking fantastic. I absolutely cannot wait to see where these girls go next, because if it's anywhere near as good as "Bon Bon Chocolat", these girls are going to go far.
DAEHYUN (대현) - YOU'RE MY (너는 내게)
~ MV link ~
Alright, I'll admit that this is a very indulgent pick for me. But shhhhh let me have my moment okay.
For those of you who haven't been keeping up with the latest bullshit going on over at TS Entertainment, you might not know that B.A.P ended up basically disbanding a few months ago. All of the members gradually left the label - thank FUCK - and now they've all gone their own separate ways to follow new paths. Although, as a BABY since debut, I really do think they'll come back at some point. The boys are all incredibly close, and I don't feel like they'd just want to stop being B.A.P just because they're not under TS anymore.
But the first thing a lot of the members have been doing is pursuing solo projects, a lot of which actually dropped in springtime. Yongguk released "Hikikomori (히키코모리)", Youngjae released "Another Night", and Daehyun released "You're My (너는 내게)". And while all three songs are fantastic - you should seriously go check them out if you get the chance, they're hidden gems that more people should know about - I decided to review Daehyun's for this comeback review. I'd love to do all three, but I've got enough songs to review as it is.
And that's mainly because... well, Daehyun's my ultimate bias. (Well, at least my ultimate male bias; Hyosung from Secret is my ultimate female bias). He was my first ever proper bias in K-Pop, and he's been my favourite in B.A.P since day one. So it was inevitable that I was going to be interested in whatever he releases. And it turns out that he really decided to play to his strengths here, because "You're My (너는 내게)" is a mid-tempo ballad that really gives his amazing vocals room to breathe. Now, whilst ballads are not generally something I seek out, I'll make certain exceptions if I really like the artists. And yeah, I was always going to make an exception for Daehyun.
This actually reminds me a lot of one of Kyuhyun's solo songs, "At Gwanghwamun (광화문에서)", and considering that that's another ballad I really like, that's a great thing! Both songs are relatively chill, relaxed and pleasant to listen to, with their own instrumental swells where it's deemed necessarily. But I do honestly prefer "You're My (너는 내게)" a little more in the end - mainly since I feel like it has a bit more impact. The instrumental really suits Daehyun here, and the strings and piano lines are perfect for his vocal tone. They're very warm and welcoming, which is one of my favourite qualities about his voice. Whereas Kyuhyun always goes for a slightly breathier tone, Daehyun is very well able to lean into full-on belts every now and again, and... yeah. I do prefer this overall. Daehyun's voice is just killer for me.
And yeah, as is to be expected from a ballad like this, the lyrics are quite sweet and emotional. They're even a little bit pensive in places. But with Daehyun, I have absolutely no doubt in my mind that some of these lyrics are aimed at BABYs as a whole. He's always been very clear about how much he loves and supports the fandom as a whole; seriously, go look at his Twitter and you'll see what I mean. He's a very grateful, very kind person, and that's reflected in a lot of these lyrics. Yes, they can be about romance, too, but considering this is his first time really venturing out on his own outside of B.A.P... it makes a lot of sense. It's very heartwarming. 😊
When things were hard, you were always by my side That's the reason I was able to live I won't forget, I'll always remember
While "You're My (너는 내게)" is probably going to feel like just another ballad to some people, to me - and probably a lot of other BABYs as well - it'll stand out as a big moment for Dae. Wherever he decides to take his solo career from here, you can bet it'll be good. He's a genuinely great guy with some real talent, and I hope both he and the other members of B.A.P do well in their solo careers. They honestly deserve it. 😊
ITZY (있지) - DALLA DALLA (달라달라)
~ MV link ~
...where... the fuck... do I start with this.
Okay, so JYP. One of the big three. Of course, going into the next gen of K-Pop, they'll have TWICE and GOT7. But they're mainly 3rd generation groups. Stray Kids are going to need a sister group of sorts to go with them into the next generation, right? So they debuted Itzy! And adorable name aside, these girls had a lot, and I mean a LOT of hype around them coming up to debut. Need I remind you that Shin Ryujin won MIXNINE? Yeah, that's just the start of it.
But... as we all know, this was originally supposed to be a six-member group. Of course, Somi was originally going to be a part of Itzy. But she left, and recently started her own solo career (which will be in the summer comeback review). So that leaves the remaining five members of Itzy to push forward as a beacon of what K-Pop can be, of how different and unique and memorable it can be, right? They might end up being the face of the next generation!
...with a song like this? God, I... kinda hope not...
Yeah, this is going to sound harsh. But JYP, this is NOT how you debut a promising girl group. I'm sorry, but it needs to be said - if you like the song, good for you, I'm glad you can find things you find enjoyable here. But I cannot listen to "Dalla Dalla (달라달라)" and think of it as anything else other than a raging dumpster fire. The only way this song is even listenable for me is if it's rearranged. Which, yes, that's the version I've been listening to since the day it came out. The original version is just... awful. AND THAT'S SUCH A GODDAMN SHAME.
Say what you will about me hating on Itzy for doing something different, but I really do love the image and concept that they're going for here. They're not trying to blend in; they're their own thing, and they make that clear from moment one. But... jeez, "Dalla Dalla (달라달라)" rams that message into your face so hard that it already feels stale. What the fuck happened, JYP? You have five of the most talented trainees out there in K-Pop right now, and you give them this as their debut song?! Don't get me wrong, it has its merits - the verses and choruses are nice. They're fun, upbeat and are great examples of bouncy bubblegum pop. They sound lovely! And the "don't care what people say" bridge is gorgeous as well.
But... the rest of this song... it doesn't even sound like music. It sounds dissonant. It sounds messy. It sounds downright atonal. It's like a rollercoaster that's going way too fast because of a fault in its engineering. It's got this awful mess of synths and blaring samples that just... doesn't mesh. At all. and it ruins the song's ending ENTIRELY. It's so bad. Seriously. I can't imagine a world where I listen to it and find it entertaining. Who let Skrillex lose in JYP's studio?
And the lyrics... yeah, they're fine, I guess. For a concept that was trying to be so different and distinctive, you could've had your songwriters come up with some more interesting lyrics, JYP. They're nothing we haven't heard before. They're spunky, yes, and they suit the girls' age, but... are they really all that different?
Just pretty but not attractive at all I'm different from the kids, I'm different Don't measure me by your standards alone I love being myself, I'm nobody else
Thankfully, there are two good things about this song in the end: number one is the girls themselves. The hype around the members was certainly justified if you ask me. Every single one of them has their own charm and personality, and they seem like they're going to develop into amazing performers; if they're this good now, then I can't wait to see where they are in five years' time. But the second good thing about "Dalla Dalla (달라달라)" is THAT. MOTHERFUCKING. DANCE.
~ Dance practice link ~
Now THIS is how you debut a rookie girl group like Itzy. This is one of those routines where I watch it and can't help but wonder how the fuck they're even alive after such an energetic routine. It by no means negates the fact that the song is a mess - I don't think anything could at this point - but damn, this is about the best choreo we could've gotten here. It also helps that all five girls are excellent performers, and they pull off each move with so much finesse and clarity that it's awe-inspiring. And yes, the hairflips are equally as amazing. ESPECIALLY Yeji. Like... goddamn girl, Ariana Grande called, she heard how much her ponytail suits you and wanted to say you can keep it.
So while the routine is possibly one of the best this year, the song... couldn't be further from that. Yeah, if I make a worst list this year, this'll be on it. I sure as hell hope JYP actually give Itzy a song that shows them some respect next time, because this goes down as one of the worst debut songs in my memory. Yeah. I dislike it that much. These girls deserve better, full stop.
 ~ MV link ~
Debuts aside, someone who's had my attention from day one of their solo career is Taemin. I remember hearing "Danger" for the first time and being blown away at just how well he handled himself outside of SHINee. And he's never really let up that momentum; "Press Your Number" was fantastic, "Move" was one of the biggest songs of last year, and now he's released his follow up to that, "Want". And even though I liked "Move" for what it was, I think "Want" might just be its slightly better cousin.
Taemin's established an image for himself that is frought with sex appeal. I mean, seriously, just go watch this man dance if you haven't already. You'll see what I mean. It suits his vocal tone, too, since he's got this very breathy yet charismatic whisper of sorts that just sounds really damn unique. That image was pretty much perfected with "Move", but "Want" evolves on it in a few interesting ways. The instrumental takes advantage of this strange, distorted sample that sounds super different and mysterious; it's not something you can describe easily. But then there's also a thumping bassline and some really interesting, deep synths that work beautifully alongside it. Everything in the instrumental is masterfully crafted, and it all plays into that main image Taemin is going for - this song is dirty, and it's not afraid to show that.
That says a lot about Taemin as a performer, too. He uses his aforementioned breathy tone in some places, but then dips into his lower range and full-on belts in others. It's a really damn clever mix of the two, and it only serves to further the song's tone. The vocal distortion effects used here and there are goddamn great, too! This sort of sexy image is not something Taemin's ever shyed away from; he's embraced it, and "Want" makes that message loud and clear. It's so damn well put together, and carries out its concept with such elegance and poise (and a hell of a lot of charisma to boot).
Don't even get me started on the lyrics - you thought the song was sexy? Hooo man, that's nothing. These are straight up FILTHY. They really play into the Adam and Eve concept shown in the video, too. It's very reminiscent of Gain's "Paradise Lost" in that sense, and I really, REALLY like it.
You'll want it more, you'll burn up more I'm your eyes, I'll make you open up new eyes I'm your toy to make you innocent
But, of course, it's Taemin. He doesn't just have a reputation for being sexy. He has a reputation as one of the best goddamn dancers to come out of K-Pop, period. And yeah, watching the choreography for this song shows exactly what I mean by that.
~ Dance practice link ~
I feel bad for anyone who attempts a dance cover of this song. Damn, I even feel bad for the fucking backup dancers here. Taemin is just THAT good. He's got such a fine sense of poise and finesse to every movement he has, and you can really tell he doesn't just dance for the sake of it. Taemin is one of those rare people that really feels whatever routine he's dancing to; this is a masterclass in that. And yet, it's as if he's holding back; he knows we're going to want to see him go nuts and blow us all away, but the choreography is restrained... which links perfectly back into the theming of the lyrics and music video. Honestly, the dance makes this song a near masterpiece in my eyes; it's flawlessly executed and masterfully put together.
To think I was nearly going to leave this song off this list because of having so much to cover... I'm glad I didn't. Taemin's one of the strongest solo artists in K-Pop at the minute, and he delights with each and every single comeback. He can step on me and I'd say thank you, and that just about sums up how phenomenal "Want" is as a song.
HWASA (화사) - TWIT (멍청이)
~ MV link ~
When I found out that Hwasa was going to get a full-on solo, I can't begin to tell you how happy I was. She's been my bias in MAMAMOO since day one, and her solo projects on past albums have been great. So to see her get a promoted solo was awesome! Yes, it was cut short to actually let the girls breathe between promotions for this and Gogobebe (as well as preparation for their concert), but that's completely understandable. And yet, the song doesn't feel rushed or undercooked at all - it's a full-on solo effort from Hwasa, and a very successful effort if you ask me!
Outside of the debacle with the girls' schedules, I feel like RBW are doing a good job managing MAMAMOO, and that's clearly evident here with Hwasa. They noticed how popular she's becoming, especially after her viral MAMAs performance last year, and decided to capitalize on that by giving her a solo. And not gonna lie, "Twit (멍청이)" is just about the perfect song for Hwasa. It is LITERALLY her strengths and personality condensed into a song. She gets to show off her sultry, confident side that she's known for, whilst also showing a lot of vulnerability and tenderness in the lyrics; she's got a charm that's so damn hard to place, but this song does it perfectly. I couldn't imagine anyone else singing this - it just wouldn't suit them like it suits Hyejin.
The song itself is certainly memorable, too. The instrumental is more reminiscent of standard pop, with some interesting flute elements that make the melody incredibly catchy. The trumpet synths in the second half work really well in contrast with the more natural guitar tones in the verses, too; "Twit (멍청이)" is very good at building and maintaining its momentum as a song. None of it feels forced or shoe-horned in at the last minute, and I really like that! It feels very complete and distinctive.
Like I mentioned, though, the lyrics are much more emotional than you'd expect. Yes, the song itself is confident and in your face (and Hwasa's voice is powerful as all hell, let's be real), but the lyrics are... certainly surprising. Hell, there's even a goddamn reference to Korean folklore, and the story of Simcheong. There's more to the relationship here than you'd initially think, that's for sure. Hwasa admits that because she's so confident and independent, she's often the driving force in this relationship. And yes, she can bring out the best bits of her partner, but at the same time, they're very reliant on her, and she tends to resent them and push them away because of that. They're... surprisingly complex. I seriously didn't expect that sort of emotional gutpunch from a solo project by Hwasa of all people, but damn, I love it! It's super effective.
You're a twit, a man who knows only me Like delicate Simcheong* Look around once in a while You don't realise how hurt you are
* = this is the folklore story I was talking about; DKDKTV did a great explanation of it here.
Following on from that, if there's anyone who knows how to have fun in a dance, it's Hwasa. And damn, does she have fun with the routine for "Twit (멍청이)".
~ Dance practice link ~
Not only can you tell that she's really getting into the choreography itself through her facial expressions and movements, but the relationship she has with her backup dancers is nothing short of amazing. It adds so much electricity to the routine, no lie. Every single person here shines, Hwasa or not, and the routine itself is pretty great to boot! The position changes are really fun and interesting to watch, and they certainly do a great job of keeping your attention. They do a great job of letting Hwasa shine, too; you really get the sense she's the star here. Regardless, it's a surprisingly solid routine that suits her perfectly.
That's how I'd describe this entire debut, to be honest: it suits Hwasa perfectly. RBW made a great decision in giving her this opportunity, and it's something I hope she keeps up with in the future. Hell, this was successful enough to warrant a solo comeback in the future, right? I even heard it in H&M one day. That was very surprising, but... also absolutely amazing. Just like the song!
~ MV link ~
Man, we were speaking of B.A.P earlier, right? And I've seen an awful lot of hype going around for ATEEZ; apparently they've just really caught on and people see a lot of potential in them.
Seriously, I've been discussing this with a friend of mine, and this sounds pretty much exactly like something B.A.P would've released back in late 2012, during the "No Mercy" era. I can literally imagine what member would sing what part. But don't think that that's a bad thing - "No Mercy" is still a fucking phenomenal song, and "Say My Name" is just as good. Dare I say, a little bit better in some ways?
Like I said, I hadn't listened to ATEEZ before this - but damn, the hype is real. The potential these guys have is astounding. The instrumental here is big, it's bombastic, it's what you'd expect from a boy group. The trap snares and blaring trumpet synths are nothing new. But it's the little touches here that make it truly special, like the whistle melody, or the natural acoustic guitar line. On top of that, ATEEZ are some of the strongest rookie performers I've heard in a looooooong time. They impressed me about as much as Everglow did, and that's saying something. A killer vocal line plus a really fucking great rap line is just the perfect recipe for a boy group in my head, and ATEEZ are the definition of it. They have so much effortless charisma that a lot of boy groups will strive to achieve, but will never quite get. These guys just have it ingrained in them from the word go, and that's hard to find.
I picked this song to review over "HALA HALA" in the end, mainly because I did find "HALA HALA" a liiiiiiittle cringey. That's mainly because of the lyrics - the whole Suicide Squad thing kinda pulled me out of the song. (Jongho's vocals didn't though, good LORD.) But as for "Say My Name", the lyrics are actually VERY different than what I was expecting! I was expecting some sort of uplifting message about how we're going to overthrow society's self-inflicted patriarchy (although Stray Kids did deliver on that front with the MV for "Miroh"). But it's more about how they gain strength from their fans and their success, and how it encourages them to keep pushing and moving forward. They're surprisingly sweet, actually! There are some nice little details here and there that make them really heartwarming.
Say my name, my name is in the search results I have my name tag that I wanted so badly I have friends all around me
Another thing I'd heard a lot about ATEEZ is that their choreographies are top-class; these guys are apparently fantastic dancers.
~ Dance practice link ~
And, uh... do... do they even have a main dancer? Or is that just something that's applied to the group universally? I'm... pretty convinced they don't have one at this point...
These guys... these guys are scarily good. Like... whoa. They don't have a single bad dancer. Every single one of them looks like they're into it, they're feeling the vibe of the song, and they just... proceed to murder every move given to them. Like... I only get this kind of vibe amongst groups that are KNOWN for their dance skills, like BTS or SHINee. But even then, they admittedly have their flaws... I'm not seeing one with this routine. It's... freakishly perfect. So much so that I'm kind of disturbed by it a little? I honestly didn't know who to watch during this dance practice. It's the definition of captivating. I would fucking KILL to see this done live, good lord...
(Also Jongho looks fancy as fuck, I love it.)
Yeah, so, um, bear with me while I go buy this album. These guys are going to be huge. I can feel it. Not to be THAT person, but I felt it with BTS when they debuted, and look where they are now... I haven't had this kind of gut feeling about a boy group for a hot fucking minute. You bet your ass I'm following ATEEZ from now on. Every single ounce of hype around them is real.
SUNMI (선미) - NOIR (누아르)
~ MV link ~
I remember mentioning on this blog before that "Heroine" was my favourite Sunmi song. It was just the song that stood out to me the most, since I liked "Gashina" but admittedly got a teeeeeensy bit tired of it after how much it blew up, and also since I... really didn't like "Siren" that much. So as far as solo Sunmi songs go, "Heroine" was the standard as far as I was concerned. But I couldn't be any happier to say that "Noir" IS that new standard, and it's by far my favourite song Sunmi's put out yet.
The song itself is actually quite interesting; it's got a very dark tone overall, with its deep synth line, echoed backing vocals, and the striking minor chord progressions. And yet, it's all anchored with what I can only describe as an 80s drum line, full of snappy bass beats and really memorable rhythms. It's a very interesting song musically, but where "Noir" REALLY shines is the messaging. The lyrics, the music video, even the live performance she did on M!Countdown - all of it ties back into the overarching theme.
That overarching theme is one that's very goddamn relevant, actually. In an age where social media is so prevalent, a lot of people get hung up on the attention. A little bit of popularity is never enough. That's what Sunmi thinks "Noir" is, as she described in an interview; we're in an age where people are so addicted to attention that they disregard their own safety in order to get it. It's a trap far too many people fall into, and Sunmi touches on it in a way that's simultaneously candid and very haunting. She even gave us an example of it in real life, too - remember that picture she posted leading up to this comeback? A picture of a hand full of what seemed to be Advil?
Everyone immediately started to panic, and freak out over her well being... but that was the point. We gave her the attention because she implied she was going to do something dangerous. It's a fucking ingenious way of promotion, that's for sure, but it really does show that the themes "Noir" touches on are still alive and well. (KPOP Junkee did a fantastic explanation of this on their YouTube channel.)
In terms of the lyrics, though, they seem to be a bit more cryptic; at first glance, they seem to be about a tumultuous relationship of some kind. BUT that's not the only way you should look at this. DKDKTV made a fucking great video explaning "Noir", alongside an interesting theory - what if we're meant to be looking at these lyrics from more of a Jekyll and Hyde point of view? Sunmi's trying to convince herself to embrace the dangerous lifestyle "Noir" describes, i.e. putting yourself in dangerous situations to get other peoples' attention.
I've already seen this before, I feel so high Everything goes blurry, 1, 2, 3 Now I'm blind, I don't know why I know what it is even if I don't see it, a bad ending
So while there technically isn't a dance for this song (I mean, there will be soon, since EAST2WEST won the #NoirChallenge & that's going to become the official routine - which they deserve, they're amazing!), there's still a hell of a lot to look at here. And overall, this is a serious contender for one of my favourite songs of the year as a whole. Sunmi knocked it out of the goddamn park with "Noir", and I would LOVE to see her try a concept like this again some time. It really shows how much of a professional she can be, and "Noir" is straight-up my favourite thing she's done. I love it. 👏👏👏
~ MV link ~
I find it very ironic that we're going from a song that's pretty serious to one that's... not serious at all. Not even in the slightest.
I won't hide the fact that I liked "Bboom Bboom" quite a bit last year, and I found "BAAM" to be even better. (No, I don't think they sound the same.) So going into MOMOLAND's comeback, I was curious to see if all the hate they had been getting would affect their sound; would they change it up from what they'd found success with to appease the haters, or would they stick with something more light-hearted and fun?
They ended up doing the latter, and I'm very much happy with what we got! Honestly, "I'm So Hot" might be tied with "BAAM" for my favourite MOMOLAND song yet. It's incredibly reminiscent of some of what T-ARA released back in their prime; a simple yet fun song with some interesting elements to make it memorable. The trumpet sample in particular is something I really like; I've seen some people say it's fairly grating, but I can't help but love it. The ragtime pianos and old-school vibes here and there really sell it for me, too! It's just an upbeat, fun pop song that you can really just enjoy yourself with.
But what I DON'T get is why people hate on this song simply because they find it "boring" or "nothing new", or even just because it's MOMOLAND. (Yes, rant incoming.)
Since when have songs like this lost their place in K-Pop? To bring back T-ARA as an example, everyone adored "Roly Poly", "Bo Peep Bo Peep" and "Lovey Dovey" when they came out because of how fun they were. Those songs didn't try to take themselves seriously; MBK just wanted to give T-ARA fun, bouncy songs that would stick in everyone's minds. And they did. So why are MOMOLAND getting hate for doing the same thing? These sorts of songs deserve to be here just as much as anything else does. People need to get over their goddamn hate boner for MOMOLAND and just move on. If you don't like the song, that's completely fine! If you hate on the girls for "copying themselves", "never doing anything original", and saying that "they're just trying to repeat the success of Bboom Bboom", fuck you. You're part of the problem. K-Pop isn't a contest, in contrast to what some Twitter stans might believe. Grow up, stop wasting your energy sending needless hate to artists, and move on. Rant over.
In terms of "I'm So Hot" though, it's nothing too insane lyrically - which is what you'd expect going in. Or at least you should. The title alone tells you that this is going to be pretty face-level and superficial. But hey, you need something to turn your brain off to every once in a while, and when the song's as fun as this, I can't really complain!
Why I'm pretty, why I'm cute Why am I not tired of hearing that over and over? People say that I'm pretty, that I'm cute
There's not a lot to go through here in terms of the dance, either - but again, I don't really mind it that much.
~ Dance practice link ~
To be honest, yeah, this routine is quite basic. But a major upside to routines like this is that the idols get time to breathe properly when they're performing. And considering how fucking balls-to-the-wall energetic "Bboom Bboom"'s choreography was, yeah, I'm okay with this. (I still have NO clue how they kept their energy during those stages, that dance is exhausting.) Of course, people are going to hate and say that this dance was designed purely to go viral. How, may I ask, is that a bad thing? How is having a dance that's simple, fun and easy to pick up bad? Not everything has to be mind-blowingly hard. Sometimes it just needs to be accessible, and that's probably how I'd describe this routine overall. It's got some nice elements to it (particularly in the position switches), and it's very easy for anyone to look at and join in with. It's also a hell of an arm workout. 💪
In the end, I really like "I'm So Hot"! It's fun, it's funky, and it's one of my favourite MOMOLAND songs so far. I'll admit that I do miss Daisy and Taeha, though - hopefully they come back soon so we can see an OT9 performance of this!
IZ*ONE (아이즈원) - VIOLETA (비올레타)
~ MV link ~
Alright, I've wanted to talk about this song since it came out so let me just get this out of the way:
"Violeta" has pretty much the exact same structure as "La Vie En Rose" - a relatively quiet intro, nice verse, chorus, rap and second verse, next chorus, final bridge with adlibs, final chorus and final drop to really add emphasis. Their layout is exactly the same. But to say that those two songs are the same is SO goddamn wrong that I might just punch you. Yes, they have the exact same structure. But that works in "Violeta"'s favour, because it's a structure that works. It's a way for IZ*ONE to keep a style and sound whilst still having the freedom to change it up a bit. It's really fucking clever.
In terms of the song itself though, it... actually really surprised me! I certainly didn't expect IZ*ONE to lean into deep house, but here we are. That flute melody is really damn effective, since it's often layered over some interesting percussion snaps and some goddamn angelic synths and melodies. And yeah, the deep house aspects really work here - it all builds up to an explosive conclusion that left me very impressed. I wasn't sure about it on the first listen, if I'm being honest, but it really grew on me!
Lyrically, this song is kind of what you'd expect from a girl group like IZ*ONE. It's one of those really sweet lovey-dovey love songs, full of wonder and charm. That sort of stuff just doesn't appeal to me, but I don't mind it when the song is so distinctive.
Your smile that's drawn in the sky is shining so bright The beautiful flower in your heart You're my Violeta
But, of course, what I was looking forward to the most here was the choreography. And considering "La Vie en Rose" had my favourite routine of last year - and one of my favourite K-Pop routines I've ever seen - my expectations were admittedly very, VERY high.
Buuuuuuuut yeah, they fucking killed it. AGAIN.
~ Dance practice link ~
Okay, admittedly, I don't like this as much as "La Vie en Rose" in the end. But that's perfectly fine by me - routines as good as "La Vie en Rose" are a real fucking rarity. "Violeta" is still fantastic routine, and one that's just a goddamn spectacle. It's a lot more graceful and monumental in a few places, which makes sense considering how powerful the instrumental can be here and there. It's beautifully put together, and expertly performed by all 12 members - Chaeyoung in particular really stands out here. Her skills are NO JOKE. Overall, the transitions are gorgeous, the moves are diverse and delightful to watch, and this routine is still fucking amazing. IZ*ONE are probably one of the best girl groups out there right now in terms of choreography. Yeah, I mean that.
So "Violeta" ended up being a pretty great comeback! I did see a lot of people saying that maybe this should've been the debut song instead of "La Vie en Rose", but I disagree - I feel like this is the perfect follow-up. It keeps IZ*ONE's momentum going steadily, and I really hope they keep up this standard, because I might just end up stanning them if they do. I'm THAT close to becoming a WIZ*ONE. I just don't want to have my heart broken when they inevitably end promotion. ;-;
~ MV link ~
...y'all mind if I just fangirl for the next 5 minutes? I hope so, because that's inevitably what's going to happen here.
I mean have you SEEN this motherfucking video. KARD just... decided to do That. Like they fucking WENT there. (BM and Somin in particular. Hoooooooooooly fuck.)
But let's be honest, this is the song KARD have been destined to make since they first came about. For those of you who were complaining that all of their songs sounded the same, and that you were sick of that California junkee vibe they had going on, then HERE YA FUCKING GO. They didn't come to mess around this time.
If I'm being honest, I'm a huge Hidden KARD, and this is straight-up one of my new favourite songs of theirs. It sits up there for me alongside "Rumor" and "You In Me". It's big, it's bombastic, it's in your face, and it's the kind of song that pulls you in from the get-go. Yes, I'm not the biggest fan of the slightly wet percussion that's used here and there in the verses - I think it sounds a little off - but everything else is just gorgeous. The pre-choruses have this echoey, atmospheric build-up to them thanks to the percussion and harmonies, but then the choruses themselves have this... almost wiry synth that's very reminiscent of something like Yezi's "Anck Su Namun." It fits that sort of Middle-Eastern vibe beautifully. And yet, while that's the sort of instrument that I'd normally despise, it really works here - and I think that's in large part to how much pure charisma the members have.
I'm not going to mince words here, BM absolutely runs the fuck away with this song. He's made for stuff like this, where his energy is naturally called for, and he can do what he does best - being hype as fuck. But that doesn't mean the other members fall short; J.Seph singing is always something I'm happy to hear more of, since I like his singing just as much as his rapping. Jiwoo's lower, slightly rough vocal tone sounds fantastic no matter what she sings, and Somin? Somin BODIES this song. It's stuff like this that make me happy she left April - just think what would've happened if she didn't. Her vocals are absolutely killer here, and from how confident she appears in the live stages, she knows it.
And yeah, with a song like this that's meant to be hype and fit for a party, the lyrics aren't going to be all that special. But since that's not the focus, I'm more than willing to let that slide here. They're fun and catchy, and that's all a song like this really needs if you ask me. (I also like how BM straight-up knows how thirsty everyone is over him. Can he BE any more self-aware?)
Don't try to sober up Just get drunk with the vibes [...] I'm dizzy, why are you messing with my heart?
Of course, one of my favourite things about any KARD comeback is seeing the choreography, since there aren't that many male/female groups out there right now. I always love seeing how the routines work around having both male and female performers, and I've got to say, "Bomb Bomb" might have one of KARD's best choreographies to date. You thought their vocal performances were charismatic? HOOO BOI.
~ Dance practice link ~
This shit right here is why I stan KARD the way I do. The thing I said before about creating a routine for both male and female performers is done excellently. There isn't a move that feels out of place in this routine, and every single member gets their chance to show off - well, apart from J.Seph, who's stuck behind 6 foot tall BM for most of the choreo. Which is a crying shame, he's really fucking good! But aside from that, Somin and Jiwoo are probably at their best with this sort of concept; you can tell that they're not only looking good, but they're really getting involved with the choreography, too. They're into it, and it shows. And then there's BM, who I don't even think I need to explain at this point. He's a fucking dancing machine, and if you've seen KARD before, you know exactly what I'm talking about. But all in all, no member (for the most part) overshadows or outshines another here, and this gives a routine that's both very well balanced and REALLY fucking fun to watch.
Basically, a great song and great choreography makes for a happy me. KARD fucking killed it with this comeback, and I'm so glad to see them shut down the hate they've been getting with something like "Bomb Bomb". I get the funny feeling this is going to be one of my songs of the summer this year - I've certainly had it on repeat enough to warrant that. 😅
...and that's only part one of this comeback review. This one took long enough to get out as it is, so no promises as to when part two will be up. I'm going to try my best to get it up soon-ish, but I'm also working on two album reviews right now, sooooooooooo God knows when that will be. Someone kill me pls. K-Pop has been too good this year so far... 💀
Bon Bon Chocolat (봉봉쇼��랏)
You're My (너는 내게)
Twit (멍청이)
Say My Name
Noir (누아르)
I'm So Hot
Violeta (비올레타)
0 notes