#she's also kind of pessimistic and sassy
regalityandcoffee · 2 years
Uwu what's this Ava has an actual personality now?!
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shadowuserannie · 28 days
KOTLC Miraculous AU
So it goes without saying;
Marinette: Sophie
Adrien: Fitz
I know, I know. (prepares to get attacked, holds up shield) BUT THINK ABOUT IT. FITZ BEING FORCED BY ALDEN TO BE PERFECT. FITZ GETTING TO UNLEASH HIS INNER ANGER AND INNER KEEFE AS CHAT NOIR (because YES, let Keefe infect all the people that love him)
Besides, I want a character journey where Fitz learns his true personality; not the jaded but joking Detruire (it means destruction in French, I like the name) and not the picture-perfect Fitz Vacker. A guy toeing the line between both. Being pessimistic but not too jaded, learning to let go of the mask of optimism and finding people still like the person underneath. Being sassy but kind and still TRYING HIS BEST BUT NOT PERFECTLY. Let him find who he is!!
So the rest are a little more complicated, but;
Alya: Dex. Let Dex create the Ladyblog and get popular as a result. Let him associate the Ladyblog with being liked and chasing Sophie's secret identity as a result. Let Sophie smack some sense into him and CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT TO MAKE HIM A GREAT BESTIE (because it'd be boring if they were all perfect at the start of the story)
Nino/Chloe: Keefe. HEAR ME OUT. Keefe growing up with Fitz because Alden approves of his family, but then Keefe becomes more rebellious and they can't meet up as often anymore BUT KEEFE REBELS. AND GETS FITZ TO REBEL MORE. AND GETS FITZ ENROLLED AT FOXFIRE NEXT TO HIM. Keefe rebelling against Cassius and accidentally becoming a bully because of it. Keefe realizing there's a line between pissing off his parents and hurting others to do it. Because THAT COULD BE GOOD. Keefe canonically goes pretty far in his attempts to piss off his father.
Also a possible Chloe: Stina. Stina got her own half-assed bullshitted redemption (wow Astruc, thanks SM) and DESERVES BETTER.
Oh but fun fact about Sophie; she's actually quick to categorize people as 'good' or 'evil'. So having Stina be mean to her and getting categorized as 'evil' as a result, but that eventually changing over time, would be a good application of her KOTLC character development to this AU.
So ik that on a surface level, Keefe fits Adrien's role better than Fitz-daddy issues, blond hair, et cetera. BUT. I realized that while it would be fun, a story with Fitz would be harder to write and thus more interesting-plus I realized that somehow I have to integrate the other characters PLUS BIANA in, so a wild ride overall! It'd be the same refresh, repeat, if they were all exactly like their roles.
(@tiana4evahh I am so sorry I got sidetracked reading the KOTLC graphic novel I might just publish the KOTLC human! superhero! AU first)
(or I may also scrap this AU entirely?)
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mislamicpearl · 5 months
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I've been seeing this same sentiment going around the fandom, but I wouldn't hold my breath, personally. Not to sound pessimistic but I just don't trust the writers with Zane anymore, ever since the Wildbrain seasons started it feels like they just don't care about him. At most we get cute and sassy moments, and small reminders that he's the most compassionate ninja, but as far as him getting a whole arc dedicated to him or a deep dive into his character, we haven't gotten that since season 3. Every time they even came CLOSE to doing it again they bailed on it:
We get a season where the second half is called "Ice Chapter" and yet Zane barely shows up in it at all.
We get an "evil Zane" arc of sorts but don't ever see him actually fighting the ninja aside from Lloyd, nor do we see him grapple with the whole trauma of being lost in another Realm for years without his memories and living as an evil tyrant.
He apparently became so depressed over Nya's death that he had to turn off his emotions in order to even function, and yet the show doesn't let him turn them back on after they get Nya back except for one brief moment just to make a dumb joke.
He spends the rest of the season being a completely emotionless robot until we finally get an episode dedicated to him realizing the importance of grief... but the one who teaches him this lesson is some random annoying Gen Z self-insert character, and Nya, the supposed reason behind him even shutting off his emotions in the first place, isn't even brought up at ALL. (Seriously, why wasn't SHE the one to coax him out of his robot phase, that could've done wonders for their relationship! Not that they have a bad relationship, quite the opposite, it's just rarely explored and this could've been a golden opportunity, especially since Nya was also going through some stuff with her powers and all.)
We get an episode called "Return of the Ice Emperor", but in it the Ice Emperor only appears briefly, is presented more as comic relief than anything, and we STILL don't see any kind of exploration into how the existence of the Ice Emperor affected Zane! He literally just shows up, Zane dies for the 50th time, comes back to life completely fine again and the Ice Emperor gone, and that's it.
Given how many other things Dragons Rising is setting up in terms of character arcs (Arin's low confidence, Lloyd's panic attacks, Kai being gone and how that will affect Nya and Wyldfyre, and the whole Agent Walker situation) I just don't think the show will go out of its way to also juggle a Zane arc, except in a very shallow way.
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dykesynthezoid · 2 years
hiii so first off just wanna say love your takes on robby/cobra kai and second after watching all of cobra kai fairly quickly, i've been mourning robby's friendship with demetri and sam <//3 now i just really want a fic with robby, sam, and demetri hanging out at the mall but i guess i have to be the change i want to see in the world i guess and write it out <//3 the only thing i worry is not getting their voices right
Aww ty!! And god I feel that so much… I miss their friendship in season 2 all the time, like whyyyy did they have to just throw it in the trash!!
The biggest thing about Sam, Demetri, and Robby’s group dynamic is I think that 1. Robby and Sam are protective of Demetri and 2. They can all cut loose and bitch/commiserate together. Like. They are champions of Complaining. I’m honestly pretty sure Miyagi-Do is rlly just all about being able to bitch and complain to your friends. (Which seems kind of appropriate since apparently one of the big ways Ralph and Pat Morita bonded; even before filming; was constantly complaining about their rigorous karate training together). (Honestly, another reason I will always side with Miyagi-Do. They said fuck that “suffer in silence” and “take it like a man” crap, here at Miyagi-Do we BITCH and COMPLAIN and WHINE and it’s beautiful).
As far as individual characterizations and voices, that sort of thing can be tough! There are a few things I tend to keep in mind with these three tho
A big thing with Demetri is that his natural anxiety/neurosis (and esp a fear of physical harm or impending disaster) is often at war with his sarcasm and lack of a verbal filter. He’s also quite pessimistic and often assumes the worst, although this trait isn’t as extreme as it was in earlier seasons (since joining Miyagi-Do has clearly made him more confident).
Sam has a lot in common with other complex, headstrong female characters like Nancy Wheeler, Katara, etc. She’s naturally kind but she’s also got a rebellious and indignant streak. But she also lives her life aware she’s playing a role; a role which she didn’t necessarily want, but she’s still accepted; because she thinks it’s necessary or that bad things will happen if she rejects it. All of that can make her seem fake, sometimes, to certain people. She doesn’t want to seem fake, it’s just a natural consequence of the situation she finds herself in. She’s also sometimes prone to moodiness and huffiness (which I think is adorable, personally).
With friends like Demetri and Robby, I do think she finds it easier to cut loose and exist closer to her authentic self, though. (Them being boys might honestly have something to do with this? The way that Sam relates to other girls is… complicated. I don’t really blame her for it, I think a lot of us have been there, frankly).
Robby; my boy! He’s also naturally kind-hearted and stubborn, like Sam. And he’s also carrying, like, a lot of anger, but that’s not surprising considering his childhood. He’s also very charming! Some of that seems natural, but a lot of it is clearly a skill developed out of necessity. Robby’s nature is very… mutable? Changeable, I think? He tends to mirror his environment. (The way his sense of identity is often in flux is another point towards him having CPTSD, tbh). He’s a very good friend, though! I think that part is all him. He just wants to help, wants to do good. Oh, and entertain! He definitely spends time making sure he’s making other people laugh.
Plus he’s pretty sassy sometimes. Can’t hold back certain bitchy little comments, but it’s always very funny.
(I also think all three of them have a lot in common with Daniel in particular, although it’s different traits, respectively…)
This got way longer than I meant it to be but. Yeah! I love the three of them as a trio. Miyagi-Do for life. Wishing you luck on the fic!
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sunny6677 · 2 years
Spooky Month Future AU/Jolly Month AU - Part 1: Skid and Pump.
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Skid is around his thirties now in this au. Lila is suffering from Alzheimers now, but this doesn't stop Skid from appreciating her and visiting her in the nursing home where she's currently suffering. Despite her current condition, he loves her so.
Skid ended up getting a job as a fairly wealthy business worker, and due to this, he has a lot of money. He works very hard to put food on the table for he and his daughter, and this usually works out just fine for him. His old wife(Layla's mother) was an absolute asshole, and was just a jerk in general(she might have also been a little emotionally abusive). So after a bit of having to put up with her ass, he took Layla as soon as she was born, and divorced his old wife. He had been planning this for a while now, so he made the decision of asking for a lot of things while married to her, just so he could take them once he divorced her and proceed to sell them. Most of these things were expensive stuff like diamonds and all this other glamorous shit, so they selled pretty quickly, and he gained a lot of money from it.
Skid is very self confident in this au, he's smug when it comes to people he doesn't like, and he's also incredibly intelligent. He's kind of sassy to be honest, and he can be a little passive aggresive. If learning that someone is harming his loved ones, he won't hurt said person, but he will proceed to make their life a living hell with his manipulation skills. His old wife would also always make fun of him for the way he dressed(she said he looked too "extra" and "attention-seeking"), so out of spite, he started dressing like that all of the time.
Skid loves his daughter, Layla, very much in this au. And even though Layla is obsessed with Christmas instead of "The Spooky Month", he is very supportive of it just like Lika was supportive of his own interests. He is also a little protective over her, and isn't afraid to ruin someone's life if they dare lay a finger on her. Layla calls Christmas "The Jolly Month", so she is a bit like her dad, but only with Christmas instead.
Bonus; Skid found out that his daughter was being bullied at school once, so he tried to speak with the school about it. They did nothing about it, because of course they didn't. So, he then proceeded to see the principal and staff in person, and roasted all of them in a calm and passive aggresive manner. He then decided he was going to take Layla out of that school and put her into a new one, and left without a word, not telling Layla what had happened between him and the principal and some of the staff.
Overall, he's a good dad. He's just a little smug and passive aggresive towards anyone who even harms her in any way. He also still loves spooky month in this au, but not as much as he used to.
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Pump is also around his thirties in this au now, and he did have a wife(Sally's mother), but she is now dead. This caused Pump to have depression, and he has basically become really pessimistic and tired about everything. He works as a business worker as well, though he receives less pay than Skid does where he works at.
Pump is still friends with Skid in this AU, and they are very supportive of eachother. Neither of them will hesitate to fight a bitch if they dare harm the other, though Pump will take a more angry approach and Skid will take a more calm and passive aggresive approach.
Pump is cynical, sarcastic, and is kind of a jerk sometimes. But that's only because he's stressed out from his job. He rarely receives any sort of breaks, and he fucking despises his job. He's over-worked and very stressed most of the time, and is usually very exhausted. But he still loves his daughter, and will soften up around her since he knows she's just a kid. He does the best he can for her, and Skid tries the best he can to support his current situation by giving him some money occasionally. Pump is grateful for this.
Sally and Layla are besties due to their shared love of Christmas, so they visit the other a lot. As they play together and get up to antics, Skid and Pump will usually just chill together and talk with the other. But if Sally and Layla invite them into their antics or games, they will not hesitate to join.
Overall, he's a good dad, he's just very stressed.
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ghostiewriter · 2 years
So I have a question and i just wanna say in no way am i trying to be mean or anything I'm genuinely curious and I hope i don't come off sounding like an asshole because I'm really trying not to be 😭. But I've seen that you ship gwyn and azriel from acotar and i read the series myself recently which i very much enjoyed but I really couldn't find myself shipping them together while reading it. I was waiting for something to happen between them that would tip me off that maybe they were into each other a little but i couldn't or i just didn't feel much when reading about them.
I wanted to ask what exactly your reasons were for wanting them together and again I'm really not trying go be rude i just wanted to see from your perspective.
you're not coming off rude at all, bestie!! its so fine!!
i'll be honest, up until acosf came out, i was at peace with the idea that azriel was probably gonna be paired off with elain and it didn't bother me all that much, but then gwyn came into the picture and everything just made sense to me
whilst the three sisters/three brothers plot would be incredibly predictable, azriel and gwyn's story is quite poetic to me.
here you have this powerful warrior whose always viewed himself lesser than his brothers, who goes for women he deep down knows he shouldn't, who never saw himself worthy of love or just never believed it was in the stars for him because he has all these "ugly" reminders (aka his scars being a direct and constant reminder of his trauma)
then you have gwyn who is the opposite of azriel in a sense. she went through something equally as horrible and traumatic, but her scars are internal. she is strong, bold and sassy when you eventually get to know her, and very determined but there is still that fear holding her back from being truly healed. she is terrified that the library will be her future forever, that the closest she will get to that kind of love would be in books she reads.
i think they both also parallel each other in how they view everything. they both care deeply about the people around them, but azriel's view tends to be more pessimistic when it comes to him and gwyn tends to be more isolating.
i think through the small interactions we do see of them, they just fit each other personality wise. azriel has seen gwyn at her worst and yet helps her get to her best through training. gwyn doesn't treat azriel like the scary spymaster everyone views him as, she treats him like a person. add in the wee "you're the new ribbon, az" and "see you tomorrow, shadowsinger" and i just think they compliment each other so well
gwyn catches him off guard, she helps him just relax a little and we see it throughout the book, but i think the best is in the azriel bonus chapter. he was so wound up and conflicted and going through so much, and all of a sudden here comes gwyn who throws him off and he actually seems quite relaxed throughout the interaction. gwyn would give him the unconditional love he doesnt believe he deserves because she sees him as a person
whilst i think azriel would help be the person gwyn needs to heal. obviously its a personal journey, but having someone there with her who quite literally saw her at her worst would be that small comfort she needs when she is healing. plus the fact she is comfortable around him shows that she does trust him
there is obviously other small moments like the fact he was worried when she was in the blood rite, their story being a parallel to a little mermaid retelling and the general angst of the necklace situation being something sjm would definitely do but i just truly adore them so much
and the idea that both of them have this aversion to touch but would help each other through it? help each other heal from their trauma/scars?🥹yeah okay im just such a sucker for them
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Why Harry and Ginny is a well-written pairing
Harry/Ginny was my first OTP even before I knew what "shipping" was. It annoys me to no end when people criticize the pairing on the basis of what they saw in the films or by taking book scenes out of context *cough* the fangirl argument *cough*. So I wrote a little essay of sorts on why they are a perfect pairing and do not deserve the flak they receive.
Here goes!
Their Personalities
The two common tropes that come to mind in literary romance are "opposites attract" and "birds of a feather". At first glance, Harry and Ginny certainly seem to belong to the latter category- they share a love for Quidditch, a dry sense of humour and have both been possessed by Voldemort. However, they have some differences which make them complement each other.
Harry, having had a bad childhood, doesn't like conflicts or arguments. Apart from the brief caps-lock in OotP (which was completely justified, by the way), Harry is of a calm nature. He's the peacemaker in the debate-loving Ron/Hermione's bickering. That's not to say that he's timid or mild-mannered- far from it, actually. Harry is very sarcastic and sassy ('No need to call me sir, Professor', anyone?), not to mention a terrific and eventually confident teacher. He is also somewhat of a brooding, self-depreciating pessimist.
Ginny, on the other hand, is sunny and full of personality. She is an optimist (remember when she reminded a dejected Harry in OotP that he was only under the ban till Umbridge was at Hogwarts? Or the 'anything's possible if you've got enough nerve' scene?) who can easily snap Harry out of his self-loathing. She doesn't walk on eggshells around him ('Lucky you'), nor does she unnecessarily humour him or put up with his (rare and unintentional) rudeness ('No need to take that tone with me'). She has a fierce temper that is cancelled out by Harry's calm nature. She understands Harry when no one else does, and the same goes for her (Not even Hagrid can convince Harry to leave a dead Dumbledore's side, but a single touch from Ginny makes him follow her blindly. Similarly, in the Battle of Hogwarts, one glance at Harry is enough for her to understand him and stop struggling against her mum).
Their Sense of Humour
As I said, they have a very similar, dry sense of humour. Very often in the books, they catch each other's eye when they hear something funny because they know the other will laugh too. This non-verbal communication even happens before OotP, when Ginny comes out of her shell.
Some examples examples include the eye-catching over Percy's attempts to impress Penelope in PoA, Lockhart's behaviour and Hermione and Luna's stark differences in OotP and Ron's uncharacteristically suave behaviour in DH.
The "Real" Kind of Love
I'm sure most of us know about Robert Sternberg's Triangular Theory of Love, where the presence of three factors- intimacy, passion and commitment- determines whether the romantic relationship between two characters/people is an ideal or "consummate" kind of love. In the books, there's plenty of evidence to prove that all three boxes in the Triangular Theory are checked. This Mugglenet article lists book quotes to prove this point.
All this proves that Harry/Ginny indeed is a well-written pairing and that JKR can write romance well, contrary to popular belief. The main focus of HP is not romantic love, which more or less excuses the lack of screentime for their romance.
~Interesting Essays~
Giving Her the Power: A Characterization of Harry/Ginny (written pre-HBP)
D’you Really Think They’re Suited? Why Hermione is Not the Right Girl for Harry (again, pre-HBP)
Harry and Ginny: More Than Meets the Eye (pre-HBP)
A Rationalist's Guide to Chocolate Orange (Pre-HBP)
Why Harry Picked Ginny, Rather Than Hermione, As A Romantic Partner (Pre DH)
Ginny Weasley: A Gryffindor and a Match for Harry (Pre DH)
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pinkplantmakesstuff · 3 years
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[Sat opposite me is none other then The Commander himself. We are in my office; surrounded by stacks of notebooks and stationary, this is no battlefield and it's clear The Commander is currently out of his depth.
I will admit I was shocked when he agreed to an interview; the Commander is infamously secretive about his private life and personal affairs, and there are terrible rumours about his foul temper and monstrous appearance. Sat opposite me however, is a young, world-weary man]
Exclusive interview continues under the
Let's start with some introductory questions, can you introduce yourself?
[There's a pause before he finally speaks, he's surprisingly soft spoken.] My name's Alec. [He looks at me, and I have to prompt him for more] Oh I see. Uh people refer to me as the Commander, but I'm, not really? I don't, well I don't belong to the Pact anymore? But apparently the title stuck. And I just, end up helpin' with stuff still. [He shifts uncomfortably, and I need to know what brought him to my office today, why he's changed his mind before I continue with the more personal questions.]
So, Commander, what's changed? Why an interview now? After refusing to talk to any journalists for so long, what caused this change of heart?
[There's a another long pause.] Well, I mean...a couple of people told me it might be...good for appearances, to you know talk to one of you people, instead of just... lettin' everyone make stuff up about me all the time. [I assume he means the rumours that make up most of his public perception - like the idea his mouth is full of flesh-tearing fangs- which I can now confirm to be false. He may have pointed fangs but they are small, and he seems more interested in gnawing at his own lip.] Oh, uh and you can just call me Alec I guess.
Well thank you for choosing to speak to me Comman-Alec, now lets move onto the more personal stuff; what is your gender identity, orientation and relationship status?
[This seems to catch him off guard.] That, that is kind of, personal. [He grimaces and draws his arm tightly across his chest. "You said you didn't want people to make stuff up about you anymore, why don't you tell people so they know the real you."] I, well, ok. [He gives a defeated sigh but it seems I've swayed him around for now at least] Uh I'm a guy and I like other men. And, uh, there, might be someone. He's...[Alec mulls over his words for a minute, the "fearsome" fangs nibbling at his own mouth again] well he's like, there's a connection? It's hard to explain. ["You've just disappointed many potential suitors I suspect!" At this he lets out a surprised laugh, as if he can't believe what I said. "Is this potential someone your fearsome companion you've been rumoured to be spotted with? With fangs and horns even greater then your own?" At this he frowns, folding his arm in again.] He's not fearsome he's just, well he's great. [I've clearly struck a nerve so I choose to move on.]
Where and when were you born?
[Another one-armed shrug.] Dunno. Some small place. Don't remember it, don't care. And uh, I'm like, well I think I'm twenty? Something like that I don't know my birthday. I think it's in Winter. [At this it was mine turn to let out an incredulous laugh - which I admit was unprofessional of me. "I knew you seemed young but, only twenty? That's, you've done a lot for someone so young." There's another, lengthier pause.] S'pose so. [He doesn't comment on this further.]
Here's something you should know plenty about! What is your weapon of choice and fighting style?
[He narrows his eyes at me, and then tilts his head thoughtfully. For a moment I thought he was going to demonstrate his magical capabilities I've heard so much about but then he simply shakes his head, a if deciding against it.] Magic. People don't like it. ["Yes I've heard the rumours of your powerful necromancy, as well as the tales of you being able to transform-" He cuts me off] I fight with magic. [Again I've struck another nerve, but I don't blame him. The rumour-mill has been particularly unkind to this young man, and it's no secret how many people view darker aspects of magic unfavourably.]
Lastly, for these introduction questions, are you happy?
[We sit there in silence for several minutes, and it seems he has no answer for me. I decide to move on quickly.]
Let's move onto the people in your life! What’s your family like? What is your relationship with them?
Uh, I don't. Well my family is, well she's a baker. We grew up together. And V-my... partner? [He catches himself, clearly trying to protect keep them anonymous.] I don't have any other family I guess. But, I'd do anythin' to keep them safe. [I don't push further but it's clear the Commander's family means as much to him as the next person. Something the rumours have lead people to believe is not the case.]
Have you ever ran away from home?
Yeah. When I was a kid. My friend - the baker. We left together. it was better after that. [Alec doesn't elaborate further to begin with, before realising he's only told me part of it.] From an orphanage I mean - it's the same ol' story about kids losin' family to the Risen then being taken into care when I was a baby. We hated it. We got old enough. We ran away.
You mentioned you have a partner, this mysterious V. Would you consider marriage or having children?
[Alec's demeanour almost doesn't change, but I've not spend years in journalism and not learnt how to read people. This question has clearly flustered the young commander.] Uhh, that's, kind of personal. I don't think about stuff like that? I, well it's just nice having someone around more now. [I was about to move on before he interrupts.] But, kids are good, if, I think I'd have liked too, if things had been different.
Let's talk about some juicy gossip! Do you secretly hate one of your friend?
What? [This clearly catches him off-guard, before letting out a bitter laugh.] No. I haven't got enough of those to secretly hate one of 'em. Plenty of people have made it clear how much they hate me though. I wouldn't be surprised if more of them secretly hated me too. [Another short pause, he shifts in his seat and I catch a peek at the small wings sticking out oh his back.] I'm too tired to hate any of them, especially secretly.
I see, so which friend knows everything about you?
[Almost subconsciously he touches his horns, they are short, stubby things.] I don't think, I have- maybe the two I mentioned earlier know the most. It's hard to talk about things. ["Hmm I'd picked up on that." At this he laughs, the minor tension that had started building up eased slightly.] Yeah I'm not great at words and stuff.
The next set of questions are asked my fans! Are you literate? Have you been to school?
Fans? [He shakes his head in disbelief before leaning back in his chair, hair obscuring his face slightly.] The orphanage wasn't much for teachin'. Next question. [I resist the urge to press further.]
The eeriest prediction you made that later came true?
[He seems to spend some time thinking this one over before shaking his head.] Dunno. I guess I just assume most of the people I meet won't stick around long enough to be friends and...well I guess in a way they don't get to stick around I've....I've lost a lot of people. I guess that counts right? [He laughs slightly at this, but it isn't a happy one. Even the commander, who is oft described as cold is clearly affected by the ongoing tragedies he seeks to help stop.]
What is something you were embarrassingly late to realize?
I don't think I realised Sylvari could glow for like, ages. [He puts his hand up to his face slightly but he smiles slightly as he speaks, and it's only now I've realised he's without his infamous blind-fold. I mention this but he shrugs it off.] I still 'ave it. I just, don't want to wear it right now.
Do you have mental health or physical issues?
[He waves the stump of his missing arm, bandages still visible. Everyone's already heard about the fight against the fearsome Jungle dragon that cost him his arm, as well as the Marshall of The Pact .] Does this count? [He makes no mention of his mental health so I try to press further.] I'm fine.
What is your current main goal?
[Alec shakes his head, before shrugging again.] I'm not gonna talk about stuff like that, in case it puts people at risk, it's, well it's stuff that needs doing to help people.
Let's move onto something easy! Some choices! Drink or food?
Food. I like cooking. ["Really? The famous Commander, known and feared on the battlefield, enjoys being in a kitchen?" He smiles slightly and nods.] It's just nice y'know. I like making things a lot.
Cats or dogs?
Cats. Their senses are easier to see through and they can fit in smaller places. [Before I can ask what he means he continues.] I would like a pet one too I think.
Early bird or night owl?
I prefer getting up early, it means I have longer in the day to get stuff done.
Optimist or pessimist?
[He frowns again.] Don't know. I don't think things are ever gonna go very well. [He merely shrugs when I point out that he sounds like a pessimist.]
Sassy or sarcastic?
I wouldn't say I'm either to be honest. ["There have been reports from Queen Jenna's courts that you have been known to make the occasional sarcastic, scathing remark."] Well there are also reports I've got a huge dragon tail but that don't make it true either. [I don't point out that dry remark he made.]
You'll be pleased Alec, we are finally finishing up! Finally it's time for some "Have you evers". Lets start with have you ever been caught sneaking out?
Nope. I used to be unnoticeable, though, that's changed a...little. [He gestures to himself in what I am assuming is reference to his small wings and horns] Like I said earlier though, magic.
Broke a bone?
Nope not that either. ["Really? With your work on the field and from the battles I've heard, you've truly never broken a bone?] I guess that's just the one thing I got goin' for me I guess.
Received flowers?
I don't think so? Wait yeah maybe but they are from people I don't really know as thanks which is nice I guess- I give 'em to...my baker friend coz she likes to display them in her shop.
Ghosted someone?
[There's another pause, it seemed he'd been slowly getting used to speaking to me but this one has him quiet again.] Not....intentionally. Keepin' in contact is hard when you're constantly travelling. And writing is... not one of my greatest talents.
Pretended to laugh at a joke you didn’t get?
Uhh to be honest I probably wouldn't realise it was a joke sometimes', and if I did and I don't get it then maybe they should have told a better joke. [He shrugs and I can't help but laugh at his honesty]
[There you have it readers, an EXCLUSIVE interview with the feared Commander himself. Nothing like the rumours who describe him as "The Beast", The Commander is just another war-weary fighter trying to do what's right.]
Thank you @the-mystic-dragon for tagging me this was so much fun to write! (Even if it took like, an hour, and I massively changed the format XD) This is written as if it's around mid to late lws3 and before PoF as well as in the au with Vasche! Vasche is @resonatingfern's wonderful character and Alec's "mysterious partner" in this. In terms of tagging, if ya wanna do one go ahead! Though I did change the format quite a bit oops XD
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siennadraws · 3 years
OC interview: Terys Lavellan
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Thank you @thatssolavellan for the tag!!!
1. Can you introduce yourself?
I am Terys, a hunter of Clan Lavellan, I go by she, and I'm Mythal's Chosen.
2. What is your gender identity, orientation and relationship status?
Gender identity is something different from elves to shem, but I feel comfortable being called a woman. I'm attracted to all kinds of people and single.
3. Where and when were you born?
I was born on the 7th day of the second month of Spring. The calendar we Elvhen use is different from the shem's Chantry's, but I think the month would be Cloudreach. I was born in my clan's camp, in Ferelden. We used to live there before the Blight.
4. What is your weapon of choice and fighting style?
I use daggers and I prefer finishing the fight before it starts. I try to kill as many of my enemies as I can before they notice me.
5. Lastly, are you happy?
That's a difficult question. I am and am not. There's a moment for every emotion. Just because my life is hard doesn't mean I don't find happiness. But my life has been hard.
The rest of the questions under cut because it gets long.
1. What’s your family like? What is your relationship with them?
My family is wonderful, and I love them.
My mother is a very wise woman, she's the more quiet one, listening in on everything before speaking. As the Keeper, she's also a very powerful mage. My mom is wise as well, of course, but she's more adventurous and loud, my uncle still tells stories of all the trouble they got into as children.
My sister is a sweetheart. She loves finding things and learning, a bit like me, but she's more of a open book, despite her shyness. She also loves all kinds of dogs, especially the wolves our clan travels with, especially Arla, the pack's leader.
2. Have you ever ran away from home?
Never, and I've never thought about it or found the need, to be honest.
3. Would you consider marriage or having children?
I'd consider marriage, but having children isn't something I want. I'd rather just help my fellow clan mates with their kids when they need and I can.
4. Do you secretly hate one of your friends?
No. Not at all. But I have hated some of them, and they hated me back. But we have moved on from it. Cass and I only started getting along after Corypheus was defeated. I had that weight off my shoulders and she had started realizing her biases. Awkward talks ensued but we're friends now.
Viv and I started getting along after Haven fell. I realized that she truly cared for her fellow mages and everyone else, just has a different way of thought on how to protect them, and I spoke to her about Dalish mages, and how we didn't actually abandoned them in the wilds. I think my sister joining the Inquisition was also a great help.
5. Which friend knows everything about you?
The one friend whose goals would find him using that knowledge against me. Solas.
1. Are you literate? Have you been to school?
I can read and write both Elvhen and Trade, my Trade was a bit rusty before joining the Inquisition. I was taught alongside my clan mates my age many different things, trades and history, survival and the ways of nature, religion. And I tried to learn more, and learned much more as life went on.
2. The eeriest prediction you made that later came true?
I may have made a few jokes about Solas being the mastermind behind the Breach.
3. What is something you were embarrassingly late to realize?
That the rumors Mother Giselle warned me about weren't that Dorian was manipulating me, or that we were working together for nefarious ends, but that we were in a relationship. I only realized it when Dorian made a joke about it, when he was saying his goodbyes.
4. Do you have mental health or physical issues?
I obviously have one physical issue, my missing arm. Thankfully I have a prothesis, but it causes problems of its own. And my mental health is... Probably shaky. I'm more paranoid and anxious than I used to be.
5. What is your current main goal?
My current goal is to stop Solas from ending this world. Hopefully finding a way to return it to it's natural state in a peaceful way.
1. Drink or food?
2. Cats or dogs?  
My sister would kill me for this, but cats. I still love dogs.
3. Optimist or pessimist?
A balance of both. It depends on what I'm thinking about.
4. Sassy or sarcastic?
1. Been caught sneaking out?  
Yes. My sister and I used to sneak out to explore ancient Elvhen ruins, after they were cleared by the hunters. We told our mothers we were going to gather blueberries, but they caught on the lie. I suspect they sent some hunters to watch over us without being caught.
Once we got older my sister and I still went to explore the ruins, but this time with authorization, and a couple of my hunter friends as backup.
2. Broken a bone?
A couple, it happens when you're a hunter, or a reckless kid, or when you're trying to repair a big hole in the sky made by a Magister.
3. Received flowers?
Yes. Romantically and platonically. Dalish kids love making flower crowns, it's something that keeps their hands busy and that they can brag about.
4. Ghosted someone?
No. When you're Dalish there aren't many ways to ghost someone, even if it's during an Arlathvenn, so you don't really find the need later in life, even outside the clan.
5. Pretended to laugh at a joke you didn’t get?
Never. This may be the cause of a couple of Josephine's grey hairs.
I'm tagging @dreadfutures @little-lightning-lavellan @vakarians-girl @vvakarians @tireddemigod @vronism (no pressure) and whoever wants to do this (pls tag me!)
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charrwybie · 3 years
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(I've seen this interview meme floating around the tag and it looks super fun so here it goes! Wyatt is not my Commander, but he's still a fun character who WOULD have fans bc he's in a band! Used to do ballet!)
- Can you introduce yourself?
I'm Wyatt Epping - Wybie for friends! I play bass in a rock band with my friends.
- What is your gender identity, orientation and relationship status?
I'm a guy, bi, and not... availa-bly. That was Awful, sorry about that. Not looking to be in a relationship right now, either, I have some healing to do before I'm ready to try again, found that out the hard way.
- Where and when were you born?
We - mom and me that is, assume in Lion's Arch because that's where she found me as a newborn cub some twenty years ago.
- What is your weapon of choice and fighting style?
I prefer to not fight, but when I have to, I prefer my staff or greatsword, and an axe for when things get close. My aunt calls me a powerhouse and I'm usually last still on my feet so I guess I'm good at dancing around the danger and hitting hard when I need to.
- Lastly, are you happy?
Yeah. Yeah. Getting there at least! I've gone through some shhhhoot that made me not happy for a long time, but I'm getting there again! Feels good.
- What’s your family like? What is your relationship with them?
(Wyatt laughs) I have a big and weird family by a lot of standards. I'm sure you're thinking that Epping doesn't sound like a charr name and you'd be right! I was raised by my mom, Norma, a human woman, in Lion's Arch so I definitely don't have like a charr upbringing, or a charr name even. I also have another mom who's a charr but not the one that birthed me, and a step-sister who's about the same age as me. Then there's my dads who aren't really my dads but kinda are -- it's a long story, but we're happy. Close! I love them very much and am definitely a momma's boy and a family boy.
-Have you ever ran away from home? 
No. Well yeah, when I was like four and mad about something and I got all the way to the other side of the street before running back to hug my mom and cry that I missed her.
-Would you consider marriage or having children? 
Marriage, definitely, with the right person, I -- think I want that, but it's also scary right now. Kids? No thanks. Thought I wanted some, but nah, turned out to be some misplaced emotional shenanigans. Kids are great, but not for me.
-Do you secretly hate one of your friends?
I wouldn't waste time being their friend if I did, I don't think. I can be a polite boy and act civil in any company, but I'm not gonna be friends with someone I don't like. What's the point?
-Which friend knows everything about you? 
Ordell, who is also in the band - he grew up with me and my sister and we were like an inseparable triple trouble trio, and he was kinda like our little brother but not really. Still is the same. He's the kind of friend I can talk about anything with, or just sit quietly, and it's just... comfortable. Cozy.
-Are you literate? Have you been to school?
Is this a joke about bassists being dumb? Yeah I'm literate, have been to school in Lion's Arch, and did real good there. I liked school and studying and would work on ballet flexibility while doing my homework; hobbies, no matter how serious, never were more important than learning.
-The eeriest prediction you made that later came true?
Hmmm. I don't know if anything like that's happened? My mom used to call me Stormlord because I used to predict thunderstorms and lightning strikes as a kid; does that count? She was amazed that I didn't become an elementalist.
-What is something you were embarrassingly late to realize?
You know what, PROBABLY a lot of things, but I can't think of an example.
- Do you have mental health or physical issues?
Both, haha... I have seasonal allergies, a permanently injured knee that ended my hopes of dancing professionally, depression that came with THAT, aaaand PTSD from a different kind of trauma. I'm healing, though!
- What is your current main goal?
Just... To have fun! And to get a griffon, that's what I'm working on right now. We'll see, a lot of animals don't like me, and I really don't know why. I think I'm cursed or something. Let me tell you, it's not fun out there when seemingly every animal ever seems to have a personal beef with you, specifically. And I'm not talking about wildlife, I'm talking about cows and chicken and like generally friendly things.
- Drink or food?
Food, unless my sister made it, in which case probably neither.
-Cats or dogs? 
Both! I grew up with both and currently have both - I have a cat called Silly - Cilantro, really - and a dog called Potato.
-Early bird or night owl? 
A little more of a night owl, I guess, though not really that either. I like sleeping.
-Optimist or pessimist? 
Optimist. Trying to be real hard at least! Mostly it's working!
-Sassy or sarcastic? 
Depends on the day and company I guess. Not a lot of either.
-Been caught sneaking out
No, but sneaking back in, yeah! (Laughs) I'd come home too late from parties or something drunk before I was supposed to be drinking and inevitably mom would catch me because I'd always get sick, or be way noisier than I thought, or, you know, both. I try to not drink enough to get that drunk anymore.
-Broken a bone
Kneecap, yeah, when I goofed my entire knee. Some toes, I think? Amazingly not anything bigger than that though.
-Received flowers
Yeah! From friends and family and dates, and fans too. I like flowers, am very allergic to some of their pollen though, haha!
-Ghosted someone
Well, yeah. Sometimes deservedly, sometimes it's been me panicking and being shitty as a result-- aw rats, there goes a coin in the swear jar... But yeah, I have.
-Pretended to laugh at a joke you didn’t get
Oh for sure. Sometimes I don't have to pretend because I'll just laugh at myself not getting it!
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where-is-caithe · 3 years
OC Interview: Yden
Draw (or use an old drawing, don’t worry!) or take a screen of your character in an interview setting and make them answer the following questions!
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Can you introduce yourself?: “Yden, Champion of Aurene. Might as well say it. After Jormag, it’s not like we can keep pretending Rhowan is Aurene’s champion.” She rubbed her knuckles self consciously.
What is your gender identity, orientation and relationship status?: She smiles softly, “I’m a lesbian woman and I am. Taken.”
Where and when were you born?: “About 33 years ago now, in Divinity’s Reach.”
What is your weapon of choice and fighting style?: “Well, I don’t really use a weapon, though if I had to choose I would choose Sohothin.” She closes her eyes and takes a deep breath, “The power in that sword is... addictive. Rytlock would not be able to keep it from me if I wanted it.”
Lastly, are you happy?: “Hm! Interesting question. Would you be happy with the world depending on you to keep it from falling apart? I’m happy with Rhowan. She keeps me from falling apart.”
What’s your family like? What is your relationship with them?: “My parents are both dead. It’s not something I like to talk about nor think about, thank you for asking. They were both Shining Blade and I didn’t see them often. I spent most of my childhood with Mina’s family, in her home. She’s more family to me than mine ever was.”
Have you ever run away from home?: “Lots of times, yes.”
Would you consider marriage or having children?: A soft smile, “I’ve considered marriage more than once, though I’m the one who’ll end up asking. I know she won’t. As for children, no. I don’t want children. When all this dragon business is over I’m going to live with Rhowan in a house in some forest and nothing eventful will happen to us ever again.”
Do you secretly hate one of your friends?: “Oh if I hate someone they know. Rytlock knows he’s one wrong word away from death by my hand.”
Which friend knows everything about you?: “Mina knows more about me than any of my other friends, though Rhowan knows me damn well too. And Caithe. Gods, I can’t keep to myself, can I.”
Are you literate? Have you been to school?: “Do you know who you’re talking to?”
The eeriest prediction you made that later came true?: “I don’t know about predictions, but I was researching dragon magic long before that damned asura was. Gods, if Anise hadn’t kidnapped me we would’ve figured a lot of things out much sooner.” She grit her teeth and huffed, her arms crossed.
What is something you were embarrassingly late to realize?: “Rhowan loved me long before I knew. Horrifying, honestly. I just thought she was that nice to everyone, then I found out she’s kind of an ass and it took me way too long to put two-and-two together.”
Do you have mental health or physical issues?: She sighs, “well, let’s see. I was tortured and manipulated for years by the leader of the Shining Blade and I lost my memory of nearly everything before that. I had to witness the woman I love die a horrible flaming death. The dragon I’m bonded to was stabbed through the heart by a brand crystal and I felt that when it happened. Draw your own damn conclusions. I also need glasses, I suppose?”
What is your current main goal?: “My main goal is to not panic. And trust in Aurene. Something is happening to the world and I don’t know what it is. It frightens me.”
Drink or food?: “Mm, food, definitely. I love sweet things and Rhowan cooks for me. It’s so easy to get her to make something nice for me.”
Cats or dogs?: “I’m more of a cat person, I suppose? I don’t like keeping animals much, my skyscale takes up so much of my time now.”
Early bird or night owl?: “Night owl, gods, Rhowan wakes up so damned early, it’s terrible.”
Optimist or pessimist?: “Pessimist. It’s hard not to be, though the hope that Aurene gives me is starting to chip away at me.”
Sassy or sarcastic?: “Take a guess.”
Been caught sneaking out: “Oh please, two of my closest friends are thieves, one of which I grew up with. Not to mention the years of Shining Blade training forced upon me. If I was ever caught before, I never am now.”
Broke a bone: “Embarrassingly, I fell out of a tree and broke my wrist as a child. I don’t remember how old I was, nine, maybe? Anyways, Mina always teases me about it.”
Received flowers: “Rhowan has given me roses before, many times. It’s sweet of her. They remind me of her now.”
Ghosted someone: “I’ve ghosted many people. If I don’t want to talk to you, I won’t.”
Pretended to laugh at a joke you didn’t get: “No. If I don’t understand or if it’s not funny I don’t pretend to be in on it.”
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happyandticklish · 3 years
okay it's obvious... it's TOO OBVIOUS what fandom comes here..........:
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waiting for your opinions sir
Pffft, I did see that coming yeah. Luckily, I love genshin impact, so I am happy to oblige~
The character I first fell in love with:
He's just a little sassy baby. Plus, his outfit? 10/10, some good shit.
The character I never expected to love as much as I do now:
Okay, so Sayu? Like, I didn't even know of her, and I haven't encountered her really in the game itself, but I got her for one of my pulls and she's one of my favorites now. Her gameplay is really awesome, and also she's tiny and sleepy but also kicks ass.
The character everyone else loves that I don't:
I cannot get behind Venti for some reason. Like, he's okay, and I don't really mind him, but he's kind of annoying? Obviously if you like him, you do you, no hate, he's just not my favorite for some reason.
The character I love that everyone else hates:
Honestly, I don't think I have one. Most of the people that I like match up fairly well with the characters that the fandom is currently obsessed with. The only one I can think of is Sayu, just in that she doesn't get as much representation? But I don't think anyone really hates her, or any of my faves, so I don't know.
The character I used to love but don't anymore:
Again, don't really have one. I used to think Albedo was pretty cool, theoretically, but I haven't encountered him in gameplay, so right now I don't think much of him just because I haven't seen him. I'm sure that will change though, knowing me.
The character I would totally smooch:
all of them
Probably Kaeya. He's real good. I just like his fancy hair and his face. I want to give him lots of smooches and tickles.
The character I'd want to be like:
Honestly, probably Jean. I just feel like she's really good at her job and good to people, and she just has her shit together. But also, she's nice about it? You know? She's a good role model.
The character I'd slap:
Bennet. In a heart beat. I love him, but I just need to affectionately slap some sense into his pessimistic face. Sometimes it rains Bennet. It's okay. Shut the fuck up and let me use Kaeya for a moment.
(no hate to Bennet, or Bennet-lovers)
A pairing that I love:
Kaether!!! Specifically, Kaeya x Aether. That may be subject to change, but right now I cannot and will not get over them.
A pairing that I despise:
Honestly, none of them. I'm the biggest multi-shipper you will find, everything's down with me for the most part.
Thank you for the ask!
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OC Interview: Orion Augustus
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Thank you @dumbassentity for the tag!
(I’m not sure I’m doing this right—- I just used the same questions you used?)
(Everyone should try this with their Captain or other OC!)
Can you introduce yourself?
Captain Orion Augustus of the Unreliable, at your service
What is your gender identity, orientation and relationship status?
I’m a pan-romantic demi-sexual man, emphasis on the romantic… I get crushes all the time.
In terms of relationships: I’m proudly attached at the hip to Max DeSoto, and wanna shout it from the rooftops.
Where and when were you born?
April 11, 2244, on Earth
What is your weapon of choice and fighting style?
None. And… none? I prefer to convince my opponent that they aren’t particularly interested in fighting me at all. And if that fails? I’m one hell of a jogger.
Lastly, are you happy?
You’d think that was a simple question, haha. Let’s say yes. At the moment.
Family and Friends
What’s your family like? What is your relationship with them?
My mother left when I was young. I never really tried to find her. It doesn’t matter now, she’s long dead. Unless people somehow started living far past 100 years on Earth. Who knows. I was close with my father before he died. It was complicated I guess. He wasn’t… I don’t know. We were close I suppose. Anyway that's boring. Let's hit the next one, shall we?
Have you ever run away from home?
As a kid? No. I got into trouble in plenty of other ways.
I guess boarding the Hope could be counted as running away from home as an adult. But Earth didn’t really feel like my home anymore anyway.
Would you consider marriage or having children?
No to children. Not really interested in that at all, but if some kid who was really into tossball and anarchy maybe needed to join a crew to like, I dunno, get away from a dead end job moving boxes on a space station? Hypothetically? That’s another story.
As for marriage… I may be a romantic at heart, but I don’t need anything that traditional. Some kind of celebration with, you know, flowers and music and twinkle lights and all our friends… that would be nice. Doesn’t have to be called marriage.
Do you secretly hate one of your friends?
My friends? No.
But I do make some assholes believe that I’m their friend before I take them for all they’re worth. Don’t worry about it unless you’re filthy rich and treat people “below you” like garbage.
Which friend knows everything about you?
Max probably knows as much as I do. But that’s not saying much. Half the time I’m confused about the inner workings of my own stupid brain. I tell Max more than I tell anyone else.
Asked by Fans
Are you literate? Have you been to school?
Finished high school. Didn’t see much point in paying for anything beyond that. I read a lot, mostly romance paperbacks, and I’m writing my own. I'm a pretty good writer, if I do say so myself. And I do. Say so myself.
The eeriest prediction you made that later came true?
I dunno about eerie. I’ll brag, be honest, and say that I can read people pretty well and give you odds on what they’ll do next. I'm usually right.
What is something you were embarrassingly late to realize?
That I was in love with the preacher.
Do you have mental health or physical issues?
I mean I’m a mess, my friend. There’s the obvious: I’m blind in one eye. Other than that. Mental health? Yeah. Again. A mess.
What is your current main goal?
I don’t really have one. Give love, receive love? Is that too corny? Too bad.
Drink or food?
Food. Gimme a bag of those cystybits and I'm good. Also, I am an amazing cook. I can work miracles with the weird shit y'all have to eat in this starsystem.
Cats or dogs?
Cats. I’m fucking terrified of dogs. I didn’t used to be. I guess I’m scared of what passes for a dog around here.
Optimist or pessimist?
A joyful pessimist.
Sassy or sarcastic?
Sassy. And it's a damn shame I can't think of a cuter way to say that.
Have You Ever
Been caught sneaking out?
Nope! I don’t get caught.
Broken a bone?
Well, I didn’t break them. Someone broke them for me without my permission.
Received flowers?
Yes! I’ve had some lovers who share my sense of romance. Max surprised me with some the other day. I have a feeling Parvati suggested it, but it was sweet just the same.
Ghosted someone?
Pretended to laugh at a joke you didn’t get?
I kinda feel like I'm doing that right now, ha ha
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criminalmutantsins · 3 years
My Version of Morgana Mcawber in the DT '17 Universe
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Full Name: Morgana Azazel Mcawber
Alias(es): Morg, Mcawber, Witch, Demon Spawn, Big Sis, and Gana
Birthday: October 31
Age: 27
Nationality: European
Species: Half-Duck/Demigorgonian
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Alignment: Neutral(formerly), Good
Occupation: Hero, Mental Institution Patient(formerly), Enchantress-for-Hire
Affiliation(s): Justice Ducks, part-time S.H.U.S.H Agent
Relatives: Cephas Mcawber(brother), Hector Mcawber(uncle)
Voice Claim: Laura Bailey (Black Widow, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kDDnQQt2Auk&t=110s)
Morgana’s Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4Aq6bmQg7ccKLXM3Z5f4vf?si=njcKMXxpQBqH6rZ4gISUtg
Allies: Drake Mallard/Darkwing Duck, Launchpad McQuack, Gosalyn Waddlemeyer, Fenton Crackshell-Cabrera, Jim Starling/Negaduck(formerly), Lena Sabrewing, Neptunia, Stegmutt
Undecided: Hector Mcawber
Enemies: F.O.W.L, Helios Mental Asylum, Jim Starling/Negaduck, Fearsome Four
Morgana is a taller than average, black-haired duck. She wears a cherry red sleeveless jumpsuit under a blood red jacket pinned by a gold button. One jacket sleeve covers her right arm, wrapping around her middle finger, while the other sleeve is elbow length. Attached to her hips is a long dark red cape that drags on the floor. A tattered drape connects to her forefinger. To match her elegant heels, Morgana wears shiny, black lipstick. On the small of her back is the symbol of Demogorgana, her birthmark. The gray streaks in her hair are pinned back.
Morgana is a quiet, solemn sorceress. Due to the constant bullying in her childhood, she has a pessimistic view in life and has trust issues. But, once you’ve gained it, she’ll be kinder and more open. Around strangers, she is quiet and willing to give them the cold shoulder. Lover of horror, Morgana enjoys scaring people-sneaky up on people was her favorite- and prefers to make a spooky entrance. She can be aggressive and will usually not hesitate to attack, especially if she is judged for her magic. Her anger can lead her to be vengeful; an example being her wish to hurt the bullies who hurt her brother.
Since joining the Justice Ducks and being somewhat part of the Mallard-Mcquack family, Morgana became more level-headed and playful. Smiles came easier and she finally felt loved. Although passive, she is not afraid to be sassy, though it’s more playful towards her friends. Patience is Morgana’s strong point; she was willing to build her magic prowess enough to escape from the asylum.
Born from an affair with her mom and Demogorgon, Morgana is cursed with chaos magic and the Demogorgon symbol as a birthmark. She was bullied for her uncontrollable magic and weird hobbies for a child like her love for witchcraft and horror. The bullying got worse once she and her brother moved with her uncle to his heavily conservative county. It grew from verbal to physical abuse quickly. Her normal brother was bullied as well for being associated with her, something that hurts her more than being harassed herself. The abuse and her uncle’s unconcerned behavior convinced her to run away. But, before she could leave, a horrifying event occurred. This left Morgana to be sentenced to an asylum for the rest of her life.
Horror movies
Gothic Culture
Reading fictional books
The color red
Helping others
Quiet nights
Bright colors
Innocent people getting hurt
Arrogant people
Human experimentation
Loud noises
Her impulsive anger
Skills & Abilities:
-Chaos Magic: This type of magic allows her to absorb the chaotic forces in the universe and warp reality. Morgana has enough power to destroy the cosmos, though the energy needed would leave her coma.
-Superhuman Strength: Being half-Demogorgon makes her more durable and stronger than a regular person.
-Psionics: this ability allows her to project her energy as attacks like energy blasts, create forcefields, and fly.
-Mental Manipulation: Morgana can manipulate her victim’s minds to see their worst fears, control their actions, and read minds.
-Spellcasting: she used to cast spells in her own magic language but grew out of the more she practiced. Now able to cast spells without help.
Cephas Mcawber:
Being her baby brother, Morgana is very protective of him. Her protectiveness grew once her bullies started terrorizing him as well. She was there to comfort him when their parents were killed and promised to be there for him.
Wanting to keep her promise, Morgana asked Cephas if he wanted to run away with her. Though he decided to stay.
Hector Mcawber:
Morgana and her uncle weren’t close. He seemed unconcerned about the bullying she endured. Hector openly favored Cephas since, unlike Morg, he was related by blood. Most of the time, Morgana was left to take care of herself. The treatment was similar to the kind she got from her stepfather.
Her neutrality towards her uncle soon turned to disdain when he left her in the asylum’s care.
Mr. Mcawber:
Her stepfather tried to love Morgana but could only see her as a reminder of his wife’s betrayal. He didn’t treat her badly nor show much love for her. He died alongside his wife in a car crash.
Mrs. Mcawber:
Although she loves her mom, Morgana is bitter towards her mom for getting into an affair with a Demogorgon. They didn’t have much of a relationship since her mom died when she was seven.
Drake Mallard/Darkwing Duck:
Drake is Morgana’s good friend and teammate.
At first, due to a huge misunderstanding and DW’s ego blinding him, they viewed each other as enemies. Drake’s arrogance annoyed Morgana to no-end and would respond to him with sassy quips. His view of Morgana was of a criminal and danger to society because his first S.H.U.S.H was to recapture her for the asylum.
Once they got to know each other, Drake and Morgana grew to respect and sympathize one another for their strength and hard pasts. In the end, Drake let her go into hiding and advocated for her innocence.
Fenton Crackshell-Cabrera/Gizmoduck:
Fenton and Morgana are friends and teammates.
Alongside Darkwing, Gizmoduck was assigned to recapture Morgana. He was more sympathetic towards her when noticing her unwillingness to fight. There were many times he suggested talking to Morgana. He also advocated for her innocence once learning the truth.
Morgana didn’t think much of Fenton in the beginning, though finding him quite cute. She was grateful towards him and DW for believing her and saw them as her first true friends.
Launchpad Mcquack:
Launchpad didn’t meet Morgana until after DW and Fenton’s mission. He liked her and found her magic fun to see.
Morgana found LP’s naivety and sweet nature comforting because of how much he reminded her of Cephas. Whenever visiting the Mallard-Mcquack household, Morgana would occasionally scare Launchpad-his easy to scare attitude was funny to her. Though she would always make up for it by offering her delicious brownies.
Gosalyn Waddlemeyer:
Like LP, Gos met Morgana later on. They clicked instantly due to their love of horror movies and Gos’ fascination with magic. It didn’t take much time for Morg to be appointed as Gosalyn’s babysitter. They would watch horror movies and plan scary pranks to frighten Drake and LP. The girls would also scheme ideas on how to get Gos’ fathers to confess their feelings. They usually pep talk Drake into confessing his feelings-with no avail. Their Drake’s wingwomen.
Lena Sabrewing/de Spell:
Wanting to train her magic, Lena asked Morgana to teach her.
They have a healthy teacher-student relationship with Morg helping to grow Lena’s power enough, so she didn’t have to cast some spells with incantations. There are times the girls use their magic to have fun and play pranks. Gos usually joins them, and is the mastermind of their schemes.
Morgana holds a lot of respect for Lena based on her strength to move on from the past. There are moments when she sees herself in Lena-something that comforts, yet scares her.
-She was inspired by Scarlet Witch/Wanda Maximoff, Alphaba from Wicked, and Morticia Addams.
-Her VA, Laura Bailey, starred in a dark fantasy anime called Soul Eater.
-Unlike her previous incarnation, Morgana’s feet are shown.
-Her power is strong enough to rival Magica.
-She is one of the tallest characters in the ’17 universe.
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drabblecat · 3 years
Hello there! May I please get a Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure matchup? I’m a petite 5’2, bisexual, demi-female (she/her and they/them) who’s an ENFJ with a 2w3 wing. I have a very curvy and voluptuous body with freckles, and that’s borderline plus sized (think of a Marilyn Monroe type of body, EXTRA THI C C). I have long, wavy, dark brown hair that’s goes all the way down to my mid waist. Age wise, I’m an adult around my mid 20s. I have hooded, dark brown eyes and wear glasses because I do have vision problems. My fashion style is either casual, feminine-chic, or curve hugging outfits. I love being fashionable, but I do it with my own eccentric twist!
Personality wise I’m a very kind, sweet, and compassionate kind of person. I can be social, but I definitely have my shy and awkward moments sometimes. I’m often way too sensitive to others feelings, and I always consider others opinions long before I consider my own. Sometimes I overthink things or social situations because I do have anxiety and can be insecure. However, that also means people sometimes take advantage of me, but I try not to let people push my boundaries much. I also have autism and ADHD so it can be hard for me to communicate with others on occasion. I can often be stubborn, critical, moody, melodramatic, and pessimistic at times. I expect too much of myself and I’m often perfectionistic when it comes to things I’m very passionate about. Things like my academics have very high grades (Straight A’s basically) because of my intelligence and hard working nature. I’m also pretty adventurous, brave, and sassy if someone dares me to do something or pushes my right buttons. I can also be very sarcastic and foul mouthed when I’m around good company. Overall, I always try to be an open minded and genuine person when I get to know people and where they come from. Animals tend to really like me too and get very affectionate around me.
My interests and hobbies revolve around art, researching random stuff, music, marijuana, anime shows, cooking, and exercise. I love to draw, smoke weed, sing, cook and eat high quality food, dance, and play guitar. I love learning about other cultures, and I love getting to know people with different backgrounds from mine. I collect lots of Sailor Moon merch, calligraphy pens, and various belly dance hip scarves for my bellydancing.
Well, that’s all I can say about myself. If you decide to do this, thank you so much! ☺️😘💞💖💖💖💕💞
I match you with Jonathan Joestar!
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He loves the drive an passion that you have! Not to mention, he is the perfect gentleman. Jonathan will be soft when he needs to, but will protect you against anyone who tries to harm you physically or emotionally. You both share a passion for learning about the world around you and the finer things in life. He'd love to go on adventures with you, meeting new people and trying new things. A date night with him would include fine dining, accompanied with a night of music and dance. Of course he would also spoil you, gifting you the best calligraphy pens he can find and writing long love letters to further show his affections. All in all Jonathan Joestar is passionate towards you, understanding and kind. There is nothing to worry about when he's looking after you.
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urionelle · 3 years
Commander Interview
♡ Tagged by @long-journey (thank you so much!) OC Interview: Fleur of Dusk
Draw (or use an old drawing, don’t worry!) or take a screen of your character in an interview setting and make them answer the following questions!
[Commentaries between brackets are my own to explain stuff - Fri.]
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Can you introduce yourself?: “I’m Fleur! I used to have the name Fleurith but I decided to short it up. I’m... uh... From the Cycle of Dusk, awakened at 05:59pm!” She’s visibly nervous.
What is you gender identity, orientation and relationship status?: “I, uh... what? Oh, right. I identify as female. And uh... I could like anyone... So anything else doesn’t matter... like looks and etc, really! I don’t know a name for that... [she’s pan & demi] And uh...” - she giggled nervously - “Yes, yes, I have a beloved.” [It’s Throyann... I don’t make the rules]
Where and when were you born?: “The Grove! Awakened beneath the Pale Tree. Hm, I used not to really care for numbers, but since many people ask this...” - she makes a pause to count mentally - “it was 9 years ago!”
What is your weapon of choice and fighting style?: “Longbow and daggers/axes. I like being able to move myself a lot, since I don’t have much physical strength, I rely on precise strikes and opportunity. Though I think it’d be nice if I trained bigger weapons someday!”
Lastly, are you happy?: “I am! It’s pointless to overthink what my life could’ve been, so I appreciate the moment that I have now and I hope for the best.”
What’s your family like? What is your relationship with them?: “You mean... everyone in the Grove?” - she giggles - “Hm, I have a pod twin, are you familiar with that? Their name is Albireo and we’re very close. I also have many companions, like Shakah [her tigress]! And I also have my friends Caelum, Moriah and Kerbasi! And my former mentor Oaklain! And my beloved... And other friends...”
Have you ever ran away from home?: “Why would anyone do that?” [She’s not familiar with the concept.]
Would you consider marriage or having children?: She blinks confused. “I have yet to understand the concept of marriage. Like why do you have to prove anything to anyone by making what you have with your beloved ‘official’? Isn’t it not enough just to stay together, love and support each other? I don’t understand it, personally, but I hope people are happy about it!” She makes a pause. “I don’t have offspring. I can’t have them and I don’t plan on adopting either.”
Do you secretly hate one of your friend?: “No!” She makes a shocked expression. “If I did, then they wouldn’t be my friend!”
Which friend knows everything about you?: “Caelum.”
Are you literate? Have you been to school?: “I... have always known how to read... I came to life knowing it. I have not been to school places. I always wondered what it’s like. Maybe like the mentors in the Grove?”
The eeriest prediction you made that later came true?: She swallows dryly. “It’s personal.”
What is something you were embarrassingly late to realize?: “I can’t think of anything. The past barely haunts me, but I’m... quiet prepared for most of the things in the future [through endless overthinking... she’s workng on that] and I read the room easily. It’s a bad habit or trait, sometimes.”
Do you have mental health or physical issues?: “I... do, I think? I didn’t know the name before... Like, I feel like I’m inside a small, tiny box or like there are big walls around me getting closer and closer and suddenly I seem to have forgotten how to breath! Or like, I can’t see anything around me, I feel doomed! I thought I was physically sick the first time... but then it kept happening.”
What is your current main goal?: “At this time, I just want to relax. I check on my associates [she means Taimi and Gorrik] in case there’s any new information I should know, but besides that, I’m trying to take a small, personal break.” [She’s currently asserting things with Throyann ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ♡]
Drink or food?: She tilts her head. “Both? Oh, do you mean preference? Then it’s... drinks!”
Cats or dogs?: “Uh... cats because of Shakah, but both are adorable!”
Early bird or night owl?: “None,” she giggles. “I like to go to bed before midnight and stay on it in the morning for a while. Of course is something I can’t do while on commander duty, but I’ve been doing this a lot lately!”
Optimist or pessimist?: “Optimist! The chances of things going good are the same as going bad, so I prefer to think positively. One would be surprised how nice it is to change bad thoughts into opportunities or good thoughts! It’s something I have learned with my friend Caelum.”
Sassy or sarcastic?: “Sarcastic. I’m not sarcastic myself, but it’s a trait I like on others... for some reason. When they’re at my side, of course.”
Been caught sneaking out: “No.”
Broke a bone: “Well, not the kind of bones you're familiar with, but yes.“
Received flowers: “Yes! Not bouquets though, I don’t like those - why would anyone kill flowers to give someone? I have received them in vases so I can plant them on my garden!“
Ghosted someone: “Like... on Mad King? Or... dying? Or... what?!” [She’s not familiar with the concept]
Pretended to laugh at a joke you didn’t get: “Yes...”
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